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Call to Yiff: Fox Cock Edition

>Free Download

>Latest News

>Account Statistics


>Original Content Links, Movies & Guides

>Previous Thread
first for Hilda
Extremely fitting
Maybe if we hmoaf gigachads migrate, lowrez will get a clue
Pepper/Salt may not have been it, but they could always redeem themselves with "Paladins 2"
It's a beta
>/palg/- Paladins, Champions of the Realm
>OP image is a different game
>he doesnt know
Wild Assault is Paladins 2
No, that’s Hilda the Huntress from Realm Royale (originally a game mode in Paladins).
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RWBY season pass flashback when?

Also why is there a furry in the OP?
Bruh RWBY is dead and so is the crossover
You either got the skins or they're gone
I always assumed RWBY was exclusively watched by low IQ south americans and low functioning special needs people. same with whatever that gen lock shit is
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This better be fucking nothing
Let it go, anon.
Somehow it got bought, the franchise is the DSP of TV....
The rights changed, so they can't sell the skins anymore.
File deleted.
hello and goodbye

hey hey hey at least drop an album
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I'm too busy doing gay shit like tanned 30ma, plus I'm on a fishing trip...
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What's the good news, he got fired from his current job and got let go from the company that was unironically worse than Lo-rez? You gotta love how karma worked against this guy.

>Acts like the most unprofessional douche imaginable
>Gets called into the office and gets a spanking for said actions
>Copes and acts like he's getting let go for anything but
>Takes his kazoo and ends up going to a company even more nebulous and shady
>His art is very noticeable so you would know if this cunt is ruining games elsewhere
>Company he is now with involved in one of the biggest vidya shitshows of the decade easily
>Being involved with a reviled game that cost Warner Bros over 200 MILLION
>Company he's involved with has ties to one of the most hated firms in the gaming industry at the moment

The guy's resume is like the ultimate poison pill. His actions have lead up to this and no matter where he tries to go he'll always end up at shit companies like this because that's all he's worth.
he worked on Sewer Slide Squad?
You seem to know a lot about him
Why do you still follow him?
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It will be back, but what's up with the high res furry in the OP?
someone cried about furry content and a furry got real upset, something something hilda from realm royale should be a new champ, something something here's another game that his a hilda clone and now said clone is in the OP
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>Damage control for the Artshitter that has made a spectacle of himself for the last 5 years
Thunderbrush ain't gonna sleep with u, lil bro
>Pointing out Thunderbrush getting his just deserves is defending him
I don't think you understand what that phrase means dude.
Fucking furries man.

if i like marvel rivals will i like paladins ?

our heard you guys had nice asses
>our heard you
No. We already have enough third worlders
The community is peak autism and the game is janky. I'll be moving onto Marvel Rivals and Wild Assault respectively
those games have anti-cheat, scrubz.
It does but you play in first person so no checking out your own character.
you're eating steak. why would you switch to rotting ground beef?

I heard *

My phone auto corrected


Because the beta is over and it turns out I liked this genre of game

I just want waifus with nice bottoms in this game genre
The game's free, so feel free to try it out and see what you think. You'll be playing with bots until you reach a certain level though.
bbl mopsy
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Valve sent out keys for Deadlock. Pretty sure everyone got one so check your email.
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There hasn't been a well designed waifu champeen since Furia and that was 6 years ago.
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Cute butt

at least add a catbox link to the full image
can we get THIS full image?
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>new super secret valve game is released
>I was a day 1 invite and only close valve family and friends got into this prestigious game.
>invite mopsy to deadlock
>she ghosts me afterwards


It's 14 images, I'm feeling might generous and i am not uploading them one by one...

you can just make a viewable gallery instead of a file download. its what someone in another general does for pics of their OC
2 lazy, drag and drop zip ez, brain no hurt from learning new things
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This resets to 2/3 and 0 capped points when I get 60 and I don't get the chest, anyone else have this problem?
trials are nothing but pain points every single season as you slowly go through them and figure out which of them is bugged
yeah, it happened to me to, dont even bother in getting everything, you wont
hell, they "supposedly" fixed the % rewards not being given and i still didnt get mine, i wanted the green title about the munchies, but i just didnt get it despite having the necessary amount of trials completed
Typical lorez, this has been a problem since the first event with that demon jenos skin.
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based Chewypug
This is how I feel about damage Moji.
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I thought this would piss someone off but even waifu faggotry can't get discussion going in this thread.
you just posted a screenshot of every female in the game, but based on what? most fuckable? most thirsty? most WHAT? you cant expect a discussion from a single png without context
Send us your questions, /palg/ 4chan! <3
We would love to answer your questions. We will draw your answers with Drawing in it. <3
Make sure that Your Questions are related to only Paladins.
MRL's gone crazy again.
Kill yourself MasterMRL
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this is fine
MasterESL is still alive?
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You could feed an entire Bosnian village with those milkers...
weird teeth
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this lora sucks ass...
AI got a lot better jeez
I'm just glad SD pony is tard proof and more people are training models on it so I can make degenerate shit I wanted to see literally for decades...
Like pic related ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ye. I refuse to go back to 1.5 since pony is so drastically better.
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whops, forgot the cropped incest porn

Yeah it looks so much better than what SD outputs. Probably get it once I finally put my new PC together.
It's literally the same thing, you just need to pick if you want to use your Pony Checkpoint thru Forge (new drastically faster alternative to A1111 with an identical UI) or ComfyUI (weary convoluted UI that that is for people more tistic than me) since A1111 is 3+x times slower with pony models.
Most bodacious waifu of course.
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Is this real?
Aw, When can we get answers from some of you lovely people? I'm still waiting for your answers.

Huh? I think I believe that you could have a wrong person.

Oh, Thanks! <3
Don't worry about me. I will keep myself safe. Thanks for your kind words. <3
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Seris, vore this man alive.
Who's that handsome man in the Gif? :)
and What's vore? Could you tell me about it?

Well, I need to ask you. Could you submit your questions to my new blog? Make sure that it's related to only Paladins topic. mwah. <3

Remember, Always stay positive. <333
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well that was fun for 5m. now to figure out how to unfuck the eyes and some other bits but that'll have to wait.
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143 grandmaster borders in my collection
>Apex Legends
>Dirty Bum

What are the other 139?
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Erm, cumulatively counting all seasons and alt accounts.
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Don't go to /x/ you will regret it...
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Now make her a little girl
I would love to gets your questions from 4chan people here.

Please send your questions to my tumblr blog.

My friends and I will answer your questions. Maybe with Drawings in it.


Note: Please make sure that your questions are related to only Paladins Topic or Non-Paladins Related Questions will be rejected. <3

Remember, you're verified and always stay positive. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

If you're too shy to show your accounts then don't worry about it! We have Anon-Asks enabled for a good reason. Your accounts will become anonymous if you're going to ask me. <3
Now make her an infant child
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>pov: Lilith is your healer
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uh oh, melty
Being smooched out of nowhere should be.
Also in an effort to pick up the pace of this thread I'm taking paladong slop requests, blue board compliant of course.
More the thing that looks like a parasite coming down from the roof of her mouth. Was reminded of that episode of Outer Limits where Niel Patrick Harris is retarded and the only one immune to primordial symbiotes invading a small mining town and learned they were weak to salt.
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Is this real?

Don't be a puss puss and use catbox...

Backup for the nuked oppai loli semen demon
Furia and Human Nyx kissing the viewer
Your shit is off topic and in poor taste.
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Is this anon for real?
he's not wrong. at least post a loli palagal
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Bros why don't they just use ai art for loading skins like they do in smite?
please understand
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>Resistance agent on a crystal finding mission
could land a C5 Galaxy on that philtrum
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Don't be mean, she was born that way...
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I could recreate all the loading screen skin art with my ai slop websites and they'd only have to pay me with a couple thousand crystals
prooves? post at least 2 well done loading screens
>"Feudal Fables & Buried Treasure"
>"For Feudal Fables, players had assumed that Feudal Fables was running significantly longer than we had planned, because the in-game timer indicated as much, and we didn’t update this timer before launching Tidal Surge. That’s purely an oversight on our end, & we wanted to make up for that to players as soon as we could."

>"Feudal Fables is returning…and Buried Treasure is staying! This is something we’ve never done before (and is still deep in testing) but we felt the best remedy to the fact that we moved on too quickly from an Event Pass was to let the 2 of them run side by side."

>"Players who already made progress on Feudal Fables will still have that progress & be able to finish up their passes between now and the next new Event Pass currently aimed for October. As for Buried Treasure, as a one-time only offering, we’re adding 6 Items to the Event Pass to sweeten the deal and hopefully make up for the issues experienced around launch of this Flashback. Players who already purchased it will be able to earn these as normal, and new purchasers will have 42 levels they can progress between now and October. Both passes will progress simultaneously, no need to pick which you are working on at a given time!"

>"This system is highly experimental, being based on what we did for Anniversary back in 2023. We’re doing our due diligence to ensure this system works as players would expect and are excited for you all to get your hands on it later this month."

Somebody tell the Anon that didn't get to finish the pass.
>More than 1 pass running at the same time
Damn, if it works then bring back older passes while running a newer one.
>have both at the same time to make up for their fuck up
gotta hand it to them, they are really trying to win over the public
RealmRoyalebros, they made almost everything 1 crown
I can finally buy Hilda...
i uninstalled right after i got every character to level 100
should i go back?
Only if you want to buy almost everything in the store, since there's nothing new, just the confirmation that there will be nothing new.
>re-install just to see if its true
>it is
>bought everything i didnt have
>used no more than 15 crows in total
>check the store to see if you can buy more
>permanent loading screen
this is either an error from their part or the game is about to finally die for good
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i know its the lamest of things, but the googly eyes thing gives me the chuckles every time
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Hello and goodbye.
Messing with this stuff for a few days now but I don't think I'll ever get the hang of it. Kudos to the ones that make the good shit.



oh, filter
https://files.catbox.moe/s - 0yfln.png
mastermrl why do you stalk and doxxx Lorez employees both current and former as well as work with Subzstance to stalk and doxxx members of the paladins community current or former, stalked and doxxxed members of /smgen/, consume podophilic content, interact with Kryptek then come here to shit talk them, are obsessed with trans people, obsessed with black people, fantasize about cannibalism and allow yourself to be recorded in amateur porn being anally penetrated by black drug addicts like kyngscryza?
Manmade horny beyond our wildest lewds...

Manmade horrors beyond our wildest comprehensions...
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Silly spy, Vivian isn't part of The Resistance
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They made it worse
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>1080 true healing
>max 2 stacks
>yago can easily get reveal assists while sitting on pont with unnatural persistence
>275 healing (caut modifiable)+ up to 540 true healing every second
now, i ask you, am i wrong in thinking this is good? sure, other toons get more value out of it, but, is it worth it to run bloodbath on her?
is the item worth it?
are the heling ticks 0.25 seconds long?
im kinda out of the loop, sure read the latest patch notes, but i dont remember this change into bloodbath, still, cant really fit it into many toons, despite it looking quite strong since you can "heal" another teammate no matter the class
and i didnt like the base shield nerf for fernando, but yes, the previous value didnt make the aegis legendary worth it
i doubt it, theyre more likely to run two past passes at the same time, saving dev resources and maximizing potencial profits
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Meant to imply it's you who is the spy looking at the crystal between her booba.
bloodbath is fanastic for everybody. it's a shit ton of healing
>mastermrl's butt slave
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I come back after a while out of curiosity and this place has really gone downhill, this place fucking sucks, I'm glad I'm free of this shithole.
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every time...
Alrighty then let's play Pin the Crystal on the Vivian
The thread is the same as it ever was
Let the door hit you on the way out
>Love with E%$#poster
Yeah, it's not great. To be fair, it's not like there's anything to talk about though.
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I finally get to try it
What happened to all those big overwatch streamers who were playing paladins a while back? Did they not like it?
Liked it, but went back to overwatch.
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Is Vora a latina or a romanian?
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Cassie's mom...
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She is now officially my Gyps step daughter.

According to her voice actress, she's Colombian.
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Cassie may be dps but her mom is a frontliner with those TANKS
The buffs Io needs
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So smite 2 flopped. What will that mean for Paladins 2?
>3.2k ingame right now
>Doing worse than paladongs
Is this going to finaly kill Low-Rez?
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Palababs... we're in the graveyard...
>700 more players than a 8 year old game on life suport
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I'll play your FUCKING game
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>free game has more players than not-free game
>Making people pay for great, great value LOL
No wonder this shit is DOA...
arguing over which hi-rez game is worse off is like seeing 2 homeless men fight over who is poor
why are you so mad?
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>Paladins vs Smite
9 years ago this game was good.
>9 years ago
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based ai slop
>being this retarded
based ai slop enjoyer
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dumbing 1/11
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pew pew
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Random dump but a welcome one
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bonus ti... I mean paladins 1/2
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When is the Cassie's mom and Lian's mom teamup?
Is there a way to get close ups of faces in game? Trying to make a Cassie lora for SD after finding out there isn't one but my screenshots come out blurry even with 200 texture scale and using 4k resolution.
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Nevermind, figured something out with the third person camera in training mode. Stupid ziggs makes a shadow though. Also she's cute as fuck, kinda forgot her face after lorez removed the potg animations and screwed up the lobby and champion select lighting.
It's for 1.5, everyone and their grandmothers use pony.
what does /p(f)ag/ think of Deadlock
I dont get the hype.
You said SD not Pony.

Best MOBA I've played in years. Couldn't go back to Smite and Predecessor after playing because how simple and fun it was to play.
it's paladins but better
It's over... Ame is playing Deadlock... We lost....
It's over... Andrew Chicken is playing Deadlock... We lost....
Anon, pony is a fine tuned version of stable diffusion xl that was trained on 3 million furry and anime pictures...
Once they make power fantasy, coomer and egirl characters and skins, start giving a fuck about the art direction, fine-tune the gameplay and have a braindead casual mode like ARAM or brawl it's joewari da for most games except Marvel Rivals
>They're making the bots smarter
Oh no
Mopsy should play Concord before it closes.
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They should have invested in smite coin while they could.
He's getting hired by Warner Brothers.
Lo-rezisters...our games...they keep dying...fuck...

Hand of the gods? RIP.
SMITE tactics? RIP.
Prophecy? RIP before it went into alpha.
Starsiege: deadzone? SCAM and RIP, but you get credits you can use in ULTRA STRIKERS if you bought it.
Tribes 3: rivals? AI skins, maps, and weapons, then RIP, but you get credits for ULTRA STRIKERS.
Ultra strikers? RIP.
Mopsy should play Ultra Strikers before it closes.
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Mopsy should play Tribes 3: Rivals (tm) before it closes.
Give me a tl;dr of thunderass happenings since 2021
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I just realized that Paladongs is the last pvp multiplayer game I actually enjoyed...
Jesus Chris I genuinely wish to go back to the days of paid map packs over all this FOMO nonsense we get now...
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>Becomes the only influence in terms of "creativity" for the game
>Game turns into exactly what you'd expect it to
>Gets into online arguments with people more frequently
>Constantly in limbo of still having a job and pushing the community too far
>Gets into online slapfights with the entire AI art community
>Gets his shit slapped as you would expect
>Enter Thirstmas
>Absolute degenerate draws soft core/gay porn of Paladins characters
>Bogged porn if you will
>Gets called into the office and yelled at being told to literally take it down (he claimed this himself)
>Has an actual mental breakdown on Twitter
>Acts like it's unrelated
>Reality is someone at Lo-rez finally put this retard in line
>Pretending he's not in a state of impotent rage like the manchild he is
>Literally said he's taking time off to focus on his mental and physical health
>Turns out the guy went and found another job before he even quit Hi-rez
>That job was with RockSteady
>A company so foul and shady it's like Lo-rez on steroids
>Company needs no introduction in terms of bad press it has been in
>His art has been seen nowhere in this company
>Doesn't talk about his work with them ever
>Art work for any of their properties seen nowhere on his twitter
>It's all still Paladins shit and his OC Donut Steal
>Fucker is basically attached to a trainwreck of a company that is hated by not just a community but the entirety of the internet now
>He's basically working for a ham sandwhich and free toilet paper at this point just like /palg/ predicted when they said shit like this would happen if he ever got fired

TL;DR: /palg/ won, Thunder lost forever.
>Paladongs is the last pvp multiplayer game I actually enjoyed
Says more about you than it does about games today especially since Paladins tried and failed to bandwagon on FOMO trends
The pre OB 64 days were pure kino, shame they had to butcher the game to the point where its almost as bad as Kekken 8
The only multiplayer game I'm looking forward to is the contently teased and leaked pvp update for ready or not, I guess MR could be fun but it just looks like it's going to be OW 1 with a marvel skin.
It's funny because it seems like they're trying to bring those days back with the new LTM mode and talents unlocked in it
Kekken could still be great if they bring back movement. Personally I think that chip damage was a great and needed decision, but I understand the disgust for heat mechanics and rage arts
I haven't played RoN but as hardcore as that game is that sounds like TDM in R6 Siege, so I'm pensive
MR has everyone shook and it's crazy since playing it reminded me of Paladins with how much fun I had. I think everyone should still suspicious of Netease but they might have a real chance to last longer than a year
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>He didn't like gay niggers from the realm
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what the fuck is this?
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"Boys being boys" Thunderbrush circa 2023
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Oh... damn...
So he's helping smite 2 by taking out a competitor
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>He already jumped ship from Rocksteady
>Shows work that's once again not his
>Bringing his curse to Hi-rez competitors
>Only game studio is known for is Dollar Store Smite
>RIGHT when Smite 2 is a thing
You could tell me they sent this man out to sabotage other companies and I would believe you. Anywhere he goes it turns to shit.
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>tfw started playing more Predecessor recently
Oh fuck right off. Looks like I won't be playing for long
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Haha, he helped them make Suicide Squad: Kill WB's Bottomline, didn't he?

I know this feel, but replace 'PVP multiplayer' with 'FPS multiplayer.'
I wonder, if they made Paladins 2 how will they incentivize old players with a lot of time and money invested into 1 to move over? If they use a new engine can they easily convert or remake the old skins or would that be a lot of extra money? Because if they do nothing to either carry over people's skins or at least compensate them with a lot of crystals per skin people won't move over and keep playing the original game. Unless they kill Paladins 1 on Paladins 2 release AND not compensate players, then they're probably going to lose everyone, but that would be too stupid for them to even try.
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>every game he works on dies
damn... damn... damn! damn!! DAMN!!!!!
most games die, chud
The assets are trivial to move over, but they're gonna pretend they're not, so they can charge for things again.
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Post some Alice Art.
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>sky orca
was this a reward from the beach pass?
it does look quite nice
>but that would be too stupid for them to even try.
didnt stopped blizzard with OW2, but no, they have NOTHING they can do to get me to keep playing this game, hell, the only reason im still playing is because i have the founders pack and i get every champion for free, all i have to do is keep playing and buy passes with the free crystals i farm in a never ending cicle of challenges farming.
maybe IF they port literally everything and i get to keep my founders pack, maybe then i would consider playing paladins 2, but nothing else would work on me
its not hard at all to move assets, it just takes a level of work LoRes is incapable of. The evil mojo "employees" would host a strike for having to do real work and cry on twitter about it.
What they should do is what Valve did with counter strike and CS2. But the devs will not take the time to balance the entire cast in a new engine
just keep banning people so they're happy for paladins 2 so they don't have to change accounts to play the fuckin game
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Shit that never happened for 500 Bob.

>Haha, he helped them make Suicide Squad: Kill WB's Bottomline, didn't he?

I'd like to believe it but unless someone does some serious digging and asks around Rocksteady which games he was involved with we'll never know. God knows he's never admitting it.

>I wonder, if they made Paladins 2 how will they incentivize old players with a lot of time and money invested into 1 to move over?

Never ever. The fooled me twice, they're not fooling me a third time. They fucked me over with Tribes and then they fucked me over with Paladins. I swore to never play another Lo-rez game ever again and they'd never see another penny from me. They burned their bridges, they can stay on the island of mediocrity.
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UH OH! Bunny!!!
>if they made Paladins 2 how will they incentivize old players with a lot of time and money invested into 1 to move over?
The same way that smite 2 did. They always copy smite except for making an above average game
>>Shit that never happened for 500 Bob.
I kinda believe it because they already had 2 failed live service games that were PvP focused. So its a matter of course that they would shoot down the pitch. The PvP in SM2 is a game mode alongside a SP campaign and Coop.
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And what did Smite 2 do?
i played paladins a couple of times and found it okay at best but i'd fuck the bratty nature out of pip in a heartbeat
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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I'm pretty sure rats can't consent.
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Brought over a fraction of skins, gave people a few gems and discount coupons to buy future skins after having to pay to get into the game then called it a day
i played paladins a couple of times and found it okay at best but i'd fuck the self-righteous nature out of furia in a heartbeat
thank you for coming to my press conference
Well that sucks, but I guess it's better than nothing?
Pip is a scientist, not bratty at all
mave 3
mave 4
mave 5
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did the lead dev die or something? whats going on?
Fish got laid off and apparently he was the lead designer or something. This comes shortly after the latest art director was also laid off.
they should sell the paladins ip to me and I'll make a porn game with the setting and characters
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They really need to just admit this game is in maintenance mode already. Pretending it's anything but merely makes them look like they're the only ones in denial.
I mean, it's still getting updates, however minor, so it's technically not in maintenance mode by definition.
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>He's already jumped onto another sinking ship
/palg/ is always right. No exceptions.
It sucks because the game is actually in a fairly decent place, they just keep losing devto layoffs and stuff keeps breaking itself under heaps of spaghetti code written by many different teams of people who handled and implemented massive changes to the game over the span of almost a decade. Even if lo-rez greenlit a Paladins sequel, who would even still be around to make it?
Layoffs are normal at tech companies, especially games companies. They hire people for projects with the idea that they won't be required at the end of a development cycle.
Also it's not in a decent place, the TTK is too fucking low and every champion added after Maeve should be deleted, things took a turn for the worse after that patch.
mave 6
Insanely low. I've been playing OW2 and Deadlock and they both feel much better to play because you can actually do something(when you're not CC'd in OW2)
>It sucks because the game is actually in a fairly decent place
you're not getting one sided games that are just stomping or getting stomped on by the other team over and over?
The Dark Tide wave mode is quite difficult. Enemy only has to have 20 full seconds on the point where your team has to survive 10 minutes of almost constant ultimates.
At least it's a fin challenge
i tried to beat it last night, but fuck, i think its going to be a bitch to beat with randos
mave 7
I used to play Paladins loads when it was in beta, I forget which patch, but is it worth getting back into now or is it over?
there are hints that it MIGHT be coming back, but thats probably just wishful thinking
It's worth a shot if you feel like it, it's changed in more ways since beta than I can list in the character limit, but the game's still free and you can still get into matches.
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its crazy you guys say this, what original drew me into Paladins was the fast TTK and the design philosophy of everything being overpowered instead of nerfed.
I've been playing since beta and my biggest complaints are the removal of play of the game, skin art, and most importantly : third worlders ruining american servers
Shit's bugged and won't give the title.
americans are the third worlders now
Illegal immigrants are not americans
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I think I'm starting to understand the appeal of Peper...
Okay am I retarded for agreeing with this? Everyone agrees that teammates instalocking dps and making you go healslut is no fun. But when a game comes along and finally proves it doesn't have to be this way these apes are just like "errrm no thanks!"
I stopped trying. My teams just seemed to either not be able to do it or just wanted to mess around and not win. After two dozen tries, I'm done. I don't care if everyone else gets it beat, I'm completely screwed over when it comes to teams so fuck it.
I don't think they *could* do this with the code they're stuck working with
I agree but that's really an argument against the idea. This is all hypothetical anyway.
That's a big appeal... But isn't she usually with a horse?
based ai slop
Mr. Ai Anon could you please do Io, Furia, Lian, or Tyra?
Double edged sword imho. Idk about TF2 because I never played but I don't think TF2 has role lock or class lockout
The other Starting points for this genre OW and Paladins while having hero classes, didn't have designated or locked roles, players gravitated towards them because metas and strategies got developed. Also role queue for OW came about because of the way the game was designed. These other games NEED role queue or generally specific team comps because that's how the game was/heroes were designed, with specific ways to enjoy the game in mind. Players who like healing and supporting, players who like feeling unstoppable forces, players who like being agile and hard to hit, and players who like big damage numbers
Outside of players who like movement, big dps numbers, crowd control and slight tanking, healers and supports don't have a mainstay in Deadlock right now, but that's okay because that's how it was designed, that was seemingly the intention
With paladins, there's a broad way for everyone to contribute, especially people who aren't particularly good at FPS i.e. Grover, Terminus, Fernando and others

I agree about more loadout diversity, fun playstyles have been getting removed from the game for over half a decade now, but significantly changing more broad stats such as healing and frontline HP, is not without it's costs and non-benefits
as I say that though, I do agree about shaking things up. What's there to lose anyways? The remaining Paladins players? If they haven't left by now they're not leaving at all. There's a reason why they brought back highly requested LTM that allow broken and maxed out card loadouts. What do I know anyways, just rambling blah blah blah
>Everyone agrees that teammates instalocking dps and making you go healslut is no fun
If someone instalocks on me I quickly select who I wanted to play in the 1st place. Why should I be the one forced to do something I didn't want to? Especially if no one said anything in the chat
The only one of them that I like is Furia and Io is the only one that has a pony model, maybe I will my change my mind if I see her with big saggy tits and a chubby belly.

Based. Go wild Anon.
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Not the furry faggot but I wanted to try this lora anyway.
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>no big bobs
>no vagene
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I know the source style for one of those slops! And I think you mean 'neigh'
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Pleas undrstando, i am not a horse sfx expert...

not clicking that
zip it...
>roles are holding back the entire game!
>only talks about the support role.

Healers need to go, not roles.
Honestly after playing Deadlock I completely agree.
/palg/ noted this years ago with how there was only 1 effect talent/deck for use unless you were good enough to go gimmick and that gimmick only lasted long enough until the devs wised up and killed/nerfed it somehow so you were made to play inline with how they envisioned the character.

As it is basically low-hanging fruit. Anyone can pick up on it and point it out. All Support have a damage subrole they can spec into with talent and loadout but they can't use it because the Insta-lock DPS will throw a shitfit and leave once they realize the support used a CC skill instead of being up their ass the entire match.

some /ss/ with Furia or Nyx please
This but with Tyra, Cassie, Kinessa, or Io
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I'm retarded so I have to wait for someone to make a pony model for Kinessa and Furia (may try the CivitAI training thingy), I guess I will fuck back off to goonig to short stacks.
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>Mfw no busty shortstack asian fox moon goddess with child bearing hips GF
ai anon lemme get some willo (default and sugar plum) k thx
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Pleas understando 1.5 is unusable once you try pony, so this is all we can use for now.
Really like the tsundere Maeve near the bottom left and the indifferent Ying on the bottom right. the Ash, Kasumi, Pepper and Voras are good too
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I recall a flash porn game with this same premise from over 20 years ago...

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