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>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
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Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

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I hate these subhuman retards trying to do +9 and fucking either
>die to stupid shit
how do these people function IRL WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE INDIANS
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fem ret pallys on top
max sistahs.....liquid is starting to choke again....
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We got two scoops this thread.
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she is so lovely that I am unable to even - speak - of it
>tranny androgynous dyked hair elf is lovely

You have low standards for "women"
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whats your vault looking like rn
i need to dog in to get another 10 done but i really dont wanna
I need a wow gf who can pick me up with one hand and manhandle me.
you should apply to echo or liquid bro
Of course. Anything else is bricked
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You should join Nerub Silkweaving Forum
anyone for a mists+6?
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built for big tauren cock
also no
>dyked hair
hair on the side is braided, not shaven, so no
>elf is lovely
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No chance that Ansurek dies before weekly reset
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Have fun
It's bleak. Haven't done anything this week really.
>Linken Park comes on
>Liquid wipes
>roll alliance alt
>make it a rogue
>a sub rogue on a void elf
>fucking miserable to play
>like holy shit this fucking sucks ass so bad
>but rp autism means I have to stick to it because it thematically fits and making a hunter for the race makes no sense because they don't use shadow or void
*coughs up blood* anyone else rp-maxxing?
sexo indeed
>tauren cock
s priest buddy.
anyway sub is trash this expac just roll assassin like a man and suck it up.
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This shit was annoying. Can't imagine doing it on any other class.
neither of those women are hot. they're covered androgynous bodied "females"
/wowg/ gave me a jigsaw puzzle fetish
>checks your raider.io
>checks your armory
>checks your youtube account
>checks your facebook
>checks your tax forms
Uh it looks like you're not a real gamer. Declined!
This rogue trying to backstab Maiden of Vigilance and blowing up the raid? Did everything that was expected of a serious WoW gamer. Accepted!
heres my last 5 items from the bountiful delves
wildfire wick
wildfire wick
wildfire wick
wildfire wick
abyssal trap
dark rangers? hello?
damn the luck
you're not missing anything tho
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Whats in the giant egg
What font?

Also is it...doable with mage?
>Can't imagine doing it on any other class.
My shadow priest is a darkspear troll with doctor bro. Having a sub rogue on a void elf excuses the racial even if you don't go full blueberry but what the fuck did they do to gloomblade it feels so weak now?
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keep seething gaylord
I'd be pissed too if some subhuman didn't have the human decency to mute their mic
>party up with randoms
>eventually start memeing in chat pretty hard
>warlock starts sperging out that people who like asses over tits are all homosexuals because shemales also can have nice asses so it's not a good indicator of a sexy female body
I'm not sure what exactly does this say about the state of the game to be honest
It says a lot, though
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Better to be gay than be a tranny lover
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>high mobility
>can ToD eggs
>can dispel the dot with tiger's lust
>can hit eggs from afar with SEF
Very privileged imo.

No clue. The hardest part would probably be surviving the boss damage in phase 1, he autos me for a third of my health.
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They should add Normal and Heroic LFR split by wings.
I hate looking for pugs for hours and getting declined because i don't do Tranny+ and i also hate how every guild is either run by a woman, a tranny or has random drama and arbitrary rules.
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>going through my remix alt list and deleting them after clearing their gold out because i got the heritage armor cheevos therefore they have no reason to exist any longer.
>>warlock starts sperging out that people who like asses over tits are all homosexuals because shemales also can have nice asses so it's not a good indicator of a sexy female body
But he's right at least
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The warlock is 50% right. The only true metric of a woman's body are the hips.
>no cock
no thanks I'm not interested in spending 3 weeks playing 16 hours a day and then 6 months doing sales runs
plus having to raid with these retards
they just spent 5 minutes talking about drinny dying at the start of p2 like
>i would have lived if mark wasn't so low
>no you would have died anyways
>no i would dispel myself first and then mark would just die
bitch there are like 12 orbs that take up .05% of the platform and move slow as fuck and you stood in one of them
maybe stop being a retard and getting hit by orbs and then trying to blame it on other shit
my nigga
too bad I don't use ChudUI anymore
why you not using elvui
the further i go the longer i take because ive been doing those with one hand
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No more m+, time to roast.
At this point everyone wants a solo queue system for every form of content. Guilds aren't really a thing anymore and trying to join stuff in the group finder is impossible as everyone only wants the "meta" comps or to get carried.
Time to /pet
Do things correctly or don't play the game. What's so hard to understand? Why are you talking about changing LFR? You understand full well that the purpose of LFR is to punish you for doing things wrong and not being part of the true gamer community, right? You comprehend the fact you're a SHITTER, not even a casual but an actual SHITTER, and that you deserve to have your shit be not-content to signify that you didn't even qualify to play the real video game?
Im not even an rp autist and this gave me a stroke. Dark rangers let alone high elven ones would associate with forsaken and Silvermoon.
>but night el-
If even i'm look at female draenei with dick
>shadowbinding ritual knife from my delvers bounty map
pls, is it good at least?
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heavier, spilling-out chest next time please thanks
I had more fun in the chat in LFR than i ever did in pugs that asked me to join a discord.
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ElvUI is bloated garbage. I'm defaultmaxxing this expansion
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there should 100% be some sort of proving grounds type thing before youre allowed to queue because the meme that LFR is 100% harder than normal because any retarded cripple cat mom and gamer dad can queue and fuck everything up.

But yes everyone is in little discord hidey holes. There are no guilds beyond cesspool guilds and the LFG tool is outdated and trash.
I play on human paladin, but I'm not like the others, I'm good
>dark rangers would associate with fors-ACK
lol, lmao even.
no one cares about sneedvanas and she didnt invest shadow rangers
>making a hunter for the race makes no sense because they don't use shadow or void
if moonbeam is arcane then arcane shot can be shadow
plus I use camouflage and the void elf blink ability all the time
>they replaced sylvanas with this undercut wearing twat
Massive downgrade.
Already killed, Broodtwister next then Silken Court
it depends on the class but its bis from delves for a bunch of dps crit stat classes.
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Like log on for raid.. and then the guy didn't log on and he typed.. he typed
>it's push week
>it's push week!
And then they kicked him out of the guild! Fucking dogshit entitled M+ players dude, holy, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PUSH WEEK! YOU DOGSHIT M PLUSSER! BRAINDEAD! UNLESS YOU'RE WINNING THE FUCKING MDI, WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT IS YOUR PUSH WEEK DOING? Stupid mother fucker!
Whatcha pushing bud?
WHATCHA pushing bud??
You're not pushing shit!
You competing with JPC and fucking Echo and all the- NO YOU'RE NOT DUDE, YOU'RE NOT! You're just some dogshit survival hunter playing flavor of the month, you dropping all the bombs, your screen's lightning up, you mashing your fucking buttons and then you're saying "PUSH WEEK"
Anyway, yo can i get a summon?
i think 8 delves per week per character is a bit too much, especially considering you're gonna wanna get keys for the mtoo
This but unironically. Mazed rats should be flogged
>Decide to try a new character
>Alliance alt
>Sub rogue Velf
Are you me?
Echo sxssies getting uppity when they're still way behind Liquid
true and real
being wrong about WoW is grounds for being killed in real life in my opinion
stop breathing my air
the best part about this is not only is it true, it's also true about his own guild
This is just disregarding the lore. Alliance was against the forsaken and would not have allowed any high elven dark rangers in their ranks. This is equal to saying that you should rp a kul tiran as an alliance nationalist ogre
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>Max stream
>Linken Daddy Issues Park starts playing
>no one cares about sneedvanas
the duality of man
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tanking m+ is too scary
>another race where Limit gets down to a few % with extreme optimization, then Echo shows up 12 hours later and destroys it with clever new tactics

limit are the washington generals of RWF
can you buy a bunch of pvp crafting reagents and make a full 639 set?
Them making it delves and/or world quests was a great idea. Even if you don't get all max ilevel gear for every slot, you can at least get 6 tokens to redeem for sockets or crests
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it's so tiresome
do a harder jigsaw with more pieces these ones are too easy
The boss is dying in 5 hours, echo threw hard.
KEK i love that you wrote it out, based
Once upon a time I knew this feeling
I want the RWF to last longer so the raid gets nerfed harder
no joke if sub rogue was a bow class I wouldn't have made a hunter
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guess the location
Just kill zekvir 8 times on ? difficulty. Takes half an hour tops.
how do i get to zekvir
Razorfen Downs pre-instance
If rogues had the additional stat stick slot for bows still I would not even consider hunter. Its not even about fighting with a bow but having it as a cosmetic tool
>download addon
>follow line on map
>press taunt
>press dmg mitigation
>if you fuck up no one says anything because they dont want to piss off their boss
congrats you can get ksm in a few hours
His lair is a delve in the spider city. Look closely on the map.
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hahahah you can hear and see max starting to lose patience because Liquid always fucking chokes and he knows it

They were playing crazy good and now they're having P1 wipes over and over again
I hope the boss survives the lockout so Max has another Sepulcher tier meltie
>There are no guilds
There are guilds but they're mostly CE guilds, aotc guilds are just about worthless, they exist but if you meat a certain competency threshold you can just go kill the bosses in a pug, no one gives a shit about aotc unless you attach a legendary to it, they only do one mount for it an expansion and you can get the same gear in mythic plus. Ive considered trying out mythic raiding several times but honestly i dont want to deal with the type of people that mythic raid, that and these types always want to convince you to change mains and all loot is done by council which to any person playing this game with a shred of dignity is a non starter. Guilds are just pointless.
what addon?
Blackrock mountain summoning stone
is this riku retard an european sent by scripe to grief max?
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eh nah I actually do want to have 1 elf bow shooter on my roster, call me a normie but it is what it is
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>xalatath calculating how many times you looked at her feet
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Alright I'm a good mood so here's one just for you anon
i already suffered with 3 chars, monk is the last one fuck this shit unless there's giga mega exp buff
m+ tools or whatever the fuck
Keep dreaming Eurocuck
Liquid is taking it today
cracks me up every time
I have to watch the clip now
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>Guilds are just pointless.
playing with people and making friends is actually FUN
just hit 1500+ lads
Meant for >>496397694
Be warned
Kill yourself
im a CE top 0.1% dps player and you're right, too stressful too
god thats cathartic
m+ is really the worst part of the game holy fuck.
>open puzzle
>immediately diamonds
This, also I would rather play with a guild than waste my time with pugs
why it's always horsecock
>liquid this echo that
What the fuck are you talking about? I want to cook some good feasts and dont know where to go to find great fish!
voices in discord arent your friends
It's a magical space goat girl
If we're gonna give her a cock might as well just send it
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I have tried to make friends in this game for literal years. I was mega casual until the end of SL where I really started to make an effort to get good at the game.

I learned tanking, I ran high keys, I helped other players, I off-healed. I joined guild raids. I researched and explained mechanics. I laid down feasts. I carried dungeons and said "good run guys add me if you want to run more"

And nothing. Nothing. ignored at every turn. I made tons of friends in ESO. Tons in OG.

Nothing in WoW and i don't understand why.
Augmentation in raids fucking SUCKS.

Zero satisfaction when playing and maintaining buffs ebon might is hard. Spec is unplayable unless you install a healer plate on the side. At least in m+ you don't need to select anyone for buffs except the other 2 dps.
S3 of DF was the perfect M+ season
Im sorry anon but wow playerbase is unironically kinda inept on that regard. If you're not on an rp server you're fucked due to the nature of the game being overly competetive and the players as a result behave like crabs in a bucket
> good feasts and dont know where to go to find great fish!
The AH?
NO sympathy for you gay lizard fag
I miss 8.3.....
I miss 10.2....
have you tried playing a real class instead of someone's fetish
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>be femcel
>finish jigsaw puzzles 3-6mins later than the rest
yeah wahmen are actually stupid. Anyways heres my own take on the puzzle
mists entrance sorry
well you're fishing for approval so do you want to post tits?
>have you tried playing a real class
why is a fake class by far the most stacked in mythic raiding
>why does this game have a lot of gay lizard lovers

who knows
this webm should be much, MUCH longer
Do the borders first. No straight man cares about your intelligence, so don't worry.
because its broken and does not belong in the game
this isnt the argument you think it is
aug is played by people that dont want to have any kind of responsibility and just tag along
>youre fishing for approval
lol no
And you really only have 1 option for RP servers and it's Moon Guard or nothing.
WRA is dead even as the unofficial "horde rp" server.
>have to choose between 610 delve gear or useful trinkets at LFR quality
god PLEASE i just want that void reaper claw its so cool
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>wahmen are stupid
your self deprecating yourself to appeal to the group
have a little self respect
ill take that titty pic that i was promised.
>big sSUCK
>Getting SUCKED
Why is he such a fucking faggot holy shit.
umm sis the dungeons were TOO EASY
18s for myth gear? 16s for aspect crests? myth gear only 6 ilvs above hero? TOO EASY
8s for hero track gear will always be funny though
can't believe I got excited for the mythic+ squish
Ok can someone explain why Garrosh helped Zanzibara in WoD? She was an orc priest despite being warsong so the plot really gets messier there? Phase 2 against her before Sully dies was cool but really weird
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anyways how's YOUR worldowawa evening /wowg/
Just 1v2'd a paladin and warrior on my demo lock, ama
slopanon here, taking pinup requests for a few hours

keep it one character if possible
>why no goblins
no lora
>TWW is the most alt friendly expac ever!!!!
ok but i dont want to keep up with 5 characters dude i just want to play 1 but i feel like im shafting myself by not doing delves and shit on every alt.
my brann could be maxed and i could be 70% finished with my seasonal journey if i did.
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
do something with bush showing idc what.
Why do you wanna rush your brann?
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Do goblins
It was a scrapped plot idea they had because they needed to give him a heir but chikemed out by killing him off in WoD.
katherine flushed with fat tits
to make 11s and zekvir easier.
Zanzibara was meant to be his love interest but they left her to be a rare spawn boss instead. Kinda a shame.
Jaina Proudmoore laying on a ship deck, overview on an ocean, fog, bright blue bikini
He probably sucks at level 60 too.
Did you dp the pally with your Shivarra and succubus while warrior finished you off?
Whitemane sitting with legs spread on a table inside of a Horde hut
also forgot to say warcraft artstyle
Case of devs abandoning ideas. That was honestly the most disappointing part about WoD because it showed how neglected the plot was. Half of the anons here don't even know about the Zanzibara boss

can't do horde themed buildings
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They need to get rid of the coffer keys. Just give us 4 charges a week or some shit. Don't make me do chores for this crap.
Why does Max only win when the tier is dogshit easy? They just never manage to land the finale no matter how well they play up till that point.
THe bounty delves shit is clearly time wasting bait. I just do them when I feel like it. Not doing that weekly shit anymore
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>can't do goblins
>can't do horde buildings
Can you even do orc women
I just found the cave today when levelling in Nagrand and it really did feel like a quest was just thrown out midway through
>14.88% hp
No, my Demonic tyrant was busy gaping the pally
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Harder than the last one
They have a bunch of useless currency like valorstones just to force players to do world quests. Likely one of the devs who created world quests during Legion is still on the team and he is terrified of players NOT doing them.
They should also make delve maps just a rare drop from overworld stuff
Why do you even need keys 3 weeks into this shit?
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incredibly thick/plump draenei in need of impregnation by a human, thanks
>3 of my bis pieces are from boralus
ok time to reroll!!!!!!
Overlord Geya'rah, muscular big tiddy? looking strong/proud
Looks like shit desu
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brrrrrr nigga
15% is not close. unless they can get her below 5% then she isn't going down this week.
Thank you anon
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should've just kept the ones you got from BFA scrublord they would've been the same ilvl or higher
Jaina wearing a garter belt in a fancy bedroom
Stop gaslighting over Zanzibara she did not even survive the original PTR cut ao by all accounts we don't see her as canon
my score was 20min because i was pumping and solving at the same time
t. kept my unbound changeling
Garrosh's semen is rightful Dragonmaw property though.
Wait Echo went to bed? Are they that confident Max can't kill this today? Max is really far ahead of Echo right now
>trying to pump my IO with low keys
>30 minutes and counting waiting for a tank
this is goofy as fuck bro im just gonna re roll and do it myself.
>night_elf tauren
time to pump
Could you do a chesty redhead dark nightborne laying in a similar pose to this drae >>496403572
or similar looking night elf if you prefer those
What the fuck is a Zanzibara
nor eiyah
recognize the fucking duelist enchant from legion
wow professionals btw
They know Ion is going to nerf the boss if Max can't kill it tonight, and they know Max is a choker so they are resting and getting ready for the real race tomorrow morning
no team is killing it until they get more gear after reset.
Oh I solved it in just over 10 mins forgot to show time in screenshot
why did the arathi stay underground? Did the earthen never tell them there was a way out?
>minigaymer rage
whitemane in a schoolgirl outfit
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I feel it will die within 10 pulls of a gear reset sadly
are you guys just making shit up about the tank wait times?
She deserved better
Fuck off lorelet they left the encounter in for a reason
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yeah there is no way they can make up the missing damage
it is totally mathematically impossible
they aren't dragging the boss all of the way across the room through a giant pile of shit and then having half of the raid run all of the way back across the room
they wouldn't do something so retarded, they are gods at this game
Draenei oppening up her robes revealing sexy lingerie underneath.
Bonus: Could you give her dark purple skin, long wavy brown hair and a beauty mark besides mouth if details aren't annoying to add?
I hope this boss has a mythic only phase at 5% just to fuck with Liquid
They even have floating air ships so they could have just flown home.
more people engage with arena than play mythic raiding mini game
dont even try
dont @ me bitch
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Was really hard to do one-handed in the middle of my m+ run.
busty dark iron/wildhammer dwarf women please
holy shit im eating good
Hey sloppa anon, not a sexy request, but could you do an image of angry Sylvanas raging at a computer?
Was thinking it would be a funny reaction image
Dratnos lost some aura after that
im rerolling monk
what's the best pvp race for mistweaver
velf or nelf?
no? i've leveled my fishing from 120 to 200 waiting to fill this fucking +3.
how are you making aislop look so high quality like it's from wow ingame cinematics?
you wanna get punished?
>why do you need free hero gear

gee idk bro
i dont think you can get knocked back on soothing mists and i dont think you cast vivify often but ive never played mistweaver if its fists its definitely nelf
mw sucks in arena rn tho
that's... not the picture I pressed
Dwarf with fat fucken titties
i don't believe you that's way too fucking absurd
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so i can't upgrade if i ignore m+?
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Pretty sure you can but the rate is abysmal
you can farm these from delves if you really wanted to
get in the maze delvie
you can also get them from heroic raid and you can get 30 from the last two on normal
is it easier to climb m+ as prot pally or holy pally? pls respond :3
should have made it a jigsaw, would have loved to solve it
too late now though, already seen the image

please generate something along these lines, but in some tight-fitting lingerie and then put it in a jigsaw
Got any more?
I enjoy these, could do without the horsecock though
Getting a little obsessed anon
you dont have to believe me man but im seeing it with my own eyes. i dont know what more proof you need.

over 30 minutes. not one healer. not one tank. +3 boralus. "run your own key" fuck you.
idk i disenchanted the extra hero legs i got from running dungeons and im not going to burn a spell thread on my ret/prot pants when i know i can get another pair of pants
prot is kind of rough and there are dungeons i get btfo on a 9 specifically dawnbreaker but i do get invited to mists quite often
probably holy honestly
I'm a tank and deathly afraid of boralus
what's the fastest route to level 10-70? df?
drop the chill run
Monk feels like the class I should enjoy but I have a really hard time. OPen World content feels like it beats my ass and levelling in dungeons feels like it's all a buggy mess. I haven't even dared go into raiding.
What am I not seeing? I get the whole "don't spam one ability" thing but I can't imagine it is so much more complex than that.
not my group.
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I'm not the jigsaw slopguy

the AI can mimic the cinematic style incredibly well with a simple prompt
I guess a lot of the training data it has for wow is based on that
for detail I use a second pass AI upscaler
There is no reason to do 2s and 3s other than to increase your score. Tanks and healers can just skip ahead to +4s
awesome, thanks, we are in dire need of (even) more breedable draenei
>jigsaw fetish

what autism is this
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I want you to look at this fucking bullshit. I'm running Krievgal's Rest T11 and three thirds into it a pack of mobs gets replaced with three nerubians plus the scarab guy, AND there's a Zekvir augmented taskfinder. They're all on top of the box I need and of fucking course it's the door/passage I need to go through.

Sacrificed one life to get the box, then heroic leaped after waiting for 10 minutes, only to get demolished in seconds by Drywhisker.
so whats the answer for dps trying to push their own key?
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i busted
Dont worry women are hotter when they're retarded
Annoying puzzle btw, there's only so many dark brown piece I can fit together

>tune into Max's stream
>Linkin Park is playing
>close out of tab
Do this but with a belf
is the hunter retarded? 6 PIs and he gets mogged by human male warrior?
I don't know, I never subjected myself to pugging as DPS except in DF when augsissy was an instant invite
>kobold t11
i like how nelves make up the majority of every classes races lmao

racials were unironically a mistake
I get doubled dopamine as if i "earned" the tits I'm looking at when I solve a jigsaw, makes me diamonds.
Can't really explain it other than that. Just the brain giving me reward chemical for what I'm looking at AND working to get there.
I don't care do it anyway PLEASE draenei tits jigsaw I BEG
the entire guild is like that
they wiped 5 times on bloodbound and once on rash
what ai model are you using?
to be fair my pug wiped on rash for like an hour between us kicking retards and relisting
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>try devoker
>be shit
>try mage
>be shit
>try warrior
>be shit
>try hunter
>be shit
guess I am too retarded for this game, everyone always outdpses me... Guess I should find new hobby like glue sniffing or something...
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Jigslop anon PLEASE can you upload this picture somewhere?
That puzzle is damn near impossible holy fuck
play a fucking tank
i fall asleep doing +10s
I also thought I was garbage for being 150k behind until I got the correct trinket and suddenly I am topping meters without improving at all
blud is still in the multiplayer lobby
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install hekili
t. 80 purple parser doing literally nothing other than what hekili tells me to do
i don't know my rotation and if hekili stopped existing tomorrow i would do zero dps
hekili haters i dont understand
i press the buttons on the screen and top meters
that's dumb, it should not be like this...
I'm like 608 ilvl mage and not going above 600k sustained, maybe a little bit more on warrior. People are like 500-600k higher than me whenever I do anything
my fellow hekili chads

t. ret dps always top 3 no matter what, often top 1, always top 1 in aoe thanks to hekili and my ilvl is often lower than the others too
Do this with an Arakara 10 and watch the explosive levels of seethe
why play a game at that point?
they are mad because deep down they know it's the exact same as DBM playing fanfares and displaying a large textbox saying MOVE TO CIRCLE
>using an ddon for a 3 button spec
ret is literally the easiest its ever been lmao
but... you just have to memorize what hekili showed you and then you know the rotation without the addon?
so hard
i don't want to play a stinky forest elf
>prot is kind of rough and there are dungeons i get btfo on a 9 specifically dawnbreaker but i do get invited to mists quite often
>probably holy honestly
it's time for me to become a holy pally main then!
>still seething this hard wowg Nerub chads are having fun playing together
Lnao @ ur life, keep seething
the worst part is that the buttons you need to press already light up
im very pro addons but if you need that shit you shouldnt be allowed to own a computer and it should be banned
bruh he forgot to hide the preview just click the preview
world of warcraft has fallen
Im not seething, im having a laugh at your expense its fun, you should try it some time
lighten up, dont take things so personally
are you talking windwalker or brew or what?

windwalker is very much just alternate through your abilities, with fists and rising sun being your highest priority and try to stack a few teachings of the monestary before unleashing a blackout kick. as far as survivability, windwalker doesnt really have much, its a glass cannon. it has a lot of mobility, which can translate into survivability as far as avoiding mechanics or players attacks go, but it just doesnt have much for self sustain. you can try to use ring of peace to buy some time to heal yourself up if you have aggro, and other than that liberal use of leg sweep, fortifying brew, and touch of karma to mitigate damage is about the best you've got. dont forget to use them often.

for brew? brew is probably the most healer dependent tank. cleanse your stagger, keep celestial brew on cooldown as long as you arent overlapping them, grabbing the talent for the 2nd charge of keg smash and the hero talent for the 2nd charge of celestial brew makes it much easier to keep shuffle and celestials shield up. grab orbs and expel harm for a bit of spot healing, you can macro expel harm to purifying brew if you keep forgetting to use it. i also like to use the following macro to combine keg smash and fire breath into a single button. you'll still need to press it twice since they're both on the GCD, but it helps reduce the keybind bloat since with sal salabims strength you always fire breath right after keg smash

/castsequence reset=4 Keg Smash, Breath of Fire

and combined with charred passions that helps your threat generation and damage significantly.
>the worst part is that the buttons you need to press already light up
this is not true for most specs, and even for the ones like frost mage where it is true you have overlap and need to know which lit up ones to prioritize
Elysian GM coded post
god i wish i were my dracthyr
you will never be a dragon
>playing enhancement shaman
>7 different buttons all light up at once
>on on 6 sec or less cooldowns

that spec makes me want to slit my wrists
you now remember shadowlands elemental shaman single target priority system
post you're dracthyr flirts
>You like bad dragons? I'm a real bad dragon.
>My visage form is supposed to represent what I most want inside of me. But I can't walk around Valdrakken transformed into your dick now, can I?
>I might go infinite after tonight. Because I refuse to live in the timeline where we don't fuck.
>Scaling issues? We can find a workaround...
>I'll have you soar on cooldown.
I want complexity go back to vanilla when I only had to press shadowbolt on my warlock. Fuck tryhard sweatniggers
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I know about the preview, but it doesn't help much to complete the damn thing
I just wanted a link to the full res picture
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Accept responsibility Y/N?
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its difficult to nail the same angle/pose without straight using the other image as a source
this is kinda similar I guess

local setup with autismXL
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its over
just di it on my dk. fight feels like rng central. if adds spawn near boss and brann decides to target the mthen u good
I suppose this confirms your autism
dont care about ilvl go up
cleared normal
what do am i done?
do i try and get that let me solo him thing done then unsub?
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easiest fucking yes I don't care if the baby is green
that's based, fuck responsibility in games lol
it's fucking scary how good ai art has gotten. it still fucks up on details like the lingerie lace parts and the bedframe in the back but everything else looks like it could have 99% been drawn by a good artist

imagine ai art in 2 years jesus christ...
Thanks anon it's amazing 10/10
pvp andy here
dont invite us to groups
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Alright last one for today, you guys had your fun, it's time to do your delves
Christian friendly image, be not afraid
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>Nerub sunday's raid is always a shitshow with no boss killed and 3h of wipe
>got to skip because I have to raid on my main
I don't understand, are the "bad players" only showing up during Sunday or what?
Good luck on Ovinaxx, please watch a video before instead of learning the hard way, we'll kill it next saturday.
Draenei girl in semi-transparent flowing pink/purple robes.
Use whatever style you think would look best.
night elf, nightborne, blood elf and void elf view from the back doing the classic leg up pinup pose
>Ummmmmmm tank? Dorki's M+ guide says we don't pull those????
Based male belf
god dammit meant for >>496401730
then you realize 80% of their DPS is loaded into two buttons and everything else is ephemeral
you get some crests in delves
I’ve made 6 months of WoW tokens since august.. Finally cleared another +4 with a group in Siege that didn’t quit before the first boss.
>I got conc capped and only made about 200k
this, hekili just works, I parsed 96 on heroic yesterday with it
do you guys really get turned on by jigsaw draenei? i just complete them for fun
does hekili work in m+ though
thanks for all the puzzles bwo
I hate Ret Paladins, too. They do a lot more dps than my 610 fury and they’ll be like 580. They just stand there..
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with higher step values and less friction with the upscale post-processing it artifacts can be diminished, but it's not very consistent at it
Keys give you champion gear. Basic ass delves will still reward you hero in the vault.
I love that in making m0 and delves more relevant they pretty much made m2-4s worthless, literally if you're a tank or healer in m0 gear you can just spam 5s and skip the early keys
holy sex
was hoping it would capture her legs too but much appreciated anyways
yeah I don't get why people are still fighting it. the future is already set in stone. people will be living in pods with generated VR dream worlds.
I'll be plapping nelves in mine.
I very much enjoy discipline and shadow but holy stresses me out because all of its cooldowns
Why is everyone playing like shit this season? Is this an early expack effect?
>. OPen World content feels like it beats my ass and levelling in dungeons feels like it's all a buggy mess
Just press your buttons on CD
Fuck she's hot and I'm not even a fan of nightborne.
Any chance you could do one with that elf laying on her back nude presenting her pussy?
to be honest, I don't really mind using AI art for personal use, but normalizing it means more and more people will be selling it or be using it to sell products, which is going to make pop culture even more soulless than it already is
plus, have some taste
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How bad of an idea is it if I'm thinking of going back to raiding (goal being eventually mythic) after being out of the game since legion and playing a non-arcane caster dps of some kind?
can't you make a dedicated porn thread? I bet it would be more satisfying
wait so is this guy trying to get into a pve group with his pvp score? lol
who cares, let it die faggot
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Am I doing this right?
this general makes me horny for elves and draenei
ya but tired of tanking and doing the macro so you retards can do it
let what die?
it's not AI you stupid fucking normalnigger and it's not 'getting better'. literally code written and updated by humans
pop culture
you're so stupid lmao
Blood elf Death Knight with a black haired pony-tail sitting on the bed in lingerie
its very good at pinups of a single woman, not in a specific outfit.
but it has trouble doing more than 1 person, especially if you want a specific 2nd character.
it has trouble if you want a lore accurate outfit instead of a random bikini, especially if said outfit is not the characters normal outfit
it usually fucks up weaponry like bows and guns
its really bad at consistent settings, like if you wanted to do multiple pictures of a character in the same room its basically impossible
How about a pale busty muscular night elf with black lips stretching after an exercise?
>POV: You are a Male Human
>liking hum*ns
dream on
shadowlands was kino
not a bad idea, it might take some work to find a decent guild or otherwise a group that works on your schedule
the game has a lot more casual and midcore than pug players make it seem. so unless you really have an inconsistent schedule or are just antisocial, finding a guild will make it fun and easy.
>espousing AI while saying to have taste
That's not a tauren so no
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Is this the most balanced the game has been maybe ever? (Ignore Resto Druids and Prot Paladins being trash, talking about DPS)
No cause you're talking about myth+ instead of the whole gamut
no, I don't really care for AI art, where did you get that idea?
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>and then you know the rotation without the addon?
the training wheels stay ON
What the fuck is Fire doing in S tier? It's still slightly underperforming
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stop using archon.gg
it does seem like every class has at least one great spec/hero combo, which is a surprising success
play what you like, try out different alts, game seems pretty healthy
Score > DPS logs
those lists are all complete bullshit
I mean sure? shields and bracers are probably going to be in high demand
man I remember trying and failing skips in this piece of shit dungeon
>8 boralus runs
>1 irrelevant gear drop
>55 gold every other time

okay!!!! im done !!!!! see you next week!
WoW has always been like that, it used to be worse and just spec>=gear>>>>>"skill".
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yoo hoo
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>the absolute state of prot paladin
>4% popularity
How did they release this class in this state? They got nerfed towards the end of the beta, end then lightsmith got its damage stealthnuked like 2 weeks before release
Warrior and BDK are probably more fun than they have ever been imo
These lists don't matter. How high can (You) go?
it literally says they also drop from heroic raid retard they also drop from T8+ bountiful delves
lul, mythical raider here
i also use Hekili and parse better than 90% of my raid
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Fishing in War Mode while waiting for BG queues is fun.
>8/8 Heroic
>insta declined because im under 610 ilvl

i legit hate all of you.
nigga... hekili for tbc?
I understand that for the retail bloatmaxxing
Sex with AIanon
just let me pug atoc!!!
guys I just had an amazing nap after some good food and now im gonna go pla some WoW. Its a good Saturday
Why isn't it a jigsaw puzzle?
I beg
Start your own group.
just a weird design philosophy that apparently doesn't apply to rage tanks
idk I don't remember vanilla, nor tbc nor wotlk being that annoying.
I actually had the forbidden... fun
>POV: Orc Warrior
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>this is what male pandas would look like if they werent ugly and worth plaining
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didn't really what I was going for
best I can do is just partially undressed
I was trying different prompts but a concept like this might need a lora
because it struggles hard with undressing of any kind by itself
void good light bad
expectations subverted
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Scripe is doing giga brain shit, he knows they'll need to optimize and decided to do it way ahead of liquid.
raids really arent fun anymore. just a bunch of dodge aoe pool and dodge this mechanic with little room for error
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it do be is like that
Liquit can't handle the pressure ever.
Mental health break soon.
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big damage is all that matters.
feels like people saying this are just silly and haven't been paying attention forever
the good in this universe is entirely because of people, all of the forces in warcraft will try to consume everything if given the chance
she looks like she enjoys getting fucked by orcs in the gy while her flag gets taken
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oddly specific
I tried all three specs. I love the zoomies for the WW but yeah, the Glass-Cannon-ness is pissing me off so much. Same reason I can't stand Mages. It surprises me because the whole point of Monks is they exist as martial artists and weapon masters, how the fuck do they keel over so quickly?
BM I actually think is fascinating with their stagger mechanic and I felt the clearing your stagger made them more powerful but you're also right in that, I just get my ass beat.
this guy's never had the zoomies
Kinda fucked that I can have war mode on in AD and get bonuses for nothing
>use hekili on my lock
>consistently the top dps for my raid

what does it mean bros
excuse me? im "just silly"? don't refer to me like that.
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Do i do these in a raid
the max amount of sparks of omen we could have right now is 3 right? 6 halves.
Cant wait for the warlock buffs
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...I did it again
yea you get a few more coffer pieces
you should have 0 and 3 already crafted 636 pieces or you are so far behind with no hope to ever catch up ever just unsub
it means you die to mechanics because you tunnel vision on the action bars instead of the fight and panic when the raid leader starts screaming "NOT THERE NOT THERE MAN WTF NOT THERE WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU" instead of "ANON GO TO PING ANON GO TO PING"
No but I do end up the GY a lot.
How can I orange parse if I die? Anon you might have a low IQ
Can you only open 4 bountiful chests a week?
well I have 2 pieces crafted and they are 619 because I still don't have any gilded crests :(
>can eat expensive gems by mistake
>can't drink
>can't get normal food buffs
>activating damage racial is a dps loss
>2nd reskin of an existing race
this race is such a fucking disaster
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if monk and paladin gets buffed properly then we're looking at the most balanced tank meta in years
just depends on how many keys you have, which is sort of soft capped by how many of the azeroth's memories you can do a week
I was projecting if you couldn't tell but you can also orange parse by chain wiping the group in real content until you get 0 mechanics
you are only limited to how many coffer keys you get a week which is on average 5-6 a week
They actually outdid Lightforged and Nightborne in the disaster department
Truly a miracle
>bm hunter is the biggest dps in raids
>bm hunter is the worst spec in m+
funny how that works
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Liquid got the god pull and they FUCKED IT UP
Good to know. Thanks
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i don't really have a main, just switching between few classes every expac(usually it's rogue), but mage is my favorite for class fantasy or something since legion
don't know why i'm posting this, maybe i need a mage alt
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i'm sure some of you fags want this meta back
I dont have the sir finley keys perk unlocked yet
Is there a limiter amount of them?
>want to play mage
>autism makes me not want to play a popular class
Well yeah. The ones who say that are being blatant shitposters
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>erp scene is now just 100% futa dickgirls with no personality or character
Did they really just gut both warrior specs? I was having fun on my arms
Pally literally needs
1) WoG free procs actually being free, you run out of mana now if a fight goes on for long
2) Some sort of buff to their passive damage mitigation so that mob autos dont delete them
Thats pretty much it
I never want to see the kite meta again
Imagine wanting to play a tank that has to run away like a pussy instead of being a literal wall
How much gold do I have to pay you to gen an image of her riding an Orc
still cumming that rune of power is gone. unplayable for ten years guess dh weren't the only illidan class LOL!!!
you're not supposed to ascribe autism to wrong causes or wrong affects it makes them angry
God pull?
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watching max's stream is mentally draining
They know the fight now, queen dies tonight
>the ai gooner faggot is also a diaper cub furry
who could have possibly seen that coming
How mages survive in delves
All the good ERPers moved to Episilon after Blizzard starting cracking down on lewd TRP profiles
>more character customization despite being stuck on BFA engine
>everyone has their own personal phasing
>can fully customize a zone with architecture or whatever
>beach resort phase area that's literally just people fucking out in the open
Try it
>confusing being a hipster with autism
Many such cases
Reduce the enemies' health bars to zero. Don't let your own go to zero .
Simple as.
>porn addicts having personality or character
1. more armor and damage reduction all the time
2. sotr buff extended so that uptime is more lenient
3. move the block talent from wog to sotr
4. increase the healing over time effect of wog
5. buff avenger's shield
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did he ever come back to wow?
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the leg is a bit weirdly proportioned
I tried to regenerate it but didn't get good results
Honest question, do men honestly find this type of gigantic, saggy tits attractive? This shit would look awful
Sorry anon fun police and blizzard says being an adult in adult spaces is bad wrong fun. Think of the children
you might be a fag dude might wanna get that checked out
I cant believe I fell for the thaumaturgy meme
it can look good in artwork or renders, looks awful in real life
I would go to the stormwind docks if I wanted to think of the children
It's still there, just harder to find. I've had good luck either super early or super late.

Nothing against your server, but I've never been reported for any of mine, but I am a pay piggy so maybe that affects the algorithm or something.
>All the good ERPers moved to Episilon
No they didnt, if you go visit their start zone its the same dickgirl shit
>large tits look awful
Regardless of how unrealistic it is, most men are genetically proned to like large tits.
thank you, finished both, more please
BUSTIER draenei
SPILLING OUT their clothes
This shit is for an alt, just like most of the concentration builds
For a main do some shit like flasks or blacksmithing that requires a bunch of knowledge and time to develop and has constant demand
As long as you don't piss someone off you're fine. Its mainly due to it all being automated now. None of mine ever got reported but I knew some people who did and a bunch of faggots who would just report accounts they don't like
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>Do world soul memory in raid
>Half the people get 200
>Half the people get like 30
is it just based on tagging mobs yourself or something
the glass cannon nature is just a design choice that effects pretty much all DPS specs these days. if you want a DPS spec that is durable in solo content, you could either try a pet class like warlock or hunter which basically have a personal tank you can heal, or a plate class, like warrior, which have the option of taking a lot of defensive tech like defensive stance with flat 15% damage reduction, ignore pain, as well as a bunch of personal healing in their talent trees. frost and unholy death knight similarly get a bunch of mitigation and healing tools on top of plate armor, like lich form death coils, sacrificial pact, death strike, icebound fortitude, anti magic barrier and zone, strangulate, will of the necropolis, blood draw, and so on

and yeah brewmasters stagger mechanic is tricky to wrap your head around because its not so much a raw damage mitigation like warriors shield block or guardian druids ironfur, as it is a damage delay. you can purify it, but not all of it, and brewmaster doesnt really have the self sustain to recover its health bar without help from a healer unless the incoming damage is very low.

if you are looking for a tank with more self healing, guardian druid, blood death knight, or demonhunter are probably a better fit. all 3 have tremendous amounts of on demand self healing, though that comes at the cost of being much more spikey in how much their health bar fluctuates moment to moment. guardian druid is also forced to make some very hard choices in its talent tree between damage and defense, and very much lacks enough points to do both at the same time unlike warrior or blood death knight who's damage and defense talents tend to be wrapped into the same track.

however like every class there are tradeoffs, what monk lacks in self sustain it makes up for with smooth damage intake which is helpful in dungeons, and mobility which helps with mechanics.
Its based on echoes
its based on how many echoes you put in
Am I gonna get banned for buying gold? Rather give china my money then blizzard.

also with blizzard $20 = 200k but with china $20 = 500k
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>beach resort phase area that's literally just people fucking out in the open
That sounds horrible. If there is anything good about ERP it's that it follows normal actually-good RP. Exhibitionism and public emotes about sex are the same level as futafags.
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I like boobs
abs is nice too
I like thighs and butts
dickgirl is alright too
there is a huge difference between big and obscenely large tits. the woman has to bend backwards if she wants to move faster than a snail while young and has constant back pains on top of needing expensive bras to hold her tits from sagging to the belly button or lower when she grows old
People were bitching that they put in 5 but got turds for fragments
q) why did the hipster burn his tongue
a) he drinks tea every morning - earl grey mondays and fridays, juniper wednesdays, else clippers breakfast tea anyway drinking scalding tea is sensory hell but drinking cool tea is SENSORY HELL and he saw an infographic at the train station that said bacteria multiply in cold drinks left in open air 6x faster at room temperature so the only way without disturbing the 1:6 milk:water ratio and going above 2335 calories daily he has to drink his tea scalding hot for now
>6 million gold
>1 week of ingame gathering while watching anime on another monitor
>alternatively $600 worth of wow tokens
Then they went afk
so much gold changes hands in empty "gift" trades because of boosts. nobody gets banned for gold buying anymore. its why blizzard tried to compete instead, but they are blizzard, so they failed. also the chinks are usually smart and conduct all gold sales on the same accounts/characters as raid-ready boost characters.
so long as you arent trying to buy the entire gold cap in a month you get away with a lot.
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BM sisters... we're gonna make it... we're gonna frickin make it...
>starting zone
>surprised its where retards are
Server has instances and personal phasing. Most people are in the resoryt
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I require more busty elven/draenei jigsaws ai slop
>invite only erp phase with public erp
holy cancer
Just go to work for 1 minute lol?
pubic erp
>500k for 20
you are getting scamed if you buy gold less than 4 times cheaper compared to the token
also you will only be banned if you brag about it AND someone reports you and if that happens the ban is ONLY a month long AND you get to keep the gold
t. bragged back in shadowlands and a faggot in my guild reported me
Light Drae pubes?
whats a good site then? ive checked out a few and they are all around 500k for 20
How do you watch anime while keeping track of the map? I tried and could only focus on 1 at a time.
I was exaggerating but its the place where you find ERP because technically the server is RP focused but the devs turn a blind eye.

I just know someone who I ERP and RP with there
It's called fantasy my man. Most gooners are completely aware that the proportions are not realistic and that's why they jerk off to fake pictures of fictional women.

It goes the other way as well. If guys/futas had the huge cocks they have in all these pics they wouldn't be able to function because they wouldn't be able to wear pants
I bought so much gold in Classic and WOTLK classic. Nothing happened
moving the bad dickgirl erp from goldshire to a private server is missing the point
>couldn't wear pants
And the fainting spells from getting hard
Liquid Shit falling apart at the seams
Max is so ready to punch his GF and you can hear it in his voice!
last from me
addons have gone too far
what are they doing
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>guild order
>steal 2 Sanctified Alloys
nothing personal kid :)
resourcefullness build > multicringe
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would the nu-wow devs let you do this?
It's a joke as destro lock.
Nah, Liquid is killing it tonight.
>gets the vendor mats back most of the time
I have a question, not seething at the slopbros, asking for myself. Is there a dedicated WoW AI sloppa thread somewhere? I miss the sloppa anon window a lot of the times wondering is there such a dedicated place where I can leave requests?
might as well
alextraza in a magical girl outfit doing a kawaii pose, make sure that the skirt is too small
God please no. Liquid is already way ahead of Echo in boss hp for their best pull. If Max kills it tonight with this kinda lead then his ego is gonna reach critical levels.
>spam producing Core Alloys
>resourcefulness procs
>saves 1 flux
>Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky
>Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone
>Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die
>One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
>In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie

Who can't wait to experience Midnight and the glorious elven epic?
The negress just told me to ride a Lynx because it has the "zoomies"
character: blood elf, , copyright: warcraft, artist: rustle, 1girl, close-up, huge breasts, , hand on chin, bored, sitting, desk, breast press, , green eyes, glowing eyes, blonde hair, ponytail, top down
Nope. This IS the WoW AI sloppa thread.
Now what is your request.
They literally just have to keep pulling until they get a pull where everyone makes it to the end. They just had a 10% wipe with 4 dps dead.
stupid nigger tanks can you fucking taunt the spider off me you pieces of shit
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Worlo Wawa moment
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for you anons

that's all from me tonight

not quite
it can do specific outfits insanely accurately with a correctly trained character lora
and if you try to change the default outfit into something else it'll keep the features and colors
it can do multiple distinct characters with their own lora if you use the regional prompting plugin
it does struggle hard with weapons though
pic for reference I genned some time ago: calia and jaina in default outfits
theres some downsides to regional prompter that makes it tedious to fix mistakes though, feature bleed mainly
Well after looking at all the drae, can I get a nightborne girl tanning in a beach chair? Lifted Sunglasses resting in hair if possible.
you can DM me on arctium club discord if you want something specific
looks like the art of that artist who did really good floors and loli
how fast can I get rep with the spider faction? Im rank 15 but I wanna have the cool spider mounts ;_;
FUCK echo
Justice for zaela
Which are about World of Warcraft.

thanks anon
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>bdk runs in
>dies instantly
What do you use for your gens? I'm not very familiar with these things but they look great
anon, rustle is literally in the prompt
Mythic Ansurek looks like the most frustrating shit imaginable.
>One dude in your 20 man group moves a pixel further than he is supposed to
>Entire raid instantly dies
is it too late to get back into wow?
Thats hardcore riding since mop
>Jigsaw puzzle pieces were first used as a symbol for autism in 1963 by the United Kingdom's National Autistic Society.[30] The organization chose jigsaw pieces for their logo to represent the "puzzling" nature of autism and the inability to "fit in" due to social differences, and also because jigsaw pieces were recognizable and otherwise unused.[31] Puzzle pieces have since been incorporated into the logos and promotional materials of many organizations, including the Autism Society of America and Autism Speaks.
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oh so it is
ye a sorry try again next expansion
>it can do specific outfits insanely accurately with a correctly trained character lora
not sure about that. for example if you wanted to ai generate a pic of your ingame character using a mix of different sets it would struggle because lora are not really going to be readily availible for anything not popular or things that are personal.
then add on another layer of complexity, have another players ingame character in their outfit too
like humor me and try generate a pic of loremar and thalyssra wearing the mail and cloth set from the current nerubar raid.
shits not possible because all ai can do is woman just standing their in their default outfit or something generic like a bikini.
ah you mean specific outfits like that
well yeah it can't draw anything it has no training/concept of
NovelAI, my gpu is too dogshit to gen in a timely manner

Its pretty good out of the box, but it cant do the head tentacles on draenei
Blowjob from Darenei or Titjob from Night Elf or Footjob from Nightborne?
GOAT of /wowg/
footjob from Night Elf and Nightborne
Draenei to the trash they go
draenei facefucking while holding on to the handlebars
is that borf
NTA but what is that cord about
>declined because im not 610
like the one point matters holy fuck die.
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reminder that asmoncuck had not touched m+ since legion because he cannot get carried on stream with only 5 people in group
So Blizzard said they fixed the patrons orders but they still asking for 10 sanct alloys
>boosted shitter seething because he got found out
anyone can swipe for a boost
Went to gb 10
We bricked it but it this keys are going ti be free with a little ilvl
This is the correct answer.
Post the shadowlands clip
>unironic trooncord talk
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How's my gravedigger transmog look? Not sure about the shoulders. The coal shovel kind of sucks too, but it's either that or the vanilla shovel model, and this seemed the best way to go. There are also some "spear" weapons from TWW that seem to be shovel-like but not as obvious at a glance.
theres gotta be a cutoff at some point, sorry

plus 20 other dps who are higher ilvl applied
this guy went nuts after the explosion
I've been watching him since the original timewalking video, it's been a crazy downward spiral and I can't watch him become another run of the mill grifter
yea, we are literally going to be 625+ in few weeks, gb and siege are already kinda free with the last nerfs and they probably going to tune them even more
where do you get that tabard from?
coomer mods
and yet pugs still cant clear heroic queen...
>dad walked in on me solving a futa draenei jigsaw puzzle
thanks bros
The warbound gear is kinda cool
Why can't they make valor and crests also warband wide?
From that timerift event or whatever in Thaldraszus. You get the currency from that and there are several vendors around there, one sells scourge themed items. That is the Scourge Victorious Tabard.
pugs are scrubs
even you
cool but the chest looks like a sweater
oh neat, I never paid attention to that cause I started playing again in 10.2
whatever happened to this bimbo? did he pump and dump?
Why do you need these fucking keys for delves? Why can't you just spam them for gear like m+? Just remove the guaranteed loot and the keys with it
freshtroons need to kill themselves
Liquid's last good pull was 14.88%

Reply "1488" to bless them with good RNG or the boss dies in your sleep tonight
I can't understand someone being so invested in vanilla besides nostalgia. It's been 6 fucking years since classic released, the magic is over.
did he join you and help out?
she's an asian findom brat on twitter/onlyfans
bro they cant fucking stop lmaooooooooooooooooooooooo
pick one
i'm out of touch with wow modding is there a mod that will remove these black leggings
damn that too a while
shit is not even out
blood dk bro... i'm sorry.
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They thought they were going to be cute and tried to turtle at IB
She like most ewhores realized he's genuinely austic and his hobo lifestyle isn't an act and that she c ouldn't milk him for money/views
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I did make something for it but haven't released it because the outfit isn't out
Btw this dude wasted 2000+ days in World of Warcraft...
i think it was a business arrangement and they both agreed to farm each other for content and then dip
What's a good starting place for those interested in outfits mods anyway?
theyre like addicts trying to chase the high of being 10 again
there's only really one place as darknest is pretty much abandoned at this point
the scene/interest is incredibly small and we get almost zero influx of new modders because nobody wants to take the time to make a huge amount of tutorials/resources for newbies
wow this guy is so fucking dogshit, no wonder he gets boosted in absolutely everything
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I'm still working on the big group puzzle. Please help.
Damn shame. Does darkness at least have some things to scavenge if one wanted to dabble in it?
and im dogshit at responding, meant for >>496419925
Max your team is fumbling. Stop shilling
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yeah the boss isn't dying this reset
>not knowing they were 8.5k before the dip
>not knowing the dip happened because nightfall was bountiful
you need a PhD in macroeconomics to make money in this game
all eurosisters turn on the ddos networks NOW
yeah some still use it as it still hosts the largest amount of mods pre DF, but 90% of the body mods there are outdated and will not work anymore unless you update them yourself
allynsia (the main body modder everyone used) quit in shadowlands and didn't return but there's a bunch of people maintaining their mods
otherwise there's a big amount of texture mods for armor scattered that will never get outdated
the main limitation of equipment textures for this game is that textures are hardlocked to 512x256, and upscaling it beyond that just bricks it
which is weird because for skin textures you can go to 2k
liquit going for the CHOKE now
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echosisters...our response?
Where the FUCK have all the delve maps gone
XIV is fucking gay so I'm coming back to wow. Will you welcome me home?
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Are there dedicated war supply chest groups or does alliance just have way more pvpers?
wtf is echo doing?
we are full...
excellent metaphor
>0,2% choke
>0,7% choke
tick tock liquid, another choke is coming
They sleepy
also its not to say there's no body modders left, there just aren't any active ones that operate within the realm of realism
my mods are pretty big but tame compared to some others
nightborne look like THAT!?
Why does Blizzard refuse to buff Shadow Priest?
>They gave them a 4% incre—
Not a real buff. You know what I mean.
warmode is the alliance mode
I literally can't grab a single fucking chest, even at 4am
hook a brotha up i sneed these mods
>calling for a food break right before a clear
he should know by now that digesting food takes away energy and reduces attention

literally throwing right now
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no they look like this
do you want dungeons and raids and fun stuff to do in the zones? sure

do you want to coom and goon? ffxiv is the game for that
when did they extend to lose?
what like removing their ramp time and making all of their damage splash
>Limit got Big Booty Spider Queen to 3.4%
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So like what would happen if I rock armor from bfa with the mods? Would things be okay or did blizzard fuck with the textures to the point of them being completely out of whack?
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I tried but it keeps fucking up the eyebrows
Ramp time removal would help. Anything to shorten casts, why the shit is Spriest the only dps with hard casts still?
how old are you
the fucking cleave linked to both dots suck
but why is it like this
just look me up on the arctium nsfw discord

armor mods come in a few components
the textures - these fit any body type and will never be outdated
the 3d parts - you won't see this much, especially from old armor mods, but if the outfit has 3d parts like hip plates etc the modder might have edited these to fit a specific body type, doesn't adapt

the texture components will never be outdated/incompatible
if you put it up after Zaelia was dumped you are a retard
let's see next time who is going to be cancelled conveniently 1 week before the race begins, my money is on Gingi
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>it's another episode of a 30 yo norwood 5 fat man throwing a tantrum in a key
Because alliance is the more popular faction and has more players.
>10.4% to 3.4%

It's over for Echo sissies, Max is finishing this before they even wake up
Alright thanks fren. Guess I gotta skim through Darknest this weekend
that's a night elf
night elves have a different idle pose
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you guys need to understand something
you HAVE to stop with the ai elves and drae
you've turned me into a collection fag
i dont even look at this shit half the time but jfc
to hoard this shit
>He doesn't have his own elf slut
Just don't hoard? Sounds like a you problem
wait what so that's a nightborne? holy shit i'm making a nightborne healslut right now
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god mommystrasza is pure sexo
they dont have quite the same "ballistics" as that image, but yes.
>twitter egirl is carrying 11s
I might be retarded at this game...
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has anyone watched this
Nightborne a underrated anon.
can you just farm kekvir's lair on ? for easy runed crests?
>I might be retarded at this game...

While that's probably true, clearing keys only comes down to 3 things

1. Competent tank
2. Good healer
3. Dps that dont step in shit

If youve got all that, it just comes down to ilvl
I doubt you get runed
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I'm a different ai anon, here you go
I don't think you get chests from Kekvir.
i just did, and got 2 runed crets
will I make enough from mat farming to get a token within like a week this expansion?
holy FUCK built for big ret pally dick
god i wish my hagborne mage actually looked like this in game
you don't know true image hoarding until you install hydrus, set up several hundred subscriptions to scrape and autodownload images from r34/boorus, autotag and archive them so they're easy find later
Xiv player here. They really fuckin ruined gnomes with the graphics update, just ghastly.
kys pedo
windwalker here, is brew or mistslut better for keys?
my brand new femnelf druid is going to ding 70 tonight

what's the fastest path through TWW for an alt? i read recently that delves give a lot of xp
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blueberry elves are just the best
how tall are you
Just spam dungeons
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pov you play melee dps
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is xiv as bad as everybody says it is right now? i just need to know if i need to skip that tranny woke lemutt's dialogue or change to a different language when i go back
when max loses that's it right? there just isn't any recovery from losing such a huge lead
>start running and timing keys on +9
>easier than the +7s I ran with pug retards
feels good to get out of the crab barrel
game has been getting progressively worse since 2018
the story of dt was awful, the raid and dungeons were good
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whoa one at a time ladies
there's enough to go around
bro install aDetailer so you dont get a blurry mess like that for faces/hands
dogshit at everything, only last hope which was MSQ was dogshit this xpac so all there's left in that game is ERPers porn addicts
it was never good, trust me, i bought the CE for the base game.
i cant imagine how much of an illiterate no book reading, zero anime seen faggot you have to be to think it has a good story, and its gameplay is objectively worse than wows
winning or losing is irrelevant
it's like pro wrestling
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Well then Kekvir's on farm rotation now. Guess there's a reason to prioritize my warlock
soon the retards will also be able to do 9s :)
>zero anime seen faggo
funny because the story reminds me of something generic you'd find in an anime
>carry keys

im literally so sick of this its insane im busting my ass in 7s and 8s for nothing but im guaranteed loot from delves.
maybe ill give it a try then, between all the good press and thick aislop bitches im getting the itch to play again
Guys can we please not have any horny posting in the next thread? There's so much more to WoW than female draenei, elves, and pandas. I'm so sick and tired if you goon posters.
anyone got a link to that post talking about when WoW stopped asking you to collect decapitated heads is when it was ruined?
>but im guaranteed loot from delves.
Yeah abyssal trap trinket
eh theyve had shit xpacs before. stormblood comes to mind
guess ill probably just skip every fucking cutscene
yes, well done, thats what "zero anime seen" implies.
That only a troglodyte who hasnt consumed ANY media thinks it has a good story.
Because it doesnt.
Its bottom barrel moronic cliché slop.
because his character is nonexistant, and he died like a retard, for nothing. Am i supposed t o care he took a magic bullet for someone who is pretty much a godlike being and wouldve been perfectly fine?
This is dogshit on par with that dwarf suicide bombing himself to kill a few spiders, when he couldve just THROWN THE FUCKING HAMMER OR TELL SOMEONE TO CAST A FUCKING FIREBALL
Yeah there's orcs, goblins, and dwarves
ffxiv is currently going through their version of warlords of draenor except 100x worse
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There is a huge content drought right now. Basically you log in once a week to do 4 fights and that’s all you got for the week. The DT msq was bad (but still leagues ahead of wow), but they got a lot better at zone design. I’d say wait till the foray drops unless you want to prog a tier.

PS: this is what a cute gnome looks like.
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>Tank pulls the wrong mob
>Tell him to kill himself and then leave the key
stormblood had sigmascape, though which is arguably the game's best raid tier
>the raids are good
>floating square platform with a warbled mess servign as background
>repeat this 4 times
LEL. Aside from drawing in the same insufferable players, they're not alike
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Vote Garrosh for warchief 2024 and i will gas all the goblins and undead
ty looks good
Unironically though that is better than WoW's long corridors full of tedious trash just to arrive at a generic circular arena boss fight.
Why the fuck has no one killed the Mythic spider yet?
what about vulpera
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what's the most meta and wanted class a nightborne can pick whilst also looking sexy?
>wow player when people dare enjoy other games
DK of any kind
arcane mage
who are you quoting?
arcane mage nightborne in their heritage set that looks like that with long white hair (literally mine btw)
Nightborne at the exact opposite of meta
eu waiting for na to fine tune the strategy while burning themselves out mentally pushing to kill. it'll probably die tomorrow
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Probably warlock or mage for dps.
Priest for Healer and maybe warrior for tank. Not sure how well you can slut it up as a warrior though.
it appears to my untrained eye that the centaurs in dragon isles have exactly the same culture and history as the au ra in azim steppe
genuine biofem energy from this post. if you were a male at birth I need to rethink my views on gender theory.
made mine a monk
priest kinda sucks right now
only reason you bring them to raid is stamina buff
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Thoughts on M+ plus players?
is your character a virgin
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scary mf im watching him RN lmao
mostly yeah
post full
no she gets railed by orcs every weekend
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nightborne mage it is then! hope it isn't difficult to play

you know what i meant

kinda curious about why you think that way of my post

monks look weird unless they're pandaren
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lmao losing to p1 enrage
good, I'll be back tomorrow with more
is this real
Theyre mostly ADHD riddled schizos who are bad at the game but think they're gods

Some of them are cool dudes

arcane mage requires a bunch of autism, but once you 'get it' it's easy enough
don't play fire or frost
brb smoke break (not cigarettes if you get what im saying LOL)
Every Mexican needs to be banned from WoW. Why are they allowed to do any content past normal dungeons.
Freckles look cute on a nightborne
Requestan slopachads to make a sexy pinup of this elf
>people baseding over 50 skinnyfat men in their 30s downing an overtuned boss that will get nerfed the moment she gets killed
Nah, she has some alliance convert concubines that are expecting
I wanna play with Metro's hair!
its the exact same as it has always been
What dis be mon
Isn't arcane mage just, still, feast or famine wave riding?
>There is a huge content drought right now. Basically you log in once a week to do 4 fights and that’s all you got for the week
you cant really call this a content drought when that was the status quo for the entirety of the last expansion, its just what the game is
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Does no one do transmog runs for Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones? It doesn't sound like it can be solo'd right now but I never see any groups up. Want dat shield.
never herd of this guy is his videos funny or something
Pet battles would give mythic track gear!
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i guess arcane suits nightborne better anyway so hey it works out!

the freckles are pretty cute yeah and even their heritage set looks great too and is perfect for slutting it up
>le arcane is hard meme
it's not s1 of DF anymore
yeah good luck doing any damage outside of your burst windows
>Do you see it? A stone to call forth the darkness...
Join the jailer mount runs, you have to kill dreadlords to get to him
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>Dps gets fixated by siege first boss
>Runs around like a retard
I actually really like having the villain show up during keys. It's not as good as n'zoth during awakened though.
I’m running it right now. Starting soon..
this boss is so fucking dead holy
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this pisses me the fuck off, wrote few threads ago some drACKthyr on a +9 siege literally said he didnt know what to do, caused us to wipe
hate these faggot retards
people ran it all the time in df
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he's just built diff
>be Spanish playing in English server
>see guy from Spanish server in a group
>pretend I don't know the language
>he proceeds to shit the bed 9/10 times
I should start taking note, I really don't think this is confirmation bias
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finally timed my first fucking 10 of the season boys
and now i have to do 3 more for vault
god damnit
i only wanted to do four this week but i just had to double down and time one
>great pull with just a couple of things to clean up
>max going on and on and on adding nothing to the conversation but say "yoooo that boss was so litty dead!!! the damage dood!"
>cutting off people trying to actually discuss the things that need to be fixed so that they can actually kill the boss
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i sure hope i can still "play" with my alliance friends even as a nightborne...
this is why raiderio is based

kick anyone whos never done the key
you will suffer in +10 keys
you will get dogshit 613 loot
you will get dogshit vault loot
are you the panda fag that cursed me with the crit vers ring last week
i did a +7 stonevault first time, felt good
don't worry, next week you will get the most abhorrent worthless trinket known to mankind that's worse than a 580 version of your bis trinket

Just in case I forget
2 mythic cloaks and a future mythic bracer. grats!
I forgot they exist but I will gas them too and skin their hides to wipe my ass after a fat shit
lmao i always love watching you mythic trannies seethe
The majority of his content is basically getting sent videos of people who end up in disastrous M+ pugs. He's on the m ore autistic side of WoW youtubers but the videos themselves (in the sense of watching batshit M+ players being toxic) are kind of funny.
What's this meme with Liquid and Walmart?
post the vykas typing test in lost ark

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