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Secret Seduction Technique Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>495980849

Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
AI Roguelike — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1889620
Featherless — Paid; local or remote, multi-model: https://featherless.ai
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
OpenRouter/TogetherAI — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. AetherRoom, Claude: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg
>Local Models — e.g. Command R, Mistral, Qwen: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/aids-miscellany
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Elves & Nobles Friday is underway! Reply to the anchorpost with your prissy knife-ear prompts! Last anchor: >>496149072

>(09/23) NovelAI releases Llama 3 Erato https://blog.novelai.net/muscle-up-with-llama-3-erato-3b48593a1cab
(09/20) NovelAI announces Llama 3 Erato’s release window, new textgen samplers, and the removal of CFG https://files.catbox.moe/ct12an.png
(09/19) Mistral Small 22B and Pixtral 12B release https://mistral.ai/news/september-24-release ; Qwen 2.5 releases https://qwenlm.github.io/blog/qwen2.5
(8/30) Cohere updates Command R & R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
Please give feedback on the adjustments I made to the OP.
Looks good.
I am going to RAPE a elf
What's with the sabatoge to the OP? You trying to turn /aids/ into /lmg/?
when I suggested adding the local models I was thinking more like links to specific gguf models people can try, linking to company pages is not helpful imo
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Here’s the second anchor for Elves & Nobles Friday! Our first one didn’t receive any prompts, but that’s fine—it’s a Lazy Thursday kind of vibe.
Repost because the pic errored out.
From what I saw, Qwen offers their models on HF: https://huggingface.co/Qwen ; you can get a free API code for Command R if sign up and register (it resets monthly), and I have not looked much into Mistral. I was going to rely on what people more experienced with those models wanted, as far as links go. The current OP is very much a work in progress thing.
NTA but what models are people even using nowadays?
Remove AI Roguelike.
Why are you linking aids-miscellany twice? Change the first one to a link to >>>/g/lmg, or remove the entire line and expand the "Other/Historical" one.
Remove the Antiwhine Rentry.
Add a leading zero to the last news entry.
>Remove the Antiwhine Rentry.
That one feels weird, but what I want to know is what he's got against AI Roguelike.
Because it's dumb.
>Remove AI Roguelike.
Give 5 reasons.
>Remove AI Roguelike.
>Why are you linking aids-miscellany twice? Change the first one to a link to >>>/g/lmg, or remove the entire line and expand the "Other/Historical" one.
The reason why I linked it is because I personally think the use and discussion of local models should be encouraged in the thread; we shouldn't demand people go somewhere else. I also think we should include something to encourage discussion about how to wrangle instruct models to work for storytelling format. I understand the tech support argument, but the current atmosphere of the thread isn't conducive to letting people post with alternatives with peace of mind.
>Remove the Antiwhine Rentry.
>Add a leading zero to the last news entry.
I'm writing... some degenerate foursome between futa Peach, guard boy(me), futa Birdo, and Rosalina
Here's a better looking OP, pretend that the second link is an lmg one.
Are you winning, son?
what are you doing man
>still driving away contributors
Throwing a fit because people are trying to encourage localchads to post in this thread, and reduce the thread's focus on NovelAI, I reckon.
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CF's spamming because he wants to be a Canadian. It's actually very easy for Indians to migrate here.
are we gonna have 8 threads this time
Made an even better OP. The second Rentry is a placeholder, but it would be like the chataids one but for local.
I think it looks pretty clean, there's nothing unnecessary to remove.
Depends how badly CF wants to play the life lottery.
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If that was a human man it would be Hmoam guy.
Forgot about Llama 3.2. This one is the definitive OP:
Cool, but you'll never get to 9, coward.
I fucking dare you to get to 9, you fucking won't.
Fucking loser won't make 9 threads because he's a lil bitch and thinks the mods will actually do something.
Little pussy bitch energy.
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>Reposting since I posted on the wrong thread,
How detailed do you go in describing your character's appearance? I usually keep it somewhat open to interpretation to avoid "My Immortal" tier chapters.
>Pic related
If it isn't plot-relevent I don't bother to write anything. Whatever the story first mentions becomes canon, and if the AI gets it wrong later I'll just edit it.
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I don't coom to my writing mind you, so I'm more focused on worldbuilding than character appearance. SmutKINGS probably have a system for balancing their descriptions to not trigger fanfic vectors
Actual novels do have physical character descriptions, I guess the trick is to ape those.
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>summarizing answer post I made in wrong thread
tl;dr it is I, hentai man
so is there a good preset that makes erato smart yet
Rep pen max
I always write too much and end up polluting the context, but maybe there's a way to get away with it if you do RPG character sheets or use brackets
so many years we've waited for this day
Nice theme you got there.
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I let the ai go off with this one what do you think of my new story guys
Not to be rude, but this reads like bad fanfiction. I can't imagine anyone sitting down to read a whole book of this garbage.
you should publish it it'll be a massive hit
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I’m not worried about Anlatan at all. After all, I just made a knockoff inferior clone in React for local models, infringing no laws, and being no threat at all to them. But the fact that someone would go as far as creating a Discord account and doing that makes me worried the day my real identity got out I would start receiving death threats and anthrax envelopes and shit.

What the hell man. What the fuck is wrong with people. My skin is not thick enough for this kind of crap.
alright whats the consensus on erato is it worth my $25 or is it just another nai piece of shit
the later
this thread is plagued by the most manic schizo you've ever seen
Quit contributing to the chaos in the thread and you won't have anything to worry about.
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What Lies Beyond The Border
>(You) are a destitute knight on the edge of the realm, living a peaceful (if boring) life until you stumble upon an elven carriage under bandit siege! Springing to action, you rescue a survivor: a little elf princess who's clearly in trouble. Can you survive the inevitable escort quest through savage wilderness? And were those really simple bandits who attacked her? A debt is owed and your honour demands you save her; get to work.
Everyone loves escort quests, right?
where do I go for coom now?
>still trying to drive away chaos
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WF just picked you because he was bored, don't worry about it.
Sorry for making you worry.
I am not whinefag. I just mistook him for being Claudefag. If he was being genuine, my apologies for "overreacting". I just hate people who go out of their way to ruin good things. I see now that he wasn't being an asshole.
>every single person in the thread has schizophrenia
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I'm a schizoid thoughbeit.
Protip for a less dry first person narrator: tack "first person, active voice" onto your Style tags.
This is literally nu/x/ in a nutshell.
oh is that why all my gens are terrible
>have idea
>too lazy to set up memory/lorebooks/attg and style tags
>type a few lines into prompt, hit Send
>it's shit
Lazybros, help me out. Is there a good 'generic' set of attg and style I can just copypaste as a default when I don't want to exerf effort?
you can try the template sage made: https://files.catbox.moe/f0k6nu.scenario
Author: Anonymous (it works)
Style: prose, active voice, descriptive, erotic
Help me destroy the server, my liege.
Browman is the jester. Good for laughs. Greenman is king. I am prints. And qween.
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The corn.
>wanted to do a Pokemon prompt because I was feeling nostalgic.
>Getting constantly made fun of because I don't know what's going on because all my Pokemon knowledge comes from 1999-2000.
>Feel like an old man.
The NPCs were making fun of you?
Yes, in particular May. But I bring it on myself in fairness.
>May taking shit
You know what you must do.
had a pretty decent session just now
That was half the point of the prompt with Misty and her, but now I find myself wandering around pointing at random modern gen Pokemon and saying "What kind of dog is this?" Like Borat.
Me too. Not bad for like an hour and a half.
42 is a pretty good preset, or maybe it was my style tag tweaks
Or maybe both.
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Having a laugh with this character.
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Ghetto Recap

Test Modded Script To Restore Links


Fun Times At The Pokemon Daycare >>495982958
Not The Proper Use When Feeding >>496001409
Captured Magical Girl >>496002432
Alex Jones Deus Ex >>496004878
Erato One Liners >>496008358
Seinfeld: The Succubus >>496008365
Wait A Minute, That Card.. >>496013441
Friday Test Prompt (Oddly Missing, Blame The Hurricane) >>496014538
The Jewels Of Justice >496018479 >496019808 >496021896
Read This >496019451
Bimbo Erato >496022419 >496062225
Top 10-I mean 11 James Bond Films >496035538
Dagan If He... You Know >496094831
Naked Hare >496098153
The Dreaded Side-By-Side >496124952
Nue >496125872
Kollage >496126532
Green Texts >496133252 >496134426 >496134691
PISSA >496135057
Gemma, But Is It A Gem? >496137879
Railroad Kids >496140923 >496144346 >496146027
We're Back? >496144607
Forgetful >496145298
A Great Line >496146484

Notable Posts:

Researching Continues >495984202
Bozo Mech? >495986131
The Nicest Image Generated? >495989640
The Fate Of Every General >496021930
The Cycle? >496026297
Anon's Wish List >496032445 >496035474
TSWS Deep Dive (Not The LLM Podcast) >496053952 >496074472
The Bussin' Saga >496067350 >496074218 >496074990 >496075584 >496076431 >496076895
The Man Behind It All https://files.catbox.moe/a4ucnm.mp4
Hunt For Bots? >496092443
Anon Begins His UI Journey >496096898 >496095178 >496102726 >496110915 >496112019 >496113337 >496120162 >496122931 >496127328 >496135103
Erato Dos And Don'ts >496096453 >496096587 >496096996 >496097272 >496097905 >496098153 >496098460 >496102110
New Preset >496100490
A Look Outward >496106915 >496108391 >496109041 >496110525 >496113738 >496117098 >496117809 >496118840 >496121786 >496119395 >496120853
Something'd >496109701
Mug Man (No Cup Head) >496124148
ENF >496128228 >496128862 >496129121 >496129602 >496129684 >496130463
Tokens >496130497
<3 You, Anon >496132370
Loading Screen >496157156
Question: With the links limit. . . Why can't you split the post into more parts? It's not like you need to make one giant post.
Script doesn't work for me. I saw that script myself and tried to modify it, but just couldn't get it to work. Does it work for you?
I don't think recap posts being ten separate posts, some of which with maybe only one or two entries, is the right way to go here.
Script works on javascript:;/g/ but not here.
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(Sample of) Highlights from the previous thread - >>495980849 (Cross-thread)

PISSA >496135057
Gemma, But Is It A Gem? >496137879
Railroad Kids >496140923 >496144346 >496146027
We're Back? >496144607
Forgetful >496145298
A Great Line >496146484

Does this work?
(Sample of) Highlights from the previous thread - >>495980849

Gemma, But Is It A Gem?
Railroad Kids
>496140923 >496144346 >496146027
We're Back?
A Great Line
OK, that's it. You need to specifically have the first line of the post have "thread" and the link to the previous thread in it, and have the lines with the quotes separate from the header.
This quote limit is such a fucking retarded change. Just ban fuckers who abuse mass replies instead
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Am I missing something?
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If you hover over the new quote links, where does it link to? Does it actually link to /vg/? It works on my end now.
It works now.
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Alright, got a couple this time. Here's the first one: https://aetherroom.club/7368
>Being a servant to an idle noble is a strange experience, especially if he's a more eccentric type. So apart from the usual servant business like coordinating the other employees or fetching things he specifically asks for, I also get to repeatedly act as a sparring partner for his fencing pursuits. I don't know why he doesn't just hire a proper trainer... it's like he enjoys this or something.
Felt like going back to the old French well again, so here's another Frenchy twink, this time with some more nobility.
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Here's number two: https://aetherroom.club/7369
>Due to some bizarre decisions by my father, I now find myself confined to a London townhouse under express orders to not interact with any women as to not taint my "purity", a concept I do not understand in the slightest. All I have for company is a whole bunch of literature I am to study and a maid. A male maid...
A somewhat contrived but ultimately basic crossdressing femboy maid prompt. Stuck with a cute guy, nobody else to interrupt, why, who knows what could happen?
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Here's number three: https://aetherroom.club/7370
>Sometimes, you find what you're looking for in the darndest places. As a band leader looking for a new guitarist, the last place I expected to find them would be on the job delivering groceries to a little elven hut out in the woods, in the form of a motherly elf woman with a love for a nice cup of tea and a talent for extensive prog rock solos.
This one's a bit out there. I wanted to do something a bit different with the elves part of the Friday, so, uh, here's a mommy elf that can shred joining your shitty little band, all sorts of potential for weird hijinx.
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Here's number four: https://aetherroom.club/7371
>Deep within an enchanted forest, there lies a city of a reclusive group that has been dubbed the high elves. Very little is known about them bar their location, attempts to communicate from afar have failed so far. So now I, as a diplomat of a human kingdom, am sent there to investigate further. What I find there is... strange.
Dude, weed. And all sorts of other drugs. Have a whole lot of fun with a bunch of elves that can get you high in so many ways.
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Finally, number five: https://aetherroom.club/7372
>The life of adventurers is rough, especially when they find themselves in over their head. Usually, that ends with them simply dying, another casualty of the lifestyle, but sometimes, a savior arrives in the form of a cute elf guy that's a crack shot with his bow and has a great butt too...
>Based on the Dross comic of the same name.
Trap scenario. Erato does pretty good with making the "whoa surprise dick" moment happen despite the story referring to the elf as "she".
You know the thing in Erato that regenning doesn't change the narrative no matter what? Well I'm not on Opus but Kayra does it too now. How do I get previous Kayra back?
>Do a fairly quick and rushed build up followed by a full sex scene
>After finishing, check the context
>Less than 100 tokens until the limit
I had fun but this sucks.
check inside your anus
KAITO the pervert. This is beyond saving, isn't it. I'll delete the story and start over with the same characters. Who should text first next?
storypost screenshot link: https://oshi.at/UYFf/zBjC.jpg
Erato is slop.
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>try a miku prompt i made
>do it several times to see what happens
>often playful, sexual or teasing
I like.
One good thing about Llama tokenizer (and its training on non-English data) is that Erato can do international harem quite well (probably).
we've always talked about this thread not really belonging on /vg/. is there any world where all the thread spamming becomes a long-term thing, and pisses off the jannies enough that they torch the thread off of /vg/?
or maybe i'm just not cultured enough to think they would.
Both /aicg/ are worse than us
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