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agdg-50 edition >>496134932

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA
>Halloween Jam:

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>Previous thread:
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well that's nice
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>forced to wake up by mosquitoes
5 hours of sleep are enough i guess!
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resolution: 320x180
engine: godot
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So how does one go about stitching together a completely separate godot project into another?
You just put everything in a folder and then load a mainScene, right?
Some people realized that just taking a tabletop game and turning it into a PC game ain't easy. "It's just tabletop", you think at first, until you realize the fuckers have hundreds of pages of rules and depend on a neutral interpreter for a good reason. A CRPG is my pipe dream but I'm only making one after I made it in gamedev and can afford to spend 5 years working in secret for a single prototype.
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I need new feedback on Ash the Cat model progress:
A. New, fluffy ear stuffing
B. New, less flame-lie tail
C. Pants style variants. Which of these do you like?
looks horrible and uncanny, like a disgusting third-world imitation of Bubsy.
You can create a main scene with a SubViewportContainer->SubViewport and load people's individual games under that SubViewport. This approach would mean individual games don't need to implement their own pause/setting menus.
Oops sorry, >>496173469 meant for >>496173082
Any european females looking for a game dev slave?
Living poor in america is literally hard mode, I fucking give up. I'll abandon my game and develop yours full time if you get me european citizenship.
how do i into npc AI?
I could pound your prostate
they are meant to be small simple games controlled by classic controls (directional+A+B)
the 1 pants look better, I like the flame tail and the ear fluff is also ok
Now here is the thing... why you decided to make his face so mature-ish? I can imagine that face going well on a tall muscled body I mean it's not terrible but I think a softer face could work better for a main mascot like character.
Thinner eyebrows, bigger iris and pupils, smaller jaw... again it's not terrible but some people could find it uncanny/unappealing/weird
so for the past month or so, and inspired by some discussions here, I've been using git. the vertict is:
[SPOILER]it's fucking useless. literally just complexity and waste of time without any benefits. I'll be going back to zipping and copying to cloud storage.[/SPOILER]
and yes, tags should be case insensitive, I hate lazy user-hostile programmers
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Does anyone have any tips on making procedural assets in Unreal? I'm only able to do basic stuff like ladders and books, it's not important to the project right now but I'm having fun making them
skill issue upon skill issue
ctrl-s btw
yes, it's a skill issue when you need git. I know how to use it but I don't need it, therefore my skills > your skills
You don't need it till you really need it.
I didn't need it for 10 or so years. I think I'm in the clear.
>10 years with no game
how the fuck do i copy an error code in godot it wont let me highlight it to copy and paste, fucking faggot engine
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you need to chill-out, man
maybe... i could join the collab.......
This collab feels slightly more in scope than the last, but it's also a NGMI game idea.
fuck you are you're shit engine
My Halloween game is near completion. Hoping to publish on Saturday or Sunday. What should I put for the background (the gray area)? Also welcome any other feedback. I will post a gameplay video tomorrow probably.
>be at work, working
>have a cool game idea
>come home, install unreal engine
>editor open, mind is totally blank
does this have a name?
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nice looking game
it's called not writing things down. also, being a wage slave == ngmi
Doorway effect.
>install unreal engine
try some tutorials first, retard
yes it's called "why the fuck is every game engine designed by retarded faggots" and is the prequel to "handsome and high sex appeal dev releases first AAAA game engine"
i love you guys, you always know what to say.
>"why the fuck isn't any game engine designed to cater to literal retarded faggots"
Idea guys, what would be a good gimmick to set a multiplayer first person game apart?
ok goober
no he's right. a good game engine would be like gzdoom but genre agnostic.
Did Henning Wehn have a child with a nigerian woman while I wasn't paying attention?
put a character with a herniated septum in your game
Unreal Engine is a bloatbox, it's overwhelming to look at. I seriously don't blame you. It's by definition, complex.

Make your own engine.
Is there a list of people who have already joined the collab?
>unreal engine is overwhelming
>making your own engine isn't
unreal engine is easy, that's why there's so much slop made with it
><engine> is too complicated so i'll bitch and moan and nodev
><engine> is too complicated so i'll enginedev (same as nodev)
"Spend the time and effort to learn" is not an option for /agdg/.
i have been. it's going slow.
i got some filesystem stuff done earlier in preparation for loading scripts into python so i can make bindings.
It's easy to ignore the complex systems you don't need in Unreal
ur mom
i just remembered what game i want to make.
it's a game based on that "it's all ohio" meme, because i thinks it's cool how people in other countries make games about their country. but i dont have the capability to heavily invest in a game enough to make it AAAA cool, so the plan is just to make it a fun shitpost instead.
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my game is 57mb
should i scale this image up to 1000000x1000000 and put it in my games files to make my game 7gb
hey guys what's up
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spiritual successor?
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Does it matter where i install my unity editor and projects? My laptop has 500 gb nvme SSD with 336 gb left, and I have 1 slot for SATA SSD.

I'm thinking of moving my work files, movies, and games over a cheap 1TB SATA and keep my personal projects on the nvme.
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no you should leave it the same but put it at the botton of a recursive zip file and make the zip file recurse enough to reach 7 gb.

Not a single comment caring about the AI art, you lost, troons. :)
i keep getting pissed off and then switch between unity and godot, it's been three unproductive days
i don't really know what im making, but im having fun and we will see where it ends up!
How do you gen those assets? NovelAI?
normies can't tell what ai art looks like, if it looks slightly weird they just call it ai. I've seen zoomers call old photoshopped pics from years ago "AI"
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aggydaggy bros... there's no hope for us...
>Just because you can[make games] doesn't mean you should.
if i wanted to make a lowpoly multiplayer mmo what engine/language should i start learning
As long as it’s SSD you won’t notice a difference.
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You should start learning distributed systems and netcode.
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bros... why did it flop?
i'm not cutout for game development... i guess the only way is to make enough money to pay a studio to game it huh
Your own engine. You'll need the deep knowlege.

Vulkan / OpenGL
>i'm not cutout for gamedev
>i need money for someone to game it for me
>why is my indie glitch funk album not as popular as avril lavigne?
aggro daggy
when blender exports vertex colors or face colors does it bake it into textures or do engines know to interpret the data(integrated into the file format)?
vertex colors should have infinite detail when zooming but textures don't.
>do engines know to interpret the data(integrated into the file format)
this one
the input names should be unified because there's only one "project settings"(of the launcher).

are directions arrow keys?
what is A and B?
i guess pressing export and drag and dropping it into an engine to test it is too hard for you. ngmi
so i'm using chatgpt to code for me (lol) but it's pretty lame and gay currently, is there any AI agents yet that can interact with software?
How would that help?
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My love of games has really waned and it's affecting my motivation to gamedev. The threads about how more and more younger people are quitting games to get their life together doesn't help either.
sorry i'm not here to teach you computer basics grandpa
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they'll release new spyware for $20 soon enough
you still ngmi tho
gpt4all using llama 3 8b knows how to use godot 4.3 entirely, and spits out usable code using godot 4.3

just so you all can use it too
You're not here to help. That much is clear.
Man who can't even use spoiler tags correctly explains why the most widely used version control system in the world is... le bad
>see if a texture got exported
>open 3d model in engine
>see if colors show without the texture
man i shouldn't even explain you need to get filtered.
i dont want your indieslop to pollute search results.
goonies reboot looking good
if I knew my love was gonna wane so much I'd have avoided project hopping and just pushed out a few games already.
i hate this "young faggot with no experience and only second hand knowledge tells you what you should do" genre of video.

this kid also never played actual videogames, just companyslop. if you need to quit anything (aside from drugs) to get productive things done, there is an issue of discipline and moderation. it's n>>496187421
ot games, it's you
But... my nvme has higher write and read speed...

Anyway, is crucial good
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>join Valve
>forced to work on dei heroshooter mobaslop
so much for running his indie company kek
Imagine doing all that instead of asking a question in AGDG that got answered in under 2 minutes

October prompt: make a game inspired by this song. Add this song in-game.
it's a grift/algo-bait
the best way to make good game is to be in touch with what people like
two types of parents
a) loves you unconditionally, because they want to be nice to you, treat you like a child even in your 30s
b) criticizes you for everything, because they are never satisfied for you, treat you like an adult at age 10

a creates spoiled neets, b creates desperate wagies who complain about work 24/7
His game was a literally a heroshooter mobaslop tho only difference is now it's PVP instead of PVE
fixing other peoples games. a fate worse than death
is hotpoo seriously working on fucking deadcock??
I would never want to work for someone if I could have my own studio instead.
Then again, didn't they sell his studio to Gearbox? Perhaps he didn't agree with that decision and this was the next best thing.
hopoo if you're here in the thread tonight i just wanna say congrats

fuck these crabs
Then there's C, the ones who criticize you constantly for not making money but makes it hard for you to move out and apply for jobs, burdening you with endless house chores and two younger siblings while they were out on their "business trips" with their workwife and workhusbands.
>A beatemup that looks really cool with RPG elements. It makes my dick hard when I think about it. Tight design and short play time so it wont do well. It is essentially retroslop.
>An FPS with alot of systems that challenges the player to make quick decisions through its SYSTEMIC DESIGN
that's just type b
Hopoo is one of the biggest indie success stories ever, he could easily become Valve's CEO in 30 years. And he made an originallike that then spawned an entire genre (bullet heaven roguelites), except Notch I can't think of another indie innovator this huge.
Also his networth must be in the 100M+
yeah, screenshot is taken from the official Deadlock dev/community discord
Isn't this guy rich? Why does he want to work?
>see pic
>realize it needs art
>can't art
>can't participate
fucking hell
This is exactly the type of people that should be filtered out of collabs.
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>see collab
>look inside
>I have to do everything myself
polish and art comes last
prototype faster
Underrated post.
/pol/ would be so much clearer if people would just post "i hate russia", "i hate america", "i hate liberals", "i hate republicans" all day instead of trying to say the same thing 1000000 different ways.
should all agdg50 games stick to a set 32 color palette?
if your game is a game i wont buy it
Only if you rename it to AGDG32
type a here all while i unironically treat them like b. yeah i'm not happy about my behavior towards them
It's not! Buy it ASAP before it becomes a game!
No, the resolution is to keep size in check, colors does nothing but limit creativity.
game that you liked but ____ is not a game idea. youh ave to remove the bells and whistles and start from scratch.
It helps with cohesion but I'm not participating so
I will make game that I liked but ____ and you CANNOT stop me.
Why these post numbers? I mean I get the first one but the others are just a space marine and granblue post.
i found out that parents who love you unconditionally just do it because they don't want to spend time actually giving you attention. because giving attention means seeing things and reacting to them. if they just love you, they can ignore you and just say "you are fine as you are".
which also creates some death spiral of you trying to get attention from them, but never getting it. it can create perfectionism. a mix of perfectionism and self-righteousness.
i think type b kids are kinda perfectionist too, but they dont really try hard to get attention, they just try to not get punished, thats why they comply and do things they dont like, which type a doesn't do. thats why they always complain about their job and everything else, because they feel like they have no choices.
i think type b never would get into gamedev, because they were forced to make "adult normal jobs" they hate.
type a wants attention desperately, but also is kinda arrogant because they never faced really consequences from their parents for doing whatever they want.
says who?
Does your game create experiences that players will remember?
I want more
never trust people who want to turn a gamble into a science. no there is not science to winning the slot machine.
>collab being more and more geared towards artists
>they already want to >filter out< people
if you believe outsourcing thinking is a good idea and strangers owe you time of their life to spoonfeed you everything, then good luck
programmer does thing: it becomes open source and you can reuse it forever
artist does thing: this low poly cow without a rig and without animations costs $50 per project

programmers are really idiots who are obsessed to make the world work for everybody if possible for free.
open source should have never been a thing.
just compare open source software to free art. artists really hate sharing.
artists are generally women which apparently means they're as bad as coder crabs
nothing like a guy with "great ideas" to expect other people to do all the work. bonus points if he comes up with more of them during development, feature creeping you to hell and back
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What should I do after my game releases (in early access of course)?
>seething collablet
Get filtered, scrub
Nothing amazing about it. Either contribute or nothing will get done. That's how it works. You think everyone can keep an eye on everything?
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The best VN of the decade has just released a new DLC
Fuck me for expecting very basic stuff to work as the documentation claims
2.15K subscribers
3,342 views in a month
not sold enough games to cover his rent let alone independant living


unironically these people should be shot
"i hate jews" is the only valid opinion, everything else are larpers and shabbos goy.

artists have a chip on their shoulder for some reason. i suspect it's because they don't have a craftsman attitude but an academized view of creativity and "work".
this is why I don't work with anyone who doesn't treat artistic endeavours as a craft and work, but as self wankery.

same. the only reason to make a game in my opinion is to make something you think is cool
godot 5 will fix that
Yes, you shouldn't take anything for granted. Engine development is more nuanced than game development.
Just give it a chance. He has good advice here.


are you retarded or did you genuinely not know that in valve you can work on whatever you want
also deadlock is not DEI nor a hero shooter
Why wouldn't it be a good idea?
self immolate on the steps of the capital building
kill yourself Indie Game Clinic
he's a professional game designer anon, like paid to do it for the past 15 years professional
Take it or leave it but I found it useful.
we need to destroy all free software and charge artists again. they are getting too powerful.
I don't have the time to fix every godot bug that gets in my way. Working around them takes time, but fixing them and getting them merged takes longer.
Fuck """artists"""
limits stimulate creativity
>still shilling his nodev failures in the thread
awesome a new video, now i have an excuse to nodev
you will remember refunding it
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>making RPG
>Decide I'm going to be witty and make the healer look like a black mage and the sorcerer look like a white mage
>realize later Toby Fox already beat me to it
I think I'm going to go with it anyway. It wouldn't be the first thing I think up and ends up being done by someone else before me.
so basically he has no relevant experience
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Make a game they would play
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He's an ally.
Ao Oni-like?
Because programmers make fat stacks off shit like webslopping while even good artists can be min waging and neeting
mayhaps it is society's fault...
Don't post my wives here.
RIP brother and you know what I mean.
did it a disservice lol. didn't even get any weapons
Unicycle Pizza Time has like 99 percent Jap players
"godot is production ready"
--- juan linentsky, 2020
3D bros. Do you guys manually make your weapon trails or have the engine components do it for you?
the reason programmers are so confused with gamedev is because in 2000 you had programmers coding the game (including the whole framework/engine), and the artists doing the art.
now artists can grab an engine and even script stuff themselves.
it's like one engine can replace thousands of programmers.
it probably makes more sense that every programmer, who really just likes programming, makes their own engines and throws them into the market.
coding plugins for engines isn't really worth it, since you only make the engine company rich with it.
if you think about it enginedev is the original gamedev a programmer did, up until free-engine-slop became a thing.
programmers got paid to make the engines, the tools, the painting software, the modeling software etc. etc.
now it's all free and you are basically not needed anymore.
I am trying.
>didn't even mention us idea gods
hey so cruelty squad was made in godot, and it's piss easy to open it up and edit yourself in godot 3.6

you can even see how the game was made, it's pretty fucking cool


is she right? no one here is making a "cozy" game, also lolitroons won't like this
it reflects a lazy and entitled attitude. and with that you won't get anything meaningful done
Your point? Show us something cool or go away.
>Your point? Show us something cool or go away.

kill yourself
Thoughts on animators? I've gotten pretty decent at it for action games but idk if it's worth investing time into considering AI is getting better at it.
Video is shit.
>escapism is not real
counterpoint: troon epidemic
you should edit it in trenchbroom
programmers be like: "cars will never place me manually driving the carriage and leading the horses"
oh boy are they in for a surprise.
If you can replace me with a transporter. I’m all for it, but until then? I’m still here.
>you can work on whatever you want
No, you can't. If a senior dev tells you to jump, you ask how high. If you show non-compliance, expect to be ostracized, receive a salary cut, and finally contract termination, because the one who is measuring your performance is that senior dev.
being able to fully look into and behind the scenes of a game IS cool. how jaded are you

a thing that is obvious but really hits home once you use placeholder animations in your prototype is how immensly important they are for making your game feel good to play.
im just using mixamo animations right now as placeholders while Im building everything else and its crazy how non bespoke animations on enemies for example can feel almost worse than if your enemy was just a cube with flashing colours to indicate that its attacking.
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Is it okay to use unity now?
Everyone already knows you can crack open Godot games. Never once have I in all my years of being here seen a single interesting implementation posted as a result from that.
There are no technically interesting godot games, still it's pretty good for learning. Having to work with someone else's code is more trouble than worth unless you're asset flipping anyway
you ngmi, so it doesnt matter
yes. the evil was vanquished
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Make a game with rectangles and I will contribute the pixelshit art but I will take half of your 2% rev share.
You can tell me what designs and styles you would like or you can leave it all to me.
This offer is extended to anyone reading.
i didn't know, I don't use godot.
have you done any cool implementations of anything ever or are you just another nodev who loves harshly judging others while never having done something yourself?
Just had a genius idea. Ocarina of Time but it’s multiplayer.
Tfw when I realize my idea is literally just Hotline Miami but FPS. Back to the drawing board.
yeah brilliant idea, now make it
well, you can always be reductionist about things.
so? what's the problem with that?
No, still same board. Still owned by ironsource (the israeli malware company)
so cruelty squad?
i'm trans but cozy games are boring, my escapism fantasy is not being on a farm with "kawaii" chihi and furry people, it's gta but if it had a female protagonist and was an rpg, and could actually run on my laptop or phone
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Nothing, I just thought it was something revolutionary lmao. I have a whole list of notes but I was stoked because I thought having free form improvised combat in an FPS would be cool.
a good idea is an idea that motivates you enough to finish the whole game.
every other type of idea is low energy garbo going nowhere.
min-maxing ideas for the gaming market only works if you are a corp with 100 million+ budget
i meant to say chibi lol, also every game that's not cozy is too confusing, i end up getting stuck
Also didn't mention that this game is doing something similar (it's not mine). The game is called Texnoplasm.
that's because you're tranny type B, you most likely went through the chud to troon pipeline and like tranime girls in military situations etc
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Been working on texturing and continued to add additional animations.
The character can now perform a high kick to the head and can also get back off the floor after being knocked down.
The character now had there lower arms and thighs textured.
What's your game about and what do you do in it?
i have an idea that might motivate me to create a game, i "plan" to become the next toby fox within a year, people say, "just make a simple game first, don't go straight into your dream game" but i am like naruto and goku, i know it's possible, and i'm a neet
Its about being the best fighter on the globe. And in the game you fight.
i was always a leftist, military simulations are only good if it has gender involved, like being the one girl in an all male army, that's the setup for a peak game, strangely there's a lack of homoeroticism in army games when we all know it's there
Why not make games for content creation?

because I have games I want to make because I have a vision for these particular games to exist.
you alright lil troon
Why do I need to get something meaningful done?
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used 5 bools to make my shooting cancelable on the same input, i feel incredibly retarded
Because I don't know what a "game for content creation" is.
those will be 8 bit era games, you can make like a Bauhaus tale, where basic shapes are characters in that universe or just a modified version of pong, tetris... use your brain to make something that looks simple but has meat when it comes to gameplay
It takes me 8 hours to animate a run cycle..NGMI
lost the flat-earther audience ngmi
Just make a shittier run cycle.
i'm alright, i might come across strangely because of a code switching failure, like using friend group a humor around friend group b

meaning is what we all look for, once i found meaning, and then lost it, my soul and ego were nearly destroyed in the process, then i realized, sometimes in life, you have to create your own meaning

not everybody can say they have created a meaningful and impactful piece of art, and games are the highest form of art
Just work twice as hard and do it in 4 hours.
so that’s how you handle input
it take place on a perfectly flat quad to mirror real life.
thats cool man, just keep working on it. I'll buy it

you don't have to, but if you don't intend, then why are you asking such questions? does making a game hold no meaning for you? if you don't care why are you here?
that's peak gmi energy, you spent 8 hours animating a run cycle, but do you know what others spent 8 hours doing?

nothing really, maybe watching some netflix show while on tiktok, listening to a video essay while playing a game, scrolling through social media ragebait

these are all activities you could have done instead of animating a run cycle, and at the end of all of them, nothing would be gained
Perfectionism is procrastination.
>perfectly flat quad
lost the globe-tard audience ngmi
Ayo it's me or this hobby is grim?
It's not mine but the concept is similar.
I'm still on the fence because I want to make a fantasy beat em up.
My game is so fucking ugly...
My beat em up will mog Rotwood.
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I want to make porn games
late is better than never

yes lol, every part is hard, or takes alot of effort
I need the "I'm programming from scratch instead of using an engine" screenshot from the New Game! anime.
i look like this and say this
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Hello aggies of the daggies,
One Armed Bandit releases TODAY in about 4.5 hours.
I've no idea how it will go. There's no reason to think it'll do well, but Automon was the same, and that got rescued by YouTubers and did fine.
Either way, nice to finish another project. This one was fun to work on, and a bit personal since the story of the game describes something I went through (sort of).
After the release, I'll be posting some Steam keys here. In the meantime, I'll be answering (You)s sporadically.
Also, since Bokube was nearly done when I started working on Automon in 2021, it surely must be done now, so late congratulations to BokuDev for releasing and finishing his game lmao Boku will NEVER finish his game
Also 4chan ate my previous message so if it ends up showing up, sorry for double posting like a retard
cozy chore core games fucking suck and they are only played by people who don't care about gameplay or any cool shit.
it's low energy wanking for the same kind of women who live in a chaotic mess of an appartment and read romance novels, dreaming of their own prince charming, while they keep getting fatter and the cat litterbox hasn't been emptied for weeks.
fuck comfy games


that's not even really that long. everything takes a long ass time when making games
sometimes. the highs make up for it. I'm waiting on the highs now.
Why do jap chars look like they have more soul than their western imitations?
i want to include sex stuff in my game too, but the reason i plan to make a game within a year is so i can possibly avoid going to college, so for it to work my parents would have to know this game exists, and i am high level masking, i'd probably just anonymously add the sex stuff as a modder
How many wishlists?
Oh it's a real game? Congrats and gl.
here's the full thing

extends CharacterBody3D

var mouse_sensitivity = 0.002 # Unified sensitivity for both horizontal and vertical
var move_speed = 15.0
var gravity = -9.8
var jump_velocity = 10.0 # Adjust this for jump height
var is_on_ground = false # Track if the player is on the ground

var max_look_angle = 90.0 # Allow looking straight up and down

func _ready():
Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN) # Make the mouse invisible
Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) # Lock the mouse to the center of the screen

func _process(delta):

func _physics_process(delta):
# Apply gravity
velocity.y += gravity * delta

# Check if the player is on the ground
is_on_ground = is_on_floor()

# Move the character based on current velocity

func handle_input(delta):
# Mouse look
var mouse_motion = Input.get_last_mouse_velocity() * delta

# Horizontal rotation (left-right)
rotate_y(-mouse_motion.x * mouse_sensitivity)

# Vertical rotation (up-down)
var camera = get_node("Camera3D")
camera.rotation_degrees.x = clamp(camera.rotation_degrees.x - mouse_motion.y * mouse_sensitivity * 57.2957795,

# WASD movement
var input_direction = Input.get_vector("move_left", "move_right", "move_forward", "move_back")
var movement = (global_transform.basis * Vector3(input_direction.x, 0, input_direction.y)).normalized()

# Apply movement speed
velocity.x = movement.x * move_speed
velocity.z = movement.z * move_speed

# Jumping
if is_on_ground and Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"): # Check if the player is on the ground and pressed the jump key
velocity.y = jump_velocity # Apply jump velocity
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Nearly 1300. WIsh an expected 20% conversion in the first week, that's like 250 expected sales. Really need them YouTubers to notice me
Congrats, what’s next for you?
>suggest a collab where everyone makes a separate game in a compilation
>get ignored every year
>random anon with a pepe image declares that this is the new collab
>everyone agrees that this is the new collab
I guess the lesson is to be more assertive.
What kind of marketing did you do for this game? Are you going to update after release?
>like being the one girl in an all male army, that's the setup for a peak game,

I don't know but that sounds like a MarmaladeMum's erotic comic, maybe even a game: top down view like Medal of Honor: Infiltrator (GBA) where the tranny character has to move between different allied positions/garrisons/bases to keep the men "motivated" and help them relieve some stress but between those places you can found enemy scouts or patrols and fight them (or avoid them stealthy) Please, don't look to me like that, 2D top down erotic shooters is a void waiting to be filled (like our girl)
What do you guys use to create sprites from spritesheets? The auto spriter in Unity doesn't work very well and the sheets from older games aren't aligned.
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The spritesheets in question
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added machine gun

i don't want to add more guns. the bullet code is a fucking disaster and the situations where multiple ships and multiple crew members can have multiple overlapping gun upgrades are not cases i want to design more weapons for

but everyone keeps saying "add more gun types" and this has been a persistent feature request since early prototypes, so i am figuring out how i want to manage multiple weapons attached to the same ship at the same time

if it was just one or two people asking then it's whatever i can ignore it
but this is a request that just keeps coming up
Legend. Thanks.
No idea desu. If the game does well, I'll work on updates. If it's mildly successful, just balance and QoL, if it's very successful then bigger content.
If it flops completely, I'll just move on. I don't have a solid idea of next game yet, but I'm tempted to either do an Automon RPG or just plagiarize Mage Knight. Mirrored Soul dev also expressed interest in collaborating so that's an option
Hello newfriend
Participating in one Next Fest, the deckbuilder fest (both of which did nothing) and shitposting on Twitter.
You might say it's shit marketing, and it is, but it works with games that look appealing enough. I really don't know what I'm doing with marketing, and I don't think I would have the patience to do it properly
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>i was always a leftist, military simulations are only good if it has gender involved
>military simulations
So you believe the Arma series, GHPC or DCS aren't good military simulations because you can't play as a girl?

For all the complaining about leftoids ruining gaming, it only takes one of them to actually state their opinion and prove /vpol/ right
I really like that character design.
I will add it to the made by /agdg/ list if you like, as it doesn't seem to be there
but why?
Sure, do
if you're making money you don't need to show your parents your game

would you rather
>wow, nice game, shame nobody will ever buy it
>wow, you have a game, you won't show it to us but you're clearly making money
your fallacy lies in the assumption that making a game with sex in it automatically gets you money.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Maikouto's area being worked on.
Avianos clone technically functional, AI enemy only
first learn to make a simple game like Pong before you start planning your speech at the game of the year awards.
>Get code working
>Don't work on it for a few days
>Come back to it
>2 new bugs one that will crash the program one that will probably cause issues after running the program long enough
>Neither showed up in testing before
Guess I just have to rewrite the character script
i'm a neet living with my parents, i don't think i could get away with not showing them and i don't know how taxes work

yes, i'm allergic to playing as male characters, with the sole exception being resident evil zero, as both characters can be controlled at once, i can see why women aren't interested in video games, they're pretty boring or really difficult most of the time, and female protagonists are mostly in horror games

Just check back through your commit history to see what changed.
no, the lesson is ufo50 was the leader and agdg50 is the follower. it's now deemed "safe" to do this collab since derek yu showed us how it's done.
true, i have no idea how to make pong

and this is really complicated, and i know there's more behind the surface

i should probably use older programming languages like c or c++ so i could potentially port my game to emulators
I changed the dependency for a texture
I don't agree.
I'm not participating.
true, but it's more likely to make money than another generic platformer

there are games people want to play and games people don't want to play
>unemployable neet manchild
>wants to be a woman
>doesn't like games because they're boring and difficult
>wants to make a coomer game
This is all confirming my worldview.
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Try making something like this.
You're a man. It's not too late to stop this.
I am not a dev but I always though... remaking simple classic arcade games with a nice 8/16 bit era pixel art and adding a fetish like futas, furries, bemboys... sounds like an easy cash grab the thing is there is barely any arcade or just game with actual gameplay that features things like futas or anthro girls and stuff like that, imagine a Pac-Man where you are a femboy in a labyrinth and you are chased by 4 hunk minotaurs, a futa boomer shooter game where your atomic cyborg futa shoots cum and defeats futa gang members and then restores health by fucking them or you can satisfy the hmofafags by making a game boy Mario tennis like game where you play as a dude and you have matches with 3-5 different furry girls, if you lose they do femdom to you after the match, if you win you put the collar on them and do some petplay, you just need simple but decently animated sprites and you have it, it's not so difficult those are just the first ideas that came to my mind, just be playful, be wild and have fun making it, right now at this moment the erotic games on Steam are mostly VN
>are quitting games to get their life together

Then they realize that shit's nearly impossible in the current environment, a well paying job is hard to get and barely pays more than survival wages, property is pretty much out of reach for anyone that doesn't own already and women have completely disappeared up their own assholes. And if you manage to get all three together in one place, then you have to come up with an extra million dollars to pay for children and even more to take care of her parents and your parents once they become a burden.
any sort of leisure that isn't done in moderation will be destructive.

Even if it is playing pick up football with your friends.

You can play so much golf / football/ partying that you neglect your goal in life.

So should we just not have any completely leisurely time?

Just in moderation. Also some times are different than other times. Sometimes you gotta buckle down and just cut out all leisure for a time, but then you're cruising and you can reintroduce it.
What would you do if Toby Fox said he'd retweet your game if you let him suck your dick
maybe he already has, I wouldn't know
for the next project try improve the visuals, there is a lot of games out there and you are really going to need it (sorry if I sound harsh)
Unless you have someone to leech off of or savings to last you a lifetime, you eventually have to start playing the game.
I get that but there's much more to gain with those irl activities that could be life changing.
dev? id rather give up!
ok what if it was Eric Barone?

I have a well paying job, without property, a woman or kids to pay for I can skip out on the game.
the cool part of agdg-50 is when only 8 games actually get finished, we can just rename it to agdg-8!
Well you have to look at it from the perspective of someone who hasn't started or is still in uni with no savings/well paying job in this day and age. It's better to just go cold turkey and start building skills instead of retreating to vidya.
one is already done or so
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do people still find messing around with physics objects fun or was that just a 2000s thing?
Ragdolls are always fun
I can't not roll into barrels or pews in a souls game
It's so weird to see people here talking about defold.
my penis always loved that artist, the girls are some of the cutest out there
It can be named adgd-1 then!
do you actually use it and have released something?
going to get a cup of cobbee and then continue working on LOD. What a nemesis LOD has been.
I'd tell him that he deserves to be punished for his insolence and if he apologizes the right way I might consider personally giving him what he deserves.
shartdew tranney is mid i'm afraid
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Stardew Valley made so much money.
Just kind of writing out my pros and cons for this, I'm trying to simulate an endless urban cityscape in the Godot engine, the idea is having each cell be stored x,y coordinates and depending on which direction the player goes x or y will increase and this information will be used to make a seed for each cell

The idea for a seamless world would be to have the adjacent cells load in structures from their respective x,y coordinates but not any nodes that would be used to spawn npcs and heavy fog so you don't see new cells loading in or despawning, however the current bugs being
>teleporter to move to next section just doesn't fucking work sometimes (inconsistent)
>after teleporting the state of the player gets confused and instantaneously thinks it's on ground and in the air, which will keep fall damage from working (and also is telling the code to increase velocity continuously)
>also a small bug where there's some jitter when using the teleporter which breaks the illusion a bit

so seamless city pros
>looks like the city literally goes on forever (it looks really cool so this is a huge pro)
>potential for vehicle mechanics
>no awkward interact button to load next area

segmented city pros
>can make larger individual cells
>won't have to worry about deleting npcs when reloading the cell to the next area (I genuinely am not sure how to do this in the seamless version, even if I can keep the position of all npcs active at some point they would just have to poof out of existence)
>easier to design cell boundaries
>can do more vertical based gameplay since less chance of bypassing level teleport
>can create cells that have exits at multiple points on the edge

I guess the segmented city does have better options since I'd have to also design vehicle mechanics for this, I do still have to make sure when reloading the level cell that the player state stops being confused and I can keep the rotation so it doesn't look so awkward when going into buildings
It will always be fun
Kill yourself
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where on the line are you
i have to be that way to inspire the game that i'll make, the guy who made resident evil didn't like horror and was scared of it, yet he made the best series of horror games (better than silent hill because there's more female protagonists, and tied with the parasite eve series)

i would never make a platformer, i don't even play platformers lol, i don't see the appeal of just running and jumping in a linear space

it was not meant for me to be born into myself, the only way to achieve my ideal destiny is to create everything i am by my own hands and dedication, one day i'll stop procrastinating and start getting into squats and leg lunges, and stuff like that

that's weird


it looks like a high quality graphic mobile game but with autogynephilia added, visually making something like this would be neat, mechanically, my game would be more similar to resident evil, i might even consider adding tank controls
>i don't know how taxes work
this is the most shameful excuse for nodevving I've ever seen

seriously if you only have about a year of time to make it, it's going to suck ass as a solodev without prior experience making a regular game
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I unlocked my mind recently and it made me more creative which might help me finish my game but the downside is that now i see things that i didnt see before and im not sure if they are real or fake like when its dark i can see something sitting in the darkness peaking from the corner speaking to me i try to ignore him but he can be really annoying yap yap yapping about life and stuff like if this is really what i should be doing right now like shut up crab ughhh i turn on the light and he goes away and its peace again but i CANT THINK WITH THIS BRIGHT LIGHT SHINING IM SENSITIVE TO LIGHT
How to fix this?
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that's not my excuse for nodevving, it's my excuse for developing a game for free and for exposure

my excuse for nodevving is that devving is really hard and it feels like i don't have the time and there's so many distractions
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>and it feels like i don't have the time and there's so many distractions
Now imagine if you had a job and a social life.
(different anon) "heh" I mean it's a quite complex porn project considering the Steam standards but my problem is it's a bit bland, no futa on futa, no futa on male, it's 3d but lacks deep character customization... and I am not sure it has good porn animations it's like playing a regular action game but with the girls a bit more sexy with its good but for me it's not enough as a porn/erotic game.

and don't forget the divorce rates...

it can be if you can use it against enemies or against you
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i will be a yesdev one day, but ever since i started using twitter alot my creativity has been zapped from me, i couldn't even be an idea goddess in the state i was in
Is winter banging anyone in this game?
real, this is the best time to become a dev, truly magical things could happen
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I will be a yesdev one day too, we all will
we will all ngmi
>we will all ngmi
true, it's too bad i'm stuck at the asset creation stage, i barely even have ideas, i haven't even gotten into coding or creating an engine yet
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No, not really. He was, at some point, banging Velouria, but a vast amount of time would have progressed since then.That does not really say anything about James, it says something about the timeline.
Though in your head-canon winter could have been banging anyone... even you
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Going to add an unnecessary spoiler; while Winter is attached to another character, that character does fuck somebody, interpret that however you want too.
What kind of game can I make with 40-50k investment?
I don't know you
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im ngmi
I made 2 games already.
The first one got like 13 downloads and 1 "collection" whatever that means the 2nd one got 7 downloads.
0 reviews on both just downloads.
None, you need at least 200K for marketing alone nowadays.
it's always cheaper and easier to employ yourself
40-50k to live on while making a game or 40-50k to hire people to make a game?
If you don't plan on programming yourself, you need to make a game where you can get an game template that has all the major functionality implemented for you. Probably will need to make a game with procedural levels or no levels. Hiring competent programmerse and levels designers is expensive. Everything else you can hire jeets on ffiver to do for you.
I have a flopslop of a shit kusotrash "game" being developed.
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With a budget of $50,000, you can create a variety of games depending on your goals and resources. Here are a few ideas:
1. Indie 2D Platformer

Description: Create a charming pixel art platformer with unique mechanics.
Team: Small team (1-3 people: programmer, artist, designer).
Tools: Unity or Godot, Aseprite for art.
Marketing: Social media, Steam, and itch.io.

2. Mobile Puzzle Game

Description: A casual puzzle game with engaging mechanics and a compelling theme.
Team: 1-2 developers and a designer.
Tools: Unity or Buildbox.
Monetization: Ads and in-app purchases.

3. Narrative Adventure Game

Description: A story-driven game with branching paths and multiple endings.
Team: Writer, programmer, and artist.
Tools: Twine for story structure, Unity for implementation.
Distribution: Steam, itch.io, and mobile platforms.

4. VR Experience

Description: A simple VR game or experience focused on exploration or mini-games.
Team: 1-2 VR developers and a designer.
Tools: Unity with VR SDKs.
Target Audience: VR enthusiasts, niche markets.

5. Board Game Adaptation

Description: Create a digital version of a board game or a new board game concept.
Team: Game designer, artist, and developer.
Tools: Unity or a board game engine.
Marketing: Kickstarter for initial funding and community building.

6. Educational Game

Description: A game that teaches a concept or skill, targeting kids or adults.
Team: Educator, developer, and designer.
Tools: Unity or HTML5 for web-based games.
Distribution: Schools, educational platforms, and mobile.

7. Escape Room Game

Description: A digital escape room with puzzles and a story.
Team: 1-2 developers and a designer.
Tools: Unity or a web platform.
Marketing: Social media and escape room enthusiasts.
Underspace sisters...
Just pour your money into One Armed Bandit, it releases tomorrow.
And no, I am not the dev, just a fucking guy making a retarded rpgmaker game with hopefully some good music.
For textured 3D models and animations. Ideally created by a korean or jap.
I made the whole thing. Now I need to replace all the placeholders. It's going to take a year or more because I'm retarded and made a game in a completely unique setting that has no assets.
A single game programmer is 104k a year.
You could maybe hire one of those for like 4 months to make a demo and use the rest on buying assets and then you could release the game as early access and maybe finish the game if it blows up.
Still fun. Zelda TotK is praised for it.
why does /agdg/ never, ever consider revshare collabs? That's literally how I got my game done (and spent only 500 dollers on it)
I worded it the wrong way, what kind of 3D models and animations can I get with that amount of money?
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you aren't investing anything, you are throwing money down the drain on a project that nobody will care about. You don't know anything about game development, this field is for hard working men willing to spend years doing programming and art.

Get the fuck out of my general and don't come back.
Not harsh at all. Visuals have always been a problem for me and though I improved a ton since my previous game, I'm still not there yet. I lean into "funny ugly" to cope, but that will only get me so far
I want to have full creative control over my game.
congrats, hope you'll make it. would be funny if you could make the game playable with only one arm in a later update.
Fuck off avatarfag
>immediately want to talk about money for the collab
definitely an artist
Good luck anon! I enjoy deck builders, this seems interesting. I'll be asleep when it unlocks thoughever. Price?
I'm still using the 2020 version and succeeding
>wants people to work for free
definitely a kike
i wonder how you could implement chatGPT or similar in a game... like i wanted to make small project where you just talk to a character that's using it.
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I am actually Horbror, shilling for this game, sorry, I ain't got no answers for you other than that the previous versions have been fun. The dev has been trucking here for a long time too, far longer than me.
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Ok so how about that... the girl could be like a novice witch, she tried to recollect some ingredients or maybe she is hiding from some kind of civil war (late 19/early 20 century Europe, Spain to be more precise) but got trapped inside a big castle, inside of it she will find monsters that want to fuck her, if the monsters catch her she will be fucked and it's game over (she will became a sex slave or something like that), you can only defeat those monsters by solving some puzzles/recollecting/doing some stuff to keep them under control and is in this state where you can fuck them and absorb their energy (basically you make them disappear with your shemale butt)
-the main character could have a penis if you wish you can imply her current body was made in part by potions and witchcraft
-she could have a special magical penis cage, that artifact acts like a magic lamp catching the monsters but you need to perform the correct spell, with special ingredients you recollected in the castle and then spread that oil on the penis cage and bum
-the castle has different zones with a monster in each zone (plus vintage looking sextoys/sexual devices you can interact) you need those (or just anal masturbation with your hand) to decrease your horny level, if it's too high your speed and spellcasting will go slower
-since it's a porn game and admiring the main character is important for this kind of project I would consider dropping the tank controls for simple ones

This video could help you to find the visual identity of the project:

(I'm doing all of this because I am very imaginative and horny now)
>revshare collabs

How would you hold a dev to it without lawfare though, is there a middle man service/cut too?
>everyone enters the collab for free
>literally how all collabs work
definitely artists
Anonymous 09/27/24(Fri)14:13:22 No.496207627▶
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No lmao
>literally how all collabs work
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How about a game about a loser neet whose parents just passed away and now he needs to release a hentai game to pay rent?
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(((artists))) are the biggest kike faggots ever, i used to be involved with a free open source roleplay game, it was already feature complete and we were just adding things and tweaking shit and fixing bugs, had a discord where we all relaxed in and played/devved the game together, alot of code and sprites already in the game

guess what group of faggots demanded a channel to shill their "art"

glad i left because it really circled the gutter, just use AI for textures it's THAT easy to not get kiked by PrEP sniffing faggots
I just worked with someone who isn't an idiot. We both knew this shit takes time.
Meshy is magic holy shit.
I just type prompt in and get a 3D model.
the only people who get banned on vg are raidfags
Meshy makes me happy, if we programmers must suffer so should artists.
>omg our artists want to have a place to post their work!!!!! KIKE FAGGOTS how dare their barely-minimum-wage earning asses try to scrape even a PENNY of my (non-existent, because unwilling to hire artists) fortune

In this case it seems weird to ask for money in a 4chan collab where it's not going to be a commercial game anyway, unless the project is seriously lacking artists or nobody wants to do the boring technical art, yes. But people who just go
>hurr durr get an AI to do it
probably shouldn't be gamedevving.
retarded ebeggar kikes, go shit in your kippahs
what does any of that have to do with nodev collabtards trying to get people to work for free so they can start a Kickstarter scam?
How will bokube ever recover?
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oh shit it's a lot better than when I last looked
i was just telling a relevent story of when "artists" ruined a game i liked by being money hungry faggots, i worked for free and so did all the coders because i liked the game
It's so funny that if bokube released when it was feature complete years ago he would have made it big, but now with the saturation his game will be lucky to have 10 non agdg reviews
Bokube mogs this POS
Which AI allows you to prompt the code of the entire game with AI like how you can prompt an entire 3D model and textures with Meshy.
Im going to use that AI to make my entirely Ai generated game.
Story written by chat gpt
Art by Meshy
And code by that AI
You're supposed to respect the rules even if you happen to not get banned for not doing it, because they're in place to improve the quality of the discussion for everyone
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ok ok hear me out

battlebit... but medieval sieges
what kind of dopamine hits harder vs time spent? (You)s or fixing a bug?
too bad jannies don't give a shit about most rules
That's where the
>even if you happen to not get banned for not doing it
comes in
It can even do the bones and walking animation for you if you add #animation to your prompt.
This shit is OP(over powered not original poster) fr.
>those characters
>the visual quality of the environment
are you sure you will make money with that project?

I saw the funny ugly approach but for example I have seen objects in the same place/room having different outline, one is colored other is pure black (and maybe I would make those outlines more thicc, maybe simulating black pen lines for a more comic drawn style) and the font and the colors of it... I would probably choose another one or avoid putting so many different colors in them
>I fuckin love science! Just learn to code chud! Progress is a good thing! Automation is the only way forward.

>right click, SAVED! Yup that NFT is mine now, chud!

>It's a ROMHACK it's not copyright infringement! It's a fan inspired transformative work! Fuck the lawyers at Nintendo!

>Gatekeeping is le BAD! Everything is for everyone! We will take the thing you love and corrupt it into a husk of its former greatness, and that's a good thing!

>Don't bully a learning artist. Not every detail needs to be perfectly accurate, it's called a style! Everyone, no matter how skilled, is valid and amazing!

>heh, god isnt real CHUD. there is no afterlife, you WILL decompose in a box, you WILL become dust! We're all just sacks of meat floating on a rock in space!!

>Anything can be art! Two gay black trannies shitting in eachother's mouths? Wholesome! A jar full of some fat blue haired dyke's tampons?? Inspiring! Everything is ART!
show me the post that says/implies it has reported you
I have not reported or saged any posts in this thread, nor have I said I did that.
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are the meshy animations any good? is it worth paying?
GPT o2 can make any basic concept game
yes, as good as mocap
>muh monehh
Blocube has a cute playable (rollable?) character and it's it's main selling point to me
From what i have seen yes.
It can not just do animations for humanoids but also for stuff like crabs.
I saw someone prompt a robot crab with a walking animation and it looked fine it boned all of the legs and animated it correctly.
It can fuck up the textures sometimes though.
well the cunt obviously doesn't give a shit about rules either, even if you try to guilt trip him. Just accept it and md5 filter his posts. I bet someone already has a giant filter list that they could share
No, not at all, unless I could get a niche audience patreon going. On the other hand, I will have made the game I want to.
I am looking for the killer 7/ Drakengaard 3/ Deadly Premonition 2/ Yume Nikki - audience.
ETC: crazy people with a sense of storytelling.
I just want to make the game I want to make, if I can make money on it... that would be great.
i want photon
i'm making a side project
What game has no character movement?
>using anything other than default
Any game with no characters.
jesus christ
how do i add a game ?
I open the thread and I see you here every single time.
I'm a neet but even I have things to do, do you just sit here all day?
what happens when you move outside the bounds of the frame
right now nothing
eventually i will make it loop so you come out on the other side
it's supposed to become a simple bosconian clone
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Rate my topology
please don't lump me in with fygoon, who is not an artist.
why is it a furry
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holy shit sovl
Unity didn't become less evil. But do what you gotta do.

I think you'd feel better if you went outside and socialized more.
who did you steal this from
Based! ai could NEVER do this ! ! !
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damn, engines are woke now bros
"AI HAS NO SOUL THOUGH!!!" - The artist screeches drawing his 10000'th generic anime girl pinup on white background while AI does cool shit like this.
such as? what genra?
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don't care, doing my own thing
oh you sweet summer child
>playing as a mongolian is woke
I fucking hate chuds like you wouldn't believe.
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i don't want to make games.
It is literally playable with one arm except for the pinball minigame. Intentionally
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>Is it okay to use unity now?

They back pedaled because their stock price went down, not because they lit all their bridges on fire. If stock price doesn't go back up the current people running the company will get switched out and whatever announcement they made will be worth less than something scrawled down on toilet paper.

Also they waited a year to undo their bullshit, they really thought people would keep doing business with them after they stabbed their partners in the hands when they offered to shake.
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>spend 6 years learning programming and art to make a game
>release it, does okay I guess
>"being in charge of everything is too much stress, I'd like to work at a game company next"
>not good enough at programming to be employed as a professional programmer for someone else
>not good enough at art to do it professionally either
>only mediocre enough to make stuff by myself
>companies don't want to hire a 30 years old junior to train me up
>back to solo deving
I wish someone told me I was going down a path of no return.
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>Blender artist spends 100 hours drawing referance art,3D modelling,adding bones,animating
>I open meshy and say "Super Saiyan Vegeta" and get my rigged 3D model and all the animations for it in 5 minutes and spend the other 99.5 hours enjoying life.
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Now cris will finally be able to btfo the AAA industry right?
>post basic ass thought into mmorpg chat
>ppl: "lol what are you smokin?"
are zoomers really incapable of even having normie-level thoughts?
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like he could afford this
Any text based chads making a game with text parsing for player inputs?
Can you ask it for a wolf model with translucent fur?
only way to interact with my game is through noises made with the mouth, you have to scream to attack
you have to smack your lip to steal from npcs
I'd rather not lose the misophonic audience.
The tech is open source, I'm doing the same stuff but for free.
Whats the name of the free version
Cris struggled to do 8 directional movement, do you think he can do any of what you're implying.
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added collisions
slowly were getting somewhere
A new batch of players is using numbers as names, any idea why?
Any reason why the ground texture is so fugly?
make a city survival game, where you are forced to stare at your phone, which browsers through real tiktoks, and you have to walk non-stop. and all you can do is steer the human you control with limited vision you have.
>Cris struggled to do 8 directional movement

Can someone please explain to me why ANYONE with the proven ability to release a successful solo project would ever want to work in the fucking shitpile that is the studio gamedev industry? Seriously what the fuck?
You know most people in that industry are there because they CAN'T make a game by themselves, right?
If you really want to offload the work onto a team get some startup investments and launch your own studio - though this will require you to take on a whole different workload of actually running the business in addition to what you do on actual development.
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I still believe in you
Post your 8 directional movement?
So did Cruelty Squad
because it's a good game
To have a company based on a foreign country to vouch for you as you attempt to get citizenship on that country as a highly skilled professional.
>because it's a good game (read: it has a lot of positive views so I'm already primed)
Weeb delusions
what are some types of games too hardcore to release, which are allowed as porn or as movies or other "art forms", but not allowed as games?
e.g. for a torture dungeon sim where you do saw-like shit on people, you'd probably get a lawsuit!? or would that only get you blocked from platforms? or is that actually legal?
Why? I know people who did that successfully.
I want to try the Saudi Arabia offshore company method to not pay taxes.
kek faggot
indians dont count
Why do you think moving to Japan is going tor improve your life? The work culture is fucking horrible and I doubt you speak the language.
Why not?
Is it just me or is having multiple programmers on one project extremely challenging? The amount of time you'd need to spend communicating would be better spent doing it yourself no? Am I just thinking like a control freak? I imagine the benefits of collaboration can scale up once you get directors and producers who can interface with dozens of people at once
You know I'm right
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>run your code in physics process they said
>you have 16 milliseconds to move thousands of characters they said

Yep, just confirms what I already know about godot trannies; the people who give advice about the engine have never actually tried what they are talking about otherwise they would know it doesn't work. Don't put code in physics process, don't try to make anything other than small prototype games, or at least expect zero debugging ability if you do.
>Can someone please explain to me why ANYONE with the proven ability to release a successful solo project would ever want to work in the fucking shitpile that is the studio gamedev industry? Seriously what the fuck?
There are studios besides EA and Ubisoft you know. Small studios with no more than 20 employees making fun AA games. There's dozens of such studios I'd like to work at. Hell I wouldn't even mind Valve if they were still making games besides F2P slop.

>You know most people in that industry are there because they CAN'T make a game by themselves, right?
Nobody can make Morrowind by themselves. You work together with others to make something greater than the sum of its parts.
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>Nobody can make Morrowind by themselves.

retard detected
Show me your Morrowind.
No depth
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Looks like it plays like a scaled up version of Medieval for the PS1
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the others were random, but if the main menu keep that way i'll add some more related to it from previous thread. it was just a test main menu.

input are arrow/wasd keys + action 1 (A) + action 2 (B). I think you can add action 3 (Y) and action 4 (X) but the games should be simple to control with small number of keys.

you can start working on your game then after it will get merged. There will be some globals to help like the controllers and score managers, but you can use your local code at the start

we could use a 32 or 64 pallet (AAP-64 or similar) or retro pallets but at the start just make a the game idea with temp assets
thanks frenpai

Basically a placeholder for now we already decided the floortile is too repetitive
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>check credits
>70+ people
im glad this chapter of my life is closed
I'm trying to bake a texture but it comes out black, any ideas?
use ai
>use ai
ok ok hear me out

battlebit... but medieval sieges
like >>496197134 said and some agdg artist can do your art afterwards
AI = algorithm, and I'm already using an algorithm to generate a procedural texture
ok i will make the logo
no ai means artificial intelligence you dumbass
more like artificial idiot lmao
>ok i will make the logo

60% of revenue plus tip?
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just had an awesome idea
battlebit... but medieval sieges
could be GOTY if done right
where is the repo ?
what makes people post their opinions online all day?
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I want to be in the inner circle
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What's your Game?
see >>496216276
Does it matter?
what happens when AI can actually code an entire game perfectly by writing code, compiling, dev testing itself and fixing errors? obviously this is like 10-15 years away but what happens then?
>what happens when AI can actually code an entire game perfectly by writing code, compiling, dev testing itself and fixing errors? obviously this is like 10-15 years away but what happens then?
soon, do it localy for now
does the collab have to be 2D or is 3D allowed too?
Game dev becomes about curating rather than creating
yes, that's how they contact you
isn't that already how it works?
are most /agdg/ posters from latin america?
LatinXs and Slavs. That's why most people here are constantly talking about money.
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where is the white man's /agdg/?
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My life summarized
You have to compartmentalize things properly and you need one source of editorial approval. For 2 people if you can handle compartmentalizing fine you'll be good, but a better team will be 1 senior and 2 juniors.
no but the retards from there are the most vocal ones which gives the wrong impression
i think both styles could work for this collab
what an odd frog.
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>"White Man's /agdg/"
>OP is Brazilian
It would take me half a day to visit nortubel but I'm too shy and tsun tsun to do it.
Is there a general for real devs?
Does that mean this is the Korean AGDG?
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error CS0115: 'Form1.Dispose(bool)': no suitable method found to override
Clearly the grandson of nazi immigrants.
godot 5 fixes that
>try new unity games
>first launch still does a backdoor call home that you need to catch with your firewall
why are you people still trusting that company?
Unity 8 will fix that
just use unreal
>It would take me half a day to visit nortubel but I'm too shy and tsun tsun to do it.
You mean like with a "getting inside games" machine?
You wanna know what Bonka smells like?
Why would anyone want a to be a wagie in the games industry? I opted to be a wagie in the webdev industry, better pay and less crunch
morrowind is more of a base for a game than an actual game, someone could easily, but tediously make it on their own
already better than your main
did they move the thread to /bant/?
what's a good engine to code in that i don't need to fuck around with nodes and whatever other bullshit, i know what i want to code i just don't want to navigate shitty modules
I think someone just made an AGDG thread on bant.
that's.. a bobble headed guy with vegeta's hair and goku's pants... you made their son anon

ai is bad lol

wow that's actually really based
>at 11 i go to work
whyt ?
suppose I have a class for the player and opponents because they're almost identical, which is the better way to do it
>add a method that only the opponents use, and only call it on opponents
>make both inherit from a base class, and put the unique method on the opponent subclass
I tend to do the former and I don't run into any problems
t-thanks, y-you too
whatever works
nobody's gonna read it but you
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Spent some time yesterday refactoring and trying out different color palettes
>Why would anyone want a to be a wagie in the games industry?
Because it looks fun. You hang around with a bunch of other nerds making games.
I dunno why you guys need to think in such polarizing terms like you're either a slave for schlomo bound in chains forever or the schizo redpilled favstian rebel making money alone, with no in-between. There's shades of gray out there.
Do people play edgy corny indie games that take themselves seriously
if done properly yes
>Word salad
Like Hatred?
Those "shades of grey" aren't in the middle, the vast majority of people working in the games industry work as one of thousands of corpo drones doing cubicle work that doesn't matter and having no input into the direction of the game, that's reserved for dei tranny consultants getting paid 10x what you get. And even if your studio does make a good game and you dont get immediately laid off because you aren't needed to maintain it, that has no bearing on whether the parent company will just liquidate the studio because they have to cut costs before their earnings call.
The game industry is crashing
>a bunch of topless finnish hillbillies eating reheated pizza and drinking fanta in some cabin doubling as studio in rural finland
This is the game dev dream?
tryna port my game from godot to unreal but i have no idea what's going on in this engine
Zoomers out here mogging with Roblox games.
>70-80% cut
Those same zoomers are making mad money too
Is AGDG50 going to be free or will there be a profit split?
latest indie horror hit
Considering how young they are, it's enough to accumulate gf,friends, and goods.
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what is the next marnix game, marnixbros?
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Hello again, devs and nodevs
One Armed Bandit is now released. As promised, here are some Steam keys:
(If you end up liking the game, I would hugely appreciate a review on Steam, even a brief one - apparently 10 reviews is when Steam starts taking the game seriously and the algo changes)
See you next time, when I make an Automon themed MMORPG with crafting, rich story, survival mechanics and realistic graphics
skill issue
Got one! Cheers Anon!
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Look man I don't know what to tell you but the credits for Hades 1 and 2 are nearly identical, with only one or two guys leaving and more people joining. The events you're describing is equivalent to saying all women are tinder whores who want 6 pack 6 feet 6 inches millionaires when in reality I know from personal experience that it's really not the case.
Can it happen? Sure. But very unlikely if you don't join some souless zogbot company. Wasn't Valve infamous for being "hard to get in, harder to get out" with employees staying there for more than 10 years?
BTW I don't think reviews from free keys count towards the steam algo
nabbed this one. Thanks
>(If you end up liking the game, I would hugely appreciate a review on Steam, even a brief one - apparently 10 reviews is when Steam starts taking the game seriously and the algo changes)
Reviews from keys don't count though, neither to the algorithm, nor do they appear in the Reviews Numbers on the game's page. The user has to specifically check for them.
How do I prevent newbie stomping without mmr?
Well shit, I guess do whatever you want then
Found a channel that actually does PS2 style games. He hasn't uploaded in 2 years after trooning out but the videos are unedited so you can follow step by step.
How long have you been working on the game mate?
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I'm working on my Wokot game, sisters.
I wish males had something that can jiggle but won't get my game rated M+, sad.
What's "Wokot"?
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Woke + Godot
Yes its very retarded
Not more retarded than calling game engines woke because someone is making a game you play as a thai courier.
Ask Marmaskus.
Isn't it funny how trying to appease the woke crowd almost always ends up causing more harm than good? they only really go after their own
Damn, I thought it had something to do with cats.
that can't be what they're referencing
awesome, thank you one-armed dev.
How does virtue signaling on twitter about how much you love niggers and troons help you push your gamedev software?
au contraire, you get to tell AAA devs what should and shouldn't be in their games
much bigger picture
Unitychad here, never used godot, but I want to try it to make something small for the collab. Can I write C# in godot? Or gdscript should be easy to pick up right?

What is a reasonably small scaled but fun project for AGDG-50?
weapons and equipment.
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They teased releasing a smaller game in Q1 of next year in their last Bitestream. They also streamed today but I haven't watched it yet. I would assume it would be a slightly bigger and more polished streamerbait-y game, like Unicycle Pizza Time. Marnix has repeatedly talked about how the marketing for it was nonexistent due the 30 day time constraint. Next game: 2 months of dev time, 1 month of marketing. Hopefully he doesn't fuck it up this time. He has all the knowledge and experience now. No excuses, Marnix.
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times are tough at bitemegames
yes, and it works okay
if you use vscode you're set, it's all integrated. I'd still keeps the docs open in a tab tho
And then those games flop
he just wanted an excuse to take his shirt off
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can i add pic related to the collab collection? is there a resolution and palete limitaion? there probably should be
then you call gamers racist and do it all again until the industry collapses
Okay but, again, what do you gain from doing this?
Do you think he's completely naked under the sheets?
marnix realised that his calling is to entertain
removing nogs from my game rn
If only he improved his shitty thumbnails.
in a word, authority
telling people what they can or cannot do is authoritative
What kind of person donates to a Livestream of a game development YouTube personality who doesn't make games?
what does this have to do with farming? or is there a new collab i dont know about
Thats donation goal v4
it makes me sad gamers hate and have such seething rage at ugly people, i am not attractive, i have to look like this in real life
Okay but, again, what do you actually GAIN from doing this. You can't eat mental illness satisfaction points.
I'm not asking why people do this, I'm fully aware people are retards. I'm pointing out how retarded it is.
You can sneed all you want, but those games will outsell yours 10 to 1
Joke's on them, 10*0 is still 0
No corporeal reward was implied or mentioned, your question has no answer
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>Quit job to make game
>Almost out of money, just scraping by
>Feel good today and use a bit extra money to get meat with ramen
>Fumble it and drop 90% of it on the floor
I hope I make it lads or I will be eating from the floor next time.
Eat the top layer
looks like his cat already shit on it
this is why you clean your floors, retard
>You hang around with a bunch of other nerds making games.

That stopped being the case like 20 years ago when gaming got big. Now it's probably 1 nerd and 50 womxn and liberal arts majors that don't want to hang out with you.
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New slop just dropped
The goal of Godot is to push software downloads. A corporeal gain is implicit in the existence of the company.
nice progress, loving the retro look
i hope its still fun. im spending a lot of time building a destruction system
>vid related
post pic of your floor
one day i will finish my hyper specific bondage fetish sock feet mahjong game. if theres anything playing rance 01 -> 9 taught me is that you can still have cool lore and story moments in a porn game
I really like marnix and thomas
I like how they embraced /agdg/ unlike eric
>unlike eric
Who is Eric?
>failures with nothing to lose embrace /agdg/
>king of games doesn't
hmm makes you think
in my big ass house?
steve jobs
knew it
Unironically looks like dog turds in your ramen. Not even a green onion in there? A fried egg? What do you just boil a mr noodle and call that a meal?
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Do you even know the price of eggs? You must be crazy if you think I can afford green onions, a single branch costs 2 dollars here.
i like fat ladies
You chop them up dipshit one green onion will last you several meals
I'm not spending 2 dollars to put green confetti in my food while I'm struggling to buy ramen.
What other instance is there where someone called a game engine "woke" other than right here? >>496211462
>buy 1
>plant it in a pot
>sell to neighbors for 1 dollar
>infinite onion+profit
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>palette limitation
using aap-64 pallet, but we can change afterwards if needed
just get regular onions then
>Look man I don't know what to tell you but the credits for Hades 1 and 2 are nearly identical,
Cool so what you're saying is they're not hiring for their dozen-strong team then. Meanwhile the credits for Concord are over an hour long.

We know all of these retards are currently out looking for work, so what's more likely, they're all going to end up in a small tight-knit indie company working on a Hades 2, or you're going to take whatever job you can get to be working on the next AAA slop title? More likely for the people in that video they're going to be doing anything other than gamedev.
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see pic, chuds are insane
What do people think about fetish games? Does anyone here have experience making a niche game focused on one kink? Like how well would a game about architecting your wife into a slampig do?
pogodev, wagie, did 30 hours a month.
I, a neet, can't manage 2 hours a day.
so ngmi.
he didnt make it either and the transwiz game he worked on the side was way better than his real game ironically
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stop watching p*rn
I watch twitch thoughoverbeit
>architecting your wife into a slampig
maybe different foods add weight to different areas, allowing you to customise her heft
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when my game make it i'll become a enginedev
>Can't afford 2 dollar green onion
>Thinks he can develop a videogame
Bad news mate your position is untenable you'll be devving in a burger king soon enough and then on the street.
If you can't afford to feed yourself and still post here you're unironically not going to live long enough to make a game.
>Cool so what you're saying is they're not hiring for their dozen-strong team then.
I did say it's identical "except" for some new additions, so they did hire people. My point was they didn't immediately ditch the previous team just because they had nothing to do for a couple of months between the end of Hades 1 and start of Hades 2. And the people who are already in or got hired? They are enjoying the small tight-knit indie experience I was talking about. I already mentioned that I'm not getting hired by anyone with my skillset dude. You just asked "why would I want to work in a game studio" and I answered. Because of studios like these >>496224168

Hell I'll be real with you, despite being soulless grifters even these two >>496227073
look like they're having fun
Then get a job
>dairy products add weight to boobs
Devastating. But I suspect you'd eat better if you cooked better. Soups, stews, beans, rice, etc.

On the Walmart website a 12 pack box of Maruchan ramen is $3.68. A 5lb bag of long grain rice is $3.52 and that'll make roughly 15lb of cooked rice, which is far more than 12 meals. Get some tins of beans and fresh vegetables, chicken bouillon, other seasoning. You're already eating better and saving money.

Hope your situation improves anon.
Hoe poo bent the knee to globohomo so this is indeed step up. He can now suck gabe newells dei cock.
Guy probably has no original ideas and wanted to stay relevant on social media so took the steam job. Wouldn't be surprised if he does light marketing for steam while just using it as an attention grabber to continue being showered in praise. You dont see the other dev of ror running around on social media seeking out attention this hard. Probably since this one unironically has no wife and is trying to fill the void yet again after seeing blm didnt really do anything but a few empty gestures f9r his donation to the "cause" where a woman siphoned a lot to enrich herself kek


He's a cuck. He donated millions to BLM, all while ALM flopped asap. Do you know why ALM (Asian Lives Matter) flopped? Stats showed blacks were killing them off in overwhelming numbers, that wont look good for BLM
Trump lost.
BBW is one of the top selling niche for erotic novels if I remember right. I tried to find the list just now but no luck, it was called "the big seven" or something.
For popular niches that could translate into a game, tickling and hucows were also on the list and would have pretty straightforward translation into a videogame. Can't remember what the others were but surprisingly NTR cucks weren't on there, apparently they are already well served so there's no market in books for them.
Consider how under serviced a fetish niche must feel if they resort to reading their pornography. This wasn't just women either there was a women's list that included "billionaire" and some really dumb shit.
Fuck off, One Armed Bandit. You're blathering
Fuck off, One Armed Bandit
Fuck off

Seriously though, congrats.
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For the first time in my life i menaged to actually get the key before everyone activates them all before i notice it.
>Armed Bandit
>Brazil R$ 46.99
localize your price for 3rd worlds
R$ 19.00~24.99 is a good price here
i'm on the pre-development stage of a simple side project... a very short anthro MILF dating sim.
>Seriously though, congrats.

>No game reviews
just got this one
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Fucking Eric used the concert as an excuse to go to Tokyo and live of all his weeb dreams
good. senior devs should have all the power
>godot's 3rd most active maintainer killed herself in July and the rendering team has been struggling to replace her
Nice engine.
For once in his live he wont feel like a manlet among all the little chings chong people
>I did say it's identical "except" for some new additions, so they did hire people
And you're not understanding that the odds of being one of those few exceptions is vanishingly small.

If you go looking for a wagie job in the games industry you're going to end up at some AAA studio, or worse some no-hope shop like Biteme or whatever that whore Runa was doing before she went to onlyfans. Or maybe you'll be a disgruntled contractor working for Eric and mistakenly believing you deserve a slice of the profits rather than just the fee you charged to do the work.

The way I see it the best odds of working in a small tight-knit team of indie devs is to make a good game and start the team yourself
Post proof
>barone schizette is replying to xirself again
wont change the fact that shartdew tranney is a mid ass game i'm afraid
new clothes? fame has changed him.
It's on Juan's facebook i'm on my phone.
That explains why the volumetric fog is still unusable.

Also what do you mean by "her" exactly?
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>uv unwrapping
>texture painting
Not a lie, it doesn't give the cause of death but I inferred it based on statistics.
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hopoo and cris started gamedev around the same time
one is a multimillionaire working at valve and the other is honing his perfect AAA workflow
Hopoo is a smart Asian man while Cris is a destitute Latinx. There are a lot more Cris' in this world than there are Hopoos, just look at this general for proof.
least painful suicide method?
come home synthyslop man
million dollar game idea right here

it's like ck2 where you have to keep the bloodline going, as a jewish slave trader family, you have to battle rivals in africa and economic rivals domestically
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>no discount on launch, not even 10%
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>still haven't bought picrel
>still haven't made a single piece of music for my game
>Risk of Rain is an action platformer with roguelike elements.
had hopoo released that today he would have 5 reviews
I hate open source for the reason being that the person who started it will likely get fucked over.
>catacylsm (now catacylsm dda) is controlled by one guy
>original creator seems to get pressured into making it open source as is evident by his sudden lash outs at the now open source game
>years pass
>a few randoms attempt to monetize (100% legal)
>fanboys rage and scream for the open source lead to do something all while spamming fake reports
>gets taken down from steam and itch
>*the team sees dwarf fortress make a ton of money*
>suddenly put the open source project on steam for 19.99
>little outcry from fanboys
I really hate that group of people. Little faggots bitch and moaned but suddenly hand money over fist when they monetize it themselves. Wouldn't be surprised if the guy who montized it is secretly in a contract with the rest to split the money and if it was taken poorly wouldve been the fall guy for their attempt of monetizing it. Really wish the chinks who put it up in the first place didn't back off since the license apparently allowed monetization but apparently a vocal minority of reddit fanboys was enough.
>had hopoo released that today he would have 5 reviews
Cris is an immortalized legend, the other is a wagie cog.
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not even my friends care about my game...
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>million dollar game idea
>look inside
>boring idea that only sounds good in the author's head
Everyone will focus on the fact she's blackwashed but ignore the atrocious anatomy here.
Where do you live! That's expensive lel

Whats this have to do with my post? Hoe poo is a faggot at the end of the day.
LOL this looks so questionable. I wonder whod donate to have him shirtless
Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Seeing this makes me want to do what that one anon said. Make a super rascist and anti homo game and overtly thank them for making the engine open source.

Kekd irl
Has anyone ever used ChatGPT dialog for anything other than flavor text? Like, have two GPTs, one that represents the character you're talking to, that just spits out the text and another one that judges if the character's response was positive or negative, thus altering some gameplay metric.
>Has anyone ever used ChatGPT dialog for anything other than flavor text? Like, have two GPTs, one that represents the character you're talking to, that just spits out the text and another one that judges if the character's response was positive or negative, thus altering some gameplay metric.
no it's helium with a cpap mask
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slop shit asset
but I forced myself to dev even a tiny bit after a horrible day(self inflicted by me) which is a win
I'm doing it from scratch tomorrow and copying someone else.
my craptop screen is dying and my computer is turning off by itself, its over
I hope there's clips of him trying to give a speech in broken japanese
that's it. im gonna stop beating my meat and buy some chickens
oh, no, i don't have the land to keep chickens
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Grim, could only see 5 Id consider dating in there
Scope creep is a form of procrastination. You get stuck on solving the problem you actually need to solve, start feeling anxious because you're not making progress fast enough, and then go off to invent new problems that are easy to solve and solve those instead in order to feel like you're making progress again.
I have become much stronger after a morning of painting practice.

Chuds BTFO.
art like it was from one of those western made "how to draw anime" books you would get at the book faire in middle school before going home to play with gundams and listen to linkin park
looks terrible, an hero
i like it, good job
yes, your point? nigger
how do you keep taking one step forward but three steps back
Never really found it fun myself but seeing others into that stuff, it felt like a 2000s/early 2010s thing. You probably have to push the envelope much further nowadays to get the same kind of interest as before.

Same, just remove the first one since that applies to me kek

Not happening. Id rather make a coomer game than succumbing to that nastiness.
Lel hed sell way less, how would he even compete with the dopamine from VS?

This looks familiar but I cant put my finger on where and why
>thinks you need whatever that is to make a song
lmao, making music is way easier than programming especially if you use something like famitracker or furnace tracker, maybe famistudio if you like fl studio that much
>t. hopoo
Considering how much he's on social media I wouldn't be surprised if this is him craving respect from agdg while being a complete sell out and woke cuck. Notch may have sold out but at least hes not a cuck, and Eric at least didn't sell pit his game like Notch even if he bent the knee a bit but refuses to go further. You on the other hand, Hopoo, are a loser in my eyes go back to zitter and listen to the echochamber as you start posting steam stuff in hopes the steam fanboys latch onto you like they do with gabe
the coloring drinks a lot from mika pikasso while the drawing drinks a lof from satoshi urushihara.
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Anon....you couldve at least included a link to the steam page kek. Here I'll do it for ya, this ones on me lad go on take the free advertising
>No user reviews
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One day I hope to see a video like this for an aggydagger's game.
It's probably a really bad sign that I hate play testing my own game, isn't it?
>Considering how much he's on social media I wouldn't be surprised if this is him craving respect from agdg while being a complete sell out and woke cuck. Notch may have sold out but at least hes not a cuck, and Eric at least didn't sell pit his game like Notch even if he bent the knee a bit but refuses to go further. You on the other hand, Hopoo, are a loser in my eyes go back to zitter and listen to the echochamber as you start posting steam stuff in hopes the steam fanboys latch onto you like they do with gabe
yeah... my game...
i just need one break, one youtuber with thousands of subscribers and viewers to make a video of my game...
>posted about 2 hours ago
>no reviews
Pls understand, its American waging hours. Aggy bros, the dream is over isnt it? My fate is probably grimmer than I thought and I might only just eek out 10 reviews after a whole year! Why couldn't I have started gamedev back in the mid 2000s!?
Someone please explain all of the inner circle members.
Just have a better art style than him and you'll be fine.
Thanks I hope mine gets this
Cult of Damaskus, Marmo, ToK, PAT, Awoken, Ctesiphon, Goblin Resort, Horbror, Oudemiai's Bloody Forever, Afterlife Gladiator
>just be good at art bro
...what about nolgorb. and 'moreal.
Nolgorb's problem is he's bad at making finished games. Marmoreal's problem is he's bad at making finished games. See the pattern here?
>from 4 to 25 reviews
85k views translated to 21 reviews (~400 sales considering a higher than normal review ratio is likely due to the youtuber)

If the dev paid anything more than low $3000 for this, this was a financial mistake.
Do you people expect this publicity to descend from the skies like magic? You know these youtubers have emails, right?
>Good art
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Just invest in appeal.
Anyone have the original? I jeep seeing the edit instead of it

>he coping sneeding and malding all at once since he cant claim jealously due to notch and eric
>Marmoreal? More like My Dream Come Real!
Shit I missed the post, I was asleep.
Bro a bunch of sudacas stole all the codes
Are you still there? could you hand me one on DC: spectreoflos
At one point we were making similar games.
Don't worry, he actually has thousands of sales, but none of those thousands have left a review yet because they're still playing the game.

Seriously though, it's incredibly moronic for agdg to expect organic reviews within the first 2 hours. A real customer is not going to leave a review without having played the game for a few hours. The only ones who would leave reviews that early would be pre-existing audience fanboys and shills.
>>he coping sneeding and malding all at once since he cant claim jealously due to notch and eric
if i fail, not even the local schizos will remember my game. people will only remember "claws of steel" as the 1993 Jet Li comedy movie.
you sound retarded, people who grew up poor think they can afford to spend 1.99 frivolously because they have 2.01 on their bank account after graduating and getting a job

i have six figures and i stopped buying energy drinks because they raised prices from 1.99 to 2.35 per can, i can't afford that shit.
This. It does buy me time to get out unscathed but theyre untrustworthy. They'd have to put in terms for all old contracts that they cannot be retrodated. Otherwise why believe them? I dont believe companoes when they say theyll manage my data appropriately only leaks and hacks to continually happen and my only retribution is a $5 check + 1 year of identity theft protection. What a joke, they demand all this, get away with it, and when it inevitably fucks them over its only a slap on the wrist punishment, all while an individual would be fined 10x the income of a lifetime and given a lifetime in prison. Yeah big business is too big to fail because theyre propped up and not allowed to fail.
I already forgot your game and only vaguely know of its existence due to the name
For me? It's Endless Red Capsule Maze.
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Redoing an animation for the third time because I keep noticing fuck ups.
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>show game to some close friends
>6 years passes
>they never ask anything about it
no one care
i just don't want to embarrass you
Okay, as someone who doesn't develop games at all and who is only here because Marnix mentioned /agdg/, all of your games look horrible. They look like shit. I don't believe you guys genuinely think your games should have succeeded when they look and play like crap. This thread is more delusional than the Writing General on /lit/.
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Atleast a bot remembered that one to put it up in their free games website. They even made a little AI description of it.
We're trying okay!? ;_;
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I just bought One-armed Bandit, so should you.

WIP music:
nevermind, it's gone. lol
The Writing General on /lit/ is sane people though they have some weird tastes.
All while the hygienist keeps asking about mine well actually she finally gave up after i kept dodging giving anymore info about....i think she might just like me desu
Everyone itt thinks making a shit ugly 2D game is acceptable for some reason. Like just producing something that runs in-engine is a fucking feat in and of itself somehow.
that's how i usually drop my games
Playtesting is literally the lowest tier game dev job, so no.
it was the final stop of the concert worldwide so it was fitting for him to be present, it wasn't just because it was japan
Wait a second why are there only like 2 guys there? All those women probably sucl at the job
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i tried to review it but steam says my review needs to go through a review to check if im not a bot trying to steal your account information by pretending to review your game or something which is kinda dumb because like im not a bot and no im not a scammed i only scammed someone 1 time and that was years ago and it wasnt even on steam so i dont know how steam knows about that??? But anyways.
I put up a review and once steam reviews my review you will have ur first review.
i thought nolgorb was finished...
problem is clearly boring gameplay to be desu
I thought he had the same orchestra each time, but he doesn't? Each concert must sound different then. That explains how he's able to tell the same joke. But what joke did he say in Japan?
At least Horbror will buy my game… though he already bought it on itch… so idk…
yeah, the other games look like shit... my game, however, looks like piss. take that, nodevs!
I was messing with it for some time until I've noticed that cycles doesn't support shader to rgb node, it bakes and shows in the rendered mode now
>1 hr review
deserve it
I hired an artist okay? It's expensive but I hope it makes the difference otherwise I'm gonn be out 5k for a complete graphics overhaul
i haven't seen any games here that look bad

i used to think 2d games and pixel art were based but everyones doing it now, i'm bringing back the resident evil zero-esque pre rendered backgrounds with realistic character graphics, nobody's doing that these days
these two look very finished to me. if that's what you call unfinished, then i guess i haven't even began...
I would, but it's too expensive
bait or delusion
>But what joke did he say in Japan?
probably something about farm monogatari(harvest moon)
>i thought nolgorb was finished...
He literally got tired of waiting on his own proposed release date and decided to ship it early without telling anyone. Nolgorb was clearly rushed.
Yeah I'm trying to do a theatrerhythm-style lowpoly (but hi-res) JRPG. Its a lot of asset creation and learning Blender but fuck me I couldn't just scribble some horseshit in MSPaint and be proud of it.
if i say it enough times i'm actually training my subconscious to actually do it, i might be a nodev but not for long, as i have the power of ideas and alot of free time
Balatro is 14.99, while One Armed Bandit has more content.
Is Chatgpt good with Unreal Engine specific stuff? I don't want to go through hours of tutorial videos to learn a third engine
I probably would again, I am the support-type of person in real life.
Save money, then gamble away your fictional money. It makes sense.
no one is doing it because it's even more work than just making a normal 3d game
>while One Armed Bandit has more content.
No it will constantly have you using event ticks and cast to and stuff. Copilot is better but still uses really shitty methods, presuming you're doing blueprints anyway.
wait how is it more work? is it really that bad?
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Are you the collab lead? Do you have a doc, repo, discord, etc. for this project? I'm mildly interested.
>Anyone have the original?
Here you go. I figured more people would've downloaded it from the litterbox aside from the edit guy
Man, I wish I was a firstoid like you guys but I'm not. can't support fellow devs.
but regardless if a game can't find some audience on its own I doubt a few reviews will make a change. we're not the mob of a grifter streamer able to get 30-50 reviews from simps.
wow that's interesting, but it sounds hard
For me it is not about trying to push someone forward, it is to acknowledge their work at all and, hopefully, appreciate it.
those faces are looking bigger
>Are you the collab lead? Do you have a doc, repo, discord, etc. for this project? I'm mildly interested.
same. i'm almost creating my own godot cartridge launcher

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