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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 5 started Sep 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqDLrvrl_p0 [Embed]

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3tDK2EcO80 [Embed]

>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.

>Interactive Map

>Items/Tac Skills/Augments





>/erbsg/ friends

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>Eternal Return Season 5 Preview

>Season 5 Lucky Preview - Eternal Return

>[New Character] Garnet - Eternal Return
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>jobs to Kenneth's dick after nerf
Sissela Sex
Same age as Leni
That's not my problem
>inb4 b-but muh meme says is bad :(
Never said it was a bad thing
t. burger
Not reaching 1000 posts like last thread?
2 weeks thread vs 6 days thread
NN really needs to try making harder bots cause I am getting bot lobbies with 2 teammates and the only reason I knew they weren't bots were because they actually chose their characters. And they are 2 levels from 30

patch notes
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I'm waiting for a chance
To get to know you
To ask for a dance
Just look into my eyes
And I'll take you to paradise
Sissela hand-holding...
>maintenance is 1hr
Wasn't it 5h?
lol true
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I tried playing Tia again the other day and ended up hitting R to swap paint.
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It really cannot be understated how much I wanna paint this art whore's womb full of white, holy shit.
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we can both go to thailand
I get my bianca
you get your tia
>go to thailand
have fun with that
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I kid, but I have been there before. It's ok
There are plenty to do beside from just hook up
I didn't even hook up
Let me in I must buy the Leni emote
Buy CNJ bundle instead!
It... haha... only if my fellow bros buy it and we spam it in normal premades
How devilish
what is it with er and people calling you subhuman if you don't play well?
People do that?
at least from what i see people say you are not human if you are bad at the game stuff like that
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Ingame? Haven't had that happen aside from Korean names but they're like salty international students or 300+ ping hoppers.
That being said, don't want to imagine what's being said in the secret 'cords. Probably a lot of shit talk behind people's backs
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>Skins available again in store and boxes
Arcana of Fate Adina
Underworld Org Haze
Steampunk Martina

>Skins not avaialable in store and boxes
Crimson Devil Echion
Magical Girl Rio
Lovely Magical Girl Rio
Beachside Nicky
Exterminator Adriana
Test-taker Hyejin
Masquerade Daniel
Demon Hunter Johann
Burning Maid Adriana
Morning Coffee Sua
uhhh what? since when did they implement this on asia?
probably they needed to fix something?
yeah ronks got disabled since theres some issue
>get into a ranked game with sub 10% winrate Gold who only ever peaked at Plat 4 in a previous season
>he picks Rozzi
>we spend half the game running from other teams because our Darko is a pacifist
>take the initiative to take an assassin angle and jump on the enemy chasing us after their backline overextends
>ping targeting Haze before I go in
>teammates not looking at the screen and just kept running and were super late to joining the fight
>I kill Haze and get out of there but then my team dies in the 2v2
>rez Rozzi first since she's the most ahead on items since we gave her all RNG and she has a lot of credits
>she buys FC, have to rez my Darko too
>Rozzi bitches about why I went in
>tell them we can't just run away all game because it's a MOBA so why are we not contesting any objectives
>they keep dying, now we are ultra behind and likely just need to farm and rat because this team can't win any teamfights
>Rozzi begins bitching more, tells me the assassin to go in front forward like I'm the Darko player
>try to convey to the Rozzi that I am playing an assassin but the Rozzi player is a retard and doesn't understand English probably
>Rozzi also starts complaining that neither Darko or I can lead (I was leading prior to the Rozzi bitching but stopped when I realized the team can't win fights and there's no point in guiding towards objectives, only away from pings and try to find free farm elsewhere)
>Rozzi hits full gold build eventually
>wants to stop ratting, "I am full build I want to fight"
>I am on 2 items because I've had to spend 1k credits reviving their asses and would rather pick up more red boxes and farm more credits so I can at least get my other core item
>eventually reach final fight
>put up remote kiosk before the fight, ask Rozzi if she can buy me a FC since she's full build and sitting on a lot of credits
>buys herself a blood
>dies instantly final fight
Yeah I will call someone a subhuman for playing and acting like this.
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new code of 200 np
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>tried out Katja
It's over... go on without me, one-trick Rio bwos...
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that game was unwinnable. i recommend to dodge, but then you would have to dodge 75% of your matches because i noticed that there are so many silver and gold players with sub-5% winrates this season
free emotes
I missed my chance to get the RUA emotes and I hate it
Never seen that before in game. You picking things up from elsewhere or is that from chatty high ranked players?
maybe he was watching rhinne? rhinne has been playing too much league recently, so he has been flaming his teammates pretty hard in erbs.
considering how the only other game rhinne plays is pokemon unite, where last time i checked the game has no stack defence so you can be on discord 5-man sweating it out against Charizardboy2017 and 4 other literal children in soloQ, he's not used to losing
Releasing my cum between Abigail's tits!
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>Uh, I'm only wearing this because I have to! Don't get used to it!
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White wedding night with Eleven!
Why does eleven have 64% bamp?
run dps eleven
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Eternal Nippon
too much lipstick she looks like the joker.
what's this vtumor shit
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me on top
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Now that Garnet is dead, who am I going to complain about?
How dead are we talkin' here?
Below 10% winrate (the average is 12.5%)
She needs a mini rework like Abigail.
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>Just dodge the press-to-win R lol
how's leni doing? op now? finally got buffs and all.
Leni has always been good in high level competitive. She has 2 disruptive spells, heals, speed boosts and shields. Unmatched utlity.
>chiara was raped again
Not canon in ER
Canon in ER.
Chiara suck dicks in-lore and in-game btw lol
It's true, I survived after getting my dick sucked by Chiara.
Canon but also non-canon
Stop this slander
Chiara sucked me dry the other day, so I can also confirm.
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11 kids minimum
1 kid maximum
I call fake AND gay
post it
nta but I can confirm that's true.
Just check whenever there's a rainy game.
this game has so many small things that are so soulful.. reminds me of old league
League died when they removed ninja and pirate (de)buffs
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Nice shop
cute lumi
Look at this fuckign smug bitch
6 mocha bread pls
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can I get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda
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Gamers DIE now
Now we need Johann to witness their marriage.

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