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/aa2g/ - Artificial Academy 2 General #1337

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2, and Illgames' Summer Vacation Scramble (SVS, which is basically AA3).

/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.or

Previous Thread: >>495655601
I was trying to make an Achumuchi-style card with extra wide thighs but theres no slider mod yet for the leg spacing like kk. Still waiting.
and also, why did illus- ill games removed the slider for inner and outer eyelid position?
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you could make her in aa2
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>look at japanese svs threads
>they're pumping out a bunch of cool scenes and poses like pic related on the regular
Why are we so talentless?
cuz people with talent are playing aa2
cause no one installed a studio that doesn't work with their modded characters
Someone seems to hate the new thing.
Because you're american
Too busy crying about le moooods
west are talentless
no you absolutely could not, the skirts would clip to high heaven and back
and since when has that stopped anyone?
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what's the biggest number of partners you had in aa2?
she simply wont wear a skirt
Gachashit Edition
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But KK studiofags are hated here? Game has gameplay to not rely on the studio?
Care to explain?
Because westoids like this shithole are only good at complaining and have no self awareness. They can't learn Japanese nor make good cards.
Unironically this. All the best modders don't give a shit about Slop Summer Scramble.
>gachashit OP image
I will not be posting much in this one.
They didn’t. They’re under the eyelid options.
6 boyfriends in one save and I'm trying to do it again

The scene/poses are nothing special there. You're just getting distracted by hot bitches
I don't even have honey come.
The whole class with max virtue >>>/h/8220634
I wub you wittle chibiko!
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>gachashit OP image
worse, is WM posting his low quality ported sluts
>last thread was gachashit
>this thread is gachashit
What's the difference?
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They're afraid
>cool scene
>just some generic bitches with tik tok filter
so this is the power of the....japanese...
this whole board is gachashit
everything is gachashit
/vg/ is literally gachashit central and the lowest of the low so idk why retards are getting mindbroken. Talk about a low IQ general.
I can admit this slut has a nice design. Based OP for making people seethe.
>wm talking to himself
this place really has fallen
Yeah, after allowing unrelated slop to AA2 like SVS, this place is 100% finished.
you are delusional
I didn't ask about your mental illness.
you are also illiterate, I see
stop posting until you finish pre-school
Once again, I'm not looking for your projection. You're dragging on about off topic shit as usual. Pathetic.
I expected more from you. Guess you're just tired from crying every night because people ignore you when you try to start shit.
I dunno man. Sounds like you're crying for responding in the first place. I suggest jerking off more to calm down from all that anger.
That's what happens when you stop pureposting.
So it was a bait post. My bad, I thought you're just retarded but you're also a tourist.
You keep on talking about words you don't know. Gotta be some ESL.
Pure beating up the thread troll(s) with her retard strength!
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tall women....
not my fault that you're so fucking obvious, you dumb fucking shitposter.
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SVS is the future

just accept it
But anon, he hates it when you make fun of him for posting low quality bait... like the one that was just posted
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I have. SVS called me in his moom and I ratted.
No, thanks!
as we do
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>because OP is a faggot as usual

>SVS installation:
SVS BetterRepack R1: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4173250

>SVS mods:
Tekito Mod: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/113524273
PoV Mod: https://github.com/Junh2x/SVS-3rdPOV-Plugin
Slider Unlock: https://files.catbox.moe/ng95st.7z
HF Patch (up-to-date mods and translation): https://github.com/ManlyMarco/SVS-HF_Patch/releases
CheatTools: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/IllusionCheatTools/releases

>SVS Cards:
People complain about MTL but we got this absolute, forgive the word, but gem
And the fucking fucking wall.
Fucking fucking wall mention!!!
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It wasn't optional
I still won't accept it and you won't force me to!
oh shit, didn't realize I forgot to do that, cheers
embrace change or be left behind
Oh, I do accept it.
I just happen to be one of those strange people who can play both modern games and retro ones.
I don't mind being left behind :3
Gives me a chance to see others behinds.
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Woah now, don't you two go and make sense over there!
i haven't touched aa2 in at least 7 years but i want to cum inside black swan
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>not aa3 releases
>people are hyped and generally like the game
>stereotypical subhuman /vg/ shitposters start shitting up the thread for no reason
why? is it really just for attention or an unironic mental illness?
Lack of attention from friends and family as a young child leads to mentally ill adults who shitpost for attention on an underwater basket weaving forums.
I have all of that but I purepost and hopepost.
Sure, but Pureposting is actually kinda funny sometimes.
What was your favorite personality in AA2? I bet it was Carefree.
Cheerful, I thought that was an easy one considering my tastes here.
Huh, I thought your taste was "girls that are all over your dick 24/7"
But that's every girl in SVS
Cool is comparatively subdued. I'd say she can give you a full 8 hour rest in a day. Her stock card also probably has singleminded so you gotta be fast about showing her the wonders of dick.
Sounds like you're perfectly familiar with those things yourself.
>immediately defensive
Yep, answers my question.
You asked a question? Maybe you should spend less time in your own head and go out and touch grass. Seething in a porn game thread the whole day is not healthy.
Toaster anon, i love yu! And tall women as well... sorry
Well, I'm not the one getting bent out of shape from a simple reply. Don't forget your meds, ok?
and I love yu too, Twintail anon!
I'll become taller just for u.
just kidding! ...unless.
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That's not even me, you retard. I was too busy turning everyone into rats to respond to your dumb ass.
Nah, that was you.
god dayum now that's dedication
if your rat versions don't become popular I will commit a crime
Okay retard, here's your last (You) from me.
Might be fun for a joke or two but I don't know about all that.
The best SVS joke, at that!
I saved the pic on my mega with credits. If you want it removed just say it. Thanks!
Try that link if the first one doesn't work, it's been a minute since I messed with Mega.
man I'll never get tired of saying this- but you're such a sweetheart!! I like it, don't worry

Thanks for the link!
Hey why cant i post a picture in this thread? am i banned XD
maybe you're IP banned
though I think there is a specific term when you can't post pictures- but I do not know it

hope it gets solved soon, though!
i hope lol XD
>{"error":"User has disabled comments"}
I know you can read this, ROD. You thought if you did that I won't be able to call your girls cute? Well now I'll do it anyway and everyone will know about it.

Tsukiko is a cute slut!

How about that? Serves you right!
Damn anon just can't stop ratting
Lol. I agree with (you) anon!

I don't think you or I are the reason the comments are off though.
I guess your Idea is best choice right now!
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There will be a rattening.
I want to pull Tomori by her pigtails as I fuck her from behind and see how her eyes roll so far back she can see her fucking brain.

Ok but seriously get a room.
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More custom map progress
Yeah AA1
more like a private room!
get it?
because.. aa2 private rooms.. and.. and..
Damn, nice.
I love how nobody asked.
Did we ever learn who made the AA1-2 backgrounds? They are so beautiful, specially for the time.
ssshut the fuck up
AA1 map was max comfy. AA2 was not too bad but it felt like such a downgrade. Maybe it's the more down-to-earth camera angle in AA1.
They have 3d models of all of the areas and they take screenshots and edit them in photoshop.
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>aa2 is on-topic
>aa1 is off-topic despite being a prequel.
>aa1 posting is acceptable.
>svs is hyped up and praised for being "aa3"
>svs posting is off-topic despite being a spiritual sequel.
Nigga will find any reason to be mad about. If it's hard to be mad about one thing he can be mad about the opposite thing, or be mad that a thing is missing. Doesn't matter as long as he can be annoying. And he has the whole day to do this because he has nothing else to do.
I don't think svs is off-topic, but this was the dumbest argument I've seen.
what is this gay and retarded erp
Indeed. Imagine being afraid of posting on /h/.
your mom and your dad flirting
I think there are more interesting maps in AA1 too. Like they are visually more interesting.
anybody know from the cordFagsif 1.03 got decrypted yet?
How can one autistic man be so powerful...
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don't fall for it young pup
It is hidden and sealed away behind bad shadows, unnecessarily fat legs, and atleast 2 months of grooming.
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>bad shadows
>fat legs
i don't see those in OP, u sure it's the same faggot?
>2 months of grooming
avoid at all cost
holy fucking nostalgia
>import every map from AA
>import every map from AA2
>dlc, by some miracle, actually adds more maps
>drag some random onahole with you to a map furthest from the train station as you can possibly get
>start groping her
>(You) hear an "Aah!" from 17 maps away
>max stat SVS girl chases you down and interrupts you before you can scroll down on the mouse wheel
>"You shouldn't do that around other people!"
>the perfect train of "ah, no, it's nothing" interruptions is unleashed as 21 characters that were going to warn you two but can't anymore run towards you
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Have a cute girl.
>global "MINNA!" button
>do a Minna but grabs every character from every map to your position
You are right, that is a cute girl.
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Are we just stuck not being able to use studio because new mods break everything? Where do we go from here?
You either learn to mod and make them work with studio, or you sit and wait for someone else to do it.
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This but check the orientals too.
I want to see for myself if 1.0.3 at least tried to tone down the interruptions.
I believe it already was as of the 27th, but the SliderUnlocker doesn’t work so it’s still being worked on
I say this because the guy working on it is a severe ESL and I can’t quite understand what he says
literally why cant people just speak their native language when people can literally google translate or google lens what they say anyway.
Translator is a job title too.
Did he post it anywhere? I don't need SliderUnlocker, if just the translations, subtitles and cheats are working, that's enough.
>I say this because the guy working on it is a severe ESL and I can’t quite understand what he says
sovl, that's the kind of people I want making my mods
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This is what he posted.
I'm going to warn you right now, I'm not advising anybody uses this, because I haven't. I have no idea what it does, how to use it, if it can be used, if it works, and nobody's posted about it so far. I have no idea about anything modding related and I'm just here to share stuff from the Discord. Use it at your own risk.
Decrypted Global Metadata: https://files.catbox.moe/4ol7x4.zip
Bytefiddler.cfg: https://files.catbox.moe/s6q4tb.cfg
Thanks. You're supposed to drop it next to legit metadata, delete interop and unity-libs from BepInEx, change GlobalMetadataPath in BepInEx.cfg to the decrypted one if it's not there already and run the game so that BepInEx downloads unity-libs and makes new interop based on the new metadata.
Does SVS still not have a Geass cheat?
>this new captcha system fucking sux balls
Based illiterate gacha player
your "talk about lewd" action mindbreaks everyone lower than high virtue
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Guys, rate Cheerful :)

>Brave - 4.8
>Kind - 8.2
>Yandere - 5
>Gyaru - 6.9 (nice?)
>Dignified - 7.8
>Wise - 8.4
>Ordinary - 7.3
>Joyful - 7.8
>Irritated - 9.1
>Quiet - 8.8
>Manly - 8.8
>Ditzy - 7.2
>Carefree - 8.6
>Trendy - 8.4
>Playful - 7.7
>Lazy - 8.9
>Humble - 7.1
>Creepy - 8.1
>AA1 Sweet - 3.4
>Wild - 6
>Cadet - 7.2
>Harsh - 9.2
>Lively - 8
>Genuine - 9.1
>Frisky - 8.1
Basic bitch TL+subs+cheats pack for 1.0.3 based on >>496435642
SliderUnlocker DOES NOT WORK, REMOVE IT IF YOU USE IT or wait for updated HF patch/BetterRepack/whatever instead


Requires base game with update 1.0.3 installed (preferably clean JP version) and SliderUnlocker removed

How to use:
Backup BepInEx\BepInEx.cfg and BepInEx\Translations (just in case)
Delete BepInEx\interop and BepInEx\unity-libs folders
Extract the zip into the game's folder, overwriting everything when asked
Run the game and wait for BepInEx to download unity-libs and rebuild interop (only happens once)
Disable logging console in BepInEx.cfg or restore your old .cfg

What's in:
BepInEx-Unity.IL2CPP-win-x64-6.0.0-be.725 (latest)
Latest Translations (no images, you should have them already) from https://github.com/IllusionMods/SVS-Translation
CheatTools v3.4 with dependencies: RuntimeUnityEditor v5.5.1, SVS_BepisPlugins r20.0
SVS_Subtitles v0.0.2 with EN+JP subs (JP still garbage, but now loadable)
Patcher_ByteFiddler v1.0 with fixes: disabled anti-tamper, TOS button and enabled offline patch from /h/
is it possible to report lewd yuqilin for spam
And as expected, 1.0.3 didn't even try to fix interrupts, use CheatTools for that.
The first thing my hoes did when I tried to greet my Cool wife in the morning was running up from 3 maps away to interrupt us, then fight each other on the spot.
Haremfag's life is not supposed to be like this.
>let them fuck each other
No. I'm the only one who fucks them. It's my harem, not theirs.
It ain't supposed to be easy managing a harem.
>SliderUnlocker DOES NOT WORK
Really? I've been using it just fine in the maker though?
I feel like Illgames will just update metadata every new update just to screw with modders
They obviously have some spy placed that monitors what modders do, so they should know that one update delays modders progress for 1-2 days every time
I didn't test it, I don't use it. Either it breaks something somewhere down the line in 1.0.3, or it's just an excuse to delay HF patch and repacks until after the weekend (which is unlikely).
If your waifu/husbando is cheating on you from 3 maps away and you don't know then it's your own damned fault. It's totally in their right to stop this from happening.
>just an excuse to delay repacks
He doesn't know
I'm not sure about that. They definitely did their homework on how to fuck with modders but they didn't blacklist hid.dll proxy which is extremely simple to do, considering that they already check for winhttp.dll, version.dll and dobby.dll proxies. They probably laid off their only coder competent enough for that before the release and are trying to hire a new programmer for 50% of the average Japanese salary now.

NPCs and PC are not created equal. I really don't like that every NPC knows where I am 100% of the time. Only people in the same area should be able to pinpoint my position, or else it feels like the Big Brother planted a GPS tracker on my ass and let everyone else access it. Making NPCs in other maps blind should fix the interrupts issue for the most part.
They know where you are for the same reason you know where they are: the roster interface that lets you home onto anyone's location. They didn't just run towards you because you talked to your waifu, there's just nothing else to do so they wanted to talk to you. It takes no time to do because they're 3 rooms away and they don't get loading screens.
That spy? Me.
Yeah, it's the off topic troll.
>or else it feels like the Big Brother planted a GPS tracker
If you have a phone on you then yes there is.
The PC has a phone on him at all times.
>a spy that monitors what modders do
you cannot be serious...
They are civilians, they are not my parents, and I should be able to turn off the phone or not answer the call if they're trying to ask me where I am because they can't see me from 3 maps away.
Illgames cannot into immersion even harder than Illusion couldn't.
>Illgames cannot into immersion
This is the the most immersive it could be. If you had contact with someone's phone then you should be able to track them down 24/7 unless you're a tech illiterate (you are).
anon, 99% of the population is tech illiterate
4chan is filled with elite haxxors on par with the 1337 russians
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>they are civilians
Help him reupload his cards. With enough counts of same shits, this might get the attention of bepis
Why is Tsukiko a deity?
I demand lore
which tsukiko? the rod one? thats not one
Thank you for liking my slut! I haven't touched any settings since I make a account of bepisdb lol.
If there's any specific problem, please leave a comment
Congratulations on your baby step
8/10 she's cute! but I don't use her much
I think I confused it with devil race nvm
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>They obviously have some spy placed that monitors what modders do

What the hell are you smoking? I want some
Pinks are for forced gangbangs.
Thanks Anon <3
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>live at the peak of AI hype train
>still can't translate properly
Is this an AI problem or mere incompetence?
Mere incompetence
Are you a broken disc???
If you're not going to rate the personalities, stop already.
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Brave my beloved... (´・ω・`)
Holy mistranslation

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