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Punished V edition

>Update 2.0 Character Builder

>Phantom Liberty — Official Launch Trailer

>Latest Patch

>Exclusive Items: Twitch/Amazon/Gwent/Witcher/Gog

>Cyberpunk Clothes

>Console Commands for Items, Clothes, Weapons, Leveling, Money, and More

>Recommended Mods

>Back Alley Mods and Modding Discord

>/cp77g/ HOF: Community Content, Projects, and Races

>Braindance Catalogue

[__FL̷̞̀ATL̷̢̛I̴͝N̵E̵̞̋D__]: >>495873443
First for cute Vs....
I fucking hate Nexus Vs like you wouldn't believe
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she's a beauty OP
You were warned
Dont lie take your punishment
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>Dont lie take your punishment
imagine those lips on you though
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It could have been anything, but here we are
I'd very much not like to imagine a vacuum hose on me
Whats the most powerful mid-range weapon in the game?
What's with the diarrhea on her face?
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by product from the facial cybernetics mod, not too pleased with it either yet
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Maybe I should give Maddie more love. What do you all think of her?
she smug
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Found a different updated version of the Doll Lines for "Mox Phase" V, could use a second opinion, which version should I use? Neat that the model here has the same scar as well
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She has two moods.
Smug, and Brat
I am gay I like to stick my dick in men's assholes
so whats the strongest katana in 1v1 (boss fights)? assuming you have 60 shinobi and are running sandy, id say its either errata or tsumetogi, pretty sure the latter?
She's cute! CUTE!

Shadowrun moment. Since when did someone add the DOOM armors to Cyberpunk?

It's honestly amazing how starved for "good" Vs people were when the game launched that they still attach to this plastic turboslut and cream hard
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Since I commissioned it
Very cute and stylish.
mein cyberneggers, any mods with more qipaos or similar dresses? I can only find 2 on the nexus and they are not quite what im looking for, thanks in advance
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>It's honestly amazing how starved for "good" Vs people were when the game launched that they still attach to this plastic turboslut and cream hard
thank you friend, that's high praise!
>2023 screenshot
For the love of God, you're worse than that one blonde V that reposts the same 3 screenshots over and over
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thank you, please have another
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Don't be rude, no one is worst than that fag.
As modding technology advances, we are ever so close to getting that V to choke on dick.
I mean they're all shit but 2023 wasn't that long ago
I like the first one but it kinda takes away from the scar.
Help me understand Focus and Run'n'gun chooms.
If I already have unlimited stamina and perfect hip accuracy because Run'n'gun + Deadeye, why would I want to aim to use focus mod? 25% time slow is meaningless if you alread yhave sandevistan.
For when your sandi is in cooldown, same with the reflex tuner.
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That's what I thought too, I tried it anyway and here's a hasty result. Turns out the old texture had a lot of make-up and stuff baked into it too
I also downloaded bunny teeth and am honest to God pondering where this ride will end
Are they good ones at least? Not sure if I've seen them
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It is now your quest to take him to the edge of the map.
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>Val one minute after official modding tools drop
Well, let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes..
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got kinda tired of the ponytail look
static: happy actually fits now yay
Oh right, your V has bangs. It looks good, I think. Will probably have to take a few more photos from different angles to see if you like it.
>where this ride will end
Still miles to go
Can you make ridiculously thicc V with a lot of freckles, terrible fashion sense and myopia? I want my V to be a corporate nerd that likes to spend all her free time on the net, lives on microwaved meals diet, is addicted to sugary soft drinks and accidentaly started to hang out with wrong people till it was too late for her. High int and tech, low body and not cool at all.
nuh uh
There was this thing called "project valentine", which gave V a more chunky body, but that's about it.
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He's too far away to be afraid of guns now. He's just playing his guitar in the sky now, unbound by fear or gravity.
double jump + dash + sandy at him
I'd say she looks so much better now, with a lot more character and personality shining through.
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>Oh right, your V has bangs.
At the moment yeah, I still got the alternate bob hairstyle. Here are a couple of angles
Hold me cyberbros..
Based street musician doing it for the art
Was this that cute redhead?
Thank you anons... I guess my V will be the different kind of nerd then, the ones who can eat whatever they want, but not gain a weight. Usually because they don't really eat much when they are connected to the net.
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might be true
yeah just with a different cut and some more makeup
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sausage ain't my Val's inclination though
I like it, looks a bit more moxie
Inclination won't matter a single bit
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i like her new look a lot, looks really cute now
Well, lets see what you come up with.
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making outfits is gonna be a pain tho
Shouldn't be a problem, you seem to have a good eye for fashion.
just download em all and mix'n match, it's fun
Nothing like a good burger after a hard days work getting pumped non stop, she deserves at least a 10 piece chicken nugget combo as well.
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My /fa/ has changed very little over 60 levels
Comfy and utilitarian. Good mercfit
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the latest method I got is to just search up a color, make a fit, then tweak after
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>start new character
>get to V's apartment after Sandra
>been in the wardrobe ever since
>finally finish about 10 outfits so I can start to play
>image related how long it took me
We can finally play, friends. And only two of those outfits are outright NSFW, and one is, well theres no nudity but I wouldn't show anyone that you want to respect you. Anyone else cruising NC today?
Not very cute, no frills, lace or tummy!
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>Anyone else cruising NC today?Anyone else cruising NC today?
Not yet. Did you just use your old V as a preset? Been wondering if I should do something similar since my current save is at some 400 hours
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Did Takemura's VA for the English game do the jap dub?
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I did use my old V as a preset. Normally I make a new character each playthrough, but I surprisingly didn't get any inspiration to make a new character like I normally do halfway through so I got to the end with nothing set up. With no gameplan or modding to go around it, I just decided to reuse this time and make sure to be mindful of inspiration for the next go. To spice it up I am trying to not use the same outfits I used before, with the exception of two that I just don't have alternatives for.
>since my current save is at some 400 hours
How is your game still letting you play? My last save was at 200 hours and I was getting all kinds of bugs and glitches.
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Since you're doing a streetkid now, maybe a great time to try some more (goth-esque) street wear fits?
>How is your game still letting you play? My last save was at 200 hours and I was getting all kinds of bugs and glitches.
Steam Deck magic? I honestly don't know. The only annoying glitch that I still get from time to time is the lights & particle artifacts. Other than that, some bugs but nothing that seems out of the ordinary. What sort of bugs/glitches did you get?

Also, post Mox fit. Now
>V is a doll
>No pics of her getting used
Truly criminal.
She's still recovering from the scav dungeon shoot
>(goth-esque) street wear fits?
It's the plan, but I still want to make them cute and not overly big and bulky. After all, Misty grew up on the same block as Jackie and she still pulls off cute Goth.
>Steam Deck magic?
Never sell that thing, I'm convinced they accidently sold you some prototype that's way better than it should be.
>post Mox fit. Now
Thanks for reminding me, it's the one fit I am not all the way happy with. In fact, since you posted I've been retweaking it, but I need time away from it. Every outfit that I feel needs tweaking I just need time away, and when I come back it all makes sense in how to fix it in my mind. With that warning out of the way, enjoy.
>That mox fit
Ridiculous really, super lewd.
Need to decide what to do with the shrubbery, scared to not catbox it because of it. A little peeking is fine, but that's a tree.
Did you used the latest pubes that are more of a bush that just a flat texture?
> A little peeking is fine, but that's a tree.
Yeah I used that mod for them that is in my list, can't remember the name. I usually use it for every outfit, assuming they don't poke through the pants or clothing there. Don't realize how tight some of the clothing is until you use that mod.
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You know just by looking that guy fucks
Every femv in /cp77g/
This one I assume?
That's the one, I knew it had an odd name I just couldn't remember what.
Can't help it, Judy is too cute.
Yeah, nexus search algorithm is fucking trash an only looks for key words on the tittle, makes some mods completely hidden. Honestly you being afraid to catbox it makes me even more curious of what the pics looks like.
>that pic
Nice high octane outfit.
>nexus search algorithm is fucking trash an only looks for key words on the tittle
Yeah, it's why I tried to describe the mods or what I thought was good about them in my list to save others the hassle of searching. I plan to keep adding to it and just posting the link whenever someone asks.
>makes me even more curious of what the pics looks like
Wait does my Catbox link not work? Did it expire already? Or are you just at work or something and don't want to have someone possibly see? She's fully clothed, it's just a risque outfit.
>Nice high octane outfit
Thanks, I feel like I need to do something more with the belly but I am pretty sure that's just my mind being autistic and it's fine bare.
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>Want to make a cute valentino's slut
>Also want to play with a Katana
Why is the autism so strong?
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>Never sell that thing, I'm convinced they accidently sold you some prototype that's way better than it should be.
I'll make it even better, I got it for free
That Mox fit is cute but also fittingly lewd. One tip I can give you is to take it a bit easy with the accessoires. Go for a simpler choker for example or lose the necklace since half of it is covered up anyway. Don't get me wrong, I really like your fits, but with some of them I sometimes have no idea what to focus on because there's so much going on
Also good fit, really digging the double buns style
Just make her a Valentino cutie who is obsessed with the Bushido movies. Now she has a reason to larp.>>496238886
>but with some of them I sometimes have no idea what to focus on because there's so much going on
Yeah it's an issue of mine that I constantly have to fight. My first character I would fill every single slot of equipmentex, so every outfit I make the last thing I do is try and remove as much as I can.
I forgot about it entirely once I started to tweak it again, the very outter crop top is the same but I changed the tank top, pants and shoes last minute. Will fix it though for sure.
D-do you know Gaben?
>really digging the double buns style
I like it too, I've had it for a while because I honestly download 95% of Void's mods, I just kind of forgot about them and they were mixed into my general hair folder. I like that it shows my ears. I also have the same style with a single bun instead of two, but I think for now I will keep the double.
>that image
Glad to see someone got that dress working, I like it but just wasn't pleased with the lace on my character. Your's makes it work though.
>I plan to keep adding to it and just posting the link whenever someone asks.
Your mod list is now part of the OP, so you can just keep updating it.
>Wait does my Catbox link not work?
The one you posted with her mox outfit, it does but I thought you had more pics that you were afraid to share.
>Thanks, I feel like I need to do something more with the belly
So many styles anon, so many styles..
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>mfw all this disgusting avatarfaggotry and not one person has brought up how 2077 isn't an RPG
>Your mod list is now part of the OP
Oh, didn't notice because by the time I got home the new bread was baked and like 40 posts in so I didn't read the last 12-ish hours of the prior gen. I feel like the other mod list should be above mine in the next gen, if anyone that bakes them is seeing this post. Maybe it's me being autistic, but I feel like my list would feel like a lot to a new player, also the other list was first so my autism makes me want to be second I'm sorry.
>I thought you had more pics that you were afraid to share
Not yet but I can take more. I am out front of my apartment currently, eating a late lunch so once I finish and get free I can see about taking more.
>so many styles
I surprisingly don't have a lot of mods that make it so I can add to the belly without adding elsewhere. The belly and shoulders for accessories would be a great place if any modders are looking for ideas.
Sorry anon, what do you want to talk about? Start us up.
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its a better RPG than any bethesda game
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Take it back.
Where's gook qt V?
Which one?
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Get down and suck my toes todd
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>D-do you know Gaben?
[Spoiler]non ironic sugar bro that wanted to upgrade to an OLED deck[/spoiler]
For the fits, try a rule of thumb that you'll only pick one piece of jewelry for every three articles of normal clothing. Or if you got jewelry on your arms, use nothing for the legs, only one piece per location, decorate her like a Christmas tree and then force yourself to remove everything until three accessories remain, etc etc. If your autism flares up tell it to shut up and watch some actual high fashion stuff. A Gucci necklace, for example, should grab enough by itself alone

Think of the iconic, little black dress, simplicity is golden

Now I'll stop before I start calling you sis and critically examine your make up too
Does the water in Starfield react to having a grenade explode in it yet, or will that come in the HD remaster 10 years from now?
no thats DLC via creations. $14.99
>Just make her a Valentino cutie who is obsessed with the Bushido movies
Not a bad compromised... I could also use machetes although I don't know if they are as good as katana's I've never played melee.
There's only one.
Anon pls I've asked many times very nicely to cease showing me that. My eyes don't deserve that.
>There's only one.
describe them
Autism overload, your list is good and more up to date than the old one desu.
is she corpo? if so it works
>tfw you will never suck Todd's toes as Fleetwood Mac faintly plays from another room
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>>tfw you will never suck Todd's toes as Fleetwood Mac faintly plays from another room
How come cute V's are still not making out with each other?

what works?
Wow anon, I've never seen her getting posted showing so much skin.
I can 100% do that. Also I am hopeless with makeup, tried doing hers once watching some youtube videos and just made her look like a clown, so I went with a very minimal set up.
You could indeed, I have zero idea about if Machetes are good or not either. I used Katana's and throwing knives on one character, but I honestly didn't touch any other blades because of how many katanas the game throws at you. I'm sure they probably used them in the Bushido movies though.
>Autism overload
Yeah, wish it wasn't so but it is. I dunno, feel like if it's going to be in the OP I need to take some time and work on it more. Do better with the clothing, describe whats in it instead of just what I liked about it. Dunno, I will think about it and more than likely fix it.
I am way too lazy to learn how to do it, and I don't have that sort of patience. I am fine with spending hours looking for and modding the game, but rescreating and posing V's would drive me up a wall. I can barely do props without losing it.
you dont need much makeup really
Big breasts.
Big buns.
Neck tat.
Smoochable lips.
Kaiba bike enthusiast.
Yeah, right now she just has some eyeliner and a little shadow on, aside from lipstick. And that's it. Anything I tried was just wayy to much, at least in my eyes.
Oh, the one that poses with Katana's a lot? I really need to get in my head that that's Asian V, cause in my head I call her something different. I call her DAT anon.
At this point I'm wondering if I should just do it in photoshop...
Unless you're going for some artsy performance, less is more for make up too. Tried to life and let live with make up that was hard baked into the Doll cyberware in pic related but it ultimately was too much even tho I love smoky eyes
>tfw no multiplayer to go shopping together with Hime V sis
asian v this scar v that
where's my gurr kinky v at?
In my bedroom dressing up
Yeah makeup I just don't get even after watching some at least titled "begginers" tutorials. Granted it was for IRL but I feel like the basics should translate.
>doll cyberware
Yeah that's a bummer. If you ever get the urge to try again, did you try using one of her complexion mods with it? Usually her complexions don't have a lot of freckles, or at least freckle free options so it might work that way.
>smoky eyes
Have you seen this mod? Not sure if I put it on my list as I used it on I think my second character and only her, but it's pretty good. The author has only 4 mods to their name, but they are all pretty good quality.
>tfw no multiplayer to go shopping together with Hime V sis
Multiplayer would be fun, and honestly my second favorite modern Fallout was 76. Please don't judge me, it's unironically a blast.
>kinky v at?
Not sure if you mean me or if someone else also get's called Kinky.
>Not sure if you mean me or if someone else also get's called Kinky.
the one wearing black lipstick and to whom river gives an "ick"
Yeah that's me. Does River seriously not give you the ick either? At least you didn't call me female this time.
>da asian thot
That's not very choom-y of you.
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he does but ive never heard a man say the ick word unironically, that's what women do
>At least you didn't call me female this time.
>>where's my gurr kinky v at
wait we're watching youtube makeup tutorials for cyberpunk characters?
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Maybe I am showing my age, but DAT means she has a nice big ass. I can't help it, it's what I think of when I picture her.
I have 7 sisters and I am the only other male aside from my father in my family. Bonus is though that girls I talk to have zero idea about my autism because of it though.
>where's my gurr kinky v at
I feel compelled to learn about things before I do them, and youtube is great at getting taught things for free. It's how I recently learned how to repair sink faucet.
You're probably better off looking at finished make up then how to apply make up, if that is what you meant
>Doll cyberware
I already fixed it, turns out Kala's patreon had a few updated versions. You can see it in that collage above.
I'll have a look at that mod later.
>Kinky V
Console Anon got called that too after sharing some Judy fantasies, one of them quite a bit more kinky than your DumDum date
little thought but is all this make-up talk misinformation to make it seem you're not a gal?
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>looking at finished make up then how to apply make up
It could be, I usually like learning about things from start to finish because I'd like to know why you A to get to B and such to understand things better.
>had a few updated versions
Nice, yeah she doesn't purge mods so it's always good to check the date on whatever you are looking at. She is slowly redoing all her hairs to add physics, but the non-physics versions are still there too.
>I'll have a look at that mod later
Nice, hope you like it. It's just a light smoky eye makeup since the vanilla ones are, for a lack of a better word, more bold.
>Judy fantasies
Now I gotta go find it, was it last gen?
>to make it seem you're not a gal
>Nice, hope you like it.
Depends largely on if it can beat the bold winged eyeliner
> I gotta go find it, was it last gen?
Yeap, look for the reply to "you can always share em with me" or something
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>that pic
who let this happen?
playing & lewdin' other games
>makeup tutorials for cyberpunk characters?
I have unironically done that, but for other games
Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/q7gzFBnfRfo?si=86WhR7U9wvN12Cbg
It took a minute, but is this the one? If so that is pretty kinky. >>496131527
Feel like I should apologize, sorry anon.
Currently listening to this playlist.
The plot thickens.
Good lord..
Yeap that's the one
That's a completely valid expression to refer to Rivers, especially if you are a chick. However, I would rather express my thoughts using actual words. Rivers, at first glance, seems like an upstanding guy, the typical good cowboy, then he gets "suspended" and contacts you to help him find his nephew. From there, it's clear that the entire thing isn't about his nephew and it's more about him getting that sweet, sweet merc pussy, even Johnny comments on it for the people and V who are too slow or blind to read between the lines. Once you realize that his entire skit and him become revulsive, and it only gets worse if you realize that his entire skit, he becomes revulsive, and it only gets worse if you accept his invitation, such a cringefest.
>new bunnygirl outfit drops
We cookin now.
Huh, yeah #4 in the spoiler beats me.
>Not reverse bunny girl
>Grindera pics on the showcase.
>it's clear that the entire thing isn't about his nephew and it's more about him getting that sweet, sweet merc pussy
nice headcanon
>t. Rivers
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for shame, fren...you could've baked a thread sooner and prevented that
You could try to use your shop magic, but I'm in between playthrough and I don' know what to do, I'm willing to start working on NPV's if anons are willing to send their presets sliders and the mods they used since legsV hasn't made their triumphant return yet.
>tfw people are so completely midbroken and retarded that not being a psychopath gives women 'the ick'
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Calm down bro, the only woman here is Kinky V, and her 'ick' detector is yet to fail.
>Not reverse bunny girl
The torso isn't what I want, but the leggings, boots and possibly ears I'm very interested in. About to boot up the game and try it out.
>Grindera pics on the showcase
I just look at the pictures in reverse, so start at the end. Usually the ones at the end show the outfits better, or at least I think they do, since the ones at the end are lesser personalities and usually showcase the outfits more than the character.
Sorry I wasn't paying attention and missed this,. I've explained it before and just use Ick to summerize it, in fact my explaining it is why people think I am female. River is a chameleon in that he starts off a cop that tries to do the right thing, until he meets us. As soon as he meets us, suddenly he has zero problem coloring outside the lines and wants to zero the coma guy that kidnapped Randy. I don't have a problem with this as a person like V, but right before this we were chastising his partner about being a corrupt cop.
The other things I hate are him sandbagging you with his family. Do I think he told the nephew and niece to do the "is she your GF" bit? No, probably not, but he knows what kind of kids they are and how their mother is, and knew the chance was good they'd help since even his family know the guy is ick. And the final thing I hate and makes my skin crawl is the confession. "Hey, let me trap you on top of a water tower after I give you alcohol to make it so climbing down is less of an option while I confess to you". Shit is the worst. I'd rather watch Stefan's XBD and get grabbed up by the scavs than go to that dinner again. I'll do Jefferson's Gig because I like him and the story, but fuck calling River ever again.
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Hello, ladies
I mean that dude's clearly insane. >>496256625
>The torso isn't what I want, but the leggings,
You are thinking big I see, I didn't even see the leggings in any of the pics.
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Post was too long had to chop it up because of my autism.
Oh I was at work, I couldn't bake shit. I was apologizing for associating your character with her ass instead of something nice, like your picture quality that even though you claim is just stock settings I am convinced you made a pact with Demon V to get the quality.
I do think that getting his nephew back is his #1 priority, but smashing V is obviously more important than his future. He always quits being a cop and becomes a criminal the second he meets V. Dude is in too deep.
Hope I explained it well here >>496256716 but it may just be my autism.
>and her 'ick' detector is yet to fail
The best upside to playing male V is River probably acts like a normal person around you.
jesus anon
It's a small area with one exit that is precocious to a person who takes a shot or two of hard alcohol before confessing. It's a trap in the base sense. Don't do this to people.
I don't see it, are you sure the crazy one here isn't you?
>I would rather get actually get molested than deal with a guy bringing me to his favorite spot and clumsily confessing his feelings
See? You are a woman.
how badly do real people scare you, anon?
>I'd rather watch Stefan's XBD and get grabbed up by the scavs
Go on..
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>You could try your shop magic
I just thought about it and realized that it's prolly a bit harder than just layering two pictures on top of each other. I can think of something else tho. If Anons are willing to donate pics of their Vs in a Mox fit, then I am willing to work on a /cp77g/ version of pic related
>I'm willing to start working on NPV's if anons are willing to send their presets sliders and the mods they used
I'm willing, but I'm still somewhat occupied with modding my V, still, tell me exactly what you need and I could give you the vanilla "Scar V" to start with, most mods are just extra stuff anyway
Bullying #OurGirl, shameful.
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>I was apologizing for associating your character with her ass instead of something nice
oh....meh, oh well. that thing in the OP is the greater sin here
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You, on the mattress, now
Captcha: pr00p
>NPV's if anons are willing to send their presets sliders
I've posted mine in the general twice now
Just sayin'...
It's a different setting but the same trap as people proposing at sporting events and big restaurants after one or two dates. The tactic is to get them somewhere they can't easily escape and feel pressured to say yes. Don't do this to people, please.
>See? You are a woman.
Not at all for the most part. Getting goosebumps and feeling revulsion is far from being scared.
At least there I am responsible for what happens to me, no one is to blame but me for putting on a random BD.
>Bullying #OurGirl, shameful.
I've been meaning to ask, is she actually Asian or does someone just call her that? I don't know if it's me just not seeing it, genuinely, or if it's a nickname.
>Captcha: pr00p
i can see river in a similar light, though the tone of his missions and how he is presented counters the creepiness that could be seen in emotionally pressuring and placing V in a dangerous spot before we either say yes or turn him down.

if a man you just met invites a single woman to a two person boat ride or camping in the woods... run.
Or an armed man invites you to the top of a tower in the desert.
I feel like what River did is way different than proposing on the jumbotron
>I'm willing, but I'm still somewhat occupied with modding my V,
It's fine I got to setup something for you send the info unless you don't mind to make it "public" through a catbox link, but I would rather keep it discreet.
>tell me exactly what you need and I could give you the vanilla "Scar V" to start with, most mods are just extra stuff anyway
I'm gonna need the character sliders and whatever custom mods you use, preferably in text form.
Seriously, where? Or you mean you've already sent it twice? Are you that console anon who posted a video with the slider?
>confess feelings somewhere public
>confess feelings somewhere private
nigga's really chimping out over some soda, that's wild
>is she actually Asian
that was the idea, and the name ChingchongdingdongV just stuck
>That pic
Very deep..
>Are you that console anon who posted a video with the slider?
Kek, yeah
>Or an armed man invites the most dangerous person in night city with guns and chrome falling out of her pants to the top of a tower in the desert.
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It's all cool, just take your time setting up and in the meantime I'll try to remember all the mods that made this cute doll possible
In case anyone wants to put in the effort to make a BD with my Goth, sliders are here and you already have my modlist.
Didn't see this until I scrolled up to link posts asking about sliders and gave up, but yeah. I usually try to look at the whole outfit, almost no mod has an outfit I completely like. It's a little from this or that mod. Also, pics suck a lot of the time because people mix and match, and it makes knowing exactly what the mod contains blurry. That's why I'm thankful when people put the CET codes in the description, so I know exactly what I am getting.
Anon, if you can't see the problem with those confessions then I don't know what to say, other than please don't do that to your future girlfriend/wife.
I get that it feels like we know River a long time because of replaying the game, but V knows him for what, like half a week at that point? Maybe a little more? Doing it in a place that's hard to escape is shit.
Fuck I promised you more vids will work on it.
i'll definitely take your relationship and interaction advice to heart
>Fuck I promised you more vids will work on it.
lol it's cool anon dw about it
Uhm, Kinky V: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/16811

Dum Dum is waiting
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Had to.
Now that is an XBD I would love to be in
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>meme edits
lmao, gave me a hearty chuckle, choom
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You are fast, thing hasn't been downloaded once yet.
Alright anon, at least I tried.
I just forgot when I got wrapped up in my mod list and other things. I really don't mind.
I've already got https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/16144, https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/16190 and https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/16074 but I will add it, thanks anon for looking out for me.
Robots will sooner or later take over your job
Mercenary Robots? What will V do?
i wouldnt assume characters know who V is and what they can do. at most they know we fucked up a big mission and are dying.
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Alright, I setup the thing, I only need your V's sliders, face, body, tattoo's etc, preferably in .txt form and plain portrait pic for guidance in case the numbers in the files are different than in-game. And of course all the mods you use, body, skin, tats, outfits(this one is just in case you want a particular look), etc. send everything to.
That catbox link in mine has the sliders in a notepad. Goodluck anon!
Neat, what about the mods?
Oh shit I didn't read the whole post, you want just a straight front facing pic?
https://pastebin.com/FzAvQg1H Right now I am using Void's hair, and lip makeup. I am using VTK with Ava's VTK body and Ava's VTK head complexions. Uhh, oh I use gauges in my ears but if you don't want to bother thats fine.
poor kot
Will do
>you want just a straight front facing pic?
Yeah, just in case the morphs in the files don't match the slider number.
Aright, if I need anything else I'll pin you.
Thank you.

If anyone else wants to donate their presets to make an NPV and such you can send it to >>496262051
>spend 10 minutes looking for the new bunnygirl outfit I downloaded
>downloaded it but forgot to install it
Alright anon, these aren't nudes I just don't want to clog up the gen. Let me know if these don't work or you want a different angle.
>Alright anon, these aren't nudes
Thank you for clarifying, lmao, I think those will do, thank you.
Np anon, just ask if you do need anything. Always glad to help.
Sure thing, hopefully more people donate their preset and we can do a group photo.
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What's the point of having a piano if it plays music on its own? Liebesträume.

based mr.studd poster
I wonder, did anybody else expect Night City to look more like Dogtown when the game was releasing, and then expect Dogtown to look like the stadium market? From the outside I thought it would be a tightly packed place, or a claustrophobic series of megablocks connected with bridges. All that talk about how brutal and grim it is compared to the rest of the city and once you're in it's... just another slum, just sandy.
>just another slum, just sandy
Because it is just another part of the city, just slightly unfinished. If it looked wildly not like the rest of Night City, it would be out of place.
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I just send you a mail with my presets, I think I got everything included what is needed but if something's missing or not right, well you know what to do. Again, really cool that you're willing to do this
I love her
Flex on the poor people. "Oh you listen to Chopin on mp3 (or whatever it is in the future), I just have my piano play it live for me"
I think it's not just a slum, but a slum that's filled with debris and such. Northside might be a big mess, but people actually still live in buildings. Majority of Dog Town, it seems, live in makeshift shacks fashioned from old shipping containers and scrap
All V's are valid.
The sacred words
I'll keep you chooms posted about the progress as soon I begin, your contribution is much appreciated.
Protein bars are the ultimate food
All you need is Mr. Whitey, it keeps you going and going and going.
Way too much sugar, unless you mean the ones from the snow piercer.
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sent her off to the moon
not because I liked her, but because I hate glowies so damn much
Fuck the NUSA and Fuck Millitech
Just admit you're just scared to do the other ending, its okay, we are friends here
I am not letting the NUSA and Millitech get a WMD for free
Killing her at the end of the other ending is the correct choice, anons
You can still prevent it
u literally compete with blonde bimbo, damn
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I had to try, Hime V
lewds pls
I felt it was the right choice at the time because of Johnny, I didn't want to be the NUSA's little lackey
Now I can't rewind because I've done so many of those NCPD alerts and don't want to redo them
I'll manage with what I got, and besides: I fucked them over hard
Come on Anon, that wouldn't be right
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r8 my chrome
>Johnny + V tattoo
I have seen all I need
Are you me? you could survive wave after wave of maxtac without sweating a bit.
>Still no way to make it legendary or make it better
CDPR fucking sucks.
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Plato and Aristotle at the school of Athens

I had some of those CDs, good memories.

Plato has some killer hips, is that a mod?
>It's not a rig! so it needs Pants, dresses, bodysuits... refited!
every time Mr hands calls jago 'he' I just imagine him going to a pride parade
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Most custom clothing works if you just pick the Hyst/VTK versions of the mods.
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I'll give it a try, I did pick quite a few of the VTK options because of Lethal Curves
No, it's Hime V's V
God that ass is fat.
Lol nice, I had to do a double take because I saw cyberarms and tattoos.
I don't mind if you do lewd stuff, I mean I think that's why I gave that other anon the sliders because he was gonna do xbd stuff. Or did I misunderstand?
I may just be retarded, but am I the only one that thinks some of those don't make sense? Lynx paws and gorilla arms? Doesn't that far left frontal cortex give ram and sentry damage? With a Sandy? And the worst of all, no biomon are you crazy anon?

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