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Previous: >>496457528

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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This is the one
This one
sorry about dotfags but superbrick needs tingyun to unbrick it more than you do, you still have dotcheron at least
I don't get it why did Feixiao stoneflop?
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>fofo the reddit
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Are we pulling Lingsha, Rappa, or Acheron rerun?
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only reason i dont have firefly is that shes one of the few i lost my 50/50 on ill try if she comes back though, have 0 interest in acheron eidolons cause its just crit rate and slot for a support which i dont have
Somehow she sold more than all the stoneflops
I'm pulling Aventurine
skipping the pf bots and acheron because i skipped jiaoqiu

will roll aventurine for feixiao and so i can finally try out preservation runs in su expansions
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Is it just me or does it feel like Firefly is always under constant shitpost/attack from other posters? What did she do to deserve this...
You know... Rappa's starting to grow on me... she's pretty hot
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It's what happens when your character is popular, Fireflybro
I don't have any PF bot unless you count Yunli so yeah I'm absolutely grabbing that cringelord
every character with some popularity gets shit on, firefly is not special
She's the only thing that keeps this general alive
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That means she made it. See how nobody shits on Hanya, Xueyi or Lynx. Nobody cares about them.
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What are the japs talking about?
Firefly mindbroke femcels, Aventurine mindbroke incels, Acheron mindbroke yuri haters
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She's the exalted one
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My girlfriend is so cute
Hertaschizo was right
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>lingsha on the same level as jiaoqiu and robin
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>meanwhile sparkle
people haven't realized it yet but lingsha is actually extremely good
>Its another instance of Acheron needing Jiao to be good and not other way around
Trendless shitters are so annoying...
Pulling my Sigga, maybe Ack too based on how Sundae and Stingyun would fit on my teams and who rerun alongside them
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Just defeated Aventurine in Penacony, when does the story get good?
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>people haven't realized it yet but lingsha is actually extremely good
surely sunday will make it so i dont need jq even if the alleged energy is wasted on ack
Hertaschizo won
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Bro your charmony dove?
literally can't stop cumming inside clara bros
meant for >>496484883
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Lingsha is extremely good (for my dick)
>be dan heng
>get a powercreep form that mogs all earlier dps
>get a bunch of metafag gaylords to roll for you
>2 weeks into you banner jingliu gets buffed in beta
>mogs you
>she releases and is accompanied by 6 months of ice shilling
>dr ratio gets given away for free
>is the main dps of FUA until feixiao and mogs you on img weak
>sparkle comes out
>doesn't save you
>written out of the story
>about to get crept again by a vtuber
>dan heng
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>Sunday y la Tortola carismonia mentioned
just another fujohomos melty about female characters getting their own dedicated support/relics
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I'm moreso hoping for Sunday being a battery for mom or 5exfox providing DoTs to mom
how many cats will be killed when tingyun is revealed to be a superbreak support?
>surely sunday will make it so i dont need jq
If you need Jiao to begin with then your problem lies deeper.
Ice shilling didn't last 6 months wtf lol, it was just 2 and a half months (from October until December)
Also Dan Heng is still used to this day because they extended the fuck out of the imaginary weak shilling

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Good evening bwos.
You forget that Gallagher is also extremely good and way cheaper.
Rolling a whole patch worth of jade to go from 12% to 25% break damage buff is silly.
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I love Ruan Mei!
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>huh? you were talking to me? topaz x anon headcanons

⤷ If anyone asked Topaz how she ended up here, she would've just blinked awkwardly and shrug because she doesn't know the answer either. How did one of the top IPC workers become a bumbling, tripping, stuttering mess the second you walked into the room?

⤷ She holds herself as one of the most hard-working IPC workers, climbing from bottom to top, reaching heights that many have to work decade and decades to reach yet she managed in years. But around you? Gone.

⤷ She finds herself stumbling over her words, cheeks heating up at your smallest gestures. Hell, the first time you smiled at her she excused herself to the bathroom to just sit down for a minute because why was her heart beating so fast?

⤷ She tells herself she's just admiring a fellow coworker, that she is just a fan of how hard you work but seriously, who looks at their coworker with the softest, most loving gaze and a stupid smile on their face?

⤷ She only realises it could be something more that day she came back after Jarilo-VI. Aventurine's words stung more than she'd like to admit but you were waiting for her at her desk with this stupidly cute worried expression that had her throat going dry and all her disappointment just dissipated in that moment. And then you hug her and fuck.

⤷ She stumbles over her words, face turning red and she averts eye contact, galaxy blue eyes darting all over the office and looking at everything and everyone but you. You just laugh.

⤷ You ask her out on Valentine's day and she swears she died that day. You waited for her, even after hours of overtime. You stood outside with a beautiful topaz necklace and you ask her if she would be free for a date and she dies. She straight up evaporates on the spot. Her face goes so red you were worried her head would blow. But she says yes. (And Aventurine filmed it all)

⤷ She's really just a loser deep down and you love her for that <3
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i kinda wanted sex fox on mom but i like constance and obsidian's designs more but that'd take who knows how many years
its more of i find ack's e2 boring compared to all the other hyped up dps e2s
DPCs are bricks and hardcarried by supports
yeah let's just ignore how she breaks way faster than him and does a lot more superbreak damage to the point she may even rival firefly herself
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Traditional vidyahara family
Yet another projection
topaz marriage !
I'm getting acheron finally as a newfag. Starting right after Firefly banner was the worst.
ugly bitch
*at e1
They had sex and reproduced, you should do the same!
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If your healer does better damage than your main dps, my condolences.
You should probably get a better main dps first.
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How would you describe Lingsha's personality?
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None, saving for Tingyun if she's really a superbrick support.
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yaaaaaaaaaay!! my wife is so happy! but what is wife doing? so bouncy! have fun wife! i leave to buy nasi goreng from market
uhhhh sex
well I would describe it as Protect black swan. Befriend black swan. Bridal carry black swan into bed. Slam dunk a baby into black swan's womb. Cuddle fluffy swan. Cook black swan breakfast. Picnic with black swan under the sun. Stir fry black swan's favorite food in a wok. Toss black swan into the hotel pool. Urinate into black swan's drug test for her. Judo throw black swan's enemies into a wood chipper. Twist black swan's jar lids off. Report black swan to the based department. Karate chop black swan's steak in half. Cradle pregnant black swan's belly. Trap black swan in marriage. Crush black swan's amazon boxes in the trash compactor. Liquefy black swan's food when she's sick. Eat swan pussy. Dissect black swan's trauma. Stomp bugs in black swan's apartment with steel toed boots. Bake treats for black swan in the oven. Memorize black swan. Mandatory impregnations for black swan. Grind black swan some smoothies in the blender. Drown black swan in love and attention. Vaporize black swan's worries with a ray gun. Help old black swan down the stairs. Feed alligators at the zoo with black swan. Slice black swan's birthday cake with a katana.
currently? sucking hard on la generalissmo cock aka character assassinated
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unabashed groomer
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My girlfriend is prettier than anon's girlfriend
Just roll Feifei, she's leagues better than trashfly or ackeron, Feifei is actually immune to powercreep so shell be relevant for a lot of time, what are they going to do? Release a unit that attacks even faster? Well that's a Feixiao buff, look at trashfly getting outdps by a fucking SUSTAIN >>496485808
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My girlfriend could beat up your girlfriend!
>can't even cook nasi goreng
I salute the rabifly
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My homeland
>nasi goreng
the fuck is that?

>captcha: GYAT4
>She's really just a loser deep down and you love her for that <3
But enough about Sparkle
really rough tl
>current star rail meta
>still no bleed endurance?[not sure about this, i think theyre saying make bleed last longer?] (removing the weakness bar lock is fine too)
>DoT hags
>instead of super break, give me super DoT (preferably an oneesan[hag])
>Seele and JY
>implement extreme Z awakening [this is from another gacha game so i dont know what that is]
I salute the fireflag
I-I kneel
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>He googles local food to troll on 4chon
>pagschizo outing himself as a seanigger
Color me surprised
I salute the rabi
>44 le plebbit
Okay, what is Firefly/Aventurine personalities and why do you love/hate them
I also started right after Firefly's banner and I've felt awesome as a new player. A buffet of top-tier reruns for all team archetypes, along with some new top-tier units, and the accumulated permanent content has enough jades to guarantee multiple units
>dragon dan rerun in 2.6 apparently
Man, if it wasnt for the fact sunday and ting are the next patch after i'd go for e2 dan

fight to live/live to win
actually ive grown to like both of them
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>youtube is messing with adblock again
A groomer and a lowkey seether, hopes that no one will notice either part.
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perhaps, most i went on most of my wives were e0s1 or e1s0 so getting an e2 just seems more costly than getting a tailor made support, like me currently pushing for e1 swan, i also dont want to go so far into my investments that the game becomes too easy, idk really im kinda lost on what to push for between keeping my wife relevant or to roll for new toy and mald about relic farm for a while
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>comeback to this OP
holy fofobased
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they don't care with f2poor jades
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>Voicleline: about Yunli
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>Firefly/Aventurine personalities
None/fuck it we gamble
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Bro I'm a newfag and even I can see the worm
Aventurine is suicidal and looks for any excuse to kill himself, he is literally me
Least obnoxious Feitard
Damn, this would be hot if she said it about a little boy. Not bad though.
We know, Tingyun.
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I've been playing zzz all weekend and didn't watch Lingsha's trailer yet.
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we spamming firefly now?
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>releases boss with thorns damage
generallisima sisters..... not like this.......
If you have to choose between "Investing more" and rolling a homofox then she's not your wife.
You already subconsciously became a metafag rather than waifufag. You merely pretend to be on this side because you're insecure about it.
I respect you skipping Jiaoqiu nonetheless though.
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Elio (young boy) will be a limited 5* harmony with unique talent that overhauls the kits of SH members in the team.
He will unbrick Blade, Kafka and SW
Trust the plan.
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*sniffs you*
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I am no longer just asking.
Pull Robin now or she gets it.
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It's a unit bro, not an enemy.
>(H:SR) Bronya, Seele, Natasha, Himeko, and Firefly slow dancing with their S/O

>Pt 1

Bronya has had to attend a few balls here and there throughout her life, though given the nature of the Eternal Freeze, they were few and far between.
She's learned the proper etiquette on how to dance and respond to the others who were high up in command, but never had the chance to dance with someone she loved.
That changed when S/O offered to take her hand, completely alone in her room with a phonograph playing a romantic record, of course recommended to her by Serval.

(S/O) "May I have this dance, Lady Bronya?"

Feeling her ears heat up at S/O's teasing, Bronya smiled and gently put her hand into theirs.

(Bronya) "Shall I take the lead, S/O?"

With her heart quickening in pace, dancing with S/O threatened to make her forget everything she learned in an instant.
Taking a deep breath, Bronya guides S/O along as they sway along to the music gracefully.
Well, at least she does.
S/O is stumbling here and there, making Bronya giggle in between their missteps.

(S/O) "H-Hey, cut me some slack! I haven't done this before!"

(Bronya) "But weren't you the one who asked?-"

Focusing away from S/O's pouting, Bronya puts her chin on their shoulder, simply enjoying the quiet moment with them.
With the two of them stepping to the beat of the song as it continued playing into the night.
I already pulled Robin and am giving it to her right now, though
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>Summer end without summer outfit
>or any alt outfit at all
Dawei should fire his business planner
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>just roll for a worm to unbrick your hot waifus bro!
yeah no
I already did. Her singing is fucking annoying
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I hckin love powercreep rail
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They say married people start to look like their spouses. These two look married.
What’s the appeal of Robin and Sunday? They’re both mid as fuck
>(H:SR) Bronya, Seele, Natasha, Himeko, and Firefly slow dancing with their S/O
>Pt 2

Seele sighs when S/O offers their hand to her after hearing what was playing on the nearby phonograph.

(Seele) "Do I look like the type of girl that dances?"

(S/O) "Come on, pleaaaase?~"

Mumbling something to herself, Seele rolls her eyes before getting up from her seat.
Only really going along with this because there was no one else in the room.
(And also because she loved them but she'll tear you in half before she says that out loud.)
As expected, both her and S/O completely stumble the entire way, stepping on each other's toes more than a few times.
But her breath hitched when S/O's arm slid around her waist, pulling her closer to an embrace.

(S/O) "Your heart is beating really fast-"

(Seele) "J-Just shut it and keep dancing will you?"

Seele's head rested underneath their chin, she didn't even need to see their face to know S/O was smiling.
(Which tempted Seele to kick them in the shin.)
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Why is Black Swan in the new artificial academy game
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Uh oh!
Hoyo cooked with them
kys yuritroon
>march's skin never ever
Robin has no appeal
Sunday is a schizo christian dude who has constant melties (sadly that's probably gonna stop when he is playable though)
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We love yuri /here/ though
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bird sex
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Ruan Mei FAT ass
You're a bwaka, anonchama. It makes no economic sense to do so.
>Pt 3

Natasha lets out a hearty laugh when S/O yanks her away from the table to engage in a dance, her coat swishing to the sides as she stepped along.
She admittedly doesn't have much experience with dancing due to being a Doctor, but it's something she won't mind to learn with S/O.
Though she gets the idea the moment she hears how slow the song is, enjoying the intimacy more than the feeling of actually dancing.
It isn't long before she relaxes entirely into S/O's hold, her low chuckle reverberating through their body as they embraced.

(S/O) "Something funny, Nat?"

(Natasha) "Hm...no, just enjoying the dance is all.~"

(S/O) "Have you done this before?"

(Natasha) "No. Trying to patch up wounds doesn't leave a lot of time to include ballroom dancing into my routine."

(S/O) "I'm truly shocked!-"

Both of them laugh again before Natasha goes completely silent and hugs S/O, the two of them standing still and not saying another word.

>Pt 4
When it's just Himeko and S/O in the main car alone, she puts a slow song on the player before extending her hand towards S/O.

(Himeko) "Will you take this dance with me underneath the stars?"

S/O grabs her without hesitation, both of them spinning into place but not losing their footing once.

(S/O) "Of course, dear."

Himeko knows how to dance, though not too formally. It's just more of a thing she picked up along her journeys aboard the Astral Express.
Not that S/O would ever know, with how graceful she is with every step, sometimes letting S/O take the lead as well.
It was playful, intimate, and classy all at the same time, and Himeko would not have it any other way.

(Himeko) "Hm, you've gotten better, S/O!"

(S/O) "Heh, only to impress you if I'm being honest!"

(Himeko) "Then I say mission accomplished!~-"

(Caelus) "I feel like we should move to another car-"

(March 7th) "Shush, they're having a moment!"
something about doves
Lingsha then Tingyun and Herta.
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Holy fuck shut up already
>make three songs
>make it so her ultimate can only play one

Like okay, make Hope is the Thing with Feathers only unlock after you finish Penacony story, but imagine if she sometimes sang that and If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking too.

I love Sway to my Beat, and in fact the whole singing as she provides a teamwide buff thing makes her one of my favourite units in the game mechanically purely from gameplay concept alone (I think she's a neat character but not the most interesting story wise, very cute and sweet though). But it just seems a waste to not let her sing all three songs in battle.
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Cute Wifefly
[x] unsubscribe
>angel halo
>long wavy hair
There are plenty of things that tick general people's boxes.
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and yaoi too!!!
Reminder Yunli is the 2nd youngest Octet member, that means there will be a zhuming potato.
Mend your pace, sway to the beat
Hands up! Embrace who you wanna be
We're reaching heights unseen, oh-woah

Feel the fire deep within
You're the key to where my trust begins
Join my dream, it'sjusttheright time, woah-oh

Leaveit all behind
Get ready now

Rise up into my world
Renew your definition
World so high, let me show
And hear my declaration
"No more ties"

Off the ground and tap your feet
Look, stars are near when you feel the beat
We're bound for a greater height, oh-woah

Take a leap into the blaze
Don't lose yourself in mundanity
Join my dream, it is the right time, woah-oh

Leave it all behind
Get ready now!
(Sing along)

Welcome to my world
Renew your definition
World so high, let me show
And hear my declaration
"No more ties"

(Woah, woah)
(Leave it all behind)
Welcome to my world
Renew your definition
World so high, let me show
Now hear my declaration

Welcome to my world
Renew your definition
World so high, we'll show
And go beyond horizon
Side by side
Kebin is unironically a yurichad. He helps Mei cure Kiana's honkai cancer so they can live together. Before he dies he blesses Kiana and mei (he is Kiana's great-great-x50-grandfather)
>RM creations yearn for her like children for their mother
Will new Tingyun simp for Ruan Mei?
Cute, post the rest
that could be kino
>Pt 5

Firefly is blushing madly the entire time, but she immediately accepts S/O's offer to dance.
Given the condition of her body, S/O is very gentle with her, both of them holding each other as they slowly stepped in beat to the song.
Firefly's smile is ear to ear while she listens to their heartbeat, the both of them less dancing to the music, and moreso enjoying each other's company.
She hums in content feeling S/O's hand brush against the back of her hair as they continued moving from spot to spot at their own pace.

(Firefly) "I wish this moment could last forever..."

(S/O) "...Me too."

S/O tightens their hold on Firefly, making both of them chuckle quietly, both out of shyness and the affection they felt at this instant.

(Firefly) "...I love you, S/O."

(S/O) "I love you too."

Stopping in their dance, Firefly gave a quick peck to their lips before leaning back and smiling, stepping in beat properly now, with S/O following her lead.




(S/O) "...Do you think you could dance in your armor?"

Firefly looked up from her phone and raised a single eyebrow, in a rare expression that made S/O's lips form into a grin.

(Firefly) "I...I think I could, but why do you want to see that?"

(S/O) "It'd be kind of interesting!...I think!"

(Firefly) "What could even work? I don't want to accidentally hurt you if you wanted to dance with me."

(S/O) "Wasn't Silver Wolf mentioning something about some old game called...Dance Dance...something or other?"

(Firefly) "W-Well...I'm willing to try anything once!"

Firefly would end up killing it on a dancing rig, wiping the floor with S/O as they tried to outspeed her.
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if Punished Ting is yet another RM simp I will skip so hard
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Yup, I'm thinking based
really nice songs that anyone can enjoy
nothing really, xcept for the final battle, it's just self hype from fujohomos just because "male"
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Not sure if that's all, it's all I've got
angel theme

That is the appeal for most people

Sunday for the ladies and gays:
dom since he was very controling
context of the fanfic dump?
I like Robin because honestly she's such straightforward take on the whole "ultra famous idol/singer that just wants to do good for the world" that it ends up being charmingly simple. However I think the reason it works is that they actually went all out with it and both her gameplay and presentation sell the concept really heavily. No one else plays like her, and she feels unique and I genuinely love the idea of an idol that buffs the team by standing back and singing and that being presented with her changing the BGM and everything. And then the presentation is sold well with her having multiple well produced songs too.
Is this the /honk/ general?
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Cute and canon
Kebin loves every Mei(Just like me) and he actually had a kid with one.
Every self-respecting Raiden shizo must self-insert as Kebin.
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Gay troons will look at this and ask "What is the appeal?"
If Lingsha is nice to me
Already got her so no.
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This can't be more far away from reality
I don't give a shit what a unit looks and sounds like. I pull for meta and gameplay only. I would unironically play a manly horse dung with ripped abs if it could solo an endgame mode.
So how are we going to explain to Tingyun that we dumped some of her stuff in a star skiff and yeeted that shit out into space?
Sunday is Jesus
Sunday is literally me
Robin IS jesus, Sunday is Lucifer. Go read the bible black
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how would sunday respond to (You) fucking his sister
He'll give you a receipt and ask for a tip
Acheron is always kept at arms length against TB though
The No-Last-Name bloodline... secured...
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>"mission complete"
Play the game sister
the dothags are here retardbro, still being neglected
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Are you big enough for her?
>control freak
>not a dom
he'd have one of his tantrums and try to kill you on the spot
>wormday discord spam
You have HIV.
You have AIDS.
You have GRIDS.
You have SYPHILIS.
You have HPV.
You have HBV.
You have anal cancer.
You have anal worms.
You have an STD.
You have monkeypox.
You have severe brain damage.
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>Necrobumping his dead thread
That might be what happened cause in my hsr circle ones a giant meta fag and the other a waifufag and seeing that my accounts still homo free might as well wait for the female ack shill support, though I am actually kinda tempted for Sunday cause I did like his chara a bit though I wouldn’t have any place for him
can you stop doing this shit with the general's name?
Everything in peniscolon happened because Sunday is a huge siscon, he's scared that Robin will get SHOT again.
uh wtf I don't think I've ever seen this idle lmao
Ruan Mei is a size queen...
Cry harder honktranny lol
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This is factually wrong. Even Firefly doesn't look at you like this.
Acheron is secret true route and true love interest.
Evil Mei
>Himeko is better than FF
>Lingsha is better than FF
How many times is FF going to get powercrept?
No one cares about your Acheron Mei.
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she ugleh
a skip if it stops
he's apparently getting a black outfit so it shouldn't
Nice trans icon
Himeko? Lingsha? Lmao, Fraudfly is powercrept by fucking ASTA. I feel bad for the dumbfucks who rolled for her.
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>bladefag seethes at Hertaschizo for necrobumping his threads
>he does the exact same thing
Attention may or may not be with the Madoka HSR clone, but have you pre-reg for Heaven Burns Red?
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>She superbroke you
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If Acheron has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Acheron has ten fans, then I am one of ten. If Acheron has only one fan then that fan is me. If Acheron has no fans, then that means IX consumed me. If the Universe is against Acheron , then I am against the Universe.
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How did this general end up worse than fucking /gig/
they are just tsundere, power metric? firefly scale, maid model? firefly model, for (you)? firefly writting, they just can't stop thinking about firefly
That's why I pity the morons who rolled a pity bait trash character, they could've rolled for someone that was actually good but instead they rolled for the most replaceable and easily powecreep unit of all time.
I pity them.
I'm already playing ZZZ, Genshin, HSR and FGO, I quite have no time for more gachaslop.
I'll believe it when I see it, she's far too OP to look at the TB that way
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I miss my family...
Who's the dedicated male self-insert of that game?
It literally happened in the game...
Whats unique about tits a bikini and some wetness?
Thats the same exact appeal everbody has.
No, I don't like Yurishit.
The fanbase will be worse than all of MHY games' fanbase combined in no time too.

Drop FGO and at least one of the MHYslop.
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I only play yurikino like Honkai Star Rail
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He whoring Robin to you in that one hoyo approved short. I think he would just smile
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The core of /hsrg/
>Discord trannies
This general is so fucking bad
>Drop FGO and at least one of the MHYslop.
I have no reason to drop any of the Mihoyo games, and I'm already considering dropping FGO though frankly it's not like I'm spending that much time on it to begin with...
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Leave then, nigger.
Nigga fgo hasn't been good since goetia
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hoyo made better games before they introduced ZZZ
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How will we cope when herta and Ruan Mei make out in 4k ultra HD?

You have HIV.
You have AIDS.
You have GRIDS.
You have SYPHILIS.
You have HPV.
You have HBV.
You have anal cancer.
You have anal worms.
You have an STD.
You have monkeypox.
You have severe brain damage.
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Save for Vita
LB6 was great though.
They only know to punch up, while fireflyposters only baskin her glory
Just do it then.

LB5.1, LB6 and LB7 were great.
Luocha is Diamond of the IPC.
there is only one avatarfaggot that i can't stand but i just filtered his md5s
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My biggest fan
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Is the rope really that bad to warrant trying to craft a replacement? I don't see flat ATK or EHR subs making that much of a difference.
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You have my respect.
You have my money.
You have a good physic.
You have a good life.
You have a healthy mindset.
You make everyone seethe.
Just like how penacony was "great" after almost a year of eating chinese shit. I swear to aha this fgokeks
nah I'm a hoyodrone through and through
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Fleshfangs improve everything
I care about your incel pity bait
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uh oh melty
Do Huo Huo and Clara use different models? Fu Xuan and Qingque look like petite women with still curvy proportions but the former two look like sticks.
sex with this plump cat
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post diaper
they all use the same model bwi
Thank you so much. I didn’t know what this game was all about, so I decided to check their yt and just randomly clicked a video, and holy shit, that smooth voice from that short-haired character is so good

HSRkeks sure get awfully defensive when they're confronted with the fact another game may have better writing than theirs...
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Fofo won
they use the same base model, but the proportions always vary somewhat
>DOA yuritroon trash
No thanks I'm not from SEA
I dont think Ive ever seen a single claim that we have good writing here.
you will love rm regardless if you want it or not gweilo
Nice firefly clear
the "skeleton" is the same but the meaty parts are always different, there's no model that's directly copypasted from another
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If you say fgo has a good story they laugh at you everywhere not just here.
More like any sane person gets offensive over anyone pretending your FGOslop is good
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Uncensor that asshole.
that's rich coming from a HI3tranny
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>another assignment is due today
>haven't even started working on it
>check due time to see how much I have left
>it actually dues tomorrow
>get back to clearing my backlog and jerking off
I'm safe, for now.
Honkai star rail.
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looks like shit
and i don't see any literally me
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nice general railbabs
Nigger even fucking /fgog/ laughs at part 2's garbage story. The shit should have just ended after goetia like Nasu planned
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I finally got my Jiaoqiu avatar!
That I won't use because I like Luciérnaga more but I have his now too.
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grats bwi
This haunted foxian event just does not fucking end...
I've seen that video too kek
>diamond and oswaldo are actually the same person
We have entered schizo theory territory we have never entered before.
FACT: Blue Archive has the best writing in the gacha industry.
and that's a good thing!
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Do people actually use Hoyolab?
Well, the only useful stat you can get from rope is speed. Good luck finding a better one. So, no, leave it as it is.
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What was your longest streak of coinflip wins? Had a good run for Penacony
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I'm not into yuri and graphics look like garbage.
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I use it solely to collect useless collectables. The userbase is literal children.
I like how even Nahidashizo hates Genshit so much he'd rather post here or on /hig/
If even diehard shizos are quitting then its truly over.
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Robin is not a virgin btw
her bodycount? yep, all me
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My longest streak is 4 I guess, the low pity rolls after a lost 50/50 are hard to count since some of them even came in the same roll (like Welt -> Firefly)
I only use it for news and collecting the frame avatars and comment frames, people who use hoyolab unironically are a bit weird and most of the posts are just "WHO YA PULLING FOR?!", I've heard that Miyoushe (the CN version of hoyolab) is actually good since a ton of artists use it regularly to post fanart and the like, but I've never used it.
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>Have almost 200 heart points for Acheron
>They still didn't release her avatar
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Like it or not, she's the most iconic HSR character.
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Not anymore at least
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>one year since her last appearance
>still one of the most popular star rail characters
how does she do it?
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>Poll from chink grinder
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probably topaz, never had a good streak of coinflips since i've nearly always lost a 50/50
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>Check the conditions on it
>It's a 90 day frame linked to the Traveling Mimo thing
My condolences:(
I don't even get why hoyo would do this, is it that hard to just release the permanent version?
The poll is from Miyoushe.
i wish i could buy clockie merch with robin bros...
Fofo got the kill
aint that game like, super gay?
no thanks
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>Last thread was 6h long
Why are we dead?... I thought the game was alive
procrastinationCHADS rule the world, i got to phd by doing that and now i live off gov gibs while being a hoyoshill all day
what do you want to discuss bwi?
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>chinese fujopoll
>still #2
that's even more impressive
>>It's a 90 day frame linked to the Traveling Mimo thing
I actually got that one and it already expired on me.
I need a refreshment otherwise I can't shitpost on Hoyolab.
I'm tired of this shitty post
over and over again
The female and male voting was separate chudbeit
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Uh... um... Clara sex?
So you outright admit that your data set is faulty?
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sorry im watching worlds in /lolg/
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No! No... No clara sex.... im not good at skinwalking
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this is exactly why the thread is dead btway
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Another day passes, and the closer we get to our lord and savior
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NA anon... I....
No thanks.
Gameplay looks old and garbage
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loli mama when?
There was three polls
A female one, a male one and then a general one. This is the general one, Juan and Kafka also obviously won the others.
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it's just playins, a good draw can still save NA
there's crumbs for a potato in 3.x, twisting my balls for hoyo if it's a lolibaba
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NO! No Clara sex.
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What the fuck is a huohuo?
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Why are they rerunning aventurine in 2.6? He isn't gonna sell now that everyone knows lynx is just as good. They already have rappa tanking the revenue for that patch
rape bait
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NAnon... one of your NA team is already out...
I'm thinking of dick pulling for Topaz and using her in this team, but in theory, I don't need her, do I? Once I get Marzo 8 i'm set on my Fua teams, no?

Rather, I need to start planning on a second team. Maybe pull Acheron next patch instead? How good is she with no LC and f2p Nihility team?
He isn't rerunning in 2.6 lol
Sustains always run like 9 months after their release
is this supposed to be march?
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but I don't want a lolibaba...
I want a loli mama who's kind and caring.
who would offer me hugs, pat my head and call me a good boy...
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Pulling Aventurine so I can finally stop coping with Bailu and her bouncing heal.
I trust stepleaker.
>using bailu's skill
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>NA esports
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>Survives the deadliest poison in the world
>Survives the deadliest warhead that needed 3 generals to band together
>Has one of said generals simp for him
>Is a war doctor and surgeon
>Makes Skott shit himself

He was truly the badass of for the entirety of 2.4-5
they don't put reruns in the beta.
Stepleaker said 2.5 was Feixiao/Ratio Lingsha/Blackswan
March doesn't have a swimsuit.
He was right but they changed ratio to topaz last minute. He has insider info
Is this little gui?
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Stepleaker never said that, retard.
He said Topaz and guess what
Begone pink slut
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He's so cool...
meant to >>496496036
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his greatest feat is being able to walk with all that plot armor
now explain why he flopped
Topaz is a upgrade. But nowhere near as important as Robin and functionaly identical to Moze and March.
Also pretty late into her lifecycle to invest.

Acherons S1 has a functional advantage and is pretty important. Do you even have her 4stars?

How do you feel about waiting for greener pastures? Maybe we get something less niche than Ack and FF.
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It's an improvement.
Meant to >>496495801
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the blind joke at the end of the tournament was funny, he grew a little on me
Getting paid to do nothing is a pretty cool job
This is an impressive level of autism. I think some of these designs are pretty neat too. Wouldn't mind seeing the frames get used in-game too, so long as it didn't come from Hoyolab.
And somehow he's more likable that Feixiao
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this sexy thing
Should i get the general lady ? or should i save up for inevitable honkai impact 3 collan ?
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He sold decently. It even mindbroke some people a month ago
it's easier to relate with characters of your own gender
>Gaycio working together with Screwlum
Yup this is definitely a dream.
All his good story moments came after his banner
But he mostly flopped because he only really works with one character and it's not even a huge bump in playability like Robin was for FUA, Acheron kinda stayed the same.
huh yeah, about that...
>JQ sold more than jade
The state of the stoneflops
>captcha: XDTYW
Based, Sporklekeks must be seething.
Dr. Wormitas Faggio
Anon is still doing 33 SU runs
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He manifested so hard that it was actually the only thing from the dream that ended up canon
Shes gonna get her neck snapped if Firefly finds out about her Bug res plans.
when was the last time trailblazer did anything cool
she is, yeah
Is it ever explained why Feixiao doesn't have a tail?
He tanked that attack from the doomsday beast that one time in Herta's station
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Hello everyone, have a blessed day!
>He sold decently
Fujohomos sure have different brain cells than normal people
She's a mutt
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thanks you too
thanks QQbro, i still won't shake your hand tho
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Shes very strong high and low investment.
Follow ups mitigate the usual hunt weakness.
I dont know your account, but you can probably cobble something together that benefits her.
You are on your own deciding if you like strong warrior women.
The moment he put on the Hat and gained Xipe's gaze.
What you mean?
I thought there would be like 2-3 other planets to explore after Penacony, didn't expect to content drought since the game has been out for like over a year
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When she took over the Penacony hotel lobby
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Dr Wormpagius Ratio
Mr Rectum
He was doomposted to be the worst selling banner of the game... but oh no, from 41m he did 39m, surely the game is gonna EOS...
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I'm using Acheron without Jiao
I'm using Feixiao without Robin
I'm using FUA with Lingsha and Not PAGVentureingen
I'm using DoTs with Eidolons
I'm using Break without Gallapag
I'm being Based and Cool.
Borison are Foxians without tails. The Werewolf Borisons are the ones that transformed.
Yea i have no gems for her, already did a few rolls , i can probs grind enaught to get her so i was just wondering, i mainly run acheron,kafka, sampoo, natasha/Gallagher
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When TB intimidated Skott during the scene where the IPC mechs were confiscated
But she became a cuck then.
July was Pagfly last 7 days + Jade full banner + Yunli's 1st day
August was Yunli + Jiaoqiu 13 days
September is going to be Jiaoqiu 9 days + Feixiao 19 days
October is going to be Lingsha + Rappa (holy moly)
rape babies don't have tails.
You are so straight bro, we all want to suck your cock.
If only this is how that scene went...
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now that we flopped, what are we playing?
Literally a mutt
I'm playing Honkai: Star Rail
Why're you playing with bots? Reynor shizo don't tell me you couldn't afford the game...
You will go to space China and like it.
She was born a slave.
So the options are
>Shes a borsian foxian mixed breed (mutt) and they dont have tails
>Mutilation from borsians or in combat
>The designer couldnt do long hair, a trench coat and tail, so she just doesnt have one.
>made top 3
>but muh red
Do I have to collect these again every reset?
Why does Jade get doomposted with this a not Flopflop who didn't even reach 20
Joined the game, farmed up jades for a week and said I wont roll for anything until Lingsha comes out.
The itch was too strong so I did a random 10 pull for Robin, and boom, I get her and Gallagher in it
Now I will grind hard to get Lingsha and I'm pretty much set for a while because I will add March and then wait for a proper DPS while clearing lower levels of SU, etc.
>Inb4 who asked
No one! Not a single soul! I just dont have friends so I have to tell you guys!
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I am trying to get Caesar.
Good job bro. Won't be long till you're getting max rewards easy.
>Yunli got doomposted, and flopflop banner
>Still beats the fuck out "Acheron support" with Sparkle rerun
Sure, he's not flopped
>random 10 pull for Robin, and boom, I get her and Gallagher in it
Xipe willed it. You have been blessed. Now you must invest in them.
>I just dont have friends
I thought we're friends just by being here right now?
Post fofo numbers, ill make one
Heroes of Might and Magic III
No? My skill tree just updated with the new node back when the expansion happened at the start of the patch, its a one and done thing.
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No problem bro. I enjoyed reading your blog.
>I get her
congrats bwo
i love yurishit but no barefoot girls no buy desu
Post flopflop debut banner sales
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grats on your pulls bwi, hope u have fun, good luck on your lingsha pulls too
Oh that's a relief
Unironicaly keep us updated newcutie.
Feixiao is great with Robin, try catching her on the rerun.
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game is unironically easier with bots but in this case I just wanted to quickly finish a weapon level
>never go down
>help divert aggro
>never run out of ammo
>dont steal pickups
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My bad, she did reach 20 lmaooo
Update from the guy who got Firefly but started after Ruan Mei: March 7 sub-DPS has been carrying my ass.
>I just dont have friends so I have to tell you guys!
wtf why am i getting a boner just from voice aaaa ok might pick up
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gn bwo
Can I get a toot for my Robin coinflip
she's very fun to play with and strong too, it's amazing how she's free
>20 mil
And flopflop fags have the gall to talk shit lmaooooo
Bwo, you got more of them? Pixels?
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I give you my blessing, i hope you get the sexo Birb
Stop using phone and you will see them, bwo
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toot bwi
How come zzz is the furry game when realistically we should have all kinds of cool models because we're the kitchen sink space fantasy game and only have to animate 4 niggas in a row?
>flopflop was an unironical flop
Yunli is really carrying her own ass more than the so called Acheron support + Sparkle
>we don't have furries
Because the game needs to make money, same reason we don't get negros.
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Don't point that out
You don't know what flop means. Flop is when we expect something to succeed immensely only for them to fail completely to meet minimum expectations.
Nobody was expecting anything of JQ. If anything, he was doomposted as the gay fox and that he would be worst banner in the history of the game.
I feel like they needed to give people a perspective given how otherwise lackluster the base roster is
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hsr devs are creatively bankrupt boomers while zzz devs are new blood zoomers/millenials
Hoyoturd likes to "Experiment" aka tasting people's patience.
They don't give a single shit about "Lore" it was just an excuse to avoid releasing coom skins for Shitshin.
Game was rushed out too fast after genshin and there's no framework. ZZZ had at least 3 years to cook.
flopfloppers your response?????
Well right now I'm playing Resident Evil Revelations 2. It kinda sucks.
>flopflop the fo
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>80 rolls in
Damn, what's the odds of going this deep twice in a row, I had to go to 86 for Feixiao too.
Guess I'll have to roll tomorrow when SU resets.
Not 40gay slop that's for sure
next one bwi, gl
And yet ZZZ is getting rid of the TV shit because 90% of people hate it, whole lotta good those 3 years did
still pretty great, + if your new you finally get lynx whos a super solid 4* healer
what's bwi?
bwi is bwo, dro
"bro" corrupted into "bwo" corrupted into "bwi"
Don't worry about it gwo
bro = bwo = bwi
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bros give me your finest predictions and toots
bruh wtf kinda slang y'all adopting
Some faggots seethe about being called bro and have it literally filtered so people use alternatives to fuck with them.

Bro upgrade it once and see what the extra stat will be first
2 on SPD
2 on BE
3 into brick effect
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All in on sudden atk%
Furry slang UwU
1144 with 4 being Effect Hit Rate%
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>bla bla bla bla
At the end of the day, he's not better than Yunli, despite the same amount of shitposting. also, only retard take the 'worst banner' shitpost seriously when Sparkle is there, and there’s no way anyone can beat the king of flop
Language and its evolution is always an interesting topic of discussion, even moreso when a chunk of the internet slag has emerged from this site but yeah
Language just does that, dont worry too much about it sis
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grothers... it's over...
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1 spd 2 break eff
Last stat will be ATK% and it'll all go into SPD and BE. trust the plan.
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sorry gro
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should've waited for me scro
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>Yumelia Dorkness the 4chan
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How do I get more of this shit?
I wish I could fodder route in this game
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There you go

The only way to "collect mint" (relic exp) in this game is to either trash relics OR to do 33 (yes, 33) runs of regular SU to get enough relic exp for two +15 relics.
Just...leave it be, it'll accumulate over time.
Purple relic exp is only in the weekly DU
>regular SU
Just spam Acheron technique lmao
You can do it on DU is just that DU has more menuing involved so it takes longer to do a run, if you have Acheron you can do any (SU/DU) in 4 minutes so its just faster to do SU since it has less menus.
rope tonight fucker, furrypander is as disgusting as chopping your own genitals for attention
>33 runs
Ah the fabled roguelike grind I've heard about. But hey 2 +15 isn't awful. It's weekly limited right?
Not that I have nothing better to do, but if I find myself being bored I might farm.
Aventurine's design would be about 100x better without that heart window on his shirt.
SU is unfun
DU is fun
I do DU religiously, sometimes several times a week just because I'm having a good time with it
are you going to ignore the slave tattoo on his neck?
Anyone without autism would understand that the "worst banner" talk meant at least a place at the bottom ranks not literally last place
I've been playing for over half a year and I've literally never had a surplus of relic exp to use and I'm even pretty stingy on what relics I even decide to upgrade in the first place.
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True. I'm sure they'll release alt skins any day now.
Yeah its a weekly reset, its a really boring grind, you can try to split it between all days of the week but I found that really boring desu, maybe with Acheron its not as bad.
t. Used to do 33 runs for a month
You should just dismantle all the 4* garbage you get, I'm sitting on a stash of 600 purple and like 800 blues (+ who knows how many gray) and I regularly grind relics, it just sorta happens naturally.
ye ye ye, now explain why he can't make more money than Yunli
Second half debuff.
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Luckily he has plenty of outifts (pls release skins)
because E1S1 yunli is the best character in the game
>The goalpost hasn't been moved, it has been teleported.
And I already explained what 'flop' means to you, since you didn't know. I'm not wasting more time with you.
>Call someone tranny, nigger, faggot and the classics is fine
>But bro is somehow going too far
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No. Every stoneheart must show cleavage because they have holes in their hearts. The potato is going to get one too
>You should just dismantle all the 4* garbage you get
There's no multi select dismantle, is there? At least I didn't find it. I just auto add them while leveling yellow relics.
>JQ predicted to be the worst banner
>he does fine
>"he still flopped though"
lmao you guys are funny
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>log in
>claim express pass jades
>claim and dispatch assignments
>run 5 caves
>get a potentially decent firefly relic
>it rolls into fucking crit rate >>496499953
>claim daily training jades and rewards
>claim bp exp
>claim 2000 bucks from friend supports
>log out
>You should just dismantle all the 4* garbage you get, I'm sitting on a stash of 600 purple and like 800 blues (+ who knows how many gray) and I regularly grind relics, it just sorta happens naturally.
I do. I dismantle everything I get and I've still never got enough to even get one single relic from 0-15 cause it instantly goes into upgrading other relics I've got. Also the extra exp you get from deciding to convert 5* relics into more exp instead of craftable mats is dog shit so I just stick with getting more relic crafting mats.
>unprompted cock and ball torture
methinks one has a fetish desu
Energy rope or break effect on lingsh>?
Characters I like = success
Characters I don't like = flopped
Simple as
literally me
Just recycle the 5* you upgrade? if they're mid or bad you can just recycle and most of their exp is mantained, also, stop doing +15 instantly, just do +3 or +6 and see if a relic is promising enough, I usually do up to +12 and if thats bad i just call it and recycle it for others.
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yunli flopped
>get BTFO'd by Yunli and Flopflop
>retard till pretends he didn't flop, despite the "Acheron support" and Sparkle
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>Just recycle the 5* you upgrade?
I do
>also, stop doing +15 instantly,
I don't
Inventory -> Relic tab -> "Salvage" button -> "Quick Select" -> Select all discarted + 4-star or below
easy as that
To be fair nigger faggot is barely an insult here
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We love siggers here
All this flop posting is coming from his month making a mere 2 mil less btw
He sold better than flopflop though lmao
>get BTFO'd
> Flopflop
This dude is so triggered he's now rewriting history
think the variant that's getting filtered is "bwo" since it's erp tranny tier
This nigga really sneaked up Flopflop lmao
energy. she got enough BE from trace, cone, relic set bonus, and her teammates.
>quick select
I'll check it later. I must've missed it.
>seething at "bwo"
this retard still pretends Yunli isn't on the same banner with Flopflop
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Why are you so mad, gro?
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I like saying bwo cause it sounds funny.
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antibwoschizo rerun?
Bronya rabu!
I'm busy taking an state exam, how are you retards doing?
I'm going with break effect but I'm also not pulling her cone
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Its fun to have fun, right bwo?
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Why is MC wars so prevalent in HSR compared to other games?
i love when hanabi says asondeyo
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I'm getting drunk at 1 o clock in the afternoon
>This retard is arguing that the character predicted to be one of the worst selling banners in the game should've beaten two other character's banners by himself to not be considered a flop
>not bwo
the fragmentum has hit this sub
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energy rope, I dunno if healing chest or attack is better for her though
one is obviously 100x better than the other
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Will we ever get to see a SAM full power fight? Both Samfly and Acheron were just toying with each other at the reverie reception, Samfly never went green and Acheron never even drew her sword.
it's a mihoyo thing. And it's not like you can swap gender with a button or have a default one like many other games.
With the Wuwa MC I think everyone agrees that the male version is just boring and ugly
Genshin too. It’s because they clearly want Aether canon, like Stelle.
on your pic you have break rope?
BE rope is viable with Post-OP S5? I hope it is.
>muh "acheron support" sparkle rerun
>get btfo'd by yunli flopflop rerun
>"Isn't flopped bro"
Should I borrow Firepag's shitpost with her "muh best banner" but she can't beat Acheron?
Fuck you mean. Genshin is OG and it's way worse with Aether.
reliable 3 turn ult is possible with 16% err (95*1.16 = 110.2 > 110)
coincidentally s5 post op has 16% err
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Im only doing the schizo tournament to see more Gui
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MC war is pretty much dead since Penacony, he won too hard
It might make a comeback with 3.0 tho
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A star rail footjob right now would literally fix me
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Constance soon
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Rover SEXO
The female MC is just too sexy for a MC tbqh, they missed on a lot of bucks there
Same, it's always a good time when she's onscreen
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>fofo star rail general
LGBT activists

They hate male mcs aka the self inserts for dudes
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Aether is canon in Genshin, he's always presented as the MC in every trailer. In HSR they alternate between them so they're both canon.
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Wouldn't this actually alienate female players? I'm pretty sure girls want their MC to be pretty, but not dress like a slut
well not me
maybe some deranged sisters
Jade's big balloons are impressive.
do you guys think that sparkle has pubes or completely shaved?
sadly i think is the latter
thats cause I put firefly's gear on the fribbels scorer
Unless you don't have ATK body with decent substat, i won't use outgoing healing.
You only lose ~100 heals with ATK body
unironically im too newfag to know this kek, i just like how it sounds
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I got this Vonwacq rope with 9 SPD. Should I use this on Robin or on my Ruan Mei?
I think she changed designs over some patches, but I really don't remember if she was less sexy and became mover or vice-versa
>self inserts
All mental illnesses. Get yourself checked if you got any of these bwo.
he has point, i thought the same at first
but i got contamined by the bwovirus
Smaller than himeko's
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i lost my robin 50/50 to himeko
none, give it to me
I have E1S1 Daniel, is it worth to finish what I started or is he too far crept?
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Share reaction images with me, pls.
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Give up bro
she became sexier irc, she was pretty bland before
He's still fine against img weak but yeah I wouldn't bother investing further
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>no Silver Cunny
>no Sexofly

I find Acheron hot but I dont have any of her teammates
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>2nd half
Fuck me, she won't make it to the next PF rotation
Firefly love!
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this will definitely kill us
easy skips. Kinda crazy how they gave everyone a premium Imaginary team with March x Trailblazer it really makes dan 2nd tier without sparkles at minimum.
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It's his turn
this time for sure, and we will be all freed...
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Do you know what HSR and NA LoL have in common?
They're both free.
she works at entertainment so she has to be shaved
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Thank you Dawei for letting me get more jade to guarantee E0S1 Ack and E0S0 Aventurine
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Is E2 DHIL stronger than E0 FF and Acheron?
ok but QQ 100% has bush right?
e0 acheron maybe, e0 ff no
saved for space greece
they might give him again for free
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>the most exclusive meta healer in star rail
yeah, im rollan
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Toots onegai?
Duran, sigga or inert for himeko to use in pf? Also which relic set for her?
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wtf rudebro
All speed, I believe in you bro
toot bwi, good luck
oops, all SPD
Sigonia purely in PF should be the best. Use Duke's 4p, she easily get full bonus in PF.
Sigonia or Duran and Duke for PF
she is lazy, but that lazy? i don't know, also her boss could forsee her not taking care of herself
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i asked, i care
sigga and duke set
This is the only other ATK body I have with speed so i went with hackerspace for the 2 piece because why not. Without a 4 piece on an ATK body i can't get to 160 spd.
Is there a calculator for Lingsha's healing?
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Ok now that 2.6 banner leaks are out it's CONFIRMED he's rerunning with Sunday who will be his BiS support and Firefly is rerunning with Stingyun who will be her BiS enabler?
There's a mahjong wait that means no pubes
i don't think fu xuan does more than trimming either honestly
im assuming she can grow pubes
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나 이짤이 너무너무 좋음
합성인거 아는데 이게 진짜같음
이것만보면 밥 100그릇 먹은것같음
그녀는 꼭 돌아올것이고 나는 존버한다
왜 여기 있어?
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>get a better score in PF with autoplay than manual play
It's over
that just means you are great at team building
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So we're never getting that March outfit from the Belobong story, huh
it's not chinkslop so we're not getting it
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Leave Acheron to me
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>hype up the matchup
>they don't actually fight
Nice fucking game
who brick this is?
I have HIV.
I have AIDS.
I have GRIDS.
I have HPV.
I have HBV.
I have anal cancer.
I have anal worms.
I have an STD.
I have monkeypox.
I have severe brain damage.
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We know, wormschizo
your favorite character is dogturdurine
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I want space Britain and I want it now!
>Mei and Kiana expies
I really wanted Acheron to kick Firefly in the face with her knee but unfortunately Hoyoslop is no longer as based.
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>I'll make Jingliu great again
>I'll make DHIL great again
>I'll make Seele great again
>I'll even make Aslan great
>The weak will be strong, not powercrept
>I'm here to bring order to the gacha
Too bad they won't since arknights will sue them and I think they know how bad Victoria was.
I thought they fought off screen
How is energy regen and summon boost going to help these characters?
would sunday being more support powercreep or a brick cause more seething
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No, they just talked
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Mr Bucket
Buckets of fun
Acheron LC
>Mihoyo: We need a new character for HSR
>Looks at available planets and locations
>Mihoyo: Space China number 1
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Hanya emotionless footjob
Robin is for dovefucking with Black Swan
There's a lot of talk in the leaks he's a hypercarry support. His leaked cone already hints at that. His summon just seems like cherry on top.
Space bong got destroyed and reduced to atoms
thanks for everything silver sexo
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Why does Feixiao sometime say "This one looks dangerous" and sometimes "This one looks dangerous, leave it to me". Can she sense when she's about to lose or what
I'll take it over even more Chinaslop that doesn't even go to other ships
It doesn't have to be only one space bong planet
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controversial take but skin tight short shorts are hotter than panties
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>Competing against Monopoly GO again for Mobile Game of the Year
It's over
All characters say that upon facing an Elite mob
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I love Silver Wolf
Can you guys post some cute 44s
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Here is a 44 year old woman.
Why are you talking in moon runes?
happy for sparkle that her longer legs surgery was a success
my dick twitched
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>I am an adult
>I didn't say anything ye--
>Shut up cutie
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Stelle is 1 year old.
Who the fuck keeps vandalizing the OPs? I hope that nigger gets shat on his face
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Firefly is not hag height!
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It was over before it even started
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Age is but a number
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Baby Stelle CUTE
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Thoughts on having a Xueyi thread next?
dont care
as long as it's not that necro bumped blade thread
right? I was so surprised when I listened to her voice, and the long-haired one's voice reminds me of a rock ost from an old VN
Energy lets Jingliu stay in schizo mode permanently, and lets Seele spam resurgence from her ult.
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Sex with JK gyarus
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>no Silver Wolf rerun
Where is she lads?
>She can't speak Japanese and isn't already playing
Lil Gui love
would be nice
Still skipping
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>no new content for 2 weeks
>2.6 is mostly rerun
it's over for this general
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Herta shizo now defiles the most sacred - Bladeposting
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How's Lingsha for Feixiao? Can I roll for her instead of Aventurine?
You can.
If you want the most optimal, is still Aventurine though
>Bladeschizo becoming his enemy
Sure but she's worse in every metric
*cums on March 7th's pillow*
Yeah she can work in FUA as well as break. Slightly worse if there's no fire weakness but a huge improvement if the enemy has fire weakness
Hunt 7 also prints SP so Lingsha isn't starved for SP like in Firefly teams
bladeschizos vs huohuofags who wins?
Uhhhh zzzbros?
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for space nip, I want a pettan loli in loose kimono that reveals her bare shoulders
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*unzips pussy*
Lick it faggot
Do you have Luocha cone? If so, yes. She's great. Big dick AOE damage dealer with FU will be great for a primary ST damage dealer.

Without it it's worse, but still not a disaster. You'd need that natasha cone maxed out.
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your Sparkle?
not flat enough and I don't want detached sleeves
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xueyi bread please
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are we really fucking using the blade thread
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>Used to get 20k from my friends
>Now it's 2k if I'm lucky
Bros, what happened? Do you not love me anymore?

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