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Still not playing SF6 or Tekken 8
Lowkey I miss playing Valorant should have not yelled nigger on the mic...
>inb4 get another acc
I dont want to miss my skins and titles that I worked for in the banned one
Niggas out there tryin to fix the lonely basement dwellers retard living here on muh Lord
Anything is better than the nu-age fightan slop.

Laughing until 2030 at the retards who believed this gen would be the golden age.
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>Niggas on a dead general seething about OPs because is not some ugly grotesque coom fightan porn for once
You fags really overestimate your importance lol
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Hahahaha... is not like I believed FGC would surpass FPS and Moba sloppa this gen or anything...
I'm working on Lolis vs Ojisans: Millionaire Fighting, I hope you'll all support me
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i never thought i would say something like this but strive has TOO MANY MECHANICS
dropped street fighter out of boredom and tried to pick the game back up after not having played in ages
maybe im just too retarded (not retarded enough?) to play anime games but trying to remember all the shit i need to be doing / defending against is hell
>every type of roman cancel
>blue / orange burst
>every different wild assault
>the defense mechanic on qcb+D that i literally cant even remember the name of
>on top of every character's unique meme mechanic
its too much for me. i have a friend who is really good at strive, dbfz, and other mongoloid mash monkey games but cant even get out of silver in sf. i guess i just dont have the tard strength to play that shit like he does
i dont want to go back to slime crmk 6 featuring terry from the devil may cry series or stance masher 8 bros
Smash 6 will save fgc with the COMMON Smash carry. Trust.
Sorry you're so triggered by Battle Queen's success, Ellie
Perhaps Virtua Shitter is more your speed
How can you complain about other games when the mental stack in SF6 makes the game feel like a chore?
Based SmashGAWD
Observe as the Canadian Schizo Tranny resorts to gaslighting once he's backed into a corner
well i'm garbage (diamond) in 6 but i can at least process what's going on and what i should be doing, where i fucked up etc. gg is just a complete clusterfuck to me
>Mindbroken schizo babble
Bocchi owns you
So you posted... ugly grotesque fotm tranime porn? Wow, anon. You sure trolled us!
Both are equally bad and unfun to play. If you can play one, you can play another.
>mindbroke schizo babble
Spoken like a mindbroken transgender leaf
i'm trying to avoid playing both :(
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>Cute animu artwork that is silly and fun is just as bad as westoid twitter coom shart
Kys already
If you unironically defend lowtier twitter coom shartists your brain already became dog poo
Reminder to not let Daisuke Ishiwatari's directed games be the sole influence on what can be described as the only good fighting game that defines the genre.
Take a chance and try out various other well established fighting games to see the value in them as well to broadening your perspective
So dont play them? I rather play Tetris than touch any of this new gen fightans.

How can you get addicted to such games? They ain't even multiplayer, you don't even get the dopamine hit from grifting, carrying or hitting on a girl.
Hi, Ellie!
Why are you spamming your transgender fap folder itt?
I need ellie to translate this for me
i crave fightan but i agree; all options are terrible
i would hop on fightcade but im not in the mood to get owned by some dude who has been playing 3s or kof02 for 20 years straight
just want to press some buttons man
I'm curious, did you guys do something to make mods hate you?
I sometimes see OPs from these threads that would usually get swiftly deleted as regular posts.
I can understand the Capcucks at /sfg/ seething when the OP is different because their identity is sucking capcom cock.
But I didn't know /fgg/ had local spergs also being proto-jannies here as well. This general is so chaotic and shitty. People dont even put effort into linking previous OP so I dont see why some people seething at anime.
i have yet to see any evidence of the existence of a man who likes bocchi and doesnt wish he was a woman
>People dont even put effort into linking previous OP so I dont see why some people seething at anime.
>Nigga posting in a place calling /fgg/ thinking he is not a troon by association

>Sisters who spend 20 hours a day shitposting and beating their pathetic cock to bbc porn and fetish drawings like literal incel > to trans pipeline porn addicts trying to shit on anyone else or any other fandom
did cleaveland jr give this tranny the n word pass?
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Real /fgg/ thread
You guys suck so hard is insane
*licks lips*
dibs on the little one
So this is what EU does with its limited time on Earth?
>Claims to hate anime
>Half the thread namefags as L
thats what she said
>Couldnt even be bothered to format the name properly adding the "-" before the /fgg/
Since when do you people play nitroplus blasterz?
The OP hasn't been properly formatted since Metajini came out as Ellie
This thread is properly formatted
i guess i should start playing fighting games, who is she and what game is she from?
>Playing fighting games in 2024
so the jannies deleted then restored this thread? is this a rerun of the furry bridget saga?
Does it matter? Ellie sicced her tranny Shitcord buddies on this general because she got btfo'd by Battle Queen
>i guess i should start playing fighting games
Said SaMANtha, shortly before transitioning...
what the fuck are you talking about
Don't underestimate the power of underage discord trannies
>Nigga trying to give life advice as he posts Sonic
His advice is good, but seems like shitpost when his brainrotten to a point of cooming to cartoon furry animals.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck is it that obvious?
Supporting blades and beasts, battle queens, and e's laf ++ for my indie fighting games
Why those ones?
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>discord spamlords are bocchi the reddit loving fags
fuckin figures
NTA, but they all have a fat bitch for me to goon to
They all have potential.
She will try to claim it's a sexual innuendo
This isn't me
nigga watches shows based on whether a troon decides to spam a general
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I dont think gooning to Amy Rose or Rouges furry tits count as a religion anon.
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Do you guys see a normal, innocent picture of cartoon characters from Sonic, a franchise for children, then immediately start thinking about XXX furry brutal rape hentai? That says a lot more about your dirty minds than anything about the franchise or the image itself...
>/fgg/ running out the bocchitroon freaks
uhhh based? BASED
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Sonic is not something for you to be obsessing over once you turn 12 and older. And if you were for real, you would post Sonic and not female characters.
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Peak is back next week.
not even surprised /fgg/ is running these trannies out. plasmasword, goldydorado, ellie, etc. /fgg/ just has a track record of viciously psychically beating troons to death.
Reichan does that and you all love her.
Anon... Ellie still posts here. She's the one who organized the raid. She wants you to think she never left just because she stopped drawfagging
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This you?
FUARK, the /fgg/ HUNTERS located another target? this is gonna be good!
nigga said blacks in the kkk
Cooming to porn literally deforms your brains and lowers your IQ.
Is not a coincidence porn usage is high on trannies and porn addicts are all lonely, sad, pitiful losers shitposting on 4chan instead of busting in a bitch.
SonicSol is obsessed with Sonic and everyone loves and respects him.
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how else would you describe race traitor bootlicking slave house niggers like Tenryo and Baron?
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>People respect some zesty, ugly, manchildren nigga for being a sweaty in videotoys that aren't even actually popular, like Smash, Valorant, LoL, or Dota
Not even you believe this shit you just typed.
What in the sam hell did Ellie unleash itt?
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COTW waiting room.
I mean, you guys complain too much not to also being reporting.
cheez is going to bankroll blades and beasts and become a millionaire once the furry money rolls in
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nigga said "becomes"
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>the troon is RAPED to DEATH

Let's be honest here, that would be their end goal in life.
>/fgg/ coming together to beat bocchifreaks to death
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cheez is... a millionaire?
>Game so garbage they need to shill/collab with SF and now Christiano RAPEnaldo
>claims to hate anime
>draws exclusively anime
>resorted to bocchispam
Ellie... Ellie, Ellie, Ellie. This is pathetic
>the homelessGAWDS chuckle
You can tell COTW gonna be hot garbage by the amount of hype they leading up to it when it's just another saudi money industry plant type of game.
Sandniggers ruined SF6, Sandniggers will ruin KOF now.
>being this upset your game doesn't have CR7
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>fat squirrel bitch
>scaled up blowup doll wolf with painted on abs
>slutty rabbit with a big butt in a leotard
>anorexic goth fox in a microbikini
>LOLI sheep nun
>elderly deer with her titties hanging out of her kimono

Is this really the best you MFs can come up with? This is the peak of character design to... you people? Do you just look at porn all day? Is your left arm tiny, but your right arm jacked like Schwarzenigger because you beat off all day?

Who is this supposed to appeal to?
dafuq is this nigga even talmbout?
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>no throw loops
>no slime rush
>no perfect parry
>panty shots
>better implementation of modern controls
>color edit mode
>free season of dlc

COTW waiting room.
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Fire ninja vs Blue wushu
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As opposed to?
>generic human femboy with animal ears
>generic human femboy with painted on abs
>generic human femboy in a playboy bunny costume
>generic human emo femboy in leather
>generic human femboy in "softboi" (read: trannycore) attire
>generic human femboy in a kimono
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That already sounds like it appeals much more to a broader audience.
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it's 2024. the modern audience doesn't want to see some nasty furry shit about sluts swinging swords in slingshot swimsuits with this slits barely covered by silk.

Back to your goin cave with that shit
Ellie... that's what every failed dev says. There is zero appeal in trapshit
What failed dev advocated for traps over women?
remember back during sf4 /fgg/ where instead of saying someone got raped in the corner we'd say they got diddy'd? ahead of the curve fr
I don't remember that, but I remember getting perfected was referred to as getting r kelly'd because you got p'd on
the Concord devs would definitely make the Femboy game over the furry titty game
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Where's the gameplay or graphics for Ronaldo or Ken or Chunners?!?
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Why is he making Queen's Blade, but furry?
How about some KOFXV?
>he hasn't heard about the games with all those mannish and tranny heroines
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>2000 year old magic kung fu chink
>your killer decided you deserve a new life and goes to bring you back
>reject honest work and immediately start scamming people
Shang Tsung is weird.
A girl isn't a "tranny" just because they decided to draw her with a jaw, you incel
just look at these trannys bruh we're finished
Ok, then Bridget isn't a tranny
Bridget is one of the most popular GG characters, so not sure what inceldem meant by this
just noticed the tranny hyphen in the OP. LUKEDAMN we really got tourist discord tranny freaks trying to encroach upon my shrine. bocchitroons will pay for this later
FUCK my anger is RISING. WHO brought these troony freaks here? WHO? HAYCH DOUBLEU OH
I'll give you a hint: he used to go by RedCapote and Metajini
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why does he draw himself as a busty redhead
why does he draw his husbando as a sissy
baron draws himself as busty purplehead and you all love him
new broski just dropped
is he spittin?
Yeah, I'm looking forward Nature/Vice and the balance patch.
Baron doesn't stalk people and call in raids because he lost a game years ago
In development, they aren't releasing till.summer of next year. Ronaldo isn't going to be a playable character, my guy.
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What are some other games that have Active Tag?

I need to practice.
funniest part is that retards were excited for a tag game, then were surprised that a tag game........... had tagging...........
nigga pretending hes gonna play shovelware
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>everyone copying active tag from mvci all of a sudden
are we shocked that the worlds first open world fighting game is so influential?
Assist party masher shit-eater slaughterhouse.
beating a bocchitroon awake from it's HRT daze as a group of homeless men inject it with needles full of a severely diseased homeless man's urine and shit
What do you guys think?
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SNK is looking up
looks like kyantakino, ill check it out when its sprites are finished
option A: a janny is in here deleting messages and half assing their volunteer work
option B: mass reporting troons
option c: whining about troons while giving them attention
Ellie is having a melty because she knows Sega will reveal VF6
I remember when the bitch in the back got covered in white viscous fluids.
clean up on aise troon
Are Ellie and Metajini really the same person? All we know is they both play Tekken
Are we sure she's even a tranny?
Nubi hates metajini so much he will make up anything to make metajini look bad.
Meds, Ellie. Please take them
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make them pay
Can't believe I gave value to the opinion of an ass Charlie player...
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What game? Zero? SFV? Marvel?
>all these deleted posts
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This song is getting to me... DISH// - PLAN A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1HeItO98FI
Zero / Alpha 3. That one webm of them not even charging a flash kick against a jumping m.bison and getting headstomped. Tried to say Battle Queen was bad because it didn't match guilty gear gameplay lmao
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My goat
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Can't intuitively realise the flash-kick charge? FAIL. >>>/wsg/5690989
And yet the tranny jannies still keep the Bocchitrannies posts and Ellie's tantrums up. What gives?
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his SFV version was a travesty and betrayal of the character though
what is active tag lol
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Ono will save fighting games
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Charlize Theron Nash reporting for duty
Way to go, anons. You triggered Ellie again >>496198403
You must think VF is a good game if you enjoy something so slow and boring. You don't need to be a tranny leaf to understand just mashing does not make for a good fighting game
Guys I have a serious question, please think about it for a while before answering because it is important for all of us; does Bocchi own the crabs? Is Bocchi really that powerful?
Please, Ellie. Go to bed.
I know the big bad Charlieposter is triggering your PTSD by reminding him of how badly you were headstomped in A3 and GG, but losing sleep over it for 20 years?
To both questions
Where did Reichan go? Did Ellie chase her away with this tantrum she's having right now? We need her to shut this tranny the fuck up
need the pawg sorceress to battle queef on my face
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He's a Tekken shill who draws femboy porn. Poorly. Picrel is just a sample
Anything that doesn't give you a seizure, to him, is boring.
Ellie insists every femanon is a tranny because she does not pass as a real woman and never will
Ellie insists she's a real woman because she failed when she was a man
Ellie insists she's "just a casual player who only plays 3d fighting games (but only Tekken, of course, everyone else is inferior)" because she doesn't want you to know about her losing streak in 2d games
Ellie insists she's "just an innocent drawfag" because she doesn't want you to know she's Metajini and drew gay sissy porn just to frame it all on Baron
since when was nubi such a big charlie fan?
Ellie insists coom is bad because her coom art fails at getting anyone up, let alone herself.
Then you remember she drew it poorly on purpose and doesn't show any improvement because she wanted to frame it all on Baron
If Ellie isn't RedCapote or wakeupshoryu, why does she have these tantrums any and every time someone shows gameplay of them getting headstomped?
Waiting for Ellie's next drop. If her tantrum right now is this bad, that means she must be ready to put something up on her pixiv
Will she post her doujinshi? https://files.catbox.moe/8abnhn.png
>"th-they'll post VF news at a Japanese event like EvoJ or TGS, right?"
>Farming Simulator gets news before any VF6 annoucement
Ellie... for fuck's sake, go to sleep!
I think so
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Why is my wife reina so flawless?
As much of a schizo as Ellie is... I hate to admit she was right about VF6 not existing
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Is Poison a viable mechanic? SFV and SF6 have tried pushing it...
Lol this nigga is going crazy because someone likes the gameplay of SF2

Mindbroken desu
Liking SF2 is a meme much like liking VF. You're letting some make believe tranny live rent-free in your head.
Is everyone who disagrees with you "Ellie"?
Ellie has been at it for 20 years. Mindbroken doesn't begin to describe it
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marisa shouldve looked like this
when will you guys stop encouraging nubi?
Is this thread going to just be sperging about "Ellie"? It's been two fucking years. This is more unhinged than she is. We don't know if she's really Metajini/wakeupshoryu's evil tranny alter ego or not.
All we know is she's a failed artist
When will you leave Baron and nubi the fuck alone, Ellie?
>Ellie really calling herself a failed artist to fool you into thinking she's innocent
Freudian slip, much?
please nubi, im begging you to stop posting and seek help
>metajini headstomped by baron and nubi in 2019
>metajini stops playing in 2020, resorts to shilling kekken and bashing everything else instead
>"ellie" shows up on /y/ and /cm/ in 2021 drawing gay porn of Lion
>"ellie" gets called out and btfo'd for being a schizo
>"ellie" drawfags here after getting kicked off the gay boards, makes a gimmick out of drawing Lion while claiming to just be a casual 3d fan
>bridgetfag appears and tries to pin "ellie's" stuff on baron
>"ellie" accidentally uploads her own drawing while bridgetfagging
>admits to being bridgetfag and metajini
It all makes sense.
Metajini is mentally ill
And I'm begging you, Ellie, to take your meds and go to sleep.
i pulled an all-nighter just for sega to not announce vf6
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what's wrong with you people?
Ellie pulls all-nighters when she's upset about indie games playing like the old games she was beaten in decades ago. I can see now why she goons over Tekken
This not helping your case in anyone believing you're not insane, but it is good entertainment
Name one fighting game you actively play and enjoy.
i cant do that
As if you're any more sane than the literal tranny schizo. You're just enabling him at this point
uni2 before it died
SoulCalibur before the series died
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スーパーストリートファイター2xを史上最速でクリア! by 81standard
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDCfhNU4foI [

SSF2X craziness
https://youtu.be/LPFAEeIbRq4 ~ Transcript: http://zachd.com/nki/NKI-Vol12.Super.Turbo.txt
https://youtu.be/VQhwFORucV4 ] ~ Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aFZQxbHR91AyPZLWaxYuPjbywXwOEU7SMnxYkoxJMmE/

Super Turbo is Broken by GuileWinQuote

Chunli vs Blanka

SSF2X Cammy

A little randomness can annoy a zoner.

SF2X Guile re-dizzy on Zangief
With inputs
kys spammer
I was gonna pick up CotW but now that I know it's got guest characters I'll skip it.
Don't show Ellie! It's triggering to her
insane how chuds speak about Strive like Elphelt's thighs don't jiggle when she 5Hs
Triggered by good games, Ellie?
>Name one fighting game you ACTIVELY play and enjoy.
How can we enjoy any of the new shit?

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