Dead game edition>INFORMATION & GUIDES Esports: League players: tracker:>STATISTICS game data:>NEWS & STREAMS >>496485153
alive game
Buff Hoodwink
crownfall today, i expect many apologies itt
>be a liability to the team (carry)>get carried to victory by the offlanerIs there a more shameful thing?
Finna grub
templar assassin in bondage when?
>>496736243get carried by a support
>>496736243Perfectly describes my friend.I have a 60% winrate when queuing solo (climbing from the trench). But this drops down to 20% when I play with a friend. He is retarded and the only way to win with him is if we get a bigger retard in the enemy team.Fascinated that he still maintains a 50% winrate with over 2k games played. Is ranked Archon as well, not herald as he should be. Idk how
>first for support is afk and then goes to trilanei fucking hate this game so much its unreal, but i cant stop playing it
god i hate this game
>>496736105>Model Size increased>Model updated>Hoodwink is now a Melee Strength hero.
>>496738639Thank you based drawchad
>tfw no one comes to your birthday party
>>496739551i would've but she didn't say anything about it
barefoot marci
>>496740438what's with the cel shading outline around everything
>>496738639show legs
>>496738639my seat is wet
i use the "avoid" feature after every single match
We're just going to get a letter patch aren't we
>>496740438how come those shoulder spikes don't connect at all to the rest of her outfit? it's like it's just floating from her shoulder
>>496741829They never drop a number patch this close after TI. Don't be silly.
you just know they'll only give gleip the 2k recipe treatment
>>496736105>the white is just a very very light yellowreeeeeeee
>>496741610how much do i need to pay for it, i want to avoid everyone
>>496741865i think sets still have tri count limits so it could be a way to reduce it
remember act 4
when is mason getting unbanned?
>>496744416oct 5
Never forget october 7th six million acts died
>>496738639Give her a cute hairstyle, Hoodwink hair is canon
Last 4 missions for Crownfall. I quit a year ago but I suppose I'm done with the game until Act4 is out.
>>496741610>avoid player>get him on my team the very next gameThank you immortal draft very cool
>>496735892SO what happened did people finally delete this dogshit game or wat.Btw I also quit in jan 2023 so odd timing.
>>496748780No battlepass because reddit is retarded
>>496749524if its about prizepool you could still contribute via compendiumif its about hats we got crownfallwhy didnt you contribute more to the prizepool?
>>496749636Because there was no battlepass, why would I or anyone spend money on the "compendium"? No one cares about supporting pros, people want fomo hats.
>>496749780you care about prizepool tho?
>>496749815No? Why would I?
>>496749952because the prizepool was low which bothers you
>>496750024No it doesn't. Why would it? Does it bother you?
who else loves boosted players?
>>496750187if it doesnt bother you then why are you blaming redditwe got the fomo hats, except now the delivery system to the consumer isnt predatory
>>496748780we have move the money to the esports world cup because valve is doing monkey shit again. the aegis is only a sentimental thing now, so it means shit
>>496750660yeah quinn won the real ti amirite!
>>496750384Blaming? You asked what happened, I told you. How exactly is that "blaming"?
>>496750759>its reddit fault the battlepass is gone and its was only the battlepass which inflated the prizepool due to fomoseems like you're blaming reddit to me
>>496750728hes still a skullmaxxer and a pos
>>496750893Reddit convinced the pros that the players bought battlepass levels to support the pros and not for fomo hats. The pros demanded a bigger cut and valve decided to show them that no one cares about supporting the pros. How is this not reddit's fault?
>>496751296so you're blaming reddit
>>496751427If you insist, sure. Because it is their fault.
>>496751545its valve's fault since they make the decisionsand it was a good one since everyone wins from the result except for pros and the retards who jerk off to prizepool
>>496751631Sure. I don't see how that's supposed to bother me.
>>496751296That's a theory at best. 90% of tier 1 pros probably never even visited /r/dota2, especially the ones from Russia and China.Punishing all of the pros and removing most of the hype and prestige from an event deeply cherished by the community on the basis of wanting to make a point to a tiny group of pros is CONTROVERSIAL to say the least.
>>496751862>removing most of the hype and prestigeti13 still had a multimillion prize pool and the prestige still exists because of the aegis
>>496751862It's known that Valve goes to reddit for advice, and unfortunately they often follow it.
>>496752035There's almost no hype or prestige. What you're talking about is exclusively a remnant of the times TI actually had a big prize pool due to Valve not artificially destroying it.If the Arabs throw a tournament with a 50 million prize pool it will overshadow TI within a several years. Many pros will start cursing Valve and openly saying how irrelevant TI is (see Sumail talking about money) due to having a new benefactor. If the Arabs keep doing this for a decade, TI will be almost forgotten.
>>496752258Then post the reddit threads asking to destroy 95% of TI's prize pool and making the battle pass contribute nothing.
>>496752635>There's almost no hype or prestige. What you're talking about is exclusively a remnant of the times TI actually had a big prize pool due to Valve not artificially destroying it.this is such a bad take, ti3 prizepool was similar to ti13's and no one shits on that ti because the prizepool was smallwhen the arabs throw that 50 million dollar lan we can look at this again, until then no one gives a shit that arab lan had a bigger prizepool than ti, its about the aegis
>>496753393Again, this is just a remnant and a lack of alternatives. Back when Riyadh had a 15 million prize pool TI of 2023 didn't even happen and no one knew what Valve intended to do with it yet.Nowadays Riyadh is 5 million; that's a lot, but not enough to achieve the effect I'm describing + a lot of pros probably still hope Valve changes course on this and would hold off criticism even if Riyadh was 15 million.
>>496753950>if the arabs spend more people will carenaw
>>496754272Valve's policies lead to permanent 2 million prize pool TI's + Arabs throw a huge and well produced TI alternative = the pros start openly speaking out and the community gradually forgets TI.
>>496754549more what if situationspeople cared about ti13 knowing full well the prizepool was small, valve was completely transparent the entire waythe sky is not falling
>>496754680This TI WAS IN EUROPE but its viewership was very small (by TI standarts). It was far below TI's of 2018 and 2019 and incomparably below TI of 2021 (which WAS in Europe, but didn't even have a crowd).Of course, it's not an entirely correct comparison due to TI of 2021 featuring a Russian team and them heavily contributing to the viewership that time, but the effect is still ABSOLUTELY clear.
>>496755164you got some stats for all those claims?
>>496755260Of course, I wouldn't be saying it otherwise. I know exactly how low viewership was this time and why.
>>496755527where is ti13?
>>496755164it was hosted in denmark, so it was bound to be smallt dane
>my mid picks rubicki euthanize
>>496755527>ti8 peaked less but averaged higher>far belowdo i even need to continue?
>>496755527what exactly is the problem?
>>496755852Peak viewership means very little, it's just people tuning in to watch a couple of maps during the finals (clearly visible in day to day breakdowns). The average viewership is the factually accurate comparison of interest.
>>496756061this is just copeog in in the finals during their prime and after all the drama against a chinese team and they couldnt even beat a 3 million dollar prize pool lan in peak viewsad
>>496756061>stats I like are right>the other ones are wrongkill yourself
>>496755917I already mentioned that those TI can't be compared, yet the 2024 one was still far smaller. Europe is by far the most relevant region of Dota. >This TI WAS IN EUROPE
>>496755917>>496755852pretty good viewership for a shitty prizepool like thatseems evident that people do care about TI still
>>496756190That event was not in Europe. Look at Dota's steamcharts and see when it reaches peak playercounts.It's at 600k peak during European evenings and 250k during NA primetime.
lest not forget that 2024 meta is dogshite broolstompscan you imagine how many viewers we could have with a GOOD meta?
>>496756485what is really telling is that even with a 40 million dollar prizepool and a russian team in the gf, the average viewership was only ~1.5x higher
>>496752635>>496753393What do you think about the way the World Cup is treated in Football?Most players make far more money from their normal non-national teams, playing in Europe, but for pretty much every Football player the most prestigious title they can win is winning the World Cup with their national team.Will it be different for Dota? Will players truly not care about winning TI and having their name on the Aegis if they could win some more money in some Saudi Arabia tournament?
>>496756168I'm the guy arguing that TI 2024 had very small viewership, but I never said Dota is dead or even dying. What I said was this>>496751862
>>496756550yeah i know ti13 was in europe, ti10 was in europe toothe prizepool difference didnt really have much effect on viewership
Riki should go aghs first right? That skill eats creeps up like breakfas
>>496756802its already this wayno one cares that quinn won 5 mil in the desert
>>496756878>the prizepool difference didnt really have much effect on viewershipDid you actually look at the charts? >2021 average: 857k>2024 average: 469k
>>496756802I don't know anything about football, but I do know that football players have tons of huge sponsors. This isn't the case for Dota teams.
>>496757179>>496757179>>496757179Where are your comments guys? We are comparing a TI with a 40 million prize pool held in Europe, and a TI with a 2.5 million prize pool held in Europe as well.TI of 2021 had a Russian team in the finals but no crowd. TI of 2024 didn't have a Russian team, but did have a big crowd.
>>496758123what do you need to read? the prizepool difference was massive yet the viewership didnt even doubleti13 was fine, dota is fine and ti14 will be a success?
>>496758554Valve is a company that doesn't like advertising its games and Yoshi (an official Deadlock dev) directly confirmed that it doesn't even have community managers for its enormous games.Yet Valve has internationally destroying one of the very few things that advertise Dota 2. No matter how many other tournaments Dota has, I don't think this move will benefit the game the way a huge TI (or a huge TI alternative) would.
>>496759238>Yet Valve has internationally destroying one of the very few things that advertise Dota 2its clearly not though given how little the prizepool mattered to viewershipyour perspective has been debunked
>>496759238>intentionally destroyed
>>496757179Did you account for covid?You know its an observed phenomena that during covid years all online activity was much largerPeople had nothing else to doYou're just strawmanning and cherrypicking useless facts so you can cry dead game while everyone still plays and watches dota
You now remember this shit
>>496759372Again>2021 average: 857k>2024 average: 469kAnd even that is purely a remnant of previous times. TI would be almost irrelevant if it never progressed beyond the 1.6 million initial prize pool after 2011, but Dota acquired other large events instead. What you're seeing is the aftereffect.
>>496759796why are you repeating the viewship numbers?ti10 prizepool was 1537% larger than ti13ti10 viewership was only 182% larger than ti10viewship does not scale with prizepool
>>496759663Of course I'm accounting for covid. Dota had 0 covid bump in its playerbase, so it's very reasonable to assume it got 0 bump in its viewership as well.
>>496759986Of course it doesn't scale with prize pool, which is why I never mentioned it. What I said is that Valve has destroyed most of TI's prestige and then backed it up with numbers. No doubt hundreds of pros are currently cursing Valve in their minds too, but I can't post proofs about that for obvious reasons.
>>496759715I'd rather he gets that back than what he has currently. There's no counterplay to his Shard right now. There's fuck all I can do to help an ally in Smokescreen.
>>496760243>What I said is that Valve has destroyed most of TI's prestige and then backed it up with numbers.yeah prestige meaning prizepoolwhich is has notyou are so full of shit
>>496760243>What I said is that Valve has destroyed most of TI's prestige>destroyed>all it is that people care a little less now, still many people watching despite dogshit metakill yourself, you have a woman brain
>>496760510That's kind of the point + it's probably the only effect of it's kind. It's counterplay to begin with, heroes with saves have it way too good.
>>496760631That's what Nullifier is for usually, he just gets it for 1400 Gold instead of 4000.
>>496760858not really retard, its not like nullifier at all because the hero inside the smoke can still use force/pike if they have it
>>496759993average players jumped nearly 90k from feb 2020 to april 2020dota definitely experienced the covid bump
>>496760548Here's why many people are still watching>>496759796>a little less now The viewership is down twofold. It could INCREASE if Valve kept in the prize pool intact, kept the true sight, kept the opening ceremony and expanded the number of main stage games, but they DON'T because they DON'T WANT TO. I never said Dota is dying and in fact I believe it even has the potential to grow, but Valve simply doesn't want to act and even doesn't want to maintain the only thing that severed as Dota's big advertisement.
>>496760858yEAH let me just nullify disruption off of someone
>>496761193there you go spouting off how prizepool affects viewership even though we know it doesnt really matterdota is doing just fine, if the community really wanted massive prizepools for the pros, valve gave them the opportunity to do so
>>496761180Exact same thing happened in 2019. Trust me dude, I know my steamcharts.Dota is literally the only multiplayer videogame I'm enthusiastic about.
>>496761175>Enemy team has LC + Riki>We have SD + Ringmaster>They go together all game, she duels and he drops smoke on them so our team can't do anything to saveWhat's our counterplay to this?
>>496761516the two events dont have to be related though just because they happened at relatively the same time, especially since 2019 was an outlier
>>496761193There was no playerbase increase during the year where pricepool was the highestin fact it saw a drop from last yearSo TI viewership seems like a shitty way to advertise the gameWhich just goes back to thisWho the fuck cares if pro players get more money/more twitch viewers?Clearly doesn't affect the playerbase
>>496761421I'm talking about items, you can't Force/Glimmer/Lotus/Solar/WindWaker/etc an ally in Smokescreen. You're not playing vs Shadow Demon every game.
prizepool retards really need to stopit doesnt matterno one gives a shit about arab lans
>>496761754What is the counter to save skills like those on SD, OD, Bane, Pudge and Tusk?
>>496760510>>496760631the smokescreen shard is like the epitome of complexity creep. you just *have* to know exactly how that shard works in order to not lose the game against the hero. it's such a weird and janky effect. it feels like your inputs are just bugged the first time you encounter it used against you
>>496761549Better vision, better teamplayWhat you're describing is extremely well coordinated and any pub team that could pull it off consistently should deserve all the duel winsAlso linkenspam counters LCLC is a dogshit hero my dude, Riki is dogshit
>>496762048>faggots who think they're too good for patch notes get fucked overgood
>>496761670Then how do you explain Dota's "elevated" playerbase of summer 2020 being lower than the summer playerbase of 2018? Surely covid was still a public concert back then? You (or another anon) actually mentioned it as a factor for TI as far into the future as 2021.
>>496761943You shouldn't pick something like LC or Faceless Void if you see Pudge + SD on the enemy team, and they'll pick 1st phase so you always get a heads up.You can go on them. Like if you're a Nightstalker with Nullifier, you just blink on the SD every time and unless he has BKB he dies.To sort of agree with your general point, I think there should be an item in Dota like a reverse Linken's Sphere. You put it on an enemy and it blocks 1 spell from their allies. That would give amazing counterplay to heroes like Pudge, SD or Tusk.
>>496760631>>496760510>>496762048like a non janky way to do it is to at least hide the heroes from their allied vision instead, like how mars ult does. but i hate that mechanic too so lol idk>>496762245its just dumb when the game becomes more and more about gotchas and other retarded trivia. its impossible for returning players to ever get back in because oh they didn't know that slark and pudge can just make LC completely useless with a shard purchase lol and they lose the game off the back of that
>>496762325the covid lockdown only lasted a couple months and we can see that dota had its playerbase increaseit doesnt have to correlate to past events at all
dota always had knowledge requirements, pretending this is a problem now is some newfag posturing as veteran shit
>>496762225>Better teamplayWhat does this mean in this context? How do I save my cores from that scenario unless I'm Pudge and can hook them out of the Smokescreen?>Those heroes are dogshitI know we won because thankfully my cores bought x3 Linken's Spheres but the entire time I'm sitting there with my dick in my hands waiting for the Smokescreen to end as I can do literally nothing to interact.
>>496762396Except save skills aren't just a counter to LC and Void. They're a counter to any sort of lockdown. They're too good and need a general mechanic counter akin to break, that is an "untargettable by allies" state. And Riki's shard does exactly that, and that's why it's a good idea.
>>496761719Dota 2 has existed for all of its history with large prize pools. Even the one in 2011 was a huge deal due to the nature of esports at the time.What's happening right now is Valve intentionally and fully artificially putting TI at the same level as Fortnite and Valorant and merely 2x of the tourneys Dota will have over a dozen of this season, while it used to be a literal esports defining event.
>>496762838>Dota 2 has existed for all of its history with large prize poolsand ti13 was no smaller than ti1
>>496762737A lot of heroes don't really care if you used Disruption on an enemy hero, it just delays their death by 2.75 seconds. It's more about combo breaking so they don't get perma chainstunned and can't pop BKB.>untargettable by allies stateI think that's awful since then the enemy team can't do anything. Both sides should have counterplay, which is why I like the Reverse Linken's Sphere idea.
>>496762513Then covid is fully irrelevant for the viewership of TI 2021, which started this conversation.
>>496762572dota used to be way more simple when it was at its peak popularity in 2015-2016. now theres just so much stupid shit added for the sake of keeping things fresh>neutral items>shards>talents>innates>facets>tormentors>lotuses>outposts>roshan runs around and drops random shit based on moon cycles and stuff>have to do division tables in your head for 3 different rune types>all of these continuously shuffled around in random waysits just retarded and if you are trying to pass this game off as the same as it used to be then you are too
>>496762697Buy force staff or bkb dumbass. Smoke screen is fucking small.
>>496762986people went back into lock downs around ti10, it can affect the viewershipit wasnt one long continuous lockdown and every country handled it differentlythe original lockdown between march-april 2020 was one of the strictest
the sleight of hand where one big creep on the map is stated as being equivalent in complexity to a talent system included in 120 heroes
>>496763170there have been many, many qol improvements to go along with those changes that also simplified the gameim not suggesting its net zero but they cant be ignored
>wake up>no patch
>>496763175You can't use Force Staff on an ally inside Smokescreen when Riki has Shard. That's the point.What's the counterplay to a Riki using his Shard Smokescreen on my ally when my ally is stunned by something and can't use their own Force Staff if I even managed to convince him to buy one?
hey guys so i'm returning to the game knowing it changed and did nothing to read up on said changes. then i lost a game because i didn't know what riki's smokescreen does. WHAT THE FUCK?! how could this be happening to me this is so unfair
>>496762910>and ti13 was no smallerExcept now it's 2x of Dream League #27 and has an absolutely unremarkable prize pool among multiple esports. Valve has all of the tools to make sure it maintains its stature and even expands it, but it does not want this, because they don't want to act and don't even want to have something as simple, clear and mindful of the playerbase as community managers for some of the hugest games on the market.
>>496763170>neutral itemsI hate this shit so much. Failing to save an ally because I didn't get Eye of Vizier but the enemy support did feels so stupid.
>>496763574>enemy team coordinated two spells to catch one hero>it's bullshit that my 2k gold purchase cannot nullify this
>>496763757>2k goldLets say I have 80,000 Gold, and my other support has 95,000 Gold. What can we buy to counterplay this?
>>496762697Are you fucking retarded?Better teamplay is not to get dueled, is to initiate on them instead etcJust play better there is millions of things that contribute to it, depending on the specific situation>but the entire time I'm sitting there with my dick in my hands waiting for the Smokescreen to endHoly shit you're just braindead then, not even a human being worth responding to
>>496763884Twenty rapiers
>>496763954>Don't get dueled???How do I stop my carry from getting dueled by a smoked LC with Blink besides buying a Linken's and putting it on him?
Hey /d2g/, I'm trying to start a general about Valve games in general, join in you want to discuss other Valve games :3>>496763014
>>496764097Break the smoke with offlaner, yourself, better vision
>>496764112That's stupid. You're stupid
>>496763690valve gave the community a method to increase the prizepool as it always hasthe community didnt care, because fuck the pros
>>496764146>Better visionShe's smoked.>Run ahead yourselfWell now they don't even need Riki smoke, she just kills me because my carry didn't buy a Windwaker to save me.
>>496763202>people went back into lock downs around ti10No idea what you're talking about. Nothing of the sort happened at my location and the lockdowns only lasted for a couple of months. >anon you were talking to
LC should get a shard where she can suck up Riki's smoke with her muscular ass then fart it out at the enemy to create hero own smoke
>tfw no deer hero
>>496764112retarded fuck off
>>496764190The community is not a CHARITY for pros. Pretty much everyone understands that the old system worked because it did.What happened in 2023 and 2024 was Valve's doing and so is 2022.
>>496764516valve ponied up 1.6 mil like they always havecommunity got its hats
>>496764269Thats why I said there is millions of options depending on the situation to outplay LC + RikiA. Its better you die in duel than carry B. Break smoke, and blink out (skill issue + vision issue if u can't do that, LC duel animation is slow)C. Kill yourself because you're subhuman and this entire discussion is pointless since you think LC + Riki is uncounterable
> nobody has posted the new ephey vlog?
>>496764598... and also a "little" more >2021 average: 857k>2024 average: 469k
>>496764702>AI know, but then the carry says "blyat can't push get back" after I die.>BI can't. Somehow I reached immortal while having such horrifically slow reaction time.>CI told you we won the game. My complaint is that a scenario is created where no interaction is allowed. It's retarded.
>>496764765>community is EXTREMELY charitable and gives pros 38,418,195 dollars>viewership doesnt even doubleoof
I miss the old icon
>>496765014What heroes buy it now besides Leshrac and Timbersaw?
>wake up>rapier dupe bugyeah im glad im not playing this lmao.deadlock wwu
>>496765107It's not what you think it is.
>>496765184Oh right I'm retarded.
>>496765168it's so elaborate I don't think it's worth trying,
>>496763574>What's the counterplayPicking a team comp that doesn't get stepped on by legion Riki, and not shitting the bed
>>496764960>>community is EXTREMELY charitable and gives pros 38,418,195 dollarsThis is a misrepresentation. EVERYONE got what they wanted in that system, but Valve destroyed it.1 the community got skins, hype and the high stakes, with the pros really sweating to get the money and prestige2 Valve got the crushing majority of the money3 the pros got the money and the prestige4 Dota itself got advertisement and TI was considered a defining esports event with an opening ceremony, true sight and an unreachable prize pool
>>496765385We won the game because those heroes are ass, my complaint is that there shouldn't in general be a scenario like that where interaction doesn't exist.
Fem orc hero when?
>>496764883Do also complain when void chrono your team cause no interaction is allowed?Just dont let interaction happen or deal with the consequences, which in this case is just a win because who cares if LC and Riki get a duel win, its fucking LC and RikiRiki shard is unique and s0vlful, should stay considering its on a shitty heroDo other things while your teammate is dueled + smoked
>>496765514>Game is bad because we got team played on??????
>>496765442>1 the community got skins, hype and the high stakes, with the pros really sweating to get the money and prestigenow to get hats and a method to contribute to prizepool if you really care about that "prestige" >2 Valve got the crushing majority of the moneyvalve is still getting paid through crownfall>3 the pros got the money and the prestigethe community can still make this happen if it wanted it>4 Dota itself got advertisement and TI was considered a defining esports event with an opening ceremony, true sight and an unreachable prize poolyet the viewership didnt even double, couldnt have been that much better than this year
Where is that bird fuck?
>>496765937>now to get hats and a method to contribute to prizepool if you really care about that "prestige" >the community can still make this happen if it wanted itThat's ridiculous and everyone sees this. Like I said before, the community is not a charity for the pros and everyone saw that the old system worked prior to being destroyed by Valve. Valve intentionally took away the community's ability to fund the pro scene and get skins + experience in return. This is absolutely obvious and if this ends up killing Dota - it will be brought up for over a decade as an intentional act of Valve and a cautionary tale of what they are willing to do to their games even when they are in excellent form (the TI of 2021).
>>496766112In my bed.
>>496766598the hats are still there though, now you dont have to spend $400 to get themits better for the community
>>496763727Eh, it's pretty rare to get a neutral item selection that is 100% useless to you, so just work with what you have. Some times that means skipping a tier in favor of the previous one.
>>496766745>its better for the community>2021 average: 857k>2024 average: 469k+ heavy demoralization of an entire segment of the playerbase due to Valve's policies.
>>496767135twitch viewers are not the communityplayerbase has not changed much no matter the prizepoolstop arguing for the community you fake ambassador
Y'all nighas arguing over a dedgame LEL
>another rank 2000 account buyer in my teamIs getting stomped consecutively that much fun for them?
>please daddy gaben allow me to spend hundreds of dollars on hats hidden behind paywalls againwho really feels this way?
>>496768353>twitch viewers are not the communityTwitch viewers are the community too, just like the group stage is TI (this is a Slacks reference, in case you're not familiar with the phrase).
>>496765683>Do also complain when void chrono your team cause no interaction is allowed?But I can use Wind Waker or E-Blade on my ally inside Chrono Sphere, so I can interact. I can't do anything against Riki Smokescreen + Shard.>>496765783Game bad because interaction isn't allowed.
>>496766850>It's pretty rare to get a neutral item selection that is 100% useless to youIt's rare but I basically pick Philosopher's Stone or Eye of Vizier 100% of the time if at least one of them is available. If there's a game when neither is available and I click on the enemy supports to see x2 Philosopher's Stones I want to abandon.
>>496769450You are chrono'd>nuh uh I wasn't chrono'd because I played betterJust do the same for LC retard
>>496769864I can counterplay 5 man Chrono by buying Blink + Aether Lense + Wind Waker, staying the fuck away from my carry and then saving him when he gets hit by Chrono. Now describe what items/teamplay do I use to target an ally in Shard Smomescreen with an item.You're comparing Faceless Void using a 3 minute cooldown spell to hit 5 heroes to Riki paying 1400 Gold and using a 10 seconds cooldown spell on 1 hero.
>>496770198Now its just smokescreen, not even a duel anymore?You dont use items to target an ally in shard smokescreen, you use vision, positioning and proper skill and item usage to initiate on the enemy or counter-initiate insteadWhat a braindead nigger you are
>>496770606>or counter-initiateHow do I counter initiate Duel + Shard Smokescreen?
>>496770706Initiate on LC, Riki
can you still give others shared control of your units? i haven't thought about it but it should be good sometimes to let others controls your summons for map control.
>>496770780That's not counter-initiation. That's us initiating. I'm asking what interaction I have to counterplay their initiation.
>>496770706Disables, Damage, Kill their team>b-but they have Bkb and commit everything on this duelBkb piercing disables, Damage, Kill their team or kill them after the duel>b-but (some other reason)Literally skill issue
>>496770796yes its through the heroes pane at the bottom right
>>496770796You can. Loda famously gave control of his Naga illusions to Akke and EGM to micro during TI3.>>496771049LC has Aghs and even if I BKB + RP her in Smokescreen my carry kills himself on her Blademail.>Kill them after the duel and win the gameSounds good, that's what we did. I'm complaining about the scenario itself being bad game design because it itself doesn't allow interaction.
>>496764748Ty for the fat sheever ass from that vlog
>>496771249>BKB + RP her in Smokescreen my carry kills himself on her Blademail.Then you deserve to lose, whats the issue here?LC has aghs and your carry don't even have enough armor + lifesteal to survive hitting himself on BM?Lmao
>>496764883>reached immortalFound your problem
>>496771249>I'm complaining about the scenario itself being bad game design because it itself doesn't allow interaction.It clearly allows interaction, we just discussed all these interactionsYou just don't acknowledge them as heckin valid or something, who knows why
where is the streaming schedule??
>>496738639God imagine if she was stronger than and really horny haha
>>496772331Okay I concede BKB + RP works.
>pick sven>enemy has omni>build disperser instead of nullifier because retardedWe won anyway but sorry bros for being retarded
im a simp for Lina's toes
>>496774326too old
>>496771832>>496772152>>496774326Brothers seriously, get a life There are more than 2-4 women in the worldLiteral MILLIONS of beautiful women and you autistically hyperfocus on a tiny handful because they are "le dota talent"
>>496775913women hate dota, and often also just games in generalsuch women are already filtered from my radar
>>496764702>B. Break smoke, and blink out (skill issue + vision issue if u can't do that, LC duel animation is slow)youre full of shit lol, she can blink in from beyond smoke break range and duel is 0.3 second cast time. with 50ms ping that gives you a whopping 250ms to react, identify that she has blinked on you, target terrain and click your blink. i have 150ms reaction time and i usually cant react in time to heroes blinking on top of me and casting their spells even if i am anticipating it
>>496774120Isn't Aghs good for that?
>dotards filtered by LC
>>496776819holding your stun leads to a lot of funky situations
>>496778102If the solution to playing vs LC was buying Blink and reacting fast, no pro player would buy Linken's Sphere.
my pos1 only has 20 cs at minute 10.
How do I play Tide without griefing?
>>496781464The hero is very weak right now. If you really want to play him, go Blink into aura items.
Reminder that Hoodwink is canonically not a virgin.
>>496781464with ringmaster support and ld carry.
>>496774326She gets dogged out by men with money
Reminder that Hoodwink canonically supports the destruction of Israel.
>>496781464you don't
>>496781464vlads into aghs to actually be useful to your team with dagger in between and maybe shiva later
>>496781464i dont play Tide but i think you definitely want shard, probably asap, because that shit is fucking annoying as hell for the enemy team most of the time
Tide TA
>>496783559based zionist Hoodwink
I hecking love artists and art.
>PSG wasn't the drawfriend haterCOLOR ME SURPRISED
>>496784638>implyingHe backpedaled as always once he showed his hand and everyone rightfully shat on him. He vocally bragged about reporting a drawfag because he didn't like the subject of his drawing.
>>496784508who is the artist? and what art?
>>496784638There isn't one, the whole narrative is fake and that guy started it because I told zoot one time that it would impede his progress as both an artist and a person to draw coomer shit. I said it's low behavior and he should aspire to more as a starting artist. I stand behind all these statements as I am old enough to have the perspective on how hypersexuality has injured society, young frequently online men most of all. There was never anybody driving artists off. I tried to run an art contest but I think the guys negativity making up shit about me driving artists away made them not want to participate. The irony! Oh well
>>496784796 unfagmiliar
>>496784960>it would impede his progress as both an artist and a person to draw coomer shit. I said it's low behavior and he should aspire to more as a starting artist.i think this is the only time ever I'll say this but that's a pretty based advice from PSG
>>496784960>coomer shitYet how many times have you complained here of sorapoi and riko ignoring you? Countless. And they are both coomer artists.
>>496785562They are both capable artists that draw dota 2 art, which is why I intended to support them. Sorapoi did not ignore me and just doesn't want to draw Keqing for money. you shouldn't have to be told this multiple times and you shouldn't think it's useful behavior to try to make people "validate" everything they've ever said. I could not care less if riko ignored my request btw, it was made more out of goodwill than desire for their art. I also requested keqing from riko which they may not desire to draw. Also I will state that I don't like Finnish people. Their national personality of being cocksuckers on purpose comes through loud and clear. I'm from the south I'll aggressively pat you on the back and invite you to a bbq five minutes after meeting you. Oil and water.
>>496785924damn psg did a finn steal your girl or something
Same old shit every thread
>>496786306I've just noticed a pattern with generally negative conduct on their behalf. Having no cultural identity other than "don't interact with me" degrades the basic personality mores shared among western peoples and results in weird demi-asian behavior
>>496784960Drawing naked bodies is the core of art you am*rican prude
>>496786565I just hide the posts and I encourage everyone to do the same instead of responding.
>>496786636>don't interact with meYou realize most of the northern hemisphere is like this? Since you claim to be openminded maybe interact with a few of them on a deeper level than trolls in inhouses.
Why did they make Lich' innate that he doesnt regenerate mana...
>>496787025Have talked to more people in my life than you ever will trust me :)
i like finnish people like matu
>>496787156>woah isn't this wacky and unique, holy cow we're going crazy with this one i bet the gamers are gonna heckin love this wild new addition-valve dev, probably
>>496787195>ad homimenAs is usual. Doesn't refute my statement.
>>496787156to give him back the sacrifice identity he once lost
>>496787442People don't care at all about refuting what you say. Not even one little bit. You talk about talking to people but your own interactions show you're an internetbrain literally incapable of socializing. Hollowed out "debate me" euro atheist mindset Say something interesting for the first time if you want a debate. Lol!
God hates me that's why he made me bad at Dota
I always find it funny seeing PSG desperately trying to prop up this image of him being social.It's just so fake and obvious, because he always keep projecting unsocial behavior onto other people in this thread, because he is actually unsocial and unlikeable.Yet he keeps talking about being social and even having sex as something worth boasting about when in reality, to normal people that's just nothing special. Even more so considering the age group here.
>>496788409Have you considered arguing in good faith? People might like you if you did.
>psg crusades against drawniggers>sees that one has a good gpu, melts down and starts raving about how he couldnt believe he was considering buying a book for him>has another one b& for a provocative image>spins this as a moral, upstanding act of justice on 4chan's dota 2 general>gets shit for it>backpedals and hosts a drawfag competition>nobody enters>he now acts as if hes been their friend all along, offering money and comms>"all that shit i di- err, wouldnt have done is just muh narrative!"dont let his well poisoning distract you from what really goes down
>>496788680>Yet he keeps talking about being social and even having sex as something worth boasting about when in reality, to normal people that's just nothing special. haha, yeah, totally normal, haha
>>496788880Imagine thinking drawfriends need his money while raving on about them being from poorer countriesA white savior
>>496788680narcissists are concerned with their imageyou can notice this with psg and how when disagreed with he won't immediately present an argument, but come up with some "credentials" that supposedly prove why he's right and you're wronglike you would say "this movie was bad"he won't say "this movie was good because x", he'll say "kid, I've been a professional movie goer for 10 years and I've met David Lynch and talked to him and he was impressed with my knowledge of movies, in fact he decided to include some of my ideas for twin peaks"
nice dota 2 thread
>>496788846I don't argue with any of you about anything here and have not for some timeYou are so focused on perpetuating this tulpa you built. Weird. >>496788880This is how d2g dies huh, on the back of posts like this. Good riddance I guess :)
>i was merely pretending to be retarded
Why is psg so rude and unlikeable? Are all americans like that? Thank God I've never met one.
>I'll post from my phone again and pretend to be more people
Team Liquid (TI13) would get absolutely dumpstered by any top 6 TI10 team.
>>496789695PSG usually does that
>>496789068just need to find some mirana pics to save it
You'll all be kneeling, apologizing to Valve when they drop the confluence
>>496789067PSG had sex with David Lynch? No way
>>496791212doubt marci can read so there must be some funny pictures there
>>496784960>Drawing naked bodies is bad because it is, okay?holy shit you are clueless about art, shits literally built on drawing naked bodies.go read a book, nigger.
fuck ringmaster, i hope they gut him.
>>496792054>fuck ringmasteri'd rather not
>>496792054I hope they remove escape act and give him a good spell instead
>>496792054Remove dagger initial damage. There you go hero fixed. How the fuck does he win every trade in lane just hitting that dumb spell and even missing the whip he still does more damage
Hello, Not sure whats going on here, but im willing to take a draw request.make it fun.
>>496792994Hoodwink hairstyle collage
>>496792994Dusk 2 bracers :-----DDD
Are we ever getting Nioh 3?
>>496792994Tusk and Earth spirit in baseball clothes, Tusk is about to hit a pitch with his batEarth spirit is behind Tusk as catcher using magnetic grip to pull it towards himHoodwink is the baseball
>>496793928Oh wrong thread, how are you doing dotards?
>>496792994tide voring marci or enchantress
>>496794462Patch soon...
I've never played and am interested in trying the game out, would Omniknight support be a good character for me to begin with?
>>496796161Lich is an easy and strong during the laning phase. his ultimate is also is also retard proof, and works wonders against them.i'd say he is the most beginner friendly support.
what does venomancer do
>>496796161He's one of the strongest supports this patch
>>496796161do you like that hero? go for it
>>496796161Literally just play whatever you want.
>>496797134A whole lot of magic damage whilst providing great vision.
>>496792994Loli lich
>>496797134He is just trash. Don't bother learning him.
>>496796713>>496797193>>496797412>>496797884Ok thanks will give him a go
>>496797134feed endlessly cause hes slow as fuck and has no escape
>>496797134>you want a tankPick any strength hero>you want a lockdown pick any hero with a stun>you want a lane bullymaybe? just pick undying, viper, skywrath>you want an aura carryjust pick something tanky or something with a stun>you want to grief your offlane or carry go pick venomancer and go jungle lvl 1>you are playing against a lane that's going to rape you so hard that you can't even entermaybe pick venomancer and go jungle
Thoughts on Lina from the Dota 2 Anime?>>496798391How would this even work out.
any stagers?
>>496798056His innate also gives him good damage in lane for trading hits with the enemy support or core. At level 2 with Gale, Sting, and a Blood Grenade you're getting 30% additional magic damage on your rightclicks.
dedgaemat least Israel is getting bombed
>>496802703The higher rank I get the longer the queues get. Is that normal? Does it ever get better? Not talking about like top 100 or anything
what does riki do
>>496804663are you the new guy?riki is an elusive carry hero. pretty good at low MMR where no one buys dust or sentries
>>496804663single target people to hell.Scepter is core on him.
>>496803498of course notmost dota players are in the 1-3k range
>>496803498I have sub 1 minute queues at 7.5k mmr 99% of games, occasionally there will be a game with 15 minute queue thrown in because forced 50 is cooking up something special
Should I ranked queue classic, or role with all 5 roles ticked?
>>496805865cause thats immortal queue where the spread of mmr is insane
>>496806159I'm 6.4k and my queues are always 15 minutes plus. I do queue roles though, maybe I should just queue regular
>>496806316so you're not immortal queue yetplus since you're close to it its even less people to pool from
>>496806568No I'm NA so I'm quite far into immortal at that MMR
>>496803498Mine are 2K PUBS
>>496806627if you can queue roles and you get role queue you're not immortal queue brodo you not understand this?once you're in immortal queue you cannot queue roles
>>496806159The spread isn't much worse in low/mid immortal than it is in sub immortal, you need at least 9k mmr for the skill wideness to really show
Is role or classic better for climbing?
>>496807035I dont think anyone queues classic
>>496806910Obviously I don't understand this, you'd think that "immortal queue" means "queueing for a game once you're in Immortal rank" but apparently it doesn't
>>496806910The term you're looking for is "immortal draft queue"
>>496807114no it doesntI mean this>>496807139except i'm not being a pedantic faggot its the only distinction that matters in the context
>>496792994seconding this >>496793956
>>496807338ill try.
>>496807298You're being unnecessarily vague and obtuse while using the wrong terminology, the distinction that matters by your own admission is not one you made also you're wrong about the mmr spread in "immortal queue" (read: immortal draft queue) so I wonder if you've ever played it
>>496807298>except i'm not being a pedantic faggot>except I'm the one making a big deal about something very unituitive that goes against it's own description
>>496797134controls space, makes it hard to engage into you
>>496793956>tusk as the batter>not earthshaker
>>496808098Fine, that could work too with slugger
>>496793956none of that makes sense>guy with stick is catching>guy with giant glove is batting>nobody is throwing the ball???????????
I finished all the acts except for the paid optionals. What do I do now?Have some slopAI
>>496808787Pay up goyim
>>496808787pay for it faggot
i dont think ive won any recent games with riki mids
OH SHIT 187MB UPDATE>>496809358>>496809379no, thinking of the trust of the beneficiary bundle for she-AM tummy
damntfw no gf
>>496810597FUCK YOU VALVE
>random dota patchIts not Act 4 its just a letter patch.
Playable now?
>>496810803not enough of a nerfwhy the fuck aren't they touching the active
>Gleipnir still in the gameYeah, don't care. gonna keep playing something else.
>escape act can now be dispelledI don't get it, why are they making the worst skill in the game even worse?
>wake up>patch
Ruined with one change
goddamn these sets fucking suck dickmight be the first cc i dont buy
lmao even
>those ringmaster nerfsjesus the clown didn't last long
>Medusa barely nerfed for an item she only rarely built anyways>Sven remains unbuffed>Nyx still ruinedFUCK'S SAKE>>496810965>Unconditionally countered Chrono/Duel/etcIt needed that nerf
>nerfing kunkka???????????What the fuck are these patch notes.
yeah this just proves the nov 1 date is realthis is a fucking bandaid patch
>>496811072How do you dispel it if the target is untargetable?
>>496811413You could have hit them with nullifier, this change means you now can't save someone from that with box. Or you could use an AOE dispel like Oracle's Q on something nearby
>>496811413oraqsd ultnullistorm pandasven aghs
buy the cache sirs
>>496811281>unconditionally "countered" a few spellsThe other save spells still do but they are actually good
>>496811348100 radius is a bit of a blow but it still has more than 100% uptimehe will still be strong
>>496811925Yeah, where's the "shadow demon's thing/Astral imprisonment can be dispelled" change if that's their logic
>no Hoodwink set in the cacheI sleep
>want to buy cache>no coins leftGuess i still have to wait till act 4
>>496811095nvm it's literally nothing
>>496812034No idea, those spells are actually good and more importantly have offensive capabilities
>>496812034Astral needs aghs to work on alliesDon't have a real answer for shadow demon tho.
Now this is podracing
>>496812690>Astral needs aghs to work on allies???
>>496812034The logic is that Ringmaster has a 57% winrate and is the most played and contested hero at high MMRs, so they nerfed something about his kit. Now there's a reason to maybe pick a different save hero that has an undispellable save.
>>496812843If you pick Ringmaster for the save you are doing something very wrong
>>496812034The logic is that Ringmaster already does tons of shit and has a saveThe other save heroes don't do nearly as much
>>496813027you pick ringmaster because he has loads of bullshit including a save
>shadow shaman + lone druid rapier duplicationWhen are they removing lone druid from the game? He's never balanced and a constant source of bugs and exploits
they should just revert facets
does anyone even use this
they should just revert neutral items
>>496813702Facets can be fun, a way to flex the hero into a different playstyle based on the draft. Some heroes get really cool ones that alter how they play, some just get incredibly boring minor number adjustments that don't feel cool at all
They should revert the Techies rework (7.00)
they should revert the game
undying, zeus and aa sets are the only good ones
>literally nothing
fuk u valve
>>496815535>>496815959Big buffs in 7.38 surely
>no act 4Dead game
Enough with the squirrels
>>496816179post cosplay whores
>>496816326I like this anon
>>496816939nice, that reminds me. Have any of you have seen the new WR cosplay porn video?
>>496816326imagine how many cute eastern european girls there must be now that russia and ukraine are at war.i think putin every day for this abundance of beautiful white girl
sex with hoodwink
>>496817497Very cute Hoodwink :)
>>496817497needs bigger tits
>SBI finally fuck off>we finally got a good patch JEJ
psg herethe artist responded and said my comment made her feel good and inspired to keep working she's making a book hopefully! sounds like there is some deal already done.:>
>>496818420I doubt that you wouldn't post a pic of it if it really happened.
PSG here again, I managed to go 3 days without shitting myself, a new record
>>496818686it's rude to post a picture of other peoples' communications, anon.
PSG here again...I just shit myself........
>>496818730Since when are you concerned with not being rude?
this game is shit and it's not my fault
>>496818931I'm always concerned with not being rude to people who are not involved with this place. You are extended no such grace.
>Disseminate>Health loss decreased from 14/16/18/20% to 9/11/13/15%
>>496819013It's your mum and dad's fault :(
>>496819038I find that hard to believe.
>>496819196You would find it easier to believe positive things about people if you didn't needlessly saddle your envisionings of them with your own personal baggage
>>496819013Just stop being bad
>>496819325In your case it's a matter of postjudice, not prejudice.
>all m*le skins>rubick as ultra rarewhy is dota SO GAY
>no more 25 minute bracer bonuses
This guy was literally the only dedicated developer Dota 2 had left for the past several years, and was responsible for the past several "spring cleaning" type patches and framerate improvements, etc. Code is spaghettier than ever and now has no consistent maintainer.
>>496819925>programmer working on unreleased game that needs him more than 15 year old gamestop the presses
>>496819925He did his time, good for himI pity whoever has to sift through the github shit
How many times are the devs going to keep nerfing the EXACT same aura items until they realize they fucked up the game with their retarded barrier meta? This shit just isn't working.
>>496817074this btw :^)
>>496820738they're never walking that shit back bro it's about to get much worse
>>496819925valve needs more indian programmers. they're really smart and they currently head giant companies like microsoft and google
>>496820558yeah, i'm glad we had him at least. the framerate of this game is in the fucking garbage can
>>496820967superpower by 2025 sir!
>shadow demon nerfI forgot he was in the game
>>496821563pros didnt
>>496820885>you've seen so much more negative said about me than you've actually seen negativity come out of meNo, PSG, I haven't. You continuously insult, belittle, and patronize people in here, not to mention the people you grief in dota and then post in here about griefing them as if they deserved it. Any negativity towards you is because you deserved it.However, if you genuinely are trying to change then I wish you the best. Maybe you have quit dota, and for you that's probably for the best. Maybe you should come here less often as well.
>>496821702I just don't agree with you that that's reality, and you've fallen for a hilarious joke that's been played on me by many people here without any coordination from anyone at all-- every time someone gets called PSG, nobody ever says they're not PSG. In effect, it's become a garbage can for anyone to designate posts they don't like, and a lot of the posts you're talking about are these. I'm not going to take ownership of thoughts that aren't mine, and probably less than 20% of the posts you see that people blame on me are me. I am not here most of the time anymore, just so you know. I don't play Dota 2.I do run the best guild in dota 2, though, ZSNES! 6 slots remain! join up and JAM! I was thinking about doing a monthly lotto for a month of dota+.
>>496822101>>496821760also every time you see a post with double spacing it isn't mine. talk about being easy pickings
Why do these retards just keep nerfing Marci? Do they live in a world where Marci is some kind of giga threat to everyone and destroys all games?
>>496823110Yes, she's disgustingly OP.
>>496823417Yeah, the infamous 0.000001% pick rate killer hero
>>496823853Everyone hates the character so no one wants to play it, but the hero is still extremely OP.
she can throw her boomerang at you from farther now :3
>>496817074By who?
>>496824035But literally everyone loves the character?
>>496825761It's a character that insists upon itself, therefore everyone hates it.
sex with lina
>>496825761she's not fun and her moveset is awkward
>>496823110literally 60% winrate carry
sex with Luna
ez 2 play hero
>>496824576check the image
>>496771832>>496774120Just imagine grabbing sheever's fat ass and just taking her to pound town
>>496832313>pound townthat's a bit cheap innit?
So did the patch fix dota or no?
>>496833162yes go play right now! :)
>>496833162YES NIGGA!
dota 2 will not be dota 2 again until one black hole can change the outcome of a game again
I hope Deadlock fixes all of DotA's mistakes. The moment they polish it up a little more I can see this game dying.
>>496835065it's gone bro. the fact that they can't fix item bugs shows that nobody is working on it. we genuinely need to make our own followup if we want more years of dota.
>>496833947Do you really want to go back to that era where a support was struggling to get enough gold so they can buy a ward
>>496835767the game could be made to be more flexible like today while retaining the impact it had in the past. you could change resource mechanics, heroes, all kinds of things
why did they make him look like bh
the words n!gg3r and f4gg0t are banned lmao
>>496836095Good. The world should stand up to hate.
>>496836095nigger faggot
>>496836095retarded nigger faggot
>removed the 25 minute buffsNiggers>>496810657WHY THE FUCKKKKKKHOLY ICE FROG >>496810850No>>496811072HELL YEA, LETS FUCKING GOit wasn't end of the world but was super annoying>>496811348>slap on the wrist>>496811865>invis is gone if windrone is goneHELL YEAH!>oracle untouched>techies slightly buffedWe are eating good
tbf a bunch of 3rd pos heroes got nerfed hard due to 25th minute buff removal
>>496839095And supports who can't/won't/will get yelled at if they farm any items to make progress on their stats
>>496811865unplayable. no more free mmrfuck you icenigger
>Lvl ? Pain>Now only applies to Doom's attacksPretty sure this is a hero-killing nerf
>Lina untouchedthank God
>>496812034these things actually banish, ringmaster's target is still affected by aoe
>>496820815Where can I get this?
>>496841293>Lina untouchedYou sure about that?
>>496841521while she's restrained I whip out my magic staff and obliterate herdisgusting hag down
>Shrapnel>Damage decreased from 120/180/240/300 to 90/160/230/300I know he was too good but this makes it straight up unpickable
>oracle ult applies damage after pheonix eggAmazing. I am so eager to kill my pheonix just because i had to ult to save him
>first phase pick tinker>guy last picks lina>hes the 5 and im mid4 stack btw>clown doto ensues"you know its 2k when we all commit even tho lina got initiated on haha right guys">lina takes this as a personal insult>starts sperging>check his itemsholy locket, vlads (hero level 28 lina)>tell him not to call people retard coz it might be projecting>cries about my holy locket>gets caught until we losewhat an amazing experience
>>496836770i see its only banned if you type nigger and faggot thrice
>>496810657Just reading leddit and they are crying about this too.They say it is punishing supports because carries were getting arcane boots.Why were carries getting arcane and not boots of speed?What did I miss.I am in the trench tier though, so be mindful.
>>496841518they're mostly pics just search for mollyredwolf at coomer su
>>496842578The only "carry" that was getting arcane boots that i can think of is Medusa. And it was due to how insane mana shield is.
what the fuck are they crazy
Some farts I call a Blast fart. This is a fart that has short duration and high intensity and volume.
>>496842976I mean it was too OP, they had to nerf it one way or another.This was the easiest way
>>496843158soooo what am i supposed to buy now instead of 3 bracers
Why did they buff snapfire?
>>496843616rope, chair and soap
>>496843681Whats the soap for?
Non-cosmetic buyer here, are these Crownfall treasure basically gacha? You buy one and get to roll for one of the sets? And if you're just after one, you keep buying indefinitely until you get lucky?
bracer nerf is the last straw its official this game is fucking cooked
>>496843968thats how opening cases work nigga
>>496843968you will always clear the non rare ones before repeating
>>496844041So it's a maximum of like 8 rolls if you want one of the non-rare one? Thanks.
>>496844223you cant count but yes>bracer, talisman and wraith bands' stats are no longer doubled after 25 minutes
>>496841208did it apply to doom spells?
>>496843968Gaben invented loot crates BEFORE gachas.Koreans invented predatory microtransactions in online games (e.g. Gunbound).Gaben took it to make loot crates.Then the asians took loot crates and made gachas into what they are today.But no, as the other Anon already answered you, the current crates just cycle through the common sets until you get one of each, then repeat the cycle. You're guaranteed to get all the commons. The SRs ("Rare") I think have a guaranteed pity after like 17 rolls, and the SSR shit ("Ultra Rare") are the ones you spend infinite amounts of money for. After a few dozen rolls it caps out at <6% or whatever (1/17) but there is still no pity. You can see the gacha rates in-game.
>>496845507I hate gaben now
this game is trash, bracers doubling at 25 minutes was the only thing that gave this joke of an esport any kind of legitimacy
>>496842905No, many carries that had a semi expensive farming spell could resonably pick it up. Not a carry player but in 6k the heroes I know bought it, beyond Dusa, were WR, Clinkz, Bristle, and Mirana. Guessing it had to do with not caring about the treads stats nor needing phase
>>496845602Every online empire is built on the bones of whales with no self control. Gaben has no skeletons in his closet, for there are too many to fit so he just built on top of them.
>>496843847it goes up your ass
>>496845507asian mmos had lootcrates before TF2, stop with this bullshit
>>496845801shut up bitch try say that shit to my face see what happens kid
>>496845880>asian mmos had lootcrates before TF2Okay? I literally said that.But Gaben took what they had and perfected it, and streamlined it, and made more money than all the MMOs combined. That was the point I was trying to make. The Anon sees similarity with gachas because the loot crates were the predecessor of gachas. Can't answer their initial question of "is this like a gacha?" with a yes or no answer because the direction is wrong. Gachas are like loot crates, not the other way around. It's important to remember our history and not forget how wallet extraction schemes evolved over time, so that we can maintain vigilance in keeping our wallets safe.
>>496846160You said Gabe invented lootcrates. Fact check: False. Fat check (you): true.
>bracers, wraith bands and nulls no longer double after 25 minutesENTER
>>496835767Back when I was a 2k support ain't even allowed in the lane when the creeps arrived. You sat out of xp with the other lane supps. If a core ever caught you using the courier, which was bought by your labor, they'd report you and every support report had 100% conviction. Supports could only buy from the side shop and even then only to buy regen items they could lend to their core.If a support ever managed to buy an item cores would holler "jungle monkey" at you, and ping the wards. What's worse is Valve supported this behavior making a gorilla skin for Revererand Doctor Chen.Don't for a second think cores have changed, "never leave lane on 5", "why did you buy boots instead of regen" are vestiges of our slavery and they wouldn't hesitate to nerf glimmer and force if they could
>supportkeks getting uppity againhow do we fix them
>>496846783He did invent loot crates as we know it.Koreans only had shitty p2w microtransaction packs for every single activity you could do in a game. Shit like Gunbound had extra movement, better damage, better aim, on-demand weather changes, and MMOs had paid currency that let you buy supplies and respawns and upgrades on demand.Gaben was the one who took that messy shit and said "Hats only. Take it or leave it." in a loot crate and have it explode. Afterwards everybody who didn't have an established business model was trying to copy it. Shit like Farmville couldn't do it and so they copied the old Korean shit until that one college professor accidentally perfected weaponising ADHD gaming addiction with Cow Clicker (as a joke) and Facebook and phone games ran off on their own tangent. The asians only managed to find something better than loot crates when they finally used their one ultimate weapon that they had and Gaben didn't: Anime tiddies.So for all intents and purposes, when somebody says "loot crates" in a western video game forum, they are talking about TF2/CS/Dota loot crates. And yes, Gaben invented them. And frankly, most posters these days are probably not old enough to remember shit like Gunbound existing to know what it USED to be like in OTHER countries. If you want to be a pedantic autist nitpicking about who invented it first, be my guest. But you'll be talking to yourself in your own realm outside of conventional definitions.
>>496847223You sit your lasthitta ass down and listen. For the cores that want to truly atone for the crimes of their past, buy a gem, kill the tormentor, and don't appropriate our items
>>496847704nah just leave lane
>another mars nerfDid valve really nerf mars just because he was popular?
>>496846930Such better days. I miss picking Warlock and doing nothing other than buying disposable items and spamming W. Now I have to figure out what all this gold-bought bullshit does and remember like 8 active abilities.
>>496847308Didn't read and you've already been proven wrong, by your own admission
>>496845708>last pack>BRING IT BACK EVERYONE SO TANKY>new patch ITS TRASHi knew the vocal minority are always loud
>>496847308I wanted to say gacha came before crates but I thought Kancolle released in like 2010. Feels like it's been around for so long.Anyway I'm pretty sure Gacha derives its name from those random toy machines that've been around since the 60's but putting it in games might've come from hats, sure
>>496848295now you just press e and go for a drink
>>496848306i accept your congestion
>>496848502If you want to get down to the nitty gritty, all this shit is some form of lottery mechanics and every culture that had gambling had that shit in one form or another so if we're going to sit here arguing semantics, we will need PHDs and archaeology grants to get down to who invented "loot crates or lottery mechanics" first. I'm sure the Japanese saw lots of parallels of loot crate mechanics with gachapon machines but these features didn't appear in online games in a vacuum, especially when we're talking about a country that is heavily tied to gaming and especially online gaming. Companies like Sony were already heavily invested in trying out a bunch of different formats and games in the Farmville era, to see which combination of game and microtransactions mechanics would make the most money.Global online business models heavily influenced each other in obvious ways, which is why I stuck to talking about how this shit evolved in online games, and who invented what in that context, and not everywhere else. TF2 definitely came before Farmville, and Farmville and Cow Clicker were the precursors to the boom in mobile gaming and eventually shit like gachas. They're only a couple years apart each but the internet was undergoing rapid change during those years. It only seems long in hindsight because you remember spending a lot of hours on those games with no thought about how much time passed in real life, like how we avoid looking at the time played counter whenever we launch Dota.>>496848578Who the fuck are you
>>496848423even sheever was spending her time counting how many bracers were in her game then complaining that it was opsomeone did some math and it made everyone mad
If I sub to Dota Plus for one month, will I be able to use hero chat wheels forever?
>>496849421SUPPOSEDLY yes but only because it's technically a bug Valve won't fix. You'll get locked out of shit after your sub runs out but all the chat lines you unlocked stay.I don't have Dota+ so I can't confirm. So if you want to experiment, you'll have to do it with the expectation that it was all a lie and you'll lose the voice lines until you re-sub.
That Beastmaster buff is broken lmao.The HOD build has been getting buffed for a year straight, it will be popping off soon.
>>496811865>Whirlwind nerfedEhh, doesn't affect me.>Windrun invis is also purgeableEhh, doesn't really affect me either. I only get people trying to purge Windrun like once every 50 games. Though I guess people might try it more now.But hopefully this means r*dditors stop putting WR in their ban lists so I can freely play my waifu.
I just cant stomach the fact, that nothing was done about NP and his fucking faggot lvl25 talent - this hero should be completely reworked or at least rework his stupid treantsI love sitting in my base due to treants coming out of fog and 3 shotting buildings very cool STUPID FAGGOT HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>496797134Look at all those retards who think the best vision provider in the game is bad.And don't forget about his good farm speed and high damage.
>>496850627If enemy has NP and you didn't finish the game before he reaches lvl 25, you are doing something wrong.
>>496851292It's not before he reaches lv 25, it's before he finishes farming BKB Rapier. Once rax are down, treants can't rat T4s alone. But they can if NP comes with them with a rapier because he'll fuck up the loser stuck defending the base. Then you are never ever able to leave base ever again.
nice patch dotards
>>496849339>someone did some math and it made everyone mad3 bracers giving more hp than heart is not "doing math"you niggers are so retarded someone can mentally compute this things at first glance
give bracers +damage again
>wake up>no more Crownfall to doMaybe I'll try solo-ranked
>>496853219just play other games lilbro, solo ranked not worthit
>support Sven
>>496855041Bunch of niggerfaggots saw it being played by pros, thought it was some sort of hidden imbalanced shit (it wasn't) and started picking it (free mmr for team playing against it lole).Weird to see it today though, i thought they died out ~2 months ago when everyone understood that it wasn't another KOTL or Lesh or mid IO and the guy who showed it actually knew what he was doing
Game is so dead. Pick rate divide is huge and if you pick on the wrong side of that you get a hero that is worse than useless that just can't do anything.Constant sweat stacks in unranked, and if you don't pick/ban x hero you just don't get to have fun ever.Last couple weeks have been extremely stagnant, and I haven't seen any improvement today either.Hope is fading for an enjoyable game, especially with matchmaking slipping off a cliff.
What is this patch? Hero buffs and nerfs that don't make any sense. And what's the point of even finishing building or buying null, wraith band, and bracers now? Buying the recipe should do something other than free up a slot in your inventory. They should have at least greatly reduced the cost of the recipes from 210 to 60-80 gold.
>tank goes glass canonwell thats another game lost, that makes 3 in a row now
>the bone-chilling 10% increase to the counter spell facet for AntimageThey could boost that shit to 100% and it still wouldn't get picked.
why is "random" allowed as a hero pick in ranked? fuck this. pos 5 pango
oh no a hero has 51% winrate!!! she must be deleted from the game immediately!!! (unless its is witch doctor or medusa)
>>496859004>-8 percentoh my god. rip bozo
It's over brosThe letter patch did nothingIt's a feeble attempt from Valve to bring players back. But nobody has arrived.There is no more contentOnly death
>right click Lina
My cores are going to be pissed off when they see I bought Tranquills instead of Arcanes now.
>>496855553It's situationally good against heavy physical damage lineups. The main problem in pubs is that as a support you have to pick 1st phase so you don't get to see if the enemy will have a heavy physical damage lineup or not.In pro games they often pick the overpowered cores of the meta right away so picking a support Sven later in the draft can be viable.
>>496859004literally how? the old hero is still there and it was never bad
Why the fuck did the matchmaker put my 3-stack of 6-6.6k players with a divine mid and carry? One and a half hour of defending our base made the retards so fed we eventually won thank god. Divine legion in enemy team kept killing their weaver by clicking purge on him when he had my shard veno gale on him, underrated shard
hmm am I back to never buying the basic stat items?
>>496860102>overpowered cores of the meta right away so picking a support Sven later in the draft can be viable.Huh i never knew about that. I probably should actually start watching pro dota
Think Abba is really strong right now but the arcane and solar nerf might hit him hard
why does everything have to build into a 5k gold gigaitem
>>496852678>3 items slots does more than 1 item slot after 25minutes>that is broken!!!!you have to ignore all the information because if you present the argument fairly the comparison is shit
>>496860410It wasn't happening in TI because support Sven does nothing vs a Sand King or all of the Glepnirs. It's not good right now.
>>496735892>bracer, wraith band, and null talisman no longer double their bonuses>mfw I never bought those dogshit items so this doesn't affect meimagine delaying your build because you fell for the stat stick psyop
how do i carry this trash?
>pick support>buy bots
>>496860970im the wr
>>4968610231. Yea i am retarded, my bad2. Why hide ranks and names? By the lineup alone anyone here can find your game
>>496860753That's a dogshit lineup.
>>496860332u mean how? gleipnir was completely destroyed, bracers destroyed, arcanes destroyed, default focus fire is utter garbage
>>496861107>gleipnir active untouched>destroyedlmao
>>496861107you're stupid and clearly haven't played windrunner before facets
>>496861094if they want to spend the time doing that then idk what to say>>496861101its absolutely dogshit
>>496860753when you see a legion commander on your team, you can just accept a loss.but your stats are also terrible, it basically means you were lucky to get all kills with no assists, and crazy amount of deaths
ring of basi used to give .75 mana regen, now it gives .25 regenvalve continues to nerf mana regen after their crusade against flat mana sources
>>496861327not much i can do, its that or nothing
>>496861160i have second arcana skin unlocked, you?
>>496861395They don't understand that nobody gives a shit pretty much. On laning phase if supp is REALLY dependant on mana he just gets a Mango. Later in the game you get 2-3 heroes with arcane boots.IDK what are they trying to cook.>>496861180i mean, in this line up you have ES, LK and Yourself. If i were you i would constantly tell these 2 faggots to follow me everywhere and would try to get LK and ES FAT, because they are capable of soloing without brood and pango (both of which i would tell to buy themselves like 1 observer each and fuck off to jungle). Smoke gangs, ultra aggressive warding just making the game for enemy team insane. Tho i don't know the enemy heroes, ES and WR alone are capable of demolishing enemy team if they know to press buttons.If you play with retards you gotta boss them around to do right things (but not aggressivly and preferably explain to them in few words how that will help us win the fucking game). However this implies that you yourself have the feeling of the game and know what to do in particular situations.
>>496861806the nerf affects arcane boot too...
>>496861946i know, but unless they nerf it so that Arcane boots give something like 100 mana or lower, it won't affect the game that much (if they do that i think no one would buy arcane boots in the first place)
>>496862057its already 25 mana lessall these small nerfs add up when cores do not want to purchase any items to increase their own regen/flat mana
>>496859004witch doctor has never been allowed to have a positive winrate for more than one patch though
>>496848151Hes really not good right now, but I guess any hero pros touch will get nerfed?
>>496861675congrats you're officially brain dead and a loser
>>496862686>get btfo>proceed to get really madLMAO
buff mepls
>>496862867No, stay dead where you belong
>>496861806i really need to fix my mic so i can start being a team captain
>>496862845i have never played pos 1 whirlwind windrunnersomehow i was still winning gamesweird huh? and my mmr is probably at least twice yours
>>4968605803 bracer for 3 item slot is more than enough for a support to survive a team fight and still be usefulthat plus good build up from the laning stage
>>496862979still ignoring the time cost
>>496862908>team captainThis implies that you actually know what you are doing. Either way you can be team captain with chat and scribbling on the map.Last game i won because i constantly made calls to my teammates to do solo kills on enemies when i saw them. I just scribbling a bubble around my teammate, scribbled a line from bubble to enemy and scribbled a bubble around enemy i want to kill. It's really east, quick and pretty understandable.From experience (unless you are playing immortal and above) people are willing to listen to your calls. Especially if the calls show results and you make the kills, but if you fail a call like 2 or 3 times then you lose your team captain privelleges (and lose the game most likely)
>>496863098>from the laning stage
>>496862938the only thing that is weird is how mad you are over nothing
>>496863168well, maybe not, but at least make some calls
>>496862898woah a newfag and a tripfagfiltered
>>496863221go back to playing turbo to farm your arcana styles nephew
>>496863194what does the laning stage have to do with min 25?
>>496863318maybe you should try it since you're too shit to get the style in ranked lmao
Wow classicOldschool runescapeDota 2...
>>496863332it had a good build up
>>496863472but it isnt better than heart during build up
>>496863558name one supp that gets heart pre 25
>>496863443i have all the arcanas and i couldn't care less about some second style that requires 500 games of farming or party abuse with third worlders (this is likely what you did)
>>496863618what does that matter, the idea is that bracer is better hp than heart but that ignore the time costwhat dont you get?
>>496863674>i have all the arcanasenvyyyyyyy
>>496863674>im too shit to get style unlocks so i pretend not to care>really though i get incredibly mad at people on the internet when they reveal they unlocked itgot it
>>496863813yeah my hero pool is bigger than yoursdeal with it
>>496863848my dick is bigger than yoursdeal with that
>>496863908post it
>>496863961u first shrimp dick
>>496863705pre patch you were able to buy mini reavers for a chunk of hp and stats all aroundive played tusk and clockwork so i have noticed the difference. obviously its no longer the case post 7.37d but it was busted
>>496863908my dick is harder than yours
wow a full face mask for lion that makes him look like a lion and a rick and morty set for zeus and rabbit ears for clockthis is so eopic poggers pogchamp pog pog pog
>>496864105they were only mini reavers after min 25
>>496864197but they were good items regardless
>>496864249sure, not debating thatbut there is a reason the min 25 shit was the only thing nerfed
>>496864319i know? im not even sure what the fuck are we even arguing about
>stat sticks no longer double at 25>no price decrease nor stat increase, nor turning them into item buildups again to compensateWas this campo shitsanto again or the first hotpoo games patch?I'm pretty sure major patches are just skimmed through to be approved by the frogsandnigger once, whilst letter patches are when the commiefornian 1ks get to ruin the game however they please.
>>496863674>i have all the arcanasgood goy
Have they patched the LD rapier exploit yet?
>>496864639500 gold stat sticks dont need to build into other items or get stronger over timeit was a bad idea from the start that needed to be exploited to finally get removed
>>496859930with wr, mirana, luna getting nerfed, lina might be back on the menu, specially in pubs
Does coaching work? Immortal has been pestering me that he can help me improve my game. Stuck in Herald right now. Just think how distracting it can be to have someone tell you to do the opposite of what your instinct tells you during battles
>>496860580and again ive said they were good items pre 25.doubling it made it busted
>>496864968In dota? Fuck no. Your higher ranked friend over the discord watching your stream? Yea
>>496865035they werent better than heart pre25
>>496864639>>496864789they made it double at 25 mins to compensate for how much they have gutted the itemthis is how good we had it before
>>496865108and no one gets a heart pre 25 so your point is moot
>>496865107When you say in dota do you mean getting a random coach?This guy isnt random. Asks for like $30 per game to coach. Is a high immortal (double digit)
how the fuck did this deserve to get nerfed?
>>496865293they could though, they could not get the hp from bracers to equal heart without buying 6 of them
>>496865190>no longer grants 4% mag resI used to straight up buy 4 bracers as Huskar and be unkillable even tho 4% was just gradually decreased version of 6% it was still soooo fucking much. Such good times man.>>496865308>random coachYea. Not worth at all>30% per gameI mean if you are rich enough then gl blowing money, but i just had my immortal friend teach me through screaming at me about how retarded i am for every ittle thing i did wrong (i learned to always have at least 1 tp and constantly check minimap)
>>496865391post one game just one high ranked game where everyone built heart pre 25ill wait
>>496865463that isnt my point thoughi dont need to fulfill your strawman
>>496865505>they could thoughok time to backpedal
>>496865569yes, any player has the ability to do it with the goldwhat about it?
>>496865448>it was still soooo fucking muchdumb, tripnigger retard, 4 bracers was ~7mr, which is even less because your passive gives magic resist as well
>>496865607missed the entire pointthanks for clearing that up
>>496865691not at all, you are trying to misrepresent my argument and i wont let you
>>496865390the item was very good, only reason you saw this rarely was the prominence of gleipinir, which has been nerfed a lot
>>496865607Your entire shtick is "they could though, they probably can" but we dont really see them in any game. Meaning its not viable and efficient as what the other guy is pointing out.
>>496865808and they can buy heart before min 25 and have more hp than they would with 3 bracersnever suggested it was viable or efficientthat is another strawman
>>496865878it not being viable or efficient defeats the purpose of your point
>>496866008not at allyou clearly missed it
>>496866095of course it does
>>496865874That isn't real is it?>>496865448The only immortal friend I have doesn't have time. I am not close enough to force him
>>496866141>That isn't real is it?it is. but it might be based on low number of games since i feel like the heroes wasn't nerfed that hard that their winrate should drop that hard.
>>496866138explain how then
>>496866280just did lol
>>496866317not your strawman argument, my point
they need to address early game itemisation in the next big patch, as it stands it is currently league of legends tier and a shadow of its former selfsmall, useful items like poor man's, iron talon, ring of aquila keep getting removed, basic auras like headdress, buckler etc keep getting gutted and are essentially just recipes and useless on their own and the ones still remaining like soul ring are made too expensive and shit1,5-2k gold items like drums, vlad's, veil are shit and delay your big 1st item rush by a lot, which means once lategame hits at min 20 you will be uselessthis is all a consequence of bracer, null, wraith after they stopped being buildup items and started doubling at 25 (and jungle gatcha)they streamlined the early game itemisation extremely hard and the game never recovered since, now is the time, howeverbring back aquila, poor man's, talon, etc or just make new ones, the game needs more build variety in the early game, up to this point it was literally just 2x stat stick on every hero, which is an utter travesty
>>496866386i did tho
>>496866479its obvious you only want to argue in bad faith then
>>496866479stop ending sentences with though, retard
>wake up>terrorblade unchanged AGAINterrorbros...
>>496866671This is mostly a nerfs patch
>>496865463>11 vs 7 bracers>11 bracer team lost 17 to 34 in killswowwie what a great item at min 34!
>>496866472>small, useful items like poor man's, iron talon, ring of aquila keep getting removedall of these were removed because they were being built in 99% of cases on 99% of cores there was no reason to skip themnot even gonna read the rest of your post if that's what you lead with
>>496865608>you passive gives magic resist as wellYesss, magic resist, the magic resist that his passive didn't give up untill 7.31 (bracers gave magic res from 7.20 to 7.24b). You dumb blackest gorilla monkey nigger
>>496866881idc give me a buff, 0 wins at TI
>>496867298Bad at games: The post
>>496867298But muh universal heroes
>>496866990they were always bought because they were usefulbracer is bought because there is nothing else to buyalso, items shouldn't be removed, they should just be nerfed or alternatives should be made
>>496867395you lost ti cause you still had 2 bracers in your inventory instead of real items quinn
>>496815535Hoodwink is still the strongest 4 in the game so it's surprising that she even got buffed at all, but I get it that they are cautious about nerfing both her and Gleipnir
>dota is so terrible because i have to buy <overpowered statstick>>dota was better when i could buy <overpowered stastick (old)>
>>496867153terryblade is a toxic remnant of chud times, the game is better off without him, i mean just look at him:-is not an anthropomorphic animal-is not bright and colourful-is not quirky and doesn't quip-has micro elements (EWWWWWWWWWWW)>is agility primary attribute (gross), primarily a carry (like wtf)>was not designed to be a soft support that can comfortably be played in the core offlane role>has a weak early gamethis just doesn't fit 2024, do better
>>496867298the difference between lol of legends and dogfart was that in lol you literally just buy 1 of 3 doran starting items, boots and then rush your first big item unironically 100% of the time, whereas in dota you used to do vanguard, vlad's, poor man's, wand etc, like 2 sub 1k cost items and 1 up to 2k cost item before going for the big one
>>496867793what do i care what happens in your crusader games
>>496867949hurricane pike
>>496867564overpowered statstick old had an active component and was used for more than just giving your hp faster to brool better
>>496868059active component of... toggling armor for creepswow
>>496868054sure thing, let me make hurricane pike on my pos 3 beastmaster
>>496868165he would be better suited building aghs
>>496868157as opposed to the active component of bracer?
>>496868291what do i care
>>496867564dota 2:3 str9 agi3 int3 damage+2 armor and +1 mana regen aura1250 gold, useful for farming, pushing, can toggle to not push your lane, is a way for the carry to contribute to his teampost-neo-nudota2:10 str4 agi4 int+1.5 hp regen+100 health505 gold, no actives
>>496868790>can toggle to not push your lanestops being relevant past 10 minutes, you get the item at 6
it falcon blade soul ring season on offlane, brethren
>>496867663Shut up sean vanaman you got fired
yeah i can't get out of crusader because valve doesn't let me toggle aquila anymore :/
>>496867846>"dude just spend 3k on random bullshit before buying a real item"no>>496867971>"muh rank gatekeeping"go back to league of legends>>496867949>phylactery>scepter>linken's>manta>pike>sange/yasha/kaya items>diffusal blade>harpoon>ethereal blade>dagonfurthermore you don't need every item you build to give multiple attributes because universal heroes get a lot of damage from base stats and level ups so if you're really obsessed with damage then buy a rapier
>>496868952realistically around ~15, there was less gold on the map and laning lasted a bit longerthe positives still heavily outweigh the modern design
>>496866594i didnt though lol
>>496869167none of the items you've mentioned cost 500 gold, it shows you're a clueless crusadershitter as you would probably be permitted to sit in a lane and hit creeps until you buy a 4k gold item unharrassed
is this the next new thing?
>>496869549hardly new
>>496869276>>496869278>buy bracer>delay important items by 500 gold>buy 2 bracers>delay important items by 1000 gold>buy 3 bracers>delay important items by 1500 gold>"N-NO YOUR RANK IS LOW AND EVEN IF YOU WERE A LITERAL PRO PLAYER I'D JUST SAY TI WAS SCRIPTED"cope league shitters, your retard stick was gutted and you will lose 6 million mmr soon
>>496869549this build is as old as the aghs ult
>>496869602first time ive seen it
>>496869276you lost ti cause you didnt deal any damage quinn
>>496869640you buy bracers so that you can fight earlier and get objectives and map control off of it retardherald posting
>>496869640>leagueshittersbro, you're so delusional on how both the game works it's not even funny anymoredouble bracer does not delay your important item because it enables you fight early and thus get more gold from kills>delays important itemthere are more factors and things to take into consideration than just le getting important item, you're such a boomerminded riceryou know what game usually has first blood around minute 20 and the game gets decided by the first lost teamfight? not dota 2, that's for sure
you know this guy's like crusader at most because his games let him farm a naked battlefury uninterrupted
>>496869898>>496869916>>496870102>"dude you can't fight early because you HAVE to spend money on 2 bracers because...BECAUSE THE META SAYS SO, OKAY!?"you can fight whenever there's an opportunity maybe open your eyes while you play lmao
>>496870195yeah ok faggot, turn your tripcode back on
>>496866960>even when losing teams still opted to buy HPstop the presses
>>496870247>>496870272>still replying instead of going in-game and getting more mmroh no no no nice argument rankedsissies you literally lost 5000 mmr by spending the last 2 weeks bitching about your bracer meta xD imagine if you stopped being retarded
now just rework the universal hero mechanic to be +1 damage per highest attribute and i will CVMI will personally travel to 5864 Seward Park Ave S in Seattle and lick Sean Vanaman's cock clean personally if this were to happen
>>496870349>prioritize hp over damage>still get btfo every fight cause you deal no damagegreat strat quinn
>>496870416but i want to see all the matches you won skipping bracers
>>496870497there is plenty damage in the modern game, you just need health to facilitate dealing it
>>496870552>93k total hd to 150k hdthat is a false statement
>>496868790i know that item by heartsoul.......... no item has ever been close
>>496870624>bro like the losing team dealt less damage than the winning oneare you just pretending to be retarded or?are you one of those shitters who would say "huh i did 80k hero damage on zeus and yet we lost my team is shit", you can deal 1000000 dps, but if it results in 0 kills and towers it is USELESS
anon skipped bracer and bought butterflybecause he keeps dodging the mmr questionlmfoaoooooooooo
>>496870748you can have 1 million hp but with zero dps you'll kill no onenisha didnt buy a single bracer yet dealt the most damage
>>496870497thanks for calling me quinnim half as mmr as he does lol
>>496870830e s l
>>496870830time for you to go pro, and deal no damage like he does!
>>496870815>nisha didnt buy a single bracer yet dealt the most damagehe doesnt play universal mid heroes doesnt count lol
>>496870930yes sir thankssz>>496870953yes i am will do lolers
>>496870960>int heroes dont need hp to deal damageuh huh
puck has like seven disjoints you retard
>>496871259micke didnt buy any bracers on an int hero either, second most damage
>saars you must redeem the 2 bracer you bloody basterd bitch you cannot redeem immortal mmr unless you buy circlets and upgrade them
>buying bracersYou didn't earn your mmr
i still don't see a dotabuff :/
>>496871753im a dota buff
>>496871360in the other two games micke prioritized null talsiman over bracerno bracer build but managed to be top damage in game 1 and 3rd highest in game 2
>>496860753Weaver is really bad this patch
yeah i don't think anyone ever suggested building bracers on literally every hero, this "b-but micke didn't build them on f-furion" shit beats an argument nobody made lmfao
>>496872316someone suggested that you cant deal damage without having hp>>496870552which is false
now that gleipner is utterly ruined, whats will the new meta be about?
>>496872789crying about the item nerfs it seems
>Hoodwink faucets >Very cool extra attack and cast range>Or lmao 1 extra acorn hit for shitters >99% of players pick the last one ?????
>>496872862Clearly, you are fucking dumb.
shit game with shit players. me included
>>496874426at least you're honest with yourself
i need tot ake a shit
>>496872862obviously you want more dmg over some meme stats
taking shit ...
>>496874262Easier lane, but I find that extra cast comes in very handy later in the game. If you can't win the lane without then lmao sir.
my ass hurts now
>>496874426correctdota players are degenerate
>>496872862>facet that wins lane and increases damage>facet that does nothing in lane and helps you counteract your shitty positioningget goodyou want cast range? buy a blink dagger
>>496874563If EE would have gotten some adhd meds he could have won something.
>sleep for 17 hours>wake up>patch and collectors cache 2based, gimme the cool lion set and i'll start playing that ugly hero
>>496878535This just looks like a sad attempt at attracting twitter porn furniggers
>>496878535looks really bad
>>496878919>>496878865to hell with you.
and the fucking goat head instead of the head>hmmm this set is not looking bloated enough>what should i add>slaps a random fucking goat head instead of the handDespite all of the above, the worst part about this set is the dogshit god fucking awful looking Carpine Chimera (weapon) which reminds me of sun on the stick
>>496879214The goat head looks good. The set concept is a chimera. What's the issue?
>>496879214>random fucking goat headHave you ever heard of a chimaera?