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old >>496482567
>do five m+ dungeons so far
>every single tank was between kinda bad to its-my-first-day-playing-an-mmo tier
I hate healers when I play tank
but I think I hate tanks even more when I play healer
im gay
this general has been claimed by the Jaina gang
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>leave play
>stuck with an earthen adoring fan forever
This is how I felt when I tried playing DPS. I'm still a shit tank but some of the habits of the ones I see when I'm not tanking are fucking unbearable
>doesn’t play dk in their strongest tier since nathria
what did she mean by this?
Reminder that Lordaeron IS for humans
Forsaken ARE villains who need to be eradicated
There's no "morally gray" or "media literacy" about it. There are the rightful living people of Lordaeron and there are the soulless zombies that use chemical weapons on everything they see
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can someone of you link me his ghostly charger drop in the twitch inventory? a screenshot of the inventory please
Elves should be removed from the game.
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I remember this was all over my youtube feed, and every streamer was shilling it, including asmongold.
What happened?
They died.
it was a limited time event and it ended
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Why are fujos like this?
>dude zombies are just peo-ACK
forsaken are still humans though, and most of them are just regular people who suffer from chronic pain
this is why people question your media literacy, you seem to have a really narrow understanding of the situation. It's not trying to be an insult, it's describing the phenomenon where you have no idea what you're talking about.
>What happened?
the event is over?
it was ludokino
Why does the Belf heritage quest allow a DK Belf to be near the sunwell?
Finally, you made an actual good post.
Lordaeron belongs to the forsaken. Death to the scourge and death to the living.
what's wrong with adults having sex?
now post femboy human Whitemane... s-so we can compare them
shut up, looser.
Post your female furries
why wouldn't they?
yeah you're not going to scam blizzard with just one screenshot dude
you can dream about eradicating all the forsaken and reclaiming lordaeron all you want, but you do have to realize it's never actually going to happen
Can you leave your tantrum in the other thread? Lordaeron's a shithole with nothing of value
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I miss her so fucking much
undead fucking shits do not deserve to "live"
men are not allowed to have sexual interest in women because they are eternal children with no accountability
pretend that i asked the question without the picture in this new thread thanks
idk remember when DKs genocided red dragons during legion but everything was cool again for them in dragonflight
>the virgin "we're the rightful people of Lordaeron let's gas everyone" Forsaken
>the chad "without monsters there can be no heroes, let's slaughter some dragons for a cool mount" Ebon Blade
on that note, what if Whitemane started slutting it up with exposed thighs and tummy again but she was also sharing her body/possessed by Teron Gorefiend?
What if I just ordered Darion to run in there as a prank and ruined the future for my entire race
Do you think random DKs walk around with Frostmourne?
>shill his book in r/wow
>it's all about ow2, sc and classic shit
>"U-Undeath is just a disease!"
>"Wh-what do you mean its an irreversible state brought about by evil magics?"
>"What do you mean reducing undeath to a disease removes its severity and just turns it into a skin condition?"
>"What do you mean the Forsaken do war crimes over and over?!"
why are you playing dumb? nobody is complaining about sex, it's about swinger party culture.
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guess this what it feels like to get cucked lmao
sorry light man
she's scourge property now!
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To me. The Scarlet Crusade gives one an out-let to play as a straight-up holy/crusader type against an evil enemy. It's like playing Aragon and killing off all the orcs but it's undead. It's morally right to kill the orcs as it is undead and you don't have to question morality. Praise the light and purge the unclean
>but muh scarlet racists hubuhbulbulu,
stfu, ignore them. Nu-blizzard apparently took this approach and ruined the Scarlets.
worked for path of exile
god the class mount quest for DKs was so based. Fuck Blizzard for taking away the feat of strength for killing all of the dragons
this is bad? this culture is wrong, because...? what? he doesn't even call it whiteness, just "culture" and "college campus"
based. imagine how fucking productive you would be if you could call someone in at any time to suck you off while you code
what's wrong with adults having swinger parties if that's what they want?
Both can be right anon. The virgins in the scenario are humans. Sally doesn't need to be possessed to slut it up, she can do it whenever.
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actual, literal humiliation ritual for her
it's not fair
gingi awkwardly trying to be the funny cool guy because hes seething at liquid will never not be funny
Do you actually have to do all delves on 11 to unlock ?? Zekvir? I really cannot be fucked to do that.
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You don't?
WoW is good now.
Whoever was in charge of dk stuff in legion did a good job with it. Their campaign was great too.
he unironically made me want to start a youtube channel
the dude has a "staff" and supports his family on 80k views a video lmao.
I mean they get stomped nine times out of ten so it'd be funny to see the tragedy a 12th time
What? Unless they changed it you only need to clear a single t10 with lives remaining
scarlets were the villains from the start
if you remember correctly, both factions fought them
because they were evil and controlled by a demon

playing the scarlets is the crusader fantasy in understanding that the crusaders were mostly pretty wicked men who harmed a lot of innocents in the name of god. it's a fun villain angle to play, performing great evils in the name of the light. but you'd have to be completely making shit up to see them as "good"
You only need one, with lives remaining
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How bad is chosen of Elune
What do they eat?
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PvP is actually fun ... havent done any since shadowlands and its a really good time!
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you know what, you might actually be able to scam them.
ahah yeah so fun :)
>farms rares for 4 hours and get nothing
very productive day ill see you guys tomorrow if i dont unsub and kill myself first.
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r8 the new xpac
Pretty memey
Whatever happened to Hotted? Did he lose weight with ozempic?
nothing, but a lot of people don't want to do it or be a part of that culture. it's a small group trying to change things for everyone else.
stop trying to play the victim, here, you're totally misunderstanding the problem like this
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I dislike the 90 crest change.
Well this is embarrassing, but I have recently debated to quit ff14 after the bad story in dawntrail + wuk lamat being shown in the 7.1 patch. Anyone got some refer a friend code for wow? I heard the story for war within is extremely well done, weird it got a 85 at metacritic, but that doesn’t mean anything.
spiders from venomweb vale
pumpkins, this is extensively covered in the undead starting quests
8 out of 10
Probably the best start of any expansion ever
fairie dragons
>What? Unless they changed it you only need to clear a single t10 with lives remaining
Oh ok, that’s way better then
>following shylily
>donaldtrump channel is recommended to you
you're a tranny
Tirisfal Glades is still a historic landing site for the arrival of Mankind on the shores of the Eastern Kingdoms and must therefore be territory of the Human Alliance once more, inhabited by human males and human females who will reproduce as all living creatures must unlike filthy undead wretches who belong in the grave and are not a real race.
>nothing, but a lot of people don't want to do it or be a part of that culture
were they forcing people to join in at a gunpoint?
>you're totally misunderstanding the problem like this
>extremely well done
It's a 7 to 8 out of ten at most compared to DF's safe marvel story and the travesty that was Shadowlands
they are probably able to catch fresh ocean fish, too
seems like a good diet desu
brother, it's a "free" bis piece of gear
redpill me on mistweaver (caster)
I am simply not going to play keeper of the grove. Fuck the meme trees
The story for the war within isn’t even better than dawntrail
What the fuck man, no one wants to see this.
no, but it sounds like they brought things into the office that made it uncomfortable for other people
how are you not understanding this, have you ever tried to think of someone's experience outside of your own?
dude the story is just ok. watch nobbel87 videos if you want story, there's no point in playing the game for it because you wouldn't be playing a real video game anyway, non-instanced content may as well be TLoU2 on journalist difficulty.
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>Ama boosting users
>End of a great race
>Still can't beat BG3

Wtf is wrong with baldr bitch?
Damn I didn't know undead players were such fence-sitting bitches.
I tried to revive the corpse of a heroic fallen paladin and murdered near extinct dragons and I'd do it all over again
They're coming from xiv, they're used to not playing a video game
It really is the little things that get lost over time that make the game feel less soulful.
oh no, don't make me... le hecking... UNCOMFORTABLE?!
anyway unless those party rockers were doing helicopter dicks in front of minors while shilling trans rights, they did nothing wrong and anyone who felt uncomfortable was just a low test woman
NTA but I think story is obviously a benefit to video games. wow is better when the story is told clearly in-game and through the campaign. why are you being a dick?
No one plays undead because their model is dogshit.
>unironically watching stre*mers
>unironically watching the most basic bitch goyslop söypogging stre*mers known to man
>why do you play classic?
said no one ever
you trannies lost so badly lmao
her eyes are actually red
It's why Stormwind should be a Forsaken city
>her tits got a massive growth spurt
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guess so yeah
when you start working you'll understand what it feels like, champ
based Deathlord, suffer well and keep doing what the living (and Forsaken lol) cannot
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Based, and of course I would stop you with my righteous holy light sword and my big damage and my divine wrath and my /yell Wake of Ashes! when I do Wake of Ashes but standing here I realize you were just like me trying to make history but who's to judge the right from wrong when our guard is down I think we'd both agree that violence breeds violence but in the end it has to be this way
Dornogal has more soul than wrath and tbc combined
>(and Forsaken lol) cannot
Nooo you can't say that. The cryboomers will have an aneurysm
echo arent even going to kill it today are they...
>Chris metzen is back just to fuck Holly
Calling it now, Midnight will be shit. 100% faggot elf slop
Why haven't blizzard try to capitalize on this design? It's literally the hottest a villain has ever looked. Like is there anything that even comes close?
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yes :)
They've already moved on to Xala'tath
>Like is there anything that even comes close?
at least she got an amazing model and character in Heroes of the Storm
>wake up
>echo STILL hasnt killed the boss
holy FUCK they are washed up
Whitemane has no pants. Whitemane needs no pants
bouta do my first +7 im so nervous i might shit my pants
it would be soulful if we did our business in the actually nice northern part of the city instead of in the ugly south that looks like it's design was lifted straight from some total war warhammer siege map
It's 2024 chud, you can't have a faction whose motivation is racial hatred towards playable characters
Humans are rather sensitive like that. Especially when they get stomped
Are there any addons that are useful for tanking?
they have a fucking orchard in the back bro
wait, did whitemane have benediction in canon?
that's actually kind of cool desu
should i contact the guy i haven't heard from since legion and ask him if he wants to come heal my keys? i think he has two daughters now
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>absolute degenerate corporate culture
>become THE videogame company
>now with a "normal" corporate culture
>shadow of its former self
Makes you think
post girlpenis
its like a +6 except wiping can brick your key, so dont wipe
>its already an office norm to have swinger parties, so it wasnt forcefully introduced to the workplace
>dont come if you dont want to, not pressured in any way
>they still get uncomfortable even tho all their boundaries were respected

hall monitor, prudes types are the problem. they said they didnt want to join and then made if their problem.
Is it just cope or are people just ignoring the woke trash writing and the numerous girl boss characters they're questing for?
Anon that tauren is a child.
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>pug silken
>die at the very start because we all started with green pool
>they kill the boss
>someone uploads the logs
Best epic battleground healer?
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Do a little delve, make a little prog, get down tonight.
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how do I find a good heroic guild with maybe a little bit of mythic prog?
>get a mechanic where youre supposed to spread out
>dont spread out
youre asswater at the game and its a good thing that the log is uploaded and everybody knows it
if I didn't start caring about women giving me orders in legion and bfa, I'm not going to start now
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>it's another episode of a daughter lecturing his father about his toxic masculinity even though he never did anything wrong
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Aren't leftoids all up in arms of people doing whatever they want in their freetime and respecting their privacy? Why is Jason suddenly doing a 180 here?
Wow they sate their hunger with fucking?
Damn son that demon really did get his claws into them.
Man, I have a huge crush on this co-worker but I'm afraid to be forward precisely because of mindsets like this.
Crazy how like 20 years ago relationships at work were commonplace and acceptable.
how are blood DKs right now for m+? thinking of making an alt
Its not being ignored you just missed the tgrrads where they were being discussed. We can discuss them here now though
The Stormward chick cane out of literally nowhere and became Stormward for... Reasons? Not only was her master a better candidate she was never really tested, yet her master just let her have it
so what is the loot table for kekvir's lair?
My first run gave me 2 runed crests
the second gave me a 584 warbound weapon
>loot table
>make mistake thinking you will live with a cd
chill bro
it's a learning experience :)
she still cute
my dk wears the red variant of the same armor
Because of the vibe. The vibe wasn't what the vibe should've been, so it was bad. The bad people were vibing instead of the good people. For this reason, the entire company had to be purged.
>reading the quests
>watching the cinematics
People do this?
puzzle anon, do you have any red draenei?
where is sloppa anon
I just did the Gilneas conquest shit and it's literally just killing some scarlets and now the city has some NPCs on it and thats it? Wasn't this hyped or something?
Probably not the strongest tank in the grand scheme of things at current tuning but you'll be able to do the best independent of any healer you get if you know how to play it so it's fantastic if you're pugging
>sexo character model
>even more sexo themed skins
>one of the most devastating Healers that can single-handedly turn the tide of matches
Whitemane is my HotS waifu and i love her
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She's gonna go delving in THAT outfit??
>Bolvar and his daughter
>Genn and his daughter
>now Magni and his daughter
Someone in the writing team 100% has daddy issues
I worked with a couple once and it was fucking terrible, they would use people and backstab everyone. Manipulated everyone to get what they want.
>echo still hasn't killed the boss
scripe bros...
>go 4/6 in solo shuffle, gain 25 rating
>go 2/6, lose 50 rating
>win solo rbg, gain 100+ rating
>lose solo rbg, lose <15 rating
thanks blizzard
not bis
its bad luck protection
also not free
Please respond, this is very important.
yeah thats the feeling i got from bdk right now. i currently play bear and i can really notice when a healer is slacking which can be spooky
you a bitch ass nigga doggo
>one note character
>a washed up character
Only one of these has substance and Magni should've been shelved
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Little known fact, but the darnassian talk and giggling of the night elves in the trees while watching the Warsong clan cut down their forest in Warcraft 3: Orc Campaign Mission 4 was them discussing how much they would want to ride green orc cocks while their home town burns to ashes.
>retard complains because he doesnt understand how mmr works, more at 11
why are americans like this
Im EU tho
Baelgrim was the only new likable male character so he had to die.
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>inspect someone
>had their tier boots (which means they used the catalyst on them)
>isn't 4 set
what the fuck
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>get denied from any +7 Ara-kara for 2 hours
>finally get into one
>we get 2x trinket drops
Feels good man
Don't you worry this is straight European.
Too much of a hammer, where's the corruption and seduction? Turn ashenvale into a breeding farm at least
maybe he picked it from the vault
I've already accepted Lor'themar's death
So with the 20th anniversary thing how long do you think it will take to get a full set?
mythic dungeon tools
dbm dungeons
Yea that too
>echo still muting coms after the race is over
Shes letting the delve enter her
the concept is that it's stupid that they're giggling like schoolgirls while orcs are cutting down their trees, this silliness is then taken to its logical extreme of modern context
it's classic germanic humour actually
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all 10's timed

did to quit this god awful season
first rodeo?
at the beginning it will probably take you two weeks for a full set
two weeks in after endless bitching they will buff droprate/increase currency cap
3 weeks before the event ends you will likely be able to catch them all
You guys made the right choice at the end of the airship academy questline, right?
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next roadmap when?
they have to mute tho they are insulting each other and using the nword

shit nigga thats impressive if you're not a raider
Go to youtube and search for some guides, they usually have everything from macros to addons and more.
yea I chose the man. i dont trust women driving let along being a fucking pilot.
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>it's classic germanic humour actually
every fucking time
doesnt count
After the anniversary
>watching home destruction
>not barrack training
Come on, stop trying to shift attention and build it up
Bro they don't mute comms to hide strats
they mute comms because half their raiders can't go 10 seconds without saying something that will get all of them banned from twitch
that sounds too based to be true when the rest of their organization is so fucking gay
you can't train units during the mission intro cutscene
Friendly remidner this nigger has no moral foot to stand on. He had knowledge about the alleged sexual abuse for years and kept it quiet until Blizzard was already wounded from the scandals coming out so he could twist the knife in the wound.
He's a nigger, a jew, and a mutt. Spiritual, biological, metaphysical and characteristical.
I hope his "book" fucking flops. I hope nobody ever gets to make money off of any print media that revolves around Blizzard. The WoW Diary was the last good read and John is dragging his fucking feet with the second edition, dude has absolutely nothing else to his name except "I was a peon at Blizzard until I got permanent carpal tunnel", he has no new stories to tell and no new content of his own that people are interested in. "Warchief Gaming" had one big pr wave until people realized it's not the golden goose World of Warcraft alternative they were waiting for.
And I hope after that wave of "Hey guys I made a book and I'm vaguely Blizzard affiliated pls gib money!" people have gotten wise to and fed up with these grifters.
>He had knowledge about the alleged sexual abuse for years
How would he know about something that was invented by a bunch of dumb women and their simps out of thin air in 2021?
>naowh still hasn't said anything
lmao salty two faced bitch I guess you will have to deal with Max smug face for a while now
he doesnt give a shit he is just here as a favor
>he doesn’t know about the private chat logs
oh trust me he does
Lor'themar is feminine and submissive to his nelf wife, he's not going anywhere. only masculine characters die.
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h-he's fast!
So how did we end up resolving the Org lumber shortage and goblin occupation of Azshara in world of peacecraft? Did we unironically just tell the nelfs to eat shit and die, because that would be pretty based.
it stops being a problem the moment blizz isnt interested in telling that story anymore. Dont worry about it. Neither do they.
who gives a shit?
what sword?
What's the best way to make gold now that bismuth crashed sisters...
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This is the real reason why Metzen accidentally tweeted his own name during the Blizzard sexpest drama.
The man was trying to see if some chick he laid the pipe in during some coked up swinger party, was calling him out.
Luckily for Metzen, given how much cock those Blizzard girls likely took at those parties, no one will be able to sue him until their kids start showing male pattern baldness at age 25.
Max always considered Naowh a friend since he raided with Limit but last race private chatlogs of his were leaked where he was telling Gingi they had to win so they wouldn’t have to deal with Max smug face
okay but the game was as its peak with this culture. they created a legendary game. I don't give a fuck.
jason has never created anything of value, fuck off
Divine game made by the developers of incredibly fascism, a perfect KINO gaming experience
Lefty und stale humiliation ritual disney bloat
I really hope Blizzard adds more content like Zekvir. This was so much fun.
At this point I may as well pretend Lordaeron is a human city again because it's not like there'll be another story about it within the next 8 years.
no he wasn't
metzen is clear
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>Making gladiator transmog
>Look up roman gladiator
>First image is a black man.
Google. What are you trying to say?
Can't wait for them to eventually pull a Cata 2.0 where we have another expansion in EK & Kalimdor only for all this shit to still go unanswered.
nerub sisters
we will kill it next time
DBM or BigWigs?
Chris Metzen
Verification not required.
Dot hese boys like dracthyr augvokers...?
Trying to say that those search results are too strong for you, seeker
I don't mind characters dying, I just wish his replacement was an actual character instead of a random earthen chick we meet that somehow knows how to talk to the stormrooks
He is getting groomed by a woman several thousand years older than him, it's not his fault.
im for dbm
Jesus christ you're grasping at straws
but i have 40+ filters on /gif/ blocking BBC content
Balance it out.
Echo's voicecoms are 30% strats 70% schizophrenic racist posting
t. Knower
>Stormwindkeks thinking they have a claim on Lordaeron.
Oh no no no no no
I don't see any straws
and in point of fact, they are all clear because none of that bullshit ever happened
Did the warrior autist troon out?
Oh man, what does this game do to people?
They really are basically the same. Bigwigs is a lot more subtle out of the box in terms of how baseline either starts to scream RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL *AIRHORNS* but both can be as loud or as tertiary as you want them to be.
god I wish that were me
What's the drop rate on these maps? I've probably done 40+ t8 bountiful delves and gotten one (1) map. The champion gear alone isn't enough to warrant doing what is pretty boring delves over and over.
most skinny worlo caca player
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>Aren't leftoids all up in arms of people doing whatever they want in their freetime and respecting their privacy?
no? you totally misunderstand the leftist point of view, really. it's all about oppression dynamics and social hierarchies. personal freedom and privacy and all that are liberal principles, leftists don't really care about any of those things.

the problem with blizzard's old corporate culture is, to a leftist, the fact that the executives and powerful figures inside the company were sleeping with people below them. the leftist looks at this and sees a relationship dynamic where one person holds a lot of power over the other, and therefore believes that it is very hard or impossible for the weaker party to actually consent to those relationships. they see this as a type of preemptive coercion, no one is overtly using their positions to fuck interns (that we know of anyway) but the mere possibility of being fired because you didn't want to fuck your boss means you're more likely to say yes despite not wanting to. it's not totally wrong but just like most things leftists believe its taken to an insane extreme that strips every actor of their individual agency so they can more easily be placed on "morally good" and morally bad" boxes.
I have a feeling they are going to redo Silvermoon City and that will be the next hub for both Alliance and Horde in Midnight...
>he doesn't know romans conquered africa (see: scipio africanus)
>he doesn't know they probably made them fight lions and shit for the lulz
Hi Jason
the sunday raid is a humiliation ritual
>Social media makes money but people engaging with content
>ANGERY DUDES are easy money
>you search something 'rightwing' related
>Image to make you mad comes up
That's pretty standard I think. I've done 80+ delves on one character at this point and I've gotten 1 map randomly and another from fighting off the only zekvir invasion I ever got which I think gives a guaranteed map, but having him invade is about as rare as getting a map to begin with anyway
Unlikely. Silvermoon City's gonna be a raid easily, so it won't be getting the capital remake during the expansion.
More likely there's a reason they rushed Gilneas's plot and moved the Night Elves to the Dragon Isles, so either capital can be used as the Alliance base for the expansion
bro you are way overthinking it
it literally comes down to just the simple
>this guy is not like me, and he has what he wants!
>he shouldn't have what he wants, I should have what I want!
there are no principles involved, because americans do not have principles. only greed
Dude I was talking about the swinging parties that coworkers would attend. How the fuck does he have a problem with that? Meanwhile the average blizzard employee goes to their weekly pride march while they get fisted up their ass and that's no problemo for that hypocritical jew fuck.
Echo now have more pulls than Liquid, depressing.
i never have time to attend the Saturday one sadly
and the 12 hours cope expired as well
Goes to show all the difference 1 good healer makes
Is not just Zaelia, look at the fyrakk roster and the current roster.
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Nice game.
Justify this.
are you even doing +10 runs? if not shut up
is it normal for a CE guild to be progressing second boss on mythic before killing the last boss on heroic?
>heard the story for war within is extremely well done, weird it got a 85 at metacritic
bait use to be believable.
nah those items don't drop from anywhere, they are sourced exclusively by catalyzing
sound incredible stupid
>holy paladin that high
but everyone told me it sucks
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What are followers of the Light called? Followers of Catholicism are Catholics, Muslims got Islam...
And the general believers of the light are?
That's irrelevant, because the retard playerbase will look at this and determine that no other healers are viable now, thus precluding them from participating in anything and intensifying the disparity even further.
>what is this niggerfaggot tank doing stop pulling so much theres no way we survive this
>we survived this
is like the big rogue representation in the ksm week 1 distribution, autists make it work.
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Who’s undertuned NOW, motherfucker?!
Light is a faith, not a religion. So you can believe in the Light without it being a label.
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I wouldn't say that's a good idea this tier particularly but it's pretty normal for the first couple mythic bosses to be easier than the last on heroic
who else did they lose? they got Hopeful which is a good addition IMO
im doing 8s and i don't give two shits about meta
>The Stormward chick cane out of literally nowhere and became Stormward for... Reasons?
The reasons were that there was literally nobody else but her and the other duse that were even remotely qualified and the dude was clearly a mess and didn’t want the position. Who else was there?
It was one of the least offensive stronk womyn moments there were
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yoo hoo
Uh, Echosisters... They're over Limit on pulls now...

First we lost real-time.
Now we lost pulls.
If they take too much longer, we won't be able to use the time difference as an excuse.

I don't feel so good...
You can't loot that item now
they are already past the headstart time when you take the 8 hours of maintenance into account. its joever
Maybe if the dude they had in the position originally didn't commit suicide to kill like 4 nerubians, this wouldn't have been stuck with a character that was never seen or mentioned prior to the quest in which she became the boss.
Liquid would still be pulling if it wasn't for the warlock.
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>liquid would still be pulling if not for the member of liquid
oh ok
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Sorry you sped ran the game? Most le ebin deaths you beat off are
why not just have the character be a male? like just replace the model with a male dwarf and get a male voice actor, nothing else about the character needs to be changed, you can even keep the
>I need to water my fish!
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>someone dispels every single swarm early on silken court
>get a green parse
so what's the point of EZ-mine nodes? they don't yield any special reagents or increased amount of ores
Reminder that we finish off this latest week of season 1:
>615 ilvl
Are now considered "average" at best, but probably more like behind the curve in terms of player power.
If you're hoping to ride either of those to free invites / easy clears, think again.
Hang in there and keep grinding! Don't fall behind and miss out!
to annoy bots and players, mostly players
most people are too stupid to understand the underlying principles but they're still there. most leftists will outright state a 40 year old man having a relationship with a 20 year old woman is "problematic", for example. if you ask why they'll either not be able to say anything, resorting to calling it "creepy", or they'll blurt out "age difference" or "the power dynamics" or something like that. they're not AWARE of the reason why leftist thought deems this is problematic, but they still instinctively FEEL it's supposed to be wrong. the reason is what my previous comment explains, it's just social hierarchies and power dynamics all the way down.

its why they treat women like children, too. women are oppressed, women are scared of men because women are physically weaker, therefore women can never actually consent to anything. they'll stop short of that last part obviously but you can get them to agree with everything else pretty easily, they just don't like what the logical conclusion of their thought process is.
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im still eating dragonflight food pls dont tell on me
>raid leader says I will be benched unless I start doing maze+
>I am already 611 and topping the meters
>multiple other people in the guild complaining about queuing for hours and not getting into any groups
I hate this fucking pillar so much it's unreal. I knew I should have quit back in legion when they introduced it
>they'll either not be able to say anything
differences in maturity. and if you still cant see the problem its because you yourself are immature
need me a lightforged gf
Yes. If you have the roster the first few mythics are often easier than last hc boss and theres better loot/vault. This time laat boss is a bit of a joke on hc but the first four M are so easy as to be middle-of-raid heroic tier so doing 2M is a good idea.
>why leftist thought deems this is problematic, but they still instinctively FEEL it's supposed to be wrong. the reason is what my previous comment explains,
No, it's because of sour grapes you idiot.
>>raid leader says I will be benched unless I start doing maze+
why tho
what would you get from it
>>raid leader says I will be benched unless I start doing maze+
leave the guild and call him a massive loser on the way out. what kind of shit guild expects raiders to do anything besides show up on raid night and be ready to slam buttons?
Literally the one thing the statist left and the statist right would ultimately always agree on is that there shouldn't be intergenerational sexual relationships. This isn't a political issue, liberals and centrists are just flat out wrong about sexual liberty being a good thing or desirable for society. Yes, that includes you faggot porn addict retards.
what happened to TBC classic? was plannign to play with coworkers but we can't find tbc or wotlk.
>still no response to this
>>496514598 I accept your concession but not your apologies. Eat a bag of shit
>age difference
yeah there you go

why does that make it bad
only vanilla is permanent. there are rumors blizzard will do rotational servers that rotate between classic>tbc>wotlk>fresh in the future though
Uh bro, you need to get your specific BIS trinket from the maze. Do it for the sake of the guild bro. No, you can't have fun just gearing through delves and raids. STOP THAT.
i said maturity, not age
his stance is that some people aren't doing m+ and therefore not investing enough time in their characters therefore they don't care about the game therefore we don't deserve to progress because we aren't dedicated enough for mythic
I guess he wants ilvl to go up but I already have a 4 set and the second best pair of trinkets and it's not like I can get infinite crests so idk what his problem is. he even complained about the tanks not having 636 omen weapons
>Overload node
>Someone flies in right as it's exploding

Comedy gold
Why would this random character in a random poaition need some super involved backstory?
The old stone guy hoes theough saturday morning cartoon character development and sacrifices himself for the threater good, in an admittedly silly cutscene. The stormriders unexpectedly need a new leader and the pickings are very slim, and with the „machine-esque dwarfs learn free will” theme going on the new leader is one that represents this theme.
There’s literally nothing wrong with it aside from baelgrim suiciding in contrived circumstances
beledar's bounty is 40 gold anon
Because young women belong to young men and old women aren't desirable for breeding.
The draft isn't mandatory to old men so they shouldn't be allowed to breed young women, or to vote or run for office or own property for that matter.
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how long until gingi starts his serial killer arc
I orange-parsed in LFR, can I get invited to mythic+?
Yes officer that’s the pedo
I got the best maze trinkets already
the real bis duo comes from the raid and it's not like he is offering to take us in his clique group at least once for the weekly
I have been in this guild since nyalotha so I don't really want to find a new one
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>complete a series of 3 delves at +8, +9, and +10
>without losing more than 3 lives in total
>get a hero item at the end
>solo only
no, shitter
We're already years into it.
need... lewder...
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I just came
I'll only accept it if the hero item can be pulled from the dungeon and raid pools.
I want this, purely so the „oh why must m+ have a timer” crowd gets there and then mewl about how miserable they are waiting for lust to come off cd between every pack
maybe if brann gets his damaged buffed by 1000% when you go as a healer
I never lose lives at 8 unless I afk and drown so this would just be even more free loot
if age and maturity are not related why did you bring up maturity? maybe the young woman is just very mature
thanks anon was fun
Who cums that early?
Just make delve 12 give myth ilvl gear in the vault so both raiders and dungeoneers can seethe
I'm easy to please
but delve only goes up to 11
echosis… the headstart… the pull count… its all gone… what is our last cope..?
soloque m+ when?
delve 10 or nothing. 12'll be for next tier after the nerf and catch up mechanics
if you can't kill a pack without cds you sure as hell aren't beating the boss
>not dying to your own greed because you tried to squeeze an extra cast on a boss and that swirly probably isn’t a one-shot anyway
Youse a bitch
we need solo que delves NOW
>13 hour reset difference
>NA had nearly 9 hours of maintenance downtime
>liquid killed it 14 hours ago
>trashco already have more pulls and are nearing the end of their day
absolutely b t f o
can't wait to see some cope like the "time spent in combat" metric pulled out again like they tried on silken court lmfao
we need the lewdest lewd jigsaw ever please bro
*cough* if they didn't kick their best healer.... their DPS would stop dying to 1 shots.... *cough*
merge with method, bring zaelia and josh back under different names and don't let them stream
its in the works
Unpossible. You gotta go through some stupid hazing because I went through some hazing. If you speak against the hazing you're a delvin melvin
How do I call you a loser for caring about this without being called a shill for the loser guilds?
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this is grim for Echo, atleast Liquid knew to just fucking quit on Jailer and go hang out as bros instead of embarrassing themselves for an entire day.
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The Queen is no more!
comp stomp is going to ruin the price of the gem
Most bosses have a shitton of downtime. There are normal, low hp mobs that are more dangerous than some bosses that take over 2 min to kill, like the rogue mob in underwater dungeon vs the boss that spawns easily dodgeable mushrooms for 15 seconds then chases you for like 5s
What happens if you take a BG queue during a delve? Does it reset the delve when you get back?
Jailer was the last time RWF mattered
not because of the raid but because it was really important for that expansion to fucking end
Yuros can’t compete because scripe doesn’t have a dog to fuck his ass to relieve the stress
>Most epic boss in Warcraft's 30 year history
>No mythic only phase & cinematic for maximum kino
What did Ion mean by this?
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>I heard the story for war within is extremely well done
the last part of the fight is completely different on mythic
I was talking about the m+ timer situation. I would bet a gold cap that exactly 0 people would sit and wait for bloodlust between each pack in dungeons if the timer disappeared
kek, just fuck him if he's delusional or tell him that he's autistic
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When I saw people type "Need hero" in LFG I thought they needed someone really good, but they actually want someone who can BL...
Echo need to kick the shitters that griefed them this tier like zhatzi and fraggo
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I love you mommy Jaina
I love you mommy Jaina
I love you mommy Jaina
I love you mommy Jaina
I love you mommy Jaina
I love you mommy Jaina
good gooner~
Sorry, I meant mythic only zone transition. Like Garrosh or the Sha of Fear.
i got gifted a sub on max's stream randomly last week, watching echo now i forgot how fucking atrocious ads are on twitch
I'm gonna say it.
Queen isn't a fun last boss.
I know it's unreasonable and I don't think he is actually going to bench one of the 3 people that are still sticking around since I first joined
I think he is getting over his head because the guild is kind of stuck and while the turnover rate is as high as ever he can still find fresh blood in no time so he is fast to bench and kick people
>Max lets Xesevi raid lead p1 because he was killing his voice and needed the rest, not really any particular strategy reason
>Scripe copies it anyways
Just goes to show that all Echo knows how to do iis copy max. Can't win without their cheater exploit addon.
How long is a "season" in WoW? When does season 2 start?
>S1 just started
>"WHEN IS S2?!"
Like 4-5 months
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>he doesn't have adblockers installed
Bruh, the internet is extra cancer w/o them.
second one was hot
January cause Blizzard has the anniversary to beat off
Thanks, new to this.
anywhere from 5-8 months.
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make them regret needing a lust and play fire mage.
If we're going lewder then we need a draenei butthole puzzle
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do people even play this shit? i waited for almost 40 minutes and then requeued
i get a blitz match in like 3 minutes
who the fuck is scripe? wasn't methodsco leading them?
i do have ublock which works everywhere except twitch. i also dont watch twitch outside of RWF or other WoW drop events so its not a big deal usually
blizzard needs to make queable m+ with strict leaver penalty somehow or their game dies even harder than it is currently
I am a paladin and was looking through my book to see if I have Heroism
Weirdly, I dont. Feel like it fits Paladin to give heroism. And apparently warrior doesnt have it either, which was my second guess
>Echo is now coping by lusting at pull and hoping that P1 damage will somehow help them in the end
>do people even play this shit?
no, it turns out nobody likes playing toxic gamemodes with toxic spergozoids
>15min break
its so fucking over
why don't people on argent dawn erp and goon?
Might as well just tell their guys to take the next 2 days off to get more gear after reset and a nerf. No point in nolifing anymore when you already lost.
>it turns out nobody likes playing toxic gamemodes with toxic spergozoids
and yet RBGs have existed for years now with possibly the most psychotic community in any videogame
Echo probably has 16 hours worth of time spent standing in front of bosses yapping or going afk this tier
the daughter of the sea...
its more popular than blitz believe it or not. its a healer population issue, there are way more than 2 dps for every healer. blitz more accurately matches the actual pop ratio of dps to healers so queue times are faster.
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Defend this shit.
Is a season a tier or is that different?
there is nothing hotter than this desu
draenei and b/velves too
>brewmaster above paladin
>dk above warrior
surprising honestly
I already did you
Blizzard fucking hates prot paladins and just forgets monk exists idk. Still don't understand why holy power generation had to be removed from avengers shield
>use raidbots
>ai says i should be doing 900k
>actual play game barely do 700k
i don't understand
yeah, its just the new word for it. season 2 will have a new raid, new dungeon rotation, something new with delves.
>DH isn't the only tank worth taking
better than expected.
Azeroth shivers when a nice thaumaturgist gets ambivalent amber
are you fully enchanted
are you fully consumed
are you fighting with full raid buffs
are you fighting a patchwerk boss
why the fuck is blasphemite so common?
>Warchud being that high
paladins have absolutely zero niche as a tank, and BM scales with gear
zug zug
I'd choose to play tank over healer every time because I can compensate for a healer's lack of skill but if I'm a healer and my mouth breathing tank goes at 5mph and hesitates before every single pull like he's afraid of the monsters it makes me seethe like nothing else in this game does.
pretty sure it sims with all raid buffs + lust + pots + flask + food everything
Because a nigger made a video on farming blasphemite that got really popular so everyone did it and now it's eternally fucked
Doesn't help that the gleaming transmutagens required to make them are super easy to get as well
twitch embeds the ads into the video stream itself
youtube is working on the same thing btw
BrM has always been pretty godawful in M+.

Paladin does pretty high damage but requires some incredible autism and goated healers before it dies when anything looks at it wrong (and it can't keep the stupid shield up 24/7 like other tanks do).
their niche is having more utility than any other tank, plus offhealing potential but that's gone now that WoG is complete shit
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hello wowg
I was told to come back in a few weeks to ask you guys if TWW was actually good when real content comes out and people could get a feel for it
now that the dust has settled, is TWW actually good compared to previous expansions?
No, No I am not. Shit is there any way I can sim without any of that stuff?
also thank you.
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I'm having more fun solving AIslop jigex puzzles
Is that enough of an answer?
Paladins have the most utility and infinite interrupts.
it's better than DF , Worse than SL but suffers from all the same problems of modern wow. if you didn't like BFA, SL, DF you won't like TWW.
i like it and still think its the best expac in awhile
100% shield of the righteous uptime is definitely possible but increasingly difficult to achieve at low haste values
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So lazy. They really butchered her.
Just click more options on the sim and remove the stuff you don't have
I don't get it
this shit can't be profitable in any way so why is the AH flooded with them?
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yeah in the simc input you can see like
or something. change the value to 0
Hell site. Twitch needs to fuck off
Storywise? Sure yeah. It's better than the previous two. But it's pretty standard for a wow story
Yeah it's pretty good I'd say. We got the anniversary stuff coming at the end of october which'll be another gameplay shot in the arm for the game
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I thought people disliked SL more than DF? although that might have been for other reasons that I'm not thinking of

less grim
This website is full of contrarians that will claim terrible expansions are good because they think it makes them special
Flasks of chaos are next
Good luck bricking your alchemist with that meme build and having to compete with 90% of the retards in this game
literally the most bussin expansion ever
but seriously, if you like any of the legion-like expansions you're going to like tww
The transmutation "Gleaming Chaos" is on a super long cooldown so making blasphemite which isnt on CD is the only real way to make the most out of the Gleaming Transmutagens you get before they eventually start flooding your bank and packs
and yet none of that matters in m+
i miss when russians were raiding and competing for world first
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I already bricked 2 because I assumed we'd have another dracothyst situation down the road
josh talked about this
they discuss shit off stream
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Prot pallies are getting a pretty big buff soon right? No idea about BrM though monks are ALSO a very underplayed class.

I'm still at 7/10. Needs some big help with balance but the game is basically the same as it's been for years for the most part. After they got things generally sorted with all the bugs-
>corporations rushing release as usual-
the game got a lot better. Really glad I waited a week to play, I might actually resub with a token.
>and the numerous girl boss characters
The only one I hate is Faerin because she's a DEI mary sue. Alleria is fine and has actual flaws to overcome. Moira has her dumb moments but she also has good ones. Brinthe isn't likeable but she's not annoying either.
I already have 30% haste.
The real unbiased tier list for gameplay gods

BfA > TWW = DF > Legion = MoP >>>> lmao who cares about boomer versions >>> SL = WoD
no one is playing this shit for the writing, my dude
they put too much shit on gcd in bfa
thats actually hilarious
Xally is hot so I don't fucking care
I swear addicts that wasted their lives collecting pixels in this dogshit games are now like "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE STORY DUD?", retard read a book.
You want to spend a good amount of your HP in spamming the funny hammer to deal DPS since you are made out of wet tissue.
Also this entire problem is born from fucking blizzard steal nerfing the lightsmith spec.
>prot pallies big buff?
10% more armor, 10% more armor on SOTR, some other minor shit.
they will be balanced numberwise soon enough but they have design issues with avenger's shield and wog which will forever kneecap them until addressed.
also thats a tiddy you should delete.
Thanks anons.
not any more, but we gave a fuck several expacs ago
8.3 saves every mistake they made with the launch.
there should be a tank with passive mitigation like brewmaster in shadowlands. bear's add ironfur spam is cancer
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Now defend this.
Tank shammy is the answer
so the same as legion?
this is fine
Can someone spoonfeed me how personal orders work? I supply the mats and missive and just pray the crafter actually makes it rank 5 instead of screwing me over with a rank 1? Like, are there safeguards against that or would I just be out of a shit ton of gold with no reprieve? Thanks for the info.
Just let shamans tank already Blizzard
When sending a personal order you can set it so they have to make it 5qual on the top right
Don't make a public order ever
>Shadowlands and Dragonflight both only had 3 short raids
The real tragedy here.
Unlike public orders, you can actually specify the quality you want and if they can't make that quality they can't go through with the order
why do i face extremely good people in skirm all the time when i'm shit at the game?
They do.
Ret Paladin hands typed this post.
legion still had the arcanocrystal slot machine, so sadly they were not able to save that disgusting piece of overrated shit
You can make as many public orders as you want on things that don't have tiers.
It still makes them the best pug tank because no one interrupts anything.
Why are we stuck with Brann? I want to do Delves with Sir Finley.
I like it more than DF. Gearing is pretty easy as you aren't forced to m+ at the start and can chill out getting delve gear. M+ for sure needs more tuning as it starts to filter the average players pretty fast which isn't good for the long term of the season. The raid was pretty good, in normal and heroic the mechanics are easy to understand and for the most part WA aren't needed.
Anon you will never match exactly what the sim says for multiple reasons.
Sir Finley isn't a hunter, which Delves more or less are built around.
I want to do delves with Xal'atath's feet
I want the chocolate elf lady from the Reliquary as a companion
Yeah I should've specified never for tier qual stuff
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new Gromnak
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can somebody explain to me what exactly you get from this? I'm like less than 500 conquest away of getting it
because on wowhead it says you get Forged Gladiator's Coin Pouch, what coins do i get? because when i visit the conquest vendor i see that all weapons are only sold for conquest points and no other currency
Buff and fix shadow priest you fucking cocksuckers. And fix fire too
why don't you open up the menu and fucking read it retard
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Blizzard should never waste resources for a 4th tier.
We know most players quit after the first tier and they come back for the last tier
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I just wish delves didn't wipe out any reason to do a huge chunk of lower level m+ from a gearing perspective. Probably an unsolvable problem though because it means either nerfing delve gear or making low end m+ gear too good
I think that +4 is more up your alley
shadow is fine in pvp
>has a tank spec
>doesn't select it
Yep, it's DPS bab logic.
it gives you two coins that you take to the conquest vendor. you cant see the coin weapons unless you have the coins. also the 4 battleground quest doesnt count towards the 2500 conquest so you likely need 2675 to get the achieve
>the pure unfiltered unga bunga rage
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If you play blood elf because the other horde races are "ugly" you don't belong in the horde. Simple as
play a worth while spec, no one cares about DPS niggers, you are a dime a dozen
>4 viable tanks
defend what? this is literally the best tank balance we have ever had in the 20 year history of this game
inb4 the guy who posts Xal'atath's feet WeakAura.
>coming into legion
>after wod which was fucking terrible
>classic outdid that
>shadowlands matched legion, as is roughly standard for release
>release multiple shit outside of expansion launch and people come back
They are fudging the numbers here a lot but clearly more fomo.
What class/spec?
just one heal bro
jeez... i need my gpu for CONTENT too you know?

>paying 13$ a month to be a glorified maze janny
You will do the chores while I do the fun part
no, more slop jigsaw
thank you
Do you think I WANT to be on this dogshit faction?
is the fun part spamming group finder instead of playing the game, or is the fun part whining on 4chan that no one wants a useless DPS spec with 0 utility?
... but you're not doing anything? You're declined from all groups. You've got time to put together a collage.
Schizo we are talking about people leaving after release, go back to /v/
>like the way classes play for once
>absolutely hate the raid and m+ pool
will season 2 save the war tww?
ugh how retarded but ok ty
it would be illegal to fudge numbers in an investor presentation, and before you say "hurr durr it happens all the time", there are law firms who exclusively litigate companies doing it and its all very public.
whats the pve version of the shadowlands pvp drake?
You're going to do the least DPS and be called a shitter by the fury warrior who just gaped you in the meters
I second this I want to do my delves with Lady Liadrin, Sally Whitemane and Maiev Shadowsong.
Which version of WoW classic should I play?
>BrM has always been pretty godawful in M+.
Not on necrotic weeks
You're such a dogshit little whore
Fuk u
>shadowlands pvp drake
season of discovery
I understand, it's why you don't play alliance.
Be a DK you can delve with Whitemane
Levelling up a resto shaman for the first time in all my years of playing. The totems always seemed like a turn off but they're not so bad. I am, dare I say it, having fun dungeoning.
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Shadow will not be fixed until the moment you finally reveal your allegiance to her and stab all of your so called allies in the back.
>disc priest in second place for healers
every single disc priest made me worried on every single pull, the fuck
>playing 100% solved content
idk man just go and run on a real treadmill instead of floundering on a virtual one, what a waste of time
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They just have gladiator gear and you don't.
Anon they are fudging the numbers just through not showing the numbers in the first place.
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Anyone wanna mog-farm Aberrus Mythic? How hard is it?
Yeah delve gearing is kind of dumping people in a weird spot. They'll run out of runed crests but its unlikely they'll be able to push into 9's. either the runed crest cap needs to be raised a little or gilded drop from 8's.
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Why the fuck are we forced to play with spics? They are so fucking awful. I get 500 awful, non-English speaking jajas for 1 solid player. Get the fuck away from me. Region lock them, fuck.
Great Azeroth, they really wanted people to do pvp
good job anon :)
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Left = Alliance
Right = Horde
Which way?
nice thanks
>Flasks of chaos are next
>Good luck bricking your alchemist with that meme build and having to compete with 90% of the retards in this game
Blasphemite requires nothing to produce other than shitty r1 materials and 50 knowledge points, you only need one of the item unless you're crafting something that needs it like binding of binding
flasks are something everyone will use multiple times a week
flasks have a high skill requirement unless you concentrate, the price will go down, but its not going to meme prices like blasphemite
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this button changed shaman from infuriating to extremely fun. may be the best button shaman ever got.
>it would be illegal to fudge numbers in an investor presentation
yes but anyone who can afford those law firms is in on it and those who aren't are being fleeced as part of the cyclic pump and dump scheme
remember it's not insider trading if the company has SHIT and HYPE cycles built like clockwork
If anything, left are Belves and right are Velves, Noshoes...
like permanently or as a temp summon?
Left couldn't even stay married and got cheated on the night before her wedding. Right is in a committed relationship.
Therefore Horde > Alliance
>boring flat platform with 0 props
>bland and forgettable boss
>mechanics are asset flips

Yeah I'm not paying for that shit. Looks uninspired.
RNG summon with Riders of the apocalypse that has a skill tree which can increase how long they're out for.
1/4 chance out of Whitemane, Trollbane, Nazgrim, and Darion with Frostwrym's Fury summoning all 4
eugh, those faces are completely wrong, they're teen titans not toddler titans
I didn't pre-plan my points and wound up with capped potion tree and I'm going back and capping herbs.
I'm going to be ok, right?
To this day I don't understand why avenger's shield doesn't give HP.
sure :)
which Wrath raid are you talking about xister
based doomchad, retail is dead
reminds me of season 1 shadowlands
everyone taking shamans and never touching anything else
just grab groupfinderflags and let your eyes glaze over all those ugly green flags forever
because it's a spender type ability not a generator type ability?
like when HP wasn't a thing in Legion/BfA, avenger's shield was a spender you got from hammer CDR and sor was a spender you got from judgement CDR?
>ran out of doomposting materials
that's not new FOTMfren
Anon you forgot the first raid of wrath was just a vanilla raid taken and moved to level 80.
i came so hard thank you!
we need more blood elves please bro
I didn't forget that it all, it was literally the joke
Faerin is unironically one of the better characters personality-wise
the margins are just going to tighten up
It wasn't in vanilla and placing a totem meant you were committed to that spot.
Elementals were also tied to totems and had leash range.
I never said it was new, only that it was good and changed shaman forever.
>>mechanics are asset flips
I actually thought bloodbound horror and his entire area was a scrapped nyalotha encounter
It's a thaumaturgist world, you're just living in it.
Deposit all your garbage tier 1 raw materials into the chute please.
Just don't. The classic dev team is even more dogshit than the retail one and actively sabotage everything they touch
getting plapped by human bvlls
youre about 4 years too late
>scripe lost
>max won
>preach lost more hair
>yoshitpiss fumbled another patch
>doomtroons are still seething while wow keeps winning
it was a good day
So why are you playing mmos?
hadnt bothered to do the gleaming chaos xmute
was surprised to find out it gives you rank 3 shit
pretty dope actually
What is wrong with people.. 20 deaths on the first boss of NW on a +4. Tank pulled it to the upper platform and nobody killed the grubs other than me..
Me begging Lor'themar to stop chasing blue ass when Lady Liadrin is right there
How is it possible that taking prisoners was completely normal in the first, second and fourth wars but nobody on the orcs, humans or night elves took any prisoners to find out what the fuck the others were doing in Kalimdor?
I can't imagine the state of low keys with delvers
say hi
there in this thread right now
Everyone left for Throne and Liberty
Asmon and everyone else is playing T&L instead of War Within
our world first race was a big flop with 0 viewers
WoWsisters, how do we cope?
I’m going to heem every delver on earth.
if you aren't doing +10's and above by now you're stuck with the delvetards
its former KSMs that cant dodge a giant moving block in stonevault. delvechads havent stood in webs since day one
dont care
got my paladin main
got my velf gf
got my dorfbro
got my gnomefren
got my magesister
life is good
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Bro? The Molten Core (pic very related) is a brand new boss in SoD and isn't solved yet. Players are already preparing for The Blackwing Lair boss
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ITS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!
I made my DK a female human, I'm not sure if I fucked up
they unironically use movement abilities to escape you while you die with Rime in CoT
it's fine but should've been femworgen
You didn't. There's better choices but nothing that bricked your dk
this lmao >>496533865
Commit to the culture of raidmaze or beGONE to the shitter table, forever, cuck
I'm sure you do sweetie
>tfw all blue
guess I should get a raid spec or something this probably isn't a good look kek, is it basically just swapping in ray?
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>it's real
>people go to CUM
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glad you like them

sorry but i'm specced into draeneis...
you need me to explain how the mechanic works to you like a 3 year old too?
dont waste your breath on a delver, they're not human
fuuuuuuccckkkkkk god yessss
>on a delver,
check the quotes dumbass, he is the delver
>pov: you're a orc
>he can't read
found the delvetard
the absolute state of entitled dogshit m+ers
>not a Goblin doing a daily inspection
Come on
She became less of a slut now that she is a dk, Bolvar fixed her
unpopular opinion but I think there should be more human male orc female couples in WoW
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Orcniggers will look at this and wonder why I refuse to play the race that lives in mudhuts
are there any besides garona? who btw i noticed is just hanging out in dorn randomly
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hi anon hope you're having a great weekend, fufu~
anon those elves are allied with orcs
ratbros... are we retarded?
Orcs live there though
that doesn't count because medivh wasn't fully human when he was with her and she's only half-orc
isnt garona mixed already?
>NW +8
>doing good till second boss but then wipe because the dps shitheads dont know how to kill the adds
>rogue leaves
>he had 7 kicks in total

i wish i could kill other people just with my mind. I wouldnt kill any top terrorists or criminals but just the fucking retarded wow shitnoobs who give up so fast
fucking cumbrain coomers kys
Human men tend to be too cowardly to get with them.
Probably. Whether she's part draenei or human is up in the air
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I think it might've just been easier than the others but I managed to get that one done so much quicker than any of the others so far. I love these goon puzzles
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Why are EU raiders such animals.
>Sco&gang who protected Josh because Disc Priest haaard
>constantly banned for exploits
Thank god for healthy blooded NA wins with pure honesty.
You think I’m going to even make an effort to learn the mechanics of a fucjing shadowlands dungeon before stepping in? It’s already disrespectful enough to the game to entertain the existence of SL content, let alone trying to engage it in good faith when its entire existence is intended to shit on everything that came before it
>t.nelf that hates their orc addiction
>Whether she's part draenei or human is up in the air
no it isn't? the comics confirm she's half-draenei, her uncle is maraad.
no one cares about your literal who efriends, kys loser
It's not and never has been a spender thougheverbeit
I remember that gif. Isn't that from Forbidden Danish or something?
do a blowjob puzzle
If I save my cache things until reset can I open them for keys then? Or do they have to be ""earned"" that week?
I hope this mindbreaks EU and they break the chains of PCness.
Mentally ill, unhinged, ready to rape, ready to pillage.
Let the evropean spirit free, set the world (of warcraft) ablaze.
Did that not get retconned? Well then half-draenei it is
i'm downloading it. is it actually fun?
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>Finish puzzle
>Tab for a second
>Click back
>URL for proper image disappears, cant find a way to open it
im so close

get in here before someone with a nonfunctioning dick reports this post
can you even win brawl temple of hotmogu?
i just played a match where a fucking warrior oneshot me all the time and I'm PVP item level 632
the fuck is this garbage scaling in this mode, i never had any issues in blitz
items inside a box are rolled when it enters your inventory
Is there any recolour or similar set to that RAF explorer transmog set? I think its neat but it seems like a pain in the ass to get.
stop talking about the game and pump
>letting a delver in a +8 instead of a 2300 io minimum dps
this is the price you pay for ilvl-whoring
Nah, you can crack 'em. Might not get your fancy gear but the keys should be good
>delve boogeyman
how did m plussers cope about bads joining their key before tww?
>throwing weapons have been part of the warcraft franchise for all RTS games
>do not exist as a weapon type in World of Warcraft, only as abilities
any explanation why the devs are gay?
>an io poser that masqueraded as a tank
>being legitimate
They blamed dps or healers if they're tanks. Dps or tanks if healers. Other people if dps
>>do not exist as a weapon type in World of Warcraft, only as abilities
They removed the HP generation from it at the beginning of DF because they didn't want prot paladins to have 100% shield uptime. But then prot paladins achieved 100% shield uptime anyway but now half their spec tree is dedicated to this button that doesn't generate their vital resource for active mitigation. Even worse is you have hero talent trees like templar that have a buff management minigame for damage that directly goes against pressing avengers shield even further because every global you use needs to go towards maintaining buff uptime and only your HP generators do that. I just struggle to see how avengers shield generating HP would even shake up the class much for balance, it would just make keeping shield of the righteous up easier but with how free 100% active mitigation is for other tanks, I don't know why that's would be an issue, it would just 'feel' better to play
ilvl was like 613 and 2k rio

yea no idea man this makes me so angry. a lot of dps just do not kick. its fucking crazy. I check the logs after each run. some people sit at 5 kicks after an entire dungeon. and people start wondering why nobody wants to play healer lol
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>get denied for a +7 group
>switch to tank spec and reapply
>insta invite
>let the timer run out for the invite
>do it twice
there is absolutely zero chance of that happening
they need sponsorships to win
welfare gear has always existed, world quests, world bosses, LFR, those pearls in nazjatar you could buy and upgrade gear with... there's always some way in which if you don't race to the trve gamer status ahead of the curve, you're intrinsically a shitter and must be dismissed
They were basically useless. Shitty stat sticks that you maybe used to pull with. They removed them around the same time that ranged weapons stopped having their own slot and went in your main hand instead.
you're supposed to join then just hearth when they start the key, but good job nonetheless
they are robots, they dont have time nor circuits for dilly dallying
>gotten so desperate to invites that I start applying to latin american groups
And why not just make them a weapon type like bows, guns, fist weapons or whatever?
desu in pugs half the time 3 people burn their kicks on an inconsequential cast as soon as the bar pops up so i just hold most of the time to help group or to use on an actual scary ability
Just peace out, anon. Join a guild.
join, overpull, blame the healer and leave
whats the problem? i do it all the time
its not my fucking key lmfao
i always blame dps and you should too. tell me the last time you had a group where ALL three damage dealers did more than twice the tank and were going head to head on damage. theres always one shitlord doing significantly less and thus the reason your key wasnt timed.
this, literally 0 drawbacks and that's how I got my ksm last week
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i kinda miss these. sending them out on my phone while at work and coming home to a full complete was kino
kek sometimes I wonder if that happened to me
>key start
>tank pull the whole fucking floor with the two gatekeepers all the way to the boss MDI style
>we wipe
>he leaves
must have been
Killing ?? Zekvir should give an award similar to KSM and AotC.
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>think about doing M+
>do anything else instead/actively avoid doing it
>dont even really care about my item level at this point
what's wrong with me?
fuck off delvebitch
no one asked
This is a man who has been rejected from one too many groups and snapped.
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Why does Brann's hitbox look like this? Why hasn't it been fixed? Whta possible reason is there for it to have been made like this in the first place?
you're free of the maze
sorry wrong thread
honestly im kind of in the same boat minus the bit about the ilvl
the season is awful
i need two more +10s for 3 slot but cba right now
the season is SO bad i would literally rather play a month of shuffle where the comp is mage/lock/devoker/retpal
with me as the retpal
i honestly think i would enjoy myself more doing that than playing the current season
This game has hitboxes?
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Do you think a first time brewmaster can do a +8 bountiful delve without dying? Do deaths even matter? I don't want to lose my keys...
>is TWW actually good
eh its alright, fairly decent
>compared to previous expansions
if the bar is the past 2 expansions then tww is an 11/10 perfect game
Oh forgot to mention I'm item level 570
we need more like this, also hide the preview image to make it better
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you guys arent seeing these ads in lfg?
the community is literally breaking so hard they're pouting in LFG
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I walked in at 574 on my brewmaster and absolutely kicked the shit out of them, you'll be fine. Have fun.
Dying doesn't matter unless you run out of lives.
>hasn't even completed every dungeon yet
>already mindbroken
not everyone has what it takes to be a tankchad, being the main character isn't for everyone
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cute glasses!
looks like a dpskek who set his spec to tank to troll
You can reset the delve as many times as you want if you lose all your lives
Just don't lose all your lives THEN complete it or else it removes the bountiful status
anon paying 50k to get into a +10 is not even remotely what he's talking about about
Delve lives apparently change the rewards at the end but to what extend idk it doesn't say when you put your cursor on it so I just dont die
na or he'd have a sword by his io not a shield
Dicks priest is fun and good!
Might wanna be a bit smart with your pulls but you should be fine. Dying just, maybe, reduces the amount of gold you find laying at the end
>big orc cocks
name a more iconic duo
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We suffer..
10,000 year old nightborne and her 400 year old belf husband
will shamans get gutted in 11.1
its the wrong picture im looking for the other one i wanted to post but its relevant because people are losing their fucking minds dude
no fuck off and let me find this god damned image
I'm sure they'll just buff the other healers so M+ isn't quite a aids haha
God I hope so. Druid is the only class worthy of a spec called Restoration. Shamans need to FUCK OFF back to being irrelevant.
what makes shaman so strong?
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Tyrande x BOC
You failed
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I do not remember having trouble getting into any keys in DF. TWW really is popping off.
some streamer said they were good or something so everyone plays one now
I got burnt out and left for vanilla private servers again for the 10th time
FUCK modern mmos im not even trying that shit
imagine how many dicks she had before him
>"Oh, don't go dying on me!"
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He's gonna save the day in TLT.
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Who is the greatest WoW tank of all time?
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Selama ashal'anore
It might also be an issue of the same or larger pool of players being crammed into a smaller range of key levels. Or maybe players willing to tank/heal is at an all time low
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I can suspend my disbelief for a tranny being the arbiter of souls, or a dragon using a wheelchair. But blizzard actually expects me to believe an orc or a troll can have the intellectual capability to join the kirin tor? Comically ridiculous.
god i wish i were my dracthyr
Kungen. he single handedly ruined the male tauren warrior combo
a turtel maid it to teh watre
here you go https://files.catbox.moe/66zfak.jpg
Dorki might not be THE BEST but he’s pretty good. Also he gives all his routes and ui setup for free. A real g
Smaller pool of players, actually. The thing is the last people to leave are dps casuals who suck at the game.
Ner'zhul was smart enough to invent his own spells.
The spell he invented fucking broke reality and didn't even let him send a portal to anywhere he wanted to go, but he did invent it.
lorelet, please
anyone can learn magic with time and training, and they have dead humans and elves who basically invented the concept for teachers
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i found it!
people take this shit so personally man
its actually crazy
Are these AI generated or do you just have a very deep folder of prime draenei content?
>more keys means less players
The combo of the squish of M+ difficulties and the fact they don't provide viable rewards until +7 is lowering engagement
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>level a priest to heal mythics
>you are literally dead weight if you dont have interrupts or aoe interrupts
fuck me
do i play
unholy dk
prot warrior
ww monk
Frost DK
Anon there are less runs than ever.
Best spot healing in the game
Chain heal and HR both OP as fuck in a 5man scenario
Spirit link
Decurse (Grim Batol lol)
Poison dispell
Tremor totem
+ BL which isnt as big because you want aug in high keys anywayss

they're AI
no unless frost dks are 2h now
>The combo of the squish of M+ difficulties
has nothing to do with it
i was timing 10s(thats when they squished btw) week 1 s4
the tuning is a bit shit, the timers are tight, and challengers peril is pug destroyer
jaina getting her feet fucking by a big orc cock
>heal mythics
>unholy dk
>prot warrior
>ww monk
I have bad news anon, none of those are healers :(
try castweaver
Shaman really isn't strong, it's as trash as it's always been
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>exposed thighs and tummy
Would you like to know how much I have been seething and for how long?
I'm surprised AI can generate draenei that well. I guess the prompt must be spot on
you forgot RANGE kick and RANGE AOE KICK when every unkicked web bolts blast 60% of your tank's hp away in 1 shot
Did they change the way servers work in the Khaz Algar? I went back to the dragon isles and I see a bunch of people around, but TWW zones have been largely empty for me.
uh isnt fun in m+
frost dk just isnt fun
feel the same way about prot war but its really fucking good
ww monk is always hella fun
i feel like aff should be shit in keys but the ones ive ran with pumped so idk
>esl obsessed with niggers
>niggers out of nowhere
Lorthemar is too popular with faggots to die. He is going to be made faggot king in midnight.
What's wrong with it?
Prot Paladins are fucking awful to play so they're unpopular but they're still capable, one of the top m+ tanks in rating currently is a Prot Paladin.
Brew is always unpopular whenever it's not turbo broken.
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ya what this guy said
same with ret pala
im thinkin' we need a buff
It does because there is less margin for error. There are essentially no learner level keys now. The +10 you timed in DS S4 is irrelevant because that difficulty is no longer available. The biggest factor is the second part though. You can be in and out of a delve before a +2 is even formed.
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>the first week of M+ on raiderio had 5.3M unique runs
>It's DYING GUYS!!!!!
i really dont want to heal in this cancer expansion anyway

afflock got mega buffed as penance for being literally target dummies all of dragonflight
i am once again forced to play a monk then
i do suppose shaman has always been bussin in 5 man groups
some spic running +2s with his 30 alts are not unique runs lol
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the current most popular AI model can do some wow races and the artstyle to good accuracy

heres the one I genned yesterday but hid it as a puzzle
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>Anon there are less runs than ever.
are you stupid?
if its content i can do with minimal effort, then its welfare gear
therefore, lvl 8 delves are welfare gear
shuffle is dogshit you're facing glads at 1.8k
Which ai? Asking for a friend
>the retarded tranny is going to use every single retarded narrative
It's funny, the second someone start talking about asmongold you see this tranny popping off talking about twitch views, and now number of keys lmao
>run into tier 8 fungal folley with my 580 alt
>complete it in 7 minutes because the exploding spores kills all the mobs so you only have to do damage to the boss to win
yeah Im thinking this delve is pretty based
>nooooooo... spending an hour applying for dungeons is perfectly normal... the game is in a super healthy state...!!!
TO BE FAIR to the shilling xiv troon, DF didn't release in China, but TWW did.
ponyXL and its offspring forks
autismXL in particular here
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>spend hour applying to dungeons
>spend hour trying to beat dungeon with retard team
>get zero gear at the end of it anyway
how can you even get the elite set for PVP when conquest is capped per season and the set is only available for a limited time?
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I did it!!

>Dying just, maybe, reduces the amount of gold you find laying at the end
Oh thank goodness, I died once because my nitro boosts backfired at a very inopportune time. Glad to know it doesn't matter
What I mean by this is that it's possible there are less M+ runs on EU/NA compared to DF start, but it's impossible to argue that there are less players WW since China got WoW back
>The +10 you timed in DS S4 is irrelevant because that difficulty is no longer available.
man i even put it in parentheses dude
a df s4
is when
they squished
the key levels
a dfs4 10
is a dfs3 20
hope i cleared that up for you

>no learner level keys now
there are
theres no point in doing them for anything other than io tho, they are not rewarding
the rewards are fucking trash for anything before a seven but like you said delves exist and everyone has hero track shit for free, the vault rewards are WORTHLESS before 10, and anyone running the heroic raid gets most of their crest cap out of the way before touching m+
>tiger palm
uhh... anon...????????
>spending an hour because you only apply to groups with tanks or healers already in them
meanwhile ive been casually playing dps and getting into keys with like 10 minutes tops of waiting because i join sole dps groups
Why have you bound W?
is there a way to sort that data
like for instance timed runs or timed runs 10 or higher
the cap increases each week. we love timegates
Great work anon. Hopefully you got a weapon, if needed, and you got a map.
S is to move forward, not backpedal!
That way I can use my Q W E R T like 1 2 3 4 5
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If you're playing dps you need to sign up your own key. It's faster than searching for a group unless you're 616+ frost dk or some other meta dps spec.
It's what I did whenever I mained a pure dps class, I only join keys when playing tank/healer because otherwise it takes far too long.

If you're farming hero track gear always lower your key to 7.
>What if my key gets depleted
Unlucky, go again.
what a retarded game
Outland is so butt ugly I hate having to travel to this place
Now that RWF is over can we get some fucking balances passes already, because my Hunter is getting declined from fucking Delves at this point.
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>It doesn't count because I SAY SO!!!1!!! GAME IS DYING !1!!1!one!!shift!!!1

raiderio prob has it.
Do one involving pregnancy
unironically get good
last i looked at the shuffle leaderboards there were like 2 people above 2100
the mmr is hardcapped at the front of the season
its just how it is
best one yet

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