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Let's talk about the old classic that brought some of the 1st fully "3D" MMO onto the scene
that ui isn't classic and that font aint default
its very comfy and I start up a new character once in a while to go through that 1-10 grind. The graphics and minimal guidance helps make it very atmospheric and immersive. If WoW is a "disneyland mmo" then this is like backpacking into the wilderness with no cell receiption.

The game is so stingy with progress that learning a new spell that does 5 more damage feels like an accomplishment. I love how each of the starting towns has its own unique features. Sometimes you have to juggle the reputation of 3 factions in one tiny spot.

But that's all the positive things I have to say about it. Everything else about this game is outdated. You can never recreate what it was like because instead of regular RPG nerds without wikis exploring the world and teaming up, it's schizo 30-40 year olds trying to optimize the fun out of everything.
>>1384101 (me)

I should clarify the thing about (low) graphics making it more immersive. I really believe that adding more detail and visual noise separates the player from truly immersing in the world. I like games from this era where a room is just a box with a few simple props, and everything you can interact with is very clearly presented.

I dunno how to explain it but the more clutter you add, the more my mind forgets the entire environment.
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>visual noise

yes but almost every magic,shaman,& necromancer spell had amazing effects that lit up the entire screen
Where should I play bros?
Just retail? Or TLP servers?
P99? Would I be a burden to parties with 130-150 ms latency? That's really the only thing that's holding me back right now.
>I should clarify the thing about (low) graphics making it more immersive.

late reply but i fully agree with you anon, for some reason everquest fucks with my brain perfectly. the low fidelity, shitty lighting, low rez textures all get their holes filled in perfectly and immerse me too damn well.
offense intended, the ai upscaled assets, especially the grass and shit looks fucking horrible
eq is a game designed for you to play it with 300+ ping, you are good man.
Urgent message from Secrets: CONFESS YOUR CRIMES ASAP and your characters will STILL be deleted free of charge!
who did what on project quarm nyow
delevel your character leave all corpses, delete character and remake new one with the same name, resurrect and gain all xp back on new character
what the fuck is the point of this? changing your class? how the fuck does this even happen.
EQ Emu radar:

The Heroes' Journey launching beta aug 16. Single box server with a multiclassing gimmick

Shards of Dalaya reboot sep 27. 20+ year old custom content server. All active devs broke away from the original server owner who hasn't touched it since 2022 to relaunch fresh.

I would expect 100-200 pop on these for at least the first few weeks.
Probably necros turning iksar at kunark release
i'm shocked the character ID is the same after character creation/deletion if this is true
"The only check here was by name - obviously, that isn't good enough, as it meant the exploit was possible.

We've added a check by character ID for resurrecting a player. This will 100% resolve the issue."

Theres no way this is a stock eqemu functionality right lmao
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>stock eqemu
Not surprised.

Most servers asides 99 and quarm have 20-100 'people'. Being generous since boxing.

That's more corpses for one person doing this on Quarm than other server's entire populations.

What I want to know is if this could transfer no drop stuff in some way, too.
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>stock eqemu

speaking of stock if I were to go with the "classic" era no kunark or iceland,what are the best lvling zones per lvl for a shaman or halfing warrior?
i'm a big fan of bouncing back and forth between the areas of lavastorm/najena/sol a/sol b, nro/sro/oasis, and rathe mtns/lake rathe/south karana/splitpaw at various levels and camps. i think that is the most enjoyable and aesthetic stretch of antonica.

but this is coming from someone who hates guk and loves kedge keep, so maybe i'm a psychopath
Shaman can do a lot of nice soloing (albeit slowly). Most groups heavily focus unrest and guk.
this anon is correct, there is some nice side places but the game gets optimized into everybody being a gukcuck
anyone ever set up that single player EQ server. did you have fun?
I really wish more mmorpgs had capital cities for every race within the game like EQ.
It's such a big requirement for me now yet literally no other mmo fulfills except EQ
even shitty monsters and memories isn't doing this and it really makes their current "melting pot" starting area feel so shitty and dime a dozen like every other garbage mmorpg.
Kind of ruins it for me same with boxing, I feel like once you have to go down either of those routes you're such an antisocial brainrotted boomer there's no hope for you.
Funny seeing all the low viewer count boomer boxing videos for EQ/AO and it's always the most subhuman looking person in existence.
Just go play a fucking single player game at that point lmao at least something that revolves around actual gameplay and not EQs simplistic design and they always minmax box so it's even more boring.
because doing it this way inevitably leads to players being separated and unable to socialize without hoop jumping. its a huge investment of dev time for something that fucks the playerbase down the line, or immediately if you pick stupid races that are unpopular.
i like it too but they had good reasons to abandon this.
Which is funny because that doesn't happen in EQ but Norrath was really well designed (barbarians being just 2 short zones, erudites 1 boat trip away, freeport being a central hub literally 1 zone away from almost every other race in the game or 1 boat trip from elves)
so no it's nothing you listed, those are pisspoor excuses for shitty devs not to put effort into their world.
>game often requires full party to do things
>cant always get full party when you play or who want to do the things you want to do
>this is evident from level 1
maybe its just a necessary evil from the poor population retard.
>antisocial boomer is too afraid to communicate or use /who
You dumbass boomers always have the same excuse lmao still reporting you and watching you get the ban hammer when I spot your ass on P99.
>so no it's nothing you listed,
I am quoting the eq devs who made crescent reach the default fucking city. One of the biggest complaints they had from players and feedback was that friends could not play with each other because they would have to limit their options to specific race/class combos to meet up early. this isn't a problem if you know what you're doing but for new players it was a "i quit the game" hurdle to try and figure out how to get from cabilis to freeport.
I don't play p99 because I am not a nostalgia obsessed retard who deludes themselves into thinking p99 is an actual classic experience and not a horrible approximation.
You are a retard however for comparing the state of live servers to the p99 for some reason.
Cabilis to Freeport is a pretty disingenuous point to bring up when it wasn't even in the vanilla game and required an expansion pack. People were much more social back in the day so you had a matured server which brings many benefits like easy guidance in ooc and friendly druids who will port and guide newbies for free, I never saw ANYONE complain about having multiple racial starting zones and quite frankly can't even find any posts whining about it searching archives for allakhazam back in the early 2000's.

Also sad you have to lie about devs claiming it was an issue when they still had a good dozen starting locations in both EQ2 and Vanguard (Brad Mcquad RIP) So why would they claim it was problematic but continue using the same system in future ventures for over a decade?
I hate people who give shit devs sorry excuses, it's pure laziness on the devs today which is sad because tech so much more powerful and way easier to work with but the devs cut even more corners, then they wonder why no one plays their modern garbage and goes back to video games created in 1999.
Kunark came out one year later and was more popular than the original launch. Kunark INCLUDED the original game.
Its not disingenuous at all, its a unique race, and one that was ubiquitously recommended to newer players.
> like easy guidance in ooc
You are a new player, you ooc how do I play with my friend in cabilis, you are in toxulia and nobody replies to you because nobody is in toxulia. You boot up altavista, and get more confused, and go off to die 1 hour into your journey and get sent straight back to erudin.

Halas to freeport is not one zone. Halas to Neriak is not one zone. Halas to Erudin is not one zone. Is this disingenuous still?
Is Grobb to Qeynos disingenuous? What about Oggok to Rivervale, is that okay?
I used Cabilis because it was one of the most common questions I saw as a player back then.
>I never saw ANYONE complain about having multiple racial starting zones
Then you never talked to anybody about their new player experiences, lol.
>but continue using the same system in future ventures for over a decade?
Because they were retarded and crescent reach was the second reaction to this problem when planes of power was the first. I can't commentate on eq2 since I abandoned it in the free to play month.
>I hate people who give shit devs sorry excuses
I dont even disagree with you, it is because of cost cutting and laziness but you are incorrect to assume it was just that which factored into it.
>then they wonder why no one plays their modern garbage and goes back to video games created in 1999.
Probably because all mmorpgs made in the last 10 years have been gookshit which has been the same three games being remade for 20 years now.
If you ever tried to get someone into P99 or say FFXI you would know all of this anyway man. This shit goes through every new players brain but you have completely lost touch with that experience after having played the game for 20 years. ff11 atleast let you pick the starting city regardless of race but even then you had people get fucking pissy over having to restart to play with friends because of the travel gaps.
Wew lad grasping hard with your bullshit here.
Argument is so shit you have to pull a Halas to Freeport WEW LADDY
Even as a child me and my cousin were smart enough to roll qeynos human to play with barbarian halas, I mean they literally tell you your starting zones in character creation.
Gtfo out of here, no one whines about starting zones at all and it's heralded all over the internet even people who play for the first time in 2024 LOVE IT.
>all zones are basically 1 zone away from freeport

>Even as a child me and my cousin were smart enough to roll qeynos human to play with barbarian halas,
and you are still so retarded you miss the point of the argument.
I played EQ from launch up to the end of Velious. Never heard anyone complain about this. Most people were perfectly fine taking their Trolls/Ogres to Gfay to get crushbone xp groups.
>Most people were perfectly fine taking their Trolls/Ogres to Gfay to get crushbone xp groups.
These weren't new players. I swear you fuckers would pretend nobody ever complained about travel just because druids existed.
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>oh hey an Everquest thread, what's going on in here
>two autists are having a slap fight
Not sure what I expected.
I never got to play Everquest but I always heard a lot of great things about it, what always interested me most was it having fully open PvP. Was this true?
>I dunno how to explain it but the more clutter you add, the more my mind forgets the entire environment.
The more realistic a game becomes, the less is left to the imagination. Early 3D games like EQ were basically giving you broad directions on how the world is supposed to look and it's up to you to fill in the details with your imagination.
t. ranny
>get proven wrong multiple times and by different anons
>"hurr durr durrr IT WAS BAD BECAUSE I SAID SO OK!!! hurr durr"
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>classic EQ + PVP

kek never in a thousands years anon,there actually WAS a single server that had total PVP enabled by default on live but everybody hated it
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What is everyone's favorite NPC name? i like Jacker in neriak foreign quarter
>mfw we'll never see unique NPC character models again
EQ1 isn't a sandbox MMO. MMO's like EVE and SWG were.
Might as well play Morrowind at that point. If I got go back in time, I'd heavily urge Smedley to invest more into single player games like a Morrowind clone for the world of Norrath rather than completely banking on a genre that more or less was always going to lose its novelty.
Also fuck I wish we got a Champions of Norrath remaster.
Pretty much this. It's why both EQ2 and WoW reduced the amount of cities. EQ2 taking it to the extremes by limiting it to 2 cities compared to WoW which limited it to 6 cities.
That wasn't a random decision by EQ2 either, it was decided as early back as 2001 when the game was out of pre-production due to the hard data they had that signified it. It's exactly Freeport and its surrounding zones became a proto-PoK early on to where even two endgame zones (PoS and VP) could be exited into the Freeport area.
>Vanguard (Brad Mcquad RIP)
Not him, but how the fuck does Sigil and Vanguard have anything to do with the developers at SoE? Do you know how quickly slapped together Vanguard was and that Brad wasn't really there because he was too busy being a narcotic drug addict? God damn that game being such a letdown still boils my blood to this very day (still have the CE of it too).
>I hate people who give shit devs sorry excuses,
Good, that includes Brad btw.
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>Woah bros she has a brown dress instead of a green one. That must've taken a bajillion man hours of love and passion from the most skilled programmers ever1!!!!
Except you didn't prove him wrong. There was a legit complaints over travel upon empty zones. Do you really think Verant/SoE just decided to include SoL spires or PoK statues for no reason?
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Why are new players being discussed. You have to go down an extreme internet rabbit hole to find one of the emu that struggle to break 1k players outside peak time and live servers are decades old players and bot armies. This is pure unfiltered grade A retardation. Shit, if such a thing even existed you're doing an excellent job scaring them away.
as a kid i used to lovingly pallete swap or reskin models for games like jedi knight or black & white. i think it is awesome

are you joyless?
Point is they're not unique.
this man has prosopagnosia
Pallete swaps are not unique. You can be as delusional and fanboyish as possible and pretend they are, but they're still the same design.
Now if its a model that uses an entirely different texture like Ghouls and Goblins or Werewolves and Kobolds did, than yeah, that's an entirely repurpose with the model.
No. They were definitely a lot of new players.
/OOC "where is the best place to go after I leave my starter area"
/OOC "take the boat to Faydwer, and go to Greater Faydark. Start asking for group for Crushbone to kill orcs. The elves will kill you. So be careful."
/OOC "cool thanks"
Happened almost daily. Never remember anyone saying they couldn't go that far, or it was stupid. Mostly people just liked finding new places.
Keep making things up lil boomer bro
You must be a joyless troon you have the worse faggot tier takes and shit on everyones parade here
also obviously his example is a whole different texture, fucking retard.
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Is that the night spellkeeper for clerics in qeynos?
I remember seeing someone on the eqforums figure out how to replace textures and they made new faces for player characters, would love a P99 equivalent server to do this.
EQ would benefit greatly from more character customization, it's the main thing missing from the game.
Surprises me even daybreak is lazy with this for live, just add like 500 new clothing armor textures and like 10 new faces per race, players would love that.
Developers don't make decisions like that on a whim, it usually accounts for hard data. Again this comes back to why Everquest 2 only had two cities, because it was a direct response to how they felt EQ1 had too many cities. Same reason why PoK was created (note: EQ1 hit a peak subscription base of 500k in mid 2004).
Would never happen. Old timers would sperg out over it not being "classic"
EQ PVP is really bad but there were at least 3 servers
Rallos Zek, Tallon Zek (or maybe Vallon), and then later Sullon Zek.
Rallos and Tallon were the original pvp servers. One had some form of item loot (I think items that weren't in bags?) and the other had only coin loot.
Sullon Zek was PVP teams. Good, Evil, and the despicable Neutrals. This is where the story of FANSY THE FAMOUS BARD comes from
Sullon Zek also initially had no play nice rules. If you weren't spamming nigger in chat it was hands-off. Training, scumbaggery, whatever was all on the table. Fansy kind of changed that.
Wew you're retarded, 2 major cities that you DO NOT start in. The game has like 8 starting zones you can choose from.
Ok I can tell you're now just trolling or pulling things out of your ass, otherwise you'd know that EQ2 didn't include additional cities until 2 years after the game came out when Raph Koster stepped down from his role and the game took a different direction with EoF in 2006, which was technically a soft-reboot, in order to stall plummeting subscription numbers.
By the way; Haven is a transitional hub within a small cave in the OG Tier 3 overland zones for those who use to betray from either Freeport or Qeynos, it's not meant to be an 'official' city.
t. played EQ2 from 2004-2014
more like t. ranny
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i like eq, i just dont like playing it much these days. too bad there isnt a decent truebox server that cuts down the leveling grind so it doesnt take a month of playing 16 hours a day just to hit 60
The actual problem with EQ1 these days is that there's only like two servers in existence which don't allow multiboxing. And they both fucking suck because they're either permanently pre-Luclin (when class balance was at its absolute worst) and more than a decade old so the economy and culture is rotted or vanilla-like and in PoP era while missing 80% of the content.

It's not even like it'd be difficult to remake the game. The community has the technical ability to modify absolutely everything about the game these days. It'd be tedious maybe for a single person to do all that needs to be done. But the sheer number of such projects that simply never actually do the simple easy obvious changes that would so dramatically improve the experience is so disappointing.
Retard, P99 economy is fine has stayed steady forever on green.
Quarm economy is fucked because its a tranny fun server filled with hyper spawns, easily geared clowns and exploits secrets is too retarded to solve.
>secrets grifted his player base to pay for his sex operation via go fund me
this will never stop being funny
honestly i hopped to ffxi on the horizon server and have been having more fun. i really like the world of eq and the tropes it uses but no real life skilling and the extremely slow leveling kinda doesn't work for me when i work eight hours. when i was neeting it was fucking sick though.
that game is even grindier and functions like ass
>functions like ass
eh, it's playable on a gamepad if you really can't stand the keyboard interface. i play it on my steam deck and it's comfy.
i don't think so desu. i got to 30 pretty comfortably on like three classes and just haven't gone farther cuz my friends are gay.
>staying steady
That's impossible to do when you constantly introduce more currency in the game at faster rate than it being deleted. The only thing balancing that out is an influx of duplicates because there is nothing beyond Velious.
uh huh, keep being a lying faggot.
Emu server The Heroes' Journey launching beta tomorrow. Multiclassing, single box.

looks decent. is there any mention of the xp rate?

xp scales higher on yellow/red mobs. there is also diminishing scaling on AAs up to 300.
well here's to hoping its not another pserver that is ruined by it's staff like quarm was
Tallon AND Vallon Zek were race war servers. Humans vs Shorties vs Elves vs niggers
This looks fun. Are there any troons involved?
>All group content can be killed by a single player. Most raid content can be killed by two players. All raid content can be killed by three players. They just need the gear, and the AA.
holy based
so its just an imperium server with class switching anytime?
The Heroes' Journey you can multiclass 3 classes simultaneously on one char. So you could be like, Warrior/Cleric/Monk and be a self sufficient tank/healer/dps. or Mage/Necro/Beastlord and steamroll with three pets at once.

Imperium is 'solo all content' via use of bots i think? different experience.
>3 classes in one
oh thats some mega fun server shit.
This is dope. Imagine all the crazy builds you can do
Just give me vanilla EQ with body sliders
I joined the discord and it seems free of the troon menace. A search for 'trans' only has 1 result and it's a joke.
I like it, but I think 2 classes would've been better. 3 is a bit much.
sounds way better than quarm where you have to see a ugly close up man face for all the news and patch note posts
You can choose to play with only 1 class, 2 class, or 3 class on this server, if that's your thing.
I mean sure but why wouldn't you pick 3? What do you think would be the best combo for a spellsword kind of deal? WAR/WIZ/ENC? WAR/ZRK/WIZ? WAR/ROG/WIZ? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
IDK multiclassing 3 is obviously meta but it's your elf simulation. you can play it however you want to challenge yourself.
You could even multiclass in tiers like starting with one class, two class at 30, three class at 50.
Also, you could do WAR/WIZ/BRD.
my understanding is that on this server, as long as you have the song memmed to your spellbar, beneficial songs will remain indefinitely. so you could have mana regen and haste songs up without having to twist.
Instruments are able to be equipped to range slot so you wouldn't sacrifice primary/secondary slot.
The best server to play on rn is Oakwynd. P99 is stale and Quarm is out for obvious reasons. You can't just buy BIS with kronos because it isn't free trade and all the bots left for Teek. Oakwynd is comfy af
Any Kedge Keep enjoyers?
pic rel is my wife i met her in game
shit like this is stupid because obviously everyone will throw bard with whatever combo its a no brainer

also EQ combat is pure garbage once you take the holy trinity challenge out of every engagement your going to look like every boomer who thinks streaming themselves playing EQ is a good idea, a blank faced retard sitting there listening to mob sound effect 1 playing 50000 times over as it gets hit by auto attacks until it dies 5-10 minutes later followed by the coin.wav sound effect
shes got you charmed bro
BRD isn't that common if you look through the Discord
bards are nice to have but people probably want tash and malo more so they can actually land their spells. i imagine bard will be popular for heavy melee trios that dont care about spells but do care about overhaste
The Heroes' Journey beta is LIVE!
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/86bm92mZaZ
Client Files: https://heroesjourneyeq.com/download/thj-client.zip
Website: https://heroesjourneyeq.com/
Can we please talk about Kedge Keep i am certainly not here against my own will okay
how is playing EQ as a girl? will my eyes melt or is it just the standard amount of boobfoolery?
Actually not bad. I think I'll roll with it
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I also don't understand this question. whether you do or don't want boob, an unequipped barb is about the peak. pic rel.

sometimes you get dark elf or half elf thong booty
god i wish female barbarians were real
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Biological female here
I play ogre and do roleplay ogre speak in groups, it's pure SOVL.
i used to play eq with a girl and she wasnt very good at the game. would just pick bard and run in circles
>reinstall EQ
>everyone raving about Teek
>cough up 15 dollaridoos
>it's all bots farming every camp in existence to sell items for krono
welp back to P99
I'm surprised no one has tried one of these free trade randomized loot progression servers on eqemu. Krono just ruins the whole experience.
tlps arent really worth it anymore. if you didnt play back when ragefire through agnarr were released, then you pretty much missed out. they were always krono farms for turd worlders but most people didnt catch on and leave until around the time of aradune release
just asking about the fanservice/sexism levels in a clumsy and retarded way to avoid raising hell
i want to experience this, sounds awesome
where can one witness such happenings?
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Oh yeah we classic af now
*pegs u*
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I play on P99 but I started a bard recently so no more ogre fun.

He is such a clown, it's hilarious.
I just found out Red has a 50% XP bonus. Worth playing just for that? I don't care about grouping, I just want to see Norrath again.
the 3 people online will constantly stalk you to kill you with their full twink gear, max skill deleveled char
I have leveled two characters from 1 to 60 on p99 red in the last few years and i was never once gang stalked like >>1399125 claims.
it is a very sleepy server and most players can't be bothered to track you down and pvp you unless you're already lv 56+ and in a hot zone. I even met a couple homies and could form trios and such as i progressed.
If you want to speed lvl and have high drop rates, sure.
Just make sure you turn on /anon or /roleplay because yeah it doesnt happen often, there are shitlords with legit deleveled twinks using raid gear who hop on and sometimes wreck havoc on lowbies

But I still think you would have way more playing on blue or green and just enjoying the cheap powerful gear if you want to lvl quickly, EQ is just a horrible game when your alone 99% of the time and it also forces you to choose a solo class unless you want to burn your eyeballs out doing something insane like solo untwinked warrior, it's doable but you will be running/dying and sitting 90% of the time.
the real clowns are the people who donated him money so he could get a sex change lmfao
>This is someones adult male son
When you remove the trader bots on Quarm Green is pulling ahead of Quarm in population. Good.
Mules aren't part of the population count.
Sure they aren't, troon.
>Sure they aren't, troon.
keep dilating so that festering wound doesn't close
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You're more obsessed with trannies and fags than the actual troon himself. We're worried about you, anon. Isn't being this obsessed a strong indicator of actual faggotry?
But when you finally come to terms with what you aspire to be but can't yet admit to yourself, just remember the simple truth
>he did the meme
keep coping, secrets. we all know how this will end.
id fuck lolth desu
Anyone play on Blue? Is it much to claim camps than on Green?
much easier*
Yeah especially at low lvls, but I noticed at least so far 1-30 outside of sharlok packs camps are easy to claim on green so both aren't bad for lowbie ranges.
For some reason there's ALWAYS a high lvl camping orcs in highpass every single time of the day and it's always some high lvl halfling druid or gnome mage (lvl 60)
Been wanting to camp a few packs to replace my bags but the camp is never open, kithicor is always claimed also
based truthchad
Gaycrets will say otherwise but he cant even code let alone copy paste info we've known from allakhazam for over 2 decades, he is a dumbass and a liar going on a ego trip
is the camera still fucked up? i remember how he ignored it entirely as if it wasnt a big fucking issue that should be easily solved
I'm about to start up there after years away from EQ to do a self-found (not solo just self-found, although I gather I'll be solo most of the time) run. I think it'll be more fun to play if I'm constantly hunting down new gear and quests instead of just focusing on the exp grind. I'm banking on there being less competition for camps on blue since less people and more top heavy. Red would be really nice for the 50% XP bonus and virtually every camp available, but I want SOME socialization and grouping (and buffs when I can get them). I'm just agonizing over my class. I'm leaning toward Ranger because tracking would be clutch for this playstyle. Also more motivation to hunt down or craft better gear than a pure caster.
ranger is already playing the game on hard mode. doing a self-found run on top of that would be actual masochism.
a streamer did warrior SOLO self-found to 60. that's masochism. if ruling out pure casters ranger wouldn't be terrible imo
a lot of the original SOLO self-founds for warrior were also abusing the old in-combat bindwound glitch which is fixed now

but i mean technically you could do any class 1-60 but it's more about are you retarded and don't value your time at all to do something completely fucking retarded that requires no skill and pure time allocation or not
I played everquest first nearly 2 years ago

Just couldnt get into it. Surely theres more to it than killikg skellingtons and selling bone shards?
>autismo can't process playing the game (key word btw) in a sub-optimal way
Rangers solo just fine. Self-found is a fun way to play for some people. Min-maxing in a 25 year old Elf sim is what's retarded.
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both of those things are abhorrent ideas
No pure casters also Enchanters are gay.
Dude was a legend for that.
How is it a waste of time if the journey to 60 is exactly what I'm playing for? I will never raid, so once (big if) I hit 60 that character is effectively shelved. I've done the SSF thing in a few games and I really enjoy it. Playing this way also encourages you to find and do quests that most people ignore. There are actually some really decent quest rewards that no one bothers with because it's much easier to sell bone chips in EC and buy better gear from other players. It breaks up the monotony of the grind and pushes you to go places you otherwise wouldn't have.
ranger is fine, I was talking about soloing a warrior to 60, that's just fucking retarded.
Actually lvling anything to 60 is retarded if you don't plan to join the boomer poopsocker raiders, the journey kind of fades out once you pass norrath and kunark mid zones.
At it's core, everquest is about figuring out how to accomplish your goals within the toolkit at your disposal. Ranger has a unique toolkit. If it makes you feel like a hero play as a Ranger.
1 - 60 is the best part of the game and I love questing in everquest.
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My prediction for SoD relaunch is 5-700 peak. 1-200 after a month.
>SoD relaunch
whens that? i thought sod was a dead forgotten server
Next month. The owner is MIA so the other devs are relaunching as just Dalaya.
here's hoping it takes off. i played some about a year ago when the current server had like 30 players. hopefully they dont make you do the gay story bullshit just to progress too
LanternEQ when?
This sounds accurate. I hope they might snipe more long term players from p99/quarm on a server with devs who can continue to create new content beyond an arbitrary expansion ceiling, but i'm not sure if 2 Box plays for or against mass appeal player retention.
based AI
Ask it again in a week or 2 and if it changes we'll know that faggot reads this thread (he definitely does)
>meanwhile in the misty thicket......

also anyone know why sometimes the screen will suddenly die completely & appear stretched for a split second

before my ENTIRE laptop black-screens's & reboots,only seems to happen when playing castors never rogues or warriors?

Could my OS be too old using windows VII?
>also anyone know why sometimes the screen will suddenly die completely & appear stretched for a split second
because it's a hacked together reverse engineered version of an ancient game. LanternEQ better get finished.
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u ever just so angry and then u cast Lull on yourself and everything is chill again
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today i will remind them
I use to troll boomers who would rage at me by casting lull on them while they rage typed at me, even friendly players get the calming message
Got the itch again, started a new character on Green and now I'm hooked. What have I done?
Welcome back lad
1999 never left, it was waiting for (You) all along.
Anyone playing the heroes journey besides the 1 person in here shilling it? I’m kinda down,with playing a triple pet mash class just for the memes. Is,it a solo server?
im extremely apprehensive of playing any pserver desu. exhibit A: quarm
Too much of a fun server for me. No death penalty is gay af.

>>1398893 = >>1401186
>"if only you knew how bad things really are."
>p99 is way too grindy and youll never see raids at 60 unless you become neet
>quarm is pozzed
>tlps are chink infested
>most other private servers allow 2+ boxing so its just 100 people total playing with their box armies in each camp
damn, there really is nowhere to play this game huh
>whining about the road to 60
the game isn’t for you anyway, cya
even the devs admitted they made everquest too much of a slog lol
wtf is a pserver
Raiding in EQ is fucking awful and boring anyway. You're not missing out. I do wish P99 had an active GM event team. It's not truly classic without GMs occasionally having orcs invade Kelethin. All these classic MMO servers forget that part of the experience.
its pretty comfy if you dont play a tank, healer or monk. just sit back and get carried while you talk shit with boomers
P99 has the most soulful lvling experience, it legit feels exactly how it did back in the day.
this is the only private server I've ever played out of EVERY mmorpg that faithfully recruited the era experience perfectly
>amazing community
>100% accurate server with spawns and quests
>hardstance against faggot boomer trannys who want to multibox
>stomps out all RMT
>no faggot tier fun server nonsense
no experience death penalty. something different in the pipeline.
>sane staff who don't ban their players for the slightest infraction or mean words
>mostly normal community especially now that Quarm is the official troon/fag safespace server
I had 3 trannys gang up on me because I said "thx bro" and they ranted about being misgendered for 2 hours in ooc in crushbone
On Quarm?
too bad we live in a day and age where youll never know if they were serious or not(which doesnt excuse it if they werent, thats arguably just as annoying).
Forgot to mention this happened on Quarm
and yeah it was def serious they had those weird odd female character names only troons use
>playing on a literal troon server
what did you expect?
norrath has fallen
meant for>>1403637
This was when it first launched, I quit months ago when I realized it was a garbage server ran by a mentally ill man.
>gm event

they DO happen but only in short burst years apart from each other.......my guess was this was a test build to see if their custom content for blue ever involved making frogloks playable
nah I think its a bored GM, same thing happened a few weeks back a GM came by at like 3 am and turned everyone in the tunnel into a fire beetle.
People keep saying that!!!! About NES, about Wizardry, and low-fi dungeon crawlers. But honestly, I’m skeptical as hell. So, Mr. Imagination, are you saying you can draw a better dungeon exploration or adventure scene than those Twitter artists who focus on nothing but butt and tits?
Vanilla EQ's world is filled with soul and tons of details, walking around qeynos alone you can easily imagine some autistic bros just having a BLAST creating it and adding little texture details within reason of the tech back in the 90's
Gonna start anew on Red tonight if anyone wants to roll with me
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>hasn't seen the sewers underneath qeynos

show me another MMO with this level of complex maze/dugoens for their 1st town
pure kino
>the writing on the walls
>the top tier water textures
lads I want to go back.....
Qeynos? More like Qeyno
sol a? more like sovl a
>Gonna start anew on Red tonight
A truly patrician choice, anon. Also, checked.
HOLY b@$ed
Thinking of playing EQ2 origin. I really enjoyed the time I spent on Horizonxi and this sounds similar.
When's Everquest Next coming out?
anon didn't you know........ it's been killed/cancelled years ago m8
Heroes's Journey has been getting 60-80 online during prime time for a 'guaranteed to be wiped beta' on a single box server with actual cheat detection. It looks like they are trying to not fall into the 'fun server' trap despite the multiclass thing
Are they going to tone down the XP gain after launch? People were 70 in like 3 hours.

Target is 16hrs actively played for someone optimizing XP to hit 51 (initial cap). AA has 300% initial bonus scaled to the first 300 AA.
Seems like unless you roll in with a couple people you already know then it’s pointless. You aren’t ever gonna be able to do content that requires 3+ people with a server pop of 50 or whatever it shakes out to be unless the community has some people that are super generous with their time. Even moreso if you aren’t in the first or second wave of people to do it. (Xpac unlocks)
Player power is wild with multiclassing and tiered gear. Some builds can solo everything, but most will be able to duo-trio.

I promise you that they are trying to strike the happy medium between 'box your own army', 'everyone can solo everything forever', and 'raid or die'.
>admin forced new models for NPCs and mobs
i'm out
>Green 605 players
>Quarm 590 players
even with trade mules and Kunark just coming out Quarm is bleeding. it's over for troonquest. the king is back.
P99 has always stayed stable between 500-1k for over a decade, it will never die

Quarm has been cracking for months but I do think luclin and planes might surge for a bit because no one has ever hosted a high pop no boxing Pserver of either of those

I still think quarm is shit though

Whenever Green 2 comes out it's easily going to push 3k nonstop
kek quarm deserves to burn after they paid for secrets to get a sex change
>no one has ever hosted a high pop no boxing Pserver of either of those
a real shame because i like luclin and pop but no way im gonna play on that trash heap of a server
>Green 2

>mfw stuck between re-rolling my troll sham,do I go for something completely new like a non-twister bard or go full mana crazy & god dark elf magician


I've only ever reached lvl 35 on blue as a troll warrior haven't ever left the old world how are kunark & iceland compared?
There’s never gonna be a green 2, the admins have neither the manpower nor the desire to manage it. People really need to stop with the cope. Literally nothing would have made rogean happier than every single person quitting p99 and going to quarm.
>Literally nothing would have made rogean happier
why doesnt he just quit if he hates running the server that much?
Because he’s a pearl clutching faggot
>all that money
>just to stick a wig and poorly applied makeup on a grown ass man
keep dreaming secrets u gae boi
P99 is here to stay
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freeport sewers are fucking simplistic by comparison
they must have done this because evil races most likely needed to use it to get arounnd safely where as qeynos catacombs are a completely optional dungeon most people never see
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>why doesnt he just quit if he hates running the server that much?
Cause that box in Jersey makes money with no effort that's why. It's not like they need to do (or realistically can) anything.
>It's not like they need to do (or realistically can) anything.
They don't need to do the autistic patch progression again. In fact I hope they don't. Just a simple FRESH is all that's needed.
Yeah a FRESH red.
never understand you red fags, what would fresh red even do? I was playing blue when red first released and it died so fucking fast it was insane

So if the hype when it was a brand new novel thing was absolute garbage how the fuck do you think it would fly today? lmao and this was pre TLPs and every other Pserver being shit so P99 was giga king at the time
I'm mad no other game has done a qeynos sewers equivalent
Hell I'm mad most mmorpgs don't have multiple entrance ways into cities like EQ in general does
Qeynos is such a good example of devs who actually LOVED their jobs and put pride and joy into it.
I wish there was a "making of" video of qeynos during it's actual development
>what would fresh red even do
Reset the gear disparity and keep it in Classic and (and Kunark to a lesser extent) for a while where raid gear isn't so much better than everything else. Perma-Kunark red would be ideal desu. I just like the suspense of PvP and being able to take camps by force. Obviously it isn't for everyone. In fact I wouldn't want a Red that's as populated as Green. 3-500 max would be best.
That's the issue though, you'll be lucky if it breaks 100 and it will die fast within a month just like original red launch
then it's back to the ghost town it is but now you have 2 reds and split the playerbase so you end up with 2 servers with maybe 20 players on each instead of the current 40 you have now
Did it die that fast? I wasn't around then.
Yeah sadly
>teleport around the world
>get paid to teleport around the world
>drop comets on a nigga's head
>chill and reflect on those comets you just dropped on niggas heads
>drop some more comets on niggas heads
yeah that's right, I'm a wizard, bitch
pvp is literally never going to be good because the pvp userbase is composed almost entirely of legitimate psychopaths that fucking hate each other while moving from server to server together for the past 20 years. Also don’t bother with new red unless they fix cringe bowquest pvp.
have you ever read the UN? blue and green are just as psychopathic, maybe worse even
are mages really as bad as people say? i want to play one on green (mostly solo) but everyone poopoos them and says to play a necro instead. i get that necros have better utility, but i don't like edgy class fantasy. the items mages can summon seem pretty damn convenient too. i have no intention of ever raiding if that makes a difference.
>completely optional dungeon

I mean if you playing an evil race then you pretty much have to venture into the catacombs for your shadow knight,necro,& trainer skill ups
Mage is fine, it’s just a lot slower once you get to the mid 50s than necro. Also you will never get your epic, if that matters to you.
at least they're not mentally ill men in dresses so they can't be that bad
>played the death out of P99 and the servers are now split / MIA devs
>Quarm is ruined by instanced cancer that mudflates things 1000x faster than in era Luclin and ruined the group economy with raid gear
It's over, M&M please save us.
>instances are le bad
is that why every mmo uses them?
damn ur right i love every mmo
well yeah nothing is as bad as Quarm
Not everyone was supposed to be in welfare raid loot and having the world feel dead to raid logging scum that are afraid of commitment in an MMO. There is no dopamine and the game is too easy already.
its when they made rubicite joke tier droprates, I farmed them before they got boosted but shortly after that I made a alt and the entire world was covered in people wearing full rubi it was just sad just a sea of red in every single zone in the game
I fucked off after that but I did enjoy my initial experience basically doing 1-39 I never got that far in the game before even though ive played it on and off since 99 and it was the first time I stayed up all night farming items in a group but it also made me appreciate P99 so much more with how era perfect it is and how it legit feels like playing the real game in 1999 again minus the stone UI and low resolution with shit frames
>every modern mmo is hand holdy faggot tier piss easy games with instances
>99% of the playerbase of modern mmo's are also antisocial loser rejects
yes its why every modern mmo is garbage pozzed bullshit that the retard masses love to play as single player experiences
anyone know how P99's anticheat works? if it detected something it would be an instant ban, right? like i don't have to worry about getting banned later on when some GM looks at the logs or something? i'm not actually cheating, it's just something that could be used to cheat (not an exe; a dll injector). anyway i sated my curiosity and uninstalled it.
it works like their boxing detector you get flagged and then observed for a bit by a invisible GM
sheeeit. guess I'm resetting my IP and never logging onto that account again then.
Nah I doubt you'll get banned
Honestly as long as you're not doing shit like teleport hacking, RMTing, or boxing then you'll be ok.
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>the ultima killer
imagine if wow was modeled after UO instead
>high elf bard
I want to go back, lads.......
thats a half elf
they dont have that face option
yes they do
lately I've played a lot of half elf so trust me
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>online MMO

>strategy guide........


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looks like farthest right with white hair to me?
For $16.87 it can be yours to hold in your very hands https://www.ebay.com/itm/326169060233?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=iBvf-SG_Sv2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ikCZRkztTBy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
it's the most used face even back in the day it was the most used.

It also gives one of the better guise faces
I personally don't like it though and use other faces on my characters.
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lads, dont click this unless you want a EQ jumpscare
at least he finally washed his hair
oh lord
it's even better with that ugly bird man pic next to the message holy shit
>a couple thousand people are investing hundreds to thousands of hours into a server run by this mentally ill man
I can't wait for the inevitable rug (plug) pull
Too late, quit in October because the world felt dead already with the instancing. I farmed a Cleric, Mage, Ranger, Rogue, and Shaman to 40-50 to get all legacy gear before he flipfloppped and made it irrelevant. Well over 1k hours. Same thing after lying about the raids being rotations on the P99 forums before turning around and making them full instanced theme parks. I'm just surprised he hasn't completely scared people off with his DEVS MAGICAL REALM "I always said it was a dictatorship!" bullshit. Especially after no one cared about his Chainbreaker and other failed server. The whole anonymous benefactor paying for the server upkeep and him being in a trailer park with really conflicting statements about his financial situation already puts it on a knifes edge, nevermind the mental health problems and BPD freakouts.

I wonder how secure they'll be if we enter into a recession and there are tech layoffs.
top fucking kek

Funny just hit the big 20,on unrest feel like soloing at least till 24,what are some of the stress-free zones in the old world?
I forget honestly, I think I was in SK at that level doing elephants and aviaks. There is a dead zone in that I just grouped in Guk because it was too crowded. Probably more options now that you can LOL DREADLANDS half the server and solofags.
Aren’t they still fixing Classic era shit though? Maybe it is cope, but it seems weird for them to do that if they truly have no intention of ever returning to Classic.
I guess secrets dilated all over that dream since he makes random changes based on whatever estradiol-addled whim he has that day. Obviously there would be a sane way to implement (or just keep) out of era QOL stuff, but Quarm is almost a vindication of P99's autistic devotion to era accuracy.
Lake Rathetear for big Aviaks or the gnoll (turns undead at night) camp. If camped already, quick access to SK or Rathe Mtns for wandering trash mobs.
>Aren’t they still fixing Classic era shit though?
The last patch is v57 which was released over a year ago.
>>1411185 #
there's nothing to patch unless someone presents proof that something is era incorrect
exactly, unlike quarm which is a joke and literally nothing on that server is accurate
>wrong spawn times
>wrong drop tables
>wrong spells for the specific era (there's pop and luclin spells accessible already)
>wrong items
>wrong item locations
>wrong quest text
>wrong mob patching
>wrong mob placement in 80% of the zones
>wrong quest text
>wrong quest rewards
It’s not supposed to be, it’s a for fun server not a classic server. How do people still not get this?
except secrets did bill it as a classic server. it has turned into the abomination it is now (much like its owner) because he couldn't help himself.
funny how theres no mention of it being a "fun server"
the mentally ill ugly man in a dress tried to claim it would be before it launched
Regardless of how it was introduced, it’s not one now and hasn’t been one for a very long time.
sad he rode P99 and the actual devs of alkabor's coat tails for this little HRT scheme
>literally all of his main bullet points is what makes P99 so appealing, making it easy to drawn in massive amounts of boomers thirsting for a new vanilla server with no boxing
>also posts this on P99's forum to siphon the playerbase taking advantage of the situation
>wait until more talented people finished the emulator then just run it like a script kiddie, pretending to be a programmer

But people are slowly waking up and fucking off from his clown server
lilbro clean the poorly applied makeup off your face and admit the truth for once in your miserable life
What is factually incorrect about the statement I made?
how much did he make from that gofundme? i can't find a link to it.
Last I remember the amount was at like 12k, I thought you had to actually reach the goal to actually cash it out tho which it never did. Maybe somebody who knows more about gofundme can verify whether the money can be accessed as it comes in or not.
not enough evidently >>1410323
>disingenuous mentally ill man in a wig
many such cases
>can’t do it
>seethes instead
I accept your concession
i think people were desperate for a more accessible version of eq that didnt go to the extent tlps do while actually cracking down on multi boxing. would have been interesting to see how well it would have done in luclin/pop if secrets hadnt used the whole thing as a grift. those expansions dont seem to be popular among the loyal playerbase
t. rannysaurus rex
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mental illness. mental illness everywhere.
Impotent seething is quite literally the hallmark of being an unstable tranny, perhaps the you should look in the mirror my dickless friend
for me it's luclin. beastlords? cool. moon zones? cool. pop is when things started getting stupid with pok and ridiculous raid gear.
This is 4chan. Do you really not expect us to be mocking a literal troon server?
I rather see P99 go beyond Velious
That would pull in 5k players in a heartbeat because the devs can be trusted and have actual talent
I couldn’t care less, I don’t even play on quarm. I am just laughing at this retarded troon calling me a liar and then being completely incapable of pointing out what was incorrect.
Same, but allegedly that deal with Daybreak prohibits them from going beyond Velious. Allegedly.
its just secrets having a breakdown as usual
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I forgot they had some sort of deal maybe that's why we don't have green 2 yet....
>point out everything you said is a lie
"hurr durrr u cant point it out hurr durr durr"
stfu troon boi
luclin is great, my only complaint is how bloated the health pools are for basically everything. aten ha ra has only 300k less total hp than quarm and youre expected to kill her without the ridiculous jump in power from raid gear and aa's you mentioned in pop
lol thats very convenient for them huh
When did I lie? Quarm stopped being a classic server the day after it launched years ago, which is what I said. Sounds like you made some retarded assumptions and didn’t read what I said and then started getting mad and seething once I dickslapped you. Sorry you don’t have a penis, stay mad.
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u r gae
>lol thats very convenient for them huh
afaik rogean has never publicly revealed the terms of the deal. it's all hearsay and speculation.
>launched years ago
anon it hasnt even been a year...
why is rogean and nilbog so based?
never seen them act retarded or do stupid shit, always calm and cool.
I think it's why it's one of the only mmorpg private servers I've played on and off for years, they act like legit professionals and you can expect your character to still be around a decade later.

unlike gaycrets. theres a 41% chance your characters will be gone within the next year on quarm
>i think people were desperate for a more accessible version of eq
NTA but these "people" need to fuck off back to WoW and all the other stuff they can get participation trophies for riding the theme park for. Why would they feel entitled to ruin one of the biggest draws of the progenitor MMO Tigol casualized and sold to fucking retarded casuals. The other guy is right, this server was billed for months into it as having a ton of P99 appealing features only to bait and switch people 3 months in. Dudes a snake and almost corrupted the fucking database ~60 days in with zero backups he admitted on stream (like fucking seriously he is a mirror image of the people xhe caters to).
based truthchad
accessibility doesnt mean make the game like wow. something as simple as an ingame map could be justified. pulling up the map on your second monitor doesn't enrich the game at all and is actually less immersive than the game itself providing you one
>bait everyone into the rat race by dangling guise/rubi/jboots/manastone while pretending it will be era accurate
>decide to make them drop like candy a few months in after people dealt with the lower droprates on top of adding in loads of era inaccurate shit (surefall TP, bad spawns, literal items from luclin, giving his buttbuddies a free fungi tunic in vanilla etc)
>then decide to make them permanent drops even though he constantly stated legacy loot would be removed on the original features list
I think this is why a good 1200 players ended up leaving
I remember his pink rubicite post got so many clown emojis he deleted it, remade it and turned off emoji reacts.
are you retarded little bro?
that happened back in the early 2000's the difference is instead of using a map on a 2nd monitor you printed them out
i never claimed that it didnt. it still doesnt add anything to the game, no matter how much you think it does because of "back in my day" anecdotes.
its because you lack a SOVL and any wanderlust
you're a mentally ill brainrotted npc weirdo who has to minmax everything to be as simple as possible so even a minor "inconvenience" as learning landmarks or looking at a SOVLFUL hand drawn map from over 2 decades ago is foreign and inefficient to you
what does being sovl mean?
>years ago

What, didn't it just launch last month........?
lads get back, this soulless heathen is trying to enthrall us with his faggotry.
>he cant define what the words he uses even mean
speaks volumes
ngl I don't think in-game maps are a big deal. it's the GPS marker that ruins the experience. also the EQ maps are really unpleasant to look at. if you could just pull up the hand-made zone maps in-game that would be fine imo.
niggas do be dilatin
I'm leveling a Human Mage (fedora tipper), Dark Elf Wizard (SolRo) and Human Cleric (Innoruuk) to 16. Started the Mage, he's at 8. I'm going to mostly solo with them. Which one will I like the most? Green of course; I don't play on tranny servers.
I think pulling up an image of a zone map in game and using it to cross reference your general position is fine, people do that anyways with the online maps.
hard to say, mage is going to be the most consistently active. Wizard is an afk for 10 minutes between quads second screen solo class and cleric is somewhere in the middle. its going to be mostly dependent on how active you would ideally be.
Mage is definitely spoiling me, but I knew that would happen so that's why I'm playing it first. If I played it last it would probably be hard to go back to the slower soloing classes.
another perk with having a mage is if you decide to level melee later you can summon bandages then drop them on the floor over for them
shit is expensive especially for low lvls so having unlimited bandages early on is massive once your bind wound starts getting decent
I consistently have the most fun leveling Clerics on p99. Low APM classes are fun because it means you get more time to yap and shitpost in game.

Cleric grouping isn't very hindered by lack of twinking if you don't have funds to do so, and just by virtue of your healing potency, you get like +5 pseudo-levels to be considered for a group. You can party up in higher tier zones way way earlier than an equivalent level dru/shm. One time I got picked up to heal for a Lodizal fight when I was like level 45 lmao

Cleric solo skill set is straightforward and has very clear progression thresholds. I like the available undead camp options.
cleric is comfy because you just absolutely mog all other priests when it comes to keeping people alive. incredibly easy buffs to manage too. meanwhile shaman has to mash canni/rebuff constantly and druid has to pray no one takes unnecessary damage to prevent going oom.
I always thought it was odd half elves can't be clerics whe humans, dark elves, and high elves can be.
half elves tend to be treated as outcasts by both humans and elves so them becoming clergy is out of the question
Yet they can be paladins
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>mfw finding out trolls can quest for a illusion mask that only they can use

>mfw open's up so many possibilitys

>can finally get on the "good side" of halas & have comfy permafrost home to slaughter gobos & sell their HQ Ore

well guess I'm going to blackburrow & stock up on gnoll fangs to fill out eight backpacks!
mutt elves can fight and die for the church, they just cant serve the church
>mfw finding out trolls can quest for a illusion mask that only they can use
what mask?
There isn't one. I made it up.
Thinking about giving P99 a try. Does anyone know where I can get the Titanium thing?

Also how viable is melee on non-standard melee classes? I've been looking at the classes and so far Bard and Shaman sound like they could be fun but some of the expected strategies are unusual.
>Also how viable is melee on non-standard melee classes?
It's not
>Does anyone know where I can get the Titanium thing?
I've heard tales of a treacherous bay where all the pirates go to procure their illicit wares.
>non-standard melee
Melee is only viable on Shamans when soloing lower tier raid bosses with torpor. It's basically an extra dot along with your pet and actual DOTs.
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just playing the classics
Titanium iso's are on archive.org
Is that Asheron's Call? Is there a pserver?
Yeah there's several. I started up on Seedsow, which is a classic server that stops at Dark Majesty. I was thinking about starting a thread.
Nice, never got to play it.
Is there something wrong with Coldeve before I roll on there due to it looking like it has the highest pop?
Yeah there's no account limit so a lot of people roll with like 9 characters AFK macroing. Seedsow doesn't technically have an account limit and botting is allowed, but they have a common sense rule against excessive botting. Most people stick to 1 or 2 characters and a lot of people do the hardcore/solo self found thing. Levistras is an end of retail server that has a strict no botting rule with a 2 account limit. I just have a hard time playing there because it's not the AC I remember.
damn it
If you never played AC and can't stand multiboxing then just check out Levistras. You won't have the nostalgia that ruins it for me.
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I feel like I've found a dev secret item m8,after all these years still finding cool items
>1 charge to turn into the ugliest race in the game
and dropped
Anybody can get that as long as they have the right faction, it’s part of the quest for the innoruuk snare necklace. Have it on my delf cleric as well.
let this man be happy with his undiscovered wonder of the game
Might go human female cleric inno with max charisma and always wear chainmail leggings
>might be a tranny
He’s using duxa, any wonder or sense of anything is already thrown out the window
ill tell people im packing heat no worries lil duder
>I want the avatar that represents me in this fantasy world to be a woman
Just admit you're a tranny.
is that how you view it, retard?
then your fat bald ass must play a ogre LOL
that's how everyone views it, my mentally ill friend. do you enjoy it when people refer to you as she/her in-game?
nah bro is fine
the fuck is your problem dude? I think trannys are faggots and your acting like one 100%
>acting like a tranny by mocking trannies
yeah that makes sense, samefag
whatever weird ass little bitch boi keep seething cause you wanna date boomers on EQ private servers
you're playing as a woman you faggot
I bet your secrets
ahahahaha ugly ass bird nose faggot
>n-no y-you're the tranny!!
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>n-no y-you're the tranny!!
the funny thing is I'm the one who posted that itt
also you should learn how to greentext
>lilbro posted his own picture
so brave
are we gonna get an xp bonus this weekend or what rogean you fucker
Gentlemen, I am writing this post to inform you that I have failed to mend my wounds.
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We did it, bros.
holy K1N0!!!!!
>grifted 20k usd
no wonder hes so smug
>pay someone 20k just to look even more male
>50% bonus
>50% more people playing and aggressively competing for camps because of the bonus
>it all balances out in the end
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>remember eq
>check for thread
>50% weekend bonus
yeah, I’m thinking it’s fate.

I’ve never leveled evil past ~15 and am considering ogre/troll shaman. I like the idea of melee, even if it’s a bit more work, so probably ogre.
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I think that the concept of raiding needs to undergo severe reformation. Having a big end-game zone with bosses that spawn, to then be camped is not a bad idea. But there should be more substance to the area than just the raid bosses that are poopsocked every 10 hours once they do spawn.
I'm playing on Teek right now, there's a Labor Day double XP bonus, and bots are just power leveling gays. It is quite possible to find others to level, and it will only become easier as the expansions roll along and the bots leave for the next fresh server.
TLPs are basically boomer boy retirement homes
no idea how anyone takes them serious and pays for it to boot
based buttcrackchad
I've never played this game before Oakwynd during Luclin last year. Maybe I'll raid if I like it. I've played a lot of WoW, and I find this game, the classes, races, aesthetic, to be superior.
Which server are you playing on?
not him but i think only P99 is doing 50% exp for the weekend

tranny fag quarm is doing some gay 5% only bonus if your grouped shit
Oh okay, on Live/TLPs there is also the 50% bonus.
what exactly is there to take seriously about everquest?
Which class should I level on Teek, Shadow Knight or Ranger?
No one wants to play on a pump and dump server a billion times through shitty expansions. I want my characters to be there if I come back in a decade with a player base instead of redoing the same old shit for crono farming thirdies who bot and box.
If you come back in a decade, the TLP will have caught up to live lol.
I’ll be on P99 Green, starting up when i get home in a couple hours
>out of era early beastlords coming soon
Damn this really is just a funsies meme server at the whims of this tranny huh
don't be a disingenuous little bitch you know what I meant
playing TLP is the equivalent of being a little bitch thrall for the quarm troon
>for barbarians only because trolls and ogres remind him of what he looks like IRL
no, i dont know what you mean. you think anyone looks at someone who plays any version of everquest and thinks, "wow, i respect them" or something?
whatever tranny you can keep acting retarded and disingenuous make sure to buy krono like a good goy
>vastly overlevelled skellies patrolling in starter zone not 10 feet from the entrance
>have to avoid packs of polar bears and wolves to find a single level 1 enemy you can actually beat
>dying means your shit falls to the floor and you need to repeat the process of Solid Snake'ing your way back to your corpse
>some sections have retarded paths or a bunch jagged sine wave-looking hill chasms so it's impossible to tell if there's a rape skelly lurking beyond
>past level 5 you also lose 20-25% of your experience on death
holy fuck this is beyond cancerous
Yeah everfrost is def the worst starting zone for that by far, the other ones aren’t nearly as bad. Anyway filtered.
not so bad once you hit 2/3ish and can consistently kill, then its smooth sailing once you can solo the gnoll guards and chill around BB
but yeah the start sucks its a lot more fun if other barb noobs are around, my best memory is when I made a barb warrior long ago and I teamed up with a shaman and rogue, we played and moved together throughout all the content near halas and qeynos
was so fun
unfortunately it's been kind of empty
a friendly druid(?) stopped by and gave me a kickass mace and some crazy +250 max HP buff, which was really nice of them and feels like it helped a lot
the hardest part has been all the adds joining in on fights. like seriously, fuck all these goblins hiding inside igloos that clip through the walls and ambush you
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post more comfy pics
>cant explain of what he means so he resorts to insults and word salad
opinion discarded, ESL
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>tyrone calling people esl
>polar bear/wolf/bear skins, polar cloak if you can find Karg Icebear up, gnoll fangs at ent, bone chips, spiderling silk, bags, mammoth tusks, wisps/lightstones, goblin ore to vendor (might be nerfed), Halas itself is super easy to navigate and compact
Small price to pay by just avoiding vengeful bard paths, it never sneaks up on you if you know the chutes it doesn't path down. The level 1 problem is only a problem until you get some weapon skill and defense, after which you have some nice farm. Fuck tundra orcs though.
>bone chips, spiderling silk
what are these for
>Use zoomer slang to enrage boomers
>"heheheheh tyrone"
oh no no no lilbro lmao
what zoomer slang?
>bone chips
Selling to players, summoning skeleton pets, faction/exp
>spiderling silk
Tailoring swatches, selling to other players
Druid is the comfiest class.
For me it's non swarm kiting bard
>unfortunately it's been kind of empty
around ~5 I think you can head to the entrance of Blackburrow, where you should be able to find more people. It might be worth heading there before level 5, so you don’t lose xp if you die running to the other side where the people usually are.
>the hardest part has been all the adds joining in on fights.
you can run up pretty much any slope that isn’t a literal wall. Run up the walls to avoid patrols when pulling.
yeah those goblins are brutal early on
you can also always make the run to qeynos and just hang out there, WAY safer and better noob yard
>/who all lfaydark
>zero players
>start sprinting over to the Nybright camp
>someone's already there by the time I make it
Every single time.
I think if people go /anon or /roleplay they dont show up in /who which is gay as fuck and can fuck you up if you use it to go check far away canos
Yeah unless you're in the zone and do /who they won't show up
t. red player
i miss <Snake Fang Gang> and their schizo energy :(
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suddenly skeletons..........
i can already hear them laughing
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>open a door in Paineel
>get spooked
brightleaf here - you're gay
>mfw just got canni

It's so different compared to playing classes like mage or necros,being able to buff myself & others,is great should have done this years ago,
you think you do until you're balls deep in old seb trying to keep buffs up on everyone while solo healing your entire group
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Hi folks. Just linked this thread in Quarm's discord. I'll make sure to verify on PQ's discord if I post in here w/ post IDs.

Pic related, it's me and Rogean.

Glad to see y'all still love EQ.


BTW: On the claim that P99 can't go past Velious, that's patently false. P99 The agreement boils down to:
1) Can't distribute the game client directly - assets like .s3d files are OK!
2) Can't profit off of subscriptions, items, or otherwise monetize the game directly
3) Must promote the official game and work with their CM on adjusting schedules
4) Cannot look at the official code or use it in the game itself for recreating the server.

If 4chan didn't mock my identity in some way, I'd be concerned the website was compromised by the feds.
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>try to do literally anything in Dagnor's Cauldron
>get fucked by a random goblin that's 20 levels higher than you
What a terrible zone.
can you confirm how checked the fuck out rogean is and why he is a pearl clutching faggot that refuses to let anybody ever do anything? is he actively trying to kill p99 or just waiting for it to die of entropy? there have been fixes already done that are literally never going to get deployed even THOUGH THEY ARE ALREADY FINISHED YEARS AGO
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>oh my science look at all the racism!
lmao hey reiker you're a nigger faggot
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for me, it's this guy calling anything a waste of time as he plays everquest
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don't forget the boat rides that could take from 20 to 38 mins in real life to travel from zone to zone
hilarious part is 90% of those creepers are degen as fuck in private good chance they're all pedos
>covers up his adams apple with a mask
lmao, btw nobody asked lilbro weirdo
based dwigus lowater
with a boomertier spiderman avatar
high chance he is obese, bald, and plays a halfling druid
I agree. nilbog especially is always focused on whatever his conception of the goal of the project is and never seems to let emotions get in the way.

After playing P99 several long stints over the last decade and PQ over the past year, I have to say that I really appreciate nilbog's vision now where I've often been frustrated in the past with what seemed excessive detachment. P99 is by far the more mechanically smooth, logical, polished emulator while TAKP plays like what I would guess it is: a bunch of Al'Kabor refugees who got banned from P99 for boxing and made a cargo cult server behind Torven's imaginary archive finds (nuh-uh, WE'RE the real cLaSsIC server!).

I don't care if CHA never affected Enchanter Charm on live; live's devs were almost entirely shitters (Geoffrey Zatkin excepted). What matters is the chanter on P99 has more depth because CHA matters which makes their gearing more interesting whereas on TAKP the gearing is the same as any INT caster that isn't a necro. CHA is also the only way to make Lulls effective while on TAKP it's just automatic (just as you'd expect some basement toad with his 3-box would want it to be so he didn't have to do more work than necessary).

As for PQ, Secrets definitely sways with the wind but I think what he did in changing how the legacy items dropped was a brilliant antidote to the toxic nature of those drops on P99 and is worth commending. That said, Salty is the true MVP of PQ because that client was unusable garbage before he hacked it and now it's better than Titanium (IMO). I very much wish nilbog would have proceeded to Planes of Power with the much better P99 project but even TAKP's bamboo-&-withe caricature of PoP is better than nothing after a decade of Velious.
I liked what he did with legacy items until he bait and switched them to being perma instead of sticking to his word and putting them in the lotto system later
I know alot of normies took a fat shit on him in the discord over that as more people would have chilled out and not focused on lvl rushing as much if they knew they would never go away

But outside of that the higher drop rate and account limit was a great idea and still made them feel decently authentic, sadly even though he managed to do 1 good thing he is still a batshit insane mentally ill man who wears dresses and poorly applied makeup who has monthly melt downs and has to leave his own discord, while also showing favoritism to his weirdo buttbuddies (the fungi incident etc) because he is fucked in the head

Never seen Ro or Nilbog ever act that childish in over a decade, secrets is a ticking manchild time bomb
the legacy item change was due to the guild millers farm hoarding over 9000 manastones with intent to rmt them

pissed off people that wasted their time due to the bait and switch sucks but watching them get absolutely shit on was worth the rugpull and the game is better off for it
its called not being a lazy sack of shit and paying attention to logs to punish such people, you know the thing P99 does to combat rmt

but i dont expect that fag to do things properly
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>its called not being a lazy sack of shit and paying attention to logs to punish such people, you know the thing P99 does to combat rmt
Nah, fuck them. You get what you fucking deserve and no one gives a shit about that now except people that bailed half a year ago and the schizo in this and the last thread obsessed with trannies and bumps this shit whenever it drops down too far and people have been driven away.

/Who all miller

Feels good get fucked. I am sure there is some wall to gaze at for 8 hours for dkp back on 99 waiting.
>playing on a literal troon server
couldn't be me
>tell the truth
>"hurr durr schizo "obsessed"
he is literally a ugly man in a dress, stop being a disingenuous faggot.
You'll get bored of your casual weekend dad server and it will die once it hits PoP, there is nothing to do other than easy raids with no competition or value to anything that drops at any level of the gmae due to MMO welfare communism and the dev making everything baby food processed for old fucks who can't go live their lives or play WoW.
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>You'll get bored of your casual weekend dad server and it will die once it hits PoP
Ah, so we've passed the 'two more weeks' stage of cope with Quarm's span. If I get bored - years - later that's fine by me.
Waiting for they day the grade A prime retardation that monitoring discord screens for spawns isn't address with how great 99 is and all the other cancerous nonsense driving folks away
>disingenuous faggot.
Oh no no no is the schizo fag unhappy it's not himself talking to himself? Don't worry thread will go back to yourself talking about Halas or something every time it drops to page 5 to keep it alive.
Just say that you want free welfare loot, it’s fine. No need to jump through 20 mental hoops to talk about it. Nobody actually cares.
what does being free welfare loot mean
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You know, if you want to play a game where you all stack up at a 'race line' in Kael or where ever and record it, Mario Kart does a better job of both. It doesn't have an elf court for you to argue over what you consider a competition, tho.
I mean, I play on quarm because I want the welfare pixels. I want to just show up and get my jboots at level 20 without having to pay 5k for an MQ because I think that’s retarded. There’s nothing wrong with that, just say it. I did, it’s not hard. Are you just too proud or something? No need to tie yourself in knots.
>Are you just too proud or something? No need to tie yourself in knots.
I don't know where you think pride comes into play. I just don't suffer under the delusion that having the most people that can answer a bat phone at 3 am is some sort of 'competition' and it's welfare (lol, this is eq) otherwise.
And yet you are weirdly argumentative about it trying to pretend like you have some moral high ground while denigrating people who enjoy p99. Bizarre indeed.
t. obese bald boomer
>Smart players have moved on and know quarm is garbage
>Man in dress secrets pretends to all of a sudden "find" the thread and attention whores it out of anger in his discord
>All of a sudden a troon defender appears bent over defending quarm with his life
It's either gay boy secrets, gaylia or one of his pathetic buttboy normies from the discord
i dont think anyone is "defending" quarm. its just strange to gatekeep a 25 year old game with a miniscule, decaying player base is all
What's with you assuming so much little dude? no one is gatekeeping anything and you don't have to have a meltdown over people avoiding a server with literal corruption and misinfo at the helm.

If that's your thing you do you, no need to defend it with the limited amount of life you have left, faggot.
>your gear is welfare because you didnt EARN it like i did on this heavily contested server where you can only get gear if you make playing it the highest priority in your life
if thats not gate keeping then what else would you call it lmao
Keep lying through your dentures, lol.
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I remember making a bard on P99 once and the moment I logged in PoD was dead and I was able to loot his staff off the rip.
I imagine if EQ had a transmog system he would be perma killed for the best looking weapon in the game
.t >>1423769
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double loot & faction still going on?
one SS of monsters & memories for comfiness comparison
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>Keep lying through your dentures, lol.
>Oh no no no is the schizo fag unhappy it's not himself talking to himself? Don't worry thread will go back to yourself talking about Halas or something every time it drops to page 5 to keep it alive.
The cycle of life continues.
>monsters & memories
The stress tests have been great though I missed the last one. Feel like they really got the spirit.
They add anything or just get it smoother.
>bald gay men that love their troon server so much they come here to seethe all day instead of play it
many such cases
Staff of writhing has the same graphic and is way easier to get
the stress tests are really smooth if you can get to lvl 4+ and get out of the starting city. much more content was added/tweaked. if you're stuck in the newbie yards though it's pretty rough struggling against, at least on the main server
>more MnM cope
y’all just need to hang it up. eq has ran its course and mnm will be dogshit as well. All emus and pservers are trash. Live is trash. All the copycats are trash. Just stop.
are you joyless?
Yeah but it's not ALL / ALL
NTA but my main issue with M&M is the fact they've been testing the same shit content for over a year+ now so I stopped bothering with the tests
I get it they're trying to test netcode but it always runs like literally ass and never gets better until they roll out a dozen server for only 300 players to hop on, and it's been like this since december of last year.
I like the game but my confidence in their team has fallen hard seeing how much they're struggling with their shit netcode but maybe they will surprise us whenever it hits early access.
>Oh no no no is the schizo fag unhappy it's not himself talking to himself? Don't worry thread will go back to yourself talking about Halas or something every time it drops to page 5 to keep it alive.
anon I'm pretty sure you're the schizo with this comment
No, I’m just not delusional or insane
i completely agree with this i wish they could get their shit together
yeah i would have loved m&m about 10 years ago but i just hardly care these days to play everquest or anything like it
>grown ass man visits forum for thing he hates
news at 11
>he hates
when did i say that? i still like everquest, i just dont want to play it these days, you schizoid
but you will spend your day reading about it
yes, i will visit a thread for a thing i like. what is the issue exactly?
your pervading negativity if i were to guess
tough shit but dont worry theres another website you can use that frowns on such negativity, even to the point of censoring it so you dont have to see it. if youre interested i can give you the address
he likes the game but he shares negative thoughts about it? he scorns a website but he is willing to link it to others? perhaps i have met the most interesting man alive what an enigma
Biggest thing I like about Project1999 over Quarm is how friendly the players are on P99.
Quarm is filled with angry anti-social people and no one ever socializes outside of auction or min-max arguments even a zone with 60 players won't have any communication for hours straight outside of camp check calls.
Nobody that likes EverQuest likes every single thing about it, including you. Not really that surprising at all to see some negative sentiment about it among people that like the game overall.
>anon I'm pretty sure you're the schizo with this comment
no point in replying to someone whos just looking to argue with people
i know most of you are here for classic but does anyone play eq1 live servers? if so what do you do?
i got a character to like the 60s just fumbling my way through zones. didn't really know what i was doing nor what I was meant to do or aspire to. was fun exploring things.
I logged on my old account a few years back and explored around for a bit but it's just not the same game anymore.
It's kind of how old pokemon fans who only played up to like crystal feel when they peek back in on the franchise, feels too bloated with garbage and not the same anymore.

I think AA points are cool though but thats about it, I also watched a random EQ2 video the other day and players there do millions and billions of damage so to cut down on screen bloat their dmg numbers say "791.2M" "15.6B" it's insane.
Yeah it still feels like shit, the dude doesn't know how to fix anything important.
this UI gave me cancer
>not 640x480
>not staring at the spellbook
do better
M&M plays like it was developed in the late 90s. It needs help. The principles of EQ can be adhered to without having shit UI/mechanics
this is what makes EQ the best - you're always in danger and death is always something to be feared
Don't worry they're planning "early access" to go live 2025Q4, but they consider that the game launch.

No new MMORPG will ever be successful again.
Not a fan of the game but Once Human is making bank right now and just recently released.
new MMORPGs will still be successful even long after we die in 50 years it just won't be the type of MMORPGs we prefer which is the original old school types.
But even a humble little 2k server is profitable and successful but people are greedy and want more.
>its still broken
lmao and people donated money to this guy?
most people playing on quarm are TLP boomers that the real community hates
It's more of a retirement home/containment server
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>the real community
They're all grifting and releasing as battle royale/extraction games. M&M devs seem honorable but even they plan on launching with very little content. >Our only hope is that AI begins to make MMORPG dev a hell of a lot cheaper and vastly more interesting
I think AI would so wonders with a text heavy game like EQ, just have it read from a database strictly related to the in-game world and lore.
Can you solo level a untwinked melee on quarm? Or it's just terrible and non viable like on p99? I wanna play a rogue or a ranger but i don't wanna group
you can solo level a untwinked ranger it will just be slow though doesnt matter the server
rogue is pretty tough but I'm sure you can do it, but rogue is a fucking TERRIBLE solo class even when twinked lol
Solo rogue is just solo warrior but worse. Don't even consider it.
why play EQ if you want to solo? Especially melee classes
>depending on others to play your favorite character
That game design always has been retarded. You should be able to solo even if it's painful or extremely slow. At least you can still play your toon that way
You can solo with war/rog it’s just very slow and painful, especially on established servers where you can buy end game gear for nothing. There are also videos of people doing 1-60 ssf on every class as well.
thats how the original and best mmorpgs worked
see you're one of the faggots who probably didn't get into the genre until it was taken over and morphed into primarily single player experiences for anti-social losers
go play WoW or FFXIV if you want babby hand hold solo gameplay or just roll a EQ caster necro/shaman/halfling druid/enchanter/bard etc like the other bald anti-social obese boomers do who don't like engaging with other people
Solo rogue is definitely harsh but rely on other for being Weller. Why is that capitalized. Self sufficient more so. Less attractive then a monk. Fun with handicaps.
playing with people sounds fun until you realize the people are retarded
yes this is in all avenues of life
just use common sense and weed out the retards and weirdos

this is always how it worked even in the golden days, use common sense

and also don't be an elitist sack of shit and misinterpret new player = retard, we were all clueless newbies at one point, and it's easy to gauge if someone is new so try to pass on your wisdom and help them learn, if they refuse to listen then just move on etc.
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>got my ring after two courier kills
Just won the lottery, bros.
is that camp normally gay or something?
also unironically been thinking about making my first druid lately
is this the end?
migrate whenever
Am I going to regret going erudite necromancer over Iksar even if I have a fungi staff to twink him with?
No, the racial regen isn’t really even that noticeable until you get lich at 49, and the likelihood of you being so pressed you need the regen is 0%. People make a big deal about it but it’s only a difference of a few leeches an hour when you probably aren’t even going to have 100% uptime anyway. It really only matters if you are trying to do end game cash camps solo while undergeared.

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