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>sweaty dork wanabes think they're going to be the next donk
>the game
why the fuck does anyone plays this? besides the gambling its just the same boring shit over and over
>no community servers =
>no good DM
>no good gg
>no surf
>no kz
>no mods
>no reg
>no fun
I just log in on casual and click some heads once in a while
but I agree the game is in a bad state right now and the reason is a lack of new maps. I don't care about that esports stuff games are made to be fun

what other fps game would you suggest then?
Seems like the only multiplayer fps left with gunplay that's any good.
Because its one of the few good fps games that aren't designed for controllers. I miss a lot of the old csgo content so I don't play it as often and they managed to somehow make the ranking system worse.
genuinely the best multilayer fps and one of the best competitive games. yeah the community is shit, same as other games

there are no substitutes
they can't hang in valorant or apex legends
Why did counter strike players turn on community servers as hard as they did? All over skins and a ranked symbol?
CS2 is shit overal so it wouldn't surprise me if they haven't gotten around to making the game more community server friendly yet
Reminder it's been a year now and all we got are some maps and wingman, lol
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reddit ruined this game, can't even tell the 2-14 player buying awps on T side to stop because reddit says "telling others how to play is le toxic" and he will cry, make a post about you then grief.

I hate cs2, valve and reddit so much it's unreal. Counter-Strike is no longer Counter-Strike.
What the fuck are you talking about?
how do I downvote ? this post has rustled my jimmies
>its just the same boring shit over and over
CS2 exposed the fact the game is shit where 3/4 of the gun selection is useless and everyone is just pigeonholed into either AR or AWP with the only outliers being Deagle/Scout autists who get yelled at and vote kicked.
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it was either the new greatest era or the death of the franchise. Thanks to Gaben, this is the second.

I mean these niggas had one year in advance to make it a good game. The players would have tolerated all the shit for one year. But it's been 1.5 since the release, including beta. And what? Zero changes aside from some cosmetic stuff. The game is just unplayable. Thanks Volvo.

I am predicting they gonna add "talents" (hi, DotA2) just like in Valorant. They are going on the same exact road as DotA2 with its reborn or 7.00 (i don't remember desu) in 2015 or 2017. It's going to be the death of the original spirit of this game. It over... :'((((((((((((

Only addicted morons and gamblers play this shit. Same for DotA2. Eventually, they will add ADS. Mark my words.
i mean,


if you want to play 200 different guns to "have fun" go and play call of duty
The older CS titles (You can still play on CSGO community servers, but you have to opt in to a "beta" in the CS2 properties)
Or other FPS games
lol, lmao even
tfw when my naive hopes of that source 2 and cs2 would usher in a new age of community servers and modded content never came to be realised

Back to cs:s zombie escape, 16v16, gg and dm. Fuck the gambling comp fags
>CS2 exposed the fact the game is shit where 3/4 of the gun selection is useless
Interesting that you think this one detail is significant. Most people agree weapon variety has increased with cs2. Take the new presence of the xm for example.
Little Timmy had a negative experience with a player once and decided to rant on 4chan about it. In an attempt to project their own insecurities they assume the person who offended them is the type of person to cry about online interactions on online forums. Despite them doing that exact thing.
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>tfw when my naive hopes of that source 2 and cs2 would usher in a new age of community servers and modded content never came to be realised
are you literally me?
>Back to cs:s zombie escape, 16v16, gg and dm. Fuck the gambling comp fags
this reminds me I have to sell all my skins before its too late
Game is good, but there are issues just like when CSGO launched everyone was bitching CSS was better.

> Net code issues, albeit getting better
> Allowing cheat addons/scripts linked to hardware
> Not addressing cheaters in a decisive manner because Valve doesn't want to roll out an intrusive anticheat because le privacy and straight up laziness
> Lack of content, zero content in a year besides a few changes to premier and vertigo/de dust getting changes
> Retarded sticker economy, makes it a waste of money to even buy the major stickers
> Community is retarded spergs, especially in european servers, but that's with every FPS games

But besides all of that the game is still fun and premier is fun too. It's a social dependent game so you need friends to play with. If you queue alone you'll be miserable running into retarded team mates, people throwing, sociopaths who lose their shit after losing the first 2 rounds, 5 stacks raping you, etc.
>> Allowing cheat addons/scripts linked to hardware
Nope. Not even jump-throw-binds are allowed anymore. Valve put their foot down for once
deadlock really got valve to get off their ass and fix their games so that people can't complain about cheaters anymore
idk i wouldn't complain about lack of content personally, every time they change something it's worse
Hard to blame them about the AC when everyone sperged out at Riot for doing it and their numbers are still doing well. Why rock the boat?
i bought the game once. the weekly drops gave me enough to buy an operation, and from there the money multiplied itself. basically only ever paid 12 euro for my whole steam library and had lots of fun too
Still the best team based multiplayer FPS. Pro league is running for the next couple of weeks, tune in for some quality matches.

When I look at some of the more modern multiplayer shooters they just look like over complicated nonsense. CS's beauty is it's simplicity.
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>load up stream on faceit
>pic rel telling me to gamble every 5 seconds
no thanks Saudi Arabia. GG RIP CS
CS:S was and still is better
It is the only game that feels like a sport when you compete.
Cs is the only game where i feel like actually trying, and i enjoy just hitting sick plays, while not caring too much about winning or loosing.
The simplicity in the mechanics with the easy to learn hard to master style of learning curve the game has, feels soo nice.

Cs is truly the best esports game, it does not limit you to the set abilities of the charachter you choose, it lets you use all of its simple tools in any creative way you can.

There may not be much content for those who always want something new. But for those who want a digital sport to compete in, CS is peak.
my favourite cs experience was playing cs:s pugs and reviving old maps. the graphics are almost shocking at first, but it eventually becomes comfy and familiar.
>It is the only game that feels like a sport when you compete.
I know, CS used to be fun.
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>go to LAN center
>play game
>win 6 of 7 matches on random maps
>game still fun
I don't understand, everyone is saying it's bad. What is happening?
why did valve abandon cs
is this true?
One of the devs for CS2 talked a long time ago about CS2's intention of bringing all that stuff 'in house' although I can't see it happening. So yes.
Citation: https://www.pcgamer.com/counter-strike-2-interview/
CS devs also said they expected comp to be the main mode of CS2 and premier only some funny side thing.
I still highly doubt they really meant it though seeing premier was already the main focus of the marketing material.
if ur calling everyone better than u a “sweaty Donk wannabe” u should go play cod or smth
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>its another "zoomer thinks anyone ever gave a fuck about movement servers and didnt just use them as a chatroom" post

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