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Discussion thread about the online multiplayer game Vintage Story and its multiplayer servers!

>Server List

The original server and longest running server in the entire game. Picking up in popularity again. Good server for exploring ruins or making your mark on vm history as this server's map has been going for roughly 5 years now, recommended for builds you want to last for years.

>New mazor sbr (1.20, unnamed server)
Fresh server run by a vetted janny. On the 1.20 pre, will be reset and made to a more lasting server on e 1.20 starts. Mostly for fucking with the new features. Mazor's instructions were "Have fun, tell me which stuff you find cancerous"

>Other servers of note
The MLP server has some vm fags. You can find it on the mlp board’s gaming thread. It is a little alive but has a discord for it. All other servers from the last thread have not been mentioned in two threads so they are not in OP.
Music for the music mod and stream will come in the second post.
>Music packs of .abc files for instruments mod

cytu DOT be SLASH r SLASH joyless
Named after the town in OG, Joyless, this is a public music streaming area for /vm/ vintage story players on any server or game. (Replace DOT with . SLASH with / and r
Reminder that discord trannies and jannies are not welcome. We are a 4chan thread not a diddy party.
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Does this mean we can tame any random elk
attach it to my seraph instead
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I'm not riding you
c'moooon just a little riding, I'll even moo like an elk
Elks don't moo, silly, they bugle.
Bugling is a type of mooing.
I wonder if they are gonna add a magic whistle to summon the elk to your location at any time
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Giant spiders inhabiting caves when? And not mechanical little zits, I mean huge organic ones that can pin me down with their eight legs and spread me wide as they 1.20 full release when?_________________________
i think actually remember Tyron mentioning something like that but with a limed range a while back
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New frontiers are being pushed on OG. We have settled into a cozy goonie cove near sub-mid of the south hemisphere to establish a temporary base on the way to the south pole. Mundanes tranny line runs nearly 90k now.
where's the lotro abc files from a few posts deeper that put the starbound list to shame?
>goonie cove
I forgot the Goonies was a thing and thought this was some kind of goon cave. The dementia is coming fast.
Why .abc files instead of MIDI
the instrument mod uses ABC files
Yea but why
here's the explanation the mod creator gave in the comments when someone asked about midi:

MIDI would be possible, but the main issue is that MIDI files usually contain all instruments of a song. Playing all channels with a single instrument is messy (especially when percussion is involved), and one player should be playing one instrument, really. Then there's dealing with instruments not implemented in the mod (especially synth nonsense), volumes, echo and duplicated channels. ABC makes things simpler by giving each instrument its own part to play.

I think the most viable thing moving forward is a MIDI converter and cleaner for use with this mod. I've use starbound composera lot, but that requires Starbound to be installed which isn't ideal. It's something I'll need to look into.
>I think the most viable thing moving forward is a MIDI converter and cleaner for use with this mod. I've use starbound composera lot, but that requires Starbound to be installed which isn't ideal. It's something I'll need to look into.

Why not check the ABC tools for The Lord of the Rings Online then? Maestro for example is a great tool which I believe can help with both converting and cleaning.
fuck man I'm not him, why are you constantly asking me instead of going to the goddamn mod page? literally everything after the colon was his response
he's just lonely (relatable)
I see
I just want to play RuneScape music I'll see if there's a converter
I think csam or carrotscalar had a runescape music list. You can always download the osrs music mod for starbound and extract the shit. I think it has been posted in a vs thread if you use an archive.
i found this program
it can do decent export of some of the less cluttered runescape melodies but takes some trial and error
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didn't see it was already posted
anyway heres one i made in like 2 mins of testing
its trash but you could do better with patience
all i did was adjust some of the levels and lowered the octave of one of the voices
you could check the lotro abc dumps posted in the last thread, they might have some runescape music included
how the hell do plants grow in a cave?
underground farming penalties are only based on sea level so that chandelier provides enough light for growth
kek oh ok, I figured this autism sim would simulate actual sun needed for plants but thats fair I guess, still a fun game tho
SO, fish are bugged and don't give anything right?
or do I just have really bad luck, because the rabbits and rabbits i've killed had plenty on them
rabbits and chickens*
fish are fucked over by the weight system and always count as low weight so they drop 1 fish meat 50% of the time. it would be nice if more underwater plants in 1.20 meant fish could finally eat and not be perpetually anorexic.
oh so they're technically starving and dont have any meat on them, interdasting
he needs to add fishing already
fucker boasts about adding ocean content and it's literally just decorative seaweed
cosmetics is still content. it does look better and less fucking soulless. sure would be nice to actually have a reason to visit the ocean instead of it only being an obstacle to autoswim by.
it's not tangible content, you can't even make sushi from it
and wasn't it already in the game before but was bugged so it didn't appear in bodies of water correctly?
that was only one part, he also changed water shaders and appearance, mostly to not see the edges of chunks and THE SUN through the bottom of the ocean
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i feel like he should play on the idea of it being empty and dark, and add something to scare the shit out of you
when i first played the game, thats the sort of feeling i was getting from lakes, because you could hop into a relatively small looking pond and then realize its insanely deep and unnerving
subnautica revenant mod when?
also i'd like to add that i think water should be much more realistically dangerous with things like underwater currents sweeping you into rocks or making it difficult to swim to the surface, killing you quickly unprepared, and turning the act of boating in open sea into something much more dangerous through events that can cause you to capsize that you wouldn't experience in rivers
additionally, deep diving could be made into a late game thing in exchange for ramping up the amount of valuable minerals underwater
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Submarines are always jank in block-filled/based water.
WWI mod when? The gritty texture of vs reminds me of the wave of dark depressing wwi roblox games. I want a steampunk wwi dystopia in a vs setting.
Iron harvest, guns of icarus, dishonored, theif, volcanoids, etc. I love a good gritty gear/steampunk.
With the boat system update I'm sure there will be airships coming soon
Hopefully we get an airships/late game machination update next. It looks like tyron might hold off on his clay ovens until then and hopefully make a clay stamp.
After that I would hope we get a combat update with enemies and more steampunk weapons like the mind control spear.
Then hopefully some nature/carpentry update with many new wood blocks, maybe finally the rope he worked on, and more plants/animals with new uses. North was lacking but now it has way more than south. I would hope for some southern mountains with shit other than redwoods, rivers, and more.
I think ropes are coming in this update. I imagine we're getting more story stuff for the forseeable future so more Jonas machines are likely, I would love a combat update though.
can you say that again xir?
did I just hear the day of the rope is neigh?
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Rope is
>Still a work in progress, but maybe just about stable enough for full integration
according to the dev log.
wait didn't we see some chains and ropes in creative mode in the update?
those are decorative chain blocks for creative mode like the roof material beams

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