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Battle Edition

>Crown Store Showcase, November 2024

>Elder Thread

>ESO Server Status

>Latest ESO Live

>Places to Buy/Recommended Addons/Assorted Links/Tweaks
- There are occasionally Free Play Events for prospective new players.

>UI Addons

>/tesog/ Guilds
[PC NA] mail: @taeralis, @zsj
[PC EU] mail: @Arachnomancer, @zsj
[PS4 NA] message PSN: kibukj
[PS4 EU] message PSN: RumpRustler
Or post your @username/platform/location here.

>Do I need to subscribe?
Optional, with largest benefits being access to all DLC (but NOT Gold Road), cash shop currency on sub start/renewal, and the Craft Bag (can save your characters a ton of space).

>Which faction should I choose?
Want to PVP in Cyrodiil with friends? Make sure you're in the same faction. Otherwise, doesn't matter.

>I started with a Chapter. How do I access the OG main quest?
Open your map (or visit a Wayshrine for free TPs) and go to either Daggerfall, Vulkhel Guard, or Davon's Watch. Walk around. "Soul Shriven in Coldharbour" should start soon.

>Where should I begin normal questing?
Check out the OG beginner stuff, first: go to Port Hunding, Khenarthi's Roost, or Bleakrock.

>Pledge/Trial Calendar

>DLC Chronological order flowchart

>The More You Know
- Level Rewards give you tons of stuff along the way, including a free mount at level 10.
- You need to be at least CP300 to queue for vet DLC dungeons.
EoS when
2030 when TES6 launches
Console trannies seething
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they keep making the endeavors longer
this is what purgatory is like
1250 Tel Var is like 10 minutes of running around the entrance of your alliance's sewer base.
thats 10 more minutes than I want to spend in IC
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aww jeah
Where did the Colossus go, and why is the attic wall missing in all the Breton Inns?
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>log in
>get spammed with 5+ duel requests while doing writs on my main alone
>one of the daily endeavors is dueling
of course
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why is this general so slow?
one would expect MMO to have lot of players
ugly ass aesthetics means no avatarfags
dead game. you know the situation is dire when not even avatarfags shit up the place.
I demand buffs to the following sets
- Unfathomable Darkness
- Mad Tinkerer
- Calurrion’s Legacy
That is all, thanks for listening
lol, it'd be easier to list the sets that don't need buffs
ok but like I just want my crows & my "haha look at them shoot into the air" sets to get buffed. Calurrion is listed just because.
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>none of the daedric summoning skills are criminal acts
>necromancer skills are
daedra have rights under the law, dead people don't.
now thinking more about it, I got it backwards
daedra are the ones that don't have rights
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you guys suck so much it's unreal
Zos could add more to the furnishing vendors at any time
Zos could make the game suck less at any time
but are they gonna?
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every new zone has less content than the last
this game is on managed decline
>We've learned a lot bringing the world of The Elder Scrolls to life, and it's time for us to take those lessons and build a new AAA IP.
they don't give a shit
>new AAA IP
Aren't they just working on a Mandolorian MMO?
no that was a fake leak that got disproven like 3 days later
ZOS' hiring pages have always called it a new IP
>Bad art style
>Bad game mechanics
>Bad stories
>Bad music
>Bad enemy AI
>No boss music or thematics to vibe to
It's a waste of 1000 hours honestly.
it has some good tavern songs though
have you heard of the high elves
You guys think the thalmor purged the camoran dynasty.
Post gay mers
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really looking forward to this place becoming available. wonder how we're going to get it. being a museum, and an anniversary home, i wonder if they're just going to give it to us.
of course, the first thing i'm going to do is grab some of those anniversary furnishings to relocate to my main homes. after that, i'm going to put in some new walls and doorways, make one of the wings into a living area...
I don't think the camoran dynasty managed to survive by the fourth era
solitude flora in the weald biome…i had predicted this
>try to log in
it's over
That's the new house in The Rift.
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>leave 1st city in grahtwood
>lesbian captain needs my help rescuing her wife
>let's ignore fag shit and complete the quest
>enter gray mire
>about to finish quest
>meet argonian at entrance to cave
>quest mark is inside rock and argonian nowhere to be seen
>let's do next closest quest
>city full of psychos
>dungeon part
>sheogorat closes draw bridge
>find way to lower it
>enter door
>get stuck in door
>can't complete quest which is required to progress zone story

so far grahtwood is pretty bad experience
>about to log in to see if the DOOR STUCK bug was fixed
>see this post
they didn't fix that bug in today's patch either? for fuck's sake man i was thinking about getting the collection later this month but i'm about to just uninstall this shit and go play an MMO that is actually maintained by the devs
it happened yesterday to me
patch notes say it is fixed now
i just checked and it really is fixed
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whos that babe on the far right?
looks like some mages guild character that didn't translate well because this game has hair made out of wax
This heinous wench
i have been in greenshade for 20 minutes and i already hate bosmer
I am yet to start the Aldmeri Dominion questline. What am in for
is that not what the new ticket fragments make
had to agree to the tos again when I logged in today. did they change anything or is the launcher just fucked?
why is there already a patch again anyways? what are these chucklefucks doing now
fixing the shit they broke with the last patch like bricking the entire AD storyline for new players
wonderful I'm thrilled to see what they have to fix from this patch next week
internal power struggles
i figured out the way to play this game is to just sprint past the millions of useless mobs placed between quest objectives, particularly in underground tunnels, and then just aoe down everything at the end and suddenly i'm enjoying the game a bit more
the fact that they chase you for 1000 kilometers and before fucking off kinda ruins it
yeah i've noticed a few of them have the nasty habit of slapping you just before sheathing their weapns and running off but it's still faster than fighting each pack individually
this works great until you get a mob chasing you to the ends of the earth to smack you once and fuck off, but he got stuck on terrain so you have to backtrack until you find him.
anon that is clearly a womannimarco
Honestly didn't realise the centre three are supposed to be the alliance leaders until recently
they're the player stand-ins from the trailers
its garbielle fuckin noob
Elven Hero (Dominion player stand-in)
Nord Hero
Breton Hero
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finished malabal tor
bosmer still suck
Molag Bal, forgive me...
>All of the undaunted companion abilities have a 36s cd
Fuck you, why?
>Biting trap also does 0 damage unless the conditions are met
HAHA very funny Zos
sorry man, if they put an ability that actually has any impact on combat whatsoever you might want to use your companions, and we can't have that happen
man i sure love being steamrolled because one of my teammates is a new player! that 0-30 K:D is really helping my team and not making every match one-sided at all! i'm sure they'll really stick with this game in the long term as well! really loving these battlegrounds!
They still haven't fixed the bug that makes the "quests only" checkbox on alchemy and enchanting not work properly
>delay doing provisioner writ
>compass points me to the nearest cooking fire at all times because that is necessary for some reason
History of the Hist tree
what's the point of double bank slots when all the shit that was clogging up my bank is now going into the virtually bottomless reagent bag?
Is this in competitive?
just rewording stuff about the spyware bots
Furnishings, furnishing recipes, writs, treasure maps, surveys, motifs and style pages. Furnishings are especially bad because you can't deconstruct them, so all you can do as they pile up (other than destroying them) is clog your bank, dump them in unused houses, or try your luck selling them.
does it matter? you're not retarded enough to defend being matched with a feeder even on casual matches because "it's le casual, just play for le fun" are you?
You'd be surprised how much crap you accumulate when you have no life. I have a totally maxed out bank and a full 500 slot guild bank on top of that.
oh yeah, furnishings. i forgot some people actually care about player housing
t. vendored all the apocrypha furniture from the halloween event
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why must the night be so blue
by default, magicka is blue, which is why the stars are blue, which is why the night is blue.
it's possible that the stars are pale in the later-set games because the magicka downpour isn't as strong. it's also possible that that's part of why magic is absolutely everywhere, in the second era, by comparison.
except the sun should be blue, too
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haven’t played in a bit, did they release any new solo content since the archive?
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Sun is the primary source of magicka on Nirn
well the West Weald zone chapter was released
Igor Levchenko - Advisor Llalam Dredil and Duke Dren
>log in
>writ time
>accidentally pick up item between me and banked
>log out
Igor Levchenko - Saint of the Temple
there is literally an option to prevent you from accidentally stealing items from the enviroment in the game settings you fucking retard
i forgot to turn it off
Lots of irony, if you have played TES mainline games
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buy the fucking sub
waiting for the black friday sale so i can pick up the collection and try out necro and arcanist
not wasting sub time on leveling characters
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is tanking really that hard in this game? I'm still doing open world (overworld?) content slowly
in casual content a tank is not needed and in vet content a bad tank can brick your group
they just like making any information on the meta for this game as obtuse as possible for some reason
I've changed my mind about Sword-Singer's Redoubt. It's most obvious use as a trading post is perfect for storing disparate themed furnishings, and more trees and tents make it very cozy compared to how hot and baren it is by default.
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why do so many people hate bosmer?
>why do so many people hate the cannibal, manlet, green schizophrenia elves?
I wonder why anon, such mistery
what's the verdiect on the Siegemaster set? is it fun?
bad taste
too stringy
I'm a Breton man
nervous in the service
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being an edgelord vampire necromancer and helping M*ridia defeat your patron god just doesn't feel right
the playable vampire clan hates molag bal however
deadler scrolls...
cringe nulore
Why do the Khajiit not speak like Kahjiit?
Oblivion lore
I only recall this happening in two instances: Ember and that khajiit raised by orcs from orsinium
that's what I said, cringe nulore
Okay.. What kind of Breton are you?
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I'm unreasonably bothered by how fucked the global map of Eastmarch is every time I look at it. They managed to wildly misplace the main city, and in doing so also created a headache should they ever do Winterhold or the Redoran lands.
deadest scrolls…
This general constantly needs saving at page 10 and Farquaad of all people is the only one who actually discusses anything like builds & shit. Fuck off & let it die.
farquaad only comes here to shit the place up and leave
ayleids were zased
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they'll just change the map like they did when vvardenfell was released, what's the big deal?
winterhold is also a small hold and mostly barren mountains anyway, it's more likely to be a smaller zone than a standalone dlc (probably leading up to solstheim or something else), seeing how morthal got demoted to a settlement.
I'm 1/16 ayleid.

t. bosmer
my ancestor :)
Forgot to mention that the 1/16th part is within my bowels and will pass in 16-24 hours.
Greenpact FTW
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>quality assurance
and nothing of value was lost
humor me for a second. say I wanted to make a vamp NB dps for pve, what set would be good to pair with War Maiden?
>ceck WoW livestream
>120k viewers

it's so over for us
why? because our game is an actual videogame to be played and not a movie to watch or background noise?
twitch is horrible metric to find out how popular a game is.
people that watch streamers don't play the game themselves
You're unironically better off asking about anything build-related on Reddit if you want an actual response.
To start with, Julianos. MagNB has a pretty easy time standing still, so Siroria is good. For your 2 piece, Maw of the Infernal to start with, or the Master's bow + Blackrose Inferno Staff.

With NB it seems like your options are stay 32 meters away and maybe do shit damage but also never die, or die constantly while hugging the boss.
So every BG is a snowball now
given the fact that NBs would now most likely be adding the new version of the invisibility skill into their rotation due to the 10% damage to monsters buff, might want to look into Stygian. 2 damage bonuses, offensive penetration bonus, and the 5 piece bonus gives 369 spell & weapon damage when you leave stealth. pair that with the vamp stage 2 passive that boosts damage when leaving stealth, sneak or Mist Form and that's a fat 700 just for using 1 skill
Aldmommery Dommynion
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The game is dying. Gold road did not do well. Steam isn't the full population, but is a good canary for how the overall population is trending. They saw a 4% increase in average population, 20% increase to peak population vs previous month. And they loss it all within 30 days. July's population metrics did so poorly it reached levels not seen since late 2023. And since then, we've had 5 months of consecutive declines. Which hasn't happened since 2019.

Fact of the matter is that ESO's formula isn't working anymore. Instanced PvE isn't bringing in players. PvP isn't bringing in players. The same old open world content with a new skin isn't bringing in new players. Spell crafting was so underwhelming nobody really cared about it. The new companions didn't land.

Shits about to get real for ESO within the next 2 years unless they do something truly new. The things I think they should do are new skill lines for traditional TES skills. Perhaps a new skill design where it is charged up just like in the singleplayer games and the designs WoW has been experimenting with (Gw2 has had these for awhile). One handed weapon tree. Difficulty tiers for overland with compensating rewards. More interesting mechanics around blocking to make tanking more interesting. Expansion of HA builds into other weapon types instead of just lightning. More interesting world skill lines like crime/DB/lycan/vamp, companion romance, and sailing (probably the hardest to do with this shit engine).
who cares
pvp is for faggots
TES VI being dogshit will save ESO
I think they're basically trapped between the old engine and old consoles. They probably could squeeze more out of the engine, but not without abandoning old consoles like Destiny did, but they're still giving enough money that they can't justify the risk of hoping new people come to replace them in a 10+ year old game.

So instead of trying to roll a ball up an increasingly sloped hill, they're just letting it gradually decline while they prep its replacement. Best case, the new IP stuff was a lie to preserve crown sales and we get ESO 2 with cool shit like boats and cape physics. Worst case they're stupid enough to think the brand wasn't carrying them, and they're left wondering why everyone isn't jumping over to some atrocity of a setting riddled with current year bullshit.
I don't want to wait until 2030 to see ESO in a better state
Yeah ESO2 will never come sadly. At least not till 2030-2035. They wouldn't release a new ESO game this close to Tes6 release (looks like they're aiming for 2026-2028 timeframe). You're probably right in terms of the engine/consoles are holding them back. Even still, there's a lot more they could be doing. Difficulty tiers are 100% doable and are a simply character based buff/debuff. We already have some things that impact drop rates of things like gathering nodes and furnishing plans in the champion points. Got things that increase exp already in consumables. If they can't figure out how to reuse that code; then the issue isn't in the engine that's for sure. Companion romances seem like they're 100% possible too. That's just focused on dialogue more than anything. In that list I gave, I think the only thing that is really hard/impossible to do would probably be sailing. Though we may be getting some kind of sailing mechanic in Tes6 so I'll be happy with that.
I think part of the problem is that they're too afraid to make any new systems impactful and too retarded to reign things in if if they're too powerful. companions do nothing at all outside of minuscule passive perks, there are maybe 3-4 mythics that do anything of value, spell crafting is fully irrelevant to dps players and there are only a few combinations that work for heal/tank. the meta sets have been cemented for almost half a decade now. more than half the classes have skills bad enough that taking the generic options that every class has access to is the correct choice.
They do need more content, and new skill lines, and new mechanics. but they also need to have even just one guy on staff who plays the fucking game to realise that there is so much that is broken or irrelevant or needs shaking up a bit. because it would kill my soul to have them release another feature that could be cool and have it be total shit to interact with.
there are qa workers at zenimax?
the same zos where bugs get found instantly on patch day and go unfixed for 6+months?
tanlorin gf
>new mechanics

This is the big thing. They don't just need to shake up the meta. They need to introduce things to the game that are actually different. I bet you behind closed doors they were treating skill crafting as this huge thing. Problem is, it barely did anything. Why? Because there's nothing truely new about it. It just introduced some ways for builds that didn't have access to a specific buff/debuff before to have it now. But the abilities and everything feels like things we've already seen in the game. None of them truly feel "new".

That's the important thing in my opinion. I think the whole "abilities that you charge like in the singleplayer games" and more interesting mechanics around blocking are two examples of things that actually "feel" different compared to the rest of the game. And if they were balanced to actually be relevant, they would probably do a considerable amount of lifting to get players back into the game. They can't rely on something like that by itself of course. But its an example of the kind of "new" that people want to see.
New player here: how do I make my character look like they're not between the ages of 45-83?
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Unironically? The last few quests are some of the best and most memorable moments in the game if you actually care about the story.
Haven't played since that one expansion came out that gave everyone who logged in a Mansion, is the game worth jumping back into?

Where do I even start?
play as a cat
>Where do I even start?
step 1: download the game
step 2: play it
Start grinding to 50 then grind to level 1500 before you're allowed to have any fun or obtain a sense of progression. Enjoy!
is that true? I'm like level 100 something

Duh but what do I do to catch up
alchemy and tanlorinx oiled up bound and gagged in the dark depths of my ayleid goonruin
>both ESO troons are high elves
what did zenimax mean by this?
Man imposes binary systems upon us
the Thalmor will return gender to a spectrum
What are some good leads to farm to get these new ayyyleid plans
Troons in general seem drawn to high elves for some reason. Probably just because they're the most flamboyant race at a glance.
You will see nearly every leader of the Altmer, Bosmer, and Khajiiti people killed and replaced with a Dominion stooge.
>skyrim nazis
>sissification of game developers
All the young trans and adult trans and they have wormed their way into everything game or nerd related. They made the Skyrim nazis gay because they can.
This game will always be shit. The economy and housing are the only fun part. It's lonely at the top away from all the overland pve plebs.
>is that true? I'm like level 100 something
Lmao enjoy having people just afk or leave your dungeon on sight. This community is dogwater and unless you've already pumped thousands of hours into it almost no one will give you the time of day. But welcome friend to /esog/ one of many generals to implode because they had an in game guild and someone said the n word one too many times.
It can't be that bad...right?
that guy is a fucking idiot. you can safely disregard literally everything he's said. fucking hell.
he's exaggerating a lot
I'm sure players that act like that exist but they're quite rare
also /tesog/ never imploded because someone said 'nigger'
would you anons be willing to give a fellow chud guidance? I feel like there's way too much shit and I can't sort it out
i can try. what do you want to know? oh, and make sure you've read the OP.
schizo post
any events on the coming future?
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well, this is how it went, last year
Are Harrowstorms the hardest world event?
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outside of new companion who is 2nd high elf troon?
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>be this guy
>extremely gifted when it comes to magic even for a high elf
>has a bright future ahead of him as a scholar
>decides to throw it all away the day the circus comes to his town
>changes his gender and joins the circus in that order
that's Alchemy for you
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and I was just planning on making one of those annoying unkillable Wardens too, thanks zos for the free wins for the next few days
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This place seems deader than usual
We are gooning
were you the gooner on PC NA Covenant side talking about Pornhub just now?
gooning to what?
>Drop a 20m queue as dps
>instantly pops the second I press the button
What is wrong with this game? Why is every other boss bugged? Why is this queue shit still fucked?
Chowing down on the Khajiit lore
as unpaid QA testers we are on strike over the quality of lotion
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>kill 200 enemies in a week - 250 seals
>kill 100 enemies 2x a week - 20 seals
yea, they should really rise the number for the weekly one
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Emprex Tanlorin
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It's a daily endeavor now, you jinxed it.
When my eso+ runs out lenchal grand manor becomes a teleport to wherever I was last it’s kinda handy
you claim this game is clearly cooked and yet it is not on sale during the cooking-themed steam sale
if you need to make a stop at your home, then want to get back to where you were before, you can always preview a house you don't own and then leave through the door.
This old head in my guild is taking bets for Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul.
Mike for sure
It's gonna be the same stunt as with Merryweather
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I'm so happy bros. Just had my first 1vX that I won... all my hard work to get better at pvp is finally paying off
Gimme your build so I can make it myself & use it against you. No seriously, how do motherfuckers win those 1vX fight? 10 years and I can'tfind anything that clicks for me PvP-wise
My build is nothing special just standard stamina sorcerer. I think the key to winning 1vX fights based only on my own experience and watching countless youtube vidoes, is focusing 1 guy at a time while making sure you dont get overwhelmed by the others with stuns and cc. I'm an idiot though so i might be completely wrong
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wow, got this from a Psijic Portal
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does that mean that bretons and nords are not human?
in this case, what are they?
manmer and hairless imga
they didn't capitalize the H for harrowstorms
the daily complaints about endeavors will continue until they improve
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Gaudy house gaudy characters and skins
yet 90% of the subhumans that play ESO would eat up tron looking khajits as the coolest shit

Wtf this shit is 10x better than linchal grand manor I want my money back
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I saw the big steam ads for this game (prob not gonna download) but I have to ask, is ESO like multiplayer Skyrim or more akin to traditional mmos with the elder scrolls theme slapped on?
the latter
generic MMO that happens to be in the Elder scrolls universe
any way to improve graphics beyond what I find in settings?
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pic is few years old tho
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Great fucking job, Zenimax!
Now I can't even play the game in my own language anymore, but at least we got FUCKING GENDERQUEER PRONOUNS! Who needs to understand the NPCs or be immersed if you can have a NON-BINARY DYKE COMPANION, amirite xisters?

I pray all DEI hires at ZOS get cancer and die a slow and agonizing shit
so done with this decaying, rotten carcass of an MMO
see you next week
It worked but making the game render in 4k can only do so much if textures are are still old af, but that can't be helped I guess.
nah, not paying for that anymore
don't waste any money on this piece of shit game
>is ESO like multiplayer Skyrim
10 fucking years, same old shit, this joke will never die out.
now you have the pleasure of enjoying the game in English over whatever peepeepoopoo language you played with before 3rdy
i hope we will get upscaled textures at some point
on one hand that would be nice, on the other... the game already takes over 100gb, I shudder at the thought of how much more space it would take.
Also, I don't think it will ever happen, the game engine is old and I doubt it could handle more load.
german voice acting is just infinitely better than english va slop
it is what it is
Hans.. at least they're not speaking german
been playing the game since 2019, back then PvE and PvP were actually fun, but since Greymoor I gradually detached from that aspect of the game and gravitated towards zone quests. Now all of the sudden every character in the game is replaced by a stiff version of themselves, even talking to Sharp immediately broke any semblance of immersion.

0 reason left to keep playing now, moving on
>le lizard brains sound STIFF, how could this be happening to me????
Tanlorin's stiff strapon in your ass
everyone is stiff, and a lot of the english voice actors mumble so bad that I can't even discern acoustically what was said

why would anyone play an RPG where your immersion is broken whenever somebody opens their mouth?
>my english is bad and I can't understand what's said... HOW COULD THIS BE HAPPENING TO ME???
because your ancestors were failures who lost two world wars hans
my english is flawless, english voice acting just generally sucks
sometimes when the brits do it it can be good, but american and canadian voice acting is the worst
funny how I can understand all of the NPCs. works on my nonESL ears
guess you get used to it if you're surrounded by muttering and mumbling negroids for your entire life

funnily enough I'm streaming Fishtank live and don't have any issues understanding what is said
maybe they should have hired Sam Hyde as a voice actor instead of DEI brownies, dunno
>my english is flawless
Post vocaroo of yourself correctly pronouncing squirrel and I'll believe it yuropoor.
only if you record a vocaroo saying "Eichhörnhen"
you're a Nafri that can't spell it correctly
your average mmofag is an attention whoring subhumans or a porn-addicted tranny, of course they'd gush over glowshit or modern clothingslop
>your average mmofag is an attention whoring subhumans
ESO's playerbase is 50% foid what do you expect
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give the Passport back it doesn't make you German Abdul
the point remains:

there's no excuse for the german voiceover of ESO not being available anymore except the utter incompetency of Zenimax DEI hires
it's a completely embarassing display that they can't add a tranny companion without breaking the existing game
get your carpet out it's your tri-hourly headbashing session.
update didn't break any language settings for me or the rest of my mostly french clan
why is there no alchemist hireling
i fucking hate farming alchemy ingredients
If Zenimax were hiring white and asian men instead of women, jewish trannies and gayniggers, this wouldn't be an issue

just facts
Dark Brotherhood + Empty City in Coldharbor you fucking n00b
this would be funnier if the official language of your country's capital wasn't arabic
kek, Brazilian seething his unofficial Portugeese add-on stopped working
zos does something good for once
i don't have this dlc FUCK
it's not REALLY a hireling though, more like the reward you get for doing your daily alchemy crafting quest
sometimes you don't even get that, but only useless potions
>I'm streaming Fishtank live
imagine the smell of this anon...
how do I nightblade vampire, lol
with flurry
yeah Rich and z*nke are doing such a great job lmoa
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Off with you S'wit!
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back to the top
Shockingly, the name Tentondildo was neither already taken, nor blacklisted.
it will however promptly get you reported
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im having fun on eso i dont want to go to bed
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nice try, Gina
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Hey folks, i'm looking what is that outfit/style is from, love the back spine showing !
will they ever add anything to do inside your home? I only visit it to use my armoury station or outfit station. There's nothing else to do. Bonuses for sleeping or indoor activity would be cool.
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is this an obtainable player outfit? i need to try this on a race that doesn't look like an ayy lmao
supid tard playing with ps premium streaming
>entire quest hubs filled with dead friendly NPC corpses
new bot farming method just dropped
Your home is where you e-fuck catbois and yell the nigger word with impunity.
It's an occasional crown store thing. There's one with the skirt and one with pants instead.
>clown store slop
i don't want it anymore
sorry for being a poorfag
ain't that easy to afford a high end gaming PC when you can't even afford groceries
costs $18 for ps premium,...$8 for essential
the game is regularly on sale for $5 (it is right now) and you're dumb enough to play it on da cloud for $10 extra dollars a month and bitch about it being buggy 9n streaming
>high end gaming PC
Any POS toaster from the last 10 years can run this crap, you could buy one with a year's worth of Xbox gold snoy edition
I haven't gotten a new cpu in over a decade maybe you could get a PC if you didn't waste money paying for the internet a second time
yeah, not paying another buck
it's not even worth 5 anymore
I have a 4090 and this game's fps still dips in certain areas. Games just not optimized at all and anyone who says otherwise most likely has so many features disabled that it looks like they're playing roblox.
Peryite gets the task done, good choice
Why We Need to Speed the Process for Germs Entering our Bodies
it's called "Herd Immunity"
you don't need a 'high-end gaming pc' to play this game
In the link above there is a bunch of screenshots I took on a Latitude E6430 from 2013. If you have anything newer than that, you can absolutely play ESO in it.
I don't, I have an Acer Aspire ES 17 that randomly blackscreens on me and a PS4 with a broken disk drive
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I doubt that laptop would run the game worse than this
damn i didn't know this game had a n64 port
no, it's ESO running on a business laptop from 2013 with a manually modified config file to drop the quality further than the game allows you to
i did all 3 faction stories + coldharbour + morrowind already. is craglorn worth doing before getting a sub? half the shit seems to be group garbage and the zone in general seems deserted as fuck
i liked craglorn story
it's about stars and shit
the whole zone used to be group content once upon a time but they made the areas the story is involved in soloable. the story is forgettable and in my head craglorn is only relevant because of the nirncrux trait material so take this post with a grain of salt
people that fake tank are the scum of the earth
>wastes money paying for Sony's top tier scam subscription
imagine my shock
True but most real tanks are divas so it's more enjoyable having fakes in normal dungeons
It wasn't a normal dungeon...
what framerate?
15-25 fps depending on place
internal resolution is 683 x 384 and it gets upscaled to 1366 x 768
Impressive, only slightly worse than the base ps4 experience
>fake tanking on vet dungeons
Switch in 3... 2... 1...
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..is this a Dreadsail Reef reference?
there's a couple of NPCs in vivec city that say this shit every time i pass by
my favorite line is the Ordinators mumbling to themselves:
>3 Gods, 1 Tribunal
>3 Races, 1 Pact
Do yall think they should just take a step back/stop relying on "traditional" endgame? Such as instanced PvE (Dungeons/Trials) and PvP (even though it hasn't really been touched except this last update)?

Reason I ask is that seems like across the entire mmorpg genre, populations are dropping (those that we can see). And ESO in particular has been trending downward for years. This past patch cycle has no done it good. Content wise, it seems like all the typical stuff is there. They've got dungeon updates, trial updates, etc. Compared to when this game peaked, they're still (quantity wise) release on the same standard. However, it doesn't seem to be pulling in the same populations anymore. Scribing, on paper, is one of the more "drastic" changes they've made to the game in years. However, it really failed to entice players it seems. And based on what I've seen in discussions online, its mainly due to annoying grind for it + the skills themselves are boring.

Should they instead pivot to focusing more on the 'main character' of this game, the world itself? Instanced content for both PvE/PvP are hard to compete in today's mmorpg world. Those things are dominated by other games (like instanced content PvE: WoW/FF14). Making it so the only real reason to come play ESO over those games is either the lore or combat (which we all know combat is a hot topic). Should the developers instead be focusing on open world based content? Things that are actually different and not just content repaints. Taking inspiration from other games with open world content focuses (Like gw2) or from singleplayer games? New abilities that are designed differently to be more like something you see in the singleplayer TES games? Difficulty sliders/changers for the overland?
they should restore the game to pre-Greymoor state
they're already too lady to even "rely on traditional endgame" they cut half of it
they don't care
they aren't going to change anything
you put more effort into that post than they care to put into this game, they are moving on
the skyrim themed skinnerbox for
thirdies must go on
not so sure about Japan, but America, France, Germany and the UK might as well be third world countries at this point
Copy shit from GW2, it worked for wow (dragon riding and raising the amount of open world content)

There should just be way more reasons to run into players in the wild and engage in content with them. That's what makes MMOs different than other games.

If content at endgame is just queueing up as 5-6 players and running shit over and over and over, why wouldn't the average player just play Fortnite? It's the same shit but you dont have to spend 50-100 hours before the game gets good.

Also PVP in all MMO's is fucking dead. Carebears won.
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>sign in on website fine
>download game
>try to sign in
>it never sends the code

How do I play then.
do it until it works, I had the same issue IIRC
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just make fucking mount upgrades apply to all characters
MMOs are a doomed genre. Half of them have become tranny nightclubs, the other half's population actually cares about gameplay (the ones with the ugliest player models) but their population of turboautists expect everyone else to be playing the game as long as they have so they treat new players like dirt.
It's time to move on to real games.
>wake up
yup it's ESO time
>log in
>do writs
>log out
oof great session today lads, i'm beat. see you tomorrow for another hectic day of elderly scribbles online
Why do you even do this at this point then

and why do you post here
it's a joke sis, no need to get your panties in a twist
Get a load of this retard. It's a monday and he logged off without doing his weekly endeavour.
One of this week's weekly endeavours is doing 16 daily quests. Writs are daily quests.
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Shit, I kneel. I'm still wageslaving so I haven't logged in yet to see what the endeavours are.
the lack of substantial content is the real joke!
we could be enjoying some new copy pasted dungeons and a mini zone right now
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gather round boys Microsoft says its time to spend an extra 10 minutes on the game this week
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Ithelia > Xal'atath
Tranny cat spotted
tranny poster spotted
It's a 10 year old game, it's basically dead
age doesn't mean anything for games
half life 2 is 20 years old and it just hit an all time peak players yesterday
If they actually update the Breton Hero costume it will be goated as many good designs are wasted by low res textures/models that Zognimax has refused to update
Trying my best anon, I'm getting owned here
these challenges are too easy
Is there a place I can get a rundown of each DLC?
Do they ever go on sale for black friday?
but the prize is shit!
I feel like there's a few factors to make this determination. The type of game it is, the peak, and the retention. Peaks don't really matter much in live service games, especially mmorpgs. New world is a good example of this. What matters is their retention rate over time. And determining what that rate means changes from genre to genre. Like the retention rate for a singleplayer game can be much lower than a live service game. As live service games rely heavily upon a steady amount of players to operate as intended. Age 100% doesn't matter in any situation I think, Especially since some of the most played games right now, especially on steam, are like 6+ years old (CSGO, PubG, etc)

Since the only metric we have for ESOs health is steam, it does not paint a good picture for this year. Its peaks have been underwhelming and its retention has been horrible. Hasn't been in this state since 2019. And I'm going to go off a limb here and that these golden pursuits are not going to have a big impact either. And the importance of this year can't be understated. It is the anniversary year. So to put it into perspective from a purely population perspective (revenue is the major factor, but we won't have access to that)

1. Dungeon/Trial/Chapter under-performed
2. The anniversary event under-performed
3. Spellcrafting under-performed
4. The new companions under-performed
5. PvP updates under-performed
6. DLC events under-performed
7. and soon, this golden pursuits update will under-perform

Not a great sign for a mmorpg that is in its "biggest year" since launch.
oh BOY do I love when the cp 300 with the PvE builds come into Battlegrounds. and BOOOOY do I love the 2 team format
Well how do you get into ESO?
It's so much shit and so much DLC how the fuck do you rationalize any of it as a new player?

PUBG, CSGO, Fortnite etc are all extremely easy barrier of entry. You just download the game and play.

But ESO needs builds, gear to min max, and all this other shit, another issue is questing gatekeeping interacting with other players.

I think MMO's after so many years just keeps veterans because who else wants to waste time trying to penetrate all the systems and currencies. But ESO isn't really renevating anything, just 2 new dungeons and a zone or two a year. Boring.
An untextured version has been datamined, but I can't find the image. It's behind a (((paywall)))

>It's so much shit and so much DLC how the fuck do you rationalize any of it as a new player?

I had the same issue at first but honestly it's not that complicated once you get the grip by watching some youtube videos on how to do basic shit. I just omit a lot of stuff in this game that doesn't interest me at the moment like scrying or pvp.

As for the content - there's a link to zones/content chronological order in the OP above. Basically you just do the vanilla game zones and work your way through the DLC zones if you want plot consistency.

Best advice is to try out a little of everything and then do the stuff that is fun for you, there's no point in taking this game too seriously like the retards in this general

>But ESO needs builds, gear to min max

99% of the game is piss easy, the only content where you actually need to think through your builds are veteran dungeons and trials
Show me one(1) Tasteful ‘Jiit ‘mog
>spend 10 minutes playing to get a costume that makes me look 100lbs fatter
So here's my analysis from an outside perspective on ESO.

Yeah I see your point. But this has always been a crux of the MMORPG genre. Barrier of entry. I mean we're at the state right now in the genre where the barrier of entry can't get any lower. As someone who has been playing MMORPGs for well over 20 years, there's a lot of factors as to why we're in the state that we're currently in. But when it comes to these small to medium sized MMORPGs like Gw2/ESO, the main reason they're all struggling with retention is because..they've become stale. Games like WoW and FF14 dominate the "instanced PvE" player market. What little mmorpg pvpers are left are mainly swapping between WoW, Albion, or some older games like Eve. These medium sized mmorpgs need to figure out what they do well, then they need to capitalize on it and build new upon it. ESO's major "thing" that it did well was RPG aspects. Now it will never beat a singleplayer game. BUT for a mmorpg, it has really good RPG aspects. The way players can interact with the world (like stealing, for example, you hardly ever see that in mmorpgs these days), all the voice acted quests, companions, the quest choices (even though they have no impact really), housing, the hybrid class-less system, the lore/world building, etc. Its combat is liked by some, but its no where in a state of mass appeal. The people who get really into ESO often fall into one of those two camps. Either they really like the RPG aspects or they're one of the few who really like the combat.

The past 4 years now, ZoS has done little to build upon this.

They saw player growth with a formula and have been doing it ever since. Its been failing for the past 4 years. IA, Scrying, Tales of Tribute. These things are siloed in the sense that if you ignore them, they have little effect on the game. If you wanted to ignore all those things, you could easily do that and not feel hugely punished by it. They're just optional content that introduced either horizontal rewards or rewards that don't have a huge impact (few exceptions based on balance changes). Spellcrafting is another example where it was unecessary grind for abilities that just "felt" like more of the same. Sure it introduced some new ways to gain access to boons for specific builds. But it wasn't anything that felt new. It wasn't a "true" new way to play the game.

They need to focus on new fun things for combat and new fun things for open world

Combat: More interesting/competitive builds around LA and HA for all weapon types (I've got loads of ideas on how to make HA for other weapons work more interesting). More interesting builds that interact with blocking mechanics and bashing mechanics. Spells that work similar to spell casting in skyrim (charge up mechanics) and then creating interactions around that.

Overland: More interesting/creative events. Use games like Gw2 as inspiration. Difficulty tiers for the open world and rewards that compensate for that (true difficulty, not just health sponges everywhere).

The theory is that this game is on life support now. Its the most monetized mmorpg on the market right now. So they're just milking it going steady on while they divert their funds towards other projects. They can probably do the above things, but the money isn't there for them. Costs too much with little return. They'd rather just put it towards a new game. The story of a lot of mmorpgs at the moment (gw2 is going through the same thing).

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>Heres the golden persuit patch you've been waiting for!
>Can YOU complete these 5 simple challenges that will take you at most 15 minutes?!
A lot of dumb niggers got permabanned because they made their own guild and someone reported them for what was said in the chat. Also because this game can only hemorrhage players since the grind to level 1500 is so laughably boring due to how many times they nerfed xp gains across the board. You like PvP, PvE and the plot? WELL FUCK YOU NIGGER YOU GET 0 FUCKING XP HAVE FUN!
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This outfit would have made them millions had they not completely fucked it up.
instant wayshrining to a house waypoint is craaaazy
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no one knows or cares what guild you're talking about.
you don't need 15 fucking hundred.
you get plenty of XP from the things you listed.
Middle one is like dad bod breton hero lol
...because you're a newfag? Don't reply to me again.
>Don't reply to me again.
Here is a reply.
i thought this would have been obvious, but it's because you're a liar. another moron trying to hurt the game in the eyes of new people instead of just leaving.
stop doing that and you'll probably get your wish.
>says the activities are themed
>no discernible theme to these activities

>you can track which challenges you want to do
>but theres only 4 so you have to do them all anyways

>1 week long pass that takes about 20 minutes to complete
>who knows how long until the next

>Nord Hero of the Ebonheart Pact

they can't even do battlepasses right wtf
absolutely kabbalistic
have you considered that this is not a battlepass?
no and I won't.
Here's another reply. Fuck you.
f2p 200cp khajiit players have entered the chat
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well I hope one day we will get something actually good as the golden pursuits reward
WoW won.
Is the game dead?
they're just going to include pvp/trial/archive challenges and everyone will stop interacting with the mechanic

yes unless you like idling and buying fomo cosmetics
How good/bad is the archive anyways?
boring as fuck
you get a few waves of the same trash mobs you kill every day in the overworld, then a boss that will oneshot you if you fail its mechanics
at least we aren't speaking Akaviri
*yet, we aren't speaking Akaviri yet.
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>golden pursuit
thank you for the 20 minutes of content zos, may i have another?
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next event when?
but the arena weekend or whatever it was just ended?
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The other
eh, the first one is an experiement to make sure it works, something a bit extra to get done before the next event on Thursday.
>Overland: More interesting/creative events. Use games like Gw2 as inspiration.
This. GW2 overland is the best in any MMO, period.
>The story of a lot of mmorpgs at the moment (gw2 is going through the same thing).
Yes, and the lesson they are learning is not to pull a Bungie and kill your only source of cash flow because you want to move on to something else thay you have no idea will succeed (it wont). The trend is keeping these games as live as long as they dont go into the negative. Players are sophisicated enough that they feel iffy about games in the state of gw2 or ESO, whether or not they are worth any more effort lest they get burned by an EOS announcement. ZOS is a lot better at alleviating those fears than ArenaNet, though, since ZOS has consitent releases and communication with the community about upcoming releases.
Gw2 has constantly talked about their content releases over the last 3 years, its not feeling dead because of it.
two sixth house banners for 10k
resdayn has fallen
the drop rate for that was raised earlier this year
weird looking dark elf
Why the fuck do I always get leader when I use LFG?
that means ur special
youre kirito
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I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, it should never make me a leader.
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Selling these dwarve instruments have been free money
It’s alright a little dated the buoyant gentility ensemble looks better
Does ESO go on sale on the eso webstore like it does on steam?
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Is /tesog/ watching the battlegrounds brawl? What are our thoughts on it?
the what now
next year is winterhold
new datamine 100% confirms it
Whiterun and you are a beta transformer cuck
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the dwerms were goated for this
I'd post more but I was rangebanned for avatar fagging. (Deservingly)
So if I'm interpreting Sermon 37 right, Vivec never achieved CHIM as part of the Tribunal, and would only learn how to do it properly when Numidium reappears in the 5th era to destroy the world as a way of bailing out the Dunmer?
I still can't get over the fact that almalexia kills the clock boy later in the timeline when they lose all of their powers.
the house in itself is way too small. should be a proper plantation sort of thing
one of the tasks for legacy of the cuckolds is playing trash of tribute.
tale of tribute is a good game
fuck off
>*waits for the turn timer to almost run out every single turn*
It is an okay mobile game. As is it actively detracts from ESO. You should be able to play against NPCs while in queue for dungeons or whatever.
they will add a dawnwood house in malabal tor
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altmer is the master race
So if I understand correctly, the various beast-folk like khajiit, argonians, fauns, imga, and lilmothiit are the natives of tamriel, while all other races come from other "continents" which may or may not actually be previous world-cycles. Does this imply that the Akaviri were also fleeing the end of their own kalpa during their invasions?
The Hist and by extensions Argonians aren't really native to Tamriel since the Hist has been around through most if not all of the previous kalpas
according to Kirkbride's schizo ramblings Akavir is the future and they're actually sailing back in time to Tamriel
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wake up /tesog/
we finally have something to do
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> I pulled this atronach out of the void and into the fetid stink of mundus just so I could force him into a horse shape and ride him. I came so hard.
at least take comfort in the fact that a lot of people from every site that discusses this game think this looks retarded
i just had to do a little searching when the first picture of it came out
also -- thank god -- looks like the swords aren't always out, you have to rear up for them to appear
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this is dumb
farming Death Dealer's Fete's leads is AIDS
>IC bosses
nobody fucking does IC like that anymore, and you're lucky to touch a boss before some faggot ganks your anus
IC in general is pretty aids.
High Isle
my beloved...
The High Isle plot is cold garbage.
You don't like being ordered around by a condescending dyke erotic fiction author?
Muhfuggin driuds magickal prophecy
Why did the leaders go to the island by ship, when the talk at Stirk established they could travel via teleportation?
Bad writers start with their big scenario or set piece in mind, then write backwards to explain how it happened without consideration for how their explanation opens up plotholes.
High isle was the last good chapter
-Good storyline that expanded the base game three banners war plot
-Most visually impressive zone in the game to date
-Memorable villain (Lord Bacaro)
-Tales of Tribute
-Amazing soundtrack
are we including Firesong as part of this
it sort of ruined Bacaro and dropped most of the 3BW stuff
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>no double xp
You actually have to be the biggest cuck in the world to enjoy PvP in this game. What a miserable experience.
go play apex with your boyfriend loser
I dislike it greatly yet I continue to spend most of my time in the game doing it
It feels like it got the gw2 treatment, where the devs just kept nerfing and fucking with the meta so hard that now the meta is just pure cancer and nothing else works.
I'm getting TOO MANY treasure maps from this event
>calmly explain mechs to an obvious noob
>easy clear
>noob bends over backwards thanking me for not being an asshole
what are you guys doing them? this isn't an isolated incident I've had it happen a dozen times over the last couple weeks
fags either ragequitting after 1 wipe or calling noobs utter retards
>26 tickets for this event
>60 for new life
>Companions house is 65 tickets
>Draoife set has high drop rate
>Only other collectable is a tiny statue
It feels like they really want to make sure everyone gets the house. Aren't they most likely giving away that new house in The Rift too?
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The Ascendant Lord Bacaro twist makes no sense, unless there's some evidence there was a former Ascendant Lord he took the place of.
the problem is that most of the time the noobs don't follow at all even if you explain the mechanics to them, and then you all die

that said, sometimes it's hard to explain the mechanics via text chat and back in the day I was the one who had to google shit to understand what the fuck am I supposed to do
Nothing is really "native" to Tamriel if we accept the version that Nirn is a patchwork of different worlds created before
Man I respect Kirkbride for his work but I am so fucking glad his later ideas like CODA were NOT implemented (or at least, not fully) in the official lore because they often massively suck ass and seem like they were invented purely for le epic subverted expectations "crazy" shock value
what's the house being given?
anyone else getting a lot of good companion gear from this event? did they buff the drop rate or something?
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>Aren't they most likely giving away that new house in The Rift too?
as far as i know, that's just a theory i put forth, given that it's so anniversary-oriented, it's meant for players to showcase things they've collected in all their travels (sure, regular homes are, too, but this is literally a museum), and while it's not the first time they've used the ouroboros in-world, this place has like a million of them. just feels like a "thanks for playing our game" kind of home, but we'll see.
see pic and its filename, >>503198725
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i don't have firesong or high isle
i'm going back to sleep
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>slowly killing IC boss since I'm on a shitty "leave me alone" tank build
>2 EP come outta nowhere & join in
>kill the boss together & they go on about their way
>faggot EP NB pops out and tries ganking me, clearly can't kill me himself but feels compelled to follow me all around the area
>literally standing still trying to shoo him away
>eventually another faggot pops up and helps him
>mfw they both wasted 10 minutes of their time & mine for 150 tel var each
Imperial City is mega-AIDS
latest weinstein accuser comes bravely forth in shocking tell-all
coming in 2045
Todd it up
Goddamn I can't stand little fags who feel the need to announce how shitter shattered they are over the conversations in zone chat. Don't read it you little cunt. Only thing worse is the cocksuckers who announce that they reported someone.
was it the zone chat in galen?
because you hit yes when the popup appears faster than anyone else
pretty sure
Isn't it role based? Thought tank was usually the default, then healer
Yes. It's a lot more chatty over there than High Isle, which I guess brings out the cunt in people. Last night some turd was even like "I don't appreciate all the blather." Bitch, look away then. I don't think I've ever seen it this bad in previous events.
>expecting me to go out of my way to make a new chat tab without zone chat in my MMO
what next you're going to expect me to contribute in group content?
yesterday someone in that chat mentioned how bad of a companion tanlorin is, and almost immediately a bunch of troons started screeching
I hate troons so fucking much
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the they/them stuff is annoying, but i'm loving Tanlorin. 85-90% (with passives) chance to force locks, PLUS a chance to avoid breaking a pick when forcing, even when it fails. cute voice, too.
i had this all typed out before the previous post, kek
Thanks for giving me an idea of what to do tonight while I run around Galen
Imagine forcing locks like a wasteful subhuman
just saves a lot of time when you're opening hundreds of chests, like with some lead-hunting
In that scenario, you should queue for cyrodiil, and port out. Be sure to check notifications because the queue pop up message doesn't when you're in combat.
>Cute voice
please hold up the entire trial for 45 seconds each while we wait for you to remember how lockpicking works. that's much more efficient than wasting 9 gold
i didn't need to know that, anon
I've never ran a trial and my eso+ expired....
el altmeris de las argonia
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>run past a single enemy
>run miles away
>still in combat
Holy shit, console limitations really did a number on this game.
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This has to be it, I installed an addon that auto accepts the invite. Thanks Anon.
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