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Any video games I can make friends in?
I'm so fucking lonely
What kind of games do you like, anon?
Try games with voice chats like counter strike or left 4 dead 2 or try lethal company, I made most my friends through cs. If a game doesn't have voice chat you could post on here or try the official discord for the game you want people to play with. I've also made a few gaming friends through 4chan so you could list games you wanna play and post whatever profile you use as you main gaming platform i.e steam profile, nintendo friend code ect.
I'll be your friend, if you play videoganes

I play a lot of co-op games like Monster Hunter and Darktide. Those haven't been effective for making friends since everyone just sits in silence while we complete the mission and then it ends and I never see them again.
I want to make friends by playing games organically, I don't want to make friends to play games with from 4chan or discord. It's a big difference, the latter just results in some friend collector sitting on my friends list that I never talk to.
Tranny server avoid
You can smell friend collectors from a mile away, they usually don't say any games they want to play and they usually have few games/hours, there is no harm in trying and if you get a weirdo you can just block em. But yeah as you have said in dark tide and monster hunter people just sit in silence, haven't played darktide but in vermintide people never used vc so felt like a single player game and I had to bring my own friends.
No more room in hell was a good game to make friends. People in left 4 dead 2 and lethal company actually do talk pretty often, in my experience. If you are a bit of a bore like me it's harder to make friends i guess.
try eve online. the 'guilds' in that game tend to be very tight knit.
>People in left 4 dead 2 and lethal company actually do talk pretty often
i can confirm l4d2 lobbies are very talkative
havent played lethal
i made friends on l4d2 and i dont even have a mic lmao
i'd also say MMOs are good for meeting ppl those games are super social
Playing something that actually requires VC and for people to talk to each other is the easiest way. Competitive games like CS and I assume Valorant are great for that. Even FGs can be surprisingly good despite being 1v1 and having no VC, I've had a fair amount of people add me over the years despite not even using the modes that let you text chat after a set.

You can't play games where people could just solo the level themselves if they were so inclined, where your decision making doesn't really have an impact on them unless you're massively fucking up, and expect people to chit-chat. Something like Lethal Company will likely have much more communication going on because the game is basically designed around it and it's 90% of the appeal. As I said, you might have more success even in FGs because the competitive and asymmetrical nature of them encourages people to talk to each other for advice and you're all your opponent is focused on.
No, all the cool / normal people already have their clique / friend group and they're probably not gonna pay much attention to anyone else outside of that. So basically you're left with these "bottom of the barrel" weirdos that nobody sane would want to be with.
Trust me, I would know. You should have made actual friends when you had the chance. Sorry.
if you dont enjoy games, maybe u arent really looking for games
See? Look at this passive aggressive troglodyte above me. That's what I'm talking about.
kill yourself
you don't even speak english bro
Normal people like making new friends though. And once you befriend one dude he introduces you to all of his friends. I'm pretty asocial and I still have a ton of friends, a lot of whom I met in my twenties, ultimately because I know one guy.
I play Darktide and Deep Rock, which region ?
what an unhinged comment, why are /pol/ bots trying to ruin this board
If you are not banned from the egirl paradise do egirl as the discord join code and look for guys live streaming games in the public voice channels.


Just chat man
if you have Return to Moria I'll drop an invite code and we can build a base and try to survive the hordes
it's cross platform
I've moved past the need for friends. Now, any games where I can get a girlfriend?
Battlefield 3
Asking the real questions here, is that even possible nowadays?
If we knew how to get girlfriends we probably wouldn't be on 4chan
I used to play r6s, overwatch, dbd and other games with my irl friends but now I have none and don't play online games anymore
I really cheer the memories of the time spent together
Join a church that takes the Bible literal
Instructions unclear, was stoned to death for wearing mixed fabric to the seafood place and ordering lobster
same, those were the days
fuck off zoomers
you can easily get boyfriends through videogames
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any niggas finna helldivers (1)
don't buy any call of duty everm i mean, its just a cash grab and it really sucks. gotta say, its not even that much different than the old call of duties, the new one...its a fucking mess. its shit. garbage money grab and wowee does it really suck.
I met most of my friends in Counter Strike
tradelands / windwards seas on roblox
do you play chocolate co race on switch?
internet friends will just make you lonelier in the end, at least thats how it goes for me. I always want more than they care to give and end up feeling worse than when I started. Everywhere has been the same, its easier to deal with isolation when you have no hope of something happening.
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minecraft is the best game for making friends

SERVER IP: anoncraft.cc
LIVE MAP: map.anoncraft.cc
Minecraft or vintage story server or go on /soc/
Join me and others on star citizen
100% Orange Juice, get it from a key site though, or wait until a sale (which usually happens once every month).
I can't believe that famous YouTuber plays on a Nazi website server
people rarely chat in that game and most people playing don't speak english but its a great game if you already have friends.

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