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Previous >>496457528

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

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>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Lingsha Trailer — "Burning Scent of Home"

>Current Character Banners: (Feixiao, Kafka, Black Swan, Robin + Moze, Asta, Luka) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661409
>Current Light Cone Banners: I Venture Forth to Hunt (The Hunt), Patience Is All You Need (Nihility), Reforged Remembrance (Nihility), Flowing Nightglow (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32661628

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I support you bladebwo
thank you my only ally lil sigga
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do people really spend $500 for a custom star rail figurine? unreal how rich some fucks are
i mean, if you want it got the cash to spend on it, why not?
>$500 is expensive
that's like one day of working in any non third-world country
Firefly love!
I don't know why people still shits on WuWa. The game is actually good and you won't win against enemies even if you whale there, meaning, you need skills to go by. The combat is fun, the world is refreshing to explore, I think it gets a lot of undeserved hate for being a genshin competitor
Should've been an MMO, or MMO-lite
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What's with this... sassy lost child
ToF tried that
and... well...
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Oh no Feixisters not like this... Our waifu can't AoE...
It did succeed, for a while, but endgame was too grindy and no way to keep up if you ever took a break, and dungeons were lackluster. Most of these things are better in Wuva, but why would I want to run around in an empty world by myself..
is it appropriate for a kid to dress like this?
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Thanks to you, I got addicted to their songs.
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How do I know which support to use with which damage dealers? I like Ruan Mei and she seems good but I don't know who actually uses her well. Same for Sparkle and Bronya. The only one that my dumb ass really knows how they function with other characters well is Robin.
our race is dying please go fuck a dragon
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My girlfriend is so cute
>Ruan Mei
Anyone, but is BiS for superbreak
Any hypercarry, BiS for DHIL, QQ and situationally Yunli, because of SP generation
Same as Sparkle, but is SP negative, which is kind of mitigated by her E1 and sig
>How do I know which support to use with which damage dealers?
Literally just read what they do
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>attacks 76 times in a row
Nice AOE nerd.
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Hotaru rabu
Bad dragon
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wait wait wait Lingchud comes out in like 2 days and I haven't unlocked her weekly boss
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Stelle after 1 beer
Lamo, long's kin can't reproduce little one, maybe get help from the soon to be propagation Emanator Ruan Mei?
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This thread is fukken moldy
I tried but there was no hole
One day, after dinner, while my younger sister and I were lounging about in Mr. Gopher Wood's yard, we spotted a fledgling Charmony Dove all on its own. That baby bird was tiny, it didn't even have all of its feathers, and it couldn't sing. When we found it, it was already on its last breath, having fallen into a shrub — probably abandoned by its parents. We decided to build a nest for it right there and then. However, thinking back, that winter was unusually cold, with fierce winds at night in the yard, not to mention the many poisonous bugs and wild beasts in the vicinity... It was clear that if we left the fledgling in the yard, it stood no chance of surviving until spring. So, I suggested we take it inside, place it on the shelf by the window, and asked the adults to fashion a cage for it. We decided that when it regained its strength enough to spread its wings, we would release it back into the wild. The tragic part — something that we'd never considered — was that this bird's fate had already been determined long before this moment... Its destiny was determined by our momentary whim. Now, I pass the power of choice to you all. Faced with this situation, what choice would you make? Stick to the original plan, and build a nest with soft net where the Charmony Dove fell? Or build a cage for it, and feed it, giving it the utmost care from within the warmth of a home? I eagerly await your answer
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>shilling another gachaslop
you can't do that, right?
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Appropriate for my cock
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she's 1 year old bwi
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How do I know if a damage dealer is a "Hypercarry"?
stop calling me "bwo" I'm not your fucking bwo
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Is sunday the scaramouche of hsr?
Wash your ass estupido
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Firefly is fucking a 1 year old baby.
She should go to jail.
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>When she see a pink Fox
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you won.
>t. worshipper of Allaha
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bwos i wish female groomers and pedophiles were real so badly fuck
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love me mc
They do the bulk of or all of the damage in the team
Technically most DPS can both be hypercarry and not be based on the team they are in. Except for someone like Topaz or March 8th, since a part of their kit is support based
The difference between some like Robin and Sparkle is that Robin buffs the whole team, while Sparkle only a single ally (though she does have slight AoE attack buff, but that's only for quantum allies)
That's why you wouldn't run Sparkle in a dual DPS comp
hoshi asta LOVE
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She's already a criminal, pedophilia is just one more to her record
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Of course we are not bwos! We are fwends!
Magilou my beloved
Also, that team would be much better with Pela instead of Kafka, there is no DoT for her to trigger
And swapping Bailu with Trend Gepard would be a big improvement as well, if you have that lightcone
Unless you're running it for sovl purposes
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bwo your Lingsha?
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What are we fighting about today?
You played for half a year or so. Weird that you still have no clue how characters work.
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What's with break characters and pedophilia?
Firefly? Groomer.
TB? Sexual deviant
Gallagher? 13 years old
Ruan mei? Drugs kids and gives them candy
Lingsha? >>496514232
All you need to think about is what they work with to do damage. For example using a support who buffs crit like Robin or Sparkle would be less useful in a DOT or Superbreak team as buff DOTs and Superbreaks can't crit so it serves no purpose.
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would stingyun count as reborn if she got rebuilt?
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Ruan mei's rape victim
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Dead fly
I want to have sex with Sparkel!!!!!!
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I can’t get past those
Stop. I have to drop my pants for this now.
i can probably go past those
Calm down, Herta
You forgot your qq avatarpost
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Getting anally vored by Ruan Mei
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Brain in a vat is fucking hilarious with Feixiao. I love that she can have full 2 uses of her ult stocked.
QQbro is smaller than me I think
Should've sent some nutrients to your ass, Acheron.
Minimum inches needed to get past those?
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Las voluntades de los architectos...
Well, how big is it? QQbro can confirm.
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Acheron is less sexy and more cute
such a huggable dork
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my wife...
>RM assumes the position
>You get to fuck her
>Can't get past those
im in a bad mood and this cheered me up thanks
i love silver wolf
He replied to me with “smaller than mine” once
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Are we posting ass?
More. make her spread her cheeks
ETA on silver wolf rerun?
They didn't let her die, that's good
I am incapable of reaching
She'll just clone another version of you with that can get past those.
Unless you're Asian your dick is big enough
Yeah, but that's not you anymore. There also isn't really a reason for (You) to exist anymore if a version of you (forma de 9+ inches) exists
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what in the humiliation ritual is going on in this thread
Ass bread?
Asians are like -1cm behind most white countries. SEAniggers have the micropeepees
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Stop thinking about ass
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Any stelle / hanya / silver wolf / guinaifen self-inserters in the chat? I am a caelus / dr ratio / blade / argenti self-inserter and I am offering 1 (one) sex
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coal post
Exactly why I said she'll clone another version of you instead of growing you extra inches.
Thread so ass centered it's about to speak Brazilian
So what do you do if Ruan Mei just makes you but stronger
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Constance soon
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I'm saving all my pulls for the best wife
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Ass + feet
Kafka in that team is acting as more of a debuff spammer to speed Acheron up. She applies a debuff with her skill (the DoT), and there's a nihility light cone that also makes her basic ATK apply a debuff (Resolution Shines as Pearls of Sweat, apparently). Additionally, running that team specifically ensures that Silver Wolf adding a type weakness will always be a 1/2 chance of Lightning as opposed to 1/3 if I were to switch out Kafka or Bailu.

Also I like Kafka and Silver Wolf and Acheron a lot so this is the closest to a team of favourites as I can get. Bailu is cute but she's more there because she's the only healer I have + Lightning.

Fu Xuan is a future goal for me as I really like her and she'd also fit perfectly into that team, I think.
Eat the other you to absorb its power.
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Does he know?
Can you even eat that much dick
You get cucked. By yourself.
She still needs (You)
The clones are disposable combat units enhanced with Swarm genes
What's better, Yunli pits or Yunli tummy?
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this is revolutionary
What would Tingyun’s reaction be to you not being able to get past?
Yunli's butthole
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Yunli snack
There is a timeline where she is the npc with the homofox kit.
Yunli cunny
We can't tell because we don't get to see Yunli's tummy at 100% of it's power.
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>on pace to be a 9+ hours thread
do honkeks really?
A :3 to surpass Sunday's
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I saw a chink in a pool changing room once and his dick was almost non-existent
Necro thread tard, was made 1 min before the last.
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alright bros hold the thread for me while I watch anime
Pagbros... Selfinsertbros...
Correcting myself - Kafka applies a debuff with her FUA (the DoT) and then also applies a debuff because of the Light Cone regardless of whether it's her basic attack or skill. So you get +2 to Acheron ult charge each Kafka turn. That's why she works for the team.
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Here's something you actualy won't get past
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It's honestly enough for me to know tummy wins.
1. It was cold
2. It's 1 chink, there's a literal billion of them
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Guys I think block builder might be the best 2* equation in the game
but I'm black
Not the obesityfag again
It's only obese if the fat is in the wrong places
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Sacrificing fofo to the big dragon!!
this thread is really treading the line towards ERP
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can't you just spread her cheeks apart?
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3 more days until the official humiliation ritual starts for lingshitxisters

If you rolled, you're literally stupid
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You're not getting past the Express' security then
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I just want us to take another fat dumpy on Genshit before Lingsha and Brappa kill all the revenue for october
How do I build her?
>voiced by March 7th VA
>4* character
My wife..... is a brick in our xister game....
no spreading allowed
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Thou art unworthy
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You don't, not even worth a single pull
With this treasure I summon hertaschizo
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Where are all the Topaz ai pics?
>think I can't get past those cheeks
>realize Ruan Mei is a 155 cm vietnamese woman
>even though her ass is big proportionally to her body she is still a womanlet
>can probably have normal sex with her even if you're 5 inch at best due to sheer height difference
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She's already a slam pig, AI would just make her american
it's all but confirmed she's a 5* bwo...
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I don’t need AI to know I can’t get past Topaz’s assets
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This is awesome thanks for sharing Hertaschizo
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i'm finally done building her, post your xiaos.
>KAKA URINE talking for 5 hours about necking himself and le sad story is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but Luofu blows the shit out of Penisloppa.

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
>there's a nihility light cone that also makes her basic ATK apply a debuff (Resolution Shines as Pearls of Sweat, apparently)
It is not great to use Kafka just to apply pearls, because it tanks her damage. If you are going to use a pearl bot, at least use someone who amplifies damage so they at least contribute something to the team. If people run Kafka with Acheron, they just use a dot in the third slot with a damage cone so they can make Kafka deal damage.
>Also I like Kafka and Silver Wolf and Acheron a lot so this is the closest to a team of favourites as I can get
Nothing wrong with running your favorites, but don't try to pretend it is somehow good. Only reason Kafka+Acheron is usable is because you're basically running BS with them, which compensates the lack of amplifier with just pure damage. You just could have posted this line and deleted the rest of your post, that is all the justification you need to run the team.
>she works for the team
I know that she "works" for the team, but Pela would still be better
She applies debuffs with her skill and ult, and basic if you use that LC, but most importantly she applies a big defense down to the entire field, which stacks with the Pearls LC debuff. That's a lot more valuable damage wise
Also she has incredible self-battery, so she can ult very often. The only way that Kafka is better is the increased chance of applying a lightning weakness you mentioned
It's fine if you still run Kafka, just go with whatever you like more, I'm just saying Pela is more suitable meta-wise.
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bronya rabu
>DAN POO talking for 5 hours about being blind and le sad story is considered le kino!!!!11!1!

Yeah sorry but Penacony blows the fuck out of Shitshow Luopoo.

Unfortunately because 4chan is contrarian they will do the opposite by praising shit story.

You already know it but because your pride and ego is through the roof right now, you will disagree even if you agree with me on the inside.
This is hot but I'm waiting for the English TL
Topaz is rerunning again? It feels like she just reran isn't this like #3?
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I really hate this image
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she has a decent duran set but I got a higher score in AS using this mess for her instead
>queen of hearts AND spades
holy based
Okay but it’s hotter if she finds out that you can’t get past…
Now kiss
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It's a good time to do "it" again
meant for >>496519957
And what is “it”?
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You are my favorite poster.
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She's not bad but I really want to get a better crit rate chest and ATK rope.
Oh I'm not saying the team is good or meta, just the functional reason. I'd say there's a meaningful difference between a team of faves, and a team of faves that functions, but fair enough.

Ultimately you're right. But there's never been a team I've super needed to switch out for general content anyway, so eh.
Everyone probably discussed it to death, but I finally finished the story in the new patch and holy fuck it is fucking dogshit. I knew it was bad, but it is even worse than I expected. I just started skipping stuff before the voiceline finished, and I normally never do that. The worst part was honestly the Feixiao inner world shit, it sucks if you literally don't care about her. And if you're going to do some persona 4 facing myself plot, at least fucking have the character doubt themselves for a moment. "Only enemy is myself" falls flat if you don't see anything of that. I now get why their were all those mary sue melties. At least evil Hoolay Feixiao was hot.
cute + funny
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if the graphics, gameplay and designs are shit and now you tell me even the writing is bad, then what's the point of playing FGO?
NTA, but since I don't have BS nor Pela, is Kafka/Acheron/Gui usable or both Kafka and Ack would be pulling more damage with separate cope teams?
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I no longer find 3d girls attractive. No one can come close to cute 2d hebes
Wrong bread?
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like any gacha past it's prime, sunk cost
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Can Feixiao use Duke Inferno's set? I dont own breakshit so I never farmed those caverns.
Also Is speed good on her?
ntr and blacked
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I know Aha has lines in 2.6 because of SU shit but it would be much more elating if he just stopped by to chat with Sampo during his unvoiced filler event that's going to disappear forever at the end of the patch.
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spare some screentime time aven posters
Yes, it's like less than 1% worse than Valorous. Speed depends, if you can hit 134 with like March or something, just run ATK boots.
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>there are """people""" who play (and spend!) in more than one (1) gacha game
Mental illness.
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smartest altera poster
>both Kafka and Ack would be pulling more damage with separate cope teams
Kafka unfortunately does very little (nothing) without BS, even then, DoT is long past its prime
Gui is decent for Acheron, since she has vulnerability debuffs and can apply a debuff with her basic attack innately
Kafka can work as well with Acheron, her issue is just that she doesn't have any damage amplifying debuffs. Not that I know of at least, since I don't have her
It's funny that Aha appears just to mess with Polka since the new SU is her creation.
But the Star Rail girls are 3D.
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It's the literal definition of sunk cost, FGO shitters need to pretend the story is good to at least have something to grasp to.
Stop they get off to be called mentally ill

Cuckhold batman symbol
Imagine if that was SAMfly doing that
>I'd say there's a meaningful difference between a team of faves, and a team of faves that functions, but fair enough.
I was trying very hard not to sound like a dick, because my intent was honestly just to inform you why that team is not that strong. I get your logic, but Kafka is just doing very little in that team. Even Gui with pearls would do better. But I do kinda see your point, the team at least does something.
>Kafka/Acheron/Gui usable
The only reason to run dot with Acheron is because the Kafka+BS core deals decent damage on their own. So if you don't have BS, Kafka's reason to be in that team also drops a lot. Question is what other options do you have? Gui is a decent cope option, but who is your second nihility going to be? If you literally only have Kafka, then yeah the team works. But any debuffer nihility is probably going to do better.
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Actually even if you discount the fact that it is all displayed on a 2-dimensional surface (your monitor) the basis of all so-called "3D" computer rendering is still 2-dimensional at heart and the perceived 3-dimensions are merely camera tricks.
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It is done. Won every 50/50 with her too
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ORT is cooler than any Star rail boss fight
investing years into the game "sunk cost" plus new saber slop face being released
What would she do then?
Get cucked!
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nice thread honkeks
>mad that i called your doujin cuckshit
uh no shit? ORT is a super omega endgame sort of boss, here in Star Rail we've barely even started with the story
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nice general railbabs
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Yae xis...
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So far strongest Reverserape poster itt
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I kind of don't even feel like doing V6 DU
It's just based on how lucky you get with equations and blessings
Silent hunter or whatever it's called that causes super ligma is an EZ win in my experience
Love these two
Especially the airhead
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heh.. watch this.....
But...they're both airheads
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You sitll can hvae a ptetry dcneet ieda of waht I'm sinayg bsaceue wehn we raed wdors we fuocs on the frist and lsat lerttes for the skae of seped
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As someone who plays FGO and HSR daily, the story in FGO is only sometimes shit. It starts out as typical gacha crap (mediocre story written to deliver desirable characters) but the further you get post-release the more interesting the writing gets. Lostbelts range from okay to great if you don't count Lostbelt 6, and absolute FUCKING KINO if you do count Lostbelt 6. Event stories range from kinda lame to surprisingly good, varies wildly. A couple of events are awesome, some will land well, a lot are just character vehicles.

The writing isn't bad as a whole, it's good once you get through the weak beginning and what it builds on for existing TM lore is also awesome, you can tell a lot of where FGO is now is plans Nasu had for decades.

Also FGO designs are great generally. Don't know who is telling you otherwise. Biggest charm of that game is that the artists have complete creative control. Some retard will claim "no its bad because I don't like Raikou torpedo tits" but the whole point is that they're all wildly differently designed characters, if you don't like one you might not like another one. Maybe you love the cuter designs of Harada (Beni-Enma and Wu Zetian) or some of Kuroboshi's eldritch horror girls? Or maybe you think someone spooky like Sen no Rikyu is great? Or what about the detail Choco put into Melusine's armor and outfits? Or maybe you're crazy and love Columbus and his artists completely absurd sketchy style? The absolute number one thing you can compliment FGO on is that complete creative control being given to the artists is fucking awesome.
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Don’t underestimate Lil Gui’s intelligence
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We were all playing his game
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Stop brainwashing me firewife
>Except for two chudpards everything else was a win
>All those early pulls
The sacred brick shall smite you down back to earth
Uh oh EFLkeks won't be liking this one
I do indeed know how big the gap between running and not running Swan is, it's bright as day from trialing her (or just reading how her kit works lmao), but I didn't manage to pull her this time unfortunately, only Kafka. The only other nihility options I have are Luka and Sampo, I want to get Acheron when she reruns, so I was wondering if swanless Kafka could be of any value as a cope. On paper it doesn't sound too bad because Kafka and Gui would support Acheron's ult and Gui would support Kafka's DoTs, and the DPS increase from Acheron is probably bigger than Sampo's DoTs.
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Why would it be less true for EFL, eslbwi?
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big mooner
This is actually wrong btw, the reason it works is because of
it's not 2024 anymore, brosnya and illya aren't "wins" anymore
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unfay fact: ats'sthay ywhay implesay ipherscay ikelay igpay atinlay orkway
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Where is V4?
i want to cum inside march
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>it's not 2024 anymore
This but Black Swan
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i ate it, sorry
>You still can have a pretty decent idea of what I'm saying because when we read words we focus on the first and last letters for the sake of speed
bros I did it...I passed the ESL check...
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Show me your teams for PURE FICTION and I will show you nice love
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You just have to hope they release another DoT unit. Kafka will probably never be forgotten if DoT isn't forgotten, unless she gets a direct Powercreep, i.e. someone who can trigger DoTs, which would be pretty scummy from mihoyo
For the Acheron team, you're best to focus on Acheron rather than DoT. Just try to get someone who applies a lot of debuffs AND has debuffs that increase damage. It probably depends on your eidolons too
>feed her
>she eats it
>punch her in the head

What the fuck else was she meant to do
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Tsun Xuan
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If Tihs hlods ture waht am i siyang rgiht now msiter cbras, sibkdii gtayt rlzize my blals and clal me msietr Hrteir cvoered in syelont sucae
The new one? I’ll probably go Jade/herta/robin/fu first side and Himeko/RM/HTB/Lingsha second
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The Fu Xuan looks a lot like my prepubescent sister and I'm not even asian
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Post your sister
I can only interpret from this
I’m so cooked chat
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EU here, new one still hasn't dropped yet so posting old team
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I feel like ass, please post an Acheron to cheer me up
Does DoT work in PF? Since the enemies die so quickly, I would think it wouldn't
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>if this holds true what i am saying right now misters, skibi-
pressed enter too early, meant to write "posting old team that i'll probably just reuse again since Argenti gets 40k on auto anyways"
Who are these two meant to be?
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Meh, I'll take it. First try and all
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Yes, extremely well, provided you're using Black Swan. Being able to quickly rack up Arcana explosions means shit just melts the moment its turn pops.
It is a mystery
Has there been a PF without phys weakness?
Bro, your judges?
I WILL make these sisters happy again
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Ever wondered why threads seem to be more peaceful around this time?
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The 6 argenti rollers would have a melty
Lingsha has no clear or definable personality
Kafka powercreep would still do well with Kafka, wouldn't it? More DoTs to detonate and more detonations, sounds like perfect synergy. Add Black Swan and you get double frequency nukes which would outshine any support.
Here you go>>496524310
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I weep for the raeretdd
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Sorry but she beat the bland & boring allegations
she's made for domination loss
Kill yourself.
Does your mind default to that whenever you see a woman with a fat bottom or are you just shitposting
stelle broke into my room and raped me
Didn't think about it that way, but probably yeah
Sorry that happened, Misha
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So Yunli’s only purpose in the story was just being KING’s tsundere girlfriend?
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Not really

I used him on sides without the weakness and even there on auto he'd get 30k+ points
you also underestimate how chill argenti pullers are, we're aware that he's not good, most people just pulled him because he was a fun character in the side stories before Hoyo started overusing him
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Who is this for?
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Just means she is more sovl.
meant for>>496522363
i attempted to roll for him even when it was originally doomposted in release bc im a fag for cool armors and mecha armors but i lost my 50 50 at high pity with no remaining pulls, and after that, his second rerun just had bad timing
Red man...
Can't wait to see you all roll after pretending to skip.
No. I dunno what her point was, but that didn't happen.
This patch's story made no sense, the entire build up from the previous patch was just thrown away...
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king in these two patches was basically a mini neuvillette all into himself
Oops i was building pity with 90 rolls at lingsha banner haha... how do i build her bwis??
Ask me again tomorrow when I can actually try it out. I'm too dumb for theory crafting. I'll just throw whatever at it until something works.
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Lots of people are going to struggle with this PF I think
Especially side one
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Yeah it's specifically designed to induce FOMO on erubricktion skippers with Brappa coming up next
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I like the idea that the red man literally just shows up in the express. I hope that's how it happens in game.
Lucky for me the PF hag queens Jade and Himeko work fine
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Round 2
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I'm happy I rolled for Jade!
Never once in my life did I beat the SU barrel challenge
please no... I can't...
Anyone who cares about pure bricktion will already have Argenti or Jade.
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just roll feixiao bro, your guaranteed to beat it thanks to her!
Bro your Jingliu or fexiao?
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And let’s not forget he has potentially a limited alter incoming for the next Xianzhou story…
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Because of you assholes constantly calling him Redman I thought that was his actual name so now after I tried to talk with this girl at work about Fate she thinks I'm retarded
Sup fat raidenposter
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We know Sampo
who's the Rean Schwarzer of HSR?
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The one in the Herta Space Station room? Feixiao makes it completely braindead, and Kafka makes it pretty easy too. Basically anyone with a decent size AOE overworld action, so maybe Himiko too?

The vase one in the Loufu area by the water is so fucking funny with Feixiao.
pick yukong and jingliu if you don't have feixiao, if you don't have jingliu then pick a character with a short attack animation like Pela.
Personally, i've never managed to beat the lucky compass challenge, the best i can do is get two lines together but the third completely eludes me.
Your Yukie???
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They're gonna skip this then complain about worms
i'm sorry to hear that, pompom...
Isn't that the electro side? Can't I just use Kafka/Acheron?
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>there are people that STILL don't know how to do compass
Asta does the trick but the HSS one is a bit hard for her
Call me a worm
I’m slithering around those boobies of hers
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Enemies are too aggressive to run sustainless, it’s gonna be a bit harder than the previous PFs.
Just say it's a running joke in the community and then explain the Shirou is the redman joke.
Is that different from what I remember?? Always was pretty easy with Ruan Mei basics even.
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>do a SU universe run
>pick my team
>decide on a team that doesn't include Acheron
>enter SU
>see enemies
>realise because my team doesn't include Acheron I'm actually gonna have to do the mob fights for the whole run
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can you beat the meat queen?
can you check if it's feasible to run yunler first side
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Who can I use vs the new PF tomorrow? Characters with red squares around them have their S1, otherwise copium cones.
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Why is she called the meat queen?
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this nigga jing yuan only got 21k how the fuck is an erudition so shit in the erudition mode
LL hard-capped so you have to rely 100% on jing yuan's AoE+ult instead
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Sunday will save Jing Yuan
>i've never managed to beat the lucky compass challenge
bro you just have to count
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I wonder
Kafka/Archone/BS(or SW for the debuff)/Fu Xuan with trends
Those teams should work I think maybe.
Pull for Feixiao or Ruan Mei’s ranged attack
Robin next to Yunli.
Wasting free energy.
Yeah that. Put both Yunli and Robin in the middle.
Daniel, Jingloo, and Feixaio do it for free.
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