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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

stop removing meet ups.
keep removing meet ups.
as lame as i think meet ups are, i think its even more gay to not include them in the OP for people who are interested
I know AST is basically this, but what about a healer job that only has like three heal buttons, but a gorillion amount of buff and debuff buttons?
do femra make good pets?
Feel free to make threads faster or better yet leave.
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I'm going to the rp meet up because being a role player is my thread gimmick so I have to go.
Bro is desperate for attention because no one cares about him
You're pretty good at roleplaying as a faggot
threads off to a good start
I take pride in my hobby.
>Future Meetups
• Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023 #
• Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723 >>496146641 #
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527 #
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
•• NEW ! •• Oct 19th, 7PM EST | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet | W3 P58 >>496273537 #
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party
I shall not be going to the rp meet, I have my irl d&d sessions for that but I hope the anons that go have a good time and enjoy it :3
I'm not going to any meetup because that's fucking lame lol
That's an excellent idea. SCH is basically perfect for me anyway (already my favorite healer), so no big changes needed there. And really, the the 11111 gameplay is a WHM issue. So it makes sense to make the upgrades starting there. Plus, AST already has some buffing abilities, so it's a natural fit.
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what do people have against meetups? The movie ones, and probably a lot of others, are fun.
they're boring
they're too frequent
i enjoy them too
Bitter loneliness and self hatred that they take out on others
I have nothing against them I'm just not interested in going myself
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Grape-coded C@ checking in! Nyaaa~~
I'm playing a game to play a game not watch a fucking movie and see retards parrot movie facts from imdb the whole time. Learned that lesson going to that Conan meetup a while back.
hope you're having a nice day grape cat
how about a meetup where we just read the thread together and talk about the thread
that's what LB14 is
Because OP was a fag

>Future Meetups
• Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023
• Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723 >>496146641
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
•• NEW ! •• Oct 19th, 7PM EST | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet | W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party
did you know conan was filmed in hyborea
tried playing black mage in m4s
shit aint easy bros could never really figure out how to make the gunphase leylines consistent
>talking about attention
>concerning a meetup where you go to place and just exist in the same place together not interacting and watching the dumb moving images
Reminder: Any and all information regarding femezen ‘ear rubs’ or ‘anal’ weakness should be reported immediately to the wood wailers as this disinformation has led to several incidents of improper behaviour
>got fired from a job I worked at for 20 years because my boss found i had lala lewds saved on a company computer
I gave my life to that place I worked there since I was 16 i feel like my life is over
Whaddya mean not interacting? It's a theater you're allowed to talk in.
You can't, just gotta pray for good RNG.
Why would you save lewds to you work pc you moron
>talking during the movies
i always knew meetupfags were savages
As an independent contractor, where would one find such femezen that are 'weak to anal' or 'weak to ear rubs'. To make sure they're protected, of course.
popular thing bad
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I wish all HSTS a very good day.
Anyone want to have a private meatup, in the goon shack, on Excalibur, Primal?
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I might go to the RP meetup, but they set it at 2am my time so everything is working against it. Which is a shame since I love RP. I can only hope whoever is running it has the foresight to emphasize the importance of playing in 3rd person past tense.
>not playing the game is fun
grim. this "game" really is just a chat room.
good. fuck you pedophile and eat shit while you die in the gutter
>these niggas really go watch a movie in complete silence and dont talk to each other
holy kek
if you know what that means you're already AGP im sorry
Then just don't go faggot
They won't tell you this but all elezen are weak to ear rubs and nibbles its the secret to midlander victory in the wars fought between them I could teach you some techni-
>3rd person rping
you people disgust me
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EB like this?
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h-haha yeah, I totally don't do that. (I'm sorry)
Pvp fags are mad no one is validating them for beating seals with ak47s. So they have to take their anger out on the other meetups.
My femezen is worried she might have these weaknesses, but doesn't know where to go to for a check up
We also sit quietly all the way until the credits end, even if there's no scene afterwards.
Yeah bro! We love AFKing and doing other stuff! as long as we're not playing the game!
Hey thanks for using a tripcode, I forgot to filter you
If you use first person it means you're self inserting at that point we may as well start dating irl and have sex that way. Fag. You'd like that wouldn't you faggot?
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This is highly suspicious and improper, no femezen has any weakness to such things and the current misinformation campaign is extremely alarming. Do NOT engage in these obscene activities
im there to watch the movie not socialize
hmmmmm who should I sexpest today
WHM has faith and bravery but yoship has been stubborn to give it to the job over muh simplicity reasons.
Do I need to remind you about last thread? Femezen are cutest when you are rubbing their ears and they become temporarily retarded from the pleasure.
make it Ultros, Primal and we have a deal
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the only good meetups are the goon meetups where we plap and rape
How do they get to the meetup without playing?
me (if you're cute)
me but you will never find me
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No problem retard
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Still here answering any questions about this > >>495681023 meetup! Ask them here!

The meetup is in a little over 3 hours! I doubt Materia will be congested, but make travel arrangements accordingly regardless.
I'm a femlala (fat bastard ojisan)
Shhh! Quietly find a femezen you can trust and explore any possible liabilities in the safety of your own homes.
What thread? Pardon? What is this puny round ear making up now out of envy for their femezen betters?
You have no one to blame but yourself. You shouldn't be browsing anything NSFW on a company network anyway, thats what 'Not safe For Work' fucking MEANS. And then you were dumb enough to save it to the hard drive. Presumably more than once.
Which means you were probably also jacking it on company time, because why else would you save them for later?

You made several, continuous mistakes that brought you to this end.
>text format RP
>wants to treat it like you are in the room playing D&D instead of writing down words.

Yeah, you shouldn't change to 3rd person. I want you to stay 1st person so I can see the cringe and blacklist you before it becomes a problem.
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It's really not all that difficult to test, if your femezen has interest
my pupils just dilated 5 times the normal size from looking at this femra
No I'm straight bro, I love women.
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hilarious if true
To each their own.
I'm not afking, I'm zooming in and out to see the housing interiors of my host's home and respecting their aesthetic choices.
That's fair enough!
I haven't played most of the DT level dungeons since release and those 'surprise' mechanics that are trial and error don't add anything to the fun. It's just bad gamedesign. Put that in a raid where people want to invest time and effort with a guide first.
no way chink faggot
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nah dw Anon that's based, what gets on my nerves is when the least intelligent people you know keep transcribing what's happening on screen or making predictions out loud the whole movie
it really is the kinoplex experience with the guy chewing on popcorn with their mouth open commenting on every superficial thing
does this apply to wildwoods only or duskies too? subhuman living conditions like sleeping in mud and using rocks for a pillow is sure to increase their resistance to tactile stimulations
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i love viera
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ok wb this one instead
just don't go lol?
look at what the boss is doing lil bro
trying to clear the 100 dungeon with a stupid healer was miserable.
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die in hell
>trial and error mechanics
there's literally nothing like that in the new dungeons
i dont havent been to one in months
no that guy is gay and retarded. can confirm
NTA but he's too powerful to sexpest, I'll just keep watching from afar...
ugly pedo
My cats are destroying my chair :(
then why are you still bitching about them? because other people like going to them? STOP DOING WHAT I DON'T LIKE
As an independent contractor in, uh, the Study of Aetherial Magic and its Consequences, the information is very vital to my research.
I'm not interested in the rp meet up but now I want to go just to spite the anti meet up niggers
I literally cleared every boss the first time because the tell was fucking obvious in DT, doesn't change the fact that you have to pay attention to slightly more than previous expansions.

Literally if you don't suck at the game and have a learning curve above that of a literal fucking tard it would take at most 1 wipe or even 2 failed mechanics on any boss to figure it out.
purely for reactions like the one you're giving me now
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you're not making this easy you know, I'm not the one who asked for sexpest targets
take a limsa idler
What if I hosted a gameplay related meetup? It would be a tourney with multiple tiers of wolves den pvp.
The top 3 spots would get:
1. Any three mogstation items of their choosing no usd limit
2. Two mogstation item of your choosing no usd limit
3. One mogstation item of your choosing no usd limit
Oh don't misunderstand, I hold femezen in high esteem. They are elegant and respectable representatives of the star's beauty and grace. And that is exactly why pinching their ears between my thumbs and index fingers to rub and stroke while my lips press their neck is so satisfying. If they were already horny on main like Sunnies and Rava it wouldn't be fun. It is because they stay reserved and repress those passions that unlocking them through their ears and ass is so appealing.
Some cunt will try to report you for RMT
It's one person, it's the same person awake at the same time every morning. It's literal autism and not the good time, it's the kindof faggot who makes those mods that hides Ultimate weapons or PvP rewards.
hmm maybe
do you have a femra
literally this
why does my catgirl look cuter in lower rez
>i'm just doing it for the reaction lmao!
the meetups won't stop because you want them to. removing meetups from the OP won't do anything. you can piss and shit yourself and cry all you want but you're not going to change a thing
He's Japanese.
>no usd limit
that's beepy
It's usually some personal vendetta and they are using the meetup as an excuse to shitpost someone they personally hate
All femezen (and most melezen) do NOT have weaknesses to silly and vulgar things like forced ear rubs or an*l, including duskies. We suspect these rumours are spread by either envious hyur with their pathetic round ears or moonies trying to drag everyone down to their level
this is 4chan i post into the void and make bait reactions like your continued one for the lulz. enjoy your premium afkslop
Is it rmt? I've seen people have similar competitions and things were fine?
I only play this game to pvp. I do not find rp fun and I don't find raids fun either. I only pvp the pvp is the reward itself something about it is addicting to me.
>I only play this game to pvp. I do not find rp fun and I don't find raids fun either. I only pvp the pvp is the reward itself something about it is addicting to me.
Post character.
Sure, I got it on the try after, but is this the standard moving forward from now on? If that's the case I just drop roulettes and stick to trains for resources. EW was so chill, even in expert and now someone decided let's make them pay more attention.
we get it you're rich
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I can't attend, but I hope there will be rice.
your viera is super cute C:
No one wants to see female lalafell.
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shockingly few femra around the aetheryte
I was gonna say pick one but then I saw HER in back before sending
That someone would be most of us.
These niggas forgot we're on 4chan.
do not touch my deeply autistic duskie she will become violently hostile and go non-vocal
My femezen needs to leave this thread...
I mean if I'm feeling kinky I'll let your friend rim me while I'm deep in your guts
t. fuskie
you are the cancer that was killing ff14s normal content and I'm glad they no longer care about your shit opinions
my wife on the right
I am, a hyur, who isn't jealous, but covetous. I crave elezen and will do unspeakably excessive acts of adoration to them that will leave them drooling, on their knees, and praying to their gods that they never wake up from the dream of my love.
As if every femezen is some walking repressed mass of issues and pent up urges just waiting to erupt in the most disturbing ways that would make even the most experienced quicksands rava blush. There has never been a single case of a femezen acting unsound in

You know what, let’s change subjects. How about that live letter, predictions anyone?
No one wants to see Lalafell in general, they're always segregated to one corner of every meetup location, where one person from outside of their little pedocircle pets them every now and so often before leaving
Imagine being so butthurt about being blacklisted by 95% of /xivg/ that you go out of your way to vandalize every OP you can
I can see this dumb faggot sitting on his PC, foaming at the mouth waiting for threads to hit 820+ so he can quickly make a new one
i need femlala pussy....
>3 femezen posts in a row
there are not this many femezens in here 2 of you are lying
>We R Anonymus, We R Legion! FOR TEH LULZ!
Cringe LARP.
>no one ever calls my main their wife
>no one ever calls my alt their husband
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I don't know how to break this to you anon but... thats my femra...
Understandable, have a nice day.
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i think i and a lot of other anons would be interested despite the lackluster replies anon!
Oh you mean GT? I don't why a person hangs out in a spot where literally nobody likes him or wants him around.
who's LARPING? i just shitpost on 4chan nothing more nothing less. it's not my problem that you treat this place as some serious discussion forum
This is the comfiest couch
But there are criterion dungeons for just that.
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Banana banana, soldier, RIM that elf until her ears flap like wings
There are a surprising number of us these days not even counting obscure EUzen
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>When the Official Forums are more based and free than third party websites with fan pages like Reddit
Your shitposting convinced me. I will lose a m elezen's ears being played with and brain being turned into mush
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yeah exactly
Come on, give PLD a raise spell that uses all its MP.
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Criterion dungeons are a massive step up that are optional, you're literally braindead if you think criterion is a substitute for having casual difficulty dungeons with a modicum of challenge
This is true, my melezen's only weakness is lipstick marks along his neck.
beat me in doman mahjong quick ranked novice
in the Crystal Data Center!
people would like a difficulty in between braindead easy (EW dungeons) and ballcrushingly hard (criterion).
we're level 100 now, if you can't keep up with the same mechanics you've seen for the past 99 levels but slightly faster, that's a "you" problem.
we've had 1v1 pvp tournaments before, it's an unbalanced shitshow
if you want to do it anyway, don't ask, just do it
I want to dirty femezen ears with my saliva. I want to know how they taste till I can tell the differences like the deep notes of whiskey. I want to watch proud and noble femezen on their knees, signing away their rights in a slave contract.

I predict Hyur collaring Femezen as the live letter is going on.
The official forums somehow have LESS moderation than this shithole, go figure
Is this how you spend every day on here? This is every day I look in on these threads, it's 3pm and you're sexting with other men on an imageboard for ffxiv. This is it, this is how you are spending time precious life given to you wanking every day to other men.
What a joke.
>They are elegant and respectable representatives of the star's beauty and grace.
i wish people would stop talking about wildwoods exclusively while using the word "femezen"
Stop complaining and pay more attention to the mechanics you babies.
>surprised all the thread femezen crawl out of the wood work at mentions of ear rubs and anal
>look at random savage fight (P7) funny moments compilation
>knockback, exaflare, and two different stacks all happening simultaneously
You know what, I'm happy being a casual.
pvp tournies usually get big turnups, it'd be cool if you made this a multi-day thing between 1v1s, cc, and even FL days, it's not just a tournament its a tournament arc
And if we win?
P7S is actually super easy, nothing happens for the first 7 minutes of the fight. Then it has a hard mechanic and that's it.
Where are these goon shacks i am interested in a meatup on Primal Datacenter
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It seems pretty evenly split depending the topic as well support for and against rather than during EW and before where if you had a complaint or criticism you were immediately hounded off. It's been interesting to see more people slowly realise that defending to the hilt the devs from their bad decisions and treating the player base like it's for granted, is not the best thing for the health of the game.
You'll get a HQ /pet from soft hrothgal paws and a "well done!" or "good job" in an obvious poorly covert angered tone
My face will be smiling but my eyes won't
Which threadezen are the weakest I wonder
i handtype meowdy at the start of every instance
My femezen likes femra a bit too much
Yes and I love it. This is how I take my break from writing serious stuff and relax. I'm not sorry for loving femezen, but I am sorry for you that you can't appreciate my passion.
Nta i play a sunnie but yeah. I was born to milk other grownmens cum out of them over the internet
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I type hello, press tab and then enter twice
Are you a moonie?
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Nta, but when I think of "Femezen" I think of specifically Ishgardians. Duskies and Woodies are basically window dressing for Gridania. Ishgardians have what I'm looking for.
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May I see your hrothgal
Stop appropriating my culture then heathen
>3 femezen posts
>>496345321 is not a *"fem"zen
thats a tranntzen
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thank you!!
>anons think duskie beauty isn't otherworldly too
This duskie? made for hand holding
If you don't want to Mentor an extreme trial, stay out of the Mentor roulette.
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Can I see your moonie?
Duskies need better self esteem, look at this obsidian beauty who thinks she's not elegant or hand-crafted by Hydaelyn herself.
Hrothgar are catgirls too...
NTA but we are more cat coded than any of you cosplaying hyurs will ever be
Cry about it, bitch
That's where LT snapped of Adder-ra's horns.
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Wrong shack.
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Hmm... nyo.
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Gross furries
We're not catgirls "too"
We ARE catgirls
We are LITERALLY cat girls
Miqo'te are just Hyurs in cosplay
It's like comparing a real life maid to some cringe akihabara tier maid cosplay
Femhroths are as obnoxious as femroes
Look at this abomination and laugh
Hrothgars were a mistake
Eb status
Cute furries
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femhroths are catwomen, miqos are catgirls. its pretty simple anons
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Good morning /xivg/
you dont like catgirls, you like humans with cat ears
I'm really weak to falsetto this was great
I heard "why so serious" and it took me out of it because I remembered the joker beatbox
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no! i meant "same" to talking about both clans as a collective "femzen" i was not agreeing with the greentext

don't touch me i WILL panic
Respect your elders furfaggot. We've been here for 14 years
You just know.
male middie for my femezen?
oh sorry, meant to do no handholding just stand next to each other, autistically
cute moonster I would like to pet her
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Charibenet or Ghost Carp next?
A threat is waddling toward you from the horizon, Europeans…
the goon shack vs. the goon mansion, get it right
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It's Caturday! Post you're cats.
I say this as a former miqo'te
Miqos aren't cats. They're just humans with donkey ears and a tail. Those ears don't even look cat-like, unironically
That's why you see so many modbeast cat ears out there
ghost carp
Post femezen
They are a collective actually. They're collectively my wives.
No I like catgirls. If I had a hroth gf I would constantly give her kisses going MWAH MWAH MWAH like an obnoxious pest and scratch her chin while she leans into my hand.
i already did
nah goon shack became the enclave one. there was even a war about it.
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I just hope they don't make an actual lizard or bunny race.
Why did you give him a (you)? He's not gonna fuck you.
My hrothgal looks and acts exactly like this
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Guys, this isn't funny... please queue up..
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you people are yucky
don't get GHOSTED bro....
Anyone wanna do Tam Tara deepcroft synced for fun?
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lmao OKAY uwu lolsies!!! posted in the goon thread!!!
Does anyone here genuinely know where an adult can get tested for autism? I'm worried about the American picto in my static.
Miqo'te ears are meant to be like this.
if don't know who he is, I just like to look through garuda replies and respond to the good ones
I'm not reposting my cat
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smelly smelly probably doesnt wash
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I secretly wish a grown man would ignore me when I tell him im not interested and force me to take a discord call and listen to him goon while he violates my character in ffxiv
Grab her and rub her ears
He's so funny he looks like a little man with his silly little face look at him look at his tiny mouth and stare at the end
C'mon it was good
want to hang out
I'll never understand this site's obsession with cats.
He's a known pedophile and serial melter.
Yeah.. sure.. just for some roulettes?
violent fishing moonie
Lol what the fuck...?
How do you even force someone to take a discord call...?
it says wildwood right there not duskwight...
well no shit
Run to their house and force them to click the answer call button.
>meant to look like that
>all the time
Cats are cool
Exactly, duskies wash in underground rivers, wildwoods don't shower
smelly smelly
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>limsa elf
seen this episode
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I got BLM to 54 and learned blizzard 3 and fire 3.
Since then I never had the need to use Transpose anymore. Is it now a sitiational backup ability when I messed something up, to get back into the other fire or ice form?
I don't have the energy to care enough to retain this information but ty anon
wtf why does he have no teeth
Some people are really obedient and easily pressured into stuff anon
he doesn't know his elezen lore...
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rescue cat
yes, that's what I said.
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Chinese hate Dawntrail's story and they hate the graphics update. It's so Jover for YoshiP.
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Reflection of past self as a retainer
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No, you stop using it for good
If you fuck up, it's better to start from Blizz 3
Put it somewhere you won't need on your hotbars for when you're synched down
Yet you openly praise a child molester. Show your browser history.
Why is this bitch got the Roxas/Ventus cut?
use it after every trash pull ends/phase on a fire cycle and then use umbral soul.
This is a mud-caked duskie psyop. Everyone knows you melt when exposed to water.
you first faggot
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I hate how fast these threads go man
This cat weirdly reminds me of my son. Like my biological human son. He makes that same expression when he sees brown people on TV. He's 3
now i'm angry too
c..can I come..
looks like my summer vacation is... over...
That's what all the wildwoods say, sending our best contractor to check the smell
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Saw someone solve the labyrinth mechanic in Tender Valley so fast I am sure they're using a plugin for experts.
Ogey… where are we going..
You use it situationally (very) when you want to carry a fire 3 proc through ice phase and if you want to do the sweaty new aoe (both at max level just ditch it)
i do this
I'm not the one celebrating a pedo. Pedo.
Seething and shaking wildwood hands typed this post
Mending the wildwood duskie rift by forcibly marrying them to eachother
irrelevant, they will cheat anyway.
is he half-asian by any chance
Interesting, thanks.
Those guys hate everything but the shit directly pandered to them. Why else would Wukong sell so well?
It's pretty easy to solve instantly
Theres only two patterns so its pretty easy to solve near instantly anon
is this fit hard
I am posting from the toilet. Wish me luck, anons. I've been constipated for 3 days.
It isn't random though. As soon as you know what side the safe tile is on you know if it is the back right or front left tile.
you just start at the end and trace the path back anon...
Oh.. okay… im on crystal.. where..
They went to the tile before the mechanic finished rendering.
i also kill pies
murder them
yesterday it was pumpkin, i wonder which will be my victim next
Yes actually how do you know
Hard to look at? Yeah.
Swap out those fruity ass pants bro you're better than that you do NOT have that shit on
sounds like you need to get good
Okay yeah that's probably a plugin, no idea why someone would need that shit its fuckin braindead to solve
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Not technically mine but I like this mommy cat.
Sex with this cat
Eb status
Put some goddamn trousers on you slut
You might not care, but the reason that not a single word of negativity about the feedback is because YoshiP didn't want to hurt the prospective sales of FF14 in China. The population size who plays it there is larger than the Japanese player base. They broke the PF counter and crashed their servers when the PF went from 999 - 1000, YoshiP himself said he didn't know that could happen.
It's money and if the Japanese don't like the story, the Western player base doesn't like and the Chinese don't like it. Who the fuck was it for?
call it a gut feeling
That's a very reasonable read. However, gaslight gaslight gaslight gaslight gaslight you're wrong you're bad gaslight gaslight gaslight.
sex with this bun
She wants it, waiting for you to make the first move.
What the fuck? How? I'm kinda scared now
pic didn't send
Big cats
Small cats
DT is what happens when you leave the kids alone for a week. Yoship was busy with XVI, left XIV in the hands of his kouhais and everything went to shit.
Good job at fish
I only have one fish up today and I am not very fond of it.
I wasn't the one who sent those but you sound really angry but also I don't care
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Join my roulette pf anon!
What DC faggot?
The Chinese guy is right
The new graphics fucking suck
>director doesn't direct
>too busy fluffing FF16 PR (it still flops so it was for nothing)
>game is directionless
>result is DT
Amazing, absolutely amazing. Literally nobody could ever seen this coming.
He's been spending more time with Sakaguchi promoting Fantasian than with FF14. I know there's a live letter tomorrow so it had better be a good one.
My son isn't half Malaysian. I'm of mostly swedish descent and my wife is mongolian. We made a Finn from scratch.
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All fiera should look like this
What the fuck was foxclon doing then? Because he's the one meant to take over after yoship.
I'm not posting my character
Stop worshipping a pedophile.
opinion rejected
They do, because they were standardised to cut costs. This was done in house as opposed to the original company who made the assets for the original models. A Singaporean registered Chinese company called Virtuous which just bought a Japanese game company kek. The standardisation done with the "graphics update" was meant to simplify models and make creating outfits and clothing easier for the dev team but we've all seen the results.
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This is incorrect, as the distinction between big and small cats is not their size, but whether they can meow+purr or they can roar
Some Hrothgar could meow+purr, and some could roar (depending on face type)
No miqo'te could roar, and it's unclear whether they can purr (but considering they can speak, they should be able to purr, theoretically)
Wild cats (including both big and small cats)
Examples of big cats:
Examples of small cats:
Now, if you just meant "small" and "big" referring to size, you'd be correct, but when it comes to cats specifically, this distinction is required
wheres the cock?
suddenly xivg is full of billionaire business men that totally know what's right for the company and arent acting off their emotions like women
Blinking really hard, he probably missed all the rough edges.
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>We made a Finn from scratch.
i think the pants are cool though, i got rid of the red dye on them at least cuz i agree that didnt look great
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kill 'em all
no sex, only fish.
thank you, it was either Charib or Ghost Carp...
Raping this nerd
>the heritability of autism
Anyone here play a trial account?
How much of the expansions is possible to minmax?
How much can I do alone without needing to hunt for discords to get help with group things?
But can I keep telling you about animal taxonomy and classification while you do it?
but i have no more fish to catch, what should i do
You can do everything up until 4.58 (right before ShB) and you really don't need to do hunts.
I really want to plap your fiera
you can do all the MSQ story and get every job to trial level cap as easily as a subscribed player
you can do the ARR and HW relics, though they will be exceptionally grindy because ARR needs materia, which you won't be able to buy, and party finder helps with a few parts of the HW grind
eureka is accessible, but every moment of it will be cock and ball torture. you won't be able to beg for rezzes or ask for invites or information because can't shout
you can't pvp
you can't own a house or buy an apartment because of the gil cap
you can do gold saucer content to your heart's content
you can do every seasonal event and miss out on zero of the FOMO rewards
i think that pretty much sums it
I honestly hate it when Hrothgar try to "Roar" or "Snarl" in this game because they sound really fucking pathetic, the voice acting for Hroth trying to sound intimidating honestly sounds pathetic as fuck and I don't know who the fuck at Squeenix thought that was a passable performance, it literally just sounds like a retard derping into the microphone
You can do everything up to Stormblood. If you want to do niche content or extremes after ARR, it's recommended to find discords or similar because you aren't able to make PFs yourself.
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This > >>495681023 meetup is on in 2 hours!
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My moonie just got called the throatgoat after a session
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I'm waaaitiiiing
you can level 15 of the 21 jobs to level 70 (current max is 100)
you can finish stormblood MSQ which is the second expansion
you can do a lot of things just through duty finder. dungeons, normal raids, normal trials, alliance raids don't require you to do find other people, you just queue
you can also do palace of the dead and heaven on high, both deep dungeons. as well as eureka which is a foray zone (do not confuse with eureka orthos with is also a deep dungeon but level 90)

however the gil cap being only at 300,000 will limit you a lot. god help you if you decide to grind out any ARR relic
Its not happening.
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deep dungeons?
tough, it ain't happening with the bun
70 feels wrong, that at least means that free trial accounts can do ultimates... you can raid on a trial... but they're the boring 70 ults, cob is cool at least
i hope of a pack of haitians cannibalizes this ugly ass cat
Trials can't do ultimates.
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did the anon talking about an elezen meetup yesterday ever post anything else?
I don't know about that, some femhroth voices are nice, but that's just "some".
Also, if hrothgar could roar, they'd have a fully calcified hyoid bone, which would make them unable to SPEAK
do you like catboys, gorgeous?
do they just stop you before queueing? nvm dropped this game sucks
Chucking this bun in ocean
what hair is this?
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gotta catch me first
wise choice friend
what do you guys think the eden weapons will look like? im reckoning they'll have a rainbow glow because of the crystal shown in the final cutscene and also because of yuri
My male middie awakens
I think he stopped looking at the thread... still wanna?
>mod that disables ear wiggling also makes my cock disappear
mods are the darndest things
I didn't catch Ghost Carp...
Already did
*grabs you, then tosses you in the ocean*
Yeah sure…
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no not really
they got fucked up hands
the sword will be a giant cock and the shield will look like a pussy and they will glow rainbow because you the player are gay
Good picture moonie, I love it
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If you don’t like our movie meetups, then you’re just a psycho who doesn’t like having fun. We ALL have fun at movie meetups, they’re super duper social and some of us even plap. It’s also a chance to rub shoulders with all the classics and get a little bit of thread cred to unlock new plapping opportunities. Why WOULDN’T you go? Oh, right, because you’re angry and bitter. Got a chip on your shoulder, don’t you? Yep, figured. You don’t really like this game. And let me guess, you don’t have any friends either. If you’re not willing to watch a movie with us, maybe you’re just not cut out for life in the real world.
are lalas considered lolis?
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next time for sure bro...
Morning king, what's the move?
They already sound like they're unable to speak with their hurr and durr sounds
i consider them pedos
Femra rape
yawn falseflag nigga
Do you also speak like this to your parents, Macchi?
best poster in the thread
>what's the move
You are 30 years old, move out of your parent's house and act your age.
Fantasia into >>496349597 this without mods or photoshop
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please send tell
You WILL fanta to femlala and then give my catboy head
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what the heck...
Duskie feetezen
what do you think of miera
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pale wildwood with black hair
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Nevermind I'm staying roe
its a party finder whats wrong with that...
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Sounds like I'll have something to do. Cool. What NA server do I pick to hang with some of you nerds?
why are catboys like this?
Sex with this moonie
Crystal, Balmung
don't pick NA
go EU or preferably JP, people actually play the game there instead of textfucking other grown ass men
Balmung it is.
It'll be fine.
this is not very helpful anon
Language missy, we wouldn't want to make you eat a bar of soap now would we
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im sorry man i just really really like the 1982 Conan the Barbarian film
that and Fury Road are two of my favorite films of all time
i had a feeling it was annoying though, ill shut up and just watch the movie next time
Missed the LL did they show anything important in it?
are you stupid
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my lalaboy needs therapy
and by therapy i mean oral stimulation
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i also suggest balmung, it is very rarely open for new character creation and will probably close next month with patch 7.1
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I bet they were interesting facts, fren
That's a classic.
>watching movies in cytube on your Final Fantasy screen
>not watching in 4K on your home theater setup
Are you freaks poor or something? Jesus, this is honestly a little pathetic. You don’t even have appreciation for kino.
i'm going to put a pw on my pf
Just want a good time with my friends
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I'll show up.
I highly doubt anyone will approach or reply to me, but I can rest easy knowing I gave this a fair shake and it's everyone else who's the problem.
I don't know who to tell.. you can join me though in the pf with the pASSWORD

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*pokes belly*
People here would rather buy a lifetime supply of fantasias.
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It's the band that did the Daria opening.
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>paying any amounts of money to make a home theatre so your movieslop is a little tiny bit higher definition
This thread isn’t your “friend”, pal. Sorry to break it to you.
I'm not your pal, buddy.
I need to see every pore on a naked man's ass or the experience is ruined.
I'm not your buddy, bro.
I'm not your bro, sister.
I've taken the pw off... now to join the party you must return to the spot of your first promise and your first betrayal
i cant get to the event
[11:21 a.m.]The command /sti does not exist.
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>Ctrl + F "Femez"
>26 results
Holy moly, bros. What did I miss? It's not even Femezen Friday
Scheming Malera/Miera post...
putting a pw on your pf is like putting a lock on your.. cage
I'm not your sister, mom.
Fellas I missed the live letter what happened did yoship talk about beastmaster
unprotected sex with that purple haired moonster
Retard, nearly every TV sold these days is 4K. How poor are you? Or have you never left your parents house?
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scroll up shit lord
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>no password
Middle right looks like a twitch advertisement.
Hello I'll watch it with you. Wanna be friends
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why host it so early?
My moonie has ordererd another bottle of wine for today, she is having a drink heavy weekend again and will regret it come monday

It's a Sad-turday.

gm chat
But i answered the question
I don't get it, why is everyone greentexting password in response to this post...
why would i buy a second computer monitor for my not-computer? are you stupid?
>1982 Conan the Barbarian film
>that and Fury Road are two of my favorite films of all time
please tell me this is ironic please i am begging you
What face is this?
/pet /pet /dote
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I'll be going to report every single one of you for modbeasting
face 1
I think it's a nice-sounding song. The lyrics and message are overplayed, but it's still nice.
/hug /dote
the day SE lifts a finger against modders is the day they lose 90% of their playerbase. nothing will happen.
>samefagging this hard
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>no password
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It's hosted by an EU anon, and it'll be in the evening for us.
I don't believe you guys anymore
uhm whats the point then...
>everyone i don't like is samefagging
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Nice tucking...
maybe you can let it hang out next time, haha...
should i pick a silly gamertag for a name or try to come up with a fantasy name and surname? i intend to rp
Fantasy name is better desu
lore accurate name, those kind of characters go the hardest
I tried that once. My dick turned purple and three months later it STILL tastes like grape drank...
wanna play gears 3 bro?
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>no pw
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ok ty everyone the party is now leaving the station its CLOSED. GOODBYE
Lore accurate first name, go hog wild with the surname
alright. do i play a hyur, bigger hyur or cat? male
fuck yea
A TV. You know, a TELEVISION? For when you have, you know, FRIENDS over?
Bro why do you know the taste of your dick???
campaign on insane?
Anyone minds if I crank my hog?
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She will be back next patch
I think the males are all kinda mid, but if you're commited go highlander (big hyur)
>alright. do i play a hyur, bigger hyur or cat? male
up to you depending on what lore resonates with you best


i am
a gay hrothgar
sounds fun but i never played gears after 1
badass it is
i dont play girls if i can choose
>having friends over
What are you, 12? And in the year 1995? We're all grown ass men with responsibilities and families, why would people waste time and gas driving elsewhere when shit like Watch Together exists?
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>island sanctuary didnt reuse the pure sex bikini she has in costa del sol
the belly is the most important part of a lalafell to hide it is to sin against the twelve
is there anything worth getting here, aside from a title
Impregnating this elezen
Impregnating this middie
Impregnating this femra
Hell yeah brother post what you create in the end, hoping you go with the serial killer eyes and face like my highlander
well looks like we're marathoning 1-3
>schizo that messes with the OP is EU
yeah that tracks
That's a really cute duck,,, I wish I could, this mod is one whole piece so I can't remove the bottoms... I hope the alternative is acceptable!

murder all lalafell
If there’s a schizophrenic post you’ll be right more often than not to assume it’s an EU anon.
>impregnating this middie
Yeah about that >>496354161
do you like miera because that post was absolutely made by a miera
So you have children and not a TV? Are you Amish?
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Say his name and he appears.
>doesn't know about femra ovipositors
That middie is getting pregnant.
Dream's. Bass.
jerking off this fiddie while licking her scar
I believe in Kong.
alright let me cook
hes my favorite moonie
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I wish I was at home playing video games
>scarmiddie is a futa too
GT.... GT......GT.....
My moonie is really hungry...
>letting your children be brainwashed by the garbage on tv
i bet you would give them smartphones too
>out of every person in this god forsaken general only kong gets the reference
Fucking plebs
that’s the best fuddie and dare I say fiddie in the thread, pal. you watch your tone.
>people actually find this attractive
Why is modern society generating an entire generation of broken men?
What body mod?
Have lunch here:
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They are considered slampigs.
Where is Macska to call this degenerate a tranny
i wish i was inside this cutie
Well go feed your moonie then
mpregging this anon
Dating apps
You literal retard, holy shit. Praying for you man, have fun “watching” shitty movies with your naked plaphog “friends” from a gooner cumflation sim.
stay mad faggot
did you guys like my song?
I hate this
uh oh meltie
No, you like this.
WE like this.
i hate futa so goddamn much
how big is your gock irl
10/10 what mods/link?
Every time I come here I am abused
i love futa so goddamn much
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Please don't
hol up let me dig out my series x
You can’t spell “future” without “futa”.
The straightest FFXIV player
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Abusing your head with pets
what mod is that outfit?
That's way more like it
Just regular bibo, I'm pretty sure that's what it said on that outfit too but I don't really remember since it's pre-DT...
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>lvl roulette
>WAR is 100, SGE is at least 94, DRG is at least 50, and I'm (RDM) 79
What a sick fucking joke
I see. Customize+? Looks amazing.
Genuine question why do you guys when avatarfagging with your male characters try to act like "le based gigachad shitposter man" then when avatarfagging with female characters you pretend to he shy sluts? Why not be a shy slut male character?
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Bro... did you not check the level range option? If you want high level ones just do that
different day different vibe and your virtual avatar helps facilitate that
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>complains about people talking during movie meetups
>doesn't just hide the chat
Lmao some of you guys act really stupid at times.
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Any tool belt mods out there!
Your midlander will be pregnant with my femras eggs. She will be a good mother.
you didn't check the limited roulette option
and sastasha is an 8 minute dungeon to get your roulette exp, it's not bad
Can only do it in a pre-made party....
That's every miera even if they don't admit it.
My moonie is feeling lazy and doesn't want to get up for lunch
literally nobody has ever said this
I want to be a femboy. Do I play a minimum shortness hyur male or hyur/moonie female with a flat chest?
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I uh found a portal gun the other d-day and uh I um
I gotta go
>you watch your tone.


What you gonna do? MELT?
..is your moonie spending the day bedrotting? she should get up if that's the case since she will feel much better for it
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theres nothing like a woman with a big, throbbing veiny, feminine cock between her legs
I'm pretty sure you can do it with any party size and solo.
https://ko-fi.com/s/3e3c5109c8 Ah I'm pretty sure I found it, I don't know what it's like after converting but it's probably fine
None! It's the outfit I just now found and linked
I'm not ready to become a mother at all!!!!
shut up lizzie
kill yourselves
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I like going to Satasha. It feels like a trip down memory lane and a nice chance to relax and unwind.
Play a meena
I really loved your cat patty. She was unique
What the fuck went on in this thread
you can’t. it even says it in the tooltip.
I don't act like a slut period. It's unbecoming behavior, cringe and attention seeking.
I disagree firmly.
Yukari my retarded wife.
A woman without penis is like an angel without its wings.
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Just watch the movie on your own at that point????
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my femezen
drives a Warrior IFV
Women? No thanks.
Women with COCKS? Hell yeah, now we’re playing Final Fantasy XIV! You think it’s a funny meme, but you sincerely, truly love this. You’ll never fall in love with a real woman because she doesn’t have a COCK. You’ll never fertilize her womb with strong sons because you’re addicted to COCK. You don’t like women. You are a homosexual faggot that uses futas to appear “normal” to your deranged and sex-obsessed “friends”. You are defective.
do your job and burn them already please
It was all well and dandy until the futanation attacked.
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Today.. I am spamming cc games!
>big, throbbing veiny
i unironically love it
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It's over.
Some more epic tranny content from yum!
Nyo, my moonie just woke up and is simply too comfy to budge right now, even if her tummy is rumbling...
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It's over...
Get a job nigga
why are the eurotards so anti-futa?
Honestly tanks shouldn't fight other tanks. It's just wrong. Warfare should be infantry vs tanks exclusive
its not a femboy unless its an actual male, go male hyur.
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I don't give a fuck what people have in their pants but the femezen slander and rumour-mongering is out of line.
I work from home...
My moonie will drag this moonie out of her comfy bed to make her greet the day properly, she will encourage she showers licks herself clean as the first task of the day
wtf i love EU now?
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This > >>495681023 meetup is on in 1 hour!
Using lost reflect on this pesky anon so he gets boy preggers.
It's extra ironic too since every other EU player is playing a horsecocked catgirl
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ok anons which one next?
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surely the inquisitor isn’t weak to such things?
Last time I spoke my truth about futa here, I got banned.
Because it's gay and people who play one are delusional. At least be honest and call yourself a faggot, I dislike that as well but at least I can respect the honesty.
warrior, spam dungeons
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We posting our fiddie ducks at the end of the thread?

It's too late! My femra is rapidly approaching your position
I'm a male character.
They're trying find our weaknesses. They shant.
what’s wrong with being gay
i'm gay and i don't like futa.
Oh jesus christ Louise, i didnt need to see that
move the duck please
T'owa had the best gock
do you like catboys
Bottom-coded post
I...shall be there.
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>Accepts deviancy and degeneracy
so apparently in the mare space a lot of the cis girls are genuinely just hypersexual and upfront whores, do you think its viable to just get some quick in and out pussy out of those types?
I haven't played FFXIV in over a year but still got plenty girls sharing themselves on discord and snapchat for me over a year back but now that mare is everywhere do you think I should just make an edgelord edit of my character and get bitches to just get all submissive for me over nothing?
May I plap
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He just posted 22 of them though?
Because iw cringe
full of sexpests
and they have thinskin if you say something contrary of their shit opinions
why do you type like that
Nooo! I don't want to get eggnant!!
>Artisan is stopping 1 skill before finishing the recipe
What gives?
Yes, fanfest was basically one big orgy dude.
futachads win again
Human cock = cringe
Futa horse cock = makes my catgirl cum really hard
Your moonie better help my moonie lick where she can't reach! My moonie will start with her feet, and your moonie can start with her pits
futa"chads" derail the thread again
Lala = Miera > Miqo'te > Malezen > The rest > Malera
>feet and armpit shitter
nevermind you can clean yourself
the irl fanfest? I mean I guess I heard shit about comic cons and similar shit having bitches and random blokes sex way too easily but I mean online, like if I go to modbeast venues in Light DC will I get discord of horny bitches willing to share their nudes and cum with me on call within the hour?
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Why is it always them?
My moonie is able to reach everywhere herself but if your moonie needs help she doesn't mind givng you assistance. Starting with the pits okay..
Where are malera
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Jokes on me then. Though now I know and that's good at least!
>porn ad taking up my screen
this is the most abhorrent taste i've seen in this thread
they are just too powerful
I forgot they exist LOL
My apologies. It was inhumane of me to not keep watch of my fowl friend. I shall do better.
This has to be a lala
all the important discussion previous like replying to the garuda posts. we really lost out.
your adblock?
your ublock?
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The simple pleasures of Daffy Dook
Posting this one more time to piss off the fag that keeps vandalizing the op. Fucking Germans.
>Future Meetups
• Sept 28th, 6PM BST / 1PM EST | Materia, Zurvan, Doman Enclave, One Garden | 1st /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Introduction & Character Creation >>495681023 (Cross-thread)
• Sept 28th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 1 - 5 >>495416723 (Dead) >>496146641 (Cross-thread)
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281 (Dead)
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527 (Cross-thread)
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846 (Dead)
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281 (Dead)
•• NEW ! •• Oct 19th, 7PM EST | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet | W3 P58 >>496273537 (Cross-thread)
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party
Procreation sloppystyle with this one.
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I prefer listening to so music posted by fellow xviggers over mentally ill people posting about their feminine penises.
why is there a meetup that's hosted both on EU and NA rather than just hosting it on materia?
bro, lmao
It's the same people with feminine penises responding to the spammed anchors goy
this desu
I like listening to fellow xivggers' favorite songs *while* talking about feminine penises.
music and futa chads win yet again
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Stop this.
nobody responded to my song so i hate the garuda anchors now
>feminine penises
Last time I checked penises were the most masculine thing you could ever sport.
My moonie looks forward to the next thread, she hopes it wil be a good one
yeah this desu
and its a bit different when they keep taking it out of their pants and smearing it all over the thread
fine, rape but you don’t put out so I can’t.
Garuda post is always based. I like seeing what type of music ppl are into
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I have high hopes for the next one, let's be all kind for a change.
Your penis is feminine.
Is this beepy lmao
you're in for a surprise
kill yourself
I listen to them all but I never reply to them even if I enjoyed them
This and I often listen to songs I thought I'd never be into. Like moldybuns zoomershit and then I enjoy one or two of them...
Prove me wrong. Post it
I'm a futa, and I'm a proud fag. F+ x F+ is the best pairing.
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this is missing either highlanders or melfs, presumably to inflate maliddie stocks
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Thankee kindly, I liked her a lot too. Miss being a cat sometimes
even though people dont respond to my songs i post i still like to share none the less and seeing what everybody else likes to listen to
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Futa on male.
Based or cringe?
Futas with knots
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Aren't I always, I'm just trying to be comfy.
Big human
based if its a cute boy domming
same here anon, I've pinched a few gems from garuda at this point
Male on futa is better.
Futa topping male is the natural order of things
That's male on futa.
someone make the thread before the schizo does
Absolutely based. Had a Rava+ pound my catboy most kino few months I had. Though every futa I've found for my male ended up being melty prone so it's a double edged sword
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Good. I will remain unraped forever
I can't remember the other face you used but she was milfy and it was great
>How much of the expansions is possible to minmax?
All content up to the end of Stormblood (patch 4.59) is entirely free.
Most of the content you can do in the game is soloable or relatively easy to do pickup groups. However, you might have issues with the following:
Level synced extreme trials.
Level synced savage raids.

For everything but hunts, it will just be a matter of finding like-minded individuals to do the content with, so you might need to hunt down discord.

For hunts, you have the problem that hunts are happening in the open world with no level syncing. Which means that the content will be trivialized by higher level players doing them as well. Worse so because it's far more common as the level cap rises for people to just solo a ranks when they find them.
excellent shader
very crisp
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Originally Face 2, yep! I liked that look a lot too.
This meetup > >>495681023 is on in half an hour! That is 30 minutes! See attached image for exact location at the Doman Enclave!
Done playing CC, i'll be there!
can i go i f i have no actual interest in doing any RP myself but am kinda curious anyway?
Riced to meet you.
Of course, Anon. It may not be to your liking, but please come watch.
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Last call for this meetup > >>495681023 . It starts in 15 minutes!

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