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>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>October Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
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Old >>496396046
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Like log on for raid.. and then the guy didn't log on and he typed.. he typed
>it's push week
>it's push week!
And then they kicked him out of the guild! Fucking dogshit entitled M+ players dude, holy, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PUSH WEEK! YOU DOGSHIT M PLUSSER! BRAINDEAD! UNLESS YOU'RE WINNING THE FUCKING MDI, WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT IS YOUR PUSH WEEK DOING? Stupid mother fucker!
Whatcha pushing bud?
WHATCHA pushing bud??
You're not pushing shit!
You competing with JPC and fucking Echo and all the- NO YOU'RE NOT DUDE, YOU'RE NOT! You're just some dogshit survival hunter playing flavor of the month, you dropping all the bombs, your screen's lightning up, you mashing your fucking buttons and then you're saying "PUSH WEEK"
Anyway, yo can i get a summon?
how autistic are you that you actually transcribed that clip
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which race makes her feel like this?
PvP in this game is such absolute visual cancer. How did anybody think it's okay for one spec to summon in 5, 10, 15 minions to clutter your screen? Add on top so many awful bombastic effects like frost mages being a eye cancerous explosion and you have to be a masochist to do any of it.
in awe at the size of this lad
at least im not coomposting like some degenerate faggot posting aislop doing nothing of value.
sanest mythic raider
>kick zaelia for some fabricated me too shit
>right before the hardest healer tier ever
lol lmao
hope the rumors are true and echo gets gutted after this tier
what rumours? tell me more
I swear I dont know whats happenings this season to dps players and fixated abilities in dungeons and raids. they fuck it up all the time
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Shhh child, adults are speaking
lol you are so upset
>triple spear
what boss?
Plus the orbs
>wow this tank sucks i pulled aggro on the boss
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How many healers would it take to equal one dps in terms of damage output?
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What is she thinking about?
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>the full image with the lingerie
post it
human men
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Kino pairing
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Is it over for me
what do you like about holy that disc priest and resto shaman don't give you?
nta but holy actually heals people unlike disc priest

Does he still play?
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its literally fucking impossible to sell anything on the auction house this shits so fucking gay dude the instant you list you get undercut by 50+ people, you literally have to get lucky and list the microsecond right before someone buys
see >>496428331
yes he streamed raiding prog few days ago and he kept raging so hard
holy and disc play completely differently lol
Multiple women alleging abuse
max won
wow won
echo lost
xiv lost

remember when people put yoshi p on the same levels as kojima?
Pushing a nelf's nose into some arcane dust
disc sucks
never invite
disc is the healer for healers that dont want to heal
this but unironically
i only had bad/terrible experiences with them
Orc Warriors
I have multiple timed 10s this season as disc, sounds like a (literal) skill issue from them desu
disc is only good with a good group that doesnt take avoidable damage, like rdruid. rsham is good because it can carry retards (also because its overtuned as shit for 5man ofc)
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>when she sees the third scoop
>want to play
>dont want to miss the world first
that's it i'm race changing my priest into a night elf.
meet me in goonshire so I can PUMP
you were probably carried by a strong tank
if your timed 10s are with bdk or prot warrior opinion literally discarded
my best runs are all with rsham or pres
>if your timed 10s are with bdk or prot warrior opinion literally discarded
haven't grouped with them once, it has all been either brewmaster (fucking awful) and bear (good)
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>was really enjoying arms
>found out they're going to gut both arms and fury with nerfs
I'll probably still play him but this feels bad. I do have my DK but I didn't want to play frost
I usually have higher dps and hps as disc, holy's proximity-based aoe is jank
what is your priest currently
Play unholy and then lament about the lack of a runic power spender that isn't linked up to something
warlock buffs when
Warlock feels pretty good in all forms of content
you dont need them
you can take a tier or 2 being middle of the road, bitch
your spot is already guaranteed anyways so stop crying
shadow priest buffs when
Sucks about arms but fury should be fucking deleted from the game. Terrible spec played by terrible "human" beings.
same bro
fuck it I'm going to bed
ret buffs when
if we're not on top we're literally first loser
buffs now ion
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>Disc used to be the most absolutely busted healing spec in the game
Currently busted af in Arena IIRC though.
gonna mock all my guilds shit fury dps when the nerf drops
I'm probably going to play blood. Fuck it
if you're a ret pala or anything other than a fdk melee player
incredibly based
I think the only thing that could use a boost is Demo ST, it's the weakest spec in the game in that category
Coincidentally the final talent of the charhound tree is the doomdog supposed to do nothing but ST damage but blizz somehow forgot to make him scale with haste so the AOE dog consistently deal more ST damage aswell
I hope this doesnt become another BFA drain soul situation and they fix this before 2026
she's trying to corrupt her into lesbianism
the illusion tree is free kp bro......... you get 22 first craft bonuses for a 20 point investment............ and then you can do all the patron orders for ez profit..........
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My first time actually playing a Mage in M+ and Raiding.

What is the easiest spec?
literally every single enchanters first 20 points should be unlocking all of the illusions
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dead ahh mfing thread fr
liquidshitsisters we are WIPING on P1 intermish.... it is NOT bussin rn..
milk please mommy
i miss her so fucking much it's unreal bros
theyre creating the strat for echo to use to get world second on monday or tuesday
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I-it still counts this late in the season r-right...
Max sisters... I thought we had this in the bag? are we going to have to chug some M's and stay up all night?
when is the next blizzcon
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I miss the real Alex
They switched cds around for p3 damage but now they're having trouble on the shield. now that they're having trouble on the shield they're tilting.
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blood elf tummy
crazy to think people jerked off to this 17 years ago
they unironically look more attractive than current blood elves
>me, 17 minutes ago
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there are people jerking off to it right now
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Remember when DF released and everyone was all "mommy hnnng"
And then blizz actually developped the character and everybody stopped giving a shit about her
I wonder if that's what await Xalatath right now
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What do delvoids even need gear for?
whatever you say unc
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>Echo wakes up
>Max goes to bed
>Echo immediately kills it

Imagine the salt
Honestly? Trinkets and jewelry. Trinkets should pull from dungeons in the vault while the jewelry needs to be more common in bountiful
is it profitable to refine bismuth or better to just sell it as is?
>Remember when DF released and everyone was all "mommy hnnng"
>And then blizz actually developped the character and everybody stopped giving a shit about her
thats not what happened though.

nobody stopped liking alex and shes one of the thing about dflight most of us miss.
Warlock feels like shit to play, are there any actual fun caster classes?
maxsisters...... its over
is bismuth rank 3 more than 5x more expensive than rank 2? then yes it's profitable
I honestly think Echo has no chance of killing it before Liquid even with a whole day. They're play has been much worse than Liquid's.
arcane mage and fire mage
when is anduin gonna get his duck drained by the new goth elf domme?
It's looking GRIM. Hopefully they can get their food digested and their heads back in the game.
>raid leading pug queen and tanking
>3 tanks in a tow consistently can't survive the tank buster
>they keep saying shit like "sorry blow I forgot to press my cds"
>I never die
Fucking braindeads
actual retard
everyone here loved alex, she was the best thing about dragonflight
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>Liquid shit choking as always
you can see max's sanity drifting away, just sitting there in silence swallowing the despair

he's gonna extend into the night and still not kill it and then Echo will wake up and take the win as always
its sometimes profitable to refine mined t2 into t3 but almost never profitable to refines t1

t2 sells for like 10-20% more than t1 but takes 5 t1 to make.

t3 SOMETIMES sells for more than 5x the cost of 5x t2 and so refining nets a profit. But you have to be aware of the margins also you have to consider that refining takes time that you could have spent mining and potentially just getting more T3 and potential null stones.
Xal'atath should rape Anduin in a pre-rendered cinematic.
>Echo immediately kills it
>echo having the boss damage to kill this bitch with a 623 balance druid in the raid
>be in good state across the board
>noooo that's not good enough
Warlock players are bigger whiny faggots than druid players. If it was up to me you niggers would be eternal dumpster tier after how fucking utterly cancerous you were in 5.4 pvp.
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This is peak gameplay
>raped by onxyia
>raped by sylvanas
>soon to be raped by xal'atath
what is it about anduin and getting raped by hot evil women?
i mean that is his character, he exists purely to have is seed stolen by fake elves that cannot give him children a metaphor for the modern white male
Humiliation ritual.
>this is what legendary items used to look like
Classic bros...
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>trinkets are nothing but "shitty on use" effect or "random stat proc"
>tank trinkets are all garbage
>literally only 1 good trinket from dungeons for both melee, tank and range dps
>will probably BIS entire expansion because of Mythic+
Can they just remove these armor slots already if they're not going to do anything interesting with them
Stop talking about the stupid RWF and post slop
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This has indeed been Echo's absolute worst tier. It's clear the rumors about internal issues and lack of motivation are real. Imagine getting your whole guild shaken by fucking T*ttles spreading the rumors on twitter and then actually coming back and shafting Max in the ass once again. It will be an amazing story.
Both Echo and Liquid's DPS have 625.4 average ilvl THOUGHBEIT
?? Zekvir took me 2 deaths as a moonkin, did the nerfs ruin him that bad?
so i can keep doing more delves and making you mythic trannies seethe
Sometimes I think you fags are more obsessed with Anduin fucking elves than you are with orcs fucking elves.
Actual homo behavior to obsess over another man's(who is fictional)sex life.

Anduin is exclusively for hot white human women anyway. Not elves and especially not one armed half blind negresses.
no if you didnt beat it weak one at 580 ilvl then you cheated
Why did no one tell me how fun war mode is?
i have no more slop to give
Yeah it would be funny but it's next to impossible. Liquid has this in the bag.
I don’t read news ever. Glad to know my fury warrior will be nerfed. All the FOTM fags will drop it. Another Mexican, this time a BDK in NW, pulled everything in the middle and died right away 3 times in a row.
I can’t remember m+ ever being so terrible as a healslut. Already at +7 there’s basically no margin for error, and a single dps who doesn’t use defensives can lead to a group wipe down the line through attrition. It’s absurd compared to even df, much less shadowlands.
Oh and also the first key level worth a damn is +9. Lol. Lmao.
Calling it now : biggest pug healer shortage in the game in a month or so
>try blood dk
>mountain of defensives
>have both AOE AMS and AMZ for magic damage
>AOE is bat shit
>Reapers Mark is batshit as well
>just sit on runic power and if health dips at all 1 DS brings me to full health
>can solo delves and can practically solo dungeons
This is a pure retard spec. Surely.
okay, thanks

im just starting out, these professions are hella confusing with the branching trees, refinement levels, masteries, different stats, they're more complicated than the fucking character classes it feels like at times lol.

went mining and herbalism druid, seemed like it would be a good way to get gold because flight form mounts instantly and you dont even have to unshift to pick flowers. just trying to get enough gold to cover my sub with a monthly token, not looking to corner a market or anything. didnt know if refinement was worth the hassle with a properly statted out tree, but it sounds like probably not
because then people would have to admit how shit wpvp was before it despite everyone knowing it was shit since vanilla
isnt +7 like the previous 17 or something? i thought they said heroics are now the equivalent of the old m10s or something like that
>>can solo delves
no way bro.....holy fuck....
watching your health jump around during M+ gives me anxiety
Is that why THD was shitting on tettles before the race? Because he knew Tettles was a bullshit spreader and wanted to call him out for saying nigger a bunch?
people have been saying this since beta/prepatch
healer/tank nerfs were a massive mistake
they need to buff the other healers up to rsham level rather than nerf rsham or minigame+ is DEAD
it almost always has been it just is spiky in harder content so shiiters panic and not always the best for raids so it usually gets away with it
Oh nonononononono
7s are shit dens right now.

Just like in df s4 and it wasnt this bad.
I haven't even bothered with M+ this season but what the fuck were they thinking with these ilvl rewards? A +9 (formerly 18)?
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I actually think this might be good for healers
Schizo take but hear me out: The damage is actually so fucking high it's no longer a healer-only problem, people have to do the mechanics/pop a defensive or it's near instant death and if they refuse to understand that it's their problem because you cant save them anymore
They basically went so overkill on damage that they discharged the responsability from healers
What's this meme with Liquid and Walmart?
I'm still gunna call you shit and leave the key if I die :)
They completely fucked the m+ reward structure for no reason.
>the average retard who plays this game
>put in the effort to improve their play and get better
Good joke anon. You funny.
you can really tell who are the babies who started playing in s4
They had no business giving a +8 delve a 616 vault. And then they don’t give keyshart WQ’s to try and force people into m+ with awful vaults.
>Over pull near a respawn point
>People keep resing and insta dying over and over instead of just letting everything reset
M0 is supposedly m10
Issue with 7 being a 17 is that right now the dungeons are kind of absurd timer-wise. You could have three full wipes in df 17 and still time with 3 min left. Right now it’s impossible.
Additionally delves make everything below +9 pointless so people will start being really fucking toxic for being unable to get any upgrades soon, and with the sheer difficulty and healers simply not being able to drag a meh group to the finish line it’ll be miserable for everybody involved.
Kind of regret buying the expansion if that’s the way blizz sees tuning in the future
616s are already nothing special
>m+ babs crying again and hating life
its fucking insane and you dont even get mythic crests
if only fem humies could be as hot as sally in-game
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Are these "people" even human?
its mainly impossible because they made an affix that if you die it's 15 second penalty instead of 5 seconds
if your group wipes once that's already 1 minute gone + time lost running back, its extremely punishing if you die now
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Did the monk tank just fall off the edge there for Liquid?
>Schizo take but hear me out: The damage is actually so fucking high it's no longer a healer-only problem
Sure but so what? A shit dps will never even realize he’s bad, much less try to improve their own play. And if even a semi decent healer runs into shit pugs again and again he’ll end up only inviting overgeared, high io people at which point healer is timing keys but everybody else isn’t.
They squished Mythic.
M0 is old M10, and so on.
Yet the rewards don't line up with the challenge required to get them. Even the low mythics are harder than the hardest delves, which give far better gear from bountiful and great vault.
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>Echo lost raiders after Fyrakk due to lack of motivation and internal issues
>their main tank went suicidal and they had to call Naowh back
>one of their best recruits had such a fallout with the guild he went to Liquid and said on stream he'll never say why he left Echo
>multiple long-term raiders like Flex getting shafted for recruits like Hopeful
>Zaelia, the world's best healer from Echo gets accused by some random woman for mistreating her
>no explanation, no police report, no evidence, no definition of what the "mistreatment" was
>Tettles, the caster who got declined from Echo goes on Twitter and Reddid and spreads the story like wildfire everywhere
>it goes hot and Echo cuck in and get rid of Zaelia before the race
>they have the worst tier ever
>multiple people dead every single pull grinding progress to a halt - the DH, the rogue, one of the new healers

The boomkin onetrick got his revenge on Echo, but it will be incredibly funny if Liquid choke this and Echo win again.
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>+10 drops 613ilvl gear
>you essentially need 615+ilvl to even beat the timer, at least on the harder ones like GB
It's over for Liquit
its good, it has some flaws. lack of mobility, the need to keep everything in D&D, and death grip make it a very rigid "i am standing here and not moving" tank, and fights where you have to reposition often for mechanics or quickly get out of the way can give it some trouble.

it also does have the potential, since it relies so much on healing back damage taken, that if it takes too big a chunk at once and you get caught with your pants down between defensive CDs (why some people like to have rune tap in their pocket just in case) you can just pretty much instantly go 100-purgatory.

and of course it has that skill floor issue of just having a lot of buttons. rotationally you've got deaths caress, reapers mark, blood boil, marrowrend, heart strike, death and decay all of which need to be used in the opener, along with, depending on talents, 4-5 one minute cooldowns and 3-4 two minute cooldowns plus situationals like AMshield and zone, strangulate, and so on.

it has a lot of tools, but a big toolbox can also be a challenge to use

then theres the damage/runic power pooling mechanic of death strike. easier to track now and of course there are also addons to help, but newer players might fall into the trap of spending too much too often and not pooling it to rubber band back from big hits at the right time.

so yeah, definitely good but i dont know if i'd call it retard. if any tank spec is retard friendly, its probably guardian.
do echo stream with coms or is it all mute? would love to hear them raging
>accessibility issue
I hope this boss takes 1000 pulls.
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>Join follower dungeon just for mage water
Is this toxic? Are the robots going to report me?
So this guy fucked echo because they didnt hired him? Fucking lmao
I remember doing weekly +10 for vault on undergeared alts in sl and getting decent gear out of it
Right now you need to do the equivalent of 18 (which feels more like 22) with at most 1 shit dps in the group and both tank/healer that’s decent… or you need to spend 15 minutes in a delve.
whats more fucked is that they moved the highest crests to +9 instead of keeping them at +7 which would have meant that you would have been able to outgear some of the more brutal dungeons
>its 1 step off of the marker and everybody uses it no problem
max in full meltie eventhough echo are nowhere near killing this boss
Many people tried to discuss this during the beta but people called them doomers even when the literal esport players had troubles timing fucking 10s
If Liquid chokes yet again, I'm going to lose my mind.
a +10 in shadowlands gave dogshit gear
your brain is just playing tricks on you because it's easier to get good gear than ever so you just assume it's bad gear
Nightborne women are for?

Echo fucked themselves because they caved in to money from sponsors rather than sticking behind their boy and calling out the woman's bullshit.
They’re called women, anon.
I did my dailies and logged off. I'm soft quitting the game. That's just where I'm at with it.
you can EASILY be in full pre-myth gear right now and people are still crying that the myth gear isnt also being handed to them on a silver platter?
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>if any tank spec is retard friendly, its probably guardian.
me play bear
me macro ironfur to mangle thrash moonfire
me never die
> a +10 in shadowlands gave dogshit gear
From box, yea. The vault was alright for one key a week alt.
Now there’s delves, and the next step above it is pretty much impossible on an undergeared, low effort alt.
best erp race to top mentally ill discord trannies?
>they caved in to money from sponsors rather than sticking behind their boy
Not like they have much choice lol, sponsors are literally their entire income
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The real reason they joined the Horde
a 10 in the vault in shadowlands gave heroic raid gear
you know, the same thing you get from your delve vault currently
the same thing that a +3 gives in your vault currently
you're LITERALLY tricking yourself into thinking things are worse when they aren't
>get hero hear for existing
>next upgrade is more effort than getting portals in sl/df
People were trained that high ilvl gear is reasonably achievable, but now good gear is free but mythic gear is a nightmare for the average scrub. The progression is broken.
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yurobuck melties in here are hilarious
>decide to play again
>blizzard is offering free gear and bigger bags
>bags are smaller than what i had before

Also what the fuck is this new ui
614 Hunter that did less damage than the tank today.
doomsissies so utterly buckbroken they can't get a laugh out of ez-mine
But I’m not doing +3 when delves exist. I’m not doing anything below 9 as it’s pointless. And I’m not doing a 9 either because it’s a low effort alt.
The really funny thing about m+ loot in TWW is that 3-9 give hero track when the difference between a 3 and 7 let alone a fucking 9 is HUGE.
So you're just bitching about nothing then. Thanks for confirming.
Methinks they'll revert the changes at some point. They just don't make sense.
theyre more generous on the low end for hero gear, thats it, thats what has happened here
Real, used Tyrande's shit talking as a scapegoat.
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>get a 3% pull
>doesn't want to take a break
>gets overruled by literally the entire guild
>can barely convince people to do one more pull
>healer clearly and obviously sabotages it so they can go get dinner
>come back after break
>never get a good pull again
>endlessly wipe in P1
>still wiping in P1
>dead quiet voice chat
its fucking over. the consequences of being "friends" with your employees are being felt in real time for this basedboy
I’m bitching about the entire progression system being completely silly, but you seem to be thick as pig shit and arguing against some argument you made in your head
what is up with wf healers and being sexpests (allegedly)
No you're bitching because you can't get mythic gear by AFKing piss easy keys that can be 3 manned any more. We know. Nobody cares what you shitters think.
healers are sissyfaggots
nothing else to add
>i used to be able to do easy content on a low effort alt to get hero gear in vault
>now i can do easy content on a low effort alt to get hero gear in vault BUT THATS NOT GOOD ENOUGH >:(
Okay I feel bad for your mystery eboyfriend but this isn’t twitch chat, nobody even knows what team this fag is on
>3% pull
>haven't got close since
If Liquid doesn't win this it'll be the biggest blunder of all time. Echo are literally about to disband and don't even have their main tank and Liquid are shitting the bed.
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>Husband and wife guild lead
They also remember how quickly Tyrande got on her knees during the Ancient War before she had to act like she hated it
Press escape and click edit mode
uh sis? its liquidmaximum? from the RWF (race to world first)? you DO watch the race, dont you?
>in a month
two weeks AT WORST
it will probably be next week that lfg just dies off completely
>EUsissies already cooking up their excuse for why this tier doesn't count
That's how you know it's fucking grim.
No easy mythic gear? No m+ then
No m+? No sub
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I had this once except the wife played tank (druid) and the husband healed (paladin)
was a surprisingly progressed for how chill the guild was, but unfortunately the guild died when they had a kid
This time for real.
It's gonna die this time okay???
i really dont get why max is so brain broken over not killing the boss tonight
echo arent even close, theres literally zero percent chance they kill it while liquid are asleep tonight and liquid have already proven that they can kill it on a good pull so they just need to go to sleep and wake up tomorrow fresh
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Liquishit is officially choking! Max's stream is comedy
You’re not running keys without healers and healers are buck broken one double
ascendant pull in grim batol at a time
Cloth farmers are queuing for and leaving hundreds of Darkflame Crest runs a day.
You're probably good.
nelf female and name it bbcmaxxed
I'm done after ksm. These dungeons suck and the nerfs make doing them even more dreadful.
>has no m10 options in his vault
>didnt get any last week
you dont know shit bud
Echo is certainly capable of killing it when they wake up because they're all good players. Their problem is that their leadership is in shambles and everyone is playing retarded, but if they get a clue they can down it.
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>yfw Echo are now awake and getting their cocks ready for Max
Female Mechagnome named Alliewallie
Max is just waiting for Echo to wake up to kill it
>yeah guys the guild that made literally 0 progress for 2 entire days is totally going to get it done this time
this but draenei
If anything the most silly thing about progression right now is that everyone is balls deep into heroic gear at week 2 of the raid coming out
3 out of 4 of the tiers are freeloot in the vault but that's not enough for people because they want the 4th aswell without doing any hard content
>gearing up monk for PVP
>server crashes
fuck Blizzard
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Sally Whitemane is my wife
>husband prot pal main tank
>wife was destro lock
>wife is the epitome of mid dps
>no good but not so horrendous we can excuse keeping her out
>she's an achievement/pet/mount whore
>started to pvp solely to get achievements
>FL comes out and we decide to give first legendary staff to mage because not shit
>she's passive aggressive about it
>she starts forming alt 10 mans to farm her own staff
>we all go for alts
>one single week out of many where a couple of us can't go because we have IRL shit to do
>she throws a tantrum
>robs gbank and takes her husband with her
Rot in hell Kalicifer
>get heroic gear for no effort
>the next step up is a +9/10, something that the average person will never reach
that seems questionable in a game where ilvl progression is important to most people
theyve barely even gotten into p3 let alone proven they can do the entire thing AND optimize boss damage
if they suddenly have the best day of raiding theyve had this entire tier then they MIGHT see enrage 2 or 3 times but the boss isnt going to be sub 5% health
lucky for them liquid have already shown that the boss is killable in current tuning when that wasnt even clear previously, but good luck hitting that damage check when you have a balance druid (bottom 3 boss damage spec in the entire game) in the comp instead of an arms warrior (top 3 boss damage spec in the entire game)
I need to use all 4 of my catalyst charges to get PvP tier, chud.
I don't have any guaranteed myth track tier at all.
They'll just make and excuse about mental state because of zaelia
Katy Stampwhistle is mine
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Since these bags don't have any sort of ilvl attached to them to try to make a better craft can I just buy the cheapest weavercloth bolts on the AH to put up alongside my crafting order?
You can reach +9/10 on hero track gear if you just farm tf out of valorstones and runes. 8/8 them shits.
Female vulpera named worgbait
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1.8 with lots of deaths
>where ilvl progression is important to most people
Just because progression is important to people doesnt mean it should be free
People could pug the first 2 bosses in the MM raid, and slowly get item in the vault
Or they could upgrade their HC gear to 626 with crests, which is pretty fucking close to MM's 636
But somehow that's not enough for some people, they just want the best gear available by doing mid-tier content
Fuck me that was close.
Yes the whole structure is stupid as fuck just look at the crafts
>heroic 619
>mythic 636
Almost 20 ilvl wtf
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Stop talking about RWF
oh no Max! stop being toxic and singling out players no! they're getting more and more nervous and tired!
night elf or blood elf for demon hunter on moonguard?
This game is propaganda.
You nerdy kids need to understand the power of working as a team.
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I don't think Raiding is fun. I think it's antiquated content that needs to be revamped.
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>average people should get the best level gear from doing non-hard content
Worgen or Tauren?
Heroic and normal is fun
Mythic will never be fun
>be tank
>join a +7 stonevault group with everyone above 2k m+ score
>was doing my usual pulls/route
>dps start "accidentally" body pulling extra packs
>we wipe a couple of times because of it
>get to the room before the last boss
>they "accidentally" pull a pack i normally don't pull with another pack
>we wipe again
>3 minutes left
>they tell me i need to slow down and that i've already griefed the key
>i insta leave
please kill yourselves you method wannabe freaks
buy Wildercloth Bags on AH
On my realm they are like 50 gold and have 30 slots
yes we know, you've posted this many times before
2 more weeks before your mythic raid rework
Probably wants a super dominating victory like the one Echo had on Jailer
I failed a 5 NW... this is going to be on my permanent record... it's over...
how much longer is liquid going for? i know they're close but echo is still way behind they could probably afford the rest.
PvP gearing is like this, yes.
You dragon slaying chuds refuse to budge and have even made it worse this expansion THOUGH.
see >>496438364
that defeat was such a stomp that it probably lives in max's head and he sees a chance to create a similarly dominant one of his own here
>Need healer
>A Pr*est signs up for my key
Is this reportable?
I would have fun with mythic if they paid me $25 an hour to raid it(plus $20 an hour for splits and M+ grinding)
void elf with blue eyes and blond hair named after a Tolkien elf
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Hi, /wowg/! is your day going well?
>PvP gearing is like this, yes.
It's really not tho, PvP have a fomo set+enchant+title+mount every season, you either get rating or you lose it forever
That's why people run it, they also want bigger numbers, that number just is tied to rating instead of ilvl
at least it wasnt an rdruid bro imagine....
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i'm sad splinterstorm is getting changed. i know arcane is the big dick spec right now but splinterstorm frost has been fun as hell if the mob lives long enough. hate ray of frost and glacial spike man
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Ugh! Brother, ugh! What is that?
I thought priest were good now?
you're more right than you think, as this man is actually making a point about how unrighteous people react when they are told to act righteously according to the teachings of islam. similarly, you react negatively to 'pera boys.
i like glacial because it's funny to pummel a mob with a big hit
ray of frost is so shit and boring though, hate that spell
I also despise shifting power, irritating ability and doesnt flow at all with the rest of the specs
why does blizzard utterly refuse to make chimera shot good
it was so bad in dragonflight that it wasnt worth taking even on raid boss fights that it was designed for, sustained double target

come tww, they made it even WORSE???? for some reason?? it does less damage than arcane shot, actual dps loss talent taking it over taking nothing at all

marksmanship already struggles so hard to begin with on two targets because trick shots doesn't activate unless it hits three targets unlike every other aoe in the entire game, and chimera shot would fit perfectly into that niche but they keep making sure it stays shit forever

i dont get it
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>Do a +2 Mists as a tank
>kind of do okay
>mess up mists once
>kind of fuck up the 2nd boss getting frozen twice and missed 1 pattycake
>do okay on getting % (2% off at last boss)
>21/22Min finish
>Thank and apologize to healer, tell him I'm new (obv)
>People are nice to me after and say I did alright and it's fine
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Ok, describe your revamp.
Am curious as to how you'd redesign it.
Leveling a draenei resto shaman for the first time. Fun, but I'm only level 17.
what does that have to do with gearing
bis pvp gear is easily achievable by playing the game casually
holy fucking based, its always better to get cunts hopes up even when you have already made up your mind on leaving. get towards the end of the key then just leave when the retards ruin it
i will 100% agree with all of that, gs can be fun and especially on a fat crit from winter's chill. ray of frost and shifting power have no place in frost and i wish shadowlands abilities didn't come base as some specs, they're so ass and ruin the flow completely like the rotation is so nice and then SORRY GOTTA SHIT A BLUE CIRCLE>>496439238
i love quiktrip
2 target cleave is degenerate.
Only boomkins are allowed to take advantage of damage patterns.
They get to p3 consistently, they just keep dying to the same spot every time.
>wake up eager to play some wow
>log in
>jump around dornogal for 5 min
>close the game
>end up proompting sloppa of my character for 6 hours instead
the war within experience
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yeah I am a dragon "slayer" alright heh
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I wouldn't mind Vulperas if their voice lines didn't sound exactly like Ben Shapiro.
whats the echo lore?
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Shit, brother, you might as well ask me what the fuck a titan in the lore is. I don't fucking know, I just want the content to be fun to play. I don't have fun dying a dozen + times until everyone does the right thing. It's not fun.
i would slayher if you know what i mean
>another 4 battle pet world quests
i dont mind them but honestly damn give us some variety at least
also why the fuck is there not an option to have preset battle pet teams you can organise beforehand
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male draenei paladin named donald
>what does that have to do with gearing
People run PvE for iLvl
People run PvP for flex shit like mog and enchants
They both have clear exclusionary barriers to prevent shitters from accessing it, because otherwise those items would be meaningless
Tbqh heroic and mythic raids were kinda fun when I did them in Pandaria remix.
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this is it
get ur gob o0n
i'm gonna echo this. i think pandaria remix was nearly the perfect MMO, at least for warcraft
>got to rebait nostalgia from the old timers after over a decade
>people who always heard of the good days got to experience it
>collectors finally got near impossible mounts and shit like tusks of mannoroth after years of farming
the downsides though
>insanely fast power creep
>frog farmers ruined what i assume was supposed to be the scalability
>min maxed from the first hour
>should have been about replaying quests, doing dailies and dungeons, taking it slow
>EXP mail gets discovered
>can hit max lvl in an hour total, over 2-3 days work
we were so close SO close. reprogging garrosh the first time was really fun and i hope to experience that again someday in XXXXX remix
managed to scrape enough gold together for a token, i get to play for another month :)
ngl anon, remix was the most abysmal gameplay experience I've ever taken part in
after the first few days, the entire gameplay was 1/2 people doing 99% of the damage and the other 8+ people just doing their best to catch up. nobody contributed anything to the fights and just held down their W key in hopes that they'd be able to get kill credit
Until they eventually got the bronze needed to be the person doing the damage
It was just boosting, there was no gameplay at all.
There was no 'good days' to experience. Bosses dont die in 5 seconds.
Method got metoo'd from the Josh incident so a bunch of people jumped ship and made Echo
the only reason people enjoyed remix was because they got 'rare' mounts for no effort and got to get alts to max in 2 hours by being boosted, the actual mode sucked ass and wasn't fun
there was the first few days, but that's also outlined in my post with the power creep. bronze should have never been made farmable off of mobs and it should have remained a sustainable (short term) power creep that actually intentionally worked for 3-4 months rather than a week at most.
One of their players is an actual sperg and started yelling 'fuck walmart' for no reason, it caught on.
Echo's DH and rogue have probably lost them a full raid day of progress due to how much they were dying.
>one of their players
>one of
i think most of the guilds are probably spergs anon
have you seen the shit that Fleks does?
all the splits?
it's not what normal people do
Max can't stop fucking choking holy shit
It's literally never been more joever. Liquid cannot lose at this point. Even if they go to sleep without the kill there's no way Echo kills it when they wake up.
Max needs to just go to bed already. If they stay up till 4am trying to kill this while making all this mistakes they are just going to wake up tired and make even more mistakes
is this game fun to play casually if you don't want to do (difficult) raid content
>Currently 10:15
>They usually raid till 11:30, start at 9
They're not even going late yet, what are you retards on about?
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How did Echo manage to fuck up this bad on the last boss. They were looking pretty even with Liquid beforehand too. Liquid have played so much better, even if they are throwing now
if you like collecting things i think its a very good game to casually play but you encounter non-casuals in nearly any aspect group content that will likely sour the mood if you don't compare to their standards
Echo won't even kill it within this reset 2bh
>They were looking pretty even with Liquid beforehand too
Nah, they've looked really sloppy and slow on every fight this tier. Either some players are sandbagging or there's some private drama going on because they've been playing like shit compared to usual.
>change talents
>Soulbound with Nadjia the Mistblade.

don't worry, liquid gonna choke again
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My femra is like this
Spell particle effects used to be so pretty, also there's no advancement in graphics whatsoever.
Actually zones felt better back then.
Limit have had 80 more pulls
+ they got rid of their best healer because of unfounded 'accusations'
and Echo always go into a cascading tilt cycle when things go wrong
there was a bug with soulbinds recently i cant remember what class it was but apparently a SL soulbind was causing a class to do WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY less dmg than intended
Internal issues + 2 of their melee dps being boosted.
We're actually making fun of you on discord right now
I really like the Queen fight. Mechanically it's awesome.

Court can go fuck itself with it's diarrhea cluster fuck of shit everywhere
Their main tank tried to kill himself so they made their m+ tank raid tank and the skill diff has been pretty blatant. They also have a shit comp imo. They're running a boomerkin, which has some of the worst single target in the game right now. In a fight where they need as much boss damage as possible because of a tight timer. So they have the worse single target raid tank (Paladin) plus a boomie, plus some other questionable choices on top of their top players like gingi dying to stupid shit every pull. Someone from Liquid was in dorki's stream the other night leaking that Echo has some serious internal problems going on right now. If Liquid doesn't win this then it'll be the biggest blunder ever.
It's time
the current spell effects are just overwhelming clutter and spells themselves do too much
go watch the live letter, xivtroon
Yeah battle pets are basically unusuable without a team addon, this one works well enough
If they choke it'll be to Method coming in from behind cause Echo ain't killing this boss until reset.
Court is a fun fight. Queen is just mechanics bloat overload.
So what are the internal issues for Echo that everyone keeps mentioning?
I dunno how Max can fuck up at this point. They feel like they are 2 days ahead of prog vs Echo at this point
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>30mins later
Okay sure buddy
wait HOLD ON there are people out there that buy wow gold?
zaelia was kicked out of echo because a couple of girls called him abusive on twitter.
you never know. liquid chokes easily at the end and echo only needs a couple of good pulls
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thoughts on this mog?
I've bought two tokens so far and I came back during Dragonflight.
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literally inting
pressing abom limb whilst under the boss during adds LMAO
liquid are falling apart
>Echo needs a couple of good pulls

Have you seen their fucking demon hunter and their rogue?
that was such a kill holy moly
They have coms, but there isn't really rage it's all passive aggressive yuro shit.
>Abom grips wipe
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>activate ze echo sleeper agent
We got this in the bag maxbros
>running double abom limb on this fight
lmao echo wiped to the same thing earlier
what member/streamer plays with coms?
can you fucking cut that shit out dude it's really annoying
>Zekvir spawns egg right as Brann throws down potions across the room
>Drops his cone on the egg
>Walks over
>Starts aoe fear on the egg
Why is this fight so aids as melee compared to ranged
Forgot what the proving grounds was so I entered it. Remembered immediately, but did it anyway cause fuck it, bored. Never bothered past bronze challenge before.
Was not aware they had titles after wave 30 of endless.
And I think the healer one at least isn't optimized for modern classes, the Mage blows her mana immediately and stands around for the vast majority of it, combat never stops and damage extremely minimal. Upside is heals are extremely effective so its just a case of rationing mana.

I like the banter between them though.
>Hunter doesn't realise he's standing in fire
>Mage is the aggressively impatient one
>Rogue reassures you're doing you're best
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us europeans have spent the last 1000 years being outwardly hostile to each other
passive agressiveness is the only thing keeping this continent from a third great war
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Why does it say my best run is a 5 for all of these when they are all +7 timed completed?
I've been watching Hopeful, but I'm pretty sure they all have coms on. Meeres, Noawh and Gingi have all been streaming.
riku has been active the entire tier
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>+3 keys
>Echo's first pull is a PB
tick tock max sistahs, it's getting late....
Liquishid is panicking and rapid pulling now
that's what i fucking mean!
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anyone knows what replaces a bunch of spell cast names with just "frontal"? I can't find the damn thing
The raiderio addon is all fucked up. It still says I'm 5/8H when I have aotc.
because blizzard is gay and shows a 5+++ as better
i dont even have the addon
maybe it's your plater profile?
or bigwigs/littlewigs/dbm?
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will i regret levelling this?
tick tock maxfags
Why are ground mounts not allowed in dawnbreaker
race server class?
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>turn on Echo steam
>their rogue is dead before a pull even

How did those two make it to a RWF roster? They are literally boosted
I like the black hair one more.
With gold eyes, she'd look better though
nobody plays rogue anymore
think it's like the least played class
fem panda
echo didn't make any progress yesterday lets hope today is different or else NACHADS are gonna beat us in another race
Every time Max gets stressed he starts to hypershake his leg. If you look at him he's literally shaking visibly on his cam. He knows it's a choke incoming. Imagine losing to the castrated version Echo with a 16 hour headstart.
they had to run back!!! oh no!!!!!!
>be tank doing necrotic wake +6
>feel like i played perfectly, everyone interupting shit also, only 2 deaths
>finish the dungeon with 2 minutes left
how is that fair? one mistake from anyone would have bricked the key
>Echo got personal best 13.3% on first pull of day
>Liquid getting back to back p1 wipes
Is the pressure actually back on max now? He might not actually be able to go to bed anymore
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Friends ive been wondering is it worth rerolling from rogue to lock? just wanna relax with the game.... i most do HC raids and delves. i played destro lock since moo but switched to sin rogue last year.... but shits too hard and i hate int
have to do bigger pulls chuddy
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>Literally Blizzard is collapsing and Microsoft is putting everyone out back to the shed to shoot them
>/wowg/: DOOD THE RACE!

Guys, it's really, really bad right now at Blizzard.
not my problem
you may not have noticed but this thread is about world of warcraft not overwatch
They've been at it for over 13 hours today. Tiredness will be setting in but they must know now that if they call it and go to bed there's a good chance they'll lose.
wow is probably the only thing making them any money atm, wow is fine
overwatch does not need 400 employees
>do bigger pulls
>healers brain explodes
>that 2 minutes left becomes a 5 minute overtime bricked run
Her hat is dumb and she's mentally ill.
so how many of those 400 actually did any real game dev stuff?
Honestly I'd take a Russian over a French retard any day. They at least usually shut up and get the job done with no questions asked. The French? HONHONHONHONHONHON. Fuck 'em.
A general full of people who 1. don't play the game, 2. are subbed but alt tab to talk to strangers cause they lack literally anyone to talk to, and 3. people who hate the game

unironically thank fuck I quit this game. Go into any other general and youll see people discussing the game and wanting to socialize
My friend rerolled from rogue to BM Hunter and it worked out.
Wasn't that introduced by mistake and they only let the couple of people who looted them keep them?
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>Her hat is dumb
That's not very nice
blizzard tried to sneak the last second nerf in and Liquishid still fucked up my god how do you fuck up something given to you so freely ahahahhaha
>see good p3 pull on other monitor
>1 res
>pull it up
>3 people instantly die
>max has 50k views
>chat barely moving
Why the fuck is this retard allowed to blatantly viewbot every race?
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post you're toon
everyone is busy playing wow to chat lil sis
Since the usual cycle of grift around WoW is
>my dudes the game is LITERALLY dying
>no it is really dying FOR REAL ITS OVER
>New patch isn't gonna change anything
>...my dudes the game is LITERALLY dying
at what stage are the grifters currently
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Look at him. He's already accepted it. He's just going through the motions now.

It's over.
for sure sis!
>takes 30 minutes in queue for a battleground on a saturday night
Their first pull just now was a pb.
orc or dwarf warlock?
>minigame shit
don't reply to people using 8 year outdated posting styles
Wait they nerfed it again while echo was sleeping?
Liquid is giving him all kinds of embeds wowhead too, there was a bunch of drama about this like a year ago but I guess everyone forgot about the embed cheese
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But true.
orc if horde, human if alliance IMO
undead and gnome would be your other choices
you both gonna become my sluts
i think china is gonna come outta no where
theres literally nothing to body pull unless they got a SINGLE fucking extra mechsuit you dumb faggot
youre a stupid bitch and should kys immediately, remove yourself from lfg you fucking diva
they nerf it just as Echo is past their best pulls same shit different raid
>ara ara shadowwalker
they have some sort of a charge called Umbral Rush. does it hurt people in their path?
as in suppose I'm between him and tank and he charges tank - do I get bonked as well?
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is it over eucucks? did we lose again?
btw are delves easier as a lock than as a rogue? i mean apart for stealthing mobs but ive gotten to 10 solo with my rogue. how hard will it be?
disc is extremely strong in m+ tho
it aint dead until that says 0%
they're choking again plus it's late and they're sleepy
holy seethe, i must have imagined it all
Why would I purchase a fitness program from two fat cunts
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it has a good healing profile for dungeons, the issue is that it has no kick or poison/curse dispell which is really fucking cringe
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if liquid does not get this free raid they are utterly dogshit more like
This is it lads, it's over.
fortunately the best tank in the game has both
how tf do you even get through that last phase
I love Ansurek. I love the way she gobbles up all these mythic raiders like little snacks. She's so beautiful and strong.
>Fyrakk race had Echo on 120K viewers and Liquid on 60K viewers swapping over constantly
>this race barely has a single stream hovering above 60K
prevoker on the same level as rsham in keys is an absolute farce, whoever made that list is a genuine down syndrome retard
fuck em
liquid are on the west coast?
They are choking now. It will get worse the later they go if they don't kill soon
I remember when this art was posted when Sally was announced for HotS, and retards immediately started shitposting that Whitemane's thighs were covered in this design.
E-Echo sxssies we can still win this right?!?! W-WE CAN CATCH UP R-RIGHT?!
Team Liquid is a european organization owned and run by a Dutchman.
As a fellow American you should be cheering for Instant Dollars, the highest ranked all American raid team.
Liquid stops in 20 minutes so they need to kill it now or Echo has the advantage.
>Liquid stops in 20 minutes
sauce sis?
>haven't logged on in years
>resub out of sheer curiosity
>get distracted killing rares
>behavior warning appears in the top right of my screen
i haven't even typed a single thing yet
what always makes me laugh about NA is that they use NA rankings rather than world rankings in their recruitment bio's on wowprogress/raiderio LMAO
They'll go overtime because they're so close.
They also don't have to worry because Echo will not kill this boss before reset.
They kill it Echo can't even get close kek
nah i bet they'll go to like 2-3 am
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disc is too hard to play
last portal is fucking brutal
>stuck on Princess H for days but already know the mechanics
>get into a pug
>some fucking retards fails mechs and gets me killed on the very first portals
>pug one shots the boss
Im so fucking mad, I wish i could fucking split that fucking retard in two with my fucking mind
>They'll go overtime because they're so close.
seems like a tough call, because if they do overtime and not kill echo might actually get it
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>summon lil tentacle nigga
>everyone is full hp for the next forever
wait slow down i need to take notes
he's fit wtf do you mean fat lmao
roid bloat isn't fit
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skill issue chud
the throws
>oh I'm a great player and know everything. yeah I died on my only kill but trust me bro
>die to mechanics
>get carried anyway
>somehow mad
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when are they going to fully tear the wall down and let me play as a horde worgen
We were standing there with the orbs about to explode and the fuckface cunt moved last second and blasted me in the face insta killing me what a fuckhead
I am so fucking mad
it was a resto sham surely
These are the best raiders in the world? Blood Legion and Paragon are rolling over in their grave.
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>I still have methodjosh's old spotify playlists
I am happy. Life is good.
They been stopping at 11:30 during Queen and starting again at 9am.
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Name my band.
i wouldnt go to sleep with a 1.22% wipe
>Blood Legion and Paragon are rolling over in their grave
nowadays they'd lose against the average week 1 aotc heroic pug
lilbro tried to sneak in blood legion after their legendary dragonsoul choke
Blood Legion and Paragon fought shit bosses with shit mechanics
>go to sleep at 11pm with 1.22%
>vs go to sleep at 5am with 1.22%
your call max
blood legion literally lost a raid when all the top EU teams were banned to a korean guild that got the patch 3 days later LMAO
absolute nobody guild
Go to sleep at 12 with 0%
It's one percent
They got this
is now the time to resub?
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Seethe more zoomers.
>another wipe at p3
>the chat is getting agressively banned
oh no no no! you cant loose against the crippled semi-ready yurobean team!
The've been playing for 15 hours. Firedup can barely talk. If they try to go overtime then end up wiping still at 3am they're actually fucked.
I wonder what drives people to be a part of the race to world first. It's a meaningless title and the cost to your mental and physical health can't be worth it by a longshot.
Like I get being a mythic raider for the challenge, but why put yourself through all the extra abuse for literally nothing? It's pointless.
fk u josh ur garbage ex player
Look at how much more healing the Evokers do than the other healers. They're so broken.
firedup is like 24, he can handle it
If Echo somehow end up killing it while Liwuid are sleeping please clip Liquids reactions
Funny thing is you're the zoom here. One of Paragon's raiders is literally raiding for Echo right now and you didn't realise it because you're a fraud.
wow they played a video game for 15 hours? how rough!
rogues are way too hard to play to be honest. and doesnt reward enough to justify the investment
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>tfw hit the level where I can't heal through retards being retards
I miss the jigex posters...
which key
Do you think Ansurek will let me rub her abdomen if I ask nicely? She'll probably need one to soothe her serious tummy ache after eating all of Liquid's raiders.
+2 Mists…
theyre paid
+7 SV
kek max already making excuses? hahaha
>zekvir invades my 8 delve, drops a map
>get rewards at end of delve and another map
poggers i guess
you have to be white to understand
we do things that seem pointless and troublesome just because we want to see if we can
>become a pharmacy for sleeping drugs to your team like some college kid
>"got the best shit man, it will knock you out"
>final boss of the race and people want to sleep

what did he mean by this
I was there when they killed heroic Rag
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Mists literally the easiest key
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I switched to drinking water during raid and m+ spam. It tastes worse initially, but it doesn't have that after kind of gunk feeling at the back of your throat/tongue. I'd reccomend it. I think I love water now.
They unironically get money from sponsors
yea mists is nothing compared to 1st and 3rd bosses in ara kara
>World's best WoW raiders doing the raid
>Still takes 12 days to even complete them
Why is this allowed?
Naowh is an insane raid tank with tons of world firsts to his name wtf are you talking about.. he was the original tank before andy
I'm Whiter than you, Paco. I'm Norwegian. Anyway, even if those guys are paid it can't be comparable to a regular job. A job where you can be done in 8 hours, get home and still do mythic raiding without wasting your life.
Runeheal and Sawicky
they're the beta testing team
after the race is over the bosses get adjusted
also there's an icecrown type raidwide buff that kicks in after a while

also, mythic is aimed at competitive players. Normal and heroic are for regular players
Only gays drink water
>im white
>im Norwegian

??? literally swarthy
>t.bald cockroach
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Here's your cool Patron work order, bro. Hope you're prepared to flake out 75k gold in order to be rewarded with 56g 10 acuity and a crafting license worth 250g.
Keys about to start. Post your push theme.
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Is Fellowship going to kill the M+ scene?
>it can't be comparable to a regular job
>he doesn't know
Also, Norwegian? You guys aren't white. The only thing you've contributed to humanity is the term Quisling. That's the thing your nation is most famous for: betraying yourselves.
goodnight /wowg/
you fucking idiot
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Sweet. Took four runs tonight, but I got my shield for my Scarlet character.
i see a nipple!!!
holy orcbait
fine ill goon again
it may
i played the alpha honestly its fun as fuck
but blizzard is miles ahead of them on killing the m+ scene
Post butthole
>Anyway, even if those guys are paid it can't be comparable to a regular job.
He doesn't know...
Four runs of what?
you can tell every dev outside blizzard who tries to rip it off is a former mazed rat for how wildly they neglect the appealing power of the charcter customization
for 99% players an ability to create and customize own personal character is the defining factor of whether they will or wont play the game for long
Sanctum of Domination (Mythic), drops from one of the bosses right before the Jailer.
echosisters, I'm getting worried...
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Brush your teeth, nigger.
Echo sxssies still coping
Hows the UI? I'm guessing it won't have something like Weakauras but I'm fine with getting good as long as it shows at least a little more info than the default wow UI
As a gatherer I'm glad that it will take me 27 weeks to get my max tools since I can't get acuity
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>Firedup and Imexile are dying
>theyre paid
yeah, the social aspect is still somewhat decent, not quite as good as 14 but okay. there are 20 years of storylines to play through and zones to explore, and also every piece of gear that has ever been added to the game also doubles as a cosmetic skin so there is TREMENDOUS potential for customizing outfits for your characters. theres probably the most robust variety of playstyles and aesthetics between the characters of any MMO, which each specialization within a class (most have 3, a few have 2 or 4) functioning as basically their own classes, there are a ton of mounts and pets to collect, and even a pokemon style pet battler minigame, and there are also at this point probably well over 100 dungeons, plus the new delves which are like mini dungeons, as well as probably about 20 or so capitol cities, and some very in depth (although somewhat complicated) crafting professions that require more or less no skill to work through, just time and going out to gather materials.

even if all you do is the newest zones story, the ez mode npc versions of the dungeons and raids (basically zero difficulty guided tours for story purposes) and side quests, you'll easily have a 30-40 hour game just off of that, which in my opinion is worth like $50 or whatever they're charging for the base version of the x-pac these days.
liquid is literally going to kill it tonight
so im going to make my post before i fall asleep
you suck
you will never win again
he changed the game the way to play
Unlearn a gathering profession, learn leatherworking or tailoring. Materials are basically free and you get tons of acuity up to 60-70 skill. Use that to fix your gathering professions.
become a delvin' melvin
Max and Ratnos love spreading shit about stuff in the past not being as good because it directly benefits their egos EU teams never say any shit like that
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do we agree with her?
it's okay, but without doing at least some raids / m+ / pvp I probably wouldn't bother
I thought acuity, while not represented on the ui, was unique to each profession. That's even more retarded.
pretty good its just wow lite with a built in damage meter
its not near as comprehensive as details but its good enough
I meant Sepulcher of the First Ones (Mythic).
i aint readin all that shit dog
nothing can beat ansurek's MASSIVE ASS
Yes. Mazerats will still seethe while 1% raiders will have a fit over the slight swell in population they may experience
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how the keys going?

>tfw no one invites me for Grim Batol
yeah acuity is a bitch for some profs
blizzard are double niggers
tbf having listed GB myself you get hundreds of sign ups because GB drops a lot of BIS items for several classes
liquid will NEVER down it
i dread a +6 ara kara
ECHO SISSIES!??!?!??!?!
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echosisters, our response?
rip echo
Liquid just shat on everyone.
Do spears do that much damage? Everyone saved those spears to pierce the adds on the second boss in SL
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rwf doesn't matter
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now that the race is over can we PLEASE get some more AIslop going?
>24 hours advantage
what happened echobros....


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YOU LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!
now that the content is cleared what do we do now?
this is pathetic to watch
grown up men behaving like this because they spent 16 hours a day on their computer killing some pixels lol
Echo deserved to lose for trying to go to OG
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what is gingi thinking right now?
watch method get 2nd
only losers care about rwf
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>haven't watched the race at all
>decided to randomly tune in 5 minutes ago
>that was the pull that they kill

bros... am I him?
echo won't get it before 403 pulls lmao
what is OG
Rest in peace, Ansurek, your reign was short but it was fun. I'll never stop loving you.
most likely watching liquid's kill to copy it lel
>we should have never kicked out best players
you dont get it asshole
this is the one time itt we get to shit on EUFAGGOTS incessantly for two weeks
fuck off
lurk moar
learn the culture and try again in two years
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If echo kill it within the 16 hours they can claim the ethical world first and moral victory
Echxit sisters...
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I guess you could say pull 404 is... not found
>cope victory
Yea it's crazy. My BiS Weapon, Trinket, Ring and Wrists drop from that dungeon
pay up sissy
>tfw it's happening again...
max totally deserved to win this time
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'Ick on 'eck vibe
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They didn't kicked them, they left
who is that dwarf in liquid team?
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thd for mvp
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I fucking LOVE when a good Augmentation Evoker is in the group holy shit these faggot dragons are based
Hold fuck Echo got dominated this tier
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why don't you post about it on plebbit instead of bringing your fucking blogs here retard
>how the keys going?
I did stonevault at m0 yesterday. Then I tried m0 NW and we died 3 times on stitchflesh, then disbanded
What race is this?
his smile and optimism gone.....


pull 420 would have been kino
you're posting in a video game general on 4chan btw
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>3rd world amerishits chanting their country name
never fails to make me laugh
the headstart is such horseshit
>the millionaire streamer deserves more cocksucking
...to world first
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if echo kills it within the next 6 hours, they are the true winners
What did he do?
saved an essence with his gate
holy fuck glad this shit is over so we can get a fucking tuning pass finally
Nerf fury holy shit.
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His smile and optimism: Gone.
? Echo's been streaming for an hour and they just stopped pulling because of the kill. You can tell they're seething
14 hours*
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It must suck being the other team waking up and having to do this fight all day for 2nd place lol
If it weren't for devo aura and fort there's literally no reason to bring any other class to heal.
viewership for RWF was extremely weak this time around. Did their bot program stop working or did people lose interest?
its already getting giga nerfed fuck off retard
literally who watches this shit
Both. You could see it by the lack of shilling in this thread. It only became RWF: the thread(s) during OCE hours
>Pet oc of one of the lead devs
>Getting tuned
lmao no
What's happening with Echo now bros? Are they dead inside.
This has to be their biggest loss ever
Their own fault for deciding pve content was a competitive sport now.
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Didn't they also get up early just to try to win? Aren't they also like 15% off a kill?
almost as if people start caring only when its the last boss and when its on the ropes
anyone got a clip of the echo stream when they found out?
mikes on and i wanna see the bald fuck sad
last tier was peak because there was a combination of:
>blizzcon hype
>sod hype
>liquid and echo being close on the last boss for multiple days
this rwf was more in line with others
what makes a good one? the entire spec is retardproof and you can cast while moving 70+% of the time
wait im reading the wowhead article and it mention that this is limits last kill, is limit disbanding?
>with Liquid claiming their sixth and final World First
>Wreck your reflexes playing a game with built-in 250 ping
>Lose race
Many such cases
The only raid that matters is the last one of the expansion after midnight, the next few years we are just waiting around.
>this is caring
Maybe for the race being finally finished. They don't care who gets first
I have no idea but I've been in groups where it feels like he isn't doing shit and then I was just in a group where it feels like he was fucking shredding
if i didnt have to be a FAGGOT dragon id make one
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I have tried to watch it but it's a huge mess of spells and people running around, can't figure out what i'm watching
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You'll know you have a good one if your tank is unkillable.
Let me know when they get rid of their DEI department.
both. wow is losing relevancy. This RWF failed to crack 200k viewership on twitch. People really just don't give a fuck + viewer bot program being easier to detect
>one of their raiders is named Ksp
>same name as a paladin I did 3s with in all of TBC/WOTLK
>sold dozens of accounts after titleboosting
>he was world rank #1 hunter for multiple weeks after swapping from hpal
>it's a different person
what an extremely odd coincidence
the mexican warlock saving the essence therefore preventing a raid wipe is fucking cinema
what a kino ending
>"race" for world first
>one team gets a 16 hour head start
what a joke
doesnt seem very hopeful
>wow is losing relevancy
he doesn't know...
is there a vod on this?
cope, LOSER
>invite a bunch of people with over 2k m+ score
>no one interrupts the fear mob in stonevault
>we wipe once
>every leaves
why did i put any faith in dps players
it's so fucking cringe bro
The Mexican must’ve been here reading me talk shit about them in m+.
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>preach coping saying liquid won because echo won the last and thus weren't "hungry" for the kill
why didn't you kick it?
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Don't worry echo sis, maybe you guys can get world 7th in the dyke ultimate or something
>number 1 echo shill preach
I'm sure he'll start coping.
teamliquid has it. max is a fag and requires a sub to watch vods
Not even the free ghost horse was able to reach high numbers for more than 24 12 hours
Now fix hunters.
Liquid may have killed Ansurek but she will always live on in my heart. I will never betray my giant spider wife.
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well this was fun, looking forward to more europoor cope tomorrow
they killed?
damn maybe we can finally have some big fucking nerfs on 5 and 6 so that it's actually possible for people who don't raid for a living
Imagine being her human male stud.
Liquid took this from you.
That's it? Guy uses a generic mobility cooldown to just pick up a bomb that's slightly further away?
The guy sidestepping fire lines to keep his seed safe on Fyrakk was may more impressive.
-maintenance time (8 hours this race)
-time wasted on overtuned mechanics
where the frick are the nesingwary quests this expansion
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she will kill him last
was too busy trying to face the golem away from everyone, legitimately thought a dps would prioritise the interrupt for the fear being that high of a m+ rating
it's over max bros...
too problematic, they don't do them any more
They should have just brought back Anub'arak, nobody cared about the mommy issues spider
The raid would have wiped if he didn't do that. Liquid would still be pulling if not for him.
that bomb wipes the raid if its hit by the wave
its just an insane play to have the awareness to grab it during that entire shitshow wit heverything else going on
Don't hurt me anymore than I have been. I will remain faithful to her until my time on this earth comes to an end and then we will be reunited in death.
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Norfbros... our response?
this is what OG does to a nigga
Yeah obviously, it's fucking mythic every other mechanic is an instant raid wipe. There's just no real mechanical skill being shown in that clip, it's generic as a warrior leaping into a soak at the last second.
I care about her. I know deep down she was a good spider and just wanted to help her people. Xal'atath fucked her up and when we defeat that stupid void bimbo I'm going to crush her black heart in my hand.
Was it worth it for the hair plugs?
nobody except 5 thirdworld subhumans in here watch this garbage, probably the same low iq retards that watch streamers, viewer count is botted
>"Grats Liquid for the kill. Echo wasn't playing well Echo will win next time Echo have been good to me I'm sure they'll win next time because Echo always play better when this happens."
Fucker shills so hard for them it's unreal.
nah that was kino. another wipe at single digit % could've killed their prog right there.
Max revolutionized WoW, no not only that.. The entire online gaming industry.
protwar or guardian anons and anonettes?
something sturdy
Why does he say in his twitter that he is a co-owner when wikipedia doesn't list him, not even as in a leadership position?
>live letter was shit
>scripe the xiv shill loses the race
>preach coping
what a great day
god bless america
what is that grifter coping about?
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prot war
God i wish i could cum in your american boi pussy
Warrior is literally unkillable.
>faces of wow are an out of shape britoid and a bearded j*w
holy hell
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I can't understand how zoomers give a flying fuck about this dogshit e-sperts.
WoW should remove all "races" and work on making a good story, dungeons, raids, and PvP instead of dumping all their time and money into another shit failed e-sperts (Ie OW and HotS).
>"echo wasn't hungry for the kill after winning last tier"
Fucking thank you. Ansurek's flaw is ambition which gets her played like a fiddle by Xal'atath. She doesn't have mommy issues
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does it matter?
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The Maestro, I kneel
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>Zoomers play wow
meant for you >>496452989
Thank God someone actually said it. The writing for the villains so far has been fucking top notch, we've never had a mastermind like Xal'atath expertly pulling the strings (heh) on a tragic figure like Ansurek before.
>thinking it's zoomers
bitch killed her mother bro
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fresh for you https://jigex.com/j3SFE
It's a meme retard, we always shit on who ever loses even though most people here hate max and prob wanted Echo to win just to piss off max.
>he knows not
is it tankier than guardian? that's new to me then
wikipedia is not a reliable source anon
i dont think there are any weapon speed or types that effect damage anymore aside from if it gives agi str or int and your preferred secondaries
Yes you are zoomer stream ball suckers.,
This. Max insulted our OG, for that he is a pariah on /wowg/.
Cause Wikipedia likes to confirm things instead of taking people at their word. Wild I know
how fast does the game turn into raidlogging these days? havent played for the last handful expansions. raidlogging is not a good thing for an mmo.
>spend fuckloads renting out a hotel and shit to host their circlejerk
>"uh yeah they didn't really want to win"
If that were true they'd have just stayed at home.
Speak for yourself faggot, most of us here love Max. Max has reinvented wow raiding.
like a month in if you dont play any alts
Only 30+ people playing this game
wasn't this just apeing Arthas' fall?
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The Game.
Shut the fuck you disingenuous retard.
Casuals specifically wanted the game to turn into raidlog central, because they throw a shitfest if there is ever any reason to log on outside of their weekly pug raid. Casuals are the scum of the earth. And hey, Blizzard is happy to comply. Means they have to make less content.
>Sub only mode
Echo are cowards, no wonder they lost
not really, arthas picked a cursed, soul stealing sword. and his soul was the first to go
>wanting raidlogs
>when delves are an answer
Something ain't adding up
Are you being sarcastic? I really like what little story we got with Ansurek. I genuinely feel bad for her and I feel like a jerk for killing her.
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I haven't either, and just redownloaded the client and the game. Do I really have to pay for the 2nd tier expansion to get game time too? (Also wtf happened to just buying the expansion, why have 3 different levels of it, I still have my old TBC disks kicking around) WTF is Trader's Tender and do I care about getting 500 or 750?

most importantly.... If I reactivate my account for 15 bucks or whatever, I know I do not get the current conent TWW but would I get DF even if I never paid for that when it came out? since it isn't current? Help a guy out plz
>I really like what little story we got with Ansurek. I genuinely feel bad for her and I feel like a jerk for killing her.
You have down syndrome, I get it. Do you want a reward or something?
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>No Max despair stream while he dragonflys around for hours
>Another 6 months till the next raid tier
It really wasn't worth it...
holy shit this is delicious
I may have down syndrome but i have a heart and it belongs to Ansurek.
>WoW should remove all "races"
its not a tournament retard
Friends why doesnt anyone plays rogue anymore.......
POV: You are a Human that is Male
Don't buy the higher tier expansions if you don't care about the other goodies (you shouldn't), just buy the cheapest one and buy game time separately.
>would I get DF even if I never paid for that when it came out
Yeah, you don't have to buy past expansions
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I got you bud, have bear at 2400 and war at 2500
>warrior has insane mobility, better defense against spells, incredible spell reflects available in multiple dungeons, significantly stronger snap threat
>bear becomes immortal in large pulls with 15+ furs being common, much better at picking mobs up at range, significantly easier to play
>bear extremely squishy at start of pull, need to unironically start pulls in a defensive once you get past 7s, bear has very weak snap threat in AOE which makes low keys with melee a fucking nightmare
>bear has poison/curse dispel which makes keys with priests MUCH more attractive but shaman is so strong it's all you see over 10s anyway
>bear has better group utility and better mob control as well as a battle rez which lets you build comps without a fdk
If you're a newshit I'd go bear but warrior feels much sturdier and intervene/spell reflect allow for more skill expression by themselves than bear does as an entire spec, both fur and s.block scale hard with ilvl so they'll both stay pretty strong for rest of patch

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