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We're playing Requiem: Desiderium Mortis for the MMOdventure project!

>what's Requiem?
grimdark and gorey MMO in a semi-futuristic semi-SciFi setting. very edgy and pretty lewd. quest-based gaming with dungeons, raids (which we might not get to) and battlefield PvP.


or through steam

Requiem For A Meme
ask for an invite from any member, you can come into contact via the party search tool

Some resources:
>archived Forum

This is part of the MMOdventure project where anons get together to play obscure/niché/old MMOs

check out the MMOdventure thread for further discussion:
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Join the party to gain the ability to chat and ask someone to invite you to the guild:

>hit action button above chat box
>drag party search action into hotbar, use it
>refresh the party list and apply
My honor points never save. This blows.
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The game has a secondary progression system called honor. you will gain points to spend on honor skills, which provide passive stat boosts and are very helpful when starting out. the levels come in pretty quickly at low honor level.

>press C
>navigate to the 'sociability' tab
>click 'alternate advancement' to have your gained XP go to the honor level
>level up honor skills and 'save' to apply

these can be respecced freely any time, so go wild
there's a funny bit of jank in that honor skills take 2 points to level up after a certain level. the game doesn't tell you this and discards your changes if you go over your honor point max like that.
I can put one point into anything, save it, close and reopen my honor skill menu, and my tree is completely back to 0. I cannot find any working combination of point application.
well that's weird. you're not pressing 'initialization' instead of 'save', right?
might need to look into the requiem forum archive, or worst case, discord, to find out if this is a known problem. the warpportal site also has a support section, though I'm not sure if they'll respond to queries about Requiem.
this stops your normal xp gain btw I was stuck at level 13 for like half an hour before someone pointed it out to me
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>you're not pressing 'initialization' instead of 'save', right?
Right. That's why I am frustrated that such a vital mechanic is not functioning for me.
that sucks. have you tried if it works on an alt? maybe that char just got bricked somehow, idunno
help, how do I bring the quest tracker back up?
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This game world is relatively smol it seems.
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why are you so bloody? what happened on the way?
you know.... THAT time of the month
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Bricked my in-game camera, but at least got a nice closeup shot of my character.
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game has suddenly started doing this
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and this
i guess i'll wait for the next game, unless the issue fixes itself
well, you could try reinstalling
nta but this game isn't worth the bare minimum effort of that.
things i tried:
reinstalling on another drive
the other .exe's
repair using the installer
resetting pc
running in administrator
installing through steam
what is max lv?
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but i want to play with everyone...
A generous anon has donated 1000000 gold and elevated Requiem For A Meme to battle guild status.
Guild wars are on Saturday, so gear up :^)
seems like the patcher fucked up and corrupted


>you must delete the half patched patchs in the patch folder and some other files and try again.

there's a bunch of results if you google these error messages, there might have been some solutions proposed.
Can I play a girl on this and get blown to pieces? Asking for a friend.
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and yeah, I realize that you've already reinstalled and shit. I'm guessing that it could be some corrupted temp files from the gravity downloader fucking things up, or a firewall issue.
maybe try pic related as well.
as a Soul Hunter, you can summon an illusion copy of yourself so you can get gibbed twice.
>you must delete the half patched patchs in the patch folder and some other files and try again.
this worked, thank you
Based. My imminent death and defeat tags will fit right in.
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good loggings in, sir
How's the game so far bros? Anyone do any group pve content yet? What were the levels like for that?
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we just got e-raped by a GM that invited himself to the guild. be careful around the player Temperion Model X, he's bad news
lol wut
what happened?
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this nigga magicked himself into the guild
gave us some freebies like a shitty costume, asked if we were new, called us weird, answered a couple questions about theme battlefields and then left after I tried to politely expel him.

the 'theme battlefields' are all the battlefields that have 'strongest' in their name. you get set to level 90 and can buy free gear for them.
I love it when weird shiet happens lol
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>12 hours in 2 sessions
what friendlessness does to a mf
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what are these slots?
Left is shoulder slot for pauldrons and shit. That's not a slot on the head, head slot is just where you got the crown on. Dunno what the one on the right is
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their boobs are staring at me
you fool those are basiltits they're trying to petrify you
where do i find theme battle grounds? seems to be mandatory to progress
press 'Y'
theme battlefield are the ones called 'Strongest(map name)' I think and they're up every 2 hours.
We did one round of scumbag wintrading/contribution point farming with some locals earlier today and the highest scoring anon got like 860 battlefield points from that.
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I'm a sucker for the aesthetic of this game, shame the actual gameplay and mechanics feel so generic.
It kinda gets ruined for me when I'm riding around everywhere on a stupid cartoony wow mount
I agree, I've had some cool moments with the game but honestly I'm ready to move on.
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this quest is so hardcore and dangerous that it crashes your game when trying to open it
where's the Temperion Master for the lvl 50 job change? the one in Zakate has nothing for me.
nvm he's in the middle of the nova lux plaza
lmao thanks for the warning.
this is a cruel and unforgiving world - you'll have to make due with the single 20 minute warning before server maintenance.
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aaaaaaah what the FUCK, I want to quest!
>The one weekday I can log in a bit early before everyone fucks off for the night
See ya on the weekend I guess.
Game is back
it's back it's back it's back
is there some way I can check how much exp a quest gives? Some of them give 10% and others give 100%, I'd rather just kill 10 mobs than waste time running around.
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very nice pve content
am loving this game more than i thought desu
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I like to roll with my posse of idiots. they're all useless in their own unique way.
name them
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love it.
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Every time I start the game, it instantly closes. What am I doing wrong?
change the language to english in the options on the launcher, and choose your resolution.

Can I get a quick rundown on the classes? The guide gives me the dev's perspective but I want to know what anons think.
i've only played shaman
it's a pretty powerful spellcaster that can dps and heal. makes soloing quite easy.
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excuse the ?
whatever you do do NOT pick a melee class

you have been warned
i played the magic class that the loli race gets, pretty much just spam a single ability until i could class change, of which i chose elementalist which has a placeable aoe which lets you aoe farm shit. seems good. i could also heal myself. also the loli race nude costume is ridiculously lewd. apparently elementalist is just a debuffer in actual content.
Don't play archer. All of their skills suck until lv50 lmao
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one local warned us not to chose the wrong temperion upgrade path at lvl 70 or so. apparently there's a dead end upgrade path that you need to avoid. I didn't understand much of it.
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Look at him go!
The server went down right as I popped my beer, it's over.
It's back, and no refunds. Imagine if you were actually a booster paypig.
The only redeeming feature of this game are the death animations. Killing stuff is quite satisfying given the over-the-top splatter animations with nice touches such as corpses spazzing on the floor for a little. That's about the only plus point for this game.
why not?
you don't like the dungeons? I've been impressed with the design and having fun figuring out the mechanics.
I missed yesterday again, I'm probably 20 levels behind now.
don't stress. 1-25 is practically free and then 40+ is boring but easy. 26-39 is the only window you need to worry about and that's 50% of the guild, plenty of people to do stuff with.
so you literally just quest past 50 huh, kinda disappointing.
you just quest from level 1, how the hell did you make it to 50?
the main quest levels you super quick to like 25, then i just spammed dungeons for gear, then i went to ancient temple til like 50.
oh, i also did the premium dungeon you get for free daily, the little rocks you click in there can spawn a mob that gives you a fuckload of exp, i think it gave me 900k the first time i killed it around 40.
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>failed patch download
opened first time after few days, can't full check for some reason, and download doesn't start
downloaded from playrequiem, installed to different folder, same thing
delete the patch files, they might be corrupted. there's some warpportal forum and steam forum posts about this. gook coders a shit.
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Wait a minute that arm.
>tfw no quarry to settle
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Some sick koonts in here...
It's over.
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Wow there is like an NPC party? or it's dominator thing only?
there is nothing inside patch folder
no matter what i do, it always gives failed patch download, i guess i wont be playing the game anymore, you can remove Impnaz from the guild, will check the thread still tho
somebody earlier in the thread had this problem and fixed it. I think you need to check a temp directory like appdata>roaming for instance.
sadly i found nothing there
this guy solved it by following the image, I think.
there is no half patched patchs in the patch folder to delete, sadly
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those are my dominator summons

try some of these instructions:

>More results from forums.warpportal.com
some of these instructions might be outdated, try some of the more recent threads that are about this error message
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try this too I guess
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Sorry if none of these work, what a lame way to go, with the game just refusing to work. I'm surprised it's running so stable for me, others have been reporting frequent crashes and issues.
Hope to see you around some other time, Impnaz
Where do I find this guy, it doesn't show him on the map and doesn't say where to find him
That guy is in the gutters dungeon, if you press the M on the quest tracker and then double click his name it'll swap to the map he's on.

In Turba(the starting overworld) look at the top right, it says airship wreckage. Go there and look for a green effect up a wooden ramp, that takes you to the first dungeon.
Go to Mercy street in Nova Lux and head near the Gate of Sacrifice past the Tavern. In a corner youll see a green portal that takes you to the gutters and that NPC is closeby.
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manual update helped, jesus how awful this updater is
This gear refinement interface is grueling, am I missing some bulk upgrade option in the UI?
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The real challenge of this game comes from doing everything undergeared because you don't have the patience to max out all your shit
ya done did it
guild picture gogogogogo

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we're playing S4 League for our minigame tonight!

Download link: https://xero.gg/

Room: MMOdventure
Password: rage

Jesus Christ the exp past 60 is ass.
fuck, missed the guild pictures. at least they can be posted without spoiling them without me there.
>no option to buy warp portal energy
well, i guess they don't want my money
Yeah, you get on an exponential curve and every 2 levels the quests double in experience. So if you're completing quests that aren't exactly at your level they barely matter.
I swear, I get teleported back to the start of my flight path one more time and I'll uninstall the game.
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Yeah theres a guide that mentions how bad it is from 60-65, but afterwards 66-70 is quick.
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hey, wait a minute
ermm... that kinda looks like...
Yet another broken portal.
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a good luck symbol
I love that instead of playing anything fresh or interesting you guys keep playing "tibia/lineage II/wow clone with anime tits" over and over and over instead. bring Brazilian truly is a crippling disease.
DDO isn't "fresh" or "interesting" either.
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>wow clone with anime tits
what game and how big tiddies?
this one, requiem. theres a costume that shows naked titties, and some enemies have their tits out.
is there problem? if you are gay you can just look at koont dicks
oh, im not him, i actually bought the titty costume. its ridiculously lewd.
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tits are based. letting tits override your capability for exercising discretion is not. it's like this: if a game is good and it has tits, that's pretty cool. if a game is bad and uses tits as a crutch, that's pretty wack.
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giant butthole
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beautiful tiddies
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too much tits
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Rate my fit.
Oh shid is this a continuation of the old Requiem Bloodymare from like a fucking decade ago? I remember my computer would hitch for a second on a kill due to the corpse physics kicking in.
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boing boing
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the very same
That's crazy how it's still fucking alive. That was...2008? 07? Wew, where does the time go.
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I have been using the wrong stats all this time.
PSA: the enchanting success chance buff ends in a day. Get your enchanting done today.
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No party? No problem!
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>server maintenance
The premium dungeons drop 2 day outfits and mounts fairly regularly. Feels good having a 60% mount again.
This looks fun. Please talk me out of it.
you're a little late, i think theres only a few days left until the next game.
I mean, is it still worth playing beyond the timeframe?
no, its just a shitty wow clone with tits and gore, and a ridiculous amount of p2w. fun for a few days with other anons but you'd have to be a third worlder to actually play it like a real game.
I kind of dropped off this game and I feel bad because everyone is having fun without me.
We can have fun in the next game
I think it is worth checking out for the visual design and the overall mood/style. Questing gets pretty slow and annoying in the midgame though.
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we dodged the patch
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Your weapon starts to glow when you enchant it
>100% Complete
Anon, I reached my hand out but you did not grab it...
old WoW look
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Fully enchant it and check it out again.
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man this zone is so horny
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when is the new game announced?
poll usually closes around guild picture time which is usually around 8-9pm UTC, Saturday.
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Requiem guild picture is gonna be held on 9:15PM UTC (2:15PM PDT), Saturday 21st.

We’ll start the next game at 11:00PM UTC (4:00PM PDT), Saturday 21st.
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we're gathering north of the plaza of intolerance
The poll is closed, the results are in.

Game 10 in the MMOdventure and the game we will be playing for the next two weeks is...

Dream Of Mirror Online!
>Dream Of Mirror Online!
Dream Of Mirror Online!
>Dream Of Mirror Online!


>website download:
(might be slow)
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Dream of Mirror

lets go!
also please link the new thread here if you make one. I'm participating for the first time. don't wanna get left behind
/v/ thread for Dream Of Mirror Online is up

aaah fuck me

Oh no they're hot
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I missed everything, even the guild photo, because of work. I hope to see everyone on the dreamy mirror online game.

Sorry Anvi.
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dumpan pics
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a flying cat
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the sexy scantily-clad heroes arrive ready for the final battle
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bonus pic
need more mmos where u can have ur tits out without any nude mods
I'm shocked more MMOs didn't embrace sex in the wake of WoW destroying the industry.
this is actually in the game? wtf
It's funny that of all the gore and guro in the game, the shocking part is that you can show off your characters tits
vote for our next game after Dream Of Mirror Online is go
the gore is super tamed to other games nowadays, conan mmorpg has top gore

but I did play the game long ago in the early 2000's and it never had nude outfits then, guessing thats something they added later
Is this thread alive
i don't think anyone is still playing Requiem if that's what you mean. Did you want to keep playing?

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