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hrothgar into oven edition
▶Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

▶Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

▶Happening Right Now
• Sept 27th, 8PM EST | Ultros, Primal. The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks Season 2 episode 3-6 >>495572647

▶Future Meetups
• Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023
• Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723 >>496146641
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• NEW ! • Oct 19th, 7PM EST | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet | W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

Previous Thread
Previous Thread
need solution 9 apartments now.
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my catgirl girlfriend is trying to get me pregnant, i keep telling her i'm a boy, but she just says "Not today you aren't"
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>announce all these QoL for housing
>only add 3 new wards
>or announce no new wards or plots at all

I love femezen so much it's unreal
need cat girl eb like this
My Miera is confused. Why waste time looking at Moonies and Sunnies when Femra exist
Malera are SLUTS
Beat me to it
Do NOT rub eleven ears without permission
same, except the frozen from last thread
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what if lalaboys were green
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I know its late after release... but very proud of my casual group of friends for finally gettin thru da bomber
That's because mieras are homosexual by nature
gz bwo
that pic says that shit on the bottom like that hasn't been the message beaten over our heads in every expansion since
Ok, I heard you out. Now what?
why would you tell lies?
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posting my viera
heavensward fags should kill themselves
that was a femezen so you're correct to
Does anyone know if Best Mom on Balmung ERPs? She always dresses like a total milf granny and I want to plap her
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ok im green now
post you'rre character and a catbox if u want a trib
you look like a girl who really enjoys leg locking
do you like lalaboys>>496285612
Only Claire can save this general
My miera is also confused. For 2-5 turns he has a random chance to deal damage to himself instead of executing the selected move.
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what's your wol like?
mine is like this
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Yes you.
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Okay but hear me out.
Most lalaboys, are either crossdressers or super gay.
And also, size difference.
goblin race would've been better than whatever the hell lalas are
Only for malera and malezen.
>plap her
Go outside and have actual sex. It doesn't compare to erotic roleplaying.
this game has never been complex. I don't know why you guys try to push this so hard. mmos have to be casual to appeal to people.
there is exactly 1 completely straight lalaboy in /xivg/

i shan't be naming him (for his own protection)
please dont make me look at otis again
al0qa2.mp4 is the weezer of /xivg/
Yeah she does, although im not sure if she erps with other than lolis, she has plapped my loli multiple times now.
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Evilest route would be the one he took last Live Letter, which is to make no mention of new wards whatsoever, and then bowing his head for .2 seconds and saying "housing stuff takes long time to imprumentu, please understand-ALRIGHT MOVING ALONG THEN". But SURELY that won't happen AGAIN, right housing sisters?!?
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mine's like this
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ERP or animation plapping
I can hear it.
oh shit the game was turn based when heavensward was live????
fricking POG
ooga booga need me a noodle man, also checked


catgirls are made for middieboys
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this is all i can offer you
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this is my malezen but I have gray skin instead and he doesn't smoke and drink and he doesn't have white hair and also doesn't have an eyepatch because all the eyepatches in this game are bad looking
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My main elvigga Rahal clears the entire Heaven's Ward.
I only like moonie girls sorry
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if autists are immune to propaganda then why are their transgenderism rates so high? seems to me they're especially vulnerable to fall for anything that gives them social validation and acceptance.
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Raidniggers have no real argument why Heavenswards SOVL was bad for the game.
The only thing they can say is "UHHHH LE JANK!!! UH.... REMEMBER THAT INCREDIBLY OVERTUNED RAID???? UH.... LE BALANCE CARD!!!!!"
Raidniggers should never be taken seriously because they dont play games to have an experience, they want to min-max everything in the game because playing video games became their entire personality.
can i post my moonie
Did you cum hard?
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Endsinger > The Interphos
need uhhhh okaa-san ravas
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Nice armpit!
Bros...I'm starting to forget the Heaven's Ward names...
But enough about PvPfags
My lalaboy needs constant attention from every other lalaboy in proximity or he will die
>no instant pop
oh... okay...
yeah I'm always hard when I cum.
it's so depressing never seeing anyone post about gear and stats here. this game is barely a fucking game
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The Royal Menagerie > Your gay favorite
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bunboys look better.
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the yshtola and gaia boombox mp4 is the pinkerton of /xivg/
PvP has raid tiers now? Damn, son!
idk, but she seems nice. She gave my femlala /pets-
oh no, what
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i'm spiraling
my elezen makes funny noises when she gets surprise ear rubs
I will stare at you for 3 minutes before tping away
those don't matter you just put on the strongest set, what matters i getting a bunboy bent over a bench and breeding him
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i’ll oblige.
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My femra is made for middieboys
so based
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my fiddie
can you post her
spot on tee bee haych
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Not only gear but also levelling, for all intended purposes there's no difference between someone that is level 91 to level 100. Only levels that matter are the caps.
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Which language did it best?
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I don't know if it's a curse or a blessing at this point, but gearing in this game is such a non-issue
Are there any mods that actually show broken horns on femra? It's for a gpose.
Yeah, she is in the loporrit syncshell and for months she kept /hug ing all lolis she came across, if you ever notice she hugs someone random now you know why. Eventually she and i chatted a lot after we cleared uwu in pf and she plapped my loli.
that article is a psyop designed to get autistic readers to lower their guard
ironic that more don't see it for what it is.
>t. paid to write/edit/review propaganda for 5 years in 2014
my bunboy
Stop posting elezen and post bunboys!
Okaa san looks pretty bad
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God damn, battle high is a dogshit mechanic. I just watched a BH5 Sam 1v6 my team in the time it took me to ride over to join the battle. So I just turned around and went somewhere else. The fuck was my Sage ass going to do in that situation?
Gear may as well not exist since they are all stat sticks and freely glammable
Based G-Soul haver.
Man I hated the augment system in base pso2 but it was fun in it's own fucked up way.
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someone mentioned gravity and now my meena has pulled out the john mayer spotify playlist
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Battle High should not increase healing received or give damage resistence.
which miqote racial gear mod is this
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I'm serious...
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do femra really
pics like these make me sad that i moved away from my childhood friends as a kid due to my parents' work situation and then the people i met as a teenager all moved away
nice art though
in a bit
i'm addicted to the pillow proportions and impossibly fat legs and dick
i liked une's bun a lot and made an alt like her
gimmie that tail beautiful, we'll have some powerful mixed kids asap
My dick > your ass
>John Mayer
Damn this nigga is a homosexual
its just a YAB conversion for it
>thigh jiggle
what power is this
Man, none of the chill /xivg/ people are online, no wonder why the threads have been especially bad.
i don't know if they exist but this better not be for some freaky shit...
drumstick legs lmfao
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i saw your cock and balls on twitter
name them
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Fit bros it's time for us to beat back the fatties
I don't have a twitter
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can i see them
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are the fit bros in the room with us right now fatty-chan?
>Flux Core AFKing
Lil bro is consistently a piece of shit



all the well-adjusted people did all the content and let their sub lapse. only rejects who live and breathe this game are still playing it.
I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this, but YoshiP made the right call making gear progression linear in this game. For gear to matter in the way people want it to, this whole game would have to be rebuilt a second time. Better to simply give up and save the time rather than waste budget on a half assed new gear system. As long as the concept of "BiS" exists, all gear progression is effectively linear in an MMO.
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I just wanna make some battle scarred and bloody femra poses...
hear me out
crossdressing lalaboy x femlala
i want to breed this bunny
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you are one of us, BF.
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I am a lalafell
that MS Spikes to 3000
when I CC
is it me
This, for better or for worse it's the sad truth, same when people want specs or builds in this game when everyone knows that 95% of people will use whatever gives the most damage.
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Can you post some cute femlalas please?
what tit physics mod
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>not a single visible gut to be seen except on a sentient sack of potatoes nobody would find attractive anyway
why not two femlalas, but one has a huge dick and the other one has a tiny dick?
>it's so depressing never seeing anyone post about gear and stats here. this game is barely a fucking game
How hard is Vali EX and Zalool EX I need more mounts I'm addicted to mountslop
It's about me
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Thigh bones
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Guardian Soul is so fucking ass to make man
materia melders have no fucking clue
that's just two lalaboys
the only people asking for specs are wowfags. shun them and gatekeep them, they will only create more SMN-tier reworks.

do we like this
yeah man, whole jobs being so poorly designed that they would literally never be allowed into any groups was actually peak game design, you're so right
Posting mine
Aren't Dragons asexual? Do they even have a desire to bang? Do they have cloacas?
Me and the bros on our mission to bring order to Gyr Abania after the monetarists who write our checks destabilized it.
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Is he talking about WoW or XIV before the realization?
Me? No.

But my Lowlander does.
blame that on the modding scene ignoring rue or okaa-san
my catgirl is made for other nonfutas only, sorry
we do not
It was fucking torture!
I'm glad NGS made Augmentation easier but oh boy the game suffered in many other areas..
very ugly

Yeah right here brother
>doman momra
which part of this is the ra
Was there going to be a Spooky meetup this week in marilith or did I already miss that?
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well... best of luck. your only shot might be to photoshopbeast some scars on, but surely something exists somewhere
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Never reply to my post again, hoglala
the twerking looks so stupid lmao
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You don't use tiramisu physics?
how do I get people to approach me for plaps in lb14..
>she doesnt have sex irl and use erp for jilling it
i still maintain the rue stomach is just not big enough. you can barely see it unless you are doing a profile shot. okaa-san tummy is much better but every other aspect of it sucks ass.
there's no such thing as transgender propaganda
autists are just more likely to start thinking they're the other gender because of the fact that indoctrination doesn't take, so traditional roles don't imprint properly
hmmmmm this kind of looks like my future wife
>Poorly designed
Rope yourself, raidnigger
so they can be cock watched? sorry chud schizos ruined it.
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post femra mikos
anyone wanna be my goomah
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My femlala is like this. On the right.
Is 2.7 still the latest version of Nightlife? It keeps crashing my fucking game. Something about incompatible bones being transferred or some shit
*my malera slithers up to you stealthily* Hello there, himcess. Daddy has full goontanks and they need to be drained. Do you want to suck-start my goon pillar?
Hmm... my fiera? She's a widow of over 100 years, never remarrying.
then what tf do I do if I wanna be a thread bike..
skipped 15s in and started laughing
yeah i guess we do bro . though maybe not for the reasons U might think

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it's telling that you don't know what jobs I'm even referring to
you didn't actually play during HW did you
Not sure what that is actually
will you think about how cute I am for the rest of the day but never talk to me...
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I can always make it worse don't tempt me or I will comeback with a more pig like face sculpt.
Anyone who enjoys slim female characters and not the modbeasted proportion goonertypes?
>no such thing as transgender propaganda
go listen to some bambi sleep tracks and comeback to me with that, the whole world is saying "being trans is good" and porn addiction slowly corrupts you to eventually put on a cage and get fucked in a skirt
What's the best body type to use for Nightlife? I've been using Bibo...
so glad you didn’t say tiramisu, I fucking hate its physics.
my lalaboy on the right
Link pls
*raises paw*
they look like they fuck xaela women
literally 90% of the people playing this game like that shit, go away
Need a free use slut to degrade and creampie every odd hour.
feel free to go back to the woman within, pozzard cultist
Honestly this Vieira is cute and looks great in jean shorts
based and unironically right about parsetrannies ruining raid design
>porn addiction slowly corrupts you to eventually put on a cage and get fucked in a skirt
Nigga I think that's just you Sissy
Post in thread, wear a cute outfit and just be yourself.
Asking is the best way though.
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who is the best to farm for this
Physics that were originally their own thing, but now a addon to YAB's new skeleton. The naming convention sucks, but adds more tit, butt, and thigh bounce than the base YAB skeleton

yeah right here
You speak like you know of some cursed knowledge... please share if you do...
What's my veena like?
It's what you like...
Yes, very much so. I find these overweight goonerchars quite disgusting.
no way there are at least 4 sissies in this thread right now silly
Any of my fellow EU niggas still alive and kickin? I posted in the dead thread like a mongo
>porn addiction slowly corrupts you to eventually put on a cage and get fucked in a skirt
sounds like a you problem big dog
Nice try WoWtard but the fact that you think the current state of the game is acceptable outs YOU as the tourist. No matter how much you deepthroat your massa Yoshit Piss you will always be a bingermutt.
>No argument
Rope yourself
There is no best place, rules change every week or so (idk the time frame they change in) so one npc can have it then the next time they don't
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Do all Square trannies lack self awareness like this one or is this faggot shit eating tranny a special case?
Forgot to turn off ENL and my Moonie started schlicking in front of my regular MARE friends when I tried to /groundsit

What’s a painless way to commit sudoku
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My femra

Needs to get better at the game
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i modbeasted to become slimmer and thinner
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Hi hello
You too
hmm thought the world npcs stood the same.
my sunnie trusted a fart she shouldnt have...
and shes too lazy to shower.....
but a little musk never hurt nobody :3
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Feel free to go back to WoW if you want your "gear and stats to matter" because not only does this mmo does it so does GW2 cause autistic raid niggers, esports fags and sim junkies will turn your gear into linear wall so might as well take the annoyance out of the game for them
i really don't know if any exist, sorry
those tracks are retarded and you know it

this should tell you who has roulette
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my moonie wishes she was slim and thin but she's got a tummy and fat thighs


medium is premium
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>pld in friendlies
>Le old is good because it's le old
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oh so DT was overseen by Sweet baby inc. I thought that was just a shitpost
>dont know shit about latin america
>consult outside company who knows about latin america
>TRANNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKE!!!!!!!!!!
Seems complicated like BHUNP shit from Skyrim, especially since it looks like it partially wants to be used with rotation

I appreciate it bro, I'll take a peek
which job specifically was I calling poorly designed?
you should be able to answer this
Feel free to lick the part between my nutsack and my ass crack
the king of /xivg/
"there is no trans propaganda in the world it's just you" yeah okay
I did it with Rowena
cc doko
Not if I recall correctly, I remember I got like 700 wins off the one npc in Kholusia, but then when I went back for the last 300 I wasnt getting any progress. It could be that I'm just retarded and wrong
i really wish there was. I would like to snap my EB's horns with no remorse.
I could try them out...if you're willing to let me borrow em. They might be a bit too big though...
do sunsluts really
my meena loves fat bitches
I called a lot earlier but my post didn't go through and went on cooldown
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>Goonslop gposers
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>he fell for the fake honey b lovely tweet
lmao /v/tards and /pol/tards are complete fucking morons
disgusting agp troon
should've been obvious that it was a progressive cuckpany when not-texas used rubber bullets in their guns
that's okay girlie, we can do a lot of cardio together and slim that waist down
what the hell does unripe / half cooked / fully cooked mean in pf... i will learn this terminology... i will clear savage when it comes out on christmas...
This post is sponsored by the Gridanian government.
Never mind that shit, here comes Mongo
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apparently this is the roulette list of npcs.
femra post and 100% accurate
smooch all malezen
my, um... my moonie... my moonie isn't fat...

the treadmill is scary
Are there any mods that actually show the stink lines on mooncoons? It's for a gpose.
first time hearing this
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your game is next sweetie :)
The thought of femlala, middie, thighlander, femroe, femezen, and viera sex is enough to keep me on the straight path
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what job should i play in cc
there's the musk cloud mod
>game developer
what game
Are there any mods that actually make my malezen not an incelzen? It's for a gpose.
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big fan of this viera, one of my favourites
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Plap goon cum

Plap goon cum

Plap goon cum

Like you're a coon

Plap goon cum

Plap goon cum

Plap goon cum

With your favorite discord troon


i'm not logged on right now but the map is clockwork right? pick something really fucking annoying
yeah tbse X will make your malezen look like a gigchad
Huh then I must be not be recalling stuff correctly, anyways if you use Saucy it will autodo the matches for you, then theres a plugin I forget the name of that tells you the best deck per
>the treadmill is scary
we don't need that cutie, we'll burn off those carbs in the bedroom
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thank you time to sit here for 10 hours.
i did all of mine with the kojin by the aetheryte in the ruby sea
She invented ffxiv
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she identifies as a game developer just like she identifies as a VA despite having an extremely limited voice range, bigot.
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slim and healthy
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This was the weirdest summer I have ever experienced.
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that was an embarrassing game on my part
Wouldn't be surprised if he means XIV, trannies like to push themselves forward and overblow what they actually do. Had a friend that worked at Bungie as an intern serving coffee and snacks but still called as a "Destiny 2 Dev"
Holy shit it's Robert Chidorian
yeah, that's my wife
>my, um... my moonie... my moonie isn't fat...
yeah whatever tubby


My female character? Yeah, she's got smedium tits and a fat (within reason) ass- what about it?
huh? there's no exercise equipment in there though, just the bed and piles of laundry...
One day I will join a xivg syncshell but at the same time im a modbeast so I think I would rather not
I want to cum deep in her pussy.
Play whichever one has recuperate bound
I’ll have to inspect her.
will have to wait after his dad is done
we're used to it...
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holy kino
I use arm's length and my patented maneuver is the smooch press. I am the one doing the pressing.
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Put a shirt on
i queue down...
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this you?
You think MCH having an AMMO mechanic is "LE JANKY!!!!" (But I will agree that Gauss and Wanderers was bad but it had the potential to be interesting but they didnt do it)
You think AST having unique cards that actually regen and give speed buffs and CD reduction is bad because "AIEEEEEEE!!! LE RAID BUFF WINDOW!!!!!!!"
You think its bad some jobs are simply better than others at doing something because "AIEEEEEE YOSHI PLEASE MAKE THIS OTHER JOB PLAY EXACTLY LIKE THIS OTHER JOB!!!!"

You raidniggers and parstrannies act like youre the best in the game but you constantly cry and scream when something asks you to actually do something else instead of simon says and press a single button even 2 minds
otis what fucking nipple texture is this
folding laundry takes energy
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nobody cared until he put on the mask
calisthenics hun, but you're gonna need to take that laundry to the bin right away so we can work out on the floor too...
we like this
_____Nice armpits!_____
defo got a couple of those
wow, you named two and they were BOTH wrong
sex and footjobs
you pedos deserve the rope
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is Ryne back yet?
mother of god
oh so that little meltie yesterday was real and was because of jealousy lmao
>Still no argument
You know I'm right
NTA but i shan't
How long before she skins Uchi?
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>you pedos deserve the rope
>Open the catbox
>Fat tits
You might be retarded anon.
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mgp bonus scrolls work on this right?
It's not your fault
>pic rel
Put em on!
as promised

we probably don't like this
>You think its bad some jobs are simply better than others at doing something
when there's only one thing to do, yes it's bad if one job is just completely worse at it, because that means that job has no reason to ever be used
Also whatever bad thing happens to that elf he deserves it.
SE got removed from the list. update your shitpost. you won't, because you're a dishonest pozzard cultist trying to ignore the many troon VAs under blizzard, plus devs and npcs and general advertising
Not a fan but cute bunny regardless
That's a GAM on the right as well
This is cute
pedo has lost all fucking meaning
i do like this.
autists feel natural disassociation because they can't engage socially like everyone else, so are more vulnerable to anyone offering them a way to fit in and feel normal
I hope so
quality post
>ugly bunny
Not a fan but nice cock regardless
Need to creampie her. Now.
Do you like tribs
what ff14 job is everyone in the car?
i'd say homer is the healer from how frustrated he looks
i hate hyperfags so much
thanks for repeating my post back to me i guess
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we might have to kill u bro
I would but I'm in FL!!!!!
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/smooching this elf
nobody is forcing you to look at it
in fact i am not even paired with anyone
I don't use those things. Im a TT weeb now after I won one of the weekly tourneys
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Which jorts are they exactly?
My bunwife, gone…
w-would that even fit...
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cock looks weird, like it's a hard plastic strapon
make it curve downwards a lil at least
holy shit I like this
Ok, i think i figured it out.
unripe = just cleared and maybe making many mistakes still
half cooked = sometimes you can make a few mistakes
full cooked = you will never ever make a mistake because you have done it so many times
It's a farming party terminology. Abnida.
>Une gets sexpested off rava+
>2 spring up in its place
Like a hydra, honestly. At least someone is taking the mantle.
do i look like a short bus retard
where is that blonde malezen
Imagine ass fucking this cow tit whore while also giving her a reach around
I want to fuck your ass until you cum in my hand
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I always wonder if people who list shit on there for $0 still get notifications of what people put in for their emails during "checkout" because i just put tyrone.mcnigger@email.faggot every time
foul beast
I need you to plap my fiddie
>Une gets sexpested off
>they were constantly sexing people
you always do
She's like the size of a building
why do you choose the words that hurt my moonie the most

my moonie would like a free chipotle bowl...

that's why it stays on the floor forever

laundry mountain will not be moving
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Did Chi start cheating or something? He used to be awful. Unless you guys are just letting him do that shit for jokes.
Let me cum in your pussy.
never gonna happen
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any interest in a synced ARR extreme (titan)
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These ones? https://xivmodarchive.com/modid/85535
2?? who is the other one
damn. was gonna let him plap my fiera
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Everytime I see these giant nipples I always remember this snail
you look like you wear that hoodie to hide your self harm scars
>Original Release Date :
>2024-09-26, 6:22:18 p.m.

>when there's only one thing to do
Raidnigger brain.
I already have it on. doesn't even come with the rings!!
That doman momra person made a black rava like 2 days after.


Depends how far back you are going..... I don't really remember Chi being bad, but now she is a high priority target. A lot of games and a lot of practice will do that.
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>Flux Core going "AFK" cause he lost (uno) engagement
if the devs don't want people thinking in terms of raids, they should try adding meaningful content that isn't raids
But it looks awful. Why would someone want to look greasy and porous and bumpy all at the same time?
my sunnie is also like this
yea it works for triple triad i just checked since i have like 100 of them
Fave femlalas?
my moonie is also like this
this coming from someone that does nothing when they're not ignored the entire game
oh so she did, pretty hot. i always liked vantablack ravas but une kind of cemented my deep adoration for them
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Fancy doin something then, my moonie is drunk an in need of direction
Porn sick trannies have completely fried their dopamine receptors, so they need shit that is increasingly extreme to get off to the point it gets outright disgusting
Sorry broseph, he's been trolling all night
because that's what women in the 8k ultra hd porn they goon to all day look like
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Thank you I would like to get more even though I have literally every single item in the golden saucer and cannot spend it on anything at the moment.
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Fave: Mine and then every lala that doesn't post "Favorite femlalas?"
>they should try adding meaningful content that isn't raids
They did. They added things like Eureka and you all bitched and whined that an MMO asked people to be invested in their monthly subscription based MMO.
holy wife
Ugly hair
This cutie is also my favourite femlala (I have never seen her before)
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i love it when balmung is locked
stay the fuck out of my world
I am
A satisfied catboy
Best city state and world to people watch in
Yeah cause she's an NPC in Solution 9.
*flicks your forehead*
Let me cum in your pussy
i aint going home nigga i live here now squatters rights you dirtbag cocksucker
jokes on you fucko
my world now
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No I do not like this
>have to leave my computer in the middle of a cc game because the cats are fighting
>split them up, tell them to mind their manners and stop being dickheads
>make it back in time to see a lone enemy whacking at me
>smack them silly
>still win
who drained you
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Kyaaaa... gomen gomen!
hang on there bud, I thought we were talking about HW?
you know, the thing you're holding up as the peak of game design?
why are you bringing up stuff from SB
*travels to another crystal world and spams Balmung travel until I'm let in*
This is like taking candy from a baby, which is fine by me.
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my femrar
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I need a tail to squeeze waaaaah
ummmmmm 3 MIN IN QUEUE FOR CC SYNC???????
May I tribute
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my charlie sheen coded maliddie is like this
can I post my malezen
>Didnt get in a match
Yoshi-p hates me
Technically that is a feet mod, the greasy and porous and bumpy part of it comes with the body mod. So if you install smooth textures for your body, you'll remove all of the grease, pores and bumps and still keep the feet model.
i'm fixing to level my pld if u hav anything in the 84~ range that u want queue boosted
i warn u though - i am not a beautiful squid haired mistress, but rather, a smelly man

she is so beautiful
Only if he caqlls my moonie a mooncoon
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go ahead
what race is best for months-lasting torture sessions in an underground dungeon on a private island that does not show up on maps?
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How autistic are you? I'm this autistic.
Not your boogieman schizo-kun.
I thought this was a turtle in foreskin from the thumbnail
Let me cum in your pussy.
please god kill every footfag and futafag
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my glubra is like this
what is it about mooncats
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Call me back when he's John Cusack-coded.
I am happily EB'd anyon, I'm sorry.
>moonies can equip more than two rings

what is this shit balancing. i thought racial bonuses weren't a thing
All my shits above 93 but I can fuck around on drg with you, smelly man
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however autistic this much is i guess
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Well pair with me.
Getting points in a video game doesn't mean you have Autistic Spectrum Disorder. But I bet you get your kicks telling people they're not autistic while you are, right?
So did LT drop the evidence dump today?
I need to cum in your pussy.
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HOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!!!!
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Because HW didnt have things like Eureka if I'm remembering that right. It had diadem but I didnt do it so I dont remember what it was like. It had PoTD but I think that flopped because people didnt like "Cave but this time its a little blue"
Hello fellow game player.
Doing the diadem for the mount made me feel pretty autistic not going to lie.
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it will never drop because it's not real. there's no evidence because I'm one of his schizoposters and I'm not even subbed to the game.
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please don't post pretty femra I don't wanna get the urge to fanta back...



(My last call)
Thank you for this wonderful news anon.

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Apparently more autistic than you, but just barely.
should i post my meena
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That's just stacked for lalas.
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party is up on light under S.M password 6969
can a footfag give me a verdict if they are the new bis feet or not
I'm now Inspired to up my autism score.
Depends, is he gay?

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My femr4 looks like this
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I thought the argument usually falls on pld being excluded from a certain tier because you couldn't use half of your defensive cooldowns (sheltron and bulwark) on magic damage
hearing linkin park on the classic rock station makes my moonie feel old
most ryonable /xivg/ 'ra?
i see a lot of people /doting and cheering with glow sticks all the time when I'm in cities. Are those things you have to purchase off the store, or is there some sort of seasonal event where people pick them up?
>It had diadem but I didnt do it so I dont remember what it was like.
It was like eureka but very barebones. There was also nothing to do other than kill mobs to spawn a fate that will drop a chest for gear with randomized stats or a very rare minion You also had to do aether currents every single time you entered the instance to move past the first island.

Really the only thing that diadem was good for was to gather dark steel since it was always up as a node rather than being timed like it normally is.
linkin park is dadrock now
>Raiders losing their shit because they have to adapt
Best players in the game, btw.
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streaming exists bro...
I'll try em on when I get home and poke a tail hole in them
You have to cut off your penis
my moonie? pounds down those sugar-free monsters and mows her lawn at like 6 am on the weekends
should i post my meena
beepy is the obvious answer
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Originally came from seasonal events, now have to purchase on the store. The glowsticks have 2 sets, the original was seasonal event initially (then put on store) then theres a newer version exclusive to the store with different colors.
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i only play one job and i do it okay
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eb like this for my meena
What I do remember was that they fucked up the first iteration and relaunched it at a later date or something.
im very confused and i don't actually know
i want him to be straight but people assume gay
i will kill you
I need to cum in your pussy. Now.
my femra does this too, while listening to linkin park
my moonie drinks celsius and coke zero
She looks like Jane from Deady by daylight
won't make you any younger, old man
we like this
i like to put the radio on when i drive sometimes, its comfy
I'd be such a good AGP catwife.
The way seasonal events work in this game is that an event comes out bringing rewards that can go from minions, mounts, glams, emotes or furniture. After the event is done, they are gone for a year until they get added to the store to buy.

/dote was a reward from a Valentine's event, though the glow sticks were store only
>Because HW didnt have things like Eureka if I'm remembering that right
yeah, it didn't
which is WHY I was saying that there was only one thing to do in it
because there was only one thing to do
Millennials never grew out of calling themselves "quirky". They just say "being autistic" now.
Joe Mama
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me and my retarded gimp

he doesnt think much but he keeps the house clean and makes good eggy rice
Let me cum in your pussy.
That sounds more like a fault with content distribution than the job design.
don't shitpost and drive bro
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I need to cum in your pussy.
So true sis
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If you haven't already looked into these; websites like Lalachievements and FFXIV Collect really make watching numbers go up more fun.
nta but
>turn on radio for the first time in a couple of years
>really good song on
>song ends and i literally am stuck listening to commercials for 10 fucking minutes
>i switch it back to bluetooth mode blasting metal off my phone
I'd be such a good fem____ wife.
Hello my wife
I need to cum in your pussy. Now.

typing this post while im drifting the corner just to spite you
what do you intend to do after
jobs need to be made to the content
if you only made one form of content the jobs need to be catered to it
if you make a job for a type of content that doesn't exist that is a failure of job design
purest & most prude vieroid
*Cums in your pussy*
I just think it's funny how Jean became 1000% more annoying once he fanta'd to miera.
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bunboy problems, everyone will assume you are gay
i am still
a male moonie
I just think it's funny how obsessed you are.
my sunnie will now be queueing down BYE GOOD BYE
i'd make such a good pvp catwife
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How hard are the DT extremes
stop taking elixirs when u are not in danger retard
Let me cum in your pussy.
You don't have a choice. I will cum in you.
>Losing all night
Do i kill myself now or later
may i plap
same problem lalaboys have
my femlala does the lophop in the privacy of her home where no one can see, because she's shy
I will cum in your pussy.
same, I'll join you
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I am the danger
So you admit the only thing you care about is raiding?
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also posting mine
i'm taking them so that the other team can't, obviously
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you guys tilted our drg by killing him once
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>fanta'd from lalaboy to meena
>enjoy sucking dick
stop fucking clocking me
hi whats up
the medkits taste yummy like green apple sorry
I'd rather not think of him but he spams the thread with inane posts and doesn't even make up for it with nice pictures
Let me cum in your nigger pussy.
my Dick is Twitching extremely hard because of this image
How does he not get banned?
do any of my fellow femras take the bus
my femra takes it to go to wally world
>like sword and shield aesthetic
>like to play sword and shield job
>forced to not play sword and shield job because someone in SE in its infinite wisdom made the job only good at mitigating physical damage while making an entire raid series vomit magic damage
This is a videogame and videogames are meant to be fun. Seeing the job that I like to play destroyed and be useless is not fun no matter how much you screech about raidtrannies and muh adapt.
is it me
Nah it was soul. I wish we had autism affixing like PSO2. Hell we should have an Expert block too just to keep the shitters out.
u are low iq it's our pot
if raids are the only content that exists then that's the only content that CAN be cared about, you fucking brick
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woah only 240 chars and 3 of them are in thread WOAH
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this nigga probably peaked silver lmfao
Let me cum in your pussy.
the first one is very easy and you dont really even need to look up a guide, the 2nd one has actual mechanics but is probably outgeared by now

now post you're femra
long tongues to slide down my meena's throat
flux core has been getting shit on and afking all night
i appreciate the free wins but you should take a break if you're going through it
this game is ripe for ryona content, but i never see any
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Think you can keep up your winning streak?
sorry guys im not online so i can't tank the cc schizo allegations, you're gonna have to figure this one out
stfu commie bitch it's mine not ours
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Time to EXIT!
there's sometimes ranged who are over eager to stand on point and soak up aoe damage so that they could make it a 4v6 and steal potions
My moonie has had 4 cups of coffee today and still needs a nap
Lizzy Lostheart cockwatch status?
t. gold peaker
do she like white boy
cum in mein bussy
nobody reports him
no because im on a losing streak but i won almost every game yesterday so its just karma
because I only let people beat me in private bro.
I'm not a Crystal native, so I would just pet/emote at you of if I see you, and will most likely be open to help you with stuff if asked.
yeah probably but i wanna take a break maybe on the next map
Post your pussy, I need to cum.
>Play job
>Job isnt meta
>Play job in other content because I dont care about standing in a square room fighting one boss with Simon says mechanics
You forgot what its like to play games for fun.
Sounds like youre trying to deflect blame.
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paizuri with femra
Fake and not canon
I don't feel like a cat anymore
I feel like a rat in a cage
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My fiddie acts like this near thighlanders and femroes.
tyvm for the explanation
Hello I would like to clear eureka orthos. Thank you.
hey I'm tired how about you
Impromptu movie meet or group therapy for me meet?
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so you're a roulette hero
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you're tummy is my therapy
Cumming in your pussy.
do you wanna spam queue onsal with my catgirl
I need to cum in your pussy. Now.
impromptu your femra sucking on my meet
I would say movie I don't think the group therapy is a good idea
>play job in other content
>other content
there wasn't other content
Ain't my fault you pick the dick sucking races bro
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how do you get a fiddie gf?
he never played it so he wouldn't know
>Makes it about ego
So you agree job design was never the issue.
acquire rats
May I jerk off to your futa cock
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the art in the manga was so good.
idk how but the anime felt like it was always missing something, purely in the art
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Approach and talk to one, and see how it goes from there.
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you dont he will get them instead
I'm not a femra I just needed an answer
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CC DOKO??? (too lazy to call)
Need to cum in your pussy.
I'll call once to get the ball rolling someone better pick up after me



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If you can't design a job to function in the only content you made, you are a failure of a job designer
I am not going to reply to you again after this because it's clear that you're too retarded to actually understand a single word I say and I don't feel like looping this "discussion" any more
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they werent excluded they just werent as good
the only REAL problem with HW jobs was that the bad players did like 5% of the damage a decent player would and it made playing with randoms a total gamble, even dungeons could take an hour if the dps sucked
stormblood fixed this by removing a lot of fail states for the jobs but we lost a lot of nuance in the process
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It’s true. Did you not read the bible?
If i lose the next one i will post my dick
holy porn rotted brain
I will be taking elixirs just to trigger that goldy.
why was she so pathetic
Let me cum in your pussy.
I will not be responding to you other anons...
You really think so? It was pretty supported when I last brought it up..
>design game
>design job
>make job not work in the game
Then why even make a new tank if you're just going to make an existing one useless? It's just bad design.
LL is getting spitroasted by LL and LL while proxy watches
>they werent excluded they just werent as good
if your tank has functionally zero defensive CDs you are not taking that tank
PLD effectively did not exist for most of HW
__________Nice armpit!__________
>If you can't design a job to function in the only content you made, you are a failure of a job designer
Deflecting blame again.
Shit worked fine in ARR, HW, and even SB. SHB is when they decided to cater to raidniggers and look what happened. Nobody likes it.
>I don't feel like looping this "discussion" any more
I accept your concession.
Pro tip, btw. Just because someone btfo's you, and you dont know how to respond to it, that means you lost the debate.
i got brisket and bbq and mac and cheese from the bbq place for leftovers in the fridge

theres like 2 little sauce cups thing of bbq sauce
i will queue for the next one to either stomp you or feed if i'm on your team
Why not do the group therapy then a movie meetup next time?
you never raided in HW and it shows
we can have a nice talk during a movie, that's better than group therapy
what movie though...
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you aren't immune to middle aged femra
why did she say this
it was pretty gross they let this one into the game
not trying to be rude, im just being honest anon
my face 1 femra is middle aged
if you want to it's fine idk. I just feel like that sort of thing would be better one on one, and might attract people who just want to make fun of you.
Let me breed your pussy.
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>bro we totally used the tank that did the least damage and had no defensives that actually worked because they only affected physical damage and everything was magic
my face 1 femra is barrel aged
Its even more wild that Brute Bomber blows you.
Awful glam. Is this meant to look good?
ponyo. now.
*smooch* i like your face
Cumming deep inside your pussy.
I will now mod because of you.
do i play sge or pct in onsal
just keep digging that hole, youre only embarrassing yourself
well really she is just a gooning alt i don't intend to do any content just take pictures that get 25 replies for some reason
but if you just want to look then i will oblige
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don't do this to them again
malera are handsome gallant knights built for picking me up in their big strong arms and carrying me away from my problems
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you can't hecking insult the glamour GODs of this game.... east asian guys....
Jumping into this convo to mention that ever since ShB, there has been more and more parses for raid tiers growing exponentially each time, so "nobody likes it" is a poor argument when we get record numbers for each expac. I agree it can be better but the fact it's bringing in more numbers each time means that they are doing something right.
woke dei sweetbaby anita agenda forcing gay sex into my videogame
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Just put on some pants.
is your catgirl cute..
hi tired im in bozja levelling
i dig it
My ovaries couldn't get any warmer or fuzzier
builded for a drunken guest to smash the glass panes
Looks like something a faggot fr*nch person would have.
he won
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>more and more parses for raid tiers growing exponentially each time
Because more and more people started parsing. Nobody but the sweats parsed in SB, and it grew in popularity since then.
looks good but it seems like it's in a weird location in the room
if that's a glamour god then call me a glamour atheist
that mini arc where trunks went home and curbstomped the androids was seriously some satisfying shit
loved how he didn't even toy with them, bro just took care of business. trunk was such a boss. dude had enough. i owned "history of trunks" on fucking vhs as a kid.
Fuck that pussy is perfect I need to breed you so bad. Post more so I can cum.
he knows the exact type of women to fetishize malera
Holy based
does he like femra...
when's my group therapy meetup
thats a freakin pusspuss
>3 drks in my party
im thinking this is based
hi in bozja levelling
may I have a catbox to tribute
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I will pass out in the booze closet in a puddle of my own piss. You've been warned.
How the fuck are you so mad over this. Yikes.
Maybe list off what parts of the game you actually play, and we'll know where you're coming from.
holy moly my bozja wife
my catgirl is cute
okay im gooning
I am a hroth, who just got home from marvel dnd
Sup bros
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>sit at one of the nice benches in solution 9 while queuing up fun stuff
>take a little break and just zone out, shitpost a little bit
>move my camera around
>realize I'm suddenly surrounded by rpers
>Nobody but the sweats parsed in SB
People have been parsing since 3.0, the entire reason fflogs got the spotlight was because shitters were constantly failing faust dps checks. You're extremely delusional if you think only sweats were parsing when the entire reason fflogs is even popular is because people needed a metric to filter out shitters from their runs to not waste time in gate boss.
You're getting raped
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Are you bearded, rotund, and balding?
He said he likes mentally unstable women so, yes.
You'll never be Akemi, Macchi.
i need to go to the little lalas room
i really really want to cum inside
may i sleeve
clean it up healie
not one bit
... nice?!
I've got some chips and guac to snack on for whatever we do tonight
Idk, whatever is more in favor?!
I want to watch another sad anime movie or something scary like the ring! Jp or na version, maybe jp since I've never seen it
Maybe but it's fine, I've been ridiculed about this for a long time ha ha
I CAN'T! I just watched it recently with a special someone and WILL CRY (not the fun cry) the entire movie if I watch it again even though it's not a sad movie
can't spell rape without rp
no way. one of the groups is just three hroths, so I think I'm safe.
nuh uh
I need to cum deep inside your femraen pussy
I really need to cum inside you
I need to cum deep inside your femraen pussy
its for us bro, since im taking ur couch. again
host a scary jp movie and i'll do your dishes for a week
guys, what kind of penis do ixal have? it's really important for my gpose idea
I need to cum deep inside your femraen pussy
You are most mentally ill faggot in this entire general, how the fuck did you spiral like this
Looks like a movie is more in favor. Got any to show?
my eb did that to me irl when I met up with him
my femra is drunk
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>find the perfect bench in solution 9 to zone out at
>really don't wanna do my dishes this week
>only have a bunch of sad japanese films
>also not sanchez
im going to your movie meetup and cumming in your pussy
i need to cum deep inside your femraen pussy
my lalaboy just got fucking got by a darn 'squito
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>I lost
How did it feel
be nice to my femra, she's gonna be pregnant with my middie half breed soon
They are hussies, tramps, and floozies. This is just a fact of life.
Even your example is a stark-nude lizard man, how scandalous!
Just eb me already
now you have to post your hard cock in the thread
Don't do it bro
whoever does it first gets they dishes done
take your post and BURY IT
You lost.
I would like to look in like two hours and see more pictures.
correct, I'm weak to them
what job
do a scary movie and i'll pull up
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how do we fix the femra problem
My bad, shoot your shot king(inside his femraen pussy)
Just eb me already, you know who you are.
Do I really have to spell it out for you? How long are we going to keep this facade going that neither of us are actually interested?
I need to cum inside her pussy
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Cumming in pussies is forbidden in the next thread. Be on your best behavior.
Anyone got a spare pussy I can cum deep inside of?
you can only feel his cock twitch inside of you while he cums which was really hot not gonna lie.
Unnamed Neko @Jenova post
we need more information to solve this problem. the full image of this would be a nice start
Small waists for corsets and wide hips for giving birth- are you sure you don't like women? Such an hourglass figure is befitting for the brothels
You'd pull up anyway, fucking simp.
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shoot me in the head
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everything i got
i got it from coerthas central highlands
the only problem with femra is that none of them like my catboy
i am suffering
It doesn't help that so many are gay or crossdressers. I hate you for making me admit this, don't talk to me about this ever again.
This moonie spoke to me and called me a slur and ran off
Don't worry I hate it too. There's like no straight malera who aren't groomers, let alone ones that don't mind it when you mention their hip-to-waist ratio.
People have been parsing since 2.0, but you wouldn't know that because you weren't there. You're just parroting things you've heard. There were even public logs on guildwork by 2.2, but again you're LARPing as an oldfag so you wouldn't know that. Uploading to fflogs didn't get popular until Shb, 90% of the uploads in SB were coming from sweats and your average normalfag raider barely even used ACT in those days.
Fanta to male middie, problem solved
Looks good except for the rest of the room that's just sterile white modernslop
thanks for proving my point dumbass
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Is it the 85 and 87 dungeon, becuase it always been the X5 and X7 that's a huge jump in damage since SB. If the tanks not properly geared you're gonna have a bad time.
Your point being that there are only more parses now because more people are using plugins, and not because raiding is more popular. Concession accepted.
I wasn't even the one that started that topic but you can see the raid popularity increase through census data as well, not just fflogs. If anything fflogs is unreliable since the same person can appear 50+times for the same job.
keep crying every time he posts that will show him that you arent a little bitch
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