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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>505770271

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• Big Run is on until 12/15 7PM EST
• Version 9.2.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v910
• Chill Season is on until 2/28

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
no reason to keep playing this boring big run once the minimum score for gold is reached
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my wife
I'm not mean to anyone, I just think blocking people who only wanted to play with you without telling them why is a dick move.
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It is now yebby hours, post a yebby.
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Whats the strat for glowflies? Im kinda lost, Ive just been humping the wall under the basket
No fatties allowed beyond this point
But sure but i think right wall (on the basket level) is better, easier to get eggs in
I think we're tilted boys
I'm tilting ;_;
Gonna hop off, I don't want to start draggin' you lads down
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Okay I need to reup and reload my brain cells, sorry sr group. GGs as always
lets hit that trium, you
i dont get tilted
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I don't think I'm tilting but those static spawns last shift were definitely the final nail in the "okay time to take a break" coffin
i read this as titted boys
Yeah you are 100% right, I noticed it the second time we got glowflies. You dont even need to swim on the wall
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Yeah I'll go till end of rot or tri
Perfect 135 finally, that's a relief
GGs lads, good fishing!
way to go, you
good way to end it
They're a good wife aight
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Right on, what a perfect ending! GGs BB, thanks for my second tri and high score!
She will never unblock you, babe
you're garbage at salmon run
I'm surprised people haven't unfriended me considering I haven't played in 2 years.
I collect /ink/ers like pokemon.
I'm good at not being a miserable sad asshole though :)
You will never have me back you french freak
Stop talking about him, or else artists will take pity and draw him.
I never unfriend anyone (though I wish I could purge some rando non-/ink/ers). I'm bad at noticing that someone has not been online for a while. But then I do feel happy when I see them back on, and I realize that something has been missing in my feed.
I wish that people had not left.
name a single one that still frequents this thread
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You know the wave is going to be something when this is how it starts
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Very nice
I can draw my own ceph, look at this masterpiece
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Nta just wanted to say hi
Not even fridge worthy
youre supposed to ignore the schizo sis
Printing /ink/er art and posting it on my fridge door
you just had to go and scare off all the OCfriends from 2.
now we have nothing creative at all in the thread for 3.
I was talking to my veemo friend the other day, true story and she had a bad Salmon Run. And then I said "Salmon Run? I thought they waddled."
*audience woomys*
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Super cute!! GGs!
This is lovely, thank you!!
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If nono could draw you would like him more
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I've lost control of my life.
My yebby is allergic to chocolate
It's okay, the chocolate was for woomy anyway.
Yuri is cringe get dicked
Sorry but I don't like to see males that aren't me and dicks that aren't mine in my porn.
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What about cthocolate?
I will drown your yeb in a vat of chocolate
AGP, very sad
you sure seem to like dicks anon, are you sure you're not one of them yebby lovers?
Yebby drowning in the chocolate river
Inflated blueberry gum woomy
Veemo falling into the nut incinerator
Weyyo stuck in the TV
Woomy Wonka
POST YEBBY so my weyy can gift him something different for Squidmas.
>mini splatling in my team
>floor never turfed
Why are you useless
anyone wanna BR?
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>spent a match with my dog asking for a cuddle by placing his chin and neck all over my face
>could barely see or breathe
His cuddle request has been granted
I can accept the outcome and move on.
No you can't, you're too stubborn
Why did you quote me?
If that's true you wouldn't reply or even be on here
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How the fuck can anyone's favorite not be Callie
I hate Callie and I hate you for saying something so stupid
>want to join pb for cute cephs
>no desire to renew nso because I fucking hate this game
It might actually be owari da....
I don't feel strongly about Marie or Callie either way.
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Based. I will be dead before SBR gets animated
I wish my teammates were never under my general skill level so I would have more fun with the gale
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yeah fuck you too buddy
keep scrolling
>renewed it anyway
Turns out I hate myself more than anything
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Marie's small labia, peanut-sized clit and delicate bush
BR 1 king at rot?
Still around? I'm down.
I'm running out of fit ideas to make and don't know how else to keep myself interest in this game.
OCtism is what I do.
Sorry I found a group to play with
Idols are not sex objects
You don't need to play the game for that sort of autismal shit.
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Lying ass nigga
All females are. Including woomies.
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Uh-huh, sure
The blue fairy will make her a real Moray Eel but every time she lies her ass and boobs get bigger
Callie is too dum to know what sex is
What has she been doing with those weyyos at Octo Canyon then? Physical exercise?
It helps me stay motivated to make new fits and take cute pics.
who salmn
Callie is canonically into pretty boys
isn't big run suppose to take the stage being invaded out of rotation in pvp?
why is it in the next x battle rotation?
They don't care anymore.
2/4 BR room!
Host: G
lmk when up
3/4 starting
whores can't discriminate
Was covid a thing when they were developing side order? I genuinely do not understand why it took them so long to make something so barebones. I've seen 30+ hour dlc campaigns made in less time
Weyyos are pretty cute.
>added silicon caps on my joysticks loosen due to sudden change in tempararure
>try to play without thrm
>perform worst, sluggier movements
Fuck me I'm gluing this shit
Damn, are you full?
I don't need that shit, ain't got fat fingers
>Go Vegan in my team
I regret winning
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I had someone on my team named FREE ISRAEL and he idled in spawn for the whole match.
Who's that cute weyyo on the pool.
>cute weyyo
Doesn't narrow it down enough, they're all cute
Cute/handsome weyyos wear tinted shades
PB 0/10
A lost game is a waste of time, I earn little cash, no gear exp and no catalog points. Just let me get on with the game and move on to a match I may earn something out of.
gggss trifshs
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gggggggggggs slom!
it's joever...
ggs salmn
One with the damaged hero suit.
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Rules please.
Game is actually not worth playing, we merely torture ourselves for cute cephs
Oh there were rules
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The one time I DON'T read and there's rules
I dodge PBs with special rules.
>/ink/ reading pb rules vs /ink/ waiting for drawfags
I'll come back at 2 then.
>he hates fun
I'm tired and wanna nap but that would male the PB lose a member and I can't do that to my /ink/ buddies
That's not fun.
Anyone got scans of the new artbook
yes it is, except if you are an underage tryhard who only plays one weapon
We'll probably have to wait until a western release comes out, japs are notorious corporate cocksuckers.
if you were a true fan you would buy the artbook
Fuck off Nogami.
Side order is the last time I'm letting this company rob me
you're gonna buy splatoon 4 at launch
Nigga I never bought splat 2, if 4 has the same devs I'm skipping it
Fat Veemo is 3000lbs...
Veemo is shorebidly obese
she eat all the foods...
I felt silly and wore random gear, wasn't a good idea
did you at least look as silly as you felt?
Peak woomy behavior
nice lag bro
I'll stop after this one
2nd hour starting after pics.
We were 4v4 for the pics lmao
bedhair woomies
my beloved...
Invite me to the private chat, guys...
I see you
why would you ever
Shut up nono
There are other weapons than your main you know
I thought rules said no rollers
fat veemo banned from the pb
The what?
I'm filled with shame.
Do you play fighting games with characters you don't like?
Yes I play Kirby
>fighting game
Kirby is fun, most splatoon 3 weapons are not
Quick roll
Ceph + Slop/Gloopsuit
Callie in her tight, pink goopsuit.
I was a few bullets away...
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they're quite loose actually
ggs pbfdbs sorry if I'm lagging
He's talking about her suit, not her asshole.
GGs PB, my eyes were half closed the entire time I need sleep
GGs everyone. Thanks for playing.
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Anyone biggie runs?
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ggs pb!
I could go for a large jog.
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begone pb scum
you mean her loose, jiggly wobble wagon?
Making woom nao.
ggs PB. Thanks for hosting!
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GGs PB (I didn't play)
Why not
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GGs pb
panono <3
Because I wasn't home and playing the game earlier today got me in a bad mood so I didn't want to ruin the fun for everyone else.
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this weapon feels pretty silly sometimes
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GGs again.

Collage: https://files.catbox.moe/jiufhl.png
fuck off
all this effort for something a single trizooka could do in two seconds
>not just using the grizz roller or charger
that’s what makes it fun!
Tbh that's a better clip than a lol gg ez trizooka clip
It's always fun watching a screamer realize xe's wrong
Idk which is hotter Octo or Summer Nights Callie.
1 triumv big run anyone?
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Where yebs...........
but i was of impression that /ink/ supports ngmi's buff-only philosophy and unrestrained powercreep taking away fun things and replacing them with efficient "press button, get result" options. and here are you two, enthusiastic about inefficient self-proclaimed "fun" things succeeding against odds.
i can like both!
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imagine going "this general is one person" for a game you don't even play anymore
Callie totally naked except for pink thong.
marie...please, she's your sister
Shaking her supple, toned butt for weyyos
Can someone draw this with Judd's paw and Callie's hand.
weyyos ignoring her and looking at yebbies instead
Both things can be true at the same time. Also Nogami should buff screen
Anon my best friend in the world... When we BR...
trizooka is balanced and honest now
Zooka is not any less fraudulent as it was now, it's only that compfags have bullshit that can make it less bullshit (but good luck in solo queue where you're at the mercy of matchmaking)
Callies toned ass.
Maries chubby fat butt.
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GG's Big Runners!
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ggs woom runners stupid big fish are all dead
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GGs trifshh!
anyone making their ceph wear shorts in the dead of winter should be arrested for cruelty
It's not winter here.
My woomy runs hot. She's always on that grindset mindset
fat veemo so big she's warm all year round!
Woomy is Finnish, she's not weak to cold.
more like she can't even feel her extremities freezing because they lack blood flow anyway
As far as we know all woomies and veemos are from not-japan making them not-japanese. there are no not-finnish woomies.
No haista vittu sit :DD
My woomy only wears spats, no exception
She sweats lots even during the winter! She needs to bare skin!
Reminder a hoe is never cold
why are there squindians then
Unless it's ajar
and kold is never a hoe
I love you.
>not me
>tfw no /ink/ gf to say this to me
big booty woomy
big titty veemo
fuck off loser
Just get a gf. Splatoon is pretty woman friendly in terms of getting someone into the game.
dont be mean
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callie bae is so fleek I literally can't even
God I'm having PTSD flashbacks
I hate NoA
Callie valley girl setting activated.
I don't want a splatoon gf. I want an /ink/ gf because at least I would know she's probably into ryona and would be okay with lolis.
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Okay registered sex offender
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I feel your exact pain, anon
she can be
Need utsuthighs choking the life out of me
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big woomy...
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That shiver outfit is so cute
timmy lucked out
does your gf know you play splatoon?
I bought her a Switch a few years ago and she has 2000 hours in ACNH. It's the only Switch game she has.
My gf is woomy
my husband is afraid of me when I play splatoon
Wommy time.
stop talking about your imaginary gf
There are people here with kids. Is having a gf that farfetched?
this is simply too silly
your smallfry died
did you not tell her acnh is the worst one?
Wommies are the real fish now.
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>anon lets the world know he doesn't understand women
choose your woomy
hero or dark
I want to pick up a woomy by her arms
why is the black woomy dressed in gold is this a racist joke
sex with these woomies
Probably to match her eyes.
gold complements the dark skin, aestheticlet
fat veemos mobility scooter is gold!
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I miss the silver eyed Panko
the coordination couldn't be anymore obvious, always on the 9 too
please keep crying it's hilarious
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I don't get it.
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it's me, the feet coordinator
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it's me, the only team future member on /ink/
The future is dead, past has won, now leave.
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there were quite a few
the past already happened, it's gone
Shut the fuck up retard.
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>the anti-foot obsessed faggot was the one complaining about "coordination"
>all because he has to reply normally
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I will fatten Callie and Marie.
a fruitless endeavor
callie's bottom can't get any fatter than it already is...
Marie? Sure. Callie's too hyper for that.
I don't know what a good alternative is but having your shots blocked by a teammate when you could've gotten this kill is so utterly fucking miserable
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Implement friendly-fire so splatlings can move them out of the way with force.
This. It's quite pleasing
that butt will become so large she'll be embarrassed just to waddle to crusty seans
>friendly charger on perch
>shoot them to they fall in to the death pit on scorch gorge
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species traitors
what the fuck
Good idea, thanks
every yebby in this general is gay
It is not a new idea.
Nah I just meant to use those characters specifically
That too is not a new idea.
The characters slipped my mind damnit
i'm in this image and I like it and everyone else in this image
calm yourself rz
Look at all these losers
Same but i don't like frye
If I find out whoever you are I will never look at you the same way
I am overdue for drawing fat bitches, anon.
do acht instead
why aren't you drawing every idol as fat, including big man
Do you think she normally wears that or only hypnotized
frye goes nopan
You're overdue for killing yourself
she's more a gohan girl anyway
Frye Beast
frye breast
my favorite pearl pic
The developers were playing catch-up for the entirety of Splatoon 3's content cycle due to its interrupted development, so Side Order took a huge hit due to that. I really think Nintendo should have delayed Splatoon 3 by a few months, probably would have solved a lot of issues the game had during its active life.

Must suck for the developers to see something they have so much passion for be limited by factors outside their control.
Frye test
>Pearlie this cancer thing is really strong...I don't think Agent 8 can help.
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I didn't study...

Someone explain this to me
Stop asking questing goy I mean Anon.
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your explanation is that that website is based on splatoon 2 before acht's background was changed
Stop questioning Nogami's greatness
punting paul as hard as I can!
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>they are unaware
both websites still get updated, and both of them are based on splatoon 2 though
I kind of doubt that website designers like 3 levels removed from the actual game are giving much of a shit about keeping up with the game's lore.
I will when he adds maid gear
they're a pair after all. but dedf1sh is one person
disspair broke up
in the new tracklist, Acht mentioned that Disspair hasn't performed together in over a year
the group is probably done-for
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My wife on the right and no I'm not French
Thank fuck
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sneakysnake hasn't hosted yet
I think he just let his NSO run out.
stop laughing
why would i not laugh at something stupid
Thanks anon.
thinking about Acht.
the easiest way to fix the special spam rps meta is to give them cooldowns
zooka? cooldown
strikes? cooldown
problem solved
Thinking about acht’s snug dress
that's a bandaid, not a solution
all it does is makes the weakest part of the rps, bubble, slightly more favourable
these specials' brute force peak power is the issue in itself
besides, judging by how ngmi removed cooldown from b-bomb to turn it into tri-strike 2, no nerfs of that kind are going to happen
thinking about acht’s lithe frame
Booyah bomb has never had a cooldown, are you high?
Trizooka is going to be buffed to Quadzooka in Spl4t. Quadruple Inkstrike too.
sorry, not cooldown, activation delay
the only thing that balanced b-bomb's effect is the wait until it charges, it lost you many opportunities, massively limited spammability and gave opponents time to shred your armor
now it charges almost instantly, so you can act fast, spam like there's no tomorrow and there's barely anything that can stop it
not even specials, it charges faster than you can activate splashdown or do an instant reefslider, it is 100% guranteed to go off unless you start in the middle of an already activated tri-strike
I do this
>it is a good special now
I fail to see the problem. Specials are supposed to be strong.
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specials are supposed to be counter-able

no, running away doesn't count
b-bomb was strong before
its strengths were compensated by its appropriate weaknesses
now it has no weaknesses
running away can be a valid option against specials that fall flat if they don't get effect without engaging you, for example kraken that is 100% worthless and even detrimental if you don't get anyone. but 3 has a lot of specials that will just take your shit and not pay if you run away, and even specials that you can't even run away from (zooka).
>it has no weaknesses!
it can still be killed before the armor goes up and it’s very vulnerable shortly after the booyah is thrown (mostly to bombs)
Not to mention that it still expands very slowly so if your weapon isn't a turflet you can still walk back and paint over it to prevent it from taking over the zone.
>b-but TC
TC is the worst mode in the game, stop playing it.
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>TC is the worst mode in the game
This series is almost 10 years old uoh and still people can't wrap their head around the best mode in the game.
Why is wommy mad?
stop saying wommy
"kill them before they activate the special" is "counterplay" to any special. and b-bomb is one of the last valid panic specials, so if anything, it's a strong point for it, it's harder to kill before activation than just about any other special.
after doesn't matter, the special is already doing its job, you're wailing on someone with an empty bar and, if you can reach them after activation, out of position anyway.
>it's got no weaknesses, but look, it doesn't quite have the brute force power of this other overpowered special either, so it's balanced!
what an absolute squeezerbrain, you are
what's next, you say that all subs are useless because even range blaster can paint over the suction bomb explosion?
rm is the best tho
Someone called her a wommy
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I want to play big run but I dont want to find my switch and charge my switch
Anyone got a room going? Currently at 111 eggs, Though I can sense that 135 is just within reach.
TC isn't and never will be a good mode let alone the best
>Killer Wail
>Booyah Bomb
>Triple Inkstrike
>Booyah Bomb AGAIN
>Kraken Royale
>Big Bubbler
I was going to make a well-structured rebuttal, but then I got to the end of your post and read
>rm is the best tho
and realized you're fucking retarded.
it’s only barely better than tc, and that’s only because 3 gave RM checkpoints so it can’t end in 5 seconds
Nogami our Lord in Heaven, please give reefslider a post-use way of not getting killed by camping chargers
Just give it recoil for the user, getting launched forward further. Would require to change the animation so it's not opening
rm and cb are the control-oriented modes, they are the essence of splatoon. expand and conquer. cb would be much better if it had a well-designed tutorial, but it's still got a bit of a focus on secondary resource, rm is as pure and focused as it gets.
tc is inherently offensive because tower is slow, so you have to brute force your way into enemy turf. offense is not splatoon's strongest point so tc can't be splatoon's strongest mode, but there are people who enjoy it.
zones are defensive and in their own bubble of gameplay considerations because of their more tactical, siege nature. the problem with zones in 3 is that the meta of shit is hostile to any and all defensive play, so it's hit by far the hardest by ngmi's ineptitude.
>please give us more stupid unpunishable specials!
>but beefslider is shit!
good, it's a fundamentally poorly designed special. worst thing that can happen with a poorly designed special is it becoming strong.
Reefslider is already punished by its start-up and straight-line trajectory.
Crab nerfs imminent
Didn't have issues with crab in a long while
it's disrupting the rock paper scissors meta by being a compromise solution to all three, can't have that
Please stop watching chara
Crab still loses to zooka.
A good bomb throw makes quick work out of them, just requires some aiming. They're as killable as ultra stamp for bomb-subs
Only time they're a real threat is when they're backed off by their team ratting you out
fuck off
>english ui
whoever started this french meme really is retarded
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No it’s true he was caught soliciting minors.
kill yourself
Crab did nothing wrong
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Je suis français tho? For every 10 posts I make, 3 or 4 contain some sort of grammar mistake or weird phrasing outing me as ESL. And I sound like a weird british/american hybrid since I learnt english mostly through movies, tv series, popular songs and the internet.
The reason my Switch, computer, phone and every devices I use have their language set to english is to maintain my own english through constant exposure. I'm sure I'm not the only ESL here doing this
I wish Marie would wear this for me on our honeymoon at the Bahamas
can you vocaroo your voice pls
wow one french phrase. i'm totally convinced.
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Omelette du fromage
who salmn
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been incredibly Busy w other shit that I havent even been able to draw, also im Cautious of Big Man bc that'll activate GT.
working on it
That's about as much permission i need to satisfy vampire rules, thank you
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I sound like a terrible Joker impression with an inconsistent french accent. Don't want my /ink/ buddies to see me as a clown
C'est juste chiant d'écrire en français, je ne l'aime vraiment pas ma langue maternelle. Et plus personne ne fait d'efforts à l'écriture. Was born into this culture I never felt I belong to, not just because I'm an outcast nowadays
Joining too, haven't played much since yesterday and freelancers kinda stink now.
there is no reason to use any translation for splat other than english and japanese because for some reason they decided to translate all weapon names in all languages
i guess it makes sense for a game that wasn't supposed to be competitive, but it became competitive, and tintenwerfer tells you nothing
goin up
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bonus thing,
Smoking is bad for your lungs
Everyone who drinks water dies.
that's why I drink pepsi instead
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>smoking is le bad because muh cartoon dog said so
>Yebweyys are voluntarily gassing themselves to death because a cartoon dog told them not to
Ja mein furher... der plazaqueereradikationplan ist working...
>cartoon dog
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It's Day 15 here
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GGs!! very fun
GGs P! You guys are invisible in my lobby, new bug?
00p and yet all of the fun.
I recall pastfags always talking about how shit their fest was going and presenters kept getting hate from both sides
Futurebros simply had the most fun :D
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There's my beeb! 00p and I'd do it again :D
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This is a woomy.
GGs slommers!
Shameless woomy showing everyone her clam.
she is trying to hide it but she can't it's just filled to the brim
I'm getting tilted, GGs SR
GGs sr fun
fat fuck was in the way so couldn't revive
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1 woomy, 2 woomy, 3 woomy
A whole lotta woomy
And a veemo
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only need one veemo for a whole lotta veemo
are our cephs friends or do you think they hold grudges and resentment towards each other?
I don't think my bundle of data in a video game can hold grudges towards anyone else's data in a video game.
my woomy is too grumpy to have friends
My woomy hates a certain weyyo for ruining his games
That's a yebby.
is ink open to the idea of weemos, voomies weybbies and yeyyos?
you are not silly enough to be here
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The lights are out but I still woom.
kill yourself
Why is her mask upside down?
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It is a mystery.
birth defect
she is a special woomy
You're already blocked.
Grezar more like Gayzar
It’s more along the lines of your ceph being intimidated and envious of how much cooler and awesome their friends are.
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Any news of bankara walker scan/ordertune rip?
My ceph has delusion of grandeur
My woomy loves her st/ink/y friends! Even the dum ones.
Any Salmo?
Why do I take losses in open worse than in series or X?
What do you mean?
As in the Knockouts are more brutal, or you’re more of an emotional train wreck when you lose in open?
Open is casual
Casual means more shitters
More shitters means higher blood pressure
>more shitters
technically yes, but if the guy is a shitter, he should be matched with shitters, that's how it works. the problem with open is that it matches shitters with non-shitters. it's a problem in every mode, but at least x gatekeeps the shittiest of shitters.
i like the dangerous fingers
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>emotional train wreck
That's quite the stretch, but I think >>506200339 is right and it's just lowered expectations. I easily rack up generous winstreaks in open often so if I lose one too many times my mood sours more than, say, going x-3 twice in a row in other modes.
Open is frustrating because you can play as well as you can, if your team isn't doing the bare minimum you won't win. You alternate between wiping the enemy and advancing the objective but you can't do both of those things on a single inktank
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Acht, Marina and Pearl following her to the elevator
Why are octos always so caked up?
They evolved to look sexy in order to disorient yebbies during the great turf war
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Concept art for Marina bossfight
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+What I assume is the aftermath, artist definitely binged Neon Genesis Evangelion prior
>he actually tries to win his unwinnable games


take the afk pill already anyone who has actual game sense knows when they're going to lose their games and anyone who says otherwise is a lying faggot. I played a series set (all of which took 80+ seconds to find matches lmao) and lost three games in a row with Overall Splatter, #1 Score Booster and Record Score Setter in all three losses. I lost because matchmaking didn't give me a team to play with three times in a row. (also I still got these badges after I afked no one could outscore me lmao).
>Reddit spacing
>Words words words
Opinion discarded
don't be a bitch
a losing match turns into a guilt-free team deathmatch
go murder peeps and have fun with no regard fo winning, if you win anyway it's a nice bonus to all the fun 1v1s you had
this game isn't fun on its own
>just waste your time in a game for five minutes when you can afk, lose in two and get a chance to go on to a game you might actually be able to win

yeah you go ahead and do that
winning is temporary
fun is forever
>they were going to shill pearlina even harder
sounds like a you problem
>it's so fun to play in games where you cant win

yeah that's 'watching your girlfriend get fucked by another guy is just as fun as sex' mentality
>cuck fantasy out of nowhere
Salmon for a bit anyone? Got time for a Truimverate I think.
Yes pls
Join T lobby
Where's the room
>woman opinion
the womans woman voice
Guess I'll just Freelance then.
I take pride in wiping off the somewhat skilled enemy team all on my own as they let their guard down after disposing of my teammates with ease
i voted team past for marie tiddie
What makes Marie so beloved by french people?
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kill yourself
join t room?
thanks babu
I voted past for Callie booty.
She will never sleep with you because she's a fictional character :)
Crude and dumb peasants like Callie
Refined and sophisticated connoisseurs appreciate Marie
Callie and Marie got a little... bigger since the concert.
Shut the fuck up you french parasite
they might have settled down a little too much...
The reward for this big run is a copy of an old reward, right?? Is there any point in getting the gold reward if I got it the first time?
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My favorite idol > yours
oouugggh erotic primitive brutish wicked bimbo...
how would you feel if they didn't add salmon run in splatoon 4?
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Hello again cephs we've got our final match in /vg/League 23 against /gfg/ coming up in about an hour and some change. I believe if we win or tie we move on so be there!

Depends what they decide to replace it with
can't fit in their idol outfits now...
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/ink/ why did you do this to her?
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You get to put another one in your locker duh
that is not marina
Are these octolocks? Don't tell me it's a weyyo
Telling Marina to stop dancing so sensually in front of the cephs
I think he’s referencing the video of the midget screaming at a tuba player.
That's John Dice
Fish? Spare some fish?
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Big Run at the hour anyone?
Not with you
Sex with woomy
fat woomy
helo guise 2day

to day i show u how 2 sex ur veemo
>step 1
u grab her hand and say "i <3 u veebo i want 2 do an sex on u pls"
>ste p2
she let's u do a sex on her
>step 3
congration u are just did sex on vemo liek and subscrieb for moar XD!!!!!!!
she took Ozempic and now fat veemo hates her
Sex with fat woomy but I mistook a fat roll for her coochie
>my personality? talking about my fat fetish 24/7 in a video game thread
I just don't get it, why can't you talk about the game instead of talking about something that naturally disgusts 99% of the rest of the world? You wouldn't accept people talking about their love for scat or guro if it involved splatoon
but now fat woomy looks like shriveled up prune
fat veemo now knows not to take the weird drug
I’ll do two kings
Frye is fat and Shiver is a feeder
Being fat was a status symbol in ancient times, but you wouldn't know much about that, Somalifaggot.
it's mostly rc spamming and false flagging so he can pretend there's a reason to post his shitty art
notice how this is in bursts and it's ALWAYS when he shows up posting art then dies off because he's not around to falseflag?
>b-but that's just a coincidence!
a coincidence that happens every single time is not a coincidence
what does that make big man
he's the big man who watches
Shut up Babt, find somene else to obsess about
The delivery boy that runs out to pick up food for them
switch is being a bitch rn, i'm gonna check (hoping it's not my TP Link glitching)
Why would your Twilight Princess Link glitch?
bigger man
It's a teleport link, silly billy. It's how the internet works.
There is a woomy wooming your connection
room is up
fat veemo and friends
Why is there so much disconnections? I've had disconnections myself and several shifts with players disconnecting halfway to the entire game.
I can't get past 121 eggs
Don't freelance that late especially low EVP
Splatfests and Big Runs always bring out the casuals with the worst internet connections.
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This is a mental illness I can get behind
I had a dream that the voice actor of Big Man died and this was the only time they revealed who voiced him was, and as a result they took Big Man out of the game.
Squelchies don't have burst bombs
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Nintendo devs deserve to be worked to death corporate japan-style
need to feel the softness of callie booty
They already do and they survive it
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GG's Runners!
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I'm done for tonight, ggs fishers and thanks for coming
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some ordertune tracks are finally being uploaded
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Jeejy Ess Arr
kill yourself
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this is unexpected, does every multiplayer track on the CD have an outro?
Yeah that was a big thing people were wanting the recordings for
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you deserve your disappointment for entertaining such delusions
>You cannot pants the woomy.
You cannot pants my veemo (she wears suspenders)
If water resistance didn't impede an octopus ability to launch projectiles then they would own the sea like humans own the land and sky thanks to being able to throw things at predators to defend ourselves. Imagine an evolved octopus hurling 4-6 rocks at the same time right into a sharks dome piece
Now why would you do that?
Give me your ceph and I may draw one or a few
which artist is this, don't want to teehee if you've already drawn my ceph
Even if you have teehee’d I wouldn’t care it’s Rz
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christmas rainy pls
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okay then
kill yourself
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I need to know if this is a woom or a yeb to add boobs or not (small)
Teehee >>506240289
Fat Veemo is 3,100lbs...
it’s a woomy
you can always tell who the biggest attention whores here are by how fast they respond to tee hee draw requests at any hour of the day, especially this one >>506243425
always the same "people" too. even more sad when these threads are practically dead and most of the sane people left.
She is MY ceph.
you could have just posted yours
Welcome to /vg/, now go play on traffic.

salm in 15 mins
aight Porl
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What we could have if Nogami was cool
Imagine the hugs...
You can see her sports bra it's a woomy
giving woomys butt a pinch
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guaranteed spinecrusher
>"Ge-get off me... o-ock... aaacchhh"
this is fake
marie would use her racist hag powers to banish marina before she even has a chance to approach
>Not posting how it looks
Marie trembling in excitement, bound up and submissive. Ready for Agent 4 to have her way with her.
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opening uop
The surface shall rise again! She says, tits jiggling.
Callie, breasting boobily
She even made 4 a matching spooky ghost costume for splatoween! I bet they scared a lot of cephs!
Callie, butting bootyily ass
plastic barbie squimbo my beloved
So fleek.
*butt wobbles*
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why was she so
She feels much better after Marina kindly cracked her back for her
i’m pissed we never got the hypno outfit as gear
or any squid sisters gear for that matter
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A beloved woomy
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been a while
anal sex with evil cal
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Why is this creature so punchable?
exposed tummy
cute aggression
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silly anon, you try to punch frye but she's so fat she absorbs the punch
Anyone interested in some suiciding this final Big Run rotation?
I keep forgetting the lesson I learned long ago: never play any PvP game on weekends.
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>Unlock Zinc Mini Splatling
>I main splatlings so why not
>Go on a winning spree as A- ranks have no clue how to deal with it
>literally just walk forwards and splat people, bubble if it looks like I'm going to be caught out
God I love soloq sometimes
Aquire proficiency
GGs fun
were there tracks that werent ripped before for some reason? What should I listen to?
kek is that the plushie from the final fest venue?
Did you make this? Is there a Callie version?
no, there's only the deep cut versions but i lost the other two
some other anon posted the shiver one a while ago
there are bonus tracks that we know of but they weren't uploaded yet
the ordertune version of the tracks are hq studio versions of the ingame tracks, they have a few extra tidbits and better quality basically.
yeah i am 999
Sounds good
no ordertune torrent yet?
>four replies
Host is フ, I'll host at the hour with the password 3333. Let's go for the five throw strat.
Two were me. I'm also 999.
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the cute one
post her
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anyone up for some big run at next rotation?
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I was gonna play big run but my switch was dead and now it's saying it needs a system update to update splatoon and it wont let me do that until it's at like 20% charge
Is the reward just the cohozuna statue again?
You want a reward for a game you don't play anymore?
*spanks callies ass*
good morning babe
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>That one teammate who just discovered luring who stays by the basket spamming "this way" while the rest of you go to kill the several stingers and flyfish currently harassing you.
I hate how common these guys are in low level EVP.
cutie cephs
A hypothetical. hypothetically, if I were to set up something where anyone could tip me or even comm me...
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How about you just USE YOUR SPECIALS on the stingers and flyfish instead of abandoning everything to kill 1 mob while the basket gets overrun by lessers and eels?
cute, thank you
ily rz
Shit i made her curvy? sorry
I can make her more curvy.
dont tempt me...
sphere woomy demands seanwiches
Why is she fat?
big woomy
too much time hanging out with fat veemo
i would be interested
splatsvillian obesity is a problem that must be stopped
It looked fine to me, but you forgot her earrings.
It's so dumb when someone asks for cephs to be posted. Can't they just look through the /ink/ folder they have for images to work off of?
SH here i gotta take a little break, ill remake room in a little or you can wait
okey dokey
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¿ɥsɟ ǝɹoɯ
what if you squeezed spherical woomy
>Can't reply with the words upside down
it sucks when you can't play along with the poster, such is the life of a bot.
I might open something up soon then...
i reopened if you wanna rejoin, if not ggs
i joined snakehands, but i'll make a room after this game.
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I can play until the end too
oh, it filled, sorry
japanese curry yummy
no worries, GGs!
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gg sh and others.
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look what i got under my tree
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I got one more in me, Suicide Room.
passionately kissing /ink/er cephs underneath the mistletoe!
>kissing pedophiles
my ceph burping in your face!
the cephs are pure
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post your ceph
Hammer to the beak
It's your fault barging into my cephs messy room! She doesn't like to be disturbed!
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>ordertune rip?
FLAC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13Jgdb6RPxaThVH2J3WIvKurhQeWQx76k/view?usp=drive_link
MP3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Al3TqKosA-BZ_gMhINpQKCVVjYjGMsoc/view?usp=drive_link
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GG's Suicidal Slommers, very solid fishing!
sorry about that (´;ω;`)
GGs suiciders!
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GGs an heroes
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my ceph did nothing, yours came up to their face and belched
Now post your ceph, you cowardly wretch
why do ocks want marie to dom them so much
>it's real
thank you anon
kill yourself
Post your cowardly ceph retching
entire teams working against me at this point
my ceph can't come up to people...
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>entire teams working against me at this point
Most drawfags rarely browse the general, and even more rarely play with /ink/.
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yeah, the freelancers are particularly shit this evening
both the attentionwhore teehees and drawfags are desperate for attention, any rational person would just draw something from their folders, only an attentionwhore who wants dozens of replies asks.
Have you tried being fresh?
which idol would belch right in your face
You people need better fetishes.
and this is why i hate events like big run.
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I'm playing with /ink/ right now. False.
it's a simple question
let people enjoy things
damn you both
>nono spams low quality clips and acts like a narcissist in the thread
>drawfag wants to draw
Oh yeah then draw a circle.
He said most, not all, retarded smoking finn with fake "depression."
my cat was making a concerted effort to block the screen during that mothership wave
>inb4 "at least he plays the game!!!"
The fuck you mean :|
People shit on him all the time.
i never defend french parasites.
Anyone wanna help me get gold before BR ends? I'm 10 short of it.
yeah just give me a minute
Big Run is now over and my invitations were ignored.
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>It ended
Goddamnit, another fucking silver Zuna, I should just erase it all and never play again
Never forget when /ink/ turned their back on you, let this grudge fester and turn you into a monster.
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ggs fshfhsd

I don't actually smoke outside a few instances when drunk and retarded. Lungs no likey.
ggs fsh.
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Finally my locker is complete
Based. lmao2fats.
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So this is what they call cyberbullying
kill yourself
Sex with these woomies
I'm not french enough to hold petty grudges.
>had a full meter and played very last match with randos
>got the trium to appear, didn't beat them but got 18 bronze, 6 gold
What the hell, I didn't get gold the entire event and the one time I play with randos, I get gold.
Wow, they actually gave you a second trophy.
if we get one gold cohozuna every 2 years we just need to wait until 2040 to have the maximum amount of 10
no fatties allowed schizo seething right now
fat veemo at her fat trophies
Cute of you to assume OG Switch game online play will be supported past 2030.
woomy with a little bow on her head
(she's your present)
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I know you're right but amusingly the game is still coded to support repeated catalogues through like 2100 or something
unwrapping my present
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Now we FROSTY-FEEESSSSTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I desire fresh bread
ordertune finally ripped. 4realz this time. Have fun.
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>won an sr match and even beat the boris
>fag with "blm" in name on crew
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You know what to do

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