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Wholesome edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-59
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA
>Halloween Jam:

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

>Previous thread: >>496172172
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>Some people say my slop cannot be true
>Please believe me, nodev, i'll show you
>Cris will give you those things you thought Unreal
>The soul, the troon, the shart and Marmoreal
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a game where you are the tentacle monster
Post game.
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Make good games
I just don't know how to make a game
battlebit but medieval would actually be sick though, imagine playing a tank knight and cutting down tons of player peasants
Made a minuscule grin on ny face. Thanks.
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godot bros...
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you're walking in the woods
there's no one around and your phone is dead
out of the corner of your eye you spot him
Shia Labeouf
>godot bros...
Holy shit I hate this tranny engine so much... welp back to developing in bugdot.
I hate juan so much bros...
it better not despawn but actually runs away with the tree blocking line of sight
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It says my review doesnt count because its from a key will deleting the game from the account and buying it again with money work and make my review public?
Or do i need to make a new account just for reviewing this one game
>*unzip my cock*
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>tranny engine
that would be gamemaker
That's a
agdg loses again
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reworking the car handling so that it fucntions well for both combat and racing which has been quite a challenge.
>vid related
hope everyone is making solid friday progress
gamemaker and godot are both tranny engines
>it better not despawn but actually runs away with the tree blocking line of sight
Was trying to decide which route to go with that, I'm doing animations and shit right now. The walk looks okay but aside from reading "The Animator's Survival Kit" I have zero experience. The runs I keep churning out look goofy as fuck and not in a spooky way.
Man I like godot alot but I'm just so sick and tired of the culture war shit period. Got instant blocked, maybe it's time to pick up stride (lol) again.
How to prepare multiple collision shapes in blender for godot export?
When I'm adding a second collision and renaming it to collision-colonly it automatically changes it to collision-colonly.001 and it doesn't work
i was only kidding, the player won't see it anyway right?
Animation foundationals are meant to make your animations look canny
For spooky shit you WANT things to look uncanny
nvm figured it out
I've just had to rename it to collision2-colonly
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What's better...
Wokot or Gaydot?
>Maybe it's time to trade this shitty engine for an even shittier engine
I cant remove this game from my account what?
Like the option isnt there.
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Eric stuns the crowd in Tokyo with a brand new tshirt!
it just stole your monero
Your one review isn't going to turn a flop into a success. Give up.
>Eric stuns the crowd in Tokyo with a brand new tshirt!
That feels damn good. I hope to make tons of progress today too.
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I have a lot of things that are just sounds that I recorded but there are a bunch of animations I'm partially through doing that I'm not going to FORCE the player to see, my hopes being that everyone will spot a couple but not everyone will see them all in a play. This is my first game so I may trim it down for the sake of finishing before halloween.
the difficulty I'm having is that all my run cycles look like "comin to fuck your bitch" walks
Amidst the chaos of broken mesh, I see bigger triangle faces. This is evidence of simplification.
you guys told me japanese women didn't care for sdv

I hope shemoota stayed home
ideasguy post

battlebit... but medieval sieges
10 special classes per side that get randomly picked from dead players on respawn/gamestart, they lose it if they die and it gets rerolled, no more than 10 can be alive at one time

one class is knight or some bullshit, heavy armor and better weapons, can 1v3 the normal troops most times

basic troops would be a pick from swords/spear/range

siege rams and ladders ect but no catapults because they would get abused and are lame
i barely know how to make battlebits
vanilla greys are still so incredibly unnerving
so much so that they had to have been sourced from real life
i ain't gonna read any of that
Nobody would play it because the fun of Battlefield is in ranged combat, being able to slot shitters from across the map and abuse map and weapon knowledge. Plus the appeal is the epic guns soldiers shit go boomboom.
You're basically retreading Chivalry's ground which isn't nearly as fun when its asymmetrical; everyone is just running in wacking guys in melee but some guys get to be arbitrarily stronger? Its more fun in SW Battlefront because the game is third person and less map- and weapon-abuse dependent.
What would you suggest
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I feel the same way.
BattleBit, but fantasy knights and wizards. You can enjoy your million dollars, no need to thank me.
Dark Elves will be in my game.

Yeah just for a bit but unity shalt hold my should forever.
You could make high-fantasy Battlefront but without it being a franchise tie-in to sell the 'Hero' units there's not likely to be much appeal.
how do i make shitty textures like this
/agdg/ GMOD-like with /agdg/ references highly physics based.

we'd be cool dudes who made a GMOD-like.
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nigger battlebit not battlefront
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too many rolllllllzzzzzzzz
post game or shut the fuck up nodev ideaguy faggot
with those hand streamers they have you're one more neon color away from being mardi gras.
They're not really trying to beat the tranny allegations are they?
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Made a courier to send part of the loot to your stash.

Webm is hardly fucked, so here is only the link for a 16MB webm:
New icons make this game look way more high quality.
Deltarune needs a team to make?
You're illiterate
companies are bloat.
meetings, committees, compromises.
there's 10+ people in the team. toby fox even had to hire a producer to manage things
You think a game that good just makes itself?
its literally impossible to line up pixels with vertices
>still no deltarune-likes
Look up what the MOTHER series by Nintendo is
You're in charge of a NES-like for CHN44, a collection of games like picrel.
What do you do?
A copy of an old genre with a new twist?
Or adapting a new mechanic to the old style like the splatoon racing game, the ragebait platformer with weird controls, or the idle zelda-like?
I would make an 8-bit Katamari-like.
yes also
halo battlebit
planetside battlebit
star wars battlefront battlebit
mechs battlebit
Obviously moron, that's why a fragment shader is also called a pixel shader.
Stop the collab/UFO-50 meme, it's not happening
This, but unironically.
VR MMO that is actually fun to play and not shit? how much money would that need?
thanks man, its slowly coming together. ygmi bud
Not looking forward to this abhorrent era of UFO 50 clones, because the idea is like catnip to incompetent indie devs who can only barely implement prototypes
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What if a Necromancer wasnt just some cowardsly loser who hides behind his army of zombies?
What if instead of being this mage that summons swarms of zombies to do her fighting for her shes a warrior who charges into battle equipped with her reanimated aborted fetus she uses as a self-regenerating Morningstar(the string is its umbelical cord.)
Looks great, the dust kickup is an especially nice effect. Now you just need really aggressive roadburn effects but iirc you said that's going to be part of your procedural deformation system.
>he doesn't know it already exists on steam
I don't think there will be many clones. The lazy faggots that would want to make one would get filtered by how much work it takes.
agreed. I am unswayed by it, I will continue making 3D Dwarf Fortress and 3D Space Station 13.
UFO 50 took eight years to make yet anons think they can shit out a clone of it in record time
Concept: Picture-in-Picture rearview projection on the back window of the car, as if the rear window is reflecting the track behind you.
Probably completely infeasible in-engine but it would be cool as SHIT.
>not shit

no way
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it really doesnt and if it does then tell me the name because i wanna try it
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...rather godot sisters!
VR needs to be cerebral implant to be engaging.
It's just not at the point.

Holding two sticks? Big face mask? What is this, horse and buggy?
Damn UFO really triggers you faggots. I should have just asked for 8-bit game ideas.
You wouldn't get it. VR is the shit. There's just a lack of competent devs.
there is a unique race in my game which I can't post. it is too unique. saw it in a dream as a kid.
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>the capsule art vs the actual game
>Damn UFO really triggers you faggots. I should have just asked for 8-bit game ideas.
i cant make a game, because i dont have the vision, the passion, the imagination, the skills, the morale
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>collab lead
i'm doing the base code for it
>doc, repo, discord
no plans to use discord. doc and repo soon. you can work on your game right away and add it afterwards. play/watch UFO 50 and Retro Game Challenge (nds).

>color palette: aap64 (https://lospec.com/palette-list/aap-64)
>resolution: 320x180
>engine: godot 4.3
>controls: directionals (arrows/wasd) + action buttons (ABXY, preferable to use only 2 actions)
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Are you free next weekend? I want to know in advance if you can compose music for a jam I joined.
You have hands, eyes and a brain moron. Get going and stop being a self-deprecating zoomer.
how do i join
post progress using some agdg50 tag
>download pic
>see sus bulge
No, people just aren't designing games around the input system because that requires actual creativity and imagination. FPS is the easiest genre to port but outside of that the game that takes the most advantage of VR controls is fucking Beat Saber.
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Done with the SMG, will be the second weapon. Wasn't happy with the pistol as it's less intuitive than the revolver, but doesn't make sense for it coming after as it's weaker. Might repurpose it in some way.
In the game there are fights from time to time "in the real world", outside the dungeons.
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>to join you have to post progress
its over
I should go back to check out the new version of VotV but too busy devving
I ain't doing shit until I can interact with the project using git
I've always thought the best way to do both a pistol and SMG is to treat the SMG as a competitor to the pistol - same ammo pool, similar damage, but one is fast spray and pray DPS and the other is an accurate reliable tool for headshotting trashmobs. If you're willing to risk using something like a melee weapon as your trash clearer then you can afford to magdump heartier enemies with the SMG (and save ammo for even more powerful weapons to be used against even harder enemies) so there's a big risk/reward implication based on playstyle.
un-edit that bulge right now !
i just realized even just finishing and publishing one game in my lifetime is an achievement i'll probably never reach.
Not him, but I think similarly too.
nvm i remembered i cant do pixel art.,...
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to join what
kek yeah no one is gonna join if you have to post progress
>new version of VotV
My disappointment with his enemy designs is immeasurable at this point.
>a game that good
Confirmed for having never played Deltarune.
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They do use the same ammo (that's why both of their grips are green), so that was a consideration as well.
Might do a revolver (intuitive to use and good damage) - pistol (less damage and needs more attention, diffiulty goes up) - SMG (big DPS if you're willing to spray the ammo) route.
>3D Dwarf Fortress
You mean another Mineclone.
>3D Dwarf Fortress
bud dwarf fortress is already 3D
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>make a game and texture it with simple textures
>train AI on high res textures and assign them to the simple ones
>ai fully generates the visuals while the game stays simple under the hood
what would be the feasibility of this?
can a 4090 handle real time generation right now?
>make a game and texture it with simple textures
>what would be the feasibility of this?
for you, zero chance.
>>make a game and texture it with simple textures
>>train AI on high res textures and assign them to the simple ones
>>ai fully generates the visuals while the game stays simple under the hood
>what would be the feasibility of this?
>can a 4090 handle real time generation right now?
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cheers to 1 armed bandit dev for releasing
He's officially in the GMI category thus beating boku
the absolute FLOOD of AI shit is already horrific. Why add even more? Hell, even the asset stores are loaded with AI generated horseshit now.
do people genuinely think the retarded gens look good, let alone better?
Nevermind that the model doesn't even have the concept of text so it can't even re-gen higher res subtitles.
Why is meme learning so backwards?
Why haven't they developed a series of modular and domain-specific models you can combine to actually have coherence when working with recreating stuff like games?
>this model is just for text and language
>this model is just for cars
>this model is just for weather
etc etc
i just don't know what i want to make, what my game should be, or what i can make
make pong
most devs just start out making clones of old games they like
dont feel too guilty. its just an oversaturated market, making games costs dumb amounts of money, it's just really bad.
you should really only make games if you enjoy it and have your own idea what you want to make. if not just do something else, just stop thinking about gamedev. if you have no idea you cant force it anyways. overthinking it will only make it worse, trust me.
actually just quitting gamedev and starting to play more games can bring back inspiration.
Then leave
i only play team fortess 2 what game should i make
team fortress 3
sure, but would it be feasible for a big pubisher?
ok, what does that have to do with my question?
>Nevermind that the model doesn't even have the concept of text so it can't even re-gen higher res subtitles.
they're getting there, just look at Flux
>Why haven't they developed a series of modular and domain-specific models.....
that'd be a cool idea
trademark issues
the feel when you get a completely different idea in your mind .......... when you have been spending months on a particular idea.

what in the world. It's like I need an R&D branch to just go and pursue certain threads of thought then report back with findings.
yeah that's what i suspect
you can do it with temp free assets them an agdg artist will replace it for you.
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Chud feedback service:
-You should consider thinning those eyebrows
-Add a circular shine inside the pupils
try it your designs will improve and will not turn off the consumers

The music is not so terrible but it's difficult to understand the lyrics sometimes, the first part is better than the second one

Sometimes you guys piss me off, you have decent pixel art in the menu and the map, nice looking gameplay and yet your character too much low res, come on you can animate character sprites the double resolution than that and will look much better, those low res minimalist designs turn me off the project

whatever you do this should be your opportunity to create the most wacky outlandish worlds and ideas you ever had I expect minigames that makes normies go "WTF you can only see this kind of stuff in a 4 Chan's game" you rare the more free unpozzed project ever, use that level os shameless freedom to be as wild as possible, if you wanted to include your lolisona in a game, make that not Toriel breastfeeding farm tycoon or anon vs monster handholding simulation, Beep that Sheep, Bara pecs Massage, Janny cleaning sim... now it's just your fucking time, make the normies feel uncomfortable, trigger their morbid curiosity "I wonder what next game fucked up shit we will find" and think about the streaming potential (and free publicity) this could bring, make it weird, make it wild.
>watch old snes/nes/gbc games
>pic one you can make
>change something
>you have a new game
what is your favorite class?
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Another week without any progress...
could a game with no coherency work
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>just do the game an artist will come later
What is it with this urban legend? Not to mention, this is extremely garbage behavior.
>do all the work
>contributing? me? lmao
>if """I""" feel like you're worth it then I'll join once you've done everything
>you still have to pay me
How fucking narcissistic artists can be?

You either work with the game during development or go fuck yourself.
Rework the code for contracts.
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Something EXTREMELY simple, preferably 2d with as little moving parts as possible. Ideally you will have 1 thing that you will do yourself that you can inject a lot of soul into. And Ideally you will make a good choice in hiring somebody with a lot of soul too.
this is true
>t. thinks every single person is a senior level American
what a fucking loser crab

You crabs don't care about games, or helping your audience with your games.
You just want to masturbate to the idea that you are a game developer without actually accomplishing anything.
>WTF you can only see this kind of stuff in a 4 Chan's game
that's it, show the world what an agdg developers can do
i think i need to make a game with zero gameplay
I'm gonna make the Japanesiest video game ever.
A horror game that is jumpscares every second, a cacophony of screams and flashes of horrific imagery, endure it to find reprieve for a few moments before the horror starts again. merzbow is doing the soundtrack.
>You either work with the game during development or go fuck yourself.
Beggars can't be choosers. No sane artist is cucked enough to work for "rev share"
we only like insane artists here
loli waifu creator but it's alchemical and you can accidentally make monstrous homunculi (not necessarily a lose state, can still sex them if you want)
>My game is considered woke because it uses this engine
This just means I can easily fool these retards and get away with it.
Their fault anyway.
"Pretending to be woke" is an oxymoron because woke is dishonest by default. Even Marxists knew political correctness was about being a bullshitter.

I... kinda like it more that way...

I love those fucking grunge textures, looks like The Return Of Castle Wolfestein times are back, what are you doing? would gladly wishlist it
I don't know the setting but a more industrial ruined pòst-apoc look like the Necromunda setting would be a must

I am not a game dev and I already have some niches that are not properly made/there is no content of it on Steam, first question: safe or erotic/porn game?
Cobbee and a croissant
It is le dev time
My favourite class is this pie
None of the artists here are good enough to become an "art director", and only an art director deserves revshare. In fact, very few of the artists here are even good enough to do professional-level art grunt work, which would involve an art director providing precise designs and for the artist to imitate that style. Most hobby/indie artists are hacks who have a lack of fundamentals and a shitton of flaws that they cover by calling it their "own style".
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How the hell do you access the scene tree from a script that's outside the tree? I have a debug visualizer script that adds geometry to the tree and so far every attempt to get the root of the tree from inside that script has returned null.

Also is 4chan shitting the bed again?
Replacing nested if statements with return statements has made my code 200x tidier and nicer looking
-A Janny simulator game: top down simple game maybe happening in a mall, your dog humanoid cleans the floor but watch out some lolis appear and trow garbage, you need to clean it and trow them out with your broom but the worst is when the pony appears, despite its cute look it shits all over the floor while it walks on the screen and you need to press the button several times to remove each poop, sometimes a female anthro dog walking a man in a collar appears and he does his things too (furfags)
-I also want to see a Chud vs Tranny dating sim where they act thsundere
-A hmofa game would be nice too (I can see it's ending with a pixelated human and anthro in a church with a giant Christian cross in the middle
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I'm the exception...
You have to add that script to the tree. Just add it to a Node attached to the scene root or as a global singleton.
Engine.get_main_loop() as SceneTree
Worthless posts
Do rhythm games count as sports games?
next time you ask yourself what type of game you should make ir order to earn money, you just have to know that
>when its raining, you sell umbrellas
>when its hot, you sell drinks and ice cream
>when you live in the most degenerate age of games and you check that the catalog is 90% degenerate coomer and military autism games
you should make a _____?_____ game
that's just get_tree() retard
i will make a morrowlike?
i will make a diablolike?
The "Engine.get_main_loop()" guy might be right. get_tree() only works for a Node that is_inside_tree, and OP specifically needs it to work for a non-Node not in the tree.
It's more like
>when you live in the second fall of games and you check that there's never been more successful indie releases on steam than ever in history
>you should make a good game
get_tree() returns the tree that the script is inside which obviously returns null

Trying this world_root = Engine.get_main_loop().scene_tree.get_children()[0]

and it's not working
You either want Engine.get_main_loop().root or Engine.get_main_loop().current_scene
He just meant

>var world_root: SceneTree = Engine.get_main_loop() as SceneTree
I'll work with you, for free. But you have to be my friend.
Sorry that's the catch. Ughh I know I know, but like I'm just not going to make art if you're not my le heckin frenderino.
you joke but why they all be like that though
He's the exception.
make a diablolike with morrowind level rpg mechanics
and you will win
this could be (you) anon, or us
Actually I was half serious...
This worked, thanks.

Also forgot to manually call the ready function in the floating script.
>Less is more
Refute this, agdg.
>from a script that's outside the tree
What's the use case for something like that? Why do you have a script outside the global scene tree?
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GameMaker, Godot or Unity?
(Which is the most respectable engine that won't get you bullied for using it)
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Anime girls in military uniform?
I really want to make a third person survival horror like silent hill, but there is a very very limited audience for this kind of game if you're not a big name in the industry. The market is already overflowing with horror slop trying to become the next streamer bait.
...it's Godover. The Unity and Unreal chuds are laughing at us again.
>What's the use case for something like that?
Helper scripts that only hold functions, custom tree structures for things like AI that you tick manually.
>took a screenshot of a job application so when my mom walks in she thinks I'm busy
it's progress time baby
Never mind, looks like Dustborn was made in Unity. So that just leaves GameMaker or Godot.
Post progress later.
Damn this is going to sell with women so fucking well
and if you add a core farming and hunting mechanism even men will play it
i'm not even a fan of horror games i just like pre-rendered graphics and that there's female protagonists

GameMaker it is.
Stay strong, NEETking.
remembering that this collab you can do 3d and 2d games. low poly chads rise up
NGMI question
nobody here can even act as a game director. we're not even at the point of worrying about an art director.
yeah totally, im mostly just working on the car controller systems atm so that they feel good during races and battle modes. doing vfx stuff is fun so i am looking forward to it
yeah i could do that with a refreshing cubemap or rendering a camera looking backward from my car.. trying to decide what things are worth the rendering cost, i probably would opt for more cars and more mayhem vs the more fancy rendering features like rear view mirrors, especially since you can look behind yourself already
>work on an idea for weeks
>realize it might actually be boring
It's so over.
Same but for 5 minutes instead of for weeks.
it can be saved, some of the best games ever are boring, like morrowind
Today I added dashes and a quickturn button, movement logic actually actually done now for real this time I think
Post it
>>work on an idea for weeks
Save it, back up the data on a big flash drive and move on. Maybe you'll go back to it.
Damn that feels good anon. You should post that code. Ghostrunner had me in shambles from motion sickness, but this is smooth.
is übergrimdark still popular ?
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alright chuds, im reworking the levels / textures
(this one isnt done yet)
im trying to mainly increase contrast between enemies and the level, with 2 textures for the walls instead of just one
is that skybox an asset?
there are literally no games to show though, all incomplete (early access) or prototypes
Ill think ill post it when the game is done, but thats pretty far away
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>Making changes
>Specifically avoids posting the updated version so I can't shit on it
Its just an ai genned panorama from some website, I was tired of looking at the empty void lol
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>literally no games
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bigguy, plz respond on discord. we gotta plan a playtest day bud!
we aren't talking about bevy thoughbeit
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For how many years do you think this could work?
>captcha AJAT

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