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Monke in wilds edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJpKRWYNkE

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>496317192
miceter hunter
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No gunner allowed beyond this post.
Thank you Goku
No matter what weapon, armor, or charm set I pick, I triple cart.
Without exception.
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Ah, Great Jaggi
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I've been playing MH for 14 years and I main Lance + SnS because I'm too bad for the real weapons.
anon is a gunner at heart I see
>T. the fly in my house
I hope you get stuck in the cellar spider web you little shit!
Those are the real weapons
spiderbros... our response?
Damn so the next portable game is probably going to be $70 too fucking Capcom jews. I guess I could wait until they release the "goty edition" with everything included. We still don't even know if they're doing a battlepass with wilds either.

What the fuck is Capcom thinking? Requiring console players and PC players to upgrade while also raising the price for a series with mandatory dlc. They're being way too greedy right now
Curl your legs up under your body and roll onto your back
It's not even the greats. A regular Jaggi stunlocks me to death.
The secret wall of Monster Hunter Tri
I love huntresses
Aren’t they just called hunters too?
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stop being jealous of gunners, melercucks
Just checking, when is the point where you're allowed to say you've beaten any given MonHun?
When the credits roll
It took a little over a year and a half for world master edition right? Did rise even get a master edition? How long did that take
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some of the rng decos have sword icon on them
So technically, I beat Rise when I saw the credits after beating Magnamalo in the Village quests?
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DUMB cat
Can we disable the anti-soul gas?
>Prepurchase is up
>game is 5 month away
Honestly I feel old
I dont want 5 months to just go by in a blink
Sure did
yeah and it'll make the game run at steady 60fps
That fog filter needs to go and stay go
Yes, literally. It's an option in the menu
The better question is why they keep including
Thank god, because that looks like shit
>cant even spell "meleecucks" right
Im GLAD im not you, rangetard
The past 5 years feels like a blink to me.
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Are there still people to play with?
How many more monsters/hunts am I looking at if i wanna "finish" Rise?
I never used damage number so I don't know know it actually works but shouldn't each slam of Doshaguma on Barina deal damage so it's reflected better for those who have damage numbers turned on?
There are still people playing and you can post rooms here too if you want to play with others.
There is no finish, just Qurious crafting purgatory
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Diablos becomes the biggest shitmon of all time 5 hits before death
Idea for a video:
MHW player tries the original MH
10 minutes and a dozen seconds
I love huntresses
How come you guys always say the series was never about difficulty and never hard until World comes into the conversation and then you claim it was always about difficulty?
>wow these controls are spicy!!
6 gorillion views
You seem to confuse casualized with easy.
>Did rise even get a master edition?
It didn't.
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I remember Ye Olde days when being a gunner was a mark of pride. Successfully deciphering this bizarre, arcane contraption and playing with half as much defense as everyone else.

When did it change? Feels like it was before World. Maybe around the GU days when HBG got to be the best for once?
>high poke 3 doesn't get stronger
>but middle poke 3 does
Very odd. So you should High>High>Mid now if I'm not retarded
The barbarous beast, the devourer of the rampage, the wyvern of malice, Ichinose's weakest OC
1 (one) bomb cat
multiplayer franchise
True and based
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>Can't even spell "can't" or "I'm" correct
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Who says that anon? MH has always been very difficult. Most people are awful at it even after thousands of hours. World is the easiest game, but being the "easiest" in a difficult series does not mean "easy" relative to other games.

It's like calling Elden Ring "easy" because it's the easiest Soulsborne game. (Or so I've been told - never played one.)
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>he isn't a soles hunter
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Holy shit get fucking MOGGED
Felynes confirmed best cat monsters
>It's like calling Elden Ring "easy" because it's the easiest Soulsborne game
Eh its Demons Souls still
People acted like it was ball blistering when it came out but going back to it now the enemies are really simple, stuff like the Great Club and the big knife can permastun any normal enemy, and HP is lower across the board on bosses than in the newer games
Elden Ring still has a lot of ways to cheese it but the bosses are on crack and there are plenty of normal enemies that would've been midbosses in DS1 or DeS
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Can I get the transparent version of photobombing cat please?

Also on different tangent, for those of you that record clips of your hunts, what software do you use?
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I don't record much but when I do I use bandicam
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if you use long sword
frick off
I've recorded videos before and just use OBS.
Palicos are merciful gods, never showing their true power, he never had a chance.
Devs confirmed that turf wars aren't pre determined. We can also see spider win sometimes.
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Do you record the entire session and then clip it after the fact or is there a way to make it clip the last e.g. 10 seconds?
Sorry, but the game forced me to use it exclusively.
I think you can set it on a timer but I don't typically record multiplayer sessions, just challenge runs.
i use medal.
i record entire sessions because i can't remember to clip shit while i'm playing. it starts the recording automatically when the game starts so it's easy.
obs, record last 30 seconds
imma need sauce for this art. Who drew it
I hate damage numbers.
No because there is 2 more credit roll screen in Rise.
I’ve been playing with them off to retrain my brain before Wilds’ release and I plan to turn then off at the main menu before I start there too. They really don’t add to the experience at all.
Transgender power hour
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Holy fuck, who let out that that stinker?
haha air dash go brrr (and then boom)
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In almost 3k hours of world I never once played with them on, I really hate them.
>but without blood we need damage numbers to tell good hitzones from shitzones
I never had an issue finding good and bad hitzones on monsters despite rocks and dust instead of blood. I really fucking hate damage numbers and retards that accepted them. Thank you for reading my blog. Subscribe.
What skill is that makes your wirebug green?
wind mantle
Please refer to the following
How to make this game less blurry especially on end shots
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Good hunts
So many good killscreens this lumu
Wind mantle, reduces wirebug recharge time by continuing to hit the monster
If you're on PC, most windows systems has the "xbox game bar", pressing Winkey + G should bring it up
There's an option there to "record last 30 seconds". That's what I do
exactly. none of their post are monster hunter because they're trannies. you too it seems.
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Turn off TAA, downsample render resolution
My pov was lame, saving this
Please redirect your fetishistic energy
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air dash is too strong
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This one was good too
This Worldborne PC lumu is still up

Gonna be doing SoS to practice horn for a couple of hunts
If no one joins, I'll be closing it after
you are one disgusting abomination
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hunt/slaying reward?
sort of like how GU had the different box colors for main rewards, subquest rewards, hunt-of-the-day rewards, etc?
Get some crit efx mod instead of coomer mods
Dang, must've just missed you
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I got some awesome ones back while I was making my way up to master rank on a new character.
I don't even know how I got into this move.
PS4 capture or download my twitch VODs
>is actually a tranny that's why it's raging
lmao you can't make this up
>post monster hunter screenshot
>retard calls me a tranny and says "not monster hunter"
>downsample render resolution
Explain further, DirectX 12 API was off for some reason, turning it on helpedgj4 helped
What’s your favourite weapon type in Monster Hunter?
Why are you so affected? I'll tell you but you wouldn't like the answer, ma'am.
Nvidia or AMD control panel settings let you render the game at resolutions beyond your monitor’s native, then compress it back down. Some googling will probably give you the instructions.
Great Sword
dx12 can sometimes fuck with the high res texture pack, worth noting if you plan on using that.
Bow wound attack ends with a backflip shot
>Calling other people trans for posting monster hunter screenshots in monster hunter general
>Plays with a giant dick on a stick

you cant make this up
Very nice. Often featured on the cover art, and that charged slash feels so good to land, when you finally stop whiffing
nigga khezu
>talk about weapons
>immediately thinks of the male reproduction organ

Why are you people such faggots?
Anyway I main Hammer but watching Wilds is making me want to main Hunting Horn. Decisions decisions
Literally just do both
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I can but I want to be popular be the first hunter that comes to mind on mhgers when they talk about weapons like when you think of Switch Axe the first person people think about is some Bri'ish fag.
that nigga playin with a nutsack on a stick lmao
>looking through 4u hr4 quests
>deliver 4 sootstone ores
>subquest: sever the deviljho's tail
just let me get surprised nigga damn no need to tell me the surprise
what do you main huh? huh?
I don't main anything because that's boring
I play 5-6 different weapons and play what I feel like
you're butthole
Nvidia shadowplay seems to work well for what I want, but the files it saves are HUGE. Like 40mb even for a 10s clip on medium settings. What setting do I need to change to get it to export something small enough to post in the thread?
It’s called a Main, not an Only.
Because most monster can't counter ranged weapons, so you just run away from the monster and pew pew until it dies, some monster have so little options that it just becomes so brain dead easy beat them.
I've played ranged and if I can kill monsters so thoughtlessly that it feels like borderline cheating. It's game journalist mode.
>rathian GL user
i was going to make a phallic joke about lance but i can't think of one because some fag already took dick on a stick.

wow look at this expert. he just love all of them huh. obsessed
Full screen recordings at good quality will never be small
You run those recordings through webm 4 retards and, trim, scale down and set filesize limits
I knew it.
I still haven't beaten Rise.
I'll never escape HR5 hell.
I like playing GS, HH, H and IG
bow because I like high risk, high mobility playstyles in games.
it's really satisfying to go an entire hunt without ever getting hit while just laying on a ton of damage.
Doing early G rank on MHGU (switch)
no pw
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I left my love in the river
The only one who sees
I lost his hand in the current
It was the life I wanted and I hoped for
And now I am left sifting through the weeds
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Post yfw conga 4pc set bonus skill makes you fart when you take 150 damage
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Longsword, because that was the starting weapon I got, and I don't have enough crafting materials to upgrade any of the other 13 weapon types to where I'm at now.
No, it's still up
-but no one joined so I actually am closing it now
Good hunt em aeych jee
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this bs happened on my first quest
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>it works exactly like intrepid heart
>ruins the whole pun chain
nice job, retard.
when i play as a huntress i start to feel weird things happening to me
Good thing for you to learn early rather than against a monster who's mats you need
Welcome to oldgen son
Let's see your huntress
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>mfw it is a meta skill too
>At good quality
I set it to 15s, 720p, 10mbps bitrate and 30 FPS and it's still 20mb. I'll try webm4retards now and see what it spits out.
Which weapon should I try next? Bought Iceborne and I like insect glaive and switch axe so far
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Your gaining estrogen.
Sword and Shield
I recommend not worrying about the recording filesize and setting it to a decent length so you don't have to immediately press the clip button to catch something in full
my huntress is literally my wife
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Hmmm do i want handicraft 3 or razorsharp?
demo when....
u are wife fugly
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I hate that this is what monhun has become desu
I loved when everything was lighthearted. Even when it was about defendind a village in the middle of bumfuck nowhere against some elder dragon that is showing up
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It looks like fucking anus but at least I can upload it. Thanks for your help, anon!
Because they don't let him get near real ones anymore lmao
depends on the weapon but for your case it's sharpness
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Cool. Sweaty Blondie Bimbo is mine
do i have to play bowgun instead of sns now?
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Crapcom going woke has been a disaster for Monster Hunter.
Can't wait to have some annoying indian nigger child get shoved in my face for hours of unskippable cutscenes with dogshit japanese acting.
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>lstard won't respect even the sleep he himself caused
Why are you guys so obsessed with this white trash nigga? lips larger than an ethiopian and nose flatter than an abbo.
Jesus, LS has it so easy. There really is no reason to play anything else.
If he had small bomb Spirit Iai'd to wake it up you'd be complaining about that too
Weird view bro.
She is a 10/10 for me.
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*intrepid fart
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my wife
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agreed, but it is what it is.
I play not Longsword for fun
I would've loved it actually
the only things I despise are ruined sleeps, bombfags on multiplayer, and gunners
??? That’s MY wife actually
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
I liked that part in Great Gatsby
post her toes
Wow I do all three! I play gunner, use bombs and ruin sleep.
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MY WIFE!!!!!!!!
oy vey
Watchin' all our friends fall
In and out of Old Paul's
This is my idea of fun
Playin' video games
I JUST noticed the monster part that you are hitting "bobbles" a little, like in MHNow
Honestly good feature
>gets a 60% cut off your quest rewards
I don't think that's fair
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It's impossible to play a weapon you people won't complain about. HBG, Bow, DB, GS, SA, Lance, HH, whatever I play someone is going to have an opinion about it. Besides that, LS is one of my least-played weapons, I think it's still under 100 uses after almost 1.5k hours of playtime.
Don't like it? Then don't buy it
Currently got a 2060S, what would be a decent improvement on a mid-range budget? Don't want the ol' hog to sound like it's taking off while I'm hoonting.
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I like the gameplay, not the dumb lore they are trying to push with some indian ophan lmao
just wait for 50xx, unless you can get a 4070ti super at half the price
thinking about my hunter cock cumming inside her
Some people like white trash women
>TI super
Back in my days it was just "TI" or "Super", with TI being the better version. Why are they combining the name?
tourist, out
For me its GS cause I'm too dumb to not button mash sometimes.
>It's impossible to play a weapon you people won't complain about. HBG, Bow, DB, GS, SA, Lance, HH, whatever I play someone is going to have an opinion about it
yeah no shit. it's 4chan.
it's about sifting through the NPC, AI generated responses attempting to make you mad to find anything actually worth.
Keep your chin up.
Get whatever AMD card with the most VRAM you can afford
Got to keep consumers confused so they buy more
to confuse and rip people off
i know the TI super has 16gb VRAM, but i never bothered to look at benchmarks(can't even trust those nowadays)
chiseled sweaty huntress tummy!!
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That is from the bow dashing into a climbable wall for a jump OR it's from you tenderizing
Im holding my gpu upgrade for the demo announcement
But I will probably get a 7700xt or something similar
Little Miss Forge is hot!
does this work for anyone else or is it outdated?
Drop dead raider
Dunno, I look at porn for jerkin’ it and leave my games be
i ruined your mom too tonight
she looked like a radobaan
I guess it wasn't really a surprise but rather I just forgot that this fucker shows up in every single mission
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i kneel....
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It's a shame that strength hammer is weak in Sunbreak because holy FUCK Impact Crater never stops feeling incredible
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what monster did she kill?
my cock
I see.
died like an hour ago
You clear the quest in 5 minutes and say it's weak? Wtf.
That's Rise for you
everything dies in 5 minutes in rise lmao
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Worldbabe here

What's the lore on this thing?
Takes 20mins if you don't have a gay build and fag follower pets like Gog intended.
poop lole
Literal shit flinging monkey
A monke that eats different shrooms.
A monke that changes attacks according to shrooms.
A monke with long nails.
A monke that farts.
A monke with strong jumping powers.
A monke with Rajang's stumble animation.
A monke that's pink.
A monke that flings poop that may or may not have come from his poop hole.
A monke that may or may not eat its own poop.
I'm using ultra endgame min/maxed gear and it takes 4:30 with strength hammer vs 3:13 with courage hammer. That's a pretty huge difference considering that Rathian is a good match up for strength hammer.
>MHI book 2 has a PDF I can read on internet archive
>MHI book 3 doesn't and makes me download a 500mb file
guess I'll read 2
>he has a computer
>he doesn't know how to make a PDF out of images
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It's pretty simple actually.
I'm just too lazy desuwa, lower hanging fruit and all that
1 lrg huntress bob pls
here you go
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HR 75, finally slayed Alatreon
Woohoo! :)
hnng chocooo
but if you hit it like that it does half damage...
Do NOT look at Bow's clear time.
that was the baby pre fatty alatreon right?
Nigger gots 1500hrs in the game and playing like a fucking newb with 4 AI bots what the fuck is wrong with this franchise
>Obituary armor
god that shit rocks.
Love these insect armors.
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Attempting a dunk is worth it for the extra opening. You can also get lucky and hit the grounded hit as the monster lands.
A 15 second clip at that resolution shouldn't look that bad
Is the encoding in advanced settings set to VP9 and the source good quality?
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>fupa armor
who the hell thought this was a good idea?
The one in "Blazing Black Twilight"
How did you not notice until now when it's been incredibly apparent in all the trailers?
Like here's the SNS showcase video.
You can see Chatacabra's head "wiggling/bobbling" from the very first hit of the SNS at 00:11 in the video.
But yeah, it's a very good addition to add a sense of impact to each individual hit.
Only if you literally cannot hit the monster or something
looks like Arahabaki.
looks interesting. I wouldn't wear it but it looks interesting.
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Source was low quality 30fps 10mbps. Encoding was not set to V9 but I'll make sure to do that in future. Thanks for the tip!
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You're really overcomplicating this. It's called webm for lazys for a reason
You literally just input your file
Tell it what filesize you want (3.8mb) Tell it to disable audio and hit go and it automatically does the best it can
Fucking around with cropping and scaling it is just going to get in the way
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I hope we can get Alma to dress like this in the game instead of that frumpy hipster jacket she's got on.
It seems Im almost literally blind
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No, dumdum
a higher resolution and the wrong encoding will just make it look like shit
Please bring him back to worlo level, sometimes I just do the mew event quest just so I can kill him again. Wish there was a way to play it in sunbreak too, pizza cutter CB is so fucking fun in that game.
>Good addition
I hate the bobbling/wiggling and I hope there's a way to tone it down or remove it in settings.
He needs to be endgame or post launch update
ok I've never seen this.
god this looks so fucking good.
Fucking kickass armor
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I think I can see where the white armor was drawing some inspiration
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imo Sunbreak's Rajang (and Furious) are better. Worlo's monke would be fun if it didn't have such atrocious shitzones everywhere
I thought this was a bone gag lol
>10 minutes and a dozen seconds
So why exactly are so many videos like this? What is it about that magic number (10 minutes and a few extra seconds) that makes every opportunistic, fame-hungry YouTuber want to make their videos that long?
I hope Wilds gets MHFU's biomes.
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Oooh so it's not on rails, that's nice.
YouTube will put a midroll ad in your video at the 8 minute mark (used to be 10 minute mark which is what that anon is referring to) so lots of people stretch their video to be 10 minutes for more ad revenue
revenue sweetspot
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>Mew are Finally Invited(double tempered furious rajangs)
>all the new bullshit CB gets in Wilds
>Rise savage axe hitstop
Look like she belongs in a horror video game. Idk why
tomorrow on ragegaming, arrekz and a handful of other cashgrabbing fucks
mid roll ads
Of course they won't lose the opportinity to play dress up, like they did in world, each exclusive new skin at $9,99 btw
Why is he so hairy now
Because we now have the technology to render detailed fur
hehe windmills
He is a fucking MONKEY in the goddamn JUNGLE. Of course he is hairy.
Why arent you?
I fucking HATE hair
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Fucking hell, people actually and deliberately stretch their videos out so that they can get an ad in, viewer be damned.
God I fucking hate YouTube """""content"""""" creators.
>inb4 "hate the game, not the player"
Nah, the "player" doesn't have a gun to his head forcing him to "play the game". He chose to be a vile, opportunistic attention whore. I can hate both the game and the player in this case.
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>people actually and deliberately stretch their videos out so that they can get an ad in
Well of course yes. Its been a thing since forever
the bottom one reminds me of Eve E. or kancolle's abyssal ships
>japanese """humour"""
>Eve E.
Well, I know that people stretched their videos out.
I just didn't know why. I thought that the reason was that YouTube videos that are longer get higher priority on the search algorithm or some shit like that. But I guess the real reason is ads. Either way, these people are scum.
Le marinara
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i like 14 the most
>short shorts with her asscheeks hanging out
capcom will never be this based ever again
monter hunet
I don't know which game you're playing but half the dual blade users I see online have their asscheeks hanging out
here are the hunters responding your SOS, say something nice about them
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VP9 doesn't work, every time I try to upload it says there's an embedded file.

Is this a gunner issue?
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I saw that coming a mile away
i want to take 22 on a date to a coffee shop
People will see this and still think
>"MonHun is woke now"
I finished the book, I stole the pages from https://archive.org/details/monster-hunter-illustrations-2/mode/1up?view=theater if anyone wants to look for things I didn't post like other weapons & armor
I'm going to fight stiggy now, wish me luck
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I'm glad that the shield bash that you get when you do a perfect block only does 15 damage and comes out very fast, and goes fluidly into pokes.
We won't get a repeat of Itchynose's retarded cross slash being a two-hit move that is your highest hitting attack that doesn't require bingbugs.
Also, I'm glad that default side hops are back to covering a reasonable distance, as opposed to Rise's side hop distance being microscopic.
The only thing I'm worried about is that the wide sweep does almost the same damage as three mid pokes (58 for the wide slash versus 60 for three mid pokes).
I really hope this wide sweep doesn't become meta. Thankfully, it seems like the wide sweep attack has long recovery, so it might not be too practical for general use. Also, I'm glad we don't have charged wide sweep back.

I like it. All three pokes now do the same damage. You're still going to want to do the triple poke anyway so that you can use that new multi-hit fourth poke, but thanks to this change, you won't suffer reduce damage from having your first 2 pokes doing less damage like they did in previous games.
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>intrepid fart
Remember guys, an official Capcom video stated that Deviljho would eat its own tail, do not trust them.
The swipe took about as long as 3 pokes and you can't do the new triple poke from it
Its just gonna be a thing to use to hit at weird angles
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fwiw I don't think it was actually the bomb that woke her up - it was the hellfire poot that the bomb detonated.
gs niggas...
Ooooh that makes sense
Yeah, that's a good point. At best, I can imagine the wide sweep perhaps being a good tool for dealing max damage on a sleeping monster and waking him up.
>capcom does this
>people buy the DLC
>person Alma is supposed to be based off of cries screams pisses and shits herself on twitter because "people are sexualizing her"
can't wait...
>im glad this new thing sucks
>im a bit scared of this new thing being good
>hope they dont accidentally do anything fun so i have to triple poke things to death
lance mains are so mentally ill
Monster Hunter World has been in my backlog for years and today is finally the day. What am I in for? Any tips? Do I need Iceborne from the start or do I buy it once I have cleared all base game content? Friends mandatory?
see >>496404995
Beat basegame, post base game and then buy iceborne
>post base game?
Luna, Jho, AT elders (only need to fight AT Teo, AT Zorah, AT Xeno before skipping the others)
Friends make it more fun, but reduce your monetary reward. Iceborne changes the moveset of each weapon
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This fucker was way more tanky than I remember from HR. I was molesting it but still took 23 minutes
80% of the cash value is hard loot and shinies, so it literally doesn't matter. A second person bringing a plunder palico more than makes up for it.
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Why's it look so fucking washed out?
Finally someone showing off SnS.
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It's not raining? Even the plenty period looks washed out.
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>try MHNow
>after the tutorial there is nothing left around my house
Do they really expect me to walk around the city like a zogbot and get mugged just to play this stupid shit
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cause jho's good hitzones are his face (65) until he's enraged, then it's his chest. Make sure you are hitting the Chest (76) and not his dipshit hands (27) when enraged.
Because of the fog option that you'll have to disable to triple your fps
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I just know they're going to sell those face tats and head accessory as cosmetics
>check steam
>Wilds drops out of top 10 in top sellers list after system requirements are revealed
it's over
You obviously don't like lance so stop rambling about what you think would make it more fun
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im not reading all that
can my 4070 play wilds or no
*turns volumetric fog off*
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I have no clue how I didn't get hit but I somehow sniped Alatreon's horn
Seems like Alatreon's hitbox is smaller than it seems when it tries to swoop
Probably the sickest thing I've done with Horn tbqhwydesu
you dont even like monster hunter, you seek to experience as little of it as possible by playing lance
Ty. Am I better of getting Iceborne first then so the moveset never changes? I'm not sure how playing 60 hours then having the fundamentals change is gonna feel.
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Yes. Literally all of Niantic's games are like that.
Recommend me some non-porn mods.
Lance is more than pressing the triangle button 3 times
Just barely, depends on your CPU bottleneck and your display you are playing at. If you are playing at native 4k display then no chance.
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the pocket horn panic has to be the dumbest meta tranny meltdown in monster hunter history
i dont know if you're being sarcastic or not because i havent really looked into all this shit in a while

but im on a i7 12700k 9which is not this chart for some reason?) 32gb ram, and the aforemtioned 4070

didnt realize DD2 was this poorly optimized
After replaying it for a number of times, I think the hitbox is probably only the front of alatreon, and the horn just angularly sniped the horn from behind the place where the hitbox even begins?
fighting tempered kush in guiding lands and goddamn it's so boring. half the fight is waiting and being stunlocked.
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Hey guys let's play MH Rise: Sunbreak (ROG Ally) and LoZ Echoes of Wisdom (Switch) today guys :)
If you compare your screenshot to the cleaner copy used here you can easily tell that it's just bad video stream compression, if you compare the UI's vibrance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgqV7dcZw0Q
world ha been out for like 6 years why are you still playing
>PCfats filtered from a great game by 30 fps
It's funny how we had World which had the worst Kush fight ever designed and right after in Rise it was the best Kush fight ever designed.
I don’t see where trannies become relevant?
Is there anomaly monsters quest for every monster in rise? Does it include all the elder dragons too?
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I was wondering where you went anon! Nice to see you still around!
Yeah grandpa that style isn't called hipster anymore. Or at all.
all except Velk, Malzeno, and Primordial Malzeno.
I may be missing someone.
If they're on sale I guess you might as well, but besides the claw all the Iceborne stuff is after the base game is done
based goku keeping the rift raft out
>I'm going to try to do some stuff to the footage cuz it looks a bit whitewashed
He admits he fixed it in post lol
room status?
Just fought and beat Fatalis for the first time last night. First and only time I've ever cried to a video game desu
The phrase is just riff raff
Anomaly elder dragons are just called risen
Gaismagorm, amatsu, the twins and apex monsters too as well obviously
Okay thanks. I haven't fought the MR narwa, or prima malzeno, or MR valstrax yet
one in the same
I would at least hit mr100 before primordial

He's basically the fatalis of the game. Probably not as difficult overall but you're not really supposed to touch him until mr100
How to cease and desist posts I don’t like
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no cap?
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i have 3 guiding lands region at level 7. should i delevel one of them to start leveling a new one to be more efficient? i've read that the more regions you have leveled the higher the grind but i dont quite get how it works.
>the soaring trumpets in the beginning
its a doggy dog world you grin and bear it
mr valstrax meet
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Workplace has gotten real busy so I could't really play with my Ally as much as before :(
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>Takes a massive shit on your huntress
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such missed potential.
I'd even be so bold to say the same for rampages.
I think I can beat it with my meme lance build. We shall see
>wake up
>Beat the fuck out of shitter monsters
>about feast like a king and do it again
me when i need Fey Wyvern Gems
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>maam you are the most beautiful I ever see
The maximum combined level of the GL is 27 and you need to grind an absurd amount of monsters to increase your combined level

So yes, just delevel the one you don't need
Coral, Volcano, Tundra are the most important, followed by I think Forest
Wasteland you should just do once and I don't think Rotten literally does anything at all unless you're using Brute Tiggy weapons for some reason
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>there's an embedded file
shouldn't ever do that if the version is updated
Why do they have palico in a 2B wig? Are they telling us to..
What if Congalala eats a parashroom though
Item buffs don't last long enough.
Beating Fatty with 3 friends is the best shit in video games
I thought you guys said farts are unrealistic
There's an armor skill for that.
What the fuck is unrealistic about farting?
If you could play as your own hunter, I'd definitely play this monster hunter Advance
>zu zilll pay zero item tax
I already am paying 4 item taxes with skills and this isn't 5th Gen where I get a million skills
>might seed
is 3 min for +10 raw not good enough?
Farting doesn't usually produce giant brown smoke clouds that poison people
Beating a fat fuck with friends is always fun (not talking about in a videogame tho)
Anon you might want to see a doctor about that. We all fart brown clouds here, right hunters?
You're not trying hard enough.
Maybe. I did it solo though. I got so fucking angry about losing over and over that I SoS'd but thankfully the DB user ended up using 3 of the carts and the longsword user used 2. I'm so glad that happened and I was able to get the win the following day
Probably won't ever do it solo again at least.
I believe that is admittance of skill issue. Eat them beans.
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You need to eat more Kirin cheese.
>he doesn't shartmaxx

A lot of interpolation, but it's 60fps nonetheless
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>he isn't a solo hunter
Probably feels great to slay Fatty with your friends, but when I’ve beeded to judy get him dead, evade window SnS has been the way to go, unless your partner(s) are great players
>he isn't a brown cloud farter
It’s a co-op franchise
You've never been to my house after dinner lol
I didn't have much of a problem with item buff timers in world and Rise but in GU and 4U it drives me up the wall.

Feel like I have to buff up each time the monster moves to another area because the first ones will run out half way through fighting the monster in the new area so I'm just always standing and flexing next to the entrance. Then my mind gets anxious because the first item buff loses 10 seconds just from having to stand there and go through the animation for the other items
Shut the fuck up, just, shut the fuck up
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You have SINGLEHANDEDLY wasted more than a thread's worth of posts. for this one bit
oh that's just old gen MH. You'll get used to it.
to be fair tho, always bugged me how Cool Drink will run out when Teostra has his flame aura up.
Happens every single time.
And Teostra is NOT a monster that will just sit back and let you drink your drink.
>targetting my cats
>pull out the drink
>turns to me
>leaps forward and i physically cannot react in time because he doesn't do this often
>be me
>be a shartmaxxing God
>see anon
>assert my dominance by letting out a massive shart cloud onto him
>brap so hard it breaks the sound barrier melts anons skin off liquefying his bones
>anon is a limp human puddle barely alive
>alive long enough to see all the sexy women attracted by Ultra Steam Eruption(tm)
>all these babes beg me to give them babies that can shart half as hard as me
>anon puddle cries before death takes him
No Gods here, other than myself.
He hand makes these posts.
Not even a bot since he misspelled one.
Thusly making him based.
Not to mention he probably made some non-replying anons question their own hunting and thus making them go solo and learn to hunt better.
G rank Rajang is some bullshit. I don't think it's possible to dodge the that third dive bomb in his powered up state because it hits like slightly away from you
Based Tigrex poster
...i don't think it's that serious.
just like how it's not that serious that anons are actually getting upset at his posts.
It's just a ritual post that's been goin on for years.
nothing more.
nothing less.
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he is so based, even with all the breaks and threads he's missed
>Rajang Blanka Ball
move in a ă‚ł shape. took a bit to learn how to dodge it myself.
reminder this DOES NOT work with Furious. You have to zigzag with him.
You gotta dodge towards where he launched from to dodge the third ball
I tried running the first two hits and just supermanning the last to varying success
Wilds will also have El Gen diablo Nergigante señor El demonio
huntresses rim congalalas
Congalala rims huntresses
El lanzador de caca maestro Congalala max brap máximo
I don't even know if I can contextualize that shape while moving but I'll keep it in mind
Just go in a U shape towards rajang.
since you are facing him
move left (or right)
then down (or up)
then right (or left)
in a ă‚ł shape
works everytime for me, and this is unsheathed and rolling.
If your weapon can block, you can dodge the first blanka ball, block the second, and then hold still and he'll land behind you every time
>If your weapon can block
Didn't beat it
This, I just grab him before he lands and chuck Rajang into a wall before beating the stuffing out of him.
doesn't count
You need to equip a weapon to take on hunts, moron.
SnS always wins baby.
If your weapon has a block, counter, or any huge i-frame you didn't beat it the game.
you are taking tryhard NPC posts too seriously friend.
just ignore them.
If you hunted the monster, the monster won.
>he doesn't main Gunlance
You still haven't learned how to play the game, but you'll get there someday.
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Well I managed to not get hit 2 times so that's improvement
>IG is the only real weapon left
pressed the evade button?
didn't count
sheathed your weapon?
didn't count
IGchads we fucking WON!
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OK so theres a little sword on the deco icon? what does this mean?
If you use mega potion you didn't beat the game.
>Gunlance is about to go from bottom 3 to top 5 in popularity due to Wilds rework
How does this make you feel?
fucking excellent work man.
good luck on the rest of G4.
Weapon-only decorations or weapon-only skills
Maybe this is how they're gonna limit the skill creep
People said that about Rise but they won't leave LS if it saved their life.
For five seconds before dropping right back down.
I feel good as a gunlance main. Imo the weapon got more attention from the devs than the LS this time around. Who knows if people are gonna stick to using it because theres a lot of shit to keep track of (and 3 weapon subtypes). But if they dont stick to using it theyre weak
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She's so cute and pretty, bros.
Nothing because you GLfags are never happy with anything since you r weapon of choice is so absolutely trash. I completely expect that 4 days after launch all you niggers will be crying about how 6th gen destroyed gunlance for good.
Pro tip: just pick a real weapon
Anybody who said that about rise is an idiot. Blast dash is sick, but the weapon is still extremely technical. The Wilds rework gives it braindead easy defense, high mobility, and flashy big attacks. Focus mode makes every weapon easy to position with, even Gunlance and Swaxe.
Gunlance is great in 5th gen tho and looks better in 6. Dunno what youre on about
Gunlance is already the strongest its ever been in Rise and it wasn't salvageable there
The shell damage will still suck
The sharpness will still suck
The progression and endgame gear will still suck
It will still need to pay ze highzest zkill tax of almost any weapon
It's clear from the videos it's going to be even worse than LS or DB in multiplayer
It will lose bingbugs which brought up to the level of a viable (low tier) weapon

I'm sure they'll finally make it top tier in the Switch 2 portable MH
not GL but just from the previews they've done pretty much everything people have been asking for forever in regards to the shelling system.
>The shell damage will still suck
Shell damage now scales with damage buffs apparently so that might change tbf
You've not watched a single second of GL footage from Wilds, have you?
You're just shit, GL is strong as fuck in both World and Rise. Now the skill floor will be lowered and shitters like you can revel in its power.
>The sharpness will still suck
Oh and shelling doesnt affect sharpness anymore
>GL controversy, again.
Okay, chums, how would you make gunlances the most broken weapon in the game?
How I would do it is making a perfectly timed shelling guarantee a parts break or kill on whatever it hits, regardless of HP.
It already is the most broken weapon in 5th gen.
Cut it's damage in half, the shield is purely decorative and every time you shell it plays a mooing sound.
it becomes a heavy bowgun with a offhand shield
>Let's see what kind of present Zorah Magdaros has left for us
Lady shut the hell up, I'm killing this Rathian whether you guys want me to or not.
>how would you make gunlances the most broken weapon in the game
never touched GL in my life but
>shelling scales with raw
>shelling can inflict element/status
>wyvernfire does as much dmg as Strongarm TCS
Frontier GL
Id let shells crit and inflict status as well as being able to have elemental damage. Stronger shell power has stronger crit/status/element power
I watched the showcase vid. What was supposed to blow my mind there? Ohhh boy they finally gave it GPs like every other shield weapon, great, already basically had zero commitment guarding moves in Rise and it still sucked.
Ohhh boy it has a ton of new combos now where you can spam boomies. Nothing will change if the shell damage is shit. If it has been fixed then cool I guess but I've not seen that
if you didn't beat mhfu solo you basically suck.
It's an extremely strong weapon in Rise. Speedtrannies are allergic to the masculinity of the weapon.
stepping on CB's toes too much
>but I've not seen that
Well duh if youve only seen the 1 minute teaser that didnt even have damage numbers
But yea
Shells now scale with buffs (like hh damage buffs)
Might scale with raw? We dont really know yet
Sharpness is no longer CUNKED with shelling or charge shelling.
Wyrmstake is now really fast, maybe even faster than it was in rise (the move itself, not getting to it, it depends)
And theres other new shit but a lot of big problems seem fixed and lots of cool new shit
don't play CB either.
How so?
>Wilds shelling scales with raw
>Wilds shelling does fire damage just like every rendition of the weapon
>Wilds Wyvern fire does as much damage as Wilds TCS (in the demo, I know, TCS will go up with crit)
Yeah, it is a strong weapon in Rise.

You want to know what else is a strong weapon in Rise? Literally everything else, and much better than GL
Impact phails scale with Raw for hits that ignore hitzone values
Elemental phails scale with element that work off hitzone values
SAED does huge damage with Impact and element could do the same but needs good element hitzone values
I'm #1 damage in 95% or more of the random queue games I play with Gunlance. I just don't think you're right.
Yeah, it needs to scale with raw. Preferably also wouldn't also need the Artillery 5 weapon tax but I know that's asking far too much

But, okay, fair on everything else. I'm just bitter after both Rise and World have claimed they came in with ultimate fixes and it still really didn't amount to much in the end
No, no, no, every weapon is too weak and too slow in Rise, just to push players into hoovering up Endemic Life for free buffs and spamming the Wirebug specials and rodeo riding the monsters for free stuns and damage.
Eh i dont mind having to slot artillery, i think the tax exists because youre not really gonna build for crit or status because shells dont do either. for better or worse. Thats just me tho
ahh i see.
but wouldn't that be fine if GL does the same cause it's...well. an explosion?
ik GL's Shelling can't KO like CB can (dunno WHAT is KOing, but it can)
so i guess take off the elemental scaling on GL's Shelling.
Tho...even tho i don't play CB, I've heard just about everyone talk about how much endlag SAED has so maybe yeah turn down the dmg on Wyvernfire.
again, i don't play these weapons so i have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, but it's good to understand other weapons, even tho i don't play them.
I don't think every weapon should go into crit + raw slotting but I don't know how gunlance suffers damage wise to warrant something of a stronger multiplier
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I have received an vision, GS's max damage will be 2442 on a single hit
GS fags in shambles
You don't understand shit, you're just posting because you have a personality disorder and can't let people knowledgeable about a topic discuss it without having to insert your slop.
hey spergatron that anon was relating it to charge blade put your psychology certificate on the wall where it belongs
...you okay?
Im so tired of every fucking youtuber explaining the fucking bit with the cat
I have eyes, i can see the bit, sure its funny, but every one of you slackjawed retards ruins it by EXPLAINING IT
atk up
r8 build

1a>can you offset attack an exploding barrel bomb and get the counter (say on a sleeping monster)
1b>can you do some degen stuff like someone throws a bomb at you to get the counter
2>perfect guards probably work on bombs but depends if any of the counterhits would be worth over the bomb damage on a wakeup
3>why include sneak attacks if we can't even do them on sleeping monsters
wHErEs yOuR sHaRpNeSs
>go gathering quest
>gathering armor
>even upgraded, I'm basically naked
>back after a loop
>oh a large monster is here
>it's a fucking savage deviljho
>One tapped by his pin
You're Ghillie Mantle?
oh no your gatherer and lumberjack food buffs whatever will you do!?
>Be buying wilds

>Be playing old monster hunter games
it's GU time (for me)
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world room/lumu UP
Based oldgen enjoyer
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Was thinking just that. I haven't played
>MH dos
>MH3U (all the way at least, played through Tri on wii)
>Freedom Unite
What should emulate first?
Do 3U. I'm going through that now so I can give you tips as you play
seconded for 3U.
I can help based off my own memory from 13 years ago.
3U is fun.
three for 3.
i'd say FU
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Actually i think imma play 3U myself.
Everything i need to know is on the Pastebin correct?
You'll most likely be playing it before me so...
Say hi to Aisha for me!
since he played F2 idk if FU is worth playing before 3U.
Tri->3U is a bigger change than F2->FU.
Why does the ace cadet say he's "found someone" to show his master and then that someone is implied to be the Field Team Leader? Not the serious handler? Is he gay?
Rajang's weapons are usually pretty cool but the CB is just a weird mishmash of fur, leather, and misshapen horns. What the fuck am I looking at? What is that shield? Going into axe mode doesn't even make it make more sense.
well, one is a slight upgrade the other is a downgrade
would depend how long it's been since he played each as well, if it's an option in the first place i'm sure he doesn't mind
I remember back in the day in World when gunnerchads would spam their dps stats at the end of hunts and totally mog everyone and the LS and hammer scrubs with 5% of the damage would cope and seethe like hell.
The shield is like a slab of his back muscles.
Guard Point on shelling, charged shelling and Wyvernfire.
Become the World's (heheheh, World) most strongest coward.
It'll spike for the demo and plummet on release because casuals will run back to their actual mains.
Meanwhile I'll be playing both lances.
>skill tax meme
Bitch, shut your whore mouth. You don't NEED any skills for it.
>charm tables
Nah fuck that
Gunlance will be the #1 secondary weapon. Screenshot this post.
Just work your way backwards that's what I tell everyone who started with 5th Gen. So if you already played 4u and gu, go to 3u and then fu and then dos etc
How can I play this without getting out of my chair
you get plenty of monsters a day just by staying at home
you will take your shorts on every single piece of leg armor and enjoy it
I'll do it next.
Oh right multi, cool.
Sounds reasonable. I'm kinda an edge case where I started with Tri, but never played online, then did 4u, but never really finished that either. Have a lot of nostalgia for Tri though. All I can think about listening to the Moga Village music is how I got filtered by Barroth as a kid.
7800X3D users we are fucking feasting right now
I hunted a Zinorge, A seltas, a Pink rathain the other one got away, a basarios and a tigrex
place bets on what they're going to limit to weapons.
I would guess WEX / crit boost.
Agitator/challenger and the other conditional attack boost type skills
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mice lost
Why did they nerf the GS so much?
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He looks like he's saying LOL here.
most monsters can't do anything in mutliplayer and you troons shame the solo hunter ritual poster for daring to play the actual game
I like his face here
>Amatsu's fat gay cousin the family doesn't talk about anymore
Definitely Mild creature
Gunlance is slow, highly committal and inconvenient to use for DPS trannies (the only people who play or care about this series as of Iceborne), it'll always be bottom 3 pickrate unless they turn it into bow/longsword lite. At most it'll just siphon more players from Lance and the gap from last place to 2nd last place will increase somewhat
Is HBG the best way to farm Safi? Spread? Sticky?
3U easily
its the best game in that list
Mine is definitely not updated to this version. The updater .exe isn't working, what's the exact name of this program? I've seen "webm4retards", "webm4baka", and I've heard "lazy webm".
>pierce shotting two tetsucabra at once
luv me some bow
Sticky his wings and face in P1 and P2, switch to Spread and break chest when he's supercritical
Somebody watch the stream and just tell me what happens later. I can't be bothered to watch anything wilds related at this point
make sure to test your charm table before you get too deep into the game
or install a save editor so you can 'trade out' charms for ones outside of your table
The guide I use says rapid fire elemental LBG, either ice or water (like KT's thunder)
LBG, and Safi Aquashot sticky 3 with 3 piece zorah/2 piece narg and affinity. Max out attack partbreaker and artillery
There's more Wilds today? Same time?
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Apparently happening right now in japan
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If I'm not mistaken and as far as I've checked, I've only seen MHNow and other capcom shit
In about two hours from now there's something about Wilds and challenge stage
I'm guessing it's something like Gamecom and players doing some sort of challenge with the existing demo build
There was a link in the /v/ thread. It was live. Ryozo was on stage talking about wilds but I don't care about wilds so I tuned out.
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Time for comfy small monster hunting to finish this set
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Come home, Hunter.
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>Haven't played monster hunter in over a year.
>Try out rise
>Watch the insect glaive tutorial twice and other weapon tutorials as well
>Read all the hunter info things (this takes an hour)
>Start random quest in the hub
>Cart to some poison monster, didn't know where or when I was getting hit
>Cart to the fuzzy armadillo after trying to press X,X,A a couple of times
>Not even sure if the combo is working or which button is which because I have the PS5 version and all the tutorials are for the switch.
>Do one aerial attack and run out of stamina so I can't combo in the air unlike the tutorial video
>Routinely pressing square and X instead of triangle and circle
>Leave Quest
>Fire up Elden Ring
>Don't miss an input, it all flows like water

Fuck this, I'm rebinding every button.
>put shield up
>zinigger backs off with a leap
>put shield down and try to move
>he instantly jumps back towards me
>can't pull shield back up in time
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oh damn. I didn't expect it to the playstation steam, I was checking out the capcom stream. Silly me.
Skimmed through the whole thing, nothing except just covering the recent 4th trailer and a group hunt of Doshaguma followed by Rey Dau, flubbing it at the railgun wyvern.
Pretty nothingburger.
I'd check how many carts they did and who carted, but eh.
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finish this nigga I know you lurk here
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>day 1 mod that nukes all the fur on monsters
>milds performace instantly goes back to normal
there you go
next time ill solve world hunger
>day 30 crack to remove the denuvo and boost performance by 300%
What are some good armor sets for early HR in 4U? I'm currently using LR Tigrex armor
That unironically may be a potential solution.
After all, Stranger of Paradise had a big fur problem too that went away if you used a mod to remove all character hair or fur on clothing.
Yay we can watch movies again
Holy shit GOT DAMN
Yes please finish it
me on top
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>>"MonHun is woke now"
>coper telling himself it isn't
Half the party is women, black people and ugly realistic androgynous men with female voice actors. Never look up what Capcom did with the Dead Rising remake, it will blow your mind
Just do jaggi or velocidrome until you get to the raths
daaaayum, girls do get it done eh?
>30 day crack
in this era of piracy? kek i wish
*100% and one woman is Dolph Lundgren
why they keep doing this ugly filters? no one wants to look through a film of cum for 500 hours
also why aren't the plants moving when monsters land on them. this game looks outsourced
they had hdr on or some shit the rgb levels were fucked
typical japan retards when it comes to video settings
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re engine dogshit lmao
>game runs at sub 30fps with memeframes at medium settings on modern hardware
It seems we still don't have the technology to dare render such things yet
I don't give a shit about this fps bullshit.
I just want a fucking demo.
Jesus Christ
Why the FUCK do these fucking faggots not make games aiming for native resolutions instead of forcing everyone to use meme generations?
buuuut anon V\/e have to jerk off how much better out specs are! Numbers go up!
is this true...
Effpeeess directly impact how the game feels and the input lag, retard
I play my shit at 144-165fps, but I'm willing to accept 60fps at 120fps if there is no other choice
Sub 60 in 2024 is subhuman
>action game where inputs matter
>I don't care about fps
fuck off and never touch MH ever again
any skill’s you’ve slotted in affect your game more than any FPS you moron
He's right I'm gonna play Elemental Greatsword and join your rooms!
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Worldfags fuck off. We've dealt with 30fps hunting for longer than either of you have been alive.
The only thing that matters about fps is stability.
the game isn't made for your senile ass old man, fuck off
I'm a fucking ps5 consolepoor that's played since FU and I want 60 fps, the difference in smoothness is massive
I have been playing since FU on my psp 2000 and love 4u, even when running at silky smooth 23fps 240p
But that was decades ago, there's no excuse to keep being confined to shit tier framerates anymore.
How rare is Velkhana Essence? I'm like 60+ stored potential deep at this point...
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Faggots and casuals, the three of you.
Works on my PS5
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>MUH stability
nigga shut the fuck up wilds doesn't even run 30fps stable on ps5 fucking NIGGER
I'm glad Sword+shield combo is gone so I don't cry every time I hit an extra chop
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you heard it here.
Top FPS is more important than stability.
WAY more important than gameplay too.
PC has truly ruined gaming.
Choosing not to be an FPS slave is the right choice.
Why'd the weapon intro swings look so much slower?
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>no bro, this months and months out of date build used for the demo is what the actual game will be like
I bet you're the kind of moron who thought the Rise demo was indicative of HH being busted OP and bow being trash too.
It's always funny because I saw people whine about everything performance wise with DD2 with their top dollar PCs and I had zeros issues on ps5 outside of maybe a couple fps dips in the main city during attacks.
demo build is what will be in release nigga, dd2 was the same shit you braindead nigger
He's mashing triangle. The demo was delaying it a bit so the swings were sitting longer
good hunts, 6/16
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>soloing Fatty cuz I'm sick of randos carting
>15 minutes in and some rando joins despite me not sending an SOS
>Carts thrice failing the quest
How the fuck did he even join?
It makes no fucking sense
Must've been an open room, because I'm not sure even Steam's join-a-friend feature goes through private lobbies
Joined from the online session
Set your quest party cap at 1
It's impossible to adjust to MKB
I have not and will never care for Lagombi.
Wild something right now
That was me btw. GG hope you kill it faster next time.
uh oh fvoid got snowballed
It's only worth the effort for ranged players, I don't see the point for melee
It's incredibly fun to do it with kinsects
Unironically solos Alatreon and Rajang singlehandedly
I can't deal with it cause there's a subtle mouse lag to it cause it's emulating a control stick I'd guess
Sunbreak pishi lumu doko?
do you look like this?
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What did you hunt tonight /mhg/?

Killed Alatreon with GS and the killing blow was stones from my slinger burst.
I'm a bow huntress in Kirin layered armour
>Old world Zinogre (and stygian's) tail spin
>can't block with 3 guard
>can't roll into it
>can't roll to the left
>can't move & roll backwards until the tail is cut (stiggy's is impossible cut)
show how do I deal with this other than eating the guard stun?
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So do we know what monster this armor came from?
Guiding Lands grind for augmenting my new Safi bows
Maybe the giant fish guy
That huntress is exposing her sides and a little bit of her armpits...
I'm hunting old world S. Zinogre for his horns, Umbrage, tail and bugs
Now that I think about it that Swaxe cutie at the bottom could be male...
that's what i thought but he has too much red on him and not enough bright green
also his flaps dont look like cloth they look like jelly
also the switchaxe has a pincer on it, uth duna doesnt have spines / pincers like that. this probably belongs to a completely different monster
On the distant expeditions of the Windward Plains one makes do.
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Don't worry, mods will fully open it up and she'll expose her side boobs, sides and armpits fully too.
Do you use an elemental GS or do you just eat the carts?
I made a Safi Fire GS and was able to meet the elemental check and had no carts that hunt.

I think if I was good enough I could use Fatty GS and kill before the first Esca Judgment.
Play Rise
The speed quests are actually very fun and make some of the monsters a decent challenge.
awoooooooooga humina humina
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stop being delusional
honestly the new monster designs are starting to grow on me. I agreed with the general consensus around here that something just looked off about them and they were more like resident evil monsters or something, but looking back at the series history I think people just got used to the more "cartoony" and fantanstical direction the series gradually went in starting with generation 3. many of the monsters from the first 2 generations would fit right in with the aesthetic they're going for with the new ones.
>Play SnS
>Spam circle combo
>Monster dies
Sorry bro the dawn of femboy huntresses starts in 5 months
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Yes, if I'm wearing my Maiden layer.
World is one of the most boring games ever without mods. With mods it's one of the best.
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>The more fantastical direction the series gradually went in starting with gen 3
Tri had the biggest focus on ecology of the entire series at that point.

My take on these Wilds monsters is that they're ugly as sin, and that's good because real life animals are often ugly little cunts and they aren't meant to appeal to human aesthetics. I like that Uth Duna has an ugly fish face, I like that Doshaguma looks like a feral bulldog, I like that the worm looks like a paralysis demon.
>Tri had the biggest focus on ecology of the entire series at that point.
I meant in the monster's designs, we haven't seen a Qurupeco or Brachy-esque monster in Wilds so far
>My take on these Wilds monsters is that they're ugly as sin, and that's good
the ultimate state
Lagombi armour is super cute on huntresses. That makes Lagombi important.
Looks like shit
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What is your solo hunting pattern?

A. Always break the head first
B. Always cut the tail first
C. I just attack whatever part nearest to me, head, tail, leg, back they are all the same
D. I break the part that the mon uses for its attacks the most
Huntress asses are THIS fat?
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>Qurupeco is a fantastic and ungrounded design
My Brother in Christ, have you ever seen a bird of paradise?
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I attack its weakpoint and hope I break something when I miss my TCS

They should have made the shrine maidens wear more fetishistic clothes
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I piss and shit out damage until the monster stops existing.
I can see why Disney adult furries might think it's good that monsters look like generic ugly shit now, less inhibition hurting them. Honestly might be the reason Capcom did it. The series was made for nips so far and nips give zero fucks, they can find animals cute and eat them anyway
yeah i love when they give themselves a buff to damage or heal
I exclusively attack the head unless it is some shitzone mon like Baroth or some shit because mons get tired easier if its head is broken, right?
Harder monsters for A
Monsters I match with (not too easy but still challenging) C
Easier monsters E, break everything possible and avoid adding damage to already broken parts
E. I break the parts that would disrupt the mon's abilities or moves (i.e. Barioth's wings, fucking up his wing slash attack followthrough), followed by any parts I feel like.
E.1 I often save the tail for last because cutting tails with a gunlance without partbreaker (or attack up? does that affect partbreak?) is tiring as fuck.
Can you cut Duramboros's tail? Or can you only chip off a part of it? I see that the tail has some "scars" now but i don't know if it is worth it to continue attacking that part
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I will post a room after this League game.
Wanna practice my guard points on CB.
Which mon should I hunt?
2 chips for his tail, no sever
The only one I'd call ugly is Doshaguma and it's clearly based on horrible dog monsters barely worth calling a dog so that makes perfect sense. Between the colouration and face it's rather impressive how much Uth Duna manages to correlate with it's inspiration while still being a giant reptile with strange finnage.

Same as MP, break parts. Too many unbroken parts at the end of a hunt is a failure as a hunter.

Just the broken part, no full cut.
I've sent my Rajang to your locale to rape you
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I just break every part of its body by hitting it in a formless manner.
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"Cut"? No. But you CAN remove a carvable chunk.
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The bunny
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good hunts
I usually try to cut the tail as quickly as possible. I get a little upset when I fail to do it before the monster dies in multiplayer.

>I want to practice (...)
The answer is always Rathian.
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Is this already "severed"?
How do I get hyped for Wilds? Only 5 more months and I feel nothing
I can't wait for all these "apexs" of the zones to lose to Rathalos in turf wars.
>How do I get hyped for Wilds?
That's Capcom's job. What kills my hype is the boring monsters and Capcom's obsession with making the visuals ugly
>they have a beautiful jungle with blue water
>they make it so that it's dark and foggy most of the time
Nope but you can mine it if you had a pick. Might be blunt/impact only and not cutting
i want them to add new variants of old popular monsters. sunbreak can do it so why not wilds? or do we have to wait 2 years for the expansion?
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>you can mine it if you had a pick
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>You can actually mine it
>Got a carapace

What the fuck man
Something cool Rice did was break with the tradition that the original monster needs to be in the game before introducing a subspecies. Given there is no swimming, they should just make a new Lagi or bring back the white one from 3U
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If you took a pickaxe with you, you could mine Duramboros after breaking his tail once. I think in Tri you could mine even after the chunk fell off but idk about GU
good job being prepared
>Given there is no swimming
that's such a fuckup. it's so easy to make underwater fun with the new fluid controls and it could look amazing
It was fine when every weapon had like 4 attacks total but now they'd need to animate 14 weapons with tekken long movesets to work underwater and they're lazy to do that when they can just make 17 corridor rooms instead.
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true i think they could totally shit the bed and the game will sell
Can't you mine his back if you knock him down?
It's been a while since I played Gen 3 (p3rd), but I think that was a thing. Too lazy to confirm my own claim tho.
It was originally on the cards for World and seeing the river region of the forest I can't imagine it wasn't once again a consideration for Wilds even if not in the end result.
i still don't get the gimmick of wilds or even the name choice. sounds like it's literally just world 2 but they didn't want to call it world 2
>Now getting a Wilds collab
Risebros... it's unfair...
Now literally just had a Rise event
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>Duram loses balance helicoptering if you chop off the tip of its tail
>Takes it a while to regain equilibrium

I love these little details, man
oh no no no risesisters how do we recover?

rise is being left out of the Wilds marketing campaign on purpose while even phoneslop is included, nobody cares about rise
>we'll either get a demo announcement at the game awards or there's no demo
well huntards, what'll it be?
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It was a different time.
yes, the public demo
Consistent with Demon and Health Flutes. Music can canonically do that since Gen 1 in the MH universe.
there is no "we" you friendless loser
Problem with new monsters is they're all based on something we've already seen, nothing feels new anymore and they're too lazy to make new skeletons or bring back underwater
I actually have a friend that I've played monster hunter with since F2 :)
what MH should i start with?
World it's literally for new players
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Release order.
Weapon Idea: Ring Scythe (think of a scythe but there is a hand-sized ring as a pommel)
>Gradually increases damage, attack speed and cutting power through momentum the longer you chain attacks.
>Quick, short ranged attacks that barely produce momentum
>Heavier, wider swings that build more momentum
>Both can chain into one another
>Holding heavy starts up a stamina-eating attack like SA's but tapping at the right time increases momentum and reduces stamina usage
>Overhead chop with its own combo but acts as a finisher to a chain
>Perfectly timed inputs build momentum faster
>4 levels of momentum with the 4th restricted to a perfect overhead chop at lvl3
>Multi-directional fade attack, but it interrupts the chain
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Obviously the one that came out first, retard.
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cool then go talk to him instead of spraying your room temp iq normie diarrhea all over /mhg/
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Just give DB a Ring Man skin.
I like the ring idea but it would probably work better as a hula hoop weapon like what in that soul calibur game.
World had demo, Rise had demo. Is there any reason why Wild would not have demo?
The only reason I could think of is if there are bad performance issues.
I'm glad I'll never have to play a game with BONED in it once Wilds comes out.
Rise it's the best one, don't believe anyone saying World
I figured someone would mention that but personally it was either call it Greatscythe (meh), Scythe (very meh), or this. Also I think melee chakram is a gay weapon
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Why did they do it?
Why do you bother? You know that he knows. You know that he's just being sensationalist to whore for attention
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It's time for yet another exciting instalment of Sunbreak! Pishi! Lumuuuu!!!
Doko? Well, right here of course!

Join us as we hunt on the single best map in the entire franchise (Sunbreak jungle), hunt the single best fight in the entire franchise (Scorned Magnamalo), and suffer through being forced to look at the worst cringe Mary Sue OC in the entire franchise (Scorned Magnamalo. Again)! If we're lucky, we might even catch one of Rise's elusive turf wars.
As a massive Worlo. I hope Wilds will be good enough for me to forget it and shit on its grave.
World. If it takes your fancy, move backwards.
Don't skip this
iceborne and sunbreak made white and purple balanced until all title updates released and all purple weapons had vastly superior stats than white weapons, fu/3u/4u there was literally no reason to stick with white
>don't skip-
What about it triggered the janny?
might have been too early
How long should we wait before making a new one?
stop being a /v/tard & posting the nigger kid (that's been edited for rage bait)
also it's way too fucking early for this hour. Wait until page 10
until current thread hits page 9 i believe is the acceptable time
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>stop being a /v/tard & posting the nigger kid (that's been edited for rage bait)
That something makes you rage doesn't make it ragebait and isn't a reason to delete the thread, janny
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Based janny doing god's work
>Wilds cutscene triggered him so much that God had to intervene and save his feefees
>probably samefagging janny
stop playing with words and I am no fucking janny
You have a long ass time on page 9 so don't freak out.
t. /eog/
Everyone who browses /mhg/ for a couple years knows that 'early' threads don't get deleted. Come up with a better excuse janny
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Oh my god it still exists
I've been thinking about picking Nexus up again and actually finishing it
why does janny hate wilds cutscenes so much?
idk but they also just 404'd a Black Rock Shooter thread with the previous already at page 9 as well as an Undertale thread so some janny might just be pissy right now
He's racist >>496456176
>nigger kid
That image encapsulates decades of party work.
Some guy beat EO1 with 5 survivalists last year.
I keep trying not to focus on defense but the hoplite and dragoon are too cool.
And how can you not bring flatress?
Or the same person made all 3 and he got banned.
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>we never got an EO collab back on the 3DS
Move, faggots

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