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>Terry Teaser, Gameplay and Guide trailer

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Previous: >>496110189
shit game
Where is the newest Clayton vid? I miss him.
For me it's Hiroi Kikuri and Ryu
How we solve the cheating problem?
Theres no cheating problem in SF6 just doomers who dont even play
You can beat cheaters and theres guides to it
t. cheater
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Just use a proper anti-cheat like the ones multiple online games use including Riot's
>here's your new outfit, gaijin
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Capcom has no reason to censor Mai now
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My ultra sexo wife.
>c-capcom knows what the consumer wants! T-T-Thanks capcom! *sniffs and wipes tear*
How do I unlock bunnygirl Bocchi?
because even Muslim Kombat is willing to show ass and titties now
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My ultra sexo wife.
cammy wears a diaper
Nice of you to post your wife, Balrog.
Disgusting whore with butthole lips doing fucking duckface like its 2003 myspace.
>Monkey ears
>given male pattern baldness hairline
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>Cammy is a mouth-breathing retard, which explains her cocksucking lip stance, who can barely take care of herself
Hot... wiping shit outta Cammy's ass.
Aw hell nah
Do I spam medium or heavy burn knuckle in neutral?
I want to change Cammy's diaper, whether is cum, piss or shit leaking out.
She would just pull me aside, because shes too embarassed to say, and we go into the bathroom, changing and cleaning Cammy's shit encrusted asshole...
Street fighter 6 new update....lol...... gender select.... hehe..... pick your characters gender... change it in round 2.....
Cute art but what is J*hn St*eets doing there?
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>"Officers, arrest this man."
Eternity, season 3
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>tfw I go to change Cammy's diaper, because last night it was your turn
>Is quite a lot this time around

This we need more bara art
Where is the anime girl?
So does SF6. You are not making much sense
look what site you're on, buddy
It is funny seeing SFV players doing the exact same thing SFIV players were doing when SFV was the main game.

Yes, we get it. You don’t like the latest SF game. You don’t have to post about it every day if you don’t enjoy the game that much. Just weird behavior desu.
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>Tfw Cammy leaked a lot of piss in her diappy and I gotta change and clean her up before she leaves the house
It’s soooooo true. And you know what? We ALL knew it was gonna happen. I kept saying I can’t wait until SFV becomes the bastion of all things good in Fighting Games later in SF6’s lifespan. Hahaha. If you remember the SFV discourse during its entire life, man. LOLOL!
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don't do this
what? have you ever played mortal kombat in your life?
Please do this everytime coomers start to spam
i deserve to win because I wiggled back in the forth in the corner
>Li-Fen outta nowhere
when will capcom do cool collabs with big brands like bamco???
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gay ass niggas were larping about their 1900 MR this entire time. no one is signing up
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I want a Zodd guest appearance. Make his level 2 be a transformation install
>Wanting not only am ambitious crossover, but a character that is not one of the main 2 as the first character of said crossover
Go easy on the pipe dreams
I thought slime would be nerfed in season 2. There's no stopping me
actual indian cammycel, welcome back
SF niggas are the most sensitive babies in the fgc
>oh no I'm in the corner and guessed wrong now I have to eat a 10% damage throw :(

meanwhile marvel chads
>fuck I guessed wrong in the corner and now I'm eating a ToD combo and have to guess ANOTHER mixup when my other character comes in and potentially another ToD combo
Madman... lay off the crack bro.
it will have at least 40 participants minimum. people just like to sign up last minute
SF niggers are the most revolutionary leaders in the fgc
>oh no I'm in the corner and guessed wrong now I have to eat a 10% damage throw! Unnaceptable! >:(

meanwhile marvel fags
>fuck I guessed wrong in the corner and now I'm eating a ToD combo and have to guess ANOTHER mixup when my other character comes in and potentially another ToD combo I am such a happy cuck not playing the game!
bocchi troon back to fgg
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Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
La, la, la, la, la, laa
La, la, la, la, la, la

[Chorus: All]
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?

[Verse 1: Harold Brown]
I've seen you 'round for a long long time
I remembered you when you drank my wine

[Chorus: All]
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
BocchiCHAD please stay the fuck in /sfg/
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I'm in.
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The two sisters finally reunite...
/sfg/ is /fgg/'s stepson though
why is /fgg/ raiding us?
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>Get a knockdown
>Scared to do oki because half the cast has a invincible move or a super that will remove 30% and then give them advantage
This feels like shit. Are all 2d games like this?
learn a safe jump
Capcucks don't play other games
Better luck asking that in /fgg/
hardly anyone wakes up super or dp in this game. they are risking 50%
Very cute. Thank you for doing this.
What if it's a command grab super
>hardly anyone wakes up super or dp in this game
everyone is doing it
thank you, ana ctual post
no, they are worse. They sometimes have invincible non-super moves that can combo or be canceled into supers. you can use the super flash to eat you oki delay throw/button if you are that scared. If you block their wake up super they basically forfeit the round and next round becomes more difficult for them too. wake up super is a very bad option.
so block it and win the game. take the free win.
you can option select jump
you aren't as smart as you think.
i know i can block it. my point is that it feels stupid that i'm guessing on my fucking knockdown.
whats terry broggers safe jump
If pros really hated 6 as much as they say why aren't they playing something else? There's almost no money in fighting games and if you're not one of the 5ish players that regularly place you might as well go play a game you actually enjoy
the whole game is guessing, retard. what do you think perfect parry is?
what pro hates the game besides random losers like eldergoose
i dunno, i heard this was competitive
just disappointing
do people now really drive for hours to play SF6 at their locals and throw loop each other? I remember having a blast playing SF4 at locals
>update this week with a new character
>general is still so dead that animefags can just repeatedly hijack the op
Start playing again and Terry is another walk back with obscene buttons and fireball game to keep away into jumpscare with safe special that's unreactable or one that goes over fireballs and lows and of course the classic DR and even fireball DR. Lol yep game still trash.
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Oh wait I forgot about the insane corner carry into throw loop. Silly me, how could I forget.

then SLIME!
I think the cope for this is still "we're all just busy playing the game!"
Only japan cares about Dix
Easiest one is medium power charge then hold up forward
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Thanks for the slut, Capcucks
We'll take good care of her
>this patch is an indirect rashid buff
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Don't call her a slut.
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sharing is caring
none of you use replay takeover
>releasing a literal who in slime rush 6
Surprised that people didnt expect this. Mai will bring attention for her tits then its downhill again since not many people give a shit about Elena.
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bros...i'm in devil time now...
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This game is for children.
How many buttons like this need to be added into the game? It's tiresome.
Robot needs you to own dlc to play against them am I wrong to assume this fuck ass company won’t even let me use replay take over if I don’t own the dlc character?
Everything about most characters is just degenerate made to cater to idiots. Reaction check and mash city (of the wolves)
>fight against master vrival
>it's just a level 8 cpu that knows some combo routes
It's really boring and I'm not sure why I still play or post here
I might pick up Jamie to make things interesting
Who do you play now?
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I have a forced feminization fetish. What female characters should I play? I was kind of liking Manon but at the same time there's something missing.
>round start vs kimberly
>she immediately starts walking herself to the corner
how did they get this far doing this? it's not even hard to coutner
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Fighting games aren't sexual you coomer faggot. Play who you think is cool.
Fair enough
>Not degenerate
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da alfa said terry has ass neutral.
fighting games aren't sexual but they have to push blatantly in our faces that eternity is a faggot as soon as you open the game
Tokido said Ken needs buffs
With those buttons and fireball?
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Remove Dhalsim, Zangief & Blanka from the game
Remove Dhalsim, Zangief & Blanka from the game
Remove Dhalsim, Zangief & Blanka from the game
Remove Dhalsim, Zangief & Blanka from the game
Remove Dhalsim, Zangief & Blanka from the game
>Remove Dhalsim, Zangief & Blanka from the game
Remove Dhalsim, Zangief & Blanka from the game
>Remove Dhalsim, Zangief & Blanka from the game
Remove Dhalsim, Zangief & Blanka from the game
>Remove Dhalsim, Zangief & Blanka from the game
This, put Necro and Hugo in
Get both of those characters the fuck out of here
Nigger characters who zone with buttons shouldn't be an archetype, absolute zero effort degenerate gameplay
If there was a button to have all Dhalsim mains die overnight I would slam it multiple times
World Warriors are based, Tim-Tim.
Literally nobody cares about them
Anyone noticed the online has gotten worse now?
Is there any use for Terry's lane switching? Never see anyone using it.
They care more about them than whatever Turd Strike scrimblo you want in the game kek
Sajam said the same thing. That his longer buttons are either slow or low reward, so he needs to spam specials in neutral.
If only this was a game where neutral was nonexistent
t. -600 mr
What about that long kick that crumbles on punish counter? It seems really good but i dont have Terry.
Bros I think Rashid might not be so good, his normals are kind of ass...
da alpha said ed has ass neutral
da alpha said akuma has ass neutral
da alpha thinks every character that isn't cammy has ass neutral because da alpha is carried
are you getting randomass communication errors in matches too?
redpill me on haute42s, i'm tired of my hitbox's chunky ass size
Yeah, it didn't use to be this bad before but now they happen almost regularly.
Nothing much to say aside that it's very comfortable to use
love leena
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Nakayama saw all the iconic designs SF has and told his army of pajeets to design the ugliest manliest roidded tranny in gaming
if your character can't push merchandise than its likely an unappealing character, I don't decide that, the market does.
Why are you replying to a pic of two irrelevant scrimblos that only coomers like?
We're not talking about Menat and Poison doebeitever
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My tongue spreading Cammy's shit-encrusted anus. Simple as.
Ya know, fair enough.
Menatfag is easy the funniest poster here.
the razer kitsune is basically a haute42 but not bootleg chink shit and works on every console out of the box
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Look into the punk workshop hitbox. I've used it every day for 2-4 hours a day for about 2 years now and it's held up extremely well. It's small and really durable. This also comes with the best buttons, free.
I don't play Terry either, but I've heard Terry players complaining it has slow recovery, and is easy to whiff punish.
dont you fucking touch her you motherfuckers.
if they're motherfuckers, Li-Fen's mother is in danger!
*big sister
>opponent holds up+back
>I now have to chase them and antiair them 10 times in a row to win
>they have to hit me twice

why is this a thing

2d games are actually for brainlets man. you don't see this shit anywhere else
my brother in christ just slime 1 (ONE) time after anti-airing them and start coin flipping them
is it me or is there a tiny input delay for a split second when you take control in a replay
this is some caveman gameplay bro. lmao.
https://vocaroo.com/1aHHLcmvqsey new character select screen for season 3
I feel like throw loops wouldn't be as much of an issue if the entire offensive system they built didn't directly lead to it in every scenario. Drive Rush makes corner carry so easy and once they're there throw looping is the most dominant and safe strategy for you as the attacker.
a honda main made this track
i don't disagree but this is how the game is meant to be played
this replay takeover feature is fucking excellent for those of us who are too lazy to set up a dummy to do some bullshit that pissed us off in a match
i'm actually having fun looking at my replays for once
I wish there was replay takeover in real life...
currently questioning how i'm using my time
this game is shallow as a puddle
you guys lab? I just visualize the game and can run a simulation of anything I'm wondering about. Except Terry since I don't have enough data on him yet.
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how the fuck is this an overhead

it looks like bison's stHP which is a mid
I got Cammy to master rank without using throw loops and I want to shoot myself in the head multiple times
That was not worth it. Whiff punishing drooling nappy haired retards is not the way to go.
You’re telling me the yuro teens last night just spammed that one shota post to death? Funny how it made them fuckin crazy
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you can just tell when the person you're playing is black
In Tekken it’s easy since they added in the boost fade custom hair. Every single jin and Victor I met yesterday was a black guy probably on PS5
What are the hallmarks of black gameplay?
playing cammy and doing roundstart EX divekick
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>It's small
nta but its my main problem, I love the hitbox size but didnt like the button quality and quatity...

Looking to buy a haute42 m16 plus soon since its a bit bigger I think
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when will they fix kim?
How far gone do you have to be to not want to kill yourself half way into typing something so pathetic? I genuinely don't understand how people like you can't just enjoy a game for what it is and have to constantly attach some extreme perverse sexual shit to it.
terry is such a trash fake "depth" character.
When they replace her with Guy
If kim was good, that would reward skill and capcom doesn't want that. People will quit the game if kim had real mixup and then there goes the avatar clothing sales.
mashing out rehearsed setplay doesn't take skill. that's like saying you deserve a grammy for learning how to play mary had a little lamb on piano
alright man
>two Terrys in a row
>both head to “custom room after they lose
>one of the Terrys is a bison Master
Crazy, it’s not like I care about my wins dude.
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i'm starting to understand why the conquistadors took a visit down south
this character is pretty goonable when she doesnt have her retard hair
Lord give me the strength to not edge for 2 hours and instead work on my combos
>having fun with sf6 because i'm winning most of my matches lately
i hate this
i want to have fun on my poor performance days too
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i lost
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i agree, but i got used to it
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Why are pros still refusing to main Ryu? He's legitimately S tier with zero weaknesses.
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I want her daily meal routine
>the character you wanted to try
>reason why you haven't picked them up
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he's le bad
9k health
>terry neutral
lacking in big high reward buttons like ken, akuma, juri, etc, better conversions are spacing or counter-hit specific
>terry pressure
close range cancels are either unsafe, low reward, or reactable with PP and normals are all minus

what does he do
I realized I don't like playing characters with bad mobility and terrible frame data
he is trash tier, just like 'shid, 'kuma and edward
okay but akuma was instantly top tier to anyone with a brain and edward and sneed required people scoping out their level 2s before they really started performing, what does terry have that could have that kind of effect
Honda since I watched some sumo tournies
I fear parries
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I did a trade combo yesterday in a match and I still feel dirty

Completely absurd that I can be +16 on someone
>drive rush

>plink dashes
>Try to play Akoomer
eat shit
>Play Ken
Do alright, but with all the options available to me I try to do too much and eat shit (similar to Gouki)
>Play Dan
Well, you know..
>Play Ryu
Neuch? Clean. Damage? Abundant. Fundamentals? While mine are dogass, Ryu guides me to the promised land.

Alpha, Jive, Turd Strike, Dix. Ryu is objectively my most consistent. I feel stupid for not sticking with him.
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Of course someone from a club on the top 3 of the worst Brazilian clubs would be on master without knowing his own fucking character

ZSfighters, OdiadosDaFGC, e Hadoukenpostagem are factions for monkeys
I'm too much of a brainlet
I just picked up SF6. Question for pad players. What button do you use for drive rush? Default L2 macro, mp+mk face buttons or did you set it to a different button?
She is not in the game
I put it on L1 because when I started playing I was using a pad with actual triggers and triggers feel terrible for precise inputs in fighting games. If you have a pad that's all buttons then it shouldn't matter that much.
I can't react to DI
>I uninstalled the game before I did
i can but the game chooses not to register it

Yeah I was wondering if I should switch the default L2 and L1 macros since trials felt a bit clunky. Thanks
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dafeetlee said shut the fuck up
being able to trade into hop kick is my favorite thing in the game
Will they ever make it so the game isn’t just guessing non stop
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god I love white women ass
The sexo no hadou

wrong genre
What WEG is this?
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Cammy must still be partially brainwashed to not be stopping her ass from devouring those pants like a blackhole, goddamn imagine the wedgie
Smash is your best bet. Its bascially nooch in its purest form. He whomst winneth the whiff punish game probably winneth the stock.
Terry just came out and you guys are posting women instead of men
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Terry is a fag tho? He never fucked any girls
which of these characters will remove throw loops and nerf dr
Guile's first name is william??
Bob Sagat
Unless it’s stated in the game, no
>/neogeo/ has Chun and Mai as an OP image
>we have some random anime bitch instead of Terry or a SF sniff
And you retards wonder why the general is dying.
That’s because the OP is literally hijacked by some /fgg/ or worse euro niggers.
Like notice how ALL the activity died as soon as Euro time went to bed lol.
It's on his dogtags
Then it’s stated in the game then no?
Only characters with no last names are
Chun's last name is Li. How do you not know that
europeans hate the game too, they're just more vocal about it
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That’s not how it works in Chinese and even Capcom knows that. Her name Chun-li would be followed Xiang in the non-canon films and Capcom doesn’t acknowledge that either
Afaik his dogtag in the SFV costumes are inconsistent, one reads William F. Guile and the other is Guile F. Williams. Does it show up in 6?
Guess I’ll need zoom in
But for the rest they really are in a pickle if they want to give them last names like they did the recent new comers
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I dont get how people online manage to be so consistent with DPs at 1800s MR, i see pro games where they just dont go for it (particularly in cross ups) and it is not like i am jumping very much. Is this a South America thing?
stale meme
Is Kimberly fun? Is she worth buying the game for?
Hitbox player probably, it's incredibly easy to dp with it
willie guile
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Terry is a CHUD
no actually I'll be one and doneing thanks
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wtf I love Kuji now
How come no one cares about SF6 anymore? I'm seeing more hype for Dizzy than SF6 right now.
i turned blue and capcom said go get that nigga
Terry is out and the thread is... dead
All I've seen is
And all i can think is "you retards asked for slayer and got mad when you got him and you're about to have something much, much more annoying in your game"
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>Mortal Kombat is trending again
>No one cares about terry any more only 3 days after he drops
It's Friday night ,why would we be playing videogames?
>terry just dropped
>thread is crickets
>only 3 people signed up for the tournament

oh my days, bruv.
>Franchise that only appeals to Hispanics and Chinese being forced into game played by Japan and North America
>DP an AKI trying to do the flying dagger attack during her epic burnout string
Get fucked idiot
Bison and AKI players are truly the biggest frauds in this game. You can mash reversal on 100% of them
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This never would have happened if they released Sethanie instead of that lame shit Terry for season 2.
There's a tournament?
Lol you absolutely cannot, all those idiots do is apply poison/bomb and go for the shimmy combo. You can wake up low forward so often against them
stuck at 1450 MR for months now with ryu
what's the epiphany I'm supposed to have to get out of this rank? can someone just tell me since I'm not figuring it out myself? TELL ME NOW
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>ineeduchun is joining
My connection to that guy is kinda ass, is it not region locked?
Nope have fun playing with wifi europoors
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Will simply pass then. Unfortunate that I cannot defend my title...
don't worry me and my 20 wired ec friends are planning on signing up at the last second, you'll only fight him in gf
This but Seth.

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