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Liestream in 22 hours edition

Previous thread >>496017291

Buy Plat
>READ the pastebins and Wiki BEFORE asking questions
GENERAL FAQ: https://rentry.org/w2mfb4ak
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://rentry.org/6mypnqqp

>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.6
CURRENT EVENT: September Corruption Alerts
Thoughts on Qorvex.
mr fodder
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why are they always thirsttrapping?
Me taking the picture
>a man on the left
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
delete alchemy
I do not respect Sevagoth players.
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why aren't you?
>my hotwife on the left
I hate the russchizo.
I hate the wokeschizo.
I hate the catschizo.
I hate the magschizo.
I hate the valkyrschizo.
I hate the novaschizo.
I hate the frogschizo.
I hate the TFDschizo
I love the Θεmatic anon.
I love Warbros.
Warbros #1
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hagschizo won
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>female frame players.
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>male frame players.
Nezha is a MAN.
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>male frames
And that's a good thing.
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nezha is a TRAP
That's a big ass toenail
Manslut skin.
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>miss mod
>won't buy plat to buy mod
>cry on leddit about how people are getting scammed for mod
>bitch hags queue it for rerelease
I should just bitch and moan on leddit the next time I want something
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And that's a good thing
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i wish for genderbent skins, i'll pay good plat for those
It has been gone for awhile desu senpai desu.
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based based based based based based based based I will either hit the daily trades or paypiggy up for this
I'm so ready to be disappointed tomorrow
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>55k sneeded
is there an LR5 non-photoshop edition yet? does the coomei and 1999 content get us there or are we still short?
>finally get a taste of Dante in circuit
I understand now
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Next warframe is confirmed Lycan yawn
>NEVEREVER 3 12000
If 1999 has intrinsics, LR5 should be easy. Without intrinsics, it might still be a while.
>Koumei 6k
>assuming two new weapons with Koumei 6k
>Cyte-09 6k
>motorcycle 6k
>assuming one weapon per protoframe, which IMO is unlikely 24k
That's 48k
Early warbros was some of the funniest shit and the most hostile, visible asspain i've seen towards a community from their devs back when it wasn't the norm to be assholes to your players.
Shame it went to everybody's heads and it all turned cringe real fast.
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Russchizo starting his shift early
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how old is that?
>some retards held me hostage for 20 minutes because they thought a survival with kuva flood counted as kuva survival
Kuva lich has been a very frustrating experience so far for me
Duviri is fun
You can solo extract you dumbo
I legit fell asleep while farming pathos once
same, duviri is supremely boring when you have to grind it
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it actually didn't let me, because it was a "survive for X amount of time for this reward" kind of survival instead of a normal "survive as long as you want" kind
New chink exploits recently dropped - you know where to check
protip: disconnect your internet for a second to force host migration
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Send him here
Woke up
Its Friday - time to get drunk and play warframe
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very nice
devstream in 20 hours
i dont
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Almost bedtime
It's Thursday - time to get drunk, inject estrogen, and play warframe
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4 min
looking good Steve
half the general doesn't even play the game. They are very gay however.
put me in a wig and i'd look sexier than this thing.
I gave up on all 3
you shut your whore mouth
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me irl
ching chong tianamen square nigger, taiwan numba wan
and a nyanananynanananyanyanyna falun gong to you too, young lady
winnie the pooh
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good for you on the 1st but why the 2nd one? also why the 3rd if still itt?
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>finally get elite crewmember with perfect stats
>don't like the name and the elite skill
guess I will keep rolling
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That's a man with a big manly penis.
they are all unhealthy
oh sweaty... the perfect stat for a on-call / guard / engineer is +150% crit chance... maybe tomorrow!
True she uses it to destroy my bussy :3
Can we see mr russchizo?
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damn it's been a while
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This honestly didn't feel that good. 1350% power strength in SP still had me using it more to keep alive than to nuke things. That build is a paper bag too.
>titania speed running fissure
>make them wait the full 60 seconds

Pretty much one of the few things I enjoy in this game now.
we titania runners accept the 60s penalty by default when starting the mission
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If I see a thermal sunder spam or slamkong I purposely walk really slowly and make sure the last person and I arrive together.
Fuck them. I hate metazoomers.

It used to be "go fast or go solo"...
Old bad, new good. Oh wait...
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i just watch whatever documentary i have pulled up on my second monitor nce i reach the extract with my mapwipe pixie
since i started playing this game i didnt expect shitters to make it in time
Clearly this is >>496181909 nefwag trying to fit in.
>Crying that people are making your fissures go faster
I hate mrlets
Why do people subsume over Hildyrns 4 instead of her 1? Is it literally because of precision intensify?
>subsooming over one of the best exalted weapons in the game
her 4 is dogshit
>one of the best exalted

this is honestly why i can't take this /vg/ seriously anymore. if it isn't schizo posting and RPfags it's shit like this.
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>subsume over ok ability and leave the bad one
>go slow or i go slower
New wfg
Hello russchizo
Post your MR
Im sure you will beat that troll with facts and logic, good luck
I'm sure doing millions of aoe damage to SP enemies is bad, especially for modes like EDA that might cockblock your weapon choices.
I dont play warframe
I bet he charges balefire
>choosing hildryn in EDA
You don't need to remind us russchizo
>not choosing hildryn in EDA
Ok russchizo
>can't die thanks to shield gate boost
>doesn't rely on energy
>has her own weapon
>can strip shields
one of the best frames for EDA
Shes ugly
thanks but i hate w*men so i choose Dante
You don't need to remind us russchizo
Based russchizo
Is russchizo in the thread with us right now?
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I just realised Hildryn has a blowjob handle
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Can i be ruschizo too?
You know after reading this replay and then reading the dozen plus after I think it's just best to leave this general for another year. Maybe I'm just not autistic enough for it anymore.
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I am ruschizo
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>russchizo and his crusade against warbros
>everyone he doesnt like is warbro
>anti russchizo-schizo and his crusade against russchizo
>everyone he doesnt like is russchizo
Circle of life
>EU hours
>it starts talking about itself
You either die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain
Look at this smartass! He thinks he is better than us! I bet you are actual russchizo.
You don't need to remind us russchizo
Thank god the stream starts when they're asleep
NA /wfg/ is boring dogshit
Im sure someone will still call someone russchizo
You don't need to remind us russchizo
this schizo is why I support the Ostrons and total Grineer death
You don't need to remind us russchizo
based new pasta??
иди нa хyй
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I suck at Warframe and like sucking cocks
literally me
Based NA anon enthusiasm
You don't need to remind us russchizo
megan after DEVOURING the red rocket woof woof
average EU post
Remind about what?
why are american not sleeping and instead shitting up our general?
Because he is not american he is actual RUSSCHIZO!
this it's just russchizo samefag. russians are mentally ill
You don't need to remind us russchizo
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just did my first solo 4x3 eidolon run
Didn't ask
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I have never hated the game as much as I have trying to land this retarded fucking horse on top of tiny spikes and windmills for these things
Your fault for playing duveri
I asked, I cared
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a new level of censuring
what the fuck
did you think someone was going to recognize you by your drifter?
i followed a guide to get all the collectibles and didnt have much of a problem with it
Russchizo will haunt me otherwise
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what a fucking faggot
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What are obols even used for?
invis+melee shield solves your problems
what's the amp/operator arcane meta?
you an buy vocas from the gay Loid
for void cascades you want Cloud over Lockdown
When going for MR points for amps that aren't the ones you always use, do you just do each prism with the same cheap scaffold and brace?
I have 1-7-7 for eidolons, 7-4-7 for general use and the rest is just random shit for MR
after coming back after a few years, and actually ranking up my syndicates, i finally got my 5-4-7 amp. After i get Little Duck to 5, i'll be able to get my 1-7-7 as well, which will be about two resets from now
>cant bump without the amp
You don't need to remind us russchizo
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Can I just go leech off in the eidolon cull bounty without being prepped?
that's like 50% of people there
80% when there's nigwave mission
you will be matchmade with other people that had this idea and you will never, ever get all three of them
Why do I see so many slamkongs running bounties but never anything else?
You don't need to remind us russchizo
>titania speed running fissure
>bricks the mission before anyone gets 10 reactant
Post the bobs, Reb
Is 777 not the best amp?
for me it's 747
777 because we gamblers
Best bump
for some reason amps make her unreasonably mad
On the internet nobody knows you're an eidolon.
you need to try the forbidden combo to see her seethe
wukong + chakchurr + amp
Wait until there's a nightwave.
It's 666 for me
747 and 777 is practically the same, huge dmg and no need to aim
147 is for people who think having to aim at enemies with adhd spastic movement is fun
your dmg is from madurai and arcanes anyway
>inb4 he can't aim
you go hit a fucking thrax with a 200ping host, most likely on console, you can't even comprehend how many times i shoot directly at the thrax just for the shots to not register ever
>bumping culture does not exist in /wfg/
You don't need to remind us russchizo
what do we even expect from the devstream?
Koumei date and 1999 teases?
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Best amp: maxed madurai>amp arcanes>amp build.
spiderframe and qol/changes
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How old is your account?
play conclave
2017 i was a virgin back then
Very cool, post full build and strategy for the MRlets
not habbening until someone runs over ligger's hands with a cement paver
>monkey paw curls and now all frames say trans right!
30 runs for parts of frost and I still don't have a system. It is so exhausting...
>all warframes are TRANS!
>Trans Rights!
come to orbiter
Need help? =^)
yes, whats your IGN?
>bumpers doing bumps
Yes, you don't need to remind us russchizo, its their job and their shift unpaid
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worm says all trans right matter less kubrodon droppings

Where's the Octavia skin?
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We are requesting kavot buffs
wtf why can't mesa's regulators target stalker?
do you actually need help?
in my orbiter
5 runs for valkyr in a row and 5 pieces of chassis
I was promised smeeta nerfs
dw you will get them
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Does using speed nova fuck with survival spawning?
in the butt
Couple of months
closed beta
where am I supposed to check exact date?
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too busy gooning, sorry
You don't need to remind us russchizo
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>a single arca plasmor slam
Plasmor is a shotgun
oh ye, tittty ron
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how many hrs till coomei stream?
Thats how i imagine "gunbreaker" class in ff.
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and a few more slams later
Classes are called "jobs", which makes it even funnier.
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>still caring about utterly broken DE's stats
Meant for >>496199253
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This is a slow boil turning into that "fag game". C'mon DE stop being faggy
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>I go slow on purpose
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>mfw I still don't have PSF
I am LR4 and still dont have a PSF, just goes to show how fucked up the login system is
i am finally building rhino 8)
you got your boltor?
Don't forget they're adding Infested Liches with 1999
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>tfw you're ready to subsume a frame so you return it to default
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Show me where you take your MRlets
I could should you were I was taken for erp but it wasnt anything impressive
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>i want ugly flowers
clinical autism
no whats that
Bros, I'm getting the urge to remove everything from my orbiter...
do it
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Just a gun, I don't think it's even good anymore, I think it was pablo who used to complain about how all the players would do was rhino and boltor their way through the game
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about 12
why do hags like warframe srs
is the mag voice actress the voice for female V from cyberpunk?
c l e a n
When are we getting more KDrive races
nice gooncave
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Where's my free Caliban?
right this way new friend >>496212652
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This is a thing?
How did I miss this.
play TFD
Nah I just don't want to deal with railjack anymore. I remember that was a thing but don't know if it's a twitch drop or a different circumstance.
You don't need to remind us russchizo
How did the kinepage canonically wind up in the orbiter anyway? If they explained in Lotus Eaters I wasn't paying attention
It's coming with the update.
ask again in a month
delete orphix
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She gave it to us, didn't she?
I forgot.
you steal it at the end of the lotus eaters quest after the mall trip
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also, what did she mean by this?
is the opticor any good?
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>Temporal Artillery
Why are DE like this

Just make Temporal Anchor good instead of doing this cuck shit
Farm AE with eidolons like a man.
Never done archons before, can I just play revenant and cast my 2?
Will it actually keep me alive, or is there some kind of fuck you ability that just ends me
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nah you should be fine and chases are, your teammates will blow everything anyway
>need melee adapter
>can't get to 50k cavia until the reset
>can't justify spending 20 plat on it
Time to run netracells to see if my luck is shit enough to be convenient for once.
Melee adapters aren't in the nettacell pool anymore. Go do EDA.
nvm, lol
I just slam kong'd that shit easy

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