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Welcome to Anoncraft 2.0 (Under New Management, RIP STEEVE)

>SERVER IP: anoncraft.cc
>LIVE MAP: map.anoncraft.cc

New map, New Ownership and New players. Come help us build the best block game experience in /vm/
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Hey, Anoncraft is back!
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>5 minutes since launch
kino, we're so back
>server is run by an autistic overweight NEET furry and a former admin of /v/craft who got banned for leaking IPs

Fuck off. I ain't joining shit nigga
He got banned for duping, and /v/craft jannies can't even see IPs. Terrible bait
Every masterpiece has its cheap copy. Steeve didn't die for this shit
Who still plays minecraft anymore?
You're thinking of the wrong person, also that admin didn't get banned, nor did he leak IPs, he suggested it. Anyway, this isn't /v/craft so stop bringing it up, baita'.
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I am glad to see there is finally a server where the Doctor himself is being respected.
Can't wait for this server to die in two weeks because of drama
The true anoncraft experience
>from the people that destroyed 2 servers
Yeah no thanks.
When is Turkey getting rangebanned?
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Where is serverhost?
Wondering about ping
Seems to be in Florida.
Despite making up just 20% of the server, end explorers are responsible for 85% of the server lag
I think Scotty should be B&
We are so back
wow this is just like my hermitcraft youtbers
best server on /vm/ right now
If anyone is thinking about joining this server, don't.
The owners are notoriously banned from the other 4chan servers for doxxing people and are now posing as one of the older reputable servers to try and trick people into joining.

Just hit report and move on, don't give this any more attention than it deserves
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>New map, New Ownership and New players.
Then it's not anoncraft at all.
Who's the new anonymous retard running it?
The same retards who wanted old anoncraft to die because they didn't get their way
>The owners are notoriously banned from the other 4chan servers for doxxing people
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I hate newcats.
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Whats blud doin let him cook i guess
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SolidWaluigean, LiquidWaluigean, does this imply that DocWaluigean is gaseous in nature?
it implies the server is already dead on day 2 and theyre inflating playercounts with bots already
Steve is really dead? That's why the server shut down before? And this is how I find out. RIP homie. You're in the big leagues now
That is all and also I won't be playing here any more.
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Doc Waluigeans light and holiness spreads upon the valley
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it really is a spiritual successor to anoncraft
Check your launcher to make sure you're not using cracked. Also contact the discord they can help you.
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Steeve sighting
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it's up, just needed slimeballs and honey for the filter
shistpost of a server. It's really fun though, I'd recommend the place.
I leave for one night and this fat nigger built his base where I logged off
Just build on top of his base, you can't let him get away with this
Who is this Scott guy and how has he built 4 farms already?
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Anoncraft! Aw, the old server is back!
vehikill keeps saying he got his wipe wtf is he talking about
The /v/craft jannoid learned to wipe.
It's been hella fun thanks for making the server the only other option for a long time was v
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hey that's me!
idk he's insane
very fun yayayaya
glad I could help everyone get setup with an iron farm and villager hall
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These fuckers stole DooP from Mark
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Mark bros..... Why would DocWaluigean go out of his way to steal DooP from us?
Finally, a competitor to mark's sleepycraft. This place actually has activity that's not just Skor afking at spawn.
>begging vcraft players to check out your server
>they humor you
>claim them as your own
Why aren't you guys banned from there?
>claim them as your own
Nigga you own their souls or something?
Imagine being this delusional
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You VILL play on MARKCraft and you VILL be HAPPY!
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>they humor you

They humor them by playing the game 6+ hours straight every day?
Guys why is vlowo running around trying to fight the Doctor? What did the Doctor do to Vlowo?
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Comfycraft bros, what are we up to today?
I am farming expats
What the fuck is this cope image handing over keys? Purpleskele was solely responsible for killing the old Anoncraft, he fucked Steeve over to cause drama
>no steeve being chill and going afk to play fortnite
>no gr0m calling me a groomer and ignoring me in chat
>no westman admiring my gains (builds)
>no spacerace threatening to ban me for griefing peoples shit
I did not give permission for my likeness to be used here.
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Apologies, sir.
steeve has given the server his blessing in writing and has joined a few times to play. we are only on day 4 if you want to stop malding over old beef and enjoy some minecraft.
The server is arguably very comfy right now. I fucking love Cyber.
Cyber asked me to bump the thread because he is in a shower
I heard Cyber has a gaming setup inside of his shower. Truly, he is a god amongst men.
I hope it's gas
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Who the fuck spruced spawn.
erm... what the spruce?
>no hats
>no reason to check wandering traders anymore
>everything's been looted so no reason to explore since there's no individual loot

I miss stee/v/ecraft
is this season 3?
>steeve getting banned from Anoncraft after one week of purple being in charge
>beautiful lake in the center of spawn area
>one retard just builds wooden shit all across it, ruining the comfy views
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let him cook
schizo lives matter
enable cracked support =)
it looks like shit
Get a job nigger
Daedrid is my favorite schizoid
okay mom sorry =(
Hes already banned hes homophobic and transphobic asf honestly
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New horse friend!
Who the fuck is this Doctor everyone keeps rambling about? DOCTOR FUCKING WHO JESUS ALREADY, WHO IS HE?
>0 players on /v/craft
>10 players on anoncraft
Feels good to be back
happens when you don't wipe for 3 years
i used to play on /v/craft reguarly, which player was it?
They're already doxxing people in the discord, please steer clear of this shit if you value your privacy
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Kek, where the fuck is this rumor coming from?
erotic roleplay with underage boys, same as last time.
Someone having their twitch link on their profile is not a doxx, retard
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rip the 0skar villagers that got btfoed in the pillager spawn massacre
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anoncraft immigrants, whats the verdict? will it last?
literally no one cares about the drama everyone made up besides the people not playing lol
no but that's what makes it fun
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Too bad blue wasn't there to finish the v2 photo
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this nigga died to a bee
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Busy Bees.
is this the one that resets their map every couple months
This is the one that kills other servers
I heard that Jigd got anally raped by Scott and Whatevernick for like 2 hours at spawn last night. Fucking based, we should rangeban Turkey.
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Wheres my checker boys at
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King Oskar wins again gg boys
>acme lost to oskar
kek, it's fucking over.
I got banned for blowing up a 4x4 cobble platform.

Unban me or I will deploy operation catgno
is this the tranny server formerly known as gooncraft or something else?
It's only been a week and the server is already imploding due to drama. people are getting banned over jokes because of power-abusing admins
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We out here doing bad shit plotting on swings and shit
when are hats and the looting plugin being re-added?
shit server completely soulless and devoid of what used to make it great. all of the fun players left and now all we're left with is the derranged losers with twitterfaggot mentalities
>half the players are bots
>they still count towards sleeping % so we can never sleep
Cry more Doc
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Doc the nonce
Why the fuck is Spicles destroying the End Island? Who the fuck let him do that
in the end, it doesnt even matter
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Pure spite towards you, specifically.
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tag yourself
>chat got leaked
It's over
that's doop's cache kek, it's all the doop say messages. I <3 Ordinal
i dont want everything i say to be logged in discord for everyone (including the FBI) to see
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>Who the fuck let him do that
MYYYY MOOOOOMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I don't see my big breasted British wife anywhere.
This is a boring gay nigger server for gay boring niggers.
>another anon got doxxed from discord
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The clown king has returned!
People of Anoncraft rejoice, for many keks will be had.
>allow retards to stay on the server
>be surprised when they act retarded
is there a way ti opt out from the 1984 discord spyware integration? i dont want my messages to be archived for anyone to see
No. We're just collecting Anonymous data, nothing to worry about.
Contact cybertf2 in game about it, he can probably do that for you.
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Hosting a silly chess tournament this Sunday, if you wanna play tell me your IGN, more info in the soon-to-be-released Nickly Dose v2
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>you will join the discord
>you will share cheese pizza
>you will have your chat messages forwarded to microsoft to permaban you for wrong thing
>when the rumors around the server are either homosexuals or weird internet creeps that really really want you to play here
>make sure you send lots of /whispers for your privacy >:^)
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you guys are alright. don't come to spawn tomorrow.
Not coming back to /mark/craft, Mark
What happened to /v/craft? Literally everyone from /v/craft moved here, did Mark decide to ruin the server for the 10th time this year again?
Mark kept adding useless commands and banning some oldfags replacing them with newfags. Look at how shit spawn is with all that reddit pixel art (consequence of old good builders, like sire, quitting the server)
I heard some shit about some drama involving duped items recently as well. Can Mark just not get himself into drama for once? I swear to god, he always makes the dumbest decisions. He keeps pushing every regular player away from the server.
Nu-anoncraft theme song
You couldn't pay me to play minecraft with you niggers
why are you here then
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Waltuh, we need to cook sum meth
are there any community projects on this server?
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i would like to start one that would be terraforming and building up more stuff around spawn but with making spawn in a hole then making the most rancid dogshit build in the water it doesnt seem like a viable option
Cyber, dir7yhobo, vehikill and JeremiahDE are planning to build the W.A.I.F.U iron farm soon, you could definitely ask them to join in on the project.
What killed the hype?
Nothing interesting making this server different from the 1000s of other servers on 4chan
i think 4chan minecraft is just on the decline in general. i remember in 2020-2021 there'd be like 15-20 players on /v/craft at any given time. now /v/craft is a husk and any other server that pops up shits the bed after only a couple of months. really bums me out
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>killed the hype
the player count averages 10 players most times of the day, what do you mean? if you're expecting more than 10 people on at the same time idk what to tell you though
granted 2 players are faggot bots because for some reason the server owner allows it and also cheating in items for convenience
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The Nickly dose Issue 2 has sold out. Stay tuned for more nickly articles coming out soon.
We should get Timber from Vanilla tweaks.
I doubt anyone would complain about it.
go the fuck away baconlover, learn to break all the logs you lazy cunt
I want it so other people stop leaving trees hanging
server has like 17 people on right now nvm im retarded
More people online than Mark's sleepycraft. It feels so good to be back bros. Mark killed /v/shart for an egirl
>Mark killed /v/shart for an egirl
what happened?
guys what should I build?
just add it for all structures. why limit it to ancient cities when the loot isnt any better in shipwrecks or ancient temples. it just adds more reason for everyone to explore knowing things havent already been looted
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>be dir7yhobo
>/v/craft janny
>play on anoncraft 24/7
It's so over
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>boram_zion wins the anoncraft chess game
I fucking hate this place, nothing works here.
>be mark
>/v/craft owner
>never play and moderate ****'s server instead
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Honestly, I am disappointed in Spicle's for not using his TNT.
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based ICA intellect trumps over coombrain zoomers once again and forever
what happened to the last one, i wasnt finished with birchtown
Steeve shut it down because of all the drama. The new server is under a new administration but steeve is still involved.
He does it for free
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Well, it seems whatevernick has contracted Space Aids and went feral. Took like 6 of you idiots to kill him.
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fotdik the cyberbulyyy
Photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels
acme's mom looking fine on this one
these fat niggers blew up /v/craft, why are they even allowed to be on here?
>fat niggers
acme is a romanian gypsy twink
>jungleware dev is a tranny
actually, spicles did all the griefing. we just sat and watched
Spirit of kinna, send me nudes of acme's mom
an appreciator of milfs never comes late nor early
hey all I did was right click your noteblocks you french commie bastard
where is steve? steve is omni man. this server is deadd without steve
Steeve is hosting a leprechaun in the hood watch party in the kikecord
dead server
What fucking retard spammed moss all over spawn, it looks like somebody vomited over the grass.
it was *burrrp* me!
It was vlowo the tranny
Damn I missed it
>joining the diskike
It's this Friday apparently.
nvm, there's 0 people on /v/craft and 13 here.
> less than a month in and admins have abandoned the server

I miss steeve
Steeve abandoned us too retard
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Progress report on the W.A.I.F.U. Many thanks to all the people who helped with gathering materials for it. It's missing a storage system and the villagers, however those should be done by today.
Movie night in 30 minutes
kino movie sesh.
a friend with weed is a friend indeed
Fotrik wishes he grew up around big buff cowboys at ram ranch.
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Waiting for kikes to breed is the most boring thing I've done in this shit game.
Fotrik is a woman
It's mark e-girl drama all over again but this time it's some autistic sperglord who wants to grief people's shit because it's "ugly" and the owner won't punish them because they have a crush on them
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The W.A.I.F.U is now fully operational. Huge thanks to Dir7yhobo, CyberTF2, JeremiahDE and ScottTheCyclops for starting the project.
what is it
A very fast iron farm
What e-girl drama I need to know
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apparently cyber is fucking acme's mom. I feel bad for acme but in the end everything's fair in love and war, he'll get used to calling cyber 'dad' eventually so no biggie
will you encase the farm in an anime woman
I am proud to announce that I will be supporting acme as he transitions into a woman.
>"ok, leaving"
get aids x anal fissures x uber cancer
captcha: 4TKD
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epic server
server is so kino at the moment. Fresh world, no power hungry jannies, an admin that cares. It's good to have the old anoncraft back.
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What happened to /v/craft? I still don't get it, why did they all move here?
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mark never wiped the map
same energy that made this other server: >>1419412
combined with a lot direct messages to invite people who played /v/craft to this server.
MineAnon is literally trash and inactive kek. Vlowo is still seething that anoncraft killed his server.
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it was stillborn lmao nobody killed it
Fotrik banned yet?
guys duped a bunch and got banned and made this one
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vcrap bros... our anticheats...
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Evilmak_Eviler is back to building evil castles again.
>Oct 1st
>no mention of any spooky halloween town builds happening
once i finish my base i might redecorate spawn with some decorations
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No you fucking pedo
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fuck off ordinal, he is not a pedo and you know it.
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>we're doxxing DMs now
those are from the ICA discord retard, kek.
Sorry I don't use doxxcord
bruh anoncraft drama infected our discord, ICA has fallen
My wealth and treasures? If you want it, you can have it! Search for it! I left it all at that place!
The One Piece lies with me, at World's End!
>Search for it!
>coords in screenshot
Gotta make it fair somehow
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You were too hard on him. Now he's gone and the server is all the less for it
We mocked his religion... his OCD... his pedophilia... please Doc forgive us
stupid grave plugin wiped my shit, you can have all my shit at home idgaf anymore
You know you can request an inventory rollback right?
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VVe vvill rebuild it.........
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The calm before the 'mel.....
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Never forget 9-meleven
Saar there is a second fly machine
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Regonarudo RAMe was born in the bustling metropolis of DWCVille, a city where the lines between technology and magic blur. From a young age, he exhibited an uncanny ability to manipulate energy, a gift that set him apart from his peers. Raised by his grandfather, a retired guardian of the ancient order known as the Creamy Knights, Regonarudo was trained in both combat and the mystical arts.

As he grew older, Regonarudo discovered that his powers were linked to an ancient artifact known as the Celestial Core, a relic said to hold the essence of the universe itself. This artifact had been hidden away for centuries, guarded by the Cremy Knights to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. However, a shadowy organization known as the Fort Syndicate sought to harness its power for their own nefarious purposes.

Determined to protect the Celestial Core and uphold his family’s legacy, Regonarudo donned his distinctive purple and yellow jacket, symbolizing his dual mastery of magic and technology. With his trusty sidekick, a sentient AI named Fotrik, he embarked on a quest to thwart the Obsidian Fort’s plans. Along the way, he faced numerous challenges, from battling rogue androids to deciphering ancient runes.

Regonarudo’s journey was not just about protecting the Celestial Core but also about discovering his true potential and the secrets of his lineage. As he stood atop a windswept cliff at dusk, looking out over the futuristic cityscape below, his eyes glowed with determination. He knew that the fate of DWCVille and perhaps the entire world rested on his shoulders.
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One fateful evening, while experimenting with a new type of quantum computer, he accidentally activated a portal to a digital realm known as Anoncraft.

Anoncraft was a vibrant, pixelated world filled with endless possibilities and adventures. As Regonarudo stepped through the portal, he found himself transformed into a blocky avatar, much like the characters in the popular game Minecraft. The landscape was a mix of lush forests, towering mountains, and mysterious caves, all waiting to be explored.

Regonarudo quickly adapted to his new surroundings, using his knowledge of technology to craft tools and build shelters. He met other players, each with their own unique stories and skills. Together, they formed a community, working to create a thriving society within Anoncraft. They built grand cities, intricate railways, and even automated farms, all while fending off the occasional creeper or zombie.

As time passed, Regonarudo became a legend within Anoncraft, known for his ingenuity and leadership. He discovered ancient ruins that hinted at the world’s origins and unlocked secrets that allowed him to enhance his creations even further. Despite the challenges, he thrived in this digital utopia, finding a sense of purpose and camaraderie that he had never experienced before.

And so, Regonarudo RAMe’s journey into Anoncraft became a tale of adventure, innovation, and the power of community. His story inspired countless others to explore the digital frontier, proving that even in a world made of pixels, the human spirit could shine brightly.
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In the neon-lit world of Anoncraft, where the 80s vibe was strong with synthwave music and vibrant colors, Regonarudo RAMe and his trusty sidekick Fotrik faced their toughest challenge yet: the return of the evil, devilish DocWaluigean, now rebranded with an 80s flair and calling himself “Not Yo Brotha.”

DocWaluigean had transformed himself into a villain straight out of an 80s action movie, complete with a mullet, leather jacket, and a sinister plan to take over Anoncraft using mind-control technology disguised as retro arcade machines. These machines were scattered across the land, turning unsuspecting players into his minions.

Regonarudo and Fotrik knew they had to act fast. They donned their coolest 80s gear—Regonarudo in a flashy tracksuit and Fotrik in a pair of oversized sunglasses—and set out to dismantle DocWaluigean’s machines. Their journey took them through pixelated cities, neon deserts, and even a disco-themed dungeon.

Using their combined skills, Regonarudo and Fotrik hacked into the arcade machines, reprogramming them to free the mind-controlled players. Along the way, they faced off against DocWaluigean’s henchmen, who were armed with boomboxes that blasted hypnotic beats. But with Fotrik’s quick reflexes and Regonarudo’s tech-savvy, they managed to outsmart and outmaneuver their foes.

The final showdown took place in DocWaluigean’s lair, a massive arcade palace filled with flashing lights and pulsating music. DocWaluigean, now fully embracing his 80s persona, challenged Regonarudo and Fotrik to a high-stakes game of Dance Dance Revolution. The stakes were high: if they won, DocWaluigean would be defeated; if they lost, Anoncraft would fall under his control.
Anyone have any cool ideas for any halloween builds at spawn?
Separate Halloween town builds from spawn
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The antichrist has risen URAAA
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>separate zones for each holiday that passes
>able to revisit them
That's how season one of anoncraft 1.0 did it so yeah
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sayonara lake
RamRanchCraft. That is where my heart belongs. A server with 18 naked buff cowboys, where me and fotrik can shower all day long.
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Kino spicles build.
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More eggs
You think I have access to these dms? lol. lmao even.
The chickens have taken over realbrazilhour's house. Soon they will take over the rest of the world
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Steeve has decided that instead of redistributing his wealth to the people, he shall burn it all live on camera. Glory to the Alien empire.
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never forget
that's not true, Steeve just gave me head on the server today for a bag of weed.
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Kino server, I wish steeve played a bit more but I'm glad to hear he is doing well with his other endeavors.
We need to hold an ICA meeting in an evil fucking circle.
Fotrik is cool and doc stole the dragon egg so he sucks
Currently living in the middle of nowhere, Why am I so miserable?
I'm pretty sure it's Jigd who has the dragon egg
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Dir7yhobo, this fucking bum moved into the end stronghold and won''t move out. It's been a month and we still haven't been able to evict him. he turned the stronghold into the hobo bunker.
wow good thing I'm never gonna go there

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