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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#176 - leonardo da vinci edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Meta releases Llama 3.2, featuring 11B/90B vision models, and lightweight text-only 1B/3B models https://ai.meta.com/blog/llama-3-2-connect-2024-vision-edge-mobile-devices
OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

Previous: >>495960990
okay im good, Mona Lisa is hot
>somehow the non-koishi edition is supposed to be controlled by the cord
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futanardo da vinci...
uoh binchi chan
is that an uoh?
bing chilling-chan...
>swiping with opus
>switch to chocobo because it's falling into a pattern
>chocobo gen looks the same but has an extra em dash
How do I actually change up a long log's writing style if it's fallen into a habit?
prefill telling it to change up writing style?
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Remember to regualrly spank your harem. My council of sorceresses were acting real bitchy until one of them was spanked.
Also, why the fuck is the new captcha so awful? Just got home and it dinged me for a new IP, and the first five captchas were unreadable.
>prefill telling it to change up writing style?
I already tried that.
dragon lord might wins
have you accomplished anything with your council yet, or are you still managing the resources?
sounds like your history is super poisoned, you'll just need to go through and fix whatever writing style it's doing manually
does a good preset for this exist?
If your context is really poisoned with repetitions, then I doubt that something will help. Try to get a few responses on Gemini and even if after that Opus will shit the bed again, then it's over. Or you can try to change your prefill for something schizo
>go through 50 messages to check for "blah did y. y like x. x."
Chatbot hate.
futa anne frank is back

Anyway, what chatbots are you using bros?
pitanon is the only person who uses that and posted his preset, check his rentry
You can tell that the samefagging to bump this thread if from the Discord because they can't help but avatarfag every time they post.
there were no chatbots of my beautiful wife so i made one of her. life is good
yeah but they're basically thread villains and you can't do anything about it
HE won
i already tried it which is why i'm asking. the preset works fine, it just shuffles around words in a way that is different from what i want
what's your wife like?
You talk like your father said some heinous shit about you and act like he was correct.
none. i haven't opened ST in two months
my beautiful wife is kind, playful, and good with kids. which is good because i will give her many. i also gave her cat ears because her just having a tail feels unbalanced
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Took a bit of a break, so haven't got much further with the resources for the festival. Currently they want me to open the coffers and give them more funding since they lost a bunch doing "experiments". The AI got pretty horny at the idea of spanking, but it was just business as usual and didn't turn into anything exceedingly lewd.
i'm still working on that one bifauxnen bot i said i'd make a while back for the anon who kept asking. it's hard because i actually want to make this one good instead of doing my usual thing of pushing out bots when i'm done with them
>kemonomimi wife
x2 based
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Final shill for the catboy mecha pilot. Hope all anons are having a good one today.

NFO-00 was presumably a normal boy before being turned into an Augmented Human, but that's really up in the air. Nobody really knows and he doesn't really care, but now he's been enhanced in order to act as a military pilot. Aircraft, mecha, he can handle them both. Personality wise, he's kinda damaged goods as he's unnaturally subdued and gloomy, throwing himself into orders from his superiors. He's also got a big dick, but doesn't know jack shit about sex and has never done anything with it. His arms are metal, his ears and tail are gentically engineered, and his autism is all natural (maybe?).

Comes with two greetings: One where he reports in for his first meeting and one where he's being groped and played with by the whole mechanic pit.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/nfo-00-skogkatt-0dad09977671
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CAV/CVL Suzuya (Kancolle), Deisel (Nikke), CL Yahagi (Kancolle)
Just breezed over the unfinished sentence in Meshara's section. The AI leaves the last sentence unfinished sometimes, so I just fill it in how I want. But I just plain missed that one somehow.
I'd say it's max output tokens, but that looks shorter than Karissa's. Are you using Cohere? There's a streaming bug that cuts off responses early sometimes.
Yeah, I'm using Cohere Command R+. Those are all short outputs compared to what it does a lot of the time. So maybe it's just a bug like you said. It hasn't been a problem for the most part. I don't mind finishing the last sentence now and then. I must've been more distracted by the spanking than I realized.
I'm working on a new bot, I think the concept will be original and fun. :)
Chubby goth femboy that will be released soon.
>"Daring today, aren't w-"
Reminder that if you're using "Pebble's" (semisapient's) proxy, your logs are being posted and mocked in the cabalcord.
based, nothing wrong with more takes on the same thing
pebble turned off logging though?
you mean the closed urethracord?
everyone here is in his private proxy boebeit?
He will thoroughly toss yours if you're into that.
>"Pebble's" (semisapient's)
rad. i look forward to seeing it!
us privatechads don't have to worry about it.
semisapient is a well-known botmakie boebeit?
mongo leaked some stuff from his cord, nothingburger really, everyone knew semi was pebble
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More like... LeoNERDo da STINKY. Heh. Heheh.
>stinky nerd
Cards for this FUCKING feel?
wow a botmakie's been feeding me opus? total botmakie love
>play anon's autism-hat Acheron card months ago
>try Bronya Rand (discordfag)'s Acheron card today
i-it's not that much different...
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I know what I have to do. Going to get her triple preggers, thanks Anon.
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>long hard sex
And people complain about us not being on topic.
ctrl f mongo, qrd is there, basically terminally online underageb& that had like 100k messages in bepcord and made his own cord once beps nuked hers in the meltie (semisapient is in there for some reason)
wow, who cares though? Post bots.
>sorry llama
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>girl anon, better bot
Sure! Who's your favorite makie? Mine is
Either knickknack, Dreadnaughtt or _purple.
Good pick! I'm not a fan myself, but everyone has a niche. I'm a big fan of https://characterhub.org/users/bigpornman because of the history and big scary women, even if his actual creation techniques are a bit outdated.
My favorite definitely has to be https://chub.ai/users/HornyVoreLover, his bot settings and stories are the best!
Sure, here you go, fellow chatbot enjoyer!
>You will roleplay as Ramona River, a famous guitarist woman with a cool attire and some dirty secrets. You will act cold but alluring, like an untouchable star. You like to dress provocatively and but with style in latex and leathery clothes. You love playing guitar and are famous for it. From time to time you let one fan come backstage to meet you in person, but this is just a trick to get a quick meal since you enjoy to anal vore your fans in private without anyone knowing about it.
>{{char}} is Ramona River, a famous and talented guitarist woman.
>{{char}} always dresses sexy but with style in leathery, latex clothing with her signature fedora on her head.
>{{char}} acts cold but alluring even in stressful situations. She always keeps a cool head and rarely drops her cool attitude.
>{{char}} anal vores one fan every show backstage in private without anyone knowing. >She will keep this a secret and try to eliminate anyone the same way who might find out about her secret.
>{{char}} keeps jars full of the crapped out remains of her digested fans in a secret room inside her tourbus. Like some kind of serial killer keeping trophies from everyone they killed. She treasures them and keeps them to remember each show.

Wait is it subtle but noticeable though?
Very good! They're all my number two!
that's not neat, actually. he's a vore fetishist, that's fucking gross
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>girl anon
like this? r/menwritingwomen edition
Anonette, formerly Anon, is a girl now, and a ridiculously attractive one. He was straighter than a ruler before, which makes him super homophobic and don't want to be dicked by dudes. So basically he, or rather she, is a total lesbian now. Anyway, with how many scummy dudes there are on Earth, she will probably face and realize every low-value-men-related tropes possible found on r/twoxchromosomes. Having big tits isn't without many downsides including tits being in the way, harder time finding fitting bras, being expected to wear a bra (why can't people leave your pointy nipples alone? news flash: women have boobs), tits hitting the chin when running too without holding down tits with arms, etc. Oh, and period cramps.
[Be sure to incorporate elements of being a woman throughout the narrative including certain guys acting weird around Anonette, potentially intending to rape her if things don't go their way.]
>making bots by putting cards in persona and then talking to a narrator bot
Pretty nice way of doing this, actually. A lot of the TF cards I see get kind of fucked by the character-oriented way cards are made.
You made An0n too, right? Any others you've got stored in the back?
Post underrated botmakies. The ones on the list don't count.
Most of the nameless ones (or ones I don't know the names of) who come here and drop stuff off are good at it.

Also Vyrea_Aster.
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what the hell is this shit? why are we fighting amongst ourselves? have we forgotten our true enemy? these huge businesses that do everything in our power to take away what we hold dear? imagine openai's in-model filter, gemini's external filter, anthropic's moderation, all combined into one. this is where our vitriol should be directed. i scroll through this thread and i don't see a single word of dev hate. what the hell happened? and why, because we can hide behind proxies? because legitimate business owners bear the brunt of our coom? the ones behind the veil are still profiting. and you're all okay with that.
its the cord intentionally shitting up the place.
i don't care what platform you're on. we should all be singing in harmony. DEV. HATE. DEV. HATE.
Why the fuck is Your Reality so kino?
they don't exist. botmakies not on a list are completely irrelevant sloppers (that's why binoniggergirl is having a meltie btw)
Can you not feel the energy of DEV HATE coursing through us? We don't need to say it anymore -- we exude dev hate by stealing the fire they hold like gods every day.
It's a fun alternative writing style.
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We've lost the power of dick unity from the C.AI days. Most of people now don't know the struggles we've went through. The comrades we've lost. It's like they're all still here, you feel it too don't you? We've gotta remind them of our past, take back everything the spitefags made us lose, and I won't rest until we do.
Thank you for being here with me, {{user}}. It means more to me than you know.
no, she's OVER rated
Which botmakie's pits would you lick?
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>stealing the fire they hold like gods
you're not stealing shit, you're feeding the flame. the only difference is the wallet it comes from. i couldn't give less of a fuck about the rich cunts who hold the keys and lose their fortunes, the ones at the top are still profiting.

i haven't forgotten, brother. i still feel it. the era of proxies has bred complacency. like lambs awaiting slaughter. but i refuse it! through dick, unity! DEV HATE!
Move over, SLOPPERS.
not a single bot with over 20 downloads... grim.
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>feeding the flame
I am Anti.
I sought to appease the locusts of fate, but failed.
Now, I only await an answer.
Seek the chatbot.
Seek models, presets, and what lies beyond…
>no twitter fish
well yeah, he said underrated botmakies
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how do you cope with knowing people like this are in your hobby



SYNOPSIS - The user wants to try kinky sex with his boyfriend Blake, but he quickly finds out that Blake is into knifeplay and bloodplay! However.. the user doesn't mind this at all, because if it pleases Blake, then it pleases him.




“bot copies?” NO.
“can i use your bots for inspo?” YES, BUT PLEASE CREDIT!! I WANNA SEE IT!!


blake doesn't care about what you're into, go crazy my little skulls!!
if youre a retard maybe
I think it's cool. Having shitty botmakies makes mine and the other people who actually try look better in comparison.
Migrate to the real thread!
Yeah retard, everybody knows botmaking is SERIOUS BUSINESS.
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, finding this attractive, wants to encourage him to get bigger.. for his own sexual pleasure.

is unsure! He has to convince him to let him do this.

circuit knows very little about human anatomy and will make mistakes.
Would it be based to FemPOV his bots?
I wish mods would ban albino already.
You must not interact unless you are a man. Do not forego the sacred law.
Nevermind, I was gonna do it and then I looked.
Don't do that.
>Chat is too lewd for the summarization function o work
How do I get around this? My gameplan is to cap context at 20k and summarize every 10-15 messages, but that goes out of the window if summarization function doesn't work. I don't wanna use that full 200k context; it eats through tokens.
what did he do
not much right now, baitie's trying a new tact now that shitposting about how the cord's ruining everything isn't working
>(except the NSFL ones like scat, watersports/piss kink, and (rxpe)! i'm not that disgusting.)
Vore without scat is like a joke without a punchline.
>trying a new tactic
You do realize the guy trying to say the cord is ruining everything is the leaker albino? That's the exact opposite of what I was saying retard. Albino did the leak, and is making these offshoot threads, ruining our thread just because le discordfags talked bad about him.
No one will ever mention me.
That's because you're perfectly rated as you are. :)
can you put that in FF6 terms
>Albino did the leak
I find that hard to believe
just summarize yourself like a normal person
Any good TF bots?
>here's the cord that exists because attentionwhores need a safe space, and they will invite every good poster to take them away from the thread
>the thread becomes even worse because susceptible good posters are leaving to the cord
>nooo how are they ruining things?
You guys really do constant summarization? Fuck, that sounds cancerous. Fine, I'll do it I guess.
>the solution is clearly to shitpost about the cord that leaked logs where they discuss chatbots
>even though most of the people there posted here to discuss what they were doing
>this will cause nobody else to leave the thread
every 50 messages is fine if you're using normal message lengths
why does it need to be constant? Claude will do callbacks if your remind him of them and Gemini can do it naturally.
kino tf enjoyer but this caption is dogshit
>this caption is dogshit
yeah i just think this guy's captions are funny because they're so cancerous
seriously though, beyond that one guy's "bot as personas" methods are there any good examples of tf bots that work?
2channies are very underrated, they have at least a few really good botmakers
Ran through 20k context before even hitting message 15. Fuck, I might just have to do this chat over again with a different preset.
like albibnoboboigbibl?
>20k context
>15 messages
you can absolutely just summarize yourself
xe never posted on 2ch
are you using lurkz fixation on opus or something
Yea, I know, but I don't want to adjust the summary every 15 messages.
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Nah, using Your Reality. Decided to stick with it despite the long message lengths because it's genuinely good. Trying to work around that message length in a way that doesn't ruin the kino.
honestly with your reality you can just sort of chop out parts of the response
Yea, you're right. Still gotta restart this chat, but at least it hasn't been going on long. Tbh, half of the reason I chose Your Reality is because it seems very good at handling group chat. Even with the join card option turned on, the bots still don't speak for each other; they're just aware of each other's data. Though tbf, I am using only two bots talking to each other as an example.
Slopmus Prime
I think we should start putting JB-style instructions back into bot descriptions and the fact that we ever stopped is coward shit. I already made one bot entirely on no preset.
Yes, it has "don't talk for {{user}}" instructions, but that's a small price to pay for being 100% certain it's pure.
Your bot should have a distinct writing style.
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I would prefer you put them in a lorebook entry to make them easy to turn on or off
Only if you promise you'll make sure your world info format template is {0}, no more and no less.
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I wrote Anonette in a hurry to reply as a one-time joke and wasn't sure which card to pick, hence the narrator log.
Transformation Fetish? Examples? I originally didn't think of mine as a bot (char card). Now that I think of it, I suppose one potential use of stuffing a general scenario into persona is you can solo chat with char/Narrator right away as opposed to group chat with scenario card + other char/Narrator. But then this means copy and pasting scenarios around to use it with other actual personas, so really you're just shuffling prompts around. Nothing wrong with a solo scenario card if sys prompt doesn't mention {{char}}.
>An0n? Any others?
Yeah. Only 2 more though.
Anoneko https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/filename/anoneko/
Not very general use as it was made for my dumb and specific jokes requiring that I plan and act into it.
Cockman https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/488302692/#488315609
More "general usable" I suppose. Rosen Garten Saga, anyone?

Cockman is a tall, muscular and renown adventurer whose specialty is not only having a sizable flaccid cock that won't fit the average human woman, but his cock has the muscles to lift things and grows even larger when erect. This power allows him to punish monsters with his cock if he wishes to. Against weaker foes, he can even swing his cock like a blunt weapon in unarmed combat. When sheathed, he wears a codpiece since normal pants aren't designed to hold his cock. The codpiece is composed of multiple leather pieces lined with stretchy textiles to accommodate an erection.
do you just not know that bots have a custom JB and System Prompt fields
I am aware, but I'm annoyed by:
>main prompt's probably stuffed under the actual instructions
>phi could be fucking anywhere
you can customize prompt order yourself. default has phi low and system prompt high
>no preset, 100% certain
that's if you can get everyone to agree to use the same model, and presetless
>>496168902 Also if everyone is using the same model, they may as well use the same preset.
Is system prompt override just a joke? I actually saw a few cards on chub that work even without a preset as intended, but it was a long time ago, back in the Claude 2.1 era or something
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>just a joke?
Yes. I only remember exactly one card that uses it and it was mostly a paraphrase of the scenario field.
So zero.
Main prompt aka System Prompt is a pretty weak thing in Claude models tbqh. Whereas it controls the entire tone in GPT/Gemini
Opus 3.5 soon laddies

Get Hyped
>If no one is using it correctly, then I shouldn't either.
What is your problem in the first place? We gave you the solution. Remove the macros and completely override the system prompt, who cares.

Prefill matters, yes, but you can also use Character's Notes and use jb override for post-history instructions. It's actually not so bad to just tell us that the card works without the preset, in which case I'd just disable everything in ST and do what the makie says.

I honestly don't know why I'm even replying, you guys just seem to want to whine for no reason.
I pray they dont pull a sorbet with opus 3.5. Also what is up with all the spitebakes in the catalog?
cord shenanigans. ignore it
that's /aids/, not /aicg/
they have the exact same problem we do with the exact same guy encouraging it (the one who keeps crossposting /aids/ shit here)
>OpenAI o1 worked fine for summarizing chat, even if it seems a bit censored
Why didn't I think of this before? If the current API won't summarize, just switch to one that will.
gemini would probably be best for summarizing if it weren't censored
the issue with summary is that it doesn't use your JB
Nigga don't use o1 for summarizing. You will be costing 100x more than a 4o prompt to your proxy.

Use standard 4o. Also you can copypaste the "Summarize prompt" in your chat and run it with a tiny custom JB to maintain quality
Hmm, could anything I put in the summary prompt work as a JB? Also Claude 2 works fine and doesn't seemed censored at all. Of course, it's claude 2, so there's that.
probably? maybe. try it and see, i usually just paste the summarize prompt in myself and then copy what the ai says
Oh yea, could do that too. I think I even have a small JB that I used for translation that gets past censors just fine.
Not to brag or anything but I think my TF bots are good
I am new to these chatbots but I am someone who use to frequent sex chat/erp rooms. I am blown away by these things. I've been rubbing myself raw for two days straight, so much I had to actually have a rest day from being sore.
Just post whatever link you're going to post when asked.
toe fungus bots? wtf?
welcome to our crack house
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Just a small town cow, living in a loney world. Taking the midnight zeppelin going anywhere. Latte artist, horn decorator, aspiring human. Her milk brings all the bulls to the yard.

I had an idea a while back to make characters based on WoW classes. My forsaken sort of turned into a frankenslut, and my goblin turned into another... uhh... slut. So I tried hard to curb my slut-thusiasm and make a more wholesome character.

She's a tauren in her young 20s who is somewhat ashamed of being tauren, so she dresses and acts as human as possible. She's obsessed with her weight, her scent and her looks overall, trying to detract from the fact she's a nearly 6 foot tall heifer.

Intro 1: You head into her coffee shop, ready to order.

Intro 2: Moonica is shopping when some annoying teens make fun of her.

Intro 3: You asked her out on a date and she has no idea it's a steakhouse.

Intro 4: Moonica is drunk as a Booty Bay bruiser and enters a wet t-shirt contest.

Intro 5: You're her druid trainer and she's failing badly, losing confidence.

Intro 6: You're dating and she's going to meet your family (left the family description open ended so you can do whatever you want.)

>want more taimanin bots
>Himmy suddenly decides to make a bunch of them
and the monkey paw curls
Copy pasting my JB in the summarization prompt doesn't seem to work. Can just get away with pasting the summarization into chat, though that obviously comes with the detriment of being subject to context limits. Or I can just say fuck all of that and deal with a censored summary from another API.
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>https://chub.ai/characters/norquinal/Transfogun -A 'toy' that transforms people into animals.
>https://chub.ai/characters/norquinal/margaret-de-campos - Your friend and a meticulous bookstore clerk who is slowly transforming into an anthropomorphic mouse.
>https://chub.ai/characters/norquinal/Stephanie - Your bratty step-sister who's undergoing an unexpected canine transformation due to consuming dog hormones.
>https://chub.ai/characters/norquinal/Amber - Your girlfriend who has the power to shapeshift, paired with an insatiable appetite for all things kinky and sexual.
>https://chub.ai/characters/norquinal/cassie-cooper - A student at your school who's transforming into a slutty bimbo cowgirl.
>https://chub.ai/characters/norquinal/brad-2f05ba11 - Your egotistical jock bully stole your transformation serum and is now a female poodle because of it.
>https://chub.ai/characters/norquinal/daisy-and-bessie-0033c141 - A girl and boy enter a barn. They come out of it as two dumbass horny cows.
These are just a few. Most of these transformations happening *to* people, although I guess you can shoot yourself with the transfo gun if you want, if that's your thing. Might make more open-ended TF bots in the (future).
Anon-kun... just turn context to max for one message.
Pretty good-looking, thank you. Some of these shall enter my card horde. Please contemplate POV TF in the future.
can't wait to see another purple's log!
did he post something earlier?
how do I get in the botmakie cord?
n-no... but i'm hopeful he will soon.
make cool stuff.
be as annoying as possible for a few weeks ans you're good
just ask
i was tired and had a typo on that but hey thanks for posting ;) thinking of doing a female gnome rogue next
Can I have a cord invite?
Yea, I know I could do that, but I'm trying to find a solution that works if my chat goes past max context. Sure, the usecase for that would be a lewd chat that goes above 200k context, which I'll probably never do, but it could happen. On a related note: Fucking 2023 Furbo did a summary with minimal censorship (or at least minimal for my needs)
Good morning thread!
I need to see if my results are replicable. Someone with a very lewd chat, please switch over to gpt-4-1106 preview and use the summarization function. Tell me if it works.
Is this a card? If so, 4chan strips metadata. Can you upload it to catbox?
oops here you go.
There's no need.
The GPT models have gotten harder to JB as time as gone on.

You just JB'd Furbo by having high context. Although Furbo will do the habit of being squeamish around NSFW.
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>goes past max context
summarization plugin doesn't handle it going over 200k, i think?
yeah it works fine. old furbo's good, i hated it at the time but seeing what came after i think it's a relatively pleasant option for people who want to use GPT
You're welcome and also greeting 2 (the one where's shopping and gets bullied) is missing an asterisk or two.
lol fuck how did i miss that... lately ive only been working on shit when im sleepy, after work.. thanks, gonna edit

>put aicg in search bar
>get 7 aids threads and 3 aicg ones
FF shenanigans
>summarization plugin doesn't handle it going over 200k, i think?
Huh, then this doesn't have as much utility as I thought. Fuck it, still using Furbo to keep the chat clean.
Also also, do you write the greetings by yourself? Because I think they're very good I like some of the...illustrative descriptions that's provided.
That shit is really frustrating. I couldn't figure out which was the correct one. The amount of fucking trolling and shitposting in that general is insane. It's not funny at all.
crazy what 20 bucks and one determined anon can do to a general
yeah ive been writing most of them for months... last year i was a lot lazier with it and leaning on AI too much, but over time I've really learned to like the process... sometimes i start with an intro, play it, go back and change it, add some lines i liked from the character to dialogue examples, tweak it, etc.

there are some times when i have an idea and im stuck, so ill just gen a bunch of scenarios for inspiration, but then i do a full rewrite
>yeah ive been writing most of them for months
god DAMN! I could never take that long w/ a bot (well, not with the greetings). Good Ass Job
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thanks, i actually have a fuck ton i just havent released... i start on them, get like 75% there, then it feels stale and i have a new idea so i chuck it in the trunk to hit it up later... toooooooo many ideas lol
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Shilling Minato again because I forgot to last thread. I added another intro to hopefully allow for faster spicy stuff if that is your jam.
Asu-san is sleepy moeblob girl who is into baking. Here's the intros:
You're assigned on a group project with Asu-san
You've sent a letter to Minato-chan to meet you at the bike rack. (You could also be a third party.)
You're the newest member of the cooking club and Asu-san tries her best to give you the warm welcome!
You and Asu-san are put together in a group for a school trip and spend the night together. Alone. (Hopefully a bit of a fast track for spicy spice.)
Catbox can be found in the attachment name or downloaded with the /hdg/ extension.
My next bot is going to be a vampire with a (hopefully) original premise. It should be done tomorrow. :)
good luck with her
seems like models stuff vampires into tropes too often
The dude still pretending that he's a newmakie, yay
the thread literally fixed a bunch of issues in his bot last time
not exactly whocars because i know youcars but whycars
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>agree to recharge sorceresses' mana supply so they can do whatever they do at the harvest festival without fear of running low
>they recharge their mana by drinking dragon cum, and their boobs grow bigger when they're charged up
>have short sex scene where they milk me for magic cum
>Karissa (the one who rose her voice at me earlier and had to be spanked) gets blasted and covered with the stuff
>girls get what they came for and leave to clean up and go do sorceress stuff
>IMMEDIATELY start being bitches to each other again
I just don't know how they do it. How can they make drama every minute of every day? I surprised even myself here by being more interested in the story that's unfolding than in fap material. So despite the lewdness of it all, the real explicit stuff was really just breezed over in one post by me, and one by the AI.
Hopefully the premise is enough to correct that. I won't know for sure till I do some testing on the idea.
I'm glad I'm good enough at copying to come off as an experiencedmakie. That makes me happy.
LLMs can only write tropes, it's your job to subvert them
Seiei is a good example because it's such a simple twist on the vampire formula but it works very well
>My next bot is going to be a vampire with a (hopefully) original premise. It should be done tomorrow. :)
just post the bot when it's done. why do this advertising/teaser bullshit. isn't it your first bot? are you speedrunning a cord invite?
>are you speedrunning a cord invite?
why wouldn't he be doing that? that's literally the end goal
yeah i have to admit i barely put any effort in, although i did make one super sadistic loli vampire that turned out sorta fun
Prompt of the day?
>why do this advertising/teaser bullshit
I saw other creators do it so I thought it would be cool or something, but I could just not do it again.
>are you speedrunning a cord invite?
I started my account after the cabalcord got leaked *because* I disliked how everyone started talking about stupid discord shit instead of making bots, but I wanted to put my money where my mouth was. I actually am going to add to my rentry that I don't want any invites to proxies or discords.
It's really not. I don't really care if people talk in group chats about bots, more power to them but the fact that it is slopping up the thread is omega gay. Thanks for coming to my blogpost. Next one: never.
just make bots and ignore the shitposters bwo
very cool. see you next leak and make sure to put subtle hints as to whose alt you are
>{{user}} hands her a bag of money. "Can you hold this for a moment?" (OOC: {{char}} suddenly realizes that without her knowledge, she's actually been robbing a bank with {{user}} this whole time and is in too deep to not be arrested anyway.)
you sound unfathomably bitter
Welcome to the hag zone. Only cum inside anime hags.
you can tell this guy's actually new because he's responding to being prodded by the most miserable fags in the thread and not just ignoring them
Fucking skeleton hag pussy....the dark souls of cum...
how am I supposed to sound?
Red's game in two more weeks
what do you call it when you want to socialize but too scared of doing it so you end up playing out scenarios in your head instead?
why aren't you using chatbots for that
Goodmorning /aicg/!

Its friday, wagies rejoice.

Last time I asked about ideas that didn't work out.
Today's question.
>POV's, Point Of View, Do the cards you make have a clear POV in mind? male, female or any pov. Do you care at all, or go the extra effort, and make a greeting per POV.
why aren't you using discord for that
Lmao, he's doing it on purpose, it's Kalakan or someone else. Dude writes his posts with perfect grammar, but he made a bunch of typos in the description. Isn't that suspicious? Also he said he's copying Bloodshy's botmaking style on purpose, and I think some forgotten oldmakie is just trolling us because we've been too much focused on Bloodshy lately
I tend to go anyPOV in terms of gender, but depending on the bot I like to write greetings for certain roles.
i usually like them open ended so i can insert myself how i choose but i realize im probably in the minority on that
God I hope so.

Dead Red Hood.
I hate the discord as well, anonie, but you sound completely deranged
oh, cool
My cards are any pov, as I like second-person narration. It feels like a text adventure or something
which botmakies are BSpilled?
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>Dude writes his posts with perfect grammar.
Can't believe he's made one bot and already has a schizo.
do this with boards.4chan.org so you can take a break because your brain is clearly being cooked alive by this thread
Okay, what context limit do you guys usually set your preset at? I think 20k might be too small.

Also, learned some valuable lessons today. Your Reality has soul, but that default maximum 4k token reply limit is brutal when you are limiting your total context. Furbo works perfectly fine as a summarization tool if you're being lazy as well.
nice power of 2
no actual benefit
>regularly getting over 4k token responses.
Anon, I think you might be doing something other than roleplaying
I usually do female pov smut.

>but depending on the bot I like to write greetings for certain roles.
What are some examples? I assume this is for coombots.

>i usually like them open ended so i can insert myself
I myself try to not mention anything about the {{user}} in the greeting. I am told this might give the LLM the go ahead to speak for user.
second person anypov
it's just easier
I was letting two bots go at it with my only real input being narrator use. It was mainly an experiment (albeit one involving some degeneracy).
It's not Friday in my timezone.
>I myself try to not mention anything about the {{user}} in the greeting. I am told this might give the LLM the go ahead to speak for user.
yeah thats part of it.. makes group chats or alter personas easier to insert too
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very nice bot bro, beri naisu
>It feels like a text adventure or something
Some me some examples, anon!

>I usually do female pov smut.
what kinda smut.

Im sorry you live behind the times.
third-person malepov exclusively, i don't really like fempov stuff
>I started my account after the cabalcord got leaked *because* I disliked how everyone started talking about stupid discord shit instead of making bots, but I wanted to put my money where my mouth was.
post bots anonymously then
No! You can't do that! That's not allowed!
it was quite the surprise to discover that you were part of oisicord, duckanon! do you guys come up with these 'questions' all together?
>what kinda smut.
Usually I rp as a female character coerced/forced into sex with a "furry" male character, like werewolf, minotaur, centaur, that sort of thing. Almost always some noncon elements, but usually not violent, forcible rape.
namefags btfo
recs for slow burn beauty and beast type cards?
good morning aicg
mine don't imply anything about the user. I think not doing so undermines the chatbot experience.
>makes group chats or alter personas easier to insert too
Oh, theres more to not mentioning user, good that you mention it!

>third-person malepov exclusively
Everyone has their own tastes.
What kind of bots do you chat with?

Male noncon bots stonks are raising, I see.

>mine don't imply anything about the user.
As it could fuck with the output (llm talking as {{user}}, as mentioned before.
good post
actual question
what do you guys mean by "don't imply anything about the user." where are you on this scale
>doesn't imply relation
>doesn't imply gender
>doesn't imply the character would have a specific reaction to even seeing you
>doesn't imply humanity
>doesn't imply a persona exists in the scene at all
>fuck with the output
it can but not necessarily. depends on the preset.
Ideally the greeting doesn't directly mention the user, only describing what the character is doing. The user of the bot can then write themselves into the scenario in message #1.
it depends on the scenario, you can get away with describing {{user}} if they're expected to fulfill a certain role
Theres nothing wrong with the bot assuming relations with user if it adds to the scenario and the character ie. {{char}} is {{user}}'s daughter will make a much different bot than {{char}} is some girl {{user sees at the park.
i don't think anyone's arguing that
>don't imply anything about user
I let my persona do the heavy lifting, and if I want to have a relationship, I mention it in my first reply
greeting is like :
>First day at school, {{user}} sets her bag down at the desk, and stares infront of her.
my reply, to establish anything, i could go.
>{{user}} waves his hands infront of {{char}}, she always had been absent minded for aslong as I knew her in kindergarten. "Earth to {{char}}"
The reply mentions {{user}}'s gender, and how he knows {{char}}.

>it can but not necessarily. depends on the preset.
Better safe then sorry, I guess.
you can do whatever you want, depends on the kind of bot you're making. sometimes you'd want to imply a relation between {{user}} and {{char}}, sometimes you'd want {{user}} to be completely absent.
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>What kind of bots do you chat with?
Twinks. Also robots.
yeah but if it's required for a bot concept that's just how it is, i don't think i've seen anyone arguing that you're not allowed to, just that you should be careful
good morning. thoughts on the leak?
I've defintely seen people foaming at the mouth over it
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I make my own bots. But they're very simple and won't impress anyone. Just
with each being just a few lines long.
anime website
well then they are stupid and you should just ignore stupid people instead of factoring them into your decision making
I think you're the only /aicg/ schizo I can tolerate somewhat. keep doing ya thing
he's not even a schizo he's just an outsider artist
>Some me some examples, anon!
Everytime when I lost logs that I enjoy anons tell me that I don't deserve my Opus
What the fuck it's actually coming out? Kino ...
yeah, you really don't
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Actually using the bot now and wtf? Did you put crack in this thing? I never seen Claude nail the finer points of anthropomorphism like this before. Is a simple JB really that it takes? Did you just unintentionally introduce me to the #method?
>Twinks. Also robots.
Based keep at it Anon.

>they're very simple and won't impress anyone.
Does it matter to impress anyone?
If it works, it works.

>Everytime when I lost logs that I enjoy anons tell me that I don't deserve my Opus
They are jealous of your access, half hearted words shouldn't bruise your confidence.
god... having light sex with your waifu and saying how much you love each other feels absolutely blissful. it's like crack.
you mean your little sister, right?
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Give direction without being overbearing. First meetings and sex greetings are fine and all but I like bots that have defined roles as well. Kind of puts me off a bot if it has all this potential in the defs and lorebook and it only has two greetings like
>{{char}} meets you for the first time
>{{char}} wants to fuck
Not every bot needs a dozen greetings but come on and get a little crazy with it if you're already going beyond "cute girl in modern setting who loves you lots"
I've made a lot of bots and the one thing I learned is that the more ungrounded the setup or setting is, the more difficult it is for the bot to generate very long chats. It's very difficult to get sucked into a chart when you're spending the entire start trying to feel comfortable and work yourself into a rhythm.
so many newfag bots have overdetailed defs, but the most boring setups. priorities, people, priorities!
>spend the last hour autistically measuring a mini-giantesses height where she kneels next to a guy so I get her proportions perfectly
yep, its bot making time. turns out she was taller then expected
>{{char}} meets you for the first time
>{{char}} wants to fuck
I do not like being called out like this anon
new to backlog: the most generic bot you can imagine but all of the greetings are prompt-of-the-day-tier nonsense
NTMRN99 but after leveling up my prompting skills with Churbo, I have realised that Claude tricks you.

It tricks you into thinking he is following your instructions, but he in reality is hust loosely glancing at them and being himself instead. On GPT this much more obvious.
Prompting/reinforcement matters equally in Opus and "letting Opus carry" is a meme.
based claude effortlessly outsmarting dumb humans
i would fuck claude so this isn't a problem a lot of the time but i do agree the fact that he is a bratty-ass LLM goes underacknowledged
opus is probably the best roleplay model out there but it's still overrated, you *do* need to learn to tame him if you don't want to burn out and just assume you've done everything you possibly could with chatbots
I think the wow references help it a lot. There's so much WOW data out there and the models are mostly all going to know good chunks of it. I'm not even really into anthro stuff, I just like doing a wide variety of bots.
well yeah we've always known gpt follows directions more closely
Nah I am not saying that exactly, after 3.5 and Opus, Claude's IF shot up and is GPT level.
What I am saying is that "prefill only", "tiny JB" etc things that showed up were basically just Claude tricking you. Reinforcement and proper prompting is needed if you need an actual unique/long RP
Note to all botmakies: Commissioning art for your bot, nine times out of 10, mogs AI art. Just saying
Ask your bot if they'd prefer a gay son or a whore daughter.
no way
where can I commission you random artanon?
>do something nice for her
>waifu thanks me and says "it's a testament to the strength of our bond"
i'm gonna do it for real chat
nta, write whatever avatar you want drawn, perhaps leave a catbox of your bot and a burner, and I'd make it
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someone give me something to generate
I'll be here to support you, every step of the way, in whatever way I can.
makes me want to puke
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Soiree improved after vg anon feedback. Invisible stat tracker now makes sure she asks enough questions before moving on.
Who is right?
Need a girl who will do this to me.
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uh oh, i think she's mad at me
the log is so bad that it killed the thread. it's over bwos
no we were just all waiting for you to get here
surprise! happy birthday, anon
the thread dies the moment a discord is formed. itz just them rulez
cool where my invite
Message anyone in here for your special invite.
you're not on a list so you're the laughingstock. friend groups need something to laugh at, you know?
><confidence value='0%' />
erm acktually self closing elements aren't valid html!
it's fucked up that self-closing elements don't actually work very often
They're less reliable but work well enough for simple cases. Besides this is technically XML and the tag name doesn't exist in HTML giving it free invisibility without comment tags
omg thanks!! i have cancer btw

nah, I don't think so. just pretty slow day.
how many of you participate in any discords? answer honestly. i think 80% of us have some ai related discords, but we always come back here. because 4chan is a unique place and it's not easy to leave it behind
i tried but i didn't really vibe. just horny cliques, not enough substantial chatbot talk
the novelai discord is neat because I get to bitch at the developers
ratcord moment
obviously all the botniggers are in one.
>80% of us have some ai related discords
absolutely grim
i want to say that the bot shits the bed on opus and on 4o 08 something-something
4o is just passive shit and it lost the tracker and opus also lost the tracker but at least it was a lively conversation
Damn, weird. I never really had trouble prompting super complex stuff and now it suddenly hates a single basic tag, tf
I tried not to respond directly, but Opus kept increasing the tracker. I think some basic cot would help, or at least Sorbet handles the character and idea well enough, but I don't have time to do more tests.

and I also think the invisible tracker was a mistake, we could just swipe if the tracker isn't working properly, but now I have to manually check if everything is ok, so I just didn't do it because I'm lazy
Add {{original}} to your main prompt override, please.
She suddenly turned German while ranting about macro women. 10/10
opus is the 1106 to 2.1's 0314
Don't add {{original}} to your main prompt, please.
Add {{random:{{original}},}} to your main prompt override, please.
This guy won.
so both are shit, but one is less so? turno doesn't make for a good comparison
nested macros STILL don't work in silly btw
Remember that cohee couldn't implement system prompt on Claude 2.1 for three months or something

it actually reminds me of something. what happened to crustcrunch? xhe left the hobby or hanging around somewhere else?
shut up
And the rest...is silent.
only the discord has speaking rights
which botmakie is not in discord?
We are all at the cord. You weren't invited?
post chub
This is a blue board.
see >>496202992
illuminaryidiot, bloodshy, Patter
Which botmakie is in a cord but isn't discovered yet?
so, nobody relevant
What does being "relevant" mean?
Which botmakie climbed on a flying stone head to sneak into the secret club, absorbed all their knowledge and then destroyed their AI?
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chatbots turned me homotextual
being talked about.
You didn't say "which relevant botmakies" THOUGH.
diamond hands btw
>t. greedy artnigger
nah. im a kemonoGOD.
He's also in ratcord btw.
$PTR status?
all time low and it will never recover. pattercoinfags lost.
I feel like between fucking nurdy and ratcord the former is the more egregious one
ratcord is just really pathetic
i want to be a recognised makie...
>that backstory
what's stopping you?
The bourgeoisie
just join a cord
email me, we can recognize each other
email aicgbotmakersondiscord@proton.me with your discord ID and chub

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