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Build mode is the objectively better gamemode in Fortnite. There's no context.
Disagree = filtered.
OP is a faggot as always
ZB is for chads, and quite frankly what Fortnite needed to solidify itself as one of the greatest multiplayer shooters of all time

t. p-dashing ZB chad who will not hesitate to EMP you and your girl in your car, kill you with the shotty, then ride off with her because she craves a true Unreal ZB gigachad
fortnite has the best waifus, but only ZB chads get the thicc one's like miss bunny penny
Pretty Girl ERA
Wrong vid oops
The real Pretty girl ERA
File: 1719377728112197.png (19 KB, 256x256)
19 KB
fortnite is a game about cute girls working in construction running with shotguns
Why do /v/ blow-ins keep shitting up /vm/ with low quality bait threads? This isn't /v/ for multiplayer games, faggot, this is /vg/ for multiplayer games. Fuck off back to your containment board.

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