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Welcome to the Super Mario Bros. General, in this kingdom of ours here we discuss everything MARIO! Let's continue the Paisano journey!

/smbg/ #240 - You are the Superstar Edition


>>Mario News and Releases<

「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree has officially released!
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership has officially released!

>Future Release Dates:
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD releases on January 16th, 2025
「!」Super Nintendo World in Orlando Florida opens May 22nd, 2025
「!」Mario Movie 2 -potentially- releases on April 3rd, 2026

>Current News Links:
「!」Donkey Kong Country Returns HD - Overview Trailer
「!」Donkey Kong Country - Super Nintendo World Direct
「!」Super Mario Party Jamboree – Launch Trailer
「!」Mario & Luigi: Brothership Overview Trailer
「!」"Zapper & Score SP" is a Mario-centric light-gun game featured in the Nintendo Museum

>General Paisano Links
>Netplay Guide
> SMA4 level editor (SMA4 Mods - Smaghetti)
>SM64 Mod ROM hacks [ replace () with a dot ]
https://rentry()co/romhacks (Guide for newer players & for interest)

>/smbg/ Anon Interest
/smbg/ link compilation: https://rentry.org/g6233fq8
/smbg/ writeanon compilation: https://rentry.org/tv4fp8q5
https://cytube/r/smbg/ (put a dot between u and b)

> Etc. Interest
Post any SMM2 / SMW levels ya' got!
Share your Strikers club and builds!
SM64coopdx: https://sm64coopdx.com/

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rg826fpGh4&ab_channel=GamingPlayer123

New OP Template: https://rentry.org/84xasgm8
Old OP Template: https://rentry.org/kh7oy/raw

Previous World: >>505889795
Christmas is in the air, will Santa Bowser give presents to the good posters or to the naughty posters?
Man I wish I could take better photos
Wow, we're 10 away from the big twofiddy
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Mushroom Kingdom sex icon!
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Daisy, my beloved.
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i love chain chomp whistle.
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But why do you love it
Who made Bowser santa? He should be Krampus while Mario's the santa.
Bowser would give all the gifts to Bowser Jr and Peach, and personally put coal into everybody else’ stockings
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i cannot see him as a good and fair santa after too many bowser revolutions.
Give Santa a little push.
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Post your COOLEST Marios.
What did your favorite Mario character wish for Christmas?
He kind of is the Krampus by default. There are depictions of Krampus as simply a horned Santa, and others that follow the more monstrous look but still put it in a Santa suit.
Luigi would NEVER say this.
What about EVIL Luigi?
That'd be pretty fucked up, even for him.
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>Mario means...nothing to me.
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>Is it wrong for me to destroy the world?
What would your mami and papi think?
Koopa the Quick must think he's Koopa the motherfucking Slick if he believes he can get away with the shit he pulls off.
Shit like what?
Shit like climbing the steep slope in Bob-omb Battlefield without even so much as a SINGLE jump kick during the race.
koopa the quick learns even more moves in odyssey, but also shrinks iirc
Which one of you fags did this?

Is anybody here a leaf?
not mario discussion. go back to /v/.
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Who the fuck cares about the shill awards?
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He’s claiming astrobot plagiarized Mario; definitely speaks like a 4channer so I’m wondering if it’s one of you guys. Yes this is Mario discussion
Which is why you decided to post it in the Kirby general too?

yeah and you speak like a faggot but somehow i think you're from /v/ and not /lgbt/. curious isn't it?
Even paperbros are realizing the brothership kino
>Mario - Superman
>Megaman - Cyborg
>Sonic - The Flash
What about the others? Can’t be from a company with a character on here.
Most paper mario fans like the mario&luigi games, it's only the arlo types that start the shit flinging.
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>you summoned the gamer muppet, you goober!
>maybe he wants us to go to bed early
Anybody outside this group doesn't matter.
Mario lives matter. Every one.
Big if true?
Which one is the real one bros?
What's the morally worst thing you can do as mario in these games?
is it lighting or does one mario have darker skin
Who will be under the mistletoe with Princess Peach?
Left mario has slightly chubbier cheeks
Mario and Luigi.
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When will we see Daisy's long neck in luigi's mansion?
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what the fuuuuuuck
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They really wanna make sure people know this is a separate thing
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Those "fan mock ups" logos always look retarded.
Didn't these retards bitch because they couldn't use their shit on Switch's controller's shells?
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I love Luigi
Wait, has the dock design been leaked yet or is it still entirely speculation/
I don't think there's been a photo leak of it, but it does resemble the description by the Reddit user who is saying he'll leak on Christmas day.
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That's because it's a mockup based on that guy's descriptions. A set of four fake advert-like images were made.
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>Wario is busy playing his own games while stuck in some music box.
It'd really suck if the next console is just a slightly bigger Switch. Nintendo's creativity died with Iwata.
Most things Nintendo died with Iwata. It just took a while for it to fully happen as more games that had his influence came out.
I hate Iwatafags. They don't even like Nintendo. They're just zoomers who grew up idolising the man who prioritised gimmicks over fun.
Not clicking your dolphin porn.
I'll take one for the team.
It's that clip of the jew emerging from a storm drain when the tunnels to a synagogue were found, with mario music overlaid, and Mario saying yipee when the jew takes off running.
it's just the mario song
what will have happened to those nice hebrews?
Oh, I've seen that clip before.
That's pretty bad. We should do as the rules say for people who post like that anon. Though in the future, for people who want to share soundposts, you can always just post it in /wsg/ and quote it here instead of just posting links.
That's pretty normal for a 4chan post, are you a tourist or something?
he did but it got deleted >>506455949
or that was someone else from /wsg/ coming here since the op mentioned a general
yeah, if it derailed into a rant about jews i'd say fuck off to /pol/ but it's just a random link meme that wasn't overly grotesque for a sfw board
Nintendo is all about diversity and inclusivity. We should not be making fun of the Jewish community.
Go back.
You first, /v/boy.
For whoever started that Mario general thing on /wsg/, you need 3 related webms to start a thread. Don't want to get deleted.
Long ass neck
Hope this artist gets his hands chopped off
Same for that other guy who draws Peach like a sex goddess and Bowser lile a bara faggot
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>rosalina's story was too good it backfired
>it's also what spawned all the characterfags infecting this fandom with shitty discourses
Fuck off Miyamoto no one wants the gimmicky shit
If you complain about Rosalina specifically, then you have a low IQ. When I played Galaxy the last thing on my mind was how her character would develop in Mario Tennis.
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>Same for that other guy who draws Peach like a sex goddess and Bowser lile a bara faggot
Im going to be real with you, man, I genuinely dont mind most of Riz's standalone Peach pieces. Sure he draws her more like a bimbo for my tastes, but for the instances the bimbo element is not that strong, they are really cute and sexy.
...Hoohooman, on the other hand, fuck him. As much as I love the artstyle itself, I cant stomach his portrayals in any way at all, or him for that matter. He rubs me the wrong way so much it hurts his stuff. Not going as far as saying "chop off his hands" because I cant afford bad karma damaging my hands.
>tfw I got mistaken by Riz in a social media discussion thread.
kek, so much for being a Peachfag.
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I just don't like prolific BowserXPeach artists.
Same for the only guy who drew Pauline porn before Odyssey, but only with DK fucking her and always showing some "Mario is a cuck" element on it.
Literal monkey paw.
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You reminded me of this artist that draws Wario x Daisy while also showing Luigi being sad on the side because "his daughter likes it"
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Eeeugh, don't remind me.
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Cute Luigi, cute art.
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Both of them.
Same consciousness, two bodies.
Miyamoto says that it's all the same Mario.
Careful now. You're going to piss him off.
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What would Peach and Daisy think of the state of affairs in the real world politically? On a scale of 1-100 how horrified would they be?
They wouldn't think about it at all.
We don't answer questions like that here. Take it to /pol/.
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I'm sorry for being the one to bring it up, but this whole debacle will never not be stupid to me.
People taking Miyamoto's words to shape up an entire continuity (which is a fool's errand in and of itself) when his words were most likely said with the exact opposite intent. Saying "It's always the same Mario" is less about making all events Mario and Co. have gone through fit a single continuity SOMEHOW, but rather to divorce it from such by reducing it to it's essential aspect for simplicity sake.
It's easier for people to digest that the same Mario that has fought Bowser using his army, stealing heavenly relics and being possessed by other villains has also gone Go-Karting and playing sports with him. It's all for simplicity sake.

Yes, Mario has a canon, what Mario doesn't have is a canon continuity, that's why many things have been fleshed out, retconned or forgotten... and that is simply because Nintendo doesn't give it too much thought and neither should you!
It's fun to try though, that's why the Zelda timeline is always a topic even if it's good or bad.
Daydreamy Luigi...
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Mario and Luigi's bounty in Brothership may just be a localization joke, but it only works if there's some level of continuity to back up the feat behind the number.
I mean, sure, it's fun to try as a creative exercise; something harmless where people can let their imagination run wild, that's perfectly fine. That's why you have people make their own timelines, speculations and headcanons. It's a fun creative exercise.
But going as far as having the dumb arguments this general tends to see where people act like it's one truth or another in a topic they care about five times more than Nintendo itself? Nah, man, that's just dumb.
Trying a different tact now, unclefag?
He never learns. Always has to derail the genera to make Mario less special.
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Well yeah, both M&L and PM have their fair share of continuity, I forgot about those. Point still stands, though, even with Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario having continuities of their own, Nintendo doesn't really give this issue too much thought (for that reason Paper Jam exists), so it really isn't worth stressing over.
Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not the boogieman you're looking for. I just saw the hell that last thread was and had that itch of telling everyone involved to stop being stupid and stop looking for the cat's fifth leg.
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>and stop looking for the cat's fifth leg.
For some reason that just made me imagine Shadow the Hedgehog's penis growing erect and getting endlessly longer with I Am All of Me playing in the background.
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Not on Mario's watch.
Selling Luigi's cum on the blackmarket.
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Milking him for it is the best part!
To be honest that's what I was trying to get at the whole time.
I really hope MK9 either removes coins as a mechanic or increases the floor speed when you're at 0 coins, narrowing the gap between 0 and max coins.
Feels like coins don't work as a speed altering mechanic when it's so easy to get hit in Mario Kart Maybe it should be a thing more based on pulling off drifting and tricks.
Wait, that's what they're for? I didn't know that. I don't think the game ever tells you that?
I think the coins only slightly effects your top speed.
How hard was Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD memoryholed?
The SNES was just a beefed up NES, even Nintendo admitted that back then.
The difference between max speed without coins and max speed with coins does make a significant amount of difference.
Personally, I view coins as a way to level the playing field. If you don't have a backup plan to get coins back to a reasonable amount of level fast once you lose them you are pretty much going to lose the race, and that goes for the guys behind and in front of you too.
The problem with coins is that if you're dealing with a close race that it'll be very easy for the person in front of you to take the good opportunities for coins. It just lets the gap widen more than it needs to.
Nobody wanted the inevitable Nintendo console that's just a Bop-It with a screen on it.
Are DKCR and XCX the only remaining first party releases on the schedule for the switch?
Assuming an alternate universe where Nintendo wasn't starting to make movies of their IPs, would you want a Secret Level anthology of Nintendo shorts, or even just an episode of Secret Level featuring a Nintendo IP?
But people loved the Pikmin shorts
And coins ultimately do not line up on the best lines (unless there's a big risk-reward for taking or getting to that line in the first place) which means they will eventually have to cede them to you, sooner rather than later because they too need to overtake the person in front of them.
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Your post has merit but I don't think that's all true, the very reason Nintendo had every part of the franchise attach to each other in the 2000s no problem directly counters Paper jam existing.
And the fact Paper Mario is a past adventure before and even after the game came out through M&L remakes, and the fact the "It's always the same Mario" interview came out even after PJ released
On the other side people like unclefag take Miyamoto's words and try to shape an entirely different continuity to cut half the games out even with "same mario" blatantly there.

I've got more to say but I'll wait past bump limit, since that shitposter doesn't seem to be around if you don't claim to be him.
I also believe the anons that say "Mario has no canon" follow the logic of stuff like pic related and imply Nintendo doesn't care about a tied canon and will have it all the same at any point or different at any point, especially after those two Miyamoto interviews. Basically that everything is canon, and by Miyamoto's own words, the player's own interpretation of Mario's canon matters above all else.
So you are right it's not worth stressing over, but also going out of your way to make any Mario game non canon is also a fool's errand.
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foreman spike and swanky kong making it to mario movies should confirm anything in the games is valid in miyamoto's eyes too.
Taking the always the same Mario too literally just feels dishonest. Miyamoto obviously didn't mean that every single little thing is canon and it's taking one quote and making it mean something else.
>Taking the always the same Mario too literally just feels dishonest. Miyamoto obviously didn't mean that every single little thing is canon and it's taking one quote and making it mean something else.
I also added Nintendo's history too which confirms otherwise, not just the quote itself. Everything can be be the same and not the same at any time.
Miyamoto saying Mario characters are like a troupe of actors should get this point across.
I can't believe Swanky is fucking dead
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I don't have a disagreement here per se, but I think you didn't understand the point I was trying to make or I didn't explain it properly, because-
>Basically that everything is canon, and by Miyamoto's own words, the player's own interpretation of Mario's canon matters above all else.
This pretty much sums up what I was trying to say, "canon" referring to the fact something exists within the franchise and be utilized or modified at any given moment; that is also why I made the distinction between "canon" and "canon continuity". My point was not about placing all games in what basket, canon or not canon, but rather break those two baskets and let all games run free because at the end of the day, Nintendo will do with Mario whatever they want to do regardless of how much sense it makes for the franchise as a whole (which is why I mentioned PJ, because I take that game simply doesn't make sense for both M&L's and PM's continuities).
Bit of a tangent, but now that you bring up that pic, I'd assume those bullet points can be explained by saying it's less about Nintendo trying to tie things together and more about the little nods and cameos Nintendo likes to make for the heck of it, or devs reusing elements from previous games simply because they can (like the case of Koopatrols being so recurrent).
>Taking the always the same Mario too literally just feels dishonest.
>Everything can be be the same and not the same at any time.
I agree to that too.
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coop for this will be crazy in the future
What the fuck Mario just killed that guy
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I'm someone who likes the concept of everything being in the same continuity even if it's a can of worms
MiTM not being made after Kaze's SM64 optimization release makes me hope it runs well. Though I kinda see the workaround by enemies being spaced very far apart. Looks fun.
But how does that account for the universe ending in Galaxy 1 and being rebooted into Galaxy 2
>739 views in 4 hours
New Modders and Animators struggle a ton on youtube. They gotta fix this site. This probably will fly under the radar for a while.
Mario, Peach, Bowser, and Rosalina themselves weren't rebooted so it's pretty much the same deal.
I think the everything is canon approach falls apart because it doesn't feel like Nintendo is thinking in that particular mindset. The infamous female Goomba concept art in Odyssey is a prime example of this where it's obvious that Nintendo isn't really keeping track of that stuff. Heck, it took only 2 years to change what the Ice Flower did between mainline games never mind what Nintendo think of spin offs. Not to mention how the Super Leaf is inconsistent as well.
It feels more like Nintendo just has the mindset where they'll throw things in for the heck of it but don't really consider any of the implications because they just don't care about the story aside from Sunshine trying to do something more. They're thinking that the Koopatrol is a cool armored koopa rather than thinking about how that ties into Paper Mario.
The troupe of actors thing like Mickey and Popeye ties into this well where they can insert Mario into any situation but they don't have to carry over things from other stuff if they don't want to.
That's why I hesitate to say that the spin offs are all in the same continuity. Because it's obvious Nintendo doesn't think about it at all. I doubt many people working on the next mainline Mario game even know what a Star Child is.
I dont remember the details, but... Isn't the whole "universal reset" thing just a cosmic-wide "return to last checkpoint", meaning that literally nothing happened? Galaxy's ending always felt like that to me.
Star Child lore is garbage anyway.
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>I doubt many people working on the next mainline Mario game even know what a Star Child is.
>Star child lore
Takashi Tezuka was the main developer and producer of that game, and he's still in the dev game from SMB1 to Mario wonder. So funnily enough, they still know it.
Not exactly. Rosalina talks about how the cycle never repeats itself in the same way, and then although they reuse planets from galaxies in the game, the last line of the game is Mario shouting
>Welcome new galaxies!
Though there's no real implication that things have changed for the Mushroom Kingdom. Aside from a bunch of the people from the game being at Peach's Castle I guess.
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To the anon that thought the hint for the Rosalina theory wasn't in Japanese before, here you go. I know you said the 00s just had an obsession with staches, but this is still weird to acknowledge and then have localization remove.
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Tezuka does, but I wonder if that trickles down or not. Or if he even cares that much about Star Child stuff. It'd be interesting to hear what some of the major figures perceive as who Mario is beyond the actor comparisons. Since it feels like each probably would have different feelings on it. Like how we have Miyamoto's original interpretation of Mario.
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Koizumi sees Mario as a simp.
Imagine lifting the dress and seeing his big cock dangling, haha.
I'm not sure if NoA removing it is actually too important. If we've been taught anything over the years, you can't value their versions of the scripts too much.
As for what it means, it's hard to say. It reminds me of Tarin/Talon in Zelda, who is a Mario look-a-like. It could be that after Link's Awakening and OoT that image of a father stayed with him. I think it's a little hard to believe that Nintendo would have Rosalina be Mario and Peach's daughter from a previous universe reset, but it's not impossible though I really don't know if Nintendo approve it.
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This is why she bullies him.
>Koizumi sees Mario as a simp.
Koizumi kind of flanderized it.
>From Rosalina calmy telling Mario that he'll find Peach: his special one, from whatever Odyssey's ending was.
*to whatever
>GI: Why does Mario want to stop the wedding between Peach and Bowser. Is he interested in Peach romantically, or does he have some other motives?

>Koizumi: I've always thought that Mario carries a bit of a torch for Peach. I think that's true even back in the 2D Mario games. If not, he wouldn't be wasting his time rescuing her over and over again.

>GI: Do you think Princess Peach feels the same way?

>Koizumi: The heart of a woman is a mystery.
Very brave of Koizumi to call Peach a fucking whore.
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>Koizumi: The heart of a woman is a mystery.
Is it really a waste of time to rescue someone if you don't want to fuck them?
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Mario RPG Chad energy.
North Amercian only? Gross. Call me when you've got all the Japanese, European, and Chinese versions too, honey.
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>Pink Gold Peach
It really bothers me how many people are completely and hopelessly trapped in a fugue state of never understanding how incompatible with society they are. The Internet makes me look at them all the time, thinking they'll ever have meaningful relationships of any kind with other humans. They don't know they're broken and can't get help for it.
Bowser hasn't given up, why should they?
Pink Gold Peach's peach...
i don't think i'll ever have all the shit in mario run
i've been playing for over four years and i'm still missing 2 fucking statues or whatever
>forma de Toadette
Thinking about DBS shitposting now
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That is an oddly specific train of thought. One that I'm thinking about as well, you son of a bitch LMAO.
>>forma de Toadette
So, Super Crown?
Piggybacking off this: Does anyone want to share mario run friend codes for that 100+ coins my nintendo mission?
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Why are cucks who happen to be mario fans the most annoying type of fans?
What an odd thing to suddenly say out of the blue
Because Mario is a cuck.
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Sleeping and cuddling Luigi in bed...
How would you react if you entered Miyamoto's house and he had this big schizo room where he attempted to piece together the Mario timeline?
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How do people tell the difference between a Super Mushroom and a regular Mushroom that is just food and restores health anyway
They're both the same. Him going into a small state is just a way to tell the player that he is damaged without a health bar like in the 3d and rpg games.
My entire outlook on life has been changed by this information.
This art puts in perspective how much hard work goes into completing a M&L adventure for the bros.
dark popple soon
He hasn't reappeared since dream team right?
Imagine what the sex sounds like.
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I almost forgot Popple came back in dream team, wow.
He made additional appearances in the Bowser's Minions mode of the remake, but otherwise no. Though, aside from Bowser, he's the single most fought character in the M&L series.
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God I just want to lick a Goomba.
Thoughts on the moral of Brothership being that safe spaces literally kill you?
A girl Goomba right? Right?
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This comic made me realize that nobody ever points out the idea of Mario apologizing on the way back. Was he really just gonna stay silent shamefully considering the Odyssey doesn't have much space internally?
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Why would he apologise for Peach being a whore?
There's no way I can imagine this in a way that permits me to take it seriously.
>Peachy! I'm-a so's the sorries for-a being a leetle impetuous back there on-a da moon! Mario promise not to let his emotions get-a the better of-a him from now on, okie dokie?
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I don't think Chuck ever played into the accent that heavily.
Who the fuck is chuck?
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Charles, anon.
That's the first time I heard anyone referred to Martinet as Chuck.
He's a Chuckster!
It is actually his nickname, but it leads into the easy joke with pic related.
Oh yeah, he voiced the pianta's in sunshine.
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I didn’t play much Switch or Mario this year…
Last year was my big Mario year, though it's also when I realized I like the DKCs more as 2D platformers. This year, the TTYD remake was really my most extensive Mario experience. I've been having a very Sonic Christmas but I'll be giving Brothership a spin around the new year.
Any other people who've played 64DS ever encounter this weird bug?
I curse Square Enix and Masahiro Sakurai for depriving me of Geno vs Cloud fights so I can shove some firecrackers onto that fucking emo faggot with implanted memories and small dick
Mamma mia....
Arlo discusses the paper mario leaks at last
Personally, this year was my most Nintendo-like, since I unlocked the 3DS catalog and also replayed a lot of old Wii/GCN games.
My highlights of this years were Wario Land Shake It, Wario Land 4, A Link Between Worlds, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby Air Ride and Muramasa The Demon Blade.
>muppet man
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Unironically has a more rational take on the footage than 80% of the YT comments outright declaring the beta footage looks better than the final game
>A Link Between Worlds
I need to play A Link to the Past first. I gave it a try a few months back and just wasn't feeling it at all, which usually means I just need to try again after a while.
>Kirby Air Ride
City Trial is one of the most fun gaming experiences I've ever had. My dream game would probably expand on that concept.
Have some bait.
People have been sucking off the Monty Mole king boss for years as most wasted potential OC donut steel when it's just a standard Mario enemy but big and with a crown--which is what Sticker Star ended up having for its chapter bosses anyway.
>oh but he's purple!
That's all it takes for you to be convinced it's a soulful TTYD-tier unique design?
I actually didn't know you were meant to swing him around with the control stick, so I just kept grabbing his tail and getting him to cum and get back up over and over again, confused as hell why I couldn't do anything.
>and getting him to cum and get back up over and over again
I don't remember this happening in the game.
Happened in my personalized copy.
I feel like I would have figured it out in the original, but I remember being confused in the DS version originally because I realised you could grab Bowser but it never even crossed my mind to use the touch screen.
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Sonic Movie 3 got an 88% on Rotten Tomatoes.
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For a video game movie that's basically a perfect score. I'm impressed. They've come a long way.
The way they treated the Mario movie always rubbed me the wrong way. The flaws with it were all present in Godzilla vs. Kong to a much greater extent, and yet the critics rated that movie much, much higher.
Sonic Movie 3 maybe go down as the greatest hollywood video game movie adaption.
Thoughts, partybros?
Credit where credit is due if they pull it off. To go from Ugly Sonic to this is an achievement, and it's all because the suits listened for once. I rewatched Sonic 2 and realized the only thing really wrong with it is that Tails was randomly rendered unconscious for a notable portion of it. If he were awake and able to help Rachel and Maddie take on the GUN Agents, that infamous scene would have been much better received. I think it was clearly a budgeting measure, it's just so egregious that they couldn't afford more screentime for the little fox.

Some of the humor was also a little crude but that's just how these kinds of family films are. I just don't think a Sonic the Hedgehog film needs to mention bikini waxing and manscaping.
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>Ugly Sonic
Tyson Hesse unironically saved this movie franchise with his Sonic redesign.
Saw this a while back and I agree with it for the most part. Luck-based minigames should not exist, especially since there are minigames that can have a bunch of coins on the line. The player should always have control over the outcome of their actions.
It was a solid film and the original design would have squandered that. It's just unfortunate it was always going to frame Sonic as an outsider and throw him into an ordinary world because Hollywood doesn't understand anything else. Something like the OVA was never in the cards. Of course, it was going to be even worse at one point. Did you know Robotnik originally wasn't in it at all and the villain was set to be just some realistic lizardman? This would have had less to do with Sonic than the 1993 Mario movie did with Mario (one of my favorite films, by the way, fuck the haters).
I think a little bit of luck keeps things interesting, but there's nothing more frustrating than your skill being thwarted by RNG. If you really are skilled, though, it won't really be much of a setback in the end.
What I find most interesting about the Sonic movies is that each one is a different film genre.
Sonic 1 is a buddy roadtrip that becomes a superhero flick in the third act.
Sonic 2 is like an Indiana Jones film, chasing after a magical artifact and becomes a superhero flick in the third act.
And from the sound of it, Sonic 3 is an Avengers movie that becomes a DBZ movie in the third act. It’s pretty neat.
Sonic 4 is already on track to being Terminator styled
Truly the Hunter X Hunter of vidya movies. I'm so curious about the Mario movie sequel. My hope against hope is they slow down and give it some breathing room and a longer runtime. I suspect people expecting Wario are jumping the gun a little but he'd be prime for the third one.
I've given up on Mario.
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No, Peach, I'm sure things can still work out between you!
I'm not expecting the Mario movie to get a sequel past 2, so it'd be good to cram in as much as possible, even if it's a cameo.
>I'm not expecting the Mario movie to get a sequel past 2
They will at least go for a trilogy, no way will Nintendo let the Sonic franchise have more movies than Mario. Not to mention if the sequel does as well as the first one Universal isn't going to want to stop making movies that are practically printing money - case in point the Despicable Me franchise.
Nice projection faggot
They are definitely going to go for the trilogy like the nes games.
>Sonic Movie 3 got an 88% on Rotten Tomatoes.
now it's 87
I feel that the movie is going to settle around the 80-85% range, which is still really good.
how many shills did they pay
>already going down
Also The 1st Mario Movie made a 1.3 billion box office, while 3 whole sonic movies won't even breach 920 million, maybe if they're lucky.
Super Rush might be my favorite Mario Golf game due to the Super-Curve mechanic.
Good movie scores always go down and bad movie scores always go up depending on what's first announced. Pretty weird.
>5/10 reviews counts as fresh on Rotten Tomatoes
Sonic Movie 3 is on fraud watch.
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>IGN doubled back on Sonic, they realized Mario's still the king.
I'm surprised the general for freaking super mario is still active on /vg/
Why wouldn't it be?
I don't think Nintendo cares at all about what Sonic does. Even when Sonic was a bigger name, Mario never had a TV show at the same time as Sonic.
I guess Brothership is confirmed to be trash then.
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i'm going to freak your mother hehehe
My mother is dead
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>I guess Brothership is confirmed to be kino then.
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doing numbers?
y'know, mathematics
Oh I see.
It's pretty much just Dream Team again. How you feel about that one is how you'll feel about Brothership.
WIth Peach being a whore, maybe Reimu is the better option for Mario.
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>tfw I ragedropped Megamix.
I came with low expectations, but to think I'd ended downright ragedropping it. Holy shit. Fever is by far my most favorite vidya of all time, this feels very wrong.
I'm going to get Sticker Star now. Anything you could advice me without spoiling anything? ...apart from not playing it at all. I've heard nothing but ill about this game, so I'm oddly excited to see how much I'm going to hate it. Who knows, maybe I'll end up ragedropping it too, but I'm kind of hopeful it wont happen.
inject a complete save file so that you can play through the mansion level in the ice world since that level is actually pretty cool and then never play the game again.
Don't be afraid to use stickers. The game showers you with them.
Maybe that goes without saying, but you'd be surprised how many people I've talked to who kept pages of powerful stickers and never used them because they "might need them later."
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Okay, so I'm starting this game and... first impression? It's not so bad. Story is kind of just there and it's happening which is lame, Toads looking samey is definitely offputting, Battle system is sketchy... but I think I can manage.
The visuals are pretty, I don't like the emphasis on paper and how it blends with the lore instead of staying merely as an aesthetic choice, but they are definitely nice to see as they are.
The Sticker in battles are a neat concept, but I think it would have been better if they were implemented into the standard battle system instead of being the whole system; at least action commands work... I don't know if Im getting any EXP, though. I'm going to keep you >>506708007
in mind too, although running out of stickers does sound scary at first impression.
Peeling Toads and other elements is kind of fun, I like it as a puzzle element. I sure hope it doesn't get extremely repetitive extremely quickly.
Also, Kresti being a bitch is something I find oddly fun. As obnoxious as she is, I like her for having an actually tasteful personality... That said, fuck her; I have made my mission to piss her off in any way I can for my own amusement.

I'm not hating this game, it kind of reminds me of New Soup 2, as it's kind of just there and it's happening. Although I haven't gotten anywhere after the first battle, I don't know what awaits me.
World 1 isn't THAT bad but it takes a nosedive somewhere between 2 and 3.
>I don't know if Im getting any EXP, though.
You're not. There's no EXP in this game. Battles are there only to impede progress, get coins, and get more stickers to replace the ones you used in battle. It was a big criticism of the game.
Peach is not a whore. This is slander.

Well, how do you imagine it in a way you could take seriously then?
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Both of the movie versions hating mushrooms is a good example of that. Sonic was trying to jab at Mario while Miyamoto just wanted to be funny.
That and as a way to separate him from the mainline Mario.
Would Nintendo try to blur the lines like they've supposedly been doing with Peach?
I can only continue to tell you to not do this.
At first it won't seem bad, but the longer you play the worst it gets.
yeah the game actively fucks with the player, sticker star doesn't feel real at times
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Didnt ask me, but the way I see it, it'd be something like this:
>Mario enters the Odyssey and sits down, he sees Peach sitting down the other chair, eyes close, poker face, breathing in and out.
>Awkward silence for a while, only the sound of the Odyssey can be heard.
>Mario looks at Peach with childish shame, like a scolded puppy, stiff like a stone.
>Peach glances at him a little and immediately turns her head away with a very obvious pout of outrage; she lets go a faint "Hmph!" to further get the point across.
>Embarrassed, Mario apologizes, but words go all over the place, he is not doing a good job at apologizing.
>But then Peach reveals a smirk, reaches out to Mario and pokes his nose while giggling, stopping his frantic ramble. He takes a moment to look at her, she is smiling.
>Having calmed down, Mario finally finds the words to properly apologize, Peach accepts it right away as she wasnt angry anymore and she was just teasing him a bit.
>They still talk about what just happen, Peach being a little nagging and Mario being a little awkward.
>Soon they move on from the subject and they talk about their journey among other things, cracking jokes every now and then.
New copypasta?
What do we want to see for Mario Maker 3?

Think hard
More enemies and new unique power ups.
>Mario Maker 3
3d Mario game maker this time. If it isn't too hard to conceptualize for the devs.
I guess something akin to that sm64 builder romhack.
More playable characters.
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>Peach glances at him a little and immediately turns her head away with a very obvious pout of outrage; she lets go a faint "Hmph!" to further get the point across.
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Luigi when he see's...
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This sounds about right.
...a photo of his own cock!
That patented green color coded tip.
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Thank you. But
our Princess is
in another
kidding! Ha ha
ha! Bye bye.
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>Then Bowser the cuck woke up.
Do something that isn't ERPing 24/7 on a dead general you loser
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Why doesn’t Nintendo ever want to use the word “christmas”
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hollijolli village exists, and they're even more direct about it in the original text
also hermie in the first game
I'm guessing it's a localization thing because "inclusivity towards all religious holidays", or something like that.
Woketendo strikes again.
Its settled at 87 seethe and cope.
Lol quit coping the Mufasa Movie and Moana 2 are at around 60%
>muh shills
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It's from this

The more this is posted, the more I realize Bowser could've avoided the whole movie and made himself look good to Peach if he had just given Luigi back to Mario.
Does anyone have any ideas for Christmas-themed photos on Merry Mountain? I took this photo wanting to theme it something like “this Christmas, Bowser’s going back to the moon for another shot at getting married!”…but I’m not that creative otherwise

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