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>What is Bizarre MMOdventure?
This is an ongoing project from a group of anons dedicated to playing through obscure and niche MMOs, or ones 4chan hasn't played together before.
>How does it work?
The rules so far go as follows:
>Hold a tournament-style voting contest from a list of games
>Play the game that wins the final round of votes for 2 weeks
>After each game, we alternate lists of MMOs to vote on
>A guild photoshoot will take place every saturday, check thread for pic times
>New adventure starts every other saturday, after the week 2 guild pic

You are free to recommend more games be added to the lists, and encourage people to vote on a game you want to play.

>Games we've played so far:
Phantasy Star Universe
Trickster Online
Rising Force Online
Ace Online
Emil Chronicle Online
Fiesta Online
Requiem: Desiderium Mortis
Dream of Mirror Online
Dragon Nest (thread here: >>1472917)
Scarlet Blade

>Current game being played
Neocron 2 (thread here: >>1491250)

>General Info Page
https://mmodventure.altervista org/general-info-post-2/
>Picture Gallery
https://mmodventure.altervista org/gallery-filter/

we are getting together to play minigames and have a laugh on a semi-regular basis, check the thread for times. minigame suggestions welcome, current list can be found on the MMOdventure website

>last thread
Current Vote: >>1496165
Upcoming Picture Day: >>1495945
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Server research for the finalists. Add any corrections or additions if you've got them.

>Aika Online
Official servers only.

>Atlantica Online
Official servers available.

AT Oceanic
I'm pretty sure this is the only private server still up. No info on it.

Official servers only.

Official servers only.

>Uncharted Waters Online
Official servers only.

Official servers only.

>Dragon’s Dogma Online
Private server only
No website, however you don’t need to join Discord to play as you make your account in the launcher.

>Grand Fantasia
There's an official relaunch/remake of the original game, but it's reported to be trash.

GF Memories
x5 rates.
Fairly large population.
Custom content based on League of Legends.
Discord language breakdown:
* Spanish: 360
* English: 60
* French: 60
* Portugese: 60
Server located in the USA

GF Violet
x5 EXP, x5 drop, x5 gold.
70% EXP requirement reduction.
In-game item finder/wiki.
Somewhat less f2p friendly than the other options.
Server located in Canada, Brazilian owned.
Highest populated private server.
Custom balanced talents but the rest is QoL.

GF Dark
Likely 5x rates.
Bonus points(cash shop currency I think) are freely available.
Small-mid population.
Higher stat caps and automatic stat boosts, discourages grouping.
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>Custom content based on League of Legends
Personally, I'm against hiding the poll results. I don't believe the tie-breaker advantage is manipulable enough to change the outcome in a meaningful way, and it won't be worth losing the discussions the polls generate.
Either way, closing the poll early is a good idea: it gives everyone time to pick a server, preload the game, set up accounts, handle tech support, ect. - especially as we might encounter difficulties downloading and running certain titles. Just be sure to announce the time the poll wraps up in advance.
Also, thanks for handling the poll, anon.
>AT Oceanic
> Copyright 2021 ZEROOPOINT LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Now that's really bold for a private server.
most games that have the traditional concept of leveling at all are themeparks, everything you do in the game is for the purpose of gaining exp and reaching max level, it makes it very clear that it's what you're supposed to do and the order you're supposed to do it in, most things in the game are unlocked by leveling up, either because you're too weak otherwise or because it literally won't let you do it if you're not high enough.
content being level based automatically makes it one of the rides in the themepark, you'll never go back to low level content once you outgrow it, unless for some reason it has a valuable drop but usually the case is that you'll grind max level content for money then buy it.
for a game to not be a themepark it has to be a sandbox i.e. social, player driven, usually pvp and/or economy heavy, games without the idea of classes but a classless system instead that allows you to do anything and everything with one character.

so yes I would say that RO and all its clones are themeparks, I know it's a hard pill to swallow but the number of MMOs that truly aren't themeparks is tiny, even most sandbox MMOs have many themepark elements, because true sandbox games have no direction/goals and people immediately question what the point is, they want to be handheld.
you seem a bit headsilly so i'm gonna use a food analogy
it's like you're going into a restaurant and shouting about how it's actually fast food because you've somehow got the idea that everything is either fast food or a buffet

just because a game isn't a sandbox doesn't mean it's a themepark, it's a much more specific critique
if you actually read the post you'd see that i said that sandbox mmos can have themepark elements which also implies the opposite
it is a fact that most mmos lean more into the themepark side of things though
then according to you probably 99.9% of MMOs are themeparks because they have vertical progression. at that point the term isn't useful anymore even though there's a clear distinction between the structure of progression in some of the games we've played
>99.9% of MMOs are themeparks
yes, that's the point, the people who came up with and perpetuated these terms are retarded, it was mostly used to describe "game i don't like because it's more streamlined even though my game also fits the definition"
themeparks are not necessarily bad. Tera was a themepark and was overwhelmingly beloved on this imageboard, and there are players (even here) that prefer their structure. I think you are getting hung up on the negatives to themeparks when it's more on the developers who aped the systems without understanding why they worked.
i'm just arguing that most MMOs are theme parks, because some guy in the previous thread said
>maybe themeparks are more for you

i don't actually care about the distinction, and clearly most people don't even understand the distinction.
what they're really arguing is that some MMOs aren't linear and that non-linear games are better, which is up to taste.
I always thought that themepark design was something like Guild Wars 2, where it doesn't matter what you do in a zone at all and just piss about and stack rocks or whatever until a contribution meter fills up and you move on to the next place.
that's the definition I've understood as well. I don't really see a problem in using it to categorize games in how they progress, or we can just go back to using wowclones and uoclones I guess
GW2 is a bit different in that it constantly scales your level down wherever you are and you never feel any degree of power or progression.
themepark is when the developers create the content and the intended way to play and progress.
examples of themepark systems: main questline, quests in general, story, dungeons, raids, leveling, classes, "holy trinity" combat, the concept of "endgame", item level/tiered progression
you're playing in the world the devs built for you, not building it yourself.

sandbox is when the players are the content, and create the content, the focus is on player interaction first and foremost, it's more about simulating a living, evolving world.
examples of sandbox systems: open world PvP (faction based or otherwise), player run politics, ecology (chopping a tree removes it from the world, animals don't respawn, players must breed/replant etc or face extinction, nothing is instanced), building systems, player run economy (can't buy from or sell to NPCs, only other players)
you're building the world, not just playing in it.
I'll vote on whatever has the cutest aesthetics/outfits
GF is anime but looks like shit honestly.
Aika looks kinda cute.
Rest are not cute.
You can be a cute loli in Eldevin.
I like the aesthetics of UCW but it sounds like it has all the hallmark problems of an old MMO server. fucked economy, insular playerbase etc
yeah, and there is no way to "manipulate" tiebreaker values unless you're samefagging the poll. which is the actual concern here and we have other tools that can address the issue
When does the next game start? I might join in this time.
Is there dancing and clapping?
Next Saturday.
saturday evening +- your time zone
No, those cost irl money to unlock.
Bumping my shillpost to be added to server research.
>I am going to judge every game by its cover
Please stop shitting up the project.
I'd be down to test 1 blind poll to see what it's like before dismissing it, but I also feel like hiding it isn't necessary and that this is fine as it is. The same goes for closing polls 1 day earlier. I'm almost certain some people will start grinding before the rest of us if we give ourselves a full waiting day after it's all been settled, even more so considering a good amount of these titles don't even have server options to pick from. Similarly, I'm down with us testing this mode 1 time before dismissing it, but I still think it's fine as it is.
Stop telling me how to enjoy games bitch
>Grand Fantasia won over Ether Saga
>Due to tiebreakers

We lost a good one 'nony.
>literal same aesthetic
I propose we remove all x-legend games except aura kingdom since it's the best one and they're mostly all the same thing
But you can be a frog in Eden Eternal.
Ether Saga is Pokemon
>anon expects a genuine conversation with a diamond dozen newfag who only votes for looks over actual functionality or gameplay
if anyone here cared about they wouldn't be voting for the absolute most heinous most unplayable games ever made
NTA I'm here for that desu
NTA I'm don't vote, just play games
Are you trying to memoryhole Scarlet Blade when it was literally the previous game?
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Game 14 Finals vote is go!

Closing time is set to 12 hours before we usually venture into the next title:

results link:

We can try a vote with hidden results for the next poll. I'd be interested to see if we get a bigger spread of votes across titles or if nothing changes at all.
it's not much of an adventure if you already know everything that's going to happen before starting
no, they voted for it because they don't care, exactly what i said
Selling my vote for one (You).
my favorite game is currently at zero votes...

Added as 2nd choice
Listen, my criteria is simple
Does it look good? I vote.
If I ask "Which one has the cutest aesthetics" and no one mentions Ether Saga, how the fuck would I know to vote for it? I'm not going to go and play every one of these games so I know important things like "Ether Saga is a cute pokemon game".

You can scold me all you want for voting purely on how cute something looks, but that's what I look for in these games. If you hate it because it ruins things through "Tiebreakers" there's a good chance it wasn't going to win anyway.

Market your game and ask people to vote for it, otherwise these are just names in a poll that I get only the vaguest notion about what they are from a google search.
He's saying that the point of it being an adventure is that very few of us know what it's going to be. These are just names and titles to us, we HAVE to judge it on its cover.
See you in December.
No, you're not allowed to choose one because the name sounds cool. Because I said so.
For me, it's the shittiest game on the list every time.
It's just the same people voting for Eldevin every time, don't give up... I don't have any strong impressions of the current 8 games so if someone wants to shill something, go ahead.

real noodle scratcher innit
hello my name is michelin "nintendo" mmorpg
please vote for aika online it's a taiwapanese turn-based action jrpg with destructible planets, panty crafting and fully breedable npcs
all premium items are free and everyone gets 15 bitcoins every time they level up
Everything looks bad. I'm lost
based kuso adventurer
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Anyone familiar with Uncharted Waters? I faintly remember an anon shilling it awhile back. Being a pirate sounds cool.
I'm only familiar with the single player games of the series, but I'll keep voting for Uncharted Waters Online because of them. At their core they are trading simulation games like Sid Meier's Pirates.
That is not at all what I grasped from anon's post and your interpretation is questionable.
>the same people vote for the same games they are interested in
Is this the DDOfag having a moment of enlightenment?
Why are you so aggressive lol?
>>the same people vote for the same games they are interested in
Ya that's what I said?
that was my post and he is exactly right
you are autistic
i'm autistic too
>the DDOfag
schizo moment
the people in the threads are awful
the people in the games are great
explain this
no i wasn't talking about you
just everyone else
I love shitposting.
I'm sold
There is a real charm to seeing how low we can go. I thought Scarlet blade was the worst we could do but then I'm thrown into this one where I'm fighting with the UI to read chat and use stims in my inventory
>the people in the threads are awful
>the people in the games are great
I don't think a lot of people in the threads play the games.
Consistent shitposters, such as antipvpfag and DDOfag to name the two biggest offenders, are not actually playing these games with us.
You're not anonymous in game, on here you can say whatever schizo shit you want, like this guy >>1496968
hope you guys are having fun with this one, my brain got hijacked by a fucking fishing game.
Say schizo for a third time, click your heels, and go back to whichever social-aggregate you came from, faggot.
>eldevinfag having a meltdown
At least come up with a funny label to add to your collection of people who don't exist while you're at it
this is the correct strategy, so things will only get better with future games
Well, we did gain an ESL shitposter during DN so there's at least one actual schizo out there and not some autist screeching his opinion
I'm not ESL I'm just retarded.
I'll never forget the tale of NateHiggers.
>atlanticafag having a meltdown
>. Questslop
>Grand Fantasia
cute anime graphics, linear progression. Gear isn't important until endgame.
build diversity by mixing 3 specs to make your class, otherwise similar to WoW.
>Atlantica Online
turn-based combat with collectible units.
>Aika Online
kmmo, plays similar to Aion, Lineage2, etc.
runescape clone, with better graphics.

>. Games I don't know much about.
looks like tibia.
>Uncharted Waters
sail ships and trade/be a pirate.
>Dragons Dogma Online
action combat, guilds now work. Private server still buggy but should be stable enough to play now.

Grand Fantasia is the only game that changes depending on which private server gets picked, one makes the levelling cycle more interesting by adding stat bonuses from collectibles, another expands end-game and gets you there faster.
it copies the stupid perspective of tibia (fucking why) but otherwise it's a copy of archeage, it has a class system where you pick 3 different classes to build your own class.
>Grand Fantasia
>cute anime graphics, linear progression. Gear isn't important until endgame.
Will someone make up their mind and tell me if this game is good or not? I keep hearing "THIS GAME IS SHIT, LITERAL COPY PASTE GARBAGE" and "Nice cute anime game"
Download, play for half an hour, and make your own opinion.
it's a nice cute anime game that's also literal copy paste garbage
it's just one of the older ones so it doesn't look as nice as the newer ones they made
I'm going to vote in order of which one looks like I can jerk my wiener off to in-game.
And you're not going to stop me!

I don't care!

No I don't!

Then I don't play!

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>Uncharted Waters
This game looks very interesting and unique, at least compared to everything else in the poll. Gonna dump some info based on 5 minutes of research.
>three main jobs/professions with tons of specialized sub-jobs
>jobs can be switched back and forth as long as you have a job card or pay some money to the guild
>trade jobs specialize in buying and producing all kinds of items and selling them all over the world
>adventure jobs are all about exploring the world, gathering and treasure hunting (mostly land based)
>battle jobs obviously focus on direct combat on both land and water
This incomplete job list can give you an idea of what you can do in the game https://unchartedwaters.fandom.com/wiki/Jobs
uncharted waters is just watching a boat sail for hours straight while you do nothing
don't believe their lies
uncharted waters is just watching a boat sail for hours straight while you do nothing with lolis
don't believe their lies
Eldevin is runescape + wow with free class building.
How is it wow?
Instance dungeon and questing to level up.
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i want to be a pirate!
The good news is you can be.
The bad news is the well-established whales can be too.
ddofag and antipvpfag shit the thread up through alternating weeks
so, if I'm reading the thread right. RIFT, Eldevin, Uncharted Water, Ravendawn AND Eldevin all have an in-depth class system that lets you make something unique? That seems unlikely.
You can read this detailed eldevin guide yourself.
Looking at RIFT and Eldevein they both seem like WoW clones with some smoke and mirrors to fool you into thinking you're getting something else.
They both have questing hubs as the main form of engagement. Rift has the rifts which are tower defense style events and Eldevin has a bit more charm with quests, similar to runescape.

If linear progression doesn't bother you then both games should be fun enough just from their class systems. If you prefer games that encourage exploration then something like Uncharted Waters or Dragons Dogma would be better.
If eldevin wasn't good people would have forgotten about long ago. But it's a solid game that doesn't lives up to it potential because the dev abandoned it when it doesn't rake in money, it just need better advertising and we would have a better runescape alternative.
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It's a very different game from WoW or similar 3d real time mmos, but i really enjoyed playing kingdom of loathing in the past, and i picked it up again in the last few days.
It's a mostly text browser turn based rpg mmo. The game itself is a parody of jrpgs that has been up since 2004, and the main gameplay loop is divided into replayable runs that maintain some of the progress from one to the other.
I remember picking it up in my first years of middle school after finishing west of loathing.
I have gotten 3 runs in since then, and im currently playing my fourth one after taking a pretty long break.
As of now, the game has a small, albeit dedicated, fanbase with a bit less than 200 players currently online, and it is updated somewhat regularly.

game: https://www.kingdomofloathing.com
wiki: https://kol.coldfront.net/thekolwiki/index.php/Main_Page
custom client: https://wiki.kolmafia.us/index.php/Installation
still me. rather than just rpgs, Kol is more of a parody of pop culture in general, and it is free to play but maintained through some p2p specific items that very rarely make player interactions worse, and that are still able to be bought and sold in an ingame marketplace
Too singleplayer imo.
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leveling crafting to sell equipment to you next week.
now I just won't buy it, kike
im playing ironman
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Community eldevin discord, not official
Looks like I'll be taking another two week break
>Community eldevin disc-ACKKKK
Community server is different from private ack server
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this you?
break-anon taking it easy, as usual. bless your heart.
cute cabal - aika?
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>this you?
can you not? this is complete trash.
>bottom left of the image
TRIGGER WARNING for the Neocron guys.
aikafag having a meltdown
kek it must be
Speaking of discord, would a discordfag be so kind as to venture into the X-Legend server and inquire as to why they dropped support for Twin Saga, or why TS no longer works? Please and thank you.
They just relaunched it under a new name - astral tale
Yes, the official game itself was relaunched as Astral Tale. This has no bearing on a years-old private server suddenly stopping.
Private servers have nothing to do with x-legend
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these chinks are shameless
I may have used X-Legend incorrectly.
Either way, the group's Aura Kingdom private server is still going but nothing for Twin Saga. I don't know if they have a discord. I would imagine so.
>https://aurakingdom.to works
>https://twinsaga.to does not
I think it's because the game isn't popular compared to aura kingdom, pserver developers aren't selfless people usually, they're in it to make a profit.
game is full open-pvp, nothing cute about getting spawn camped. I like the look of uncharted waters but just sailing and trading sounds boring af. How's the outfit system in DDO?
You can use any gear as a cosmetic, actually acquiring gear can be a grind since you mostly have to craft it, the game had a bunch of collab cosmetics and gacha costume stuff but I don't think it's available in the pserver since they got rid of all mtx functionality, probably going to distribute it through events.
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suggestion for adding CLOSERS ONLINE to da MMO list. it's a 2.5D beat'em up lobby based side scroller with up to 4 player parties

it has a private server called CODE: Closers
gameplay video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wakrlFC2gsk
>no character creation
>level-segregated lobbies instead of any central town
>can only play with 4 people
could you offer any selling point? cause i struggle to find any
This is literally the same as Dragon Nest
Dragon Nest had multiple towns to gather in.
Again, same thing.
i asked for anything positive (in particular that makes this fun with a group), i don't really want to get into a fanbase pissing match
And many people liked Dragon Nest, which is why I made the comparison.
If you don't like Dragon Nest then no you won't like it.
>level-segregated lobbies instead of any central town
And DN has 8 man raids. Save whatever your "my opinion overrules easily-provable fact" response will be.
>DN has 8 man raids
Which nobody here did.
Not going to bother responding to your other pedantic complaint as if it makes any difference.
i liked how you could customize hairstyles, eye and skin color in dn (but hated gender-locked classes)
i liked how we could climb houses or chill in the hotspring in dn
i'm looking at closers and i'm not even sure if we would be able to take a guild photo together
"but dn" isn't really helping me understand the appeal of this game either
lol. How does gear work in that and is there a skill tree or something?
He said nobody here did 8 man raids so nobody here did 8 man raids.
i'm one of the people in that post you dingdong.
No you don't understand, anon. He said that nobody from here did 8 man raids so history has been revised and your memories have been altered.
MASSIVELY multiplayer online. Thank you.
scarlet blade was pretty massive if you know what i mean
DDN is an outdated by several level caps raid and was only attemped after the 2 weeks, so my bad if I assumed nobody would stay and do it after that. Vast majority of the content in DN is 4 players 4 player content is better than 8 player content, and I will die on that hill.
Gear works about the same as DN and yes there's a skill tree same as DN.

Closers also has hairstyles, eye colors, and genderlocked classes, don't know if it has skin colors, I don't think so, you have to be a white person, sorry to the one person who didn't pick the white skin tone.
There's a housing system you can chill in with other people.
You can take a guild photo, the towns don't have a player limit just like DN.
I'm not joking when I say this game is literally the same thing as DN but with different gameplay/aesthetic, like many other Korean games from that time period.

I'm not even the anon who suggested it and I wouldn't play it, just tired of you bitches complaining about everything like a bunch of little girls, last I checked your personal opinion of a game isn't what decides which games get added or not.
PSU and DN were played which were lobby based MMOs, don't see why this should be specifically excluded if it has a persistent world
i can tell you're not the same person because you're actually explaining what the game is like
thank you non-retarded friend
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I'm the one who suggested it but I don't know much other than it being a beat'em up sidescroller with towns and having a private server existing
>Aika online has auto battle
It's RF Banana all over again...
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Is Soul Worker on one of the lists? There was a /vm/ thread for it at one point but it never really kicked off.
not surprised, that game sucked
I liked it, it was decent for an old anime action game. The 8man raids actually had mechanics and stuff that required certain compositions when I last played and Erwin bombing people on a hoverboard was fun.
what do you people actually want from a 2 week mmo?
i want to be the little girl
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I'm looking to sort out another movie night tomorrow. Judging by the Halloween one we had 2 weeks ago, it seems like 21:00 UTC (session 1) worked out better for most of us so I'll be using that for now. I'm open to shifting it a little, so let me know if you have any suggestions.

It'll likely be on hyperbeam once again, but I'll be doing some researching the next couple of hours to see if I can find an alternative that can let us hold more than 12 users. I'll be setting up a poll later tonight for which movie to watch, but for now have come up with the following titles, following a scifi thematic:

>Bicentennial Man
>Source Code
>Turbo Kid
>Ghost in the Shell
>Battle Angel Alita (AMV because short 50 min OVA with only 1 shitty official trailer)

Feel free to add recommendations to the list~
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holy based
Nothing, 2 weeks isn't enough time to get deep into an MMO, I'm only here as filler while waiting for the MMOs I actually play to get updates.
Yea it was fun the worst thing about the game was expensive costume, everything else is obtainable. Stella and Lily sexo
quality time in shitty ancient games with the bros
having fun with the group while seeing different design choices. I'm glad we don't stay longer because with raiding that's usually when things get sweaty and it stops being fun and starts being another job.
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I like to experience the combat/crafting system and explore the worlds. Usually they're both shit but some are pretty nice
Has anyone tested Grand Fantasia Violet?
When it gets to this screen it just seems to hang and max out a couple CPUs.
Kiki's Delivery Service It's my favorite movie
>following a scifi thematic
Didn't read that part before I blew my load
desu none of the servers inspire confidence to me. I would not be opposed to choosing the Vendetta gaming server with Eden Eternal, at least that one was tested to be stable and reportedly decent
I'm playing O game
If we ever play EE, I have this giga-autistic spreadsheet in my bookmarks. 'Vendetta' is what I was thinking of earlier when I typed X- Legend and I don't know why I thought the AK/TS servers were ran by the same group.
havent heard about endless in over 20 years. mad respect for putting it here. phantasy star universe demo on 360 was the best community ever
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doing dungeon with people
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we're going to miss a halloween event :C
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yea, you can get some nice mount and pet
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you're in the wrong tab mate, this isn't the warhammer thread
>he thinks that is warhammer
I'm shilling Eldevin
ah, that's fair then, that one's on me
well now I want to vote against Eldevin because it's gay for you to go ahead of the rest of us so you're not doing a very good job
this is my account from 2015
he played a long time ago. he is max level
too bad bitch prepare for the riggening
this takes early starting to a next level
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I have a rec
Based Satoshi Kon enjoyer. Added to the list! Will be setting up poll shortly, so make sure to post your entries before I do so~
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a move i was going to watch at some point, has jimmy from hardcore henry in it
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lily sex
surely this one is warhammer
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more info on CODE: Closers; there's a comprehensive guide in this google doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/15IJBH8lSIBcAVIUUL4LZRjkJlSKJBJX8_xtCwXio1GI/edit?usp=sharing

few important things to note:
>there are 2 playable loli characters
>server does not recommend gear skipping. whatever this means
>due to different story paths, characters picked need to belong to the same squad (lore wise) to party together. some characters even in the same squad cannot all group together (see pg 9)
>server throws a bunch of gear and cosmetics at you and there's boxes you can open at set lvls
>there's 10man raids that are endgame I think, no clue if we'll ever get to those
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Awrite guise, I'll be holding another movie night tomorrow at this 21:00 UTC, sci-fi thematic this time around. First movie will start playing according to timer:

I haven't found an alternative to Hyperbeam yet, but will keep digging. I'll post the link in thread an hour before movie starts.
Pick your favorite movie here:

>Bicentennial Man
>Source Code
>Turbo Kid
>Ghost in the Shell
>Battle Angel Alita (AMV because short 50 min OVA with only 1 shitty official trailer)
>District 9

See you there! (I hope~)
>tranime win
color me surprised
We'll watch more than just 1 movie, so you can just dip out on the ones you're not feeling.
In (you)r opinion, what games were the best ones played in this adventure? For me, it's Trickster.
RaiderZ, ECO, Dragon Nest, and Ferrenuts have been the standouts for me, by quite a large margin.
Eco and dragon nest
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psu and eco have been my favorite so far
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psu I miss these niggas so much
this pic has the same energy of big boss in a group pic on mother base
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It's a really good time to watch idiocracy
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he really is big boss
I can't believe that we lost Pasta
What game?
My favorites:
This one was definitely the best gameplay wise. I partied up with mostly the same group of anons throughout the game and cleared up most of the content that way. Dungeons were a highlight, challenging enough to be tense but with the option to retry if you screwed up and died. Finding clever ways to climb onto the scenery was its own minigame of sorts, and could be a pretty welcome break from the action.
The server was pretty shoddy - constantly shutting down and kicking us out of dungeons, but dodging an attack with a half-second network delay honestly feels kinda spectacular.

I thought Ferentus was going to be trash going into it, but I ended up liking it quite a bit. You're practically forced to party up to make any kind of meaningful progression, so we ran around in one huge party clearing out every quest we could find. The game does take a bit of a nose-dive once you hit level 30 and the quests dry up, however.
The best part was probably the out-of-bound shenanigans. With dodgy collision and two separate ways to clip through just about any wall in the game, the entire game world is open for exploration. The highlights being the clearly unfinished beta areas and the void surrounding the world.

Progression locked content in a multiplayer game is restrictive - you can only play with people who have put in a similar amount of time to you. DoMo's class system mitigates this by allowing you to level multiple classes. Having the flexibility to party with the higher levels and then go straight to grinding with the newer players was great.
oh fuck, I remember playing the beta for this and being hype but it died almost immediately. Soul Worker X or something. IIRC it's not much of an mmo, you just play through levels, there's no overworld to explore, right?

I vaguely remember it being p2w as fuck, your pet transforms into your weapon but I think you were stuck with the default one unless you paid.
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Game wise it's not p2w you can get everything by playing except cosmetic. There is brooch that was p2w but they gave you free shit now and i just do events and got the best set possible and you can transfer them to your alt. But yea the game has no open world explore and you just grind dungeon (there is daily cap) to get bis stuffs then there is nothing else to do. The game was very popular but the devs are retarded, they spent all the money on stupid shit like a mobile version of this game which look like a joke compared to genshit now now they are bankrupt and defunct. The dororong meme you see on nikke originated from soul worker.
PSU and RaiderZ
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Is it like 1 char 1 ship or you have to get a crew?
Bte, doesn't SMT Imagine count as an obscure and niche mmo? I think it can be addd to the list.
I've seen SMT:imagine in the suggested games list yesterday.
https://mmodventure.altervista.orc/suggested-games/ (change .orc to .org)
>>due to different story paths, characters picked need to belong to the same squad (lore wise) to party together
Leveling is also painfully easy so it's unlikely anyone would bother partying until you get to the real content. I remember the game being really fun once you got to that point though.
from what I can tell, everyone has their own ship, you can recruit ai crewmembers that act as gear essentially, like giving you access to different languages so you can trade with more places.

Just based on what I'm reading there are pve and pvp servers, also the game is about 70% trading and 30% fighting. You sail from place to place hauling goods to make money, then use that money to upgrade your ship so you can haul more goods, etc.
ok, did a bit more reading and there's group content to make things a bit more interesting. On land there are some dungeons, on sea there are sea feuds. I had no idea the game was so popular, there are 9 expansions for it.
Uncharted Waters is decently popular in Japan and they had no other new games to play for over a decade after Online was released.
>sailing port to port trading spices and brew with an armada of retards
honestly that sounds like a lot of fun
Don't get confused between Uncharted Waters Online and Uncharted Waters Origins, only Origins has split servers.
UWO is basically Eve Online set in the age of discovery with less focus on pvp and more on trading and exploring
Anon wasn't going to watch a movie either way. All the newfag wanted to do was posted his "epic reddit buzzword".
movies are not video games please take your off topic stuff to discord or make a thread on /tv/
>t. roon
Hey man, anything to not play the current game.
I was started to get hype until you compared it to Eve and I see it now, it's going to be a boring second job.
>atlantica mentioned
just don't
its still good tho if you want to enjoy the story & the view.
but at some point you will be force to touch the p2w aspect.
idk bout the private one tho, prob more "generous" on the exp & other stuff like item drop & free mount.

also they had niggas on a chessboard mode too. beside the 9 niggas waiting in turn mode.
A bunch of information about RIFT:

>general overview of the current state of the game
>beginner guide (bit lengthy)
>talks more about the Soul (class) system and includes which are free/paid
>craft skills
>up/downscale your level to play with others

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>paid classes
Unfortunate. RIFT swapped from a subscription to a f2p model not long into its first expansion, and the monetization of the game is not friendly. Even then, paid expansion classes are common among these type of MMOs, as opposed to some of the more nefarious paid features like basic auction house usage and more bag slots.
Eldevin anon, if we play are you going to hand out mega-gear to everyone? Game looks fun but if everyone can solo I'm going to have no one to group with, there's also going to be no point skilling trades if you can churn out perfect gear on demand.
I don't take handouts.
I am personally looking forward to progressing my gear through the new dungeons every 5 levels.
>two at 25
>0 at 30
what da fug
b-but dragon nest...
Great game, what about it?
Votes closing in a little under 30 minutes. I scouted out multiple alternatives to Hyperbeam. The few that did count with more than 12 users per room required setting up an account, downloading an extension, or were limited to streaming off of very specific platforms so I think we'll be sticking with Hyperbeam for now. Will be posting room link shortly~
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Awrite, room's up!: https://hyperbeam.com/app/room/zMCev-AJS9CbYgYzs7elvA
in future, you can try using kosmi. It's an easy way to stream and it works through browser.
Doesn't work for me
you got the wrong url
It's impossible, i don't collect all the type of material needed to craft bis gears on every level. Besides, i only have maxed weapon crafting, alchemy and cooking. Everything else you guys are on your own. It takes around a month to max level 1 profession so you guy better pick a profession of your choice that i haven't max level yet to grind or just don't bother and run dungeon for mats then ask other players to craft for you.
Also, this is traditional mmo so you can't solo hard mode. You need tank, dps, healer in your party. Even max lv player can only solo hard mode dungeon lv 35 anything higher and boss will whoop their ass.
8/12 starting in 3 minutes
I checked Kosmi out, but that one wouldn't let me load sites outside of like Netflix and etc on a browser. Either that or I'm dumb as a brick and didn't find the option.
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What issue are you guys running into? We have 8 people in room atm. Starting soon(tm)

Room invite here: https://hyperbeam.com/i/E0fc0ppd
(will expire in some minutes iirc)
Does this work
you can stream a file directly from your pc, I assumed that's what you were doing. You just open the right kind of room. I'll talk you through it next time if you need to try something other than hyperbeam.
>eldevin is not woke
>checked the discord server
>bunch of xim, xer roons
>>checked the discord server
>ravendawnfag having an autistic fit
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you mean like every public discord server?
grandfantasiafag getting uppity again
This thread really do be making an Aikafag act unwise.
all me btw xis
i'm also pvpfag
hey pals what's a fun game to just hop in and pvp people or run around a full rich vibrant open world and pk people starting at mountain ridges
planetside 2
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seems like RIFT is going to win. Which faction are we going with, Guardian or Defiant?
Mathosian - Zealot Humans
Bahmi - Grey Tribal People
Eth - Desert Humans
Kelari - Grey Elf
didn't you learn from last time?
calm down nigga there were like 20 votes last time and only 15 people voted so far
shouldn't you guys be playing the game?
>On the new realms, we want to encourage as many players as possible to level characters and, most of all, feel safe doing it in their own time. WoW Classic really is all about the journey, after all, and although we see the question of “Is it too late for me to start?” asked a lot, there really is no bad time to join WoW Classic.

>To further support this, we’re making a deliberate change to delay the launch of the Molten Core and Onyxia raids by a few weeks. They will open on December 12 PST.

lmfao classic blizzard. I was going to do the race to rag, but somehow they managed to fuck up a fresh server launch.
We gotta play dwarves, man
Is this the beginning of a "we can't play RIFT because we will be corpse-camped since I say so" campaign?
how many times do we have to teach you old man
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Fellow cyberrunners, new and old, I come to bring you the bi-weekly reminder on how to participate in the voting process which decides the future destination of the MMOdventure.
Since Neocron doesn't really show your name anywhere in-game, the verification picture for Neocron will be a bit less glamorous than usual, pic related.

Here's how you apply:

Anons that already participate in this current round of voting don't need to do anything and will receive the next token automatically.

Any anon that has not yet applied for a voting token can do so by following this procedure:
>screenshot your character selection screen, see pic related
>attach this screenshot to an email addressed at mmodventure@proton.me

You will then be added to the token mailing list and can participate in future MMOdventure polls.
The verification screenshot can be from a previous MMOdventure title.

please be sure to use any email provider that can:
>read mail
>send mail
>attach jaypegs to a mail

The voting process will look as follows:
>receive your unique token links via email, one for each round
>cast your vote in two rounds of voting that will be held to determine our next game
>njoy results

So get your hair straightened out, since it will be most of what will be visible of your character and send your verification picture to:
wait, does rift have open pvp? I'm fucking sweating anon.
I think there were PvP and PvE servers when I played it, I'm not sure though. I don't remember being PK'd in my playtime.
Seastone, the only PvP server, is no longer up. So no open PvP unless you specifically flag yourself. And even then, the game is so dead and most people (alts) level through Instant Adventures, that you're HIGHLY UNLIKELY to ever see another person in the open world except in the endgame zones.
I would be cautious of who you advertise to. absolutely avoid /vg/ and generals overall. someone did this in earnest for the first game and it imported schizos and discord drama into the threads that no one cared about
The /v/ threads in particular tend to be bad.
Schizos and dramafags are almost guaranteed in some games, very common types of people who play MMOs
You just described Lineage 2. Sadly every single server is infested with Russians.
I've played on those servers and the russians are pretty chill as a whole, it's the brownskins in mmos that do all the annoying stuff like begging or being aggressive.
brazillians/south americans were always the worst niggers in those type of pvp mmos
god I hate BRs
for me they've been a mixed bag. pleasant in smaller numbers like RFO but cancer incarnate in others. maybe it's the english literacy that makes some more tolerable than others
I vouch for the same faction. Not for the dwarves but for the slutty elves.
Skip faction
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It appears to have 2 regions, with 4 shards/servers(all pve):
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Rift has 2 factions:
Guardians - Religious
Defiant - Atheists

Each faction has 3 races:
Guardians - Humans, dwarves, elves
Defiant - muscular elves, tanned humans, dark elves

Rift character creation:
thanks for the information. I'd also vote guardian, I'm guessing we'll put up a poll later on.
>Half of the characters are shitskins
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For UWO:
Remember to click the tabs to switch between "Adventure", "Trade" and "Battle":
These are so uninspiried it's painful.
>two games with ugly characters in a row
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I figured Aika would win because of the Prans(companions):
>cutebros on suicide watch
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cutebros rise up
>roons on suicide watch
I almost did but I can't handle getting spawn camped two games in a row, you can be ganked with no penalty from level 10+
vote for Seal Online next time, I was the only one.
Hey I voted for Seal too
going to kill myself inside RIFT
>cute cabal in charge of picking one game
they're all the same so just stop splitting the vote and you win
>Muh vote
What's the point when the roons group win everytime because they are the majority.
Then they'll pick all their cute games and be left with none
it's almost guaranteed that we're playing rift next, we can play a cute game next time.
Stop shitting up the thread, Nate.
one thing that's frustrating about this voting system is how much comes down to rng
there just aren't enough votes/options to avoid this
i wonder if things would feel less random with fewer finalists
I'm not our resident schizo, just pointing out if we choose all the cute games we won't have any left
It's not RNG, as I mentioned when I shit up the last thread. It's all about tiebreakers baby, your first place vote is worth three times what your third place vote is.
It's your fault if you threw away your voting power by voting early on a candidate that wasn't going to win.
>we can play a cute game next time
That's what you said when Neocron won!
I briefly checked the voting poll two mornings ago to find RIFT at the top with Eldevin second, despite Eldevin having two additional first choice votes. I will never understand it.
I think the confusion people have is why games are "dying" and giving their votes to other games. If you open the poll now you can see there are 17 total voters. A game needs a majority to straight up win, that means 51% or 9 votes, the highest at the moment is Eldevin with 5.

So now we move on to round 2 and pick the weakest option. GF,Atlantica,DDO all have 1 vote and rng picks one of them to die, which was DDO. The person who voted for that game had GF as their second choice so now GF has 2 votes, Atlantica still has 1 and DDO is "out". We still don't have a majority so onto round 3, etc.

This continues until the poll ends. So for a straight up victory we'd need a minimum of 4 new people to vote for Eldevin and then it'd win no matter what everyone else listed as their second+ choice.

If you enjoyed my ted talk, vote for uncharted waters. I want to play the weirdest games.
the best way to vote is vote only the games you want to play, from most to least. the elimination order as >>1501292 puts it is the first decider. say I vote Aika but put RIFT 5th and Eldevin 6th, that's essentially a 1st place vote for RIFT if they're top contenders. But if more people vote for Aika then it gets top bidding as well. so vote for the games you want to play from most to least and ignore the most "popular" votes
how do I permanently stay as a CHILD (or FAIRY)
>rng picks one of them to die
I honestly can't tell if I'm being trolled or if I'm actually the only one who knows how this works.
splitting votes isn't a thing because of vote transfer. 100% of aikavotes and their transfers went to UCW.
the truth is cute cabal are not the majority
This system would be much better with the results hidden
why's that?
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If you want a real popularity count you have to look at the raw votes.
People would vote for the games they really want to play instead of waiting until the last day to try to manipulate the results.
Last second Grand Fantasia steal à la Scarlet Blade.
>can name almost every character in this pic
powerful japanese gamingu
it would be the same as properly voting the games you want to play in decending order. unless the top 2 have even votes but that's hard to predict

I'll have my vote standby in case any shenaniganry is afoot
I already do that because I'm not some niggerfaggot
>hard to predict
You don't need to predict it, just wait until the last day to vote.
t. niggerfaggot
but how are you going to predict the rest of the niggerfaggots waiting until the last minute to vote
Waiting until the last minute to vote has the same effect as hiding the results until the poll's closed.
Being unable to predict the remaining votes is already my final solution, so I have won.
so the system is working as intended
I wish that it was more fair and that I didn't need to set an alarm, but I suppose so, yes.
I concede that making your vote less equal than others is a completely valid choice.
people voting less popular games is the point of the ranking system, and the valid ones still keep their vote even if their favs lose. yes I will keep voting my favorite game first
And I'm excited that in the next finals I'll be able to do the same without needing to wait until the last minute.
Two more nights until we, once again, gather in friendship and harmony.
Yes it works in favor of troons.
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surely one of these is good, right?
Newfig here, should I join in on the current game or wait for the next?
We're starting the next game on Saturday night, so you should join in then.
touhou fumo racing......
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Let's get in a quick round of minigames before the next game.
>Time link: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=MMOdventure+Minigames&iso=20241115T23&p1=1440
>Poll: https://strawpoll.com/ajnE1ev3BnW

Rumble Fighter: Unleashed - PvP beat-em-up.

Gunbound – Turn-based artillery game, similar to Worms.

OpenArena – Free Quake 3 remake playable in your browser.

Arcanists – In-depth artillery game with a huge variety in builds.

S4 League – Anime third-person shooter with a variety of gamemodes.

I would've added it, unfortunately it's local multiplayer only.
Damn, gunbound takes me back
If the big list needs more things, Wonderland Online got a translation (well, re-translation anyways) recently. Not sure if they kept all the old stuff.
>2d anime styled
>player housing
very nice
seems kinda tricky to actually get running though. the steam version seems to be a gimped port of the mobile game and getting the pc client to work in english looks like a massive headache.
Is this the game?:
That is indeed the one. I'd say it's really ancient but so is everything on the existing list.
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What did they mean by this...
Wait, is this in 9 hours? that site is fucking trippy
also the gunbound link isn't working for me
Me with me daughterwife
The games I vote never win. Democracy is a joke.
At this rate the next two games are Warhammer and Eldevin. I wish the cute clique existed.
The best part about voting early is that it maximizes the amount of time I have to complain about the results.
SotSbros rise up
Eldevin isn't going to beat RIFT at this rate.
I'm talking 4 weeks from now.
>stale wow clones
>stale runescape clones
modern mmos are a disaster.
uh then why not mention that? whatever.
the only reason Eldevin got votes is because nobody made a post about the other games when the poll opened. Just make a detailed post this like anon >>1500969 and your game will win.
Time to abandon the thread, your vote doesn't matter because xim/xer discord cliche will rig the result.
Warhammer is not a WoW clone and Eldevin only looks similar to Runescape.
see >>1498887
the ironing
I disagree and I can't be bothered to argue with people who think some minor differences justify the rest of the game being the exact same.
So standard newfag behavior where you are the only individual out of 4chan's 22 million unique monthly IPs, to ever be correct about anything? Gotcha, dawg.
At least Eldevin is WASD movement
I've seen you use this newfag line so many times here I'm starting to think you're actually new, nobody does this.
I can't be bothered to argue with people who think some minor differences justify the rest of the game being the exact same.
dragon's dogma lost
hence i won
So quit replying like a fag, fag.
That's not me it's just the "ur a newfag" spammer being butthurt and copy pasting my post.
I don't know when they started but /ddg/ on /vg/ are playing DDON now, so if you want to play it you can go there, no need to have it on the list anymore.
>make informed Eldevin post
>get Scarlet Shit instead
thread on v was a mistake
Quit backtalking me when you know I am right.
I don't think so especially because we started from there. We're bound to get autistic schizo spergs with each new game so it's best to just be kind and enjoy the ride.
i've always thought the "no games 4chan has played before" rule was dumb, but if it's currently being played.. hm
ddo friends, thoughts on removing the game? (i don't have any power to influence the list, just curious where we should draw the line)
Explain yourself in detail why you are. 200 word essay due by midnight tonight or else you're a mega-fag.
I only remember some anon repeatedly saying they wish to fish. Scarlet blade had people constantly posting art. You have to shill your game so people know what they're voting for.
Because I said I was.
>I only remember some anon repeatedly saying they wish to fish
Lurk some more, friend. :) Infopost may have been during Eldevin's first round, not second.
Hm, interesting. It's a shame what happened to this site.
I'm the one who suggested it in the first place, I don't mind either way since I've played the game to death on the official servers already. The only thing is that it's a much easier game to get into if you're starting at the same time as other people, because the game imposes party level difference restrictions which reduce the amount of exp you get if you play with higher level people, and the /vg/ people are probably max level already. They basically won't be able to play with you unless they make a new character or swap classes to something they haven't leveled up yet.
But on the other hand they can help you out with gold and materials which are a huge cockblock to smooth progression so you'll have an easier time in that regard.
desu since it's not a general dedicated to the online game i don't mind ddo remaining on the list
the only problem would be if we started playing it and they joined in, trivializing the whole thing
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I hope this is just a rough draft of your assignment.
last thread had the dude who hates pvp humiliating himself all throughout its entirety
does it make it less of a mistake?
not at all. the /v/ threads follow a continual pattern of shitposting
Good idea brother. Less fresh blood, more festering schizos who never boot up the current game.
Like you?
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I don't think they can trivialize it, it's not really that type of game, most they can do is give you some gold/materials to craft gear but leveling still takes a long time since you can't really get boosted due to level restrictions.

Speaking of failed Japanese MMOs, there's only 2 months before Blue Protocol goes end of service, it's possible to play it without getting banned by using a VPS, not suggesting it gets added because there's no time and it's too much of a hassle to set up but if you want to check it out before it's gone for good then this is the last chance.
>/vm/ threadshitters migrate to /v/ thread
>shit the thread up
>guise /v/ threads are a mistake
>games become nothing but samefags because nobody browses /vm/
this kills the mmodventure
maybe we should make the next /v/ thread stealthily and not tell our resident shitposters. they can stay in here to argue about warhammer, PK mechanics and the definitive cut-off point for being a newfag while we are having a blast with our /v/ros.
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ugh, do I have to?
it is pretty sweet that newfags, who believe their personal opinion to overrule all forms of empirical observation, do not actually play these games.
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Fiesta Online
Character creation & gameplay:
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anon, we've played Fiesta like 2 months ago.
Actually, never mind. I'm blind:
https://mmodventure.altervista org/fiesta-online/
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siesta... my beloved
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I just posted it because it was on the launcher for RIFT. While checking that it runs alright I got greeted with this beauty before I could even customize my character.
So it's "eyyka" and not "ayyka"
I've been pronouncing it wrong my whole life!
is new game tomorrow or the day after? When does the poll actually close?
yare yare baka desugane
>is new game tomorrow or the day after?
tomorrow. around 7pm 4chan time (EST), so in about one day and six hours from now.
poll closes in ~17 hours
there's a timeanddate link here for the poll closing time
Closing time for poll. Game starts 12 hours after.
I never trust the japs, but it seems like the gooks were also unaware of the sound A makes. Eika sisters...
Give me comfy sailing adventures, rigger-kun
oh i was an hour off. 6pm 4chan time
that game is too fucking based for a popularity vote. People would rather fly from quest hub to quest hub than sailing the high seas or delving for buried treasure.
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i want to sail the seas of cheese...
I should buy a bottle of rum in preparation for tomorrow.
isn't the sailing basically open world pvp? it would be cool if we could do it without being constantly griefed by the small local populace
primus sucks
there are easy ways to avoid pvp, one of them is buying something called a blue flag which gives you pvp protection for a day and barely costs anything.
i have never been interested in sea/ship games!
>he doesn't know about the lolis
Vote Aika after I found out everyone gets a complimentary little girl.
is that a cash shop item or can it be bought with ingame currency? of course it'd be nice to have some fair open world pvp but with dated games that's an impossible ask
Aika was my first choice but I couldn't get it to run.
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you should try getting it to walk before it runs
it's cash shop but there's an auction house that's full of them for ingame money. Even without that you can't be pvp'd under a certain level, that only a few of us might pass in two weeks.
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goddammit shami
I'm really interested in playing gunbound, but the site is currently down.
The latest archive.org snapshot still has a functional Mega link for the client download:
there's always that other gunbound server we tried, the more modern one.
Ah, yeah, for some reason I didn't think that the game would also be down.
lids sexo
>gunbound keeps winning
I knew this was a br thread
whats wrong with gunbound nigger
Games should be fun
>can't into angles
step it up, senpai
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I love you guys so fucking much.
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The poll has ended and Gunbound has won. Unfortunately, Gunbound Origins is unavailable right now, so we'll have to play on a different server.

>Link to make an account:

>Link to room:

Room: MMOdventure
Password: rage
Room Number: 116

If you would rather hide your flag, go to: [My Info] in the top middle of the screen > [Password / Photo / Settings] > change the second option > then reload the lobby page.
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the room closed
new link: https://dragonbound.net/#server-4/room-110/password-rage
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joining by room number might be easiest. we're room 110 currently.
I'm going to play something less gay then
pls wait and join or I can't play
try now
7/8 atm
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Events coming up:

The Neocron clan pictures will take place at 9:15 pm (UTC), Saturday.

And the MMOdventure will continue into the next game at 11:00 pm (UTC), Saturday.
6/8 in gunbound
Overall honest thoughts and feedback on Neocron?
FPSs suck
I hope the rigger niggers do the right thing
I hope the rigger niggers do the left thing
I really like it, only the gameplay is kinda lacking. wish I rolled Psi instead of guns, the AoE DoT cheese is strong.
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It grew on me. I appreciated the stat and skill system. Was cool to see agility actually make you run faster. I think Neocron implemented tradeskilling well, it was very useful compared to other mmos ive played. Would have liked to see more hacking possibilities though. I'd give it a 5/10, maybe higher if it weren't for the login/map switching jank, synapse degradation and poison rape. Appreciated the whores though.
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everyone left...
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Was too sick to play out of ten.
It was pretty alright, though I would have appreciated more instruction/direction from the game.
They nailed the aesthetic, but every area is so winding and maze-like that you can easily get lost in a corridor. Exp rates felt too low to me, can't say I liked running the low level repeatable missions for hours just to rank up. The trade skills are well implemented and useful, but you're limited in the jobs you can take as certain classes. Crafting skills should take from a exp pool separate to combat skills. Some things were pretty lacking, but I enjoyed the change of pace from the other games we've been playing.
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>Blue Protocol flops even harder than PSO2:NGS
>Ashes of Creation looks to just be a worse Archeage
>Literally nothing else in the traditional PC MMO space is coming out
Man, genre's ACTUALLY dead. Surreal to see.
We won, cute bros!
not so fast...
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>troon rigged the vote again
Like pottery
But Rift lost
oh yeah?
watch THIS
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>Rift losing at top 2 yet again to random option #24
Guys... I'm feeling a little tired.
I was fully prepared to be the dwarf necromancer of my dreams
Actually I think BP didn't flop anywhere near as hard as NGS but Bandai have a habit of shutting down their games because they have some kind of unrealistic expectations or maybe their operating costs are far too high, either way it had plenty of players.
But yeah it's fucking sad, having high hopes for what games could be like in the future only for them to stop being made.
>The Netherlands
What's our nationality gonna be?
>Another niche game wins
See you next year
Isn't that the point?
I'm not interested in staring at a boat sailing across some PS1 level water for hours either but can't blame people for voting for things that are actually different
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Iberian uptick.
Sorry for voting against the wow clone when new actual wow servers are going up next week.
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Yeah, but right after the sb fiasco and neocron?
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I don't believe voting matters anymore. It all feels subjective and whimsical.
See you fellas in another two weeks.
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the wiki went down before I could check out all the jobs
Looks like if you already have a papaya account, you'll have to use the standalone client because there's no wait to link your account to steam. If you don't have one, you can just launch the game on steam and it will let you create a new account linked to steam.
Before I create an account, any benefit from being a steamie?
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Voting is a shitstorm regardless. Not much you can do when bad faith actors decide to purposely sabotage and vote for/against games based off misunderstandings that they refuse to ever correct or acknowledge.
No idea desu
Linux bros need to set the windows version to win7
democracy won
What the fuck, there are almost 100 jobs in UWO?
Is there still any time left for more votes to be entered, or did le epig last second 2 votes for shitty title causing waooooo tiebreaker win for shitty title!!!!!11!! happen again?
starting to think I should actually request a voting token instead of lying down and letting the will of the people fuck me in the ass 24/7
Democracy won. Stay mad.
>comfy sailing won
now let's just hope it's fun
comfy is generally the opposite of fun
>shitty niche game wins again
didn't even need to vote
I have won
popular gamelets stay malding
I wonder how many contrarians vote just to try to beat what people actually want to play
I think we should consider a different voting system. This sort of shit happening ought to make anons leave out of frustration.
we've been here 28 weeks. people have been stomping their feet every new game no matter what polls or method we use
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This is true.
The whole point of this project is to play niche and under-explored games. RIFT is a solid WoW clone, but there's a very high chance more anon have already played it at some point compared to Uncharted Waters Online.
The piratefags from way back in the Trickster era have finally won (albeit not quite in the way they originally expected). Let's see what comes of it.
Votes end ~12 hours before a new game begins. No more time.
>bad faith actors decide to purposely sabotage
Using an optimal voting strategy isn't bad faith and isn't against the rules. It's your own fault if you threw your voting power away.
I'm sorry that my preferences don't align with yours, but people having different opinions hardly counts as sabotage.
Anyway, everyone's rolling a loli, right?
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I'm going to be a fat bald ugly bastard after seeing all the body types
fuck, I didn't buy any rum
we still got a few hours to make a rumrun rumbro

y-yamete onii-san...
i'm sorry for doubting the cute clique
Hiding the votes, at the very least, would be a huge boon toward a healthier system.
>niche and under-explored games
>game with 12 players loses three times in a row
Simply epic.
Votes should be blind, don't show the results until voting is closed.
sure, we'll do that next vote. I'm excited to see what the complaints and shitposts are with a blind format lel
Rifters I'm just warning you that I'm going for Atlantica next time.
It's grown tiresome hearing that one autist up above in particular screech about "optimal voting strategies" and "voting power".
boats are so cute
i'm not totally against it but having a mid vote update would be good to keep the threads active a bit
Which version are we playing?
There's only one
some info about UWO guilds.
>costs money to create
>10 character name
>guild gains exp
>guild crafting based on level.
>30 member limit at level 1.
sounds like we can make one quickly, and the sooner the better, so we can start levelling it.
Can any nationality join?
Sure, it might be a WoW clone, but it has interesting systems and is more importantly a decent gameplay experience. Slogging through SB and Neocron has been hell, even if you set aside all the crashes and functionality issues. I just wanted something that works smoothly so that I can turn off my brain and enjoy playing as opposed to wrestling with my computer to get the damn thing to do what its meant to. Uncharted Waters better not be fucking shit for a 3rd time in a row... It's been quite the dry patch since Dragon Nest.
>companies (guilds) can have their own colony
Sounds fun
Go install it now and try while we're waiting to play
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>vessel crippled
bros I don't wanna get an aneurysm...
the contents of the game look comfy, hopefully combat isn't too bad
i can't believe it's two more weeks of angry erping
*puts on maid costume*
*serves coffe*
Can I be a pirate loli?
I'm going to be a pirate loli.
We're going to be pirate lolis
Should we choose the same starting nation? I'm not sure how much it matters in the grand scheme of things.
if nation has no effect i wanna fly the flag of islam
>Most people start off in Seville because it feels like the center of the map meaning you can get to any of the other trading spot pretty easily it also has the ease of access to the main trade route but with papaya changing some things in the market the trade route may change as well.

>Venice is a great place to start if you want to go maritime(battle) job because it has a lot of skills around in that area and it also has the 1st dungeon ready to access from the start.

>England and Amsterdam are more for mineral, livestock, and alcohol trading it has a lot of adventure spots here as well but I feel as though they are spaced out too far but still fun.

>Marseille(France) is a great place to start if you want to work on cooking it has spice, alcohol, and food trading in the area and it's a pretty good spot for an adventurer starting town.

>Lisbon doesn't have much going for it from what I know other than casting but again I don't remember really doing anything there, unless you wanted an different starting port other than Seville.

>Oh almost forgot take into account if you are going pirate because if you attack some one of another nation that nation will start to hate you and will eventually close their docks too you.
>Netherlands and England are definitely close enough that you'll be able to meet each other early in the game (like as soon as you can set sail). Though for let's say Venice and France, even though they're next to each other, they're also much more difficult for brand new players to get to each other due to the shape of Italy being quite long to get around
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>IIRC the "bonus" for siding with Portugal was that you had lower requirements for getting permits for different zones. Not sure if it was for all the zones but I guarantee Portugal had the easiest time getting to India ( and that's a significant income increase if you're a trader ).
Read replies too :>
The wiki says it can be changed later, but since it affects the starting location and first 30 levels of questing, it might be difficult to group if we flag different?
Which nation has the islamic flag?
reading the wiki the ottomans might not be available as a starting nation
portugal/lisbon unlock new zones faster
>turn off my brain
that's precisely the only gameplay a wow clone can ever offer, being surprised by the games we play has been fun, I can't imagine rift could do anything that would surprise me.
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We will, of course, be going portugese
Ah, that makes sense. Doesn't sound like you can choose them as your starter nation.

It looks like there are 6 starting capitals. France, Spain, England, Portugal, The Netherlands, Venice.
Portugal it is!
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France OST
Spain OST
England OST
Portugal OST
The Netherlands OST
Venice OST
>handsome young man
I thought he was my next wife, how horrifying.
fuck the police but literally
>she likes sponsoring
Venice is pure kino
this game seems really hard, probably the least forgiving one we've ever tried. When you lose a battle you lose part of your crew and your cargo, you might lose or damage your ship. On land you gain fatigue.

@_@ scared.
can I colonize savage natives in this
would after a few drinks
The REAL london theme:
I'm a sailor peg, and I've lost my leg
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Neocron guild pics in an hour: >>1502893
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>want to play so I vote
>end up not playing the game and only showing up to guild pics
I have become MMOdventure's enemy...
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Company Requirements
- An open company slot in your target city.
- 5 different people (Accounts) to form a company.
- Leader needs to be from the same nationality where the company is to be founded.
- 1 million ducats
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Dragonball Online

Character creation:

3 races with 2 genders each. The races are: Humans, Namekians and Majins
2 classes per race with 2 subclasses each when you reach lv30(and become an adult)

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index19
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There's no way we're all making it out alive.
So are we picking our nations individually?
We could have a poll just to know where everyone is going
I think so, I'm going to make a Spaniard.
Here's a poll if you'd like
Spain seems to be the most popular one, Portugal & France also seem good from what I've read. Venice is the most inconvenient due to where it's located for early questing etc. Every nation has its own questline.
Pretty fun game.
Sailing music for my Spain bros
sailing music for my french bros
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Secret of the Solstice
(2d pixel graphics with top-down view)


Character creation:

"Once you are able to change to a new class at level 16 there are 6 classes for you to chose from."
"Fighter, Predictor, Magician, Acolyte, Rogue and Archer" (that evolve into other classes at certain levels)

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index47
They really make you go through 2 menus to check if your name is taken or not.
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>parties have no max size
>optimal playstyle is everyone forming up and murderhoboing the whole map
im sold
It really is her turn.
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dont be racer
vote vote vote
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Star Wars Galaxies

Trailer showing some of the features:

Has ground and space combat.
Also has non-combat classes such as Entertainer, Trader, etc.
Also: "there are four auxiliary professions that characters of any profession may pursue: Pilot, Politician, Beast Master and Chronicler."

Character creation:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zwq2cmmuZgo (older video)

Ground combat - https://youtu.be/hQ-KjBMAGLs?t=3330
Space combat - https://youtu.be/Q8WEQGdVSwo?t=240


It also has housing, mounts, pets and crafting.
https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index50
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lolis are apparently op because they move faster on land
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Runes of Magic

MMO like WoW, but with some unique features such as player and guild housing, and multiclassing


Character creation (old video):
3 races - Human, Elf & Dwarf
10 classes - Druid, Knight, Mage, Rogue, Warrior, Warlock, Scout, Warden, Champion, Priest
You can multi-class (you can select a second class at the end of the starting area)

Also has housing - which serves some useful functions such as bonus xp
Guilds can build Guild Castles: https://runesofmagic.fandom.com/wiki/Guild_Castles


https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index45
Some games to consider:

Low-quality WoW-like mmo. You can create a village that other players can place houses in (houses have a farm and ranch attached). The villages can also have public resources, such as fruit trees, fishing spots, merchants, etc.

Sci-fi action mmo
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Remember to login to the current game (Uncharted Waters Online), so that you can get a chance to vote for the next game.
Look at pic for instructions.
are you guys all using the steam version of UWO?
I'm using papaya's
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Papaya/Steam should be the same version of the game.
>everyone started earlier
latebros? haha...
I'll wait like a good boy
Portugal seems to be our unofficial nation if anyone is undecided. It's probably not that big of a deal if you want to choose something different though. We all start with 50,000 ducats each so getting 1 mill to start a company asap doesn't look like it will be difficult.
latebros will never catch up, might as well stop now
you are missing out on erp... it's over
>fishing nigger won't talk to me because my fashion sucks
this game is rad
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>this music
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Echo of Soul

Character creation and gameplay (old-ish video):

7 classes - Paladin, Warrior, Guardian, Rogue, Sorceress, Warlock, Archer
"Unlike most MMO’s, there is no dedicated healing role in Echo of Soul."
Each class can later advance into one of it's 2 sub-classes (for example: a Warrior can later become either a Berserker or Protector)
Gender-locked classes.

Useful pets - "Pets add visual flair to your character. But they also loot items from slain monsters for you, saving you clicks. Stronger pets can boost your stats, too."

Appears to have 2 kinds of crafting:
Soul Processing - Transform the Souls you’ve collected into various utility items.
Cooking - Turn store-bought ingredients and monster parts into food, buff items, and remedies.

Beginner's guide (with some screenshots):

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index23
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Wtf this doesn't look like the Da Vinci I know from the doujins on panda
/v/ thread is up, be nice

This is a "click to autopath quest" game with a solo dungeon every 5 levels.
I'm hoping for a non-fantasy game next.
Preferably something that's open-world and without factions/pvp.
such a weird game
Is it 1 guy 1 ship EVE like deal or I can sail with some niggas on the ship? I'll prolly install it when I wake up.
1 guy 1 ship
we're rolling on the pvp server right?
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Still would like to play Metin2 with you guys. I want to team up and beat up a rock.
i have vague memories of this game's playerbase being entirely turkish
and polish
kinda funny how everybody started throughout the day
you love to see it
For those of you who played mostly played with whatever MMO you guys join in on, what are your rankings of the MMOs that you guys played on so far?
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Elimination round to decide on game 15 for the MMOdventure is go!

Results are hidden until the poll closes next saturday night. This should at least switch up the shitposting.

The games in this elimination round are:

>Allods Online
Cabal Online
>Conquer 2.0
Continent of the Ninth Seal
>Dark Ages
>Dragon Ball Online
>Dungeons & Dragons Online
Echo of Soul
>Forsaken World
Granado Espada
>Iris Online
>Luna Online
MU Online
>Perfect World
Ragnarok Online 2
>Rose Online
Runes of Magic
>Secret of the Solstice
>Silkroad Online
Star Wars Galaxies
>Tales of Pirates
Toram Online
>Warhammer: Age of Reckoning
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dark ages dark ages dark ages
it is rigged
this and SotS
i blacklisted the vote mail
very rude, I could have removed you from the list.
i also reported you as spam nigger faggot. Maybe if you faggots didn't rig the result people would care.
you seem to be having a paranoid episode. should get that sorted out, anon.
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Here take some cyanide pill faggot
I thought about rescinding my token as well. It does appear clear that a vote has absolutely zero influence upon whichever game wins, and there are nefarious influences who purposely sabotage. I just want to play decent random games with other video game enjoters but I can't get the 2000s back.
I can't believe we rigged it in my favor and I didn't have to do anything
It's always last minute rigging, these faggots have no shame.
every game will eventually get their turn
same. I just want obscure shit that I've never played and somehow I just keep winning
well this time the final vote is apparently secret so you don't need to worry about counterpicks
i forgot to vote and the game i wanted to win won anyway... some are just graced by god
>huh duh every game will get their turn after you have played all our games first
>let's make it a secret so we can rig the result and nobody can detest.
why not start a /vm/ thread for your game then. honestly if you're here just to play your favorites and moan when it doesn't win then maybe the adventure is not for you
>the game I voted for didn't win so the polls must be somehow rigged
>you aren't one of us, go
The eternal faggot
if you guys want to play good mmos i recommend ffxi, think that has a general here too
>if you guys want to play good mmos
please... just this once... read the op...
>rift wad winning until the last minute
>random faggot game win like a pattern every time
>it's not rigged, guise.
I'm quite tired going through the same song and dance every game. you faggots are never pleased and bitch and moan every time the vote doesn't go your way. even when anon changed the poll to hide votes you still complain. you could take anons recommendation >>1503892 and go, or suffer through this together
this current game kinda reminds me of FFXI
I genuinely hope that faggot bitch harping on about voting power has a psychotic fit and gets himself culled in real life.
Please don't split a platitude at me. See you in several months after the shitposters choose the absolute worst most disfunctional cumbersome games to try.
>overwhelming popular games in the vote somehow lose to shitty game with cutesy character customization everytime, in the last minute, in a voting system no one understands
>nooo you aren't allowed to see the pattern, it's homophonic
>shitposters choose the absolute worst most disfunctional cumbersome games to try.
>implying people still vote
>even when anon changed the poll to hide votes you still complain
this hasn't happened at all you disingenuous nigger. for example: everybody started this week's game early BECAUSE of public voting results you disingenuous nigger.
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>lose to shitty game with cutesy character customization everytime, in the last minute
>neocron evolution
>in a voting system no one understands
then explain posts like this whining about it then you double nigger >>1503885
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>the list is full of ugly games
>complex, unintuitive and gay system that is easy to manipulate.
Just like faggot.
like I get it's confusing at first but the website explains everything pretty clearly. even the results and calculations are all public
sorry for your illiteracy
>with cutest character
Just quit with your shitposting, Nate. You're too obvious.
>the only other game won at last minute was UCO
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>it doesn't count
one instance isn't a pattern then, retard-o.
Choose literally anything and newfags will have chosen the opposite viewpoint. This has been the status quo for 15+ years.
>faggot make an easy to understand concept become complex
Found the midwit reddit faggot. People won't trust your vote anymore you disingenuous fucking faggot.
Rigging aside this game fucking sucks lol
dragon nest was a mistake even though i enjoyed it lel
>implying I'm just talking about your UCO
>neocron won doesn't mean it isn't rigged when the list is full of ps2 graphic ugly games.
seriously what was it about DN that attracted the most bitchmade niggas. it never got this cancerous with big games like ECO and Trickster
>log into DN
>another day of "based" "trans" "cringe" "seethe" "kino" guild chat spam
is there a single other person here from before the turn of 2010?
>rigger-kun can rig everything but not the games I think he didn't rig
What is this fucking logic? We're actively seeking more voters judging from the posts.
>We're actively seeking more voters judging from the posts
what did he mean by this?
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>faggot moment
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>newfag cannot understand anybody asking a genuine question
sasuga, ironic nigger bitch
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I don't know I'm a cancerous 2011 newfag. it's
a shame how schizophrenic this website has become that we can't have fun things anymore. seriously what's causing this
The anon doing the voting process has been posting for others to send their information so he can give out more tokens.
I'm talking about that faggot having a faggot moment retard. I don't even what that faggot talking about
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>faggot moment
>I don't even what that faggot talking about
>made a mistake from autocorrect and typing too fast on the phone
That is fair.
So what is the "faggot moment"?
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It's because I'm an esl, retard
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>typing too fast on the phone
anon I thought I saw your point with your insightful posts but now how about I SLAP your shit?
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>if you don't speak perfect English your opinion is invalid
>midwit reddit faggot argument
newniggers GET OUT
all these seas and still you guys remain the saltiest
but if newniggers weren't here, this entire project would be 3 people!
>reddit cat
>misses my point about anon phoneposting
and I'm sure you know a lot about reddit. go back >>>/reddit/
If (some) people kvetched their faces off at Flyff, there's absolutely no way they'd survive two days of Metin2 without drowning the thread in complaining and whining.
whatever helps you cope with being a grade A faggot
what an epic reddit diss!!
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>no u
I'm using the word "cope" in the same way you would use it if you were a native English speaker, ESL-kun
I would not use "cope" because I am not a newfag who came here after 2016; not am I an ESL because I disagreed with your newfag ass.
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>discover 4chan after 2016
>everybody who disagrees with me is a brony because I suffer from literal psychosis
Cool self-own.
>seriously what was it about DN that attracted the most bitchmade niggas.
Highest concentration of [spoilers]SEAs[/spoiler] we've seen so far. Second only to Ace Online, but barely anyone played that game during its run, so it didn't attract nearly the number of Anon we saw during DN.
The kinds of people we end up getting from /v/ is always a roll of the dice with these games. Sometimes you get lucky, and find a bunch of mostly level-headed anon lurking there who are cool to be around. Other times you get stuck with a few schizo/autistic leaches shitting up the threads, until they eventually get bored and go post their shit somewhere else.
Have to take the good with the bad. At least until the bad starts drastically outweighing the good to the point where it's more of a chore to post in the thread than anything, as has most definitely happened in various /vg/ and /vm/ threads. This one's still mostly good, barring the occasional spergout like what we're seeing here.
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>fucked up the spoiler tags
This is what I get for posting right after waking up, aieeeeeeeeeee
>tldr: SEAbros are based
t. SEAfag
i'm the biggest retard here and i'd appreciate if you guys could stop trying to outretard me
kek reminds me of that cope see the dilate flowchart that used to float around /v/
How many people still play DN from the original group?
>not willing to agree to something just because it's popular in the group
>Aryan trait of high resistance to peer pressured is somehow bad
this post made me a little more racist now. SEAfags, care to explain?
Why do newfags constantly put out a mating call to find more of their kind? A genuine question.
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>having a dildo in the ass
>calling anyone a faggot
Bitch plz
can't let you do that star fox
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ctrl + s
Monkeys Together Strong
I've been manually typing my spoiler tags for 17 years, CTRL+S is sorcery to me. But yes, I really should just do that.
your impression of uncharted waters so far?
i could play literally any game with lots of outfits and emotes
it's fun so far
It's a comfy but slow game. It's got about 25 emotes, animations are nothing too special but not bad. I hear there's some good clothing options, but I haven't been able to equip any of it yet. Feels pretty solo so far, I haven't see any anon on land in a while.
I think you imagined that, but either way language evolves and this isn't an issue. Been here since 2009, but 4chan has always had a large amount of young/underage users, this just isn't the place to be if seeing new terminology bothers you.

This sounds like a made up issue to me, DN attracted a grand total of one retarded shitposter who immediately outs himself every time he posts, if you fall for the bait that's your fault, so blaming it for the state of the thread isn't really conducive to anything. Let me remind you that report + ignore is the most effective way to deal with it.
Anyway, back to gaming.
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My Dark Ages shill post

>Cute sprites with up to five different outfits per class. Outfits can also be dyed.
>60 different Premium Male and Female hairstyles with 25+ dyes to choose from.
>Complex stat system and hybrid class features allow you to create a variety of -actual- viable class combinations that work in any situation.
>Although we are unlikely to reach this point, at later levels you can become stronger and go full-on Disgaea, buying stats to obtain an insane amount of skill points.

>Legends server made a lot of QoL, removed the bloat from Official and it runs really well.
>Isometric and obscure RPG from the late 90s. The focus is the grind with a few optional quests, and up to 7 'must do' Main quests.
>As pictured, this game has a strong focus of grouping up. Basic parties consist of up to 7 people, but later hunting maps (lv 18+) support up to 13. You can solo if you know what you are doing.

Legends Server / Devs
>Actual bros, they are willing to help out with just about anything.
>Custom content isn't a random addition like it usually is with Private servers. They put some thought into it by including battles from the original in-game lore, which were previously only available through texts. Example: https://youtu.be/VFG5fD_1Rcs?si=UeK4fCMjXIOQ-baq&t=1442
>EXP rate is normal, but the TNL (To next level) is slightly reduced. Skill growth (Important for crafting!!) is x3 faster than Official, and Master is easier to achieve.
Who cares if a game you don't want to play wins? Fuck off and play something else for 2 weeks it's not complicated. That's what I'm doing for the last few rounds.
nooo i must shit up the thread crying because everyone doesn't want to play the same game as i do
yeah, Legends server sounds like the pick. good shillpost anon
UWO is the perfect game for a movie night
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>be me SEAryan
>make the kikes seethe so much they have to call me
>I think you imagined that
Why is it always immediate pervasive psychosis from every newfag?
>new terminology
The same 5-8 words being spammed for nearly a decade, and over a decade, depending, is nothing new or creative.
In all seriousness, I hope you newfag ass becomes an hero. Your type never has and never will contribute anything to this website.
So uh, what game own?
we started Uncharted Waters Online today.
You're honestly the worst poster in the thread, I hope you can find the irony in your posts some day.
Company name poll up for Uncharted Waters Online. Can add your own suggestion + multiple choice.

I tried coming up with a decent triangular trade name for the company but I can't.
this is our theme song btw
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I'm defecting.
i think ill finna pass on this one bros. see you guys in a few weeks.
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my sailors keep yoinking my shit wtf
this is a damn bop, bouncing on my boys dick for hours to this
/v/ or /vm/ for the UWO thread, what do you guys want?
Should probably get a company up and running before another thread goes up.
I think /vm/, didn't seem like anyone was interested.
yeah, makes sense.
I'm slightly surprised since this is a japanese game, but /v/ doesn't give a shit about boats I guess.

any chatrooms up at the moment?
pm EsmeraldaVelazquez if you need chat room invite
We could go for a pirate theme - Treasure Planet's the only movie that comes to mind. I really want to go through the movies we've missed out on in past polls though. We've built quite a backlog already.
how are we going to fit Pandorum in a pirate theme?
I'm... not?
shame, I thought that would become the running gag movie nomination
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>Treasure Planet's the only movie that comes to mind
A-dog, come on
I mean, I'm not against it I guess lol. It's still part of the backlog though... currently:
>Ghost in the Shell
>Source Code
>Turbo Kid
>Bicentennial Man
>District 9
>Kiky's Delivery Service
>Dead Alive (Brain Dead)
>I Drink Your Blood
>The Brain That Wouldn't Die
>Golden Ninja Warrior
>Strange Wilderness
>Kung Fu Hustle
>Volcano High (dub, MTV)
>Hot Fuzz
>The World's End
Do we really want to watch Pirates of the Carribean though?
One Piece then.
yeah all the first 3
Fair enough, I guess it'll be a pirate themed night then. That's already a list of 5 heh.
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mai waifu
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nuggies for everyone!
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Famous African monument.
Cute attire.
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Fishing nun has arrived.
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Cabal Online

3D fantasy mmo

Character creation:
8 classes (Warrior, Blader, Force Shielder, Force Blader, Gladiator, Wizard, Force Archer, Force Gunner)



You can hire NPCs("mercenaries") to help you clear dungeons: https://cabal.fandom.com/wiki/Mercenaries
You can also have pets that give you bonuses: https://cabal.fandom.com/wiki/Pets

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index10
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>magnetic anomaly event
>compass stops working
This looks like something we could play:
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Toram Online

3D "cute" mmo

Character creation:

Characters choose weapons, instead of classes. (sword, bow, staff, knuckle, halberd, katana)
But uses class-like skill-trees to support your weapon type: https://toram.fandom.com/wiki/Character_Classes

You can use one of your own characters that you made as a party-member/npc-companion. You can also use another one as a temporary party-member.

Gameplay(starting area):

Also appears to have player housing:

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index52
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>no more message after making this post
you all got eaten, didn't you?
we don't... talk about the african expedition
Damn, missed opportunity on screenshotting the combat where we killed a spearchucker.
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Forsaken World

3D WoW-like mmo
Has attractive characters - both adult and "cute" playable races

Character creation(and gameplay):

Gameplay of "cute" race:

This private server has 13 classes (with 2 more on the way).
Also has 7 races to play as (Human, Elf, Dwarf(has "cute" female), Stoneman(male only), Kindred, Lycan, Demon)

Appears to have 11 crafting professions:

Appears to have Guild and player housing:
"Floating Guild Command Centers: access to special guild features such as quests, housing, NPCs, and guild-versus-guild warfare"

Also has pets that are useful(attacks enemies and buffs you):

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index29
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Strange that they make you do this until you unlock a button you can press.
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Tales of Pirate
(a.k.a Pirate King Online)

A top-down, cute, 3D mmo.



Beginner's guide:

Once you're lv10 you can choose your first class, and at later levels you can advance your class: https://talesofpirates.fandom.com/wiki/Class
Has crafting too: https://talesofpirates.fandom.com/wiki/Life_Skills

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index51
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Still alive
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I've never had african treats before
Huh, so apparently we've been lied to and Netherlands is THE place to go for cheap permit requirements?
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post hulls..
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we got wiped out by a random mob and communicated with boulders along the way. trip ended in malaria, mutiny and scurvy.
5/10 would sail again
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do you think any of this shit is any good?

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CloverRiggingCompany is up. Go to the Company Administration Office in Lisbon and talk to the officer to apply to join.
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>Admin Officer
>View Companies
>Scroll to CloverRiggingCompany
>Click details
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There are two types of gamers.
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it's VN time
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I still haven't figured out what I'm supposed to do outside of making money badly. I got lost in the intro quests and I have so little fame. I might have even bricked myself making an early town contribution. hope I'm not the only one feeling lost as fuck lol
I found this, not sure how useful it will be for you though.
this is helpful thanks. I will look into aides and finishing the school quests
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty similar. It's a very sandboxy game and you don't get a whole lot of direction. I would suggest finishing the school quests and getting a class you can level. Completing main story quests will unlock port permits, which is my current goal.
If you're Portuguese then go to Sagres for school. Don't forget to join the guild if you haven't already. >>1504923
>Main story quests:
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WoW-like mmo.

Private server:

Character creation:
Part 1 - Classes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20PbhK10hXY
Part 2 - Customization - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9SRGBM_Dpw

2 races - Angels("Elyos") and demons("Asmodians")
6 classes - Warrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse. Then at level 9 you can advance into one of 2 sub-classes. https://aion.fandom.com/wiki/Class
Different body types - small/young, adult, short, etc.


Has housing that has benefits: https://aion.fandom.com/wiki/Housing
"Housing comes with several benefits and features, such as buffs and extra warehouse space"
"Employ staff to gain access to General Goods"

Has pets that help out:
"Pets are passive, non-combat companions that follow the player around and can provide a variety of miscellaneous features, such as auto-looting or detecting enemy players"

6 crafting professions - Alchemy, Armorsmithing, Cooking, Handicrafting(gem-crafting and woodworking), Tailoring, Weaponsmithing
Lot of appearance options - "Item Remodeling • Clothing • Dyes • Name Change • Plastic Surgery • Gender Switch"

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index4
I think this is my problem with the tutorial. it opens up the entire world when you're actually supposed to be doing the main storyline. so a retard like me is obviously going to ignore it and play unoptimally
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MU Online

Top-down / Diablo-like mmo


You can pick one of 3 characters at the start, but you can unlock more characters.

Also has pets that help you:
"Pets are a big and important part of Mu Online, they help us, they let us ride them, they even attack for us!"

Private server(there are plenty, this is only one possible one):
1x rates, average 500 online - https://musecret.net/info

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index38
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me on the left
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I don't see it
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Ragnarok Online 2

Cute 3D mmo

Official server:

Character creation:
2 races: Human and Noel(cute race, male and female)

6 classes that can advance into one of 2 subclasses: Acolyte(Priest or Monk), Archer(Ranger or Beastmaster), Magician(Wizard or Sorcerer), Swordman(Knight or Warrior), Thief(Assassin or Rogue), Alter(Crecentia or Soulmaker)(Noel-only class)

4 professions: Alchemist, Artisan, Blacksmith, Chef
You choose your profession during character creation

You can summon a pet/monster that can fight and buff:


https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index41
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huh i checked it again and now i see it
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Found it and Match generously allowed me to join the corp to work for free. All I ask is... was the remote shock collar really necessary?
The company might only be accessible from the place of its creation - Lisbon.
that's right. I'm working on getting the permit to travel there.
Useful links:
>https://linktr(dot)ee/uwo_new_player (replace (dot) with .)
>http://lrf.uwo.free.fr/index.php/advice-for-beginners/ (Most useful one if you're stuck, what to do early + most important skills)
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Important skills to unlock
>just unlock all key skills from other classes
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Post all this info in the UWO thread >>1504167
Who made a /vm/ thread without linking it here lol. It's missing all the shit too.
shilling for Iris Online. It's cute, you can collect cards, and dungeons sound unique, like The Lovers need a male+female to enter or The Tower has a random event each floor, etc.
i used to play this a bit, cute game indeed.
Very colorful game: https://youtu.be/0_i8GX78xwM?t=524 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Kgk-gV5tA
Pirate101 looks interesting too(could be added to suggestions list): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwbrJQsgZWE https://youtu.be/ElSSSmPO6Zg?t=4669
Tree of Savior looks good too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYFzoBEKg2M [Embed] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxLPmBl7MS0 [Embed]
it's a cute game but everything about it is terrible, it's a wait and hope someone makes a private server that fixes everything situation
if you just run around killing stuff with friends it's actually incredibly fun. The problem is the sluggish main story and grinding out gear at endgame but you can ignore both of those, especially with a two week stint.
this project would not survive awakening the spectre of /tosg/
MY problem with ToS is that there's no cute outfits or customization in it unless you paypig. You're just locked into looking the same way everyone else in your class does. Super lame.
can't you buy all that stuff on the auction house?
most you can buy. but some good stuff is very costly
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Allods Online

High-quality WoW-like mmo. Very colorful.

Official server:

Character creation & gameplay:

2 factions, 3 races each (and 2 neutral races that can choose either side)
The League: Kanians(humans), Gibberlings(you control 3 short hairy humanoid creatures), Elves
The Empire: Arisen(undead/mechanical-type humans), Orcs, Xadaganians(humans)
Neutral: Pridens(animal humanoids), Aoidos(humanoid. You have to have a lv75 character to unlock them)

11 classes (each different depending on race)

7 professions (3 for gathering, 4 for crafting)
(Disassembling, Herbalism, Mining) (Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring)
"New characters can only learn one profession, while it's possible to learn a second one with a lot of effort."

Has flying ships that you can obtain and fight with, and that can be manned by other players

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index5
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something has arisen here, alright.
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Damn, I kept voting for uncharted waters, but I missed the weekend you started it.
we just started, I actually just started yesterday, so you haven't missed much.
our guild is located in Lisbon, Portugal. So you can either start there/near there or you have to play a bit to earn a permit that'll let you dock there.
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Granado Espada
(a.k.a Sword of the new world)

3D fantasy mmo with a renaissance theme
You can control up to 3 characters at the same time


Character creation:


5 starting classes - Fighter, Musketeer(ranged), Scout(healer/support), Wizard(damage/utility), Elementalist

Pets that help out(looting & buffs):

New player guide:

Recruitable characters:

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index30
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Continent of the Ninth Seal
(a.k.a C9)

3D action mmo with combo-system
Instanced areas / World with town hubs

Official server:

Character creation:


Somewhat in-depth character creator - includes breast-slider

5 classes - Fighter, Hunter, Shaman, Witchblade, Mystic
Each class has 5 subclasses each
Classes are gender-locked

Has pets that can collect loot for you:

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index14
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Dark Ages

Top-down 2D pixel mmo

Character creation & gameplay:

Lots of customizations you can do later to your hair and lots of dyes for your armor

You start out as a peasant, but can later choose from one of 5 classes: Warrior, Wizard, Priest, Rogue, Monk


You can have 1 production profession and 1 refining profession:
5 production professions: Alchemy, Armour Smithing, Jewelling, Tailoring, Weapon Smithing
4 refining professions: Gemcutting, Herbalism, Smelting, Weaving
(you can freely mine for ores and gems, and farm for fibers)

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index17
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3D PVP sandbox MMO

Private server:


Character creation:


6 races - Mahirim(humanoid wolves), Dwarf, Ork, Human, Alfar(dark elves), Mirdain(high elves),
"With no classes, character levels, artificial restrictions or barriers, players gain access to over 200 skills and spells"

First- and third-person combat views
Full loot drop - you loose everything you have on you - your armor, weapons, loot, etc.
Also has ocean warfare: "Set sail in one of over twenty naval vessels"

Guilds can claim a city in the world
Also has player housing & housing customization: "Find or buy a house deed and decide where to live in one of over 50 villages"

https://mmodventure.altervista org/server-research/#index18
I was directed here by the Dirty Bomb thread
I was told there was Dirty Bomb
When and where is the Dirty Bomb
>uhhh read the op or the thr--
No, you tell me. That's why you're here, baka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
does it even work well with 4-8 players? when I played DirtyBomb it was more like 10 vs 10 type matches through the matchfinder.
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I liked healing in Warhammer online. We should play it at some point.
That will never happen. The polls are literally rigged against it.
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This is it!
I don't think they are. I just think anons want to play smaller niche titles. Warhammer will have its time, hopefully soon.
No, I can confirm that I personally am and will continue to rig the polls against Warhammer.
This is irrefutable proof.
i just checked the riglist
warhammer will be the final game of 2024
No Dirtybomb because faggots would rather play shit like Gunbound/GunZ over and over and over.
I'd play Dirtybomb. Bet majority of fags here would main Kira/Proxy without skipping a heartbeat.
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I just noticed this thread. What MMO are you guys playing and can I join? :3 Hope I'm not too late
we're playing uncharted waters online
it has boats and poker and small girls
shit ive been looking for a reason to get back on UWO. Yall got a guild or some shit?
we have a thread up over here:

company is CloverRiggingCompany in Lisbon
looks like Divine Divinity, what's it like?
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Let's play a game for a few hours on Friday, feel free to join in. We'll play whatever wins the poll at 11:00 pm (UTC).

>Time link: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=MMOdventure+Minigames&iso=20241122T23&p1=1440
>Poll: https://strawpoll.com/XOgOV82N0n3

Arcanists – In-depth artillery game with a huge variety in builds.

Dirty Bomb – Fast team-based FPS.

Soldat – Classic fast-paced, physics-driven 2D shooter.

Pangya – Anime golf with character customization.

OpenArena – Quake 3 clone playable from your browser.
vote dirty bomb niggers
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Big OP picture for next thread.
How about we play worms instead of all these shitty clones?
any easy way to play armageddon or world party together?
>>1508910 >>1508986
Looks like some kind of diablo-like game:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev3GDGhg5iw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a58T8oEEXf0
Character creation:
Another potential game, that looks very niche:
Character creation & gameplay:
We should try to find Co-op games.
PVP is poison and noone enjoys it.
I'm sure there are a lot of games with co-op or pve modes that also have low download size and requirements.

Maybe take a look at some of these:
I tried this one before and it is beyond broken... I don't recommend it.
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>Priston Tale
Here's an antique MMO I just remembered I used to play when I was a child. I only played the free trial segment of the game back in the day, so I don't know a whole lot about it really. Looks like a good ksloppa for us to struggle figuring out how to control our characters once again:
>Trailer for cringe-kino
>Actual review/gameplay
I didn't do any private server research, sorry.
When are we playing this?
Here is the archive link to this thread:
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OpenArena is kind of fun. You can even add bots(press esc for the menu).
And it has a chat box too.
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>MMOdventure doesn't like loli pirates

We're halfway into playing loli pirates the game.
Ever considered Power Bomberman for one of these?

I was going to suggest this. It's not fun to play with the same autists from /v/ who have been playing it for ages.
Bombergirl is also an option if people aren't afraid of Japanese runes.
any of you guys play Outrun 2006 with /v/? is it active?
>dirty bomb winning until the last minute
>random faggot game win like a pattern every time
>it's not rigged, guise.
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Arcanists has won the poll, just barely gaining more votes than Dirty Bomb!
Get it here:

Make sure you link your Steam account to the game so you can chat (just run the game through Steam and don't make an Arcanists account. It'll ask to use your Steam account, click accept.)
>nigger game lost
How sad
Actually, just click "sign in through Steam" on the log-in page.
Room up in Unrated Lobby
Owner: Matchie
Name: MMOdventure

Hopefully you'll be able to request permission to enter, this game doesn't have passwords for some reason.
The multi-vote system is fucked. If you're only interested in one game, you're forced to vote for every other entry still.
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Only the first 3 rankings matter but yeah. It assigns them 3/2/1 points.
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I've finally achieved something in my life
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This looks pretty sweet, I'll add it to the list.

Dunno if anybody still plays, but you need to host your own server to use the multiplayer features nowadays.

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