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Previous: >>496187965


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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First for my wife, Leo!
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is bryan a good main for high empathy sigmas such as myself?
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Anybody asking for characters, of any kind, will be executed
Tifa and Chun li are the queen of jobbers tho
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He won
doa7 looks great
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you got this in base roster for 30 years and you're talking about jobbers?
1. Achilles
From: The Iliad
Tekken Fit: Achilles, as a nearly invincible warrior with his only vulnerability being his heel, could easily become a fearsome fighter in Tekken. His superhuman strength and fighting prowess would make him comparable to characters like Heihachi or Kazuya Mishima, whose power and near-invulnerability define their personas. Achilles would likely use fast, powerful strikes, and his rage-driven, aggressive fighting style would match the intense tone of Tekken combat.

2. Odysseus
From: The Odyssey
Tekken Fit: Odysseus would be a tactical, clever fighter who relies on trickery and strategy in battle, much like Lei Wulong or Yoshimitsu. His versatility, intelligence, and ability to adapt in various situations would translate into a character who has a lot of technical moves, feints, and unpredictable fighting techniques.

3. Hector
From: The Iliad
Tekken Fit: Hector, as the noble Trojan prince and defender of his city, would be a character with a strong sense of duty and honor. His fighting style would likely be traditional and disciplined, similar to Lars Alexandersson, emphasizing strength, precision, and a defensive approach. Hector would also serve as a counterbalance to Achilles, much like rivalries in Tekken.

4. Ajax (Aias the Great)
From: The Iliad
Tekken Fit: Ajax is a giant of a man, known for his incredible size and strength. His fighting style would be slow but devastating, much like Marduk or Jack, using his brute force to overwhelm opponents. His shield and spear could also be integrated into his fighting style, adding some unique weapon-based attacks to the Tekken roster.

5. Athena
From: The Odyssey and The Iliad
Tekken Fit: As the goddess of wisdom and warfare, Athena could fill the role of a mystical fighter like Kazumi Mishima or Zafina. She could have a mixture of physical combat and magical abilities, drawing on her divine powers to manipulate the battlefield or enhance her physical strikes
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nigga what did I fucking say
somebody get me the axe
Yeah but tifa and chunli corner the ryona market
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hehe blazeit420 no scope kid
I’m a GARYU jin now!!! I’m having a blast playing tekkino 8 with jin on my hori fighting commander octa!!!
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Lili #tekken
you've outclassed me jinbro. I can never defeat you now
bryan is all about empathy
Any play in a lobby?
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Fuck Lidia.
Hug Lidia.
Kiss Lidia.
Mating press Lidia into a bed.
Massage Lidia shoulders.
Eat Lidia pussy.
French kiss Lidia.
Dress Lidia up in suits.
Dress Lidia up in sexy cosplay.
Ejaculate inside Lidia pussy.
Princess carry Lidia to the bed.
Twist Lidia nipples.
Suck Lidia breasts.
Lick Lidia midriff.
Excercise with Lidia.
Get Lidia drunk.
Sloppy tongue kissing with Lidia.
Read hentai with Lidia.
Eat Lidia ass.
Get Lidia horny.
Mutual masturbation with Lidia.
Marry Lidia.
Big wedding with Lidia.
Massage Lidia feet.
Fuck Lidia until your dick breaks.
10 kids with Lidia.
Total Lidia Love.
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Yes you can, you’re probably much better than me. Also, I have 82 hr plate now.
Haven’t gone on tekkino 8 yet, probably I’ll get on in like 45 minutes.
>A.I shou
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Make a lobby?
I dn mang never made it to red ranks

im gay im gay im gay
I don’t know how and have to wait like 15min to get on, but if someone makes one I will surely fight with my jin very soon!!!
Here is what I do…1. Log onto Tekken 8 and do offline practice for 15 minutes 2. Go to lounge and work up a sweat playing randoms for 15 minutes 3. Into ranked and fight until stress kicks in 4. Repeat steps 1-3. I hope this helps fren!!!
>hahahah its murray spinning with an octavarium guitar solo

pissing 8
I’m sensibly chuckling!!!
>buy game
>money stolen because game brands you as wifi player
How is this acceptable? Just a fucking network test like every other game ever.
even still, it makes me happy that you are
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she didn't say that.
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If Dream Theater members where tekken characters XD
I don't really get stressed playing I just lose a lot. a lot a lot.
that is pathetic even if you did it ironically
Me too, make sure you choose a character that you think is wicked cool!!! I started with jack-8 offline, switched to jin because I was drawn to the character. Also I watch a lot of youtube guides and streamers, I’d recommend you do the same!!!
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going somewhere?
>Nina will never chase you down and scream "YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY" before capturing you and raping you with her 12" futa dick
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dead thread
How come the eu anons don’t have a lobby going???
That's my shadow
>eunigs all dropped the game
>na still cant get a single lobby to this day
its over
i can join in an hour or so
grilling hamburgers rn
its not pathetic
Sounds good, enjoy. Maybe by then there will be a lobby up!!!
Armor King when
let’s play
when you fucking die and we finally stop reading your question every single day
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who plugged your asshole full lil niggy
Ok, let’s do it!!!
Marduk, after he raped AK anus
Why did NA start to become better than EU?
is jun dead or not?
when EU stopped playing
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i love the sheer about of bluds posting with exclamation signs
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the Tifa demand is reaching a boiling point...
just kill yourself tifa shizzo. New tifa looks retarded anyway
Imagine Harada and Yoshi-P in the same room. Such concentration of fraudery would be too much for the world
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unprecedented demand
Nothing orange about tifa
wait a sec its czr not me. that cheating nigga was on his stream lmao
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would send shockwaves throughout the gaming x fighting game community
I dont remember devs ever putting a guest character in when it was requested
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Isn’t square enix the ones to blame here. They are infamously autistic when it comes to FF characters and how they are represented in other games
If I was SE I wouldn't want a bunch of fgc weirdos make compilations of King doing chain grabs on Tifa
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i've never heard them denying something for Tekken. Already have a history of collaboration so there's definitely a bridge there. Square Enix seems to be feeling the pinch from the lackluster FF sales recently, so they may be more inclined now more than previously. The problem is probably Bandai Namco at this point. Why would you bring in the most requested character that would bring in the most money ever in the history of DLC's?
who fucking cares about tifa
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also acceptable
FF is still retardedly iconic, it’s just that square enix sucks at marketing their shit and making it available. Everyone likes Tifa and knows what FF is, the console exclusivity they do is hurting the brand. Regardless Tifa should be a high priority on Harada’s list
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This isnt a bad idea either
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heres my request now fuck off with your shitty forgotten characters
lars is such a shitty character
what's the point of these anime characters flying all over the place
it's just a knowledge check
people who take showers

balance/bug fix patches come every couple of months, and yet the same problems persist. Even if they miraculously "fix" the game, the new DLC character will be designed to fuck everyone else up and thus the cycle continues
Do crossovers really help that much? Granblue got 2B and that game still fell off hard. I went to evo and despite the high amount of entrants niggas were not playing that shit on casual set ups. It was all tekken sf and occasionally strive.
Thinking about finally getting this game. What's the current state of it's gameplay and online?
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doesn't seem like it.
ff trannies are such menace
they live in a parallel world
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isn't it just cheating reina brownoid
not great, probably needs a year to smooth out some of the rougher edges
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guess nigga
150ms nigga
plug nigga
cheat nigga
>knowledge check
how's green ranks?
hwoarang nigga
wait a year and by that I mean until Season 3 starts
is 300 hours Tekken King with Hwoarang good?
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None of you niggas ever seem to learn
yes you are beautiful baby dont let anyone tell you otherwise
First tekken
Fuck no
I spent 300 hours just juggling through the roster to find main...
give me his best string pls
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What fighting style does Tifa even have?
kill yourself tifa niggers
Getting cucked by Aerith
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don't worry I'll kill them myself
empathy masher 8
don’t delete your posts king
burgers were tasty
tekgen lobby
did you hack into my computer my wallpaper was changed
bug women od
my as well it's on sale
Guy I was just mirror matching jin, get back online /tekgen/ has a room up!!! I’m eating super fast then going to the /tekgen/ room!!!
I want to reinstall 18th time this month but tekgen creeped me out by saying it can fuck up my SSD
how does one find the tekgen lobby
unless you have some dogshit ssd you will be fine. Idk why you even bother uninstalling though
you open deadlock
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>300k prowess
>not low enough to be matched with tekken kings
>not high enough to be matched with gods
>ranking a character through blue ranks is mostly waiting
thank you for the matchmaking change bamco i want to blow my head off every day
I get mashed out get pissed and uninstall
In menu go to Online then down to player match, in the player match settings set everything to all with cross play on and also select the option for password protected rooms. The room name is tekgen and the pass is 1122. See you there!!!
i just got the email.. i wasn't selected for the position...
dont uninstall then retard
stop talking about job or ima kill myself for real
if you do please come over here and kill me first
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i have completely ran out of popics to talk about kek
this is bullshit
I was deleting files to make space for deadlock and accidentally ended up deleting the folder containing all my awesome tekken girl pics (mainly eliza and nina)
oh no the players there are much too good for my shitty ass.
Ion like shooters brah

I consider myself a low IQ intellectual

I think I should learn to play Dota
give me an address nigga
I can’t find the tekgen room???
anything over 225k is the same pool get real
Found the tekgen room now!!!
password settings: on.
Area: any
deadlock more like dickcock
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I'm too scared of lobby and suck at this game
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a bit closer to blue
Nobody cares if you suck shit
absolutely not at 220k you're still regularly getting people at 140k or so
Should we amputate Hwoarang player's hands, put them in prison or just kill them?
the beach resort default song has the same beat as Bountiful Sea.
this but with leo players
you still can but it prioritizes 225k and above

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