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#1100:Battle Network But Not Gay Edition
Previous: >>495827131

This general is for the discussion of original, fanmade, or look-alike Megaman games as well as original titles developed by IntiCreates.

>/mmg/ news
Absolutely nothing ya filthy sombrero gaijin, buy the funko slop and get hype for the progressive Prime OVA

>Fangame news
Zook Hero 3 found and released https://hhug.me/?post=116
X engine and X7 demake are open-sourced
MMVGB remake on pause
MMGB remasters announced
Innocent Impulse update: https://x.com/MegaManXII_CX2/status/1832750733994668057
Legend of Zero mod https://gamebanana.com/mods/515481#FileInfo_1244616
X8 demake is OUT: https://sonicfangameshq.com/forums/showcase/mega-man-x8-16-bit.2184/

>/inti/ news:
Card-en-Ciel will release in October 24th
Latest Card En Ciel video, preview of "all" songs: https://youtu.be/tGhURBRupRQ
Inti interview at BitSummit: https://youtu.be/wGtpXV8tLOE?si=x44_zFHOUadcDNV2
Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark announcement at TGS
Divine Dynamo Flamefrit will be released in Winter 2024 and will came with your Card En Ciel Steam preorder
Gunvolt 10th anniversary was Nothing but LINE stickers
Gunvolt 2.5 is a "Maybe" https://x.com/sa1999_/status/1826510157230035227
Card en Ciel demo is out

Translations of Classic mangas on mangadex.
Inafune is working on Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time which got delayed
o arco da redenção italiana foi uma mentira como o resto de sua existência. Os responsáveis pelo vazamento eram brasileiros
>DiVE Links
https://rentry.org/xdaibu (game, emulators and other stuff)


>Melt Stuff

>Game Downloads
Has all MM games, MN9, romhacks, patches + BN cia files

>Audiovisual Media
Contains:Cartoons, Anime, Comics, Manga and other printed media - Music Playlists and albums
curry update
it's okay, nothing really special
it's just a very home style dish
Next time, actually let us know the thread is up, you fat cunt.
>and will came with your CEC Steam preorder
>and will came
Holy mother of ESL
>Just as there is some megaman discussion, there is no migrate link
>puts inti before mmg
Makes you think, huh...
I still have to play this. Do you have access to the Hermes and Icarus parts or did this demake took the lazy path and just made one armor mixing both elements?
you have both armors
>Writing "Megaman" instead of Mega Man
>writing IntiCreates instead of Inti Creates
>insulting Battle Network
Is this OP the new-type faggot to succeed Yifflumbina?
Nah, that guy's been here for a while.
Why is there always an obnoxious faggot? God damn it.
>still insisting on the galgunvania2 leak were made by huehuehes when it was clear ".it"
nah it's just local intifag
>ESL filled OP
>Changed the order
>Did not post migration links in previous thread
This is either a trolling attempt or OP is much more homosexual than anything in Battle Network ever
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>no mention about MH restoration
Kuso OP.

"Megaman" is plainly better.
The Sigma Virus according to the official profiles is the one and the same as the Maverick Virus, the former is just the name the Virus is known by the populus at large and named after Sigma as he's the virus' most well-known carrier.
You could argue the Virus completely consumed Sigma's mind and memories and it's just the virus skinwalking as Sigma a la "They Live".
Why was it removed in the first place? It's Capcoms IP
you can collect both armors and easily swap parts at the stage select sceen

IMO, it's far more challenging and thus better than the actual X8 game.
Mega Man is the official name of the franchise and many of it's characters with the only exceptions being MegaMan.EXE and MegaMan Volnutt in spite of their series being officially named Mega Man Battle Network and Mega Man Legends

For the same reason faggot BR OP put "IntiCreates" before "Megaman", he's one of those faggots who actually hate Mega Man and prefer's Inti's side of the general despite the fact it was originally allowed due to their relevance to Mega Man + the series being dead.
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you spent too much time talking about /mvg/
now there's /v/tards posting among us
nice onahole size
Maybe messy IP usage or Capcom intended to sell the MH/DmC/SF crossovers as DLCs if the offline version sold well.
Fun fact: based off the broken portuguese at the end, he ain't a hue.
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>Gal Guardians Servants of the Dark announcement at TGS
Why not include the trailer link?

Megaman is more stylish and how the actual fans write it.
Why are there so many iCO alts?
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that wouldn't be a problem if we were all good weebs and just used rockman
>a gringo larping as a hue
That's even worse

It's always been Mega Man. Even in the mid-late 90s, The Mega Man Homepage (mmhp.net) has had it as that since, and so did Planet Mega Man.
I call him Meggers
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It's stylized as "Megaman" and that's what you see in the stores.
I want to fuck Maya.
before dive eos'd capcom said some shit like needing permission from the other departments so we can only assume any sales'd have to go through them as well
Look at the spine of that jewel case, it says "Mega Man X5"
You can't say that! It's their word.
você pode ver bem
I am playing through Command Mission for the first time. So far, I'm enjoying it but I wish everything wasn't just a hallway. I'm up to chapter 4 so far.
>The Kamizono sisters are doing the sieg hail pose
What did Inti mean by that
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It's a mexican intifag.
When E3 demos had sovl....
Characters who will get PLAP PLAP'D by Neon(me)
>/inti/ + /mmg/
well, I knew this would happen after another Capcom direct full of nothing
I really like that X actually has a gang and if X9 ever comes out, I hope they do that again with returning or new playable characters like the X8 team up mechanic.
*Character (singular)
>Writing "Megaman" and "IntiCreates"
Qué puta desgracia.
We're finally playing as Douglas
to sell those as DLC of course
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Because she's peak female design.
It seems like Cougar did not like any of the CnC gals...
She's really not. All of the OCs in X Dive are pretty generic looking and iCO's kuudere shtick is bare bones and already done better with Pandora.
You may only put your aquatic decks in this deck box btw; anything else is illegal.
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It's time to replay MMZ
Lav lived like a pop singer but died like a taimanin
iCO isn't a kuudere
What is she then?
>EoS her game because the fans prefer lolis
>Gets replaced by a desperate OLd lady grooming a 16 year old gamer
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I will never touch MMZ again for as long as I live.
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She's a tsundere. You think she's a kuudere because she's too cynical about everything but she easily gets embarrassed by affection. She also has more art than Pandumb.
>EoS her game because the fans prefer lolis
Don't lie Rollfag. Lolis sell like shit in gacha.
Ah this reminds me, I still have to play and share webmshots of project xzone 1&2.
It is a good way to bring Iris drama back to this thread
You mean, the gacha that did not in fact sell lolis as most of its lineup and lived a reasonable length?
They're throwing Kamen Rider gang signs
I don't know about 1, but X and Zero were pretty mediocre in 2 as units.
Also Vile yelling about him becoming a demon was weird, when did he first started doing that?
Lemme guess. "Too hard"?
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>Characters who will get PLAP PLAP'D by Neon(Luke)
>84 images on Danbooru compared to Pandora's over 200
Yeah, okay.
>Big arm in flashback
Wait when I start gameplayfagging and we will discover.
Unused lore from Maverick Hunter X, in the first one he was all about being the one to "change the world" and would've gotten more delusional from there-on.
No and you know that.
>but X and Zero were pretty mediocre in 2 as units
funny when their animations are better on 2
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Now in a good website
I don't think that anon is correct but danbooru is not a good metric, the people there are too anal about approving submissions so it's more about the people trying to submit something not tiring themselves out until something finally gets through. Stuff like pixiv and gelbooru might be more reliable (and I'd bet she has more in them regardless)
They are great in 1 and decent in 2, you just need to learn the timing to crit all of their hits. It doesn't matter anyway since it was so easy to fill your bar in 2 that you ended up doing the finisher move on everything.
>lived a reasonable length?
1/3 of that time was maintenience mode dude
No it wasn't.
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You first.
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Please don't drag Pandora into your pointless arguments.
Is that rule34? God damn, anon, you better be baiting.
Anon, you're the one using Pixiv as a fucking metric.
...where do you think danbooru gets most of its pictures from? Or rule34?
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X (formerly twitter)
and Ico lost her pussy.
Factually wrong
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https://poal.me/s41myw Lets settle this like retards.
it's an rpg so hallways are normal. Closest thing to a nonhallway is going to be the desert and it's only for a section
>no Kalinka
>no Nastenka
>no Regina
>no Teal
>no yaito
pandora_(mega_man): 5
ico_(mega_man): 1
Look, I can't get everyone off the top of my head guys.
No, I’m NTA, but pixiv is a much, much better metric for this than rule34.
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Lev won.
she wins the box transformation
Wait, did I seriously forget Pandora?
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Can we not have a retarded slap fight over stupid shit in front of /inti/?
We can't blame you honestly.
No it's either this or intifags like OP being a fucking idiot
Vile talks about being a demon in the Iwamoto X3 manga
In my defense, I did intend to put her down but got side tracked trying to include everyone.
You're too slow, Capcom put ZXA down years ago.
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I'd honestly prefer the inti discussion, at this point - this is just catty arguing over who is the 634rd most popular waifu, or whatever. When you conduct yourselves like this, I honestly think /mmg/ deserves to get second billing.
The only thing that this settles is the rumors that them rats rig any vote in favor of their favorite golem lev, and that half the people in the world that still remember Pallette lurk here.
>I'd honestly prefer the inti discussion, at this point
Yeah of course you would ass wipe
It proves that bitter Pallette mogging is always seasonable.
So how perverted is Shinobu. They like throwing girls at her too. Would she drag them into Houdai/that one scientist guy/anon's bed
I can fix this.
>no one made a proper thread
y'all are as guilty as the latent homo
>We will save our castle from those sociopath trigger happy mikos
>Proceds to murder more demons than them while Pump Up Kicks sounds in the background
It is not like this is the first time.
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Is it weird for your asshole rival to live in your house and wear your clothes while raising your children?
are you perhaps implificating CV2 being a bad game
What makes you think it’s his house and clothes?
I think Rollfag is botting the poll
Looks like it.
shouldn't have pointed out
now we'll get a chimpout about how roll is ackshully more popular than current fotm genshitter
If I had to guess the plot…
>shinobu and maya kill the demon king
>lesser demons start fighting over the power vacuum, claiming bits of the king’s territory and stuff
>maids are still loyal and are trying to revive the king, and need stuff the lesser demons have taken to do so
They’re traitors. Fuck ‘em.
The outcome you deserve.
>Roll has been working with the ratties all along because she really hates not being number 1
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Pretty sure Sony would cancel the playstation version if the maids fucked them.
Rival gangs, nigga.
Who is the crips, who is the bloods?
He can get fucked for all I care
why is /mmg/ so lewd tonight
We can get lewder.
Only just now got around to trying the Card Incel demo and I'm liking it quite a bit so far.
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Ok, get in.
it really is a great example of a game that looks questionable from the trailers but a demo significantly boosts confidence in the game
no unbirth posting! you're not even a giant mecha lady
Said the rodent with wearing a yalmulke
Don't kid yourself. You're not fitting in there.
>you're not even a giant mecha lady
Don't remind me...
>represantant of the people wins
>rats cry bots
>their golem wins despite nobody even remembering how she looks
>democracy has won once more
Makes you think
Speaking with such confidence invites 2koma; with all the memes about how lewd she is, I wouldn't be sure..
She might be lewd but she's tighter than a body building nun.
>Is able to say the name of a hat
The mouse is mad over being found out conspiring with Roll.
perhaps all ladies should be giant mecha ladies
Roll is a golem
What a sight
So what you're saying is, it's a Delta P situation? How terrifying..
we like fairies here.
Only makes her cuter.
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You might be onto something.
Shut up Heit Gapo.
Actually, wasn't there a Ratty Roll edit done ages ago while the pokemon romhack was being made?
There was a pokemon rom hack?
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Yes, many, many threads ago that got melted iirc.
Why the fuck can’t this be real?
How in depth was it? I feel like we could totally do a Dragon Ball Z Team Training thing.
Because you're waifu is shit. Shit!
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Maybe some day.
not very good
IIRC anon managed to change some of pokemon, change the stats, I think some of the trainers were changed somewhat as well. Not deep.
Ryuusei pls.
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Speaking of, the interpretation of Spain as ugly Mordor infested by creatures orcs find foul was done without DEI.
They hired a DEI consultant recently, meaning shit is gonna get real damn bad.
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>Cial lifts her dress
>Anon gets Byford Dolphin'd
"[...] forced through a small, 24 inch crescent-shaped opening, with a tremendous force of 25 tons."
Did you post this on the wrong thread, anon?
Go back to vp, faggot
>and a crash course in all things Pokemon
It's beyond over.
When there's another Marnie thread.
>DEI consultant recently
I do not care, this is not a pokemon thread, fuck off
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>There was a /mmg/ Pokemon hack?
>That reminds me, DEI in the Pokemon series...
>Anons talking about a Megaman rom hack of Pokemon
>Rollfag chimes in with blatantly off topic low quality shitposting about DEI and Pokemon
Why in the fuck is he like this
That wasn't me though.
People like this need to make everything about their own pet issues.
This is what /pol/ does to a man.
You invoked this demon, with your pointless slap fighting...
Slap Fight melt
I never learned how to play that flash game.
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What is he jailing us for
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I meant the Toaplan game...
the capcom online was just the straw that broke the buck
Making lewds of his daughter
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I am the Mayor of DenTown.
Henceforth by law, all young ladies must wear mini skirts no longer than one third of their upper leg above the knee and the use of underwear (panties, thongs, et al) is prohibited. I'll attach a visual example of the skirt length. Stockings and kneesocks are optional.
Thank you, vote for me the next preliminary.
The lewds of his aunt don't bother him?
For making such an irregular OP.
No because nobody knows who the fuck she is
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Our girls will prevail over this pre-order Ancie shilling.
Ohhh, I thought you meant Rose and Camellia
>I'll attach a visual example of the skirt length. Stockings and kneesocks are optional.
>Stockings and kneesocks are optional.
get the hell out
My political rival wants them to dress the same as adult men, just so you know. Are you sure you want to live in such a DenTown?
I have a dream. A dream of young lasses playing in ACDC's park, climbing our squirrel with the wind lifting their skirts, flashing the meaning of life to all of us.
>My political rival wants them to dress the same as adult men
The Tenshi slapping simulator?
You wish. Full suits, nothing visible.
Built for wolf knot.
suits are bad and plain flashing is bad.
No panties, no leggings, no taste. You don't understand a thing.
>dissing nopan
No, fellow Electopian, you don't understand a thing.
>it's far more challenging
only the final boss and secret bosses, and partially because demake has no equivalent of ultimate armor
sorry but i'll vote only for the #1 NetBattler in DenTown i don't care about proposals or jobbers
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>no longer than one third
too lenient
The one by NIGORO
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sounds great
Now you, you get it.
dentown isn't acdc, you're not even running for the right office
I meant DenCity, to be fair, DenTown is at the very heart of DenCity, to which ACDC also belongs to.
fuck you dex OKAMA

Macaroni man
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It's Rigatoni man
márbulla man
Dent Own
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>Here is your Break Point support
In the end... Gibril betrayed Eden to help Gunvolt...
I don't CeC, but does she synergize well with his playstyle, or something? Big implications, if true..
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None of Eden engages with Break Points. Only her.
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It does.
>Big implications, if true..
I you want there to be.
>eden backwards is nede

ohh I understand star ocean 2 now
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Extended trailer fucking where?
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I'm sorry, but they're a meta couple now.....
>Metal conducts electricity.
probably after cec launch
so jay, what did you think about cards-en-ciel
>crash course in all things Pokemon
Soooooo All the lewds of the poketrainers made by Satoshi Tajiri?
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Are surprise kisses an effective anti-adept tactic?
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there's also this from the demo
I forgot to get around to testing if this one procs on a miss. If not it's pretty awful in the demo since you often get at least some boost or even a breakdown 2x which automatically turns it off.
Everything would've been solved if GV just tongue kissed Asimov into submission.
She's really bad at kissing. If she weren't blessed with septima, those expressions she's making would be a big turnoff.
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>She's really bad at kissing.
rimming =/= kissing
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Depends on the adept really. Kissing Elize and sweeping her off her feet might defeat her, but Pantera would reverse that instantly and put you in a position of weakness.
Try that with Stratos and he might actually bite off your flesh.
nah, the evil one sticks her tongue down your pee h*le
>GV vs Elise
>gets advice from Zeno
>grabs Elise right off her pole
>surprised yelp immediately silenced by sudden kiss
>eyes go wide as dinner plates, but quickly shrink, half-lidded, starts kissing back, can practically see the hearts flying
>Evilise up near the ceiling, shouting "Are you fucking kidding me!?"
Also that's a supremely good picture.
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Boo on you.
Lev sex.
Yes it is.
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You can use her in the demo
>thus better than the actual X8 game.

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>officially a muse now
Her hard work and extremely violent death in front of thousands have paid off.
Imagine going through all this effort just to have her be a one-off boss.

If Elise got better, maybe she'll get better too.
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>Lev's besties when they find out
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I still think she's alive in the main timeline. No, she's not Kirin, sit down. It's actually much stronger, more plausible cope than the pure-fanon Club Elise thing.
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Boss... I got upstaged...
I will not sit down. She dyes her pink locks I yell you!
Shut the fuck up, Orb. You trounce her in every category there is, including this very game, and you fucking know it. Don't you dare fish for sympathy because she got one tiny win.

They don't even have the same septima, anon.
I can still hear her sing
>Image song
>Everyone else is Opening or Ending song
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Alternate timeliness, alternate Septima.
Shiron ain't even an adept in the other one.
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>They don't even have the same septima, anon.
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I'm going insane.
>no matter the timeline or universe, Kirin cannot overcome a nonseptimal
Imagine her endless shame.
The man really saw that, and the two hot angel women, and he still went for the "magic bad I hate having it I'd rather die" girl.
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>Kirin can knot covercome a nonseptimal
Fixed that tiny mistake for you.
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It's actually worse, he saw this and thought "You know what, I should pick one the heroines".
>Shiron ain't even an adept in the other one.
That's even greater nonsense than this theory.

They don't. That move is something she came up with while fighting across the multiverse, not something she has normally.
So Shiron's just Koharu's ancestor, is that it?
At least Isola timeline Kirin doesn't have annoying furries tainting any discussion of her.
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Maybe? I don't think they're related at all.

>Isola timeline Kirin
That does make me wonder what Shadow Yakumo's doing in iX. Yes, I know, the answer's NOTHING because they didn't exist at the time of writing, but still.
Maybe they are just the anime gestapo.
>make me wonder what Shadow Yakumo's doing in iX
Asimov either eradicated them when he took over, or turned all the mikos into breeding mares.
I doubt they'd cooperate with Asimov's Sumeragi. They'd realize his takeover and wouldn't support the genocide of Japan's minos. Butterfly Effect would be working overtime to keep them in line.

If they don't have Kirin yet I could see Asimov just killing them all, but just going "they're ded lol" is lame, so that breeding mare option might actually be the better outcome.
We simply don't know how SY would change over time with Asimov as the head of Sumeragi. Could be he simply purged all dissenting elements from SY, particularly among the leadership, and letting go from there.
Or he simply absorbed SY into Sumeragi proper.
A lot of ways they could have been dealt with.
Romeo is the hero of Sumeragi. When Demerzel took over, Romeo rallied the minos staff and led am armed resistance against his purges. While unsuccessful in overthrowing the AI, the resistance was key in enabling most of the minos staff of Sumeragi escaping with not just their lives but also technology and wealth that has carried the minos population in its long bitter struggle for survival over the century. For his heroic sacrifice, it is common for statues of Romeo to be randomly placed in public overnight. And for all traps to be bottoms.
Taking a village of spiritual mikos and turning them into seedbeds pales in comparison to what he did to Mytyl, so it's definitely within his boundaries.
>You trounce her in every category there is
wrong. Even got her killed because she had a list of categories that she didn't.

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