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Live Letter Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

▶ Live Stream ▶
▶ Live Translation▶

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

▶ Happening Now ▶
• Sept 29th, 1:50AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281

>Future Meetups
• Oct 2th, 3PM EST | Marilith Dynamis | Mord Souq, Amh Araeng | Shadowbringers Shared FATE grinding >>495756527
• Oct 5th, 10:30PM BST / 5:30PM EDT | EU Cerberus, Chaos, Lavender Beds W21 P27 + NA Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO ep 6 - 10 >>496409915
• Oct 5, 5PM PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846
• Oct 6, 8PM EST | Ultros, Primal | The Mist W20, P34 | Twin Peaks Meetup Season 2 Ep 6-9 >>496369505
• Oct 12th, 3PM EDT | Zurvan, Materia | Gold Saucer (Mahjong Lounge) | Mahjong Open Tournament | >>495487281
• Oct 19th, 7PM EST | Costume Party Mixer | Goblin | Goblet | W3 P58 >>496273537
• Oct 27th, 8PM EST | Balmung, Crystal Lavender Beds Plot 28, 19th Ward | Pre-Halloween Badlands Chugs Watch Party

previously on /xivg/: >>496447518
Lorilee is a pedophile and he lost bigly
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final de fantasies de fourteenth
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sex with sunnie tomboys exclusively
say you never namedrop me despite me being a faggot and posting my name multiple times, what gives, man
let the people know my name and that I have a small home in the goblet on malboro
and that I am not a big fan of the government or SE
Biggest winner from the LL fuck meetup? Biggest cuck?
With how much Leviah is posting about Lorilee the past 12 threads I would be inclined to believe that they are a thread schizo.
hey retard you forgot to change the op
Kyoppi's been here forever wdym
lalas did get bullied off for the most part. they used to have anchor posts every thread like a year ago or so.
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Continue to Confess
femezens love (You)
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i am
a meena
who drank a lot of tequila but isn't tired

if you're reading this? i /smooch you a thousand times over
Who cares
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tits and ass
that is what ffxiv is all about
Biggest cuck was maye who watched his beloved adult man waifu Tina eat the scat from a futa catgirl.
this is fucking awful
Meena smooches... I can live another day.
Jokes on you I don't even like lalas
Maye was in the meetup?
None of these people look like they are fun to be around. Impressive.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
this is a nice picture sis
you guys are just using the LL meet up to talk about yourselves and your grown ass man ships
I miss you. Sorry for making you extremely disappointed in me.
LTbros we lost so hard...
My male middie will now slumber
Thank you for the fun meetup, good night..
Wtf are you on about schizo?
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Hello /xivg/!

Thank you for participating in the poal about the RP Meetup schedule! The final results are in. See attached image for final result.

The next poll is about the specific date of the month the meetup should occur on. Please let your voices be heard!


The topic of the next meetup will be Character Creation.

Can anyone answer this question?
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Crystal, queue CC @ 3:03 ET

come join us anon
why does this thread become so much worse after a live letter
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which one are you, anon
and what's your name
and what do you do for fun
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Based? What's he into?
It was apparent the moment the Mare syncshell was made.
Hey, I missed it, how did it go?
It was me that spammed the flashbang emote at the meetup
thanks, I haven't taken any of her in a while so mostly posting old ones.
kino bitchtola/gaia twerk
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My femlala wal- *SNORE*
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nobody smooches catboys
it reflects the quality of the live letter
I’m glad you had fun with your friends tonight
euro hours unironically
Because people watch their grown ass man crushes leave off with other people and they get jealous they aren't the ones going to ERP/sleep call
anon i don't know how to tell you this but you're on the site built by and for pedos
>the copyright
square enix want none of this lmao
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>24 people body check with probably pvp tiles

wow who the fuck wants to do this shit
is this really what they think will be fun with 24 people?
>come join us anon
I joined the previous call and it was 9(?) randos, I did not enjoy it and will instead sleep so I can terrorize calls later today
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Time to q up, I didnt do my reclears
Gonna steal that meat then rape. Repeatedly.
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It went pretty well, anon! Positive feedbacks all around!
So this is Otis Jenkins?
How do I get the cunny mods is what I'm asking for
just go back to cc lil bro
i /smooch all my friends
wanna be in game friends??

i do bro...

aw, thank you...
nah i stay up late every day and euro hours are chill but slow
is she a virgin
i love darkies so much
why is the thighlander kidfucker there?
Gotta figure it out yourself because posting links here gets them taken down
I unironically stained my pants watching my fiddie crush talk to someone with a dick twice as big as my maliddie
genuinely curious as to what the people who play these things look like
Alright thanks
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no negativity in the dojo
Ah crap I forgor
I'll never RP...
get this
he is stuck in the ground...
Its his level 1 alt
PFbros whats there to look forward to next update? We're not gonna be able to pug the new 24man.. we'll be waiting 3 hours to get enough healers..
>that big fucking hand pointing at me, the viewer
I wish /xivg/ still liked lewd femlalas...
Huh, you held it at the enclave? You might get more people coming around if you did it somewhere alts could attend easier. If you're looking for a spot like that, I recommend Lifemend Stump in Central Shroud.
pfffffftttttttttttttttt ahahahahaha
renewing my sub rn unironically
I love him. I am fully aware it cannot be and my chances are slimmer than winning the lottery but I can't stop trying my best to try to provide for him. He deserves everything this world has to offer and I want to give it all to him. I wish I could stop, but I can't.
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Why are you asking this (yes)
Is it me?
all i ask is that you take more heel pics in the future, i can't get enough of these girls
Could be.
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If you can find me, sure..
Stealing the femlala's slab of meat and dumping the milk on the solution nine couch so people think she wet herself.
i think i should make an image of my miqo'te female sucking dick
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Modding has not gone far enough...
I still listen to the songs you showed me.
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Two-parter, though it's unrelated to any meetups or anyone here at all.
My EB and I have a mutual friend who comes to our world and runs by us repeatedly, no matter where we are, fairly often without saying hi unless we say hi first. We like them a lot, but it's weird (and we've told them as much).
I also wish there was a client-side way to disable parts of a Mare sync so I can enjoy my friends' glam mods without their body tattoos.
Why is Lorilee encouraging his pedophile buddies to spam their shitty porn in the thread?
bro just smooched my malera a thousand times
Same I love my darkie so much it's unreal but not this one it's too nigga coded
absolutely nothing on this earth gets me more excited than the idea of being bullied and lead around on a leash by bratty femlala
>nearly exact image post cooldown period between the two
It's been a month soon. I think about him every day.
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this world, this general, this game sucks
we should strive for our best
but right now for the moment i'm content in being my worst
just like 90% of the general, i'm fine being a the bottom
we like this, we love this
Is the Lorilee story actually funny and unhinged or is it just made discord tranny drama?
>I am fully aware it cannot be
are you willing to share why you think that's the case?
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A.I@Zurvan, I'm onto you.
umm magness?????????
its just trannies fighting
The latter.
correct bro and i'll do it again
everyone deserves to feel loved
Thanks for the advice for a more accessible spot, but that was kind of the point. That being said the next session will be in a slightly different locale, though not too far from there. More accessible than the Enclave, but still out of reach of plapalts.
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>which one are you, anon
None of them. Why would I go to a meetup that consists of boring people?
>and what's your name
I was told not to post my name online for strangers.
>and what do you do for fun
anything I want.
It's not actually funny. It's just the typical "sexpests talking shit about each other to make themselves look better in comparison". Everyone sucks in the story but honestly they don't suck enough (no real world damage has been done) for yoj to care.
damn that sucks
you suck
why are you postin here
get lost faggot
I’m probably not your person, sorry anon.
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This but a loli. As in a kid. Like a child girl. Who is underaged.
I can't cum that often bro
>attention whore uchiki got involved with attention whore alex
big big surprise
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*steps in front of her*
don't call her that bro
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post one so I can see if it's me
Worth a shot. Hope you find what you're looking for.
>tell me about yourself
Do you talk about your character or you?
who the fuck is that? Are you on your schizo arc too?
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i think i am going to gpose my catboy having sex
with another catboy
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cyberslop was a mistake but is fun to pose it...
/pet /hug
anyone wannya play cc
can i see
fujo btw
Didn't he move on already?
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Didn't you get perma banned not once not twice but 3 times for harassing someone and being autistic and also banned for a month for your mental health?
Why are you still here?
i'm going to pose my catboy eating a job crystal instead
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XIV status?
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If they say “yourself” I talk about me, if they say “WoL” I tell them about my character
Give me the garloli hair color and skin color values first...
this black guy is so humorous
whos ur crush
nah, I just got sent a message I missed while I was cooking and they're offline now.
a friend removed me from discord out of the blue and i miss him sometimes
Me. I'd only talk about my character if it was an RP setting or it was clear they were referring to the catgirl and not me, the grown ass man behind her
Would you like the script I used for the presentation? It will not hav all the player input and interaction, but it will have the 'class content'.
my wife
/pet /pet
Making a plapalt that writes at a thesis paper-level with strong character themes to test this 'ra's moral fiber...
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my fiddie looks like that
Limbo, so no changes
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The problem with this game is that it's designed with the assumption in mind that you live in a high trust, high IQ, monoracial.society and have your own personal walled off servers to play in.
>banned for a month for your mental health?
Whitest for both like 99% sure
I am a femra who woke up sick...
based and cute, be sure to post it
See you next year then.
hmmm nyo
I wish I had an eb that ntr'd my femra
wait a month and then check in, next patch is mid november so we're in full raidlog and ERP mode still
so you told them they're doing something weird and they keep doing it? are you sure they're your friend?
I am a femra putting a damp washcloth on your forehead and making soup for you
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do we like this couple?
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Crystal, queue CC @ 8:55 ET..!

Last call, thanks for playing
aw dangit
If you like this it means your mother was a coalburner before "settling down" with you father.
Well, you're free to do as you like of course, it's your show. But I think some people may be more likely to come out of their shell and participate more full-heartedly in any exercises if they can do it anonymously on an alt. There's always the blacklist if anyone shows up trying to be lewd and disruptive, which I doubt would even happen.
would the cat on the left
I can't say anymore than I already have, it would be wrong of me.
I'm feeling bad for trying to speak to someone I want to be friends with. We get on fine but it's just that I feel I'm annoying or just trying to force conversation.
odds go to sleep
evens play a little more
Male characters that interest you?
I like Hayley, but not whoever hips-and-nothing-else is
I really need to cum, can anyone please share some albums? No trannyfells or furries or GAMs
i'd have to find it as a prop first and i'm not sure how to do that, might have to look in anam for it
Thanks sis. Be careful not to catch whatever I have...
I'm here to remind you all how boring you are.
>Rebounding with Menhera a few months after
what do you think
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good afternoon ser
the thought of others nibbling and fiddling my femezen ears is making me (GAM) horny.
Confront them, explain these feelings and see what they say to you.
If they tell you everything is okay, then trust them
>let pedos use your file sharing service
>they’ll use it to share child porn

Seems like a pretty easy to understand perspective.
no you
Rob Chidori @ Balmung
don't feel bad, they probably enjoy your company.
if they don't it would probably be obvious.
that white haired moonie
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You anchorsloppers need to blow out your niggertard brains out asap with your dogshit spam every thread
Face me when you're talking to me
Characters that play the same face as me
that's okay, anon, whatever makes you feel better and helps you deal with your pride dissonance
i think the catgirl will have nice breasts
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I wonder if this counts
You sound like an RPer.
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I drank too much wine tonight. What are you guys up to?
swing and a miss, niggerblood.
You will never be white
If by RPer you mean more educated than yourself, I believe you would be correct.
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I just watched a truck driver hit one of his own in MGS:V and ask who did it.
i was next in line for my roulette too
Join me on Alpha, Light.
Japan is low iq
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finding out we're boring
i've had not enough rum
Ojisan is cool
go off king
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my long-lost love, I still would like to take some poses together sometime in the future
do you still lurk /aco/ threads? I will reach out to you there
nah but she lowkey left no crumbs
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Only if they are femlalas
Close enough, welcome to the club!
You gotta pass the initiation first though (me raping you)
you're probably the 4th or 5th one trying to do that today alone
but hey, if you think it's working then by all means continue
So effy rebounded with menhera
Who did rob rebound with? He also went through a breakup at almost the same time as effy..
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>only if they're femlalas
>doesn't post femlala
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I'll drink to that!
you're asking for way too much
But it's comfy on Omega, Chaos...
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this is who you're talking about right magness
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Some of the ones I've saved recently
don't know who any of those people are
did you watch the liveletter

to another month on life support
thank you for completing the joke
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Long day of losing in league of legends.
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How rude.
You're welcome.
Yoyonpa Dodonpa @ Malboro

all me btw
I can just imagine the obesity of these fat faggots have irl
Cinnamon-skinned straight miera.
you know i'm right
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Maybe don't make friends with people who have shit taste?
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Whyd you delete your pixiv
My snotty wife
fuck off tranny
>viper glam
Hey those are ninja weapons!
Let me cum in your pussy.
Daelin Ocho
I already talk to him but I want to talk to him more than I do
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I have no reason to visit your dogshit DC.
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Your display in this thread, (and all of them, really) already proves you wrong, and the fact that you can't even see deeply enough to realize why this proves you wrong, only compounds your woe.
there's barely anyone here, bro
>proxy the BVLL does it again with his blonde sleeve
Has anyone here ERP'd with Best Mom on Balmung? I want to plap her granny elf every time I see her dressed like a slut in Ul'dah but I've never talked to them. Any tips?
No one, he's not a loser so he's taking his time to heal and staying alone haven't even seen him trying to sexpest anyone even though the dude probably feels sad every day in secret
Don't care.
Hi I changed my characters first name to Doma. We can eb now
This poster must have long ears or somethin........
Kill yourself scatfaggot
ywnbj, troon
my sunnie is strongly considering suicide
The year is 2026, 8.0 has yet to come out and modbeasts have taken over Final Fantasy XIV.
They will now openly and brazenly ask sprouts if they got mare installed, if the sprout say no as they just installed the game the mod beast will give them 3 hours to install it or they will report them for harassment.
People without mare instantly gets kicked out of content, no one have been able to do savage in PF for months, but the savage clear rates have only gone down despite more cheats flooding the market, part of this is due to modbeasts using the areas for orgy erp, and part of it is the average raider lost interest now that it's so easy to clear thanks to cheats.
The raiding elites have all been outed as sex pests, but have returned with zero consequences, sfia still can't get any.

Meanwhile Yoship, tearing up over losing control of his game shills more merch such as a Bakool Ja Ja alarm clock.

the last MSQ objective was "Speak with Wuk Lamat"
talking to them would be a good start retard
>Who did rob rebound with?
never seen that guy talk to anyone so nobody is my guess
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Do it after I cum in your pussy.
I'm 0 ear length...
my lala recommends you don't
that's why it's comfy
is this just like a nightly JOI thing now or what?
do nyot
Does it have to be rape? Can it be happy sex instead?
I gaped and plugged this fiddie
I'm STILL pissed about how lame solution 9 was, how do you FUCK up something that could be so cool?
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you call me a sexpest because you can't have me ;)
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only reason you hate modbeasts is because you are a petty bitch who hates when other people are having way more fun than you are
huh??? who are you
Cute tummy
>on life support
ye we reallyt do be on that shit lol another drink!
i give semi-nightly JOI to someone here
/pet /pet
I need to cum in your pussy.
Get ready to listen to this on loop
They made the map 10x bigger than it should've been so it looks empty af
This is a worse gpose than when someone just hides the UI and takes a screenshot of their character staring blankly
no, 99% of modbeasts are just disgusting
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Absolutely, that sounds much better
I'm hoping we get another project from SE for laughs.
r u ok
Does that happen to make your sunnie... creamy?
kill yourself shemale loving troon
I hate them because they're ruining the game
The meet up was supposed to be about the Live Letter, not your mare shell shenanigans.
male middies that are lewd
let me see them
quote my fucking post next time faggot
you know i'm right and that "thing" you posted isn't a lalafell
the japanese cringe at you and yoshida laughs when he drinks
I don't know who the heck you are
That'd be a fun little laugh I agree lol
uh oh tranny melty
I do still lurk, yes. That'd be fun sometime :)
To get away from some people who were being weird, if there is actually an interest in seeing more content with her I could make a twitter or something perhaps. Is that something you'd be interested in? Would you have any specific ideas or requests?
not particularly
just sort of sad and empty
Post housing.
Exteriors preferred but if you want to show off a cool interior you found or made that's fine too.
>having fun
yeah standing around not actually doing anything and watching shitty anime on your other monitor is super fun
Thanks for the calls. Wish I got on sooner to do more.
the halloween update will buy some time.
after that, we'll probably see enough sales until christmas/new years.
I can see half the game's peak population being gone by that point.
I really need to bust, where can I find lewd albums?
See them in game
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It is a mystery
This is a nice cat. /pet
is it with your girl(s) or your guy
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I don't know if this is a shitpost or not but please don't! I am positive there are people in your life that would feel absolutely awful about knowing that you're gone and took your own life like that. If you need to talk I'd be down for that too. Stay healthy, stay happy, please enjoy life.
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Are you ready for Chaotic(滅) Macros?
People talked plenty about the liveletter there was more xiv related talk the last few thread than there has been for months.
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Too many to count but let's say Magnai and Erenville at least.
I finally found her, the one and only magnai simp
I don't know, I didn't think that far ahead
need someone to talk to?
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if we do already talk just say hi tomorrow! i overthink and worry about annoying people
>>496459710 https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/50977821/
I might be changing server back to sargatanas forcing a name change so my name might be Anna Lee again. Get at me if you're a viera and want your ears covered in snot.
To them it is. Sour grapes
Can I have you? Mewow.
Don't Rori and Ace also like him?
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we're getting worse.
Pick whichever, I can't ERP yet anyways because I'm at a friend's house
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I also simp for Magnai, but as more of a big brother. For me it's WoL Endwalker CGI trailer edition.
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Yeah. They have some issues which is why we give them some leeway, but it's still bizarre.
Her taste in glams is excellent; I just don't care for body tattoos.
Just chatting, as I also had a ton of wine earlier during dinner and a really good musical with the wife.
...which is why I'll post this one even though I've posted it before, because this happens to be what we belted out at the top of our lungs on the drive home:
does your friend know you cunnylarp on 4chan
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More like ANALee
I swear i've seen you in game before.
One day I hope I can have a wife like you. Proud of ya bro!
fuck off pedonigger
I'm doubtful, but that was a nice thing to say at least. You are a good person for making the effort.
>Anna Lee
Please name yourself Anally, yes. Can you come to Balmung?
The marker we place on NA is gonna get crowded...
by gods, it's spreading, soon every femra will simp for the little sun
is your character a virgin
No, but I doubt it'd be surprising
>Sam's Town
A fun pick, even if I'm more of a Day and Age person myself.
Do you use any mods yourself, Wryx?
fair enough
>there are people in your life that would feel absolutely awful about knowing that you're gone and took your own life like that
just for the record this is a really shitty argument to make to people who are actually suicidal and it's discouraged to use it in suicide prevention
if anything it increases the pressures someone feels
my thighlander simps for him too
yea hes based on you
He's doing his best, Anon. He's a product of his environment and for such an environment, he turned out alright.
Cute stupid newfag fiddie.
probably he is 60 years old btw
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Ermm... what are we supposed to do now...
Show pussy.
this is far more serious than I thought, we're dangerously close to Magnai getting some
I'm speaking from experience with what my little sister did and do not ever want someone else to attempt to take their life. It is precious, good people deserve good lifes and happiness and I can only pray for yours to be a better one from now on.
I don't know these things, it's just all I know with dealing with it.
It's not just femra
UUUUUUOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH I am very tempted to drive home and plap this brat. Pretty sure I'm sober
Hello /xivg/ I must ask. Are mods that port hairstyles acceptable? I play a femlion and hate that there's a hairstyle for another face that looks way better oh my characters. That's not modbeasting right?
all mods is modbeasting
but that is acceptable modbeasting, yes
I'm fine anon :) don't worry
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Did they actually say that bit some people mentioned about any size interior inside of any size housing plot? I'm trying to find it, but all I'm seeing is them mentioning new styles of interiors.
Gross tranny
The moment you install xiv launcher or tex tools, you will forever be branded as a beast.
you don't know me
If you need others validation before you use mods you are a cuck. Grow up and be a real man.
they did say they're adding the ability to make any size plot into a medium/large interior
large chuds lost
Yeah they did
There was a brief bit at the end where they mentioned making the inside bigger at a steep cost in a future patch. Nothing more than a single line.
Y "We had housing since 2.1? Long time. But we finally made it, interior without pillars"
Y "Reforming is very expensive in real life..."
Y "We're giving it to you for free, as often as you want"
Y "What if you already have items placed? We're putting it all in the storage, you don't have to do it manually one by one, but you do have to replace them"
Y "We were also thinking.... once you enter a house its basically a different dimension right?"
Y "And we give you the interior changes for free but we were thinking.... once you enter a S house... why cant it be L size inside?"
this is not for 7.1
But in the future, you can select the internal size of your house. You can change it as often as you want but it will cost gil
Y "It would be unfair to players who fought hard to get an L plot, so upgrading the inside will be costly"
That honestly looks like such shit I wonder if it was outsourced liek everything else in this game now
Thank you I can take solace in that
Yes I'm a literal cuck and want a male character eb that cucks my femhroth
o.v did domanra really blow you out this hard? you've been seething for a week
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>For me it's WoL Endwalker CGI trailer edition.
immaculate taste sis
i'm proud to be a grown ass woman playing a catboy playing with my friends who are also grown ass women playing catboys!!!
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one drop rule
even just downloading simpletweaks makes you a modbeast
Let me cum in your pussy
They just removed all the ugly pillars and kept the wall patterns making it more open and simpler looking.
what wine? and what musical?
okay you better not be lying....
havent played since i finished endwalker 6.0
is 6.1-6.5 good? is dawntrail good? the beginning quests of 6.1 really havent gotten me excited
it's supposed to be for housing chads to not have to hide the fucking trim and pillars with a bunch of slots
it is a slippery slop
first you download some UI tweaks
then custom hair
modded body
face sculps
eventually you are just one more person dropping catboxes of your massive futa dick
No lol.
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No, don't show that to me! He's like the sun; it's blinding but I can't look away.
>nothing until mid-november
This is worse than Endwalker holy shit
Cum in my femlalas pussy
it's alright, the ending is pretty good, it will defintently feel much better now that you can do it without waiting months for the next part, some pretty cool fights too
I have the girl version of erectile dysfunction
hes probably unhappy he hasn't had a futa bbc tranny to erp with all night
I miss my catboy but after DT his face looked really waxy and weird so I fanta'd off
I can fix you.
>Y "It would be unfair to players who fought hard to get an L plot, so upgrading the inside will be costly"
I wonder if it will be more expensive than the standard 50m. Those players who got a large already had a benefit by having the plot for as long as they've had it, so it feels like it'd be weird if the interior resizing is, say, 60m, 75m, or 100m.
sorry I'm not a pedophile
I disliked a lot of 6.1-6.5. I liked 7.0 more than most do.
>endbabby loses her shit
literally same 133 days cycle.
There will soon be even more modbeasts and even more melties about people not playing the game
Roe healers are unironically the worst I've ever seen.
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It's only the interior. Which means it can't reasonably cost the same as an actual L plot.
The worst for me have been fieras
I love second chance points!!!
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Oh I'm sorry I won't, oh whoops I accidentally added this picture to this post, how silly of me
it would be unfair to the players who fought hard/scripted to get their L by our deliberately dogshit and scarce housing system*
thank you for this bro
They put more effort into this tribal sidequest not even everyone sees than some of the current MSQ. Damn.
For me? It's catgirls.
you're still on my crush list sis.
Okay, they added Virgil to the game. I forgive a lot of DT's sins, now.
Please I'll pay your sub
Nigger there is literally nothing to grind
I'm going to drive home so I can plap this brat, wish me luck bros
Leaking precum right now. If only someone would post some pussy shots so I can pull this stubborn nut out..
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No, no. A disheveled man is a careless man. This, I can resist. Though his bladework -is- impressive .. I mean erh!
And in EW 6.0 patch you were grinding what exactly?
you better tribute slut
i need your car to crash so fucking bad man
didn't they fire that writer and replace them with some highschool level assfaggot
Dude your pathetic attempts to RP a biofem are just as pathetic as Akemi's.
Please eb me or I'll make the thread worse
My male middie? Finished his slut arc for real this time.
There is more content in 7.1 than 6.1
That'd be really funny but I'm going to actively try not to do that
I have $20
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>WoL Endwalker CGI trailer edition.
Omg I know how you feel >.>
let me talk to you. come to crystal
I don't know, but that was cinema.
Are you uploading it somewhere?
I'm so happy. I adore my particular medium-sized plot location and I kind of prefer the yard size to a large's, but I want more space for rooms, so this is perfect for me.
That's fair. Personally I like their oldest stuff best, but that song in particular is one of her all-time favorite songs.
Little to none depending on the job. I never leaped over the barrier to entry for modding my own character, nor can I do any real posing beyond screenshot-type stuff, so I rely on the generosity and judgment of the friends who make the poses (if any mods are involved). I also don't really care for animation plap stuff.
>what wine?
Nothing special, just a couple glasses of Cabernet that happened to be a lot cheaper than the drink menu advertised so I made up the difference by leaving a $35 tip because the service was excellent.
>what musical
Shan't risk doxxing myself tonight.
please drive into oncoming traffic
do you just write shit like this without any proof
sorry i've taken a vow not to use a razor on my head until 2030, it's no carelessness, it's samson-esque
Old content
I did all the ones I care about already now what?
Im just dissapointed it wasnt a playable section
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Pick one. Good baby or evil baby?
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absolutely no shame
Sex with both
how about an adult female?
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Are we clearing?
Not with that tranny no.
I am trying to grow my hair out again because I miss when girls complimented me. For some reason men like shorter hair but girls like long hair on me.
Yeah I was hoping for that too, but lookin at the rings, it would have been superman64 gameplay and the video sequence was pretty cool.
I love calling grown ass men my wife and grown ass women my husband. I will not stop
All my wives
I am
The Samurai
lemme git a uh.. quick rundown here
>Entirety of Ultima Thule is about how these are just pale reflections of people long dead, trapped in a mire of hopelessness
>Their existence even as soulless dynamis automata is still meaningful enough to spend your time with them and help them find some form of joy in their current form

>"They're not real people so it's okay if we kill these copies of people" at the end of Dawntrail

What DID the writers mean by this?
ffxiv is the first place where i actually had my first real conversation with women
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lol, lmao even
don’t call me that
thuleans have souls
endless do not
simple as
hey guys
So it is exactly as EW then.
Glad we figured that one out.
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Like this? lol tricked!
why do you have a wooden penis

ill consider it, but where on crystal
Shit your up
Based hero hroth protecting us from trannies
is anyone online that can invite me to the extrachat?
The Omikron society quests and Pandaemonium were the true Endwalker epilogue. I enjoyed the FF4 fanfagging as an FF4 fanfaggot, but it felt like it should've been its own raid/ trial series instead of Endwalker's patch MSQ. Everything that happened with Ultima Thule in the Omikron quests was peak.
>tranny tranny tranny
eu hours
I pretend to be a male character in thread but play a female character in game to filter all the people who only say rape or wife
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that guy is a fucking faggot
>remnants on past civilizations brought to Ultima Thule by Meteion in a bizarre museum-like display which will eventually fade away
>copies of the souls of the living, sustained only by the expenditure of other souls in a never-ending, growing cycle
they are not the same
just come to balmung and I'll message you
>too retarded to parse story for 13 year olds
many such cases.
I can, whats your name and world, is all I need to invite
for someone who makes wholesome non-lewd roleplay their entire personality (as a modded, sexed up limsa cat btw) you sure have a shitty grip on the lore
femlala or lalaboy?

you guys say that about everything, though
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It was them and their unsustainable system or us + the remaining shards, not that hard to understand
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>lol tricked
I WILL force Lyse and Shtola to learn this dance and make them wear bunny outfits for me.
actually retarded
because i want to be your wife not your husband
There's tons bro
>eden mounts
>pandaemonium mounts
>ew ex mounts
>crafting and gathering
>island sanctuary
>deep dungeons to max floor
>no arr relic
>no completed stb relic
>no completed shb relic
>dt extremes (not first week)
>arcadion savage (not first week)
>shb shared fates
>ew shared fates
>gold saucer
>blu raiding
How fucked am I for content
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>bins at the beds just sleep with their cocks out
What is wrong with you mother fuckers?
what was on her pixiv anon? I'm curious now
Gays > trannies
I dont actually like how it looks on the body mod that I am using so I will show you once i make it look better
>faggy fox buttplug
he's a homo and deserves to die in camps along with pedos.
me 2 bro i genuinely suit the buzz but girls always want me to keep the mop

Appreciate it <3
your edge is dull brother... just give it up.
Just because you have a fox buttplug in and you're wearing a cock cage doesn't make you gay. it's just my girlfriend likes me that way (she's trans)
You have a lot to do on this new character of yours. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
where are you getting butt plug from you weirdo. It's a hroth tail replacement.
I'm on bal
I'm just not sure how many actually know about this quest. It felt like it requires having all 3 tribes at bloodsworn. That was a great finish.
Anon, those aren't the actual people they represent. They're creations of Meteion. Copies of the peoples she met given shape to try and stop you. She didn't kidnap the last dragons, or the Omicrons, or the Ea. They're not real and permanently tied to that place. But the game still implies that they and their existence is worth something.

That's not my point. My point is that the game tries to make you feel bad as if they ARE people, only to immediately turn around and go "but you SHOULDN'T feel bad or conflicted because they weren't real anyway".
Since we're now officially at 4.5 months per patch, will we manage to hit 5 before DT is over?
I do but would never admit it with avatar.
I just wish more existed in the RP scene.
The hero we need
It is literally retarded that no one brought up the Omikrons when discussing the Endless and whether or not they count as alive in any sense

(The Omikrons are more alive since they do not specifically and explicitly destroy their own souls, they just convert their consciousness to data and abandon their mortal coils.)
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my f3mra acts like this
I play a femra that's impossible
the whole game kinda feels like living memory now lmao
>They're creations of Meteion.
Doesn't matter, they are new life born out of dynamis and have souls
Endless are just simulated memories without souls
better luck next time
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Do not threaten the anons like that . .
his hroth was better without the mods it looks horrible
I'm not even talking about the capstone Allied quests, just the entirety of the Omikron tribe where they slowly make a new star entirely out of dynamis.
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The Omicrons are extinct. The ones we meet in Ultima Thule are more of Meteion's museum exhibits and never had souls in the first place, they're just dynamis constructs made in the image of ones that used to exist.
Yes I have a request. Make a twitter and dump all of your old stuff there. Also eb me
"They're not real people so we have to choose between saving us or saving them then it's okay to kill these copies of people" at the end of Dawntrail
my meena went to the LL meetup, sat quietly for most of it, and logged off soon after
thanks i think...
role playing a retard so i choose au ra (is actually retarded)
yeah he also wears a chastity belt to protect his purity
Hey I figured out why the fight at Ravana took so long yesterday. We did it on extreme and I still had the quest in my log.
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Because it's going up >>496461456 this guy's ass
>saying that homos belong in camps is edgy

never seen a straight hroth.

I chuckled.
>And have souls

Anon, anything made out of dynamis distinctly DOES NOT have a soul, at least in the sense we're used to. There's an entire cutscene in Endwalker where they discuss how anyone who becomes a terminus has their soul evaporated and cannot return to the aetherial sea. It's a fate worse than death.
theres unironically nothing to do in this game
hey niggers
I got the face stuff but what do I do to make the body small and flat?
penis, in your vagina even
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Why are you laughing at me you meanie?
I bet you wouldn't say that to me if I was in front of you! >.<
I like to do hunts and pvp for cheevos and sometimes do gposes
Do you have all jobs at 100? Including crafters and gatherers?
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>tfw no hiroshi EB
need a femhroth brap lobotomy
I like the one without the shitty tail

That's just Lalaish they're weird.
I enjoy Herogar's casual shitposting
One day they will remove the shitty fucking tail
Can you post her butt...
Imagine the smell.
The kicker is that we didn't do anything differently. In both instances, we shut down and ended whatever was going on in those places.
The difference is that Ultima Thule's 'denizens' are there by Dynamis, as a side effect of what Meteion wrought there. Living Memory, however, is powered by souls, so it needed to be shut down entirely. Letting it stay on would just be perpetuating the problem.
that is the effect of endsinger's song of oblivion, it has nothing to do with rest of the story
you can literally eat food made out of dynamis, what do you think alien onions are
Wrong @?
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your 10000 fates and 15000 levequests achievements
I don't disagree
nothing ever happens
I thought their souls are revealed to have been stolen by Meteion and that's what the eggyolk is pouring out of her nest?
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I got so bored I made an ERP alt and I've been having way more fun with it than I expected.
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>this game is not a maze you can play once a week and be done with it!

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femra (real)
moonie feat
what a deed
So hey krile's parents knew about the portal to the source right? Why not try and get as many people out before the whole planet collapses?
>coomtroon shitbeast has good taste in music
is it actually that bad? or is it just memes?
It's my only serious character, I'm just a very-tail-end-of-ShB newbie and horribly addicted to only doing PVP. I have to say EX, Criterion, Savage, and BLU raiding does interest me the most (because I'm also addicted to mounts or flexing harder-to-obtain glamours) but like how I added "(not first week)" to DT raiding I'm concerned about going into older content not immediately knowing the best strats or being beside people who've done it all before and knowing that they know how exactly I'm fucking up (hence why I didn't even mention Ultimates). Sorry for the long-winded response
To me, you guys are also just endless. Copies of real people and if I close the tab you all disappear and there is nothing you can do to prove that you are real beings.
very good looking femra, her lord must be proud
step on my lalaboy balls I need to feel you crush me
>we had stormblood and shadowbringers with long form casual/midcore content that was always active and always had a goal to do with tons of content in it alone
>an entire expansion and longer with literally nothing like that at all and people are bored
people WANT to play the game but the game has nothing to do
I can't decide on a job to play for DT
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grown up twins
... snapping off those horns as the finale of a vigorous skullfucking.
If I make you cum before midnight I become real
That's it that's the plot
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Soon you'll look like these nogs. Pics taken from the badxivnsfw subreddit
dont play samurai thats my job
Post EW is the worst post MSQ of them all. It makes Stormblood's look good.
The last cutscene with Zero and them is alright. That's it.
How do you know you're real if you don't get (You)s though?
Post EW introduces a character that is somewhat interesting, but they touch upon topics like "lol what is friendship" which made me roll my eyes quite a bit. Was enjoyable all in all.

Dawntrail is absurdly bad though.
I will name the brown lala Coco Cocoa
>is it actually that bad?
no it's not, do it for yourself and make your own judgement but personally it's pretty good with some weak parts, people were just annoyed at the time because it wasn't the next part in the "big epic saga" and a standalone story that builds on some things from the previous MSQs.
people having to wait months between parts didn't help but nowadays it's pretty smooth sailing
I could do that. The twitter part, not the EB thing. I don't think my femezen is EB material lol
>it's not a femezen on bottom middle
>it's a female highlander
The game has never been so annoying as to say "NO YOU CAN'T KILL THOSE PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL YOU THERE MUST BE ANOTHER WAY", it's just bad storytelling to go "don't you feel bad? You have to kill these people..." only to turn around five minutes later and go "but they're not people so it's fine. There's no moral dilemma and no reason to be sad since they were never alive to begin with."

They didn't commit to it being genuinely upsetting or the opposite of it being entirely justified in them being total illusions. They act like entirely conscious and normal people that the game WANTS us to feel bad for, only to turn around and act like they were never shown as anything but mindless automata.

I don't disagree. I just think the writers so sloppily handled it that it just ends up falling flat and annoying.

Onions don't have souls, dude. Meteion didn't create beings with souls out of ambient dynamis. Even Hydaelyn couldn't create souls. The inhabitants of Ultima Thule are soulless, but that doesn't mean their "lives" were meaningless and unimportant. That's my point. The story tries to get us attached to the denizens of Living Memory only to later so we shouldn't feel bad because they're not real and don't matter via Wuk Lamat just handwaving any moral complexity or sadness away so she can give a happy speech with a bad song over it.
Don't pick machinist it sucks
Somehow the Brazilian lala is the least bad out of all of these
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nta but use a flat body mod, silly
it's literally your choice
that catboy is horrendous
kill it with fire
The moral dilemma in this game is whether to fuck cat boys or be fucked by a femra, what are you even on about
It's alright and has some cool characters.
You have no proof that the thuleans are soulless
I never mod so wasn't sure, but thanks! Is there something I have to do about scaling?
presumably it was in the moment and they as the like leading scientists on bullshit interdimensional asspulls said let's toss our child over the rift and she will grow up and have a nice life hopefully, the parents you meet in living memory are not them but merely the thoughts of them that lived like however many years ago
I agree with you
The koro mod has scaling options
>the black lala is the only good one
Just like real life
my miera are fucking retard
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What if G'Raha was a boy?
Nice. Thanks anon I can now bust.
cbu3 are completely lacking in confidence. everything they do is a reaction to player feedback. don't get me wrong, when they make missteps they should take feedback into account but at the end of the day they are the developers and they should know what they're doing better than some armchair game designers. it's futile since they'll never please everyone. and it's such an unartistic way to develop a game.
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You're welcome
I wanna rape that Brazilian miku lala.
good evenyan
alisaie will never be cool.
All their souls have already been frozen inside the dead planet you see above. Everything in ultima thule is meteion's reconstruction
happy birthday sweetie how old are we?
Not listening to player feedback is how we got Wuk Lamat
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Fat Cat Fact #303

Fat Cats were travelling to the moon before the connection via the Tower of Babil was established
shu t the HELL up. NOW
One difference is that we solved the trouble the groups in Ultima Thule had and in Living Memory we fulfilled our own gain from closing out stories and shut everyone else down that was going on with their day without notice. Not that it would matter.
Who is the Lady Geist of /xivg/
Souls are made of aether
>healers give feedback for 5 years
>ignore them
>u-uhm uhm eto please give f-feedback w-we lack c-c-confidence k-kudasai
I'm tossing up between whm, drk, dnc, and nin. Open to suggestions if there's a class that has particularly fun progression though
forty seven

ur gonna have to achieve ur goals by force. i can never stop
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continuing on I don't think it's easy to just go to another shard or whatever, we just make it seem easy because we're overpowered
It would contradict the status quo of the setting for Meteion to be able to create new souls since that's one thing literally no being is capable/shown to be capable of doing, and there's no evidence that she did. All souls as we know them come from the aetherial sea and the only thing that has been shown to mess with that is individual souls being prevented from returning to it.

Every soul is technically a reincarnation in the setting. There aren't new ones.
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What compels a man to become limsa bimbo #2781
Who's "we"? WoWfugees? Because I sure as fuck didn't have any reason to touch SB content.

>always active
bozja was barely alive 2 months into every patch it got updated.
They don't listen to western pigs when it's their game.
based on knowledge by people who did not even know that dynamis exists
Alright I'm back home, where can I find this brat?
>act like they were never shown as anything but mindless automata
they're not mindless but they also have no control over their situation. they are toys in a box taken out on the whims of the administrator and put back in when they're done. the children's section with the play that's been the exact same thing done who knows how many times is the perfect showcase of this. even cahcuia who had the most independence could not do anything to stop her own existence, only the administrator could do that (and its directive would never let it do that)
WHM barely changes
DRK has a cool combo during Delirium and an extra button to hit during 2 mins
Haven't maxed DNC yet, it's my last picked job to max so take that as you will
NIN looks to be basically the same, probably the biggest loser out of the melees this time around
It's explicitly not easy. The only reason the void is able to cross over to us so easily is because of how unusual voidsent are. There's a reason the other scions needed those crystals in the Shb post-patches to get home. Trying to find a better way is Y'shtola's entire motivation right now.
>forty seven
Oh perfect.
I wasn't sure if you were of age, but it turns out you're just perfect for us to get head down south and have some sex on the beach
Amuses me how everyone here clowns on these kinds of people but every avatarfag literally looks just like this, but without tattoos, which somehow makes it "okay" lol.
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good night

I feel a powerful urge to do a mother-daughter threesome with >>496462654 and whatever guy we can find to fuck both of us.
>Every soul is technically a reincarnation in the setting. There aren't new ones.
False, because we know Alpha gained a soul during the events of the Omega raid.
teaching moonies to hate
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lowkey she needs to be given squid hair
lack of imagination
who should i hate?
hroth hero
I could also do mnk, bed, pld, smn, and ast. I've messed around a bit with the new monk changes and they seem kinda weird. My original plan was viper but from my admittedly limited testing it was extremely boring
lalaboys and gay cats
Technically true, but not quite. Eventually the original soul's purpose is fulfilled and the last remnants of its persona are scrubbed from it by the Aetherial Sea. It can be argued that the WoL keeps reincarnating with Azem's soul because his purpose was to see the world and its people, which is an endless endeavour.
They're usually not as bad but going down the pipeline of being similar
my moonie has been capable
I hate him and I'm not a moonie
Yeah. I don't dispute that. But the game tries to make us feel bad for them, only to go "yeah that didn't really matter, don't be sad about it" and immediately move on from it as if you're in the wrong for thinking it's a little fucked up.

This is the same game where a huge deal was made about how horrible it was that we had to kill tempered people before finding a way to reverse that, and multiple characters were genuinely hurt by the realization that maybe we could have found the solution sooner.

Alpha existing just makes this issue even worse. People can gain souls if they don't have them. But they don't actually matter until they get one. So Alpha didn't matter except as a plot device until he got a soul? Or did he always matter and the Dawntrail writers are just wrong about it being a morally squeaky clean act to kill the residents of Living Memory?

The worst part to me is that none of this will ever be explored and will just be swept under the rug.
shutthe fuck up about your stupid squid hard have you noticed NOBODY gives a shit about that hair except YOUR stupid ASS bro SHUT UP
>”chaotic” raid
>world of darkness
*yaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnnnn* yeah Yoshida I totally want to do an older alliance raid but *checks notes* slightly harder
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while at the start of Endwalker both reincarnation and blank slate theories are presented as equally possible theories, the events of Endwalker clearly show that reincarnation is not really that plausible
All because of Amon
meant for >>496463070
give her squid hair
you should hate in general
Omega lives on.
Did I miss the live letter or something?
So, will we ever hear about Dynamis again or will we never hear about it until someone evil comes along and takes advantage of it?
my moonie likes watching streamers beg for money
You don't understand how Japanese souls in media work. Reincarnation is a thing but so is purification. That means that, the soul will lose its purpose and wash away within the ocean, but yet there will still be souls made from that ocean. It's like recycling. Sometimes souls are directly reincarnated many more times they'll be washed away in the tithe and pierced together to make a new soul. It happens irl too though certain ((people)) don't want you to know
I just wanna skip to a certain point: Nobody would care about the Endless if it did not take literally innocent lives to keep them going. If Endless were powered by just happy thoughts, there would be no conflict about shutting them down.
He's one of my fav ebins at lb14
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Yeah look at this shit, shit we've seen a million times
Amon proves it is. Are you black? No seriously I've never met someone so low iq. Show me your hand with timestamp. Let me see it. Now.
she posts in blacked eorzea, try fanta'ing to a mhigger
Yeah, but you didn't really miss anything. The XI raid exists, FRU exists, Cloud of Darkness(savage) exists, the new extreme exists, and Bakool is on the poster for some reason. That's it.
my EX-grade ala mhigan catboy has been morphologically amplified and can now shoot sawblades from his chest and do other things also
Do you honestly think Amon and Hermes are alike?
You must be an eternal anglo.
>the events of Endwalker clearly show that reincarnation is not really that plausible
>All because of Amon
Can you elaborate on this? Because if anything it seems the opposite to me
So no wuk lamat? Thank god
Yeah part 1, part 2 will be in a few weeks
face 6 middies..
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that was the first thing they showed
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Because when you become such massive failure as a man you try out being a massive failure as a woman
Amon and Hermes hold obvious opposite values about life. Or to be even succinct about it, Hermes is kind while Amon is evil.
What are they doing still on Ravana...
they're very alike, they're both scientists that ends up depressed and tired of their societies which causes them to go off the deep end happily accepting the death of everyone else.
Well yeah but if everything was powered by happy thoughts we wouldn't have a lot of problems in the world
fiddies are getting face 6 and it will be spene

I pretend to be straight dom in thread but in game, I'm actually a subby bottom
Yes. And yes I am a proud anglo. Thanks for noticing. I also play a male character and never mod or erp and I go to the gym regularly and eat my vegetables. Infact I love vegetables and meat. Do you?
Jesus Christ getting second hand embarrasement reading that shit again
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>be friendless loser
>see people bantering in chat
>think of something clever to tune in with
>run the usual thousand and one simulations in my head figuring out all the ways they could find it cringe or make fun of me
>decide to say nothing
>continue being friendless loser
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You may not like it, but Hildibrand will save DT. This is what peak storytelling looks like.
>retards are STILL having debates on The Endless
MNKs fun, it's what I've decided to go with (though admittedly I avoided maining it before because DoT uptime hampered my concentration on mechanics)
Assuming you meant BRD, it didn't change much but it did get new animations and an extra button to hit in 2 mins (similar to DRK)
PLD got an oGCD finisher on its sword summon combo (and all spells heal a bit which makes it way better), plus they turned Atonement into a 3 hit combo
SMN is the biggest loser out of all the jobs imo, everything is the same except you have an extra Bahamut which changes your rotation ("2mins & Baha->Phoe->2mins & B->etc" from Endwalker is "2mins & Lunar Bahamut->Baha->2mins & Lunar->Phoe->etc" in Dawntrail)
AST is doing really good right now, meta pick and they gave Lightspeed two charges so you can use it in 2 mins and whenever you need to move (also no Astrodyne yippe). Cards got changed again though (you draw 3 at once plus Lord/Lady; 1 of the 3 will always be a role damage buff and the other 2 will be healing)
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Anything interesting from the live letter?
curious in the thread I pretend to be trans, but in game I'm just a regular middie chasing after cats
in my moment of weakness I almost posted a picture of my goopie
when will they add glamour log
halatali duty support and hall of the novice update
Amon loved his society and only wanted to destroy the world because of his ego
Only thing reincarnation provided was superficial similarities such as "good at math", but created completely different personalities
I have come to incinerate midlanders.
do it.........
give her squid hair
Everyone gets a personal femlala to use any way they like.
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Did you clean your room today?
Yeah. I don't dispute that at all. We did HAVE to put an end to it, it's just weird that the game tries to justify killing the Endless at the last second by saying "They're not real people" as if there aren't other examples of "not real people" being our friends and allies worth respect all throughout the story. As if them being soulless is suddenly a perfect justification that absolves us from all sin for having killed them.
You are aware that reincarnation as it works in japanese media is rarely ever a direct rebirth of the person right? It's usually their souls or energy put into a new body, retaining certain memories or aspects of the old, by still being a different person with different goals and ideals. A normie version I can explain to you is dragonball. Kid buu was reincarnated into uub. He has similar powers, and even a destructive nature, but he's kind and gentle unlike buu.
>Amon loved his society
he actively loathed it, he only loved Xande and ate up all his talk about life being meaningless
I'm gonna use mine as an onahole so I can finally throw out these crusty socks
Anyone want a /xivg/ Chaotic Alliance run when it drops?
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He loved the society Xande created and ruled
Not with you melty ass faggots
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I feel like /xivg/ does not approve of foreheads, but.....
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this causes melees to lose uptime
Yes. That's how eastern reincarnation works.
ok but the picture sucks
I'm gonna make her do my taxes
1 is better
I don't give a shit about japan
My femra is sleepy and bored, with a harsh sadistic streak
I wanted Niddhog Unreal....
right doesnt look good at all
reincarnation is about the most cruel thing I can imagine
I wanna /pet and befriend this anon!
ntr smile.........
that's okay post your goopnose please please
Cumming on that foreheads
I asked unironically but whatever you faggots
he very obviously did not care for other people, he just messed around with science
As the daughter or the guy?
well yeah, amon was a narcissist
built for bondage
i love foreheads. 1 is better because it's teasing forehead
as someone who does not like your character at all you should go with the left, it's slightly less of an eyeblight
I looked up the savage fight to compare it to normal and savage looks much more coordinated and doesn't have 90% of the room explode in purple aoes that randomly spawn.
Amon is a direct result of what Hermes did to himself. It's implied by Montichaigne's ink on paper analogy and Amon's monologue after the dungeon that his soul remembered what he did before wiping his own memory after returning to the aetherial sea, and it poisoned him.
Damn it's really just the face I don't like, you should use your unmodded one
your femra should force me into submission i want to be on knees bleeding I'll even thank you with a smile for the gift
Both Hermes and Amon had beef with their societies and loathed them. Not as much as Amon did with the Allagans though.

Amon is supposed to be a parallel to Asahi which is why it's fitting that he ends up inhabiting his body. Asahi is turbo gay for Zenos, Amon was turbo gay for Xande.
>expecting serious answers from a thread full of coomers.
>hermes was mentally ill
>amon was mentally ill
>fandaniel was mentally ill
>if you have the soul of hermes you will always be mentally ill
Kinda fucked up you're just doomed to that fate like that nigga that's a shard of Ericthonios and immediately succumbed to Athena's will
This is really ugly but its still arousing to me.
mahjong narrators
Your character should apologize for being so pathetic and thank me for being gracious enough for deciding that you're worth a fraction of my time
Well there’s no reason to play this game until mid November (lol) it seems. 5 months between patches btw
It's pretty sad what happened to him, yes. It was really messily handled, but I do still like it.
>PETA and veganism, not even once
Kill yourself pedophile
The guy? That loli isn't mine
mine will make me food abominations
It's a Japanese game. Your point is that Amon disproves reincarnation as per your post, yet what we see of he and hermes proves reincarnation and how its consistently represented by the nips.
Yes, mistress.
I'm sorry I'm such a pathetic middie
I know my place and it's on my knees
Thank you so much for giving my pathetic self a (You), I know your time is worth more than anything I could give to you.
24 man extreme/savage fights
mahjong narrators
total housing pillar death
hammerspace housing, coming soon tm
Alliance raids savage (called chaotic)
Houses will have new options for walls that can be chosen regardless of housing region, no pillars (as an option I think), and houses will now be able to be a different size inside than they are outside if the player pays for it, like a large inside of a small
Mahjong will now have like Scion VO for some reason as an option
Next Ultimate (Eden) has art of what seems to be a fusion of Ryne and Gaia
More Hildibrand
Hall of the Novice updates for things like stack markers and spread out shit, but it seems pointless unless it becomes mandatory
Duty Support on the way for non-MSQ dungeons
alright but my goopster looks like a boopster in this lighting
Nope. I know someone will have a melty.
They looksmaxxed my fucking loli
Friend that talks about the lore with me and gets into arguments about it?
hello my goopwife
How would Emet-selch have recognized Amon and elevated him to the position of Fandaniel it he wasn't his reincarnation?
1 was my first instinct, and >>496464713 is right, so thank you!
Is this the male midlander that needs to be femdommed?
You want to do a savage 24 man raid with the general that gets angry over causal mmo pvp and shits on other anons for doing bad in casual content? Be my guest I’ll be reading the seethe in the thread
all male midlanders are made for femra domination
Eb me
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I'm not sure I follow. Amon was Hermes' sundered soul, who was awaken to his old self by Emet-Selch. I don't really understand what you meay by this.
Very cute goopie
Give me one good reason
kinda wish they just released an extreme version of the new FFXI raids (with more interesting trash and bosses) instead of just rehashing e9s.
The best way to describe it is that the endless are the imperfect version of the shades of amaurot. they have the memory of the person (as much as the administrator lets them have) and would act as the person does, but they are not truly alive. and much like how primal summoning is the imperfect version of creation magic, their existence is not stable and requires constant aether to sustain
I would rather endless threads of pedos spamming lowlanders than a single more session of whatever the fuck the threads have been like the past 2 days
You don't wipe your own memory. The aetheria sea does that to you. Memories are etched onto the soul. If a conviction is too great, the imprint it leaves on the soul is so deep not even the sea can wash it out.
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THIS is Final Fantasy XIV and we LOVE this.
Already married.
The unsundered wanted to keep the lineage of thirteen going and tried to resurrect the dead people by merging them with new lives and old souls, usually by transplanting the old format of those past lives onto the reincarnated souls

But it does not produce exact copies of the same people. That is why Amon defected the entire ascian order the moment elidibus bit the dust
The schizo meltdowns in the thread for the last week have unironically been the highest quality threads in months. Did Lorilee drop his evidence on Magness and Leviah btw?
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It's actually not me.
Go forth, king.
Another term for the filter
No lol he said he wasn't going to do it after all
this goopie spreads chaos but thanks

Yeah. That's reincarnation.
What a fucking pussy loser lmao I guess he figured out he had nothing after all
weak reincarnation
so weak it is basically insignificant
I remember they said they didn't want to make Alliance Raids too hard because 24 assholes who can't cooperate might make it unfun...
Total Pedo Death
Total Futranny Death
Total Coomer Death
Wasn't his plan always to invite the Final Days onto the Star? I think that's made fairly clear in EW and his reason for defecting was not because of... uh... not sure what you think it was, but as far as I remember he makes it clear that he defected because there was noone powerful enough to stop him, with the unsundered gone.
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It's still reincarnation like it or not.
That's meant more as "I didn't do it because I suddenly remembered Meteion exists and wanted to help her like he did". It's because he genuinely fell to despair and wanted the world to end.
>It's actually not me.
Oh interesting, guess there's another middie out there who needs to be abused
Yes. Hermes wiped his own memory with the device in Ktsis Hyperboreia. Returning to the aetherial sea removed that wipe and revealed the imprint on his soul. It's why Emet is suddenly supportive of us in EW despite chronologically the last thing he did being trying to kill us. He remembered what happened and the time we spent together.

Yes. But the game treats them like people, up until it decides their lives don't matter because it might upset the player that they had to kill them. And then it does everything in its power at the last second to go "but you shouldn't feel bad".
Oh that's what you meant. Sorry I wasn't following the order of operation correctly.

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