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Previous: >>496134728

Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program:
Dev Face-to-Face | Zenless Zone Zero:
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
Barley Latte is a trust increase - not sure about the other two
Haha, wait a second...there isn't a male skip banner between Burnice and Yanagi? They wouldnt do this right? Ceasar, Burnice and then Yanagi right after?
Please... no...
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canon btw
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banging . . . BOOS!
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fat sex cat
glacier flat is no increase
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>you'll never hear Piper scream "MY HIP!" as you rail her sideways
that's my kind of image
i refuse to believe that all the lucy's bond dialogues posted in here aren't photoshopped
that would be way too based for mihoyo
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I didn't know lighter was based and redpilled
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i love this rat
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bros...I guess no Caesar 4 me. I lost my 50/50....I got Koleda'ed
Nope, and you only get half a patch to save for whoever is after him.
Caesar looked much better with the long wild hair
short hair with that thin little ponytail is awful
just give her and jane long hair
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Pride Tier:
Void Hunter Tier:
Hiding Powerlevel Tier:
Stronger Than Usual Tier:
>Victoria Housekeeping
Nothing Special Tier:
>the rest
Don't get mad if you don't like the powerlevels seen ingame. I'm just the messenger.
>Didnt initially care about Anton because hes the dude in the facfion with two hot girls and a bear
>He grew on me as an schizo that talks to his tools now hes my bro

>Didn't care about Seth initially as the one male character next to three hot girls, also hes A rank
>His himbo personality also his story with him and his brother really endeared him to me, also the fact that hes a blind justice paladin, now I really like him

Same things happening with Lighter now. They're quite good at this
cute and canon couple
isn't she a cheetah?
looks like koikatsu.
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I like this cutie NPC
They're not even trying to hide it anymore. The best girl for (you) is a loli and I will thank Waterkuma forever for it.
who is this pride
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I-it's not like she likes you or anything!!
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How retarded would it be to use Seth purely for his shields if I have literally no anomaly characters (not even Piper)
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No, she is a sand cat
Cheetahs have spots and tear like markings in their faces
>Piper will tell you "its ok, we dont need to use protection, you can finish inside. I'm past 'the change' after all"
>he is mindbroken by rabis
sex or what
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Have you not done her massage parlor trust event yet? You could fold her in half and she wouldn't complain from pain.
>cute and canon couple
someone skilled is writing the guys here. All the playable ones so far (and Pompey) are really good and I don't feel gay, furry or anything. Lighter may be cool too.
Makes me wonder what will they do with Harumasa.
this is so blatant it seems fake
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So did I bwo. Chill, reruns are always a thing. Just enjoy your guaranteed Burnice or save for someone else.
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>Finished new chapter
>Dont even get to beat up Lucius or Mors
Very disappointing ending
Skipping Caesar because I’d rather not spend money beyond BP and Monthly on this game… I hope future content doesn’t require shields.
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This is a cheetah for comparison
Bwo, your Ben?
>For hollow zero
Not bad at all. Shields are OP on high difficulties paired with shield resonium
>In general
I mean defenders are still amazing at perfect assists, he does a lot of daze, he buffs your agents anomaly buildup even if it isnt your focus its still nice, he scales really hard with attack so he puts out good damage. Etc.
Obviously hes intended for anomaly teams but hes overall a really strong unit
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Rodents of Unusual Size
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Caesar is literally just Tomo-chan and it's cute
Ben is a better shielder if that's what you care about
He, Koleda/Lucy and Burnice may actually build a pretty good team
I would but my only defense ball is Seth's
If I'm only using Seth to buff Jane is there any reason to put a bunch of resources into him?
I will continue the Montefio lineage...
Who's your reference here? Which male characters are written like faggots?
Lucius and Mors are going to be recurring villains probably, they are working with some big companies and we will likely have TOPS as the main villains
he gives up to 100 anomaly proficiency at max core skill
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Rat on rat violence
I really like this artist
His artstyle fits most of the works he's covering + plenty of pieces are just cute
I don’t understand Seth, charging his shield with Ex Special feels shit. It should just proc with Chain Attack.
Im mostly talking about trying to get perfect discs and engine etc. Of course I'm goign to max his passive
that room could use more fried food lying around
Mors will be playable down the line, Lucius they're setting up as another big antagonist.
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>Lucy is the only sane one in the sons of celadon
Jane vs Shadow Jane is literally the Tails vs Sephiroth roleplay
>flies at u at supersonic speed
>teleports behind u and stabs u
>it was a hologram
It's not necessary, but it will give you more and better disorders with him in long fights. Alternatively, bigger shield. If you end up using him with an electric anomaly like Grace or Yanagi then investment is almost mandatory.
Ellen isn't a loli though, silly billy.
Pride doesn't count
Most kino fight in the game(if you have jane). I hope we get more stuff like this.
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How necessary is it to max out core skill passives? It's gonna take me at least 5 days of charge to max them all out for all 8 of my characters...
Piper is the sanest tbdesu, she just wants to do the job and get some sleep
Lucy is a rotten princess with a massive ego even though she's a good strategist
>If you end up using him with an electric anomaly like Grace or Yanagi then investment is almost mandatory.
Nah I'm gonna run Jane Seth Caesar and try to use Seth just for buffing I'll try and put some resources into buffing his shield over time I gues.
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>you go outside to smoke with your friend and see this
what's your opening?
>this page doesn't exist
It's loli isn't it?
D for support, max your dps/waifu characters.
This but with my Kot
Yeah you're right
Lucy needs correction
>Bubblegum pink or roast beef brown?
You dont have to charge the Ex Special, just quick tap. You should only use the charge after specific attacks that give him a charge timer reduction

Also most of the time you're just parrying with him to pass a shield back to your squishier dps anyway, only using ex special to generate voltage and a shield in prep to face tank some damage while you use your special basic attack
>kino fight
>camera is being thrown around like it's in a laundry machine
>so many VFX and flashes that you can barely see the characters
It's all what's wrong with that approach to design
it's wise x caesar. harayutaka doesn't even do pedoshit. get a vpn or move out of brazil
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>getting hard filtered by the ambush nodes
You're a stupid dumb BITCH
>likes Barley Latte as an old trucker because it tastes like beer
Way too based.
>look up Lucy's "significant trust" granting answers
>pick the more affection option like "so warm..." when riding a motor cycle with her
>rewarded by her being shy and/or flustered
I can't help it.
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This event is making me hella hungry
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Am I retarded? Is my game bugged? I swear whenever I see footage of other people's gameplay it looks like they can zoom out their camera during combat way farther than I can even though I've messed with all possible settings on my end
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Depends on the character. But you'll want to max everyone you actually use eventually.
Is there ANY reason to use your Q when you're not using your damage dealer?
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Ummm are they legally allowed to use that word in the context of drinks....
Skill issue.
Delayed gratification bros, I want my finished diner NOW
Anon Lucy abuses her own subordinates and attacks their leader unprovoked
Koleda, Ben, Burnice as a trio sounds fun.
What do you call this position in Japanese? It's my absolute favorite position and I don't know what tag to use to look for more.
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nah it's Wise x Caesar
works on my machine btw
>"Oh hey those are some cool glasses"
>"W-What do I want? Oh I was just taking a breather and... Oh you're busy? Ok sorry I'll go back inside then..."
Did you try pressing the unzoom button?
Only core skill
Everything else can largely be ignored as low priority because he can give a shield with anomaly proficiency buff, do good parries, and lower enemy anomaly resistance with very low stats.

But obviously further down the line, its worth it so when he DOES do his thing like assist followup, basic attack: electrified and chain attack, he does it better
he hasn't seen burnice snorting
how do I get 800k-1m assaults on Jane without being gigabuffed by resonia?
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Well, it's either this shit or disk fuckery, and I really fucking hate disk fuckery.
Good thing the default coffee got upgraded, because I'm gonna be using it a lot.
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Passive is a static increase and should be a first priority than gacha ur stats
Burnice REALLY wants an element other than Fire with her tho. Triggering burning on a burning target does nothing but refresh the buff. Triggering a second attribute anomaly on a burning target deals a chunk of damage with the disorder, then lets Burnice get more value as you can rush to reapply burning again
E to F isn't a big jump. Stop at E and come back in the future when you've run out of other things to farm.
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Why is Caesar always making that dumb ass expression?
400+ anom prof, maxed out core skill, her engine, and at least her c2
seth buff even better
>Ellen team fucked after 2 patches
I assume they'll shill Ice again when Mibibi releases?
it's used so much it's considered a generic trademark, so they're in the clear
I lost...
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The B in Burnice stands for Butt
Play with 2 buffers like Caesar + Rina or Caesar + Lucy.
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Lucy went off alone with Wise again…
>Mfw watching that Chapter 4 ending cutscene with belle and wise by the fence
damn that chin is pointy
Sis, your Wise/Lucy/Caesar threesome?
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want more piper mindscapes but i'm already 40 pulls in..
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I think I fucked up by choosing Electro Lipgloss in the battlepass.
It's kind of very close in performance with Rainforest Gourmand.
I should have chosen the Cannon Rotor instead, which is a Crit-rate and Crit-damage monstrosity.
S11 could have made good use out of it.

But I guess, there could be a bright side to the Electro lipgloss, if it can boost Burnice with ATK% and DMG% while she is off-field But this need some testing and confirmation.
Day 3 of asking when the fuck the beta starts
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baldnice my beloved
Ult I presume. Usually no, although other classes do get small bonuses. Stun characters have very high daze multipliers on it, Defense characters recover defensive assist points, support characters usually have some kind of buff and/or team energy recovery attached.
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Do I buy C5 Nicole from the store? The balls don't seem that exciting, and I got 252 residual signal.
upright straddle
Where's new Eridu located?
get the burnice ball https://zzz.hakush.in/weapon/14117
so after playing chpter 4 this is what i got
>piper will let you know in every convo that she old, will say lil old me 50 times and yawn
>lucy is just a rich girl tsundere who sees caesar as a close friend
>lighter is just a 'i am a cool dude and used to fight in under ground rings... who are you again?'
>caesar is just a headstrong tombgirl who trust in the power of friendship and other
>burnice is just hoped on nitro-fuel (witch is an energy drink that has petroleum fuel in it), a pyromaniac, optimist and just a little bit crazy

after playing the chapter, i did enjoy the group a bit more however made me dislike piper cause she was just so one dimensional, didn't like lucy cause never been a fan of tsundere.
also felt the story was rushed a bit, it could have been longer but had to rush it maybe?
the side characters were ok
overall i hope we get more from this group and wanna see more billy interacting with the group, be nice to hear more about billy past.

give me a round down of what you thought of ch4 and the characters anons.
Everyone in New Eridu really does know that the siblings are basically glued to each other
God I love pubseggs
She's on Burnice's banner. Don't waste it.
Don't, Nicole is the other rate up agent in Burnice's banner. You can easly c6 her in a few weeks.
what does base impact mean? do impact% disks not increase ceasar shield?
Are you rolling for Burnice? I believe Nicole is on rateup on her banner so you might get her maxed there.
>Piper turns out to have a daughter, basically looks the same
>Daughter is older than Caesar
someone post the webm of belle doing a drive by and sexually assaulting anby
It may be the deciding factor of whether you can run anomaly mastery or have to use energy regen for slot 6.
Probably after their long ass holiday that killed all hoyo betas, so on the 8th
Eridu is located in the Ahmad (or Sealand) wetland of the ancient Euphrates river in southern Iraq.10 Mar 2019

https://www.thoughtco.com › ...
Eridu (Iraq): The Earliest City in Mesopotamia and the World
Eridu (present day Abu Shahrein, Iraq) was considered the first city in the world by the ancient Sumerians and is among the most ancient of the ruins from …
I want oyakodon
More like Bun Nice if you know what I mean
>in Japanese
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I haven't farmed discs at all.
Anyone that spends their time farming for it is legitimately a fucking dipshit.
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Oh shit you're right, nevermind then.
Thanks for the reminder. I plan on splurging hard on her banner.
>get the burnice ball
No thanks.
They do. Impact combat buffs don't improve the shield. Her self-buff doesn't.
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Which Zenless would love and demand being called pet names?
Which would loathe it and kick you in the balls if you tried?
I know about the original Eridu, i'm wondering about the one in the game
>it works
My dick will never recover from this discovery, thanks anons
that's cute, knot 25 right? still going through the story?
I always assumed Piper was larping as a granny
Maybe I'm just stupid
This is fake and OOC.
Probably Taipei, based on the Chinese setting with Japanese influence and a modern metro system, as well as somewhat corrupt and odd politics.
you will understand in time
Pulchra and Lycaon definitely aren't into that
Nekomata seems to be ok
You forgot how much of a NPC the MC felt in this story. We literally went there to see the story
Piper is the best hag in the game and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
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what the fuck is new money
Rotor is fine but mid. The "when you land a critical" ability is pretty inconsequential. So its basically just a 20% CR 7.5% Atk statstick. Most of the time Starlight Engine will be much better.
>kick balls
Lucy, in fact you don't have to have some anything and you'd probably get kicked in the balls anyway
did they make 1.2 bad so that 1.4 would look better by association?
She's still child coded and I'm tired of pedos pretending she's not
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If you had to choose this bossfight or Pompey living, which would you choose?
uh oh anti-loli tourist melty
New money is people that recently got rich in their own generation. "Old money" is people that inherit their wealth.
tf do you mean 1.2 was great
1.3 will begin the 2nd stage of miyabiwank which will be terrible
stay in school, kids, or else you'll end up like this anon...
>also felt the story was rushed a bit, it could have been longer but had to rush it maybe?
It was longer than most previous chapters. The pacing was fucked as there should have been more build up for a lot of moments, the race being one of them.
how much better is zhu/ceaser/nicole vs zhu/amby/nicole
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>child coded
So, Caesar wants an impact weapon, right? Are all of them more or less the same for her?
10 times comfier.
You've bene doing illegal activites since the very first scene in this game.
The first two are the most important ones anyway!
Pompey got rocked by a twink who was giving him every red flag imaginable. I doubt his old ass would be competent in an actual fight. Seriously, I hate how obvious Lucius was being.
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Sex with Lucy!
Lucy is SOVLful but I agree with that take on piper. The secret hag gimmick is already covered by Qingyi, and Ellen is already doing the narcolepsy skits. Not sure what's supposed to uniquely alluring about Piper as a character.
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My wife and my daugtherwife
>Piper turns out to have a daughter
>It's Lucy's mom
Do you guys think the new HZ mode is worth/better to farm resources? I mean, should I even bother to reach the weekly cap?
how old
>Most of the time Starlight Engine will be much better.
I'm not going to be ocinter dodging much though, now that I have Caesar, I will just go ham on the opponent. Which is where the Crit will be awesome for S11.

Crit rate from engine + Crit rate from Infernal Metal = I can use Crit Damage +48% on disc 4.
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A very wealthy person who was not born to a wealthy family. The opposite of Old Money. "Old Money" has historically had a connotation of aristocracy even in societies like the US with no formal nobility. Whereas "New Money" can be viewed as upstart.
you can't just call burnice your daughterwife...
I have everything S ranked and haven't bothered farming.

You will now call yourself a stupid bitch.
I guess I could drop Ben. I don't really want to, but I need a spot for Nekomata on one of my squads.
Maybe Koleda, Burnice, Neko?
Or I just slot Nekomata in on my Qingyi+Nicole team...
I see everyone saying shiyu defense is easy but is it so easy that you can clear it with a team of all M0 Cunning Hares? Serious question btw I haven't actually reached it yet
If you use Lucy you'll also get it off her quick assist.
It's not time based. As long as you don't die, it doesn't matter how long you take. So yes, even a level 1 character could do it. It'd just take forever.
This made me imagine Piper spinning Wise around as if she was spinning her axe
Lycaon definitely is into pet play. He gets trust increase when you let him call you master
The game throws it in your face every chance it gets. This is Hoyo we're talking about, they'd make it incredibly obvious if she was larping
i liked all of the SoC and i'm now even more committed to trying to get all of them, even lighter who has almost no purpose for me since i have qingyi, koleda and lyacon already. i ended up liking lucy the most, which i expected, but i also liked caesar a lot more than i expected which was refreshing
>if a character's personality overlaps with another character they can't be appealing anymore
i don't think piper is super deep but this is a really weird take
Oh shit
>Not sure what's supposed to uniquely alluring about Piper as a character.
piper is a boomer, qingyi is like a kungfu sage, ellen is a total zoomer
I still don’t understand why Lucy has Grassy Woody and Bricky with her
i shoulda got the rat
Old HZ seems more rewarding and easier. You just have to faff about in TV mode and pay attention to choices. New HZ seems best for just if you just want to autopilot through a bunch of combat without thinking.
I like Piper.
I am definitely going to shit my pants when they titledrop this game
>Huh... this place... it really is a Zenless ZONE ZERO
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What's on her mind?
Waterkuma self-insert.
I agree with the Piper take, thought I was the only one that was bothered by the whole thing. Not sure why I expected more...
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>Does meerkat poop really make flamethrower fuel more sticky?
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The Trash can Sage already did that in this very update.
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Keep my wife away from this trash character
Base impact is the Impact number on the stat screen, outside of combat.
Total impact or just "Impact" is that number * the multipliers from combat buffs and the like
I think Caesar has a bushy pube
She is probably my favorite character. Her fight with the cat Thiren was the best
I know, what I want to know is if it's faster overall to farm resources and worthier than the old one because of it.
>burnice looks cool, seems fun
>shes designed to spend most of her time off field
remind me why I should care about her
>It's not time based.
What? I just did the 2nd node with a ghetto underleveled team since I just started the game and taking too long knocked me down from S to A
Someone needs to make the butthole chart for ZZZ. Hairiness, fragrance, colour, tightness
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fluffy cat tails
>Like Grace
>Like Rina
>They are both considered bricks nowadays
What do I do?
Wait so the story about the girls who got crushed by a building is true?
They're the ballerina sisters?
They're members of the Sons of Calydon like anyone else is. And Lucy is their boss. They're probably Big Daddy's newphews or something
You said new. The new one is ambush.
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I'd like a Pompey Prequel because no way such a competent dude gets tricked like that there must be some history between him and the twink
Burnice is not the bunless bae of Blazewood, perhaps Piper
Depends on the character. Even a character like Caesar with a very strong passive doesn't necessarily need to go to F from E, it "only" adds 200 attack which can wait until you improve more important skills on other characters.
For a lot of supports you can stop at D, but for some characters I'd recommend getting at least E (Qingyi) because you get base stats on top of whatever the extra bonus is.
If you can already clear Shiyu - which you shuold be able to - there's almost no point in wasting stamina to clear bosses "early" to get their drops, as you'll have to farm them every week no matter what so in the longrun you'll have extra drops you can't use.
Just get all the important characters to D/E (DPS) then put 1 to F per week.
>>shes designed to spend most of her time off field
Anon? She plays almost exactly like piper
>hold E to repeatedly do damage and build up anomaly
Only difference is that she can strafe, hold E again to do damage faster, and can apply a DoT for when she runs out of energy.
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yeah nah
honestly the crazy high pitched girl is the easiest thing to make absolutely horrendous in a mihoyo game it's a miracle burnice is so likeable
continue using them? a better character in role existing doesn't make your favorites unselectable. if you can clear everything with solo billy then you can figure out how to clear with grace and rina
last minute updates have her on field more
how the fuck is she fine after getting hit by an explosion just moments ago?
They're not if you know how to play Disorder comps. Slap them together with either Jane or Piper and they're great. It does take some work getting used to rotating, seeing what works best and what doesn't, etc
>making his children(?) suffer under a domineering loli
What is Big Daddy's endgame?
When the predator realizes they're actually the prey.
Do it yourself bro
I believe in you
Me x Jane is canon
Will Burnice work was well?
She is like an older Klee
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Cute spook. At least it's not a knot
>Grace and Rina
Make the Anton meme dream team with 100% shock uptime
>Just Rina
Shes works really well with Jane + Seth. Also more electric agents are coming soon that will like an electric buffer. ALSO her chain/ulti multipliers are huge, if they are reworking the ult system to let non dps agents ult more then thats a factor
he obviously trusted him a lot for some reason despite all of the red flags, hopefully when we catch the twink we'll find out how he managed to infiltrate pompey's gang
Use them anyway? I've been clearing with Grace+Rina since the first SD cycle, and I'm still using them.
Do you think Lighter will be added to those missions instead of his assist thing when he's released? It's funny it's supposed showdown with Bellum and he's barely there.
Rina is likely to be optimal in a Burnice, Yanagi, Rina team. Burnice, Grace, Rina probably will be worse than the Yanagi version, but will still be effective.
Probably yes
Is she offering me a sniff
If you're using Caesar in the same team his shield may as well not exist.
Piper is a quick swapper, without energy she's not suppose to be on-field, so i don't see how burnice is any different, specially when her off-field procss last like 15 secs.
She's not different than ZY in that regard, except that instead of requiring stun both piper and burnice require energy.
high fire resistance
Shes insane and hopped up on fuel juice
Even the cat girl was confused what the hell was wrong with her
They can be very competitive
If you like them, use them
Not crushed, corrupted. The rumors are that they became the twin dancing ethereals. It's a two or three parts commission so make sure you actually finished.
>Story sounds blatantly possible and extremely likely
>Their grandfather guilt trips you into believing it isn't
>You go into the towers to find clues about what happened to them
>Almost seems like some other explanation is coming
>Nah actually they did become corrupted and are most likely the twin dancers
>The obvious explanation was the correct one from the start
Why does Anby have her thong on full display? She seems like such a sweet girl
If anything Burnice will be BETTER for disorder comps because of the differences between Burn and Assault disorder procs.
If you're collecting Resonia for Infernal Reap, old HZ is better.
If you're just doing your weeklies, new HZ is a lot better and faster.
If you want the achievement rewards, you have to do both 11/11 as they have their own reward table.
>has a big ass
>has huge tits
>is cute
>is overall and optimistic and nice person to be around
She's living life in easy mode.
slower stuns but more damage
there's basically no reason to use anby if you have caesar, she competes with the 5* stunners not anby
Are Cat Thiren the most numerous?
There is Nekomata, Pulchra, Seth and Jane Doe
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they were kinda freaky looking
Nicole tricked her into wearing it to get them more discounts and better deals.
I would argue that Caesar and especially Qingyi are the strongest contenders for maxing out their passives out of the entire roster.
>piper will let you know in every convo that she old
This got old so quick, no pun intended
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Why she looking like that?
Was there some public /zzz/ list? Im getting random ppl from this thread adding me.

1000868545. Add me if you want
>Lighter calls real people NPC's
he can't get anymore me.
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Lighter is a fellatio master...
There's nothing sexual about having her thong riding her ass crack and in full view while wearing a plaid miniskirt, bro. Maybe just stop being a perverted pig???
They were good, brave people.
Ceasar sent me her nudes
>compare Mibibis face to the others aside from Soukaku
She barely looks humanoid
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I will be using S11, Caesar, Burnice to maximise the Infernal metal 4 piece mechanism.

I'm thinking of experimenting with Gilded Blossom on S11 instead.
It will have almost 10% ATK permanent bonus.
And if I get Energy Regen on slot 6, I will be able to trigger S11's EX more often along with the EX damage bonus.
Rina is probably the best standard S-rank even though retards think she's bad. It'll be a long while before somebody else does what she does too, assuming that the section 6 DPS are coming in 1.4.
Rina/Grace works fine anyway. If I can clear with Corin and BillyGODs can solo in < 2min then the tier list in this game is irrelevant right now.
Read the next line, retard bro.
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A busty body in an OL uniform and tight mini skirt...
Whoever decided it was a good idea to make the bangboo rhythm game without the music should be shot into the sun
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ZZZ story feels like a bunch of chapters that leads to a bigger thing. Meanwhile in HSR or GI it feels like once that arc is over, we forget everything and just move on to the next.
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Lighterfags and sisters WON
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We like em' young. The girl needs to be 2/3rds younger than us at least.
I will still be doing old HZ for my z-merits each week.
Wise granny has seen it all
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Will keep on building them then
Serious question, did they change her face at all?? Her eyes seem different, and slightly wider than normal
>get Soldier 11
>too retarded to time her attacks properly
It's all fucking over
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Man, this was easily the most fun I've had with the game yet
Knowing there's a new one every patch makes me really happy
S11 and burnice are a brick together.
S11 prefers koleda or lucy to keep burn uptime going.
Burnice prefers no one building the anomaly bar because it snapshots damage, she also prefers disorder because dots can't crit and suck ass.
Lucy also buffs burnice off-field, a thing that caesar doesn't do.
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Here you go bro
Now have fun
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HSR and Genshin are a lot more episodic with only a thin line of continuity connecting them.
Qingyi wasn't added to the trial in the ZY missions but Lighter was clearly intended to be there before the s-rank promotion.
Damn all those gasoline vapors on Burnice's flamethrower really did a number on her brain
>S11 prefers koleda or lucy to keep burn uptime going.
Burnice can't make opponent burn? First time I heard about that.
oi what's the deal with fairy
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>M6 Lucy is a brick
Do they call that fixing her face...
is this beta vs 1.0? this changes EVERYTHING
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Anyone here from Liechtenstein? In my past 6 years of playing gacha I have never seen someone from my country. Make me feel like I am the only one in my country that plays these.
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which way western man?
She can but burnice doesn't benefit S11 more than koleda or lucy.
They work on completely different teams.
Can you actually do all 114 points of chapter 4's combat missions? I'm hard stuck at 45 and can't find anymore.
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Fun fact of the day: Ben posts very similar clear times to M1W0 koleda in S11/Caesar teams
I know you should level DPS to 60 but what level can supports be left at? Like can I leave Caesar and Seth at 40 in my Jane team?
she's 6% more sexo now
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Incest is WRONG!
>sector 6 slop
Fuck there goes my plan
sorry belle even the devs find it cringe... if you don't stop you will be written out of the story and only be wise.
we know wise is not really into it since when we asked him. he broke down in tears saying he been forced to for many years now.
if you truly love your brother, you will stop and let him be happy.
medium is premium so lucy
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I didn't even know this country existed. You always learn something new.
Caesar and Qingyi are the only supports that you should level to 60 just because of her core passive.
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>If i'm not allowed to fuck him...
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She can, what I think he means is that Soldier's problem is that she applies a lot of fire so she can reduce the overall damage of burn since her only AP will be used in the calculation when the bar builds up. Because of that it's better to run solo Burnice or at least run her with a fire character that attacks less frequently. They actually "buffed" Lucy's M6 because it had counter-synergy with Burnice, where the pigs wuold attack too much and contribute to burn build up, but they didn't inherit her AP so the damage was always crap. Now you can build AP on Lucy for anomaly teams.
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cat sex
It's Caesar Lawrence!!
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>A busty body in an OL uniform and tight mini skirt...
>in the subway
Bros, how does the Wengine pity works??
Is it the same as character banner, like, if you lose 50/50 to random ball you're garanteed for the next SS pull?
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>we know wise is not really into it
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Leave Shiyu Defense Ambush Node 5.....
Yes, but its 75/25, Don't roll for them, you don't need at all.
Bros, there's nothing to do... dead game
Pulchra but not for her tits, those thighs and hips are insane
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>2200 polys
>abused partner finds a way to cope to fool themselves it's not as bad as it seems
yeah.... you got me anon
Ben provides actual buffs while Koleda provides slightly faster stuns so that's not really a surprise.
Better to compare S11/Ben/Casear to S11/Lucy/Caesar to see how the crit buff compares to 600 attack.
Why is Venus still calling me a rookie when I'm literally a Legendary Proxy?
I-It's not uhh I uhhh mhmmmbwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
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the woman everyone talks about. the woman everyone thinks about. hoshimi miyabi.
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ojousama rape
kasa should've been playable.
> Ben provides actual buffs while Koleda provides slightly faster stuns so that's not really a surprise.
That is exactly what I noticed
> Better to compare S11/Ben/Casear to S11/Lucy/Caesar to see how the crit buff compares to 600 attack.
Thats my plan and what I really want to know too. I just have to build Lucy first since I only just got her two days ago
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oh he’ll bend the knee alright
They need to nail in that she is old so the dense retard hoyo players understand that and don't scream "Aaah my height of consent!!!!!"
that's only because the devs are the equivalent of "DID YOU THINK ABOUT PENGUINS? LOOK A PENGUIN, DID YOU THINK ABOUT PENGUINS NOW?"
Worst shilled hoyo character so far
we might as well just drop the facade honestly when the twins are so bad at hiding their identity as phaethon
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This bike is so fucking cool.

She's always on her Triumph you see.
what teams does burnice go on
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>end chapter 1
>hoshimi miyabi
>end chapter 2
>hoshimi miyabi
>end chapter 3
>hoshimi miyabi
>end chapter 4
>hoshimi miyabi
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>Old Geezer Hours
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>trying to get no friends ending in prophecy
>steal a bomb and the bangboo wants to be my friend now
This shit is impossible
Lighter and Haru taking turns sucking my clit
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Hyper carry AKA two buffers
Disorder aka Anomaly of different element
Grace + Burnice + Buffer
Jane/Piper + Burnice + Buffer
That's it.
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>keeps treating pulchra as a cat rather than a cat thiren person
is burnice um.. racist?
Just don't interact with any NPCs.
anyone else stopped finding piper attractive after latest story? she's like what, 40 years old?
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I look like this, and say like this
no she's just an idiot that hop up on energy drinks
God i hope so.
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Imagine if we got Lucy's old VA with the content we have now
The sex would be unbearable
This nigga would put Mr. Panda out of his job.
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I just noticed these photos are kinda transparent.. neat.
I want to sniff Caesar’s bike seat
50+, she's retiring soon because of her age. I don't mind
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Why's she only wearing half of her jacket?
I played BA so I know she's some flavor of Hoshino already, except she's actually old. Don't care desu nothing's changed
cute sister
Wise's girlfriends, Lucy and Caesar!
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your honest thoughts on AI art?
Cool detail
These time trials are starting to piss me off, why the fuck are they always so tight?
watched yugioh while growing up
lose titweight
>always so tight
So is Lucy's puffy butthole, you don't hear us complaining
why is ai art always so glossy
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my man
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Lucy knows...
Seth knows...
Soon the whole goddamn gang knows we are incestuous Anons.
>talks normally to zhu
>talks like an autist around us
why is mibibi like this
It's cool too cause the best way to ride with her is to sit facing each other.

Impractical as hell, but cute... Unless you want to cling to her back and p[ray to god your butt doesn't get erased by that massive tire.
She's a literal autist. She's only normal with Zhu because they know each other from school
Bros my Piper's adult diapers ran out, anyone have spare?
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I'm going to seriously fucking complain next survey. I'm sick of this fucking bullshit. They caved to people whining that TV mode puzzles were too tedious/difficult so I'm fucking sick of needing level 60 agents with maxed 12/12 skills and signature W engines to do basic commissions. They need to give us less fucking dogshit time trials or better yet just removed timed content from the game completely.
>d for support
nicole gets a pretty substantial shred boost at max passive rank
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Bellum is way more chill than I thought
I've seen this get posted so many times in Wise's perspective but what about Belle's? Surely someone who picked Belle and wants to go on dates with Lucy is in this thread. I want to see if she gets called a brocon.
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How much teamilk does this man need
I wouldn't say randomly calling your childhood friend and talking about melons is normal
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If you complain about Lucy's tight butthole I will personally end you
yeah i think im gonna jerk off right now
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Did you know that you can accidentally lock yourself in your siblings room by forwarding time whilst inside? The more you know.
>anon never replied with who this hot piece of ass is

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himeko expy
I really dont get the timeline of this game. Sometimes its implied only really old geezers know what Eridu was like and then they also imply Wise and Belle were kids during the fall of the old capital and thus only like 10 years have passed
>S11 and burnice are a brick together.
>S11 prefers koleda or lucy to keep burn uptime going.
>She can but burnice doesn't benefit S11 more than koleda or lucy.
>Soldier's problem is that she applies a lot of fire

Confirmed for never playing the game.
Soldier 11 is terrible at applying Burn.
Even with Lucy holding 4xFreedom Blues and initiating combat with her EX (so over 50% faster anomaly buildup rate), S11 + Lucy are incapable of keeping the Burn up against bosses (i.e. the only enemy type where it actually matters) at all times.
This also means that the Inferno Metal activation is delayed by over 10 second from the start of the fight, which is a DPS loss.
Burnice can get a Burn off almost instantly, activating the set effect, she can sustain that effect throughout the fight effortlessly, and the entirety of her kit is about dealing more damage and not triggering more Burn procs, so after the initial activation, letting Soldier go ham against the target will not result in a Burn proc wasted (as, again, S11 is terrible at applying Burn).
For rare occasions of Soldier's EX coinciding with Burnice's EX and causing a potential excessive Anomaly build-up, you have Caesar who can occasionally pop the old Burn with her Assault to avoid wasting damage.

S11/Caesar/Burnice will be perfect.
>signature W engines to do basic commissions.
Almost got me
So caesar is willing to feed all of Blazewood corrupted cheese...? Pompey was right. She's not ready.
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i got gud.
Rina really is useful on the extra crate stage.
Aren't Belle and Wise somehow... special? Like they have absurdly low ethereal resistances, are they just longer lived?
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So S.O.C then Section 6 and after that it's OBOL Squad and then finally Idols?
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that's AI? I love it honestly
Tell me about the catboy. What does he know?...
I kind of like Belle's room a lot. It's either because of the stair leading up to a higher plane, or because I got too used to seeing Wise's room, seeing Belle's room feels more refresihng.
the timers in the basic fucking commissions for this patch is fucking retarded, they are ruining this game with this tryhard garbage
the worst shit is it's literally just a DPS check for level investment, if I had every unit at max investment it'd probably be trivial
sloppa is sloppa, all sloppa is bad.
did you finish all sidequests yet
I wish she had one normal skirt instead of two weird ones
i hope he's a cool A-rank
Belle is around the same age as Caesar which means both aren't a year older than 30.
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Kek, thank you, anon. I'm glad people are pointing it out.
I didnt get that either and it didnt help they’ve mostly glossed over that important detail
need an update where the player can visit the homes of some agents
>after that it's OBOL Squad and then finally Idols?
I think you have the order reversed.
We know almost nothing about the other Anby clones, not even their designs.
i skip all the story and dialogue
Burnice is made for Disorder, give up or just play what you want even if it's not efficient
but she does have one skirt though
What's the hurry? Come back to them later once you're properly leveled.
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I mean it will be so weird that Soldier 11 is just gonna stand there for half a year without her date wallpaper, I'm just speculating on what makes sense.
Wise is literally me
My mission is to... recover the cheese?
I've got the perfect agent for your comission.
Each of their rooms would be a challenge but a small detailed environment like our store for each faction's headquarters would be cool.
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Cheesed to meet you
>dude just don't play the game!!!
Yeah, nah. I'm going to complain in surveys until they nerf the fuck out of the timer and you can complete commissions underleveled. No excuse for this bullshit. Either the game is meant to be ultra tryhard or it's going to be full casual, none of this gay in between shit.
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based cheese connoisseur
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Desert Sjal...
tfw zhu will never introduce you to her mom
Does Jane like dick cheese?
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have you done the latest shiyu? the new one?
Thats a spats bwo
That design makes sense if they want to tank the game, or if they intent on making a patch where everybody skips on the the gacha.
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Have 10k, waste it on Ceasar's engine or Burnice?
Lucy is M2 so more of her would be nice..
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rat's out of the bag!
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but seriously why is the door open and I can't enter
Old timey worst filter
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Did you shake his hand?
are we getting details on yanagi/lighter before ceaser banner ends?
i need to decide if i want ceaser or lighter
>anon forgetting how everyone was shitting on Caesar and the minute she got buffed, a bunch of table flipping fags were super into her "from the beginning"

they only need to make her meta, and almost everyone here will be shilling her for weeks
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So, I fucked up. It's an invisible wall now no matter what time it is... Another bug to report I guess
Shiyu is the ultimate paypig/day 1 content, where they make it literally impossible to complete underleveled. Probably the worst offender for garbage content.
I did shake his penis
Welcome to gacha, they all want you to actually sit here long term and level your shit so you feel actually sunk cost.
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Mihoyo vets, please answer me, when do you think we're getting dual banners? Half a year from now?
Delusional and clueless.
Go ahead, play your meme comps while I'll be running the best S11 team until the rest of the Obol squad is released.
Yup, please report.
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You're not having fun, I can tell.
When the hell is the double resource event?
She has one, and then another one on top of it. Many named girls have this weird double skirt and its starting to annoy me.
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no, stop!
she'll eat it all
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im Grace seeded
Nah I'm good. I don't want that in my harem.
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I regret skipping jane doe
It's a gacha game, nobody plays these for fun.
Betas are restarting on the 8th so around then
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Do we have any details on the double resource event being limited per day?
I'm trying to decide if I need to save up the 2400 backup battery for peak efficiency.
We don't know the details yet but there's probably a cap like with Genshin, maybe 2-3 runs.
>peak efficiency
Backup battery is accumulated at a 80% slower rate, anon.
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too much content..
20% decrease in battery for 100% more drops is still a net bonus.
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agents for this feel?
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If, and only if, there is no cap.
If there is - you are forever bricked and will never ever recover.
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...so I'm getting only 2 overcap AP per hour?
Did they redo the time trials?
it'll 100% be just like genshin and HSR where you have a daily amount of attempts that give double-up
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She looks like she has an addiction to drugs and sex!
>captcha: USGAY
Do we have a full version of the song that plays when Caesar falls into Cinderlake?

I appreciate so fucking much that she actually kinda uses the sword and shield right. Dare I say, a very Roman fighting style?
too late...
The fuck is AP?
I played so much today, I got like 1000 polys!
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You are wrong, its 1 every 18 minutes.
meaning you lose 3x resources.
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what disc sets should i run on piper if she's the team's main damage dealer?
Even if they try to hide it, girls act weird with the guy they like
okay now what
is wideyabi in this event somewhere
Now you max your Cheesetopia level
They should make her playable
>its 1 every 18 minutes
18 minutes is 80% slower than 10 minutes, retardbro.
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gay shit inside
Doesnt that mean you only get 1/3rd of the resources? Or that youre missing 2/3?
No, she just genuinely lacks enough braincells to know the difference
She is so retarded that you showed her a salad and said it was Caesar salad she would think someone turned Caesar into vegetables
nothing, go play a real game
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>food event
where's the blue demon at?
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So, this got me thinking. The Outer Ring is very old and outdated right? Well, this Tin Soldier thing made me go:

"Could it be the Tin masters are all repurposed terminator esque fighting robots?"

If so, that makes Tin Master the deranged (but well adjusted on the surface) Vietnam Vet who WILL kill someone if he does not have his coffee in the morning.
The illusion of choice.
She's the final boss (forced defeat scenario)
I hope both her and Anby show up as V.I.Ps in the upcoming nodes.
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The event is something like
>20x of your enemy cards will have double drops
>5x expert challenges will have double drops
>3x routine cleanups will have double drops
I do not know where I found this, but if memory serves it was in some reliable source.
Maybe I dreamt it.
I like this headcanon
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she's genuinely brain damaged and that's why i love her
we get 1 energy every 6 minutes.
1 energy every 18 minutes.
you miss 2/3.
nvm, I mixed up 10 energy per hour (so 1 per 6 minutes) and 10 minutes per energy.
It was I who was retarded all along!
yep, you are right, sorry for that.
I want her so bad, she's next right
Power rankings of Caesar dupes.
I would fuck her dupes if you get what I mean.
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What happened? Too much time around gasoline fumes? Did she drink it?
99% of nsfw/lewd AI slop is insufferably bad that can't shake the shitty AI anime artstyle, 1% of it is OK.
the margin is much better for SFW AI art because those models are way better trained but filter NSFW shit.
33% efficiency is just the same as HSR
so it's nice if you accidentally miss an hour or two of capped energy, but not a good strategy to actively hoard if you can spend
A few extra energy to round up to get that even number is also great
>at this rate, everything will burn!
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The beta leaks will be MINDBLOWING
Nitro-fuel has gasoline in it. She makes and drinks those all the time.
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remember when burnice was the responsible one in the papers please event
Nitro fuel literally has gasoline in it and besides lugging around a flamethrower constantly burning gasoline and creating smoke can't be good for the brain.
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can you blame her?
Yes, she drinks gasoline and eats poop (unironically)
people huff gasoline as a drug, search up what it does to them
now imagine fucking drinking it, which is what she does
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C0 F2P solo Jane clears for the week, this time on both sides of Ambush Node. I've gone back to using R1 Weeping Gemini instead of my R5 Rainforest Gourmet because it's noticeably faster on these long fights.
>backup battery accumulates slower
So they're still punishing people who overcap and the entire system is completely pointless?
the drinks do have fuel in it, they said a it a few times so burnice is already dropping off a few brincells quite quicks
however the poop eating thing was just kids being kids... i hope
i can get behind her being an aussie abbo but also eating animal shit, is a bit much for me
Average IQ of Sons of Calydon is 80 (being hard carried by Lucy)
db is for lvl 60 and core passives unlocked.
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Nitro-Fuel is sold on 141 and even has ads on TV. How is this legal?
>and machine parts
In hindsight I should've guessed.
sort of.
it still punishes inactivity but just not as much. a decent bait and after you find out you may be encouraged to spend polies for refreshes.
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I'm a lorelet and speedreader, is Billy supposed to be 100% machine or does he have a bit of human in him? Why would a robot need luscious hair?
>The database website
Do you mean prydwen?
It says it right there that it includes her Core Passive.
They're basically Roma.
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Here's the clear with Jane swapped to the other side. Side 1 was a reset nightmare but thankfully side 2 was a one-shot clear.
will wigger on the right
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>only in 1.2 and they've already started rewriting
ZZZ flopped
>the entire system is completely pointless?
Not completely.
Getting 1/3 of the energy is better than getting 0/3 of the energy
>Why would a robot need luscious hair?
Because it's fucking cool, duh
The Nitro in Nitro-fuel is Nitroglycerin which is probably not a very good thing to be regularly consuming.
Does this include the guys?
Anyone got that image that shows the faction themes? Like how Sons of Calydon are based on nursery rhymes/fairy tales or something and Cunning Hares are types of criminals?
Especially in situations when you may not be able to play for a while.
It's there so you don't lose 100% of your stamina and just lose 66%. If you don't have a bad ratio then why would you ever use your energy until you get a new unit? It'll completely make fuel useless. Gachas wants you to play daily and spend more time in the game by using your stamina.
If Wise impregnates Caesar their children will be very mentally ill
His hair is a heatsink. As for how human he is, I'm pretty sure he's all robot, but supposedly there's hints that he's inherited memories or is straight up just human in a robot body.
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Will Infernal Metal be useful for Bernice?
100% machine.
>Why would a robot need luscious hair?
Heatsink for his robobrain.
Isn't she mostly an off field agent? The 4pcs buff won't work, right?
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what if we kept her away from the alcohol, and moved to a high class place in the city during her pregnancy for good measure. as a joke, haha
Is Spring Embrace worth getting for Caesar? I've been trying to max the anomaly one but can give up 1 BP if it's good.
prob not, she doesn't need crit and the new disk seems more fit for her
You can probably use it as 2pc with 4pc new set. Gonna suck without energy though
Burnice seems like a ton of fun from her missions. I was worried when she was supposed to give off field damage it'd be Genshin/WuWa skill/swap/slop but you actually have to... use her to activate that off field damage. What a concept!
This might need some testing before we know for sure.
There are ads for cigs and alcoholic beverages on TV so it's not that weird. Maybe it has only traces amount of gasoline in it so it's not bad if you only drink a small quantity overtime. Lucy also drinks nitro-fuel cocktail made by Burnice but she is one of the most normal one in the group. Burnice just drinks them regularly and the first thing she wants to do with 5 million dennies is to spend it on nitro-fuel so she can drink it like water.
Or it's just an allegory for alcohol and she is just drunk 99% of the time.
>"that game"
>haha we're getting drunk on soda!
>this game
>drinking actual fossil fuel
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well she's the only fire anomaly we have right now
unless fire will never get a proper anomaly dps then it's a pity
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True to Caesar
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when is the playable cow thiren
Bro, your Rina? Grace?
Bernstein bears or Burnstein bears?
Tom Tigger on the left
Burnicestein Biggers
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Lucy was great in this chapter, I didn't expect her to be so involved especially with caesar since she a A-rank
not big enough
God I need Rina's expired milk
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I'm trying to find the content but I can't...
>Sons of Calydon are based on nursery rhymes/fairy tales
This seems hard debunked. Lighter is not a Prince Charming in any way, shape, or form.
It’s funny how characters drinking alcohol causes an age rating dilemma but characters drinking fucking petrol doesn’t.
Freedom wars was a trip
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I expect multiple images of Caesar cleaning dick cheese after this event.
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> 76 pulls
> Lose 50/50

At least I have C1W1 to so she isn't a total brick anymore...

> Huffing Copium
>Piper's retarded face
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Is this futa? please share the link...
Okay but when will we get an agent using galaxy gas.
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>coomer """"""""""""art"""""""""""""", everybody
>as a joke
She'd go along with it if it were romantical.
>Was in chapter 2
>Couldn't figure out why some people seem to hate the TV gameplay, it's pretty fun

>Finish chapter 3
>only the CH and KR dubs use the classical pronunciation
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The outer ring is Mexico actually.
Bros... Burnice might be actually retarded...
Yes it's futa https://x.com/syoya3/status/1838529660738748695
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Lucy was all about in this chapter. Caesar which was supposed to be the highlight, was boring as fuck
Meant for >>496160480
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>1 taste
>3 nutrition
fucking kill yourself
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The English pronunciation works better for a female desu.
Its hard enough to not think of FNV as is.
Are they worth picking up? Jane was m2w1 required.
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no no burnice isnt retarded, she is really really racist
Cheese is good for you bwo
It's all cheese + vegan meat
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kot strong
Not retarded enough.
her tits and thighs will get significantly fatter so it's a desired outcome.
Lucy Love
Lucy Sex
Lucy Political Marriage
Man is Corin always getting raped or what
same thing
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I haven't played since early qinqyi release, I also only did dailies I didn't even go into the missions. Is TV gone? That sucks I liked TV. Any new schedule leaks for characters? When are the idols?
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>Make Cheesetopia great again!
uh oh
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I can't. It's just--this has got to be the most astroturfed game I've ever fucking seen lmao. It looks so bad, especially the driving. And yet people are getting paid a ton of money to pretend like it looks great. Literally only watched the first few seconds and the contrast between what he's saying and what I'm seeing has me rolling.
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bottom of abyss finally
>Monkey Paw curls
You get a cow thiren; it's a lolibaba like Piper but even less curves
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cute they share a lot of hobbies but have very difference opinions of them!
I wonder if the face lucy was making at the end of the shojo manga MV was realizing something
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>Piper wants to ride (You)
>Lucy's dad doesn't need a son-in-law that can match the Montefio family's skill, just one that can let Lucy wind down and relax in their warm embrace when she gets home.
I will be Lucy's househusband.
>TV gone
Only for story missions, and only for this patch so they're backtracking it
After burnice it's Yanagi and Lighter
After not so sure, banner leaks so far ahead are more suggestions than anything
I like caesar but lucy was the best part,
I can't help but feel they held back a little so they can revisit these characters
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Caesar is my favorite character now
I fucking love shield bashing
Please let Burnice have cute moments with Wise too
>if you eat all that slop together in a single serving you basically have no taste
>if you eat it you get a shitload of calories
The golden haired damsel in distress probably shares the same desire for a shoujo prince
I told her fatty food is good for you
She needs to gain some weight
Bros there's too much content....aieeeeeeee!
Sorry, Burnice will be dyke coded and paired with the furry
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Lucy that gesture...
Sorry I've been busy at work
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>prevent burnice from drinking paint thinner
>trust rank decreased
What is generally the final patch of each season? 1.6?
Ceasar and Lucy will duel each other into the end of time, if not for the SoC, then for Wise...
Imagine how much more downloads ZZZ would've had if sunbringer was the face of ZZZ instead of anby
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>"Hey, proxy. Wanna throw some car batteries in the ocean?"
>"Hey, proxy. Let's huff some gas."
>"Hey, proxy. Want to try my new drink (rape)."
HSR 1.X ended on 1.6
Either 6 7 or 8. Depends on how long each patch ends since it could be shortened or prolonged by a week. Either way, major update like 1.x to 2.0 will happen around anniversary.
thanks for posting, the artist is actually my friend
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That plate needs something acidic or crisp to balance out the flavor profile.
This gives me a massive boner and I have no idea why. By all accounts, an insane bimbo who eats poop and drinks gasoline should be repulsive, yet somehow she's the hottest chick in the game.
Should I get my AM up? Disc 5 and 6 are ATK with AP+2 on thier substats
Tell them to draw Pulchra next.
who's going to be Mibibi's stunner/defender?
>that chop sticker
Your friend is very talented.
I can't believe they made a trailer trash retard racist redneck southern blond so hot just by making her a cheeked up anime girl
Burnice really got me into introspection
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All of the SoC girls got really cute trust events so I wouldn't be surprised if she got some good ones too.
Thanks, so I guess we still have plenty of space for OBOLs, Idols and maybe others joining existing factions like Pulchra and the Cunning hares.
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>the plate needs even MORE food
Fuck off FAT FUCK
Thanks a cool piece bro, my props to your friend
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Unironically a pretty sick line.
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Diners have boxes to take your leftovers home.
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Metachurl, what will burnice team be?
Get Phys, it increases much more than ATK on 5 I think
AM and ATK are both usable, if you're feeling like you're still getting quick enough assaults, then ATK is fine. AM is comfy though
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TV game play is superior to this right bros ?
What's the difference?
Pompey deserved better, but I'm glad that they're not afraid to kill good characters.
Now I want to ass rape Lucius. Hopefully Lighter gives him the old shoryuken
counterpoint: Kaiser King goes hard
>face of the game
>not in the game
genious idea anon
>attack sound cue
>press dodge too early or attack is too far away
>dodge does nothing and i get hit
I need Lighter's to be cool as fuck tho
My money is on Jane Caesar Burnice
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are the three locked bitches worth it or nah
When are they releasing the story music?
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>yet somehow she's the hottest chick in the game.
I see what you did there
>sure until she gets powercreeped
>already about to be powercreeped
>sure until she gets powercreeped
Watched some of the gameplay of this today, coincidentally.
Looks like absolute dogshit.

No wonder ZZZ is the first gacha that pulled me in since Blood Brothers - the competition is hilariously incompetent.
the patch stream already confirmed that (her agent quest)
>Enemy attack flashes
>Parry assist
>Last agent keeps going and stuns enemy
>You're now standing there with your weapon out looking stupid as shit for like 4 seconds
>Cucked out of CLANG
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Did they add live pedestrian crossing to Lumina Square?
What the fuck.
This place is the only area I get frame stutter, and that's if I move my camera around too much.

I actually really want to hear the full version of the song that plays at the story climax.
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Watercoomer status?...
cute moments?
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Will we ever get extra standard pulls? Feels like we got so many at the start of the game but now getting to 300 seems like it's so fucking far away.
the only real Fire DPS, Burnice works more like an enabler for her
best off-element stunner after Qingyi, gets solid buffs with Belobog/Fire teams
currently the only Electric anomaly and thus an enabler for Anton but both her and him are pretty fucking weak despite my love for them, especially with Yanagi and Harumasa around the corner
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Give me a reason as to why you're not having fun.
SoC harem
He's still posting bikes in his twitter, he's still alive.
Wonned BIGLY
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Soldier 11 is fun! FUN!
Koleda is still the only off-field Stunner this game has. It won't change with the Lighter's release.
Grace is a brick. Might be unbricked by Burnice but we'll have to wait and see. Yanagi is unlikely to be as field time hungry as Grace but then again - she has some direct Discord support while Grace has none.
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Caesar doesnt make my dick twitch BUT
>She makes my ellen team better and more comfy vs running soukaku. And ellen makes my dick hard
>She’s a good third for my grace + rina team and they both make my dick hard
TLDR pull for meta supports always
The only thing unfun about this game is disk farming with it's very gay rng
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>tfw she's probably not gonna be playable until like 3.0
>no german accent
Go back to your dead game
(You) pulled Caesar for meta, I pulled Caesar so we could have a date watching shooting stars. We are not the same.
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Let's see.
I want more TV gameplay.
I don't want any of the discount GTA gameplay.

Yep, I think TV gameplay is superior.
No. That's how they get you to buy standard rolls
Obviously most people are too smart to, but gacha has always been about exploiting the low% of noodle finger impulse niggas
ZZZ is still one of the more generous in terms of free standard rolls. Genshin's are locked behind openworld slop and HSR don't have weekly HZ, just the characters and monthly roll refunds.
Luckily, you should get that 300 after about ~6 months compared to HSR's ~1 year
He has some sick wheels.
>has a rat character
>somehow Caesar gets the cheese gimmick instead
the guy ur replying to sounds like a retard
>burnice applies a lot of burn
>this is good for s11
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I still think that if you're running Caesar in Ellen's team the more interesting choice is replacing Lycaon.
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>"Boy don't play peekabooboo, piggy little bangboo’s gonna lead my way to you."
ah yes, project mugen, my most beloved vaporware.
Rattards btfo by CHEESars
Me on the right.
>HSR don't have weekly HZ
They have weekly Simulated Universe which gives 1 standard roll just like HZ here.
still whining about this I see
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I stopped bothering with it.
I don't disc farm.
Its a complete waste of stamina.
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A Caesar salad joke, perhaps.
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i prefer swordmaster. i'm going to marry her descendant after all
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Oh right I forgot about that. I still feel like we get more but idk why
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take a guess, poorfag
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>piggy little bangboo’s gonna lead my way to you.
>his skill is that he pushes the enemy towards (You)
>trump reference
>lighter uses chud insults like "npc"
are the sons of calydon.... THAT far south?
Nothing out of the ordinary desu, if you're f2p+ with a little luck it's very possible, don't even need to whale
Why are her knees coming out of her back?
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Asmongold said it right here: https://youtu.be/JPIRkJ6jHjQ?t=1022
>This is what Zenless Zone Zero should've been

We. Fucking. Lost.
(it's a lesbian 69 of her and qingyi)
finally, a normal localizer
In Japanese he says "Villager A" instead, which is even funnier.
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Burnice lost her virginity to this.
>American like cheese
stop replying to yourself you pathetic faggot
If they keep releasing factions with their own story, that would not matter at all, honestly
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>Make America Great Again
>Trump reference
i get the joke but it looks more like mixer or shaker which is funnier
No you're gonna listen to her racist tangents about thirens
no one cares about Ronald Raegan, boomer
wow, she and Zhu would be best friends it sounds like
Why do people keep pushing this inane scat angle on Burnice?
>but the literal child said she ate POO POO!
Okay, by that logic you also eat animal shit because I said so.
>level DPS to 60 + wengine
>skills to 8
>leave everyone else at lv50
>after that u farm discs

its really not that hard. problem rn is you are comparing getting jackshit in discs vs farming mats you need. once you alleaviate the second conditional, the first is way easier to stomach
why do u fags have webms of the little girls
You need to be at least 18 to post on this site.
I have M2 caesar and I feel that lycaons ice res pen and stun contribution outweighs soukakus 1k attack when I already have 1.5k (when maxed out) just from Caesar.
It also feels smoother tbdesu
She was molested as a child, that's why she is crazy and doesn't like physical contact
Post proof you're a child and I'll believe you
Children don't lie
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>Find a thiren and start firin'
>around a tail burn it withou fail
>pointy ears? make them fear
>spot a hoof? they're not fireproof
>soldier 11
the only fire attacker
lighter upgrade
yanagi sidegrade
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Why don't people in this game just tell you what time they're gonna come over. Why are you just making me wait at the store and do nothing for like 4 hours
I need this as a reaction image
i cant do the new shiyu5 bros
i need the king
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hope master doesn't beat me up today
>rolls three, 3, tres, copies of a character to outclass a free A rank

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO caesarkeks are fking retarded
because it's a funny dialogue I am obviously not seriously pushing a scat narrative in case I have to be clear for the autistic
it's all out-of-context shitposting like lighter being gay4pay
Just dodge, bro.
is caesar a human or one of those animal human hybrids like ellen
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Please keep your jealousy in check. You can make your own or even save mine if you want.
reember to put it in the survey :)
What was this about? Was he just taking the piss or were they pandering to the yumestacies?
should I level Caesar's ex and assist to 12 or just leave them at 8 and then hit the disc mines because it doesn't matter
Why did you roll for qingyi
Human with robot hand.
What the fuck Bangboos are stealing jobs?
She's a robot hand that found a corpse she could pilot. Pretty cool backstory honestly.
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Hello yes gasoline man, I'd like 1 fuel please
They always pick up the tape the in-game day after they ask you to find it and set it aside
>literally my ex gf
Great now I'm sad
I'm not going to lie, he has a point. ZZZ would be vastly improved if we could drive the car around New Eridu/Outer Rim, although if they added that it'd probably be WAY down the road in like 1.8 since it would take way too many resources.
i subscribe to this headcanon
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Soukaku offers
>1000 raw ATK
>20% Ice DMG
>10% Ice RES PEN (albeit only for Ellen's Chain + Ultimate at most as the duration is short)
>up to 12.8% combat ATK if you have her W-Engine
>excellent DA (always uses only a single AP, same as Caesar's)
>an easy QA prompt for Ellen to get a Quick Charge from
But the main reason I suggest that is because Caesar actually allows meaningfully playing Ellen as a sustained DPS, as you can just face-tank attacks during her extended BA3 instead of having to do her terrible Dodge Counter instead.
So, there is more incentive for Ellen to stay out on the field longer and Lycaon is an on-field stunner.
Lycaon's bonuses do probably eclipse Soukaku's during the stun but they are unlikely to be comparable outside of that. And if you're actually using him to get more stuns off, I'd think that would be a DPS down when compared to just having Ellen out 90% of the time under Caesar's and Soukaku's buff.
Lighter is unironically gay4pay though, devs confirmed it
It's weird, everyone cooms over it being "anime GTA" but the driving looks really, really shit. It's slow and makes the GTA IV car handling look like an arcade racer.

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