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Previous: >>495979194

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/tfdg/ Thread Template

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guys this red dot won't fuck off
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>no coomer skins
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This is the most important part of the update. Also Bunny cave got nerfed, lmao. BKM chads keep winning.
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I got it
in display settings there's a
>set display of the crosshair in the cities
which was for some reason set to on.
zoom up on her asscheeks i need to SNIFF
i wish she was real
they modeled her off of a white woman somewhere so she technically is real
Imagine cornering her in a dark alley with three of your /tfdg/ bros...
I wish she'd clog my toilet...
what sharpness setting do you guys have game set at? I mine's at 0 but I turned it up to 10 and the game looks crispy as fuck. a bit too crispy
Think I set mine at like 3 or 4, it's sharp but not TOO sharp
sharpness always makes a game look grainy as shit
So, is it just me or did the invasion operation today not count toward the "disrupt invasions" Season challege now that we have public invasions? I had 24/25 yesterday, and today I have 24/25 yet I did 100% all in public... anyone else notice that at all?
It didn't for me either, I did all public ones.
i did two private and 2 public, i didnt keep track of my shit so im ont sure if the private oes couted
what gun do I see people using for obstructer that's like a shotgun that targets the balls?
Anyone else here not really playing until October 10th? Its a mix of boredom and burnout.
i'm slowly building towards a maxed executor for gley but aside from that i haven't been playing much
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Would you approach Hailey?
She should be pregnant in these
i'm not in her league so no
probably not, I'd be like "there's no way she doesn't have a boyfriend" and would be intimidated by her beauty
BVC only
My Jewfu
I'd give her my PVC pipe if ya catch my drift
I started about 3 weeks ago and have played for hours every day
I could see if you've been playing since launch not playing though
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A long time ago, a hot tall girl I did a group project with said Hey Anon to me while walking with her giga chad friend(bf?), and I could barely meet their eyes as I did a quick nod and smile before speeding by

I'd imagine that's how I'd behave if Hailey was walking by me, I'd ogle briefly then quickly avoid my eyes.
U need Ur panties ripped off and 3 BIG VULGUS DICKS in ALL 3 holes at
the same time!!! Way up ur pussey and Way up Ur ass as far they will go but
even farther. And the thickest cock goes down Ur throat so it makes
U gag and convulse as those big vulgus cocks pound away it feels like from the
start Ur being assaulted but it's made U cum nonstop. Just one continuous
constant orgasm and just before U pass out those big vulgus dicks squirt
their loads of cum inside U ! As U lay on ur stomach the cum is coming
out of all Ur holes, i'll turn U over and jack off all over U
I still have stuff to do. Tomorrow I finish my second Esiemo build, then I have to make a Valby gluttony build and start hoarding catalysts for ult Freyna. Is just very repetitive but I still got content.
Pajeet bro???
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>*looks at you and says hi while walking past eachother on the street*
all these new skins can't even bring this game to top 10 steam sellers
I only play Hailey and Bunny
Another anon said in the last general that they are toning down the COOM and they want the safe normie audience now. These dumb gooks don't get that this game IS coom! Ultimate Bunny's ass is what launched the game at 200k in the first few days and brought in all the attention! The whole first week the world chat was just shitposting about gooning and the sexy characters. Men of the western gaming world are crying out for Sexy Beautiful Women in video games! We demand the skimpy outfits that are a throwback to 2000s era!
>a bunch of trash skins nobody asked for on a micro patch can't bring the game to top 10 wtf nexon?????????????????????????
>intercept doesnt count for freyna do 4 missions
>invasion doesntcount for freyna do 4 missions

Esiemo is literally me because I also smell like shit
>things that aren't missions don't count for do 4 missions
intercept and infiltration count for normal dailies and event dailies
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Ultimately companies gotta cater to the crowd that actually supports their products and spends money on it. Maybe they are just testing the market with these new skins to see what sells but the response for these has been almost completely negative even on places like youtube and reddit. This just isn't what the fanbase for this games wants

And why so many Valby skins? Bunny and Hailey are by far the most popular characters
Valby oil barrens run this game.
they somehow fucked up making coom skin for bunny, the most popular character in this game lmao
I dont got no more space for ult gley,should i delete Uvalby or yuijin?I dont use either desu and I kinda dont like valby.
Buy Caliber
how does this game prevent you from modding models and textures? Like does it check all the assets have the exact file hashes or something? Has anyone actually tried it?
>they moved the 2nd supply box next to the mailbox
thank fucking god
they send a PI to stalk you and write about how much of a loser you are.
Nah nexon burned me a long time ago on dragon nest i cant
Catas and Activators better have an unlimited supply when they add the trader faggot
The Bikini skins sold like hotcakes, same with the twisted nun set. Haven't seen a single one of these new skins in game yet. Its telling when even reddit and youtube are complaining about the lack of coom.
I love how its super easy to get Hailey now but still takes dozens of hours to get the majority of descendants that are mostly worthless. No one wants to farm a Eseimo or Yujin for weeks
>descendants that are mostly worthless
>Eseimo or Yujin
>Esiemo literally onshots bosses in 0.1 nanoseconds
>yujin makes the hardest content even more braindead everyone can facetank bosses
Can someone link even their basic bitch build for greg's so I know what I'm going for?
>super easy to get Hailey now
it will still take like 1 1/2 - 2 weeks
Five caliber have been sent to your Nexon account.
Esiemo smells like shit, he is literally /ourguy/
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Why does my game look like this? It's so fuzzy
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I hope we get an even distribution of skimpy skins and cool looking skins. If every skin is slutty the game will feel kinda trashy honestly.
the most popular character's ultimate skin is in a leotard pulled way into her asscrack and the first thing you see in current ads is a closeup of hailey smacking her ass. no one is playing this for "cool"
This. 'cool' skins are what will kill this game. Maybe give all the male descendents the cool skins or something and just leave the coom for the ladies.
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Boy public invasions show how dumb this community really are
>bunnys run in reveal all the symbols
>bunnys farms enemies?
>bunnys gets dropped from the inversion explosion
>bunnys leave invasion
>cool looking skins
That's what we have male characters for
Good morning sirs, have you raped valby? Please rape valby.
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unironically yes
Also, contagion seems to negate all the buffs given to her, there are no panic despair nightmare or decay effects when you have contagion equipped
This but unironically.
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how in the world has Gluttony gone this long untouched? no matter what team I'm on, no matter the set up, people consistently are OHKO by his basic moves. AND he has a wipe mechanice. how in the FUCK do they nerf Pyro and Executioner but leave Gluttony untouched? I'm just baffled. between this and these god fucking awful skins, i think im done with this game. i definitely can't justify spending any more (60$) on this. with devs this retarded it's bound to fail.
What the fuck is frame generation in this game anyway? It makes the game look and run like ass. Did they just plug an ai into the game to generate frames without checking what it actually does?
I have no will to login anymore. Lasted a month. lmao.
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Valby is Cute and one of my favorites
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holy shit someone broke the wokey
This but unironically.
I look like this
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>youtubers don't like the skins
>Discord doesnt like the skins
>even the prudes over at Reddit don't like the skins
this is your GOAT game?
these are your "BASED" developers?

These guys are buffoons, don't they understand what made the game popular in the first place?
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>youtubers don't like the skins
>Discord doesnt like the skins
>even the prudes over at Reddit don't like the skins
this is your GOAT game?
these are your "BASED" developers?

These guys are buffoons, don't they understand what made the game popular in the first place?
I.........dont think mine is quite like that but that area/screen gave me that feeling too
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you will pick my ass up for your free 999 chievo that's and order!
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>Is there any children descendants in this game?
Yea idk what Nexon is thinking. Cosmetic skins fall into 5 camps, cool, sexy, cool and sexy, silly, and normal. they pulled the sexy with summer wear, almost got cool and sexy with Uvalby skin but helmet makes it kinda goofy. And they haven't really earned "silly" skins for the cost of a sexy/cool skin personally. Like the Hawaiian shirt was that mix of normal-silly and was only 375 for skin and head skin. Like at this point, I'd love just having the base skins available for really cheap, and can be dyed so you can customize ultimate base skins, and make a Hailey that doesn't have camo pattern...
What goes through the mind of people that shitpost so frequently and childishly? Pretending to be retarded to make other people mad is one thing, but when you're pretending to be retarded at someone else whose pretending to be retarded over and over again at what point does it just become two retards yelling at each other?

Sometimes I want to believe that there's some giant discord conspiracy to reduce the quality of this website rather than accept the existence of so many cringey idiots
trooncord moment
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They’re probably still churning through the content they made before launch. Could be a 6 month buffer who knows, eventually it’ll be caught up with what people want. Trust the plan.
does it take more xp to get to 40 the more times you cata? I swear I got 40 in 5 hard dungeon runs before, now it's like 10
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just 1 more
Looking good. I'm running a similar build on my Luna. She's pretty good one you get the hang of the rhythms. It reminds me a lot of playing Guitar Hero. She's basically Bunny but with higher crit scaling.

I'm glad I bought her skin before it was removed.
So we'll get 275 points in this event; so the best path is to get the 4 CC and then a set of weapons blueprints, probably naztrezia?
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Esiemo is a hardcore emo
Best option is just to get whatever you need.
From what I've seen everyone that's played a long time say, you end up with a lot of excess catalysts after you start farming up a few ult descendants.
Most of the guns available are easy to farm. Nazeistras is good though definitely worth having. Catalysts would be a good choice, vaults codes,or the 5 hour boosts
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>4 CC
Dead thread dead game
Should I just sell my account?
who's gonna buy an account for a ded game?
Retards that do t realize it's dead
And I have all the bikinis so could probably get retards that missed out
I'm thinking like $150
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soulframe will save us right bros?
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Hailey gooner thread spotted (77 images)
Thanks buddy, keep me updated!!
How do Haileys balls fit in those tight ass pants???
>Haven't seen a single person with a new skin
>Less and less people in Albion every time I log on
Bros... all they had to do was release bikinis for each of the girls and a jiggle physics patch. Player count would have jumped to 30k!
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yes sir!
I need to get Gley pregnant ATLEAST 10 more times.
Albion is instanced. The game is hovering at 15k concurrent players on steam, with a majority playing on console.you probably still have like 50k players at any given time
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She is underrated
>That belly
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Ideally 15 to 16 more times.
Without a doubt she's best girl.
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>2 months ago
>Spend 40 seconds queueing for Pyromancer
>Fight takes 4 minutes

>Present day
>Spend 80 seconds queueing for Pyromancer
>Fight takes 8 seconds

I actually miss having multiple level 20 bunnies in all my intercepts, bros.
I guess I'll just have to wait until we get a big enough update to bring the casuals back.
Might as well double that and make it 30 at this rate.
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She's gorgeous. For some reason she looks like she'd be a character in a Final Fantasy movie to me
I need to invest in a weapon to do invasion, which one do I farm?

>probably naztrezia?
this one is an easy farm specially if you use sharen to do outposts
>people consistently are OHKO by his basic moves.
That's what shit building do, with my Luna I can take a lot of damage which hardly gets me KO'd because I end up healing through the match. My guess: you and these people don't have at minimum 700hp substats in an External Component, which do a lot of difference if you add a health boost module and that with good defense will make you survive
The old ass final fantasy movie which was SCI-FI with guns, she probably would fit it perfectly

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She is very stunning. I'm a little sad I can't look like base Gley with her ultimate. I really like the ponytail, glasses and lab coat thing she had going on.
I wonder if Anais can work any of her magic and make it so Gley can go through pregnancies faster. She NEEDS to give birth as much as possible.
desu I hope they are only doing a cycle of "normal" and coomer skins to appease everyone, my fear is that they give in to pressure of LGBT journalists and keep pushing meh skins
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Sharen bros unite
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Ultimate Gley looks like a badass valkyrie though, I still love that design
They want one super hard collosus for the sweatlords to sweat on at a time.
Current plan is to nerf Luttony when DStalker is released in two weeks.
I really want an ult Sharen, shes a great character
it will never fail completely, there will always be a playerbase of coomers because it has the hottest women in the industry
>Speed it up
God I hope so
>I need to invest in a weapon to do invasion, which one do I farm?
Enduring legacy or Greg's.
Not thunder cage
Damn she looks way better in that, i like the blue hair on her.
Thundercage is a perfectly viable weapon and you know it.
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I hope they do something about her dmg skills, her sword slash does better than her ultimate

I tried previewing that hair and makeup, there were no colors that went well with the clothing. So I ended up picking that makeup of the picture

desu I only have TC invested and now I am maxing Nazeistra for quick debuff when I am switching between weapons
Forgot to mention I have a Greg's +1, is it really worth to get it to +4? How good the activation becomes?
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She really is. They make more sfm of Sharen than of Gley
buy one of the base skin recolors, dye it the original colors, buy her glasses. you will pay and you will enjoy
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run 25 of shelter
still no enhanced cells for freyna
new player, 3 days in
last 1.5 days have been farming in my freetime
what the fuck am i supposed to do? this is abysmal, there's no fuckin' way it's a 20% drop
same boat, i have been farming the last part for Sharen in Chapel, 10 runs in and still haven't droped it
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I am not sure if this really helps fixed drops of runs, but I always equip stuff like this. At least it SEEM to help me a little to get amorphous materials in outposts
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complain here and do push ups every time she doesn't drop
I got this shit in like 3 runs
Sharen took me 20+ chapel runs to finally drop.
>desu I only have TC invested and now I am maxing Nazeistra for quick debuff when I am switching between weapons
Then don't post about shit you don't know. I have TC, EL and Greg's all maxed and TC is fine and worth investing into. And you can max it before you finish farming all your damn copies of EL.
>plugging controller in pc, just to walk slowly and watch the ass jiggle
Very nice
Something like half of Greg's DPS comes from the procs iirc, so yes you need all the copies or it's pretty mid. Still useful if you run out of general ammo and have nothing else, I guess.
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>didn't know descendants took 16 hours to cook
what the fuck early descendant could you possibly farm 8 hours for a single drop?
You can target the balls with any shotgun, you're gonna have to be more specific.
If they were trying to farm Ultimate Bunny on normal with those 3% drops maybe
it looks to me like the bullets auto target the balls rather than just a shotgun spread that happens to hit several.
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>using kick module to see her legs
>the animation is too quick
Well, shit
There are 2 different animations on that one. A spinning kick if you're stationary and a jump kick while you run. I personally like that one and the punch way more than grapple mods.
Leveling him is NOT fun.
void fragment cancel?
reactor update when?
>lv up module that increases range
>focus dmg modules
btw don't focus critical rate modules on him, for whatever reason he has one of the worst critical rate of the game so you are probably better off stacking dmg and survival stuff
Get your most OP weapon and go to the kuiper mines and forget he has abilities.
Sounds to me like their crosshair was placed over the balls before the trigger was pulled.
With all the buffs this week he's easily the worst character now. Just run him in the Albion or Swamp defense missions he's gonna be subpar anywhere elsr
You could probably still put crit modules on him, he hits enemies a bunch of times per second with his turrets so he'll still consistently get some crits.
but it targets like 3-4 balls that aren't within 1 crosshair
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titty booba booty butta
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status update
run 37, no cells
getting tired of this fucking mission, especially fucking seudo and his stupid low quality lines and retarded healing drone
fuck this
Thanks m8s

Le bes
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yeah exactly
there's zero chance you aren't doing something wrong
that's what i'm starting to fucking think, but i can't tell what
desire sensor is real try not to think about the drop
you're definitely running normal shelter that if you press alt and scroll down in the drops shows freyna whatever at a 20% drop rate? and you're sure you don't have any sitting in your inventory?
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should I even bother using a final catalyst if my build is already finished?
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Do your web event descendants. Anyone else got cucked out of your first day and are bricked like me? At least I didnt lose my progress I guess...
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i didn't even know there's other difficulties, but i'd assume i'm not because right side is what i see when i start every run coming back from albion
not in other difficulties* i should say
I'm tempted to just speedrun you through until it drops, but I also want to sleep
btw are you using the console in albion to start it? when I first started I ran to the mission thing every time like a retard
if it drops im going to sleep as well so don't bother, but thanks
>console in albion
where? i am indeed walking to it like a retard
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how the FUCK did i possibly miss that?
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nta I did the same thing
fucking got the cells on the 51st run
the only thing i changed is that i shifted the posiiton of my balls relative to how i usually sit, so that's surely why i wasn't getting it.
what a terrible experience, hopefully it's not as bad for sharen.
goodnight /tfdg/
Is the page tdftools correct? Tried to put my Gregs modules and the DPS is totally different from what the game shows.
I don't think they ever tell you about it.
>the only thing i changed is that i shifted the posiiton of my balls relative to how i usually sit, so that's surely why i wasn't getting it.
can 100% confirm that ball positions is paramount to rng.
>Is the page tdftools correct?
I just started playing yesterday, quite fun some time, just did a couple missions with randos. How do you unlock new characters ? Just going further in the campaign or do you have to grind at some point ?
>Just going further in the campaign or do you have to grind at some point ?
bunny is the only character you get in the story. the rest you'll most likely have to grind for to some degree.
>+15 on grappling hook slot
Is that what happens when you put a catalyst there?
Yeah, you get an extra 5 capacity
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>when defeating an enemy def -85.% 30 sec duration
What's a good Viessa build?
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too bad the gooks making this game can't even put jiggle physics into the game properly
those sniper that spawn at boss to shield shred you are nasty if you don't pick them off
cold blooded, stack cdr to 70%
then whatever you want, you can spam blizz back to back
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I want to download this game, i have 2 questions

Is this game like overwatch??
Can you create your own character or you need to choose from already existing characters??
Choose a character. You will need to unlock them.
It is PvE unlike Overwatch which is PvP
Its more like a mix of Destiny with Warframe
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Destroy the living
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Link you account
Do you dailies
collect the techology
Rape the valby.
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and save Mata Nui!
*all sets sold separately.
I already linked my account. Do I need to log in and keep this page open all the time to do them?
nah, just check back when you want to buy stuff from the shop
Hotfix applied. It fixes the Valby FOV issue another guy was talking about here.
Can you keep the Freyna shop exp boosters in your mailbox for months or do they expire in a few days?
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So we disintegrate whenever we teleport?
Star trek rules, maybe.
Might also explain why there're so may different instances of Bunny etc.
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>not having your molecules turned into an energy pattern and rematerialized to another location
NGMI. Now you know why Bones hated transporters.
It kills you and creates a clone on the other side. Your first bunny died long, long ago.
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I've been thinking on the whole 'why is there multiples of every descendant'.

Fun detail. See, all the NPCs? All of them, bar one, you can not walk through. So you can't walk through Alpha, Nell, Anais, The Descendant Instructor, random soldiers, any descendants you can talk to, none of them.

The only one you can walk through? Guide.
And you know what you can do with the PCs you see around the place in Albion? Walk through them. Furthermore, the only time we see other players around the place? After we've connected with the guide via the first ironheart.

What does this mean for the existence of other players?
I don't know
>disrupt invasion at 100%
>didn't count towards the challenge
for tac rifles specifically the rate of fire is wrong, it's been wrong since day 1 of the openapi access and they never bothered fixing it
I think its a bug, I did all public ones and they didn’t count
kek and lmao are banned words. chat is completely unusable.
We do not tolerate hate speech.
maybe if you are mentally handicapped with limited vocabulary
Apparently new Freyna is mobbing just as fast, if not faster than Bunny.
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Is this enough to gamble for the new mods? Are they out yet?
feels wasteful to invest on her when her ult is coming in 2 weeks
Yeah UltFreyna dropped already her mods are out gamble away...
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Everyone thinks they are saving the good skins for the October 10th patch.

Are they right?
So if walk a tightrope sucks what do I put on gley instead?
Did they say anything about the 400% dungeons giving more xp/weapon proficiency?
I'm sick of trying to level a weapon 8 times on the boring shard/kuiper missions.
>shoots boss once
>goes into immunity
ok then, how do magnets work?
Speaking of limited vocabulary. They might give us another Freyna skin with her release but the rest of the cast, I doubt it.
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No they'll be shit too, you can thank this guy.
What a faggot
There'll apparently be way more guys in them, so they'll probably be good for levelling.

Also, supposedly, they'll be speeding up defences a bunch to make them competitive with mine blocking. Which'd be cool, it'd be nice to have more than literally just one spec ops worth playing.
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>bikini Battle ready armor
>helmet stays on
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rip sharen
gratz i'll probably get mine in two weeks if am Lucky with the drops.
I hope your toilets are ready.
No toilets ever ready for her log cutter
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>lmao, kek and stfu are banned in Global Chat
>blowjob, futa and futanari are not
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These are the same people who tell you to not buy woke games if you dont like it.
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supplement the invasion drops with the ones you get from infiltrations
it's boring as heck but it gets results
Just tried Esiemo for bosses. It still very RNG reliant.
so what is the current meta on guns
enduring legacy with gun platforms (hailey, enzo, blair, valby)
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Does this system keeps giving me mats for a component that i already reached 36 ?
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Man they really now how to make randos suffer,public is filled with bunnys I assume never did the solo invasions because seem to not know how to do the "puzzles" hahahah,welp atleast i can do invasions with my noise surge luna
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>start operation
>three bunnies
I mean you can have well designed armour without it being straight up coomer shit but that requires effort to pull off
Have you not seen screenshots of anons getting over 90 pieces for two parts?
well you're on track to make that screenshot yourself then
i just came back like 4 days ago after a very long break. who thought this was a good idea anyways
enduring legacy is worse than gregs (on all gun platforms) and execgley. don't waste your time with it, it's weaker and takes longer to farm. spend all of 3 seconds in the TFD speedrunning discord or look what the fastest clears on YT actually use. same with valby.

EL and valby aren't "bad" but they are noticeably worse than alternatives. don't gimp yourself into doing 20% less damage than others because anons give shitty outdated advice. compared to a cracked blair with gregs, an EL valby does more than 25% less DPS.

if valby is your waifu and you want to use her there's nothing wrong with that, but given you asked about metas you probably want to do as much damage as possible.
why is there no good blue color in this fucking gookslop
Does character level affect skill damage?
how is the damage distribution of greg and EL, do they both do their damgage with their skill or from bullet damage?
i kinda want a gun gun, minimal recoil if possible
i have been using the eternal willpower for a while now but im looking for a weapon to replace it now
>9k players
its over
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It is down bad but not that down bad, relax.
>normal missions to get gun parts with 20% my ass
those pants are a work of art
I kind of like it.
I missed having a gaggle of underlevelled bunnies in my pubs, and I was worried that all the cazies had been driven away for good.

My group of randos today didn't even know you had to stay on the pads until they glow, bless 'em.

You skills have levels, and higher skill levels are ... probably better? IDK, haven't really compared a level 1 and a level 40.
That said, once you cata a character, although their levels go back to one their skill levels stay at the max of four.

So, unless it's your first time levelling a character, no.

... although I just recalled that there's like a 15% discrepency that ryechew guy found, which was speculated to MAYBE have something to do with character level, but I don't think anyone followed up on that. But then again, his maths has been wrong on more than one occasion So yeah, probably nothing to worry about.
>fallen hope blueprint 20%
You need all 5 copies for greg to be good unlike EL. Greg's is just bad for anything that isn't speedrunning Gluttony with a pre-made squad and ruins pubs by just building up frenzy on the colossus and breaking a part someone else is grappled on to. And it's shit for non-colossus bosses.

Why the fuck do you even need to do 100 Gluttony clears for?
i don't like greg's source of damage being the bombard effect and it blinding you with explosions
but i also don't like how el slows you down considerably and poor accuracy

thus, my weapon of choice is the secret garden on a non gun platform descendant
it's laser pinpoint accurate even without ads-ing and minimal recoil
Does colossus bonus damage make that massive of a difference? I followed this guys video. Boss build.


I have everything, including a maxed out secret garden but even after setting up 17-19 bombs, I can only break the shields. I dont know what I am doing wrong. My reactor has skill crit and crit damage. I know crit is dead stat (waiting for rotation to farm a better one), but I dont think thats what I am missing. He says he didnt have secret garden and a good reactor when achieving this and I see people in the comments saying they have soloed every boss in 5-12 seconds while I struggle with executioner.

Start match, trigger arche explosion for the skill power buff, drop tons of bombs. That seems to be the strat but it aint working for me.
It took me 4 hours to get all TC copies
Are you using the slayer set?
bonus skill damage vs colossus is huge since it adds to your base skill damage iirc, same as upgrading your reactor
I dont know about esiemo, I would think crit rng is a factor, better gear would reduce the impact of bad crits
Everybody has had at least one of the 20% items that seem to be almost impossible to get the drops for. Just look at this poor guy>>496179835

For me it was the Last Dagger handgun,I had an absolutely miserable time farming that piece of shit
Whoops. Had a broken set. Was using a character exp gain piece.

Thanks. Will have to wait for the next rotation then. Aiming for Fusion and Boss damage. Happy they are updating reactors on Oct 10. Only have to worry about sub stats and not weapons.
Okay what's up with this Valby. I see her high in every tier list but I am not sure what exactly is she good for. In colossus, she doesn't do anything special. Drops some water, shoots for mediocre damage. In dungeons, she is always lagging behind. What makes her good?
Valby's voice lines when grappling the Colossus are so adorable.
>still can login to the web event
lol sucks to be you
shes not good at anything but shes not bad either
She can be a 100% crit rate gun platform, but more importantly, one of her red mods makes the mechanic of the (current) hardest boss trivial. So she's a must have ceutch in the only content that matters.
Wait now i am? I don't understand.
i got it!
Does Swamp Walker have like 50% crit res?
If I finish my Enduring Legacy can I be helpful as Bnnuy against Gluttony ? it's the only colossi I haven't been able to beat and I'm not farming another ultimate till one year from now if the games survives that long that is.
Damn man. This fuckin' game's updates have updates.
They released update 1.1.3c within two hours of 1.1.3b, perhaps even less.
>mfw still on molten fortress
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piece of shit
>figure I want those free catalysts so attempt linking accounts
>recall I had a nexon account back in 2011 when I played vindictus
>do a single (1) attempt at my password and get it wrong
>lets reset password whatever
>copy email validation code
>" You have reached the authentication limit. Wait at least 5 minutes, and then try again."

retarded nexon web team, what the fuck is the limit, 1 try?
reminds me of trying to do anything with square-enix accounts, dear god
People like you are why devs have to cater to the lowest common denominator.
I need to get that 12% roll for the 1 extra shot
alternatively you can use the other purple magazine mod that reduces weakspot damage for a slight decrease in damage but you get that 1 more bullet
>meaningless fucking multipliers
>hard to experience and figure out shit
>5 different elements
>4 different dimensions

yeah i think this needs a fucking rework
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You don't need 8 shots to 1 cycle Swamp Walker with good position and RNG not fucking you over you can kill it in 5 shots
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That's why I just said fuck it and stuck to using purple reactors. The odds of getting good rolls on a gold reactor.for the exact gun you need with the right elemental and skill buffs is just too much work and the dumb mounting restriction just makes it worse. I'm saving a few golds in storage too see how they rework them on the 10th
yeah im the same its just that i dont bother much
>how they rework on the 10th
wait what
They're making it so you just need to have the ultimate weapon equipped to get the bonus.
you can't excuse not having a functional password reset in your account management retard-kun

I didn't exaggerate or do anything crazy, i'm starting to believe my old account is just fucked

We also want to address the issue of Reactor farming. To reduce the inconvenience of having to farm a new Ultimate Reactor every time you switch to a new weapon, we're introducing the Reactor Implant system.
This system will allow you to implant the Weapon Optimization Conditions of other Ultimate Reactors to your current Ultimate Reactor. An Ultimate Reactor can have up to three Weapon Optimization Conditions, and you can freely implant Weapon Optimization Conditions based on your weapon settings.
With this, you'll no longer have to farm a new Reactor each time you switch your weapons, as you only need to implant a new Weapon Optimization Condition into the Reactor you're currently using.
>cant figure out how to connect his account
>calls other people retards
They gonna let you implant mounting on a reactor and let you have up to 3 mounting on a Reactor. I assume it will work like this: Reactor A Secret Garden + Reactor B EL= Reactor A Secret Garden & EL.
> - Toxic Mixture: Freyna's passive skill Contagion Links is changed to Toxic Mixture. When equipped, this skill module will trigger Necrosis instead of Room 0 Trauma. As enemies gain more stacks of Necrosis, your Firearm ATK increases when you shoot at them, and if an enemy reaches max stacks, your Firearm Critical Hit Rate also increases.
Just in time for fallen hope boost.

> - Venom Injection: Defense Mechanism is changed to Venom Injection. Venom Injection consumes resources to recover your Shield and increase Skill Power Modifier, while inflicting Corrosion on enemies. Enemies inflicted with Corrosion suffer reduced Toxin Resistance, making them more vulnerable to Freyna's Toxic attacks.
Shield build on freyna?

> Following the addition of modules to improve shield utilization on September 26, we'll be adding modules that boost Skill Power or Firearm ATK instead of Critical Hit on October 10 to encourage the use of weapons and Descendants that have low Critical Hit Rates.
I hope those new modules have their own category and not battle or attack.

Some good news for freyna, she might actually be a good bosser.
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>she might actually be a good bosser
Tremble before your new Queen
i assume this is one of those tightrope build that isn't applicable anywhere else or public
What do you mean new?

It was before, now she can slot some hp/def. Crit mods + dangerous ambush do the job.
I want to impregnate Anais. Her blue pussy craves my cock.
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Nope. They overbuffed her.
Reactor stat is Colo + Tech. Maybe Colo + Crit Damage for Ult Freyna if she has higher base Crit Rate or with Luna Buff
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