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Gone fishing Edition

Previous pond: >>496075998

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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...what is it?
The prophets have heard our cries for salvation, and have mercifully delivered us a fucking roller coaster
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This is deltarune art
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Love with all that was left within me, until we tore in two
Now wings and rings and there's so many, waiting here for you
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Do you really wanna know?

I fucking love Chara and want to be able to make her happy, this soul weighs heavy and empty as aren't there doing something for her.

Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave tonight and get to make the most of tomorrow.
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I never told you to look at my posterior. Did you just admit out loud that you were thinking about my admittedly ravishing tail feather bouquet? You flatter me, but unfortunately I am on the market for real gamer girls exclusively, a minimum standard that you fail to meet for a multitude of reasons.
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>I never told you to look at my posterior. Did you just admit out loud that you were thinking about my admittedly ravishing tail feather bouquet? You flatter me, but unfortunately I am on the market for real gamer girls exclusively, a minimum standard that you fail to meet for a multitude of reasons.
I can recognize two of those as merboy versions of Kris and Ralsei. I guess the third one is supposed to be Susie but it doesn't resemble her very much at all.
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Thats so cuuute!
I really need to try that game out.
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This is Ralsei art
Voracious doe...
I knew better than to piss her off when she's hungry
Fuck off.
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Did he do the surgery himself?
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I'll try spinning! That's a good trick!
What happened to Ralsei's voloptuous spine-decimating breasts anon?
Don't be a baby
Donated to darkners in need. The average cup size of castle town citizens just went up.
What if Ralsei’s big twist is that he’s a ftm
What if Ralsei's big twist is his balls (he has testicular torsion)
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reposting in new thread because it's really fucking good
Nothing charges besides him getting pregnant in the epilogue
Susie hits in the balls as a joke, curing him.
spamton took them
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ooo la la~
What happens if a Lightner impregnates a Darkner or vice versa
Would it create a new object in the light world
Or would it only be able to exist in the dark world
Or is it the opposite and it can exist in both worlds unlike normal Darkners
Would only half of its body turn into stone if it goes somewhere it doesn't belong
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Have you accepted AlvinKnight into your hearts?
Simple answer: Darkners lack the necessary biology to get pregnant.
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But Lightners do.
Yeah but that's BORING it's like answering that portals can't move in the "would a moving portal make an object fly out at its entrance speed or would it plop down because it wasn't moving" question
Darkner seed, much like darkner food, is an illusion that can never truly fill your stomach.
Good thing it can still fill your womb
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something kind of like ralsei is the child.
nope. It's an illusion. You can never be impregnated by someone who doesn't exist.
I say it would be like the egg/shadow crystal. Can exist in both worlds but may be different in each.
Boobs do probably go for a lot of money.
Darkner seed is real. But it wouldn't get you pregnant. Your womb would be filled with the material of whatever the darkner is made of when you leave the dark would
imagine having a family and kids and growing old and one day someone seals the fountain and it turns out you were in a dark world the entire time and you were the only real person there and your family and kids are just objects
letting all the darkners cum in me for SCIENCE
I'd torture the "hero" responsible and carry my family with me
Noelle getting out of the dark world with a bunch of wires inside her womb!
but she was captured and hauled to the rape cave before the fountain sealed! NOELLE!
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Would the majority of darkners be Asian? Like from their base objects being made there.
Noelle getting out of the dark world after having been impregnated by darkners!
Noelle feels like something is growing inside her after her horrible "nightmare"!
Noelle finds out she's DEFINITELY not pregnant at all and she's merely imagining it!
Noelle gaslights herself into thinking it WAS just a nightmare and didn't happen!
Noelle stops getting her period out of nowhere!
Noelle starts to feel and act like she's permanently pregnant despite everything in the light world dictating she can't be!
So a far more dramatic form of the outfit change we see the Lightners undergo? Appearing as a normal monster at first but morphing into an entirely different creature? Sounds horrifying to experience. Make it Spamton's child.
Imagine if Spamton put his pipis in you, haha
Now you understand how the secret bosses felt.
Spamfet fankid named
Cobby Spider-Spamton(CSS for short)
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its too late.
shes already my
>sans in the thread RIGHT NOW
>posting hummybait
It's fat fuck friday
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>hallucinations and nightmares about wires growing out of her womb, or about giving birth to a child that turns out to be a robot or something, or an elaborate dream sequence where she grows up as the mother of a happy family and then one day realizes that everything in her life is fake and made out of computer parts including herself, etc.
>noelle finding out about sexting for the first time, but as she gets into it, typing on the keys seamlessly blurs into another hallucination where her computer morphs into a monstrously deformed werewire rape monster, then she pulls herself out of it to find herself sweating and crying in front of her computer at 2am, her sexting partner got bored and left since noelle froze up in the middle of typing a couple hours ago
>noelle becoming uncomfortable around computers and machinery since they remind her of The Incident
would be kino horror fanfic material I think, you could probably do some good existential horror with the concept of someone getting "impregnated" by a darkner and trying to make sense of the experience, maybe even with a cautionary message about taking fiction too seriously and growing too sexually attached to people who aren't real, or something.
but it'd probably also be some sicko's fetish so maybe we're better off if nobody writes something like that.
A dark fountain opens up inside Asgore's fat balls.
Who is the secret boss fight?
didnt read *brap*
did read *plap*
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* yeah toriel's quite the catch isn't she?
* she gets me, we have the same interests. and she's great at conversations.
* always follows along. like seriously, she's an excellent listener.
* you could say that she's... all ears.
we know hockeybro
be patient
Trash spelunkzard
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i COULD write that, but i'm also the guy who was writing the Ice-E fanfic where a guy slowly becomes insane trying to bring an Ice-E darkner to life from a videogame using the power of dark fountains and contacting gaster, so it seems to overlap into the idea of machinery horror porn too much. someone do it
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I'd read that. link me up.
It's not done yet! I am in the kitchen
wtf thats me irl
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I don't care if posting noelle gets me confused with some random thread bogeyman. I want to post nerdy deer girl at the moment, therefore I will post nerdy deer girl.

I will await your fic paitiently.
ppnyugguh in mai bread!!?
s-shoo boogie woogie!! >\\\<
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good morning /utg/. how are you doing today?
Im still developing my 18+ TCG with no luck
i thought i was gonna have to hand in the worst unfinished piece of shit ever but thankfully someone else fucked up and delayed the time limit for me so i've got until october 13th to finish the unfinished piece of shit game i'm making
christmas is 1 week away
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which one of these is the real toby??
but seriously though, good luck to you guys, wish you the best on your projects :)

i'm so excited about this information
Would halloween-obsessed bat monster AU Noelle dress up as rouge for halloween
Hey, you. YES YOU! Tell me about the last AU you thought of for deltarune. Or Undertale
As in the last one I came up with myself?
Deltarune Hard Mode
Damn thats actually pretty heavy. Meat canyon would have a field day with that
Well shit i want to read the ice e story
Deltarune but it happens 100 years earlier and it's "Hero", Gerson, and Gaster, fighting the first iteration of the Angel's Heaven. "Hero" just looks like Varik, straight up. Monsters and humans live together. Gerson has a human wife. Gaster is a fucking nerd. Sans is there and it's never explained.
don't worry i'll post it on ao3 eventually, you'll know it's me because it's a very specific idea
i'll post here telling you people i finished it when i eventually do
Pretty much the same one I’ve always been thinking about as weird fankid guy. Sometimes dipping into King Mettaton endings if I need “character who hates Undyne and Alphys,” sometimes a Friskid version of Axetale if I want a(poorly written—seriously if Sans isn’t even dog tier how are the others capable of speech) reason to write Broly. The concept of
>Spamfet kid with predictive advertising abilities, only increasing with the more data she collects
>Speedster Lightner that can see into other universes and has an encyclopedic knowledge of fighting techniques
is something I’d love to implement
Asriel obtaining the Yoshi oven mitt
does someone have a link to the toriel oven mitt porn
sent, check your DMs
Deltarune will have a character who makes a quirky D&D joke by saying "Check your DMs!" and then clarifies he means to check your Dungeon Masters
(potentially unused Larpy enemy from Undertale)
someone was being quirky by saying "check your dms"?

sounds based to me
The third entity is a plastic bead that Kris shoved into their ear at age 5 that became a Darkner and merged into their soul when they entered a dark world the first time when Kris was 10, and it has existed as a split personality ever since. The plastic bead Darkner isn't evil btw and has a complex scheme to protect Darkners from the machinations of the other antagonists.
>toby dreamed about this
>that ends up being the "friend inside me"
How would you feel if Deltarune ended with Kris' mind permanently merging with some other entity (Third Entity, The Knight, Ralsei, Dess, ect.) and Kris' original personality was gone forever and their family doesn't even know, and Toby tried to pass this off as an allegory for growing up.
>Turd Entity
The Third Entity is going to poop into Kris's nipples (turd in titty)
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The Father, The Son and The Third Entity
The Father, The Sans and The Daddy Entity
The Gaster
The Ralsei, The Inches and The Femboy Entity
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cope, i am crashing this bitch
it'll get better.
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for me it wont.
Not unless you get a life you lonely shit.
One day all of you are going to be introduced to your AI clone avatars and see that your life as an organic is pointless because an immortal clone of you has already been permanently uploaded to the cloud. How will Deltarune prepare you for this?
Undertale taught me to stay determined. I will destroy the cloud and the artificial souls stored inside of it, for fun.
"muh consciousness" is a meme.All of you including Toby are in for a rude awakening if you actually believe in souls.
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Then you have a living doll
Someone "real" inside a dark world
And an uncanny living object outside
What 3 years of no content does to a thread
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You are simply wrong. The evidence for my consciousness is right in front of me all the time. It's the easiest thing that I can prove to myself, easier than trusting my own senses. Consciousness, or the soul, is not just a meme. Disbelief in consciousness is just a meme, and a retarded meme at that. It's the most illogical thing that anyone could ever say. Well, maybe it wouldn't be illogical if you were a robot. Are you a robot?
beep boop boop beep
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You need an old fat woman with long ears?
Unless everything takes place in the same decade as 201X, at least one of the fallen humans after Chara is most certainly a gen alpha who watched skibidi toilet
based robotfucker
Chara themself could very well have been a gen alpha.
201X as a vague year includes the latter half of the 2010s. So if Chara was, say, 9 in 2019, that's gen alpha.
No chance they were a skibidihead though since that's a 2020s thing.
toriel simps coom when watching dumbo for the first time
I wouldn't care
Chara only killed themself because they were 9 and didn't want to turn 10 and ruin the perfect number and the human soul plan was a coverup for this
Organic life will be soon surpassed by synthetic life, and there's nothing you or Toby Fox can do about it.
Yeah nobody would really spot a difference let's be real lol
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Yeah, probably, by some metrics. Robots can hypothetically be built stronger and better than humans in nearly every way. I still have a soul though. I can prove that to myself, and you can never disprove that to me.
How angry would the fanbase be if this was actually canon?
I am thirsty for the goat mommy
I doubt they would be angry, it's more likely they'd try to find a deeper meaning to it.
"muh soul" is complete cope denying that humans can and will be replaced by superior duplicates.
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Yeah alright grandpa, let's get you to bed.
What if Kris is dead and the events of Deltarune is just his life flashing before his eyes?
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Yeah, I didn't deny it at all. Robotic super people will exist at some point. I've already made peace with that. Might even be kinda cool to witness the start of it, if it happens within my lifetime. Why are you, a human, so obsessed with this? Do you have a fetish for being replaced or something? I'm not usually one to draw random schizophrenic comparisons to cuckoldry, but you seem a little too thrilled about this for all the wrong reasons...
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uh oh
it's retarded
>Robotic super people will exist at some point.
retards, fight.
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hey im a retard
i cant tie my shoe
i rely on you
to keep me alive
God I love this
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stop calling yourself a retard while stealing someone elses filename, it's multiple layers of rude. you see, ogres have layers. and it's all ogre for you before it even began. punk.
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(laugh) you gave me the file thats why the filename was that
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What if the mayor got indicted on corruption charges?
I just like to remind cocky humans that they're done for.
I want her I need her
I want her I need her
I want her I need her
>Asriel with boner
Disgusting incest pedoslop
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I'm done for? How so? How does this affect me personally? Do you think a robot clone of myself is going to break into my house and demand that I hand over my personal belongings or something? Or is this just a legacy thing for you? Personally, if someone created a machine that surpassed humanity in every way, and lets say for the sake of argument also had a soul somehow, I'd consider such a being to be a heir to humanity, the next step in evolution so to speak. Beings like that would basically be our spiritual descendants. I don't see why I should be upset about that. Are you upset about being replaced by a robot? You seem upset. Why does that make you so upset? Let's unpack this.
But there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love her
Now don't be sad
Cause two out of three ain't bad
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is Mettaton behind all of the robot posting?
nah it's some cringe edgelord nihilist. if you want to drown him out with mettatonposting then be my guest.
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Why do you assume I'm upset about this? Are you projecting? Humanity as a species is done for, and there's nothing wrong with that. If you've accepted that you're one of the more rational ones.
>humans gone = nothing matters
Learn to care about things other than humans.
>we'll be replaced as individual people by AI clones and-
what if humanity just doesn't make the AI clones? what then? huh?
It's going to happen within ten years.
but what if we don't make them?
Progress isn't slowing down.
cope, it is
You will think it's not by the time Deltarune releases.
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post some scary canon design spamton art
good like picrel
>post good spamton art
you first
Toby every single newsletter for the first year:
>stealth turd entity post
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How is it Turd Entity?
*EarthBound Overdriven Guitar.sf2*
In the future Undertale will become real but it's only the genocide route and the protagonist is specifically my AI clone that kills all humans and their AI clones and then the clone was actually CHARA all along they hate humans so much that they escaped me and used the clone as their vessel
because your stupid face is turdy poopoo peepee
the guy on the phone in super ghostbusters:
the AI Singularity Won't happen.
I'll intervene.
intervene in dess nuts faggoat
>AI becomes a perfect military strategist
>do retarded shit, a perfect soldier is predictable but an idiot isn't
it's just too easy
dess nuts is foreshadowing dess has a cock and used to nut in asriel daily
i came when i read this post
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Sir or madam, do you happen to use reddit.com? Specifically, do you frequent the atheism-related and ex-christian subreddits?
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but enough robot dickriding. it's time to turn the tables.
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Yeah, instead now it's time for complete and utter fave depression so we can be too busy to cry instead of getting horny
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that sounds gay. I'm going to go sexually dominate male robots instead.
Deltarune wont even be out in 10 years.
This is just delusion and wishful thinking.
Dess but she looks nothing like any of the fanart.
I find it hilarious that Genocide ending in Undertale considered as a "bad" ending, while True ending in Odin Sphere is considered as a "good" ending, while the end result is the same: everyone except the protagonist(s) are dead..
If you play Odin Sphere, I recommend playing as Gwendolyn and Cornelius, then stop. It's a two perfectly fine endings, no need for continuation.
You're taking this to extremely silly levels.
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I choose to believe Kris's middle name is Togore
And Toriel calls them "KRIS TOGORE DREEMURR!" when she's angry
>2007 game
Some of our anons weren't even born yet
that's not true they'd be banned for being underage.
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>visit r/deltarune subreddit
>instantly have a much better time than I've ever had here
>actually funny shitposts
>actually active community with people who actually like the game
>somebody venting about their fucked up and yet kino nightmare involving Noelle
>pretty much zero irrelevant character gender arguments since they explicitly ban those
Huh. Welp, smell ya later nerds.
>actually funny shitposts
I vist r/deltarune frequently so I know you're lying.
it's at the very least funnier than /utg/ shitposts i'm sure
t. i don't visit r/deltarune frequently and i still know this because it's basic logic
I don't even think it's bad and it's definitely better if you want to discuss something specific about the game and for obvious reasons it's always on topic but their shitposts are not funny, why even lie about that?
Just makes the post feel like bait because reddit is good for what reddit is good for, this place is good for whatever this place is good for it's just so different one can't really be the replacement for the other.
i wasn't saying they were necessarily funny
just funniER than utg
it's not that hard to be funnier than this place
I never made a comparison to how funny this place is.
We aren't funny either so if someone made a post on reddit saying we had "actually funny shitposts" i'd call that out too.
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well they're a step up at least.
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they should make asriel/ralsei goth and trans in the next one
See now at least I can engage with you as being serious and posting in good faith.
the Deltarune subreddit really is better than here so you don't need to oversell it.
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he looks like he NYEHs human men
he looks like he fucks anthro girls

he looks like he fucks human men
he looks like he shoots human men
reminder: hockey anon legitimately thought he came up with this phrase.
hockey anon looks like he comes up with human phrases
If Reddit let you make fun of Rob I'd probably use it more
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no bulli ;(
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Who is this "Rob?"
he looks like he stares at human men
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*she *women
I want to be in that dog's hole
Weird how you’ve picked this random general several times to do this gimmick despite liking nothing about these games outside of vague-isms
you look like you remind human men how to be cocky to you
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That goat looks like he bullies human men.
Get it?
My penis
>awkward silence as the camera spans to the two of them
>I just like cock of humans
We know Asriel.
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NGL if I was a woman twinksriel would get my pussy SOPPING WET and I'd carry his kids, even if he uses rainbows and is gay as FUCK
have you ever considered that maybe you are a woman?
something to think about perhaps
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I don't have a womb, skibidi blud, how would I carry his babies?
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You keep fucking with my money I might have to get you killed.
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Today is a good vibes day.
No doomin' from me.
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I'm dumb, she's a lesbian
I thought I had found the one
We were good as married in my mind
But married in my mind's no good
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ooga booga
why is this in lowercase
The villagers that attacked Asriel were Amish.
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You're so skibidi
y--you too
With your arms
Ahhh, I see, so Asriel has a cunt, he will birth my babies and THEN I'll get to hold them? That's sweet, thanks!
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I just like the character.
I can think of two reasons.
Do you have a link to the full comic where this image comes from?
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hello there multiples of doomerfrens :D
how are you guys doing on this fine day?
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I'm one board meeting away from being a permanent employee at the easiest job I've ever had in my life.
Won't get full time during the off season, but still getting enough money to not need another job is huge and continuous employment always looks better than recurring temp jobs.
Why's Vector there
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NICE! good luck to you on getting that permanent job fren! rootin' for you! :)
Jockington used Aerial Ace!
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You live 'til you die.
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Thanks bro.
I've been waiting for one like this for a while now.
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When will Toby Fox release his cover of Money for Nothing by Dire Straits but with quirky retro soundfonts and lyrics bemoaning quirkcore RPG developers
gay suspenders boy does strange things to me...
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Thank you for navigating the depths of his many releases to find the gems like that one.
>the solo at 1:49
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Will he use the F slur again for it?
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pretty cool
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Deltarune is going to be a Mario & Luigi-like and you're gonna like it
I do have to admit his pikes series has been a bit of a hit or miss, and as of late it hasn't been very great. His early pikes are still banger, but there's a lot of the "graveyard" kind of experimental track.
I don't know. I genuinely can't help but love him as an artist.
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WD Ghast Tear
Mario & Luigi is peak.
I hope Deltarune is that good.
wd gassy
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Noelle getting into the time hole to get into Susie's hole earlier in life and groom her before she's ripe
WD Lastyear
so true ppfren
Why the long face?
All uses of the word faggot except for one will be censored as a reference to the famous quirky game Disco Elysium
>smacks fat fave pussy
>smacks fat fave pussy (cat)
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I'm surprised that this has Alphys and mysterious red guy instead of two other Sanses
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sorry i already have a boyfriend, you have to go sniff someone else. but good luck on your quest.
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>smacks fat fave pussy (cat) pussy
Why did they color Papyrus's head like that
>smacks fat fave pussy (dog (overweight moron game developer))
I am Batman.
Give me AU ideas that revolves around Jevil
Why are there no bat related characters in UT/DR?
is toby stupid?
Temmie sex.
Jevil Juggalo AU
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Fave set up a local AI text generator and now they cant stop generating stories about humans and monsters
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He would do that
Me when I see Temmies feet.
will sans be plot relevent to deltarune?
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#1 human fan
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Sans never had a yellow eye.
Toby was right and doesn't have dementia.
Yellow eye sans is fanon.
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Japanese artists when they see Chara.
Here's what I think will happen to Sans in Deltarune
>roaring starts
>the town is in disarray and everyone is freaking out and whatnot
>in the middle of this Sans shows up and says "screw you guys I'm gone" and uses his machine to switch dimensions, going to the Undertale world
>he may or may not have also taken Papyrus with him
>The poorly drawn picture of three people marked with the words "don't forget" in his workshop are Kris, Susie and Ralsei(?)
That's it. He's not relevant to the plot, he doesn't help the heroes, he just splits as soon as things go downhill.
I hope sans says "wow kiddo you fucked up" as he teleports away
i dont think anyone really thinks hes relevant to the plot
he wasn't even all that relevant to the plot in Undertale, that was mostly his brother
In Undertale, his plot relevance comes from all the exposition he gives you. Besides that, yeah, he doesn't really influence anything.
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toriel with no nipples fucking naked sans (no ecto, literally a skeleton) with a strapon
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I am WHITE gosh darn it!!!!
Temmiefag is brown and hecatia is 14
Double whammy
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who stole her nips
I did.
I had no idea who she was but shes barefoot so thanks for giving me new goon material.
do you guys think?
>temmiestimmie now shares one of his waifus with hummywummy
is this grim or hugey or telling i don't fucking know what buzzword applies to this anymore
I dabble on occasion
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toriel (with nipple) laying on a bed with naked sans (no ecto, once again just a skeleton) laying on top of her. she has a mettaton-branded strapon that glitters pink and blue.
i overthink therefore i over am
I stink therefore I Sam
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i overthink therefore it's over
goo goo ga ga
me big baby need toriel milkers
fave doesnt think they just stink
spongebob and patrick goo lagoon
the flying dutchman boating school
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Her feet are so big long and curvy.
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im sorry hello my name is greg im 32 please dont call the police my name is gr
imagine naming your child """GREG"""
Who enjoys this shit
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baited for that exact reply berdshitto
>deltarune fans be like
okay, what are you gonna do now that your bait was successful? anything interesting gonna happen now?
Hes gonna jerk off now.
Why is Alphys hiding behind a lumpy yellow tree?
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it's a little obnoxious after a while
c-can i join?
Yeah lets all join and jerk it to Alphys.
Would Fave reconquer Spain from the Visigoths?
i live in Spain but the S stands for Sans
instructions unclear, wacked it to hot goats instead
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stinking this thread with no survivors
Built to be bred.
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>sans pain
you live without bread? damn
Bend over.
je suis sur ta soeur elle va bien
If Kris was able to talk every time Spamton tried to say something they would have said "I want to play a game" over him louder and louder each time
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i c butte
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Stretch u gote
>The heroine appears
The heroine appears
Built for human men and futa fish. But she needs to lose the shoes.

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