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Pet your gobbo edition

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>October Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview
>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>496453934
first for nerub chads
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Johnny Kej
ad eu kind of dead
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>no tail
what am I supposed to squeeze?
and farm some more
her belly
Dance slut
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I spend more time trying to get into groups than actually playing
I love Warcraft
I'm glad it's back
am I actively griefing by playing vengeance and not guardian/protwar
love my class so much but some packs are insane
Does it make sense to do every dungeon at m0>every dungeon at +2 etc. one level at a time to properly learn them all? The weird thing is gearing wise I won't really find much in the way of upgrades until +7 but that seems like a retarded place to start without a lot of dungeon knowledge
You can skip 0's and go straight to 2's usually It's not that much harder, and just adds the first affix.
can you coomers go back to your dying ship of a game? Holy fuck why did WoW have to cater to you morons. No one gives a shit about storytelling in an MMO that caters to the lowest common denominator goonslop.
is there an add on to bypass the authenticator bullshit just so i can put fucking words in my group finder listing?
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Finally got this retarded ass mount after countless dungeons (it looks like shit I will not use it)
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Same (and I am a tank)
This is a big problem. All PvE content except the sweatiest of the sweaty (mythic raiding and M+ above 10) should go to a queue. You'll get bad groups from time to time but that happens now, at least you would be playing the game instead of spam applying to groups and refreshing a list.
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>Liquit won

Fuck this gay earth.
Femhumies are better than elves.
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I've decided
I've finally decided on a main

I'm taking monkpill. I will be maining mistweaver.
Healing is the most comfy role in the game while also being a needed asset in every aspect of the game's group content. I will get into groups with ease while also having windwalker as a backup spec to rely on if I'm ever in the melee mood. Or I could just fistweave! I could even go brewmaster for solo content!!

I'm a genius.
I want it for my nigga dwarf
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Stay mad Eurocuck
What the fuck is a "kilometer'?
Bismuth prices are finally dying sisters...
no-one has ever said this
>echo is falling apart because they kicked zaelia
they won because the power of friendship eurocuck, you will never know true brotherhood
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>this is the best player in all of /wowg/
why is 4chan so bad at vidya?
they need to give warriors bl since there are only two classes that currently use bl
holy based
Is Niguura an actual female or he's trannie? I have my doubts
exactly, faggots from that other game have dropped all pretense lately due to their tranny ruining it for them. Literal cesspit that thread is. You can't even read anything. I don't want my comfy, jaded side of /vg/ to be coloured by those closetfags. You can already tell who migrated by how many avatarfags aren't just outright ousted.
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Any news about the plapdaren heritage armor?

i forget about this guy existence until this post, lmao
they're insane on guardian too, i dont think rerolling would help you much
m+ is just overtuned right now, especially 8+ keys where trash mobs can oneshot you
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proving grounds needs to come back though
>lost 8 hours to maint
>lost half a day to pre-nerf princess being literally impossible
>still an entire day ahead of ec*o
liquiGODS own this fucking game now
EU bros, what happened? Why are our bois still raiding? I thought the raid was cleared like half a day ago?
>guild that stabbed Josh in the back stabbed Zaelia in the back
euros truly have no honor
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>Fuck this gay earth.
>feet xala'toes
>clown world
>'AI' generated images
>i just started playing again
>it's over
>so is this expansion any good?
>holy based
>made for
>built for
>i just came back i haven't played since
>is this as woke as
holy reddit
>falsely accused Josh and Zaela
>Have an entire day advantage
>Have blizzy on speed dial
>Brazenly exploit bugs with zero punishment unlike other guilds
>Finally get a worlo firsto
Yuuuup, usa won finally we can discontinue wow so we are the best.
>he doesn't use a damage meter
>has no idea what logs are
>the bosses die and he thinks he helped achieve something
Hes living the best life.
i think i've seen tanks from every class bitch about how they take way too much damage in m+
you dumb normalniggers know it's true
I'm so slow at these but they're fun regardless
Dragqueer is better (at giving paw jobs)
veng if fine if you know what youre doing. the only thing that sucks about it is if dps pull extra stuff because now you have to blow cds that you already needed to survive what you intended to pull
>Leveling through MoP
>Spy mission and raccoons getting shot with snipers
>Love stories and actual lessons within conflict also titans btw
>Leveling through TWW
>Female empowerment wherever possible
>Go here kill this x20 with no real reason to give a fuck also titans btw
>Millennial "humor" which actively ruins my mood
At least the main story was decent but holy shit TWW has had one of the worst questing experiences ever. By the end of it it was such a slog I didn't feel like reaching 80 at all, thankfully the content after is much nicer.
>Brazenly exploit bugs with zero punishment unlike other guilds
but enough about echo of fyrakk
Null stones are still pretty insane though. I feel bad for all the people that got baited by mounted mining and didn't immediately max out the ore quality traits
Venge is fine, hits like a truck but you need to kite.
Unironically, if you can't ensure at least 2 players in the group won't grief you, play BDK.
echo still uses this guys pre builds even though he is a full on incel now, but they would fire a guy who told a woman to leave his apartment.
Have a big cat.
Echo sissies be like "noooo firedup you can't play spellslinger for a few pulls that weren't kills that's an exploit!!!"
If only I could go back to not knowing what a dps meter was.
euros truly hate originality
Rumor has it that Josh "Rapegod" Priest is still in method too
Hard to tell if it's real complaints though because there's too many tanks that just run in with no cooldowns/active mitigation up and then wonder why they got fucking smoked
>using shitmongoloid's PCs
Oh so that's why we kept seeing massive frame drops on all the echo streams
daily reminder that the made up echo vs liquid shit vs memeturd "drama" is made up, they are all actual shitters.
Nihilium would hard fucking dumpster them, and ANY WPvP focused guild would utterly annihilate these PvE loony troonies
100% real complaints they need to buff ALL tanks

t. have tried tanking on warrior/paladin/guardian
i mean i suspect rich is still in OTK too
non warriors need buffs
non shamans need buffs
is that easy
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why do they always ignore
quick someone post the Kungen clips again
Warbvll is fine.
Bear is fine.
I'd say that Paladin is fine if you got hands, but you struggle with wartard and wartard: special need edition so...
Kungenbros.... I thought we were the best?
What do I do for fun in this game?
Stare at female pandaren ass
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>getting KSM doesn't give you the glowshit gear
>have to do elite PVP
bro i haven't touched that shit properly in over a decade, can i pay some nigga to do this? i want my purple glowshit but i don't hate myself enough to do arenas
Stand with a visible bulge near cute gnome/gobbo cuties
yes pvp is mostly boosting or soloqueue now
just farm gold and buy what you want at the end of the season
Sure bring back proving grounds. Plus everyone should have something at stake, whether it's a keystone or some kind of rating. If you desert, get vote kicked, etc, you have a penalty. A lot of issues with the player base being so toxic would be fixed by these two things.
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Who do I cap first
Vengeance DH is actually fucking cool
But nothing beats warlock which I've been maining for 5 years now
Don't, he browses these threads and is on actual suicide watch
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>Make AH listings
>They all sell in a pecosecond
incredible, what a great and useful addition to world of warcraft the war within. i wonder how much this costs?
both of you are brown
KINO, he has done what Max couldn't.
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uh oh melty
eurofags be like
>HAHA thanks for beta testing for us amerifats
but when liquid win one race every 2 years they be like
it's insane how mindbroken boomers are that the game changed and they're not going to be good at it anymore
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Did nerub get curve yesterday?
why do scandinavians have such dogshit names in wow?
hes a scarab lord and yu? grunt?
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I hate growing old and watch all the cool things slowly get corrupted and turned into mockeries of themselves
How did we get to this WoWbros
Scarab lord of what? Sucking dog dick? lmao
depends what you want
2-3 million for glad
400-700k for 2100
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Kungen was never good
>400-700k for 2100
in 3s I'm guessing?
that's honestly pretty cheap desu, is this what is spammed in the services channel? I have it muted
I hope there's a giant xal'atath stinky feet boss someday
Does faction changing wipe your addon/UI settings?
Because wow here was always popular among obnoxious ironic teenagers who now are grown up, but their brains stayed in middle school. Real nerds here didn't play wow.
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Like log on for raid.. and then the guy didn't log on and he typed.. he typed
>it's push week
>it's push week!
And then they kicked him out of the guild! Fucking dogshit entitled M+ players dude, holy, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PUSH WEEK! YOU DOGSHIT M PLUSSER! BRAINDEAD! UNLESS YOU'RE WINNING THE FUCKING MDI, WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT IS YOUR PUSH WEEK DOING? Stupid mother fucker!
Whatcha pushing bud?
WHATCHA pushing bud??
You're not pushing shit!
You competing with JPC and fucking Echo and all the- NO YOU'RE NOT DUDE, YOU'RE NOT! You're just some dogshit survival hunter playing flavor of the month, you dropping all the bombs, your screen's lightning up, you mashing your fucking buttons and then you're saying "PUSH WEEK"
Anyway, yo can i get a summon?
Only if you change character name I think
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i'm already confused and i've only opened my appearance log. i just want the glowy purple version of the mage tier, which is apparently pvp only. is this gladiator? elite? i have no idea what the hell to even search for. it's pic related but wowhead's link just redirects to the red one
No, we're getting it today.
>basically swedish way of saying "faggotass"
LMAO a fellow swede indeed.
post logs here please
gather friends, do you take both gathering prof? i only have minin rn cus i heard herb wasn't that great
Neither is Max, he's getting carried.
the curse of Barry made Echo lose
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Let go, Anon.
you only need 1800 in pvp for that, it's not that bad
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What's next for Jaina?
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just keep truckin'
he is not even playing
he is doing boring ungrateful part of managing the guild, getting sponsors(each raider gets paid) and logistics. In a way he is the one carrying them.
what's bad about this
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its racist
don't care, didn't ask.
marrying kael'thas in midnight
Need this to happen to my elf desu
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>worship huge cocks so much you put them on females
>wow I had no idea he would be obsessed with bbc
truly a conundrum
What's worse
>class related names like Kipbeam, Graplihunt, Acteheal, Lustmönch
>ESL names like Bbögballe, Donshampï, Findabaír
>low effort RP/meme/faggot names like Risto, Rinku, Cheerios, Samarion, Murvvinator, Donaldpump
fell into BLACKED rabbithole* cause of the blacked fetish shit
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Nobody has called Pandaren "pandas" this thread. Good job, everyone! I will treat you all to some Valley Stir Fry, if you can say "thank you teacher" in Pandaren!
Dunno. But blizzard banned the name legolas.
put that panda ass on my face whore
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why would you even go out of your way to do actual QoS shit in a fantasy world with fucking orcs, taurens and horde branding which is essentially the same thing but in-universe?
first one absolutely
every guild has that braindead boomer retard who names all his alts like
literal scum of the earth
It ruins the game. Bosses should just be about dodging mechanics until it dies at 3 minutes or so.
shut the fuck up talking bear
Om nom nom om nom slut
Translate what I just said to the thread pandass
Because its what he probably always associated the futa/orcs/taurens with
Night elf wife with paw print womb tattoo
porn brainrot
(You) have issues.
Not even /xivg/ is this obsessed with niggers.
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*blocks your path*
What now big boy
I'll thank you if you show me your pandaren ass
wow's qos should be somehow connected to zandalars they are the most niggerish
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these rare items should personal loot
what is the point
>sorry, need it for offspec!
its not looking good
primalist dracthyr shaman when?
>>496484749 >>496487490
>>496487635 >>496487679
>>496487795 >>496487843
>>496487957 >>496488104
>>496488183 Bad poasts
Not good poasts
Do better poastings
when did people realize they should stop taking asmon takes on the game seriously?
>those fucking grim batol enforcers
holy FUCK man
>the last thing the undead abominations in lordaeron see before meeting the light(the arbiter tranny actually)
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so I lose them when I overcap, right?
should I upgrade my garbage greens? I don't know what to prioritize
>playing aug
>have no fucking clue what I'm doing
>ilvl 587
>do a +2 and brick it 3 times because it's that dungeon with the fairy in shadowlands and I hate it
>people keep adding me to play with me even after they leave the group
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>"thank you teacher" in Pandaren!
idk all those people that hate wow and don't play it but continue to keep up with news on it and talk about it constantly are weird
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doesnt appear as if youve crafted an item so you can probably just click the fractured spark in your inventory to burn up toofitty
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I love sally
I just wanted to share my thoughts on the Windwalker Monk class after the latest patch. It feels pretty solid now, and I've been enjoying the gameplay. However, I’ve been facing a lot of challenges getting into groups. Despite having a decent IO score, it seems like no one wants to take me because I don’t bring Bloodlust or a combat rez.

It’s very dissapointing because I know I can contribute to the team’s success, but it feels like those utility spells overshadow everything else. Are there any other Windwalker Monks out there feeling the same? What do you think can be done about this?
shadowlands is not canon
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This game is so fucking ugly
I can't wait for WoW 2, WoW art direction is irredeemable at this point
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this. he was the first to clear naxx40 because it had like 200 people total attempting it in 2004. notice how he didnt get the wf again in 2019
oh that's right, thanks
I can't afford anything anyway but throwing those things away on greens feels wasteful
i dont main ww
i main ret
but you should be higher prio the next time the cc affix comes up, monk is really good at dealing with it
but desu its just really hard to get into groups currently
it takes me anywhere from 5-15 minutes to get into groups at 220ilvl/2300 io
gear your offspec if you dont want to wait
You think that those who made dragonflight and earthen will somehow make wow 2 good looking?
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alexstrasza looks good though
a terrible aug player can still be an asset to 4 other good players
been messing around with some slop of my own
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coolest thing in cataclysm
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hi wowg anyone wanna do delves and hold hands~?
Stop obsessing over porn artists.
do not invite aug
Better than draenei too
>broke 4m gold

it's not much but it's honest work :3
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I'm good my voidlord can tank
ya idk what the problem is with that spec
ive had a few in my groups and randomly i do 6 million dps on one pull and the rest of the dungeon its the same as if they werent even there
wasted slot imo
no you dumb tranny
now im really gooning~
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you know its the best hunter spec right now, right? you're smarter than to fall for sensationalized negative community perception...right?
never coming out bro
Best hunter spec = least smelly pile of shit
Thats a big cat....
He's getting carried by the real players buddy.
We love draepig in this house
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speaking of retard specs and their players:
when will the stream be up fagbear?
i want to watch you all wipe on ovinaxx for two hours
Don't worry sis, I got some upgrades today.
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>be newfag tank
>brick 3 +7 and 2+8 keys today by dying in dumb ways
I... I am doing my best :(
hey don't be mean to fabearsissy
globo fomo is getting aotc next week just you wait
Learn from it. It gets easier.
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well that was a joke. wish i tried this before the nerf but there's too much shit to do
she should have been WORGEN'D
you literally never get blamed unless you're constantly eating shit or failing tank mechanics
and even if they give you shit they cant kick you or replace you so you can just flip to combat log and press w and/or blame the healer, kek
i failed a 10 AK last night by 20 seconds because of the patrol on the right side of the alley/circle before second boss
just dont fuck it up again
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And like that everyone stopped caring about the race for world first.
All that "hype" just dissipated in mere hours, completely artificial and manufactured.

Was funny seeing preach get btfo, dude was on the verge of tears, coping so hard.
the creature rawr :3
Nah. Use this talent setup. Taking 1 point in Feed the Demon gives you almost 100% uptime on Demon Spikes and makes a MASSIVE difference in dungeons, always take this talent, it might feel sucky losing Soul Carver but the survivability boost is insane.
Depending on the dungeon feel free to swap that 1 point in Painbringer to Sigil of Chains.
I like chains for Grim Batol, Siege, City of Echoes etc, places that have mobs that are a bit spread.

Remember, only use Spirit Bomb at 4/5 souls + enemy have Firey Brand on them, or to activate Demonsurge. Otherwise just spam Soul Cleave 24/7 it's both more damage and more survival.
With this setup the only pack in the game that ever threatens me are double Guardian packs in the Mists maze on a 9+ if they survive too long. Try to plan around having Meta ready when you pull that pack.
Don't obsess over defensives too much, just use your cds as they come up, doing damage keeps you healthy.

Is there anything specific that you're struggling with on Veng? Any dungeons/bosses?
>the boss dies
>everyone loses interest
I have NO idea what do do to make a cool Warband. All I know is I have a Human Prot Pally, and am stuck on what kind of party to have to round it out.
he knows im jk
>the race is over
>bro why does no one cares about the race anymore?
you some kinda stupid?
don't care not inviting you fucking tissue paper skin tanks go right into the trash with brew and ppal
We need a Worg Xally to go with Worg Sally
is it possible to 2/2/6 the entire raid?
does it make it easier/harder?
i feel having a big raid makes it harder to see shit i hate it
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Shadowlands wasn't THAT bad
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what a dumb looking skin
i think the only time people care about post race was SOTFO and that was alrgly OG fags hate watching max
if you're not carrying your healers
>Tissue paper
Not the case with Feed the Demon. Veng is extremely tanky while Demon Spikes is up. Most tanks are just braindead and are carried by the fact that tanks are in demand so they stick with what the wowhead guide says.
i hate paladins so fucking much
nta but i fucking hate soul carver, it's such a boring button but it's also a really good one
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i miss her
no one cares, brownie
fuck off
how hard is it to tank in m+?
>fury warrior

It's a fucking nightmare to collect everything from SL.
Been playing prot pally and considering I have 20 ilvls to go until max gear, the class feels fine to me. Only complaint I have are mana issues, this is just dumb, I shouldnt go OOM from using my WoG procs.
do you know the boss mechanics?
do your ears work?
do you have the dbm dungeon module?
did you plan the route with mdt?
do you have a baseline level of competency with your spec and its mitigation capabilities?
if you can meet most of those requirements its pretty easy
how about doing it on a real class
Hard to start off as you need to learn the routes and what defensives you need for each pack

Easier as you play more and more and kinda just go through the motions. But you will eat a lot of shit this season until you learn everything.
sorta? got bigwigs
how do you deal with the mini boss that pulses damage in dawnbreaker
i ate shit three times in a row with a pres and left the key on a 9
I like it in raids, combining it with Firey Brand for big dps is fun.
the dbm dungeon module is really good
and planning the route is more important than the rest of that shit
you're responsible for pulling so you're also responsible for the count thats your one job behind aggro
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this is what my blood dk looks like, do i keep the mask or remove it?
hair color fine or switch?
thought of some kind of corrupt yrel variant
thank you, i can use dbm dungeon module with bigwigs? im willing to learn everything. i may not be the greatest but i honestly just wanna help people out who might need tank in keys
>killed a huntard with a glad mount
Why did they cover her arms and thighs?
Is showing skin Haram in the west now?
>i can use dbm dungeon module with bigwigs?
Loktarigal, my warriors!
How many keys can I buy from Finly?
it was a nice run, made 1.6mil iin two weeks
It looks fine. Corrupt Yrel doesn't scream dk if I'm honest but the overall armor looks good
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really nice anon but could you provide a link to the full picture? pls?
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>play aug evoker
>just dodge mechanics and use my buffs/extenders
>getting carried through dungeons without knowing shit
I tried all other roles and I was pretty bad at healing and tanking, kept dying in melee DPS but the dragon is pretty fun. Hope it stays viable.
thank you
becoming Sylvanas wife in Midnight
Do you got the discount? In any case; supposedly you only get 3 weekly from him
Yes it's possible, Broodtwister might be annoying, Nexus princess too. But the rest scale fine.
Queen scales funny with a small group, she gets exponentially easier.
No discount yet, 3 weekly sounds decent. Is it per character?
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What the FUCK is wrong with female pandaren why do they ACT LIKE THIS?
I would believe so yes since the delve currency isn't shared between characters iirc
Should have been a vulpera boy
panda girls look better in chinese dresses than naked
wish I had a cute pandaren gf to plap every morning
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No it locks the item account wide when you buy it
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>People unironically calling others "Andys" in a raid

Way to out yourselves you asmonniggers, fuck off.
It's intimidating at first, what worked for me was looking up a tank pov video of a dungeon I'm going to run, something like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=078EAsPx9-8
You don't need to pull packs together like they do in the videos but you get an understanding of what you need to pull to finish the dungeon.

Don't worry, no one is going to flame you probably if you make a mistake as long as you don't wipe the group multiple times, tanks are too few in number for dps to risk upsetting you and going back to the group finder for another 30 minutes.
Life would be good as part of the alliance.
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what is your favorite new dungeon and why is it Dawnbreaker?
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thanks bro another piece for my collection
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Why does everyone get filtered by the 2nd boss in the raid?
>denied to +4s on my 610 Hunter
because tanks are fucking retarded and they completely control the beam
why collective anguish? the it requires nearly 3 useless talents just to reach it
dunno i oneshotted it with pugs
It'll never be my favourite due to how buggy everything up to the first boss is. Blizzard won't ever have ships not riddled with bugs.
Grim Batol might be my favourite this season.
damn, that last boss on ara ara is pretty tough
I thought the little mobs that drop pools have 1 hp
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none of the new dungeons are good. Being the least bad one isn't much of an accomplishment. Not sure how they keep getting worse every expac, it's been a straight downward trend since Legion.
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Why can't people do eggs on brooktwister?
Has to be the easiest mechanic in the raid
There's a cast bar
It's the same set of eggs each time
Well yeah, you're a hunter.
you're one amongst 50 other 610s lilbro, and most of them aren't hunters

>Grim Batol might be my favourite this season.
how horrifying
You get a mistweaver pandaren gf BUT you can't listen to the inn kazoo song anymore
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Excellent! Great job! You'll get a double portion.
Depends on if she lets me eat her ass or not.
I fucking hate Stonevault
It does more a lot more damage than The Hunt, especially with Felscarred resetting Fel Dev when Meta expires.
Taking The Hunt instead does open up extra talent points but what exactly are you spending them on?

Live by the Glaive got nerfed for TWW and if you still really want it then it's better to drop Imprison as Imprison is literally only used in Mists to skip a pack and not in any other dungeon.
Darkness doesn't matter but if you really wanted it then just drop Soul Sigils for it.
Demon Muzzle is fake, 8% sounds good but in the end it doesn't amount to much.
It's a tough choice but I'm not willing to go through life without the kazoo song so I very reluctantly agree to the pander gf
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am i the only one here seeing a fat guy walking?
Sounds grim
>Play DPSissy
>Actual humiliation ritual where you have to beg alpha males (tanks) to do any content outside of world quests

I get why this thread (all DPSissies) is always so neurotic lol.
DPS cant deal enough damage without being overgeared and mobs survive the beam phase
I've just started doing delves. I know it's too late to "finish" season 1, but what am I going to miss besides cheevos and transmogs?
>I know it's too late to "finish" season 1
...what? It just started 2 weeks ago
>I know it's too late to "finish" season 1
the season started like a week ago wtf
good post
nibba whatchu talkinmbout
it's literally week 2
Any fucking name with non-standard characters is automatically worst tier.
Ara-Kara is the only one that isn't actively bad
I miss WoD dungeons bros
even this one æ?
if you dont have brann at level 80 and all renowns at max then i don't know what you're doing in the game
Don't you need to do delves once a week for eight weeks? That's what I read in a previous thread.
the flying seciton on the last boss would be better if the orbs actually damaged the boss
Having fun and taking my time.
my very first character i ever played was a nelf hunter named ærcher
fuck me that was a long time ago
>trusting what someone says in this thread
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Me? Female Night Elf Blood Death Knight.
the season is longer than 10 weeks bwo
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play the game
Are you going the distance and picking san'layn?
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imagine the smell wafting up when you kiss her tummy
Little boys are made for dracthyr men (bottoms).
what do Nathanos and Arthas think about this
>asnwering troll posts
is this your first week here
What's the andy thing?
I don't get it but I don't wanna get left out so I just say "Classic andies am I right?" and the discord chuckles.
Nathanos doesn't think being the good little dog danuser made him. Arthas is in the ground where he belongs.
Anduin's happy he doesn't have to lead and peace seems to be working
kek for real
no ty i like it as it is
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Blizzard is aware they are wasting your Radiant Echoes/Worldsoul is bugged. No, they won't refund your echoes.
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It's almost like furries, pedophiles, trannies, and nigger worshippers are all cut from the same cloth.
Or maybe not. Maybe this is just another drop of """coincidence""" in the overflowing bucket of allegations.
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Shit like ë is standard in a bunch of languages but not all, just use the alphabet without anything outside of pic related, including diacritics.
I have a friend who refused to not use correct spelling of random elven made up faggot shit and it was ass to invite him anywhere.
i like the hunt as a leech cd but ill try your build
>Taking 1 point in Feed the Demon gives you almost 100% uptime on Demon Spikes
wait what?
t. Haven't played VDH since lelgion
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Anon's right, it pumps DPS but it is boring as fuck to press, but I don't like % damage increases or "the one big nuke" type buttons for CDs.
>People complaining about tanking

They literally changed it to make tanking harder this expansion. This is intended.
>quick give me money before our sponsors walk and our team dissolves
This has convinced me to make AI slop, but I don't know how. Someone enlighten me on the method for cute pandaren
what the fuck is the inner circle?
Guild officer clique
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Is this a joke?!??!?!
chud if you're not using the hyper expensive gear with hyper expensive enchants you're getting shit!
>join normal Queen Ansurek blind
>learn the fight in 2 pulls
>still wiping 5+ pulls later
yeah i should have just left immediately when i saw russians speaking
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I am though?
jesus christ man they fucked professions so much this expansion
>all the female stromgarde footmen in dornogal have male voices
looks like Stromgarde is the designated troon kingdom
CN was one of if not the best recent raid. SoD can die in a fire for all I care and korthia too
Without Feed the Demon you can go upwards of 6 seconds without any active mitigation available and 6 seconds is an extremely long time. A bdk not using death strike for 6 seconds, a bear not using ironfur for 6 seconds, a warrior without shield block for 6 seconds, etc.
So you either need to kite mobs during this time or pray your 15% parry keeps you alive while your healer spam heals you.
With Feed the Demon you will only ever go at most 2 global cds without having Demon Spikes/Meta/Fel Dev available.
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Which member of the Warcraft team laid the most pipe at the swinger parties and why was it Chris Metzen?
if i make a new gatherer today, will the catchup mechanic get me as much knowledge as the gatherer i made at launch?
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>This is what male panda could've looked like
God dammit why did Blizz fumble the bad so catastrophically with those? They got fempandas SO right, and males SO wrong. We've been robbed of something truly kino...
why isnt it 5 star quality
Jesus fucking lord, they really buffed Feed the demon then.
I vaguely remember it being pretty ass in legion, but VDH was pretty awful in legion.
I might give VDH a second look then. I was also surprised that warrior now has 100% free (zero downsides for taking the correct talents) SB upkeep.
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nerub status?
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Seems like it. I'm not sure how it works for all of them but I took up skinning on a character fairly recently and it drowned me in catchup knowledge drops for a while. Only thing I seem to be behind on with it now is acuity for the knowledge booklets. I don't think there's any way you could quickly catch up with those
what ketchup
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How goes your delve progress? Have you killed Zekvir yet?
i actually hate stonevault, this entire dungeon needs to be nerfed into the fucking ground, degusting dungeon
Because I'm the retard that put them up as public orders while writing in the note that you shouldn't fulfil my order unless you can do it at rank 5. YET retards fulfil it, I send them a whisper calling them retards and get chat banned.
Rumor has it that if your wife wasn't 100% aryan there was a 100% chance Chris "Clorox" Metzen would fuck her.
my class is not allowed to kill it until further nerfs
Based Metzen
>all those consumables
Pretty much every tank has 100% uptime on their active mitigation if they're playing correctly
chop chop
Blessed and UTTERLY tgirly pedopilled.
>thinking aryan's could resist
if you're on moonguard or smth i can prob recraft them to max
Why does the statue of the Blood Elves in Ghostlands have a pussy?
give shamans a break, their class is painfully average most of the time
how do you make these btw
dont care about delves
im farming bis in mplussy and finishing up my 10s
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>nerf an unpopular role that is the bottleneck for most groups
>also make the job of the other bottleneck role much harder
What did Blizzard mean by this?
You didn't kill him, btw.
resto has been busted since SL though
"big words"
damn this nigga tarded
tanking is easier now than it was in s1 df no cap retards are just retards
Feels like a waste of time when in a couple of weeks he will be free, would rather farm M+
healers cried
this is their solution
I didn't kill him as Prot, didn't have enough DPS for the eggs and only found out about the glitch after I killed him as Arms.
my night elf priest is literally like this
gm: sexo
everyone else: don't care
>Oh yes, there's a whole chapter about the development of Heroes of the Storm. I don't think the reasons for them putting the game into maintenance mode are particularly surprising - it wasn't making enough money to justify the size of the team that was supporting it.
HoTs bros..
>two classes that can tank crying for a tank
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No male erasure please. Just slim chubby and BOYISH, like male vulpera :)
Most people don't know how massive the hots team was back then and how much money blizzard funneled into it.
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>play bg blitz
>people play like they do in regular bgs completely ignoring objectives
man ...
There were a few good heroes they thought up that would have worked in a better game.
Fishing fucks.
Apparently Warcraft 4 was planned in Reforged did well enough.
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>vulpera getting burned alive by the alliance for aiding the horde
>get fire resistance racial
They fixed the egg spawn glitch last patch
>spam maze+ all day
>more than half of my gear is still Champion track
>0 upgrades
I got it!!!!
does that thing mention wow?
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>not getting a single invite because I dont play the fotm metawhore class
i get that every key has 99 signups the moment they are up on lfg but you cant tell me 620 ilvl and not dogshit m+ rating dont stand out
just because you can spam m+ all day doesnt mean you should. i do just do my 8 or more runs throughout the week so i dont get burnt out
I stand by my earlier request.
If I am running my key, I am getting a full meta team, why would I risk bricking it?
Just tried a class other than Frost DK
Wanted to throw up before reaching level 30
How do you faggots do it?
How do you even find out where it spawns?
always has
If only I could get you to delve with me...
idk my fellow frost dk chad
i invite people based on personal bias. for example, hunters and mages are off limits. ill get a shaman or evokerchad to press bl since they dont struggle to do so.
im also not inviting more than one melee but its probably gonna be ret since they consistently do good damage as the spec is impossible to fuck up. shant be inviting havocs because they are most likely inexperienced and will just get themselves killed
Usually someone pins it in chat but at this point quite a lot of people have the unlock from near the end of the renown track that just shows you exactly where it spawned each cycle anyway
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Thank you!
I joined a premade group and people fill all the spawnpoints :)
Mostly the AMA's answering questions on Starcraft, OW, Blizzard drama. Netflix was supposed to be making animated shows for Warcraft, Diablo and Overwatch before they poached Spencer Neumann which made the deal fall through and got them sued by ABK.

Some details on the development of classic and how it came to be, But as far as relevant retail stuff goes, Sparkle Pony was basically a response to the costs of Starcraft 2 and Titan at the time. With the rumoured story if it selling more than just WoL at the specific period of time, being possibly true but unlikely true for the over-all lifespan
How much are imperfects for you?
You can fish up imperfect null stones from random wreckage pile fishing pools. The pools are kind of rare though
>Jewralia Sheckelstrike
was that a yes to delves...
I thought they might've fixed this shit recently for some profession orders but I guess blacksmithing got ignored
When did WoW lose the classic Warcraft art style and go its own way? Feels like Cataclysm did it.
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The art style revamp began proper in Mists of Pandaria and was cemented with WoD.
wod. cata is the sequel to vanilla. vanilla plus if you will
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you could enslave all those bilge rat vulperas and literally nobody would care
Yes I have feet :p
I don't mind doing them with others.
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>this is a 35yo man
>typing like this
Your brain on nu-WoW
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you could also build a gas chamber in tiragarde and genocide them with it and youll be praised by the admiralty for a job well done and the mechagnome kingdom for your engineering prowess
Does zekvir invading your delve only happen on 9+ difficulty?
I'll ask you one day...
happens on 8 as well
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>no ma ye post in 2 days
no. i've had him spawn twice in 6
>getting hard off of the attention you receive when acting like a woman
When are you starting HRT?
shadowlands was a disaster for warcraft lore
Happens on any difficulty, but he only drops worthwhile stuff (aside from cosmetics) at +7 or higher.
Shadowlands is just a symptom of what Legion did to the lore.
Must be very rare then. I'm closing in on 100 delves completed now and I only saw it happen once on the only +9 I ran.
no nerub stream today
fagay is not playing
I see your point, I can kinda agree
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>Queue for LFR (A Queen's Fall)
>Get a group that is on Queen Ansurek
>Clear the raid no issues
>Requeue for A Queen's Fall because I hadn't done Silken Court yet
>Kill Silken Court
>Leave raid because I already killed Queen Ansurek this week
>Get Dungeon Deserter for some reason?
Fix this shit, Blizzard
how many tinderboxes
You're such a cutie do you like velfs
There's nothing that makes me mad more than wowhead "guides" that give ambiguous instructions for certain ckasses and then don't bother to explain them in any way so you n never actually understand what you're supposed to be doing.
idk for the longest time I had 5, then I used a couple for crafting and now I've been sitting on just 3 for a couple weeks
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fuck Sylvanas, she's stupid and retarded
cawaen should stream i'm sure xhe would get a lot of viewers with a cute vtuber avatar!
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>hey, we pullin??
Hopefully another break.
I'm burned out on Jaina.
>being a 35 year old man means you cant have fun or roleplay anymore

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