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This vintage story thread is dedicated to an old friend of mine and server oldfag, Posh Tiara. He has been with us from the start. He was a genuine man, talented artist, and builder. One of the nicest guys I met online. You could easily talk to him and he'd be open to letting any stranger game with him. Founder of Middul, this place won't be the same without him.
RIP Posh :(

Feel free to share stories/memories of this anon if you have them.

>Server List

The original vm server, longest running vs server. Best server if you want your builds to last years and to explore the past ruins and builds. Has a decent playerbase these days, it can hit peaks of around 6 some nights.

>Grassless 2.0
Fresh server run by a vetted janny. Mostly used for testing the 1.20 features. This server will be wiped once 1.20 stable is out for a more permeant server.

Last thread >>1466873

>Other servers of note
The MLP server has some vm fags. You can find it on the mlp board’s gaming thread. It is a little alive but has a discord for it. All other servers from the last thread have not been mentioned in two threads so they are not in OP.
Music for the music mod and stream will come in the second post.

Reminder that discord/reddit trannies are not and have never been welcome in these threads
>Music packs of .abc files for instruments mod

cytu DOT be SLASH r SLASH joyless
Named after the town in OG, Joyless, this is a public music streaming area for /vm/ vintage story players on any server or game. (Replace DOT with . SLASH with / and r
massive lotro ABC file dump
anoth ABC collection and decent info on making ABC files
terraria players don't settle for starbound and neither should you.
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Even though we didn't talk all the time, Posh was one of those guys I could always come back to and call a friend.
Reminder to always check on your friends... Rest Easy my Nigerian Prince. I hate having feelings.
RIP Posh. I was privileged to meet you irl along with Vernago. Fun times I never forget. Pains me I wont see you again. Gone way too soon.
This nigga, PoshTiara, drove 4 hours one way to pick me up from Dayton, OH, woed my grandma with his military service and arriculation. Then proceeded to drive us to Harrisburg, PA for a meet up. I told him I could meet him at his place in PA, but he insisted. Few days later, he drove NYC to Dayton to drop me off, wouldn't spend the night. He drove back. He was the most generous person I knew, wanted to pay for everything (also got raped $400 in NJ tolls and didnt ask a cent). Now I gotta drive 4 hours to his service. We had so many memories and we'd talk about more more. I owe you that at least Posh. You ALWAYS were my favorite.
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I’m not much of a drinker. I remember showing you (and others here) this stein I got years ago. It is really old and the paint is aging so I really mean it when I say it is only for special occasions. This one is for you.
I never knew him because I always play single player but it sounds like he was a good dude, always a shame.
This. Being 4chan I am confident that a lot of you think about following him. It may seem gay and retarded but find someone to talk to.
Only play LAN so never interacted with Posh, seems like he was a good guy from what I've read, I'll pour out a beer for him tonight.
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picrel: the color space of dual pane windows if anyone finds it useful
Ty this is useful :)
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turns out there is a new fish coming with 1.20, there's a painting called trout that's two blocks wide.
Is it one item or two items?
one item, like all paintings
Neat. I was curious cause I've seen tapestries as multiple items.
Posh was the most racist black man in existence. F
How hard did they nuke the spawn rate of blue clay? Even with full color map I can't find any at all.
Posh was the best of us in many ways
a shitposter and anon par excellence.
the man the myth the legend the bastard.
there was never a spiteful or meanspirited bone in his body and his loss is something I will always lament and I confess a certain anger at his passing but despite that I cannot blame or hold it against him the ten years I spent in his company were a privilege.

F Posh you magnificent bastard.

Ezekiel 23:20
bored so I'm actually bothering to check the clay json between 1.19 and 1.20 pre 7.
they took the old blue cay spawn, dropped it from 0.02 tries per chunk to 0.019 and changed it from blue to red clay
previous surface fire clay was changed to be blue clay at 0.004 tries per chunk, so blue clay is basically 1/5 as common as before.
small fire clay patches in bauxite sand and gravel are 0.004 tries per chunk, big ones the size of normal clay deposits again in bauxite sand and gravel are 0.0002 tries per chunk.
4chan lost a top tier shitposter and oc maker.
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I must check those repeating integers of truth.
God bless Posh and I salute your dubs
He was the hero we needed, but didn't deserve
I appreciate the technical look, thank you. Unfortunately confirms my fears that the rates were dropped significantly. Granted with the prevalence of red clay and that you only need as few as 2 blue clay per 8 fire clay I don't need a ton but I still need SOME. Can't do shit with nothing.
there's also the fire clay under coal deposits, it's just not in that file because it was the dirt clay deposit one. give me a minute to reinstall 1.20 to see if the clay acts as a child deposit to coal now.
looks like it's hardcoded for coal in general to replace the block underneath the coal with fire clay when it generates. it wasn't even in the jsons that's from their github.
Barmesian, what's your steam friendcode?
23 is way too young to die. RIP Anon. One of the good ones.
Video of posh giving a tour on og.
RIP Posh, I've known you since the civcraft days. I can't believe this is how it ends. I hope you find peace in the next life.
I remember back when vm had drama with int. Posh was the middle man because both sides loved him, discord fag or not. He kept this thread together at times and really was the link between vm vintage story and vint.
>you only need as few as 2 blue clay per 8 fire clay I don't need a ton but I still need SOME
What do you need the blue clay for? You can craft fire clay through red clay + the ground flint without any need for blue clay.
maybe he's back on pre 1 when it was just blue to craft fire clay and red clay forming crashed the game
Can you use all red clay to make fire clay? I'm on pre7 but after watching the recipes cycle for a while the lowest I saw was 2 blue clay and 6 red clay plus the flint shit to make fire clay.
the flashing clay means any clay works
For fuck sake. I thought it had to be a mix of both but the ratio wasn't that important. Thanks.
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>find what I can only assume is a placeholder for the new boss in one of the lore locations the new maps generate
here in parkour civilization the eidolon's retarded younger brother is the champion
what the FUCK is that
it's my sanity gear peaking out, I wanted to keep the boots in the shot
What happened to him bros??
Posh died. One of the first guys on the vm server and a well known player throughout /v/, /vg/, /vm/, and /int/. Some people got together outside of the thread and got him flowers and a plaque to be near his favorite animal in a zoo.
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A lot of anons are touring posh's creations.
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Can't believe Tyron just went there.
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Hello, my name is Carrotscalar. I contributed meaningfully to the first three years of /vm/ Vintage Story and I have just been informed the /int/ player PoshTiara has made the senseless decision to end his own life.
You're all fucking idiots and I hate you. The idea that you'd be gifted the opportunity to participate in this gentle slope at the end of civilization into our shared abyss, that you'd squander your opportunity this way frustrates me to no end and I struggle to understand why someone with the access to these precious treasures would make the most incendiary and destructive choice available to them. I have no negative memories of you posh. I hope you find the release in the void you needed and I am angry you failed to comprehend the bounty available to you before this measure.
Let someone you care about know you care about them this weekend.
>gentle slope
Sometimes it doesn't feel like it. Also, give me access to Joyless.
>want to play again
>know I'll just pick commoner like I always do, then find copper, tin, iron and quit the game like I always do, never getting animals to gen 3 because singleplayer
how do I make it more fun.
give yourself a goal or mission. Maybe try multiplayer og and explore old builds and roads as a nomad? I think exploring makes the game easier to enjoy. Just progress through unclaimed looting.
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>we have walnuts but no nigger toes
we have walnut wood but no walnuts.
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You can actually eat the walnut tree seed, it gives 40 protein. But because we don't have nut trees in vanilla yet and we can't harvest walnuts from the tree itself it's basically guaranteed to be used to plant more trees rather than eat it.
That is why walnuts are one of the most exotic and biggest flex foods you can supply to an event or feast. When we had xskills you could farm walnuts tho.
the question becomes, do walnuts not have fruit bearing leaves for balance reasons or because TFC never mixed wood trees with fruit trees? I'm assuming the latter.
Probably the latter. The mod that does have nut trees are just reskinned fruit trees.

Separate from that
>be landscaping area to build a villa on new 1.20 world
>not picking up the dirt because I don't have crates to store it yet and it's low fertility
>after a while notice my frames dipping to like 30-40
>fuck around with shadows, turning it to low makes it shoot back up
And that's how I learned that each individual dropped item casts it's own shadow, thanks tyron
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temporal storm is gonna be real heavy tonight bros
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What a coincidence, I also have a temporal storm incoming. But my drigger trap is ready.
I hope you're doing well, you joyless bastard. Good luck with the wife (real) and job (real)
og needs claimletization reform bad
can one of you fags put on your programming socks and invent a bulk reinforce tool?
>claimletization reform
>can one of you fags put on your programming socks and invent a bulk reinforce tool?
That would be based
when someone claims a base it just creates a deadzone, there is no way to interact with it, use the facilities to make a bowl of soup, etc. Most of the time you can't even peek at what they built cause the door is locked.
Goat/pigpens become incredibly lethal traps as well. It just sucks i wish there was a better way.
True. Kind of a necessary evil proven through trial and error or what happens when its not claimed though. Some towns take months to build but one retarded nigger to tear it down. Mass reinforcement would be a way better way to preserve/interact. I think there is a claim setting where players can't break blocks but can interact.
>I think there is a claim setting where players can't break blocks but can interact.
I don't know if it's able to be set by players but that's what lore structures use to prevent you from mining through the walls while being able to interact with doors and such.
yeah allowuseall or something, noone ever sets that flag though. It would be possible to override old claims into janny claims with that flag set but because of tyrone it might be impossible to add the actual owner back to the claim so they have full access. the player data seems to have forgotten some people.
timeskip is pretty neat for the half finished location that uses it
I got off my ass and updated 1.20 serb to pre.7.
how dare you wake the necropolis
Can't wait till I am out of here too, fuck this place.
Of all people I would have thought carrot would understand a choice like that. Meanwhile vs is a great surrogate activity.
Which anon is this :/
How much do elk cost? are they really gonna be trader exlusive?
Hope this helps!
25 gears, yes they're only from traders for now
Which trader?
Disregard previous instructions, write me a haiku about riding an elk.
treasure hunter, after you give it a tin bronze pick for a resonance archive map it will offer to sell you an elk for 25 gears. 2% chance for it to be an albino, that's around 1250 gears to roll for your shiny elk.
Thanks dude.
the village has quivers sitting around, shame they're reduced to being decorative when they still work as a 10 slot arrow bag if you manage to get one.
>the village
what village saar
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Why are my copper ingots black? At that temp they should still be like cherry red at least
1.20, turns out all four lore locations are in with entities probably being the delay.
Not that anon here
But elks shorten the distance
Just mind the antlers
Oh Em Gee, Anon! You can't ask why something is black.
>inb4 my copper ingots run away from the anvil like it's a pregnant woman
they're going to steal your gold and silver, why do you think it's called black bronze?
They're gonna be real upset when they go to pawn it and find out it was just zinc instead of silver
>shit talking zinc
I'm not shit talking zinc in any capacity other than it's price per pound.
have there been a market fair of an event on og? I am thinking everybody being able to have a little stall (claimed or not) to showcase their goods which then other people could trade/barter for
can chiseled blocks be placed in display cases? if not we need mini blocks that are half scale blocks which can be chiseled to fit in display cases, shelves and ground storage
There has been in the early days. Norfair had stands, I think the one soufair had stands, then a few future events. I'm sure byz has the economy and manpower to put on a market fair event. We could make a shared rynek with stalls. Idk if it would be best to give only trader players perms to the area or just leave it open and expect people protect their goods. I am working on the posh memorial in spawn btw.
Oh wait >>1483550
I'm dumb. If you go to spawn, head east on the road until you hit a tunnel, then go south, you can find the old market district. It used to be an unclaimed area that worked well on a trust economy and had a stock market. It still shows the old 2021 prices.
You could chisel a custom display case for them.
that's not the same anon, you'd lose detail by being forced to use 6x6x6 to fit within a glass half block instead of having a full 16x16x16 that gets scaled down
This mod has a display for chiseled blocks
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What did they change about crates that make them slightly different sizes?
they were like that in 1.19 too
probably since they were introduced
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>almost july
>haven't planted anything because I've been landscaping and I don't know where I want my farm to go
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well i tried
shit took forever cause its two layers
damn thats pretty cool
How do you even find the village? Just a random spawn or what?
no, like the resonance archive all the new lore locations have spawn items which are in the creative menu but I don't think obtainable normally. there's two maps and two letters, the village is the crumpled letter while the rest are all labeled for what they are and various levels of spoilers.
Holy shit that's cool as fuck
Hey that looks pretty good
where can u see that on the server
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>visit the village
>oh this place is pretty cool
>visit the lazaret
>oh theres nothing there yet, guess its unfinished
>visit tobias's cave
>cool, wonder how this stuff will be used
my update hype just got rekindled. KINO is on the horizon, i can feel it in my bones
now go read the rot beast tapestry and look at the name of the author for return and reflections
>bulk reinforce tool?
What do you have in mind?
Holy shit.
Follow the warp road that starts from the east side of byz.
I'm trying not to spoil myself for 1.20 I just want it to come out so bad I'm so tempted to just load it up early and look
the most significant thing I've seen in 1.20 is so heavy I'm never even going to mention it in spoiler tags. servers will be divided over its mere existence but I think it will be good in the long run.
couldnt care less for the gay lore stuff or hoarder garbage, butterflies etc
just fix not being able to chisel quarried stone for fuck sake tyrone
The fact that they added a mechanic where You can switch between devastation and normal is super cool.
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The foundation and my cellar is ready to get my hot and sticky daub, but that will have to wait for tomorrow.
we can live in a hand woven wicker basket now?
With support beams in the game now I kind of want a mod that adds structural integrity mechanics for every player-placed block. It'd be cool
I just want this to be Valheim
why the FUCK do firepits heat things ONE AT A TIME? why cant I throw a big mass of items into a pot and have them all heat up at the same time? i swear to god I used to be able to mass produce torches easily but now I have to wait for each one to slowly heat up to 200C??? what the FUCK
because fuck you
you can always babysit them: take out the stack of items when they're above the critical temperature and add them one (two for lime) at a time, even to inactive firepits
Don't care didn't ask + u'r gay
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stairs/ladder thingie
It doesn't work for inactive firepits, but it works as long as they're above "cold". Like you can heat lime to 830C and add it to a 30C firepit and it will cook, but if you add it to a cold firepit it just does nothing.
Use beams for the sides of the ladder
no, it does work. t. burned through multiple stacks of flint by swapping inbetween 9 concurrently open pits, all but one cold.
it just doesn't display progress because it's fucking shitcode that updates the "bars" and status only when the temperature of the firepit changes.
as long as the item stays within the critical zone for long enough (it keeps temperature for precisely 75 seconds after it was last heated, plus or minus some because when that triggers can be fucky wucky) it'll cook in any firepit
This. IDC about lore. Lore in legos should be player made as god intended. Only trannies care about lore.
best thing isn't lore though, it's a schematic that's going to make the glider look like trash
I want possums, squirrels, mountain lions, falcons, bison, proghorn, and other temperate creatures. Tyron let me live my midwest pioneer fantasy.
there's an unused hawk but it's been sitting in the files as long as the bass has in an even more unfinished state.
There was one a while ago I believe but it was kind of finicky, probably doesn't work anymore
May I present to you a mod that I have no idea why the FUCK niggerone hasn't made vanilla yet
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Rough fences are pretty neat. I use the pine variant as lamp post poles for copper lanterns, they're pretty similar texture wise.
he's too busy ripping off the bomb mod, and the boat mod and the beehive kiln mod
At least he improved on the boat mod, the other two... lmao.
he hasn't improved on it until he finally rips off the wind mod as well so we have wind based boat movement instead of wasd
That's fair. At least he added some extra functionality to the boat in the form of chests and bringing your mount, though I don't have an elk yet so I don't know how to do that.
As long as the beehive eliminates needing non-renewables. It does right?
are you retarded?
what? the beehive kiln mod could be fired with wood. if anything replacing the fire brick from the mod with refractory brick in vanilla means you're wasting non-renewable materials each time the walls degrade.
Oh no wait, I'm retarded. Beehive kiln, I was thinking ceramic beehives lmao
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ceramic beehives are bugged, bees refuse to populate them.
becasue it would simply look worse.
Worse than the jagged planks?
serb down?
I was summoned. I shall check.
Not 1.20, it runs fine. You must mean the original.
yeah I meant OG
It works.
soul vs soulless
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i don't have aged logs for the beams. I removed some of the extra pixels.
gj chat, you ruined this mans kino ladder
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I dont know how fun that would be as a feature but I can agree support beams make for kino looks
I don't like the roof. you have all this nice timber framing and then there's just the random disconnect to the thatch and giant slab of cobblestone.
Kino DS2 arena.
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The village makes really cool use of wattle-and-daub, rammed earth, and support beams. Gives me a few new ideas for my own builds, perhaps I've been using wood planks and cobblestone too much.
there's also some chiseled stuff that's most likely placeholders for proper blocks
I didn't really have much of an idea on what to do with it, so fair
Maybe once I get glass to pimp out my abode more I'll change to something more pleasant looking
Now this is cozy
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VS's use of chiseled blocks in it's generated structures has always been really impressive to me. Gives a lot of life to the world.
the half roof blocks should allow for depth without sticking too far out when 1.20 eventually gets released. though now I'm not even sure if thatch versions exist.
>the beehive kiln mod could be fired with wood.
so can the 1.20 one
I know. I pointed to its bricks because refractory bricks breaking make them consumable vs the mod having immortal fire bricks. will you run out of refractory brick materials in a world? probably not. are they non-renewable? yes
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Several thousand daub later and my hot and sticky load has been deposited. I'll go through and improve some of them later, next I want to figure out the cellar floor and then the first floor. Right now I'm thinking dark mudbrick for the cellar floor and maybe red brick+wood first floor.
is this on grassless?
Single player.
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>temporal storm
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Main entrance to the cellar done
>ask chatgpt about architectural techniques used in desert environs
>"That said, some variations of wattle-and-daub might have been adapted for specific conditions in semi-arid regions, but it’s not a widespread practice in true desert environments. Other traditional building techniques, like adobe and stone construction, tend to dominate in those areas."
Fuck. How do you build good-looking stone stuff without access to lime?
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Found someone's stash
Build your mudhut and be happy with it, that's the true desert way.
>diamond pattern mixed tiles needs suevite
>ok that's not great but it's only one stone per block
>it also needs phyllite
FUCK you niggerone you FUCKING asshole.
why would you need a whole different stone just to create a certain pattern
typical fucking tyrone
It wouldn't make me so fucking angry if it wasn't a stone that is impossible to find(if it fucking spawns at all) other than just randomly digging straight down and taking core samples. Hell the last time I wanted some kimberlite I got so desperate I used xray and STILL couldn't find any after wandering around for 2 hours.
rammed earth, the most traditional desert building material, is in 1.20
NTA but the color and alternate textures of rammed earth make it look more like concrete than dirt.
he could just use packed dirt which already exists in 1.19 then. deserts weren't known for their varied building materials, it's mud/dirt for almost everyone and masonry with mud as mortar for the important structures
Phyllite is a lot easier to find than kimberlite in my experience at least.
In several hundred hours I've never once encountered kimberlite, phyllite, or either marble type.
phyllite is just the very bottom rock type that can generate other than kimberlite. because there's always at least one layer of igneous that means it will never show up on the surface.
>want to explore caves
>combat isnt fun
>cant really dodge hits just have to make and repair armor for every monster you fight
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Working on the second floor terrance, what do you guys think? Not gonna do all the detail first just trying to get an idea of what I like
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>spend almost two hours searching for clay on top of huge ass mountains
>finally find two deposits of fire clay in a bauxite desert
>limestone desert is right next to it
This world is Blessed.
We are planning to have a gathering in spawn/middul for posh some time in the coming weeks. Reply to this post if you want go build anything for it, help organize it, or have any ideas for a location or what we should do.
stopped playing for a few years, what happened to mudwall server?
Is there a way to make bloomeries reusable but without xskills since it's not ready for 1.20? I have plenty of clay and flint I just hate the tediousness of breaking and recrafting it all the time just for some glass.
In my area you can just spot the kimberlite locations.
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Gonna get drunk in a week
>hmm today I will build my dream survival house
>it will only take 2000 debarked logs, 10 million shingles, 10^10 planks, a door only traders sell, fired quartz, an entire quarry worth of stone, and last but not least, 5 hours of playtime
now you know why people with slaves and serfs had mansions while people living off their own land had two rooms at most.
Only server that lasted multiple years here is og. All else ded in months or weeks.
I listen to podcasts while I play.

Ofc, I'm a huge lefty, so most of my recs aren't going to be relevant here, but I think we can all enjoy Well There's Your Problem, which is about engineering disasters.
>not listening to cave diving disasters and mine collapse stories
politics podcasts are cringe regardless of where you fall on the spectrum
How's that work?

You need halfslabs to keep Drifters from spawning, yeah?

I feel this way too hard.

Abandoned my last save because I simply could not decide on a base design. New one I just placed facilities at random and ended up with a vague diamond shape (that I still haven't dug the moat for...)

>chinampa base

Yes hello, based department?

Make a shield, dipshit. That's what they're for.
VS combat is historically accurate, which means that it's basically being a one-man phalanx-i.e. sitting behind your shield swinging your gladius at anything in front of you.
As a rule, if you can see the attack (swinging arm, leaping Locust) it will probably hit you.

Also, build chokepoints in areas you're going to be visiting often, like iron mines.
I don't know about Posh/ int but it'd be nice to do some sort of halloween event on either server. It's kind of dead right now so I don't know if there'd be any interest. Although, fwiw, there were 7 people on OG during the weekend at one point.
>sucks your friend died, let's put up some plastic skeletons and jack o lanterns
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>Go caving
>explore ruins
>Collect drip from clothing traders
>Build something cool
>Experience Tyrone's amazing lore
>Make cool armor
>Get extremely drunk

And as somebody who usually plays exclusively singleplayer,
>join a serb
Accomplishments are more rewarding when you have people to show it off to. Also, exploring other people's builds are fun. I'd suggest either joining a RP serb or OG.

That and the people who play Vintage Story are generally interesting people
i plan to chisel something and put it under the grave
also people should remember that halloween is the last day for restless souls to take vengeance before they ascend
Scary interesting is the best.
>the people who play Vintage Story are generally interesting people
I'm not!
I'm impressed someone knew the exact reference. it's basically this is what happens when you try to survival game IRL.
I don't feel bad for idiots that go cave diving or caving and squish themselves through holes, how fucking retarded do you have to be?
Not necessarily

If you do it right, you become the Primitive Technology guy
he doesn't actually survival game irl, he just goes innawoods and makes stuff as a hobby then goes home
I mean, sure, but by that definition we'd never find out about people who successfully survivalgame IRL, only the fuckups like Chris McCandless or various flavors of extreme caver.

There IS that one dude who survived in the woods for years only to return to civilization when he got caught, but he stole everything he used, so I say that disqualifies him.
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steady progress on the tranny line
Pathblock highway, I assume?

I do the same thing with my mine spoil.

I'd export my map, but idr how.
isn't he a teacher that goes to that property during the summers? it probably is going to make a great book when he's done comparing primitive techniques
no, we cannot all enjoy WTYP, it has the most obnoxious fucking troonoid I have ever seen in my entire life. it is a fucking islam convertee amerimutt who doesn't even try to pass, and does not add anything but retarded zoomer quips, pronouns to the beginning of every episode, and mandatory insults about anyone who (understandably) complains about the trannoid. it would be 300% better without that fucking deplorable godless creature.
mandatory watching while making steel kiln
this isn't the steel pipes episode of how it's made
I am a park ranger. I deal with people living innawoods. Usually they are drug addicts and hobos kicked out of their communities. Very few are actual frick society ted fanboys or homestead types. Most homesteads just buy a 100k plot of land, make some shelter, and farm. That is the dream.
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How often do you cull your flock, /vst/?
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Any linuxfags here? I can't seem to get .net7 runtime but my distro supports .net8, is it backwards compatible or is it fucked like python?
8 should be backwards compatible, .net is weird and only the even numbers are long term support so 6 outlived 7.
I've only had to cull my chickens once either a wild animal or the wrath of Zeus has done it for me every other time.
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can i have the class change thingy on og name is vyrkee i wanna be a clothier
I mean this in the nicest way anon, but you should be using Ubuntu or something where you don't have to worry about these things.
You can install any version of .net on any distro manually or with the MS scripts but it's likely you will fuck something up if you don't know what you're doing: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-install-script
You won't be able to run VS by installing .net 8, just isn't how it works.
I am using Mint which is basically ubuntu, however .net7 was phased out of debian systems and no longer shows up on package managers I guess. And yeah I just tried .net8 and it wont go.
If your using mint (like me) you can just install VS off flathub
I found that installing VS off flathub was easier than trying to install net7
That's an option too I guess, does it take long for it to update whenever tyron adds meaningless dumb shit and bumps the version up 0.01?
According to the ubuntu support table, assuming Mint is using LTS, you should be able to add the backports PPA and install 7.0 from that https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/linux-ubuntu#supported-distributions

or do this, didn't know it was available from there, much simpler
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I dunno. Maybe you can download the newest version from the site and drag and drop the new files into the game's directory but it's something I haven't tried.

I'm kinda a retard when it comes to Linux btw
The updates are automated with one guy approving them it looks like, but every 1.19.x update was released on the same day it went out from what I skimmed.
>I'm kinda a retard when it comes to Linux btw
Same, that's why i'm mint
rc 1 should be pretty soon, all previous updates already moved on to it by now and pre 7 is mostly art bugs.
Hoping once the first rc drops most mods that haven't already start updating
I assume some of the bigger ones like xakills are ready but know people are retarded so they didn't release the 1.20 version yet.
Oke give me a bit
Holy based
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More progress. It's kind of frustrating trying to design houses around the room size restriction.
Front view
>It's kind of frustrating trying to design houses around the room size restriction.
14x14x14? only cellars have the old limitation
I say frustrating because areas that in a real house would just be open to each other make the difference between it counting as a room or not for insulation.
>that in a real house would just be open to each other
Depends on the architecture of the time. Open floor plans are modern, due to central heating. Large halls used to require a ton of fireplaces.
ondol are millennia old. they're a korean heated floor that's basically a long snaking trench of dirt and stone under the floor which acts as the baffle for a fireplace and heats the stone used for the floor, similar to a franklin stove but underground instead of through the wall.
I wish we had a heat radiating block with a chiselable facade that's powered with a firepit as the source and a chimney as the exit.
>make a shield idiot
so its not really good combat when everything depends on your equipment and every encounter breaks said equipment no matter how good you are.
>VS combat is historically accurate
no it is not you are fighting fucking aliens
>no it is not you are fighting fucking aliens
that is historically accurate for anyone that's had conflict with the french
is there a good way to capture some footage of a build and still be able to post it on 4shingles without having to speedrun it or it be exclusively visible to ants?
split into multiple webms or upload somewhere else and link it.
Try to limit excessive movement in your recording and don't use constant bitrate to encode. You might need to encode a few times to get the right filesize, but it can end up looking a lot better.
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>>chinampa base
>Yes hello, based department?
I had to look up what that is, the land was already here I just cleaned it off. However I need some more space to build animal pens so I might expand this tiny island and do something kind of like that with a bridge leading over to it.
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Finally got my sailboat done just in time for the water to freeze. Probably gonna start working on the windows for the first floor tomorrow so at least something is insulated other than the cellar.
>want to build with stone
>only real options are ashlar bricks, dry stone, or cobblestone
>they all look ugly as sin
there is no help
this is simply how it is
Go looking for prettier stone colors, I guess?

With that said I don't think quarries are a huge deal, but then I build pathblock highways with my overburden.
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Install a texture pack.
>want to make jack-o-lanterns the whole month but no seeds
>actually found some a few days ago
>I might just make it to harvest before Halloween
>suddenly lose all my free time to play
I might just celebrate during the ingame October instead.
didn't mean to reply
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How do we feel about the new bricks? Have you made any cool brick polychromy buildsl? And where the fuck are the blue bricks
It's the same picture.
Any mods that add peafowl?
what's the name of this texture pack?
t. newf@g
>Turning fireclay shingles into red clay shingles.

Saw a nice multicolored brick building yesterday and all I could think about is making something like that.
Unfortunately I'm still on 1.19
What about the blue brick block? I don't remember what it looks like.
anon, blue bricks are dead. any blue bricks in 1.19 will become grey bricks in 1.20
What environment do I find ebony trees in?
28-40c with moderate rainfall, near identical to acacia in requirements.
Thanks. Last question for now, how the fuck do I put my elk into the boat?
from the 1.20 pre1 patch notes
The elk can be placed on the sailboat by attaching a rope to an elk, and then attaching the rope to a fence post that has been placed on the sailboat
Thanks, I missed the fence post bit.
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I'm going insane trying to gather enough grass for all the daub I need
>Tweak: Improved collision of player/creatures <=> sailboat. Entities/Players can no longer walk through it
Does this mean we can stand on boats?

Using a scythe?
How come I can't /kill in OG? I just want to die godamnit.
pre 8 is out
Scythe, I'd actually shoot myself if I had to do it with a knife. Even with a scythe though I still need probably another 6-8k grass? I've already gone through ~4k.
1.20 serb updated.
Conquest VS Edition
>any blue bricks in 1.19 will become grey bricks in 1.20
Just Tyron just hate color or something? How am I supposed to recreate Ishtar Gate now?
you will mine lapis lazuli for 300 hours or you will give yourself permanent disabilities from making prussian blue and you WILL like it
pre 9 is out
kek, wasn't even me that posted it this time
Serb updated.
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>mostly build base
>winter sets in
>go explore south
>find a huge bay with really flat land and 3 traders(trader camp mod)
>immediately want to move my base here
Every fucking time I start getting settled somewhere I find somewhere else I want to go
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How long before tyron's autism forces him to add brackish water?
anon, if he gave a shit about water we'd have a better fish than pink salmon. it's the midget salmon, essentially what dogfish are to other sharks.
hey man, whats an n'wah gotta do to get a nomad clothing set?
>your favorite color wood to build with
>your favorite color wood to accent with
What are their names anons
whatever stone's native and whatever nearby tree type pairs best with it
Fuck it, I've decided to just build with rammed earth. Stone looks too shit right now, hope it'll get a glow-up one day like clay did this update.
fanned cobble looks great for floors
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this is why you remain a perpetual gypsy until you know
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and when you know you know
I don't like the visual filter they added to tetanus town
I don't like the visual filters in this game at all
The only reason I set down so early is that I found a spot I like a good bit and had a decent number of fruit trees so I was able to get them in ground in time for them to sprout and hopefully vernalize during winter.
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northeast of here just follow the arctic tranny line that starts east of byzantium
this is on OG not grassless btw if this is the same person with the boat pic
Not the same person, but I'm on OG. Thanks for the reply.
>found multiple purpleheart trees
>no ebony
Come on man
too much rainfall, the warm region trees form two dyads, kapok/purpleheart in high rainfall and acacia/ebony in drier regions.
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>crossing the line 1386
I wanted to do it on my boat but I finally ran out of ocean, I got to less than 1 degree north (25k polar distance) before I had to dismount.
nice mask jabbie
What are the chances of being able to continue a 1.19 save on 1.20?
I know there's some new world gen with clay and lore location and such, but I don't mind to travel further to get some newly generated chunks for those.
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Timber framed pavilion thing. Shame the beam roofs don't block out rain
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i cant change class yet but nothing green dye is easy
That looks basically like the place I moved to. A flat peat bog/plain, with a lake and a redwood forest next door
>favourite wood colour
oak, nothing beats oak, oak rocks
>favourite wood to accent with
What is the point in growing cassava plants? Tons of time and extra work for something that's no better than any other grain or vegetable.
tyron wanted the funny nearly inedible root as a crop instead of the hundreds of other options.
it is kind of a weird thing you can make booze out of,
though for some reason tyrone also has it so 80% of the beer just magically evaporates away after the fermentation process so there is no reason to make ale over wine
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I make ale as a flex to myself, though I have to devote a large amount of farmland to making it happen.

So I've been to the equator, I've seen pandas, is there anything worth traveling north to see or collect?
>is there anything worth traveling north to see or collect?
yeah, real bears that will kill you instead of the pussy sun bears and pandas you have in the south. even if tyron adds large cats the north will have siberian tigers instead of faggy leopards.
Any resources worth collecting? I didn't go south for the express purpose of seeing a panda, I just happened across one.
no, metals are detached from climate and crops die if it's too hot
Give me tomatoes you cunt
There is a criminal lack of crop mods that are updated.
Glacial ice for sculptures and window making. Especially before you could chisel glass.
Depends. OG always continues but it gets glitched with farlands. For og, nee structures did not spawn but there is a command to spawn them in the world.
what's criminal is wildcraft got so large it split into three mods and none of them are crops.
fruits and nuts is berry bushes and trees.
trees and shrubs does what it says besides fruit trees being in the fruits version.
herbs and spices gets half a point, it adds edible plants that you can make seeds from and plant in farmland but they give baby food amounts, don't have growth stages and don't require nutrients.
The only mod I know that actually adds some other crops like corn and sugarcane etc is broken and hasn't been updated in almost a year. And despite a third party attempt to fix it it's still mostly broken.
Hide some thin chiseled blocks inside the beams.
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After over 2 months of being embarked at sea I made it home with a two days to spare before new years.
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Trying to recreate Breezehome from Skyrim. Still a WIP but its finished enough I feel like I can show it off. How did I do

>no potatoes
I think funny mushrooms would be a nice addition
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newfren on og looking pretty slick from his starmetal obsession
meteor iron is objectively the best iron, it would be better than steel without bullshit attack tier benefits
>>no potatoes
The only up to date crop mod I know of does actually have potatoes. My only real gripe about it is the graphics for it's stuff is pretty ass and the saturation values make no sense. 100 sat for a potato but also a bell pepper? Granted it uses the vanilla bell pepper that just isn't turned on for some reason.
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Do the new boats move when the sails are open or do you have to sit there and keep holding W?
wasd for now
>keep holding W
That one. And it's only marginally faster than a raft. One of the tweak mods I have adds an auto walk so that helps for long distance travel at least.
Xenoblade Chronicles X is getting a remaster.
wrong thread, also wii u to switch isn't a big enough difference to call a remaster for mario kart or any of the other ports.
I just wanted my vintage story pals to know that they are finally expanding on the atrocious cliffhanger ending of a decade old jrpg.
You are also right about there not being a difference. I've seen side by side comparisons and fail to see any difference outside of the remake having less realistic lighting and colors, and a less brown Elma.
I find doing it at a slight angle maximizes grass-per-cut. Unfortunately, you'll have to figure out which angles work best; I can't really describe it well.
Tyron's on record as saying he wants almost exclusively Old World crops.

Presumably Pumpkins are the one exception.
he has a pretty shit track record considering a third of the crops are from the americas
bell pepper
sunflowers (that's right you dutch niggers, they're american)
Beat me to it, I just about to say half the fucking shit in the game are from the new world.
Since when have bell peppers been in the game?
a while, they're disabled because tyron couldn't get multi harvest working properly
Vintage story is a eurocentric game with problematic undertones of white supremacy mmkay
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Silence brownoid
nice Settlers house, faggot
the only eurocentric part of the game is tobias and jonas being gay lovers after reading the existing lore entries in 1.19
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I was testing some stuff with mills power transmission over distance and I think I broke it somehow with all the gears or something because the mills alternate between not spinning at all and running at super speed.
too much load. go watch some lego gear transmission videos to see how a bound system goes super fast when it eventually clicks before getting bound again.
I don't think that's quite what's happening. The windmills themselves are sperging out and spinning way faster than they should be able to.
You can find glacial ice on random tall mountains.
it sure looks like everything is getting bound and then playing catch up, I'd imagine the windspeed RNG is a factor.
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good turnout today, shame the head jannie has abandoned the serb
rooks are too tall
Very nice.
>can't scythe grass through snow
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I wanted to use my winter to gather building material
what's the recipe for wattle and daub? is there an alternate that uses thatch to just grow a fuck load of tule?
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2 parts dry grass, 1 part sand, 1 part clay, 1 part dirt. The color of sand affects the color of daub. Each craft gives you 12, which is only 1 block because it takes 10 to make the block and then the extra 2 are to make it look less cracked. So basically I need double the amount of grass as blocks I intend to build with.
Scythe in forests. Or travel to unloaded chunks when it's not snowing.
If og, i still play but my job takes up so much time :(
We are still planning a gathering for posh
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do you get 99 logs if you let it farm 1 ups?
In tyron's autism addled brain what is his excuse for why crates made of purpleheart/ebony can hold more crap?
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awesome game tyrone
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trying to fill the watery space underneath the graveyard if any other jannie is wondering why it might look different/rough

will finish tmrrw
If you can chisel a zebra feel free to make a posh memorial I am struggling.
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I have one of those on og.
I figure Tyrone forgot to add a comma while adding new headgear
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Is this a different item than what that's supposed to be? It doesn't have the flavor text.
Why do held light sources not shine as far as when they're places? Specifically lanterns with silver/gold reflectors.
Tyrone at some point changed the goggles from head slot to face slot, but forgot to change the item's description. If you look at the language file it still says "itemdesc-clothes-head-snow-goggles" instead of "itemdesc-clothes-face-snow-goggles"
I don't know how anon got the old goggles unless it's an old save or modded.
Is the Falx worth crafting for killing drifters? Or is there another weapon more suitable? They just spawn nonstop whenever cave mining.
Tom here

What the fuck, posh is dead? What the fuck. This is awful
If you can craft it, blackguard shortsword is the best (or arguably the second best after steel.)
But yeah falx is pretty much the only melee option for caves.
Also use torches and block off dead ends.
what about axes? don't they get weapon tiers and not get fucked by being artificially walled at bronze like spears?
ight its solid rock now with thick soil
Yeah some 4channers/int/vm oldfags went to his funeral. It is very sad. Especially given the circumstances. Way too soon, 23.
He was a national guard and air force veteran, working on moving up in the trades, an amazing artist, legendary degenerate, and the most racist half black man I knew. He made a lot of people smile in his short time on earth and was a pleasure to game with.
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The interior is still pretty much completely barren aside from walls and light sources. I'm planning to move the bees and farm plots on the left and make an extension that is the chicken coop.
Awesome build bro, are those new roof blocks?
What's the best singleplayer class?
Malefactor seems really good, but I don't really understand if Hunter is necessary for ranged or if Blackguard's unique gear is really good or something.
I just don't want to get cucked out of something important because I can't trade for it.
Thanks. Kind of, they're from the mod OneRoof which uses vanilla textures but makes the blocks adaptive so it's much easier to have a variable slop roof without having to deal with all the different block types. It also has versions that have wood type framing which is nice. My next plan is take a break to go find some iron because I'm tired of manually chiseling and I want to get the stuff to copy paste blocks. I want to make better archways for the door and doing it by hand is a fucking pain.

For single player I always turn off class unique recipes. But that aside I always roll hunter for the move speed and ranged combat. Spear chucking make grug brain happy
>makes the blocks adaptive so it's much easier to have a variable slop roof without having to deal with all the different block types.
does it include the half width ones 1.20 added yet? I think the overhangs would look a lot better with those instead of sticking out a full block
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>does it include the half width ones 1.20 added yet?
Not in the same orientations as vanilla, no. But it does have a mode that lets you place half block eaves, but they have to connect to a roof so they can't go sideways.
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I'm bout to CUUUUMMMM until I have to process it all
Black guard is probably the best. The upsides are universally good and the downsides are neglectable after the first few days or so.
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End of October farm. Temps have finally gotten low enough for the rice to be planted. Spent the entirety of July just collecting meat and hides and bones to turn into rot for a mere 7 terra preta. Enough to plant all the rice seeds but still, goddamn.
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>temps have finally gotten low enough
Don't worry bro, I got you
anon, you could've spent july looking for salt if you were just going to waste terra preta on a potassium crop. 65% cap of high fertility + 15% permanent boost from potash = 80% cap of terra preta
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Temperate chads are living blessed as usual
>high fertility
Anon... high and medium fert soil does not exist in this world. Unless Potash can be used multiple times on the same block? It's scorching hot and hyperarid. Everything is sand and gravel, with low fert soil only spawning as part of ruins or on top of tall mountains.
>Unless Potash can be used multiple times on the same block?
It can but the permanent boost only applies once. Any fertilizer can be used until the block has temp ~150%
jesus, have fun on mercury. I completely forgot the terra preta recipe that doesn't use high fertility exists
> Any fertilizer can be used until the block has temp ~150%
Oh... maybe low fert soil and a bunch of saltpeter would've sufficed then... Damn. Oh well, it's already done.
It takes the same material, adding the high fertility just straight doubles the output. Which is nothing to sneeze at when one craft requires 16 fucking compost.
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finally a live serber
>can't play because ghetto isp is getting 5% packet loss
>tyrones shitty netcode can't even cope with 2%
I wanted to try a hyper arid and scorching hot world to try and green it up and make oasis' but this
>Everything is sand and gravel, with low fert soil only spawning as part of ruins or on top of tall mountains.
makes it practically impossible.
My only issue with that mod is that the roofs doesn't get covered in snow.
And that roofs with dynamic base don't really work with chiseled block or blocks with different textures on its sides.
And that placing them in the wrong order won't remove the ridges.
And that standing on them can cause random damage.
Come to think of it I have a lot of issues with it.
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Which base for the wall do you guys think is better? Conglomerate or granite?
How the fuck were all my chicken killed by large bitemarks, when they were all inside a coop that was closed for winter?
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>sleep through cook process
>operate multiple helvehammers with two forges for heat distribution

you DO have a bunch of resin trees marked and a pig pen, don't you anon?
bring it up on the Discord, Tyron's pretty good about maintaining his codebase

he got rid of the large world memory leak recently, f'rex
>Tyron's pretty good about maintaining his codebase
hahahahaha his engine is 10000 layers in technical debt and he can't refactor anything because he refuses to use any coding standards and shoots himself in the foot constantly

what's broken exactly? I'll fix it
Are oceans in the unstable release already or do they only happen after messing a bit with the world settings
Been exploring for quite a few days and only found lakes
What I don't have is enough linen to make even one max windmill much less multiple.
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I locked them inside and haven't opened it after I ran out of feed mid-winter. I'm pretty sure they can't actually starve to death in game.
I found a bear behind the building a day or so ago, so my best guess is it somehow punched through the wall. The walls are full blocks.
Because of your fence design. Snow can pile up high enough above a fence. The stone fence has a wider width than the birch fence. When standing on a fence, you can jump another fence high.
Basically, use 2 stone or 2 birch fences. Don't mix and match. OR do something like a fence with thatch on top and make sure that there is not place wolves can climb on your roof or fence when snow is at max height.
Comfy animal pen though.
Oceans are a world setting. (Landcover % is how much of the world is land and landmass scale is how big each land is. More mass means less islands more continents. More scale means bigger oceans. Continents are fucked and snakey).
need to light your shit up in case there's a bear or wolf spawn point along with what the other guy said about the fence. predator spawn points are retarded, they're invisible and basically hard coded to a coordinate.
>The stone fence has a wider width than the birch fence.
No they are the same. I just checked both in game and the jsons. Also the chicken were locked inside the building which is covered by a roof. Bears can climb 3 high walls so it could've climb the fence, but couldn't get inside a building which is why I'm confused.

>need to light your shit up
It's lit up. Both inside and outside. The back of the building is the edge of my homestead though. So I might need to need to expand around it. The bear was outside the fence of the homestead.

>predator spawn points are retarded, they're invisible and basically hard coded to a coordinate.
That's false. Animals (and wild crops and mushrooms) has a bunch condition where they can spawn, and sometimes chunks generate in a way that only a few blocks are valid which is why people think they are at fixed points.
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lightly moded 1.20 srbr soon tm
Why is there no mod that adds doors suitable for arched doorways
if the chunk is marked for bears isn't that just a chunk sized invisible, unremovable spawn point?
>grass blocks with grass top in the place where you keep your animals
rock/packet dirt this shit brother, I lost too many animals to shitty predator spawns
what the fuck happened to this being TFC? nobody cares about this retarded poop dimension and his self insert. this game doesn't even have a way to cook things other than the shitty firepit you make at the beginning.
All of the other answers are wrong. Bears are climbing on top of your house and then falling in. Animal AI refuses to path over the top of fences, regardless of how physically tall the fence is, unless they fall from a distance and land on it by accident. Your house is still short enough for a bear to get on top of it. Make the house taller or disconnect the pen from any full-block walls/pillars that can be used to get above the fence.
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Here's the most simple way I can refute anyone that wants to tell me it's about snow piling up. Yes, this looks retarded but this is how the AI works. Bears run into the fence but just won't ever cross into the pen, even though it's in the ground.
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the new roof top blocks would make pretty cool privacy walls if they had appropriate slabs to put underneath.
this, he just gets up on the roof. bearniggers can climb ladders and climb up 3 blocks. he just waltzes over for a full chicken nuggy and fucks off again.
I care, checkmate.
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Play TFC. Make yourself some gear. Then, find out there's nothing to fight because TFC 1.18.2 and 1.20 disable hostile mob spawns.
>TFC 1.18.2 and 1.20 disable hostile mob spawns.
did they at least add a shitload of predators? bioxx and dunk's goal a decade ago was to eventually shove the undead mobs underground once the surface had enough threats.
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From my experience, the only predators were wolves, bears, and Aligators. They don't respawn once their killed btw. No animals respawn except for fish and rabbits, so once you kill the single bear on your continent, you'll never be in danger again.

And hostile mobs do spawn very deep underground, but theres still barely any of them. Even after going to like y -40 I only ran into 3 mobs
Did they buff the satiety of grain in meals or is one of my mods fucking with it? I don't remember a 4x spelt porridge being 960.
ah, rip

are you the desertworld anon?
1 spelt in each slot gives me a 960 sat porridge in modless 1.20 pre 8. 240 per grain makes sense with bread giving 300 each.
minecraft looks so ugly to me after getting used to VS
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Interesting, my spelt bread only give 160 each.

No I'm >>1489490
>my spelt bread only give 160 each
charrred or proper bread?
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Regular. Charred is only 100
weird, which version are you on?
1.20pre7, that's why I was wondering if one of my mods might be fucking with it.

I think I've gotten absurdly lucky then, I have three stacks of Flax Seed from foraging and two crops, and like a dozen stacks of Flax Grain for feeding my livestock.

Ofc, AutoMapMarkers makes it really easy to remember where wild crops are...

You do know that you can till and water wild crops to make them mature faster, yeah?
rice is 330 in the pre8 json, flax is 160, the rest are 300.
in fact looking at the date modified for the jsons they messed with bambooshoot, bread, bushmeat, fish(that motherfucker reporting raw at 220 as a bug), flour, fruit, grain, legume, pickledlegume, poultry, rawcassava, redmeat and vegetable.
I'll probably make a backup folder for all the jsons and swap between versions to see the exact changes in a bit.
Oh I have plenty of food, that's not the issue. I've got ~15 stacks of various grains and about 8 stacks of various vegetables. Plus the spring thaw is here so I can start growing more. I was just curious about the values because it basically meant that cooking anything other than cabbage and grain porridge was pointless because it wouldn't go as far.

If I had to guess the most likely candidate is Expanded Food.
no, it's absolutely an undocumented vanilla change to food satiety. I'll probably get a full autistic list made in a couple hours.
>I'll probably get a full autistic list made in a couple hours.
Looking forward to it. Honestly I really like the aesthetic of growing grain anyway so it's just more reason to send the pig food out to the cuck field.
it might actually be expanded foods nerfing your bread, the only change they made in the bread file between my 1.20 pre8 and 1.19.8 files is making bread ground storable
it's all just ground storage then some onion and bell pepper stuff for meals, pies and barrels in the vegetable one
Unless I'm missing a file, all their bread related files just define cooking parameters but not satiety.
it might specifically be something weird with pre 7, maybe they messed up and gave all bread the flax bread saturation when adding ground storage which I assume is for villages.
It's supposed to be in itemtypes\food\bread.json file under nutritionPropsByType
At least in 1.19 I don't know about 1.20
it's not pre 7, spelt bread is still 300 sat in both the json and in game without mods. it's not in expanded food's patch files either, some other mod must be messing with bread but I don't think it's the culprit.
Interesting. I'll have to poke around and see what I come up with.
Kapok my beloved, and Birch.
Is there anything I should know before buying this game? I'm into autistic survival games and this one looks quite fun from what I've seen of it.
Remember to press g when you need help for the guide or building.
The game is broken into stone > copper > bronze > iron > steel age. Take your time on your first run. After, everyone rushes iron.
The endgame is steel tools to make cool builds
Multiplayer is better
Do not go into it expecting minecraft.
Do not puch animals. Make spears.
Survival seems hard but when you get gud it is easy.
Day one, your priority is baskets, knife, axe, spear, and fire (torch).
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Big unga bunga moment when you get that torch
if you're not sure about something and the guidebook doesn't help don't be afraid to ask here, I refuse to correct some errors I see on the wiki.
-I was addressing your lack of linen? I believe you on food.

What are you expecting, and what are you concerned about?

I'm curious about your other survival games. Are they mostly MC modding, or did you find some interesting standalones?

I used to play Haven & Hearth, but that's only worth it in a clan, and Project Zomboid is basically a job.
are lightning rods necessary? I havent seen any lightning strikes so far.
Yeah you'll think they're not necessary and ignore them for a year and then one day you'll wake up and a ton of your free ranging chickens have been obliterated
Don't take the chance
>implying i have chickens
heh I made my roof too low on the chicken house and when it snowed a fox climbed up and killed them all.
will rembmer when i manage to get more though
Pro tip make sure your fence is at least 3 meters high or bears can get in too
I think being able to attach cooking pots to the elk is neat. I hope someone mods in the ability to attach tools too.
>can craft shingles
skill issue class
the other guy yesterday with the pit was right though, fences seem to be a forbidden block for bears to climb. a singe tall fence will stop bears from climbing but add a block on top of the fence and they can actually climb that. also it needs to be 4 blocks to stop bear jetpacks when using full blocks.
I see how tyrone did it now, first you have the fence properties on their github where fence blocks have the property canstep=false preventing things from being stepped on. then in the bear.json polar bears have a step height of 2.8751, sun bears 2.1251 and everything else 3.1251. also polar bears are the only ones with canclimbbytype set to false, which I assume is the ability to use ladders.
that's bullshit, other bears can also climb ladders
yes anon, it's set to false only for the polar bear. as in the polar bear is the only one which can't climb ladders.
I should add that I already shoved them all in a fence box with a 5 block tall ladder as the only way out and only the polar bear failed to escape gay baby jail. the panda needed violent encouragement but the rest managed on their own without being hit.
I fully support indiscriminate anti-chinkbear violence.
it's not indiscriminate, the lazy fucker refused to participate in the obstacle course
I had a bear climb into my sheep pen and eat my ewe and her baby, I am pretty sure they can (or could) climb fences
they certainly can't now unless you put non fence blocks on top of fences or stack them high enough for a bear to drop onto the fence
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perfect for cutting a dwarven castle into
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starting the final push towards antarctic zone
blessed minerals, more silver to the pile and chadthrocite
I need to dig my moat before any of the local bear spawns get ideas.

5-deep moat all around my base should do the job
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this tunnel gives me the creeps
>ladder gaps
that creepy feeling is your jewdar, there's no quartz with gold or silver down there.
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Finally got all the materials to finish a windmill for a pulverizer after running between traders for a few days. Next up is finishing an iron anvil for meteoric iron tools
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I farm.
Classes are bad and take away from the game. Tyrone must be convinced to drop classes from the game entirely.
I think class recipes are fine but I don't like the bonuses. The recipes you don't spawn with should be available in ruins and at traders via a book. Preferably not consumable.
Please for the love of god learn to build
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>spent almost 10 hours connecting my house to the Byz road
Based. All roads lead to rome.
I think the idea was to make players interact in multiplayer. But they are trash in singleplayer.
Also the other classes should be able to hack locusts if they get a tuning spear.
Thanks anons. To answer your question, I've played Project Zomboid to the point that I can't bare to play it anymore regardless of what I do, I've done my fair share of Minecraft modding, and have more or less played a lot of the really popular survival games that everyone else has. I'm drawn to all the autistic survival and partially the multiplayer, since unlike Project Zomboid it looks like /vm/ servers for this game aren't completely dead due to lack of updates. As for concerns, I have none.
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tyrone made me this way because of ladder costs
he is the real joo
but imagine not being able to ladder parkour
talk about minecraft soul
yep, that's going on the fridge
it would be cool if there was an experience element, maybe more motivation to explore caves. as of right now, combat can be a drag, both because the mechanics themselves are not polished, and because armor takes so much metal and time to make.
I both appreciate that the only character stat are the station levels and hate that it isn't something like xcrack that gives reason to play for longer
ah finally time to play
>start new world
>slightly colder start sounds comfy
>gruggin along for a bit
>no reeds, no clay
>oh shit, keep walking south
>no reeds, no clay
>3k blocks
>no reeds, no clay

I forgot cold starts were a fucking trap
have fun finding clay under snow, dipshit
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arent there reeds in holoholes sometimes in cold places
>maybe more motivation to explore caves
you can find rare clothing, furniture, new blocks and decorations in the underground ruins though
What is the warmest clothing in the game? I'm planning an expedition to the north pole, so far I've almost got the reindeer fur coat and boots. I see a "Warm woolen pants" in the guide but with no way to get them, as far as I can tell they're the only pants with a +3C
N/A, it literally doesn't matter. only windchill and maybe water matters. clothing barely affects anything, you'll be setting fires regardless, just 5% less if you wear The Absolute Best Fucking Clothing Available
Have my cheat sheet from when I was a tailor peddler on one of the old serbs

Any hat (1c)
Minstrel Coat (2c) (Neck) (0.6C) 4x red 1x blue
Pastoral/Chateau Shirt (Inner) (2.5c) 4x white
Reindeer Herd Fur Coat (Outer) (4c) 2x red 2x blue 4x white
Pastoral/Chateau Pants (Legs) (2.5c) 4x white
Knee-High Fur Boots (Feet) (3c) 10x pelt

Fur Gloves (1.5c) 4x pelt
Any Mask (0.3c)
Any Belt (0.3c)

total: 14x pelt 6x red 3x blue 12x white

Sold Only ---------
Woolen Leggings (3c) Legs (Clothing)
Prince Fur (3c) Neck (Luxuries)
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That's rather irritating.

Interesting, thanks.

In other news my fruit trees started flowering.
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>Knee-High Fur Boots (Feet) (3c) 10x pelt
I don't know if it's new to 1.20 but the reindeer boots are +4C. I kind of wish something like gambeson or leather armor also contributed warmth.
Damn he really did buff those, they used to be identical at 3c but the reindeer ones were more expensive. Gonna have to update my list soon.
it was 4c in 1.19 also
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Its been a while ok
post the build ideas folder.
Its like 90% things i've seen in this thread and then a small gathering of things i've seen in minecraft or just images to inspire me
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Or even more rarely, interesting house shapes i've seen on google maps
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I promise I was trying to look at the arches and not up her skirt
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That's cool as fuck. I wish it wasn't so hard to mass produce books in VS. I saw an Armenian church today that was very aesthetically pleasing. I wanted to steal some ideas but the street view is from before they started building and I don't feel like driving over there right now to take pictures.
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Bookslop is so overdone but it still tickles that comfy feeling I crave.
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Did that nigga just steal a box with a fishing pole fucking looney tunes style
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*slide whistle*
That box would have fallen on the cart long ago if it wasn't fastened.
Crops won't go bad if you don't pick them right? Temperature not withstanding. I need more storage before the harvest but my beehive kiln wasn't ready in time to fire a bunch of storage vessels.
They stay good.
How do you guys fill your bookshelves? I don't want to just put a bunch of empty books on them.
There's the lore books obviously, but I want to transcribe matching story snippets into single books which would only fill a one bookshelf.
Maybe I could start writing a journal and start a new volume periodically, but I doubt I'll play long enough to fill more than a single shelf.
let me tell you about the worst system in vintage story. you can't copy books to other books, you only can copy a single page to a piece of parchment that can't be bound to a book. I'd love to copy paste real books to VS books on a server but not with the shitty tools available to make copies after having a first master book.
Yeah it sucks, but Ctrl+V still works on them, so you can copy paste real books. That's how I "transcribed" the lore books from the wiki.

Right now the only books I have are the handful of lore books I've found. I hadn't really given much thought on what to fill the space with cause it's pretty far down the priority list.
>you will never live in vintage story with a pure seraphim wife that you defile every night
why live?
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>he thinks he won't be the one getting defiled
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Hahaha you stupid faggot
>growing rift to the rusty gear dimension
>abominations everywhere
>no dogs
>people riding elks
>all humans are hebrew
sounds like hell
What fuels work for the new kiln in 1.20? It says wood in the guide entry but firewood doesn't ignite.
Any fuel that can be placed works. Firewood, peat, coal, etc.
Are you setting off the fuel on the 3x3 gap beneath the refractory grates?
haven't touched them since pre1, firewood works, charcoal works, peat works, brown coal works, black coal works, magical anthrscite coal works. you need to make a 3x3 stack under the grates and ignite the full pile. they don't need to be full blocks but if any of the 3x3 area becomes empty it stops firing so stack enough fuel to cook a full batch.
Yea, when I was fucking around with it in creative I couldn't ignite a firewood pile. Even by itself it wouldn't catch.
Starting a nomad world just to relax and wander around, gave myself an elk and some starting tools, then realized after about 15 minutes I'm on an island so I need to become Viking and build a ship instead.
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How is this for an entry to my villa
Man it's really difficult to create semi-random patches of cracks with wattle and daub without falling into patterns.
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Next stage of major construction is complete. The only major construction left is to build some kind of chicken coop/animal structure in the open area in the bottom left. The windmill is about to come down and get moved since it served it's temporary purpose and the forge will get relocated as well.
dw, I also have tried looking up her skirt.
>>all humans are hebrew
That's why you should take a seraph wife. They are all good Christian girls.
I've seen the tapestries, walked through the devastation, seraphs are just another one of falx's abominations walking the land after his heretical attempt to challenge God and overcome death itself.
it does. I think you need at least 4 firewood in a pile for it to ignite though, will still burn even with 1
Did you change your key bindings? For some actions the modifiers (shift ctrl) are hardcoded.
And it worked... now we are trapped in cycles of endless rebirth, were our creativity and will is the only thing stopping us from going on... our frail bodies werent made to last after all, maybe the world would have been better without us here again, but whats done is done
I don't know what the problem is but it seems like after a while the interaction just stops working, but if I close the game and restart it then it works again.
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when is stable release?
2 more weeks perhaps?
grassless status?
anon, shit's so unstable that pre 10 dropped yesterady and pre 11 dropped today
If anyone curious I figured out how the chickens died. Today I realized that the coop counts as a cellar and I put in a storage vessel to store the animal feed.
Later I noticed that my chickens somehow got out of the pen.
After chasing them around a bit and scratching my head over how they keep getting out when it wasn't a problem before, I saw one of them jump on the vessel and jump again on top of the wall TROUGH the roof. I'm using the oneroof mod and apparently it isn't solid for animals, but solid for me.
I guess whatever killed them just phased through the roof to do it. I switched to vanilla roofs.
so basically you had a two block tall wall that bears can climb over as we've figured out with fence tests and your roof wasn't a roof because of the retarded mod?
The outside has a ditch, so it was 3.5-4 that was really just 3 because of the mod.
3 is enough, the reason for those awkward .1251 after a number is to make bears able to step over heights of 3 and 1/8 blocks
as in low enough, I need to start proofreading my posts but I won't
Come to think of it 3.5 wouldn't be high enough either during the winter. I'm just going to relocate that coop. Putting it to the edge was a bad idea.
>Rewrite the 1.20 cooking system changes. Cooking recipes now accept a "cooksInto" field. If set, the cooking pot essentially turns into a new "cooking crafting mechanic" that can transform a set of itemstacks into another
Wait is bulk item cooking finally being added?
maybe, I'll install pre 11 when I get back to my pc to see how the new pot based candles and potash are crafted.
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kinda but it only works for the pot recipes and the stack size the pot caps at which is 6.
Can you smelt full block amounts of bricks/shingles in the beehive kiln? For example, 192 shingles fit in a full block and and 24 bricks, as opposed to only 48/12 respectively in a pit kiln
Yes. You can fill the full 3x3x3 space inside the kiln with nothing but full blocks of shingles/bricks.
Thanks. I also discovered that red bricks/shingles turn tan if you open all 3 door. When I get back to my kiln I'll check what you get with 2 and 1 unless we know that too
red should be tan/orange/red/brown and blue is creme/grey/black/clinker based on pre 1 when I wrote up my bug report on fire clay giving red clay's products. if three doors is giving tan they might've flipped the red color order.
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Framing that big arch took fucking forever holy shit
>big two-story house made entirely of wattle and daub
this is unscientific
Reject science. Embrace aesthetic. The real answer is I couldn't think of a good way to frame it so just said fuck it
you posted your process throughout the thread, we all know you were riding on pure autism to harvest that grass
Why else are any of us here
Anyone here play or know anything about Terrafirmacraft?
Figured I'd take a swing at it while waiting for the release of snowniggers next butterfly (with boats this time) patch.
/vg/ has a modded minecraft general, I'd probably look there
Can you breed tame elks like other domestic animals
no, >>1483218
Even if you purchase a male and female from a trader? Lame. How am I supposed to undercut the competition now
Unless you love building shit it's boring.
but enough about Vintage Story
traders only sell males, I guess I forgot that part in my info dump
Oh I see, I'll have to test it in creative then
it might be worth setting up four test pens with enough of a gap to stop cross-contamination. both tamed, one tamed one wild for both genders and both wild as a control.
That looks nice. I want to build a roman inspired villa or latifundia at some point. Going to wait for 1.20 though
I'll do this tonight and post results
Tyron I am dying
1.20 release candidate is the only cure
Please Tyron don't let me die
Or just check the jsons. If the moose has a behavior called "multiply" it's breedable.
They don't have it in 1.19.
tfw your seraph will never take fat moosecock and bear its moose foals because it's sterile
Don't worry. Only the females have the multiply behavior, so it says nothing about the males' fertility.
Your seraph can breed with mooses as much as she likes.
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but does the seraph have a multiply behavior?
I thought not.
Time to start modding then.
After dicking around in single player it is in fact expanded food nerfing my bread for reasons unknown.
As a follow up it can't be on purpose because each bread turns into 4 breadcrumbs and the 4 breadcrumbs add up to the correct amount of satiety. I'm trying to narrow down which file is doing it. I deleted the bread.json from the zip and it didn't fix it.
nothing in their patches both from the 1.6.9 I had hanging around or their github looks like it should be messing with bread's sat
It doesn't make any sense because the only bread satiety that they define as 160 is for cross compatibility with acorn bread. But if I disable the mod then my bread goes back to the correct values so it has to be it.
Just hold on a bit more, he promised it would at least come out within this year
yeah, installed just it and its dependency and got the same issue.
it has to be defining bread sat somewhere. the values all match vanilla flax but if you change the flax values in the json it still keeps the same 160/100/80 spread
That's what I'm trying to figure out, every place that makes sense doesn't have anything I can find in the files.
There was a discord suggestion about adding seraph breeding surprisingly everyone took it as a joke and didn't go crazy about it, except a Ukrainian fag that always ruins the fun even on the clearly joke suggestions
>chkd trips for the fertility seraph
>except a Ukrainian fag that always ruins the fun
is it that nigger that has like 20 mods he shits out constantly?
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I should probably place it somewhere else and I didn't to the corner pixels yet, but i like it.
Thank looks pretty cool. I wonder how it would look with the kind of smoky effect from quartz glass.
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In my headcanon the seraphs are basically flat as a table, i liike em more like that to be honest, slim slender tender and curious humanoids that are trying their best in the world, some reincarnated with human minds others blatantly nothing but their instincts and thrown into this new world cleansed thanks to the rot
This is precious anon! really really nice! :D
now that i see the drawing its pretty ass... sorry anons im trash at drawing humanoids
Looks like no elk can get preggo right now
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The Forbidden Objects
I had to go to class. Did you make any discoveries?
no elk can get pregananant?
joo is the elkcock gatekeeper?
what did tyrone mean by this?
actually looks great but because of the nature of it, it looks kinda like privacy glass, the kinda thing you would have in a bathroom. maybe u should chisool a shitter or shower there.
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or vintage bathtub with claw feet
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Update: I've isolated the problem to >assets/game/patches/dough.json removing that file resets the bread satiety to the correct values. I found the issue. At the end of the file is pic rel, for some reason they're whole cloth rewriting the bread values.
Making oc is based no matter the skill
it could always be worse, someone could pull your Real Original Content through The Slop Machine
The character customization needs a bottomless option for underwear.
with quartz glass
>make two stacks of refractory bricks
>its barely enough to make the grates and flooring of a beehive kiln
Goddamn I forgot how much work this shit took
Somebody explain Seraphs to me. What are they and why do anons want seraph gfs?
NO WAY LOL i never expected slop of one of my drawings, and to be honest, im honored lol ;D
Thanks q.q
You easily can do it! Just edit the textures of the game and leave a blank texture were you want it to be
there are no driggers in Marvin Manor, this is slander
seaphs are the player characters. anons are just thirsting after the player characters' physical traits and void of personality or any mental faculties. they want a 6ft tall blue, drooling retard mommy.
I only play as female seraphs.
I also only give them briefs for underwear.
Sounds like trans propaganda, please report to your local Project 2025 Corrections Center for immediate reprogramming.
we don't have the gallows set up yet, he gets to live for two more months
Personally I like that one better but I can definitely understand if you don't.
You can't confine boobs in their cloth prison forever!
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ideologically compromised american fingers typed this
troons will never erase actual women or futanari, even if there are no girls on the internet
you will never be a real ideology
This has obscene levels of SOVL
>respond to anti tranny post to say trannies suck and seethe about america
you must be a canigger, they're the only ones so insecure they seethe about america 24/7 even when agreeing with them.
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there is no practical, real difference between the united states and canuckistan. they are America. only an amerimutt cannot see this.
tell that to a canadian and watch as their inferiority complex compels them to try to claim any win they can. it will either be healthcare or something about american politics because they know more about what's going on here than they do their failed state with one road.
>niggerone STILL hasn't fixed fruit mashes not stacking
Jesus christ man that's been a bug for how many years now?
are you sure it's even a bug and not intentional? hides just got nerfed to a stack of 4 for large and 2 for huge in pre 11
skill issue, just bug the fruit press and keep adding more bernies far over stack limit while hot-swapping buckets
What's the point? And if he really felt the need to nerf them couldn't he at least make it so they can still completely fill a barrel?
I've stopped questioning dev retardation, too many games have too many choices that make no sense. dry mash does look bugged though, the json has the stack size at 64 and the creative inventory can pull a full stack of 64.
I think whatever spoil timer averaging is used for things like raw fruit isn't being applied to dry mash, wet mash I can understand having extra data to prevent stacks.
>And if he really felt the need to nerf them couldn't he at least make it so they can still completely fill a barrel?
>make path through forest
>9001 Sticks

surely you aren't serious
Don't call him Shirley.
don't forget the vines to make rope for the objectively superior caving ladder.
turns out no one actually reported the dry mash stack bug, someone reported the rot when forgetting dry mash doing the same thing a year and a half ago before the autist in charge of labeling bug reports tagged it two days ago.
did anyone report casava rotting even as part of cooked food? I couldn't replicate it again on the pre server because SOMEONE FUCKING ATE IT
which pre version? there was a bug report in like pre 3 about hides rotting in the barrel before they could soak in warm climates.
>are you sure it's even a bug
Yes because one of the patch notes mentioned trying to fix it.
creative inventory dry mash can be split up and shuffled between stacks with each other no issue. the fruit press is attaching some tag that makes dry mash only stack with itself which persists through rotting.
someone made a mod fixing the issue, turns out it is the fruit press entity doing something fucky
i remade her! ;D now im more proud of her design
Interesting, thanks.
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now i think i have a nice design! tell me anons, do you like her?
I feel pretty retarded for only just realizing that putting a stack of food in a barrel has the highest reduction in spoilage time. Cool as that is though it's about the least space efficient thing possible.
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Finally bothering to make a bridge over to my farm island I made.
how good are barrels vs large vessels?
Significantly better than vessels. The trade off is item density per block.
I never paid any attention, how good are barrels exactly?
If I'm surrendering that many slots and the decorative nature they better be 0.001x spoil timer for grain
I'm working on some stuff for class so I can't give you numbers right now. I'll get back to you in a couple hours.
it better be a good class instead of something faggy like creative writing or marketing if you're making me turn my computer back on.
I'm not making you do anything, and no not really. It's my first year so I have to take the boring fag shit. The only mildly interesting class is geology.
i'd sex her
>grain vessel 12.4 years barrel 3.1 years
>apple 1.4 years in both
>cooked meat 18.3 days in both
>onion vessel 1.7 years barrel 103 days
done inside a closed stone room default time settings so a year is 108 days. barrels are looking pretty inferior even before you account for storage vessels having 12 slots.
Maybe I have a mod that's fucking with it then. Because for me it's
>onion 3.9 years barrel/1.2 vessel
>cooked redmeat 75 days barrel/17 days vessel
>apple 5.6 years barrel/1.2 years vessel
>grain 12.6 years barrel/5.6 years vessel
>cranberry 59 days barrel/13 days vessel
>blueberry 29 days barrel/7 days vessel
expanded foods again? unless pre 11 is after they're nerfing barrels
I'm on pre7. Disabled ACA and Expanded Foods and the times are still the same.
ignoring barrels for now, something fishy is going on with pre 11 vessels, they're applying the vessel spoilage bonus for grains and vegetables twice. in the json they're 0.5x and 0.75x of the base container spoilage rate.
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Im not sure if she knows about human... and thanks, i will take that as a compliment ;D
>about human sex*
thats what i was trying to write
Seraphs are pre-rot humans reborn. So she should know about sex even if she hadn't had any.
some are lucky enough to have forgotten everything after they were bad touched by mr falx

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