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Man'ari edition

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>October Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview
>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>496427115
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Like log on for raid.. and then the guy didn't log on and he typed.. he typed
>it's push week
>it's push week!
And then they kicked him out of the guild! Fucking dogshit entitled M+ players dude, holy, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PUSH WEEK! YOU DOGSHIT M PLUSSER! BRAINDEAD! UNLESS YOU'RE WINNING THE FUCKING MDI, WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT IS YOUR PUSH WEEK DOING? Stupid mother fucker!
Whatcha pushing bud?
WHATCHA pushing bud??
You're not pushing shit!
You competing with JPC and fucking Echo and all the- NO YOU'RE NOT DUDE, YOU'RE NOT! You're just some dogshit survival hunter playing flavor of the month, you dropping all the bombs, your screen's lightning up, you mashing your fucking buttons and then you're saying "PUSH WEEK"
Anyway, yo can i get a summon?
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Um.... Echo sisters? Why is Max allowed to stack more paper and get more bitches than us?!
>Anyway, yo can i get a summon?
this was the best part honestly
and the whatcha pushin bud
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>changed wow forever
>shat on xiv
>shat on echo
>won the race
as a yuro I look forward to gingi's seethe
Go to sleep Max
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I knew my timing was shit, and I should have waited.
why was artifact power systems or whatever removed from the game? where is the mission table.
how is this a race to wf when one team killed it and the others are not even in the enrage phase?
aren't these races usually more close?
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>No Max despair stream while he dragonflys around for hours
>Another 6 months till the next raid tier
I'm sad more than anything missing out on this
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this is a void only area
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it's over...
>echo did this on purpose to draw out the charity stream so they'd give more money to charity!
Already seen my first cope ingame.
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gingi status?
You should get DF I believe when you get time. Trade tender is just cosmetic currency so it doesn't matter much especially with how they price things
is this achievable natty
Echo PR are taking his phone and blocking his internet access as we speak to keep him off twitter.
average wow player right there
>Do I really have to pay for the 2nd tier expansion to get game time too?
Yes or you can buy game time separately for $13

>wtf happened to just buying the expansion, why have 3 different levels of it
Rich people tax. Higher tiers only give out cosmetics (save for the game time that's only worth $13 extra).

>WTF is Trader's Tender and do I care about getting 500 or 750?
Currency you spend on an in-game shop that sells mounts, transmogs and toys that refreshes its stock monthly, unless you want everything you'll have a surplus of tender so don't worry about it

> If I reactivate my account for 15 bucks or whatever, I know I do not get the current conent TWW but would I get DF even if I never paid for that when it came out? since it isn't current?
Yes, you'll get everything up to The War Within, you can play up to level 70 without buying TWW if you have game time on
honestly the worst thing about this photo is you can see the poor fake tan application at his hairline
>ooh you can't dispel poison, it shits out poison waves and they're unexpected and I'm bad at dealing with it
dpsniggers somehow manage to fuck up ara-kara and blame everything but themselves
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both were shit what the fuck are you talking about
mission tables are literally mobile tier slop
For Legion?
Should be in your class hall and it got removed cause Blizzard likes to lie about removing it for each expac
You think an undead could breed a void entity? It's gotta be possible right? Why else would the void have such an aversion to them beyond undead ignoring their nagging?
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so should I go for the 15 bucks to play up till current to get a feel for it? before I shell out 50+? How are things "looking" I know its gonna be a while for this raid tier or whatever but I have a lot of leveling or grinding to do since its been a few expansions
My god I'm an idiot, why did I never try dominate mind as holy priest in T8 Delves, this shit goes so much faster and easier now.
any benefits to run t8 delves without using the keys
>How are things "looking"
pugging m+ is cancer
everything else is more or less okay. delves (easy one man content) give high ilvl gear so people will probably play alts a lot
POV: You are a Human Male Paladin
>echo back to heroic splits
That's so strong, many mind controlled mobs will do 50% of your overall damage, I found one that buffed me and Brann to be invulnerable with only a small gap when reapplying the mind control

>fill up vault
>maybe get maps
You can get maps out of the coffers/an invasion by the big guy
you get seasonal progression and bran levels out of bountifuls
>brann xp
>delve rep thing xp
>chance at maps
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The Absolute State
I enjoyed the mission table....
>crumbling like this after a loss
anyone else not feeling m+ this season? i don't know is just not that fun as a tank or even as a dps watching my life going to 10% almost every pull by invisible aoe damage, i got my 2k mount and i think is time to fuck off, it's so clear m+ is tunned for mdi players, i mean i get it, they are the only players that actually do keys in ptr/beta and give the game free publicity just by streaming, but is really smart to balance your game around the 0.1%? look at the absolute state of mythic raiding
Yeah pretty much that's the most practical and economical use of your money. The gameplay throw you into DF's campaign at level ten but you can ignore it. As for the game overall? It's in a good spot, I'd say, for people that like making alts. Genuinely by the time you get through an expansion or two you didn't previously do, you'll probably be level cap
>You think an undead could breed a void entity
undead cant reproduce, that's why sylvanas was using valkyr to animate corpses
>WoW should remove all "races"
its not a tournament retard
lol in that light you can totally tell where his original hairline is and where he's gotten work done.. What a guy.
Liquid is an european organization though?
didnt this faggot do a "I quit" video earlier and then proceeded to play the chinese mmorpg?
fun bosses imo. really enjoy bosses like anub'zekt in ara kara
>can't reproduce
With each other. The void could make it happen, captain. Through the magic of the void lots of things are possible. It's partially why the Titans seethe fivever when it comes to the void
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Watching some high level keys I realized something...
All of these people on comms are losers. They have no careers of families. I shouldnt be trying to learn anything from them.

Back to delves.
Echo's skills as a guild actively degraded since they tried XIV.
holy fuck do people really get anxiety playing an online game??? hahahaha wtf
thanks. the Delves are TWW content thought aren't they? I wouldn't see them with just 15 bucks?
Im playing for almost two weeks now and I'm having fun
I get anihilated if I fuck up my mitigation but it's rewarding and I liked learning the bosses
now that the learning phase is over I'm getting cucked by retarded dpses that die during boss mechanics or cannot do more than 900k overall dps in a dungeon, making me not time +5 or 6
To fill up your vault.
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>mmo players are escapism losers
more news at 8
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I am a 40 year old washed up retard who played wow casually for years. This is my first season I am tanking and I'm playing a bdk which is objectively the 4th best tank.
Unless you are very new to the game there's literally no excuse to not have 10+ clears as a tank at this point.
M+ is objectively easier this season than any previous seasons that I ever played. You are legitimately shit at the computer game.
Hey I had dibs on that temple.
>With each other
sylvanas can't bear children for example either
she's a corpse too
unless it's anduin breeding her
>abandons his family to larp as esports caster man
>loses money for not streaming for weeks to do it
not having to deal with bolstering or sanguine is so good, especially as a tank
fuck that shit, glad they're gone
>achieving anything
Good one. The Light won't allow it. The only one able to bear Sylvanas' would-be kids is probably Alleria, Xal, or another velf
Big gamer
what are the 3 best then
I thought dk was BACK
m+ will never be fun if you're pugging
yes, give me that Elf Lesbian Incest
alleria has her own kid doubt she wants more
Dogshit tanks like you got m+ affixes nerfed into the ground and made m+ tanking boring.
I play tank, my friend plays healer and we have an occasional normie bro that plays with us and we are having fun
nah, i prefer to focus more on the dungeon mechanics, not the dogshit affixes
caster mobs on sanguine
man fuck that
and fuck you
does anyone have the echo pov of the liquid kill? i want to see norf's reaction
destro lock any easier than rogue at pve (raiding) ?
warr > guardian > dh > bdk > brew > prot pal
but with the upcoming 20th anniversary patch bdks will get nerfed hard, they will be behind everyone, maybe including brew. I am trying to reach 2.7k and reroll to something else.
I pugged my way to my current rio and yes, unless you are willing to fail 90% of your keys you should not be pugging or trying to achieve anything relevant.
they were on break.
oh no it's retarded
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the daughter of the sea
Are blood bdk knights goob and fub?
ranged is easier than melee in pve content
sure, tell me more how your are 90 years old, this is your first time playing wow and you are having a BLAST doing keys, BOOSTED RETARD
they are the hardest tank to play from prot warr prot pal and vdh. never played guardian or brew.
I love stroking to gnomes
terminate spider queen 终止蜘蛛女王 admire impressive rear 欣赏令人印象深刻的屁股 run from toxins 远离毒素 enjoy the suck 享受吮吸 disrespect Walmart 不尊重沃尔玛
Fuck you. We've had sanguine since mythic + came out. It's had multiple nerfs since legion. It barely even did anything in DF. People like you ruined mythic + because you couldn't handle moving mobs out of puddles.
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>t. DK, and a retard
I wish she still hated the horde
shut up, retard. nobody wants those shit affixes back.
more like the daughter of atrocious character writing
right up there with sylvanas
>took this raid 1003 pulls for world first
>raid is only behind sepulcher and tomb of sargeras in terms of pulls
was it too much for the first tier of the expansion?
people are undergeared and still learning hero talents.
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no mercy for rwf troons
he needs to go harder on them
should i q
no, this is because mythic opened earlier and people are less geared as its also the first raid tier of the expansion
open your eyes man, m+ dungeons are made to be as dull and uneventful as possible so that they can satisfy people like you from one season to the next. if these dungeons didnt even have a name you wouldnt care as long as you could time it. enough people spoke up to have affixes changed but you probably like whatever is placed in front of you without even thinking about it.
I do. It gave variability and challenge to dungeons outside of use AOE silence/disorient/stun or get orbs occasionally.
Retards like you will probably complain about even doing that given enough time.
A damn tragedy and travesty windrunnercest never gained a cult following. Especially with Sylv being a middle child
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I'm sure that calling me a liar and boosted will help you with your gameplay. You are objectively shit at the game and instead of improving you're coping.
Continue coping and blaming the game and not yourself.
yeah nobody cares buddy
anon, you know is intentionaly overtuned to keep the twitch numbers, right? like look at this from blizzard perspective, you know how much costs to hire a streamer that averages 20-40k viewers to play your game for an hour?
could've just typed out STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE instead of that miniblog bud
Why do the female earthen have beards?
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Is a good veteran trinket better than a mid champion trinket?
>inb4 "sim it"
There's no point in playing this if you don't like lgbtm+, right?
>Thinking titans give a shit
A better question is why aren't they all ken dolls?
you read it anyway so whats your point
quicksim it
I want the end of the Worldsoul Saga to have titan stuff on par with Storm Peaks and Ulduar, I want gigantic palaces, I want orchestral music, I want scale.
they're literally npcs made in factories
Muh tolkien dwarves
>Didn't play BFA m+
You cared enough to respond dumb fuck.
>is 2652 int + 2831 random stat random proc better than 2994 int and 6311 stat with my cooldowns?
Numberwise champ wins if you can macro it to an offensive cd. If you don't want to then, you're probably losing eh maybe 3% unless you're running a dot build and even then it's not that big of a difference.
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i got all above 2.8 in all seasons in df as dps the first two and tank the last two, you saying m+ is easier only indicates me you are boosted retard and you don't even realize how much at that, also i didn't say it's impossible i said is just not fun
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I hate how much some ERPers write, i don't want to read or write an entire book, make it a conversation, don't give me your shitty exposition
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I hope you're ready for Classical titans to show up and matter for half of an expansion.
>2.8k in seasons where you get points from 2 weeks
>this is somehow an accomplishment
yeah, I'm sorry I didn't understand who I was replying to.
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>liquid arcane mage is named fireup
>gigabrain 200iq warlock play saves the day and scored the world first kill

Truly the smartest class
its a mile that spent a semester at community college and thinks it knows everything
what is your other trinket that you are not comparing?
DF was easy as shit though. A lot of the affixes got nerfed or removed in DF and the timers were very lenient.
>Liquid has it down to 10.something%
>I got to sleep
>Wake up eight hours later
>Check streams
>Liquid is on 15.27%
What the fuck happened? Is Max so fucking shit at this game he makes backwards progress or what?
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this twerp
Boss goes back to 5% for a secret phase.
Easy = playerbase happy = better
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whiff that copium boosted nigger
i would say keep the candle just to use it with cd's but does fire even need haste during combust?
Very nice. Very clean. What's stopping the macro for the candlestick?
honest question, are you retarded?
Video games are easy by default, they are meant to be achievable otherwise people would quit
Well, haste reduces fire blast's cd.
do I really need a macro? I just click both at the same time.
honest question, are (you) retarded?
I got my 2k mount today, geared to 605 thru delves in the last couple weeks, then started applying for 3s and 4s after the last reset, scaling seems off and that is about it, timing a 6/7 feels as challenging as a 12/13 back in SL when I last pushed for KSM, winged CoT and ARAK at 4+ with no issues but noticed people dying to easily avoidable damage and telegraph ed shit I hadn't done those even in normal, won't be pushing KSH since most of my time pushing KSM was spent getting declined by shitters trying to get carried,yeah I pug'd all the way thru as a ret,felt disheartening getting declined to a 7+ at 1900io by a party leader with 1.2io.
In general I think that M+ brain rot is a real thing,I saw many players at 1.5k~2.4k bricking my attempts doing the most silly and stupid shit, tanks in particular seem to be extra terribad divas that will leave the group if you point out a fuck up,and I fucking forgot some of my keybinds after a 2 year break, clicked some of my spells on occasion which made me feel retarded but seeing the current state of M+ crowd I don't feel as bad.
WoW is a shit game,like having that friend that became addicted to pills and meth you don't really keep in touch anymore but go check on him and hang out once in a while only to realize how shit things turned out.
but you said df was harder and this was your first season? get your narrative together, also to get to 2.8 you need to do 20/10s, how do you think that work?
a macro is easy enough to make and would mean only 1 click, save you the chance of messing it up
i hope you don't mean that
Pressing? Side buttons on MMO mouse
>do you need one
Not really if you got space on your bar. That tends to be one of my reasons for liking passive trinkets. Ultimately I guess see if the candle shaves a second or two off your important CDs for rotation. If it doesn't you could probably eat the 300 primary stat difference for the passive trinket
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Hi chang. Isn't 4chan banned in your country?
what was the name of that addon that tells me what button to press to top meters?
Is doing m0 at all useful for learning the dungeons in m+? It feels very weird how overgeared you can get from delves without setting foot in a dungeon
i have 610 ilvl without doing a single m+ or raid boss
i guess it could be considered a sweat strat but usually spells and items with the same cooldown that you intend to always use together would be macroed to the same button
no you dont HAVE to but there is nothing more than a few seconds of writing to put them together in one instance
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Draenei Priestess
Orc Warrior
>2k is "I did some +5s this week"
>2.6k is "okay I'm a bit of a tryhard"
why the fuck can't they scale the score in a way that makes sense?
I'm not prepared.
men of honor 冰精灵 onward to castle on mountain 基爾紮紮德 do not kill magic woman 危險地上的圓圈 fear icy ground 朋友是敵人 cross scary bridge 怪物不死族出現 fight fat angry man 智者應用鎖鏈
Pandaren women eat human boys
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its in their nature
this is the last time I am replying because I feel like I'm getting trolled. this season is easier than previous seasons because affixes that would normally filter 99% of the players are gone. also this season is streamlined after 10+ and all you have to do is basically not die and you'll time your key. there's nothing extra special to play attention to except bosss and trash mechanics. it's not like sl s1 for example where you had to time your stuff around the season affix.

in previous seasons you got points from both weeks since it was fort and tyrannical. this season you only get points from your best run for the spec. 2.8k was literally nothing.
>?? zekvir
>going well
>suddenly everything is fucking overlapping
>die with no counterplay
I see so it's just fucking rng then
I got the meme trinket can i quit now
Heroic or mythic track? If yes then yes, you're free
these euro cunts deserved it for betraying wow in its time of weakness and instead wasting their time in fucking xiv. Stupid ass bitches, hope that AMERICAN FREEDOM CUM tastes good
so how much is the rwf trolling here just shitposting, bots spamming or retards genuinely invested in?
its all just advertisement for the game, same as any e-celeb streaming doing random shit in the game
>see a sleeping female draenei resting on a bench
>look around if anyone is nearby
>"noone around.... good"
>lean closer towards the sleeping draenei
>gently lift up her tail with both hands
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haha yeah mythic
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all I want is for chrome time to be available at level 80 and for time walking to always be available
that is literally all blizzard has to do to make the 20 years of content worth having on your HDD
It's the only event that gets the game any viewers really.
Before tonight? 70% bots, 20% shitposting, 10% genuine.
Tonight? 75% shitposting, 15% genuine, 10% bots.
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It'll be waiting in your vault anon. You know this to be true. Seriously though, be free. It feels like enchants matter more than trinkets this tier
cute lil lizzer
thought this was you fist season lil brosky, you are a liar and stupid, because you didn't get double points last season, you needed to time 2 times a 10 to get the same points you get now for timing it one time in this season, stay retarded.
How the fuck do I deal with spittle with Zekvir? I can't get both it and his heal.
I can't cleanse it off myself consistently and Brann cleanses me seemingly once in the entire fight.
they couldnt balance artifact power between giga casuals and autistic nolifers. blizz intended ap as something to passively earn. whenever you logged in, whatever content you did, there would always be something you could do to increase your player power via ap. if you fell behind, youd get bonus ap gains too. poopsocking autists didnt want to passively earn ap. they actively grinded it out, and complained the entire time while blaming blizz for "forcing" them to grind like degens

blizz tried to fix this in shadowlands by capping ap gains. you got 2 weekly quests to earn 1k anima+free 10 souls from the maw to earn 2 renown/conduit/whatever it was called level. this wasnt anywhere close to the "whenever you log in you can increase your player power from any content" philosophy and players largely considered it a boring weekly chore

mission table was removed because retards who hated free money complained "its le facebook game"
what class? any ability that removes slows will also remove the dot since it has a slowing component
Are rogues good?
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>mfw method beats echo
>and reroll to something else.
what's on your mind?
I tried vdh until 600 ilvl and I feel squishy as fuck, considering playing bear
Panda women belong to human men.
Human women belong to night elf men.
Orc women belong to tauren men.
Tauren women belong to goblin men.

This I decree.
I hate retniggers so much, they're even worse on average than huntards
>get the itch to play wow again
>last time I've played wow was bfa
>know that I'll play the game for a month and then quit
>still want to play the game
yes, thank you
Slayer Arms. It's fine when the egg is up since I can just charge to it (since charging removes it), or him when he isn't doing anything.
But if there is no egg and he is doing the aoe fear or the smash after he spittles I am straight up fucked.
>yeah I pug'd all the way thru
pugging sucks balls because people have inflated ilvls due to delves. casual retards who only do wqs and suck shit at every form of real content previously got hard walled by ilvl requirements. thanks to delves, these subhumans have enough ilvl to sneak into your group and brick your key
Wrong, human women belong to worgen men
Save avatar and bladestorm for the spittle.
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Avatar and Bladestorm remove slows so use those when you can't charge
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>with the upcoming 20th anniversary patch bdks will get nerfed hard
source: niggers
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leap away and charge back, or burn avatar/bladestorm like the other 2 said

remember to spell reflect the fear in p2. pic related, left was finally getting the kill after an hour of attempts, right was 5 minutes later when someone here told me i could have cheesed the fight with spell reflects
condensing the score down to only 1 week means it’s insanely fast and easy to get 2-2.3k
when it was two weeks a lot of people just didn’t have the score they could because they didn’t grind out runs on both weeks in every dungeon, but it also meant that people with score had a ton of familiarity with dungeons
now someone could have just run the hard dungeons once on a 5 and the easy dungeons once on a 7-9 and they suddenly have 2k+ io
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i want to queue up for some blitz but i'm scared of being bullied by the mean pvpers
full +2s is 1.4k too lol
there’s no way
Playing blitz is truly suffering, I used to do the daily conquest victory reward but now I cba
1400/8=175. if you 2 chest a +2 youll get that score

>the score difference between timing everything on +2 and ksm is the same as the difference between ksm and ksh
wait hold up. you can spell reflect the fear?
>only people who apply to my +2 are some 550 randos
bro go do delves, wtf
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>cant time mists because not a single group I have tanked for can do the puzzle
I blame healsissies
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>having to rebind my hero talent skill everytime i switch hero talent tree
only in part 2. it does 25m damage back to zekvir
>I am too fucking stupid for a riddle that a 3 year old child could solve
Are dhs made out of soggy tissue paper or are most just bad
after the pack is dead I am leaving out of a random door if you havent pinged one
within 10 seconds of the boss guessing game I am moving him to a random illusion if you havent pinged one
Not my job to do the riddle, if you cant do it in time, I will just play the odds
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Most are just bad, they're not the most durable tank to begin with but they're still pretty good if played correctly
how do niggas play dawnbreaker without dks
billions must cast
She is actually the original old god, before it was removed and only the small ones were left*yog saron, c'thun, y'shaarj and n'zoth)
gotta love that it's up to a group of trannies with an agenda what the main antagonist of an AAA game looks like
they are a healtank kind of like blood but with even more weird and bespoke defensives, and a reliance on ramping buff and debuff stacks means the start of pulls can be rough for them
There is a bunch of talents that reduce Conbustion's CD so basically the Candle would be 30 seconds behind on your next combust
I'm tanky when I have sigil up, or spikes, or meta
if I dont have any of those three I get -90%d by one mob
problem is they have built in downtime so I guess I need to stop sigiling AND spiking unless big pull
t. newfrog dh
off topic but vdh seems so fucking unintuitive to play
it's like the design wasn't that much thought of compared to other tanks and they just decided to slap random shit on it
>night elf hunter backflips and feings death and shadowmelds to avoid 2 of your big casts then interrupts and then shells and then freezes you and then uses one (1) arcane shot to do 70% of your hp
>some dwarf mistweaver flies through the map and kills you in real life while you are still waiting for respawn (he crashed through the pc screen)
>female human rogue at honor level 7000 wearing a yeti hoodie soloing 5 players
>your team has a tauren paladin in cata levelling gear afk in the spawn
Oh boy I love the conquest grind
It's not guessing, it's literally just pick the odd one out.
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I enjoyed playing vdh in BFA but I still hate how meta turns the male model into minecraft steve
Use los points. The only place it really should be a problem is the mini boss before last boss.
If you pull everything in the church, and the 4 adds in front of the church, you can los group everything and thats 35% of your dungeon alone.
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Literally tranny face, these devs never learn
imagine pvp in vashj'ir
Why did Brann stop throwing me the resources we find in delves when I've got his third ability 4/4'd to cater to that?
He hasn't thrown me shit for a couple of days. I get messages like "brann starts to mine" or whatever and he doesn't give me shit.
Cool. I guess something broke again.
Its because you parse like shit why should I invite you yo delve with me when I do all the work?
nigger what the fuck are you even doing if you play a TANK and can't fucking solve the riddle during MISTCALLER?
your only job is to interrupt patty cake on that fight
Holy Shit. Based. Fucking Shitters BTFO
>ESL monkeys in +7
>intentionally brick key
Try holding threat from time to time, you fake BRONZEBEARD fuck.
>getting styled on by ragnaGODS so badly you leave your own key
kul tiranese druid forms for nelfkeks when?
not my key but why dont you do us all a favor and post a picture of your hand
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That feeling when you're a brainlet that just wastes gold and were rapidly approaching being broke. Saved by a nostalgic rogue.
There are cool people in this game still. I'm just not one of them.
Why is EU so bad at WoW?
Liquid is an european organization.
Too much time in tranny fantasy
This is the kind of genuine cope I love to see
Because Blizzard is too fucking stupid to realize the value and keep allocating "opportunity cost" to M+ autistry and RWF faggotry instead of doing the one thing that will please a third of their playerbase over night.
Just fucking unlock all Druid shapes for all druids, man. Add a glyph for each form to not show at all and instead give your player model some other visual indicator so they can be Animal Totem Barbarians.
All the Druid players will collectively coom and shit and cry and throw their food stamp money at Blizzard's feet.
I can't believe how low-res all the default race locked druid forms all are besides the kultiran and zandalar ones
>eh this tank cleared a +7 mists, he can probably handle an 8
>proceeds to die on every pack in the maze and wipe us until 47 deaths

tanks are dumb niggers
I hate it here and I hate europeans. I genuinely wish I was American.
Why are people more rude to me when I use the jester transmog
This but for worgen so I might even be able to overlook the terrible chest width and posture to play one
I wish I was argentinian
what tank does the most damage? i want to make an alt for call to arms bags for heroic dungeons
we don't use that word here
ayo wow Gz
liquid a gang? they gd or bd? what part of chicago they be reppin?
West loop kinda niggas
kill jester
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Why the fuck am I having so much trouble healing +4's today when I'd been doing 6 and 7's this week.
Am I just getting groups back to back that have no self preservation instincts when it comes to a stronger trash affix or did Holy Priests just take a kick to the nuts over night?
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I hope they'll add paladin class to every race through reformed Tyr's Guard
lore wouldn't survive another cringe like tauren and zandalari paladins
god I would love for his retarded family to end up homeless
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i wish he'd give up the pretence of being 'variety' and just go back to making wow content full time
they fixed every issue he had with the game, they even made him interested in the story again
preach 2012-2019 was kino
especially the stuff with Andy around Legion into early BfA beta
people are playing like screeching niggermonkeys and healing through all their mistakes falls on you
outlaw is bussin
>have to do cinderbrew dungeon for the mount questline
>it drops on the fuckig LAST boss
>my class cannot get it
Humans and Dwarfs were made shitty fake Paladins after Draenei came along with the Naaru, at least Tauren and Zanda's know what they're worshipping.
why did he never make it big?
does it still require piano playing skills to do mid damage?
Is this what dying and going to hell looks like?
How did you help out your tank, mate? Any form of CC? Interrupt? Did you LOS AoE? Did you avoid standing in shit to give your healer more time to focus the tank?
yeah a fucking sun and through sun they gather light or something
that shit was so stupid
wakanda paladins are even worse
yes, everything was getting interrupted, healer was pumping like crazy, specifically on him, he wasnt using his cooldowns and was standing in shit
That's unfortunate. It's a real bitch to tank this season. Even I get dabbed on from time to time when I run out of cooldowns. It happens.
>worshiping a T-rex god is stupid
Go back to Church and pray to your imaginary light.
When Vol'jin comes back with Darkspear Paladins, they'll be even more viable than Humans.
the j'lor calls...
yeah sometimes you die
but he did it every single pack in there
>is the best class at every type of content no matter the difficulty
>is the reason why other healing specs are literal cuck tier gimped lacking necessary tools for m+
>basically you are a cuck if you dont play it for high level content
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Reminder that WoW would have been a better game if the following was true:

>Alliance exclusive: Priest, Paladin, Druid and Demon Hunter
>Horde exclusive: Warlock, Shaman, Monk and Death Knight
funny story they were recently evicted so his wife had to fuck some dude for them to have a place to live
There will be no more troll nigger lore after flopped bfa, in Midnight we will return to their genocide
are you stuck running the sigil build for vengeance?
aug is fun
ive gotten good at keeping the buff up to the point i can keep a 80% uptime in boss fights
Shamans and paladins were good at fitting in opposite factions in TBC. Then some fucked up shit went down, they should have said that paladins just decided to also believe in the Light like everyone else instead of making up a Tauren-type cringe
Reminder that wow would have been a better game without the alliance/horde divide.
true desu
hunters are too good in pvp for the amount of effort it takes to play one
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>I wish I was american
I've never seen a more dystopian land than the US, what do you mean you want to be american
I don't even say that to slander burgers, I unironically pity their living conditions
least cucked swede
Have hunter in mythic plus group, they are highly autistic. Start talking about cost of drums, and I tell him to untalent lone wolf, put the point elsewhere and use a lust pet, if dismissing the pet is that big of a deal.
Thats not what MM does.
Idc. I'm not spending 2k per drum.
Literally does at worst equal damage, and more in a few dungeons compared previous dungeons with lone wolf.
Says he won't do it again, its not what his character would do. Screenshots his trp and posts it in his discord. Explains how he ate his first pet and never replaced them out of appreciation for their wolfs sacrifice.
I didn't have the heart to interupt him while he explained his characters background, because there was some inflection in his voice while talking about it, but goddammit I wanted to.
Hi can you Veng DHs stop dying in .01 seconds thanks
I wish I were also American
lol poorfag moment
>It's a +3 how bad can it go
>3rd world brownoids hoping to get on neet ameribux
No wonder
>swap from prot pal to holy pal
>still have an easy time getting into keys and making my own groups
>but dungeon runs are way fucking easier simply because holy pal isn't as dogshit as prot pal
jesus christ
playing with a pet in m+ is cancer as mm, single target it's about equal but with trash it's a huge dps loss
saying that, he's a retard, it's really not hard to summon and dismiss (casting the lust as you're 0.2 seconds away from finishing the dismiss cast) for bosses/important trash packs
>+7 mists
>bear falls over on mistcaller
>"omg interrupts???? I'm busy doing the puzzle??????"
Name one thing that's better outside America
How did you know. Also, Europeans are awful. Everything euros shit on Americans for, they're always projecting.
if you had money, i.e a good career and education then you could emigrate to usa and have a life there

clearly you fucking don't because you're on 4chan complaining that you aren't american so let me tell you right now that if you were in america but in a similar situation as you are in right now, i.e a worthless disgusting piece of shit loner neet then you would literally commit suicide within 1 week because you wouldn't get european neetbux and you'd have no family
its shocking how its still someones first time in anything above a +2
I doubt I'd look forward to pay 3000USD my stay in an hospital insurance included even if I had 1M banked aussiebro
>Name one thing that's better outside America
Health insurence
Proper food, I remember being flabbergasted when I saw the Trolli event and saw that the packaging advertised "Some natural flavors"
Proper house isolation
Our politics may be scummy but atleast we have multiple parties
We don't have a Fentanyl crisis
suck a dick dpscuck and wait for a tank for 20mn again
None of that is better in Europe if you have only have a little money in USA though.
This isn't even a controversial statement. It's a fact. The US has deteriorated a lot. Compare the streets of New York City to Gdansk in Poland for instance. I know this is somewhat political, so let's stay on track, but I really wish Americans would admit that it's bad and work to remedy the situation.
Congrats on getting the World First, though. That was well deserved.
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du är en fjolla lol
you clearly don't know shit about usa if you think life in usa is better with $500 than it is in europe with 500€. good luck surviving in detroit you fucking retard
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Blood DK... Mi hermano... We're going to make it
>Compare the streets of New York City to Gdansk in Poland for instance
gee I wish I lived in poland instead: said no murrican ever outside of some deluded poltroons who think an eastern shithole that was as destitute as they come until like 20 years ago
>deck myself in full champion gear in 2 weeks thanks to delves
>only way of getting upgrades now outside of raiding is 9+ keys which are now insanely sweaty
delves are the fentanyl of warcraft
I heard him say in a video recently that he'll never go back to full-time WoW because he has too much "fun" with variety streams. In actuality, he's just too old to be halfway decent at the game.
Define "Little money" because afaik
If I break my legs tomorrow, I don't owe a single cent to the hospital because my health insurance + social security covers 100% of my stay.
A lot of good produce in the US are insanely expensive, a friend from Seattle literally had to buy a 12 pack of fresh eggs 12 fucking USD, in the meantime the cheapest in my country for eggs was 1.5€ so 2$ more or less.
I'm not american, but I really mean it, I find CRAZY that US citizen think their lifestyle is normal while they could all live much better lives.
But oh well, I guess tax dollars had to be funneled into 250 billion bells for dreamland
true. you either go full divide and make them super different or get rid of it altogether. the in between we have right now is retarded.
i dont think that's even true, he could be pretty competent in a cutting edge guild, even one that is top 500
I stopped watching the stream, it wasnt fun to me anymore, and I miss his youtube content and he barely makes it now, sad really, was a good one
you wish trannies looked like that lol
why can't i que for rated pvp?
>>deck myself in full champion gear in 2 weeks thanks to delves
how? you only get one item from the weekly vault and you're limited to 4 bountiful keys a week
>If I break my legs tomorrow, I don't owe a single cent to the hospital because
because euros a debtslaves to the government from the day theyre born
You are European and will never understand my American spirit. I WILL emigrate and you will stay poor in euroland.
i'm only running with bears and warriors other tanks and gay and stupid
farmed 15+ maps in fungal 8
you get 4 keys from chests each week, but you can make more from key shards, which could get up to 7 in a week
lmao non bricked accounts had 21 keys by the start of the season
bullshit, that must have taken ages
Is hpally good?
anyone have a TL;DR of what to do with my conquest points?
All those RNG reward drops from Island Expeditions in BFA are cross-faction, right? Like if I did Havenswood on a Horde, still chance at dropping a top hat?
The damage may be done because of Class Order halls but I don't think Tyr's Guard being the reason for universally accessible Paladins is the way to go, because that basically makes all Paladins exactly the same.
Think about it: Paladins are now a global institution where you apply to become a Paladin in every race. It's the Nato Peace Corps of Azeroth - And that's fucking lame and restrictive.
Yeah, it is fucking cringe how the Draenei Naaru lore completely devastated the Paladin fantasy and it's only gotten worse with Blood Knights being Light-leeches, Tauren being "Shamans who exclusively worship Fire and the Sun" and ZandaDins drawing power from the fact that they are closer to the King/Queen than anybody else.
But you know what? All of those things at least have the potential to inspire a player's personal journey. Tyr's GuarDins is "I applied for Police Academy" and nothing else. At least by leaning into each culture separately, player's can experience the class on their own terms instead of being stuck with whatever vision Blizzard has for them - Which is always infinitely worse.
why can't you what for rated pvp?
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I find funny how you guys instantly get on the defensive when exposed to the very painful truth of your predicament, your salaries are barely higher than the ones in my country and yet your daily / monthly expenses are almost three times mines.
Especially considering most of your service based jobs rely on tip to live decently, imagine being a glorified begger and thinking that it's normal.
i have gotten gilnean finery(the cloth chest piece) as an orc, is that the same set?
there is also a tophat set you can get with those gems that buy cosmetic sets from tww
both prot and holy are in bad spots atm with ret being the meta
>necrotic wake
why didnt they bring back theatre of pain, that dungeon was awesome
>your salaries are barely higher than the ones in my country
this is blatantly not true for every country in europe
euroturds are so poor its unreal
>Especially considering most of your service based jobs rely on tip to live decently
tipped servers make more than euro doctors lmao. And it always goes unreported for taxes
absolutely nobody who works a job getting tips complains about tips.
its a tank doesn't move the first boss in city of threads episode
>disc S
people would not have been able to survive all the mechanics on the first or final bosses
i do agree though its a great dungeon
one of the bosses had a gimmick where you were incentivised to just /sit to die as quickly as possible
it was not thought through
it was a bad dungeon
>this is blatantly not true for every country in europe
>euroturds are so poor its unreal
>French minimum wage is 9.23€ / 10.04$ post taxes
>US minimum wage is 7.25$
Insane levels of cope, your politics have been assraping you guys and all you can think about is yuropoor.
I'm done educating you mutt, if you enjoy your poor condition and think they're superior to mine, then I shall leave you to them
>Prime US hours
>Thread goes to shit
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what does this have to do with the World of Warcraft?
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those "LIQUID SHIT LOL" posters are awfully quiet
damn that list is just flat out wrong on the ranged dps side everything else checks out
>can kill zekvir ? in 2 minutes
>get 25 valorstones per kill
lol why even bother with m+ for anything at this point
>your salaries are barely higher than the ones in my country and yet your daily / monthly expenses are almost three times mines.
this is such astronomically unbelievable delusion I cannot imagine it was written with sincerity. I took a 50 fucking percent paycut to spend a year contracting in France, and the firm I worked with paid among the 90th percentile for workers in my field. Had I taken the best job offer I got from Barcelona, I'd have lost up to 70%. You are absolutely wrong.
yeah bro I can see your point, but I like the idea of universally police of tyr's guard and don't like zandalari and tauren ones
well archon throws everything into s tier
i miss subcreation so much, archon is so shit
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looks like we win in the end
We're talking about the way Stormwind treated the Defias during the rebuilding of Stormwind.
>Uhmn my personnal experience is a GENERAL thing
You're not the norm obviously, especially if you're an outsider being contracted by a european company.
Against still talking about the Defias brotherhood
>can kill zekvir ? in 2 minutes
based retCHAD
>only citing the federal minimum
as usual, europoors are completely retarded
How about no more posts from people making under 6 figures
how the fuck did you know?
>this tarded shit again
>arcane S
>frost D
frost is the best mage spec for m+, it's just that every mouthbreather who needs a surrogate brain was told arcane is poggies so they run a jank-ass weaker spec
>You're not the norm obviously
but that is the norm yuropoor, Americans make significantly more money and pay significantly less in taxes
>manufactured engagement ended after the race is over lol
what a shocker
never forget what they took from you
holy schizo
Arcane was poggies, it got nerfed multiple times while nothing else has been touched
No the 2% hit to fury doesnt count
VDH for sure, they're fast as fuck boiii and their defensives all do damage.
quite a drastic difference compared to the weeks before
Yeah, might be the same set, I dunno.
And I'm aware of those, but I don't want to monocle with it.
WC3 was setting up for a pure race divide, but then the orc campaign shat the bed and in typical horde bias created a unified horde vs. the completely separated human races which then had to be backpedalled and now we have the clusterfuck
>How about no more posts from people making under 6 figures
You mean like 90% of your population?
>frost DK below ret
lmao what
ret has some funny burst AoE but its ST is balls, frost is insanely broken right now on both aoe and st
come tank my m0 city of threads
i wanna try a new healer


which would u recommend.
consider the following:

frost dk playstyle is absolute dogshit
shhh no more yapping poorfag
i would recommend avoiding healers like the plague unless you do m+ with friends/guildies or you don't do m+ at all
it's never been as miserable
How can M0 be considered the new M10 if there's no timer in M0? Just play the game until you beat it.

we love gromnak
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>tanks are in the worst state they've ever been in
>healers are in the worst state they've ever been in
>everyone tells me to not tank or heal and instead dps if i want to do m+
>nobody wants dps in m+ because everyone else doing m+ is a dps so everyone's waiting for a tank or healer to join
I accept your concession.
there could be a cute avatarsissy ITT. act cool.
tanks are by no means in the worst state they've ever been in . they're probably stronger than average on xpac launch and worlds ahead of SL s1
man why have wow porn slowed down so much?
its all AI shit now on rule34.xxx
how do i get a badass mog
cloth mail or plate
leather sucks
cloth leather or plate
mail sucks
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we'll always have the classics
make it slutty for me
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this is the true measure of a game's health
even Tektah has massively slowed down...
true all you need is *slaps yo butte* *shoves it up yo butte*
can you spam zekvir for stones?
red demon lady sex
tektah went way too far on making everything have absurd proportions, why does every piece they make have a dick *that* big? At least make it somewhat feasible, it's not even hot at this point
Im having fun with disc as a casual dvelver
lawnmower is godly, although i wish rexxar was still doing wow, he is THE og
That's not how S tier works kek
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yep, it's gaming time
why not just make a belf at that point?
It's just not the same
i just made another warrior alt.
i agree he got lost in the sauce at some point
Mag'har orcs should have been Alliance
Pretty much exactly that reason, people think their samey looking shit is the best now, regardless of if its of their character. No need to get art done and not enough artists themselves playing the game.
No worries they are "in" the Alliance alright
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>capable of keeping 99% of my simmed dps on target dummy
>grey parsing retard
this, but unironically
make em lightforged orcs with exarch hellscream as their racial leader
Sounds like you need to learn how to deal with mechanics
just watched the liquid ansurek kill and as a german the last time I was as touched as this was when germany won the world cup...

I am american in my heart now
is protwar really better than guardian
Kinda annoying to reroll warrior since fury and arms do not sound interesting for me
Assuming you don't die immediately you should be atleast blue parsing just from doing what you do to the dummy even if you stop dps completely to do mechanics.
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look-..I...It's hard to resist...
All content should have timers and cost finite resources to retry (you farm the resources by doing 1 hour of content a day)
>race where one team gets an 18 hour head start over all the others
>it's still in contention if they win or not
no Zaelia, no win
I don't know

what mechanics? the whole raid is just zugzug unless you get targeted by princess
>claims absolute undisputed victory despite openly admitting to and defending said cheating
based ameriGODS
everything they learn during those 18 hours can also be used by the other team, not to mention the devs will watch and iron out the bugs so those 18 horus aren't valuable
I'm pushing M+!
yea how is blizzard not able to provide some kind of tournament servers for those teams so they can all start at the same time. beyond my imagination

lol. playing 18h yourself and learning the fight and mechanics is worth much more than watching somebody else do it even if you can learn something from it
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Mini gamers what mode / class you enjoying rn?
for its blitz and WW monk
I think they should reduce the healers in blitz to 1
to speed up games and reduce queue times
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Damn, DPSissies are starting to get picky
>1600 rio trying to do a +8

lol Id never join that as a tank

also never invite people from Kazzak
arms has been an insanely fun pub stomper. i don't even normally like mini games
Blitz and Ret paladin of all things. Something about templar clicks for me in pvp.
god I need a maghar gf
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Now take out maintenance time that NA gets and EU does not. I'll be sure to laugh at you when Echo still needs more than 404 pulls to kill it anyway.
whats wrong with kazzak?
whats that outfit the green one is wearing?
>a WW monk and enhancement shammy may win the AWC tomorrow
nerf hammer soon
if they really gave a fuck they'd play on NA. obviously it's not worth it to them for whatever reason.
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>played 3 games of blitz just now
>lost them all in massive stomps
I did good damage as well, just felt like I couldn't do anything to win the game
wish solo shuffle wasn't so dead and deflated
>europoors coping again instead of admitting they shouldnt have kicked a priest because of some w*man complaining
this applies to both priests btw
i want rated epic battlegrounds
>trading post class sets return without restrictions
Does this go for the class weapons too? Would be epic..
class and spec?
playing for the first time
purchased two months subscribe, do i need uhhh "normal", "standard" wow to play wow classic?
has a bad reputation and during DF i had so many bad keys with people from kazzak.

maybe its just in my head but a lot of people seem to think so
I miss Josh so much bros, method losing to pieces on uu'nat was the funniest streams I've ever watched
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He bought?
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Maybe someday.
The chest piece is one of the Orc heritage recolors, shoulders, belt and gloves are the Argent Tournament warlock set. Legs are Leggings of the Icy Heart.
You only need to subscribe to play classic, you don't have to buy anything else. Refer to >>>/vg/wowcg/ for wow classic general
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dont let the twitter schizo know that they didnt update the trolls in Cata Classic to the new name
it's not personal bias, kazzak players are subhumans, onn top of being toxic retards
silvermoon and draenor, as well as all the esl servers like hyjal pozzed del ternita and germoids are bad too but are friendly
is my dps good if i do 65m damage in 2 minutes
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Im from draenor ;_; and not a retard
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how are these people allowed to play the same game
>I couldn't do anything to win the game
that might have very well been the case depending on your class and the rng team comp you got
blitz isn't really "competitive" pvp, it's basically a coinflip simulator
>muh damage
erm, your objectives, sis
Congratulations to Liquid for winning world first with a 16 hour headstart handicap!
thanks, not too fond of 100 gb games! Also wish that modern wow had that feeling/aesthetics/whatever that game set in warcraft starategy games universe, nowadays it's just usual fantasy mmorpg
cute clueless noobies must be protected at all costs
i started doing pvp (blitz) and really liking it as frost dk
got to combatant now
I'm from silvermoon :)
>WW talents art work
>male orc
>mist weaver talent art work
>female nigh elf
wish we could give orcs pandaren or kul'tiran bodies but keep their faces in that screenshot
if you've ever been in the Newcomer Chat you'll see just how retarded people are
I see every day some noob unable to do the /wave quest
It tells you EXACTLY how to do the quest. It's not difficult.
yet there are also people who defend such retardation and call for changes to quests in the chat sometimes when it happens
People are UNABLE to read, a ton of wow online content is people just reading tooltips/patch notes to people because they cant do it themselves.
As an aside, I checked out that subreddit, and it seems like there's a lot of questions being posted, maybe that's a good thing, maybe wow is getting a lot of new blood at the moment?
Destro lock
brewmaster uses chen stormstout's tcg art so no-one really cares desu
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zug zug
>enemy team has pres and mw on flag duty in wsg/peaks
>the other team has several DKs making it literally impossible to move past mid for the entire match
>your opponents have more rogues on a base capping map
yeah bro just go for the objectives, it's just that easy
what's your rating
post ass
>wants a priest healer

Blitz would be so much fun if queues were shorter
guess people just do them for conquest and stop
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I'm so bad at dpsing
I can't even do the simplest job right why do I even play this game
>Blitz would be so much fun if queues were shorter
nigga it's 3-4 minutes for me
>The Atal-Mhuto were originally named Siame-Quashi. They were renamed in patch 10.1, after fans brought attention to the fact that the word "quashi" has a pejorative meaning in Jamaican Patois.
why do they care about niggers so much
EU or NA?
is fire good in pvp now?
I saw it got a lot of buffs and people are playing it again in pve
or is everyone still playing frost in pvp?
tanking is unironically easier once you got past knowledge checks
I like being called little morsel by mommy Arak'nai
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What do you think of my worgen "Priest of Elune" transmog so far, /wowg/?
how many players are even in Jamaica, or have an understanding of that language?
has anyone here ever played with someone who isnt a white american/white european?
dawnbreaker or any of the other dungeons arent anywhere NEAR as bad as stonevault. fuck that place in the fucking ass
and that both now in the afternoon or yesterday past midnight
what pisses me off more is that no one ever looks at a race and says YES THIS IS ME because they are made up of many components and not just copied from the real world.
but the trolls are of course 100% NEGROS right off the bat, so we need to change this immediately or it's racist to black people
I'd rather do stonevault 50 times than ever set foot in siege of boralus again
gingi needs to get another guild, he is so much better than the rest of Echo and im tired of him being dragged down
>As an aside, I checked out that subreddit, and it seems like there's a lot of questions being posted, maybe that's a good thing, maybe wow is getting a lot of new blood at the moment?
could be, is wow really that catering with their neo-story and look to the noobs?
So what's the deal with realms now, how much do they matter based on faction?

Like, I have Alliance characters on Silvermoon, Horde on Draenor. Does that even matter now? Do they all use the same AH and shit?
he could join liquid :)
It's quick queue for u in eu because ur region is dead
One of the only things that still matters for what server you're on is getting an item crafted through a public/personal crafting order. Those are not cross server unless you're in the same guild
>ur region is dead
our or your?
i dont understand
it doesnt matter almost at all anymore
>AH is crossfaction (has been since WoD)
>AH is regionwide for materials/flasks/stackable items
>AH is server specific for gear/pets/mounts
faction doesnt matter at all, you can join guilds crossfaction and across the entire region
the only relevant thing is crafting orders, but if you play the quieter faction on a 90/10 realm you can just make a level 1, run to org/sw and ask for a crafter there, you can still send orders cross-faction just not find the crafter in trade chat
Honestly I feel happy for the guy(s) who clean up in a pug raid and just win like everything. You go bro I hope you have fun with all those new items.
they matter for crafting and mythic raiding
Cool, cheers.

So for example if I wanted characters on Silvermoon, it wouldn't really matter what faction I was (as I know the realm itself is overwhelmingly alliance)?

I wouldn't care, but I just noticed the other night you can't send gold cross-realm.
post cute gnome/gobbos I can type 'sex' under
i won 1 fucking item from like 30 rolls (lfr, normal heroic combined)
i fucking despite this system so much
Not bad, but would look 100% better on female and I'm not even joking here
you don't have a guild that does master loot?
one of the rare tier where Echo got absolutely mogged in the strategy department
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but i was going to make an arcane mage ;w;
noname55 wont ever leave us
i do pugs and raid with nerub sisters, and nerub sisters don't have master loot
>4chan guilds
you deserve no loot
I wish I could tank but I get too nervous about it
it's fun, not sure what your problem is
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what is it with european priest main? why do they have a god complex?
Khazar Milkers from /wpsg/ was good however
hes not even the best player on Echo
Ah amazing, thanks.

Damn I wish I hadn't levelled this warlock on this realm now. Oh well.
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i love videogames
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He really can't do anything else than WoW? He tried but now it's just.. WoW.
based casual chad
>spend 3 minutes making a group
>spend 45 minutes in the dungeon
>spend 10 minutes making a group
>spend 30 minutes in the dungeon
never again am I inviting anyone who isn't wildly overqualified
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Are dwarves as strong as they were in S3 of dragonflight as far as tanking is concerned?
do you like velfs
>joined a guild discord where i know 1 person
>join the voice chat
>that one person is afk
>they're all talking
>i havent even said hi yet
>i'm too nervous
>i want to leave but dont want to just leave because they'll hear the sound
how do i get out of this i'm scared
stoneform is OP thats for sure
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I don't know if I want to play demonology or destruction
what are you even talking about m'nigga
bleed removal is the least worst racial for a tank (can't sneedmelt) but it's not some yuge gain
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>holy paladin is D
lmao, no
shut up triple F
every time i go list something there's a 1 stack with half the price of anything else
play the one who has a dozen small creatures follow him around because that one amuses me
I'm playing holy paladin as my first wow character, can someone link a build that focuses on solo content to level? I don't want to respec retribution because I wouldn't want to play it at max level
yeah, that's how i made my first milly on SL launch
sorry not sorry
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Damn... they have been looking for a while
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for me? it's demo
anon you can change specs at will, with no cost
not playing your other specs is just self-sabotage
waiting 10min for a good tank/healer is objectively the superior choice than settling for a "maybe he won't brick the key... maybe" one if you want to actually time the fucking thing
depends on how hot the velf is!
>echo still stuck at 19%
kicking zaelia out was a mistake
>Spent 2 years not playing DF at all
>Am now missing all the backpack mogs from the expedition
>All my mogs are basically missing their most important piece
>TFW have to go back and do grind in Homolands
I need somebody to shoot me right the fuck now.
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look at this cutie
>list key in group finder as a tank
>100+ DPS applications
how the fuck do dps even play this game
>can someone link a build that focuses on solo content to level?
you should probably read the talents you can pick, then just pick whatever seems relevant to dealing damage
that being said: picking prot or ret is far superior than leveling on holy. ret on a passive build almost plays itself and is 2-3x as quick to bonk mobs than holy can be
yeah but I don't want to learn the game while on a spec I'm not going to play at lvl 80... do I just reroll a dps?
Don't ever (You) (Me) again.
>but I don't want to learn the game while on a spec I'm not going to play at lvl 80
what autism is this
it's not like leveling as a healer will somehow make you know how to heal in dungeons/raids anyway
what are you learning about healing when you're doing solo content? You can level as ret and then learn holy slowly at max. The game is also terrible at teaching you anyway, no matter how 'slow' you go. You'll be fine anon. I appreciate you trying to heal, we love you <3
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The spirit of his team is wavering... he will soon accept someone who is under 2k RIO
I think she's pretty sexy!
draenei should be BIG
>what are you learning about healing when you're doing solo content?
I'm also doing dungeons while leveling, usually when I have quests for them
Is there a one button spec in tww? similar to old arcane mage or bm hunter? looking for an alt i can mindlessly do BG or gold farm with
>accept someone who is under 2k RIO
that's what, all +2 timed?
Queue simulator.
maybe delve maps were a mistake
maybe he shouldn’t date crazies. for a guy as smart as he his, hes pretty retarded
i'll definitely be a nightborne cumdump for a sexy velf :3
>maybe he shouldn’t date crazies
implying anyone cares about it when there's a hot piece of ass that wants the dick
then face the consequences
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thinkin bout zug zug
How do you join a guild? The ones in the in-game guild finder tool seem to have postings that are years out of date
can you two fel-cum addicted freaks please step away from the quel'dorei structure behind you?
for me it's the female gnome
there are no consequences it you aren't some twitch whore begging for tips
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i was pumping the entire time i did this puzzle god i wish someone would dick down my lightforged draenei slut
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Everytime I use holy shock I swear I hear a goat
since at this point they're allowing customization options that clearly violate the (shitty) lore when are we getting fel orcs?
>subhuman orcs? nah, to vanilla
>nigger orcs? getting there but too vanilla
>cum orcs? perfection
Sorry for teasing but I'm a bottom... bye now...
that's fine!~ :3
Draenei futa onahole
>Not a single successful key of various difficulties today
Why and how has everyone gone full retard today, I coudn't even clear a 2.
whenever they do a big race update I would imagine
it's the weekend, meaning all the retarded normies and gamerdads are out in full force
Holy Priest, Blood DK and Prot Warrior. Cleared nothing on each.
Last run with the Warrior, dps well more geared than me, did less damage the entire run.
>holy priest
yeah you're not climbing with that

>blood dk
>prot warrior
you shouldn't have any issues
>dps has the audacity to pull something
yeah, that's a instant leave and a bricked key, sorry chud, back to lfg hell
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Tektah fell into the BBC rabbit hole, he unironically makes blacked edits of his black blood elf OC, pic related is from one of his images, not an fan edit
that's the most pathetic thing i've read all day
This was much more fun than the usual save image for coom folder
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Jigbro pls
I don't know if this picture is yours, but if it is, could you upload it somewhere?
There wasn't any link after I've completed it, unlike the other puzzles
if healers cant die in blitz
how do you take the flag from them?
>yeah you're not climbing with that
I am and have. Just not today.
But yeah, it's not me with the issues. For the most part anyway, I've had a share of fuckups, but not the end all reason the runs failed.
A 599 warrior tank shouldn't be doing more than double the overall damage than a dps looking like they'd be at least 10 ilvls above me.
I don't like futa.
that wasn't mine but it's the first result on rule34.xxx with draenei blue_skin nipple_piercing
Have health potions always been this good over the past few expansions? They're insanely strong right now
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Actually pathetic.
Maybe I should get back in Blender and be the new pumper of goonkino
Congrats! Looks like someone decided to fill in the gaps in the background.
>Zekvir invades delve while I'm fighting an elite
>bubble to get set up
>Brann goes running through the entire room and aggros every single pack
How do I kick Brann from my delve?
pull faster faggot
I thought this was some weird bait so I went and checked and lmao you're right. What the fuck.
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thank you

I got you senpai
holy fucking based
i love him even more now
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yoo hoo
which one because I can't seem to find it
I miss this lil nigga so much you wouldn’t believe
After completing the draenei i was not going to place all those similair black pieces at 5 in the morning. So thank you for your service and sacrifice of time.
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looks like the log I just dropped

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