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Alicesoft/Rance General #1237

Sour edition

Last Thread: >>501206954

FAQ: files.catbox.moe/vxrbu5.txt
Torrent: files.catbox.moe/zxwsje.torrent
Read the FAQ before you ask questions.

>Useful Links
New wiki (under construction): https://alicesoft.miraheze.org
Rance World Notes: DEAD (if you have it, please reupload!)
Booru: https://hannybooru.com/

Check the FAQ for downloads and general hints!

List of translations - https://alicesoft.miraheze.org/wiki/Translation_project
List of mods - https://alicesoft.miraheze.org/wiki/Modding_Project

>Recently Released
Hentai Labyrinth [EN] - Out now!
Purchase: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01075029.html

Rance IX Physical [EN] (includes lore book) - Out now!
Purchase: https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=3&product_code=314

Alice's Hanny Hanny Crush! [JP]
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3036480/
Cracked: https://www.mediafire.com/file/os6qpn4itcvj8qp/2024_Alice%2527s_Hanny_Hanny_Crush.rar/file

Only You [English Patch]
Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/kpl10ogjg2jjfb4/Only_You_Re-Cross_English_Patch.rar/file
MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/dj9HmCBZ#Vwt_DvPkTogA_8ssvrmKTldoIUE2UivuVCrEEYeZEn4

Daiakuji [Partial English Patch]
MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/n0NQyYgb#3ba9dYW7U14Wuvz23mIV4_NJRJZVKnbq66obIMHRMt0

Galzoo Island [English Patch]
Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ugus0OkswgePIigqplOfer8id9QE4pf0
Prepatched: https://mega.nz/folder/gzl2XLjL#P7sSj56QXitsfY1pF3EIcw

>Upcoming Games
Untitled wife nukige (early development)
Rance 03 - Translation: 88% ā€“ Editing: 79%
Rance X - Translation: 100% ā€“ Editing: 5%
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - Fully translated and edited
Yoru ga Kuru! - N/A
Daiakuji Fan TL - Kikuko Route translated
Daiteikoku - TL Announced

35th anniversary site:
Any interesting developments?
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Only Galzoo
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>Uploading files from your IP range has been temporarily blocked due to abuse

Fucking Australians and their shitposting, I wanna post some funnies.
Australians, the original seaniggers
Post them in catbox.
There's a Rance thread on /a/ if anyone cares: >>>/a/273281775
>Rance and Chaos crash a Leazas royal meeting

Haven't seen that in a while.
saving the thread with medusa bump
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Is Rance LGBT friendly?
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My schizo take is that Rance VI is unironically progressive (kind of)
>powerful men are either manipulative, dumb, or just downright evil
>the elite treat lower classes as subhumans, but Ice Flame proves that it's unironically a socioeconomic problem
>the revolution was righteous, but it was sabotaged by demons
>Urza and Kimchi never surrender to cock and keep fighting for their ideals not caring about Rance's selfishness
I don't think it's wrong to say that rance vi is the most liberal in its story with all the "everything would be fixed if we all just learned to got along" kind of shit. The game ends with everyone learning to get along and things somehow working out in the end. Very liberal and gay. The rest of the series usually punishes that kind of stereotypical mindset.
rance 7 shows trans rance so yes
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Iā€™d fill her potential
I watched a lot of magical girl growing up. We share a fetish.
I'd potentially fill her
I'd bump medusa until I save her with my thread
Helmanian dynasty pussy got me acting unwise.
Rance is best played two hours after a very strong drink. It makes it easier to hallucinate sex.
Get some sleep.
Maybe he should get less sleep if he wants to hallucinate
>powerful men are either manipulative, dumb, or just downright evil
Gandhi, Daniel, Saias, Kabachahn, Alex, Patton, Rick and Sieg?
>Ice Flame proves that it's unironically a socioeconomic problem
Ice Flame was utterly inefficient until Rance came in and gave them an external enemy to fight.
>Urza and Kimchi never surrender to cock and keep fighting for their ideals not caring about Rance's selfishness
Urza spends 90% of the game mindbroken by Rance's dick. Kimchi is barely a character.
Alright, what did El do to get tied up by her mother?
Probably just run around.
Tried to make a can-can slave trading business again
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Gently bumping Kanami's ass
Does anyone have a Quest save file with ALICE boss fight?
Nobody's got Quest save file, nobody's got rance world notes. What are you lot good for besides Shizuka Nakadashi?
>Rance 03 - Translation: 88% ā€“ Editing: 79%
Release it
How strong is the ranceverse compared to other fantasy universes?
Rance works notes is retconned now anyway
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What is British's expression trying to convey?
What would you need Quest save file for? You can only redo quests, no scene reader if they don't have a CG
Rip 3D models
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>What are you lot good for besides Shizuka Nakadashi?

What more is required?
I have a Quest save file, but it is post-post-post-game and you want a post-game savefile so I'm not giving it.

You don't need a savefile for that. Go play your own game.
young ho-raga is pretty cute
I personally think Alicesoft should make a new game
Learn Japanese and send them a very passionate letter.
Currently they don't have people that can make good games, do you still want them to?
I'm going to grind out Gungan in SR while at work.
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A new game with an alternate universe Rance that's a full fledged lolicon and refuses to have sex with any girl past 14 years old.
Dai sengoku rance, but it follows after Katsuie converts Rance. Rance then decides to conquer the world for the sake of loli.
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The Rance series does not have enough prominent Reds. Leila and Satella is pretty much it, and they are not exactly main characters. Then you get to the likes of Willis and Wichita, characters who make minor appearances. If Alicesoft would end their discrimination and give more focus to Reds, the most superior girl type, they would be swimming in profits.
Leila isn't all that prominent really.
For Reds

Satella is quite prominent.

Leila is in III/03, IV and KR. But that is it for her - doesn't even appear in Quest.

I'd argue that Eleanor and Wichita are the same level as Leila.
She's at least heavily featured in multiple games and makes appearances in others, which is far more than most reds can say
>heavily featured
In IV and a lesser extent 03/III
Julia is prominent.
i'd genuinely like to see this and have that nonstandard ending be converted to something fully fledged just for the fun of it
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Julia is a carrot-head. I wouldn't consider her a red.
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How long until Yoru ga Kuru! will be out? A 1 month left, more than one month left, will they release the game in time?
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Willis is in almost every Rance game, she's more major than Leila
>I have been waiting for this!
>*kidnaps the enemy general*
evenicle 1 was better
she's barely existent though. Also, reduced to a chibi sprite in later games like Quest.
Alicesoft's clearest mind.
>Rance: Kamoshida, you're unforgivable!
>Kamoshida: Oh great, another morali-
>If only I could have given Shiho a taste of my hyper weapon she wouldn't have resorted to this! Dammit, I even had plans for something together with Ann and lots of lube....
>Ann: *already appalled beyond measure*
rance x doko...
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We are making a new stadium for our VGL team. The stadium will have a Leazas aesthetic. What name do people prefer for the stadium?

1. Kichikuou Castle
2. Leazas Colosseum
3. Leazas National Brothel

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potential wasted
Shizuka, Maris, Feliss, Tomato, Hornet, Teru, Chinu, Kiku, Yocchan, Pulptenks, Jericho, Yulang, Aya, Elena, Caloria, Colin, Arnie, Megadeth,

How do other colours compete?
Agreed. Post KR she is completely irrelevant. Good OVA scene though.
What would be the equivalent of a Rance X points run? I just did a run on hard mode where the human casualty rate finished on 16 when i beat Kayblis on a Demon world invasion route, but I dont think this is a good metric
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I will never forgive alicesoft.
Shizuka should be the 13th wife...
Who are the other 12 wives?

Kichikuou Castle
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Don't die while I sleep
Willis is in a lot of games but you see ger for like 5 seconds while she says her 2 dialog lines and then she goes away. That's not what I would call a major character (though she is hot).
Blues are the only possible competition
Why doesn't /haniho/ have any drawfags?
They've never had the people to make good games. The issue is their identity seeped away, which already started happening from the 90s on, the writing was on the hanny biru wall.
Double suppressing every country ASAP?
too lazy to draw
I can't draw
We used to
Light blue is cheating because of Kalar
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fuck you kanami
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Monkey's paw.
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sorry about AI slop
AI slop doesn't look nearly as bad when it doesn't have that same shading that 99% of them have. I even notice people using AI to color their works that they drew because the shading always looks the same. All that to say, the one you posted looks pretty good.
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so is Rance just immune to STDs?
Magic. Don't know about old timeline though
how does milli get offscreened by STDs but rance doesn't kek
Rank Rance's boys based on how much of a cuckold they are.
Magic. Also wasn't actually an STD no?
1. Kay
what's there to draw? also, these threads are surprisingly tame for games where girls are brutally raped regularly, you could even read it in public, compared to almost any other thread in this board. granted the lack of art is probably part of it...
1. Bird
2. Arios
Average age of /haniho/ skews older than most /vg/ threads.
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I just find it somewhat surprising because if you go to /ksg/ for instance, they have people that make art constantly. That's probably the only reason they have persisted so long.
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Why? Gigai doesn't even care about women
fuurin where are you give me some news about the new tsumage
1. Bird
2. Kayblis
3. Rick
4. Ran's boyfriend
5. Ithere
In my timeline, he never got cucked.
Rance fucking leila every game doesn't count?
He only fucks her in 03 and optionally in kichikuou, no?
IIRC you can fuck her in IV as well (sleep/drunk rape sidequest)
He fucks her in IV and Sengoku
every politician in town fucking Maris doesn't count?
Nta but rick had a crush on maris
Does Maris actually do sexual favors for politicians or is that just a meme?
in KR she admits to sleeping with men to help Lia.
Sounds to me that it's been a noncanon community meme since 2002 then
She wasn't a virgin in 01 so...
What is rance's level at the end of each game?
Lia could have just as easily fucked her with a strap-on
She gets raped in 03 by Rock-eaters.
1 in III/03
End of VI is likely 40 since that's his starting level in Sengoku. End of 9 is likely 42 since that's his starting level in X
Who would win in a fight between the shadow lords and the floor guardians (from overlord)
Rance obviously drops levels between 6 and 7, i don't know about between 9 and 10, since i didn't played 10 yet, but there's no way he would have won 1v1 against rolex and minerva at such a low level when they both are above 56th level
>Rance obviously drops levels between 6 and 7
Obviously? Based on what?
In order to maintain your level you need to maintain your lifestyle, especially for rance, he goes from constant battles against demons at the end of 6 to relaxing travels around japan at the start of 7.
But we don't have an exact timeframe. Rance levels down quickly but not instantaneously. And he usually drops a lot of levels when he does drop.
Sure but we're not talking about that
It can could as rick getting cucked no?
He starts sengoku at 40, so I'd say he dropped a few but not really that many. He was probably at or around 50 at the end of vi
Aren't we talking about rick being a cuck?
I was specifically talking about her fucking politicians. She obviously gets fucked other times.
It won't be out of character for her to do so.
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Hard to say because the power of the dark lords is very inconsistent, but as a general rule Demon King > Floor Guardian >> Dark Lord.
5'11 king of the manlets Kaito punches his way through Overlord no problem
Didn't Kite lose to a human? A human that lost to a Toppos
Have you seen how big his muscles are? Low diff at best
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>The game ends with everyone learning to get along and things somehow working out in the end
What's her problem?
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She wants world conquest. Correctly identifies Rance has the ability to do that and every action is actually a calculated effort to ensure Rance remains loyal to Leazas and takes over the world.
I wish Ononoimoko made more CGs for Alicesoft... Biggest reason why I'd want 04.
Its a pity he never drew Sheila
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