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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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Hey lads, autumn is right around the corner and /vm/ is having a friendly match today (Friday the 6th) against /x/
Since this is a new cup cycle, we’re going to be doing a full roster poll. As such, we are taking suggestions for what players will be vote kicked and what players could replace them. Please reply to this thread if you have a team player suggestion
Another suggestion has been to change the start time of /vm/‘s anthem to start when the singing starts instead of the instrumental intro, so we’d like some feedback on that as well. The full poll will go up at the end of the month
Happy fragging lads
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This is the current roster!
idk maybe something about forcing people to join chatrooms like discord, maybe "please join our trooncord2"
or alternatively something about multiplayer games being unecessarily killed/ruined by devs, maybe "the fuck the community update"
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Keep posting the G-Tek lads
Specifically Autistic Minecraft Servers and AMOGUS (as medal) back
Reminds me of when I used to play Lineage II when it was hot shit (17 years ago) and most clans/guids had pages in Facebook to organize castle sieges, lmao.
Something about "no generals on vm" despite having half the catalog made of them.
Rip /100oj/ >>1407444
I don’t think the music should change but let’s go G-TEK
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On behalf of the Smite thread, we'd like to nominate one rep.
>Jing Wei
>Bacchus / Classic Bacchus
We've had a small chat, if you want to check in, you know where to find us.

Also, might be a smart idea to add those context hover-overs on the wiki, or at least a roster page.
Change the rock and stone goalhorn
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After some discussion (most of it on the thread but it's conclusion happening on our discord), the racists of /srb2k/ have decided that our rep should be an SPB under the name: *Rapes and Kills you*.

Despite leaning heavily on using retarded 3d models or some of our "favorite" Kike Krew devs as reps, we have finally decided they don't deserve that honor.
Nominating a player named “Kek, What A Concord”
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/vm/ - Videogames Multiplayer?
Concord has 1 thread here, and it's got less than 30 replies, and the entire reason people talk about it is because nobody fucking plays it. Meanwhile you've got multiple microcommunities that all actually play with one another or unique /vm/ ememes, that don't have reps. For example, the 4chan's Bizarre MMOdventure is a cool concept, but doesn't have a rep despite being a staple for a while now. I might just make a list of what does and doesn't have a rep tomorrow, so people can get some ideas.
Obviously popular =/= needs a rep, but this is supposed to be a team representing /vm/ culture and what we do uniquely; not whatever FOTM crap that an underageb& from /v/ accidentally posted here and we're nowhere near big enough to run our own league like /vg/ or /vt/ yet. And hopefully never, because comfy slower boards that you can return to weekly and interact with Anons outside of your own threads are a bajillion times better than the fucking cocaine-speed slideboards
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On behalf of the /srb2k/ thread (the thread, not the incestuous discord server), I ask you just look at our current thread, and come to your own conclusion Mr Manager.
Our current player renamed to something more recognisable should be all we really need. Please don't feed them.
Manager here.
I've been monitoring the situation since the beginning, as I am also a member of the /srb2k/ community.
The conclusion I've reached after all that happened yesterday is the following:
>someone in /srb2k/ wants a new rep
>people start discussing
>initial verdict is that SPB should be the new rep
>other people argue against it and request new options
>poll is made to make the final choice
>after hours of normal voting activity, blatant cheating starts happening
>people start shitflinging and the guy behind the poll shows the actual stats behind it and endorses SPB as the winner
>people still argue about SPB cheating through discord cabals and the poll needing to be invalidated despite having little to no proof about that being the case
>you come here

As far as I'm concerned, you guys started a massive clusterfuck just because you disagreed on who cheated and how. I've decided that the best solution to give the thread it's new rep and end this stupid argument is for me to declare an official winner based on the info I gathered from the thread.

There is clear evidence of the poll being cheated after eight votes were dumped for klonoa in less than an hour, with SPB voters responding right after by also dumping votes. Before that, there are no actual signs of cheating present in the poll. The claims of people dumping votes from discord at the start of the poll seems invalid to me, as other choices were also decently voted for in the same time span, making it evident that voters just were way more active at the start than in later stages of the voting process.

Therefore, I'll agree with the pollmaker in his assesment of the situation and declare SPB the winner due to it leading the polls before the point at which most posters agree the cheating took place. Discussion over.
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>normal voting activity
>there are no actual signs of cheating present in the poll
Based discord rigger agreeing with your own manufactured consensus.
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I don't know what the fuck is going on and I'm not part of /srb2k/, but as a representative of /scp/ and a Risk Global Domination General, I have one thing to say. You guys have to try to be more honorable and not so deceiving, otherwise your lack of winning spirit will infect this entire board and 4cc team.
>one person schizo's out (the post above yours)
>start talking about honour, deceit and infection
cool your autism bro, the poll was a success, infact if a poll didnt trigger some autistic person into bumping our thread for 6 hours THEN i'd consider it a failure
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It is what it is. It's still a Sonic game at heart so of course it's going to attract fundamentalist autism where they'll have lots of personal investment in whatever's going on and probably want to commit actual felonies because people want to rep the MUGEN kart aspect of the game as well rather than just the Sonic aspect/the rep won't be their personal favourite Sonic character that they geek out over and think is cool and badass and sexy.
Look, one thing is for you to not like our responses to your "evidence" and another thing is to autistically stalk a thread for an entire day just because you were dead set on exposing the poll for being rigged from the start by discord boogeymen. I'm going to explain this to you nicely one last time:
>1. The poll was made for a reason, and that was to actually know which rep was more popular, not to lay false results that justify something becoming our rep instead of another thing.
>2. SPB led the poll from minute one, following normal voting patterns according not only to the guy who made the poll, but by multiple posters who voted in the poll and kept trying to refute and mock your acussations.
>3. Your only arguments that support SPB cheating are your words. Every other image or info you've posted is intentionally misleading and cherrypicked. You quite literally posted images that try to make the votes obtained by SPB in 2 hours look ilegitimate by comparing them to 8 klonoa votes that were dumped in less than an hour by an IP changing cheater.
>4. The /srb2k/ discord isn't a cabal dedicated to rigging polls and trying to make you go insane. It's just a place were the people who have played in our server for months or even years shitpost, play games and have banter about the state of the game. It's been up for a long while and the existence of it isn't news to anyone who is part of the community. If the discord cabal was truly so afraid of losing, why post the poll in the thread to begin with? Why not just vote privately in the safety of their den and keep the voting process as obscure as possible?
>5.Your insistance on invalidating this poll despite most people agreeing that a legitimate result exists just makes you look more and more suspicious. Why keep trying to avoid everyone else reaching a consensus?

As far as I'm concerned, the decision is final. Stop bothering /srb2k/ and keep your attention starved ass away from /vm/.
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>haven't even heard of sonic robot kart before this morning
>apparently I've been stalking the thread for an entire day for dunking on a discord using tripfag larping as an admin (that sounds like Chrischan)
>get a 2k response (that I'm not reading) about how the elections are legit
offsiter discord cirlejerk, no thanks
get rid of KWABentale and id want the team to play, otherwise dont

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