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new map
new enemy
new loot
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Here is version 60 plus the mods, online works (with steam spacewar), enjoy.
Not OP
I made a mistake, this one doesn't have a bunch of unnecessary audio files and the old link has a setting that causes mimic audio files to never get deleted.
new map is dope, I love the elevator descent mechanism. Really makes you feel like you're descending into hell, and the soundwork with the weird blue tunnels is genuinely spooky. Just introduced my brother to it today and he loves it
It's great to have anioher new map, Mansion was never my thing but the mineshaft feels awesome to navigate.
Mansion needs some kind of unique feature.
Haven't played this since nutcracker/shotgun faggot I think.
Is it any better?
Do you get anything from sticking that lightbulb thingy into that sideways boiler shit on the Company planet yet or no?
There's a bunch of new entities, a few new moons, a new interior and a car.
I take it there's no real LC general on any of the boards, then? A shame because the game scratches an itch I haven't scratched since the SCP:SL golden days, but I don't want to play LC with full-on randos. Playing with anons sounds like a good time, so it's baffling a game that blew up like this and is still pretty popular has no presence on the site.
>creator already burnt out
well at least there is modding, unlike in Phasmophobia
>Do you get anything from sticking that lightbulb thingy into that sideways boiler shit on the Company planet yet or no?
no, apparently that's going to be an endgame win condition thing
not as far as I know. im not particularly good at LC, and i still get spooked by wandering around in the dark with video game monsters like a giga-retard, so playing with 4bros is low on my priority list
Damn i was hoping this thread would be populated. I really wanted to play with some anons
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if you are lonely, maybe you should use the voiced nymphbracken skin.
Littlecompany (shrinkray and more)
Lethalplay things/smiling critters (proper, but low difficulty monsterz)
Locker (best monster mod)
Gorgonzola moon (it may rain cheese and cheese scrap)
I wouldnt mind to play with anons.
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Name a cool mod
>online works (with steam spacewar)
you can only play with other people who pirated the game, who are using the spacewar servers. You can join/invite people to play with you using your steam friend list.

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