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Previous Thread: >>495742143

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Collaboration Event: PGR x Black Rock Shooter - Blazing Simulacrum [Sep 27 - Oct 31]
Limited 100% Rate-up Collaboration Banner: A Black Rock Shooter (BRS) [Sep 27 - Oct 26]
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1-qkFHURh4

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sex with Dead Master
Oh I get it, she likes to shoot up black rock!
the opposite, wuwa seems to be set in the distant future, it seems like they are even setting it up in the story that Babylonia is gonna colonize another planet. My guess is that Rover is the commandant somehow if the goddess is really Lucia.
does liv clean her butthole
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Setting up PGR to be a prequel to something that already has established canon would be very stupid. And even if that was the case, those two wouldn’t be Lucia and commandant.
>Setting up PGR to be a prequel to something that already has established canon would be very stupid.
What? You aren't making any sense, PGR can't be a prequel because it came first, in that case wuwa would be a sequel. To me it seems like they are going for the Nier thing where the games are connected but you don't need to play the others to understand stuff, its mostly for the lore.
WuWa has already been released. If they make PGR content designed to explain stuff about WuWa post release, it is like a prequel. That is what I meant.
And yeah they can be distantly connected, but making it so that the goddess is Lucia, etc, implies PGR either has a bad end or a non-definitive end. I consider that shitting over years of storytelling. No thanks.
>implies PGR either has a bad end or a non-definitive end.
How? At most it implies that Lucia becomes an Observer or something similar that doesn't age.
Separated from commandant? I don’t see that as happy. Either way, I’m pretty sure I’ll hate it. Makes me not want to read more of the story, even. A pre-established end removes stakes
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>Separated from commandant?
Like it already happened? Well either way this is clearly just a preference thing so lets drop it.
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What a shitshow. Fucking jannies.
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Remember when Alpha's coating originally had twintails?
This one came first, and the other is the "successor" thread. It'd make more sense just to re-archive this one since the other already picked up from where it left off, but I don't really give shit. BRS deserves more posts!
so which one are we using boys?
is she okay?
she is not going to liv
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battle of the twins
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Black Devil Girl is hotter than Black Rock Shooter.
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This thread was first
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How bad is BRS compared to Lee and Wata? I quit during Lamia's patch but the collab is kinda tempting...
just as flat and small as i remember her
come back livbwo...
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Shorekeeper: Empyrea
Shorekeeper: Pyroath
Youhu: Feral
Youhu: Vitrum
Shoreskeeper JP - Gaze of Wind (Acoustic)
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Forgot, I also updated this. No Youhu CGs in the files. Probably will be updated in the game later.
Shorekeeper's Gaze of Wind is surprisingly good, probably only behind livlov herself
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That's not an answer...
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I miss liv and livbros...
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Thread issues while I was sleeping huh, its like were a real /vg/ general!
I'm here...
Any one experiencing more game slow downs and crashes since the new patch?
21 is a dumb dog.
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brs flattest girl in the game unbeatable
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Hey Shikikan, what kind of good father would not teach his own daughter the pleasures of being a woman?
I will thoroughly educate Chaos once we meet, don't worry
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Alpha if she sexy
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>AI Cover for retards
What does it do?
>It does the complete cover generation process with the best vocal/backing vocals/reverb separation models
>It runs both in the Colab and on your own PC (Windows or Linux) !
Note: To run on your PC, I recommend an RTX card, AMDcuck doesn't support it unfortunately. (Anon: Fuck Jewvidia and their tiny VRAM on everything that is not a xx90 card. My 3060 12GB barely run shits)
Note 2: I only tested the default settings, which I consider to be the best for most cases
>Colab link
>Local version link
Grab my models here:
I prefer to do the entire process manually because you will have more control over what you want like not using backup vocals entirely. The Shorekeeper Gaze of Wind cover above was me doing it manually. But this will do if anyone want to do a quick cover. This can't do TTS or speeches, vocals only since it's an automated process to do AI covers. It also doesn't support m4a file input for some reason.
I just tested it locally:
Shorekeeper JP - world.execute(me);
jp shorekeeper is dogshit ngl
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Stealthy No.21 is watching you fap
Is he ok?
Yeah he got back up and licked BRS
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Still better than new JP Lamia. I hope she doesn't voice any new character in WW.
>Lost 50/50 to Encore dup in 20 pulls
>Damn you Encore
>Shorekeeper came home in 40 pulls
Is this bad or good?
I want No. 21 in WW, Feral's base coating looked like she will fit the new Bloodborne region in 2.0. And Bianca Stigmata, Goth Qu too.
We are one step closer to No. 21 mods for Bloodborne. No. 21 Feral mod + Beast Claw + Beast's Embrace Rune. No. 21 XXI mod + Kos Parasite + Milkweed Rune
>bad or good
Thats great anon, I got a second lion boy after 70 and then shorekeeper after 60
>second lion boy
My condolences
5* should have go into the standard pool after 2 patches like PGR, we could have Jinhsi & Changli in the standard banner by now, and a damn 4* rate up selector, I'm still missing Taoqi.
Unfortunately Kuro is aware that they've captured a broader and therefore dumber audience so they can be a little more jewish than previous. I can't believe I see people defending put the new 4* only on the re-run banner.
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>They call her the Dead Master
>But she is alive
What the FUCK bros?
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