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Fourth thread for the MENTALLY ILL women.
Elsword is a free-to-play hack and slash online action MMORPG. A pretty unique game in today's market, even 2024.


>Is the game alive?
Absolutely! The game has a very dedicated, playerbase. Early game may be a bit lonely, but later you'll have no trouble finding people in the meta dungeons. Also thanks to Phoru quests, its easier to get into mid-endgame now.

>Important events

PvP gear update - balance/ Elsword ORCHESTA

Catch the Phoru Event

Lithia Release / Gembliss release

The private Elsword server. Updated up to 29th February 2024 (NA patch).
Summer Event (fish or farm motherfucker)

Feel free to discuss the game, ask questions, coom, etc.
Remember: Lithia is the best girl.

Durenda sexo
Mischief sexo
Lithia needs more porn
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I'm a retard and I FORGOT to put Elsword in the title. I'm sorry bros.
The weakest Ibu vs the strongest Lufag
How hard is to support as Dem?
It's braindead as fuck and you only have to spam quickly enough to keep Amorphous uptime, since the tools you will be spamming the most are that one and Infernal hands (one having a 4 second duration and the other having 6), while the rest of the buffs can endure as long as more than 15 seconds. Sage does the trick until you get Tenegear and then you go for cerulean 3rd lines.
The game is only alive because of Evefags.
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I dindu nuffin
I just broke my weapon :(
Just buy another one.
you spent $5k on the game
You can't buy a stoned VoS
Says who
buy a restoration scroll
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delete this
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You can't just have all this sex and not expect pregnancy
I hate the master class quest
I need to make dummy classes for MC mats for ibu/add and faglord/noah
Which ones for both are the best with the basic shit Prof Pho hands you + Rigo gear and MR accs?
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If you are not planing on whale neither on dps, sage goes all fields, then crimson
>CP scaling skills are dead
Finally some good balance from these clowns
Also, new Powerful Punch giving +10 r15 Tenebros and unique force skills

No, I mean which class is better for MC mats farm
I can use PO for generic mats but Add/Eve and Ain/Noah have their own materials
No it's a bandaid over what is essentially disembowelment
Bros...Ibu has no eyebrows...
She doesn't have sclera either.
That bitch isn't human.
Well, no shit. She's a Nasod.
A what?
What do you mean "a what?"? What are you even doing here if you have no idea what those are?
I'm here for the hentai.
You goofy ass nae nae baby.
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Don't care, but here's the nasod licking my cock.
So she is built.
Built for alterasia seedbedding
That's Aisha
>No that's Aisha
>Not the one party member who's most vulnerable to getting corrupted by the Nasod corrupting plants
>It's Aisha the basic bitch human magician
The mission is create more corrupting plants
Nasod can't get pregnant so it's Aisha
That is literally how they procreate
Infecting Nasods not humans
For me it's Laby's "Are you tired? Laby can keep going" winquote
Laby is a child
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>Are you tired? Laby can keep going
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Hell no.
reminder that Eve was considered THE LOLI by everyone until KOG decided to release Lu and official heights
A 5'6 loli? If you don't have anything interesting to say, why do you ever post?
>to release official heights
Eve was considered for a minimum of 4 years to be a loli
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>ibu loli
>when echo existed at the time
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Don't humor him if all he's going to do is behave like an ignoramus. If Eve is the topic, there are much better things to talk about.
she is loli
begone Evenigger
https://cobodex.eu/balance?date=2024-07-18 Balance patch is up for those that missed it or want to look at it
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>KOG fucked up when they removed the CP scaling
>Nyx can fill up to 120k MP per second to the party now
Healers are back
Hell yes
Out of 10
You didn't even include "Elsword" in the OP you stupid fuck. People won't be able to find this shit once the other thread dies. This is what happens when you masturbate so much your brain starts to leak through your micropenis.
Eve is taller than most asian men
Ibu nopaizuri
>This is what happens when you masturbate so much your brain starts to leak through your micropenis.
blame IBU
>This is what happens when you masturbate so much your brain starts to leak through your micropenis.
Speaking from experience?

in-game meetup when?
When you want to do it and what server?
So,infinite mana?
It was fixed
Almost yeah, but like: >>1368255 said it was fixed. Still funny though
Is there a punch event on? Do i make the laby buffer class considering nobody takes newbie DPS?
gay sex with rosso
she has no gender
I would fuck his thighs regardless if she was male or not, but she's genderless
Which classes are easy but good supports that aren't PO, Dem or CE
forgot to say, anyone who doesn't have freeze in their skillset
>Good and easy supports without freeze
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KoG added a shitty freeze system on bosses easy to fuck up and the retard community wants you to triple freeze
I don't mind to freeze but as long as it's just one and not focus entirely on it AND keep the buffs up
So you want to be useless?
Time to charge 1k euro for a full set of +11s and 100 euros extra to get ED, retard
Aisha mains wya
why aisha has the best wardrobe
How braindead is Nyx?

weird way to spell ibu
Ibu is built for hung demon futas
That's BQ
my Eve is owned by a purple muscular futa now
No, your Eve belongs to me.
I'm playing with Noah
Why are the Landars so much sexo?
purple haired woman
>Doing story progression with Noah, you reach transcendence at lv 99
Who designed this shit?
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Finally reached 3rd class with NP
>Need to check the moon phases to master him
>They change with every skill
Who cares, NP recharges beads so fast that the shit is basically non important
only the freeze matters

me, the IBUfag
>me, the IBUfag
Then why do you main Lu?
Just think about it for a bit
Drop the B and you get lUfag?
IBU is too expensive
I was going to ask to elaborate but that's just going to give you an excuse to keep posting this shitty off model Ibu.
Yes, get fucked
I have showed this towards every IBU main
They say it's good
Keep posting it it's funny when this guy gets mad about it
Has EOS been announced yet?
soon, when the new raid gets announced
Worth playing Rift?
if you actually want to whale for a +12 then its worth for it
No, I'm not willing to pay
Then just play
Remember, the game has now a pity and the prices are accessible (16:100 rn)
In fact, download right now and hurry to get the free +10 and to get as many mystics as you can from the event
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fat fuck
Is there any way to skip the new tutorial shit?
I don't want to do it and it doesn't let you click anywhere else
Destroyer of Aishas
Esc after you pass the first stage
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what went wrong?
Retarded management.
nothing but the old result UI screen was better
And the cash shop. And the previous UI. And pve progression. And Music. And Ibu.
The newer cash shop is better entirely on the premise of it having a search bar, the rest I'll agree on though.
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Brown hands typed this post
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Is she asking me for sexo ?
Literally built for being mating pressed by that phoru
EUbros, punch and limit break punch events tomorrow, plus awakening rework and Berthe nerf
>EU popular raven player is actually brown and discord groomer
do raven players really?
At least it wasn't an Aisha.
Just like the real Raven
Serpentium, the new area with new armor
You can turn r18+ tenebrous into r12+ new armor
New tuning chips will drop from raid to give more stats to the armor, it will cost ED (5m they show) and it can fail
Elrianode tears but for these armor and more complex
Also, dungeons are 9m CP and you can enter only with Tenebrous or new armor
where is the proof nigger
Oh, for tuning chips, besides it cost 5m per tuning, you can only equip them if the remaining tuning chances are 0 and it have 10 chances it seems
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demon sexo
That's Barkat in the left. Interesting, I always thought that the one who betrayed Lu was always a male.
The shota in the left is called Taris, who apparently was a subornidate of Lu when she planed a coup d' against the former lord. So everyone betrayed everyone.
Apparently Lithia and Aisha are having a cat fight in the story so far
Demons are the niggers of Elsword
Chip tuning simulator
an ED sink worse than reforge
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Lithia found Chung onahole/dildo
literally niggers work at kog
>Chung calls his dick Destroyer
This is canon now.
AeS is back now with her new elemental mechanic and the CP scale removal
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bow down to the QUEEN
no, that's normal korean behavior.
90% of their novels/tv series/manhwas are about betrayal
I really want to impregnate Aisha
We know Elsword
I wish I was Elsword, imagine pounding your redhead sister every night, injecting the power of El inside her
Fatherless behavior
Can you turn Ariel's Rigo armor into Tenebrous?
no, only normal rigos IIRC
Man, what a bunch of niggers
Shared bank lock is the worst thing they added into this game
ariel stuff was designed to preven this so yeah they are niggers
we should rape ariel in public
luriel too
This but Echo
I legit don't understand the Aisha community. Why do they all identify with Arianna Grande and act like her?
IB revamp
>Some items removed
>Some items added
>Account shared IB inventory
now it costs 67% more
pay up goy
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and goys will pay
she can't be stopped
Makes no difference to the whales that keep the game alive.
Elsword players are always prepared to sperg about new updates to the point where they ignore half the announcement.
They are increasing pull rates for IB costumes too, this is why they are increasing the fucking price you tards.
I am spergus irl
Well said fellow Elsword enthusiast.
5 El coins have been deposited in your account.
Cobo hands typed this post.
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>this is what ROSEFAGS enjoy
You. Are. B R O W N.
And deep in your favorite Elsgirl
Holy shit, a sentient shit?
Why is poop all you think about
I refuse to believe someone out there like this shit
rosefags are jerking off furiously
When its the jump event? might reinstall and make the support laby class
Reinstall rn
Yes. Are you gay?
>I refuse to believe someone out there likes this shit
I refuse to believe you aren't a faggot
Nigga you posted leshart that name isnt ironic
Oh, right
New raid time
does anyone know a game similar to elsword? i really love the 2d platforming and variety of movement+skills but the enhancement gambling in order to progress is becoming tiresome

ive tried grand chase and maplestory but their movement feels really clunky and not as satisfying
There is no other game like it.
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Eve smiled.
That's not rare but it's much appreciated.
Happy sex
NTR (netorare) SMILE SOON
the elf about to rape ibu with her hyper futa cock
Wtf is wrong with you lol
The NA/LATAM merge was the biggest mistake this game ever made
>free shit
Sigh, I hate when this game makes me log in
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Same. Just let me die in peace.
Or would you rather imagine a man with your ibu instead a sex elf?
>immediately thinks about cuckoldry
Get help
>replying to the brown worlder
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>He imagines himself out of elf and ibu sex
(You) are the cuck
Forgive me, you were right.
>They are increasing pull rates for IB costumes too
Yes, from 7.063% to 8.6253% for S rank items (where IB items are)
Weapon cube went from 0.3% to 0.45%
Does this and the pity really worth the 67% price increase for you?
In 2 days I already lost the will to play again, staging another VoS is shit and the rng on the Teneb set is even shitier, it's over.
Remember Closers?

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How are the koreans taking the IB "revamp"?
They are probably happy
Whales are always happy when devs rape them
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Sex with Helen
>tfw there's only 1 Helen porn pic
She needs more love
Don't remember the name but search for Ariel porn and you'll get the artist
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ara in the streets of Paris
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why Paris
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you filthy faggot
Ara isn't for that
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Cease the AI faggotry
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>ara mentioned
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fuck that faggot and the niggers tho
Insecure wyte boi
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Would love more gens
no more bcause >>1402282 says I'm a weak white boy and I don't want to fall into the hole again
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Oh well can't be helped
one more
No nudes?!
No nudes.
No lewd posting.
Understandable Have a Great Day.png
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Oh well
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and that's all
She could at least show her pits hm
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I don't want to fap again pls no
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>I don't want to fap again
Why not?
because I forgot to get more energy to generate more AI
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have this old Elesis
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I appreciate that.
better eyes
idk why everyone loves Elesis still
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Because she is the onee-san everyone wishes
>19 years old
Old indeed!
Boy this thread went to shit faster than the interracial spicold shitting up discussion
>hates koikatsu
>hates picture posting
>hates AI posting
>hates interracial which has been proven to be popular
>hates the discussion of the game too
What do you want then, faggot
this fanbase is nothing but cucks now
...and that's a good thing.
Am I in time for the +11 VoS? Never expected these gooks to get so generous.
>tfw PO main coming back after some months
What the FUCK did they do to my girl?
whats wrong with her?
She no longer has her crazy self-CDR... So fucking stupid.
Time to build CDR goyim
Nah fuck this shit I'm building another char. Playing her feels boring as fuck now.

Gimme some recs guys. I want a slut I can progress with, but that can also solo if I want.
You either support or DPS, solo progression isn't possible anymore unless you giga whale
also PO got better, much better in PvP, time to get your ERP into CDR, cuckold fag
Which one?

Esencia is queen at support but she sucks solo
The other three are DPSs that will gatekeep you away if you don't have power
Is CE fun?
Her only clearing tool is Heaven's Fit
Other than that you have to micromanage the summons, when to explote them and when to summon them back
Also Eve stepping
Buddy, you're playing Elsword, literally the worst fucking game to look for that.
He can play Rift to have fun or return into NA and abuse the +11 event
The game is pretty fun solo until you reach Elrianode.
It's no use
With no nerf laws in korea, they can turn the character you invested shit in into absolute trash with a single balance patch
True, but some chars are clearly more favored than others. Rose, for instance, is almost always getting shat on.
Nobody likes Rose
onnly Rifters and people with shit tastes idolatrize her
I'm black and I love her wdym
She isn't a coalburner, fag.
Now post that again without crying.
Nerfing Rose's dirty cunt with my brown cock
I want her superior Aryan genes to improve my bloodline.
post proof that you are a NIGGER
>Her only clearing tool is Heaven's Fit
Space Wrench
not as strong
Still pretty fucking strong.
Okay, fuck you all, I'm staying Rose. Is PO still as good as it gets? Or are the other paths better now? I've always liked TB, but I dunno if she's worth investing into.
why do you insist on playing a weak character
move to Eve, Ara, Rena or Lithia
Black Mass has gotten really good lately, Her two main DPS skills Bloody Carnival and Gun Dance became absurdly good. Bloody Carnival has stupid strong splash damage and suction now and Gun Dance can be an actual screenwipe.
remember that Rose supports BLM
No wonder she fucking sucks lmao
Aisha sucks harder
ibu has a black hole in her holes which sucks the hardest
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This game fucking sucks I don't know why I keep playing it help
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>Find this ad
>Check it
>K-ching event
Ara is a slut
And Lu is tighter than a fleshlight made for gooks
You literally can't spell slut without "lu". Bitch's the loosest whore in the entire cast.
>tfw spent 150 USD for my +11 VoS
>now they're handing them out for free
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>Balance patch for all classes finished not long ago
>There will be another balance patch soon
Are they trying to justify balance team salary, right?
Have you not seen the current shit state of 20-4 and 20-5? Its 4 DPS and Demersio Overmind ALL parties.
Berthe was Celestia and Demersio on all parties until the howl stacks, how is this a problem now?
>4 DPS
I doubt balance will change that, they are always getting greedier
They're trying to cut down on people cheesing without shilling out for a +13
>page 10
Is /vm/ fast now?
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We're dead m8
Maybe remember to write "Elsword" in the OP next time
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This is Ibusword.
Sorry bros.
you are a fucking idiot, havent you noticed how desperate they are to keep players by handing gear that normalfags have been working on for possibly months?
>ara mentioned
>Elesis out of nowhere
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There you faggots. Since you cry about LE BLACKED BBC FAG I did an Aisha AI stuff if you guys want to try it. https://civitai.com/models/709094
Tits too big
I want Chloe AI porn
Find me 60 pictures of her then we talk.
Ay dios mio, Elhermana
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Anon too gay
Holy based
I normally like big tits but titcow Aisha feels wrong.
I suddenly want an Aisha paizuri
No Ara, no penis out
Post elgirls that doesn't submit to the big glitter cock
And that's all the elgirls that don't submit to the big glitter cock.
Joy and Society Member drawn by Jo an when?
so none?
Submit to Elpussy grip
She was raped
You can't rape the willing
I know, but we're talking about Elesis, not Rena.
>have to pay
What are you talking about
Just create an account and gen shit, you can get energy daily for free
why page 5
Just fapped to Eve.
what the FUCK man?
and you did not invite for me to watch?
the ibu
>when you stop enhancement at +10
>Missed two weeks of enhancement event weekly quest
It's ibuver
>PO buffs
>Cooldown reduction is not back
It's POver
Playing PO is so fucking boring and uninteresting now. Fuck those stupid gooks who can't appreciate an aryan goddess.
Big kek
Which character's fun according to you, faggot?
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>devs still copying elsword

Elsword? The greatest MMO of its generation
who is thist
You mean Grand Chase
>Blue Archive devs
Thanks to them (and Yostar), Revived Witch died so I'm not playing anything from those retards
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Yeah and that generation was almost a generation ago.
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Off-model trash
>Already dead
Now give her glasses
Fuck off it's No Fap September
That won't cure your ED, Chungfag.
My cock was hard and throbbing as I read your comment.
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I want her to dance like that with my dick inside her Nasod pussy
Nasoodle pussy
All 3 inches of it?
Plenty of reasons Sexthia
isnt she a minor
She can't consent
She already did
A minor's brain isn't developed enough for them to be able to consent, fucking pedo. You all are fucking disgusting.
There are no consent age in the Demon Realm
And then you opened your Lu porn tab.
I hate it here
Yet you keep coming, slut
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Whos the nigga in the back
I just noticed Oberon in the background
Now post them fucking
im gonna post eve with ABS AND BIG TITS
Eve that should have big tits:
Code: Antithese, Code: Empress
Eve that should not have big tits:
Code: Sariel, Code: Ultimate.
No Eve should have big tits. That shit is as abhorrent as futa, scat, and foot porn. The only difference is that your ass is just boring where those other examples elicit a disgusted physical response.
I miss the other koikatsu anon
There is nothing disgusting about Rena rubbing her feet on my face.
>Eve growing? Noooooooo it cannot be!!!!
wihch one
The one that did on model Eve
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Koikatsu is old news
every Eve should have a huge ass
So on model Eve?
>Another ED nerf
I can see her armpit!
Ehh... something wrong?
Why do we keep playing bros...
For the girls
Explain me all of you why aren't you guys playing ELRIOS RIFT RN.
Powerful punches in EU
Which classes should I choose for them?
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I don't feel like investing the effort.
I'm not gay
What's the thread guild for Rift?
There is none because I am the only resident Rifter
go play Rift rn
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Do we even have one for NA?
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Do these fags know what a Lithia is?
Are you assuming their class, bigot?
No one here plays Ain.
You jerk off to blacked Aisha porn
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N-No I don't anymore...
I jerked off to Eve blacked porn.
So normal porn for her
I need more pictures of rena wearing other characters clothes, who are abit too small for her!
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Remember when henir was the strongest armor/weapon?
Timegated before timegated weapons became a thing
The elf reme
I wish there was a pre-Elysion private server
Because pressing zzz was fun,right?
Better than throw a fuckton of skills and not kill anything in current endgame
>he wants to combo Berthe
Yes because you actually COMBO
It was, though. Sounds like somebody missed the golden age.
I have been playing for over 10 years you motherfucker
I fucking hate you contrarian kun
comboing the bosses WAS NOT FUN specially since you were dealing wet noodle damage
If you were pressing Z, you were playing pvp, nnot pve
>Fury guardian NA release date
> 27 June 2012
Scratch that, 12 years actually in this shithole
Play a fun class next time like BM and try to have fun instead of zz looping until special active.
I don't play unfun characters, anon
>played when NA was already out
Yup, fucking newfag.
>He didn't play in 2007
Pot meet Kettle
Which elgirl is BUILT
Earth priestess
Water Priestess was built for Victor
you guys KNOW what I mean.
Shut up, cuck.
Gangbanging light and dark priestess while they handhold each other
I wont give you the pleasure.
fuck you
>20 something new posts
oh shit are we back or something bros??
>go to check the thread
>it's just the brown midget trying to goon again
Guess his main
He posts it all the time
>this game ever coming back from the hole it dug itself in
Only Elsword Classic can save this general.
To be fair the thread's being extra slow because a certain someone forgot to add the fucking NAME of the game on the OP.
Xe said xe was sorry..
I need more NPC porn
If I post Lu porn will you stop posting for 24 hours?
As long as is not AI slop or lestart
AI art of Lestart it is then.
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This, give me more Helen lewds.
I will now sell you my el shards.
Helen's (on model) mommy milkers...
why dead threat
Ded gaem
Is the game still mostly about raiding?

I kinda liked the comfy stage grind more.
I tried leveling several characters to 99 and I'm kinda lost.
What am I supposed to be doing after I unlock all the job advancements?
As I understand raids are pretty unforgiving. i.e. missing a trigger or standing in a wrong place can lead to instant death.
You have 4 options
>do pve and prep for raid
>do pve and prep for pvp
>do pve and prep for endless ERP grinding

And no, every single raid right now outside of Serpentium's is casualized as fuck. Specially Berthe, if you left there.
You are also, supposed to 3rd job eveery single character to have your el search party collection filled with a shitton of bonuses on your account. Then you grind do the above what I said.
I see, thanks.
What stages do I do in pve?
What should I aim for and what items to keep track of?
>entire thread is porn
Yes. Was this supposed to be a counterpoint?
Nta, but I liked the gameplay idea of restoring MP by comboing.
Especially since you got new combos with new jobs. I still like pic related.

Obviously it doesn't work in PvE nowadays, because enemies are numerous and bosses are the spongiest they've ever been.
I understand that plenty of classes have MP problems covered, and it's also solved by chugging potions. But I still think the system is very flawed.
Closers Online does it slightly better, but skills in that game feel even less impactful during bossfights. You're just mashing every skill that goes off cooldown.
All of them? Professor Phoru quests forces you to do all dungeons at least one time. What do you mean nby that?
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>it was actually the RoseKEK
Nice try faggit
We know it's you latinx, you're not exactly subtle.
I remember when this shit wasn't cancelable
hello unc
Wait, do I have to buy El Search Party Collection Book for 500 EP on every character if I want them for account-wide bonuses?
How long does it take to get 500 EP?
You get 500+ per character by doing story quests until Elrianode at least
Otherwise 50m ED
I'm blind I didn't notice you can spend ED on it.
I should really create a new character since a lot of new features don't work retroactively.
holy moly
Post it
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Reminder that eve is a slut
Yuno sexo
Why is Elsis blushing
Lithia sex
Elesis sex
Sweaty horny tomboys
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an old wip of Eve..
Eve...easy on the potions...
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You drew that set?
>Oath of Ruin killed
Why do you keep playing this kusoge?
Oath of Ruin hasn't been good in over a decade.
It was nerfed for a reason

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