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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

cat girl
downloading fortnite dances rn
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My highlander drk looks and acts like this.
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is this our best futa?
not gonna lie it's mad gratifying to see just how many dyed in the wool haters will come out just to mercilessly kick an ebin who's down
first for the reckoning
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It's the start of the thread so everyone will know that I <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 sunn dereh so much!!
>no meetups
Thank god. Let them die.
elf girl > cat girl
I will be a warrior
>thread hit HW levels of dogshit
>thread has not even slightly improved and has arguably gotten worse
how did we do it lads

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Not enough goonposes and cum tributers

>Future Meetups
• Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023 #
• Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723 >>496146641 #
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527 #
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
•• NEW ! •• Oct 19th, 7PM EST | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet | W3 P58 >>496273537 #
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party
Because OP was a fag

>Future Meetups
• Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023
• Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723 >>496146641
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
•• NEW ! •• Oct 19th, 7PM EST | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet | W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
DT was shit and everyone is bored to death of the game.
Claire un-kino as usual
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I want to impregnate a femlala so much it's unreal.
Ultros, Primal
know your fucking place
based OP triggering meetup niggers
that's kinda rude to GW
we need a femlala procreation meetup to get all the femlalas pregnant
So it's going to be another weekend of violating the OP? Great. Please crawl back into whater wagecage you were released from for the weekend.
Mine just logged out for the night, sorry.
with this beam i shall wipe the very concept of moonies fron mmmmmmmmmm?m your minds
HW was actually funny though and there were more legendary meltdowns, spamming, just general funny and unhinged behavior that was entertaining. Now its just kind of sad at this point.
Hi maybe don't post artwork by someone who has been repeatedly banned from twitter and flist for posting drawing of literal children in sexual situations
[excited woodchipper noises]
Malboro, Cyrstal
Is that a drawing of a literal child in sexual situations? No?? Who gives a shit then.
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Adamantoise, Aether.
He has drawn that character fucking lolis
Phantom, Chaos
And you know this why? fucking pedo freak
What was this guy's problem?
i have autism don't yell at me!
So? That wasn't what was posted.
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>I don't like this artist but I can't just say I don't like this artist I have to make up some moral justification for it
Why are fat people like this so frequently
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Do you not know where you are?
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I want to hear the sales pitch the researchers used to secure funding for creating a cyber-tortoise.
I love lowlanders
This dude doesn't have the balls to take his crusade over to merunyaa or kaiyoko star
Femlalas don't put out so it's no issue.
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Still here answering any questions about this > >>495681023 meetup! Ask them here!
>make up
He's had to hop twitter accounts twice just to keep trying to get commissions
I posted 8 pages of my femlala fucking a miera like two days ago.
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bros i think i broke my brio
everytimne i spawn a new actor it spawns my mount
Femra Nation rises...
hey retard it's real https://x.com/ihcaris
I got a moonie girlfriend and her cock is smaller than mine!!!
What's the most common form of RPing with a group? I've seen some FC's say they're recruiting and they use D&D rules, but how does that work in XIV?
>wake up
>read last thread
>ebins getting reported for swearing again
Based keep those prison gay faggots in check
>NA ebins
>All derranged troons who fuck futa or are a futa etc etc
>Lots of gays and the like
>Has the gayest male viera

>EU ebins
>Levelheaded people who for the most part are hetero or play their characters as such
>Less gays and trannies
>Most EU screens are all hetero stuff

Every time.
Can I just watch? I'm letting my sub run out this week so I don't want to commit to any RP stuff but it seems like a fun thing to watch.
Game restart fixes this and similar issues (Like when you lose the ability to interact with bones for one reason or another)
post it again
Loli and shota aren't children you actual retard.
thanks king, big fan of your work.
Are you in your post-nut "clarity" after that horsecock made you cream yourself
search the archive for "femlala smut"
EU is literally 10 catgirls, not a single hetero pairing among them, getting HORSED and having drama meltdowns over it
love this cope
>EU ebins
Oh look the pedophile is coping yet again
Which Ebin was reported this time?
Most common form of Roleplaying? Well the most common is just basic /say and /emote chat. Anything beyond that is down to personal preference. Some groups use a TTRPG system, more or less advanced. Usually determine rolls on a Discord. Some just play wiht rule of cool. Much like an actual TTRPG, no two tables are the same. So you sit at the one you like. No two groups of Roleplayers on an MMO are the same, so you look for one you like.
>Make new character on japan
>Make him look like Ganondorf
>"Time to play out my Japanese life in Final Fantasy 14!"
>Pick Maurauder as starter
>Load in
>See a femra
>I whisper "Ohio!"
>No response
>I rp /Slaps meaty grease cock across <t>'s face with a resounding slap
>30 seconds later im thrown in jail
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EB like this?
>Acting like the female Elezen on NA don;t have that market cornered with the amount of beast fucking they do
>GAM playing women e-fucking and OoC flirting/sexting with other GAM playing male characters
Lmao, eat shit yuropoor
Sophie was one of them I saw. Hopefully he gets banned
Are you a girl?
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>big fan
Shut up I'm going to blush!
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Ten down, two to go.
correct perspective but there isn't a single male EU ebin
same, and i'm glad he's in the thread 24/7 so he can see how much people hate his faggot guts
Sure anon, you can watch! It won't really be much Roleplaying, as this is a primer event for players on what and how Roleplay. There will be little scenes to showcase what's being talked about, but there won't be just big swinging epic scenes. That's for future meetups.
gz your autism is unmatched
Rule of cool is my preferred style, but then it lets trannies do their self obsessed bullshit and start godmoding every interaction and then playing victim when people call them out on it.
Will there be ERP scenes?
Fuck Sophie dumb bitch literally every thread on this website has a dumb cunt named sophie, wonder if it's the same troon
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Cool who is the artist so I can avoid them?
Uh oh Kyopedo melting
This is why I just don't use gamer words in game..
I want to put a baby in a smug cinnamon-skinned Rava so fucking bad.
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my lalaboy looks exactly like this
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>found his new one
>couple pics down is a flat underaged character with a massive futa dong in the shower
noped the fuck out of there. god, day of the rope can't come soon enough for pedo artists.
Many anons don’t seem to understand 4chan’s rules do not apply in XIV, even if you are around other anons. Personally I report every xivgger for any potential wrong doing to see reactions here
HW was still better because at least there were some hilarious moments from how utterly bat shit crazy some anons were, it's just pathetic nowadays, symptoms of no meaningful content to do
Yeah no shit. Anyone with a brain knows that. Even baby swears like shit and fuck will trigger people in this game. Plus teen rated and the tos literally says "You may not use profanity or any language that a reasonable person would find offensive."
By this logic every person in this general is guilty of murder because they have killed pixels representing actual human beings on their screen. Go to prison for murder you scumbag psychopathic killers.
will there be O.V. the maliddie?
I mean, mine was a serious question. I imagine a lot of people are interested in that. It's kind of like "asking the question because other people in the audience are probably too shy to ask themselves"
Its time for my femra to do sleepy time
I never report because I think it's pretty silly but I do agree that they should be better behaved in game since SE can ban you over the smallest of things.
I am
A gay maleroe
Uh oh pedophile melty! Why do you find drawn pictures of children attractive anon?
The rules say don't be lewd.
uh oh pedo melty
qrd on sophie yumitori
Oh sorry, I didn't look too closely at your details.
Kyopedo cope don't shit your daiper
i know you're just trying to be a contrarian so i shouldn't bother, but
no one's saying that stuff is LITERALLY hurting children
we are saying that fetishizing it means fetishizing attraction to children which is repugnant even if that attraction alone is not criminal
please move the goal posts or make another straw-man and proceed to beat the crap out of it instead of addressing this point
>reasonable person
>in 2024
No problem! That's why we ask questions.
>I never report because I think it's pretty silly
>but I do agree the should be better behaved in game
How are they gonna learn to behave if you don’t report them anon? Thats like not disciplining a dog when they step out of line, they don’t learn proper behavior and continue acting out. You start getting their precious accounts banned they’ll learn
so you ducked this question then

is he allowed to attend and roleplay his dispute with you?
do you understand how "victimless crimes" work?
The desire itself is illegal
My femlala can come tutor the perverts if you want though...
just go spam nigger and faggot then
zir waddington does this and he is BASED for it
qrd on qrd
didnt even get banned for it either
they dont put soldiers into prisons for killing enemy combatants
You guys are aware that according to leaks alisaie will be the meteor survivor's canon love interest right? How do you think square will handle it?
i reported that faggot
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Some of them might be the nice old granny type of Sophie.
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big if true
I will be jorking Oni Koros-vod at the meetup.
I want them to age up the twins already
According to leaks the expansion was gonna be named Westwolves.
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Like this?
>everyone gets the sides shaved
>except au ra
>au ra should have them shaved for the horns
God damn it yoship
is mare a big factor of modern RP? can't say I'm a fan of mare.
I just think his character's ugly but yeah that stuff works too
blandest person you'll ever meet
do you like lalaboys (platonically)
Love them platonically and sexually.
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“No content”? Put your trip back on, you Filipino pedophile. FFXIV has way more content than WoW, including over ten years of permanently evergreen content like Eureka, Bozja, Diadem, POTD, Anima relics, guildhests, and so much more. It’s no wonder why FFXIV is the world’s #1 MMO. You like gameplay. If you don’t, you rape kids.
oh hell yeah
I don't know why we're not allowed to talk about ecelebs but ebin discussion is fine
>it's not murder because they're not actual humans!
Then it's not pedophilia because lolis and shotas aren't actual children. Fuck off and kill yourself in a woodschipper fagnuts.
Kino. Back in my day in Doma.........

uh oh pedo meltie
I'm gonna watch the simsins with Molly.
Why do you find drawn pictures of children sexually attractive anon?
considering most of you only speak anime, gooning, and Andrew Tate the fact you deign to call ANYBODY "bland" is fucking priceless
Oh do call them pathetic, parasitic, and a loser at any time like that isn't most people here I need a laugh


thank you for not reading and instead just repeating the argument i rebutted
anybody that is unironically into either one of those needs to be shot in the fucking head
FFXIV is about doomposting
what is what FFXIV is about
Just a bunch of femra and catgirls posting about 2 MIN META and NO CONTENT and WOKEISM
what do pictures of lolis and shotas depict, anon?
uhm theyre not children they just look like them so im perfectly normal you murderer
>burgers go to sleep
>euroids roll out of bed at noon and start posting
>thread turns out like this
calm down korkana
Why do you enjoy brutally dismembering and murdering drawn images of women, psychopath?
I'm in 'bama and I'm 50% of the posts in here so please don't give euros credit for my efforts.
Imagine unironically caring about thread quality on 4chans vg board
World of Darkness graphic update?
please stop using Domanra as a false flag name
i know you want him to get a trip that we can filter, so do i
but because he's bitchmade onions sucker, instead all he'll do is attach his avatar to every single post, which is even worse
nta but because it's a burning urge that gets louder the longer i go without doing it and i won't get in trouble if it's just pixels
>”g-g-get a tr-trip so I can fi-filter you!”
These are the softest posters in the thread my god. You can scroll past posts you don’t like and be totally fine I promise
same that's why i jerk off to totally not children art
sometimes in a sexual context
sometimes in a non sexual context
but unlike what i do, that can actually get you in trouble in some jurisdictions
so you enjoy children and youth in a sexual context?
Have you considered therapy, anon? Because you should. Those thoughts aren't normal.
huh? i've never even seen domanra before this rp meetup thing
nuh uh read my other posts it's perfectly normal
This would be better if the Ameliance was pregnant with WoL's kid too.
As a healer, the job feels 90% useless now that everyone can self sustain. Has Yoshi-P said anything about this? It's not fun to play when the whole party knows you're just wasted space.
>sometimes in a sexual context
Why do you enjoy looking at pictures of kids in a sexual context?
brutalizing them is therapeutic though
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>EU ebins
then why are we wiping to unavoidable damage in M2S?
>EU hours
>unhinged pedophilia

>NA hours
>unhinged pedophilia

Maybe we're not so different...
i don't, that would be child pornography.
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>sometimes in a sexual context
I don't think you're useless you're valid and beautiful
I'm sure Yoshi-P will make another out of touch joke (probably about healing in the upcoming ultimate).
someone didn't feint
nigga just stop
japanese players don't see an issue with healers therefor nothing will be done about the state of healers
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I play on EU and I don't know who the EU ebins are.
can't stop
won't stop
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Game died
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gender and race?
clavicle window hgnnnh
hip window HNNNGGG
I knew Glue Licker was a pedo.
it means quick rundown. hope this helps!
Where the fuck is the Lorilee evidence?
I'm glad Sena got fired and he'll never voice Woke Lmao again. Square pEnix is healing.
did sena get fired? thought all the voice actors in na went on strike
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ah yes, the 5% of the player base
GL is a pedo? wtf
>Sena got fired
Proof? None of you ever post proof of this claim
Gay and schizo thread
come play hoi4
If someone jobless (begs on twitter for roles) goes on strike is it really a strike?
you guys dont know what a real dying game looks like
i also play destiny 2
I love femezen THIS much.
and also the native playerbase
it is what it is, go to official forums in JP and translate, not a single healer issue being talked about
whereas on NA official forums it's all you see
You idiots think this is bad but weren't here for heavensward release. This place was much worse.
made me laugh ty anon

chances are you have a paint drinker a glue licker a drywall connoisseur who keeps healing her and buffing her raidwides
there is none. that faggot realized its more than once person and that the majority of xivg hates him. shattered his self centered world view
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To be honest I'm not sure. I use the horn mods and that's about it. I know a lot of people use mods on Omega, but not sure how many people also use Mare to sync up. I'm not really in those Discords to say one way or another.
Destiny 2 died when they vaulted half the games content and sunset guns
Nah, probably contract ended. These niggas think VA is a 9-5
idk i dont really pay attention to these things, i know the written dialogue for this game is cringe which is why i listen to it in japanese dub, at least i dont understand and feel the cringe that way.
I think we can ALL agree that as bad as FFXIV is, at least it's not Concord. R-right?
qrd on the moonies who are lurking?
It's mostly just for comical purposes.
I would be so mad if one of my friends posed me looking like the sloth from ice age
no shit? what the fuck kind of post is this?
take your ass back to the /v/ thread we're busy discussing if fictional drawings are equivalent of their life counterparts
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he doesn't hide it
D2 is dying but it's also not at Curse of Osiris levels again. Yet, anyways.
>400M dollar budget
>Sony devs thought it would be Star Wars level
>game is a hero shooter in a saturated hero shooter market
>no marketing
>ugly designs
>game flops
>online retards claim the game failed due to woke/SBI/DEI
>in reality it was a bad game in a saturated genre 8 years too late
My moonie is hungover again and there is no f1 for her to bedrot to. Can an anon help her out?
jesus that guy is a fucking sub human piece of shit
>we'll be showing a 7.1 preview
Dear God finally.
Destiny 2 isn't dead.
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis? Now that is a dying game.
NGS can only be called a stillborn game
kinda like the people in the thread for the past few months?
>”I want to say I’m a pedophile but I don’t want to be called a pedophile!”
How long until it comes out he’s transphobic? That’s usually the line these pedophiles tend to go
explain the appeal of f1 to another moonie
to me, it would be better if there weren't so many restrictions on the cars and their parts, like i saw a thread on how redbull or someone was accused of cheating because there were tiny holes in the car near the brakes that allowed cool air to come in
why's that not allowed? it would be way cool to let the engineers and mechanics go fucking crazy to create the fastest car they can
<<core>>bros? Oh god don't tell me core is just some pedo clique
only if they are pedos, which glue is
Is this appalcord or corecord
We're here

that's one of the most retarded sentences I've seen here
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Knowers know
if you've spoken to him you'd know he's closer to being trans than transphobic lmfao
It is pain...
Deflect harder, Glue.
>more wuk
>24 man savage raid
Who the fuck gives a shit
I don’t talk to the vast majority of anons here
glue is one to avoid
not appalcord
Part and parcel, the /lgbt/ trans threads are are infamous for reasons.
Pussy too good, you wouldn't get it
Core probably
His name is different in AC unless this is super old
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nothing pedo about it! he just likes short women in anime
>Glue has always been nice to me in-game
>thread hates him for some reason
I notice this more and more often. The nicer someone is the more they get schizoed in the thread.
but Loli was never a descriptor for short women, i'm in my 30s and loli has always meant child coded
ok glue
glue is both an annoying faggot in game and out
I'd let Glue spray me with Glue.
The whole appeal of f1 is how engineers can work around the rules, it's a development formula so the car is not gonna be the same at the end of the season as it is at the beginning l. The cars themselves are not easy to drive so the drivers need to be good. It's a combo if driver skill and car development
>miss when loli meant something it didn’t mean at all
>hates that loli is used correctly to depict children
Pedophile logic everyone
I'm playing crusader kings 3. I'm trying to figure out why I can't form an alliance with wessex as Normandy. The current ruler is my character's half sister's grandson. So his great half nephew.
qrd on glue?
I like glue he's my friend even if he doesn't talk to me much
i am aware of what it takes to be an f1 driver, those guys are athletes on another level in terms of reflexes and body strength
i just dont care for racing i guess
bro was not alive before its meaning supposedly changed

hes never seemed that interested in talking before running over and afking with the latest thread 'bin, I don't know about that one, I've also heard from a mutuals that he's just dropped them since joining core and getting an in with characters like val
Huh, should be easy if they're related. Are they at war or something?
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>Zir Waddington leaking random shit from corecord to cause drama

Well color me surprised.
I haven't played since ice zone released did they do anything fun? Also I'm not allowed in the thread.
Accurate name I guess because this guy is retarded
Do they like you? Maybe something bugged out? I kinda wanna get CK3 especially since the new DLC looks fun
I'm surprised Nophica and Nymeia were released as they were. Nymeia is youthful and cute, Nphica is busty and made me open my jaw wide, like the second coming of that Sophia primal, the grey chick with the tits.
Eden Refulgence Ryne was probably the third, god that slit in her lightform makes me diamonds
Well it depends. Is the savage going to have something like ffxi artifact armor drops? If so, that is incentive enough for someone like me who doesn't do that type of content.
>loli was just a descriptor for short women
this is pure 100% copium holy shit
>from a mutuals
meant to say from a few mutuals, not just one schizo. I've heard it from 3 different people
>ywn have a mini primal dragon light your pipe for you
why even live
>Waddington is based and leaks ‘cord info
Why is this supposed to be a bad thing?
Glue's good people.
Yeah it'll only really appeal if you like to see cars going vroom and my moone loves it
Ever consider that maybe you're the one seeing children where there are none?
No, it's more of the same stuff.
It's just an MMO with amazing customization and fashion so if you go into it looking for a social, chat hub game then you're set but if you want anything in terms of story or gameplay then..you're done for.
I love rubbing my meat to Ryne. Makes it feel nice
Glue isn't in corecord but keep trying
hmmmmm >>496333858
he stinks
I've heard the same, and it's fitting for core, many there behave the same way
Anon why are you trying to defend your fetish so hard? If you want a word to describe short women you use Petite a word that’s been around for ages. Everyone knows what you mean when you say this word
>short women in anime
bro is confusing loli with petite
Idk what's wrong. And no the option isn't even there. I can alliance with my full blooded sister's kid in Ireland and my other full blooded sister's grandkid in bavaria just not wessex
yeah thats clearly frencord
Pretty sure that's appalcord and ZW isn't in there
Tard wrangling 7 other retards is bad enough in Savage. Even now, when it's just reclears. Now imagine tard wrangling 23 other retards.
No thanks. It's really not worth reaubbing for.
My dude they're trying to get a ruse from you. Well, that or they're retarded twitter schizoid who joined the internet post covid. You'd be surprised what those shitters screencap of ours, its bringing unnecessary attention from the wrong people
retard defending pedo shit in an open discord with 2k people
name checks out
Oh you don't even play, fuck off.
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>"It just means short women!"
doesnt seem to continue rolling with that logic here. not looking good!
and this is frencord
Correct. I come here to shitpost and jerk off.
lmao it just keeps going
Loli literally comes from Lolita, is this guy retarded? Does he think the term originated in Japan? Lmao.
unironic orbiter pedophile
Therapists, studies, the entirety of the whole videogame not causing violence debacle do not agree with you. If its not a real kid, there is no crime to commit, and a more apt label would be fictophiliac
i gotta wake up in 5 hours for the rp meetup...... i'm not gonna make it
>EU ebins
>Levelheaded people
lmao even
These dudes just keep digging deeper holes and then pretend their fetish is normal
i had a coffee and now big chunks of shit are coming out of my asshole :3
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Leaking this from a secret cord
good posters have no reason to stick around when they get drowned out by retards smearing their shit on the walls
Sleep now, you've got this anon!
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She's cute! Cute!!!
>and so this is the last hurrah of EU hours
Is it worth levelling Trusts up? Debating on doing it but it seems like a bit of a slog.
I don't think.
Hypnosis is hot!
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sorry, I think he knows what he's doing
I had issues with WHM healers which are using Cure 3 as their main AoE heal in lv93 trial on Elemental
Do you want to see Y'shtola in a bikini? Because that's basically the best reward you get from it.
>look at website
>Square Enix isn't there
typical dishonest shitposter making shit up
it is a slog and there's duty support for when you really need it so unles you're going for cheevos, no
I know what you mean, Anon. This is why I ultimately always insist on some kind of third party to decide the outcome of actions. There's no need to overcomplicate things, so usually rolling a percentile dice works. After all it's about telling a story, not autistic numbercrunching. People will often respond to that by saying 'but my character is <this many years experienced badass veteran> they couldn't possibly fail at this task'. I usually suggest to those players as a compromise to depict their character's failure with grace, showing how a veteran fails, as opposed to how a newbie fails.
Emulating Gran Turismo 5 while I bot leveling Viper
No way
They got removed a couple of days ago lol
>pedophile knows other pedophiles who got arrested for being pedophiles
>thread will tell me the screencaps are out of context and Glue’s the nicest person ever actually
NFS Underground 2 >>>>>>>>>
>do you search for gayshit and fap to it according to this logic
I have once. Not gay in the slightest. If we include futa, several times
I fucking hate trannies and want their extinction
A free man enjoys his fiction free and unburdened, unshackled by the moral quandary that you would encounter in reality
yeah sure
Sold, thanks.
let's try to remember what REALLY sets precedent here. Find us a case that had charges dropped because half of his CP collection was drawn
what a "fun fact" to share
Nobody really gives a shit about your performative moral fagging
I'll play that another time
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>he doesn't want to have three dads.
I do now.
I modded its soundtrack into Cyberpunk's radio. Top tier
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For Feo Ul.
the trick is to alt-tab and do something else while the trusts clear trash
Why are zoomers so open with everyone and say the dumbest shit imaginable? I had mixed feelings about him because he seems like all the rest of the folk who hangs at lb14. Self obsessed faggots who need to POST about themselves constantly
my femraen will sabotage herself in this party so she can die happy
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did you know catboys like men
This reads like he's very young, genuinely retarded, and has been groomed to hell and back. Appal and his clique are disgusting for taking advantage of him
People don't get arrested for loli unless they live in a shithole invaded by muzzles who ironically harm real kids. Attacking lolicons fapping to fake kids harms efforts to entrap real predators and is just performance and useless. Its just a thought crime punishment which is unsustainable and opens doors we don't wanna open
Ain't there a clause in an American rule book that actually distinguishes fiction from reality with only exemptions including a drawing of a real person and an overly realistic image?
Fist my asshole
>Urianger has a Loporrit earring.
I am exploding right now.
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find me a case where that clause was used, since you have the energy to read through studies on this topic evidently
My miqote male wants to be ballsdeep in any attractive woman in the game including Gaia and Ryne
biggest blackpill is seeing how many posts these "people" make in thread and in multiple discords. severe brainrot and way too much free time
>Attacking lolicons fapping to fake kids harms efforts to entrap real predators and is just performance and useless
Wrong not attacking lolicons serves to reduce pedophilia as a crime in society by saying “well these aren’t real children he’s jacking off to so there’s no real harm” meanwhile disregarding the fact that someone is finding a picture of a child sexually attractive in the first place, drawn or not.
hes extremely self centered
Why do fiera like malezen so much?
you're now manually breathing
You eat socks for breakfast don't you ya little gimp
Zir you are almost 40 years old you really have nothing better to do than save discord screencaps of someone probably half your age to epically own them on /vg/
No thanks
Fiera in ff12 were elf standins
Elezen are elves
It's just rabbit elves trying to purify their elfishness with actual elves.
Pretty much everyone at
How do we remove them all?
Prove it’s Waddington posting them
A state may not, however, 'prohibit[ ] child pornography that does not depict an actual child.'Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, 535 U.S. 234, 240 (2002)"People v. McKown, 2022 IL 127683, para 33 (Ill: Supreme Court 2022).
If you don't know legalese, its established as a court precedent. Cases with a judge ruling often set a precedence for other cases or judges to follow, and thus similar cases are highly likely to be ruled based on these selfsame rulings. Same thing happens in Canada
not sure who it is but god bless them
Miera are twinks so they got traded. I'm a femezen EB'd to a miera.
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There is literally nothing to do past the age of 30. What else would he do?
Starting a family and supporting them?
>eu hours nonstop talk about cords
Zir isn't even in frencord but go off
You'd have no one to talk to brother.
Yeah some of them are pretty bad but it truly isn't everyone as some just want to have fun.
i think someone was reporting people earlier in LB14 so theres that option i suppose. not the most effective but its a start
>pedo ranting
>random zir namedrops
Good to see you're still seething about being called a nigger in game kong
Because Fiera and Malezen is the best pairing in the game.

Meira released and they're just made for men and to be bottoms.
In this economy?
My moonie looks and acts like this.

so that's why my anus is bleeding

final fantasy 14
>find us *insert something impossible here*
Why would charges get dropped if he had 50% actual pizza dumb fuck? Name me a case where someone who had only drawn images was convicted, not from some retarded shithole.
my catgirl is the don quixote of /xivg/
Classic Kong moment
That's kinda cringe.
Don miuiqote?
kong is my favorite moonie
>You'd have no one to talk to brother.
Lol. Drop the ego.
Should've stayed in school.
This 97-parsing malezen still gets EB'd the old-fashioned way (to a femezen only)
frencord is public, which means none of that shit was "leaked", and it has 2000 members, yet retards are trying to guess who posted this
Then videogames cause violence. If games or fiction influence behavior that can create negative consequences, the depiction of anything bad must not be shown in fiction which would, in your weird worldview, solve crime. Hell, just make fiction show good on top of this and you've solved evil in its entirety
The whole premise of fiction effecting reality is childish when dressed down because it gives crdence to retarded outcomes like the one I mentioned. If a person commits a crime via fiction, its cause they were broken/maladjusted in the first place.
Hali, Dynamis
I'm too lazy to spell it
then find that instead, it was just an example
Video games don’t cause violence it’s been proven over and over again
Were you not here earlier this year? It doesn't work as well as you think. They'll just keep rotating meetup spots and shit up the thread more but with seething ontop of coom and grownman drama
>meanwhile disregarding the fact that someone is finding a picture of a child sexually attractive in the first place, drawn or not.
But that isn't a crime. Reminder Howard Stern had a countdown clock for when the Olsen twins turned 18. The "cash me outside" girl from Dr Phil made 50 million dollars in a few months the second she made an onlyfans on her 18th birthday. Again, thoughtcrime. Your retarded rhetoric is played out and stupid. Nothing changes when someone goes from 17 years and 364 days old to 18 years and 0 days old.
hes projecting because he only has the faggots from lb14 to talk to. how sad
how to join it?
I would never share your secrets with anyone
this thread has a weird obsession with pedophilia and cunnyfaggotry desu
It really is loser shit
autists can't even comprehend creating a character that isn't exactly them. they cannot understand the core concept of fiction, you are talking to a brick wall
I can't find it, because no one gets federally arrested for loli unless they live in the third world or Canada.
>17 years and 364 days old to 18 years and 0 days old.
Interesting how you pedophiles throw out the 17 years and 364 days old line every time.
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xivg is ignoring an important distinction
it's fine if you do it every now and then(?)
He's probably upset that ZW called him a nigger and faggot like 30 times and didn't get banned. Meanwhile he gets perma'd then proceeds to make a new account, buy the game with all the expansions, level skips, story skips, probably mogstation stuff, and a sub. Shit, I'd be seething too.
sex and violence are two very different things. it's not uncommon for people's pornography consumption to affect their actual behaviour and real life tastes, like how some furries transition into full blown zoophilia/bestiality.
do it do it do it
I purposely share false secrets, and pay attention to the thread. Speak of anything I tell you and you're dead to me instantly. Because I will know it was you. My past is a graveyard of false friends and snakes.
Nobody actively gives a shit except kong after he got called a shit player by kypoopi and now he's on a moral crusade despite putting up with kiddy fuckers like mithia for months
anon can has a bit of cheesepizza as a treat :3
I think he's referring to everywhere else not just lb14. Like the discords with hundreds to thousands of people that do infact have a good portion of the threads posters in them even if they're not active members
t. Schizo who keeps track of who in these discords are actually xivg anons and who are tourists
Interesting how you retards with 0 critical thinking skills seem to always deflect and shit yourselves with braindead logic.
>”there’s a difference between being a pedo sometimes and making it your entire personality”
i am a lalaboy
eating a M&S prawn sandwich for lunch
somehow it keeps getting worse
The difference is a fictional character is killing another fictional character in your violence case, but in the case of pedophilia, (You), the actual person, is getting your rocks off to a photo of a child
No actually hold up, let him cook.
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Oh i'm aware they have their hands in the pie in a lot of places but these people have no presence in game where it matters. They can't even group together and do anything meanwhile without retarded clique faggotry and twitter e-cred vetting
did you guys really let an eu fag rile you up? do better
every single eu server user here is either giving or recieving futa horsecock, or a hrothgar furry
Anime unironically rots the brain because this isn’t a hard concept to grasp at all.
>gets aroused by drawings of children
It’s not hard to understand
I mean that is true. Just like someone who watches anime is vastly different than an anime fanatic that plasters their room in posters and faggy wall scrolls with a 200 piece figurine collection.
eat shit, ill do what i want faggot
kong is such a lolcow. perfect binger refugee
i don't ERP though....
when will anime viewers be respected?
Yes, you do.
>kong still stalking frencord on a third alt
It's not caturday. It's actually monday and you're late for work.
They don't. There's individuals from this general who have their hands in places, like that deep dungeon guy or the guy who runs the mod archive, but there's never any groups. An individual anon from here can do a lot, but as a group they're a bunch of seething troons
hopefully never
They both rely on similar to same principles of pain/pleasure, reward and punishment. Dopamine is a primary neurotransmitter in both, sure the parts of the brain are different but the outcome is the same. You have motor neurons in both your arms and legs, different parts meant for different purposes but mechanically they work on the same principles.
Excessive sex can ruin video game enjoyment and vice versa. If these two activities weren't related or similar on some level they would not be interrelated in this manner
these namedrops are a gem you guys I'm loving seeing the tide go back and forth never change
kong is a backstabbing cunt and glue needs to realize that
Jokes on you, I'm unemployed *proceeds to have nightmares about being late for college class and job interviews*
nah, i'd feel icky trying to sexualise my lalafell.
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we don't have culture anymore...
kong has such a giant cock bros...
nah, literally no one listens and goes "kong treats me good" then it happens every time.
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>go to random club
>see this lala steven seagal

my sides
>just wanted to test new butt and thigh jiggle physics mod
>ended up making nsfw video
god help me
Placing a sentry malera at this exact spot in the thread
My moonie has no drive to get up so she will be bedrotting all day today
why is this endosperm talking about what things "used" to be like he's like 17
It's funny how they can't ever refute any point made and instead of using crtiical thinking or logic they always just resort to emotional lashing out. They are so far up their own ass about pixels on a screen (even though anime characters look and act nothing like real like humans) that they can't think, they just scream "pedo" while plugging their ears like a toddler.

I feel so sorry for the next generations, all of you adhd addled zoomer tards have 0 ability to think rationally and critically. You will ruin the world and cause WW3 guaranteed. And it will be over the stupidest most emotionally charged shit as well.
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LB14 status?
based sylva
Too much free time
Open internet
It's why rich people and neets who can sit on their ass all day are always always into the most vile shit imaginable. Neets are usually deprived of the funds to go deeper with the fantasies however.
Being a weeb was never cool lmao back in the mid-late 2000s when I was in middle school anime kids were seen as weirdos like the goth and theatre kids. Being a weeb is only “cool” online and at cons since most weebs are unhygienic freaks that don’t wash their ass or brush their teeth
It's remarkable how someone can get BTFO'd so often and then still come around. This game and thread is really all he has....
same https://files.catbox.moe/jxs3wz.mp4
I glanced past this image and didn't realize that was fucking steven seagull and I went PFWAHA irl femra btw
fuck off jhazda
it's too big sis...
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nothing wrong busting a fat nut to loli characters. you are feoids jealous youre already over the age most people care about
lemme check
This is the case for most of them standing around lb14
the pfp killed me
ain't too big for my second life standarts
So if jerking off to loli doesn't make you a pedo then jerking off to gay sex with bunboys doesn't make me gay right?
Then stop playing a lalafell. Because everyone assumes you are a pedophile already.
im gonna put my femroe in a flannel i think
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>watermelon minion

>vanilla boob physics looks terrible
>every physics mod looks even worse because modfags only go bigger
being a flatzen is suffering...
Eb status
they are basically women
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looks like this. hope that helps!

yeah I think I'm kneeling
They look like women though
i like my lalafell though, i'm not interested changing my wol just to do erp.
lmao fistpunch seeking refuge on mung after killing his own dc is always great to see
we thought the zoomer generation was bad, the current generation is so addled they cant even watch a 20 second video without 7 other slide streams of family guy, idle runner and cutting soap content to stop their ADHD rotted brains from changing channel
They used to ban phone calls in cars, i posit by 2050 theyll probably force having a little tv on the side to stop them getting distracted. Can you imagine a forklift driver with a mini tv on his console to stop him drifting off like a sugar ridden toddler
>caring about boob physics on a flattie
Retardzen suits you better.
Yeah. I've fapped to a trap. Its also personal preference, just because you don't prefer doing something in a game due to a self imposed sexual or moral boundary does not make the act itself some reprehensible crime
>flat chested female character
Red flag on the play
The unknown distance to the great beyond
Stares back at my grieving frame
To cast my shadow by the holy sun
My spirit moans with a sacred pain
And it's quiet now
The universe is standing still
yes retard
unmodded has the flat surface stretch itself magically up and down so it can "bounce". it looks fucking awful
idk what you're talking about man
wouldn't you like to know
>sex with miera is no longer gay
My male xaela will now go on a miers rapespree
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the next updated version should be interesting
I imagined it and I kek'd
Its funny
My moonie has a full english breakfast infront of her and she is about to tuck in
Okay pedo.
You can't bury the past
When is the futa awards
Fat FUCK *aggressively grabs your tummy*
i can trade you a chair and a rope right now if you want
genuine laugh out loud from me
my man u got it
*there is near to nothing to grab* ow why would you pinch me anon
being an american ive never had a real deal english breakfast before but id fucking devour one of those giant platters i see pics of
you guys are saying this about the same lunatics who watch 7 hour reviews of starfield

I'm from primal not aether, I really don't know what you're talking about
Based or cringe.
Using scaling mods but only to make my femra anorexic like Eugena Cooney
dawntrail's update fixed the vanilla physics on flatties you dumb falseflagger"zen"...
t. actual flatzen
Just make sure when you do get one its got some black pudding that shit is fuckin delicious
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yall are wack
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my femra was formerly about that life, I thought it was cute
my euro friends have told me all about it and its sounds really fucking good
A lot of people claiming to be flatezens but I'm not seeing any bare chested proof
My lore theory? Elezen have very sensitive ears and the reason midlanders won their great race war against them is because they learned to massage them into submission. Ishgardian elezen are more likely to wear helmets and mail covering their ears making them more resistant to ear attacks so they subjugated their middies.
A bunch of meat for breccy you cannot go wrong
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the thread's really healed in the past few dozen posts or so. I'm proud of you guys
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whoever reported GL didn't think about him already having strikes...
dont worry, it'll devolve into a shit fest soon enough
can't wait for the dual dye and texture update on these...
I still want you to hot glue me, I don't care how bad you are.
Maybe retards with strikes on their accounts should be more careful with what they say and who they’re around?
I'll start again just because you couldn't help yourself and had to mention it.
it's because the american neets are finally going to sleep
please get perma'd holy shit
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DPS weapon with Tank gear?! YOSHIP YOU FAGGOT
4th one coming in hot
I saw these two appear as that was sending and saw my life flash before my eyes >>496337553 >>496337738
Ebs tatus
Anon...not all gear will get dual dye.
kek the universe is alive and it is a comedian
true i am about to go to bed here soon
Euro himcesses belong to American men. Right?
Sir, another glue has licked the tower.
Jokes on you I woke up two hours ago (I’m an old man now and go to bed at midnight)
>the past 2 hours discord drama shitflinging fest
>"hey guys I just woke up lets talk about breakfast"
>"I-its really the americans!!"
meds, please
This is a lie and femezen only grow more powerful and angry if their ears are touched so you definitely should not rub their ears, forcefully or otherwise. Femezen are graceful and elegant and worthy of respect and admiration, it’s unbelievable that they would mindbreak just because someone rubbed our ears
>2000 hours
>0 strikes
what am I doing wrong
oh no, not one of the classics from the 'cord
Flat physics work pretty well if you know what you're doing.
>knowingly have 3 strikes on my account
>better keep openly doing the same shit that got me those strikes in the first place
If Glue gets perma'd it is entirely his own fault.

t. EU femra
Yeah uhuh, SUUUREEE
not clicking your link faggot upload your image like a normal person
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The NA complaints about the state of healer gameplay don't appear on the JP side because of the culture difference. In Japanese they call it 役目 (literally role/function "yakume").

The idea that the "healer isn't doing anything and has boring gameplay" is missing the point of the healer being there. Tanks focus the enemy and protect the party. They have tools like self mit and self healing to better fill that role. But when are they actually using it? Tanks are using mits at the tank buster and when they are taking a lot of damage at once. Otherwise they are using a simple dps rotation. You feel "active" because you are positioned as the "center character" and focus of attention in the fight.

DPS are the damage. They attack hard and remove enemies from the encounter. They may have support abilities or even a raise in some cases. You feel active because you are the gasoline. You make the fight progress.

So what is the function of the healer? Well, it's to heal, right? In literally any content except dungeons, that is exactly what they do. In EX and Savage they must heal. Good healers may even have a healing schedule based on the mechanics order of the fight. Eventually the healers have less work to do because the party gears up and becomes stronger than the fight, but that doesn't remove their function. Just like how gearing up doesn't mean a tank doesn't need to use mits.

But in "low demand" content, such as dungeons, the healer feels less active. Importantly, this is not a reflection of the job. When the lvl 100 optional dungeons came out we saw that kits across the board needed to use all their tools and so casual players complained there was too much healing and it was too hard.

In short, it is the content's balance that needs to be adjusted. Yoshi-P has said he intends to keep the new ramped up dungeon difficulty, so we can expect healers to have to heal more.

>healers don't feel active because, statictically, NA doesn't play hard content.
Only English knights can fully tame and protect a himcess. Americans can't be knights since they forsook their own heritage and kingdom to worship niggers
I'm only around 3K and I haven't had so much as a bump because I can simply behave myself.
Thats a french elf
its a video and its porn, just click the (embed) button you little sperg
you big dummy
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Sandris and Alma are rightful American property and I won't hear otherwise.
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My fiddie is like this. Shimapan and all.
It's an NSFW video, why would they upload it normally you silly goose
abusing their ear weakness means natural selection will take place and earlets will dominate elezen society
you will regret your actions...
typical yoshida moment
it's probably also due to the high console playerbase on JP, which makes the current glare spam less painful.
STOP IT mind break issssnnn’t ruuuheaaal….
Americans are cowboys. *blows your armor up with a stick of dynamite*
who are those
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>shitflinging between NA and EU when this is prime time aussie shitposting hours

I have 27k hours and have 0 strikes. Ever since 2014 I've only talked with GMs 4 times and it was because I was reporting people or a bug.
id suck it
if you've spoken to any good healer you'd know that the job's interest stops the second you're done with the prog phase and you know what buttons to push when, after that its 1-1-1-1-1 and your mind disengages

JP doesn't complain about the design because they're simple bugpeople who when they're told to heal, they heal. and crave nothing more
*kills you food that has actual seasoning*
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Is this an euphemism for cocaine
Elezen are French. Their names are all French based and their original language is a fucked up French based on what little we see about it
i thought oceania DC was dead which means australians don't play this game
get your stories straight sis
Cowboys don't get himcesses. You get brown crossdressing boynita grown ass maidens from across the border
this but my femraen
The schizo raen and adderra.
it's a video showing flat chest physics
Bruh, lmao. Femzen are have a racial weakness to anal. No shot they wouldn't mindbreak to ear groping.
You need to stop
I'm never leaving this place.
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We should try it and prove it doesn't work...
Okay but every role knows what buttons to press after they know how the fight works? The healer difficulty is also dependend on how good your group plays.
NPCs in this game quite literally have more and better opportunities for aesthetics than the damn players do.
My moonie was up until 7am, she is still kind of hungover and might just drink again today
>The NA complaints about the state of healer gameplay don't appear on the JP side because of the culture difference.
I've been reading the JP healer forums and they do agree that the 111 is boring and to some extent it's getting traction among JP forum posters.
The JP WHM feedback thread is interesting because it's getting people riled up about job identity to the point that they're starting to make schizo theories that WHM is getting fucked over to swap to AST.
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Can't wait to meet all these famous people this weekend and go to more DJ parties! Wow, DJ YAMS will be there!!
Is this Aethercon?
What the fuck is a boynita?
>play on EU DC
>lore accurate name because i'm autistic like that
>like once a year there's some retard who says i'm "usually good for a fr*nchie"
>it usually comes from a subhuman with food for name like "Blueberry Milkshake"
it's probably a play on the word "Bonita"
Brazilians could be here.
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I read the JP forums as well and it's mixed at best. The main point I take away from it that the western player are more selfcentered thinking about them and what buttons they functionally press, while JP players discuss the bigger picture of healers and responsibility they have to carry keeping people alive. Same goes for tanks really and you can't make these roles harder for everyone when they are already in high demand while dps have 20 minute queues.
frenchie anon
My femezen finds all this disgusting and untrue and never thinks about what would happen if people held her down and played with her ears or other even less real weak points that are clearly some deranged hyur’s fantasy
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The fags trying to push latinx could've used this and won
Even if you play more hard content like JP apparently does, you'll end up doing a lot of roulettes (and as such, dungeons) for tomestones, materia, xp for alt jobs and such. Content that you do so frequently should be more interesting to do. And like some people already said, healing isn't THAT exciting even in harder content.

Hey! At least ask my opinion before deciding such things.
My twin sister...
Ahh, okay, so it's like bishi or ikemen, but for chicks.
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imo they should turn Healers into DPS and give everyone self sustain and base fights around that
Would make the game more fun
genuine retard take, go play that "hard content" for yourself and come back
Fuck off Primal
gw2 gaming kinda sucks only valid tank's chrono and only valid healer's druid
are the primal players in the room with us right now
no, its a sand fox minion
it is actually that expensive because its like 400 or 600 faux leaves to buy
*tempers you*
Who wants to do the new osrs group boss together
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Content gets easier when you're done progging and healers can spend more time doing dps.
Brilliant analysis anon.
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i honestly feel no hype at all for the ff11 alliance raid, 11's aesthetic is really ugly to me
QRD on the aesthetic?
GW2 is actually not a good video game
sadly for healers "spending more time doing dps" just means replacing your other GCD heals with a single button.
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Americans are the truest descendants of the english of the past. Wasps are directly descended from middle and upperclash englishmen which is why there lacks a "peasant" phenotype amongst us that brits have. We are knights, we are cowboys, we are the second coming of the Roman republic(with the same faults). American culture dominates you, you obsess over our politics, our movies, our celebs, even our negatives like niggerworship has spread to your country. So yes. Americans DO deserve himcesses. They're ours.
But so are the boynitas and the niggawives.
All belong to American men. And no. If you aren't a wasp you're not a real American.
I wish they'd have done literally anything else but "that dead mmo precursor to this dead mmo". I'd have taken a fucking Evangelion collab I'm that desperate.
Going to Zurvan four hours early!
I love it when movement in a video game feels like I'm ice skating, bro. I also love it when animations have no impact so a dragon the size of a bus hitting me feels the same as a large toad.
it's similar to yours.
Cool, goth raid
on your way to bang euro himcesses?
I watched a couple XI lore video and it's pretty cool. Made me realize how much of a step backwards DT is compared to what this 20 year old PS2 game came up with.
Himcess is english euro culture coined by a britlera. You can die mad about it
>americans and euros fighting over himcesses
It sounds like himcesses actually own you both
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this is FFXIV
>more jobs with 123 and 1-2 bullshit combos
oh hell the fuck no
Without even touching healer dps toolkits they can easily make healer life a lot less boring
>nerf the fuck out of every non-healer self healing
>rework the revive system so people don't instantly wipe the instant the healer dies
>restrict all DF ilvls more so people are closer to the intended ilvl for the fight
>nerf healer ogcd potencies
There are plenty of ways to make everyone happy without fucking over an entire role.
what no that's gay

I just wanna hang out and talk about RP in four hours.
Briterla is American owned lmao. Do you not remember the pics?
The game is built around rewarding good players for avoiding damage. So for the complaining healers we should take that fundamental aspect of the game away and add constant, unavoidable damage on players to force healers to use their healkit instead of doing dps and it basically becomes a hps gear check.
If this game is harder I'll have a worse time in DFs. Was stuck in Origenics 1st boss because everyone but me kept dying when the boss raised his arm to spit the green shit
can you teach me how to play again... i used to when it first came out but there's a bunch of new stuff now...
That's how the game was originally like, yes.
>he doesn't know
My fiddie is going to make your femezen read a printed copy of this post. The "graceful and respected" nobility of your femezen is going to be dripping out of her mouth through a ring gag from all her drool as clamp vibrators connected to her ears hum and dangle like deviant jewelry. There won't be any needs for restraints, just the collar she wears connected to the leash in my fiddie's hand.

She's not my femezen, but one I thought was beautiful and well designed.
we like this
You have to post what you're talking about or it doesn't exist
alternatively, they could just remove a few superfluous healing oGCDs and replace them with a few offensive GCDs so healers don't feel boring to play after prog/gearing.
keep in mind that the 1-1-1-1 complaints only really started in ShB, after neutering all offensive options from healers and reducing healing requirements.
Hey can you post a screencap of the post? This website is still blocked in my country.
Thats pretty funny
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I don't want to alarm you, but hermanos are indeed present

true and real and I think I might even be in fact kneeling ser?

I think that's just what they're doing now looking at honeybee's live stage dot and most of brute bomber's existing moves dealing raidwide
this is by far one of the worst memes of recent memory.
Eb status
where did you get this picture of my moonie
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Is playing ffxiv good for you?
and 1.0 was fucking awful.
Healers should get an RNG proc spell that works like Bard's Refulgent Arrow
i haven't played since savage launched and it sucked
what have i missed
That is a very cute moonie, my moonie adores her
So did that faggot Lorilee drop the alleged proof he has of Fagness and Leviah schizoing him?
I value listening to your opinion, because all femra should have their concerns heard, but it will not change the outcome.
you again
Face it, /xivg/

Our golden age ended in Stormblood, we still had it okay in Shadowbringers but Endwalker just killed the game

I know it, you know it, everybody knows it.
How long ago did you last play, because whoo boy, explaining all the designers is a fun one
and yet you're still here
Giving WHM and SCH their dots back (with the og durations) would ease a lot of the complaining even if it seem not a whole lot.
Since day 1 that people said it was retarded to remove the dots from these jobs to make them like AST when neither WHM or SCH have subsystems to manage like AST has with the cards.
sorry but stormblood bad
The fact that fiddies like you exist plotting such foul things is proof that the Twelve truly have forsaken sweet, innocent, and mentally stable femezen.
Of course, anon. I'm addicted.
You're wrong.
>"they need to make healers more engaging!"
>how do you suggest they do that anon?
>"add another 30 second DoT to their job kit!"
>"add another 500 potency button with a 30s CD you're gonna hit anyways!"
The real solution is to just make it so there's constant damage going out like the electric floor DoT in LoTA or the DoT in Valigarmanda EX
>roastie gets flagged by youtube as being hate speech
Man, when is jewgle going to get their comeuppance?
i dont get it. yes im an out of touch boomer
Wanna become addicted to me
Single, but I have a full time job and hobbies.
The problem is that most of this general's userbase is nearing 40 trying to tell the ones in their 20s what they should and shouldn't do or like.
i think i stopped playing around the time the china/japan dlc came out... i dont think even supply was in the game at that point
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Here you go friend.
i fucking hate troonra
healers should have a mini game pop up on the screen that plays random tiktok videos while you heal
>>"add another 30 second DoT to their job kit!"
does anyone really want another 30s dot though? what's the point if you'd just reapply it at the same time as your current dot?
cute lizards
Okay let's eb.
meanwhile the reality: HW/SB boomers wanting to go back to their "glory days". They're just like WoW Classic boomers but in a different game
FFXI nerds, tell me if this is a scene from the alliance raids coming up
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I'd rather have a reward system than a proc system, healer skills are very..... bland for a lack of a better word.
Just compare tank or dps utility skills and look at healer utility skills. They're boring "heal for x potency", "shield for x potency", "mitigate for x %" nothing else. Adding proc effects to skills to reward proper healing and shielding like TBN has would get people braincells going and people would use the skills more often.
why is this a minute long? the message is passed in the first 3 seconds
That femra used to post here years ago.
do not pretend that they're gonna make any additional DoTs 18/24 seconds when Aero is already 30 seconds when synced down playing WHM
Frankly, if you miss the TP gauge system, you shouldn't be here.
I honestly don't really mind whatever they do with healer dps buttons, but I'm pretty sure that an absolute minority of players cleared savage or even touched an ultimate even with the 1-button situation. I don't think making the role more complex and overall harder to clear content with is bringing in more players to try it. The loud minority that sits at the top bored will do whatever it takes to win anyway. Theiy opinion doesn't really matter.
It is the Twelve's plan that you should be forsaken. If they did not want you mindbroken and taken for naked walks through the residential districts like a dog, they would not have created me. Now bark and wiggle your ears.
I miss when you could miss with tomahawk
>dding proc effects to skills to reward proper healing and shielding like TBN has would get people braincells going and people would use the skills more often.
This is basically Sage's Addersting, so I can can get behind this.
>"add another 30 second DoT to their job kit!"
Healers don't want another 30s dot, they want their old dots back which had different durations.
WHM dots were 18s and 24s, SCH dots were 24s and 30s. This kept people engaged as they had to refresh their dots on completely different timers.
frankly healers should get another 2-3 dots with different timers to manage given healing is all about keeping track of what to press when
damage should be no exception
My moonie woke up drunk and the first thing she did? Grabbed a new drink. She's gonna have a fun saturday
>WHM dots were 18s and 24s, SCH dots were 24s and 30s.
And now all the DoTs are 30 seconds because turns out nobody actually liked reapplying DoTs 3-4 times a minute but a minority of the healer playerbase
W-what? But I won't have time to give you the attention you deserve. Are you really okay with an EB who is hardly online?
This is what I've been saying. You can't make healing more engaging or fun because the game is baby shit for retards. DPS literally take no damage if they are halfway decent at the game and tank busters are too few and far between, meanwhile boss auto attacks do nothing.

Healing is fun in WoW, because that game is actually challenging. Simple as
yoship is not going to give healers even more excuses to spend more GDCs on damage and wipe the party on purpose
We are not getting more DoTs
This PS3 game's engine can not handle it.
>I don't think making the role more complex and overall harder to clear content with is bringing in more players to try it.
a common reason for people not wanting to try healing is "it's boring", so I fail to see what would be wrong with changing 1-2 jobs within the role. you could even leave WHM as is (but they could at the very least give it an aoe at level 15).
i really miss being unemployed and playing this game at all waking moments.....
Hopefully Patch 7.1 doesn't come out too soon. I'm still at rank 12 on the current PVP pass.
Addersting is kind of trash. It has the same potency as dosis and its only purpose is for movement, but the only way of getting it is by having your shield get depleted, so you're losing on damage by wanting to get adderstings. If you increase the potency of them then they become like the bloodlillies, wanting to dump them on 2 min for added damage.
It's not even playable on PS3 anymore.
Always me, forevermore
Oh gods, yeah, that is quite old
I can mostly recommend that you play either Germany, so you decide everything in the world - or USA so you are practically safe from everything (except japan) to slowly learn it up. Navy is fucking esoteric. Tank designer is fun, you gotta play around with it for best effects.
Plane designer is... You go ALL Heavy Machine guns, one armor/self sealing fuel tank and then max range
and that's something that everyone does at this point
>a common reason for people not wanting to try healing is "it's boring"
at the top level sure, most people starting out healing actually say they dont heal because of the responsibility and dont want to be blamed for wiping. Thats the actual reality of the healer situation
A single role having dots isn't going to cause you to hit the debuff cap.
And when DPS do take damage, it's almost always just a 1 shot so nothing to actually heal. not enough raid wide damage, not enough boss damage outside of their telegraphs, not enough difficulty, healing is boring
old kits had more debuffs that are now gone, the debuff limit should pose no problem for a raid group getting 4-6 extra DoTs from healers
I'll... take that.
earth's reply and arcane crest too, I feel like they have the idea and are very slowly deciding to actually use it
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>Tsukumogami are animate household objects. An otogizōshi ("companion tale") titled Tsukumogami ki ("Record of tool kami"; Muromachi period) explains that after a service life of nearly one hundred years, utsuwamono or kibutsu (containers, tools, and instruments) receive souls.

Does this phenomenon only happen in the East or does it come up in later expansions?
I could behind the idea to give the jobs different difficulties for everyone to pick something. DPS ranges from SMN to BLM, while healers only have 4 jobs that are fairly similar. Next expansion they could add a new healer job that does work a bit differently and has a dps rotation that is providing healing in some form, sure.
Disingenious post.
Yes I'm similar but I just disappear occasionally unless someome i like is online
Okay hear me out, what if the next healer's DoT was tied to an Addersting-style resource?
Can't wait for Yoshi-P to tell us that PCT is getting a raise at level 1 before telling us to fuck off.
>monkey paw curls
>new healer in 8.0 requires skill to play optimally
>even at optimal levels its worse than AST

I'm slowly warming up to the opinion that its an eastern v. western game dev difference, and its starting to make me enjoy this ffxiv v. wow rhetoric way more
You use 100 MGP to purchase a Jumbo Cactpot ticket with the numbers 2799.
You use 150 MGP to purchase a Jumbo Cactpot ticket with the numbers 7862.
You use 200 MGP to purchase a Jumbo Cactpot ticket with the numbers 8527.
Jumbo Cactpot Broker: Well, now all you've to do is wait till we announce the winning number. Why not join us here at the Cactpot Board for the drawing?
lets get real
we will never get a new healer or a new tank
thank for the advice... i think i'll try a game as the US since I remember them being comfy. hot femra by the way /dote
Why do you want to add more dots into the game? We already got told that there's an issue with how many buffs/debuffs can something get.
>most people starting out healing actually say they dont heal because of the responsibility and dont want to be blamed for wiping.
well we've seen how SE tried to address this (increasing self-healing/mitigation for tanks and other roles and reducing the importance healers in a party) and that failed to increase the number of healer players, so what else is left to do except differentiate healers within the role?
Weirdly femezen coded femra
See you in 8.0 where they introduce both of those, with a Blitzballer ranged DPS.
yeah i don't know why people are expecting something new when you have jobs like WAR/DRK or SCH/SGE that just look nearly identical
back to 3 jobs... based hoper I'm kneeling
How would you differentiate the healers without going backwards in job design
I'm honestly expecting WHM to be completely destroyed in 8.0 because devs have no fucking idea what to do with the job and they keep pushing it as the "newbie friendly healer that heals good" in a game where every other job in the role heals better and mitigation is way stronger than raw healing.
How do I get a GAM gf
Okay... but just to be sure. You're a femezen right?
now lets get you to bed honey, you need to take your medication too
need a femezen to leash me and control my life
be a malera
broad shouldered, long necked and reeking of estrogen? yeah
>click on the funny number next to the post
its that easy
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If my femra doesn't win she will kill you
this but a femra. or a c@girl. im not picky
Has anyone uploaded the new primals concert?
Alma is LT owned damaged goods. The Yanks can keep that one.
This doesn't work i tried. Only seems to be foids
oho, is that what you really want? you will come to regret your words young man...
*makes you eat your vegetables and read literature with her for 3 hours a day*
Yes! Server?
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i can't even control my own...
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I have many pictures of your moonie for he is mine too
Need someone to forcibly bully and abuse my femezen in the most disturbing ways while I pretend to hate it
Eb status
Eastern is good at singleplayer, western is good at multiplayer. There isn't a single good eastern multiplayer experience except for fighting games desu. Even in shit like souls games, the multiplayer is just tacked on and half baked with horrendous netcode.
What the fuck is GAM.
If you think lalafell are shotas and lolis, you are the problem. Not the lalafells. YOU.
I love USA and usually try to play them in MP games (because im autistic enough to like navy in the game)
As a tip, put your navy and army on training from the getgo and toggle splitting off ships in the navy screen for repairs
She inherited her previous genes
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I bet people were saying that before Shadowbringers, and they went and made Squall Leonhart's playstyle into a tank.
>damaged goods
literally considering she had her horns snapped off
I would but my hands are busy leashing my miera
This lvl99 dungeon boss is harder than extreme trials, what the fuck man. It's just fucking stupid.
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we're in this together
bro what
are you good man?
It vaguely happens later on I think? Or at least similar rules apply that have been setup in ARR where people sacrifice themselves to empower their Primal.
Which in turn, MIGHT make it more susceptible to just one summoner than a bunch of them with crystals?
Basically a child goes whacko and in his intense rage uses the bodies of his dead parents and fellow beastmen to summon a mentally stunted Titan to beat the shit out of people.
The rules seem to be vaguely similar enough as in; give SOMETHING elements of faith, in this case the very essence of Titan's followers, and it then allows you to use them as fuel for a primal summoning in addition with crystal where the essence makes it stronger.
Have no idea if it happens after SB though. Reckon it will at one point or another since near the end of Shb's MSQ, Zenos still has his omi-yami-whatever-the-fuck Katana given by Yotsuyu.
My femra has just finished her placements for this split in League of Legends.
Hanging Wuk Lamat while Smile plays
remove or rework specific healing/mitigative oGCDs (e.g. kerachole, ixochole, celestial intersection, fey blessing)
add additional effects to a few aoe spells (e.g. art of war/gravity) for use in single target.
revive and rework a few abilities/spells (like eye for an eye, stella, aero iii).
>imagine this as a tank
I mean, wouldn't he just be a DRK with different particle effects? More fire, less darkness?
I'd honestly fucking love alternate particle effect sets for jobs we already have, so I could be a Fire Knight instead of a Dark Knight.
>instalossed that easily
She really does open her legs for anyone.
My femra is crying because she has to go to work in a bit
frost death knight...
i think lalafells have more in common with sacks of potatoes than any humanoid sentient being

my femroe is killing cave kraken
I request a garuda next thread thank you anchor man
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how'd it go?
Moving forwards I would focus on healers as "support". Things like SCH's Chain Strategem but for every healer. Or like RPR's Arcane Circle, giving the party a buff that turns into a damage button. You can maintain job identity by giving them effects fitting their themes, but with similar payouts. Giving SGE a variant of MCH's dismantle for example.
This is my eb. I don't care if you're ebd I love this femezme i have claimed her
i gotchu
>vandalized OP
I shan't be using it
Goblin. You?
thread schizo here. just woke up, but id like to go back to sleep for a while longer
thinking of the good times we've had together
if i was a fed or spy, i'd be a sleeper agent, because i prioritize rest and relaxation
Considering how powerful shield healers are, they should just make pure healers heal+buffers while shield healers will remain as heal+shields.
i won't be missed moviecuck
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Gold I... it's a bit far away from last season's rank, but placements are always like that. It's not like rank matters anyway.

That's just negotiating.
This Femezen looks smelly and like she sounds like Kronii.
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Dang, well I hope there's some stray mention of it and not just in side-content like restorations or something. I liked how it was done in the Kojin questline. Because their beliefs seemed to spread out the belief aether to a random assortment of objects rather than one divine being outside of Kami (Amatsukami). Due to the main inspiration seeming to be from shintoism.
this fucking retard lmao
It's being a fucking whore.
Gay Ass Male (characters).
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you don't even play the game anymore claire.
>i won't be missed
best i can do is capricious and downright weird until the new toy syndrome wears off and i devolve into mostly wholesome and supportive, take it or leave it miss.
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How do I make the Neo Metal Sonic (left) fit?

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