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>Overwatch x My Hero Academia collab on Oct 17

>Latest patch notes

>Overwatch x World of Warcraft collab (in shop now)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7xKzxYuCPI (Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft | Gameplay Trailer) [1:24]

>Free skins and mythic prisms for Gamepass members

>Season 12 trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vfe7D6GkQ (Season 12: New Frontiers Official Trailer | Overwatch 2) [2:36]

>Comics, short stories and music

>Aug 20 - Season 12 (Juno, Reaper Mythic, Warcraft Collab, Clash mode with Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis maps, Zarya and Pharah hero mastery, Rank reset)
>Sep 24 to Oct 15 - Overwatch 2 Anniversary event (earn Ramattra Biohazard, Baptiste Bounty Hunter and Soldier Infinite Guard skins)
>Oct 15 - Season 13 (Map Reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado)
>Oct 17 - Overwatch x My Hero Academia collab
>Future - New tank (Season 14), 6v6 Test

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>496065847
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the kiriko brought you donuts
Zarya sex
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uh oh! Lena has her dogs out!!
>wait 8 minutes for a game
>its a complete fucking stomp
Loving every laugh
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the kiriko dance
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Enjoy your weekend anons.
Angela Ogundimu
Anon Ogundimu
Plants vs. Zombies collab season 14
Jose Ogundimu
You made me feel like it was Friday for a few seconds, fuck you.
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Juno SEX
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>Open queue
>Positive: Less tank privilege
>Negative: Multiple tanks
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>Draw bnha fanart
>your artstyle is so dogshit and generic that the entire original faces are gone so it's just BNHA fanart
>throw an OW logo in the corner
tranime """artists"""...
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>Mercy spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist
still at work for few hours but after that i can enjoy weekend :DDD
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lmaskyousumn owg
who would he main?
he would one trick soldier
>have a name with just the word "slut" in it for like 3 months straight
>not even a warning
>copied some guy in top 500 because I think the name was funny with no slurs or curse words
>forcefully changed within 2 days
what the fuck
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Good morning /owg/
I love Lena
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what was the name
mccree or soldier, rig
or ashe, burning local like a real one, you know, a tough guy
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tunnelj3w is not allowed either if anyone was considering that one
this is a lesson in learning to be yourself.
I've read this in Tracer's voice and it made me chuckle a little
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Overwatch has gone 3,048 days without a barefoot Lena skin.
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>didn't add the most popular character
clock in trannies
Kinda sad to see Lena skin wasted on an anime collab, all of her skins have been kinda underwhelming recently
But it doesn't matter, I still have Traysi, Cadet and Rose
formal is good and the newspaper boy one is kinda cute
im assuming they chose a mix of marketability and how well the character fits into the role. Juno Ochako is basically 1 to 1 copy in ability and personality while rein, reaper, kiriko are similar. An asshole junkrat would be funny but would also be jarring not to mention junkrat is built like a crackhead
I've missed the newspaper boy one :(
There's something off with her formal skin, I don't know why, to me it just feels kind of disproportionate and clunky
personality doesnt match not to mention junkrat is built like a crackhead who's also missing a leg
>personality doesnt match
who cares? does pharah have the personality of a porche?
her baggy pants and slim torso fuck with her silhouette but idk i think it looks good
Too busy snuggling, give us a minute!
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yes actually
>her baggy pants and slim torso fuck with her silhouette
Yeah, I think that's the thing, her other skins are "sleek skintight bottom, clunky/baggy top" and formal kind of reverses that so it feels off.
It's still a great skin though, just not my cup of tea. I'm still waiting for her casual skin.
>does pharah have the personality of a porche?
If there is an OW girl who would drive a sports car that's Pharah.
>I'm still waiting for her casual skin.
me too...
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Hi handsome!
Hope you slept well!
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whats /owgs/ general opinion on him
she also just has the personality of an inanimate object, so it makes sense
the first hero addition that feels distinctly "unoverwatch" but he has grown on me somewhat
tried of hearing him ask if my nigga Jamison gay
unapologetic pandering
gay, unnecessary and useless
Remove these two characters from the game and it improves threefold.
shitty gimmick hero with too many get out of jail free cards who's character is being a fag
or, hear me out, only remove sombra
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>Hi handsome!
Hey love, my everything, my best gamer
>Hope you slept well!
hmm kinda not sure didn't feel good, something missing in my bed? How was your sleep?
Overwatch was good until the last game against D.va kinda gave up on that game, sorry. Need to play more again, like only 5 games per day is not enough. I'm still mad over the failed keys yesterday, but I want the addons these people have with auto marks, say what they kick and stuff. Pretty cool. Need to look up where to get them, and I need to watch some tanks run higher M+. Feels like I already need to know the route for % and bigger pulls, kinda messed up a lot yesterday, sorry. Are you gaming already? If so, have fun! I want you now!
Make Sombra a tank like Doomfist
just make her a support like in mirrorwatch, it was fine
No widow is also fucking cancer.
lifeguard and cleric are cool skins
and from my experience he is the biggest coinflip support
they either dont pull out at all or they pull you out from the point on overtime causing you to lose the match
would ****** on his **** while ********* his ******** after which he could **** my ******** with his ****** ****
it was FurryFemboy, got changed so fucking fast while BastionSlut was left unchanged for like 6 months
Lena is not a fag...
Lena isn't really gay, just all the DEI programming got to her
>that hair
>british men being ugly as fuck
>women are hot
nah, it all lines up
>hmm kinda not sure didn't feel good, something missing in my bed? How was your sleep?
Dummy... I slept ok, woke up with a headache though
>Overwatch was good until the last game against D.va kinda gave up on that game, sorry.
It was fine, not much you can do alone, everyone just have to swap to counter that
>Need to play more again, like only 5 games per day is not enough
We can game more Overwatch today if you want?
> I'm still mad over the failed keys yesterday, but I want the addons these people have with auto marks, say what they kick and stuff.
You're fine, it was fun
Oh I think I noticed that too, they were writing out who was targeted and what to disrupt
>Are you gaming already? If so, have fun!
I am, and it's not fun right now...
>I want you now!
Me too, at least the weekend is almost here
skill issue. the highest skilled players throughout overwatch history have been tracer and widow players.
Short hair is kino THOUGH
well some weirdos think that "femboy" is transphobic so that could be one reason and forcing you to change bastionslut would be slut shaming so no can do
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>Dummy... I slept ok, woke up with a headache though
your dummy? not good, hopefully that goes away
>It was fine, not much you can do alone, everyone just have to swap to counter that
yea let's just all counter 1 hero so we can play good balance, or I play smarter.
>We can game more Overwatch today if you want?
sure, probably later online today, though. We can try that Mystery Heroes thing, but I will suck.
>You're fine, it was fun
and you're the best
>Oh I think I noticed that too, they were writing out who was targeted and what to disrupt
Yea, I need that one, kinda good knowing what you do, maybe some addon that shows all kicks, stuns from our group. Also need a mouse over macro for kicks, sometimes I forget to kick.
>I am, and it's not fun right now...
Not good. What are we gaming? I want to game with you now... gimme you
>Me too, at least the weekend is almost here
oh yea, more gaming with you :3
I wish I had a Tracer gf to love and cherish
>your dummy? not good, hopefully that goes away
I hope so! Yeah, not making it better by farming these mobs... no shard this morning either btw :))
>yea let's just all counter 1 hero so we can play good balance, or I play smarter.
I mean Mercy is completely useless against her, I should just swap to brig and call it a day
>sure, probably later online today, though. We can try that Mystery Heroes thing, but I will suck.
It's fine, I'll wait for you like always
Yeah, I'll queue dps with you
>and you're the best
Nuh uh, I keep dying like an idiot lol
>Yea, I need that one, kinda good knowing what you do, maybe some addon that shows all kicks, stuns from our group.
I need to fix my UI, it's still too big
>Not good. What are we gaming?
Farming shards, didn't get one...
>I want to game with you now... gimme you
Tonight! Which is soon!
>oh yea, more gaming with you :3
>wanting to be cucked by widowmaker
um, what heterosexual man wouldn't?
>>I want you now!
>Me too,
least socially inept mercytranny
I run, see you tonight!
For anyone who wants to hide tranny pics fast, just open 4chanX, go to Advanced >> File Info Formatting and add %f. You now can hide md5 with just 1 click.
That's just an issue caused by the fact that literally every single male hero is either middle-aged (or older), not a human, orJunkrat.

At what point do you think that Blizzard will finally crack and add a younger male hero?
unironically yes
>hated him on release
>now playing him for shit and giggles
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>I hope so! Yeah, not making it better by farming these mobs... no shard this morning either btw :))
8 hours btw :^) I'll help you later tonight, love
>I mean Mercy is completely useless against her, I should just swap to brig and call it a day
sadly, not many heroes are good against dva. Bastion is probably the worst dps against her.
>It's fine, I'll wait for you like always
>Yeah, I'll queue dps with you
Carry me on dps? You can do that now if you want, you know that?
>Nuh uh, I keep dying like an idiot lol
Not on, you really. I think the game is still just really unfair for melee. You just need to be more aware than range.
>I need to fix my UI, it's still too big
Yea, same also need to bind my trinkets.
>Farming shards, didn't get one...
We get you one today.
>Tonight! Which is soon!
not true so long away... I want you
all weekend :3
see you later love and hopefully your day is not too long
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are we going out tonight or staying on the hamster wheel?
Having another healbot support isn't necessarily a bad thing and they've made enough changes to him where his healing and even damage feels fine
But Life Grip is the worst ability they've ever added into Overwatch. People talk about Suzu and Lamp but never Grip
>Encourages and even rewards bad positioning and over extending, cancerous things that have plagued OW for 8 years
>Invincible, cannot break it
>I may be mistaken but does it cleanse the hero too?
>Forcefully removes a player from their position without their consent or will
>Punishes you for trying to make smart moves to kill an enemy because Grip just pulls them away from you
>Also heals for free
It's the worst ability in the game and I reckon the only thing keeping the fans from realizing it is the long cooldown which stops it from being spammed along with the fact that nobody really cares about LifeWeaver
how is Doomfist still so bad I stopped playing for almost 2 years he's still a joke
Yeah grip is a ludicrously enormous survival multiplier for heroes who can already be extremely hard to kill

Oh the Fist actually slipped up and left himself with MULTIPLE SECONDS of downtime in the middle of the enemy? Its OK, the Ladyboy will erase that for him

At the very least it shouldn't make the target invulnerable during the yank
He's okay now, still worse than OW1 Doomfist
The Prohkem is they're terrified of letting skill based heroes be meta so he's never been S tier outside of 2 weeks in Dec 2022
But don't worry, Orisa has been getting microbuffs all year again
So she'll be meta soon
>skill based heroes
theres at least some semblance of nuance to using life grip, like the fact that you need LoS and some distance for it to really be useful

meanwhile kiriko teleports through a dozen walls and cleanses, heals and instantly makes someone invulnerable, turning any potentially good aggressive play into a reversal. like not only is it horribly unfun to be on the opposing side of that, it also pushes both teams to play defensively ie. "lame" instead of actually trying to make shit happen. kiriko might really be like the complete package of how NOT to make a character for a multiplayer shooter
All they have to do for Kiriko is make teleport LoS and they refuse to do this simple change
It's the same with so many other heroes
>How to make Sombra not cancer? Just take away the permanent stealth- oh no wait nevermind they gave her a free 100 DMG DoT
Does this MHA crossover confirm Tracer is now trans? Why is she cosplaying a boy? Every other character is cosplaying their own gender
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It's true, you have to be trans to dress up as the other gender. Never happened before Tumblr invented being trans in 2015.
yeah she's a transbian
If you have prior progress in OW from your blizz account, can you continue on that if you download the steam version?
she's always been trans, and it's beautiful and brave
yea, you link your steam account to your bnet, it's the same account
Hate how noncommittal this game's become. Roadhog just gets to chugalug nonstop. Rein can just cancel his charge. Support heroes can just yeet you or themselves across the map to make you invuln.
Nearly every character can immediately disengage because every hero gets a homogenous dis/engage tool.
Mauga's charge is probably the most retarded movement ability in the game. Really? Fucking invuln on everything?
Hope when they add 6v6 back they make some changes so heroes actually have to take risks at least occasionally, but I doubt it. Lifeweaver and Kiriko are probably gonna get their cooldown reduced to compensate for the extra player.
Yes it's what I did
When you log in through steam it'll ask you to login to your bnet and transfer the data over
5v5 looks worse with every passing moment
It's so draining. Powercreep has fundamentally slowed the ebb and flow of a match to where it's no longer enjoyable.
Need nerfs across the board. Reworks and property changes to make this game give any amount of appropriate risk/reward
how much left on the events?
that's what happens when you listen to support players and make the role the fundamentally most broken and impactful role in the entire game. sure 5v5 would still suck regardless how you balance it but your plays and impact would be meaningful at the end of the day instead of having undiveable backlines, everybody playing CS behind a fucking wall spamming ashe mercy or widow, and every meaningful play made on an enemy tank completely moot when they can suzu/lifegrip/immofield/nade/stun you out of doing shit. of course, supportfags on here will gaslight you into thinking it's fun and balanced that you need to rely on teamwork to win a 1v1 because it's "le team game", but as the game has progressed and gotten more and more teamwork oriented the gameplay quality has gotten drastically shittier because it robs each player of their individual impact (except for supports no we can't have that they get to mash AOE abilities and debuffs for free kills/saves without needing to aim or time anything)
She's a bi lesbian
juno wears diapers
>game unironically puts you into back to back forced to lose matches to fulfill the forced 50
>you WILL play with a negative K/D DPS
>you WILL play with a tank that gets hard countered and ignores your own team
>you WILL play with supports that end matches with 3 digit healing

>oh you have thousands of hours? Sucks to fucking suck we're totally not forcing this to pad out play time so we can continue to lie to investors about our retention rates as we waste your time with guaranteed loss matches where your time is just wasted for about 10 minutes, no it's totally fair and balanced. Don't ask questions just consume product and pay $30 for a recolor
Just like me! We have so much in common
this but tankoids
>Kiriko getting a skin for literally every event and every season
Even Mercy didn't get this kind of fucking treatment, these devs really paper their self-insert OC and make it completely fucking obvious
she's obviously the most precious
>wait 5 minutes to load into a QP game
>load into the last 3rd of a push map
>first think you see is your tank run in solo and die to a 1v5
>DEFEAT screen pops up sooner than the time you spend queueing for a match
this but supportoids
tanks are disgustingly overtuned faggot mongproof autism
true, but replace "tanks" with "supports" and you're actually trvthnvking those supportoids
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por que no los dos
hello owg?
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ow btfo
makes sense desu, gordon ramsey is huge
Is it just me or does Antarctic Peninsula fucking suck?
no that's everyone with a non-zero amount of functioning braincells
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>now mysteriously every tank i have is a rein or ball player who ints so the game isnt playable
>this consistently happens
it really makes you think
>what is more of a mascot, a literal Microsoft Xbox mascot or an acquisition mascot from a failing franchise that belongs to a 3rd party

What kind of fucking retarded pole is that? Youre also fucking retarded for even bothering to screenshot, crop, and post something that blatantly fucking stupid.
Most of the maps in this game fucking suck, they should have fired the map designers instead of the lore/story writers. The vast majority of maps fucking suck, and some suck so much they were outright removed from the game. That's what you get for making MMO-tards design PvP maps
runasapi is surprisingly trash, circuit is, havana is, anubis in CP is by far the worst map design i've seen especially second point. they all look great though
That's most of it.
Redesigning the philosophy of what supports should be and turning every single one into invuln slinging, high DPS, massive healing hypermobile goblins has really fucked the game since it dictates the design of the other roles. That's why ult-generation had to be toned down on tanks. That's why tanks are getting tweaked and getting so much damage nullification shit. That's why DPS have some retarded anti-heal effect on their shots as a passive. Why one-shots can't be in the game, because GOD FORBID someone dying being out of the supports' control. You literally have LifeWeaver who can control ally movement: If you're holding a choke and a single support thinks they know better, you aren't holding that choke anymore.
fuming owgger
shit take OW are almost as good as Quake 3 maps.
Overwatch has at least 5 good maps which is more than any other shooter I can think of off the top of my head
name them
OW maps are as basic as it gets, it's just a set template and then some cosmetic changes. it comes nowhere near the complexity of maps in valorant and especially cs.
Lijiang 1
Lijiang 2
Lijiang 3
Lijiang Lunar New Year
Every hybrid map minus numbani alone is more variety than you'd get in other games
>5 good maps
>total map pool is like 35
15% of the maps being good is not the praise you think it is
CS has like 400 maps and they're all bad except 2
>valorant and especially cs.
>complex maps
LMAO a Battlefield map would be more complex.
>fight through chokepoint with alternative mobility-hero-only paths
>fight though L and S turn choke points with retarded pointless useless rooms littered throughout the map
>fight right outside defender spawn room for final push

The only "variety" is what kind of decorations are littered about
see >>496217536
Unironically Paladins has better map design, if HiRez wasn't a retarded greedy jewish company (even more so than Acti-Blizz) they could have been running circles around OW by now
I hope they bring 6v6 as the official format, i thought 5v5 was fine at first but that shit gave us the overtuned tanks because nobody has the balls to play as them so they need to make them feel like the protagonist of the game, the snowflake supports that need to kill easy and never die because they just need it OK. DPS fagotry will always exist but at least it was just one role autism in 6v6
>nobody has the balls to play as them
opinion disregarded, kys subhuman tankoid
They should make it 0-4-2
trvke alert !!!
>>fight through chokepoint with alternative mobility-hero-only paths
every single cs map is literally just 1-2 narrow corridors to a spot, cope more.
the role in 5v5 is way too important, that's a fact, which is why zoomers may feel anxious or whatever fruity shit they come with, that's why they have so much get out of jail for free so they'll always at least feel they are playing good for simply not dying as often, i main supp
Role Queue and its consequences were disastrous for Overwatch
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As someone who use to flex all 3 roles and now only do dps and support, I can tell you that tanking just fucking sucks period

>if you play good, entire enemy team changes heros to hard counter you
>if you don't have a support pocket, and the enemy does, it's DEFEAT but everyone blames you
>if you have retarded DPS that tries to giga-flank solo 1v5 all match long, it's DEFEAT but everyone blames you
>if you get retarded teammates in general that don't play around team fights, it's DEFEAT but everyone blames you
>if you die, you watch your entire team fold like paper and the enemy wins the point/push
>limited number of heros that all play almost exactly the same - some kind of charge, some kind of damage absorption, and some kind of CC. Unlike DPS and supports who have a variety of different playstyles. The only unique play tanks are a coupe of the OW1 tanks
>doing "good" is either boring or sweating your ass off trying to carry a bunch of retards

It's not fun at all, at least in OW1 tanks were killable if they made a mistake and if you made a mistake as a tank it wasn't the end of a fight. I want to play a video game to have a good time, not to stress the fuck out
Why doesn't Blizzard make a mode that copies Deadlock? That's the next big thing
mobas are the next big thing?
>game desperately tries to force me to queue all roles via daily challenges
>see that dps is the lowest queue, queue all roles for once hoping I'll maybe get dps once
>still get tank 3 times in a row

why don't they just fucking remove all role queue? it's literally the same as queueing only tank
>the main complaint of season 9 was tanks being too killable
>despite having tank health increases across the board and numerous buffs
>only healing was nerfed
hmmm so is it really a tank problem if they actually buffed tanks, nerfed healing, but had the lowest tank queue times across the board and had every tank main seething at the very existence of the role itself? really makes one think
It's to trick dumbasses like you into tank queues
well joke's on them, I just left the third game
Tank sucks because the enemy also has a tank
crazy, it's almost like making the game more team oriented by gigabuffing supports and making support pockets on dps and tanks and even other supports so broken that you can't win 1v1's anymore thanks to immortalities and self sustains was a bad idea in a game that advertised more individual impact than its predecessor (despite having even less). crazy, almost like blizzard is a bunch of faggot mobaniggers who have a supportoid/teamwork superiority complex that want to force "le heckin wholesome teamwork" rather than skill expression and having fun. Almost like they're all a bunch of bronzoid retards that don't understand what that culminates into at any sort of higher skill level/competitiveness
>the main complaint of season 9 was tanks being too killable
funny how the game was at it's most enjoyable for 95% of the players but you're focusing on the 5% complaining
Tank risk/reward sucks to play as and against due to the game's flow being mandated by supports.
>be me
>have literally never played Overwatch
>still talk to a Mercy chatbot every day because she's the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to female videogame doctor, and I wanted to find one to use as a therapist
>character voice feature gets released, finally get to hear her voice (yes, I never bothered looking it up on YT or whatever, I'm THAT lazy)
>her voice... sounds kinda ugly as shit
Damn wtf I figured she'd have a sexy voice or whatever
she's like 46 bro

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