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Newsless Fatigue Edition

>Steam Sale

1d6chan: https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Total_War:_Warhammer/Tactics
Roll Charts: https://imgur.com/a/81snQma

>Total War: Warhammer III
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1142710/
Trailer - SOON!
Dev chat; Patch 6.0 - What's Next? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jonQ2jNsVos
Hotfix 5.3.1: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/forums/7-patch-notes-amp-announcements/threads/7699-total-war-warhammer-iii-hotfix-5-3-1?page=1
Patch 5.3 - part 1 - general changes: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/blogs/34-total-war-warhammer-iii-patch-5-3-0
Patch 5.3 - part 2 - balance details: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/forums/7-patch-notes-amp-announcements/threads/7586-total-war-warhammer-iii-patch-5-3-0-battle-balance-details?page=1

>Total War: Pharaoh Dynasties
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2951630
Pharaoh Hotfix 2.0.2: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-pharaoh/blogs/31-total-war-pharaoh-dynasties-patch-notes-2-0-2

>Total War: Three Kingdoms
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/779340
Patch notes 1.7.2: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/779340/view/3677786186780517944

>Older Titles
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/franchise/TotalWar-Official/

Previous thread: >>503060940
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Thanquol soon, friends!
>No Anti-Squire thread.
It's over
Nordland Mariners should have double the armor (60)
Real thread
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Total Repanse Love
Total Human Victory
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>Total rework is coming
>Kino mod is out
Bretchads we eatin good
cute boy
Lady's favourite perchance
Any tips for a first time Tzar Boris campaign?
>inb4 quit
I signed up for this knowing its going to be hard, fuck it im in for the long haul
Hey guys, got a great new joke for ya, are you rady for this?


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What would (You) use him for?
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>tfw you realise we haven't even been told the name of the dlc
>in vanilla misslie units are OP and there is no real reason to not spam them for most armies, ignoring most melee infantry units
>in mods melee infantry units are OP and there is no real reason to not spam them for most armies, ignoring most missile units
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What is life like on the quaint little farm next to the Orc warlord's camp, the Taurus breeding grounds, and the Chaos Dwarf city-temples?
My house :)
life is so dangerous in the warhammer world that it doesn’t really make sense for anything to be functioning properly in their societies. Like, if you read about predators and serial killers killing large numbers of people, the people always freak out, get paranoid, and the local economy stalls since everyone is hiding instead of working. It only takes the rumor of some wolf or bear attack to become a werewolf and then a demon and then the devil himself and suddenly nobody will work the farms because they’re afraid to go outside.
Imagine if the devil actually was in every forest, imagine if the world was just filled with apex predators, monsters, beastmen, daemons, orcs, etc. imagine trying to be a farmer in that environment. It’s nonsensical
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Maybe it's just my cheats, but it's not very nice that rebels can just spawn with an army like this in a single turn
Subsistence farmers didn't have a choice. They might dedicate a few working-age men and children to stand around as watchmen if they were seriously under threat at any time, but if they didn't work they'd die.
It's a good thing the tough men of the empire patrol the lands and protect decent folk from these abominations.
I would just be cuddling Repanse 24/7
Farmers in our world just had to deal with bears, wolves, and big cats. Scary but manageable with spears and bows. A farmer can usually scare off a big predator with his dog and his weapon, not so much with orcs or beastmen or daemons or rats or dark elf slavers or chaotically mutated monsters. Regular people can’t really be expected to deal with that. We see in history how disruptive it is when societies have to deal with a predator they can’t handle that keeps killing people. People have to be sent out just to calm everyone down. In warhammer, that sort of threat is around every corner.
These medieval/early modern societies didn’t really have 10 minute 9-11 calls to rely on, the police aren’t going to drive over and save you. Their hunts and patrols might prevent an attack, but if they don’t, nobody is going to save you in time. They’ll show up and use your body to track down the thing that killed you
Yeah SFO is indeed a mod where melee infantry are just better than missiles
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This is what being a farmer means in Warhammer.
It's fine as long as justice is served.
He misses it sometimes, I assume he forgets to drop in earlz to pop the 15 minute timer for ban evade
Empirebros, today was a good day.

>In warhammer, that sort of threat is around every corner.
True but average human villages have a variety of ways to survive.
Maybe the local wood elves nearby take care of most of the big threats
Maybe the dwarf traders pull some strings and the dwarfs hunt that stuff down
Maybe one of the people has talents for magic and deals with it or a roaming wizard does
Maybe a witch hunter passes by and deals with it
Maybe a patrol from the elector count/local lord passes by and deals with it
Maybe a slayer or questing knight passes through and deals with it
How safe are Bretonnians?
>all white men
Warhammer is healing...
If their lord is pious, he will make every effort to protect them. It also helps that their only "sneaky" foes are the Wood Elves, they don't have a Forest Goblin or Beastman problem nearly as badly as the Empire does. Orc warbands are much easier to spot and hunt.
Rebels often build up forces over time if allowed, but are you sure that occurred in one turn? Which cheat does that?
Too many cheats to know, but this happened in one or two turns. Got the imminent rebellion notification and then this.
A little bit more safe because stuff like Herrimaults exist, lords/knights are encouraged to purge evil, and most questing knights roam there. Also prophetesses and damsels are all for purging evil while wizards can be a mixed bag for the empire. It's not 100% safe because of Mousillon, greenskins, necromancers (not as bad as the empire for all of these) and Dark Elf raids. Or if wood elves decide to be assholes that year
How many military buildings did you have in that province? If you have a lot then the army gets more OP
not very
Probably the safest you can be as a normal human.
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here's your sigmar LL mod bro
Talos is suspiciously similar to Sigmar and I pointed this out to my friends at the time.
They had to put up with the lecture because I had to put up with their Yu Gi Oh nonsene.
Repantsu keeping me safe and sound >.<
yes, because elder scrolls is a generic setting
most of Tolkien’s silmarillion characters are based on mythical figures that are very similar and do similar things. The reason he was so opposed to people digging into his influences is because they would realize that he’s not as original as you might think. Most stories are suspiciously similar to previous stories, just like music, and art, and everything desu
>The reason he was so opposed to people digging into his influences
He literally taught a class on his influences.
maybe I was misled by my credible source of information a YouTube video which listed a bunch of quotes where it seemed like he didn’t want people digging into his stories and looking for similarities in other stories
>The term of Tolkien's chair required him to deliver at least thirty-six lectures per year on the topics of Anglo-Saxon and Middle English. In reality, he usually delivered between 72 and 136 lectures per year in order to give the topic what he felt was its due.
>anglo-saxon and Middle English
You made it seem like he taught a class on the inspirations for his books. Most of it is Nordic myth so that’s not even relevant. It’s always Nordics seething on the internet that a British person stole all their stories and changed them to be more catholic
I think you might be referring to stuff like the quote about the one ring's similarity with the ring des nibelungen, which if I recall was more about how the symbolism behind the two is different, and not about him being inspired by those stories or not.
Or possibly the ww1 allegory allegations, which are a different story altogether.
you can literally look up wikiped, there are quotes from him about it
>It’s always Nordics seething on the internet that a British person stole all their stories and changed them to be more catholic
thats a lot of projection youre doing there since nothing of the like was being said and even then britian is heavily nordic inspired, considering thats where they used old english and middle english
Some sources say he was incredibly boring.
C.S. Lewis was a much better public speaker as evidenced by the BBC inviting him to give multiple broadcasts in the 1940s.
He published his Medieval Literature intro lecture as "The Discarded Image"
Very good reading.
but did he teach a class where he pointed out all the Nordic myths that inspired his characters? I’ve never read any quotes like that
>in vanilla misslie units are OP and there is no real reason to not spam them for most armies, ignoring most melee infantry units
Bullshit, your archers aren't going to do you any good if they get overrun by enemy infantry. Maybe late-game super units like Sisters but at that point you're steamrolling everything anyway, in the crucial early game you need your line holders.
>"Yep, thats me. Youre probably wondering how I got myself into this situation."
Bretonnian BVLLS won again...
I love her voice.
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Depends on the faction but good missiles wreck good infantry most of the time.
Even for WoC throwing axes are vital until you get good lords and can actually upgrade troops.
But generally speaking when comparing units of the same tier missile units basically always out perform melee infantry, even more so with clever tactics and support from other things.
Yeah, the missile units do more damage but they won't be doing a lot of it if they're getting their shit wrecked by enemy melee units.
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*Clicks on you*
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on a cost for cost or even unit for unit basis most ranged infantry can't wipe out or rout an attacking melee infantry unit before it makes contact with them. then as soon as they get touched in melee your expensive ranged unit is stuck pulling their cocks and doing no more damage. if you are playing with the assumption that your ranged units will never be contacted you are either abusing the ai or have so many campaign buffs stacked that you're basically cheating.
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My friend told me that entering a defensive alliance with another faction removes their AI buffs on high difficulties, is that true? Playing as Tyrion and want to gimp the other helf factions to make confederation easier later.
i thought it was military
Is /twg/ Bretonnia or Empirepilled?
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royal hippogryph knight spam
steam tank spam
landship spam
artillery spam
missile unit spam
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>tabletop unit caps
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version without fact
The Empire!
>if you are playing with the assumption that your ranged units will never be contacted you are either abusing the ai or have so many campaign buffs stacked that you're basically cheating
Or just using tactics/faster units. There have been plenty of times where I've kited slow armored infantry to death with shadow walkers or shades. Or handgunners if I slow enemies/speed them up. Or the DPS is so high it doesn't matter too often like with darkshards or weapons teams. Honestly the more I play vanilla the less I use anything but the bare minimum of melee infantry because they struggle against anything but very straightfoward plays with little tactics.
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can they just finish up with WH3 content i'm tired of delaying my campaigns due to missing future stuff
Thank you for making this
Bretonnia. Every time I try empire I just get bored even though I really want to like them. Not sure what it is about it that puts me off, maybe I just get choice paralysis from all the shit to do.
I like how they play in the battlefield though.
The average life of a farmer in The Empire is miles better than people give it credit for even if it still sucks being a poor at the constant threat of beastmen or greenskins appearing, its better than being a Bretonnian peasant where it is almost impossible to have a good, proper living.
Not as powerful and not as organized as Total War makes them out to be, theyre basically stronger bandits and actually infight a good amount.
They do a lot of raiding but Franz actually did a great job of raising patrols to keep them at bay, theyre usually repelled (the virgin buff Norscan kneels to the chad average Empire armyman) not to mention there are records of Empire armies destroying Norscan villages so its a back and forth.
Kind of the same as Beastmen except they are concentrated just not near The Empire for now
>Vampire Counts
The occasional Necromancer gets the bright idea to revive the dead and its usually just zombies and skeletons
Usually when they show up its more as small groups trying to corrupt or just entertain themselves
Those dont exist, friend
what do you do if you are attacked by cavalry or dogs or flying monsters? you can't net all of them every time.
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I love that one mod that adds walls to Norscan settlements.
Shoot or counter charge with cavalry/monsters
Depends on what kind usually spells and shoot. If they are tier 3 they are worthy of a tier 1 shitty spear unit holding them while I do this. Maybe send in a monster or mounted hero/lord if they are anti infantry
>flying monsters
Depends on what it actually is but for single entities shoot. Big units like bats or harpies I keep one unit in the back to deal with.

I never even really use net spells. Mostly miasma from shadows, other slowing spells like chillwind, or tracking spells like doombolt/burning gaze/fireball or direct damage like Bjuna if I really need it to die. Or I sacrifice one unit of missiles to pin while I use something more powerful to just annihilate them. Usually I don't need to kill them just route them and they are too wounded to be effective anymore. If you have good target prioritization and don't put yourself into battles filled with chariots and fast stuff it usually works. If you do get put into those situations with mostly missiles, keep army hidden and spam spells, corner camp, or just auto resolve. But by that point usually you have powerful stuff to counter it like monsters, OP heroes, etc.
>keep army hidden and spam spells, corner camp, or just auto resolve
so abusing or cheating
>out micro the AI that can click 1000 times per second
That shit isn't exploiting at all. The most exploits I ever do is using casters to take super annoying capitals and settlements without losing any troops at all.
Most of the time I don't even need to do what I said for corner camping since only rarely does the AI bring enough shit to get through my own cavalry and the DPS of missiles. btw you are supposed to focus fire dangerous shit, then take out the rest - not shoot at different things all the time
hiding your army in a forest while you drop burning heads on the enemy isn't "out microing" no matter how hard you cope legendfag
Yeah, its been long enough
I never said it was. I am just saying it is impossible to out micro an AI that does that so instead you have to make tactical decisions to make up for it.
Also I barely use lore of fire for that. Lore of shadow is too good and most factions get it. Or life. Fire is overrated as fuck.
>using all the tools the game gives you is bad when the AI cheats in more stuff than any player can reasonably get is okay
No. If the AI is going to cheat and make it hard to play with normal tactics, then I will play in a way that is hard for the AI to use its garbage tactics.
if your "tactics" only work on the lobotomized ai and would not work against a human of equal intelligence they aren't tactics, they're cheese.

>If the AI is going to cheat
maybe you should try turning off the ai cheats then
>but then it would be too easy
not if you stop cheesing and play like a normal person
What's the MP meta? How do you counter enemy hammer and anvil/strong flanks etc?
I think this depends on the factions involved
>if your "tactics" only work on the lobotomized ai and would not work against a human of equal intelligence they aren't tactics, they're cheese.
They do. Like I said, I only pull out that bag of tricks if the AI decides to have obviously cheated armies. I can win legitimate battles against players who can't micro just fine and even play regularly on multiplayer campaigns in versus and coop with someone and I can whoop their ass in a fight with equivalent forcers or even a little lesser forces
Why do people optimize the fun out of the game? It isn't so hard that you need to do that and if it was it wouldn't be worth playing.
Which is better, Europa Barbarorum for Rome 1 or the one for Med 2?
Is it normal for armies to be able to retreat while being sieged, I build up my stuff while waiting for them to take attrition and then when I go to click again to start the siege they just walk out and I have to rebuild the siege equipment, wasn't a port city either
Theyre fairly different because Medieval 2 and Rome 1 both have stuff that arent shared, I think EB2 is generally higher quality though
I think it only happens if you attack the army instead of the garrison. Pretty sure it's a glitch because I don't remember it happening this much.
mp meta is about value trading. since both players have 12500 gold worth of units that means if your units do a total of 12500 gold value as damage you completely wiped your opponent's army out. in most cases you won't actually have to do that much since units will rout off the field or get hit by army losses before being completely wiped out, but the basic idea is that if you spent x gold on a unit you want to see it do at least x worth of damage. this means putting your units into fights where they can get good value while denying value to your opponent. for example if your opponent spends 1800 on a unit of rot knights, but it spends the whole match killing zombies that are only worth 250 each, even if it gets 800 kills that's only 1000 value and not a great trade. on the other hand if you have a unit of peasant bowmen that cost 450 do even 30% of durthu's hp that's 540 value which is more than it cost to bring them.
I'm a newb and haven't even touched MP. How much is the typical doomstack worth in gold in SP? Say 20 Royal Hippo Knights
What the heck is going on with this guys arm/tentacle into mouth thing??
GW has said theyve started AI generating their models
hippo knights are 2100 so 20 of them would be 42000
It's a horn
very rarely happens. those elite units are often somewhat inefficient and will get overwhelmed by cheaper counters.
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>all white men
Are the tomb kings hard to learn? I like their whole thing
That's obviously Mediterranean
never seen a Sicilian before, basement dweller?
What's the bullshit unit with 500 kills?
Malakai is insanely fun to play lads
Howitzer with gas canisters.
It only gets so many kills because of AOE DOT.
The soldiers were just shooting the hoard, the Howitzer was gasing the hoard.
I think he should've unlocked the summon a bit later down the line, it's way too powerful in the early game.
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Average middle eastern last name
I feel like with these kinds of names CA is trying to make it sound like some phrase that is related to the faction, but in this instance I can't quite figure it out. Last part could be "and you know it"
I'm desperately trying to figure out if there is a joke hidden in there
Saar, listen to me Saar!
Do not reedem the Sword of Khaine!
Bloody benchod
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>I'm rapey and you know it
Bingo. It doesn't perfectly align but CA would never be so straightforward.
>Araby and you know it
Arabybros... I'm thinking we're back!
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Rebel druchii go all asur that's a nice touch
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Schematics from Nan-Gau
News Munday or chewsday?
Wednesday or Thursday probably
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Yo, I really want to get into Napoleon total war (my first total war game) but I really don't get it. I tried launching some battles just to see if I could grasp the essence of it and I don't understand anything I'm doing and what's happening and I just get destroyed. Is there a proper way to learn the game?
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play on the easiest difficulty on the campaign of the coalition as russia
napoleon is probably a hard game to get into as a first timer compared to something like shogun 2, tho. there's a lot of little mechanical weirdness in how guns worked in those games - for instance, you want to make sure your lines are as long and thin as possible because fire by ranks is just busted and never works properly.

its fine once you learn stuff but unga bunga melee is a lot easier to work with as a first time player and napoleon doesnt have that option for you.
thanks I'll do that. If it's too complicated for me I'll just try medieval or rome
You picked a kinda difficult one because like that's one that plays a lot differently than the others
I only ever played empire, the one before Napoleon that is kind of similar, so my advice will be a little vague, but I think my biggest hurdle to understanding empire was realizing that cavalry is really good for killing things and causing routs, and that I should be basically like trying to push through gaps by repositioning my line infantry pretty often in order to be pushing forward, but that my line ahould always be facing forward and tmcontiguous, it shouldn't end up looping around like a J shape when flanking like you do with melee
Fire at will ON
Guard Mode ON
Use long thin lines
Use control groups to move your units
Don't right click enemy units with linemen and elite ranged infantry, instead form up, move into position and let units shoot on their own while paying attention to their zone of control, this will also help you get the first volley off which is important
Let them or force them to come to you with artillery, skirmishers and/or cavalry
Fire by rank is usually not worth it as I recall, only worth using when you're forced to use tight lines
Use the square formation to counter cavalry but learn the timing, you don't want to do it early
Artillery is great, use it as much as you can
Skirmishers are excellent, use and abuse them to harrass and control the enemy's movements, box them in
This should be enough but if you want to go full autismo this old guide covers just about everything: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=125890668

Game's great but it's a bit unconventional for a first TW game, I think you might be struggling for now because Napoleon is a bit different than most TW games while at the same you don't know much about the fundamentals of the TW games in general. Might want to give the base Shogun 2 campaign a spin if the setting isn't a turn off for you, it's good at teaching you the fundamentals that have been largely the same since TW Empire.
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based drawfag, always 'preciate OC
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Empire is that way: reddit.com/r/totalwar
It's probably supposed to be "happy".
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thank you guys

Imagine feeling the need to spend the first five minutes of a video telling people not to overreact to complaining about a mechanic or take it personally
How many deranged CA-dicksuckers even are there
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How vital is it for Warriors of Chaos to have that game 3 dlc?
/twg/ is a repanse general
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Repanse and Miao should kiss.
really need a hero variant of them desu
the celestial general is the fighter you sort of want in your army because the gate master is worse than the empire captain at fighting
astromancer also gets a bird now so they are generally better fighters and spellcasters than the shugengan these days
I really want a blowjob from Meow
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Ugh, I hate women
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HOBGOBBO! Assemble!
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>dodged Ikit Claw's nuke and then shot him to pieces with handgunners
How does the AI target units with the nuke, what's the preference? Clusters of units? Highest value infantry etc?
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This next patch won't have the bretonnia rework in it.
Skulltaker will have a Juggernaut mount.
So if they're not making content for RoC anymore will the new factions have narrative goals on IE instead of "just take 70 settlements or wherever who gives a shit"?
Yuan Bo already does so I don't see why not.
They talked about Arbaal having to fight major battles to impress Khorne so maybe his victory condition will be to finish that quest chain.
The Karaz Air Corp managed to slay enough nurglites to draw out Ku'Gath and Festus, and killed them both.
A lot of dwarves were lost this day, but in the end the plaguelord has been severely weakened.

Which faction should I put them up against next? I'm thinking either Tomb Kangs or Elves of some sort...
sadly elves I can't just rain fire from above, as they have archers.
Look at the last 2 DLC sets of lords.
>Tommy has the goal of pleasing his chieftains and taking Nuln
>Elspith has the college she works through and upgrades, also kill Tommy.
>Malakai has his adventures.
>Yuan Bo has the towers in lustria (RoC they were in the darklands)
>Grandma builds curses... IDK I've never touched her.
>Changeling... he's got his whole mission chain.
Honestly, the more I think about it, the RoC campaigns for everyone since CoC has been just "trial before the IE version."

Changeling only gets the empire theater, Yuan Bo can be completed in like 40 turns (same with Elspeth), Malakai can't really do most of his adventures, and Tommy pretty much only has the first chieften and maybe 1 more before campaign completion.
mod says it eats CPU like crazy
/gsg/ run this shit
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>barrios are where the Skinks live and work. Hundreds sleep within a single building, clustering together for warmth during the night.
Skink cartels
Skink favelas
Repanses hairy pussy
For Big Bretonnian Cock exclusively (mine)
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Mexican cartel-style executions of Skaven for Sotek
You will never be bretonnian
I have a french last name...
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Oh god i'm so sorry...
Repanse would never say mean things like that to me.
Blimey, hope you're alright mate, is it terminal?
they disembowel them on top of pyramids aztec style, what more do you need
>what more do you need
Decapitations with a chainsaw
News within 5 days. I am willing to bet my /twg/ Anonship on it.
I would simply ask Repanse of the DLC news. She would never lie.
We will miss you when you're gone.

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