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Shade got remastered too edition! Cool! edition

Who? Notes: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/update/21375/updated-11-20-2024-v-255-the-dark-ride-ride-or-die-patch-notes

AYO ITS BLACK FRIDAY: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/sale/21372/black-friday-2024-sales

The Demon Slayer update: https://orangemushroom.net/2024/11/14/maplestory-next-maplecon-kmst-ver-1-2-180-demon-slayer/

Free shit to go with your free frenzy totem that you hit: https://www.nexon.com/maplestory/news/general/22252/concerning-the-release-of-update-v-255

Class balance musical chairs tracker: grandislibrary.com/


SCANIA - Buddy DoubleOctave and Nisunobi
HYPERION - Apply to Comfy and 2kowai!
AURORA - Send hatemail to Alem and Nuelyi about the totally doodoo butthole ass black friday sales
SOLIS - Apply to BuyingTrack to stay on track to ride the darkness and not die
PRIVATE SERVERS - Artale! MysticMS!! Royals and Chewie and Legends!!!

Previous Are-enn: >>503437748
*buys fz service*
thank gxd frenzy didnt get gutted as per my prediction (i was right)
>fav mobber
>fav bosser
evan for fun apm standing in one spot mobbing, adele for fj training
ark for their burst, very fun easy set up, satisfying sfx and vfx. demon slayer for general bossing
i main blaze wizard
nopony in the history of ponyville has ever mained bbw i want to see your juggling license rn
>i main blaze wizard
please dont bully oz :(
mechamic for fun apm standing in one spot mobbing, mechanic for fj training
mechanic for their burst, very fun easy set up, satisfying sfx and vfx, mechanic for general bossing
i main marksman
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wait i thought the patch notes said i can use growth pots on burning now
i've been scammed
Only the expensive growth pots, silly.
im using a typhoon pot from the maple admin
>absolutely dig the aesthetic/theme
>hate the gameplay

>absolutely dig the gameplay
>hate the aesthetic/theme

name them
for me it's
but u get an epic boat
after 20 years
i am finally
quitting maplestory
see you tomorrow for our daily MPE run
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nyo longer a ror3 gamer
oz ring selector box when
>dark knight
>dark knight
>dark knight
i know what I want from the game
uh the mobs are nyot dropping gravy, turkey or stuffing i think its broken
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>newbie becoming more active on cord
>know that he is a newbie because he allegedly took 15 min per HM stage
>suddenly asking questions about BoD in chat
>he starts streaming
>he actually got a clean BoD from somewhere wtf???
>everyone egging him to tap it (lol)
>actually taps it to 22* without booming in 3b
>not faking it because he actually got the 21* and 22* achievement on stream
>ssf in 2 days over here in sea
lil bro just made like 2k bucks
is the NX always so shit on black friday? why won't they just release the cygnus knight and heroes packages already? It's like they hate money even though they clearly don't, just clueless boomer retards
>in sea
stopped readin-
i have no 22*
why are maplers so against arcane fodder
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i don't like this event
why are you trying to make me sympathize with the villains
i don't like this event
i literally cant claim my week 1 stuff so it wont let me in to fight bosses for week 2
my ticket remains unanswered
everyone i spoke with about arcane fodder just says something along the lines of "its endgame gear it should be long to get"
With Limbo their argument is moot. Arcane is new midgame.
well if ur speaking to the old guard they're gonna remember over a year for tyrant gloves just to boom them, that and old droplet farming
fuckin boomers
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I really like the Von Leon and Ilfia story. To be fair I like both characters a lot.
i miss when tyrant gear was bis, it's so cool looking
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i dont miss blowing 40bil on getting a tyrant cape to 10 stars, it took me a whole month at northern heights making 300mil an hour
honestly the cape is ugly
I want to kill whoever designed the Zero storyline.
The Zero storyline was designed around the 2x quest EXP coupons they added to cash shop at the time.
just hold space
hold me
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ok ur held (ur the cat in this box)
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I dont remember my luminous being that stretchy
i know what i want from the game
going from emp set which had 1/2 atk on pieces to having gear with 30+ atk that can get even more was nuts at the time and actually felt like an upgrade
all zoomers have now is absos and arcanes and cra/eternals being like a 5% upgrade
the whole mobbing/bossing/drop gear thing needs to go in nu-maple for it to be fun, normalized as zoomers say
i put my weekly bosses in the planner and its aight, i guess its less clicks than the old list
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>[Updated 11/26/2024] v.255 - The Dark Ride: Ride or Die Patch Notes
>ctrl+f [updated 11/26
>0 results
bwo??? bwooooo??? what le changed????
Alternating two keys isn't hard why are you so fragile
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is not replying to posts but still clearing directly ones post to another post a /msg/ thing or not because im starting to see this in other generals
nah it was all me
My wrist says otherwise
it's not /msg/ specific but occurs often in generals that people treat like chatrooms due to their slow nature
i don't reply to my posts so people won't know i'm replying to myself and expose myself as a schizo
i don't want to make 15 boss mules
we call them bulers
(nyo we don't)
my daybreak pendant decided that it was full of purple cubes and went leggy today
it didnt end up on a drop line yet but we're proud of him anyway and next week i'll have 356% dwop to roll pitchies with
alright it is pretty nice to be able to hop onto a map and immediately get frenzy rates whenever i want without waiting for service
i expect a lot of 6th job progress
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had a shower (beating the stinky mapler allegations) and then spent 5b on three spares of each thing i wanna 22 on sunday time to do 7 monster parks and then train my hyper burn!! woo im mapling
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happy thanksgiving /msg/ ily i hope u get to eat turkey today
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here u dozo
everyone here is me and I'm everyone here.
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Moonbeam ToT
book event map bgm makes me honkshu honkshu honkshuuuuu
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did a test and yea strawberry farm exp at 222 seems uhhh not great, maybe functional on a hyper burn because its x3 but not just raw dogging it
ill just feed the tickets to some 20xs for legion level tickles
thats why buying 5 of them every week is stupid
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yea i can see that maybe, i guess i got fomoed because they restock weekly
You will only get 31.5k points from the event, using them every week will put you at -7k points. Which could be very well used instead on a ring or even 100 extreme growth pots.
the pots would be bad at 9.4k legion but i do want some rings and maybe some black circs if i finally hit a line my main needs so i see ur point thank u anonymous
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Let's MapleStory!
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are you shitting me
two balls is when it starts popping off you can totally afk in small maps like tt3
im beelining 10 janus so i can afk wap but i didn't know erda requirements start ramping up this high this fast
>have to at minimum hold a key down for 40 seconds max

Thats not afk and I wish you retards would learn the meaning.
so youre telling me i can't put them janus balls down and go take a quick 50 sec shit (no wipe no wash hands) and come back to afk xp?
*puts a small heavy object on my keyboard*
(my fat nuts)
with a personal totem u can finish ur 30min coupons and fuck off to go shit and then poop more coupons
truly a revolutionary concept
anyone know if the cor is account tradeable at least?
the coupon is account tradeable but it is character bound once claimed
>artale puts in 2FA
>bots and meso sellers are already back in 1 day
holy fuck its truly over there is no hope for maplestory worlds at all at this point
just like classic maple. why u complaining
never was this bad in classic
+ they ruin the game through the auction house
You fuckers lied. Corsair is NOT good.
buy more mesos
id play artale if it had more players i think its like a 200 online pserver at this point with bots/meso sellers
Genshin collab soon.
*nasally voice*
id play artale if it had more players i think its like a 200 online pserver at this point with bots/meso sellers
yup its dead i dont see it surviving the next month and everyone will hop to a new MSW world anyway once it comes out
already felt the drop in players on the 20th when gms came out with a new event, now the drop in players is noticeable after 2FA probably down to 100-200 online
im so glad the nostalgiafags killed themselves
it was as bad in classic maple, you just werent old enough to actually be aware.
why complain anyway botting is good for the economy if you swipe.
its just on season
when next wait for real patch or die even hits we will file back into kargos
God this game has changed. i only get 1 hyper burn right? who should i go for as a main, nl, buc, cadena or hayato?
you get two but the second has to be aran or shade
cadena sounds cool but i get carried by a hayato every week
the other two have been played to death and r everywhere and u just missed the sick bucc damage skin and i personally wouldnt survive that fomo
it was never like that stop making shit up and projecting because you're a newfag
uh oh meltie
yeah because its an ignorant take from people guessing how it was, you maybe saw a meso seller site once a day in a smega, not spamming all chat every 2 minutes
r u dumb there was no world chat in old ms thats why you didnt see it
is this guy serious lmao and no there i remember candidly that there were STRINGS of pink smegas of gamecuu/koo whatever periodically.
and old maple had a lot of patrolling GMs per world banning hackers and botters constantly it was NEVER like this in "classic" maple as zoomers say
you get 1 and then you can burn shade or aran for free because of the event
NL is only really good in the late parts of progression, bucc is kind of braindead, cadena is more simple than it looks and is pretty good, hayato is cringe
you're just making shit up stop lying zoomer the gold sellers/buyers got banned quick
how do you know they got banned quick
because i used to spend all day AFKing in FM, if they wanted to advertise meso selling sites they would need to walk into FM and get banned by a GM
you know what afking means right
stinky neet can't read who could've known
hah! You wish, it was worse. I remember not being able to train on spiders in NLC for days because hackers were vacuuming every monster to a corner out of the map.
yeah you know you can AFK and still check to read the screen while doing homework right
>spend all day away from keyboard in fm
>witnesses bots getting banned by GM
doesnt make sense to me if you dont see it. like i said u werent aware because there was no WORLD CHAT like in ARTALE where ITS SPAMMED ALL OF THE TIME.
if oldms had world chat you bet your brown little 3rd world bootie it wouldve been spammed worse.
i do remember that but its still nothing compared to whats going on in artale, billions of meso circulating from meso sellers making everything unnaturaly super expensive on the auction house)
i remember there being a lot of henesys spammers, smegas and duped items and channel crashes for dupes.
i think its safe to say both artale and oldms are shit and its pointless to bicker between the two because you're just arguing which heaping pile of shit smells a bit sweeter than the other.
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what if 920 has beaten the milkman conspiracy chapter and has unlocked the clairvoyance ability
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nobody has ever called corsair good
>spend all day in FM
>only see 1 or 2 people spamming gold selling sites at MOST
fuck off back to your clique discord fagg
corsairs are meta when it comes to meso farming in reg.
can you at least stick to your script pajeet. you left out very important context of being AFK in fm all day. why would you say afk do words have no meaning to you? do you just use words as filler? cmon now.
i didnt say thousands either wtf are you evne on about now you're going full blown schizo melty im done with you. low iq brainlet grandpa take your meds bruv lmao
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the point is the gold selling spam was never as bad on classic as it is on artale
t. present for all of hacks/dupes that ever happened
I want oldms with current year gear progression. Fuck every grandis foreigner off of mapleworld.
keep seething zoomer you got btfo and need to pay2win or play in a group call to get anywhere in the game
yes you're right megaphones cost $ and there were only spammers in henesys and other popular locations, but the original arguement was this
Gold sellers were just as bad back then as it is in artale. Yes of course there is spammers because World Chat is fucking free. Like I said, if oldms had world chat you know it would be spammed to death.
goalposts just keep getting shifted, does anyone here have any brains to stick to their original arguement here? its not hard.
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got the new sac map unlocked, i'll run a BA
enjoy your shit server gramps, i will continue to swipe and buy cheap botter items while you slave away for a chance at illbi drop.
>Gold sellers were just as bad back then as it is in artale.
thats the thing, they weren't
they were. i trust my word over yours, as should you trust mine cause im factually never incorrect about anything in life.
nah they weren't
>Nostalgia pink googles anon
>The past was also horrible anon
Who's right? I for one think they should get a room already.
i legit dont know a single person who bought mesos in pre-bb yet its very easy to spot a shit ton of pay2winners on artale so the nostalgia goggles won
because you werent in a top guild. all those niggas bought mesos and boost services. like i said you wouldnt know because you were like 8 y/o of course you wouldnt know.
im 50 and i lived that in my prime years.
I knew of many swipers in the other guilds in my alliance. My guild in particular was against that, but thats also why we were so shit lmao.
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>im 50
dad can i have some nx money i wanna buy meso to get my girlfriend a pashmina
i didnt know many 12 year olds buying mesos either.
nah pay2win was never prevalent back then, the people who played back then had honor and integrity
the most i remember seeing of "rwt" is maybe someone selling a 10k or 30k nexon cash card for like 5mil/15mil mesos
swiping wasn't really a thing until end of pre-bb when cubes were put in so you're making things up
curious how old were you during pre bb maplestory?
wdym? Swiping was very much a thing if you were above 16~ and were in guilds or groups with "grown ups".
just as i suspected, rose tinted faggots who were <12 pretending they knew what actually happened in oldms when they were probably just kpqing and getting filtered in evil eyes or ludibrium.
stop your larping already.
high school/college
no you're assuming it was a thing to prove your point, i was actually there and there was no reason to swipe for anything besides wedding and apples (cost 30k for small and 50k for cathedral initially)
not larping, i had a 107 sniper and there was some guildies that were 11x and 12x that played all day erryday and they never swiped
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no exp upgrades to the map, with them you'd get 300% more per mob I think
and i was a swiper hermit and I had friends and guildmates who swiped.
And I was actually there too and I saw first hand how people actually bought mesos from gold farmers to fund their sins because grinding for single set of ilbis was a fucking waste of time. I even saw people paying the higher lvls in real cash to leech Zak for a helmet. Everyone likes to see things from their own perspective I guess.
what would you even swipe for?
meso. i bought from gamekoo so much that i got discounted mesos
nah sins were all weak as fuck from what i remember and had 120+ dex, there was no point in swiping
and what did u buy?
>sins were weak as fuck
Now I know you're just talking out of your ass.
no one had the min/max knowledge back then from years of playing private servers to even make use of the meso they bought
if any swiping happened it was to just buy onyx apples for zak not buyout the entire auction house with billions of mesos like on artale
pre-4th job and leafre yea, the highest lvl hermit thangdinh wasn't even hitting 3k crits at 1xx
>Clearly not dexless
>blud thinks people were hitting 400k per hit in osms.
Next thing you're gonna tell me his gear wasn't even 22 star force. Fuck off.
what's the priority for cubing for a new player? get decent atk% lines on secondary and emblem and then go all in on meso/drop accessories?
k you just exposed yourself as a larper.
scrolls, upgrades to equipment, stars, new equips for badly scrolled gear? just asking what i purchased goes to show that youre absolutely clueless.
who knew that oldms fags are nothing but larpers. im done with this conversation, its quite baffling to me honestly.
no but im hitting 5k crits on artale and i believe that guy shynobi in his video got to 200 as well
Event ring > legendary potential scroll > cube until you get 1 line of drop rate or meso drop > repeat until you have 4 rings
>scrolls, upgrades to equipment, stars, new equips for badly scrolled gear? just asking what i purchased goes to show that youre absolutely clueless.
name them? surely you remember what items you bought with all the mesos from meso sellers...unless?
people would say to aim for meso/drop gear but i think prioritizing damage over those two come first. if your in bootie just do ursus, maple tour, daily bosses for crystals to sell for meso.
and yes % attack lines is good, probably %ignore enemy defense 1-2 lines will be good for a while.
why did nexon so casually kill off kaling
she was the only interesting apostle of the bunch
>Scroll for gloves for Att 60%
>Work gloves with +att
NTA but you're clearly lost, you're moving the goalpost too much now.
then what you're gonna ask me to provide video evidence of me scrolling equips after? like what are you trying to get at any way? are you so delusional that you think nobody actually swiped? if i provide a list what are you going to ask after because im not going to do this back and forth shit with you.
im glad u can finally agree that meso selling back then was never like it is on artale now
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nexon didnt i did explicitly because my friend tai yu told me to and her friends took my friends dad (his real dad)
no one in the top 10 of the first 200's swiped lil bro otherwise EVERYONE would've known back then and smegad about it
its obvious you just want to justify your own pay2win habits by saying "it was always like this"
no nigger it was never like this, you're shit at the game and already a loser if you ever pay2win
can nisu come back and start laraposting pls? artalefags are getting uppity now and are ruining the quality of the thread.
>looks guise this ONE (1) dude didn't have optimal equipment, he must have been very honest and not buying meso!
Or maybe he also was a kid, like you were.
>my headcanon is real!!
>i walked with the top 10 gmsers on stage in 2006! i knew suuuushi back in 2005! who the fuck are you?
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im a larper too (lara action roleplayer)
so it's been a bit over a week
how you guys liking the remastered shade/aran?
>no one in the top 10 of the first 200's swiped lil bro otherwise EVERYONE would've known back then and smegad about it
Tiger even had accusations of account sharing, you don't even know what you're talking about.
they killed the identity of shade from moving him from 2 minute burster to 1 minute dpmer.
i made aran and shes very reasonable and goodish
shes got a reasonable amount of iframe and does a reasonable amount of damage and her mobbing is aggressively okay, i like that her burst is very fat despite only taking maybe 4 seconds to dump the 3 hyper finisher swings and hunters prey and the install
the only stinky part is her uppies, you can assign it to a key but it feels weaker but also i cant consistently do the double uppies with the commands, it somehow survived every other class getting standardized upjumps
i was in high school when i played in 2006
there was no swiper culture back then sorry you're just wrong
not headcanon, i was there
account sharing is not the same as pay2win
nisu doesn't know shit literally got out of tutorial in the past 2 years when they made nu-maple piss easy
>remaster a relatively clunky class
>they lose fd overall
>up jump is still ass
but hey at least aran can dump her burst faster and her beyond blade has a much better hitbox now
as for the animations, i'm confused why they didn't keep the theme of polar animals
theres no swiper culture in artale either. just because there are gold sellers doesnt mean everyone is buying.
I was too dumb to progress in maple until about 2015 when I entered high school
never forget blowing up a tyrant cape in like 2011 with a 90% scroll
yeah i know two arans and they both dont like it which is maybe why i can like it having never played aran before
i wish she had shangri-la dialogue where they go
>what the fuck why do you have our guys on ur weapon maam???
that wouldve cinched it for me
Because Aran got DEI'd, and instead of being the polearm (polar + polearm) warrior, she's now the "native american + wild animals" representation.
nisu is the highest leveled msger and is stronger than you. but nice cope.
sorry sweaty that title belongs to snowilly
not true i got 10+ whispers of people are willing to sell WC if you smega buying for above market price
plus you can find it in the auction house regularly
its piss easy to tell whos pay2win or f2p
>heroic server
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>wild animals
no they're the four auspicious beasts in chinese mythology - black tortoise, azure dragon, white tiger and vermillion bird. Regardless, doesn't fit her theme.
nah everyone is playing legit and not buying but nice try. theres nothing to swipe for lol.
hes still only chasing what many of us achieved back in 2015 on pservers lmao there was a couple of 80-100k msgers on ellinia
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i have no horse in this race when the pee splashes i assume its an accident and not malice
lemme take care of bait thats @ed @ me (or rather not do so) its okay
anyone playing legit has stopped playing a long time ago, the only ones left are people who keep buying mesos or selling WC
is the guild castle thing worth looking into after it got changed with this update?
They're still wild animals regardless, but I guess you're right. Still, I cannot unsee the whole forced "native american" thing with nu-Aran. I prefer og Aran.
what does that even mean. that was 9 years ago.
good to know that artale is dead.
on reg maybe if ur guild is active end gamers, the final rewards give fragments (meh) and sac symbols based on the energy level of the castle
maybe its worth for prepping new symbols for mules
my guess is fully maxed sac area with all exp upgrades would give ~1 trillion exp for 5k mobs, 2 tril for the full 10k, if that sounds good to you then sure
being strong now is easy so he would just be average back then
>vermillion bird
>azure dragon
>wild beasts
only half your claim is correct and even then, it's more of a cultural representation rather than wild life
he would be average back then in 2015 when comparing official server to a private server?
i dont understand . youre saying that it was harder to be strong and high levelled on a pserver 9 years ago?
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im just happy being me
i mean maybe its a little easier now but i did 30x6 my 6th job when no frags were tradable, that was a decent amount of grinding
im gonna go have dinner its thanksgiving u guys (i found 200 jars of cranberry sauce on the f/p i fed strawberries too earlier it was pog)
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Idk about Aran but i've been enjoying leveling a new Shade. I personally think the story is a downgrade. I know people don't care but I don't know why they got rid of you running around talking to your old friends. It was genuinely really sad. Cutting Rang's parts out was also braindead, turns it into generic C tier slop.*
For the actual kit, weirdly enough I kinda enjoy it. I have some reservations on it becoming DPM but I feel like in general there's been a bigger push towards it. Maybe we're getting some bigger changes down the line? Idk how to feel about spirit frenzy being a summon but I think I like it better, more braindead farming imo.
yep bosses went up to 500% pdr on ellinia
>they roll ied lines over there in ellinia
ok but what does that have to do with anything. it was harder almost 10 years ago which means everyone is on easy mode? and if thats the case why is he still the strongest and highest levelled msger.
and we had to icog our own gear not just buy it
icoging ur own gear doesnt mean anything if return scrolls r free its a private server
I dont know anything about elliniams ur telling me its more tightly run than gms balancing, there's no funny business?
ok? i mean cool ig.
because people got their fill already when it mattered, nisu didn't even make his own gear and got carried to this point
With a gms exclusive dev team for the third time now, what are the chances we get Jett back?
ok but he's still the highest levelled and strongest msger here.
niru doesn't post here...
playable fox anima when
shade doesn't count
he would be just an avg mid-core player from ellinia
you said that already.
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Aaaaaand removed.
beast tamer was cuter than lynn unfortunately the rework downgraded her
corsair is good (in terms of looks (she's hot))
Shadower is better (both in terms of looks (she's hotter) and gameplay)
shadower gameplay is kinda lame i miss when assassinate wasnt a giant purple blob
Beast Tamer could have the animal ears and any hat at the same time, now you can’t do that
Massive downgrade fucking dead
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where are you putting youre gaming moonbeam
on my head (the only slot she can exist on)
on my dick like the cocksleeve fox she is
but isn't she a child
hey u cant say that there might be a BA collab soon
I'd rather a nikke collab to be desu
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sex captain
Holy shit, they fucked the Shade story so badly. Why did they remove everything involving him trying to reconnect with the other heroes?

It's just him overhearing Mercedes saying, "Idk him," and then he just stops trying.
corsair can lock me up in her brig
Aran got raped Gameplaywise
Shade got raped Lorewise
Balance in all things.
every class would benefit from getting royal guard
even mihile would benefit from getting another royal guard
ya so hes a nobody
I'm going to main Aran with my other main in hopes she gets better with time. Wish me luck!
how to fix bossing and class balance
remove bind
maplestory is le dark souls
oh yeah and also
>almost 2025
>not a SINGLE boss that actually walks and runs instead of floating and teleporting when needing to move
i think im gonna start playing maplestory again. am i bricked can i still get the legion block or whatever fomo legacy item that theyre offering this patch?
Running animations in pixel art are hard and expensive to do. Animating flashy lights and teleport effects is much easier and cheaper.
ya know if I could float and teleport instead of walking or running I think I would too
its dbz my man theyre just flashing behind us its LORE
>dropped some fag heroes
>got fox friends and a cunnywife
won bigly
>he doesn't know
but the original story had the same message with the additional emotional impact that the fag heroes forgot him but fox cunnywife stayed subconsciously committed to him despite repeated memory wipes
it was soooo good
she still does that, it's just shown through their spirit guardians
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More Chief Knights when?
yes but the whole scene is more meaningful when it happens in the midst of shade's depression when the curse is still in effect instead of being tacked on at the end of the questline because koreans rioted about her being removed
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should i play on reg or reboot
is artale worth it
I'm >>504039461 this anon, the story is genuinely such a downgrade it's incredible. I love the old Shade storyline almost as much as the Von leon/Ilfia shit but my god they butchered Shades story.
Lots of the story got cut, and I really don't like that the fox god just ex machina's his curse away and sets him off.
They actually turned an arguably A tier story into a C tier one that I just wanted to skip over.
>30 classes
okay but which ones are fun
is it still nw/dw for best hyperburners
the fact that a no name like fox god can just remove the curse is a massive flaw in the story. who exactly is the fox god and how the fuck did she even get strong enough to remove it. and how many rows of nipples does she have in her feral form when pregnant
is there a non-tranny option
Buccaneer then.
Bucc status?
Buccaneer is absolute shit if you don't like sticking close to the boss. Just play a brainless burst class like Hero or Night Walker if you want to big burst and fuck off for 2/3 minutes before you do the same exact thing.
Hero is boring.
ereklo (sex twins) dsropped a new vid check it out
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We're so close bros, what are we expecting?
bustin to buster
nuri the anima archer
If the new Anima class isn't a fox, I will personally nuke Nexon HQ.
>balance patch (free)
lol lmao
They promised
u dont speak korean
did they fix the patch?
no (mech main)
Bros I'm scared, probably the minigames they did for the anniversary use the same technology that the one we didn't get, meaning that either we're not getting any minigames or we're going to get some lagfest minigames
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team ssf
team dmt?
i got nothing to starforce for the moment so all in on dmt
off event best event
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the most sexo maple class...
is the another bite debuff not explained anywhere? what does it do??
Summon JaguarSummon
Master Level: 1

Summons your Jaguar to fight with you

[Final Attack Debuff]: When Jaguar attacks, there is a chance to apply a stacking debuff called 'Another Bite' that causes your Crossbow skills to deal an extra attack

I/L doesn't even make top 5
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>the most sexo maple class...
i think you posted the wrong class
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they definitely fuck right?
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Rank 1 btw.
Lynn doesn't get fucked by her familiars the same way BT did.
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Don't look Reggie! Bootrick is having fun with the cube sale!! ;_;
what am i supposed to do with 2100 karma black flames
thats maybe enough to get a t7 att flame
on what though I have to psok it every 300
whats psok
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whomst czak
first in all regions?
who psok here?
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ayy lmao
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so how's cube sale going for everyone?
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my rewiddles didnt resent our permanent free fz for everyone them doing cube things is okay we're friends now
i think i'll edge my mag potion until the very end of 249 so im getting max exp from sss1 until like 249 98% and then i'll be almost done with 252 and can skibidi slide out of labyrinth into comfy good rates 1-4
wait when did they double the stock of legion buffs each week
Is double meso lines worth keeping? it would mean I will need to get two accessories with double drop lines in order to get to max drop rate from the accessories, right? which could be more expensive than 2 hybrids+1 double drop
why does cubing take so fucking long fuck this shit man I don't care about cube sale anymore
I would like a wild hunter rework
this+the fact I wasn't getting my lines+need money for star force just made stop trying to get from 80% drop rate from equips to 200, stopped at 120% and also got double meso line and a little bit stronger from getting stat lines on meso drop gear, and got 3 stat lines on sweetwater tattoo while trying to roll for hybrid/double drop, whatever, gains are gains, I will work 200% drop gear gradually, not my day either, this shit takes forever and meso and time draining and there is shit to in the game and irl
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cool beans i forgot about this cheebo
please log off so i can cube ty
I'm in kronos. Can I participate in this cube sale event if I buy cubes from the NPC shop instead? Surely it's not for sale only in cash shop right?
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Will the pitched police get me if I keep my berserked and eyepatch at 17*, using them for the set effect only?
yes we will you must explode them on saturday night
>get 3l matt twice in 150 cubes
please nexon just a crumb of 2l att
has anyone seen my bright cubes? i swear i put them somewhere around here
>suspiciously bright cube-shaped throatjak: >>504130083
rets go 50 cuber
it's super tempting to try and go for 9 atk lines (currently at 5) but im saving for sf event
i already have all legendaries but not single 22*
cube sale is twice a year, there's another ssf in two weeks lel
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i ate too much stuffing and maccy cheese and cummed and now i need to get over it so i can get 2 more hours of wippy in before reset
im on a rolle
>rolling WSE
>get several 3l main stat
>even get 3l matk twice
>not even once got a 2l atk
hate this game
i-is everyone buying glowy cubes or super glowies??
>expires in 1 month
oh shit im just gonna load the fuck up and cube later.
same got some gains(100mil club) will cube on dmt later
wishing a very swift recovery to my friends trapped in resetera my ass could nyot be clicking cube for ten hours
aieee my regger get down
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yeah its aids right now. 5-10 seconds to reroll an item aint worth rn
fire their devops team ty
calculate how much you want to spend on ssf in two weeks then spend the rest on cubes
ez as boot
niggas will say shit like this while won't miss dailies for a year straight, and it's just 25% off, its better than nothing but its not that big discount anyway, and yes there is another star force event but people been waiting for 2-3 months already "so just another month" don't apply here, its ridiculous the frequency we get star force events, just make it every sunday or just reduce the price permanently, that shit is hard as fuck already, no other game has such shitty system
>25% isnt that big of a discount anyway
spoken like a true addict
go punch your balls like a speedbag
every time I spend much more than the calculators say, birderline useless
who are you refering to?
not the guy that postedd 6 seconds before me obviously UGH
i set my amazon robot up to cube for double primes while i was at work today and i come home and all my stuff is cubed for %MP
How hard would it be to program an auto cuber that uses visual data to stop cubing when you hit certain criteria? where my 200k IT bros at who play ms at work?
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WTF nexon's one of us?
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wtf they have free bods at the freak-off!?
just wait another half a year for cubing, addict
Funny how the ppl who reply in generals are the schizos.
So when are we starting to wear our Christmas nx?
after bm tomorrow i think i'll start wearing out my versalmas anvil
Is it just me or the cash shop is laggy af
I keep crashing when trying to buy cubes :(
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mine works good
yo kobe is doing interactive server series.
thats my goat
4 video what the fuck?! double wap content let's fucking goooo
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so big
buy 5l 17* eternal terror for 120bil($500), disgusting
buy ET off ur own duo for 15bil and 3l it and trade it for ur stat, galaxy brain
love reg
I finished aran's story. I don't get it, where's the balrog rape scene?
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Post your cubes
all dogshit
i aint fucking cubing you kidding me ill wait until the servers arent completely loaded up the nutsack
why are you cubing
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the forest wizard cape actually goes hard?
>free vac pet expired
>wont renew subscription for my dead vac pet
>won't login to do dailies
that'll teach em
Could have posted bishop instead.
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ya it does, its cute on my bw
top 50 at 260, top 10 at 270 btw
i used 300 cubes and only got 1 2l atk emblem
bricked class
cyute class*
yeah oz gets me bricked up
oz makes you constipated?
i didnt claim the inkwell gift before ride or die patch dropped and i really needed the vac pet and now i dont feel like playing but the more i dont play the more fomo i will feel when im far behind.
this guy is the bricked class not the cutie wutie byw
can't even get shit off the cs
i just wanted a teleport rock
what should i do with spare unique senpaitachi with bad pots?
i didnt even know we were getting a free vac pet i couldve used one
unless theyre cute in which case hodl for cyubies
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i dont have enough 3xes to finish my 2nd hyper burn
Kanna nerf
remember that dude who made a youtube video complaining about he got blackballed from all the top guilds on his server because he didn't want the guild he was in to change the icon for pride month because he thought it would ruin his fit
no i dont can you embed the youtube video that ur talking about
he deleted it because it was pants on head retarded https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/1dhrhxj/codenox_has_quit_the_game_after_being_cancelled/
gonna go to the gym its really cold out and the ovens are broken at the grocery store where i buy roast chickens so i dont know what im going to do for dinner i mean i can go to another grocery store but thats a further drive away.
what do i do bros?

also im gonna wap tonight im thinking maybe 3 im feeling zesty tn fr
extreme Seren? extreme mating press Seren.
Seren probably has no idea what that means
>Cube sale
>Immediately after SSF
This is evil
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>unable to connect to the game server
>please try again later
truly a grand event
>he doesnt stay logged in 24hrs
time to offload my shit in the auction house...
cash shoppe sim... closed...
playing mapae makes my room dry. any mapaers have recommendations on a mapae certified humidifier thanks
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is this u
cube sale? double primes?
ssf? 22s?
naw we hitting those GSE's nyukka
rural hyperionchads dabbing on inner city urban kronosniggas who can't cube heh
Seren is for brutal rape.
artale should add NLC
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i gotta finish burning my ho young but getting 35%/hr at 1-5 is killing me dawg having max janus totally spoiled training without it i just wanna mentally tab out but hes got an install with a gauge cost and u only get a free one every other cast
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follow up, finished my eternal potentials too

5 more items that i want to DP but waiting for 23* attempts on ssf first

today was the luckiest i've been in this game
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>hoyoung gauge is hard
Alright, here's the rundown of why you should never worry about Hoyoung's gauges. Tonic has a cooldown of 90 seconds. With the most recent buff, you also get infinite gauge for the first 3 seconds of the buff giving you enough time to activate butterflies, vortex, and tiger while still ending with a full gauge. Butterflies last for 100 seconds by default so you will never not have it up. The talisman gauge does not matter, you build that up so quickly you should never not have clones and the spirit up. Vortex lasts for 40 seconds by default and anima classes get a free 10% summon duration, bumping it to 44. You only need one other source of summon duration to push it to 45 seconds and at that point the extra gauge you got from tonic ending will let you place down a second vortex that lasts all the way until tonic is off cooldown. You're also never going to use the gauge for anything other than placing down another vortex since his other skills are so much better at mobbing than degeneration.
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i did nyot say it was hard i get that you press the colors on the gauge to make middle gauge and use middle gauge to make scroll gauge to make the star puddle and big kitty
its just more than what training has meant off-season which is janus circle flash jump janus circle flash jump janus circle flash jump erda fountain hold ctrl and watch anime
i dislike the
>uhhh you can le cancel star puddle for heals by pressing it again
part too seems a little uh not real and only there to fuck up my rotarino
its out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCzaAUVu_fA
once again only heroics suffer and are left in the dust
maybe gms will recognize our existence
but reboot has been eating good for almost 3 years now.
ate so good it literally died lol
yeah i feel bad for booties, and i say that respectfully and genuinely.
but the server hasnt been normalized so it can only be good things from here...right?
oldschoolmaplescape will be a f2p server with a monthly subscription to access other continents
ok fine no maple for the day hope they give us another cube sale my 20b is going to waste
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u should ask skibidi claus for a cor for rizzmas that way u can train faster
*does dailies and then afks*
definitely regret burning a paladin
holy fuck even with item burning, it feels weak
elyi couldve told you that
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im cooking chat
dem blaze wizards don't season dey food
>bossing links and all the burst buffs while mobbing
>hyper body
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well yeah I wanted to see my origin dmg
have u tried logging in recently theres a lot of free buff space
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damn seasoned too hard
have u heard about the grand blaze wizard origin? it lights all wood crosses on the lawns of black mages on fire
all demiggers players get the rope
what is bro cooking fire emoji fire emoji fire emoji ily bw bwo
lil bro doesnt know how to :fire: :fire:
I will not slot in the hyper body node
I will not cast decent holy fountain
my keyboard is a temple and nexon will not defile it further
i use mine its like warding in an assfaggots im leading from the back except im also the big penis dps leading from the front
i wonder what its like to get carried
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>cube sale ended
the first one you mean
no we're only getting one cube sale u have it confused with ssf
regret spending meso on cubes when i got literally nothing of note out of it and now i only have 12 bil for ssf
if inkwell doesnt give us a second cube sale i will personally contact changseop and bring inkwell down from his spot so gms can be under changseops management
cube sale is a big booter w
how much would a regroid need to pay to go on a 500 bright cubes spree just for fun
inniebros, we'll never be as strong or as handsome as ootiebros...
i literally could not even buy cubes bwo
bootchuds inhaling tons of copium because they don't have a simple thing called the meso shop for free maple points.
Nobody's jealous of converting 2 bil mesos (5 hours of farming) for 10 glowing cubes
>Nyoo I have to actually play the game?
Heroic: 1hr farm = 600m = 50 cubes
Inter: 5hr farm = 2b = 10 cubes
>25 hours for interactive players to farm equal cubes
Now how many cubes can interactive buy in an hour with a 20$/hr wage?
Heroic lost.
>1hr of farming
>conveniently forgot the 4 hours of waiting for the cash shop to work because the indian-like poorfags are raping the servers trying to get in.
>hundreds of billions saved up because I actually play the game and can spend them comfortably on w/e
>reg cash shop works flawlessly
wagie: 20$/hr = 20 cubes
>wage 2.5 hrs to equal 1 reboot hour...
going broke and hating your life and starving and going homeless to work harder than a booty isn't the own you think it is
>$25 dollars is enough to make anon broke
>thinking you can hit anything in 1 hr waging
you know the numbers:
300 cubes for fake 3 line
3,000 cubes for real 3 line
>3000 cubes of which you could only buy 30 because the cash shop never worked
theyre doing an exchange program on accessories roll any 3l and get ur stat u might want to take that into account for ur figures
you don't even know your memes dummy
you can buy all the cubes you want but it takes an hour to go through 700 cubes
>heroic: 300 days of dailies and 2000 hours of farming = 10000 fraggies
>regga: $50 = 10000 fraggies
its so over heroichuds..........
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actually tiered the addpot my mep through cube services on dmt last week
think im gonna sell this so i can buy my own dex mep
im pricing this at 1k bucks (technically a highball lol) on the marketplace while throwing my weekly free cubes at it and hoping for a 3L addpot (lol)
no offers nor trades yet...
what then when you have to cube armor and wse?
check and mate
>i have to le play the game
post ur 6th progression bud
>you can buy all the cubes if you want!
If the cash shop even lets you add them to the cart lmao
>1k for an eyepatch
do reggas really????
>What is this I play the game and now it got me 1k bucks?
bootroons could never
>seaniggas spend 5k to make 1k
this is a win for reg servers
now tell me how much swiping to make that 1k
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redditors are dumb and don't the cube buying tech
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Could make a collage with all the poorfags seething though
but i gotta rely on redditors and hope that they share same complaints as me so nexon can actually read it
uumm roughly 175 bucks to tap to 22* plus replacements...
i forgot how much it took to L main pot but i think roughly like 100 bucks...
and then 200 bucks to roll and tier for addpot to L on dmt (i got lucky)...
so i think its still a gain provided someone buys it from me (pls wtf)
i was originally gonna make a dex mep for myself but it turned out like that...
technically the capital i spent on my character is not of factor because a newbie can just get on the marketplace and be lucky with his enhancements hhhhhmmmmmm i should be a full time mushroom broker
>$200 for bonus potential
do reggas REALLY??????????
>300 days slaving away for 10k frags
do bootroons REALLY???????
I coulda bought a bloodborne machine for that many shekels.
>makes another ctene pitched boss printing mule every hyperburn
just go get the shekels bro
oh and i used blackmarket cubes which is like 50% cheaper
(thanks to the event, bot market is up again
though some people actually hand train, most of the account exploiters just use bots to clear out the event cubes
so the typical process is to
transfer money to botter > he gives me the accounts with 6 choice add pot cubes > i get another pc to log in to it to manually pass my item to the account and use the cubes (this is why the unworn tradeable items are worth much more) > pass the item back to my main
this eliminates the risk of the seller just running away with the item in a typical cube service
using the actual cubes from the cash shop would cost me much more (who would lmao)
anyways, they only ban the bot accounts and not the cube service buyers
this major cost lost on the sea server
if they ever ban cube service buyers, the literal population of msea will get wiped out)
ok but who tf asked
tf i never asked that
yea quit yapping saxophone no one asked
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>sean is a troonime avatarposter
mapuhstwury classic
uumm we like troonime here
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If GMS actually cared about their players DMT+CubeSale+Shining Starforce+1/2 honor+5x Mag soul would be on 24/7 while sunny sundays would be solely for stuff like Runes/Monsterpark/Handouts.
Death to FOMO.
7 days until maplestory eos
its ok i spent 300 bux on boot cosmetics and vac pet
10 months - $100
- initial - 70$
-perm explorer package x2 - $30
- pet Auto buff/autohp on 5 mules - $20
- 5 wonder berry rolls on mules -$20
- pssbs x(11) - $34
- Royal hair x10 rolls / 4 hairs saved - 30
this is like the minimum boot investment and spread over a year it's like buying a triple a game every 2 months
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oh yeah btw should i get the coomcid face
its selectable
h*ck yes sis
i'm lit you can't deny
did some very bad faith arguing last night very disappointed in u
not u saxophone i love u but somepony else forgot that thhe regises and the brappies love eachother now and our marriage is stronger than that
shut up nisu
why is Seren so retarded?
she is literally a bird brain
being mean is a choice
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WOAH moms cute if ur an anima thats so cool
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there we go, both hyper burns done
now i can open the cor on my main and get some real training done for schmoney
this but unironically
>hard william drops large purple object
>guild castle blueprint
why is von leon yapping in the corner of my screen
what the fuck...
Seren is very smart and cute, stop talking shit about her.
>do black mage practice on a whim
>origin burst just barely clears phase 1
fuck a solo run might actually be possible
if only there was a way to practice each phase individually so i don't have to keep doing phase 1 every time i want to practice
skipping p1 means u can definitely do it its free
the rest is just not shitting urself especially for p3
I don't remember asking.
*tells u anyway, for free, because we're friends!*
My only friend in this shithole is the laraschizoposter, i love him so much bros.
i mean every1 else is a zoomer that started on yellonde or bellocan or some shit not scania/bera/broa/windia
>in a game full of middle aged men
boomer here, all you zoomers get out while you can, I'm sorry you were groomed into enjoying maple but you'll wake up one day and then you'll be a boomer too and still playing mushie game
im surprised that there are actual zoomers who played the game like how did they even find out about maplestory to begin with.
zoomers don't play for the same reasons as boomers which is why the game seems so hostile now
I'm in my 30s and started on Broa and I do not care for Lara.
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*cares for u anyway*
I'm 6L atk and 4 line Boss on wse is it waptimal or should i aim for 7/2
i mean is 7 atk 3 boss better than 6 atk 4 boss
thats 1 too many lines im pretty sure unless ur a reggie (based!) but ask ur classcord ive never heard of a 6/3/0 class only 7/2/0s and 8/1/0s and 9/0/0s and obviously boss doesnt work on the mobbies but a boss line is about the same as an att line against bosses until u have too many
o yea it is 2L boss 1 atk on wep, 30 boss 10 atk 35 boss on wep - reroll?
secondary is 21 atk 35 boss - 2L atk 1 boss, no reroll needed?
emblem is 3l atk obv no reroll
im also 30 and started in broa
im 42 and started on renegades
Bellocan my beloved...
25, originally played on scania
my friends gifted me a ignition label ring today holy cow that was 10bil in ah
wait i lied it's 35/35/10 2L boss and atk
i rolled a 21% atk/30 ied and 10atk 13 dmg 40 boss but didn't keep
i can one shot top deck in drop gear so i don't rly /need/ the atk lines that much but maybe for 285+ i will
if i rolled 13 13 atk and 40 ied i think I'd keep id be 99 with event buffs, rn im like 96.5 with event ied
i meant 23% atk and 30 ied, i didn't keep because of the 30 ied being a low roll, also had a 40 boss/ 10 atk/ 40 ied roll but didnt keep
do i just keep rolling for 3L atk?
This is a gamechanger
Maplestory is BACK
is it 7-2, 8-1, and 9-0 only because of event buffs these days? meaning no point in getting more than 60-80 bd?
I think the Serenschizoposter and the Laraschizoposter should kiss each other, on the lips while holding hands.
yea ied on ur wse is bad you can make that up with legion
if ur in the boot then yea you gotta leverage the cubes to at least get a 3l att boss mix
%damage is the same as %boss but theres less of it so its bad but as the third best line its ok as a settle
when the event buffs are off it seems like it won't be too bad with a 6/3, anyway my combats went up meaning it was a better choice that my previous
yeah thats a big reason, you can find %boss everyhwere from event buffs to red vips and red potions and hugs from amy and your familiar gang, its harder to buff yourself with %att and also you just need a lot of att for the mobs
Nobody cares about artale you mentally ill schizo.
not even pserver fags are playing artale, they went back to play different pservers.
i mean this is a buler SSF ill be getting my two hyperburners their absos to 17 i hope i can do 10 pieces in 10bil, last time i had one piece stuck at 15-16 for 4bil
Yeah because fuck greedy gooks siding with chinamen rice hat farmers
Nobody cares about maplestory classic you mentally ill schizo.
Plenty of people do, Artale is far from classic. What we needed was Maplelands.
we love Seren here.
nah you fags said maplelands was too classic and the qol in Artale was a good thing. Now Artale is "far from classic"? lmao
Anyway there is some stigma about Artale in Korea and it's clear to see why. The devs are basically unruly tyrants trying to grab a quick buck. Since they can only get $10k/month due to Nexons MSW limit they have to partner with Chinese gold selling sites to keep making further profit. Still no patrolling GMS and bans are done once every 2 weeks for botters meaning they cash out on the auction house, drive prices up and already start new accounts.
maplejak telling me why i cant just have echo assigned to a pet even though i have 3 open pet spaces now, please just take the cooldown all the way off
I wanted to play it on the side while playing reboot but everything is going up in price not down due to botting. 1x at 100+ is also too slow. I'll wait for either maplelands or a 4x/5x exp GMS-lile server where we can go ham with scrolling and gear like PACs, BWGs, and popsicles are in, NLC is in, Maker for crafting stuff is in, Legendary Spirit to scroll any kind of gear you find.
why would prices decrease?
nobody cares about your headcanob btw
The 1-70 experience is pretty good. We thought they would be constantly adding in new content based on the progress of the server, but they are just drip feeding old ass content to squeeze more payments out of people for next month.There's really no reason to make it less than 2x exp after 70. I draw the line at needing to find a party in discord to train at 80+. You could always find training parties on even 100-200 online pservers. Yet here you need to use the Artale Lounge + discord to get anything going.
they can enable CD skills on autobuff, like epic adventure
they just choose not to
Botters are supposed to make everything worthless to sell but they are making profit then dumping the profits into the economy due to having AH.
Having mushrooms shops would mean they can't liquidate their profits fast before being banned and would need to wait for people to come find their shop and buy from it first.
The auction house basically guarantees they make profit and run away with selling it too. Eliminating the need to set up mushroom shops normally and wait for people to buyout. A patrolling GM would also be able to checkout their mushroom shop and see if their output is legit or not and tp to them to see if they're hacking or not. They're basically free botting on Artale and getting banned means nothing since they can already profit and won't be found fast before the ban.
CoR is actually so nice i can just train whenever for however long
like 10 minutes is good and then if i want more i just go back to the map i just dip after my buffs r done and no ones gonna steal my map because theres not a map to steal (except sr2 is totally full sometimes but wcyd)
i cant get dropped because im the one tapping and i just get to make an extra 70m/hr because im not paying anyone
cool update
im excited for the free cor in february, but im thinking about buying a cor. it just irks me that it cant be traded amongst mules.
Is it worth it to buy one if I don't have any meso gear and I don't sell my frags? I'm still working on my HEXA.
how to fix heroic:
sell 10000 frags for $50 in the cash shop
uh no 30b would just straight max ur hexa at this point in the fraggie life cycle im pretty sure
i got spotted a free one from the event so keep doing that and if you wanna train just buy fz service until the event deigns to give you a cor
also make some meso gear my guy theres event rings in the shop its super important
yeah it would max me out but id timegated from sol erda
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took 4 arcanes to 21* in 20b, nice
lmaooo what happened to meso prices
i remember it being around 700 on bera exactly 1 year ago and now its 500
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i got 3 21-22 stars in 8b, two of them just went to 22 no problem but the gollux ring needed TLC booming 4 times
time to go feed my iwwium im gonna give him a modest amount of stars so he can liberachi good with these spares i overbought
Buying one has motivated me to train more than I ever would have without it. I don't have full meso gear but in the few days I have had one I went from about 5% to 50% at 281, got about 3b from grinding so far and have pushed a 5th job hexa skill from rank 9 to 20. I'll easily make back the mesos it cost and probably get everything in 6th job to at least level 20. Use the event ring and cubes to get at least 1 or 2 meso lines, get a meso inner ability and you should be good to go.
do regwos even use ssf
just like buy from ah why would actively be an idiot and make one urself lol
because sfing is free but potentials aren't i buy 3l and then sf them
theres a reggie like two posts above urs who ssfed i think they do
sounds so dumb to force urself to rng in the trading server
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it is a little bit but its nice that the hard pity system of just buying a nice equip exists!
finishd my drop gear dont care who knows tbhon
i won my baby ssf adventure bros... 17 starred my CRA armor :), would try weapon if i had a spare
this cutepler is cyute pet him immediately dont let him get away
hmmm do weggies use ssf... i mean if theres 22* equips in ah.... surely those didnt come from thin air.... hmmm wemme think bwout that one for a sec....
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im built different
well, i 21* everything in 25b
time to blow my other 20b trying to 22*
why do they call it 5/10/15 if the 6, 11, and 16th stars are the free ones
because 6 11 16 sounds dumb
gains were made im ok
im keeping them gains
unless something new drops
about 20mil gear score worth of gains from cube sale and ssf, 40bil split between both
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my things that are free to boom are all 19 and the things that would hurt a little to boom are all 18 so im gonna chill now, went up 11m combat power in like 15b which is *fine* and enough to wiberate with
i still have 8b but im gonna go hit the mobs instead of getting baited
22* something u pussy
>bm gets easier and easier
>bm pub req gets higher and higher
fuck yeah all my cra are 22* now
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went from 82m to 100m combat power in 45b i would say that was pretty poggers hopefully i can do a comfy hvhilla solo during lib now
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me for the past 2 hours
i actually boomed zero arcanes sending them to 21* that was crazy
i got 2 22* eyepatches do I make drop gear or boom it
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LOL wait why did i take a screenshot without actually equipping the items i made
>stopping at 21*
under any circumstances other than if you tranposed a 22* gollux pendant onto a sus this will not be tolerated in this general
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stop at 21! its a good happy number! divisible by 3! getting all the benefits of being over the 20th star without tempting fate twice! you can always come back for it later!
fake the numbers are too spread out
do not believe the stop at 21 guy i just boomed an item that was 20 going for 21
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I'm using 3 21* pitched items myself
Obviously if you have no spares you don't press your luck sis
Got a 15cp bump from 50 to 65, not bad now we can not progress for another half a year
>everyone here got gains
>i lost gains
its not fair....
I got 2 eternals to 21 today
They will not be touched until I get more mesos and plenty of backups
>did damien mission on nov
>beat bm just moments ago and finished the damien lib quest
>did the will mission as well
>can also complete the will lib quest and now on lucid
is this intended
oh well a month shorter than expected
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I didn't get lucky this SSF...
i sure love getting stuck in a never ending loop of 15>16>17>16>15 for 10b
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I hate starfocing so much is unreal
Newfag here, is there a lot of difference between a 15 star force and 17 one?
yes its about 20 att which is a lot when multiplied by all ur gear slots
16->17 on CRA pieces is 10 attack which is cool, i assume 17 is where you start getting attack gains on pieces that have attack innately
>start starforcing
>boom on first attempt
yeah im just gonna call it early
Me when my arcanes boom for the 5th time
>meso market rate didn't go up with ssf
bros wtf
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huh what its just giving me a free count? uhh alright we take those
I don't like starforcing...
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I love starforcing of evil
we won't get the anniversary racing game, it's over
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tried out the heat of my flames in hlotus prac mode after getting everything to 17* but mr lotus here class diff'd me by binding himself for 50 seconds while doing lasers for 50 seconds
honestly skill issue he got me good, if you'll notice the bind timer, and yet he is still bound
what a bastard, lets see him pull that trick again when I finish scrolling my gear and get my secondary to 2l leg asshole
fellas, its that time of the year again
>4 deaths in 10 minutes
>not even in p3
lmaooooo how is that even possible you can legit just stand still and not die in nu lotus you gotta actively jump into that laser beam thing to even die lmaoooo
jarvis enhance on that bw cutie
sheesh getting to p3 in 10 minutes as a brand new 260 bbw must be a good class just bee patient inshallah he shall be cookde
im learning the class all I gots is a flashjump and marksman tp, no dash to save me you gotta be real good about positioning
no better way to learn than to practice
abuse the mechanism known as jumping
dinofries no longer uploads thumbnails with his face because of you guys
Why is maple so good at bgms?
it really is peak. I've been on an osrs binge and so many of their youtubers use maple music
hes ugly and shouldnt have started in the first place
post selfie.
cool it with the antisemetism
im ugly too but at least im not stupid enough to ruin my videos by posting my face lol
Don't care, post selfie.
*smooch* no
Ugly AND a coward. Typical.
im the cutest boy on /msg/
if i post my pic ill mog 95% of msgers here except for royals.
i posted my dick in another general once
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i killed hdamien solo at least u can burst above his balls and he dies from cringe
my duo is a nw and I give him a perm ab link while bursting in god mode above every boss
im having fun
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>Try to star to 17
>Immediately breaks on first try

I'm shelving this character now.
>my duo is a nw
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ya its kinda cringe, but not everybody can be a god who bursts above bosses
bosses fear the man who bursts above them
which way henehoe
both are mid get your shit together saxophone
ur color count has to go down drastically
its out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAlDD2TRoLI
more like dragon goodnight honkshu honkshu honkshuuuuuu
boom boom boom boom i want you in my room
who still cube!
who cubezak
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I'm on reg the the only real upgrade I have left is moving to eternals and pitched which are expensive as fuck or work on bpots which are expensive and obnoxious as fuck. Neither are happening. I guess I just stop at BM. It was a fun ride and honestly don't really feel like going further anyways, I think this much is enough to sustain my fashionstory needs.
max hexa 22 everything as a reggie with good pots and epic pot is like nkaling im pretty sure, i gotta put 1 last star on my arcanes and then i guess i'll start slowly chiseling at eternals one piece at a time especially if i can cinch this nimbo party
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>meant to buy 5bil worth of Will droplets but mistakenly bought Lucid droplets instead
I don't like that the grandis bosses are all party bosses like BM and worst yet is that they're weekly, not sure how you guys can put up with that stuff
Organizing a competent consistent team to sweat it out weekly sounds like ass, and I definitely remember hearing you guys complain about it here before
i wouldnt call seren a party boss because of how worse it can get with multiple people but idk i relish my weekly social interaction kalos kaling w/ the boys even if sometimes we shart, its good when it works
kaling kinda looks like bocchi's gay friend
>kaling the kiwifarms
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>Finally decide to stop settling and take my CRA pants to 22*
>Instant boom
>2b to 21*
>1 fail into boom
>10b and 4 booms to 21* again
Yeah nah I will stay a 21* settler until this garbage system is fixed.
You can exchange them to the other one for free nowadays

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