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I'm hosting a modded MineCraft server for native Europeans, both for those presently in Europe and outside of it.
The modpack is Tekxit 8.8.0 (1.19.2)
Me and my server are in the Netherlands.

Server IP via:
(Bc it might change and so I don't post my IP to 4chan + archives.)
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>not 1.12
>not 1.10
>not 1.7
Wait until you learn of the 22000ms ping upon having any villagers within range tho
why the fuck would i need villagers
You don't have to go near them but if you do and say their name you can talk to them, they hsve GPT now lmao
Okay so we're talking about switching to a different modpack.
It's now Create: Galaxy (minus Estrogen mod).
Server IP:
I can't find any modpack called Create: Galaxy
It's Create: Astral, my bad.


Simple VC port still 24454

Backups set up,
currently testing longer day-night cycles with a 24h(!) cycle.
(May be reduced to less after testing, e.g. 4, 8 or 16 in-game days per solar day.)

We're at 5 players incl. myself, in various timezones.
I'm not rly sure what everyone's up to bc I'm basing 2K blocks off spawn to take it easy and explore the modpack.
New Discord link:

Reminder that we are an ethnically European server.
That is what "native" means - inheems.
>currently testing longer day-night cycles with a 24h(!) cycle.
curious, do you change surface mob spawns in any way because of this?
I've reduced the cycle to 3h per ingame fortnight but no l, why would I?
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Found a fancy cave.
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firefly in boat
Server is down goy, the feds found it
Server is up
what do you people do in this server? I'm not into tech autism, create is nice though
Build bases and cope with the pack's progression system; you're supposed to go to the moon early and otherwise your SOL re. advances materials.
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Server is chugging along sorta nicely.
New Discord link:

Still the same IP, port:
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We're going to do a playthrough of Create: Astral, and then move to a new pack. It'll take about a month to complete Create: Astral by current estimates.

The pack we MAY end up moving to: modded version of Tekxit 3.14.
Definitely 1.12 or earlier, and not based on Fabric.
I am turkish living in Germany, am I allowed to join?
Probably not. The majority of Turkey is in Asia and Turks are primarily of East-Asian descent.
If you're the exception why do you bring up that you live in Germany and not where you actually hail from? "Turk" in terms of the Turkish consitution says nothing about ancestry so it is meaningless.
You can just say yes or no, you don't have to give me a history lesson. Also I don't understand why you have to be racist for a stupid minecraft server. In my opinion MC is a way to escape from real-life trash like this.
You can just join if you're native European or not join if you're not, hypocrite.
How am I hypocrite. Turks are just as European as any other group. If you consider Greeks European then so are we. Also, I will join your shitty server, good luck figuring out who I am, my accent is indistinguishable from other germans.
There's no blessing on demanding hospitality by force, but continue to act the fool until you exhaust yourself.
FYI, it's you that's bringing your idiotic, racist politics to MY server.
>FYI, it's you that's bringing your idiotic, racist politics to MY server.
I'm not even in the server yet you idiot and I have not said anything about politics or race. You are a really stupid person.
Uh-huh, cool story bro.
I accept your defeat.
So anyway.
We're making an endrun in Create: Astral.
The Astral server will keep running for at least another month, maybe two. Maybe longer, if someone wants to host it after I've moved on to Tekxit 3.14.
I'll put regular backups on the Discord and you can ask me for a dl link to a backup ingame. Complete backups, e.g. you can run a copy of the server with them.

We're also in the process of putting together a modpack, based on the 1.12.2 modpack, Tekxit 3.14

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